#pedantic teddy bear
alexenglish · 2 years
Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have a wonderful and chill day, ily ❤️❤️❤️
yes yes, chill is the goal, my mil wanted to take me out for dinner and i was like absolutely not, i'm staying inside today! haha thank you! i love you!!
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linkbetweenlinksau · 9 months
:o That's such a cute story Sky! And I can commiserate on being labeled bad at naming stuff when I was younger. I have a stuffed dog named 'baby brown puppy' and a teddy bear named 'big feet'. You can probably guess what they look like. Needless to say a was a very pedantic and literal small child. So I get it.
Sky: in my opinion, if the name works, it works. I don’t think animals care than much anyways. One time I almost named a baby remlit “toilet seat” because I found in in the toilet. But naturally, everyone stopped me from naming him that.
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gold-rhine · 1 year
got welt in hsr bc they do be giving u wishes like fentanyl candies to compensate for the lack of content and boring combat. he’s okay, at first i thought he’s gonna be pedantic know it all, but he in fact gives friendly widower proff chaperoning his students and being a bit awkward with them and also confused bc he doesnt get the memes. also who doesn’t like black hole ult
but tbh i’d prefer the healer amphibian child, solely to replace natasha bc there are no other healers in the game and i intensely dislike natasha’s design. like her character is ok, but i hate looking at her
like first of all her outfit is just ugly aesthetically. second, teddy bears and toys creep me out. why do u need to carry teddy bear on your butt, even if u work with kids?? do u whip it out like a gun and throw at a child?? third, the green weird shaped potion that she wears on her fucking choker is just... whyy???? hoyo what is this????its not even sexy, whyyyy. speaking of sexy, the slow mo 360 zoom on her boobs every time she ults is tiring. leave me alone, i dont want these leather teddy bear boobs hoyo
overall she looks like one step removed from the silent hill nurses. spray some blood onto her and she’s ready to star in a slasher
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indis-crayon-box · 6 months
(Yet again, a letter lies on a desk, in the same exact place so its recipient would be guaranteed to find it. It's written in that same signature glittery indigo hue that has by now become all too familiar. A small navy blue velvet teddy bear sits next to it, though at a glance, it doesn't seem to be sapient or even alive. Just a perfectly normal teddy bear, smaller than average, seeming more like it was forgotten than it was deliberately put there as a gift. No, what's really the gifts are the copious amount of origami birds, each a unique shade of blue, and the three bags of jolly rancher hard candies stacked on top of each-other.)
Hey, @unknowns-understanding
Long time no see! Or, well, that isn't exactly true in my case, you know I like to keep an eye on things and all that. No, I do not know why those words are green, either, I'm just going to roll with it.
But, yeah, it's been a bit since we've been face-to-face, or since I've written a letter like this to you, and I know you'd probably like to keep it that way, but recently I came up with something that miiight just be worth your while. See, one of my playthings just so happens to be none other than Hatchetfield. Not the town, no, not even the people who reside in it, though god knows I have a lot of fun with some of those guys from time to time, but the island itself.
Are you familiar with the concept of floating islands? I don't mean the fantasy "island in the sky" type stuff you hear about in fantasy novels and myths, but the very real phenomenon of little islands not connected to the sea floor (or lake floor but that's just getting pedantic) made up of a bunch of floating aquatic plants, peat, and mud. Hatchetfield, as an island, is sorta similar to this in the way that it isn't a solid part of the sea floor, but obviously it probably wouldn't be able to support a whole ass city on-top of it if it was just a bunch of plants and mud, but the key to this conundrum of what the shit this island actually is lies BENEATH the very strange tiny town you're probably familiar with.
Hatchetfield, as in the island itself, is alive. A descendant of the very Lords in Black you're probably very familiar with by now, proudly carrying the weird ass tiny town with those funny little humans it loves so much. It's a really docile creature, only thinking the best of those humans that walk along it's back 'cause they did give it a name and all, and while you probably would have a hard time completely incapacitating it without hurting the citizens of the town itself, but you could probably get something far more important: information.
Information about the town, about the Lords, about the things that lurk below the surface of the lake, even information about itself. All things it'd be more than happy to give you, considering it's barely aware of the more gruesome stuff that goes on in that tiny town, and it'd probably appreciate the company, anyways. This gives me a way to introduce one of my playthings, and a way for me to interact a bit more with you and your fascinating work.
Please hand your response to this letter to my associate, he's probably been waiting very patiently for your reply this entire time and it'd be more than willing to deliver it for you. Oh, and maybe give him some sort of trinket as thanks, it'd really appreciate that. Take as much time as you need to think this over, but please don't keep my friend waiting, 'cause he'll have top stay there the entire time you take to not reply, and that'd be a pain in the ass, obviously.
Hope you're having a good day!
Your pal(?)
- Indigo Crayon (first name Indigo, last name Crayon, yes that is my real legal name)
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reality-was-stolen · 2 years
Hello hello! Could i get a soft fic with Diluc or Venti? Hurt comfort preferably, with y/n getting hurt and they worriedly rush to help them? thanks in advance!
Notes: Hello this is my first time writing something of this degree. Also I have not officially viewed the story line other than the basics, so I'm sorry if the cannon is strayed. The map will not properly carry over so I must apologize. This is a technical gift for a friend so the y/n will have their characteristics, if you do not like said characteristics then I prompt you to scroll on, also on the topic of this being a gift I also feel the need to state ad this isn't my best work as I can be more lenient with my writing as I know this person personally and therefore joke around with it more.(The person who sent me the ask is the gift receiving the gift if you didn't already guess.) Also for the people who follow me I might start setting up a platform for writing after this goes up. Sorry for the essay, enjoy the story. Thank you.
Venti helps you! In his own way.
With a sky as clear as the lakes, and grass softer than the softest teddy bear. You find yourself under a tree. The wind softly blowing your hair as you gaze out into a pond not far from your resting place. The water waves and ripples in response to the wind. Birds fly above causing cascading shadows over the perfect field.
Pushing your hair back behind your ear, you soon grow confused. As you hear a gentle tune carried by the wind. You glance in the direction of said noise, to see a earth green young figure laying in tree.
Leaves gently float down letting the wind take it off. You gaze at young boy taking in his appearance. He lays relaxed strumming his lyre.
His hair that had a mysterious fade from black to a light blue. He wore a semi formal white top, interrupted by a chocolate brown corset. White tights leading down to loafers with a green pedant that adorned them.
Enchanted by his tune and marveling at his green cape which blown through the wind. You stand up and slowly walk over to this bard to only slip, fall and slam your head into a rock.
A sharp flash if pain rips through you as you are met with a complete blackout leaving you unconscious.
You awaken in what appears to be the second floor of the Angle's Share. On one of the hard ass tables next to a drunken bard, drinking in a fashion that could only be described as a mix between choking and chugging.
He notices you once he sets down his glass with a soft clink. A grin is splayed on his face as he greets you. "Hello!" He practically shouts. "You hit your head on a rock pretty badly so I brought you here and patched you up." He grinned at you broadly as if astonished for his own capability.
You were too stunned to speak not in an amazed way but more of a 'bruh' way. Finding your voice you speak up only to state "So your telling me you saw me unconscious and bleeding and yet you took me into a tavern instead of the church. Am I right?"
This green bard stood there dumbfounded to only say "I got you some whiskey if you were in pain." He limply hands it to you for you only to push it back towards him. He looks at you a bit confused.
"No-no thank you" you shook your head. He lowered the alcoholic drink and set it on the table. You swiftly slide off of the table. The bard suddenly finds his voice once again, "I'm Venti. What's your name?.
"(Y/N)" you respond simply. "(Y/N)? What a lovely name." He coos. You hide your blush and turn sharply and take down the stairs quickly. Venti follows after you to only see you catch your foot on the very most bottom stair and face plant. Causing your wound to reopen.
The whole tavern hushes for a second while you lay there debating on accepting fate and perishing. Venti rushes down ready to help as you stand up. "Let me go get the first aid supplies." He turns to run off for only Dulic to grab him by his cape.
You walk towards the door to try to go the actual church to get help but Venti is at your side once again. "At least let me escort you!" He grins. You simply nod a bit over his shenanigans. You swing open the door to see the down pour.
A umbrella gets thrusted in to your hands. You glance over at Venti, for him to remark, "What it's the least I can do! Plush it's not like you have an umbrella!" You are not in the right mood for this sunshine boy's shenanigans.
You open up the gifted umbrella, despite feeling dizzy and bleeding you walked on the stone pavement to the church. Venti rambled on about something to your left, you promptly ignored him since he was basically talking to himself at this point. After climbing up what seemed to be a million stairs you arrived at the church.
You pushed open the massive fucking doors, and practically stumbled over to the nearest nun. She gasped at your appearance and made you lay on a bench while she went to go get the head nun. The head nun moved you to a room with proper bedding. She fixed up your head wound and told you to rest. She then left you alone to rest. Which would usually be pretty easy if Venti wasn't talking.
You sighed and sat up swiftly, "Venti, I have to rest could you maybe be a bit quieter?" You asked him as nicely as possible. He nodded in response. You flopped back down grateful to be able to get rest as your back was hurt earlier from sleeping on a hard ass table. Your ears were soon met with a soft lullaby. You smothered a smile as you swiftly drifted off to sleep.
You awoke in the middle of the night. Your eyes slowly adjust to the dark lighting. Your eyes drift around the room to see a small figure slumped in a chair next to your bed. Somehow they didn't throw Venti out already.
You lay silently thinking about the events that lead you here. You slowly realize just how dumb the day has been. First you fell face first on a rock after being enchanted by a starling beautiful young man. Then said man carried you to a tavern where you got fixed up for the most part. You proceeded to fall face first on a flight if stairs. Then went to the church to get proper medical attention. It dawned on you that Venti had been the most well adjusted, despite being drunk half of the day. A smile crept on your face.
You fall back asleep to only be briskly awoken at dawn by Venti falling out of his chair. He hits the floor with a thud. You jolt up to see him starting to sit up. "Owwww..." He groans rubbing his head. You chuckled under your breath. His whole face lit up once he noticed your awakening. He giggled softly and raised himself to be sat back down. He smiles softly at you, and you can't help but smiling back.
A nun rushes in, "I heard a thud what happened?" She asked calmly. Venti giggles as you respond, "Venti simply fell out of his chair." You smile. "Ah" she replies and swiftly turns around and leaves the room.
"Well looks like you're feeling better." He smirked. "Yes" you nodded. His smile grew as he said "You know you were kinda cute when you were asleep." You quickly turned away hiding your blush. "Awww" Venti cooed. "So, (Y/N) where do you live, in Monstat?" He asked innocently. You glance back at him "I traveled here, I'm just visiting. I come from Liyue." You answered. "Oh" he gasped quietly.
"Well I must be on my way." You stood up. "What?" Venti practically whined. You glanced back toward Venti, "I was supposed to leave today. I'm moving on towards the next major city." You replied making your way to the door. "Aww" he said a bit disappointed. He snapped up and practically ran to the door right as you were about to open it. "Can I come with you!?" He almost shouted. "What?" You asked startled. "Can I come with you?" He repeated himself more calmly. "I'll think about it." You reply stiffly. You continue on your adventure Venti obviously taking 'maybe' ad a hard yes.
You two traveled together that day and for more days to com. But little did you know that soon you would share your first kiss with that strange man. Totally finding out that he was really old and was an Archon several days latter but that's a story for another day.
I struggled so much when writing this lol. Hope it's good. Merry Christmas!
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goodshipskypirate · 2 years
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Was anyone really prepared for this room in the middle of Pigmask territory? They’ve presented themselves as a standard army with people whose very goal is to corrupt the naive and innocent, and here we have what can only be described as Peewee’s Fucking Playhouse.
Scanning the room reveals this all belongs to someone named “King P” or “Your Highness” as a couple of the signs nickname him as such (though the pedantic in me has to point out that it should be “Your Majesty”), so presumably the undisputed leader of the Pigmask Army. Which... this room... is a lot.
A .
Already there are a couple of hints to the King’s true identity, ranging from the jukebox that plays familiar Earthbound tunes, to the teddy bear you could use as a party member substitute, and so forth. I don’t know how much the Japanese audience was able to piece all this together, but with translation differences we had in the US, the final curtain pull on King P ended up being a goddamn mind-blower.
Say, that yo-yo looks pretty neat...
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HCs for a vday date with crazyB members individually please and ty?
crazy: B is one of my favorite units, so writing this was very fun! It's quite a while since I last read stories tho, so my apologies if they sound off/OOC! I do hope you enjoy them anon and happy valentines day! Himeru!
-himeru would probably take you to a coffee date, and I do believe he drinks his coffee with cream?
-if he really *really* trust you, he'll take you home with him to watch a movie or 2, just some romantic comedy
- or perhaps a horror movie, a small hand gesture might be all it needs for him to symbolize his love, as in touching your hand, interlocking pinky fingers and such!
- he will drop you off at home and give you a kiss on the forehead telling you how much he loved you
- love letter? yea but poetic as in (Poem is The Rising Sun by John Donne) Busy old fool, unruly Sun,               Why dost thou thus, Through windows, and through curtains call on us? Must to thy motions lovers' seasons run?               Saucy pedantic wretch, go chide               Late school boys and sour prentices,         Go tell court huntsmen that the king will ride,         Call country ants to harvest offices, Love, all alike, no season knows nor clime, Nor hours, days, months, which are the rags of time.
- expect your favorite snacks to already be at his place for the movie night.
Kohaku Oukawa
-Kohaku is a little... unsure what to do, he would probably take you for a walk through a park or maybe even a petting zoo
- and his favorite snack place, he knows where to get the best street sweets, don't ask me why, he just knows the best/sweetest street foods.
-forward the dark hours of the day, you'll find yourself at a beautiful lake with a picnic already set up!
- surprise! He managed to set it all up and lead you around the nose while Niki had finished up your favorite food for the picnic!
- you can *hear* his phone go off and maybe even spot 4 figures you know in the distance (im not saying Crazy: B and Madara are spying but they are SURE happy that he actually asked you out!!)
- Once he gathered enough courage he would ask all the sweet questions like, can I hold your hand? can I kiss you good night?
- boy would not let you walk home alone, you'll probably end up being brought home by home, with Kohaku acting all protective the moment someone walks in the same direction on the streets.
Niki Shiina
- this is a romantic dinner date, yes he did cook it all by himself and yes he did taste everything beforehand.
-He cooked chocolate and chocolate cake, make a super fancy dinner with candles.
- halfway through the dinner Rinne will appear in the flat, Niki will be wild when Rinne tried to take a piece of cake and yell at the redhead to get out.
- after a while, he will settle down again and take a deep breath, before taking you to the kitchen to well... cook a little more dessert.
- Romantic comedy, you'll watch it all evening, with a lot of caramel popcorn and all those movie sweets. either at home or in a cinema, depending on how well both of you can move after such a feast.
- Niki had prepared the guest room for you to stay in, which leads to the first thing you see in the morning being Rinne sleeping on the living room sofa.
- Niki had unironically used the excuse that you have chocolate on your lip to kiss you.
Rinne Amagi
-Rinne took you to the Arcade, winning you a teddy bear while playing the crane game! (i do love this card btw.)
- also took you to play roulette, setting his bet on your birthday number, which resulted in a big win.
-which leads to a fancy dinner, both of you in a restaurant. it only lasted about an hour before you 2 got kicked out.
- yes Rinne did start a fight after someone had bought you, his Valentine date, a flower, and tried to get you to their table.
- you were quite uncomfortable with the flower dude, so Rinne kicked their ass.
- "I don't care about my reputation, that sucker needed to see where his place in the food chain was." -> something along the lines of this, Rinne is pretty mad about that.
- you 2 end up on a park bench sharing a soda, watching the night sky while he tells you about his village and hiro, how proud he is of his little brother, and that you'll meet him on your wedding day.
- yes he did straight up purpose to you, leaving you without a hint if he actually meant it or not.
- will bring you back home, only to ask if he can stay the night, which you end up agreeing to, the guest room is all his.
-next morning you find a fully decked breakfast table and a small note that he had to leave because of a job for crazy: B but that he will be back, along with his number.
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magpiemorality · 4 years
Fluffy Dee and Virgil interactions
I set this for whatever reason in WWII England. Dante and Virgil are evacuated from their London townhouse to the countryside for safety. This is fairly wordy because… 20th Century English war story I guess woops! 
Warnings: WWII setting, evacuation away from family
“Go, hurry!” Dante called, dragging his little brother along with him as they raced to get the train. Well, not raced per se; Dante strode with his gangly thirteen-year-old legs and Virgil stumbled seriously along after him on his much shorter seven-year-old ones, bouncing up and down in his haste. It made for a sweet sight, the little figure so laden with layers and provisions that, with the slightly too large helmet on his head he was mostly just a penguin of a boy, jingling as he went. 
At one point he lost his grip on Teddy, yanking against both Dante’s grip and the momentum of the crowd to grab it, but before his brother could stop a bigger boy behind them had scooped Teddy up and placed it firmly in his hand with a big, bright smile that made Virgil smile back. He said something to Dante when Dante turned to tell him off for dawdling, while Virgil was busy hugging Teddy and carefully kissing the top of his no longer fluffy head to reassure the bear it was safe, and then crouched down to pick Virgil up. Dante nodded when Virgil sent him a panicked, confused look, and the other boy helped them get the rest of the way safely onto the train before the whistle blew, elbowing other children and more than a few grown ups out of the way so they could find a seat. 
His name, though he went exclusively by Remy, was Thomas Remington, which was a very fancy name Dante said, although Remy pointed out that Dante and Virgil were not much better. He was going to his cousin’s farm in Taunton, he said, until the war was over and he could go back home, or until he was eighteen and able to join his father in France. And then he got off to switch trains, waving them goodbye from the platform, and they settled in for a significantly quieter journey. 
Their nanny had packed sandwiches into Virgil’s tuck box, giving them something to snack on while they travelled out of the grey and smog of London into the great green beyond. Virgil napped for some of it, sitting sideways in Dante’s lap, leaning back against the window. For the rest he quietly played with Teddy, and Dante read his favourite book, sometimes aloud when Virgil asked what was going on, or if there was a particularly good bit to share. It was about a boy, called Huckleberry Finn, and Virgil didn’t understand most of the words but Dante said it was about America, where mama and papa were from, so he tried to listen carefully as best he could. 
Passengers filtered steadily off the train stop by stop as the time ticked by, until they were near the end and the stragglers, the two brothers included, were looking tired and irritable and starting to wonder if the journey would ever end. 
The sun was getting low in the sky when the conductor passed through, announcing the station that finally, blessedly matched their tickets. They weren’t the only children disembarking it seemed, and a portly gentleman with a very unkempt grey beard collected them all together and walked them along the road to the town hall to be sent off to their families. 
Virgil held Dante’s hand very tightly. 
“We’re going to Mr Thomas Sanders’ home, remember Virgil. We’re to be very polite and helpful, even if he doesn’t do things the way we do. I am not to argue pedantics and you are not to throw tantrums, isn’t that right?” Dante just about managed to pick the flagging and overburdened seven year old up and booped his nose to make him laugh sleepily. Virgil hoped Mr Thomas was nice. He sounded nice, but you sometimes couldn’t tell, Dante had taught him that. 
He fell asleep before they got to the hall, so he missed the arrival of Mr Thomas, and the brief kerfuffle over the fact that he was apparently determined to take as many strays as possible to the point of arguing with the clerk sorting the allocation out- loudly claiming on several occasions that the houses they were assigned to were far too small by half to take extra children. This summarily resulted in no less than four other children all with equally stunned and wary expressions being piled into the cart with them, while Virgil slept on in Dante’s arms. 
It was the start of an utterly undefinable period in their young lives, for reasons both great and small. But rest assured that through every bit of it the brothers stayed by each other’s side, right where they were meant to. 
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mrs-evadne-cake · 4 years
What was your approach to writing horror in In A Strange Land? What did you think about and consider most important when writing the Aboleth, and how the humans were reacting to the Aboleth? What were the hardest parts about trying to make it feel scary, what did you do best versus what you wish you could have pulled off better? Just like...dissect what horror means, yeah? 10,000 word essay please. Due Monday ;) (Kidding with the last bit, but IaSL did horror so well I wanna know your approach!)
Omg there are so many things. Okay lets hit’em up
> What was your approach to writing horror in In A Strange Land?
So, just to make sure it is SUPER transparent- it is IT. I love Stephen King which means that I oscillate between thinking he’s the single best master of horror ever born and a total hack between paragraphs...Maybe sentences...but he was the beginnings for this fic. 
My approach was that I really did love the  Andrés Muschietti version of IT (part 1 at the time this was written) but wasn’t particularly interested in writing a standard cross-over where the Party fights Pennywise with the Losers since 1) time line is wrong to be the same age and I am pedantic and 2) The Losers Already Figured IT out.
 So the start of this was ‘How Would the Party Fight A Glamour’
> What did you think about and consider most important when writing the Aboleth
The most important thing was :
“If I’m sitting alone at home on a dark and stormy night, and I glance nervously up towards the bedroom doorway, my fear is not that my house is being haunted by a spirit called Mabel who died in the 19th century at the age of fourteen and is constantly seeking her favourite teddy bear… because all of these details both humanise her and make her ridiculous.
“My fear is that there will be something standing in the doorway, because the doorway is where things come to stand.
“Because unoccupied spaces, in our imaginations, must find something to fill them.”
— from “The Saturday Interview: ‘I Am in Eskew’ podcast”
When you’re dealing with a monster or a ghost or whatever- something  will never be scarier than nothing. BUT when you have to show it off make sure that it works by rules other than the Rule of Spooky. One of my least favorite recent horror experiences was Curse of La Llorona because the only way the ghost functioned was ‘How spooky can this scene be’ vs. actual internal logic of how the ghost works. Make sure the Thing has a power level that the reader and people fighting it can follow.
>What were the hardest parts about trying to make it feel scary
I am always ASTOUNDED that people find this legit scary. So I have no idea. I think um...a big part of it was the fears being adult fears vs. fears of ghosts or the thing under their bed or the CRAWLING EYE . Figuring out what people who pretty consistently fight monsters and win would fear was a big part of it.
>what did you do best versus what you wish you could have pulled could have pulled off better? 
I honestly feel like I did the character work way better than the horror but again- I am SHOCKED that people get actually scared by this. For stuff I wish I could have been better at- I think one of the cool things about loving horror is just the constant desperate envy of the person who did it better than you did and then going back to the well to start again. I just read a Persona 5 fic called Black Star that has the single best and most disturbing Eldritch inhuman reasoning I’ve ever seen and I was blown away and murderously jealous.    
>Just like...dissect what horror means, yeah?
Horror is...hmm. It’s sort of just a catharsis? There aren’t a lot of other genres where you can get the pure highs and lows regardless of how it turns out.
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alexenglish · 3 years
ANGEL!! Happy birthday my friend. I am so glad that we are friends - I hope you have a day that is relaxing and chill, and that you get to do something fun. I love you ❤️❤️
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thank you, i plan to have a very do nothing day, i'm looking forward to it. love you!!
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suzenka · 4 years
Sisko & Maritza?
1. Sisko - What is one meaningful item you would always keep with you?
One item I have with me most of the time is an iron pedant, that I use sometimes to distract myself. 
But the most meaningful items I have and will never (hopefully) lose are my teddy bear Mišutka and my diaries, that contain basically my whole life.
11. Maritza - Have you ever stood up against something you felt was wrong?
I hope I did? I don’t remember anything specific, but I hope. That and all those times I get into a bit of an argument with my czech/literature teacher about something.
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cunagussos · 4 years
1, 11, 20, 30, and 40 for Karvwe?
40 OC Development Questions! 💜
ty for indulging my dragon son 🥺
1. How does your character sleep? Peacefully, fitfully? What position do they sleep in? What is their typical bedding like?
When Karvwe was a kid he slept like a fucking rock, like, hit the pillow and he’s immediately out, type sleeper. It caused problems for him as he got older and was sleeping by himself out in the open more often than not-- a bandit could be pillaging all his shit and he STILL wouldn’t wake up easily. He kind of had to train himself to sleep more lightly, as if he’s always half awake. He typically sleeps flat on his back with one knee bent and a hand on the hilt of a knife; when he’s somewhere safe/trusted, he’ll usually sleep on his side more and with his arms under his head, which lets him sleep a lot more deeply. Though it’s a rare occasion, when Brigoth (who is like, almost a full foot shorter than Karvwe and half his width) is with him, Karvwe will wrap around Brigoth and burrow his face into his neck. Kinda treats him like a teddy bear. Karvwe has no consistent bedding because of his nomadic lifestyle, but when he does settle somewhere, he isn’t too worried about comfort-- he’s spent most his life sleeping on straw or stone. 
11. How competitive is your oc? Is every little task something that they can win, or are they just in competitions for the fun of it? Is there anyone they’re most competitive with? 
Karvwe has chronic Arrogant Idiot Disease; he isn’t necessarily malicious, but he is something of a sore loser and will get pouty if he’s perceived himself as having lost at something-- he was something of a golden child, since he was his dad’s only kid and Sigrid took so much pride in him, and on top of the fact that he was constantly trying to one-up the other boys in his village to prove he could run with ‘em, made him one competitive fucker. He hates not being good at stuff, especially anything physical or fighting/sports-based. Losing can make him act sorely dejected for hours, and he will be tender about it. He’d never cheat just to win, because there’s no Honor(tm) in that, but he will whine about losing. 
The other boys he grew up with always bring out the worst in him in regards to this, because even as adults, they will goad and purposefully rile him up for the fun of it. 
20. Does your oc have any pleasure that embarrasses them so they keep it secret? Or are they open about all the things they enjoy?
Karvwe isn’t one to admit to shame, but there are many things he likes to keep private. His hair is almost always in intricate plaits, but he won’t admit that he braids it himself (he also is usually the one styling Morsi’s hair for her, because he just really likes working with hair-- and Morsi doesn’t, really). He knows there’s no shame in it, but he tends to keep his more domestic hobbies hidden and private-- he isn’t comfortable being his full, genuine self in front of the world, so he only shows them what he wants them to see: a warrior, a hero, a survivor. It’s all about keeping up images, to him, making sure people see what they want the Dragonborn to be. (he’s always been kinda insecure and pedantic about how he’s perceived; being the dragonborn just makes it worse.) 
30. What topics does your oc know the most about? Are these obvious or would these be surprising to others?
His formal education was in Summerset Isle, and his mother and her husband are from a very well off family, so he knows all the basics and even some of the intricacies of Altmeri history and politics. Since he left Summerset Isle so young, and doesn’t actually like any of that stuff, he doesn’t bring it up often-- but his mom tended to send him letters and study material to insist he stay informed and aware (and he actually did it, because he loves his mama and also his dad made him.) so he’s pretty on top of the subject, generally. People don’t usually see it coming, because even though he’s visibly Altmeri, he acts and speaks so incredibly Nordic that him plopping down and having an in-depth conversation about the intricacies of the 4E 22 coup d'état in the Isles can be staggering. (stereotypes and all that, y’all know.) 
Other than that, he has a very in-depth knowledge of horses. He thinks they’re neat. 
40. Are there any habits your oc has picked up from people around them? Do they know where they’re from? Does your oc try to stop themselves from doing it?
Morsi has a habit of “nibbling” very gently on her food before she actually eats it. Karvwe didn’t realize it for a very long time, but after spending so many months travelling with her he started doing it too. Brigoth will twirl anything he has in his hands around while he talks; sure enough, after the fifth time they swore they were breaking up, Karvwe realized he had started twirling stuff too. 
Most of his “borrowed” habits are things he picked up from his parents or half-siblings, so he never really bothered to stop ‘em cause that’s juust natural-- he DOES go out of his way to stop mimicking his friends cuz he doesn’t wanna risk them noticing and teasing him about it (good heartedly, but still.) but he’s super bad at it.
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shayminsgarden · 4 years
Ty Warner may be a pedantic asshole with bad opinions on teddy bears but by god he got cats right
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Haikyuu!! - Pride and Prejudice AU
Okay, so I was just doing my thing, washing the dishes, when randomly this idea just came out of nowhere and I just needed to write it out! I don’t know if I’m gonna divide this into two parts (you know, characters AND plot, probably yes) but I’m just gonna start writing it out. Let’s get started!
The Bennet’s / The Iwaizumi’s:
Mr & Mrs Bennet / Iwaizumi Hajime & Oikawa Tooru: Come on, you can’t tell me that Oikawa wouldn’t be the perfect Mrs Bennet! Oikawa Tooru it’s the perfect drama queen and its very childish at times, but it has a good heart and a very unique personality, something that just the beautiful Mr Iwaizumi Hajime can deal with. And for the love of volleyball, just replace all the whining of “Mr Bennet” of Mrs Bennet and replace it with the “Iwa-chan” of Oikawa and tell me if I’m wrong!
Jane Bennet / Sugawara Koushi:  So there are three things that Jane Bennet and Sugawara Koushi have in common: amazing beauty, they're good listeners and both have a heart of gold, do I have to say more? 
Elizabeth Bennet / Hinata Shouyou: You can’t tell me you didn’t saw that one coming, even though I’m a Kagehina shipper, I can totally see numerous traits of Elizabeth Bennet in Hinata, like for example their prejudice: being able to yell the truths of their respective SO to their faces (don’t matter if they’re handsome and murderous at the same time) even though they’re wrong about it. Also, Hinata almost never refrains his mouth (just like Elizabeth) and you can’t tell me that Hinata wouldn’t be the favourite of Hajime.
Mary Bennet / Michimiya Yui:  She’s one of the characters that are pretty OOC in this AU, Mary is smart as her father but pedantic as her mother leading to embarrassing situations without her knowing, so it’s kinda difficult for her to “shine” between her sisters, she’s also described as the “Ignored Bennet”. I chose Yui as Mary not just because of the embarrassing situations she put herself into (when with Daichi), but because of the frustrating feeling of trying and not shining enough to be seen. Also, why not being the “Ignored Bennet” because of the lack of girls in the family?
Catherine “Kitty” Bennet & Lydia Bennet / Akira Kunimi & Yuutarou Kindaichi: It’s a fact that Kunimi and Kindaichi have a very good relationship, they have a very immature grudge against Kageyama and they talk behind him. I chose them to be Kitty and Lydia because honestly, I’m a little tired of them being evilize in almost every fanfiction, but leaving that, Kitty and Lydia also are pretty close and just like Kunimi and Kindaichi are pretty immature (you have to admit that Kunimi and Kindaichi were pretty immature with all of the “King of the Court” incident too). Also, Kitty is basically the shadow of Lydia even though she’s older; and to be honest I felt like Kunimi would be the perfect shadow because of his quiet personality opposing the competitive and stubborn of Kindaichi, the Lydia of this AU.
The Darcy’s and The Bingley’s / The Kageyama’s and The Sawamura’s
Charles Bingley/ Daichi Sawamura: This ray of sunshine deserves the role of Mr Bingley, he’s handsome and has this beautiful heart of gold. And come on, both of them are dense as a rock!
Caroline Bingley & Louisa Hurst / Miya Atsumu & Miya Osamu: I’ll start with this saying: both of the pairs are a pair of motherfuckers. I imagine Atsumu as Caroline because they’re basically the head of the plan and in each case; Louisa and Osamu, just roll with it. Osamu is shown more mature that Atsumu, and I also think that it’s the same case with Louisa and Caroline. Also, both pairs have handsome faces.
Fitzwilliam Darcy / Kageyama Tobio: This one is easy, I mean dark and handsome face, mysterious personality, just spit out what he thinks, cold as the pole outside but a teddy bear on the inside. Ladies and gentlemen I present to you, Kageyama Tobio, one of the best candidates to be Fitzwilliam Darcy and represent him perfectly without even trying!
Georgiana Darcy / Yachi Hitoka: So, I have it hard with this one, originally I wanted to put Kiyoko, but I think Hitoka fits more in the character of a sweet selfless girl who loves his brother, even if she knows that sometimes he’s a bastard. Plus, just think about Shouyou and Hitoka bonding over all the grumpy faces of Kageyama!
The other important characters:
George Wickham / Daishou Suguru: They are both snakes. I won’t say anything else. Just that. They’re fucking snakes.
William Collins / Lev Haiba: I know that Lev would never be as desperate and ugly as Collins, but I needed an awkward and personal space invader, so I decided to let it like this, even though it doesn’t convince me as much as I wanted. #OCC
Charlotte Lucas / Yaku Morisuke: Okay, this is completely OOC, I just can’t let Lev die all alone being Mr Collins in this AU. But at least just let me get one point that it kind of connect the dots between the two pairs: neither of Charlotte and Yaku can’t stand very well Collins and Yaku but they try too (for different reasons, but they try). #OCCSORRY
Lady Catherine de Bourgh / Washijou Tanji: Who could fulfil the impotent Lady Catherine de Bourgh but our very scary and strict coach of Shiratorizawa, Washijou Tanji?
Anne de Bourgh / Goshiki Tsutomu: I just wanted that this cinnamon roll appeared in this AU, plus he’s the smallest of the Shiratorizawa team, so it kinda fits.
Colonel Fitzwilliam / Tsukishima Kei: Knows how to rile up the grumpy man with black hair? Check, Knows how to rile up the impotent leader of Shiratorizawa? Check, even though its a little OCC because the Colonel was a very nice person I would like to see Tsukki and Tobio being cousins and change the dynamic between the original cousins (be able to be in the same room without bickering) to something more interesting (show some of the new character development in Haikyuu!!). 
Mr & Mrs Gardiner / Bokuto Koutarou & Akaashi Keiji : This one is pretty easy, we needed someone who had convince Shouyou to travel with them and who would be better at this than our favourite owl: Akaashi and Bokuto. Plus BokuAka is basically an old married couple and you can’t change my mind!
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deanky · 5 years
Total - Andy Merrill story
Forget the Bat Cave. The new happenin' spot is the Brak Cave, where Andy Merrill hangs his multiple hats as Cartoon Network programmer turned producer, Space Ghost Coast to Coast cocreator-writer, Cartoon Planet cocreator-writer-producer, and, most famously, the voice of both the pedantic locust Lokar and everybody's favorite brain-damaged space pirate: BRAK!!!
To enter the Brak Cave (my name, not his, btw), you slip behind an opaque plastic shower curtain that hides Andy's domain from prying eyes in the rabbit warren of open cubicles that line Cartoon Network's halls. Once inside, it takes a moment for the eye to absorb the sheer volume of information contained in the cell-sized space: random piles of fan mail, videotapes, magazines, comic books, CDs, clean and dirty coffee mugs, toys and gimcracks of all variety (Laurel and Hardy action figures, a giant crayon, chattering teeth, Pick Up Stix, an inflato-doll of Edvard Munch's "The Scream," a Tweety Bird koosh ball, etc., etc., etc.)--and Brak, Brak everywhere, most vividly portrayed on the back of a black denim jacket handpainted by a female fan he met at a space shuttle launch.
Seated behind his desk amid the clutter, Andy greets me in a comfy loose shirt made of huggable plush-like stuff that makes him look like a great big teddy bear. A few locks of damp hair frame fresh-scrubbed, glowing skin and the perpetually twinkling eyes of a mischievous five-year-old. Long before he shyly (and slyly) says of Brak, "He's me," it's eminently clear that this 30-year-old man is his inner child. And throughout a conversation marked by easy laughter--or chuckles, more accurately, Andy is a bona fide chuckler--he exhibits all the traits of an average (clever) five-year-old, from playfulness and a sense of wonder to the short attention span and me-me-me-ness that make Brak such an endearing character.
Easily distracted by his own amusing sidetracks, Andy gets antsy when outside distractions invade his space. "That's going to get annoying really fast," he says as a Celine Dion wanna-be strains to reach the high notes at a noontime employees concert in progress in the courtyard below. "It's already annoying." Like Brak, his self-absorption is astonishingly pure: When, during a break, I try to pitch him on a friend's Coast to Coast sketch involving Dan Quayle, he deftly sidesteps me with "you know I saw Dan Quayle" and launches into a long, rambling anecdote about his days at CNN. But I can't really blame the guy for inwardly rolling his eyes. One price he pays for Brak's ever-burgeoning fame--which still seems to take him by surprise--is being constantly besieged by unsolicited crap from obsessed fans who are convinced that what Andy does is as easy as Brak makes it look.
It's not. Having watched him in action over the course of two days (see Inside the Writers Room), I know how hard Andy works at making his comedy seem effortless. Which isn't to say he's not having fun: He's having a ball, and is acutely aware of how lucky he is to be born Brak and actually get to be Brak when he grows up. Read on, and you'll see for yourself.
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valkyriesuggests · 5 years
Val as things I've done
Because I'm still working on impulse control and will likely do anything I get dared to:
As a twelve year old jokingly said I was so hungry I could eat rocks. Someone said I couldn't bc they're pedantic like that. Picked up a handful of pebbles and ate them one at a time while other person told me repeatedly to stop.
As a thirteen year old, drew little patterns on my face in eyeliner to, and I quote, "act as men repellent"
As an eighteen year old, got dared to chug a cup of jalapeno juice. Coworker genuinely thought I wouldn't do it. I chugged the glass while making direct eye contact
"I'm a bitch and I love swords. I want a sword." -15 year old me walking a bad neighborhood at one AM with my best friend
Dad: I'll give you two dollars if you chug this glass of pure lemon juice. // 8 year old me setting my teddy bear on the bed: WATCH THIS
Me, age twenty ( Actually three weeks ago) : hey look at this! I'm gonna win this round *Smacks three pool balls off the table on accident, hits someone in the foot with one of them*
Age sixteen: almost drowns in the back of the wave pool at Silverwood because I was trying to prove a point
Age eighteen: jumps off a thirty foot tall ladder to one-up my dad's gf and my sister. My knee is still messed up to this day
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