#people act like i'm an idiot when i don't get jokes i hate that people think it's okay to joke around with tone indicators and use /srs or
icharchivist · 1 year
Chikage’s 3rd flair (the usual fanservice minichat one) has him talk about how the Spring troupe is trying to get information out of him, and yet that way he learns more about them and he enjoys getting to know more abut them, and then he turns to Izumi like “do you want to hear more about me? okay. lean me your ear” and then he gets EXTREMELY CLOSE TO THE CAMERA TO REALLY TRANSLATE THAT HE IS WHISPERING DIRECTLY TO HER EAR
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and it’s to say how he prefers to eat his curry. he’s CLOWNING ME.
and then he ends up being all teasy because :) yeah it’s still learning about me! and it’s implied Izumi gets pouty because he replies something that a friend of mine translated "Well, there's no need to know in hurry. We'll be getting along for a long time, right?” but google translate translated the “getting along” part as “we’ll be in a long relationship after all”
and i’m
i’m having a moment. 
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spacedykez · 2 years
why can’t people just accept tone indicators
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bookyeom · 7 months
Hallo Leslie!! I finally had a free brain moment to look through your prompt ideas, and if you’re still open to requests, how about # 61 + 90 from the second list?
Hope your week is off to a good start!
A/N: I'm so sorry these prompts took 800 years to get written, but here we are. This one may or may not be inspired by Wait (it 100% is inspired by Wait). Enjoy!!
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Please Don't Tell Me Wait
Pairing: Dino x Reader Genre: idiots to lovers, friends to lovers Rating: PG (because of the kissing ig?) Word Count: 2.3k Request Prompt: "you can tell me anything." Warnings: kissing, Lee Chan as a general warning
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YN: I’ll kill you, Boo Seungkwan. I will
Boo: why? 😇
YN: What could possibly be so important that you ‘suddenly’ need to go to the mall all the way across town immediately, bring Vernon, Soonyoung and Mingyu with you, and cancel on movie night?? When Chan is already almost here?
Boo: giving you and Channie some alone time 🙂
You gape down at your phone. 
YN: you’re shameless. Evil and vile. Canceled. 
Boo: I think you misspelled thank you? 
Your next raging text is lost mid-type as your doorbell rings, and you straighten up in your seat. You have a quick internal debate with yourself about whether or not you should answer, but then you think about how sad Lee Chan would be if you didn’t open the door, and you find yourself moving without any more thought. Whipped, comes the unhelpful thought.
As soon as you open the door, you feel like you’ve been punched in the gut. Your breath catches just at the sight of him, wearing his favourite grey hoodie and a smile, and you don’t think you’ve ever seen anyone more breathtaking in your life. “Hi,” he says, and you want so badly to ignore the way everything around you feels a little bit brighter just at the sound of his voice. You are in so deep.
You let him in and he quickly makes himself at home. It isn’t the first time your friends have plotted to get the two of you alone, but it is the first time it’s been in such an intimate setting. Chan’s been over to your place so many times before, but always with one of the boys in tow. You hate how nervous you feel.
You’re nervous because you like him. When Seungkwan found out last month, pretty soon everyone within earshot knew, too. Somehow – and you thanked the stars for this – Chan didn’t seem to have a clue. 
One thing about your friend Chan: he was pretty oblivious, for the most part. You knew so many people who would kill for a chance with him, but he didn’t seem to notice or even care. He flirted with you – that much was clear. You weren’t naive. But he’d never once seemed to mean anything more than friendly banter, because that’s just who he is, so here you were. Pining unrequitedly after one of your friends, with your other friends desperately trying to push the two of you together. It was frustrating at best.
You can make it through this night. You always have fun with Chan, and talking to him is easy enough when you aren't thinking too much. You have similar taste in movies and snacks, he’s funny, he's a good listener… the list is endless. You like being around him. You can do this.
You manage to act relatively normal as the two of you get settled for the movie, even as Chan makes a joke about the guys ditching, even as you almost physically jump back when he hands you the popcorn bowl to carry into the living room, and your fingers brush. You’re fine, up until the moment you’re sitting on your couch with snacks at the ready, a semi-breathable distance between the two of you, and he decides to speak up.
“Can I tell you something?”
“You can tell me anything.” You answer without hesitation, because it’s true. 
“Well…” He pauses, and you meet his gaze with a raised eyebrow when he doesn’t continue. As soon as your eyes are on him and away from the TV, his lips turn upward and he says, “I think you look really pretty tonight.”
Your eyes widen, and you nearly drop the remote. You watch as the corner of his mouth lifts up even further into a smile, and you can tell he’s pleased with himself. He raises his eyebrows, waiting for a response, but you don’t have one. Your mind wants to ask it, wants desperately to just blurt out the question — is this a date? Are we on a fucking date right now? — but you refrain. 
“Chan,” is what you say instead, with a roll of your eyes as you hold out the remote for him to take. You know the effect his words have had on you is obvious with the way you’re reacting, but you can only pray that he doesn’t comment on it. “Just pick a movie.”
You would almost think he meant his words if he’d ever actually tried to take his flirtatious remarks any deeper, but he never does. It’s been months of this. It’s not that he’s mean, you know he’s not — you just think he doesn’t have a clue that you might actually like him. 
“I mean what I said.” 
You’re startled from your thoughts when Chan speaks again, and you realize that he definitely hasn’t moved to take the remote from your outstretched hand. He hasn’t taken his eyes off of you, either. 
You slowly lower the remote back down to your lap. “Have you been taking lessons from Mingyu again on how to flirt?” 
You watch as he leans forward slightly, that stupid, soft, teasing smile on his mouth yet again, and he asks, “Why, are they finally starting to work on you?”
You blink, staring back at him as all thoughts swiftly leave you. Your breath catches as his eyes wander across your face, and your own gaze can’t help but find his mouth. 
“Maybe,” is what comes out before you can stop it. 
Chan seems surprised for a second too, before he rights himself again. “Well,” he says slowly, “like I said... I meant every single word.”
His fingers gently pry the remote from your hand, eyes never leaving yours. He moves closer and closer, judging your every reaction, watching for any hesitation. He finds none. You let him draw you in, your back falling against the armrest and then he’s above you, his hands braced on the couch on either side. He’s gazing down at you so intently that you think you forget how to breathe. 
“How do I know that you mean it?” Your voice is quiet, uncertain. You know that you want this, that you want him, but you’re terrified that he doesn’t mean it in the same way as you.
“I can show you,” he returns, as serious as you’ve ever seen him, and you can’t stop your gaze from falling to his mouth. He takes that as a sign. And when he leans down, nose gently brushing against yours as he waits for permission, it’s you that closes the gap first. 
You kiss him, soft and hesitant. He responds almost immediately, pushing back against your mouth, a hum coming from somewhere deep in his chest. Like he’s been waiting. The thought makes your toes curl. Your hands find his waist, pulling him down to you as far as he can go, and you can feel him laugh against your mouth before he’s kissing you again, over and over, until you can’t think or feel anything but him.
You’ve never been kissed like this. 
He breaks the kiss first, his forehead falling to yours as he catches his breath. You’re both silent for a moment as you process, and you can feel your heart pounding against your ribcage. 
“Chan,” you finally say, voice quiet, your grip on the back of his shirt tightening.
“Yeah?” He mirrors your hushed tone, pulling away so he can look at you. He sounds breathless, and it makes you feel even dizzier. 
“I…” You trail off. You squeeze your eyes shut in a feeble attempt to lessen the effect of his gaze on you like this, but it’s futile. The look on his face, the one that you’d sworn to yourself all these months meant nothing, is permanently etched into the back of your eyelids now.
He doesn’t move at all as he waits, giving you time. The heat of him so close, his entire body pressed to yours, is so intimate, so overwhelming. You can feel him everywhere, can feel every breath he takes, and you wonder if he can feel your heart ready to burst out of your chest.
“Chan,” you finally speak again, voice barely a whisper. “If you don’t…”
His eyebrows furrow; you can tell he wants to speak, but he doesn’t. 
“If you don’t mean this,” you try again, your eyes still squeezed shut. “If this isn’t serious for you, then I can’t do it. I’m sorry.”
It’s silent, and your heart slowly sinks into the couch beneath you. 
Then he’s gently pushing himself off of and away from you. The feeling of disappointment quickly claws its way up into your throat, robbing the air from your lungs along the way. You sit up too, keeping as much distance between you as possible. Your eyes stay trained on your hands in your lap — you can’t look at him for even a second.
You feel your eyes begin to water in spite of yourself. Stop, stop, stop. 
“Y/N,” he repeats, voice soft, “I need you to look at me.”
You take a deep breath, feeling your lower lip quiver. You steady yourself before meeting his eyes, straightening your shoulders.
“Do you really not know how much I like you?”
You weren’t expecting that. The question hangs in the air as you blink back at him. “You—“
“I’ve liked you for so long… since that night when you were the only one who laughed at my joke at Soonyoung’s party.”
Your mouth falls open as you think back to that night — you know the very one. The same night that you finally learned his name — the name of the cute new guy your friends had been bringing around. That was ages ago.
A few more beats of silence pass by until he speaks again.
“How could you possibly think I’m not into you? I don’t think I’ve ever been more obvious about something in my life.” He laughs nervously, running a hand through his hair. 
Your heart is beating triple time as you search for your words. “We’ve known each other for six months, and you never said anything.”
“Neither did you.” He raises his eyebrows in a challenge, daring you to disagree with him, but the smile on his lips gives him away.
“You have so many friends,” you say quietly after a moment, and you watch as Chan’s face softens. “I just assumed you treated them the same way you treat me.”
“I don’t,” he says softly, “but I can see why you might have thought that.”
“So many people flirt with you. All the time.” You don’t know why you’re continuing to state these things — you blame it on the fact that you absolutely cannot process that he just told you he likes you — but Chan just takes your words as they come. 
“I barely notice… especially when you’re there.” He bites his lip, tilting his head as he looks at you. “And people flirt with you too, you know.”
You let out a laugh at that, looking down at your hands. “I know.”
“But you didn’t know that I was flirting with you?” Chan asks incredulously, throwing his head back with a groan. You can tell he’s joking, and you can’t help the smile that passes over your lips now, too. 
“I did know,” you offer, and Chan sits up straight to look at you again. You continue before he can protest. “But I didn’t know if it was serious for you. And for me…” You stop yourself before you admit what you were about to, feeling your cheeks flush. 
For me, it’s serious.
“For you?” He prompts you to go on, and you can tell he’s trying desperately to hold back a grin, because he knows exactly what you were going to say. You let out a whine. 
He laughs. Then your heart leaps into your throat once more, because he’s reaching across the distance between you, finding your hand and pulling it back into his lap. “I’ll say it loud and clear so there are no misunderstandings,” he begins, thumb tracing lazy lines on the back of your hand, “I like you… seriously.” 
You know he’s teasing you again, but you can’t find it in you to care when you know he’s being honest. Your eyes fall to your entwined hands, mesmerized by his gentle movements against your skin, your heart near ready to jump out of your chest at the softness of it all.
You look back up to find him bashful as he speaks, and it’s his turn to avoid your eyes as he chews on his lower lip. You suddenly realize what you think he’s waiting for, and you smile. 
“I like you a lot too,” you say, and when his gaze snaps to yours, you know you’ve said what he needed to hear. He smiles then, cheeks flushed and happy, and you’re enthralled by how shy he’s being when he had just been kissing you into oblivion moments prior. 
You beam at him, and he beams back, before he’s pulling you closer by your joined hands and into a hug. You curl up into his side, your head finding a place in the crook of his neck. 
“Y/N?” You glance up, heart stuttering a bit at the sight of him so close as you wait for him to continue. “For the record, in case you were still worried – I absolutely do not spend time with anyone else trying to ignore the way their lips move when they talk. That’s Y/N privilege.”
“Not even Soonyoung?” 
He’s kissing you almost before you get the teasing words out.
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A/N: please please please reblog if you liked! it's what us writers rely on :)
TAGLIST: @dejavernon @minisugakoobies @starsstuddedsky @hopeinthebox @tae-bebe @eoieopda @savventeen @wqnwoos
Message me if you want to be added to the permanent taglist!
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Hi! Is there any chance you could write a Newt x Female reader they both have a crush on each other but are too scared to admit it so Y/n starts avoiding Newt, then Newt is like concerned, and Minho is all like, "You idiot, can't you tell that she likes you?" And then some sort of cute confession? It's okay if you don't want to write it, though! Thanks!
Hello! This is so cute, thanks for requesting ❤️ Hope you enjoy!
Strawberry Kisses
Newt x fem!reader
Set during tmr (movieverse)
Warnings: language, a single sex joke
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"Hey," greets Newt, sliding into the bench beside you.
"Morning," you respond. "Did you tell Fry about the strawberries yesterday?"
"Yep," he says with a grin. "It's perfect. Box'll come up with sugar soon, so we can make jam when they're ripe."
He pushes a bit of bacon onto your plate, because for some inane reason, he hates it.
"Jam?" Minho sits down across from you, ears perked up at the rare sweet.
You laugh a little. "Yeah, the strawberries actually grew properly for once."
You work in the gardens with Newt, and you often work on planting and harvesting the more delicate fruits and plants.
It's a little frustrating sometimes when they don't grow well in the Glade environment, but it's always a huge reward when you get to pick the rare fruits.
When you're done with breakfast, you go off to work with Newt.
And that's where your dilemma begins.
For months, you've managed to keep your feelings under wraps, but your tiny crush has somehow evolved into this huge thing.
It used to be okay. You could pretend your feelings were just trivial, and you could act like there was nothing between you and Newt.
But lately it's been so hard. There's an ache in your chest every time you see him, aching to get closer, to pull him in and kiss that smile.
You've pictured confessing your feelings a thousand times, but you've always been too scared of being rejected.
Which leaves you here.
Maybe it would be better if your jobs weren't so close, but instead you work side by side with him every day.
"Y/n, you alright?"
You startle as you realise you've been staring at him while thinking, and quickly shake yourself out of your thoughts.
"Yeah, 'm fine." You busy yourself with plucking some tomatoes.
As you finish clearing out the low ones, you reach up to grab the ones near the top of the vine.
Newt chuckles as you huff, unable to get to them, and you roll your eyes at his laugh.
"Here, I got 'em."
He steps closer, reaching up over you to pick the high tomatoes, leaving you about eye level with his neck.
You realise the two of you are dangerously close together.
Jesus, pull yourself together Y/n.
He looks up in frustration at the highest ones, clearly unaware of your current inner turmoil.
"We can get the stepladder-" you start, but then he reaches up again, this time stretching up onto his toes to reach.
You stop breathing when he rests a hand on your shoulder for balance.
"Got them," he says with a grin, and when he steps back down you're practically nose to nose.
Your eyes flicker down to his lips.
You take a huge step back, grabbing the basket of tomatoes. "Great, um. I'm gonna take these to Frypan."
"What, now?"
"Yep, now," you turn and powerwalk away, eyes facing straight ahead, not looking back.
You lay awake that night, thinking about everything with you and Newt.
This crush is starting to affect your life.
Not just cause of potentially embarrassing situations, but it hurts too, liking someone and not being able to do anything about it.
So you decide to distance yourself a little, give yourself some space to breathe, and maybe get over your crush.
You wake up the next day, practically at sunrise, and get an early breakfast.
It's actually kinda nice.
There aren't that many people up, just Frypan in the kitchens and Minho and Ben preparing for the morning run.
Minho looks up in surprise as he sees you.
"Y/n, you're up early."
"Yeah," you say. "Just- trying out this new thing."
"A waking up early thing?" he asks, raising an eyebrow.
He shrugs. "Alright, good for you I guess."
When you see the other Gladers start to rise, you move into the gardens to start work early.
You watch from a distance as Newt wakes up and goes to the breakfast table.
After a while, he starts looking around a little, seemingly confused.
Is he looking for you?
You give yourself a mental shake, and tear your gaze away from him.
The whole point was to stop thinking about him, for shuck's sake.
You work for a solid ten minutes until a voice rings out behind you.
"Y/n!" Newt walks into the gardens. "Missed you at breakfast."
You nod. "I was here," you say shortly.
"Right. Well, since you weren't there, I had to eat bacon today. Still tastes like salty paper."
He cracks a smile, probably expecting you to jokingly condemn his aversion to bacon, as you normally do.
"You could probably tell Frypan not to give it to you," you say, speaking casually as you force yourself to turn away, facing your back to him.
"I- yeah, I guess."
The silence you usually fill with chatting and laughing stretches uncomfortably.
"Hey, I think Zart wanted someone to clear weeds over there," you say, pointing to a crop across on the other side of the farm.
"Oh, right. I can ask someone else to do that, if you want help here."
"I should be fine," you tell him.
He nods and steps away awkwardly. "Okay, I'll go... do that."
The next few days are full of interactions like that.
You avoid him at meals as much as you can, and when you can't, you make sure you're never sitting too near.
Minho's been sandwiched between the two of you on multiple occasions.
You also plan your free time away from his, but you tend to fail at being subtle about it.
When he gets back from his break, you end your shift, feeling his confused and slightly hurt expressions punch you in the gut.
"Y/n." You feel a nudge in your leg under the table.
You look up at Minho, who's looking at you with a thoughtful expression.
You raise your eyebrows. "What is it?"
"Have you been avoiding Newt?"
You shift uncomfortably in your seat. "Of course not, why would you think that?"
"Well, you're here, right now, instead of being with him in the gardens."
"I'm just... on my break. And hey, why can't I see you? We're friends."
"You can see me. And yeah, we're friends. But you spend way more time with me than you do with Newt."
"I get the feeling you're trying to friend-dump me," you say, aiming for levity as Minho strays worryingly close to the truth.
"Y/n." Minho leans forward, looking you in the eye. "You're crushing on Newt so much you literally have to run away and hide in the Runner's hut every single day."
You fumble for words for a second, then give up on hiding it.
"Shuck," you groan. "Am I obvious?"
"Not at all."
"With the way you're acting around him right now, I wouldn't even think the two of you are friends."
You sigh, dropping your face into your hands.
"I just don't know what to do."
"Ask him out," says Minho, like it's obvious.
His grin turns teasing as he continues. "Tell him you love him. Kiss him right on the lips. Take him into a hut and make sweet sweet love to him."
You level Minho with a deadly glare.
He rolls his eyes. "Literally anything but stay in here with me moping over his dumb ass."
You shake your head, standing up. "I'm going back to work."
"Which means Newt's on break now, is he?"
You bite your lip. "He is."
You hear Minho sigh as you leave. "Idiots, both of you."
You meet Newt halfway on the way back to the gardens.
"Hey," he says, giving you a smile.
That smile. That smile is probably about half the reason you're doing this whole space and distance thing.
"Hi," you respond.
"I think the strawberries are about ready to be picked. D'you want help? I can come along, if you like?"
"Aren't you on break?" you ask.
"Technically, yes, but-"
"We're meant to stay on schedule," you say, as if he isn't second in command of the glade and also absolutely meticulous about sticking to plans.
He blinks in surprise, and this time he's definitely hurt. Fuck, now you're just being a bitch.
You let out a sigh as he steps back. "Newt, wait. I'm sorry. Just... there's a lot on my mind right now, and I was looking for some alone time." It's a half-truth.
He nods. "It's- it's okay. Go on, if the strawberries are done by today we'll have jam tomorrow."
You send him a weak smile and move to the gardens.
As you go to your shift, Newt walks over to the Runner's hut, entering and immediately slumping down into a chair.
"Alright, what's this about then?" asks Minho, as though he doesn't know exactly what's happening.
Newt hesitates. "...have you talked to Y/n recently? Is she alright?"
"She's okay..." says Minho slowly, waiting to hear what Newt says.
Newt looks down at his hands. "She's so distant lately. We never talk. I don't know what happened. Do you think it's something I did?"
"Newt, man, you look like an actual kicked puppy right now. I can't even have fun with this."
Newt frowns. "What are you talking about?"
Minho rolls his eyes. "You're both idiots, seriously. Look, can't you tell she likes you?"
"What?" Newt's eyes jump up to Minho.
"She's been avoiding you cause she likes you, you dumb shank. You're both so blindly in love you can't see that the other likes you back."
"She- she likes me?"
"Just go talk to her, Newt. Put everyone out of their misery."
Newt waits for the next day to talk to you.
You're sitting in a secluded clearing, just having a peaceful break as you listen to a small stream trickling nearby.
You turn as you hear footsteps crunching through the grass behind you.
Newt gives you a smile when he sees you, waving and looking slightly... nervous?.
"Hi," he says, sitting down beside you. "Frypan told me he's made the jam. Do you... wanna come try it with me?"
You send him a small smile, but shake your head. "Thanks, but I might go later. You can go now though, if you don't want to wait."
"It's alright. Do you want some company?"
The yes is on the tip of your tongue. You just want to lean your head on his shoulder and tell him how you feel.
But what if he doesn't like you back? What is he doesn't even want to be friends after?
You stand, dusting yourself off. "I think I'm just gonna go-"
Newt stands abruptly, catching your hand and tugging you back as you turn to leave.
"No, okay? No. Just please, don't go for once."
"Listen, I've been... I just- Oh, shuck it."
He pulls you back in and kisses you.
Your eyes flutter closed automatically, and you step closer, feeling his arm tighten around your waist as you kiss back.
You blink your eyes open as he pulls back slowly, and you just blurt out the first thing that comes to mind.
"Did you already have the jam?"
He blinks in surprise, then blushes. "I- yeah, I was at the kitchens just before. ...sorry."
You grin up at him, gliding a hand through his hair. He blush blooms fully, and you decide that it's your life goal to make him blush as much as possible.
"Why would you be sorry? I like strawberries."
"Yeah. But I didn't really get a good taste..."
He grins at you, and you decide that it's also your life goal to make him smile as much as possible.
"I guess you should have another try then," he says.
You kiss him again, this time harder, letting your tongue sweep past his lips.
"Newt," you say between kisses.
"Sorry I kept pulling away," you whisper.
He breaks the kiss gently, smoothing his thumb across your cheek and resting his forehead on yours.
"It's okay. I think I get what was happening." He presses another kiss to your lips, this time soft and slow.
"Thank you. I really like you, in case you didn't get that yet."
He smiles against your lips. "I really like you too, Y/n."
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I actually made myself smile so much with this fic, especially near the end. It was so fun to write :))
I love these cause Newt x reader with Minho as a supportive bestie is one of my favourite things to write, so thank you anon ❤❤
Also, hope you like strawberries, cause I wrote the first conversation and then just ran with it.
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rraizel · 5 months
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words: 2,680 pairing: lee felix x gn reader genre: angst, comfort, fluff(kinda?), very very sappy and romantic themes, they're in love, your honour
You sit there apprehensive, tapping your nails on the surface of the table as you feel the atmosphere tense up after what you had just blurted out.
"I don't think we should do that, it's a bad idea."
You had said rather seriously after Felix had proposed the idea that he wants to take you out on an actual date, with a half chuckle. You bite the inside of your cheek, not being able to make eye contact with him as you feel his cheery and half joking manner disappear when he says, "I see." quieter than he was, this entire evening. It pained you. You have known this boy for about 3 years now. You cherish him more than anything in life. And you love him more than you can allow yourself to. Because you can't bear the thought of things going south and losing him from your life. Not after what happened last time, when you allowed yourself to fall for someone. You don't want Felix to become a stranger to you or even risk the possibility of breaking his heart or have yours broken by him. You wouldn't be able to live with yourself if any of those were to happen.
You gulp rather harshly as your throat gets drier by the minute. You hate how hurt he seems thanks to your abruptness and uncalled for seriousness. You look at the half eaten brownie in front of you sitting on a porcelain plate. You can feel his leg bouncing swiftly under the table.
"Actually you know what-" he lets out a chuckle of disbelief, setting his spoon down and that makes you look up at him, his face stern yet extremely expressive with a plethora of emotions, eyebrows partially furrowed, jaw somewhat clenched, "If you're so repulsed by the idea of me taking you out, maybe not always look at me with those eyes, or hold my hand under the tables when no one's watching, or fall asleep in my arms and act like it's what friends do." his voice breaks a little at the end and his face scrunches up like he's about to cry out of frustration any moment. You shake your head in disbelief, "Felix what..." you say shakily, cursing yourself out mentally. "Oh please, don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. That's all everyone ever says to us, to me, how it's obvious as day. But every time, I take a step toward you, you push me away, you take several steps back. And at this point I can't even tell if I'm dreaming about it all. The way you look at me, the way you talk to me and give me all those poems that no one knows about." his voice, loud and frustrated.
You feel a sob bubble up your throat as you bite down at your lip. He had caught on, caught on to how unavoidably, ineffably in love with him you are. Your repressed feelings for him can easily outweigh anything you've ever felt. And yet you couldn't allow yourself to be close to him. Your feelings for him are like astronomy, you don't know where it starts, where it ends. The only thing you know is ever since they appeared, they haven't stopped growing since.
"Felix please..." you manage. He sighs loudly. He presses his palms to his face and then interlocks his fingers with his black locks. He stares at the table and you can tell he's about to cry. "I'm sorry. I'm an idiot. I should've never brought it up. We're best friends and that's about it. I misread it I guess." he says lowly, pushing back his tears. You look at him with eyes wide with despair and pooled with tears. "It's not like that." a tear escapes your eye socket as your face scrunches up. Your hands, shaky and cold with fear and anxiety. He looks up at you with the saddest most distraught expression and it breaks your heart in a million little pieces. You sob a little, "I can't love, Felix. I can't fuck this up like I've fucked up before. I can't lose you like I lose people, when I try to love them. I love what we have right now so please-"
"Do you love me?" he says through his unshed tears and a broken voice, determined to hear the truth from you. You shake your head, defeated and crying "Felix, it doesn't matter we can't-"
"Do you love me or not, Y/N." he asks, voice rigid even though he's practically sobbing at this point. You look away, mouth shaking. Oh how bad you wished you could profess your love for the boy you'd destroy the world and everything in it, for. But God knows you couldn't. Not after what happened last time. Not with him, you'd do anything it takes to have him in your life, even if that meant, keeping him a little far than you'd like.
"Just tell me the truth...please." he sounds defeated. You bite your lip almost making the flesh burst open. With a heavy sigh, your chest falls as tears fall onto your lap, "I do...I always have. I'm in love with you. But we can't happe-"
He stands up from his chair abruptly, cutting you off mid sentence. He walks over to you to your side of the table in two very fast steps. He gets on his knees beside your legs, you can hear his shaky breaths. He puts his palm on your cheek, his hand colder than ever, his touch makes you shut your eyes sharply. He traces your tear away and makes you face him but that only makes you cry out harder. He tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear, getting a better look at you through his tear filled eyes. He can tell you are scared, scared to love him, scared that this will all fall apart if it were to begin, scared that he will leave. But God knew how his mind, body and soul, could never do that. All he ever longed and yearned for was you, to have you as his, for him to be yours with nothing in the way.
"Y/N, look at me please." his voice gentle and low through his shaky sobs. You open your blurry eyes and look at his face. His eyes are soft and warm, face soaked with tears, lips curling downwards into a frown. And God does it break you to see him crying this way.
It's not that you don't want to be loved by him or love him. You do. But you always felt as though you've been emptied of love far too much, the last time you were in love. Love left you bleeding on the roadside, with no one tending to your wounds as your once lover, walked away not once looking back at you, as you sunk deeper into the ground. Love left you unrecognisable to yourself. Love left you cold and devoid of emotions. Love left you all alone and closed off and it made you swear to yourself you'd never let your guard down for anyone ever again.
But you met Felix. The human equivalent of the sun, but softer, gentler yet warmer. Someone who never left you behind even after the countless times you tried to shut him out, in an attempt to protect his light from your darkness. Because you knew how much of a pure human being he is. It almost makes you weak in the knees to think of how a person could be so kind and patient to you, who was anything but welcoming to him in the beginning. Felix was the only bright thing in your dull and confined life where you pushed everyone and everything away, but you couldn't get rid of him. And before you knew it, this 5'7", starry eyed, freckle faced, bundle of hope, happiness and all things mushy gushy with his stupidly beautiful smile that made your world light up and your heart rate reach a pace you weren't aware it could reach, became the most important person in your life. And you'd turn the universe upside down, to protect him.
"I love you, Y/N." he says, voice shuddering, his hand resting on your cheek as he looks at you with a certain plea and tenderness in his eyes, as if he's really seeking permission, for you to let him love you.
You hold his hand over your cheek as you give it a strong squeeze. You can't comprehend your own emotions right now. He said those words. The weight of those words are inexplicable. You sob so hard, you make no sound, you just shake vigorously in front of him as your breathing grows more and more strained and uneven. Felix inches closer to you, pulling you in his arms. Your forehead rests on his shoulder as he holds you tight, letting you cry on his now soaked black t-shirt. He tries to calm himself down so he can comfort you a little, "Shh i-it's okay. I'm here. We're fine. We're o-okay. You're safe with me." His breathing is haggard, as he runs his fingers through your hair.
You want to tell him you love him too. So much, it's taking your all to not give into it right now. You want to be happy right now, happy that he loves you too. You want to be close to him. But you keep stopping yourself from feeling all those things. The feeling of despair outweighs it all, because you feel like you may not be able to give yourself to him, the way he deserves.
He pulls away from the hug and cups your face in his small hands. "I know you're scared Y/N. I know you keep thinking you'll be left broken again. But it's okay, I'm me, right? I'm your Felix. I'll wait if I need to, I'll make you see that, I'll never leave you behind. I'll always be here, loving you, being by your side through it all. And you won't have to be scared anymore okay?" he smiles in between his tears.
You look at him, wide eyed and bewildered. Make him wait...? On you? It was as though something inside you cracked open. Something inside you freed itself. You start to have this strange epiphany, looking into his eyes, that you can't wait or make him wait anymore. Not like this, when the only thing stopping you from wrapping your arms around him and never letting him go, is your past grievance over someone who only burned you in the name of love.
How can you make him wait on you? When he spent all this time, mending a heart he never broke. Your heart. That he brought back to life, stronger than ever before. All because he loves you.
Love didn't come in harsh words, disrespect and desertion when it came from him. Love came in simple actions, love came in warm small hands wiping your tears, love came with the sugar in the brownies he bakes for you, love came in the way he always stands up for you, love came in the way he always makes you smile, love came in the way he always has his arms reached out to you so you can fall into them whenever you get a little too tired of this world.
"Lix I..." you choke. You don't notice how you were already smiling while your eyes pooled with salty water, in contrast. He looks at you with raised eyebrows, a little bewildered and confused by the change in your expression. Your shaky hands, take his away from your face and hold them. A grip as firm and sincere as you can manage as you still tremble.
"I love you too, Lix. You don't have to wait for me this time. I love you." you say as calmly as you can but you cough and choke regardless. It takes him a while to register what he heard, but his eyebrows rise up, jaw hangs open into a big toothy smile. "Really? Are you sure? I don't want to press-". "I've never been this sure, Lixie." you cut his rambling off with a firm squeeze of his hands. He looks flabbergasted as he tries to contain his happiness, but being Lee Felix, he can't hold himself back from crying out happy tears. You get on your knees, on the floor to pull him into your arms, wrapping your arms around his neck and shoulders, as he wraps his arms around you really tightly around your waist, crying into the crook of your neck.
You take in this feeling. You can't help but cry a little out of happiness too. He's here. You can finally love him like you've always longed to. There's nothing between you two anymore. You plant a small kiss on the side of his head, "There there you little cry baby. Cheer up now will you?" you chuckle through your sobs. You pull away from the hug to look at him. You've never seen him this happy but little did you know that's exactly what he was thinking as well. You join your forehead with his, closing your eyes shut.
"Y/N..?", he whispers, his breath fanning your lips.
"Say it again."
"I love you, Lix." you let out a breathy chuckle.
Your nose touches his. You feel blood rushing to your cheeks and ears with your eyes still shut. He snakes his hand away from your waist and puts them on either side of your jaw, "Can I kiss you? Please?",he exhales deeply, his voice soft and low. It sends shivers down your spine yet makes your whole face heat up. You rest your hands on his neck, "You don't have to say please, silly." You bring your mouth to his, lips, melting into each other's.
Your brain goes blank. You've dreamed of this before. But it never came nearly as close. This feeling makes your brain completely stop on its tracks and you don't register a single thought aside from being aware of what's happening right at this moment. His plump lips softly caressing yours, passionately kissing yours like he's making a promise to you. Your lips, moving rhythmically with his, trying to memorize the feeling, but not in a haste. And then he just rests his mouth on yours. His breathing steadying as he traces your face with his dainty thumb.
You both pull away gently. He lets out a soft exhale as your foreheads still remain connected, "I've wanted to do this for so long. I love you so much, please don't ever let go." his deep voice shakes sending vibrations on the surface of your lips. You back away from his face and open your eyes to look at his face. His face, sticky with tears as he stares at you with those same tender and loving eyes, his hands on your cheeks still.
That's right. You think to yourself, tracing those beige and brown spots on his face. "Never." you reassure him. He smiles in pure joy. You take in all his features and this is not the first time you've done it. You just want to remember this, his face like this. This look spread on his face, because of the fact that he can finally love you like he's longed to, all this time.
Love comes in those constellations scattered across his face. Love comes in the luster of those half moon eyes. Love comes with the stretch of his lips revealing his ever so beautiful smile. Love comes in the hearty laughter of his soft deep velvety voice. Love comes in that look he gives you, like you're the only thing worth looking at, in this ever expanding vastness of the universe. Love comes in his little soft fingers, holding your face up, like you're the most precious thing to him in his life, and God knows you are.
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damagedfletching · 23 days
Something else the ship wars have made me aware of (and in turn made me want to rant again, so either buckle up or leave):
It's something that really bugs me, not just in fandom but in real life too- I spent the majority of my teenage years on 4chan, thinking I was a hardcore edgelord with the memes I posted and found funny. When I've had episodes in the past because of my mental health, I've done and said really abhorrent and immoral things. I used to call bad things 'gay' and joke about women 'asking for it'. Considering the way certain members of the fandom are digging up old posts from actors, I'm VERY glad my time in the trenches isn't accessible anymore, because dear god I was awful.
But you know what happened? I learned, I got better, I did my part and changed. Fandom, and the greater media in general, seems to forget (or disregard) that people CAN and do change and grow and learn. There seems to be an inability in general to believe that people can learn from their mistakes, and especially celebrities are constantly reminded of their wrongdoings instead of the fact they changed and the good that did. Some things ARE unforgivable, but y'all act like stupid memes from ten years ago is the equivalent to murder. I know if I was constantly attacked for dumbass 18yo me and their decisions I wouldn't get better, and I've seen others even double down on their bullshit SIMPLY because they enjoy being defiant and edgy.
Maybe I'm being naïve because I prefer to see the good in people first, and believe that everyone can change their views with education. But I've also learned in my optimism that people won't change if you attack them first. I also know from my own experience that apologies are hard, and personally I'd rather show I've changed my views by DOING good quietly than posting about it publicly. People can grow and change, you've just got to let them (and sometimes support them).
The people digging for old drama need to get a hobby, a real one. Posts I made decades ago have absolutely no bearing in the kind of person I am now, and I'll bet real world money that it applies to these actors too. We've all said and done dumb shit- hell, we're probably even saying things now that in another decade we'll hate ourselves for. In order to learn from our mistakes we have to make them first. But it's blatantly obvious these people are digging this up because they don't like a character or ship, not out of any real concern. And as another post I saw said- if you're gonna point fingers at one cast member, you need to point it at the rest too.
Anyway tl;dr- we've all said shit things in our pasts and grown from them, but if you don't want people harassing you for idiotic crap you said decades ago, don't do it to them.
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sciderman · 9 months
hey sci.how do you get wades personality to a T! I desperately wanna make a comic but I’m worried I’ll fall short to his character.Any Tips?
oh bless you! i don't think there's any sort of guide to getting wade's character right - all the canon writers write him so, so differently - he really is the sort of character that can be anything the author needs him to be (for better or for worse)
i know i've received complaints over the years about how i portray wade - sometimes people think i make him too emotional, or what-have-you, but i think the biggest crime anyone can commit when writing wade is him not being funny. (i know, that's so, so subjective.) i think when wade falls short for me in the comics or in any characterisation it's usually down to me just not finding the jokes funny! i can kind of forgive anything at all, as long as it's funny.
i've seen a lot of more serious depictions of wade in fanfiction and it kind of throws me for a loop - he's a showman. he'll always be cracking a joke, and if he isn't, you're in trouble.
i think something i'm kind of obsessed with when writing wade is the intentionality behind his words and actions - he's kind of a master of deflection. i think i do love to see a hyper-competent wade, who only plays the part of the idiot because it's what the audience likes to see. he's never stupid, he's just unlucky. when things go wrong for him, it's not due to stupidity - it's either self-sabotage, or he's a victim of the narrative. i think that's where my depiction of wade differs from daddy nicieza's - i think daddy nicieza's wade is big stupid, most of the time.
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himbo rights.
but even then, his wade isn't as big of an idiot as he acts. and a lot of it is an act. he's putting on a show. i love a wade wilson who's actually so much more intelligent than he lets show. a wade wilson who's perpetually holding all his cards to his chest because he doesn't want anyone to be able to pin him down or predict him.
all his cards. on terms of capability, and also his emotions. he's so calculated about what other people get to see of him, particularly when he's wearing the mask. (when he's out of the mask he has decidedly less control over what people see of him.)
i think there's a few things that turn me off from a deadpool characterisation - mostly when i see a wade that's too sugary (i think that's why i can't care very much for the most recent deadpool series) - wade always has demons to overcome. always. being heroic isn't something that comes naturally to him. it isn't something that comes naturally to anyone, but at least wade's honest about it.
i like to see a wade that's a jerk. because he is. he's always been. it's like, his first ever personality trait. he is a jerk. a selfish jerk. please, oh please god, do not forget that he's a selfish jerk. i really love portrayals of him that don't shy away from that, but make him endearing anyway. you really don't have to erase all the bad parts of a character to make them likeable. you really, really don't. those bad parts are the tasty bits. makes me keep coming back for more.
when i see a wade that is not a selfish jerk i am like "wha. whuh. who is that. that's not wade. that's not my son. why is he not spitting in my eye right now."
i kind of have to hate him just a little. that's like, the whole point. you're meant to love and hate wade simultaneously, all the time. anyone who loves wade knows this wholeheartedly. to love him is to hate him.
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second to that, please don't ever make wade wilson a sexual predator. that's a real problem (hate that).
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theheromira · 9 months
Nimona appreciation post (Part 3 of idk even know how many)
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Hi guys, I'm back with Part 3. Sorry about the delay, I tend to procrastinate even if something has to do with my newest hyperfixation lol (Pic for attention, like always lol)
at the beginning he says to Amb that he's not brooding and now he tells Nimona that "Knights don't mope, they brood."
"Murder him, murdder her, murder everyone!" aaand there is Amb standing int the door and Bals pose XD
Amb lil smile when he sees Bal. He probably thought that he killed Bal and seems glas that he's not
Also him just looking at Bals arm
Nimonas lil "Gesundheit" is way better in the english version ngl
Nemesis 😈
"Oh, look! It's Gloreth!" and the knights behind them actually look in the direction she pointed at
Amb acting like he was about to draw his sword and looking like they just caught him doing something forbidden like I don't even know
Bals almost defeated face at the beginning of the closet scene
Nimona just casually ripping that pipe out of the wall
Bals hamster cheeks when she grabs his face
that die-in-the-closet-dialogue felt very strange to me but I still don't completely understand how people can hate people who have a different orientation than them (sexual or not, I don't know how to say that exactly but I hope you kinda understand me?). There shouldn't be a problem about dying in a closet in real life and I really understand why people are so close-minded and this is still happening, I guess. Why does this "kids movie" motivate me to think about this kind of issue so much? But I guess it's a good thing, I'm probably/definitely not the only one who watched Nimona and really started to think about this (and the other themes of this movie)
also Nimona literally coming out of the closet (as a shape-shifter) is like really nice, I love little things like that in movies that you maybe not even register at first
I like to think that the axe opening the door is a little "Shining" reference
Nimona casually catching the arrow before her face
Bal being the competent idiot that he is grabbing the first thing his hand finds to use as a weapon without even looking
"Even if you see the horn?"
"I will not freak… Uhhh" with that face XD
I just looove her line "This is the part where you run.", how she looks at the knights and how they start to panic
Bals face while getting out of the closet is like: What the everloving hell did just happen/is just happening?
"Yeah" "Oh no! Stay away! Get back! No! This is not happening!" XD
Amb just being bamboozled and proving that he's at least a bit of a Nerd (who other then a Nerd or a Zoologist would call a Rhino by it's full name)
"Leave that guy alone!" "Take that" bonks him away with her horn lol, they are such a good duo
Stairs are either your best friend (Nimona seemingly) or your worst enemy (Kungfu Panda)
Bal just being completely like a fish out of water by what is happening during that chase is also kinda hilarious
Also him still having the brain to tell her she needs to go right in all of this mayhem is very competent of him, I stan him just a bit ngl
the whale
hey def needed a meeting table that round, they are a kingdom of knights
loving that Todd gets the tiny d*** joke, one of the best jokes in the movie and this movie has a lot of good ones
Now he wants the staircase, Bal really should make up his mind XD
I'm a bit sad that the original BlueSky-Scene where she changes into a dragon didn't make it in there but this is also fine, I guess
How did Bal survive that fall?
also loving how he just slides the last few metres face down lol
Nimona looking at Bal before she says her "Something, something, something, we win." was kinda cute
Explosions! "Metal" Also: stuff like this reminds me of a kind of old scetch from a comedian (I know the guy from some youtube vids of different poetry slams but he is a comedian now) I like pertaining bear catapults (I def will get myself some tickets if he ever does a show near me, the guy is hilarious)
Bal looking kinda chill (he prob has a concussion and isn't quite there, I guess) at the different things that fly towards them and then focusing on that little bit of debris that knocks him out (and the sound he makes when he gets hit) lol
Sooo, that was it for part 3. Short I know, but I think I will try to get these posts out and ngl my attention span is a bit short at the moment… with this kind of post thats more on the short site I believe I can stay on the topic and not procrastinate that much. Maybe there will also be some longer ones inbetween, we will see. Have a good one guys ^^
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I think it's time for me to come clean with something I've never admitted to anybody before. And it's not something I've done or anything like that. It's not an action I've taken. It's an opinion I have that I know is something that would cause a lot of...let's say strife with most people if they knew I had it. It's not a controversial opinion I'm particularly proud of the way I'm proud of my opinion on John Lennon being a boring hack, or my opinions on YouTube content creators being, by default, talentless nobodies compared to literally any other professional creative, or my opinion that sport hunting journalists and politicians should be, if not actually legal, than at least one of those victimless crimes that never actually get prosecuted. This opinion I'm about to share is something that my own parents would never understand if I were to admit it to them, which, to be honest, does sting a bit when I let myself think about it too much.
I know most of you don't follow me for personal BS, and I respect that, so I'm going to put a cut before I state this opinion so people who don't really care to learn more about me as a person can easily give it a skip. For the rest of you, all I ask is that you try to keep an open mind, and understand that this is as hard for me to admit as it is for you to read.
George Carlin is a terrible fucking comedian.
I know. I know.
But hear me out.
I'm not saying he's not funny, because he can be. Certainly he was hilarious to 12 year old Little Me who would watch clips of his acts on Comedy Central long after my parents went to bed. But as I got older, I started to notice something. It wasn't that I was "growing out" of George Carlin. That's silly to say. That's like saying someone grew out of watching Eddie Murphy's Raw. You're not even supposed to be watching that stuff until you're grown.
No, the thing I noticed was that he isn't actually a comedian.
He's a blogger.
Again, he does tell jokes, but telling jokes does not a comedian make. Everyone tells jokes. What makes a comedian a comedian is that they are so funny that people will pay money to laugh at their jokes. And that's not George Carlin. That's not why people go to see George Carlin. They might think it is, but it's not. No, they go to see him for the same reason he stands up in front of them and speaks.
They want to hear their own opinions parroted back at them, and then they want to cheer. Just like George doesn't really want to make people laugh. He wants to give his opinions on social issues and politics, and then he wants everyone to clap and validate those opinions. The laughter is completely secondary. It's not even necessary past the point of telling just enough jokes to both get people in the door, and to allow those people the illusion that they're at a comedy show and not reading a blog.
And Carlin isn't the only blogger pretending to be a comedian. You probably know quite a few already. The Jon Stewarts, John Olivers, and Jimmy Kimmels of the world who just want to be cheered for stating their, often idiotic, opinions on things. I used to call this "Applause Comedy", and I've always hated it with a passion. But these days I just call it blogging, because that's what it is. And George Carlin is its grandfather. His entire career is based on "telling it like it is" instead of "telling jokes". And let's be fair, some of his opinions are right. Of course, these days the people he roasts are usually not on the same side of the political divide as the ones he was intending on roasting. He is another terminal victim of the 60s, so don't ever mistake him for being even remotely right wing.
(I wonder if, were he still alive, would he be one of those few boomerlibs that actually recognize how batshit insane the left has become? Or would he be one of the ones that now supports all the things they railed against 40+ years back because their identity as a leftist is more important than their supposed principals?
I could speculate, but I won't.)
But being able to comment intelligently or eloquently on political or social issues isn't a skill one should look for in a comedian. And getting cheered for stating an opinion isn't something a real comedian should look for in their audience. A comedian tells jokes. He makes people laugh. He tells stories and weaves tales and creates an atmosphere of joy. He allows us to keep the outside world at bay for an hour or so, and leaves us with a small shield against that world when his show is over in the form of fond memories and shared enjoyment.
You're more likely to come out of a George Carlin show more angry at the world than when you went in.
And that's not comedy.
That's not entertainment.
That's blogging.
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thefiery-phoenix · 11 months
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You promised yourself that you wouldn't fall in love with anyone and yet here you were day dreaming and fantasizing about the star lord who was none other than Peter Quill. You just couldn't help yourself, you still remembered the time he saved you from some inter galactic beast and he made sure you were all right. That moment was magical for you because that was the first time you've met him. When you joined their team you were thrilled,you could prove your worth to Quill and impress him with your skills. It also gave you the chance to be more closer to him but however there was a tiny drawback to this wonderful plan of yours: You had a feeling he liked Gamora and KEYWORD, I said FEELING
You saw how close they both were with each other and you could understand why he'd chose Gamora. She was strong and skilled and extremely tactful. Not to mention she was pretty good looking too and she made you feel like an idiot most of the times. Gamora was never mean to you of course but her skills made your powers look like an absolute joke next to her. She was pretty friendly to you as well which was why you didn't really have the heart to split Peter and Gamora's relationship with each other so you just had to push your feelings deep down inside you and forget about Peter. However Peter wouldn't forget about you though
Quill was getting worried with the way you were acting these days. You barely talk to him now and it's making him go crazy and insane. He loves hearing your voice and when you talk about something you're passionate about your eyes sparkle and light up with joy. He found that endearing and it takes him all his self control to pinch your cheeks and hug you. You used to bring him coffee whenever he'd stay too late and convince him to sleep and get some rest. He was touched with your kindness and soft caring nature. Overtime he's become increasingly possessive of you of course but you haven't really noticed it. Whenever you talk to someone else he'll either interrupt the conversation with something he's done better than the other person or he'll just drag you the heck away from there and spend time with you instead
He doesn't mean to be a nosy snoop but it's hard not to when you leave your cute little black diary sitting out in the open like that. He tried to resist reading it since you know he was supposed supposed be your hero and heroes don't look at other people's things without their knowledge and permission. But temptation eventually got the better of him. Insecurity does wonders to a person in the most desperate times. He didn't see what he was doing was wrong because in his eyes he was just making sure his darling angel that is you was safe and nothing bad was happening to you else he'd go nuclear
He took it to his room and plopped down on his bed and started reading your diary. You wrote about this fictional character and how he was really cool which made Quill jealous. The only person you should be thinking about his him, your future husband. He got extremely irritated when you even wrote about Thor, he was itching to barge into your room at the moment to show and prove to you that you're only his and no one else's. He flipped through some pages and stopped when he saw his name. He was curious to know what you've written about him and he started reading
'I can't believe Quill actually made me dinner today that was really sweet of him. I really wanted to eat it with him and talk about the most random stuff but Gamora would probably hate me for this and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't really want to be caught dead hanging out with me anyways not when someone as strong as Gamora is there for him compared to my childish immature self'
His eyes couldn't believe what he was reading. Childish? Immature? You most certainly aren't any of the above mentioned words. You had a crush on him which he found endearing and was glad you felt the same way about him and the thought of him being in a relationship with Gamora was extremely amusing to him. True Gamora was nice and all but she was a bit unpredictable at times. He preferred to just stay friends with her and he felt bad that you were ignoring him because of this little misunderstanding. But not to worry he'll prove and show you just how much he loves you
He went out and saw you looking for something and he could guess what you were looking for, your diary. He decided to play the role of the knight in shining armor and return your diary back to you and when you got it your face beamed with joy as you hugged him and thanked him for it. "Oh, I'm sorry" you mumbled sheepishly after realizing what you've just done but he just pulled you back into the hug and replied "Don't be. I love this. I love you Y/N, you're mine" he said in a possessive manner and you couldn't help but blush. "Quill are you sure you're all right? This most certainly is a prank isn't it?" you asked him hesitantly and he grabbed your hands in his and replied " Darling, I love the way you look at me and smile. Your smile is the most beautiful thing for me in the world. The twinkle and the sparkle in your eye when we talk about something you're passionate about makes me want to listen to you for hours and hours as I get lost in your mesmerizing spellbinding eyes. You're the reason for my courage and determination. You're the only one I wouldn't mind losing my sleep for, I'll never let a tear fall down your cheeks and even if it does it'll be tears of happiness and not sadness. I love you Y/N" and you couldn't believe what you were hearing
"Quill... I didn't know you felt that way" you blushed but he replied "Y/N there isn't anyone I'd choose over you, you're made for me and I for you" and you felt happy. He confirmed he was very much not into Gamora and he admitted that he liked your soft and silly nature. It hurt when you're insecure of your own self but Quil would change all that. He loves you no matter what and he's willing to do whatever the hell it takes to make sure you stay with him. Even if he has to commit a few murders here and there but it's all in the name of love
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i90soot · 1 year
— "Just me "
Yan! Scara.
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He hated everyone, he hated every human being who looked at you even out of the corner of his eye, he wasn't jealous, at least that's what he said, even so you could feel the dark look he directed at anyone who got in the way when he was with you, you could feel how he squeezed your hand as he walked faster ignoring everyone.
He carefully watched your every movement, he watched every detail of your face while you were sleeping, he watched the way you acted with others, he hated that you were so gentle with them, he hated the soft look you gave to others, it should only be his and for him.
He didn't want anyone more than you, you were everything to him, you were so gentle and affectionate with him, he loved the soft way you hugged him and said how much you loved him. You were too much for any idiot! Nobody deserved you, only him.
No one would ever understand how much you were worth, you were worth others! He was the only one to realize that, you were everything, everything
— Hey, Kuni – the sweet voice that he adored so much pronouncing his name in the most beautiful way.
—Something happens ___? – tries to remain calm before the beautiful face of an angel in front of him
—Can you tell me what I'm doing here? - I speak confused, looking at him scared
I hated to do this, I hated to see your scared face
— Oh, I just thought it would be better to have you here, where no one else can hurt you.
— Is this some kind of weird joke? – I ask with a shaky voice.
—Why would this be a joke honey? - He got closer to her.
—Come on kuni, this is no fun, can you release me? – he said trying to free himself from the strong tether on his ankle
—I never said it was funny - he stared with his beautiful puppet eyes, as deep as the sea and also as dangerous as him. – I'm not going to release you, I don't want you to get hurt or for someone to. I love you so much ___ I don't want someone to hurt you or take you away from me
He pressed his cold lips to yours, still staring at you as if he was afraid of the idea that you would disappear from his side.
He walked away again, contemplating you while a soft smile formed on his lips
— Actually, I never liked the idea of sharing mine with others –He began to walk towards the exit - I'll come later, yes honey?, don't despair... I have certain issues with certain people I'll be back later
The next day you were able to find out about the horrible disappearance of your ex-boyfriend and the horrible murder of those who in the past hurt you to the point of crying.
He only protected you! Having you in his house isolated from everyone was the way to take care of you just keep your cute smile while he talks to you, let him hug you and kiss you, let him do what he wants with your body anyway and you're his
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bengiyo · 1 year
Bed Friend Ep 8 Stray Thoughts
Last time, things came to a terrible head with Krit, who tried to assault Uea in his office and then also tried to ingratiate himself with Uea's mom. Uea broke things off with King after he insinuated that Uea wanted Krit to be gross to him. Uea also told him mom off very loudly and publicly for protecting his abuser. Thankfully, Uea told Jade about what has been going on, and at this point Uea has resigned. He's now taking a trip to get away, but it's clear he's still thinking about King.
I don't know who this aunt is, but she's the first elder we've seen in this show that has any regard for Uea as a person, and is the only elder who has asked if they can touch Uea.
Oh, Uea. You can't text message breakup.
With how bad car violence is in Thailand, it's so alarming to see King trying to use his phone while driving stressed.
King finding out that Uea resigned because Krit finally pushed too far:
Tumblr media
Did Net/King use a different accent when he asked for a room?
Honestly, Net and James are the most beautiful acting pairs I've ever seen.
I adore Jade. He's right to call King an idiot and chide him for all of these mixed signals.
I really love the way James embodies Uea. The way he clenches his jaw and steels himself for asking, "Do my feelings matter?" lands so clearly.
I feel like I recognize the actress playing Belle.
I'm glad Belle and King are united against their parents.
These boys talking about the intensity of their feelings. I'm gonna need Uncles Cheep and Dej to come talk to them about making it work long term.
Uea is so good about setting boundaries. It's sad because his are so constantly violated.
Net has a very affective pout.
I like seeing Uea smile in amusement again.
Holy shit that is an enormous statue.
I hope we have some Buddhist fans in the tag, because I'm curious about these rituals we're seeing in the montage.
Krit was really trying to assault an employee in a room with CCTV. This man is disgusting and stupid.
Cheewin did some nice stuff with the shots in the office lounge area.
Okay, I get why they have this confrontation with the CEO, but legitimately I hope this also went to the HR department and people were properly fired.
Did this company not have a sexual harassment policy before this incident?
I'm not a survivor, and would like to know how others feel about the company providing for Uea to seek mental health care.
I'm glad we don't have to hate Mongkol. It's good to show that Mongkol and Krit aren't on the same level, but both believed they could rely on nepotism to do whatever they want. They really just wanted him to contribute to the team.
Once again, James is so beautiful. This outdoor shot in the black and white outfit? GORGEOUS!
'"Because I'm beautiful." He's so right.
We're 43 minutes into the episode and Uea is wearing red again while King is doing everything he can to hold the horny in. Uea knows and is being a menace. I'm sure @respectthepetty is having a blast.
Oh, Uea is going to reveal his trauma to King. No more jokes.
I just really love the way these two talk to each other.
Between this and A Boss and a Babe, I'm glad to see characters taking pills for mental health reasons treated as a normal part of their health care.
Obsessed with the I'm a Weirdo shirt and how it looks like Uea's heart is bleeding, as King wears a black hoodie with a red rose over his heart.
This is uncomfortable, but it's true that Uea is likely not his only victim.
Oh lord, we gotta deal with yet another person hitting on Uea, Sorn's arrest, and King's parents striking back next week.
I'm excited for James and Net to get another show this year. I've deeply enjoyed their scene work together for the last two months.
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leahnardo-da-veggie · 2 months
Snippets part 4
“Delacroix, I'm in possession of a remote to your anklet. It's recording my emotions, so don't try manipulating me, and it's calibrated to me and Valeria, so don't bother stealing it. Even if you somehow manage to do so, Mr Pullman has a second controller that will override it. Any attempts to destroy the anklet will cause a high voltage shock that will disable you and possibly kill you. If you attempt to sabotage the mission or attack either of us, I'll activate a shock,” he told me bluntly.
A threat? Or a warning not to upset them? I trusted Baker not to hurt me for revenge, but that didn't apply to Chong. The hurt in her eyes ran deep, a river that would gleefully sweep me up and drown me. I nodded. “Good,” he said. “Now that we understand each other, I'll deactivate the anti-magic effect on you. Ready?” 
My eyes widened, and I felt the urge to do a happy dance. I snuck a quick glance at Baker, and instantly I forced a dampener on my smile. Under his stoicism, he bore a look of weary sadness and reluctance. Celebrating was against rules of the pity party they were hosting, and cheering was going to get me booted out the window. I nodded firmly and said, “Yes, sir.”
He closed his eyes and pressed a button on the remote. And by the gods, I could feel again! It was like someone had locked me in a pitch black room for a week and finally let me out into the light, and I was ecstatic. Blinded and overwhelmed, but ecstatic. Emotions pressed against me, personalities blossomed into halos, dancing tentacles like jellyfish auras spreading out. 
The little ball of focus and contentment was the outfitter. Chong's grief and rage pulsated from the left, and the tightly coiled fury of Baker throbbed at my right. I almost flinched when I felt it. I had thought him less upset than Chong; dear dead gods, I was wrong. The hatred within him was held back by an iron will of a dam, and it was threatening to overflow. He hated me for joking, for pretending to be a person when I killed his friend. I caught glimpses of him and Dave. They were friends from childhood, bosom buddies ripped from each other's arms by fate and cruel, cruel me.
Now, I need you to understand that I don't normally do this. I don't break into tears in a fit of empathy. But my psychic sense was far, far too sensitive, and I wept for him like a little idiot, and fell to my knees, consumed by the passion Baker would not feel.
“Delacroix, are you okay?” Chong stared at me, utterly apathetic. If anything, she was mildly pleased. Beside her, however, Baker radiated contentment. He wanted to see me suffer with such a vitriolic rage, even if he wouldn't do anything to harm me directly. I made a note never to be in a situation where I was relying on him and him alone. (Actually, I made a note to run away from him as soon as possible.)
“Ye- Yes,” I said, making a show of clutching my head and acting as though the release had hurt me. “It's just a bit of a shock.” I stood up unsteadily, and dampened the input from Baker. “By the way, Mr Baker?”
Baker turned, and I felt the cold clamp of his discipline control the flood of bloodlust. I twitched slightly. “Yes, Delacroix?”
“Thank you,” I said, putting as much emotion as I could (without alerting the sensors, of course) into my voice. “And I'm sorry. I know it doesn't make up for anything, but I'm sorry.” I bowed my head in faux regret. (Of course, I didn't actually mean any of it. Why would I regret killing a man when he would have gleefully killed me? The world was harsh. People died. It was a lot more important that I survived than that someone else did. But I said it anyway because these righteous sorts lapped apologies up. Somehow it didn't occur to any of them that I was a pathological liar and manipulator. It was rather sad, to be honest.)
Instantly, I felt both Chong and Baker soften. Baker swallowed his grief, locking it back under his self-control, and said, “Thank you too, Delacroix.” People like you seeing the error of your ways is the reason I signed up for this job. Dave would have been glad to hear it, he thought. I really needed that reminder of why I joined the mercenaries today. Dave, I promise I won't kill this girl for revenge. I'm not as good a person as you thought I was, but I will try my best. I'll try my best to be honourable.
And I'd try my best to stay alive, I thought. Even if it meant lying to good people. In fact, especially if it meant lying to good people. There were a lot of worse and harder ways to make a living.
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waywardstarfishkid · 2 months
Outragiously long and stupid rant incoming!
I like never make posts on here but I wanted to scream into the void about heartbreak high. Since s1 I've seen like really strange takes and half the time I'm like is it because people don't know how Australian school is different or is it a lack of critical thinking.
Like in s1 I only saw people either hating or loving spider and don't get me wrong either of those is valid but the way people were explaining it was strange to me.
For me I didn't like spider but not because he was some unrepeatable arsehole I actually think he was a great representation of a lot of Australian guys I knew growing up. Like he says dumb shit but then when things are serious he does the right thing like he helped malakai with the cop (then said fucking stupid things after) and he helped amerie at the festival, he wanted to help harper and let her in even though it would mean he and American would have to stop hooking up.
In comparison I swore people liking dusty who in my eyes was way worse than spider. He acted all woke like he said the right things and then did shitty things like shaming harper and deciding to frame jojo.
Like theyrr both shit but I would trust spider with my drink over but maybe not dusty.
Then ant I understand if you like ant and spider together but I think people maybe don't understand how touchy guys are with each other in Australia. Like gay straight bi whatever guy friends hang off each other and I think it's actually healthy to show that. I also saw someone complaining about spider and ant doing gay shit but only as a joke but I never saw that like I don't think any of it was a joke it just wasn't gay. Like spider calling him pet names them cuddling and stuff is just affection which is actually great especially for men who often don't know how to have affection that's not sexual.
Also can we agree that ant just doesn't care about the gender he's hooking up with like I don't think he's bi I think he's just into who he's into (is that pansexual? Sorry).
I was a bit disappointed with all the bisexual characters ending up in straight relationships but that's mostly because I really wanted an ant malakai and I liked Rowan Malaysia before it went to shit. But at the same time I dont like how people critiquing it often feels like Bi erasure. Like I'm a bi woman whos first gay relationship ended because my gf (lesbian) cheated on me with a lesbian because she constantly thought I was cheating on her with my guy friends and for a long time I just dated guys because I didnt know many bi women and lesbian girls kept being horrified that I would go near a dick (not all of them my ex was very understanding and actually encouraged me to embrace my sexualising when I was just a baby bi) but my point is I totally understand how having a straight relationship when bi can actually be more understanding (at least in mine and my friends experiences) and it's totally valid even though the relationship is straight.
Also people angry about not as much quinni (I agree more quinni she and cash are my loves) I'm actually happy they took a back-seat with her on the relationship front like her and Sasha were a big deal/quinnis first relationship and I think it wouldve really messed quinni up with how it ended. I also love that they're not just centring her storyline around being the gay girl you know like she I a multifaceted queen.
Also for the Sasha redemption, I get why people are calling for it but unlike spider and dusty like Sasha didn't really do anything wrong (except for how she treated quinni but they talked at the end of s1 and seem to be moving to a place of good friendahip) shes mostly just annoying and pretentious like the other idiots actually fuvked up. I don't really want a Sasha redemption I just want to see more of her character make her a bit less of a two dimensional hipster, which I honestly think they only didn't fo because they had a lot of characters to juggled Sasha had to take a back-seat so Missy could shine (and I love Missy so I'll allow it also her and malakais friendship means everything to me the indigenous representation that shows not just the aspects of country and family but also shows them as fully formed characters I LOVE)
Sorry for the obscenely long rant this is just all my thoughts from s1 and s2 so ignore it by all means and also if you disagree that's fine and you are probably right lol.
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blubushie · 6 months
can u explain everything in ur dni list and y u have it as dni? i think itd be funny
Yeah, sure. I think it'd be funny too.
Having to cut this in half cuz it's long.
Are vegan (vegetarians are fine). -> I can't stand vegans. Oh my god, can I not stand vegans. Every vegan I've met has been an insufferable idiot who doesn't understand that going on an all-plant diet is still destroying ecosystems. Growing their crops requires space, this space results in deforestation, the widespread use of pesticides and poisons kills billions of animals every year and results in that poison being passed down the food chain, killing animals that aren't the initial target of the poison. Vegans act like hunting is luxury while not acknowledging native land rights, while not acknowledging that for many people hunting is the only way for them to survive multiple months through the year, vegans consider themselves holier-than-thou and are sure to remind you of this. Too many vegans deny basic biology of human being omnivores--this is why we have canine teeth, pointed molars, and incisors in the shape we do--or they make the argument that despite being omnivores, there is no reason to eat meat as we live in the "modern world" and therefore supplemental vitamins are readily available. This is ignoring how expensive these supplements are, and how unavailable they are to many people. Also M*lbourne vegans chucked red paint on my car and I still find flakes sometimes between the slats. Cost me almost $200 to have it powerwashed off and to pay for a new advertisement sticker.
Are a cyclist (bikies, you're on thin fucking ice) -> Cyclists can't stay in their fucking bike path and keep riding in the street. What's the fucking path for if you're not gonna use it? Bikies are on thin ice because they're like cyclists but Cooler.
Don't like flanno -> All I wear is flanno
Are scared of snakes -> I love snakes and, as pest control, I'm tired of explaining to people that you're more likely to be bitten by a snake while trying to move/kill it and that you should just leave snakes be.
Are scared of bugs -> I love bugs
Unironically say "NAURRR" (Aussies are exempt) -> As an Aussie it's just... really fucking annoying. Get better jokes. This one's overused.
Drive a manual (I'm jealous of you) -> I cannot drive a manual because I always second-guess myself when I shift gears and then shift to the wrong gear or accidentally ride the clutch.
Scream when you're afraid or startled -> I don't do this normally except when I'm on the horn with someone and do it as a heads-up that I'm muting myself to talk to whoever's interrupted me. Also this'll kill you in a survival situation.
Don't take your shoes off indoors (WTF is wrong with you?) -> It's gross and rude.
Have never loved the stars too fondly -> I love astronomy.
Claim your favourite flower is roses -> Cliché.
Like the colour pink -> People always think this is a misogyny thing but no, it's a trauma thing. Additionally in the Australian mental facility I was in as a kid, my room was painted a soft pink and so now I just hate this colour as a whole.
Don't wear a watch -> I always wear a watch. It's dependable when your phone dies.
Don't like vegemite (WTF is wrong with you? x2) -> I'm an Aussie.
If you DO like vegemite, DNI if you eat it at level 6 or anything below 3 -> I'm an Aussie.
Eat vegemite plain off the spoon (WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU? x3) -> I'm an Aussie.
Call all cattle "cows" -> I'm also a stockman and this is annoying. Cows are female cattle who've had calves, bulls are unneutered male cattle, heifers are female cattle who haven't had a calf yet, steers are neutered young male cattle, bullocks are neutered adult male cattle.
Use chapstick (let your lips split like a real man) -> I don't use chaptsick and eventually my lips stopped chapping.
Weren't sacrificed on the altar of Victoria Bitter -> Aussie and bogan.
You drink Foster's -> Aussie and no one here drinks fucking Foster's.
Call thongs "flip-flops" (wrong) or "jandals" (inhuman) -> THEY'RE THONGS.
Are a ranga -> Rangas are redheads. Gingers are ok. Rangas don't have souls.
Wear neon colours (hunting orange is fine, safety green is only permissible for tradies) -> Eyestrain. Also people who wear neon make me nervous as someone who hates attention being drawn to myself in public.
Like wearing shoes -> I hate shoes.
Wear socks and ESPECIALLY if you sleep with socks on -> But I hate socks more! Autism no like.
Like maths (you're an alien) -> I am very bad at maths. I know enough to be a sniper but even then I usually use a calculator and/or my Kestrel app.
Wash your face every morning -> Exfoliate with sand like I do.
Don't know how to change a tyre -> Everyone should know how to change a tyre because you never know if you're going to need it. You might need it, someone else might need it, etc. It might save your life some day. Life skill.
Think heat above 80F/25C is "unbearable" -> I'm an Aussie, suck it up.
Have never ridden a horse -> I pity you.
Don't know the difference between revolvers and pistols -> It's annoying.
Have, at any point, unironically uttered the phrase "assault rifle" -> You don't know anything about firearms and don't have a leg to be standing on in conversation regarding them.
Are from M*lbourne (Victorians, you're on thin fucking ice) -> See the "vegans" thing. Also M*lburnians are largely up themselves and the whole city suffers from Tall Poppy Syndrome. You're not better than anyone, cunts.
Are from New Zealand -> Basically M*lbourne but a whole country. I'll admit a lot of my "hatred" is just for show, though. You're our dickhead little brother and we hate you and also love you. Nobody fucks with the Kiwis but us <3
Are French/speak French (Africans, you're on thin fucking ice) -> Bad experiences in regards to the language, but as far as nationality goes, see "pompousness."
Are Canadian -> Bad experiences with Canadians.
Are French-Canadian (double-wrong) -> Very bad experience with a pompous French-Canadian.
Are English. The rest of the UK, you're on thin ice. -> Pommy cunts. You're not my dad!
Are from a city with a population higher than 1mil. People from cities with populations of 30k to 999k are on thin fucking ice. People from cities/town/shires/villages with less than 30k I love you. -> I grew up bush in a town with a population of like. 5. And now there's zero.
Think "bogan" is an insult -> It's not.
Don't shave with a knife (people who use straight razors, you're on thin fucking ice, people who don't shave at all I love you) -> I shave with a knife in the bush and straight razor when I'm around people (because getting caught shaving with a knife is a good way to have your girlfriend yell at you for being stupid).
Have never been sunburnt (only for people who can get sunburnt) -> Get skin cancer like a real man (like I have).
Don't like camping -> I love camping.
Own decorative towels and ESPECIALLY if you get mad at people for using them. It's a bloody towel and I'm using it for its intended purpose -> This has happened to me too much and I get pissed every time. Why do you have it if you're not supposed to use it? How am I supposed to know it's not meant to be used?
Believe in astrology -> I don't trust people who judge others off their fucking star sign instead of their actions.
Have a skincare routine and/or wear makeup -> I don't like people who are vain. Life's so short, who cares about your appearance, go out there and enjoy life.
Drive a Toyota Prius -> You're probably a shitty and/or obnoxious driver, you either speed or drive too fucking slow, never use your indicators when changing lane, or cut people off.
DON'T love thunderstorms -> I love thunderstorms.
Were born after 2023 -> You do the maths.
Think catching toads to get high is "animal abuse" (the toads are fine unless they're cane toads, fuck cane toads, all my mates hate cane toads) -> It's not. The toads are fine (again, unless they're cane toads, which I kill because they're invasive species).
You microwave water for any reason -> Jostling microwaved water causes cavitation bubbles to burst, which can make the water itself spray you. This results in boiling water drenching your arms and probably face. This is how you get severe burns. Stop doing it.
Have never been to a B&S ball -> They're fun and I pity you.
Don't believe in aliens -> I refuse to believe we're alone out here.
Are taller than 158cm/5'2" -> Fuck you for being taller than me!
Take multivitamins (aka you are healthier than me) -> Fuck you for being healthier than me!
Haven't read my fic (minors exempt, do not read it) -> Please read it if you're an adult, I put my heart and soul into this shit...
Don't like bush ballads or sea shanties. I'm going to show up at your house and aggressively sing Waltzing Matilda at 3am outside your bedroom window -> I like sea shanties. And the sea.
Think the term "blackfella" is racist -> It's not, it's the preferred term for black (native) Australians.
Would give me up, tell a lie, and hurt me -> Get Rickroll'd.
Don't bless the rains down in Africa -> Get Tito'd.
You shave your eyebrows -> No eyebrows makes me nervous since I kinda depend on them for reading faces (autism)
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invisiblegarters · 10 months
I really hope it turns out like you said and we get a soap opera plot twist that Mew wasn't entirely honest about what happened with him and Ray, and that Top knew it because of the video.
It would be really interesting because neither of them seemed like they wanted to get physical with Ray or Boston, neither of them want to talk about it, and both are waiting for the other to speak up first because they know the other is keeping secrets.
I would really enjoy those parallels, but if it's not the case then I'll just enjoy Top being an idiot.
I have been thinking about this so much recently, you have no idea.
And the thing is, I hate feeling duped more than anything in the world. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. And I think that's what leads me to suspect Mew's motives, not necessarily because Mew himself as a character has done a thing wrong, but because I've ingested way too much of the theorizing and BTS and the interviews and the stuff people are posting form Den and Jojo on twitter (and whatever anyone says now they were having way too much fun with the wildest theorizing about Mew (this is not meant as a criticism - it was fun and frankly still is)).
There is something off about him. There is. And that sense of offness, so to speak, is what leads me to suspect everything he does. If he's duping someone I want to be in on the joke, not led along the primrose path with everyone else, you know? So I want to remain on my guard. They were also very very deliberate about how they gave us the reveal - letting us stew in Top's feelings for an entire week, then only showing the bare minimum of the video to let us know that something happened (and that Ray is still entirely caught up in his feelings about it) before only giving us the rejection once Mew is telling the story. It's asking us to choose to believe Mew right along with Top, and that's rough for me personally because I'm disinclined to trust this dude and I genuinely can't see how Top could be that angry over a video of a kiss that was taken two years ago. Also the way he kept questioning Mew about it - "you're sure it stopped at a kiss (paraphrased)" - makes me want to believe that what he saw was much more than a kiss.
Everyone has to open themselves up to being duped sometime, and I guess this is my time. I am going to take a leap here and say that while the twist would be interesting, I no longer believe it's a real possibility. Whew. Now I've said it aloud, and because I am a walking jinx that's totally what's going to happen, lol. The parallels would be interesting, for sure, and it would make a twisted sort of sense if Mew were manipulating Top for his own ends.
I'm just not sure he is anymore. I feel like Mew is a person who is very used to being in control - as he told Ray, no one has ever made his heart tremble before. We see evidence of this all over the place, but especially with Ray himself - Mew can establish clear and firm boundaries with him because while he cares for Ray, he can also see him clearly, he can step outside of whatever emotion he feels when Ray is involved, analyze the situation, and act accordingly. He can push Ray away or give him lectures on consent (and frankly, good for him) because he's just not as involved as Ray is. Even if Ray had tried for more two years ago, I believe the dude we saw in this ep would have kindly but firmly rejected him.
But he's noticeably not quite able to do that with Top. He puts up boundaries and then concedes a little more ground every time they interact, because despite himself he is not seeing his relationship with Top as clearly as he's used to/expects to. I just don't think he's aware of that fact. Yet.
I don't want Top to be that stupid, but I suspect that it might be the case. Even while he was watching the video I was thinking to myself that it couldn't be long enough for sex (like even if they were the fastest two people in the world taking off clothes takes more time than what Top was watching allowed for). I just figured it had to be something because who would be that irritated over a stupid kiss that happened two years ago? I am now working under the impression that it was frustration with Mew holding him at arm's length combined with Boston dripping poison into his ears and Sand suddenly being around to remind him of what a shit he can be (and put the idea of how easy it may or may not have been to do the same thing to Sand at the forefront of his mind) and Ray's very poorly hidden pining (and the fact that from the outside it very much looks like Mew indulges it - until this ep it's what I thought too, I won't lie, and I had to eat my own words) all coming to a head. He's young, he's dumb, and he is a player himself so the one thing that you know he probably can't stand is the idea that someone is playing him.
I don't know, I'm in a weird place suddenly where I kind of want to root for every one of these dumbasses. Yes, even that one. :D Idk, this episode (and binge watching Gay OK Bangkok finally) just reminded me a little who we're dealing with. I've by no means seen the entirety of Jojo's oeuvre, but everything I have seen tells me that these people are going to be stupid and petty and they are going to make mistakes, they are going to be selfish and careless and hurt each other and themselves in the process - but they're going to do it in ways that resonate with someone, that feel real and are all the more painful for it.
This is a really roundabout and rambling way to say that I've changed my mind about Mew just from this one ep, lol. I hope I'm right, because I hate being wrong, but if I'm not I'll still enjoy the drama of it all.
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