#people are leaving to find out who's still alive and she just NOT MY PARTY THAT'S FOR SURE
lordansketil · 4 months
Mrs Boehm would have been amazing on Real Housewives of London: "I blame the indecent haste of Henry Percy in announcing the Waterloo victory. Of course, one is very glad we beat the horrid French, but he ruined my party. It was meant to be the most brilliant party of the season, and everyone ran away like maniacs to Horse Guards or the Foreign Office to learn whether or not their loved ones had survived. Some of the ladies not even accompanied by gentlemen! Even the band abandoned poor dear Mr Boehm and myself!" GIRL STOPPPP!!
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imyourbratzdoll · 22 days
𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒂 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚
part 1 of 🌧️welcome to hell🌧️
summary - you begin to spiral as you are betrayed by the two people in your life, causing you to question if everything was a lie.
warning - ANGST, !SMUT BUT CHEATING!, heavily detailed cheating, heartbreak, betrayal, bad thoughts, swearing.
18+ only please, the gif I use isn't mine, headers by me.
part 2
Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
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Do you remember the pain of your crush rejecting you? The pain of a man you like, liking someone else? The pain of your boyfriend leaving you for someone else? Or the pain that you feel when you find out your partner is cheating on you? The pain that only love seems to cause. Because you know that pain extremely well, that pain has only embraced you recently. Like a flame wrapping around your body, slowly slithering inside of you, and burning your insides. That afternoon STILL haunts you, no matter how many times you try to push it out of your mind; the thoughts, the touches, the feel, the smell, everything is still so alive and killing you inside. It was the day you understood how powerful love could be if used improperly. You understood why so many people were afraid, why so many protected themselves against it. Some people don’t change… They just find new ways to lie. 
Your best friend, Sarah, who you had known since you both were five, your mum’s having met while watching you on the playground, watching how you both clicked. Your bond had only grown stronger the older you got. Had come into town after having planned to hang out for much needed girl time and you had invited her to stay at yours and Johnny’s house.
You were rushing around the house ensuring that everything was set up, even though Johnny had told you everything was done. You huff. “Baby, are you sure everything is ready and perfect?” You asked your husband, your fingers entangled with one another from nerves as you played with them. 
Your husband was Johnny Storm, famous ex–playboy. When you had met him. He was annoying, he was hilarious, he was the world’s biggest arsehole, he made you want to scream, he would ruin your day and save it at the last minute, he drove you crazy, he was out of his mind, you hated his guts, and he was everything you wanted. Somehow, you made it work. You had thought he changed.
Johnny grins, pulling you into him causing you to sink into his hold. “Yeah, babe. It’s going to be fine. Why are you stressing so much?”
You shrugged, biting on your bottom lip. “I haven’t seen her in a while. I just want everything to be perfect. I want her to feel at home.” Oh, how those words would come back to bite you on the arse. 
He kisses the top of your head, “She will, babe. Don’t worry.” 
Once everything was sorted and checked about twenty times. You hear a car pull up and quickly head towards the door and as you swing it open, arms wrap around you and pull you into a hug. You both squeal, squeezing each other. Your chin rests on her shoulder, eyes closed and smiling. Yet, her eyes were open and set on your husband with a smirk. You pull back, smiling brightly as she mimics yours. “I’ve missed you so much! I’m so glad you could make it!”
Sarah licks her lips, eyes flickering over to Johnny’s before going back to yours. “I wasn’t going to miss this opportunity!” You didn’t know that her words seemed to have a double meaning. You helped her with her bags, leading her over to the guest room which is next to yours and Johnny’s. The two of you chatting away as you catch up, your voice filled with such happiness, such pure joy. 
The afternoon rolled around, and you both decided to start getting ready, after spending the day in the pool before dinner, you both desperately needed to wash the chlorine off. You let her shower first while you picked out your outfits, once she was done, a small towel tightly wrapped around her body. You headed into the bathroom, her close behind so that she could do her makeup. It had become a routine that you had grown used to growing up together. Neither of you were bothered by it. 
You stripped once you had turned the shower on and ensured it was hot enough, when it was, you got in, the heat caused steam to coat the glass, making it foggy and hard to see through. You could only make out blurry shapes and Sarah’s fuzzy figure. You decided to take a longer shower, dinner wasn’t until later and you wanted to make sure everything was properly shaved, washed, and rinsed. 
You were so zoned out while lathering yourself with soap that you didn’t notice Johnny sneaking into the bathroom and standing behind your best friend. His arms moved around her body as he began pressing kisses onto her exposed flesh. He pressed his bulge into her towel covered arse, groaning quietly. Sarah leans back into him, covering her mouth as he bends her over the counter slightly, lifting one of her legs onto it. “Keep doing your makeup, babygirl.” Johnny grunts quietly, running his fingers through her soaked cunt. 
You moved under the water, sighing as it hit you, watching the soap roll of your body. Johnny’s head turns as he checks to make sure you haven’t noticed. His hand strokes up and down his hardened member before he slides into your best friend’s cunt. His gaze turns back to hers, watching as her mouth falls open. He smirks, thrusting all the way in as he leans close, whispering into her ear, making sure to keep their eyes connected. “You missed feeling me inside you, didn’t you? You’ve gotten so fucking tight, such a good girl for me.” She moans softly, rocking back into him. Johnny bites his lip as his thrusts pick up, the rush of being caught fucking his wife’s best friend makes him so fucking hard. He wondered if you would catch them, wondered how you’d react.
His eyes roll back at the thought, hands gripping Sarah’s hips tightly as he pounds into her harder. “Fuck, babygirl. I’m gonna fuck you so much while you’re here. Gonna pump you so full, make up for lost time.” One hand leaves her hip and moves up to her hair, gripping a fistful, pulling her back against him, she still tries to apply her makeup as he fucks into her harder and faster. Her eyes flutter, desperately trying to make sure she doesn’t screw up anything, her mouth falls open as Johnny begins to pound into her sweet spot, her hand drops and she grips onto the counter, pushing back into him, meeting his thrusts. “What a little slut.” He grips her hair tighter, nipping a sensitive spot on her neck, groaning when he feels her tighten around him. “You like getting fucked by your best friend’s husband while she’s in the room, huh? Like being my dirty girl?” 
Their heads snap over when you open the shower door slightly, their movements not stopping, Johnny only fucks into her faster, a shiver rushing through him at the thought of your eyes connecting with theirs, watching him ruin your childhood friend. 
You grab a small cloth to rub some shampoo out of your eyes, not noticing the two in the room. You close the door and go to continue your shower until a moan cut through the air. Your brows furrow, wondering if you imagined it or if someone really did moan. Your question is answered as the moan is followed by a muffled shut up and you begin to focus on the glass, squinting to try and see who is making the noise.
Johnny growls lowly, his hand covers Sarah’s mouth, cupping it roughly as he fucks into her faster. His other hand slides between her and the counter before finding her swollen clit, rubbing it. Their eyes focused on each other’s as he rests his chin on her shoulder. He fucks and looks at her so intimately, more intimately than his own wife. Johnny’s thrusts become rougher and sloppier as he feels his end approaching. He had missed her sweet, tight cunt. Leaning forward, he whispers. “You better fucking take my cum and keep it in you while you are with my wife, I want to see it still there when I come into your room tonight. Understand, slut?” Sarah whimpers, fucking herself onto him as she nods.
Your eyes widen and tears immediately fill them as you see the figures through the glass. You had wiped some of the steam off only to see your husband fucking your best friend and your hand shoots up quickly to cover your mouth as you try and muffle the sob that tries to escape. You couldn’t pull your eyes away, no matter how much you wanted to. It was like watching a car wreck, you wanted to look away but no matter what your eyes would not stray. You felt sick, your stomach twisted and your heart broke. They didn’t seem to care that you were in the same room, that you could catch them at any moment. You DID catch them…
Johnny grunts, fucking deep into her soft cunt. He feels his tip twitch and his balls tighten, she felt like heaven to him. “I’m going to cum, babygirl. You gonna be a good girl and obey me?” She nods and he lets go, burying his cock deep inside of her, his cum spurting out and painting her walls white. His head falls back, cock still twitching as cum continues to leak from his tip, his hand still rubbing her clit as she cums around him, squeezing his thick cock with her tight walls. With a groan, he slides out of her and tucks himself away. “Good girl.” 
Sarah spins around and smiles, she gets on her tippy toes and places a rough kiss on his lips, as though she was claiming what was hers. His arms wrap around her, pulling her closer as he deepens the kiss. Johnny pulls back, smiling down at her with a look not even you had seen. With a wink, he leaves the bathroom and Sarah rushes to fix herself, trying to make it look like nothing happened while you sit broken on the shower floor. 
You pull your knees close to your chest as silent sobs slip from your lips and your eyes close. You couldn’t get the image out of your head, them fucking and kissing was engraved into your brain. You don’t want to think about it, but you know deep down that this was probably not the first time, especially with how comfortable and familiar they already seemed with each other. Your throat clenches as the need to throw up hits you, you gulp as you try to stop it. 
“Hey! You nearly done? We gotta get ready or we’re gonna be late!” Sarah’s voice cuts through the rushing water and the tower of thoughts filling your mind.
“Y–” You clear your throat, trying to get rid of the quiver that attaches itself to your voice. “Yeah!” You reply, not having the strength to say anything else. You watch through the glass as she leaves the bathroom, probably to get dressed or fuck your husband again. The thought causes another wave of tears to fall, how had your life turned upside down so fast? You quickly finish up, not daring to go close to the area they were. You could see there was some cum still on the floor and it had made you feel like throwing up again. You couldn’t bother with makeup at this point, you hurriedly got out of that room and into your bedroom.
You could hear the game on downstairs as well as Johnny’s shouts, so you guessed that he was down there and your supposed best friend was here, in your room… Where you sleep next to your husband, falling asleep to whispered, ‘I love you’s’. The clothes you had picked out for her were already on and showing off an extreme amount of skin. You could’ve sworn those clothes were bigger. “Finally! How do I look?” She turns, hands on her hips. 
You had to pull yourself out of your thoughts when she spoke, you could feel yourself slipping. You swallow and nod your head. “...Great.” How were you supposed to act around her now? She was staying for the weekend, and it seemed they probably weren’t going to stop. Was this why Johnny hadn’t slept with you since your wedding? Your eyes widened as you thought back, you hoped your thoughts were wrong, prayed even. “Uh… I might have to cancel for tonight.” You cough, hands falling to your stomach as you put on your well–practiced sick face, you had to play it out that you felt sick. Which wasn’t really a lie… “I think I might’ve come down with something… Or the food I ordered last night might’ve not been so good…” 
Sarah pouts. “Well, that sucks.” She looks down at her clothes. “I don’t really want this outfit to go to waste though, do you mind–?” You shake your head, wanting, NEEDING her to leave. If it were any other situation, you would’ve questioned her selfishness and lack of care, but it really just made sense on why she was fucking your husband. Your grip on your towel tightened as you held it closer to you, following her out as she leaves. You didn’t miss the way Johnny looked at her or how she smirked at him. Has it always been like this? Were you really that blind? You quickly utter a bye before hurrying past your husband without sparing him a look. 
But you weren’t so lucky. “Aren’t you supposed to be going with her?” He had followed you, watching as you slipped your pyjamas on. You didn’t like him seeing you naked, not that you now knew you weren’t the only one. You hadn’t looked at him once, but he didn’t seem to care.
“I… I felt sick so she went herself.” You chewed on your bottom lip to the point it began to bleed, but before Johnny could see, you sucked your lip into your mouth. You crawled into your bed, suddenly feeling dirty as you peered down at it. Had he brought others into it? Was it tainted like your marriage? You quickly shook off the thought and laid down, curling into the mattress, and pulling the blankets closer to you. You needed to think and cry, you didn’t know what to do. Your life had just been flipped upside down and you had no one else, where would you go if you left him? Have other wives felt this? Had they stayed until they had things sorted or left and figured it out on the way? Johnny nods, shrugging before he leaves. How could he switch up so fast? You didn’t sleep with each other, but he still at least gave you a kiss or made it seem like he cared. Was it all an act until she got here? Or did he care but she had clouded his mind? 
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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hippielittlemetalhead · 10 months
So I've seen a lot of 'Hop actively dislikes and distrusts Steve', 'Hop tolerates Steve because he's useful during UD shenanigans but doesn't like him', and the big swing to 'Hop has adopted Steve as his own and treats him the same/almost the same as he does El'
BUT, I present:
Hop pseudo adopts Steve because when he and Owens were trying to get the Harringtons to make any decisions about their teenager who saw some sketchy shit and may need government testing they legally gave Hop the rights to act in loco parentis and he takes that seriously because he doesn't want another Will Byers and he's pretty sure the Harrington kid has a concussion.
Hop who stays involved just enough in Steve's life season 1-3 that we the audience see Steve is getting attached. But Hop just sees an annoying kid who won't leave him alone when he's trying to deal with a rebellious psychic and her insane little friends and keeps asking stupid questions about highschool romance and teenage rivalry drama. Knows Joyce Byers doesn't like the kid but won't give a lot of reason why but he's mostly learned to trust that woman's judgement about people. Still gets him the job at Scoops when the kid's dad makes a stink about college and tells him if he survives a few months there he'll consider bringing him on the force, makes sense to keep him close and in a position to help should shit hit the fan again.
Hop who doesn't get it when Steve is one of the most relieved when he 'comes back to life' after Joyce and Murray bring him back from Russia. When Steve introduces him as "My Hop," (something he'd taken to calling him just before season 2 shenanigans) to his sarcastic, fidgety little friend like it means something. The girl, Robin, looks between the two of them and gets this sad look on her face for a second before smiling and shaking his hand and saying something about "Dingus has told me all about you".
Hop who complains to Murray one of the times The Party and assorted teens and adults are over at his renovated and expanded cabin (courtesy of Owens and shady government organizations recognizing these people are worth investing in, heavily if omens are to be believed) when the bald annoyance asks about what's up on there. Complains about having annoying teenagers who have nothing better to do but pester him legally put under his supervision cause their parents can't be assed to care and are spoiled little shits who are slightly more bearable versions of said parents cause he can stand toe to toe with one of those monsters they faced and the kids kind of listen to him. Complains about barely being able to breathe cause of regular visits and check-ins like Hop was still responsible for him. Says at least the extra hands are useful around the cabin what with the still healing up and El pacing herself after the showdown with Creel and still trying to find Max and the Byers not quite moved back to Hawkins yet.
Hop who doesn't realize that Steve hears every word cause he had gone looking for the older man when he disappeared for more than a few minutes, when he couldn't see him to make sure he was here and safe and alive. Steve who thought Hop actually had come to care for him in his own gruff way and had confessed to Robin that in a lot of ways the way Hop has taken care of him makes him the closest thing to the father figure he's always wanted but never thought he'd get to have. Steve who hears Murray hum and recollect a visit from Nancy and Jonathan where their romance officially started (he vaguely knows about the visit, didn't realize that's what happened, didn't realize she couldn't be bothered to even do the decent/considerate thing before moving on to something better) because it seemed it was a pattern he was seeing 'people liked Steve, but people didn't love Steve'.
Hop who hears a choked sound like someone taking a claw to the gut and turns to see Harrington. Steve Harrington his bandages just peeking out from the collar of his shirt and the opening of his sleeves. (He never did get the stories behind those, too busy being fussed over and being told about the kids and how they were doing as Harrington played babysitter) Steve Harrington a kid who went through hell and still managed to smile and laugh and stand tall and unyielding looking at him with a blank face his eyes misty and his shoulders starting to curl in on himself before he clears his throat, chokes out that he just wanted to make sure Hop was alright but looks like Murray had everything under control. He'd go now, get out of his hair, let him rest, let him breathe. Steve Harrington who walks away with purpose like a man on a mission and doesn't acknowledge the kids calling out asking if he's alright, make sure he has his walkie talkie on him.
Hop, who realizes maybe he left behind two kids who missed (needed) him. Who wonders who took care of Harrington's paperwork when he was concussed and sedated because he was bleeding out and feverish from infection and Hop was busy at the cabin reveling in the comfort and warmth of his daughter and the woman he loved and her two sons who were fast becoming like his own. Hop, who realizes too late that maybe if he'd given the kid half a chance he could have had 3 sons to sit with him and his daughter and the woman he loved as they basked in surviving another end-of-the-world. Hop who has spent years barely giving a damn about Steve Harrington and realizes that he's no better than the kid's own parents.
Part 2
Part 3
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adventuringblind · 5 months
Charles Leclerc x Reader
Genre: hurt/comfort
Summary: while she falls into the pit of her mind, Charles is there to pull her out.
Warnings: mentioned self-harm, anxiety, toxic media, mentions of addiction
Notes: A Nonny request, I hope you like it!! This one is definitely an insight into how my brain works.
Masterlist // Request Form // My Website // buy me a Ko-Fi
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Everyone says rookie years are the hardest. Which, she won't say everyone is wrong, just that she also had consistently bad years. They blend into each other now. A never-ending cycle of the same lame excuses as to why she's so downcast.
She's a rookie driver and having a pretty decent season. Logan and Oscar are two of her closest friends. She's dating Charles Leclerc of all people.
So why is that piece of her brain still nagging at her? Years of therapy and help hasn't done the trick. The stinging still pushes through to the front of her mind.
The habit started so young. It was a distraction from the pain of whatever she'd been going through at the time. A means to satisfy her the voices in her head. Now it's to remind her she's still alive. That the media hasn't shattered her already frail will to live quite yet.
Everything in her wants to just... stop. Everyday she's reminded that her place is somewhere else. Not in the car, not with Charles, not even on the planet.
It doesn't matter that she's having a good year, that the car is good, or that she has people who love her. The voices always come back in those dark hours when she's alone.
She staggered herself in the beginning. Enough that her physio wasn't catching on. She lived in Charles' hoodies, and he thought nothing of it. Just another source of comfort.
He'd seen the faded scars, asked her about it every occasionally. He never pushes her to talk about it.
She doesn't deserve Charles, or anyone for that matter. Mentors, family, friends, they are all to wonderful for her to drag them down into her misery. The constant pity party she throws herself has no guests, only her and her demons.
Redbull isn't the best environment for someone as fragile as her. Despite the boosts of confidence Christian gives her daily and the constant reassurance from Max, she doesn't feel like she deserves it. The media is eating her alive. The next teammate to be crucified to Redbull and Mad Max.
It's starting to become noticeable again. The lack of sleep and covering clothes. Charles is skeptical and keeps reassuring her she can talk to him.
If she does that, he'll leave. Her mind can't take being alone yet.
Max is the first to catch sight of the new lines adorning her wrist. He asks if she's alright, but again, nobody pushes for more. Maybe if they did, she would break. Her fragile walls would come tumbling down.
Oscar is the next to push. A good friend of hers and they've both had good seasons. He and Logan show up one night with comfort food and cards. It manages to make her smile like when they were younger.
But they have to leave eventually. The voices swallow her whole the second she's alone again.
Charles finally pushes for answers. He finds her alone, body slumped along the hotel bathroom wall. She's exhausted, but manages to give a crooked, tired smile.
He crouches down in front of her and looks at the fresh line on her thighs. Bandages are something she has readily available, and Charles knows exactly where to find them.
He works quietly, just humming softly as he patches her up. It's a classical song that he listens enough that she knows the tune but not the name.
Charles dresses her into comfy clothes and tucks her into bed. A hand plays with her hair and strokes her cheek.
She doesn't deserve him.
"Tell me what's eating away at you, chéri. Please, I hate that you won't talk to me."
She scoots her body closer to Charles so she doesn't have to see his face. "Just hard - I guess."
"It's okay to have hard days. It's okay that you feel the way you do. But this thing, hurting yourself, is not the way to make it better."
"I know that, Charlie!" Her voice cracks at saying his name. "I just can't help it."
Those fragile walls she has come tumbling down. The pit of despair finally swallows her, and she can't stop the tears.
It hurts. Her head, her heart, her bones, it all hurts. She falls and shatters, but Charles is here to put the pieces back together.
"I don't deserve you. You're everything people love, and I don't want to drag you down with me."
"Who put that idea in your head?"
"The voices," She sniffles. Her words muffled when Charles pulls her into his chest.
"Well, the voices are incorrect. I, of all people, know what it's like for the media to pick you a part. Whether it's appearances, my driving, my relationships, they will always find something." Charles pulls her back just a bit, enough for him to make eye contact. She hates how his eyes are as glassy as hers. "You don't have to suffer all alone, in silence. You have people around you that understand and want to help. None of us are asking for perfection. We - I - don't want to see you hurting so much."
"What if it's too much?"
"Then we figure it out together."
She falls asleep in Charles' arms. Tears soak into everything, but he doesn't tell her to move. He comforts, because Charles loves her.
She has people who want to be there for her. Yes, slips happen, healing is never straightforward, but she can try. She can lean on Charles, let him love her; let him be the steady rock she needs in her life.
"Progress chéri, not perfection."
"You sound like all team principles."
"And? It's a good saying!"
Charles pulls a laugh out of her. A genuine laugh at something that isn't even funny. She blames her love for him.
"Maybe I do deserve you."
"If this is an insult, I'm taking all the covers tonight."
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irkimatsu · 3 months
I love your Husk works! Could you please write one where fem!reader gets along with everyone and Husk doesn't even realize that he's catching feelings, but maybe on a night out with everyone, someone comes up and starts heavily flirting with her. Ends with confessions and sugary sweet tooth rotting fluff please. 😍
God damn, anon, do you have any idea how hard it is to wring a confession out of this man? I was going along at a steady pace and then I got stuck for hours! I genuinely hope you like slowburn, because Husk doesn't go from zero-to-love easily. I think he's gotten a nice start here, though. It's definitely fluffy!
Husk/Fem!Reader starting a relationship. Mentions of drinking and attempted sexual assault that Husk interrupts before things get too heavy. SFW, 2.8k words. Enjoy! I hope this is what you had in mind, anon! Thank you so much for reading my works!
Your first few months staying at the Hazbin Hotel have gone quite smoothly; as smoothly as anything there can ever go, anyway. Charlie took an instant liking to you - she takes an instant liking to everyone, so it’s nothing special, but still. She can be a bit overbearing, but you know she means well, and she’s grateful to have someone who doesn’t immediately write off her trust exercises from the start.
Still, after all the sharing circles and art therapy, you occasionally find yourself craving more “adult” fun, and that’s where Angel and Cherri come in. It’s not that you don’t want to be redeemed, but what could be so sinful about enjoying yourself a little? You’re not doing anything dangerous or drastic, no drugs and no getting involved with the wrong people; you’re just having fun drinking, dancing, maybe smashing up some abandoned property if the opportunity strikes. Charlie can’t get mad at destruction if no one cares about the thing you just blew up, right?
The bartender, Husk, isn’t nearly as keen on those nights on the town, but you’ve still managed to bond with him on nights where you prefer to stay in. He’s a surprisingly good listener underneath his gruff exterior. (Perhaps too good of a listener; you hope he keeps ignoring whatever bullshit you might have spouted off after one too many of his cocktails.) He also has plenty of stories of his own, mostly from the time he spent alive. When you could get him talking, he’d weave incredible tales of nightlife, both from his home city in Las Vegas and all the other places he’d visited in his life. He seemed especially wistful when talking about a woman he knew back then. He could talk for hours about all the famous sites he was able to take her to, all the songs he would sing for her, and all the starry skies he’d dance with her under.
“It’s not like I blame her for leaving. I’m the one who screwed it up. But being in love… it was nice while it lasted.”
You try to encourage him with the hope that he could fall in love again, but he shakes his head with a bitter smile.
“I lost the ability to love years ago.”
Your friendship with Angel and Cherri is so different compared to your friendship with Husk, so it took a few months before you could have a night out with all three of them. Charlie is once again less enthused about the idea of you four going out to party, but you promise to be relatively well behaved.
You promise, anyway. You can’t make promises for Angel’s sake, and as much as you love her, you know better than to have any faith in Cherri.
You’re surprised Husk agreed to come to a sex club at all. He never seemed like the type to be into that sort of thing. You’re less surprised to see that he has no intention of flirting with anyone and is instead perfectly happy to sit by the wall and knock back shots as quickly as the bartender can pour them.
Couldn’t he drink himself stupid back at the hotel, though? Why did he even come?
Is it just you, or has he been watching you the whole night?
The hours tick by, and you, Angel, and Cherri become progressively more wasted. Angel is currently hanging off of a muscular bull demon - damn, good for him - while Cherri tells you about another resident who used to stay at the hotel before he tragically lost his life during the last extermination.
“He was such a fucking idiot that it was charming, ya know? God damn I should have gotten to know him better when he was still around! I heard this rumor about him and never even got to find out if it was true!”
As she speaks, Cherri catches sight of a cobra demon who is currently chatting up a cluster of punk girls.
“Well, damn… maybe I’ll get to find out tonight. Don’t wait around for me, I’ll find my way back!”
With that announcement, Cherri is gone, leaving only you and Husk with about a dozen bar stools between you. He’s definitely keeping an eye on you; there’s still liquid in his glass, and  he’s watching you instead of guzzling it.
What’s his deal? If he wants to spend the night with you, why doesn’t he just come over here? You decide not to go over there yourself; no sense in rewarding him if he’s playing mind games.
You instead turn your attention to a handsome wolf demon who has taken Cherri’s seat. “Drinking all alone, love?” he says, his deep voice smooth as butter. Right away this man gives you the air of a natural-born charmer who can win anyone’s trust within seconds, only to break their hearts within hours.
He’s hot, and you’re drunk. You’ll let him break your heart a little.
Your conversation starts normally enough, with low stakes topics like the music and the drink selection in the bar. You’re in no hurry to tell this man anything personal or leave this spot with him, but you’re enjoying looking at him and hearing him enough that you don’t mind being a bit of entertainment.
He bumps your knee with his at one point, but you pull your own knee away. At first he seems to take the hint, and time passes without any more advances.
Soon, however, he grows more bold.
“Why don’t we go somewhere else, baby?” he asks as he lightly squeezes your thigh. “Somewhere more private?”
“No thanks,” you say as you jerk your leg away, though the motion doesn’t make him let go. “I’m fine talking here.”
“You know this is a sex club, don’t you?” he says. His smile and voice haven’t changed, but somehow he seems much slimier than he did five minutes ago, and the strong paw gripping your leg that seemed so enticing in your head feels suffocating in reality.
“I’m not here for that, I’m just hanging out with friends-” You try to leave the stool, but the man throws his arm around your shoulders and pulls you in.
“Come on, babe! What did you think I was after by chatting you up like this? You’re not gonna leave me hanging, are you?” He’s holding you closely enough that his hot breath is hitting your face, and the stench of his cologne is making you gag. “C’mon, baby, I’ll show you a good time. You won’t regret this-”
“She said no.” Husk had somehow snuck his way to your side without you noticing, and was now glaring daggers at your pursuer. “Back off.”
“Who are you, her grandpa?” the wolf laughs, refusing to unhand you. “Or just a nasty old man who likes ‘em young?”
Your captor’s laughter is quickly interrupted by a high-pitched howl. His face is now adorned with four jagged, bleeding lines.
“What the fuck, old man?” he yells as he unhands you. Just as quickly as you’re unhanded, you’re grabbed again, this time by Husk grabbing your waist and pulling you away.
“I knew I fucking hated this place,” he growls. “Where are Cherri and Angel?”
You have no idea, but your first guess has you looking toward the sex rooms in the back of the club.
“Jesus Christ… they’ll find their own way home. Come on, we’re going back to the hotel.”
You don’t appreciate being dragged out of the club like a misbehaving child, but as the alcohol clouds your thinking, you can’t quite formulate a protest.
Considering how pissed off your admirer must be right now, maybe it’s for the best that you don’t stay.
The walk back to the hotel is blurry; if Husk had anything to say to you besides pissed off obscenities muttered beneath his breath, you don’t remember it. Your next memory finds you laying on the couch in the lobby, your head aching from a combination of a hangover and the time spent laying on the couch’s arm with your neck at a weird angle.
“What time is it…?” you murmur as your eyes try to adjust.
“About noon,” answers Husk from the bar. 
As you continue to look around the lobby, he appears to be the only one here. “Where is everyone?” you ask through a yawn.
“Angel and Cherri still aren’t back, but I’m sure they’re fine. Charlie and Vaggie left to give you some quiet. Alastor and Niffty…” Husk shrugs after their names, then falls silent.
You groan as you push yourself into a sitting position, one that has you facing Husk. He doesn’t appear to have anything to do, and is instead standing with his chin resting on his crossed arms atop the bar. An awkward silence falls between the two of you, giving you plenty of time to observe Husk’s body language, particularly the way his tail is lashing behind him while his ear gives the occasional twitch.
He is not in a good mood.
“Are you okay?” you ask. Your well-meaning question only seems to piss him off further; he answers not with a word, but with a growl. “Is this about last night?”
“Don’t worry about it,” he insists.
“I’m sorry I caused you trouble…”
“Wasn’t your fault.” His tail lashes even harder. “Just don’t worry about it, all right?”
You’re going to keep worrying about it until he stops looking so on edge.
“Thanks for getting me away from that guy last night,” you say, just in case you didn’t thank him in your drunken haze.
“Hey, it’s what a good bartender does. When you see someone starting shit with another patron, even if it’s not your bar, you take care of the problem. That fucker had no right to put his hands on you after you told him to cut it out.”
He may be gruff, but at least he has standards.
“Can’t believe Cherri and Angel left you alone in there… those two better not take you to anymore fucking sex clubs, you don’t need to be around shit like that…”
“I’m a grown adult,” you protest. “I didn’t want to sleep with that guy, but if I did want to get with someone at that club, that’s my business.”
Husk’s eyes widen for a moment, before he returns to his original dour expression. “Yeah… guess you’re right.”
“And what about you? You didn’t look interested in picking up anyone last night. Why’d you even come?”
“How do you know I wasn’t interested?” he shoots back. “Maybe I was interested in someone! Maybe I just… didn’t have the balls to go for it.” He stands up straight and shakes his head. “Look, can we drop this? Hang out in sex clubs if you want, I don’t fuckin’ care.”
He’s speaking with the tone of voice of someone who very much cares.
“I’m done with ‘em, though. You’re right, you’re an adult, you don’t need me hanging around like some fuckin’ guardian angel.” He pours a glass of clear liquid, and you expect him to down it himself, but he instead steps out from behind the bar still holding the full glass. “I overreacted last night. Shouldn’t have made it your fuckin’ problem.” He approaches the couch, takes a seat, and offers you the glass. “Here, one last favor. Drink this and I’ll get off your ass.”
You take the cup, wondering if for some ungodly reason he’s trying to get you to down straight vodka.
“Why are you looking at me like that? It’s water. That headache’s only gonna get worse if you’re dehydrated.”
You take a sip of the water, and after only a few swallows you’re already regaining a bit of your desire to live. “Thanks,” you say before taking another large gulp.
“No problem,” he responds. You expect him to return to the bar, but he remains next to you on the couch. His body language has gotten no less agitated. What is going on with him?
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you doting on Angel or Cherri like this,” you observe before finishing the glass.
“They’re used to it, and they’ve got each other,” he says as he takes the glass from you. “You want some more?”
You shake your head, and he remains seated with the glass.
“You, though… I don’t know, something about that guy just pissed me off,” he says. “Even before he started touching you I didn’t like him. Bartender’s intuition, maybe? I’m still not over the awful feeling he gave me.” He sighs heavily. “I just… hate the idea of seeing you get hurt in a place like that. I know Angel and Cherri can take care of themselves, but you’ve never seemed as wild as they do, so I wasn’t sure…”
“Is that why you were watching me the whole night?” you asked.
Husk’s body jolts. “Shit, you noticed?”
“I kept looking over there wondering if you’d ever move from that spot, and if you weren’t actively drinking you were staring at me,” you said. “You weren’t subtle.”
Husk groans as he pinches the bridge of his nose. “Sorry. I know you’re capable. I was just…”
“You weren’t there because you were interested in someone at all, were you?”
“I never said I wasn’t. I mean it when I said I just didn’t have the balls to say anything to ‘em. Instead, I just wondered… what I’d do if someone else asked ‘em. Knowing it’d be my own damn fault for not speaking up sooner. Trying to tell myself it wasn’t that big a deal if they went with someone else… until someone started flirting with ‘em, and touchin’ ‘em, and-” His body tenses as he growls, but relaxes after a moment. “Damn it, I haven’t had to do this in years...”
“Done what?”
“You know what I said about losing my ability to love years ago?” He turns his head and looks directly at you for the first time since he sat down. “...I think I’m remembering how to do it again.”
Things are starting to fall into place. “And the person who helped you remember is…?”
The slightest of smiles crosses his face. “Who do you think?”
You wouldn’t have guessed it before today, but it all seems so obvious in retrospect. He’d spent so many nights with you when he could have been in bed, just chatting with you or comforting you after a bad day. You’d really grown so fond of his smile, and Angel had told you before that he used to never smile.
But surely, you thought, he couldn’t have been smiling because of you…
“What am I even saying?” he asks as he turns away from you. “You died in the prime of your life, and down here you can have that prime forever. You could do so much better than a washed up old drunk.”
“You’re not washed up,” you assure him as you place your hand over his. “I think it’s great that you got to live such a full life! You have so many stories to tell, and so many talents… I bet there’s so much you haven’t told me yet.” You try to reassure him with a smile and a light squeeze to his hand. “So much you haven’t shown me, either. You talk a lot about when you were in a band, but I’ve never gotten to hear you play…”
“I haven’t touched an instrument in years,” he says. “I bet I don’t even remember how to play anymore.”
“Well, you don’t know if you don’t try, right?”
You don’t think you’re just saying that about instruments.
“It’s been such a long time… what if I screw up?”
You don’t think he’s just talking about instruments either.
“It can’t hurt to try. Maybe… maybe you’ll enjoy it even more than you remember.”
“Hmm…” He doesn’t seem fully at ease, but he hasn’t taken his hand back yet. “If I can get my hands on a saxophone, and I really haven’t forgotten how… sure. I’ll play for you.
…you just have to give me some time, okay? I’m not used to it anymore… especially with another person…”
“Take all the time you need,” you assure him.
He turns his hand around so he can hold yours back, and his smile seems to grow slightly. “Just gotta start slow… get used to things again…”
“You’ll be fine, I know you will,” you assure him. He seems content to leave the conversation there, but there’s one more thing you need to say. “Husk?”
“I don’t think I’ll be going back to that club. No point when I’m not interested in picking up dates anymore.”
He squeezes your hand. “Glad to hear it.”
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humanityinahandbag · 1 year
Steddie Accidental Marriage
AKA: Eddie and Steve have been together for twenty plus years and married for one.
No one told Eddie.
A brief one shot about Eddie being in love and also an idiot.
Eddie quickly becomes an expert at nodding.
More specifically, he becomes an expert at nodding to whatever Steve Harrington is saying, and as long as Steve Harrington's eyes stay fixed on his, he knows he'll probably keep nodding until his head tips off his neck and rolls away.
See, 1986 hadn't gone the way anyone could have predicted. The monsters, the portals, the child who could probably summon a giant marshmallow man if she tried hard enough. But the most startling development (besides coming out on the other side, scarred and shaken and very much alive) was Steve Harrington.
Steve Harrington, who was kind, sweet, and all too thoughtful. Who protected people with everything he had and pressed his heart into other people's hands without asking for it back.
And that sucks, honestly. Because he could still remember being invited to parties for drug deals and sneered at in the hallways, shoved into lockers by the group of hair-sprayed goons while Steve had watched like some all-seeing vassal.
It didn't help that Eddie had been in love with the guy since before popularity graced him with its unwelcome presence.
And now that he's kind, sweet, generous, thoughtful?
Well. He was doomed when he held that bottle to Steve's throat.
So yeah. Eddie is deliriously in love. He's not sure when it will end, but he knows it will end eventually. He'll slip up and Steve will realize he's gay and punch his lights out, or he'll find better, less frustrating friends and leave Eddie and the rest of them in the dust. But until then? He needs to take every moment he has.
And so he nods.
He nods when Steve Harrington asks if he'd like to attend pool parties with the kids. He nods when Steve Harrington asks if he wants to hang out alone and see a movie. He nods when Steve Harrington picks him up from physical therapy.
He even nods when Steve Harrington leans over and asks I'm not imagining things, right? You're, like... into me?
Steve beams. "Awesome," he says, and leans forward to press warm, full lips against his.
It will end soon, Eddie tells himself as Steve's hand presses into his hair and lips leave little dappling pocks along his jaw. So he'll take what he can.
A year passes, and Eddie is still waiting for everything to quietly shatter.
Which makes it all the more frustrating when it doesn't.
Steve is over at their new (government hush-moneyed) apartment almost every day. It's not unusual to see him puttering about, folding blankets or hovering above the stove. Their little home smells less and less like microwaved meals and more like whatever Steve has tried to cook up that day.
Wayne is delighted. "Finally got someone to talk about important stuff with," he crows one night after dinner, sitting in the recliner with a beer while Steve takes the couch besides Eddie. Their fingers link, bodies pressed tight alongside the other. If Wayne notices, he doesn't say anything.
"My stuff's important," Eddie mutters.
Steve just laughs, stealing the beer from his hand to take a swig before pressing a fond kiss to his cheek. "Sports trump everything, Eds," he says, and then goes back to discussing the game playing on the little TV with Wayne.
His thumb rubs back and forth against Eddie's hand the whole time.
Eddie holds tight.
Steve Harrington's phase to figure out himself lasts longer than Eddie would have expected. Long enough for Steve to drag him into bed, confident and shy all at once before taking Eddie apart slowly before putting him back together one little piece at a time.
When Eddie lets the I love you slip out, he waits for everything to crash around him.
Instead, Steve whispers something that sounds suspiciously like I love you into the seam of his shoulder.
Eddie holds even tighter and wills the moment to last forever.
Another year passes. Steve applies for community college and celebrates with Eddie and Wayne and Robin when he's accepted to the social work track. There's talk about moving closer to Indiana so the commute isn't as long. Robin already has an apartment with Nancy there while they work out plans for Boston that Steve has become more and more invested in.
Housing becomes more difficult to come by as prices rocket upwards. Which is absolutely, definitely, positively, one-thousand-percent why Steve turns to Eddie and says, "We'll find something that works for the both of us," and then proceeds to show up at Eddie's work in the little garage on Maple Street with a clipped advertisement for an apartment.
"I visited it today," he says, giddily drumming on the wheel as they drive through the main slot of road and past Loch Nora. "Just wait. It's got great lighting. And the landlord says that she'll let us get a pet if we want one!"
"That's... that's great," says Eddie.
It is a great apartment. Large windows. High ceilings.
"Which bedroom would you want?" he asks Steve, who's busy opening and closing every door to see how it latches.
"Whichever one you choose," says Steve, like that sentence alone hasn't rocked Eddie to his very core and shaken his heart loose.
Eddie nods mutely which seems to at least get a positive reaction out of Steve. "Oh! And I had this great idea. We could totally turn the other bedroom into a studio for you. How cool would that be!" He went on to describe the pullout couch they could put in the center of the living room. How they could host the kids, his Uncle, Robin, whoever else wanted to drop by.
Eddie could only nod along.
And he'd keep nodding as the furniture was moved in, and Jonathan and Wayne and Steve argued over the little bolts and screws while they put together the bed frame in the master bedroom. He'd keep nodding as the walls in that room were painted a lovely, dusted blue and two bedside tables were added to either end.
They didn't argue over sides. They didn't have to. Eddie naturally fell to the right, Steve to the left. Shared books filled the shelves along with sports trophies and twenty sided dice.
He didn't stop nodding when it was their first night there and Steve climbed into bed alongside him, exhausted and clingy, and pressed himself to Eddie's back whispering fantasies about how their life would play out.
And play out their life does.
They move to Boston. Eddie finds a new band. Steve begins working for Boston General Hospital in their pediatric wing where he holds kids hands and talks them through what scares them before surgeries. Sometimes, he brings Eddie along. The kids always shriek and laugh and ask to touch his guitar, and Steve watches Eddie with a kind of Love that could spin the world off its course when he plucks the first notes of a favorite Tears for Fears song.
Robin and Nancy live just next door, because Steve and Robin have separation anxiety and Nancy declared herself and Eddie to be best friends that couldn't live without the other.
There are great moments. And terrible ones. Sometimes there are fights and slammed doors and Eddie always waits for the other shoe to come crashing down, and yet it never does. He and Steve always find one another again.
Which is... odd.
Mostly because he's never heard of any other friends-with-benefits case working quite like theirs.
He brings it up once with Gareth on a weekly phone call.
"I don't get it," he says. "I mean... you'd think the guy could find himself someone to spend his life with. He's just... he's so great. He's just perfect."
There was silence on the other end. And then;
"You're an idiot."
Eddie spluttered and hung up. He didn't bring it up again after their next call.
The 1990's come and go. The year 2000 is celebrated with a kind of raucous glee followed by '01, '02, '03. Steve becomes head of the social work department. Eddie has stopped touring and is instead teaching music in an elementary school, where he plays music to children who hang off his knees and scream about wheels on school busses. They're happy in ways he couldn't have dreamed they'd ever be.
2004 arrives with the purchase of their first house, an occasion marked with Steve dragging Eddie from room to room, christening each one with an attention that borders on religious.
Eddie blames it on homeowner stamina and has to wonder why buying a house with your "booty call" (as the teens are now calling it) is something worth celebrating.
Though he supposes it makes said booty call more accessible, and makes it a little easier to struggle through the intense love and adoration that fill his chest at all times.
He's never believed in a God, but if he did, he'd probably ask what he did in a former life to deserve this. Even if he can't have Steve, he can still have him in any way that Steve is willing to give.
Which is why, ten years later and still somehow living out his dream, Eddie is left so completely and totally confused when all of his friends and family plan to swarm Boston to celebrate... something.
He's not really sure what they're celebrating.
But they're definitely celebrating something.
It's when he finds paperwork during an attic cleanout that he finally realizes it.
They bought their house ten years ago.
That must have been it!
Ten years of being homeowners come and gone.
This is made even clearer when Steve looks over his shoulder, curses, and says, "I forgot all about that."
"Me too."
"We should probably think of remortgaging soon." Steve tousled his hair with a sigh. "Not like it'll be any fun, but..."
"Look at you," says Eddie, hating how sour Steve's pretty face had become. He leaned over and pressed a kiss by Steve's ear, pleased to see him perk up. "Being an adult and everything."
"I can say the same for you."
"Don't you dare," says Eddie with a laugh.
And yeah, sure, maybe that didn't seem like much of an achievement, but Eddie was happy to give what he could. And so when Wayne arrived at the airport and practically broke down in tears, tugging Eddie into a hug to let him know how proud and happy he was for his boy, Eddie could only just smile and nod.
If his Uncle wanted to cry about Eddie repainting some plaster and tending to a garden and making consistent mortgage payments, who was he to stop him?
"Can you even believe it?" his Uncle asked in the car ride back to their home.
Eddie laughed. "I mean, I don't think it's that big of a deal."
"You just can't see it for what it is cause you've been doin' it for so long."
Which was a fair point. He had been a homeowner for a while now.
"I guess," he agreed, and Wayne smiled and pat his shoulder and asked him all about his job. He tells Wayne all about a group of six year olds who've all learned about becoming tea pots (short and stout).
Two days later (much to Eddie's consistent shock and confusion), Steve dresses in his best suit and helps Eddie knot a tie covered in tiny skulls and drags them both to town hall. They wait in a line on the third floor, Eddie looking around a little dazed and unsure, until they're finally let into an office and Steve (through tears) signs his name on a line before turning to Eddie and clasping their hands tight together.
"Eds," Steve says. "You gotta sign it too."
And Eddie, who has been nodding since 1986, can only nod again and reach for the pen.
He's not entirely sure why everyone arrived to celebrate them renewing their mortgage. He didn't even know City Hall made a huge fuss over the financial gains of two middle aged men in middle America. But his friends and family are waiting in the lobby. They're all crying, even though he's not really sure why, but that just triggers him into crying. Even more when the kids (though they're not so much kids any more) clump around them with hugs and tears and shouts about how excited and proud they are.
"It's about time," Dustin sobs.
"I mean, I guess," says Eddie, wondering why Steve hasn't let go of his hand yet.
But he's not going to let go.
He doesn't find out until one year later when Steve surprises him with a trip to Hawkins. They meet Uncle Wayne first thing before going off to explore their old haunts, flipping their middle fingers out the window at the high school, stopping off at one of their favorite old diners that still served what Steve considered to be the most okay chocolate milkshakes in the entire world.
Their waitress was a lovely older woman named Dotty who looked moments away from pinching Steve's cheeks when she collected their menus.
"What are you folks here for?" she asked. "Haven't seen you around here!"
"We used to live here," said Eddie. "We moved away."
"And we're celebrating," countered Steve.
Eddie blinked, considering the date before he remembered. "Yeah," he agreed with a nod.
"Oh, how lovely!" Dotty clasped her hands around the sticky diner menus. "What's the occasion."
And before Steve could get in a word, Eddie apparently decided to leap headfirst off idiocy mountain and say, "we refinanced our mortgage."
There was silence.
"Oh..." said Dotty, finally. "Well. That's... nice?"
Across the table, Steve stared at him.
Eddie couldn't shake the feeling that he'd said something wrong. "Um." He reached for a napkin, tearing and twisting it between his hands. "Yeah. Totally. It was a, uh. A big deal."
"Was it...?"
"Mmmhm," he squeaked, trying hard not to look at the way Steve was gaping at him. "We've, uh... we've been roommates for a while, so."
Steve looked moments away from sliding off the booth and into the earth's core.
It wasn't until Dotty left (a little confused and befuddled) that Steve sprung up, grabbing Eddie by the arm, marching them both into the parking lot.
"Refinancing our mortgage!" Steve stomped little circles around the concrete. A family walking by crossed to the other side of the street. "We're refinancing our mortgage!"
"Steve, you're uh. You're scaring people..."
"You're scaring me!" Steve tossed his hands into the air.
"Right. Uh... I got that? But... why? Am I scaring you?"
"Because you said we're roommates!"
"But. We are roommates?"
"We-!" Steve froze, mid panic.
Eddie, taking a chance, snuck forward and gave him a little poke. "Uh. Steve? You rebooting?"
Steve blinked. He reached up and scrubbed his face. He looked back up at Eddie before squeezing his eyes shut and counting back from ten. When he opened them again, Eddie was amazed to find there wasn't a blue screen behind Steve's eyes.
"Eddie," Steve said. "You honestly think I took you to city call to refinance our mortgage?"
"They're important documents," Eddie said.
"And that we've been roommates for over twenty years?"
"We're very good roommates," said Eddie, weakly.
Steve's eye twitched. "Roommates don't have sex, Eddie! They don't tell each other they love each other! They don't get married!"
"I never said we were traditional roommates! I just said-" And then Eddie stopped, Steve's words finally striking ground. "Wait..."
Steve waved his hands. "Now he gets i- mph!"
Whatever he was going to say was cut off by Eddie dragging him quick into a kiss.
Dottie arrived back at their table just as Steve and Eddie slipped back into the booth, looking a little mussed and tossed about, lips red and eyes shining.
"Still celebrating that mortgage?"
"Actually," said Eddie, "it turns out, we're married!"
"Isn't that nice."
"It is," agreed Eddie, accepting his hamburger and shake. "Did you know I've been in love with him since high school?"
"How sweet! And how long have you been married?"
"A year!" Eddie preened.
Steve accepted his own burger. "He just found out," he said.
Dotty wasn't sure what that meant, but the two of them looked happy enough. Who was she to question a good marriage?
Published, edited, and slightly longer story found here!
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haleyboook · 2 years
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Sexiest man alive’s photographer wife pt.l
Chris Evans is to be named People’s 2022 sexiest man alive, what he and his wife don’t know is that his photographer for the magazine is his very own wife. Who better to give the smoldering sexy look to than his wife?
“Yes I am still scrambling around London trying to make it back in time for Miles birthday party. The models I’m dealing with here believe I’m a complete ninny. If only they knew the real stars I’ve photographed. Tell me why I agreed to this shoot again?”
He smiles on the other end of the video chat saying “It was something new. You wanted to broaden your portfolio.”
I grumble saying “Biggest mistake ever. Never let me make another like this okay?”
He chuckles saying “I think you’ve spent too much time in Europe, you’re beginning to speak like them. Ninny? What does that even mean?”
I stifle a laugh saying “Gah.. I’m so sorry. I should be home. With you and Dodger. Not here.”
“Hey, we understand. You’re killing it there and we’re couch potatoes while you’re gone. After shooting I’m exhausted.”
I nod saying “How’s the shooting for the red one going?”
“Good. I love Dwayne. I know I said I didn’t know if he’d be weird but he’s so funny and so nice. You’d love him. You need to meet him soon.”
“I’ll be home soon. And I won’t leave again, for as long as humanly possible.”
He nods saying “Sounds like the best idea you’ve ever had.”
I shake my head saying “You look tired. I am screwing up your sleep routine calling you this late. I hate this stupid time difference.”
He shakes his head saying “I can’t and will not go to sleep until we have our nightly calls. You know that.”
I frown and say “Sometimes I hate my job.”
“But, you love it. You know that.”
I shrug as I feel tears produce, “it’s just so difficult being away from you for so long. I don’t know anyone here. My assistants are French and talk terribly about me to each other. And the models think I’m a servant to them. I miss America. I miss you. I miss home.”
His eyes widen and he says “It’ll be done in no time. We’ll be here, waiting. Just do what you’ve gotta do. I can send Scott over if you’d like. He begs to go to Europe all the time.”
I smile as I wipe my tears saying “If he’s my best bet, yeah. But he’s not my first choice in Evans’ visiting me.”
He nods saying “I know how much you love my mom but I think she’s pretty busy in Boston, even though…”
I laugh through the tears at his efforts to make me feel better, my assistant quickly calls for me as I look to the laptop
“Miss Klava is requesting you to do… your job. No offense.”
I sigh as I look to her saying “Klava was supposed to be on set of the shoot an hour ago. She doesn’t run the show here. Get her in makeup and make her look like she cares to be here. I’ll be there soon enough.”
Quickly she leaves as I groan and Chris mellows as I shake my head saying “They can never not interrupt our alone time, can they?”
He shrugs saying “Big shoot day. I know you need to get out there now.”
I look down to my watch saying “No. No, tell me more about what’s going on with you.”
“I got a call from People magazine actually..”
Klava pushes her way into my room, shouting in a language I don’t understand, pointing towards my laptop and huffing and puffing.
Making a whole tantrum in front of me
I shake my head saying “You should be in hair and makeup! You’re so lucky I don’t find literally any other model to replace you!”
She shakes her head saying “I told you I model best. But you waste time with this! This ridiculous device.”
I look to my laptop screen, seeing Chris’ flushed expression. I glare at Klava saying “You can’t barge into my private office-”
My assistant says “She refuses to go into makeup, she claims she looks perfect as is.”
I sigh saying “Get Rachel, send Klava to Wes while I figure out how yo handle this.”
I look to my laptop saying “I’m sorry, Chris. I will call you later. Alright?”
He nods and says “I love you. Good luck with Klava.”
I smile to him quickly, saying “I love you too. Good luck with shooting.”
“You too.”
The call ends and I spend the rest of the day scrambling around, attempting to position and direct models that are nearly more than a foot taller me in heels to do as I request
I didn’t get around to calling Chris again, but I had enough time to check my email before I ultimately let my head hit my pillow and pass out
A rep from people magazine have reached out, asking for a call to speak about a job offer
I set plans and fall asleep with my phone unplugged and with a low battery
Chris messages me as I sleep, giving me updates throughout his day
Only going through to my dead phone
The sun shines in my face and I abruptly sit up, scrambling to read the time “please don’t be late..”
I look to the clock on the microwave, groaning as I rush out of the room.
Another painful day of dealing with models begins as I plug my phone in, missing my daily call with Chris
Missing the email telling me I would receive a call from People magazine’s Zoe.
Rachel pushes my ringing phone to my ear as it answers “Honey, I know I missed our usual call but-”
“Oh? Sorry, do I have the wrong number?”
I set my camera down, grabbing my phone confused saying “Sorry.. thought you were my husband. My assistant didn’t tell me it was a business call. Who is this?”
“Zoe from People.”
“Oh! Hi, sorry. I’ve been swamped here in London. What can I help you with?”
She cheerily says “As you probably know, People announces the sexiest man alive yearly with a large photo shoot and article. And we need a photographer for this years 2022 sexiest man alive. I’ve been following your work for awhile and wow… you’re work is stunning. My employers and I would like to offer you the job.”
My eyes widen and I say “Who would I be working with? Who won?”
Zoe pauses and says “2022’s sexiest man alive..”
I smile and say “Ah.. so confidential for now. When will the photo shoot take place?”
“Soon, as soon as you have an opening actually.”
Debating taking on more work I say “Who’s in the running for the job besides me?”
Zoe pauses saying “We were hoping it’d be you. We have a few people we’ve used in the past but my boss really enjoyed your photos from the Met gala earlier this year. You took some phenomenal photos.”
I pause and say “I don’t finish this job for another few weeks and I- I need to speak to my husband first before I accept another job.”
“We’d be willing to be flexible with times. And we know the model would be too.”
Looking to the models in front of me I say “Can we shoot in Boston?”
Zoe happily says “Yes, wherever you choose to photograph!”
I nod saying “Alright, I’m in. I just need to reassure my husband. I can just do the editing from this job from home. I’m almost wrapped up here. I will send you some dates that work for me, you pick one and let’s set some solid plans okay?”
“Perfect, I’ll expect your email. Thank you!”
I wrap up the call, dropping my phone and saying “Alright, this is the last day of shooting and none of you will have to hear my harping voice again. Just cooperate with me.”
Sending my unedited shots to my higher ups at the magazine I request finishing the final product in the states
With some convincing it’s approved and I call Chris on my taxi ride to dinner
“Didn’t think you’d get some time away to call me.”
I huff a breath in response saying “Yeah. I didn’t either. From the looks of your texts it sounds like you’re enjoying filming on red one.”
“I’m actually about to go meet someone for breakfast. Would you mind if you just texted me what’s up?”
I pause and mask my voice saying “Yeah of course! I’ll talk to you later.”
I hear a couple different voices in the background, one being Scott shouting “tell her I’m booking my flight immediately!”
I smile and Chris ends the call with a hushed goodbye. I sigh and the taxi driver says “Where to?”
“The airport please.”
Also make sure to like, comment, and re-blog please!
comment to be added to taglist!! ♥️
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definesanity · 20 days
Lords and Dames That Sung in The Chapels on a Sunday
There was a library in Laplace, which many borrowed books from. Likewise, there is one in the SPDM, too.
Due to circumstances, the one from the former to had to help the latter, leaving Mesmer Jr. to take the part as the librarian in Laplace.
Which also meant she had to deal with the genius herself.
Every so often, at the exact same time, she always came by. Either to borrow or return a book, and always making sure to say at least one thing to Mesmer Jr. before she left.
It made her want to tear out Vertin's throat and--
Vertin came towards the desk, holding a borrowed book. "Good day, Mesmer Jr."
"...Good day, Vertin." replied the girl who did not want any interaction with any Arcanist ever. "Returning?"
"Yes, I am," she passed over the book to the Mesmer child. "I found it quite interesting, if quite morbid."
It was, of all things, a book detailing Jack The Ripper. Insane.
Mesmer's expression did not shift, but she did look from the book to Vertin. "I did not expect you to enjoy such grotesque stories, Miss Vertin."
"I don't, really," she replied, face equally stoney. "But I found it interesting on the many factors involved with the cases in 1888 Whitechapel."
"'Factors', you say?" Mesmer Jr. replied. No one else was in the library, meaning she had to keep the conversation going. "Like what? The police dogs?"
"Indeed," Vertin nodded, which was not what Mesmer was expecting. "The Metropolitan police failed with a number of aspects; using bloodhounds was one of them."
"I hope you realise that the story isn't true."
"I know, yes; I still find it intriguing. Moreso when you consider the fact we still know not many details of Jack the Ripper."
"And why, pray tell, are you so enamoured with that madman?"
Vertin shrugged. "A current interest. And, it helps to converse with others."
"Ah, yes. Because people would love to discuss serial killers." Mesmer rolled her eyes.
"And what we are doing right now, then?"
"..." Mesmer paused. Then, placed the book back on the shelf. "Are you here to borrow another book, Miss Vertin?"
"No, just wanted to return it." Vertin gave a smile and a bow. "Good day."
She started to walk out.
After a moment, Mesmer followed after her.
"You appearing every day is a plot, isn't it?"
Vertin shook her head. "Not at all."
"You had never used the library prior to my starting there. You must have a reason behind it."
"..." Vertin looked, for once, conflicted. Eventually, she gave a short sigh. "A guilty consciousness. That is all."
"And who's fault is that, hm?" Mesmer Jr replied, her tone clipped. "Need I remind you of--?"
"Mesmer." Vertin's voice cut her off. It was quiet, but Mesmer could hear anger in it.
"Oh? Touched a nerve, did I? I'm surprised that exposed nerve hasn't healed yet, all these years later."
"Mesmer, I'm warning you." Vertin's expression was stormy, eyes narrowed.
"Now you're warning, huh? Could have saved a group of innocent children, had you warned us!" she wasn't shouting, but her voice had been raised.
"Oh, no, but you thought you had everything planned out, didn't you?! Our dear little girl, our dear little genius, a leader for a group of children!"
"And look where we are now, Vertin:" she stared directly at Vertin, hatred in her eyes. "Us, alive. And Isabella and The Ring? De--"
It took both parties to register what had happened. Vertin was the first, eyes filled with fury. "THE FOUNDATION KNEW, DAMN IT!"
Mesmer Jr. placed a hand near her right cheek, feeling a stinging sensation. "What did--?"
Vertin grabbed a hold of both of Mesmer Jr.'s hands, and slammed her against the wall, staring down at her, body shaking in pure, unadulterated, anger.
"Every move we made on that day, every fight, every step, even the timing in which we defeated Lilya? All planned by Constantine."
Mesmer had never seen this side of Vertin before. Like all bubbles, you can only make it grow so much before it bursts. And in this case, it bursted violently and swiftly.
"There was no way of knowing I'd lead them to their deaths!" Vertin exclaimed, their voice now slightly hysterical from 4 years worth of repressed feelings and emotions. "And no way in knowing I'd become the Timekeeper!"
She squeezed hard on Mesmer's arms, and the girl knew it would leave rashes. "So for once, in your goddamn life, DON'T. RUSH. TO CONCLUSIONS."
With a rough sigh, she let go of Mesmer Jr's arms. And, without looking back, left.
Mesmer slid down the wall, and looked at her arms. Peeling back the sleeves, she saw red start to form.
She should be hateful. She should go and report Vertin. Heck, she can, right now.
...But then...
Why is it that she feels...
...She deserves this?
She did not often use Arcanium. But this was an exception.
She used it to stop the rashes from vanishing from her arms, and spent the next day trying to figure out what was going on.
Mesmer Jr. thought on Vertin. Not the Timekeeper, not that small, idiotic child, but Vertin.
And found that, no matter how hard she could, she could not feel any distate towards her. If she tried, all she felt would be... an empty feeling.
Vertin was just... Vertin. A girl thrust into a role she did not want.
Like herself, in some ways.
She rolled down her sleeves, and got to work.
She thought during it, too.
Arcanists were chaotic, it's in their nature.
It was Constantine who showed her that...
She stopped dead in her tracks in her room.
Was that... also apart of what happened--?
"That's a curious expression."
She turned to face the intruder, a mask set immediately. "Get out, X."
X did not listen, that smile on his lips taunting her. "You know, being a researcher, my field often overlaps with others. In this case, I can safely say I can fully understand that you're experiencing some... interesting emotions."
"..." Mesmer Jr. sighed. "No, you know what? I don't have enough energy to deal with you. Good day."
She slammed her head into the desk, and as planned, fell unconscious.
She woke back up in her own bed. She could tell it was, because she was the only one to have air fresheners in her room.
Her eyes didn't have to adjust to the light, it being low in brightness, and saw a retreating figure.
One with a top hat.
"Wait." she rasped out.
Vertin stopped. Then, turned around.
"Hello, Mesmer." she said. "I... owe you an--"
"If you're going to apologise, then let me do it." she said, controlling her breathing as the headache (unexpected) began to set in. "I provoked you. It was only natural you'd respond, what with so much repressed emotions."
Vertin stayed silent, but she looked momentarily surprised. Not that Mesmer Jr. could blame her. She isn't one to be trustworthy, after everything.
"...What I'm trying to say is..." she breathed in and out, struggling to get the words out. Saying aorry is not something she often does. And for good reason. But in this case...
"...I'm... sorry, for my behaviour."
Vertin looked at her. And then, smiled. "Thank you for being honest. I also apologise, although that is for the..." she trailed off, and Mesmer rolled her eyes.
"I wouldn't have kept the rashes if I didn't want to. Whatever you did, it made me think on a number of things; the fact that I have never gotten to know Vertin was one of them."
Vertin, once more, looked quite surprised. "...If that is the case... when you have recovered, would you care to do that?"
Mesmer looked at Vertin. And, for a split second, Vertin swore she saw the lips of the girl upturn. "Provided there is coffee. It is not often that I indulge, and I want to make sure that I do not perish due to boredom during it."
Vertin gave a nod, smiling. And then left, leaving Mesmer Jr. alone once more with her thoughts.
She looked over to her bedside.
It was a music player, and it has a cassette in it. She leaned over and turned it on.
A song she did not recognise started to play. And the calmness to it, like being near a beach, lulled her into a sleep.
She did not recall the dream. But when she woke up, she found her lips in a smile.
She drank from her coffee slowly and carefully, taking time to enjoy every ounce of it.
As she said, she did not partake in it often. But if there is one thing Mesmer Jr. enjoys, it is the taste of espresso. A comfort, in a world of stupidity and nonsense...
Speaking of nonsensical, Mesmer Jr. looked at Vertin, who drank heartily from a cup of mocha.
The two sat in silence in the Suitcase. There was no one here but them.
Mesmer Jr. took the time to truly study Vertin. Her face was a healthy flush, and Mesmer could smell remains of soap and deodorant on her.
"For the record, pineapple does not suit you." Mesmer Jr. commented.
"It was the only one I had at that current moment." Vertin replied.
The two, once again, went into silence. It felt... strange. One was meant to hate the other and, yet, that very same person who sat there did, in fact, not hate the other one.
Hatred is an emotion that is something Mesmer feels often, mostly towards those in the ward. And, yet, she felt none towards Vertin.
And it annoys her greatly.
"If you don't mind me asking..." Vertin spoke up. "You have heard quite a bit about me, either thorough Laplace or the Foundation; so, would you like to share anything about yourself?"
"Not particularly," Mezmer Jr. immediately replied. "...But, since you are insisting, there was this one event I can remember from my childhood.
"When I was younger, I just so happened to write down my thoughts or any passing interests on pieces of paper. This came to bite me as, one day, my father noticed them and brought me downstairs.
"'Jane, Jane!' he yelled, waving the piece of paper in his hand. 'Look at how intelligent our daughter is! It is certainly a strange way of seeing the world, but one oh so interesting!'"
Mesmer Jr. looked deeply unimpressed. "My mother took the paper, gave it a quick glance, looked at my father, and said: 'James. These are the lyrics to Bohemian Rhapsody."
A small but noticeable snort came from Vertin upon hearing this.
"After that, I can't remember any more, because I was sent to the SPDM." she gave another sip of her coffee. "By the way, having all that sugar could lead to a heart attack."
Vertin immediately put the cube of sugar she had in her hand down. "And you?"
Mesmer Jr. took another sip. "I will be fine. I measured the exact amount I needed and used it."
"I've always noticed that you recall the times of ceratin things; it's rare to meet someone with a photographic memory."
"Well, congratulations to you." Mesmer Jr. remarked, and finished her drink. "..."
She looked away. And then, back. "...Thank you for the coffee, Vertin."
"My pleasure," Vertin smiled. And then stood up. "And, before you go..."
She passed a gift box to her. "Here. Sorry if it's nothing special."
Mesmer Jr. gave a non-committal hum and left the room.
She arrived back at her own in the Suitcase, and opened the box.
It was a plant. A very distinctive one, too.
Lycoris radiata. The red spider lily.
She could have simply returned it. And left it be. A memory.
Instead, she held it gently, and stared.
And stared.
And stared.
And, then, as the stared, she noted a feeling inside of her stomach.
A flutter, as she stared at the gift in her hands.
They met again and again, over the course of three weeks.
During that time, Medicine Pocket was seen entering Mesmer Jr.'s room and later seen leaving via running out, their right hand broken. Both parties deny that Mesmer Jr. had any influence.
During it, both also thought more on each other.
Vertin saw Mesmer Jr. as an enigma, one that had many mysteries, and Vertin was curious about each and every one of them.
She was a girl that had so many things go wrong for her, and no one was there to help pick up the pieces. During that short time, Vertin felt as if she had gotten to know someone she both knew, and did not know both at the same time.
She... loved Mesmer Jr. And she knew that Mesmer would never return it.
To Mesmer Jr., she saw Vertin much like the flower she was given. Mesmer Jr. knew both of their hands were dirty with many deeds, but Mesmer Jr. learnt something during these interactions:
That fluttering was caused by intense emotional responses. In layman's terms, she... loved Vertin.
And that scared her, more than it did disgust her.
She did not want to become the one Vertin loved, as Mesmer did not want anything bad to happen to her.
Mesmer was afraid. Afraid and, she can admit to herself, cowardly.
And, yet...
That gentle embrace gave both new worries and made old ones vanish.
The two stood in silence. A gentle one, once more.
And, very slowly, Mesmer held Vertin, too.
"Hm?" Vertin looked at Mesmer, who looked back.
"When it is merely you and I, call me by my first name."
Vertin nodded. And smiled to herself.
Jane Mesmer Jr. What a beautiful name.
The door opened, and Vertin looked up. "Hello, Jane."
"Don't." Mesmer said, sitting down on her bed. "I know that I said I wanted to try and talk to other Arcanists, why did you stick me with Regulus?"
"She was the only one available."
"..." Mesmer sat in silence. Then, looked up. "My term as the temporary librarian has come to a close. I was informed on my way back five minutes and thirty-one seconds ago."
"Shame," Vertin said. "I... enjoyed you being there."
"You only did to come and see me. And, besides, Jack the Ripper?"
"It was the only book I saw at the time," Vertin tried to defend herself.
Still, Mesmer looked at her. And then, sighed. "I suppose... as far as Arcanists go, anyways... you..."
Mesmer looked at Vertin, a very small, but still there, smile on her face. "You are... alright, I suppose."
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emilyssky · 11 months
Chapter 12: The Mess We Made
Tumblr media
PAIRING: Lee Know! X fem!reader
GENRE(S): college au, smut, angst
WARNINGS: Mentions of violence and abuse, depression, self harm, eating disorders etc.. mentions of blood, swearing, smoking, smut [ dirty talk, oral; giving and receiving, choking, spanking, praising, degradation, pet names, sometimes Minho is a dick :)
SUMMARY: "Do you remember what you told me the first time we met?"  
"You said; Always leave people a little better than you found them" he looked at the floor with a small smile for a few seconds and then his eyes found mine. "You really annoyed me when we first met. I envied your optimism and excitement for life. But each time I saw you, I felt a certain thrill. You made me angry, you made me laugh., you made me feel everything. Something about you made me feel a little more alive each time. I know I fucked up and I know I'm an asshole but I'm also brutally in love with you."    
One year ago today Chan was running around my apartment, anxiously changing from a variety of dress shirts and pants. I remember how big this event was for him and how nervous he was about going for the first time, since back then he only knew the boys just a couple of months. This year things are different.
To say that I was anxious about going is an understatement and thank fucking god that Emma let me borrow one of her dresses cause I probably wouldn't have gone otherwise. Emma grew up in a quite wealthy family, she attended one of the best private schools in the area, and that involved many fancy parties and proms. So she has a good amount of nice, long dresses.
Unlike Emma, I was invited last minute and not by the person I would like, either way, I'm happy that Jeongin invited me the night we hang out. In Seungmin's family apparently, it's a tradition to host a Christmas Eve dinner party, and was a massive deal for him growing up. His nights before Christmas were filled with fancy dresses and suits, people drinking a shit tone of champagne, and 5-star catering employees walking around with plates of foods too small to be that expensive while classical Christmas music played in the background. During the last few years that he's been living on his own, he decided to carry on his family tradition and this year is no exception. I was kind of excited, I have to admit, it's not every day that I get to wear a fancy-ass dress and act like I'm not a broke college student that can barely keep her shit together. The one thing that I was stressing about was the fact that you had to bring a date. Of course, Seungmin told me that it would be completely okay if I show up alone but honestly, it will feel a little pathetic going solo, especially since he's going to be there. A small part of me wanted him to ask me that night. I waited and waited until the second I got out of his car but he never did. Moments from yesterday have been playing through my mind on repeat, like a film from an old movie, bits and pieces of the way he look at me and how the way his smile made the night sky a little brighter. I didn't expect him to call or text but still, since I woke up every time a notification would pop up a part of me hoped it was him. I'm both scared and curious to see how he's gonna act tonight but I know that if he acts like nothing happen it's gonna hurt just a little more this time.
Chan, Hyunjin, and Felix offered to be my dates yet I said no to all three of them. Everyone knows that we're friends and if I showed up with one of them as my date it would mean that I wasn't able to find someone else. Which is true, finding someone who's willing to come as your date to a nice Christmas Eve party is harder than I thought. When Kai offered to be my date after overhearing me complain to Hyunjin about not having one I was extremely reviled. I like Kai, he's pretty chill and I feel like he's going to be a great date, plus everyone knows him. Emma is going with Seungmin obviously, while Chan, Hyunjin, and Felix are all going solo, probably in hopes of getting laid.
I smoothen the front of my dress as we step into the elevator. The dress Emma gave me is breathtaking. It's a deep, dark shade of red that contrasts with the paleness of my skin perfectly and the satin fabric falls loose around my body yet tight enough in the right places in order to hug my curves perfectly. The straps are thin, not offering much support to my breasts, but thankfully Emma and I have similar chests so the cups of the dress are enough. My whole back is bare, the fabric starting from the top of my ass and hitting the ground while the big cut that's starting from the middle of my thigh, exposed almost my whole leg. I kept my makeup natural, letting the dress and the deep red that painted my lips do all the work. On any other occasion, I would've perfectly straightened my hair, but his compliment from last night tickled the side of my brain, so I let my long, thick brown curls fall all over my shoulders and down my back.
I bounced my right leg up and down, the sound of my heels clicking against the floor of the large elevator filling the small space.
"Can't you just relax?" Emma touched up the sides of her nude, glossy lips with the tip of her finger in the elevator mirror. She is dressed in a white, tight, strapless dress that makes her figure look almost fake. The way her boobs are pushed upwards and the way the fabric of the dress is so tight around her waist make her body look incredible, offering her an hourglass shape.
"Yeah, you've been fidgeting the whole way here." Kai adds, leaning against the wall with hands in his pockets. He's wearing a simple black suit with a dark red tie to match my dress, which I find really thoughtful and cute. His dirty blond hair is messily styled, yet somehow he managed to look like a runway model.
"I've never been in anything like this before." I mumble but in reality, that's not the reason I've been on edge since I woke up. It's not the people that are gonna be there, it's not the fancy setting or the nice clothes. It's him. It's the fact that he's going to be there, and the irritating feeling deep inside me that he's not going to be alone.
Kai pushes himself off the wall just as the elevator doors over. "You look stunning, relax." He leans in my way, his tone just a little lower than before.
I exhale, forming a small smile and we exit the elevator.
"It's going to be so much fun!" Emma squeals, fastening her step down the hall. "I'm so excited!"
We reach their door and Emma rings the doorbell. I feel my palms sweating already, my fingers playing with each other nervously. Kai shoots me a glance before resting his hand on my lower back, his fingers brushing my hip.
The door opens.
Seungmin's eyes go wide, the rest of his face staying completely still. "You're kidding." His gaze travels along her body.
Her smile goes wide, her whole face blushing. "You like it?"
He clears his throat. "There are people here." His tone drops so that only we are able to hear him. "So I can't really express myself properly. "
I hold my laugh. They're so freaking cute.
He opens the door further. "Please, come in."
The apartment is brighter than ever, with beautiful chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, crystals reflecting the light perfectly down on the crowd of people talking and slow dancing in the middle of the massive living room. All the furniture has been removed, the couch, the armchairs, the tables, everything, leaving the space empty and open. I can count almost 30 people here, and I can't help but let my eyes stare in awe at all the beautiful dresses and outfits. It's like a ball straight out of a movie, with slow music playing in the background, the food, the drinks, and the people, it's incredible.
"Oh, my god baby..." Emma whispers, wrapping her arm around Seungmin as we walk further into the apartment.
"Don't worry, " He says, sensing how nervous all 3 of us suddenly are. "Everyone here is in my inner circle, just close friends and family. All the guys are already here, as well."
Em's feet freeze. "Family?"
A soft smile overtakes Seungmin's lips. "Come with me."
We watch as he drags her further into the crowd, disappearing.
"Well," Kai turns to me. "Shall we go find the others?"
"I'm gonna need a drink first." I chuckle nervously.
Kai looks around, locking eyes with one of the waiters walking slowly between the people, offering them a glass of champagne, and motions for him politely to come our way.
"Champagne?" The blond waiter offers with a sweet smile.
I curl my fingers around a glass, lifting it off his tray. "Thank you."
He nods politely and walks away.
"I see them," Kai says close to my ear. "Let's go."
He takes my hand in his, leading the way to the end of the living room, near the massive windows, that offered an incredible view of the night city. All of them are standing there in a circle talking amongst themselves. Chan's eyes spot us and I can't help but smile at his expression.
"No way." He shakes his head, not believing his eyes. His comment makes everyone's head snap in our direction.
"Holy shit!" Hyunjin's eyes go wide, the glass of champagne freezing inches away from his mouth.
"What can I say?" Kai lifts his free hand, shrugging with a smug expression. " I might have the hottest date in the whole party."
"Shut up." I roll my eyes, his comment making heat spread all over my face.
Chan inches forward, looking at me from head to toe. "You look unreal." He takes my hand, pulling me away from Kai's grip and spinning me into a circle. "Wow."
I can't help but giggle a little.
"No seriously," Hyunjin moves to stand next to Chan. "You look hot as fuck."
"Thank you guys." I nod at both of them, appreciating the way they always go out of their way to make me feel good about myself. "You don't look but yourselves."
Chan adjusts his black tie, making it a little tighter around his neck before rolling up the sleeves of his perfectly straight, white dress shirt, that I ironed a few hours ago after much begging from his part. With black dress pants, black boots, and his dark, messy curls styled just enough to look good but not preppy, he looks shockingly different. Hyunjin wears a similar outfit to Chan and with a face like his and the way his long, blonde hair falls just above his shoulders, he looks like a prince. I move my gaze behind them, noticing Jisung, Jeongin, and Changbin with Lia, who's apparently the only one with a date. I quickly realize that Minho and Felix are missing.
"Where's Felix and Minho?" I ask them as casually as I can.
I notice the small glance that they exchange before Hyunjin speaks up. "Smoke break." I simply nod and move to greet the rest of them.
"Oh, my gosh you look stunning!" I give her a quick hug.
She tugs her hair behind her ear, shyly. "Thank you, you look amazing too."
"Green?" I lift my eyebrow at Changbin's dark green suit.
"I don't like boring outfits." He smirks. "The room is full of them."
"Shut up, Shrek." Jisung rolls his eyes at his friend, pulling me into a hug.
"Hey," I mumble with a soft smile in the small space between his shoulder and his neck.
"I was waiting for you." He says.
"Too many people?"
He scoffs a laugh. "Too many fancy, important people and not enough alcohol to get me though. There are some people connected to my family here as well and let's say that I would rather not talk to them at all. " He explains.
I remember when Minho explained to me everything about Jisung's past and how he and Seungmin are connected but I mask my face and pretended not to know anything. "Really?"
"Yeah, I'll tell you another time."
"Okay." I touch his shoulder sympathetically.
"Hello, gorgeous." Jeongin pulls me in a small, side hug, his cologne hitting my nose immediately.
"Hi." I smile at his compliment.
"So you found a date?" He nods Kai's way, who's chatting with Chan and Hyunjin.
"More like the date found me." I shrug.
He takes a sip of his champagne. "Bummer."
"Bummer?" I lift my eyebrows. "Why?"
"I would've asked you if I knew you were available." He boldly states, his face natural and his eyes confident.
"What made you think I wasn't available when you told me about the party?" I reply, mirroring his confidence.
His face breaks into a smile, dropping his head a little lower. "Were you?"
His question almost feels challenging and makes me wonder if he knows anything about me and Minho.
I look away, into the crowd. "Jeongin, if you had asked me, I would've said yes." I reply instead.
I feel him taking a step forward. "Well, I'll remember that moving forward."
I don't know what to do or say besides simply smiling at him, his forceful approach taking me by surprise.
He lifts his half-empty glass of champagne towards me and I do the same, before drowning the remains of the bubbly liquid.
"May I steal her for a few minutes?" I feel Kai's hand resting on my back.
Jeongin brings his lips into a tight smile. "Of course, she's your date after all."
I let Kai lead me to the dance floor where a good amount of couples are slow dancing to a beautiful melody coming from the speakers. I place my hand comfortably on his shoulder and wrap the other one around his before we start swinging to the music.
"So," He drags the word. "You're switching to one of his best friends?"
I look at him confused. "What?"
"I thought Minho was the one you were going after." He lets go of my waist, spinning me 2 times before settling back into our previous position.
"I'm not 'going after' anyone." I straighten my back. "And to answer your question; no. Minho wasn't one."
"And Jeongin is?" He presses but not at all in a rude or angry way. His tone is light and conversational.
"Can't a girl just have fun?" I almost whine out loud.
"Oh, trust me you can have fun." He chuckles charmingly. "If having 3 guys running after you is your idea of fun."
Now it's my turn to chuckle. "That's not true."
He clears his throat. "You're right, 4."
I narrow my eyes at his hint of a smile. " I know I'm not your type."
He tightens his grip, pulling a little closer, my body pressing onto his. "No, you're not. But I would never say no to you."
That, I've known for a while. Chan had told me that Kai was interested in me months ago, yet despite him being breathtakingly handsome and a really nice guy, I wasn't ready to move on. I wasn't ready to hook up or mess around cause if I would have gotten involved with him, that's all our relationship would be.
"Ah," He purrs near my ear. "And that's the reason you would say no, to both me and Jeongin." I feel his head nod in the opposite direction, his words making my body freeze on his hands. "Don't look, it will make it too obvious."
I wanna look. I wanna look so bad. The desire to simply see him is so intense that it scares me and makes me feel like an addict wanting desperately to get his hit.
"Is he looking?" I whisper in his ear, even though I know Minho can't possibly hear me, and even though I somehow can feel his eyes burning at my exposed back.
"Yep. Intensely, may I add."
I don't move a muscle. "Is he alone?" I asked the question that's been eating me alive.
I exhale, and I try to stay relaxed, I try to keep dancing, pretending to be unbothered by his presence and honestly, my curiosity would have gotten the best of me if Seungmin's voice didn't echo through the speaker, interrupting the music and dancing.
"First of all, I would like to thank each and every one of you that decided to spend Christmas Eve here." He says into the mic, standing on top of the first few steps of their huge staircase, getting everyone's attention. Kai forces our movements to a halt but still keeps a hand on my waist as we stand, facing Seungmin just like everyone.
"This gathering means so much to me, and I'm really happy that I get to host my own version of my family's tradition along with all the people that matter most to me."
It's eating me up inside, an uncontrollable craving and a tightness in my chest. Just a look, a tiny little glance to satisfy my curiosity.
"To my bandmates, to my friends, to my family, and to my lovely girl." He lifts his glass and the whole room does the same. Emma stands in front of him, smiling like I've never seen her before.
Just a peek.
I turn my head to the right, slightly and carefully, with my glass lifted towards Seungmin but the rest of his speech fades into background noise the minute my eyes lock with his. I swear to god, if Kai wasn't holding my waist, my knees would have bugled.
There he was, standing a few meters away, looking simply breathtaking. And already looking at me. Looking at me with a spark in his eyes, a force, a look so dark that made my throat dry, and I couldn't look away, I couldn't take my eyes off him. He looks, unlike anything I've seen him before. He's dressed in black dress pants that make his thighs look mouthwatering and a simple black dress shirt with the first few buttons open, exposing his wide chest. His hair, for the first time ever, is styled, with the left side slightly pushed back while the right front part of his hair falls perfectly over his eye. He looks so magnetizing that I almost didn't notice the petite blonde clinging to his side, under his arm. Dressed in a black, skintight, long-sleeve dress, with a full face of makeup and full red lips.
He smirks, lifting his glass my way with a challenging nod.
"So please enjoy yourselves tonight, and let's welcome Christmas in the best way possible." I snap my eyes back to Seungmin, finally able to breathe. Everyone starts cheering and clapping and when the music started playing again, everyone went back to either dancing or talking almost themselves while enjoying the incredible food and drinks, but I can't move. Not when my mind is glued to the image of her next to him. Who is she? I've never seen her before.
"Do you want another drink?" Kai asks. "Maybe a stronger one?"
"Yes, please." I breathe, wanting nothing more than to be dragged away from the dance floor, and enjoy a strong gin tonic in the corner, where I can't even see him. I let Kai lead the way, with his hand placed on my lower back. We reach the bar, and spot Felix and Hyunjin talking.
"Y/n!" Felix's eyes widen. "You look incredible." He wraps his arms around my waist, lifting my feet off the ground.
A series of giggles escape me. "Put me down! You're drawing attention."
"Are you enjoying the party?" Hyunjin questions with a lift of his eyebrows and a small knowing smile.
Instead of answering, I lean into the counter closer to the bartender making the drinks. "One gin tonic, please. Strong."
Felix lets out a low whistle. "We'll take that as a no."
"I was enjoying my night just fine." I cross my hands, looking into the distance. They're still on the dance floor, her hands loose around his neck and his holding her waist, like they've never held mine. They move slowly to the music as they chat casually. It's hard to stop my eyes from narrowing at the way his face looks almost relaxed, with a light smile as he speaks.
"Staring at him won't work." Hyunjin jokes, copying my position, arms crossed, back leaning into the table.
Felix lets out a laugh.
"Your drink miss." The bartender pushes the glass my way and I take it in my hands, taking a sip immediately.
"Is something going on that I don't know about?" Felix gives me a look.
"Nope." I shake my head, continuing to sip my drink, not taking my eyes off them.
"Something is definitely going on." Kai copies my position as well.
"You can tell us." Hyunjin adds.
"Nothing's going on." I've drank almost half of my drink already. "And even if there was, I wouldn't tell any of you."
"Excuse me?" Felix says, giving me a glare from head to toe while Hyunjin places a hand over his heart.
"Oh, please!" I roll my eyes at their reactions. "You would run to Chan and give him a full presentation of what I'd said, and you know it."
"That's a lie." Felix points his finger at me. "Your secrets are always safe with us princess."
"Exactly." Hyunjin nods. "Even if it's about fucking one of Chan's best friends"
"It's not like that!" Hyunjin's words make my tone rise, feeling a sudden need to explain myself but they simply laugh. "And besides, Chan's my-" Speaking of the devil Chan makes his way toward us, with his hands casually in his pockets, walking through the crowd like he's 7 feet tall.
"Chan!" I greet him. "Hi."
"Hello, pretty lady." He offers me a broad smile, before turning his attention to Felix and Hyunjin. "I need some help."
"Why? What happened?"
"Seungmin's having some trouble with the cakes." He scratches the back of his neck, a habit of his. "For some reason, they couldn't be delivered here, so someone has to go and get them from the bakery, which closes in approximately," He checks his watch. "19 minutes."
"I'll come. " Felix offers immediately.
"Oh, my god, thanks man." Chan sighs in relief.
"No, problem." He sets his half-empty glass on the table. "We'll finish the conversation later." He sends me a wink.
"What conversation?"
Felix pushes Chan towards the door, chuckling. "Nothing mate, come on let's go."
. . . . . . . . .
I tried sneaking glances as much as I could, whether he was dancing with her, going to get a drink at the bar, or absolutely devouring the mini burgers, and he didn't find my eyes once. Even when he was talking with the rest of the boys and I stood only a few feet away, fully involved in the conversation as well, he never once addressed me. In fact, he didn't even look my way. At all. All night. He smiled and talked, and acted like nothing was going on, like he was fully comfortable with me being almost right next to him. Like nothing had happened. He was simply ignoring me the whole night, so successfully that it made pure rage grow inside me. At the fact that it was so each for him to do so, when I couldn't even breathe properly when he was near, at the way he smiled and talked and danced with her, and most importantly at the way he looked absolutely ravishing. Simply stunning.
My anger was growing and growing each second, each minute, each hour passing and I found myself at the bar more often than I should. The party was beautiful. The decorations, the music, the elegantly dressed people, everything. Kai did dance with me numerous times, and I also danced with Hyunjin and Jisung but at times like these when Kai is somewhere talking or smoking with the boys and Emma is busy playing hostess with Seungmin, I give myself a second to simply do some people watching, and fully take in this beautiful scene unraveling in front of me. Everyone is having a great time, Emma and Seungmin along with Changbin and Lia are currently on the dance floor, and the rest of the boys are chatting and laughing. Every single person in here, has a smile on their face, enjoying the moment, something I can't bring myself to do. Hell, even Minho has a hint of a smile on his face.
I drown my 4th glass of gin and tonic.
"Easy there tiger." Jisung takes the now-empty glass from my hand. "Someone's clearly not having fun."
"I am having fun." I scoff. "In fact, I'm having a great time, this party is amazing." I wave my hand around.
"Yes, it is." He smiles, focusing his eyes on me. "Are you okay, kid?"
It's weird how Jisung can always realize when something's wrong, but then again I don't think that I'm making a good job of hiding it.
"Can I ask you a question?" I ask back.
"Do you smoke?"
He blinks at my straightforward question. "Occasionally, yes. Why?"
"Can I have one?"
He blinks again. "Um," Another blink. "Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure. Please." I press in a high-pitched tone when he appears to be looking around, probably for Hyunjin.
He sighs but reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a pack of cigarettes.
"For an occasional smoker, you sure are prepared." I tease.
He rolls his eyes at me with a smile. "Do you want it or not?" He holds a cigarette between his fingers.
My eyes light up and I immediately take it. "Yes please."
"I'd suggest you go somewhere else to smoke it." He lets his eyes trail around the room once again as if we're dealing right in front of 30 people, placing a lighter in my hands as well.
"Yes, I know." I hide the cigarette inside my palm. "Thanks, Jisung."
He gives me a short nod with a hint of hesitation in his big brown eyes and lets me walk away from him. My legs drag me up the stairs, making a turn to the only room I've ever been in this house. I open the big, glass door and exit the room, walking into the massive balcony. This time I don't climb the stairs to the roof, I walk further into the balcony until I reach the railing. It's a lovely night, perfect for Christmas Eve, the stars and moon lighting up the night sky and blending perfectly with the chilly atmosphere. I shiver, my bare shoulders moving inwards mechanically in an attempt to protect my body from the cold yet I don't wrap my arms around it, instead, I welcome the cold and let it lift the little hairs on my arms and spread goosebumps across my skin. Something about the cold air hitting me, this shivering feeling tingling my back, calms me down. It's like reality showering you in the best way possible, grounding you. I take the cigarette between my teeth, the red of my lips staining the edge and I circle my hand around it, lighting it up. The first inhale hits me hard, reminding me just how much I've missed it; the feeling of the sudden numbness in your brain unraveling and spreading everywhere in your body, and how suddenly with each inhale you feel more and more separated from the world around you. I let the moment sink in in my intoxicated mind, appreciating where I am right now and saving it. I know that my moment is gone when I hear the noise, the footsteps, and the door slamming, and even though I stay still, facing the night sky, hands resting on the railing, it doesn't take longer than 5 seconds to realize that it's him. Maybe it was his sweet vanilla scent mixed with a hint of cigarettes, that filled the air immediately or the way his light, slightly audible breathing sounded somewhat familiar, but I knew.
"Hello, Angel."
"Minho," I simply acknowledge him.
"I didn't know you had a tattoo on your back." He spoke in a low, controlled tone.
The corners of my mouth lift. "I have 5." I stay facing forward, pausing to take another drag of the cigarette and taking my time to exhale the smoke. "And there are many things you don't know about me."
"Like?" He starts walking my way, and I know that he has his hands in his pockets and a small smile is dancing on those beautiful lips, without having to look.
"You'll find out if you stop ignoring me."
My comment forced a chuckle out of him and suddenly he appears to my right with his back resting on the railing, facing me. When I move my eyes from the night sky to look at him, regret showers me from head to toe. I was right about the small smile but definitely not prepared for the way he looks at me through his long lashes. Having not made eye contact for most of the night, being here, and being looked at by him feels like the highlight of my night. And I hate it, almost as much as I hate the way my heart starts beating just a little bit faster.
His fingers come up, snatching the cigarette from between my own in such a swift movement, bringing it to his mouth. "Smoking doesn't look good on you, angel."
I admire how he moves the cigarette to his other hand, the one away from me, taking a drag of it midway and exhaling, and it's honestly crazy how attractive it is to me. "I don't care." I reply, trying to appear unbothered.
"Are you enjoying the dance?" He asks and if I didn't know any better, I would think that he actually cared but I recognize the irony in his voice.
"Of course, I am," I play along. "It's wonderful."
He drops his eyes to the floor. "I think I'm getting pretty good at realizing when you're lying."
My body stiffens. "I'm not lying." The party is wonderful...
"Well, I think you are." His words mix with the smoke as he exhales.
"And what makes you think that?" I further ask, holding eye contact for just a few seconds.
He shrugs. "Maybe it was the quite visible stiffness of your body the whole time, the constant frown that was plastered on those red lips, or the way too much drinking out of discomfort and nervousness. But I think it was probably the fact that you danced only up to 30% of your abilities thanks to that lame excuse of a partner you choose to drag along with you as a date." A small smile threatens to spread on his face, but he contains it.
"None of what you've just said is true," I try to brush him off, forcing myself to act like his words didn't affect me or how it scared me that everything he just said is in fact true. It makes me feel like I can't possibly hide from him, as if he can read me like an open book without even trying. "And don't talk shit about Kai, he's a great date and someone I actually know and have fun with."
His smile widened into a smirk. "Anna and I know each other for quite some time."
I stare into the sky again. "I didn't ask and I don't care."
"You didn't have to, I can see how it's been eating you up inside since you laid eyes on us." The confidence that laces his teasing tone makes me tense up and I feel his gaze on me as he continues.
"I saw the way you roamed your eyes from her head to her toes every chance you got, probably analyzing everything about her." He blows the last bit of the smoke before pressing the edge of the remaining cigarette on the railing and throwing it away. "It was easy to guess what was going through your mind, " He pushes himself off the railing and moves slowly, almost like a cat, circling around me and leaning closer and closer. "Questions, questions, so many questions, and doubts. I could almost feel you comparing every little thing about her to you." He stops behind me, his chest nearly touching my back yet still knocking the air out of my chest. I swallow hard, feeling his head moving to the side of my face, just above my shoulder.
"And honestly, I don't know what felt more entertaining to me; the fact that I could smell the jealousy out of you or the fact that you actually thought that she stands a chance next to you." He whispers, lips brushing against the cell of my ear and I'm on fire, from head to toe. He's suddenly close, so close, his scent hitting my nose, intoxicating my brain even more and memories of his hands on me and his body pressing against mine begin to dance around my head.
"Minho.." I try my best to sound stable, but my words come out breathy.
He pushes his face further into the curve of my neck, his lips traveling all around, brushing my skin. "What do you want angel?"
Such a dangerous question to ask when I feel like he has my body wrap around his finger without even touching it. "S-stop it. You can't do that."
His low chuckle against my skin sends a wave of vibrations all the way down to my core. "Can't?"
"Yes." I somehow find the strength to push my body away from his and turn to face him, resting my back against the railing for much-needed support. "You've been ignoring me the whole night, and now you wanna come and play games with me? That's not how it works." I cross my arms.
His face is now stripped of any playfulness, his features turning hard as he looks down at me. A moment of silence passes until he decides to speak. "I wasn't ignoring you."
I chuckle lightly. " Yes, you were. Completely."
He bites his bottom lip softly, eyes moving up and down my body fast. "I wasn't ignoring you, " He repeats. "I was trying to contain myself. There's a difference."
I feel my breath shaking at his words, and all I can do is stare at him, no words coming out.
He looks up, inhaling, tongue running over his bottom teeth as he steps forward. "You look fucking exquisite." He drawls. His hands grip the railing tight, trapping me. "My breath was yours the minute I laid eyes on you."
I can only hear my heart drumming against my chest, his words making me freeze. "I don't-"
A noise escapes him, almost like a growl. His nose bumps against mine gently, and his cigarette breath fills the small space between us. "You think I was enjoying watching him have his hands all over you?"
"It sure looked like it. " I whisper, looking up at him.
His eyes are dark, moving everywhere around my face before settling on my lips. "That was the point."
"Why is everything a game to you?" I can't help but whine.
He doesn't answer instead he brushes his lips against mine, taking my words and breath, and flashes me a look. His eyes warning me and asking me at the same time, and in a split second his lips are on mine. His mouth moved with so much power, so much force that it made my grip on the railing tighten as my knees almost gave up. It didn't take long before my mind caught up, making my own lips move against his with the same hunger and he hummed in response, satisfied. His cold hands cupped my jaw as his tongue began brushing aggressively against mine, demanding complete access which I was more than happy to provide. Our mouths danced together in a way that felt almost like a war, biting and sucking, nibbling and pulling, his hand traveled to my hair, grabbing a handful of my dark curls and forcing my head to tilt upwards, breaking the kiss with a choked moan. His mouth traveled to my jaw and down to my neck, leaving wet spots behind and marking my skin softly.
"You have no idea how hard it was for me to contain myself all night,"  He breaths out. "when all I wanted to do was bend you over and admire how hot the back of that dress would look as I fuck you from behind. "
A sound so desperate and needy ripped through my throat at his words, my body in shock and melting in his hands as he continues to devour my neck and chest, his mouth going everywhere.
"Minho.." I find the strength to whisper.
"Yeah, I know.." He groans against my skin.
"Someone could see us." I add.
He drags his lips from my neck back to my jaw, until his mouth is ghosting over mine again "I know," His eyes are hungry and wild. "don't care though."
I laugh under my breath. "We both know that's a lie."
"A lie?"
"Minho, you don't wanna be seen with me." I shake my head lightly. "Every time we're around people you act like a completely different person."
"It's not that angel." He exhales against my lips, brushing his nose against mine. His hands move slowly, from my jaw down my chest, his rough fingers toy with the thin straps of my dress before traveling down to my exposed cleavage. His eyes meet mine as he drags his fingers in between my breasts, making my nipples harden, the shape of them visible through the thin satin material. His mouth twists when he notices, his lips coming together hard. I feel my breath tremble as his hand passes from my stomach and doesn't stop. I switch my gaze from his hand to his eyes nervously while he stays focused on his movement, with eyebrows frowned. When his fingers brush over my core, I inhale sharply, holding my breath.
"God, it would be so satisfying to see just how wet you are for me right now." He lets out a low groan, smiling.
"I'm not." I swallow, tightening my jaw, looking at him dead in the eye.
His smile turns into a smirk, dark and wicked, that shakes me to my core and awakes a hunger deep inside me, making me wetter than I already was. "Let's check then shall we?"
Before I have any time to protest or do anything, he knocks my left foot with his, making my legs open enough for his hand to creep in from the opening of the dress that exposed my leg from my hip bone all the way down to my ankle.
"Minho!" My voice comes out more like a whine, the end of his name dying in my throat as his fingers waste no time, pulling my underwear to the side.
"Ah, shit." He hums in approval closing his eyes when his finger opens my folds, gently rubbing my clit and letting my wetness soak it. His smile grows as his teeth capture his bottom lip between them. "You're dripping baby."
I place my hands on his chest. "Please, s-stop."
"I don't think you want me to stop. Not when I can so easily do," His middle finger slides inside me, effortlessly. "This."
A moan leaves my lips, my head falling back at the unexpected pleasure.
His finger starts moving, fast and hard, making wet, sinful sounds mixed with my embarrassing whimpering fill the air.
"That's it, baby." He drags the words, in a low tone, attaching his lips once again against my jaw.
"Oh my god," I brokenly say, fisting his shirt. He slides another finger in with absolutely no warning, keeping the same brutally pleasurable pace and I feel my stomach tightening, the pleasure building and building. Everything has faded again, an effect that only he has on me, suddenly it's just me and him and I find myself not caring about where we are or who can see us as I let myself fall apart on his fingers.
His lips find mine, swallowing my gasps, in a sloppy kiss. "You feel so good around my fingers angel." His free hand comes up to cup my jaw, forcing my eyes to him, foreheads touching. "You think you can come for me? Huh?"
The way he speaks, so cockily and confidently, is challenging me and I hate how much the way he teases and handles my body, pushes me closer to the edge. This back-and-forth thing between us, this feeling, this rush of adrenaline that consumes me every time he's around is getting addictive and I want more and more. I want him more and more.
His fingers curled inside me, effortlessly finding that spot, and hitting it repeatedly. "S-shit."
"Found it." He says proudly in my ear, gently biting my earlobe, and if I wasn't currently on the verge of having an orgasm at a balcony, during Seunming's Christmas Eve party, I would have slapped that smirk off his face.
The knot in my stomach tightens, my legs begin to shake, and I feel like my heart is going to beat out of my chest, heat rising to my face. His thumb finds my clit, rubbing circles over it and the second he applies just the tiniest amount of pressure, I feel the pleasure creeping in.
"Minho, I'm g-gonna.." My orgasm hits me like a wave, my whole body going numb, gasps and moans of his name fall from my lips.
"There we go baby," He groans, connecting his forehead to mine again. "Ride it out." All of his digits move perfectly together, not slowing down even a tiny bit, as I make a mess of them. My eyes stay shut, still unable to breathe while the remains of my high still linger, the bliss still tingling my insides.
When he feels me relax, he pulls his fingers out, letting some of my release wet my inner thighs. I open my eyes slowly meeting his. He's grinning like a satisfied child, that got what he wanted.
"Well," He lifts an eyebrow, bringing his two fingers to his mouth and wrapping his full, pink lips around them, sucking them clean while holding eye contact. "That was lovely."
I blink and I swallow hard, and then blink again. Staring up at him, not really knowing what to say, my mind completely blank. "I- uhm.." I stutter, and it could be my head trying to wrap itself around what just happened or how the moonlight falls on his face perfectly, lighting up his big, brown eyes, but I struggle to form a sentence. His hair, a little messed up, probably from my hands, and his whole face, glowing, making me wish I could take a photo of him in this moment.
"I-I-uhm," He mocks, eyes moving all over my face. "Not knowing what to say; that's the 'Minho effect'. " He shrugs.
His words snap me out of my haze. "God, you're so arrogant." I push at his chest, making him stubble just a step, his shoulders shaking with laughter. I cross my arms, shaking my head at the boy in front of me. It's the second time, I've heard him laugh.
He bounces back to his previous spot, lowering his head a bit to catch my gaze, his eyes dark and beautiful. "Are you obsessed with me yet or should I try harder?"
I roll my eyes, fighting back a small smile, this playful and flirty side of his might be my favorite. It's making me wish we could stay like this forever. So close to each other, so open and relaxed. But sadly the nature of our relationship is nothing like that.
I open my mouth to answer but the shout of my name ripping through the air, makes me freeze.
He steps into the balcony, chest rising and falling so hard that he's visibly struggling to breathe. His face is covered with a thin layer of sweat and his hair is messily falling over his face as if he was repeatedly running his hands over them.
"Hyunjin?" My head snaps to him, but it's the look on his face, the panic in his eyes that makes my blood run cold, and my feet to take a step forward.
"We have a problem." He breaths out, hard.
"What is it?" Minhos takes a step forward as well, his body and face shifting completely, hardening, alarmed.
"It's Chan and Felix."
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fullstcp · 4 months
"Clocks move forward but we don't get older."
"All the times we fell behind were just the keys to paradise."
"Don't look down."
"We're still rising up right now."
"Keep dreaming like we'll live forever."
"Live it like it's now or never."
"I hear this noise, in my head."
"It's calling out like a voice I can't forget."
"Got no time to catch my breath."
"Clocks move faster cause it's all we're after now."
"We ain't searching for tomorrow."
"We've got all we need today."
"Here's the one thing I want you to know."
"You got someplace to go."
"Life's a test, yes, but you go toe-to-toe."
"You don't give up, no, you grow."
"You use your pain cause it makes you you."
"I know it's not the same."
"You got living to do and I just want you to do it."
"So get up, get out, relight that spark."
"It's not what you lost, it's what you'll gain."
"Wake up your dream and make it true."
"Time to come out of the dark."
"Better wake those demons, just look them in the eye."
"No reason not to try."
"Life can be a mess."
"I won't let it cloud my mind."
"I use the pain cause it's part of me."
"I'm ready to power through it."
"I wanna hear it."
"No need to fear it, you're not alone."
"You're gonna find your way."
"I wanna cry."
"I'm callin' out for one more try to feel alive."
"When I feel lost and alone, I know that I can make it home."
"Life is a risk but I will take it."
"Together, I think that we can make it."
"Come on, let's run."
"I found the ground I'm marching on."
"We will fight to shine together."
"Can you hear me?"
"We gotta get ready."
"This band is back."
"We're the best, no doubt."
"We see it, we want it, we get it, we got it."
"We came to play, where you at?"
"Come follow me."
"We're gonna make history."
"You know all my secrets."
"Guess that means some things they never change."
"When I look at you it's like I'm looking at me."
"My life would be real low, zero, flying solo without you."
"You know who I'm liking way before I like them."
"If somebody hurts you I'm gonna get hurt too."
"That's just how we work."
"It will never change."
"Ain't gonna fight it cause it's useless."
"Don't care if everybody's watching."
"Silence ain't an option."
"We're on top of the world."
"Let me introduce myself."
"We've got some time to kill."
"Consider me the pearly gates to your new favorite thrill."
"We could go make history or you could rest in peace."
"Here there ain't no misery."
"Whatcha gonna do?"
"Show you a thing."
"You ain't seen nothing."
"Everything has got a price but happiness is free."
"We can set the night on fire and break out of the scene."
"It ain't bragging if it's true."
"Whenever I walk in the room, all the focus on me."
"Not trying to brag, but I'm flawless."
"Ain't perfect, but I can't miss."
"The party don't start 'til I walk in."
"I'm stealing all the attention."
"Some might say I sound conceited."
"Some get jealous, they can't help it."
"They wish they were me."
"I keep the party going all night."
"I only lead, I never follow."
"I never open 'cause it's my show."
"Don't know if people think I'm shallow."
"All I see is all eyes on me."
"I'm my own goals, just talking honestly."
"Ain't no one as hot as me."
"We're no liars."
"We say what we wanna say."
"Don't know if I'll make it 'cause I'm falling under."
"You're a part of me."
"Now till eternity."
"Been so long and now we're finally free."
"Now we know what we're worth."
"We know we can make it."
"We're not falling down under."
"Step into my world."
"Life can be so mean."
"But when he/she/they go(es), I know he/she/they do(es)n't leave."
"The truth is finally breaking through."
"Two worlds collide when I'm with you."
"You set me free."
"You and me together is more than chemistry."
"Love me as I am."
"We say we're friends."
"We play pretend."
"You're more to me."
"We're everything."
"You are my brightest burning star."
"I never knew a love so real."
"We're heaven on earth, melody and words."
"When we're together we're in perfect harmony."
"We create a perfect harmony."
"Running from the past. Tripping on the now."
"What is lost can be found."
"It's obvious."
"We all got a second act, inside of us."
"I believe that we're just one dream away from who we're meant to be."
"Our best days are yet unknown."
"This is moment is ours to own."
"We're standing on the edge of great."
"We all make mistakes."
"Sometimes we gotta lean on someone else."
"Be who you are no compromise."
"What doesn't kill you makes you feel alive."
"We start the scene in reverse."
"When things got loud, one of us running out."
"I should've turned around, but I had too much pride."
"No time for goodbyes."
"Didn't get to apologize."
"If I could take us back, if I could just do that."
"Then maybe time would not erase me."
"If you could only know I never let you go."
"The words I most regret are the ones I never meant to leave unsaid."
"Who'd be the first to break?"
"Guess we're alike that way."
"You know you wanna take a chance and be a little bit bad."
"Ain't nothing quite like living on the edge."
"I'm chasing down a thrill and looking fit to kill."
"You got nothing to lose."
"Welcome to my stage."
"Life's short, not a minute to waste."
"I'll take you higher than you've ever been."
"Tell me how you'd like to begin."
"Don't blink."
"I don't wanna miss it."
"It's back to the beginning."
"Everything is rushing in fast."
"Keep going on, never look back."
"I'm going out of my mind."
"Whatever happens, even if I'm the last standing, I'ma stand tall."
"I gotta keep on dreaming."
"I gotta catch that feeling."
"Right now, I'm loving every minute."
"Can't let myself forget it."
"Cause everything is rushing in fast."
"I keep on going when it's all falling apart."
"I know with all my heart."
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creative-frequency · 7 months
Astarion x Reader: Contradictions and Other Counter-Measures Ch.2
Summary: Spending some drowsy time by the campfire with Astarion. Word count: 1417
Previous chapter
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CHAPTER 2: Introductions
Yours is an odd party.
A githyanki warrior – an outright pleasure to be around if one enjoys the looming threat of decapitation, both physical and verbal.
A shady cleric, who feigns ignorance when asked more about.
A posh high elf, who claims to be a magister from Baldur’s Gate. You met briefly on the night of your grand escape from the city, but don’t really know anything about him – except that he is unfairly beautiful.
And yourself. As far as the others know, you’re just the unluckiest sorcerer alive who happened to be visiting the city during the nautiloid attack.
All four of you are sitting around the campfire, exhausted and wary, weighing between asking or sharing more and how much to trust and say. By some degree of a miracle or insane luck, no one is injured after the day spent exploring the wilds and the campsite spot seems to be relatively safe.
“So,” Astarion begins, because of course it’s him who has to break the weary silence. “Anyone feeling like this will be our last tentacle-less night?”
The already familiar “Tch,” comes from Lae’zel. She is the driving force in your group and usually she is driving her sword through anyone’s chest who happens to stand in your way. The githyanki warrior isn’t one for idle chatting.
Your gaze wanders around the group. It is only fair that they don’t know much about you, just as you know next to nothing about them. Still, you can’t help the feeling that it will take a while to find the cure for your shared tadpole issue and in the meanwhile you’ll be travelling together. It would be for the best to start making friends.
“Would be a shame if it was the last,” you reply to Astarion as neither of the ladies seem to be in the mood for a casual chat.
“Shame? Our orifices should be bleeding and our skin sundering already,” Lae’zel says menacingly. “Although, the night is still young.”
Everyone else shares an uneasy look.
“Come morning, we need to find a way to the nearest Crèche,” Lae’zel continues.
Shadowheart scoffs. “You keep saying that, but how is that our best option?” she asks.
“My people have been fighting the ghaik for aeons. We are hardly the first ones to be infected. There are protocols for this,” Laezel explains, annoyance shining through each carefully chosen word.
“We can decide our next move in the morning,” you suggest before the two continue their ceaseless arguing. They’ve been at it for the better part of the day, ever since you helped Lae’zel escape the goblin trap.
“Fine,” Lae’zel says, “but I trust you will agree this is our only possible course of action.”
Shadowheart rolls her eyes and gets up without saying another word. She is the first to retire for the night.
Lae’zel leaves soon after and you’re left sitting on a log next to the pretty, pale elf. Now that you’re alone, you become very aware of his presence next to you. You shuffle slightly further away.
“They seem to be becoming fast friends,” Astarion remarks.
You snort in a very unladylike manner. “Can’t wait to wake up in the middle of the night to watch them scrap it out.”
Both of the mentioned parties keep their tent flaps closed. The nights so far have been dry but cool, but the campfire is the only source of warmth in the middle of the woods and you’re reluctant to leave its area of effect to rest.
Absent minded, you stare into the dancing flames of the campfire and pull up the old family ring that is kept attached to a necklace. The intricate surface has darkened during the years from the lack of proper care.
“I see you never actually got rid of the ring” Astarion says and you almost drop the said item.
“Oh right, you saw it back then…” you mumble.
It’s been over five years so the details of that night are hazy at best. When thinking of your escape, your first thought is the oppressive feeling of being chased, but right after that there is also the burst of excitement, sourced by the looming freedom.
You would never tell it to Astarion, but you have sometimes wondered what became of the beautiful curly-haired elf from the tavern. And now he is here, very much sharing the largest mess you’ve ever been in your life. The tadpole hums in your head, reminding you of its presence.
“Tell me, which noble family are you from?” Astarion questions, though he doesn’t really seem interested in the answer.
“First name basis not enough for you?” you quip and run your thumb across the family crest on the ring.
“Darling, I’ve seen the headlines and that crest. I am only asking out of courtesy,” he says.
Your mood sinks. Of course you would happen to run into someone who recognises you as a noble. Knowing that Astarion is a magister in the city, it shouldn’t be a surprise that he is familiar with family crests and reads newspapers.
You draw in a long breath and sigh. “So you already know I’m a Caldwell.”
“‘The disappearance of the patriar’s daughter’ – it’s everyone’s favourite mystery,” Astarion recites with a short chuckle and paints the headline into the air in flourish motions.
“I’m sure it is, but please don’t tell the others. I’ll… tell them when the time is right,” you plead in a hushed tone.
Astarion bows slightly. “Your secret is safe with me, my lady.”
He jests, but it still makes you smile. Reasons to smile have been few and far between during the last day.
“Thank you, though I think I like ‘potato sack woman’ better,” you say. It was the first thing that slipped out of the elf’s mouth when he recognised you at the beach.
“I’m sure you do. Why did you leave Baldur’s Gate in the first place?” Astarion asks, more curious towards the answer to this question.
“Who wouldn’t love it here instead of the noisy city?” you retort and drop the ring in its chain back underneath your shirt.
Astarion scoffs. “You traded balls and gold goblets for this? Unbelievable. Yours is one of those stories the Mouth digs up whenever they have nothing else to write about.”
“Hm. How nice of them. Maybe I’ll tell you the real reason later.” You used to hate having secrets, but this one you’ve been carrying for so long that it’s already an instinct to dodge all personal questions.
“Alright. I’ll hold on to that promise,” Astarion says slowly with an inspecting – or maybe it’s suspicious – look.
“What about you? How are you adjusting?” you ask in turn. As a magister he must be used to a more comfortable lifestyle.
Astarion sighs and turns to gaze at the stars. “I admit, resting in the dirt is a little novel.” If you didn’t know better, you could say he sounds almost excited.
“It has a certain charm to it, doesn’t it?” you smile and a yawn forces its way out right after the words.
“Indeed. But you should get some rest,” Astarion says gently, “I’ll keep watch tonight.” 
Your brows raise at the thoughtful offer. If anything, you would’ve thought he would be the first one to declare that night watch duties are far beneath him.
“Thank you, Astarion, though I’m not sure if I’ll be able to sleep any time soon,” you reply, feeling pleasantly drowsy and warm thanks to the crackling campfire and numbness from the exhausting day. Maybe you wouldn’t mind spending time talking with someone who shares these recent odd experiences, but it’s getting difficult to think in complete sentences. You should really go to your bedroll.
Astarion seems to be scooting closer to you with an impossibly charming grin on his perfect lips. The perceptive eyes take in your drooping form. In a passing thought you wonder why isn’t he as tired as the rest of your group.
Astarion hums quietly: “Well, if you want to spend time with me, you only need to say so.”
Some amount of clarity and consciousness returns to you with a flush of abashment.
“What? Uhh, I’m off to bed…” you stumble to reply, promptly standing up and your jammed brain is wondering did you hear the elf correctly or are you just half-asleep.
“Whatever you say, my dear. Now off with you,” Astarion says with a little laugh.
You definitely heard him right.
Next chapter
My Writing Masterlist
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amoraffairs · 2 years
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𝐌𝐲 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐒𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤
summary: your left alone at a party having to much to drink, luckily sirius is there.
You were drunk there was no denying that. You sat on the counter somewhere, to be honest you have no idea where you are.
You friends convinced you to come to this party, always claiming you must of not liked them as you’ve never went out with them, so this time when they asked you, you said yes.
Drinks kept being made for you, & it felt good to forget things for a while.
Sirius found you before you saw him. He was surprised to see you here, because he tried to invite you like he always does but but you politely declined.
When you finally see him, your eyes light up grateful to see someone you know.
“Sirius !” You rush to hug him, stumbling as you do so.
Sirius take in your appearance, coming to the conclusion that you were drunk. He couldn’t help the shock that took over his face. He’s never seen you drink before.
He leads you away from the group of people to the kitchen of the house.
Suddenly you were sitting on the counter. Sirus eyes searched the crowd through the open kitchen door, his hand on your arm as if to make sure you were still there.
“Who’d you come with?”
“Juliet” You say after a few moments of trying to think. Annoyance took over Sirus features.
You attempt to make your way off the counter, fearing he was annoyed at you, but his hand on your arm held you in place.
“She left , 30 minutes ago with her boyfriend.”
You mouth parts in shock. She’d said she was going to get you guys another drink. She must of found her boyfriend on the way.
“Oh ok. It’s fine. I’ll just—“
“I’ll take you home.” Sirus grabs your shoulders lifting you off the counter.
“Wait no. no. Sirus. Stay. You were having fun till I ruined it.” You say pushing his chest, trying to get him to stop walking. He smiles at your useless attempts.
“I always ruin everything” You mumble guilt eating him alive at the fact Sirius has to babysit you.
Your not sure if Sirius heard you or choose to ignore you but he continues to lead you out of the house.
He suddenly stops walking, you bumping into him. He rubs your forehead as you wince. “Sorry love”
He looks around, trying to find someone. “I promised to James, I’d tell him when i left.”
“I’ll be fine Sirius” He doesn’t want to leave you, but he also doesn’t know where James is. He couldn’t drag out throughout the whole house.
He smiles in victory, as he finds Remus sitting on the couch. “Here love, sit with Moons. I’ll be right back.”
You play with your hands in awkwardness as you listens to a conversation Remus has with someone else.
“Hi Y/N” Remus says to you once his conversation finishes. His friend nowhere in sight.
“Hi Remus” You tell him a smile on your face. It took one look at you, to tell you were drunk.
“You had too much to drink Y/N?” He asks in innocent teasing.
“Who’s been drinking to much.” A voice says behind you too. James.
“James” You jump of the couch to give him a side hug.
“Hey how come I didn’t get a hug.” Remus says in mock hurt.
Mistaking his teasing for actually hurt you quickly apologize.
“He’s just messing with you love.” Sirius says as he hands you a water bottle. You look at in question. Sirius opens it & puts it in your hands again, wanting you to drink.
“How many drinks have you had?” James asks. You struggle to remember as you count on your fingers. Once you have to continue counting on the other hand, the boys knew all they needed.
“ Ok no more parties for you—“
“at least no parties without your friends.” They tell you.
“Juliet is my friends” You say feeling as if you need to protect her
“Cmon love, I’ll take you home.”
“No, tell him James. Tell him i’m fine. Don’t let me ruin your fun.” You all but pout.
James share a look with Sirius over your head. You genuinely felt bad. “You are the fun, love.” Sirius says gently grabbing your hand to separate you from James.
His words made you feel sticky & sweet like honey, that didn’t relazie he convinced you to leave. You gave a wave to the boys & let Sirius lead you put & away from the party.
“Thank you Siri” You say after a moment of silence. Sirius was tracing patterns as you both walked. “For what”
“For being to good for me.” You say giving me a small kiss on the cheek.
“You deserve it” He wanted to tell you move. He wanted to tell you how he really felt. That he was falling in love with you. But he knew you never would of remembered it in the morning, anyway.
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king-crawler · 3 months
Recently when I tried to figure out why Turbo went, well Turbo I realized something. At first I came to the conclusion that it was because of his code, but then I remembered the plot of the movie and completely scrapped it (though there might still be some merit with it). Then i thought that “hey, this fucker has been surrounded by picters of himself since he was plugged in, hes the star of the show, so of course he would get a huge ego out of it, said ego also being his subsequent down fall, but why diden't Felix also fall in the same trap? he was the hero of his game too”. And I think it's because he wasn't alone. Now I'm not gonna overshadow the twins. They're there too but considering how Turbo treated them in the little screen time we got to see them together I doubt that they were on good terms, they might have been in the games early days but I digress.
Felix, unlike Turbo, had friends within his game, a small community to look out for him just as he does for them. They made him pies, dedicated parties to him, cherished him, but Turbo?. Who was gonna bake him pies? Who was gonna throw parties for him? Who was gonna cherish him? The Twins? FUCK no. And i think that's what tipped him over the edge, his ego made him push oway his friends and coworkers just to get a sliver of stardom. And when he had all the attention ripped oway from him by another racing game had to have been his last straw (you saw the face he pulled in the flashback. God, just imagine seeing one of your neighbors destroy their own career live, in broad daylight too, must have been horrifying). I love a good character that just dooms themselves to the narrative with their own actions (Turbo was a whore for the limelight).
Going a bit of topic here but “going Turbo” wouldn't work if it was any other main character in the movie, “going Ralph” just doesn't work. Could be because “Turbo” isn't really a name, it's a word, the name of his game, “Turbo Time”. So my proposal is that whenever there is an au where say, Calhoun game jumps (for whatever reason) they call it solo mission. “You're not going on a solo mission are you?” sounds more riveting, to me, and in character for Calhoun. Perhaps that was the last thing she said to her men before she left. For Vanellope id imagen something like “going on a sugar rush” and something about crashing. Because when the sugar rush ends you typically crash.
And that gave me another thought, how many “Turbos” are there out there? How many characters went outside their game or against their script on working hours. How many of these incidents were considered bugs or glitches (how many were turned into creepypastas). It feels like a huge liability risk and the only instances of us hearing about it is with Turbo, which I find strange. Is it like a silent rule? That no one is allowed to leave their game and that's it? That's a super thin line, like yeah you can argue that its there to keep them alive but who told them that? And the second movie doesn't help that, it's just, eurghhh, i don't like the second movieeeee… But it does give the homeless game characters a chance to find a potential new home. There's so much out there in the wilde wilde internet to explore and find new potential in, to not be tied to the arcade has to be a bit liberating for some :)
Sorry for the sudden rant, I just got a kick and could not not write this down.
The whole turbo vs Felix thing really stuck out to me. Turbo Living in a game with only 2 other people who hate him ? While Felix gets praise and attention from dozens? No wonder Turbo went haywire 👀 like do you think he envied Felix ………
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veloursdor · 10 months
based on this au where anakin died in childbirth and obi-wan is left alone to raise the twins, but he can't bear to be near the twins without breaking down because he misses anakin too much.
(1k words)
It was the first anniversary of Anakin's death and Obi-Wan couldn't force himself to get out of bed. The pain and heartache he still felt, even after 368 standard days apart from Anakin, made him unable to function properly on a normal day, let alone the anniversary of when he had lost the love of his life.
Faintly, he could hear the twins crying in their room, and Obi-Wan knew – at the back of his head – that he should’ve been caring for them, attending to their needs. 
Preparing their birthday party.
He even had a list of everything he needed to make it a very sweet party for the twins to look back on when they were older. Anakin had been so excited to be a parent, he had made so many plans for the twins, their milestones, their birthdays.
But Anakin was gone, and Obi-Wan was alone.
The twins continued crying as Obi-Wan contemplated the ceiling, the tears in his eyes at the misery he felt inside himself clouding his vision.
"Master Obi-Wan," 3P0's voice said from the hall, "Masters Luke and Leia need a diaper change and..."
R2's beeps interrupted whatever it was 3P0 wanted to say. Obi-Wan had never bothered to learn binary – unlike Anakin who had done his best to master the language before he mastered any other language the council expected of him, saying droids were as important as people –, so he hadn’t had the slightest idea what the astromech was saying to the protocol droid.
On a normal day, he would’ve cared.
But it wasn’t a normal day at all.
"Well, yes R2, but Master An..."
"*beep boop beep boop boop beep*"
"R2! Master Obi-Wan is trying his best!"
"Do it yourself, 3P0," Obi-Wan replied with a tired voice, unable to gather the strength to leave his bed. Anakin had been taken from him a year before. "You know how to."
He pushed the droids away from his door with a gentle push from the Force, covering himself up with the covers of his bed. He knew Anakin would want him to be there for the twins, celebrating their milestone of reaching one year of age.
But he couldn't muster the energy to face them.
The day passed him by in bed, and before he knew it, the moonlight was breaking through his window.
"Obi-Wan," Breha's voice said from above him, her tone harsh and judgemental as she took away from him the covers he was covering himself with. "This can't go on like this. I understand grieving your husband, but your children need you."
"Bail is still alive," he said, his voice as cold as his heart while he grabbed the blankets back. "You don't understand what it's like to miss the other half of you."
"Luke and Leia are okay," he said, finally looking at Breha, who was staring at him with a frown on her face, her arms crossed above her chest. "C-3P0 and R2-D2..." make sure they have food and clothes "they help me with them."
Anakin had programed the droids with every child care program he could find - first aid, lullabies, nursery rhymes, Anakin had thought of anything and everything they could need - hoping to have his droids at the ready to help them out if he or Obi-Wan ever found some trouble or needed a little time for themselves.
"I appreciate you coming in to check on us," Obi-Wan said as he got out of bed, knowing his argument would fall in deaf ears if he was still in bed. "But you just caught us in a very bad day."
"Obi-Wan, your children..."
"Everything is fine, Breha," Obi-Wan said harshly, his tone curt. "My children have everything they need."
"Except their father! Obi-Wan you can't seriously believe..."
"Yes, Breha, they're missing their father because they...'' he said with force, the tears in his eyes finally falling, before cutting himself abruptly. No one should know what he truly thought of his children. "I'm trying my best here," he admitted, his face falling, "but it's not as easy as it seems."
"I know that, Obi-Wan," Breha said softly, her hand softly touching his arm. "Which is why Bail and I continue offering our house and time. We can look after Luke and Leia as long as you need, they'll be taken care of. Alderaan is a beautiful place where..."
But Obi-Wan stopped paying attention, as the idea of losing Luke and Leia - the last he had of Anakin - started ripping him apart from the inside. He couldn't lose his children, not even if they were the reason the love of his life was gone, forever ripped away from him.
"I appreciate the offer, Breha," Obi-Wan said with a forced smile as he started walking towards his door, softly guiding Breha who was still holding his arm, "but... Luke and Leia need to stay with the only parent they have left. Things will be better off tomorrow."
"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to make a smash cake for the twins as Anakin wanted," he said, congratulating himself at the way his voice only halfway broke at the mention of Anakin. "Have a good night, my friend," he said before closing the door behind Breha, exhaling once he was alone.
3P0 and R2 were busy with the children, who were wearing the onesies Anakin had bought for them a little over a year ago while they played on the floor of the apartment. Obi-Wan felt his heart tear itself apart in half at the sight of the onesies, knowing Anakin had chosen them with all the love he had for the twins.
“We’re gonna be parents Obi-Wan! Isn’t that the best thing you’ve ever heard?”
But as he was approaching them, Luke looked up, freezing Obi-Wan in place. Anakin's eyes were staring back at him from the face of their son, and Obi-Wan couldn't stand a minute more looking at them in such a foreign face.
He walked back to his room, closing the room behind him.
There would be other birthdays.
But there would never be another Anakin Skywalker.
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kyusunyu · 6 months
SUNWOO ↳ “𝕺𝖓𝖈𝖊 𝖚𝖕𝖔𝖓 𝖆 𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖊”
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a TBZ frat boyz series.
kim sunwoo x f!reader :: ex lovers/soulmate tropes
warnings: some explicit content 👀, hardly smutty. lots of feels though. (rough edit)
𝔬𝔫𝔠𝔢 𝔲𝔭𝔬𝔫 𝔞 𝔱𝔦𝔪𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢 𝔩𝔦𝔳𝔢𝔡 𝔞 𝔥𝔬𝔱 𝔰𝔬𝔠𝔠𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔢𝔞𝔪 𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔡𝔦𝔤𝔶 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔞 𝔨𝔫𝔬𝔴-𝔦𝔱-𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔟𝔬𝔬𝔨 𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔪 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔪𝔢𝔢𝔱 𝔬𝔫𝔠𝔢 𝔞𝔤𝔞𝔦𝔫 𝔴𝔥𝔢𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔪𝔬𝔬𝔫’𝔰 𝔣𝔲𝔩𝔩 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔰 𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔤𝔫…
“Bite me.”
you were a realist.
far from delusional,
even if the stars aligned on a full moon night.
nothing could convince you to believe that a frat party would be a hell of a good time.
“I have too much shit.” you annunciate, yeeting a pencil in your best friend’s general direction. “Ask Mina. I’m sure she’d find sweaty people and an uncanny amount of booze fun.”
your model of a roommate sulks.
bummed you weren’t like the rest of the girls around here.
like who in their right mind would decline an invite to the biggest frat house in SK?
“Leave it to you to pass on a good time. Boo, tomatoes.”
you send her a merciless smile. “I feel less of a detriment to society this way. Have you seen me in anything other than sweats and a hoodie? It takes effort to look as good as you. Effort I cannot spare for myself.”
“Talk about dramatic.”
dramatics aside,
there was nothing that could possibly be done to drag you out of this dorm room and into the pits of hell called TBZ.
that godforsaken frathood might drive you off a cliff.
you’ll give them the benefit of the doubt.
they were far from hideous— a sight for sore eyes really.
intelligent, sociable, and athletic.
all 11 of them.
even if 2 happened to be both your exes.
once upon a time..
“Well, i’m leaving.” the gorgeous red head flips her hair, model figure hugged in the little black dress she sported. “If i’m not back by morning, send a search party. I love you! Don’t study too hard my little book worm.”
there were some perks to being roommates and best friend’s with your polar opposite.
a stable social life.
free clothes.
and invites to the biggest parties?
too bad you hardly found any of those to be useful to you.
“Y/n?” her voice sounds irritated, slightly slurred and strained against the echoing music of the party. “Y/n, can you come get me? Fuck— these people are losers. I’m drunk.”
you grimace.
she’s upset.
it’s only midnight and of all people—
Taeri was upset.
“Did something happen?” you mumble sleepily, sitting up to turn on a light. “Are you okay? DId someone hurt you?”
too drunk to process the question, she groans. “Will you just please come and get me? I feel like I’m gonna explode.”
“O-okay, just give me a couple—“
the call flat lines.
the day has finally come that the stars aligned on a full moon night.
albeit, you still didn’t think the frat party was gonna be a good time,
but i guess you’ll bite.
it didn’t take long to wash up a little, whipping out one of Taeri’s hand me down’s.
10 minutes longer and you had your liner drawn and a simple red tint to your velvet lips.
you absolutely dreaded having to face the day you’d ever come to this—
a strapless top, tight jeans and mid height high heels.
but you had some class.
you weren’t gonna be a detriment to society by showing up in half ass pj’s.
the hottie by the door makes a double take.
your forehead creases, eyes looking into the still much alive party. “Aren’t you gonna ask for my name, pretty boy?”
pretty boy doesn’t respond.
honestly, too stunned to answer.
because god damn.
god damn—
“Damnit.” Eric blinks furiously, wiping at his shirt upon spilling some of his drink. “Sorry, name?”
“Y/n, you’re on the list— Y/n?”
at this point, he’s completely disregarded his drink.
the rest spilling all over his thousand dollar shoes.
“Y/n.” you affirm with a slight chuckle. “Taeri called. Is she alright?”
no, of course she’s not.
the sole reason for her coming, being her ex boyfriend who happens to live here—
who undoubtedly was the cause of the phone call in the first place
“Well all hell hasn’t broke loose yet.” Eric manages to make it through a sentence. “You don’t normally come to these things, don’t you? Taeri said you’re not much of a party goer.”
“Great observation, pretty boy. I was summoned. If Taeri wasn’t in trouble, why’d she call me then?”
he aimlessly shrugs. “Hyunjae hasn’t touched your hot model bestie all night. I mean Sunwoo’s back in town so maybe—“
oh god.
fucking hell on earth.
“Hey, didn’t you and Sunwoo—“
“No I don’t know a Sunwoo.” he elicits a pressed panicked grin by you. “And Sunwoo doesn’t know me. Are we understanding each other? Do I make myself clear, pretty boy.”
the pretty boy grins back. “Fucking crystal.”
you pray to the stars in the sky to disarrange.
you pray for anything but the storm that brews ahead.
you pray for the sake of your roommate,
that this was nothing but a coincidence.
“— that Sunwoo’s back in town, can you believe it?”
you refrain from putting that stranger into a chokehold.
wanting nothing but to be home in your covers.
you’re no cinderella but,
it’s past your damn bedtime.
“Where the fuck is she?” you mumble to yourself incoherently, searching the heavily intoxicated crowd for your best friend.
leave it to her to make you the damn search party.
these heels were killing you.
but those heels on you weren’t just killing you,
it was killing everyone else too.
“You won’t believe who just walked in.” Eric came back to his group of troublemakers, kissing his lips through a devious smirk. “God damn, you won’t believe me when I tell you. Who just walked through our fucking doors.”
Sunwoo’s a little less interested.
tired is a simple word to describe his current attitude.
he just got back into town, man.
it’s been a stressful week for him.
the last thing he wants to deal with was Eric’s crazed nonsense.
Hyunjae’s shoulder’s perk from on top of the counter. “If you’re talking about my god forsaken ex again, we’ve already crossed paths. Like fourth party in a row.”
“Not your ex.”
Eric’s feverish.
he’s only heard about the legend of y/n.
the closed-off maths geek Sunwoo had a boner for freshman year.
the hardly qualified best friend of the hottest model on campus.
“But she’s so fucking hot though.” Eric dreamily drools, nodding from the corner in which they gather. “She’s drop dead gorgeous, Sunwoo. How could a star soccer player like you, drop a once in a lifetime shot like that?”
“What the fuck are you on about, you— you’re kidding.”
the star soccer player can’t remember the last time he saw you.
well, to be fair, the last time he saw you,
you were in an oversized hoodie, worn-in sneakers, and sweats doubled your size.
now people are expecting him to believe his ex girlfriend stalked the halls of his house—
in stunning Louboutins nonetheless.
leather tight top hiked too far up the stomach, cleavage half out and bed hair making you look like a 5-star Michelin.
those heels.
the heels are killing him on you, he doesn’t know what to do.
“You’re fucking kidding.” Juyeon jumps from his seat, the rest of the males following suit like a pack of hungry wolves. “That’s her?”
Sangyeon whistles at all that. “I’ll be damned.”
Sunwoo can’t say a thing.
he’s not allowed to.
leave it to you to sweep the entire party of their feet right after he did.
“Taeri!” you call, unbeknownst to the lingering eyes around you. “Taeri, where are you!”
your heels click at the tiles,
excusing yourself in the crowd like the prim you are.
noting to run as soon as you find,
“Kim Sunwoo.”
your breath’s taken away.
haphazard and eyes blown out of their sockets.
you can’t run if he’s the one that finds you.
“Sunwoo, I—“
he doesn’t let you manage even a word.
clearly won’t let you say a thing.
not that you weren’t allowed to.
after all,
he’s the one that got away.
“Not you.” you tear his hands from tugging on your wrists. “Of anyone in this damn frat house, not you, Kim Sunwoo. I want absolutely nothing to do with you.”
leave it to Sunwoo to look at you like the mad man he is.
the hot shot playboy of IST,
this was your sumptuous ex boyfriend.
your only ex boyfriend.
“— the last thing I want to see. Get away from me.”
his eyes roll and he pins you to the wall of his bedroom,
making sure to lock the door behind you.
“The last thing I want to see is my beloved ex girlfriend showing up half naked at one of my frat parties. But life’s unfair isn’t it?”
he elicits a pitiful snort and you dare yourself to retort back. “The thought never bothered you before when you begged me to be your damn side piece, once upon a time.”
“Once upon a time, you were mine. Let me make myself very clear, you were my girl. And right now, I don’t get that luxury— i’m not allowed to call you that.”
“If you’re looking for permission, you’re far from it. I’m not here for you, i’m here for Taeri.”
Sunwoo’s never liked that girl.
always trying to get you to wear the skankiest clothes.
present you like a centerpiece.
taking you whenever she wanted.
(she had her work cut for her)
when all he wanted was you all to himself.
“Trying to prove yourself by being hotter than her?”
you pry his body off of you,
absolutely heated you could explode.
“Trying to prove myself by not being a damn joke. Isn’t that what I was to you, once upon a time Kim Sunwoo? The reason you dropped me because I could never prove myself to be the girlfriend in Kim Sunwoo’s hot fucking life.”
his chest rises and falls as fast as his blood boils.
he always loved firing you up.
you were so hot, he couldn’t tell you why.
but he always wanted to strip you out of your oversized clothes and get you completely naked anyway.
the thrill of seeing you naked being a blessing in disguise.
right now,
you were already half way there.
“I loved you.”
“Loved me?” you laugh incredulously. “The sex was good but other than that, what can you say you loved about me? Other than lying to my face, nearly ripping out my hair, telling me your cock only belonged to me? But digging it inside other women like that didn’t matter at all.”
he’s taken by surprise.
that dirty mouth of yours.
he’s been needing a stress relief.
and suddenly, he’s not that stressed about any of his circumstances.
especially the ones he faces right now.
in fact, he’s more laxed than he’s ever been in his entire life.
“Still thinking about my cock, are you?”
“Yours and 5 others, baby. It stopped being all about—“
his lips crash against yours and the wall is suddenly your best friend.
so much for Taeri—
god, Kim Sunwoo was just so irresistible.
“You.” he growls into your lips while ripping off his shirt. “It’s always been all about you, hasn’t it?”
an arduous moan escapes your tethered lips,
melting in the hands of your inconceivable ex boyfriend.
“Im gonna make those 5 others look like training wheels, baby. I’m going to make sure you know who you belong to.”
it’s been 2 years.
you weren’t gonna wallow over your breakup with Sunwoo forever.
yes, you’ve slept with other people but damn.
other people will never be Kim Sunwoo.
“I won’t even have to beg for you to be my side piece when i’m finished with you.”
Taeri and Hyunjae were fine.
Taeri was upset but hey,
Hyunjae beat you to it anyway.
while Sunwoo’s beating into you,
Taeri stops to look at her ex, “Have you seen y/n? She said she was gonna come get me.”
Taeri’s never really liked Sunwoo for you either.
he was always possessive.
always center of fucking attention.
too big and mighty for her little know it all.
but god damn.
if there was anyone who made you happier than she’s ever seen you,
it was that poor unfortunate soul.
“She’s gonna eat him alive.” Taeri chuckles with her hand on her ex’s lap. “Poor thing, y/n’s balled up her anger for him for years. You think he’s gonna be okay?”
that was the thrill of you, you know.
always one step ahead of everyone else,
Sunwoo had to put a leash on you.
he was so tired of chasing,
“You’ve let go, Sunwoo.” you’re hyperventilating over his broad chest. “Where’s all that control you had now?”
you were gonna be the death of him.
he had to juggle loving you, paying the frat, his soccer career—
“I’m sorry.”
3 rounds later and Sunwoo’s spent.
ravishing in your beauty,
the yearning of something he didn’t think he needed in a long time.
you made him the happiest man alive once upon a time.
“I don’t deserve you.”
3 rounds later and you were convinced.
ravishing in his warmth and comfort—
you haven’t felt this content in a long time.
“You deserved all of me.”
you loved him.
god you loved him and you don’t know how to stop.
2 years later and he’s still the man you love.
“I loved your wide smile. I craved your touch. I wanted your attention every damn day and you deserved every minute of having me. I loved everything about you, Kim Sunwoo. But you made that decision to let me go a long time ago.”
he kisses the places your tears stain,
fingers shakily threading through your now long hair.
“I was tired of convincing myself all of that were true. Tell me, baby. What else did you love about me?”
you catch your breath, nose brushed against his.
“Your eyes. Your nose. Your dick.”
his throaty laugh fills your ears like music on christmas morning. “What else, baby?”
you lean in, humming against his cheek.
eyes shut in absolute bliss.
remembering the subtle scent of bergamot and sage that stained his skin.
“Your lips? The way they move when you kiss me. How they feel when you tell me you love me.”
his arms clasp around your hips.
high on your euphoria with you pressed against him like this.
the stars were in his favor tonight.
perfectly aligned in the sky when he finally tells you,
“I love you.”
you’re convinced he’s joking.
you have to convince yourself he was making you a joke.
but Sunwoo holds you like he’s gonna lose you.
afraid you were gonna let go.
“I’ll never deserve you but i’ll love you for the rest of my life if I have to in order to convince myself I do.”
“What do you love about me, Kim Sunwoo?”
the full moon is in your favor.
illuminating the room just enough to meet his colorful eyes.
just enough color to remember how he looked at you once upon a time.
“That you’ll be the only girl that I get to love in my entire life. I don’t want to be with anyone else but you, baby. Not even if the stars start crossing in the sky.”
you a side piece?
no, Kim Sunwoo never left your side.
he was like an overbearing parasite,
only having to move elsewhere when he wanted to be on top.
or when he kneels in front of you to ask you to be his wife.
and to think he would’ve had to beg once upon a time.
@kyusunyu / @kpopinesss / @atinybitofau
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crezz-star · 4 months
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✨Eleina / C'elen details 🌠
used my strawberridaddy style for this. its my hazbin inspired style since it's quick to do
DMC Eleina - C'elen Meza info and lore here:
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Eleina ( my bg3 oc tav ) rambles [copy pasted from twt]
(⚠️ Dark themes)
Backstory: Her father is a swindler and always absent. He was also that noble who is hated by everyone but still have the balls to show up at gatherings and parties to show off his wealth and 'beautiful' family. Her father is also a gambling addict which was why their money ran out fast. And before her mother knew what was happening, it was too late. They were being hunted down by the people her father scammed and stole from, even after they went into hiding. Her father kept gambling what little money her mother saved, they kept being hunted still and eventually her father got caught and killed. His head on a pike and was displayed for the public to see in the place her father often frequents after they went to hiding. That being baldur's gate. Her mother knew this and instead of feeling relieved that her shit husband was finally gone, ( which he also became abusive after he lost all his wealth ) she went into depression. Not knowing what to do now since she developed Stockholm syndrome and still loves her husband.
Eleina's mother would hang herself in the tiny cabin home they're hiding in one night where eleina would see her dead body when morning came.
Still small, being 7 years old, eleina couldn't even take her body down and watched her mother's dead body for while. Crying and not knowing what to do. No one to ask help from since she doesn't even know where to go, being far from any town or road.
The people hunting down her family managed to find the cabin where they were hiding and saw eleina's mother dead and Eleina malnourished and laying on the bed. Also looking quite… Dead (but still alive). Taking pity for her, they left her alone , sure that she's not far off from death herself.
Eleina saw and heard their conversation. Closing her eyes. Hoping that indeed. She would pass.
After a few hours. Eleina wakes up from a noise outside. She was weak but the sad meowing ses to call for her.
She pushes herself to stand and look at where the noise was coming from. She saw the men who was hunting them, all dead Claw marks and bite marks. And in the .middle of human dead bodies , a large dead tiger who had a little cub crying on its leg.
She felt for the little animal and shed tears of her own. The cub was like her. So she held out a hand, weakly approaching the small animal, who somehow felt Eleina's sadness and that she wasn't a threat. So the cub goes to her. Eleina found a reason to keep going. She doesn't want the little cub to feel the loneliness she feels. So she decided to pull herself together and care for the small animal. Whom she names Lakas. ( Idea from word Lakas in Filipino Which means strength )
Eleina slowly tries to regain her strength. All she could really eat at the moment were fruits and fishes from the river nearby. Lakas helping her. The bodies around their cabin, inuding the tiger body, eleina and Lakas did their best to pull and bury. Just a bit away from the cabin
Her mother's body would also be put down with Eleina stacking up some cabinets and suitcases as well as some crate in the basement.
It was messier for her mother since her mother's body had started to rot already but she did her best and gave her mother a proper burial .
Few months passed and Eleina is fully recovered. No longer feeling comfortable in that cabin, eleina, along with Lakas decided to leave. Burning it down and setting off to find a new place to settle in.
Since she was still young. Eleina was more careful and avoided crowds for Lakas' safety as well. They would travel alone for a year, Lakas conversed with fellow animals to avoid trouble with other stronger animals. Avoiding places where said strong animals might attack them. Eleina slowly develops her talk to animals skill during this time. After a while, they would meet a crow. A very odd crow with four wings that has blue eyes. Who can … Speak human language and decided to join Eleina and Lakas. Said crow introduced himself as Astero and said that there's something about eleina that makes Astero feel That he needs to be with her.
Eleina didn't feel any evil intent towards the crow and let's him join her. To Lakas' annoyance.
The three would continue their journey for another year, still avoiding town and crowds until they finally found a new home to settle in. An abandoned home atop a hill. Right behind the home is a cliff but with a beautiful view of nature and clear to see the sky completely.
Whoever owned the house abandoned many things , still in good condition. They also had a little garden and a bit further down the hill, a shed Eleina take residence there starting that day and discovers that under said house was a mini selune shrine as well as a study room about selune worship. Eleina wasn't much on religion but felt draw to selune and did love the night sky and stargazing that she was fascinated. And would eventually pray to selune from time to time. Not a full devout worshipper but she believed in selune. More than any god she read from books in the house.
Eleina continues to live in seclusion in said house, Happily and peacefully with Lakas and Astero, even helping passing by adventurers or lost people in that part of wilderness, giving them shelter and helping th find their way back to the main roads. Any bandits who tries to attack Eleina's home, a fully grown Lakas would take
Down. Eleina let's Lakas kill so long as it's people who mean harm.
Astero, who knows strange magic , would also set up traps in a certain radius to protect their home against people with evil intent. Making their home safe.
All was peaceful until eleina was finally 22. A lost adventurer' would stumble upon her home, said adventurer was an absolutist who was about to transform. Eleina did not know what sickness it was so she sets out with Astero. She tells Lakas to look after their home and that she will not take long.
Eleina and Astero Travels to the main road and calls for help. Sadly it was night time and not much people was around. Even more unfortunate was those who did hear her asking for help was absolutists looking for new victim experiments. And that's when she was abducted.
Astero who tried to fight back with magic was quickly swat away by wizard and sorcerer absolutists. Overpowered by numbers.
And that's eleina's story start for bg3
Eleina's choose of weapons are maces and axe. Where she becomes a barbarian without her notice.
prefers to use healing magic if given the chance but doesn't know any healing spells.
eleina was raised into becoming a proper lady until she was 6. When she turned 7 that's when shit hit the fan.
eleina gets along well with halsin, jaheira and the druids in emerald grove because of being one with nature and her being friendly with animals
eleina is kindhearted but if she sees even the hint of bad intentions towards someone, killing intent to be exact, she feels no remorse in killing. Finding death as nothing new because of the amount she had to bury on her own when she was younger. Thinking death is well deserved for any people with evil intention. And especially if said people is like her shit father.
Eleina is patient and highly attached to Lakas. Which was why returning to Lakas safe and alive is what motivates her in the story. She cries knowing that Lakas must feel so lonely.
she worries about Lakas terribly and can anger her when someone says that Lakas was probably long dead.
she treats Lakas as a family. Like a sister even.
Eleina is very obviously a cat person and in eleina's version of the story, any orange cat eleina sees, she will keep safe and successfully invite to her camp.
because of eleina's lack of socializing. She bluntly speaks her mind no matter how weird the question is. Unless the answer is something romance or sexual related which only then would she feels flustered, apologize and run away.
Eleina cooks very well. And takes turns with Gale in cooking.
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