#pearl in the sand
sand-stinger · 5 months
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doodle from scar's stream today! short pearl
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brucedinsman · 2 years
Book Review: Jewel of the Nile by Tessa Afshar
Book Review: Jewel of the Nile by Tessa Afshar
Rahab Pearl in the Sand by Tessa AfsharMy rating: 5 of 5 starsKindleEnchantingI love the Rahab story because there is so much involved. The author does a good job of being historically and biblically accurate as she makes history come alive through her tails. I’ve always found the Jericho story intriguing, but what the author does such a great job with is showing that it is God above all.View…
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spotsupstuff · 10 months
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takin a break from asks a lil with misc. silly oc stuff + some ideas for iterator cleaner fauna. cuz there just ain't enough of variety in those structures yet n i've been thinkin about cleaning methods of the insides for ages now
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ride-thedragon · 22 days
Black girls of ASOIAF.
Sarella Sand (half Summer Islander)
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Bellegere Otherys (half Summer Islander)
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Missandei of Naath (Naathi)
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Chataya (Summer Islander)
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Nettles the Dragonseed
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Alayaya (Summer Islander)
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Bellegere Otherys (descended from Summer Islanders)
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shoku-and-awe · 3 months
Complicated anxiety post!
I scheduled a fancy haircut thinking I’d be excited by the time it rolled around, and now the free cancellation window has closed but I’m still :|
I know I *need* a haircut. It’s gotten so long that I hate washing it (it clings all the way down my back and literally makes me whimper with grossness). So I wash it less often than I like, and not wanting to wash it makes me put off swimming and exercise and other things that make me feel good. It also gets super tangled and dry, and I have to braid it every night before bed, and if I wear it up/braided too often, it makes my scalp hurt. (Also, the braid falls on my dog when I pick him up and bothers him.)
I know a haircut is inevitable. Both sides are shaved and the ponytail keeps getting thinner and thinner. Also I have several inches of crunchy dead ends.
I want to keep the length because it looks cool to have shaved sides and just a big messy pile on top. (Also: sunk cost fallacy.) I also feel like it’s a compromise with Japanese beauty standards: I don’t really perform femininity, and societal pressure is so strong, and also having long hair like a pretty lady makes me less threatening as a scary foreigner; I don’t also need to look unfeminine or uncategorizable.
(The pressure here is really next level. People say “I’ve noticed you don’t wear makeup” in the tone I’d use for “I’ve noticed you don’t wear pants.” I once asked my Japanese ex why she did a full face of makeup just to run to 7-11, and she said, “It’s just basic manners.” It’s really hard to not conform! And I already don’t conform. (Should that make it easier? Sure! Does it? Fuck off with your logic—hair does not operate on logic!))
Making it harder is that my face is fatter than the last time I had short hair. (And older.) It probably won’t look good anymore! And even if it does, I don’t think I’ll be able to see it, and I will walk away shaken.
I could make a less dramatic change, but I’m not sure how viable that will actually be. Transitioning an undercut is complicated, and I’ve had hairstylists here respond to suggestions with “Yeah, that’s just not possible” (and Japan = rules do not bend). Also, pricewise, this is not a place I’d go for a trim; I went and called in the experts, and I’m not ready for them.
Also, time pressure. If I’m going back to bangs, I have to do it well before warm weather hits and we’re doing concrete jungle with 80% humidity. I’ve made that mistake before. You need a transition period. Emotionally, and to train your hair!
The one uncomplicated upside is that I have a cool silver stripe in my hair if it’s parted a certain way, so I can finally get my haircut that makes me Rogue! I’ve wanted that for years.
I plan to consult with the stylist, but I’m honestly no longer sure enough to know what to say. And I told him that it was a big haircut but I knew what I wanted!
要するに, it would be so much easier if this war was just society vs. my preferred expression/presentation. There’s other parties begging me to cut: exercise!!! hygiene!!!! scalp pain (grim!)!!! my little dog!!!
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aphroditestruth · 4 months
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aloofaesthetique · 1 year
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Pearl Mermaid Aesthetic, For Anon
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gummi-stims · 2 months
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Slime scooping from pilotslime on tiktok!
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happyheidi · 2 years
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sand-stinger · 7 months
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"The Watchers' Favorite/The Universal Favorite"
scarlet pearl is baaaaack!!!
based off this gorgeous art- "The Universal Favorite" by Geo. H. Walker & Co!! very pretty
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errantindy · 4 months
So The Bad Batch Season 3 is out with a 3 episode drop…I’ll give more thoughts…but what jumped out at me: Disney has made a Devaronian female without fur and WITH horns?! Well, hell! That’s mouse canon now!
Hmmm…I could make use of this.
Devaronian sexual dimorphism is a quality central to a future character. A female without her usual fur coat AND with horns would intersex.
an intersex individual othered from traditional Devaronian society ending up a crime boss fits as well as another ending up a Mandalorian. They both found structures who would accept them for them.
Well, in the Mandalorian’s case, her structure found her, and decided “discriminated child? Hand over our adoptee, di’kut, and I’ll let you walk away with all your limbs.”
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cleocatrablossy · 6 months
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#my art#it’s mako mermaid au time let’s fucking go. but I ignored the iconic tail design from the show for reasons of fun.#grian#pearlecentmoon#geminitay#impulsesv#jimmy solidarity#goodtimeswithscar#cubfan135#so pretty much how it starts is: Grian Pearl Gem Impulse and Jimmy are all mermaids. Scar and Cub work at a marine tours/museum type place.#cub’s in the museum area and scar leads diving tours off the mainland. they decide to look around the island to see if there’s anything the#should propose adding to the museum or tours. they spend the night and Scar falls into the moon pool. he gets dragged back to the surface#and figures it was a really weird dream so he and Cub go back to the mainland. meanwhile Gen Pearl Impulse Grian and Jimmy are freaking out#about what to do because a random human just fell into the moon pool during a full moon. they end up getting kicked out of the pod to go fi#this mess. Pearl ends up getting a moon ring from (undecided likely mermaid watcher character) and they end up getting legs via magic.#shenanigans ensue. it’s summer so they’re pretending to be tourists. and no they aren’t trying to track Scar down to kill him. just make hi#not a mermaid anymore. he probably won’t die from it. cub ends up finding out about the whole ‘scar is a mermaid’ thing pretty quickly and#decides to help out. especially with the whole hiding it while doing diving tours thing. more characters do appear but this lot’s the main#cast of the au.#by the way. fishy order is: sand devil shark- epaulette shark- orca(not a fishy)- clown loach- eviota sigillata- and guppy’s
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q-starhalo · 4 months
Bad found four pieces of soul sand and already made some stasis chambers 😭
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semicleanblanket · 7 months
Grian and Pearl at a beach gathering turtles to make turtle shell helmets-
Pearl smiling: Hey, Grian you remember that one time when you sat in the box and- (laughing)
Grian: Are you ever going to let that go?
Pearl laughs harder
flashback to younger Grian and Pearl - Grian stuck on his back in a box like a turtle, trying and failing to get up while asking a wheezing Pearl for help
Grian: Your so mean
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cleo-serotonin · 1 year
moonwalker is my favorite episode but god. they share one braincell. at the end they’re like ‘we beat the full moon guys 😋🤞🤟’ NO U DID NOT. u were moonstruck in front of two people, you nearly STRUCK CHARLOTTE WITH A BOLT OF LIGHTNING, you led said charlotte DIRECTLY TO THE MOONPOOL who almost touched the water during a full moon which would have TRANSFORMED HER INTO A MERMAID. the full moon was BEATING YALLS ASSES WHAT
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izzy444angel · 1 year
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