#peas makes LoZ Stuff
peasgaming64 · 2 years
This month for the OLC telephone game I had a four day weekend to kill and an animation program open.
CW Blood: Its not detailed but its present basically the whole animatic
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demigoddessqueens · 1 year
percy + vax w inventor reader? like they make crazy things like robo arms n tiny robo creechers to grab stuff from far away, maybe they straight up invent a camera or smth idk just. smart babe and their bfs of either equal or lesser geniusness lolol
This is so adorable!!
Like I’d imagine explosions working on stuff, ash on cheeks and they’re like “hey guys look what I made!”
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Dating an inventor would include…
You and Percy are like two peas in a pod! Rambling and gushing over new creations and swapping plans with each other.
To the rest, it’s endearing that Percy isn’t “alone”. Yes they’re his greatest friends and family in the world, but it’s also his passion that he shares with you.
Inventing is a whole new love language! Making new trinkets and weapons for each other
Although, sometimes Vax feels a bit left out on the sidelines when you and Percy get together.
Noticing this, you like to rope him in still. Just making conversation.
Sure he might not understand all your enthusiastic rambles, but gods above you’re adorable with your rambles.
He could just listen to you for hours and admire that glowing smile on your face.
Nevertheless, your own creations and inventions are met with the highest praise.
At one point, you made little “helpers” in the form of the party and Trinket
Plus gadgets help out during heists and as distractions.
If you ever invented the “camera”, I’m headcanoning it as that tablet thing the Champions took a picture with in LoZ: Breath of the Wild
At first it’s cute just snapping pics of everyone else, you and the boys 💙🖤, and Trinket
Then it gets chaotic with selfies and getting snaps during the worst time possible (but it makes for a story!)
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linked-heroes · 3 years
Wait who was the first one you made then? And can I hear about your Skyward Sword one? Sky was my first Link crush growing up so I’m curious how they are like. :)
For Skyward mine is basically turned into the Cafe Au (Y/N) when I redrew her.
My first one for botw. It was the first loz game I can remember playing clearly as an adult with my fully developed mind and all that lol (like I recall playing links awakening at the least as a very small child on the nes (or was it the super nes?) but that’s as a kid and so it’s foggy and jumbled.
Nia is the first OC for loz tho. She’s evolved a lot as I fell in love with Link. And then met Sidon and developed other vague Ocs and then went, “screw it” and made Nia/Link/Sidon as a trio. (Cause canon wise I ship sidlink and revalink)
@clearwillow has actually made amazing art of Nia a few years ago that I absolutely love. She’ll have to make new art soon tho because I’ve been reworking some things for Nia, especially with learning and realizing some things for loz. She’s the most fleshed out character tho. Even with changes (which not too big aside from a little how she looks and how a few background thing would be altered) that have come about. She’s still a type of isekai oc tho.
I got ss game when it dropped this year but thanks to executive dysfunction I haven’t been able to make myself play it yet (I’m also trying to 100% complete my botw game so…)
So I’ve never played ss but I know a decent amount of things for it? (Kind of).
The OC for sky started as an isekai that was pulled into wilds empty body in the shrine. So they took his place. And they couldn’t remember their name and a few details from before so they called Eris. After the god/dess of Chaos. And let me tell you, they’re chaotic af.
Over time ideas changed and I found lu and eldritch link ideas and other stuff and fell in love with thins. Eris changed to something else, isekai but reborn into a normal family, wilds companion and partner. And a few other ideas that changed about. Eris identifies with the Rito the most tho and adopts their culture and everything. (Not sure if I’ll have this still but first draft Eris as an Air Force pilot and loved flying and high places) so when I started more into lu and falling for all the boys, Eris and sky seemed to be a good match. They started as a BROTP tho, just two bestie peas in a pod loving to fly and nap and other things.
I sadly haven’t done much for Eris since the changes so I don’t have to much for them yet (they’re gender neutral but more she/her and feminine leaning) I’ve been trying to do one OC at a time so all have some basic details but only a few more figured out.
But, uh. Yeah. I’m working on them! I can do more details for each specifically tho?
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theactor007 · 7 years
101 questions: Answers
Ok since SOMEONE wanted me to answer all 101 questions...( if it's the person I'm thinking it is...just know you suck). It's almost 6 in the morning be grateful. So here we go! Long add post ahead just a fair warning. (I need to stop reblogging this crap.)
1. I have white walls, blue carpet, black desk, and a variety of colors and hues due to posters, pops, collectables, etc.
2. Probably my drama/ Chorus teacher, Mrs. Monahan. She's the one who taught me the most about my life.
3. Theatre, Kingdom Hearts, learning, laughing, Lilo and Stitch, (wow I'm a dork)
4. Lol I don't drink coffee
5. My so called "dad bod." How I am with women I like.
6. Accept that you have flaws. They are as much a part of you as the good stuff. But don't focus on the bad focus on what makes you strong, unique. You are you and that's beautiful.
7. I do not have stuff animals.
8. Probably drawing.
9. Usually in the fetal position on my right side on the left side of my bed.
10. Being on stage, the imagination of kids, making someone else smile.
11. Small town easily.
12. Two story house on the beach. Hardwood floors, a balcony overlooking the water, and a game room.
13. I'd honestly love like three dogs. A husky/wolf mix, Tibetan Mastiff, and a Shepard.
14. I have not dyed my hair as of now. But I am looking into getting some darker low lights. I'm yet.
15. To each his own. I personally don't have one, but I'm not gonna judge if you do.
16. Look at 15.
17. Art is all around you. Just use what you see and feel to guide your pen/brush/body etc.
18. I was in middle school. I just got off the bus, was in a really good mood bopping along. I walk in the house, didn't even lay my bad down when I saw my sister with tears in her eyes. She looks at me and says We're picking Funeral music now. My Great Grandmother. So yea.
19. Not so much playlists as much in the order they are in my phone.
My best friend, Nate, Kerry, a few others.
21. Honestly as much as I try to, no. My main priority is making Every one else happy. Usually.
22. Usually typos.
23. Demon Hunter if you like metal. Dear Evan Hansen is amazing. I've been listening to Gorillaz recently so them too.
24. Plain.
25. Yea it's worth a shot at least
26. Nah I didn't see the eclipse. Tried to. But nope not really.
27. Nature is peace. Makes you realize you a part of something bigger than you. The birds chirping, the breeze, just beautiful.
28. Well I'm a hardworking, kind-hearted, socially awkward 22 year old. I enjoy theatre, video games, and making people happy. I will do anything and everything for my friends. I'm a proud dork, but with a wise mind.
29. I listen to basically anything. My music goes from Heavy metal to rap To Game music to Broadway to Disney to 80s.
Probably Hot Topic. Most of my wardrobe is graphic tees. And no better place to get it from Hot Topic.
I really don't shop at either. Name brand I guess?
32. What are s.o clothes?
33. I started Tumblr 2-3 years ago..something like that. I made it cause the girl I liked said I should make one. She help me make it and everything.
34. Wash my face every now and then. I really don't have a face care plan tbh
35. I prefer freckles, but both are equally cute!
36. Hate. And peas.
37. I used to have hot wheels cars. I loved organizing them into lines. Drive em around and line em up. Idk I was wierd.
38. Eh depends on the day
39. Games I use. Pops just sit there. I really don't buy a whole lot of expensive things.
40. Standardized testing in schools. Don't get me started.
41. I am constantly asking for advice. Can't learn if you don't know.
42. I mean prefer bras off but anyway!
43. Lol comfy. T-shirt, shorts, and flip flops is where it's at!
44. Honestly one of the better dates I've gone on. We went to the jazz festival and ended up going to a very nice restaurant. Watched the band play for a while. Went to the movies after and then went back to her place and we talked for like 3 hours. It was a good time. (She later went on to break my heart, but moving on!)
45. I am Christianso that should answer it.
46. I don't drink nearly enough water. I should drink more but I don't.
47. I mean it's good. It's unique. My hair naturally makes a nice little swoop so that's nice.
48. It's cloudy but the sun should be rising here soon.
I'd like to think of be a King, but chances are I'd be a Prince. More like the Other Prince in Into the Woods. The one who isn't Charming.
50. If I'm dressing up it's my black button up, blue jeans, and whatever the nicest pair of sneakers is. (I don't dress up a lot)
51. My hair, my kind-heart, my ethics,
52. I'd like to think I'm open minded.
53. I don't judge. Come as you are. Everyone's got stuff that has made them who they are. If I can be one person who they can talk to about that stuff then I've done my job.
I like to plan ahead as much as I can, but I have ADD so you do the math.
Love learning, Hate the education system.
German Shepard/Sharpei mix named Stitch. He's about 70 pounds of fluff and is as much a dork as I am. He's all bark no bite. Hes loves whoever comes in.
57. I don't like milk.
58. Kingdom Hearts, Disney, Overwatch, LOZ, Assassins Creed, oh and Lilo and Stitch.
59. Pandora.
60. Brave.
62. (I'm getting my questions from my gallery cause I'm on mobile and I didn't get 62 so yea)
63. Once I get the notification that it needs to be updated it takes me like two weeks of ignoring it to actually update. Once I get tired of the notifications like 20 min.
64. I'm in mobile so it's this stupid question list. I still hate you.
65. Lilo and Stitch probably. STITCH and I have a lot in common. The themes, soundtrack, artwork absotuly beautiful. The jokes are still funny. The characters still amaze me. Just amazing.
66. I've seen one Studio Ghibli movie, Princess Monoke and I enjoyed it.
If I'm playing games headphones are off. If music it's cranking loud as it can get!
68. All the time if by doing small things even If I don't say it verbally.
69. Kingdom Hearts, pops, Lilo and Stitch, I feel like I've answered this question a couple times.
70. God I want a partner. Someone to cuddle with, talk about life with, someone who will listen to me and support me. Someone I can be me around with.
71. Dr. Pepper
72. I'll talk to anyone who will listen. But the person who knew me the best and most intimately was the reason I created this Tumblr. Hope your doing well kid.
73. Ok let's see. Thomas Sanders' personal blog, FuckyeahKingdomHearts, the few mutuals I have, y'all know who you are,
74. To be truly happy with the one I'm supposed to spend forever with.
75. Of course! Is there any other place to sing?
76. I shave like once a week maybe. Mostly the cheeks. I trim my mustache and goatee if needed.
77. Over worrying.
78. Sometimes.
79. There are good and bad days. I try to.
80. It was like freshman year ( maybe 8th grade.) But I went with some friends around a riche part of town. Lol I went as Joseph from the Bible, like no joke. Got a lot of candy. It was good time.
81. It was the last day of third grade. I went to climb the monkey bars. I got to the first bar and fell cause my hands were sweaty. Bit my head on all three rungs to the ladder on the way down. Busted my head open and went home early. I think I still have the scar.
82. I'm tired man it's late for me. Long night at work.
83. My stupid ass had to reblog this. And I was expecting like answer like a few questions. No big deal. NOPE!! Some anon was like hey do All of em! So here I am on mobile, without Wi-Fi, I've been working all night, I've had to take pictures of this just so I can get it done. And I've been going at this now for like 2 hours. It's past my bedtime! I'm pretty sure I know who asked me this, because they have a habit of asking this type stuff. And if it is just know you suck so much. Ok end rant.
84. I say i don't care what people think, but I do. A lot. I worry that I'm being annoying or that I'm being that kid that everyone says hi to out of pity. I worry that I may bother some people. When in a relationship i constantly worry that I'm not doing my job right. That I've made her unhappy or something. It's a bad habit.
85. If both parties are working at it yes. Long distance can work. You gotta have a lot of trust. If there's the slightest bit of mistrust it can crumble in an instant.
86. Depending on how much younger. And yea if date someone older. I went on a date with a 35 year old once. Granted didn't know she was 35 till the date but she still had a great time.
87. Jim Carrey, the late Robin Williams, my great-grandfather whom I was named after, Obama, Hayley Joel Is many, the voice of Stitch.
88. I honestly don't remember.
89. 21st. I got my tattoo on the day before. Then me and my friends went to Disney Springs for the day and had a great time. A lot of laughs. I didn't drink but still had a great time!
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peasgaming64 · 2 years
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Another month another Telephone Game entry! This time around the whole line was doing pride celebration pieces, so enjoy an Agender Pride Wild!
Didn't have much time to work this month (did my first ever cosplay and woops I still haven't posted the photos of it) but working on it was such a nice way to sit down and relax after all that work.
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peasgaming64 · 2 years
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Yeah I usually forget to post my stuff, but how did I not upload this??
Done back in March for the OLC Telephone Game, prompt was Ballad.
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peasgaming64 · 3 years
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And my other OLC Discord's Halloween Exchange gift, for Everfree / HopeWolfHeart [AO3] / I'm so sorry I cannot find your Tumblr and can't ping.
Everfree's gift came together much faster than Haru's just due to the fact that I knew they had discussed a Wings Of Fire/Dragon AU before and I already knew I couldn't draw a good dragon. I could however, take my weakness and make it a strength via Terrible Homemade Dragon Costume for the bois.
I'm gonna say having Wolfie be the tail was Wild's suggestion and Twi was very mad about it but Wind was already hyped and working it into his plan. Four just found the entire circumstance hilarious.
Seeing as I shared some WIP stuff for Haru's piece I might as well do the same here, I tried an entirely new shading method for myself doing this and it took forever but was really worth it in the end. I also find the progress shot of just the shading with no colors to look really cool so have this.
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peasgaming64 · 3 years
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So @autumnalchemist it became way more than a doodle..
Questions is an amazing short and sweet fic on Ao3 about Wind wanting to try on a gerudo vai outfit like Wild's and I adored it so much I just needed to draw Wind in one because he bloody deserves it.
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peasgaming64 · 3 years
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Realized I forgot to post this last week but hey, here's my piece for the OLC Discord's telephone game for July! And at a much higher quality than the version I sent on Discord!
The prompt I was given was Gorons, so I tackled something I wanted to for a while, which was Time's reaction to the BotW's Goron City statue. I am here for Majora's Mask angst I swear. think I also learnt a lot about both sketchy lineart and layer types.
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peasgaming64 · 3 years
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Just made myself a reference for drawing Hyrule cause I tend to pick wildly different colors every time I draw him. Also fairy Hyrule is fun to draw and I desire more Hyrule with Giant Fucking Bags.
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peasgaming64 · 3 years
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May I interest you in a Time portrait?
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peasgaming64 · 3 years
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Going through my art folders and found this old Aryll sketch that is probably worth posting, so enjoy!
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peasgaming64 · 3 years
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Posting stuff late once again but this was my piece for this OLC Discord's October telephone game! I had originally planned on cleaning this up a lot more (as In redo the lineart and flats completely) but ended up both getting and starting a job within the week I had to work on it so plans fell through there.
I'll be honest, I have no idea how I managed to do those trees but I do know I'll never be able to replicate them.
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peasgaming64 · 2 years
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Practice with lighting / shading layer effects
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peasgaming64 · 3 years
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Finished my reference for Wind, which is set out completely different from my Hyrule reference because consistency is for suckers! Putting little detail explanations under the readmore.
Wind is such a joy to draw and I wanted to emphasize how well travelled he is and how much he values his home in the ref so:
Telescope and Sword sheaths both have paintings on them that his Grandma has done, inspired by my own Nanna who has gifted me many pencil and pen holders over the years with hand painted illustrations on them. Lets say the telescope one is done post-WW when Aryll decides he can keep her telescope with him as long as he was traveling, and the sword sheath post-PH cause I tried to reference that in its design despite not having played PH since I was a kid.
This also isn't in the reference but I'm just going to add it while im discussing Wind headcanons, I like to imagine that Tetra, Aryll and Linebeck all have pirate charms like Wind so whenever Wind is in his time period he can talk to them all. Wind's is blue of course, Tetra's is red, Linebeck's is yellow and Aryll's is green.
The spoils bag looks about the same as canon, tho the purple may be a bit redder. Bait bag however got a complete palette swap! Im gonna saw it was Aryll's idea and she was helped by their neighbor Rosie, whose giant black pig was the reference for the new design.
And then there's the mail bag. It has a bunch of little patches sewn on it now that references different WW Islands. I like to think Wind collects them and he will totally find more during his timetravelling adventure. On the bag currently there is: - Proclaiming him Champion of the Flight Control Deck in reference to one of WW's Piece of Heart missions.
- A windmill patch for Windfall,
- The tip of Forest Haven where the Deku Tree's leaves poke out from the the island's top
- One of the triangle islands that surround the Tower Of Gods, including statue I could not be bothered getting a ref for and is hence an inbetween design of the statues before and after the tower raises.
- A close up of a chu chu which lets say is Pawprint isle
- Valoo on the top of Dragon Roost Island
- In the top right its cut off but dark waves crashing against the rocks which is intended to reference the Forsaken Fortress.
Yeah I put too much effort into those for them to come out absolutely tiny.
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peasgaming64 · 3 years
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Posting this a bit after my post in the Discord, but here's my piece for the OLC server's telephone game for June! The piece I was working on for inspiration was Haru's and I absolutely adored their Wild design but I both needed something happy after the gut punch of their art/fic combo and to go feral and start doodling at the slightest reference of Time's childhood, hence Time and Saria art.
As a bonus gonna dump some of the thumbnail sketches I did for this because I will embrace my sketches more in the future I swear.
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Watch as this girl jumps between canon and headcanon Saria designs at will!
Tumblr is probs nomming the quality ontop of me merging both the files into one jpeg to prevent me clogging up the sketches channel on the discord but ehh. This was super fun tho I love Time and the Kokiri and really wanted to tackle Saria and her amazing if weird relationship to Time. I see people refer to her as both an older sister and maternal/mother figure to Time and honestly both is right. I like to imagine Time and Malon's wedding was held in the Kokiri woods to ensure that Time had plenty of family on his side of the aisle.
Funnily enough the person next in line in the telephone game after me wrote a piece tackling exactly that topic of Time and Saria's maternal relationship and I have no idea if they're on Tumblr but if they post it here and I see it floating around I'll totally edit this post to link to it because I adore it so much.
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