#pedro leal
Eu nasci das balas eu cresci das setas que em prendas de sala me foram jogando os mulheres poetas
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1922nosferatu · 2 years
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O Homem que Copiava (2003) dir. Jorge Furtado
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arte-rock · 2 years
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Do/Z. Barbárie, 2023. Adriano Leal (baixo), Diogo de Nazaré (guitarra), Mario Ramiro (vocal) e Pedro Palhares (bateria)
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lescroniques · 7 months
Una última oportunitat per al llenguatge del silenci
G. Arce / diariodeburgos.es Valdivielso La Regla de Sant Benito i el manual de la llengua de signes. Això és el primer que va rebre Luis David Leal, el pare David, en prendre els hàbits i entrar a formar part de la comunitat trapenca del monestir de Sant Pere de Cardeña. Tenia 17 anys. Sí, sentia profundament la crida de Déu, però, alhora, tirava molt de menys el Mediterrani de la seva…
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genevieveetguy · 2 years
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Women today just won't stay home!
What Have I Done to Deserve This? (¿Qué he hecho yo para merecer esto!!), Pedro Almodóvar (1984)
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mundillotaurino · 2 years
Début d'apoderamiento (1) : Juan Leal, El Adoureño, Juan del Alamo, Pedro Cabrero
2 matadors français au coeur du mercato taurin cette semaine...
Juan Leal a changé son équipe d’apoderamiento pour la temporada à venir. Accompagné cette année par Curro Molina, le français sera désormais représenté par le duo Simon Casas et Manuel Amador. Numéro 1 français à l’escalafon avec 15 corridas, Juan Leal devrait à nouveau entrer dans les grandes férias espagnoles l’année prochaine. Juan Leal, Soustons 2022 El Adoureño a renforcé son équipe…
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icarustypicalfall · 1 year
Alejandro Vargas x fem!reader
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based on a request 𓆩♡𓆪
summary: lost between your love for him and the dangers surrounding you, your heart couldn't know peace.
reader's callsign: Leal
warnings: sfw, angst, description of weapons, injury, infertility, wounds, slight blood, hospital, hurt and comfort, guilt, reader Inserted, no use of yn.
note: i spent more than a week working on this and i kida hate the end .. hooe you enjoy and find it at your liking, might rewrite it oneday .. 🫶🏻
“Until the flower of this love has blossomed this heart won't be at peace”
You left from the jeep, brushing off the dust that had settled on your dark uniform, proudly displaying the patch with your callsign, "Leal," affixed to the right side. Though seemingly simple, you cherished it dearly. The Colonel had chosen it for you, and you couldn't help but secretly admire it a tad too much. Like a delicate lily amidst a thorny bush, he had handed you the patch with a wink.
You still vividly remember the moment he enthusiastically patted your back, grinning, after witnessing you effortlessly bring down his largest men with a swift but powerful punch to their guts. You were indeed an underestimated soldier, a courageous little mouse among towering elephants.
However, your Colonel, Alejandro, appreciated your confidence and loyalty, which earned you not only a unique name but also a special place in his heart. He couldn't deny the profound admiration he held for you. He fell hard, with your presence penetrating his heart like an arrow, finding its infinite home amidst the layers of muscles and veins, awakening the deepest recesses of his being.
Alejandro Vargas was, without a doubt, a romantic. Growing up in a family where love took precedence, he believed in soulmates, and he believed that you were his destined love, his heavenly abode. What had you done to him? He watched the walls he had erected around his heart crumble effortlessly, disappearing at the mere glimpse of your eyes.
"Such unprofessional sentiments," he pondered. "Leal would never love me."
"Alejandro would never love me, honey," you whispered to Maria as you brushed her hair. "Besides, we're just friends. Ignore what Uncle Soap says."
The little girl pouted, and you smiled, hugging her with a laugh. Maria was an orphan, her parents having lost their lives during the cartel incident four months ago. You didn't have to beg to let her stay at the base; Alejandro knew how deeply you cared for children and allowed you to take care of Maria alongside the medics and the chef.
Whenever you accompanied him for routine inspections around the city, you wore a smile on your face while passing by little children. Under your breath, you cursed the cartel men for their vile games and showered affection upon those innocent souls. Growling in frustration, you earned a chuckle and a pat on the knee from Alejandro. Unconsciously, he would place his hand on your thigh, while the other firmly gripped the steering wheel.
The six-year-old child looked at you, perplexed. "But why? Is it because you are not from here?"
You sighed, shaking your head with a smile. "No, things don't work that way. We are just teammates."
"Does that mean I can't marry Uncle Gaz?"
You burst into laughter, attracting a few stares from the other Vaqueros. Alejandro glanced up from the opposite end of the mess hall. He gazed at you, cradling Rudy's baby in his arms, Pedro. His closest friend gave him a knowing look, and he smirked.
"You're zoning out again, hermano," Rudy remarked.
Alejandro was startled for a moment, but he took a deep breath and sighed. Pedro, the newborn baby, looked at him with his big dark eyes.
Maria ran towards them, followed by a giggly "Leal." She was the godmother to every baby at the base, always caring for them and cooing at their tiny faces. She carefully lifted Pedro from Alejandro's arms, their hands brushing against each other, bodies almost touching. He inhaled her scent, almost intoxicated by its sweetness. Rudy smiled, observing his teammates' flushed and nervous faces. Asking them to be his son's godparents had been a brilliant move, nearly costing him an eye after Alejandro delivered a five-minute nervous monologue on why he shouldn't be the godfather. This man was a bundle of nerves, aware that he would be close but never close enough, by your side but never entirely with you. You were a star beyond his reach, and he was just a boy tethered to the earth, bound by fear.
Maria gazed at you, her grin widening. "Uncle Ale, you should marry Auntie Leal, and I'll marry Uncle Gaz. Everyone will be happy," she babbled, earning a laugh from Rudy and a scowl from you and Alejandro.
You could barely conceal the blush that crept onto your cheeks, dismissing it with a nervous laugh as you cradled the baby in your arms. Oh, how elated you were to be his godmother, alongside Alejandro. The nerves were undeniable, but amidst them, you still felt a glimmer of excitement, of hope. Maybe one day, you would stand before Alejandro, nodding along to the words of a priest as you gazed into each other's eyes. Perhaps one day, you would hold your own child, whose laughter would resemble his father's. Oh, God— that laughter that melted your heart and tingled in your chest.
Maybe you would have twins, or triplets, or perhaps a little girl who would be immersed in the love of her gentle parents.
Snapping back to reality, you realized that you had been staring at Alejandro's chest while lost in your daydreams. Apologizing softly, you brushed off the tightness that had settled in your chest, clutching your heart and squeezing, as if trying to suffocate the fleeting hope of you. You knew these were mere daydreams, and this love would never bloom.
You sighed, gently patting the baby's soft hair and breathing in his sweet scent. It brought you a sense of solace. Bearing the children of your beloved was the silent prayer of hope. Perhaps reaching the moon on foot seemed easier than making that sweet dream come true.
The mission proceeded smoothly, with Alejandro successfully forging alliances with both the Brits and the Americans to dismantle their long-standing nemesis, the cartel's leader, Valeria Garza.
Seemingly effortless, wouldn't you agree?
However, the situation took an unexpected turn, causing every plan to crumble into chaos. What in the world happened to make soldiers scatter in all directions, their sole objective being to survive amidst this war and bring the cartel to it's downfall?
Valeria Garza, the astute yet malevolent woman, and you, a virtuous soul, were almost equals, each with distinct paths and objectives. The sole factor that set her apart from you, making her superior, was her past connection with Alejandro. It was a realm you could never reach.
Observing the slightest change in Alejandro's countenance whenever Valeria Garza's name was mentioned, you reluctantly acknowledged that you would never have an opportunity to rival her. Though not prone to jealousy, you silently yearned for even a fraction of the affection Alejandro held for Valeria.
Your assigned duty was to remain vigilant, stationed in the corridors, ever watchful for any potential threats that could endanger your beloved.
Alejandro and Sergeant Mactavish ventured deep into the building, their voices issuing stern and furious commands over the radio. In that moment, a fleeting desire emerged within you, wishing that those whispered orders were directed to your ear, the warmth of his breath gently caressing your ear, his gloved hands delicately brushing against your burning flesh. You would have absorbed his words, even if they concerned Valeria, as long as it meant he held you close, so very close.
Meanwhile, Alejandro seethed with anger. The original plan entailed infiltrating and neutralizing Valeria, yet it appeared she was attempting to flee. Time was not on his side, and he lacked the energy to devise an alternate takedown strategy. Clutching his weapon tightly, he sprinted through the corridors, urgently calling for backup.
You, however, were the first to abandon your post, exposing yourself to enemy fire and eliminating any threats encountered along the way. Moments ago, your radio malfunctioned after smashing it on a guard's head. Your objective was to reach Valeria's office on the top floor and stand by Alejandro's side. Taking refuge in a storeroom, you clung tightly to your rifle, awaiting the next move.
A race, that's how it could be described. An exhilarating race against time, where rational thoughts and principles dissipated, making way for primal instincts. Gunshots pierced the air, mingling with incessant shouts. Alejandro pursued Valeria, cursing and bellowing as he dispatched her henchmen. She reached the elevator while he struggled to elude the guards on the staircase.
Meanwhile, you remained concealed in the storeroom, peculiar noises reaching your ears. Frowning, torn between adhering to regulations and the overwhelming need to stand by Alejandro's side, you muttered a curse under your breath. Succumbing to the commotion, you cautiously ventured forth, diligently scanning for any potential threats.
"Looking for me, papi?" Valeria sneered sarcastically, as one of her men delivered a precise punch to Alejandro's gut, sending him crashing to the ground. He coughed, tasting the metallic tang of blood in his mouth, wincing at the pain. He watched his former lover walk away, leaving him once more on the brink of death.
Consumed by fury, Alejandro gradually reached for his gun, his mind still reeling. Unbeknownst to him, he inadvertently pulled the trigger, and the lone bullet remaining in the chamber found its unintended target— you.
As your body crumpled to the ground, your attempt to intervene and push Valeria came to a tragic end. The bullet struck your lower abdomen, eliciting cries of agony.
Alejandro shouted, dropping to his knees beside you. He frantically clutched your hand, striving to calm his racing heart and staunch the bleeding in your abdomen, all the while whispering apologies. It was an unintentional error, as mistakes are prone to happen. He had even accidentally shot himself before. So why did this overwhelming sense of darkness engulf his heart, as if he had committed an unforgivable sin? Was it because the one he had wounded was you, or did he loathe himself for causing you harm? Your tears immersed him in a sea of guilt. Abandoning the mission, he delegated it to his men and swiftly gathered you into his arms, rushing toward the nearest vehicle.
You didn't recall much of the surgery, for hospitals had always been an unpleasant environment for you since childhood. The sterile white and gray walls, along with the peculiar odors, had always made you feel queasy. However, your discomfort paled in comparison to the throbbing pain emanating from your abdomen. Every movement proved torturous, and you had to stifle your cries of agony and bite your lip as you gingerly adjusted your bandaged form between the white sheets.
Having just woken up, you noticed the faint light seeping through the curtains, indicating that it was already daytime. A blanket lay haphazardly on the couch, suggesting that someone had spent the night there. However, your memory of events since the accident remained hazy.
The door creaked open, and a weary-looking Alejandro entered the room. He coughed nervously, avoiding your gaze as he spoke. "Good morning, leal," he began, sighing and settling onto the couch while taking a sip of his coffee. "I... I am sorry. I should have been more attentive. I apologize for shooting you."
A chuckle escaped your lips before you nodded, trying to ignore the pain once again. "It's alright. As long as you'll pay me well, I don't mind," you replied.
Alejandro smiled, relieved to see that you weren't upset. He nodded, standing up as a doctor entered the room. Although you weren't exactly sure what was wrong, the doctor's expression indicated that something serious had occurred.
You had always strived to maintain a positive outlook, believing that there was a silver lining to every situation. However, as soon as the words hung in the air, you found yourself slapping a hand over your mouth, suppressing a cry of agony.
"I am sorry to inform you, miss, that you are no longer able to conceive. The bullet wound has caused irreparable damage to your reproductive organs, and we had to take necessary measures due to the severity of the injury."
The doctor slowly retreated, allowing you to process the news. The unexpected nature of the revelation almost tempted you to laugh at the absurdity of it all. Silent tears streamed down your face as you stared at your hands, feeling a sense of hopelessness overwhelming you for the first time in a long while. Confusion and melancholy intertwined within you, leaving you unsure of what exactly you were experiencing—hatred or pure desolation.
Alejandro, too, was overcome with anguish. He collapsed onto the couch, the burden of guilt weighing heavily upon him. He had not only caused you physical harm but had also deprived you of something you longed for. He remembered the conversation you once had, where you expressed your deep desire to have triplets, giving them matching names and creating a nurturing environment for them. That night, he had drifted off to sleep, envisioning himself, you, and your little family living happily in a cozy countryside home.
Now, Alejandro was at a loss for words or actions. His mind seemed to freeze, leaving him in a state of confusion and pain. He slowly sat on the edge of your small hospital bed, reaching for your hand and whispering, "I am sorry, amor." The name tugged at your heart, simultaneously tempting you to push him away and yearning for his comforting touch.
"I know that nothing can truly make up for what you've lost, and you may come to despise me for this, but I want you to know that I am genuinely sorry," he confessed truthfully, looking into your eyes while gently cupping your chin.
"I would never hurt the ones I love."
Your gaze snapped to him, wondering if this was a figment of your imagination. His face exuded serenity, as if a burden had been lifted after his confession, feeling now lighter than a feather. Alejandro's fingers caressed your cheek, his cold touch against your burning flesh causing you to shiver. You managed to whisper, barely audible, "You... you love me?"
"If I had been blinded the moment I laid eyes on you, I would not grieve, for in that instant, I truly beheld perfection."
As if testing the waters, you leaned in closer, cupping his cheek and running your fingers through his short beard, feeling the softness of his skin beneath your touch.
Slowly, you leaned in, finding solace in a gentle kiss—an embrace filled with agony and burning passion. In that moment, there was no need for explanations, for it simply felt right.
• masterpost • requests are open • <3
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sabedorias · 1 year
Por muito tempo fui obrigado a ser maduro e lidar com problemas de adulto antes mesmo de crescer. Ergui a cabeça e fui o mais forte que pude. Automaticamente me tornei uma pessoa vista como sábia, de codinome "sabedorias", bem crescidinho pra idade que tinha. Acreditei que pensamentos sem sentido não eram pra mim, que a vida não dá margem nem tempo pra errar. Eu não me sujeitaria a cair, afinal seria eu mesmo a segurar minha mão e me levantar. E vivi numa corda bamba de mim mesmo, me equilibrando o tempo todo... Ah, o tão sonhado equilíbrio, o remédio para todo e qualquer extremismo, a decisão final depois de qualquer confusão. E de tanto me equilibrar, eu não caí sozinho, foi a corda que se rompeu. Mas a corda também era eu. Agora aprendi que mesmo que ninguém me levante, eu posso me reerguer. Ainda que me machuque, do chão não passo, como dizem por aí. Posso me permitir errar e viver sem perfeição. Equilíbrio é um conceito bacana, mas ser leal aos nossos sentimentos é ainda mais transformador. Embora o mundo seja rígido e as pessoas cada vez mais alertas aos nossos erros e defeitos, é preciso se permitir tocar o chão com força de vez em quando. É no chão que fica o impulso humano de querer tocar o céu.
João Pedro Bueno
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amaliagirnetfmp · 4 months
FMP- Research
I started my research by looking at the Skateboarding Olympics 2020 that happened in Tokyo. Looking at who competed and what it looked like. What did the competitors got marked on and what types of skateboarding disciplines were presented. Also looking at the information regarding the Olympics 2024.
There are 4 different stages. There are Men Skateboarding Park and Skateboarding Street. Then there is Women Skateboarding Park and Skateboarding Street.
The park competition takes place on a varied course combining bowls and numerous bends, which the athletes use to gather speed and perform tricks mid-air.
They are judged by the hight and speed they carry while performing the jumps.
Street competition takes place on a straight ‘street-like’ course with stairs, handrails, etc. set up to resemble the urban environments where skateboarding started out. Athletes perform a range of tricks and are also judged on how they control their board during the two 45‑second runs and five tricks they carry out.
Men Street Top 3 winners:
Yuto Horigome - Gold - Japan
Kevin Hoefler - Silver - Brazil
Jagger Eaton - Bronze - USA
Men Park Top 3 Winners:
Keegan Palmer - Gold - Australia
Pedro Barros - Silver - Brazil
Cory Juneau - Bronze - USA
Women Street Top 3 Winners:
Momiji Nishiya - Gold - Japan
Rayssa Leal - Silver - Brazil
Funa Nakayama - Bronze - Japan
Women Park Top 3 Winners:
Sakura Yosozumi - Gold - Japan
Kokona Kiraki - Silver - Japan
Sky Brown - Bronze - UK
Looking at the olympics has helped me understand the two different skating disciplines and how they are judged. I think this is useful information to know who won gold because they have gained recognition in the skating community and for future I could help me use a skater to be the ambassador for my brand. This will develop my further research looking in depth into street skating and park skating. Which one is most popular and will help determine my target audience.
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selektakoletiva · 1 year
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Com 13 discos de estúdio na bagagem - 4 com o Planet e 9 em carreira solo - já né segredo que Marcelo D2 ocupa um espaço notório na música popular e na cultura Hip-Hop pelo mundão. Acontece que em seu novo trabalho, ele ultrapassa barreiras, fura otas bolhas e se consagra ainda mais como um dos grandes arquitetos da música brasileira.
Intitulado "IBORU, Que Sejam Ouvidas Nossas Súplicas", Marcelo D2 nos leva por uma jornada musical de puro suingue, com o afrofuturismo batendo na alta, como sempre falara Chico Vulgo.
O disco começa com a voz de Wander Pires te transportando pra avenida quase que espontaneamente. 'Por baixo', numa crescente, um instrumental drumless do lendário Barba Negra (aka O Terrível Ladrão de Loops), versos afiados de D2 e uma fala de sua coroa. Apenas o início de uma saga que vai flutuando entre a boniteza e a concretude dos fatos como são. Trazendo a beleza da crueza e do povo, como o timbre de Nega Duda que vem logo em seguida. A genuína cultura de rua e dos morros, favelas e do subúrbio carioca.
Das rodas que varam da noite ao clarão do dia; ad infinitum. Os terreirões de Umbanda e Candomblé, os Bate-Bolas, Rosinhas e Malandros que transitam pelas ruas encantadas de um Rio de Janeiro que não passa na retrospectiva da Globo, não está nos trends, ou em capas de jornais. Essas são algumas das várias personas carioca que inspiram IBORU. Que inclusive, dia 28 deste mesmo mês de Junho, ganhará seu complemento audiovisual. Um curta que contará a história fictícia do encontro de João da Baiana, Clementina de Jesus e Pixinguinha, nos idos dos anos de 1923. O curta, assim como a estética do disco, foi toda assinada pela mágica Luiza Machado e o próprio Marcelo, diálogo que vem ampliando ainda mais a arte do rapper carioca. A produção fica por conta da produtora da família D2 - PUPILA DILATADA.
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O elenco de músicos e compositores de "IBORU, Que Sejam Ouvidas As Nossas Súplicas", chega a ser baixaria de tanto talento junto. A começar pela cozinha, composta por bambas da velha escola e da nova geração, tudo junto e misturado; Marcio Alexandre, Zero, Miúdo, Jorge Luiz, João e Marcelinho Moreira. Nas cordas, temos João Lopes (banjo), Maycon Ananias (cordas geral), Gabe Noel (violoncelo), Wanderson Martins e o craque Rodrigo Campos (ambos no cavaquinho). Violões de 6 e 7 cordas, no nome de Kiko e Fejuca, camisa 10 que contribui também batucando no couro e arranjando no cavaco.
Nos sopros, Thiago França (sax), Marlon Sete e Pedro Garcia no trombone e voz. Na bateria, o novo expoente da bateria brasileira, Thiaguinho Silva. O côro é comandado pela Luiza Machado, sua parceira de vida e arte, que entoa unissomo com as vozes de Jussara, Jurema, Hodari, Betina, Luiza e Camila de Alexandre, e o talentoso Luccas Carlos.
Falando em voz e coro, vale ressaltar a parceria louvável entre Luiz Antonio Simas e Marcelo D2. Desde o último disco de estúdio com intervenções e trocando prosas juntos sobre ancestralidade, resistência e identidade. Também estão no catálogo grandioso de compositores João Martins, Inácio Rios, Diogo Nogueira, Igor Leal, Fred Camacho, Neném Chama, Carlos Caetano, Márcio Alexandre, Cabelo, Douglas Lemos, Moa Luz e Otacilio da Mangueira. É mole?
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Todo esse time consegue criar uma atmosfera de uma vibração coletiva incrível, que dialoga o asfalto com o morro de uma forma ímpar. O grave do surdão e do 808 suingando com o hihat, que por sua vez unifica-se com as palmas e o tamborim... isso é o Nave e mais uma sequências de beats absurdos. Uma parceria que já vinha dando certo desde "A Arte do Barulho". E pelo visto, continua. Numa parceria luxuosa que vem se estreitando nos últimos anos, Nave e Kiko Dinucci - que traz suas picotadas lombradas, guitarras levemente sujas, uma viola elegantíssima - se entendem em grau, número e frequências.
A produção é algo instantaneamente clássico - o que já faz pensar nesse disco do OGI que vem aí. Mas isso é papo de futuro, pra outro momento.
Ah, jamais podemos esquecer de mencionar a co-produção e mixagem, que ficou na assinatura de nada mais/nada menos que o gênio e cumpade de longa data de Marcelo, Mario Caldatto. É óbvio que a qualidade de sempre foi entregue.
Dito isso e abordado o time, agora vamos as participações; Nega Duda, Metá Metá, BNegão, Mumuzinho, Alcione, Xande de Pilares, Zeca Pagodinho e o imortal Mateus Aleluia. Há homenagens a Romildo Bastos (Padre Miguel) e mestre Monarco (Portela) a sua maneira afrosambadélica.
Essa fusão chega ao ápice quando IBORU traz a cultura Hip-Hop pra dentro duma quadra de Padre Miguel com adlibs de Westside Gunn em um partido alto feito de beats, palmas, trombone e guitarra. Ou com um batuque e naipe de sopros junto a MPC, como fez no seu último trabalho com Um Punhado De Bambas no Cacique de Ramos - que aliás, outro excelente trabalho que transcende as fronteiras convencionais e cria uma experiência auditiva e cativante, como faz novamente nesse trabalho.
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É junto de baluartes, ídolos e bambas que D2 aprendeu boa parte do que sabe do samba. Zeca e Arlindo são reverenciados em mais de um momento do disco. Beth, João Nogueira, Dona Ivone, Luiz Carlos, Candeia, Cartola, Martinho, Paulinho e o pessoal do Fundo de Quintal. Entre muitos outros. É bonito ver o artista em seu auge, com a pura satisfação de fazer o que gosta, evoluindo e não se prendendo a velhos chavões e modos operandi. Além de toda essa gratidão de quem aprendeu com os verdadeios movimentadores da massa e da cultura popular.
E se você se pergunta da outra parte, nunca se esqueça que antes de D2, era o Sinistro, com sua vivência pelas quebradas do mundaréu. Rio 40 graus. De Padre Miguel, Cascadura, Madureira, do Andaraí, Humaitá e das vielas do centrão. Lapa, Gamboa, Cinelandia. Vivência que Peixoto teve nos camelos com seu camarada Skunk. Das chamas que circundavam a capital carioca nos anos 90.
No final, "IBORU" vai além do siginificado em iorubá, do Ifá, e muito mais do que título de disco ou uma simples combinação de gêneros musicais; é uma verdadeira celebração da diversidade e da riqueza da cultura brasileira. Destaca temas relevantes e urgentes, como a desigualdade social e a resiliência das comunidades marginalizadas. Ancestralidade de futuro.
Ao mesmo tempo e paralelo a concretude lírica e dos batuques de fine estirpe, a nuance abstrata das melodias se faz valer em loops, samples e um instrumental finesse. A sinestesia e o campo lúdico do disco é forte, e isso tem muito a ver com o imaginário popular, fé e outros pagodes da vida que circundam a vida do brasileiro - que assim como Marcelo, se recria e se renova a cada nova batalha. "Provando e comprovando a sua versatilidade", já diria seu saudoso amigo Bezerra da Silva, que eu sei que assim como os outros bambas mencionados aqui neste texto, no disco, e durante a vida do Sinistro, também benzeu e abençoou "IBORU" até vir ao mundo terreno, há uma semana atrás, dia 14 de Junho.
E faz uma semana que é festa no Orum...
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lobuenodepuertorico · 7 months
Muere el actor y comediante Pedro Juan Texidor
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Durante años, toda una generación fue testigo del amor entre “Altagracia” y “Tato” en la producción “Entrando por la cocina” de Wapa Televisión. Esta tarde, la intérprete de la empleada doméstica dominicana, la actriz Yasmín Mejías, acudió a sus redes sociales para confirmar el fallecimiento de quien le dio vida al gruero gruñón, el comediante Pedro Juan Texidor.
“Con mi alma en pedacitos tengo que despedir a uno de los hombres más nobles que he conocido. Mi amigo por más de 40 años. Un hombre honesto, leal y amigo de verdad. Texi, mi amado Texi, te fuiste demasiado pronto”, expresó la exsenadora.
El artista, nacido en Santurce, tenía 72 años. Desde principios de esta semana, según se informó aEl Nuevo Día, el egresado del Liceo de Artes tuvo que ser recluido a un centro hospitalario ante una nueva complicación de salud que atravesaba en sus vías respiratorias. Texidor se encontraba conectado a un ventilador para ayudarlo a respirar en una unidad de intensivo, luego de que hace unas semanas enfrentara una pulmonía.
Asimismo, en diciembre del año pasado, sufrió una caída que le provocó varios quebrantos. De hecho, la única foto del actor en su cuenta de Instagram, es la de una cama de hospital publicada en este período en el que también fue operado de un hombro y de la rodilla.
Texidor, quien cursó estudios en el programa de Deliniante o Diseño de Planos para Casas y Publicidad, no pudo culminar esta carrera al recibir una beca para estudiar teatro de la Cooperativa de Artes Teatrales.
Entre sus profesores, según su biografía, se destacaron la actriz Myrna Vázquez y el actor Félix Monclova, padres de René Monclova. Luego continuó su formación en la Universidad de Puerto Rico (UPR).
Mientras estudiaba, el inseparable amigo de “La prieta”, la grúa propiedad del personaje que lo destacó en la televisión nacional, hacía teatro a nivel profesional con la Compañía Teatro del Sesenta. También colaboraba como artista comercial en agencias de publicidad.
En las tablas, además de actuar, Texidor diseñaba escenografías y luces. Con el Teatro Sesenta actuó en “La verdadera historia de Pedro Navajas”, “Los titingos de Juan Bobo”, “Puerto Rico fua”, “El gran pinche”, “El otro agueybaná”, “Marat-Sade”, entre otras grandes producciones.
Con más de 50 años en la industria del entretenimiento puertorriqueño,llevó cuatro versiones al teatro del musical “Entrando por la cocina” y colaboró en varias presentaciones de “Raymond y sus amigos”. Su talento y amor por el arte, de igual manera, quedó plasmado en los libretos del clásico de la comida producido por Luis Vigoreaux y en los de “El kiosko Budwaiser”.
Fuente: Elnuevodia
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agalmacoppelia · 1 year
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The Binding, Sacrifice of Isaac
Jacob Jordaens - “The Sacrifice of Isaac” (1630)
Pedro Orrente - “The Sacrifice of Isaac” (1616)
Laurent de La Hyre - “The Sacrifice of Isaac” (1650)
Juan de Valdes Leal - “The Sacrifice of Isaac” (1659)
Story imagery - “Brave Little Tailor” variation. The villain (Cobb) shall threaten to kill the male-lead (Ivan), to force the cooperation of the female-lead (Sarta).
“If only your name were Isaac instead of Ivan, so God might see how well I perform my duties.”
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eurekadiario · 1 year
El Papa Francisco declara que Klaus Schwab es “más importante” que Jesucristo
El mundo ha entrado en tiempos oscuros y tormentosos, según el Papa Francisco, quien dice que la humanidad debe confiar en el fundador del Foro Económico Mundial, Klaus Schwab, quien es el hombre con el plan para restaurar la naturaleza a su posición de primacía en el orden mundial.
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Según el Papa Francisco, Klaus Schwab se ha convertido en una “figura más importante” que Jesucristo en la era actual porque Jesús quiere salvar almas, y Schwab comprende que necesitamos menos almas.
Los comentarios del Papa Francisco han causado una tormenta en el Vaticano, pero ¿deberíamos realmente sorprendernos por su apoyo al programa de eugenesia de estilo nazi de Schwab? Como colaborador de la agenda del WEF, el Papa Francisco habla con fluidez la blasfemia y está trabajando activamente para subvertir la iglesia y el cristianismo en general.
Antes de sumergirnos, suscríbete al canal si aún no lo has hecho y únete a la comunidad de People's Voice Locals para unirte a nuestra increíble comunidad y apoyar el canal.
¿Deberíamos realmente sorprendernos de que el Papa blasfemo se ponga del lado de los globalistas?
Este es el Papa que unió fuerzas con Bill Clinton el mes pasado para anunciar que la humanidad debe ser despoblada urgentemente para salvar el planeta.
Y este es el Papa que informó a su rebaño que “las relaciones con Jesús son peligrosas y dañinas”. Rompiendo con siglos de tradición cristiana, Francisco generó temores de que sea un Papa ilegítimo con una agenda siniestra cuando dijo a una multitud de 33.000 peregrinos en la Plaza de San Pedro que se debe evitar “una relación personal, directa e inmediata con Jesucristo” en todos los costos.
Como si eso no fuera lo suficientemente perturbador, Francisco siguió ordenando a los cristianos que dejaran de acercar a Jesús y al cristianismo a personas de otras religiones.
Y luego ordenó a sus lacayos en el Vaticano que proclamaran que Lucifer es el Dios de la Iglesia Católica.
El Papa Francisco es un satanista que se esconde a plena vista.
Así es, según la retorcida mente del Papa Francisco, Lucifer es el padre de Jesucristo y el Dios de la Iglesia Católica.
La versión invertida del cristianismo del Papa Francisco resulta confusa para muchos; sin embargo, el panorama se aclara cuando se comprende a quién sirve realmente el pontífice.
Para citar a la candidata presidencial francesa Marine Le Pen, el Papa Francisco es un “bulldog globalista” leal al Nuevo Orden Mundial.
Los correos electrónicos de WikiLeaks nos enseñaron que Francisco fue instalado en el Vaticano en un golpe globalista orquestado por George Soros, Hillary Clinton y Barack Obama.
Y el bulldog globalista no perdió tiempo en recompensar a sus amos globalistas repitiendo inquietante retórica globalista en cada oportunidad.
En 2017, el Papa Francisco pidió un “gobierno mundial único” y una “autoridad política”, argumentando que la creación de un gobierno mundial único es necesaria para combatir cuestiones como el “cambio climático”.
Hablando con el periódico El Universo de Ecuador, el Papa dijo que las Naciones Unidas no tienen suficiente poder y se les debe otorgar un control gubernamental total “por el bien de la humanidad”.
Es inquietante que los líderes religiosos mundiales también estén comenzando a unirse para predicar con el mismo himno, instruyendo a sus ovejas a aceptar los componentes del gobierno mundial único del Nuevo Orden Mundial.
Ahora, el Papa Francisco está desafiando activamente las Escrituras bíblicas al trabajar para crear una “religión mundial única”.
Primero, Francisco conmocionó al mundo cristiano al albergar oraciones islámicas y recitales del Corán en el Vaticano.
Los cristianos de todo el mundo deberían visitar las mezquitas y alabar a Alá, según el Papa Francisco, quien dio el ejemplo en su visita a Estambul entrando a la Mezquita Azul, quitándose los zapatos, mirando a La Meca y alabando al dios musulmán.
Luego vino la ceremonia pagana y la descarada adoración de ídolos en los terrenos del Vaticano.
Alguien necesita recordarle a Francisco que la Biblia dice: "No tendrás dioses ajenos delante de mí". Esto se expresa en Éxodo 20:3, Mateo 4:10, Lucas 4:8 y otros lugares.
Pero es poco probable que Francisco esté interesado. Está más interesado en anular la palabra de Dios y erradicar el cristianismo en favor de lo que él llama "crislam".
En caso de que no lo hayas visto, los líderes mundiales de un conjunto diverso de comunidades pidieron la unidad mundial en una conferencia interreligiosa celebrada en Kazajstán el año pasado. Según Francisco, el “pluralismo religioso”, expresamente prohibido en la Biblia, es una expresión de “la sabiduría de la voluntad de Dios”.
Aquí está parte de la historia de la Agencia Católica de Noticias:
El congreso interreligioso en el que el Papa Francisco participó esta semana en Kazajstán adoptó una declaración llamando al pluralismo religioso una expresión “de la sabiduría de la voluntad de Dios en la creación”.
La declaración de 35 puntos fue “adoptada por la mayoría de los delegados” del Séptimo Congreso de Líderes de Religiones Mundiales y Tradicionales el 15 de septiembre en la ciudad capital de Nur-Sultán.
El Papa Francisco participó en las ceremonias de apertura y clausura de la cumbre interreligiosa durante su visita del 13 al 15 de septiembre al país de Asia Central.
No es la primera vez que el Papa anima a la humanidad a aceptar el Nuevo Orden Mundial y todo lo que conlleva.
En 2019, el Papa Francisco firmó un pacto histórico con los líderes de las principales religiones del mundo, acercándonos mucho más a una religión mundial, uno de los principales objetivos del Nuevo Orden Mundial.
Según el documento elaborado por el Papa Francisco y publicado en el sitio web oficial del Vaticano, todas las religiones deben considerarse iguales y el Islam es tan aceptable para Dios como el cristianismo.
En realidad, el llamado a un gobierno global y una religión mundial por parte del Papa Francisco y otras élites ricas no tiene nada que ver con levantar a las naciones empobrecidas o “salvar a la humanidad”. En cambio, un gobierno así garantizaría la desigualdad de la riqueza global, una vigilancia global del tipo promovida por el FEM de Klaus Schwab y un mundo gobernado por los mismos intereses corruptos que utilizaron la pandemia para consolidar la riqueza y el poder en todo el mundo.
¿Es el Papa Francisco el anticristo?
Desde el momento en que el cardenal Jorge Bergoglio se convirtió en Papa en 2013, “expertos en profecía” salieron a las ondas, afirmando que el nuevo Papa es “Pedro el Romano”, el cumplimiento de la “profecía de San Malaquías” y que Francisco será el Papa final y el fin del mundo.
Según San Malaquías, un santo irlandés que había predicho correctamente los últimos 111 papas antes del nombramiento del 112º Papa, “Pedro el Romano” sería el anticristo.
Los fanáticos del fin del mundo han encontrado formas de vincular cada frase con el Papa correspondiente a lo largo de los siglos. Eso incluye a Juan Pablo II, a quien se asocia con la frase número 110, “Del trabajo del sol”, porque nació el día de un eclipse solar y fue sepultado también el día de un eclipse solar. Benedicto XVI, No. 111, es supuestamente “gloria del olivo” porque algunos miembros de una rama de la orden monástica fundada por San Benito son conocidos como olivetanos.
Luego está el número 112. Según San Malaquías: “En la extrema persecución de la Santa Iglesia Romana, se sentará… Pedro el Romano, quien alimentará a las ovejas en muchas tribulaciones; cuando terminen, la ciudad de las siete colinas será destruida, y el juez terrible juzgará a su pueblo. El fin."
Entonces, ¿cómo se vincula “Pedro el Romano” con el Papa Francisco, que nació en Argentina? Sus padres eran inmigrantes italianos, de Roma, y su nombre de nacimiento contenía el nombre de Peter. Se cita a un teólogo, Michael K. Lake, diciendo que “los eruditos católicos y evangélicos han temido este momento durante siglos”.
El mundo se encuentra ahora en un punto de inflexión, con una feroz batalla por el alma de la humanidad. Los globalistas y sus sueños tecnocráticos de un gobierno totalitario amenazan con consumir a la humanidad y destruir la civilización tal como la conocemos.
Está claro de qué lado está Francisco. Y ni siquiera hemos cubierto el escándalo de pedofilia que está pudriendo a la Iglesia católica desde adentro hacia afuera.
Deberíamos seguir muy de cerca a este Papa jesuita durante estos años cruciales.
Aquí en People's Voice estamos decididos a seguir exponiendo la agenda de la élite globalista, pero necesitamos su ayuda. Suscríbete al canal y únete a la comunidad People's Voice Locals para unirte a nuestro increíble equipo y obtener acceso a contenido exclusivo y sin censura. Espero verte allí.
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arte-rock · 2 years
Do/Z. Barbárie, 2023. Adriano Leal (baixo), Diogo de Nazaré (guitarra), Mario Ramiro (vocal) e Pedro Palhares (bateria)
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betofontes-blog · 1 year
Que fique registrado...
Segue a lista dos que vivem no 'Pais das Maravilhas' !!!!
01) Anderson Torres - ex-ministro da justiça
02) Daniel Silveira - ex-deputado federal
03) Bismark - humorista, canal Hipócritas
04) Ivan Papo Reto - influencer
05) Serere - cacique
06) Gabriel Mont. - ex-vereador há + 5 meses
07) Mauro Cid - auxiliar de Bolsonaro
08) Max Guilherme - auxiliar de Bolsonaro
09) Sérgio Cordeiro - aux. de Bolsonaro
10) João Carlos - aux. de Bolsonaro
11) Ailton Gonçalves - aux. de Bolsonaro
12) Luís Marcos - aux. de Bolsonaro
13) Allan Frutuozo - jornalista
14) Divesos patriotas - 08/01/23
15) Wellington Macedo - jornalista
16) Allan dos Santos - jornalista, site 3° Livre
17) Adriano Castro - Ex-BBB
18) Pablo Marçal
19) Deltan Dallagnol
20) Jair Bolsonaro
21) Monark
DESMONETIZADO no Instagram e Facebook:
70) @Doprimido2
71) @MonicaMachado38
72) @PadraoAlexandre
73) @Damadeferroofic
74) @TexugoWick
76) @viniciuscfp
77) @viniciuscfpires
79) @eumesmavivi_
80) @ruirapina3
81) @rafaelbboa
82) @apropria_bia
83) @oiiuiz
84) @emb_resistencia
85) @thaispsic
86) @clauwild1
87) @dimacgarcia
88) @Fa1ryNight,
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97) @BrazilFight
01) André do Rap
02) José Dirceu
03) Sergio Cabral
04) Lula
05) Flordelis
06) Chico Rodrigues
07) Renato Duque
08) Delúbio Soares
09) João Santana
10) Paulo Roberto Costa
11) André Vargas
12) Léo Pinheiro
13) Pedro Corrêa
14) Geddel
15) Jacob Barata Filho
16) Chaaya Moghrabi
17) Anthony Garotinho
18) Daurio Speranzini JR
19) Flávio Godinho
20) Eike Batista
21) Lélis Teixeira
22) Octacilio de Monteiro
23) Claudio de Freitas
24) Marcelo Traça
25) Eneas Bueno
26) Dayse Neves
27) Rogério Onofre
28) David Augusto
29) Miguel Iskin
30) Gustavo Estellita
31) Marco Antônio de Luca
32) Sérgio Côrtes
33) Orlando Diniz
34) Milton Lyra
35) Ricardo Rodrigues
36) Marcelo Sereno
37) Carlos Pereira
38) Adeilson Telles
39) Marcelo Martins
40) Arthur Pinheiro Machado
41) Marcos Lips
42) Carlos Martins
43) Sandro Lahmann
44) Cesar Monteiro
45) Sergio da Silva
46) Hudson Braga
47) Paulo Sergio Vaz
48) Athos Albernaz
49) Rony Hamoui
50) Oswaldo Prado Sanches
51) Antonio Albernaz
52) Roberta Prata
53) Marcelo Rzezinski
54) Daurio Júnior
55) Renan Calheiros
56) Aécio Neves
57) José Serra
58) Michel Temer
59) Alckmin
60) Guido Mantega
61) Rodrigo Maia
62) Gleisi Hoffmann
63) Eunício
64) Padilha
64) Moreira Franco
65) Jaques Wagner
O clamor popular vai obrigar a se escolher magistrados de carreira e verdadeiros juízes imparciais. Vamos divulgar. Se cada um enviar para as pessoas, só assim tomarão conhecimento dessa vergonha!
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propronews · 1 year
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