#johnny storm oneshot
imyourbratzdoll · 4 months
𝒊 𝒈𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆…
part 4 of 🌧️welcome to hell🌧️
summary - you finally made your decision.
warning - angst, swearing, mentions of cheating, attempt at gaslighting, betrayal, disappointment.
the gif I use isn't mine, headers by me.
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 5
Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
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You had woken up the next day, and you just laid there. You couldn’t move, your entire being ached, you were exhausted both physically, emotionally, and mentally. You had never felt this exhausted in your whole life, you never felt this broken and stuck. 
You knew you had to choose. The weight on your shoulders was bringing you down and you didn’t know if you could go on any longer without making a choice, a decision that could change your life forever. 
You could either pretend and live on in an obvious one–sided marriage while your husband continues to sleep around with your EX–best friend and any other woman he has on the side OR you could confront him and leave, making him sign the divorce papers that you would have to get a lawyer for the moment you left. But it would mean you would have to start all over again. 
You flip onto your back and stare up at the ceiling, the memories from last night flash through your mind again, your husband and ex–best friend fucking each other in the bathroom, them fucking while you “slept”. You don’t think you could do this again nor could you pretend that everything was okay. You could hear them from the lounge room, their voices the only thing filling the quiet home. They sounded happy as they bantered and teased each other. 
You slowly slide to the edge of the bed and sit up. Your eyes connect in the mirror, and you finally look at yourself. You didn’t recognise the woman staring back at you, she seemed so lifeless, so broken. Where had the old you gone? Was she still there? You could see the sadness and rage swirling beneath your eyes, followed by bags and dried tears underneath. 
You were so sick of crying. When did you become so weak over a man?
Everything seemed to click when those beautiful blue eyes appeared in your mind. You could finally feel yourself think more clearly, you finally knew your decision. You weren’t making your decision because of those eyes, but they seemed to help clarify what you wanted. You could feel your soul tugging as the unknown man appeared in your thoughts. 
With one last look at yourself and a deep breath later, you turned. Ready. 
And finally, you chose yourself. 
“You got this.” You say and you will forever say it even with tears in your eyes. You move swiftly around the room, grabbing a suitcase from your cupboard and laying it down on the bed. You begin to pack, folding your clothes neatly before you place them in. You move onto shoes, accessories, makeup, perfume, and anything else that was yours. Once you zipped up your suitcase, you looked around the room. Your eyes caught in the mirror, and you finally felt freer. 
You grabbed your suitcase and spare outfit and left the bedroom. Resting the suitcase against the front door, you head into the spare bathroom as your other had been tainted with your husband’s infidelity and your ex–best friend’s betrayal. 
You had taken your time in the shower, washing the pain and sadness from your body. You even took your time making yourself look good, wanting him to regret his choices the moment you left him. With a final look in the mirror, you head out of the bathroom and into the lounge room. Your soon–to–be ex–husband and ex–best friend sitting too close for comfort, the sadness and anger that had been bubbling over had slowly disappeared as a blanket of numbness covered you. You could finally focus without your emotions getting in the way. 
“Somehow, I expected that this would happen eventually.” Your voice fills the room and the two on the couch jump apart, eyes wide as their heads whip towards you. You stare blankly, your heart still hurts but it was good. It was reminding you of what they had done. It was true, the old you had expected this would happen, but you were so caught up in thinking he loved you that you were blinded by him and his lies. “Given your history, I should have known better.” 
Johnny chuckles nervously, looking between you and Sarah. He wasn’t expecting this, but maybe he could lie and get out of it. Make you think it’s all in your head. “Babe, what are you talking about? I haven’t done anything!” He had to be careful, you hadn’t said what it was and if he wanted to lie, he couldn’t give anything away by saying the wrong thing. 
“So, you didn’t cheat on me?” You decided to play dumb. You remembered who you were, and the game changed. You wouldn’t let anyone make you forget again. 
Johnny scoffs. “Of course not, Babe! I love you! We’re just friends.” It was at that moment that he knew he fucked up.
“Just friends, huh?” You laugh. “Well, just friends don’t practically sit on top of each other especially when one is married, just friends don’t flirt with one another in a not so platonic way. Just friends don’t fuck each other in the bathroom while one friends wife is showering, just friends don’t slip out of bed when they think their wife is sleeping to fuck their friend in the other room. I’ve never had any friends like that, Johnny.” Your glare sharpens as you spit his name out with venom. 
His mouth opens and closes, and Sarah’s eyes widen. “How did you find out?” 
“You fucked her in OUR house! How do you think I found out?!” Your anger began to push against the numbness, wanting to be unleashed “I also remember everything. Every time you’d leave, look at another woman only for you and her to disappear a few minutes later, how you’d always be on your phone, OUR wedding.” You watched as they paled at the last part. 
“Babe! It was never supposed to get this far! Trust me, I’m so sorry!” He gets up and moves closer to you. Hurt flashes through his eyes when you back away from him, the thought of him touching you again disgusted you. 
“Get away from me! You’re not sorry, you’re just sorry you got caught! So don’t lie to me! I can’t believe I trusted you.” You could feel it, the blanket of numbness was slowly slipping away, and the tears returned, but they didn’t fall like before. 
“Did you ever really love me...?” Your gaze shifted, your ex–best friend didn’t even look guilty, it was like a weight lifted off her shoulders. What did you ever do to her? “Do you love her?” 
“Yes, I love you! I don’t love her, please believe me. It was just sex! She means nothing to me.” You could see the lie in his eyes, you wondered when he fell in love with her. You wondered if any of it was real. You wondered if his soul tugged the same way yours did when you bumped into that man, but if it did. Why didn’t he just leave? Why did they have to hurt you so bad? Why did they have to break you? 
You shake your head. “I don’t believe you.” You swallow down the lump in your throat. “You made a promise. The same day you made that promise you had your dick in someone else. Tell me, was any part of this at least real?” You stared into his eyes, watching him think. You sighed, “Do you have any regrets doing this to me?” A part of you needed to know.
Instead of answering your question, he responded with. “Do we really have to end it all?” Your eyes ached from the weight of unshed tears. He was your home, did he not understand? But, you weren’t his and it was time for you to go.
With a heavy sigh, you ignore his question like he did yours and pull off your wedding and engagement ring. “I loved you in this lifetime… I won’t make that mistake in the next.” With shaky hands you push the rings into his chest, letting go of them as his hand comes up. Hoping to catch yours, but instead he only catches the rings. “Goodbye, Johnny. I guess our story ends here…” You walk out of the room and towards the door, grabbing your things. This was it…
Maybe she was his happy ending. Hopefully you could find yours.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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komotionlessqueenmm · 20 days
Storm & Blaze
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Short story # 22
Gifs NOT mine.
Summary - You were once friends with Reed, and when he calls asking for some assistance on a project, you're happy to offer him a helping hand. But the moment you enter the lab, Johnny finds himself completely smitten. And when he learns who and what you are, he truly believes you're the one for him.
Year posted - 2024
Rating - SFW
Reading time (roughly) - 10 minutes
Johnny is OOC af but what do you expect?
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"Wait so why can't you finish this project?" Johnny asked for the fifth time in the past hour. Ben groaned in annoyance. "I told you, an old friend of mine has the final piece to this project." Reed explained, growing impatient waiting for his old companion. "What do you mean they have the final piece?" Johnny pried, confused as to why someone Reed hadn't spoke to in years, would have something so important to him. "Look you're just going to have to-" But Reed was cut off when the lab doors swung open, a woman dressed in a black leather jacket, with a large chain wrapped diagonally across her torso, skin tight skinny jeans, and killer combat boots, strutted in as if she owned the place. "You're finally here." Reed breathed a sigh of relief, while the others were stunned into a silence. "Sorry about that, ran into some trouble on my way over." She said with a cunning grin, her voice making Johnny's heart jump in his chest. "Everything okay?" Reed asked as he met her halfway across the large lab. "Nothing I couldn't handle." She shrugged casually, her eyes practically glowing as she looked at the others.
"Oh right." Reed chuckled before turning to his friends, ushering (Y/n) over to them silently. "Guys this is my old friend (Y/n) Blaze." Reed introduced her to them, Susan approaching her first. "It's great to finally meet you, I'm Susan Storm." She smiled brightly at (Y/n), who shook her hand with a kind grin. "This is my brother-" She turned to introduce her brother, only for him to practically shove his way passed her. "Johnny Storm." He stuck his hand out with a charming smile, his skin feeling hot when she shook his hand. "Ben Grimm." The largest of the group introduced, offering his hand for a moment, then pulling away thinking better on it. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you all." (Y/n) hummed with an amused grin, her attention turning to Reed when he grasped her elbow. "I'm really glad you came." He said, silently leading her to the equipment he was working on. "Let's get to it." (Y/n) mused, sensing his eagerness to get on with it. "It's right over here. I probably should have waiting before installing it, but the rod is just through here." Reed pointed to the small gap in the side of the machine. (Y/n) peered inside, her eyes landing on a rod that glew a dull shade of purple. "What do you need me to do?" She asked as she observed the rest of the mechanism.
"Essentially I need you to give it a jump start... You know... With your ability." He murmured the last part, feeling a little guilty for dragging her all the way out here for something that seemed a little trivial. "What's it for?" She asked as she faced her old friend, ignoring the eyes that practically burned into the side of her head. "It's a machine that will contain Johnny's powers, in case he looses control, or just needs to let off some steam." Reed winced at the pun, clearing his throat. "What's his power exactly?" (Y/n) asked curiously, and before Reed had a chance to explain, Johnny appeared at her side. "I can control fire." He said with a charming smile, allowing his hand and forearm to burst into flames. "That's ironic." (Y/n) chuckled as she smiled at Reed, who found her words equally amusing. Though Johnny, Susan, and Ben were a bit confused. "Alright back up, don't know how this will go." (Y/n) said as she turned her attention back to the machine. Reed and Johnny took her advice, and stepped several feet away. "You ever tell them about me?" She asked as she glanced back at her old friend, who looked a bit bashful. "No I didn't." He rubbed the back of his neck, feeling a little bad, despite the fact that they hadn't been close in years. "Okay. Well no matter what happens, don't touch me." (Y/n) said as she looked to the others, who seemed confused though they still nodded their heads in agreement.
Content with that, (Y/n) turned back to the machine, reaching her arm deep into the gap, until her fingers wrapped around the rod. Susan wanted to protest, knowing it wasn't safe for anyone to touch the rod with their bare hands, but Reed stopped her, placing a comforting hand onto her shoulder. (Y/n) shuddered at the electrifying sensation that burned up her arm. "Fuck." She breathed out softly, tapping just barely into her power. Her eyes glew brightly as the rod began blazing with life, a horrifying screeching sound echoed throughout the lab. Everyone but (Y/n) clutched their ears, hissing in pain. (Y/n) grunted a gutteral primal sound, her skin burning and turning a bright shade of red. "Let go!" Reed hollered, knowing it had done the trick, and if she kept at it, she might actually bring the machine to life. (Y/n) hissed as she released the now bright glowing rod, pulling her arm out to inspect the damage. Susan gasped at the sight of (Y/n)'s fingers, which had turned a deep shade of black. The woman seemed unconcerned about the development however, wiggling her fingers to make sure they still worked before letting her arm fall back to her side.
"You did it!" Reed gushed as he rushed around the machine to run a few tests. "Glad to help." (Y/n) hummed, her skin slowly cooling, and fading back to its natural tone. "What the fuck?" Johnny breathed out in utter surprise, having been watching her closer than anyone else. (Y/n) glanced his way, and shot him a casual wink. "How did you do that?" Susan asked in astonishment, approaching the machine she had thought would be a lost cause. "He really didn't tell you guys anything about me huh." (Y/n) said with a chuckle, shaking her head a little with a grin. "He never even told us your name." Ben stated gruffly. "Sounds about right." (Y/n) said with an amused roll of her eyes. "Are any of you familiar with the name Johnny Blaze?" She asked as she moved to lean against a large metal table. "Wasn't he that stunt motorcyclist?" Ben asked, to which (Y/n) nodded in agreement. "And my father." She added, the news making Johnny wince inwardly, knowing he shared the same first name as her father. "Didn't he like go awol and disappear years ago?" Ben asked, and (Y/n) clicked her tongue. "Something like that I suppose. Anyways the point is he made a mistake when he was younger, a futile attempt to save his dad. He sold his soul to a demon by the name of Mephisto." She could see the skeptical looks in each of their eyes, something she was used to.
"Anyways it changed him, he was unknowingly bonded with another demon by the name of Zarathos. It's where his power comes from." She thought for a moment before correcting herself. "Came from." She shrugged casually, and while they seemed to find her story odd, they listened intently. "And well when I was a teenager I made the exact same mistake as my father. In exchange for annulling my father's contract, I would take his place, and take up the mantle of Ghost Rider." She licked her lips, pushing off of the table. "I sold my soul, and became a spirit of vengeance." She said as she held her hands out at her sides. Reed had come back around the machine just in time to see her burst into flames, her skin muscle and tissue melting away in an instant, leaving her a skeleton, her clothes unaffected by the flames. The laugh that rumbled in her hollow chest, sounded like the devil himself. Susan had jumped back in surprise, Ben watched with curiosity, And it took everything in Johnny not to tackle her in a hug. Feeling as if he'd found the other half of his soul, his eyes sparkled with astonishment, hypnotized by the flames that lapped at where her skin had been.
Without really thinking Johnny strode towards her, feeling the intense heat of her flames with every step. "Flame on." He muttered as he neared her, ruining his clothes that burned away the instant his body engulfed in flames. (Y/n) observed him with a small tilt of her head, her bony hand reaching out to touch his chest. Another laugh rumbled from her, sounding sinister and dangerous. "(Y/n)." Reed called out to her, afraid she might try using her Penance Stare on Johnny. She looked at Reed for a moment, then back to Johnny, who couldn't tare his eyes away from her. "Johnny what are you doing?" Susan hissed at her brother, who ignored her, as he placed his hands onto (Y/n)'s waist, surprised to find that she didn't feel like a skeleton, but a whole person. (Y/n) in turn wrapped her arms around his neck, anticipating what he might do next. "Don't so anything stupid!" Susan hissed at her brother. Who tightened his grip, and pulled (Y/n) flush against his chest, her clothes still unaffected by the added heat, he suddenly flew them out of the tower. The demonic sound of her laughter made something buzz in Johnny's chest, as he flew them far from New York, and high into the great rocky mountains.
When he landed, they simultaneously extinguished their flames. Leaving Johnny standing there as naked as the day he was born, and (Y/n) looking human once more. "Couldn't keep your hands to yourself huh?" She asked with a teasing grin, still standing chest to chest with him. "Not really." He admitted with a smirk, observing the fine details of her face. "I feel like I'm being pulled towards you, like I'm meant to hold you in my arms." Johnny admitted, more sincere about his admission, than anything else in his life. "I just told you I sold my soul to a demon, and that I am bonded with another demon. And you're infatuated." (Y/n) chuckled with a grin, humming in her throat when Johnny nodded his head in agreement. "You might just be the strangest man I've ever met." She added in a playful tone. "But you like strange don't you?" Johnny asked, slowly inching his face closer to (Y/n)'s. "What makes you so sure?" She taunted, despite finding herself leaning in as well. "We were made for eachother." Johnny stated confidently, finally closing the gap between them. Fire ignited at their feet, and made its way further up their legs, stopping just at their chests as they deepened the kiss.
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buckybarnesevents · 1 year
𝐀𝐥𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐞-𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭
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𝐎𝐍𝐄  |  𝐓𝐖𝐎  |  𝐓𝐇����𝐄𝐄  |  𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑  |  𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄  |  𝐒𝐈𝐗  |  𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍
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⭑⋆⭑   the white wolf of wall street
C1   |   Wolf of Wall Street AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
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⭑⋆⭑   5 Times Steve and Bucky almost get caught and 1 time Sam wants to bleach his eyeballs.
C4   |   Dom/Sub AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
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C4013 ⋆。°✩ MRS.MISCHIEF209
⭑⋆⭑   Hunger
C1   |   Werewolf AU
⭑⋆⭑   Blood that Binds
C2   |   Historical AU
⭑⋆⭑   Temptation
C3   |   Camboy AU
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⭑⋆⭑   Dreamland
C1   |   Demon AU   |   Demon!Bucky Barnes x Librarian!Steve Rogers
⭑⋆⭑   Thunderclap
C2   |   Bed & Breakfast AU   |   B&B Owner!Bucky Barnes x Pre!Serum Steve Rogers
⭑⋆⭑   Lust and Larceny
C3   |   Adrenaline AU   |   Adrenaline Junkie!Bucky Barnes x Pre!Serum! Steve Rogers
⭑⋆⭑   Arctic Fervor
C4   |   Friends With Benefits AU   |   TFATWS!Bucky Barnes x Johnny Storm
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⭑⋆⭑   Losing My Religion
C1   |   Priest AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
⭑⋆⭑   The Triumph Of A Champion
C2   |   Historical AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
⭑⋆⭑   Trailer Park Prince
C3   |   Farmer AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
⭑⋆⭑   Flour Power
C4   |   Modern AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
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⭑⋆⭑   The Master’s Flame
C2   |   Circus AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
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𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘱 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺. ♡
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⭑⋆⭑   I Never Bloomed 'till I Met You
C1   |   No Powers AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
⭑⋆⭑   Silver Screens, Silver Dreams
C2   |   Pornstar AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
⭑⋆⭑   Trophy Hole
C4   |   Rich AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
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𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘱 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺. ♡
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C4018 ⋆。°✩ IVVIC
⭑⋆⭑   Say my name
C1   |   Veterinarian AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton
⭑⋆⭑   The Kids’ Alright
C3   |   Farmer AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton
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⭑⋆⭑   monuments and melodies
C2   |   Incubus AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Plus Size!Reader
⭑⋆⭑   making time
C3   |   Co-workers AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Plus Size!Fem!Reader
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𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘱 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺. ♡
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Graphics & Masterlist made by @rookthorne / @rookthornesartistry
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lapseinrecs · 3 months
Johnny Storm and Spider-Man Answer the Web's Most Searched Questions | WIRED
By TheFairMaidenofFandom @the-fair-maiden-of-fandom
On Archive of Our Own
Status: Complete; Oneshot; 2,795 words; part of the animated insect and his firefly collection
Summary: New York heroes The Human Torch and Spider-Man answer the web's most searched questions about each other. Who is Spider-Man? Who's Johnny Storm's favorite Avenger? Is Spider-Man really from the moon? or Spideytorch does the infamous WIRED interview. It ends in a small studio fire and lots of apologizing.
My thoughts: Chaotic fic as expected from Peter and Johnny together.
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moonpascaltoo · 6 months
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╰┈➤ 18+ none of these stories belong to me! this is a masterlist of all marvel stories i’ve read and reblogged! just thought it would be nice to have them all in one spot! (if your fic is on here and you wish not to be, please let me know!) <3
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bucky barnes numero dos numero tres
steve rogers
peter parker numero dos numero tres
matt murdock
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@anundyingfidelity + for all time always Loki escapes the TVA for a moment. Desperate and brokenhearted, he looks for you, his wife, in the Sacred Timeline. Even if you saw him die ten years ago.
@whirlybirbs + from the void with love
@thighs-of-betrayal-blog + the heart heals in mysterious ways
@imaginedisish + i know the end Thor and Tony tease Loki about never being able to find love. That’s not true, as far as you’re concerned, especially given your feelings for Loki. Except there’s one issue: He doesn’t know about them, at least not yet. 
@hail-brod + nothing matters In Loki's eyes, mortality was a pitying thing to have. A big weakness of the human kind. Which also eventually became his.
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@lay-z + shock delight After spending a blissful night with Thor, you have to face your bitter reality eventually.
@wint3r-h3art + ride the lightning they say lightning never strikes twice. thor begs to differ.
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johnny storm
@mypoisonedvine + aftershocks the fantastic four and the brotherhood of mutants are opposing forces in a war. that should be enough to keep you away from him… but it isn’t.
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frudoo · 1 month
heyy you said asks were open so 🫣
i was wondering if you could do like slasher!141 but their girl is a medic and is super super overworked? (smut or fluff i js adore ur writing) what if she also got harrassed by a patient and she goes to them about it!!
also if you see this i am quite literally OBSESSED w ur writing 😭💗
You're the sweetest!!
I don't consider this particular oneshot to be canon in the slasher!141 AU since reader is a daycare teacher, but I couldn't pass up this request!
Warnings: Brief mention of a wound/assault (NOT by 141) and death. SMUT. Cunnilingus. Fem!Reader. MDNI.
The front door slams shut behind you, and you immediately toss aside your lanyard and strip off your scrubs, storming into the laundry room in nothing but your underwear. Kyle is already working on starting a load of laundry but instantly retreats when he sees the mood you’re in. He throws his hands up in surrender when you look at him through your peripheral vision, slowly backing out of the little room and sprinting back to the den, where the other three men are all looking at each other, waiting for someone to speak or act first.
     “We shuid check on ‘er,” Johnny scratches the back of his neck nervously but makes no move to stand from his place on the couch.
     “I ain’t losin’ m’life,” Simon crosses his arms and kicks back in the recliner. “She’s fuckin’ scary when she’s mad.” 
    “We all swore we’d work at better communication,”  John sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. “Get your arses up. We’re all gonna talk to her. She is our wife, after all.”
     Nobody dares argue with John. They all trail into the tiny laundry room, but their hesitation absolutely ceases when they see you on the floor, sobbing your pretty little eyes out. Johnny kneels down before you, gently rubbing your bare arms in an attempt to soothe you. It’s only when you lift your head that he notices the scratch beneath your eye, already starting to bruise. He cups your face in his hands, cautiously running his thumb over the wound.
     “Who did this tae ye?” 
     “A patient,” you sniffle, finding comfort in the warmth of your husbands’ presence. “Big fuckin' guy with a weird accent. I think he was Austrian? Anyway, he woke up from anesthesia and scratched my face.”
     “Name,” Simon demands, and the anger in his voice makes you smile slightly—always so eager to protect you, or get revenge on the ones who hurt you when they couldn’t be there. 
     “Don’t worry about it,” you gently wipe away your tears. “He had a heart attack shortly after. Didn’t make it.”
     John starts laughing, and it’s so contagious that you almost forget all about being sad. Your eye is sore but it’s easy to ignore as Johnny helps you up, carrying you out of the laundry room and upstairs to the main bedroom. Oh. You know what that means. 
     You giggle as Johnny tosses you on the bed, yelping when he hops on after you, followed by Kyle. 
     “W-wait, no, I’m too tired!” You protest half-heartedly as Simon locks the door. 
     “Ye will be once we’re done wit’ ye,” Johnny grins devilishly, flipping you onto your side so that Kyle can undo the clasp of your bra. “Price, come ‘old ‘er fer us, aye?”
     John gently crawls onto the bed, positioning himself behind you so that his back hits the headboard, pulling you onto his lap. Johnny carefully pulls off your panties and John grabs the insides of your thighs, holding you open for all of them to see. There’s already a dull ache where your clit is starting to throb, and you whimper softly, resting the back of your head on John’s shoulder. 
     “It’s not fair that I’m the only naked one,” you huff, trying to tug at Kyle’s shirt, but he bats your hand away. 
     “All about ya tonigh’, dove,” He shrugs, leaning in to take one breast in his warm hand, wrapping his lips around your other nipple and sucking.
     Any objections you could have previously thought up die on your tongue the second Johnny attaches his mouth to your unoccupied nipple, swirling his hot tongue around the stiff peak. John’s beard tickles your skin as he trails kisses down your jawline, his grip on your thighs bruising. As you shut your eyes, you miss the way Simon climbs onto the bed and positions himself between your legs, wasting no time in licking an agonizingly slow stripe through your slit.
     “Oh fuck,” you gasp, your eyes popping open just as quickly as they’d closed, landing on the sight of your hulking lover’s pink lips engulfing your swollen clit. 
     “They makin’ you feel good, darlin’?” John’s gruff voice murmurs into your ear, the cool air of his breath sending goosebumps rising all over your body.
     You nod vigorously, squealing in pleasant surprise when Kyle runs the jagged edges of his teeth along your sensitive nipple. Your hands reach out to cusp the back of his and Johnny’s head in an effort to keep them there, a silent plea for them not to stop. The noises Simon is making between your legs are obscene, tongue dipping into your entrance to slurp up your slick, dragging it back to your bud and circling it with the most delicious pressure. Just when you think it’s impossible to feel any better, the blond man slips two long, calloused fingers inside of your pussy, curling them to rub that rough patch that makes your back arch. 
     “There, right there! Oh, fuck, Si, please don’t stop,” you cry out, trying your best to hump yourself against his mouth despite John’s hands holding you in place.
     “Ye gonna cum fer us, lass?” Johnny pulls off of your nipple with a wet pop, but you shove him back down, earning an amused hum from the other three men.
     “C-close,” you mewl, your entire body trembling with anticipation. “Gonna- hmm, I’m gonna… oh! Please, please, please!”
     Simon shakes his head erratically, adding a euphoric sensation to the already intoxicating feel of his tongue and fingers, and that’s what sends you over the edge. Your cunt pulsates around his digits and your mouth falls open in a silent scream, tremors jolting all throughout your body just beneath your clammy skin. The cream that coats Simon’s fingers squelches when he pushes them back inside to milk your orgasm until you’re pushing him away from overstimulation. Kyle and Johnny pull away from your breasts to pepper your cheeks in sweet kisses.
     An exhausted thanks is all you manage to mutter out as you melt in John’s grasp, to which he tuts.
     “Oh, sweetheart. It’s not over until all of us have had a taste o’that sweet pussy.”
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prettyundeadgirl · 2 months
Strange Trails - the series
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This series is based on the album Strange Trails by Lord Huron and is heavily inspired by the lovely and talented @ichorai go check hers out!!
All Arthur Morgan because I think the vibe of this album fits him perfectly. These oneshots aren't connected in any way unless you want them to be. Hope you enjoy! :)
AO3 link | Masterlist
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I - Love Like Ghosts (1.0k) → Within the night, an inebriated Arthur returns. You take care of him, and when morning arrives, he realizes how in love he really is.
II - Until the Night Turns → Arthur couldn't keep his eyes off you during Sean's return party.
III - Dead Man's Hand → Sustaining injuries from a violent altercation in Valentine, you patch him up.
IV - Hurricane (Johnnie's Theme) → A raging storm causes a change in your hunting plans with him, and you both stay in the quaint hotel in Strawberry.
V - La Belle Fleur Sauvage → While spending time with Arthur, he finds himself in awe and fills his journal with drawings of you.
VI - Fool for Love → It was the small moments in which Arthur knew he'd never find another like you. A fool for love he surely was.
VII - The World Ender → You'd spent your days worrying for Arthur after his kidnapping, and upon his return you remained by his side.
VIII - Meet Me in the Woods → The sheriff's daughter and a brutal outlaw. It was something you never imagined.
IX - The Yawning Grave → During the shootout in Shady Belle, you were unlucky in reaching the house in time.
X - Frozen Pines → Separated from the gang after Blackwater, he spends his time searching for you, praying you're alive and desperate to reunite with you.
XI - Cursed → A failed robbery leads to a chase through Saint Denis.
XII - Way out There → You and Arthur get lost trying to collect a debt, and with the sun setting, you spend the night together.
XIII - Louisa → A glimpse into your life with Arthur after the events of 1899.
XIV - The Night We Met → It had been months since you left the gang in fear for your safety, and he visits you in your home to say goodbye, looking different from when you'd last seen him.
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whipped price is the best price!! i read countryside again earlier on while ao3 was down and it soooo good literally tempted to read it again before i go to sleep tbh looooool but food for thought because i literally think of price and sunshine!reader before i go to sleep but what if (and idk if this is cliche but i am going to be a cliche for this cause why not)
but what ifffff price goes off to the toilet for a week and while he’s gone he leaves sunshine!reader at the bar to get drinks (yes at marissa’s place) anyway sunshine is at the barrr and some random dude comes up and starts to hit on her and she’s like nah dude i’m good thanks and he still hits on her and even marissa is like ‘seriously back off’ and then after a bit price comes out and sees and starts puffing his chest a bit cause ? who da fuck is that flirting with his women?! and the others see him storming over and try to brace themselves for the wrath of price on this muppet flirting with his girl and that’s all i have rn butttt if you wanna continue it then please do
TLTR; price gets jealous of another guy hitting on his girl and i am wondering if you’d be down to finish it off cause you’d do a wayyy better job then me 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
A/N: Thank you s much love. This definitely took I turn, not gonna lie, but I still like it, hope it's alright<3
Dark and Stormy
Summary; When another guy hits on you, Price gets protective. One thing leads to another and you find yourself in a vastly unfamiliar situation with Price that Ghost helps manoeuvre.
Pairing: Cpt. John Price x reader (sunshine!universe)
Rating: Mature
Word; 4.3k
Warnings; PTSD, mental health discussion, protective!Price, implied age-gap
Author; @the-goddess-of-mischief-writing​
The intention of tonight was a quiet night out. Or, as calm as it gets when there's football on the telly. It also was when Johnny entertained a conversation with you rather than watching the game, as disinterested in the sport as they come compared to the others. And yes, even when a team scored, the evening was peaceful. 
But then two things happened. John excused himself to the toilet while you headed to the bar, wanting a drink and something to chew on. It was a few minutes before half-time and you knew there would be a wave of people flocking towards where Marissa, at the moment, stood unoccupied, her arms crossed over her chest, eyes drifting over the crowd with an amused look. As you stepped up to the counter, that gaze settled upon you.
"Ain't it fascinating they can be this invested?" Marissa was as uninterested in football as Johnny, yet both possessed a good understanding of the game and the current season. Both your friend and the Scotsman unwillingly so, regarding the bar broadcasts relevant games on weekends and, apparently, it was a common topic not only off but on base amongst the men.
You shrugged in return. "Each to their own". 
"I guess", she huffed, pushing away from the counter she'd been leaning against. With two short steps, she stood in front of you. "Wanna get something?"
"You already know what I want", you replied, to which she put a hand on her chest, an exaggerated expression morphing her features as her mouth dropped open.
"To come and keep me company, you shouldn't have", Marissa flicked her hand, making you chuckle.
"If it makes you pay for my drink, sure", you wink at her.
"Dream on, missy", Marissa chuckles as she goes to prepare the beverage, but she stops in her track suddenly, eyes shifting away from you.
"I can pay for your drink, gorgeous". You jump slightly at the voice close to you. With a swivel of your head, you instantly locate the blonde man who'd crept up behind you.
"No, thank you", you reply with a polite smile, turning towards Marissa again, trying to make it obvious you turned his efforts down.
"Didn't sound like that a second ago". Your brows furrow, sending the blonde a look over your shoulder.
"Joke between friends", you reply curtly, motioning between yourself and Marissa.
"Well, she can't keep you company all night, can she?" He smiled, leaning on the bar beside you with his elbow. "But I can". He must've thought the wink accompanying his sentence was meant to lighten your mood. If anything, it made you cringe inwardly and take a step away from him.
"Got my boyfriend for that". You looked forwards, locking eyes with Marissa. She met you with an expression you didn't need words to understand.
You saw a movement in your peripheral. Glancing at the man, you spot him turning his head left and right, looking behind him. "Don't see him around. You're not lying to me now, are you?"
You didn't look at him as he faced you, only following Marissa as she propped one of her hands on her hip, a low muttered 'Jesus' passing under he breath.
 "Her man shouldn't need to be attached to her hip for you to understand what a no means", Marissa remarks. You send her a thankful look as her eyes momentarily shift to you.
"He should if having a girl this peng otherwise people will bother her all the time".
"Like you?" You finally turn towards him, arms crossed over your chest.
His brows are furrow, setting his features in a hard stare. "What did you say?"
You want to roll your eyes. But honestly, how the man's voice fell so drastically from the flirty tone made you hesitant. Yeah, you were bordering between annoyed and cautious now. "I'm saying I'm not interested in and you're making me uncomfortable".
"But I've done nothing wrong", he claimed.
"You may interpret that way, but I feel differently, so please", you motioned towards some other tables, asking the man to leave you be.
"I can stay here to have a drink if I want to", he states, turning to Marissa, making no move to listen to your desire for him to give you space. "I'll have a dark ale".
"I won't serve you", she declares.
"You can't decide that", he points at your friend, who cocks her head.
"I can. I own this place".
"Bull-fuckin-shit you do. What poor old grandpa did you rob this place from? Shouldn't even be surprised you took his life-work from him". Your mouth dropped open. Marissa's face hardened.
"Believe what you want because this is my pub and no one here will serve you". The man opened his mouth, about to continue the argument, when someone interrupted him.
"You can't get a clearer no from either of them, mate". Your eyes instantly find John upon his voice. He's standing behind the man looking at Marissa, then you, only for his eyes to meet the blonde's as he turns his head to see who's talking to him. 
"I didn't talk to you, now did I, old man?"
"Maybe not, but you didn't show any signs of human decency and respect to her". John motions to Marissa. "Neither did you care when she straightforwardly said she didn't enjoy your advances", he nods towards you.
Understanding that John caught his behaviour towards the two of you, the blonde suddenly switched up.
"Oh, come on, it's alright, ain't it, love?" He turns to face you, concerning you're the closest to him. Your nose scrunch at the pet name. In your mind, it was only reserved for John. That the man dared to use it despite how he's been acting made a revolting sensation grow in your stomach. "You don't mind me, right?" He raises his arm, attempting to put it around your shoulders in a manner of goodwill. But, you move out of his reach, not desiring to be touched by this man.
And, even if you hadn't moved, the blonde would never have reached you concerning how John acted swiftly. He'd grabbed his shoulder, a gentle pull making him take a few steps back to give you space. When the blonde stumbled slightly from the reasonable action, you understood the man wasn't entirely sober, quite far from it. Noticing the same thing, John placed himself between you and the man rather than standing by your side.
A look of disbelief crosses the blonde's features before he turns sour. "You looking to scrap?" 
"No". John stands straight, using his full height to his advantage. He wasn't only taller but broader than the other man, and you barely saw anything of him if you didn't glance around John's frame. All those things together would've been enough for most to back off, but not this guy. 
"Then piss off", the blonde spat, clearly thinking the liquid courage he'd gotten was enough to stand up to John, oblivious to his disadvantage. And that was only physical. With John's experience, you didn't doubt who'd be victorious in a possible fight. "I'm just trying to get a drink".
John scoffed, glancing back at you. You knew his easy attitude was for your sake, the way his hand sneaked backwards in search of yours reinforcing that as he faced forwards again. 
"It sounded like you tried chattin' up my girl and then insulted her friend. And when both made clear your presence wasn't welcomed, you can't respect them enough to leave. If you didn't notice that it's time to head home". John motions towards the exit with a small jut of his chin as he finally drops what you hope is the hint that will make the blonde scurry away. 
The man did catch it, his eyes flickering to you and then down to see your enlaced hands behind John's back. But you also recognised something else. Hurt fucking pride.
"Don't come and order me around", he scoffs, chest puffing.
"Only givin' you advice". John was serious. You gather that much despite not seeing his face. His voice had dropped a notch, his sentence more straightforward than previously. "Better off takin' it".
"Or what? You gonna force me, don't think ya would even land a hit", the blonde scoffed in return, swaying as he made a show of moving his head as if dodging punches. 
Something changed in the air then. John cocked his head, chuckling. An uneasy sensation rolls through your body upon the sound. It was nothing joyful in it. It was stern, hard edges digging into his smooth and raspy voice.
You know John is SAS, a soldier through and through. He's violent, but not violent. He can separate work from... this. What you feared, however, is that what he deals with professionally is calculated. Everything is planned, counted and weighed until agreed on something remotely executable. Initial planning left little to chance. That much you knew with your sparse knowledge of the military. 
The blonde staring at John now was nothing of this. He was uncalculated, impulsive. He could do something stupid in seconds. You trusted John, not the man.
"Don't buy into his crap, please, John". You step up alongside him, gently shifting out of your enlaced hands to hold his arm, trying to divert his attention. 
He doesn't look at you, eyes remaining locked with the man opposite him. "I won't". 
"Ain't no fucking way to talk to me". You send the man a disgusted look.
"I talk however I want to you if you can't understand what a fucking no means", you spit back. 
One of his brows cock and he steps forwards, hand raising. He doesn't come much further as John copies him. He steps out of your touch, one hand pushing forcefully enough against the guy's chest that he needs to catch himself at one of the stools.
"If you just were about to hit her-". Each syllable of the words is gritted through John's teeth as he speaks slowly. "-don't think about doin' it again". You hear the threat in his voice, the brush of 'test it, I dare you'.
Your throat constricts. And alarm of a situation spiralling out of control blaring in your body. You shoot Marissa a worried look and she knows what you can't say.
"I've had enough of this". Marissa firmly puts her hand down on the metal counter closest to her. Her action is followed by the rattling sound of glasses. John reacts in milliseconds, eyes snapping towards her. The blonde's attention follows a few seconds later. "You are not welcomed here anymore. Get out", she points at the blonde before motioning towards the door, her brown eyes darker than you've seen them in a long time.
"Or what?"
"I call the fuckin cops on you". She threatens, a sneer working itself into twisting her features. 
The man is probably about to defy her and argue when a shadow suddenly positions itself at your side. 
You feel dwarfed, standing so close to the new presence and John. But rather than shrinking in on yourself. You silently thank the gods it isn't an unwelcomed someone.
"You heard her". You look up at Ghost when he speaks. As always, his eyes were the sole feature peeking through his skull baklava. And right now, they bore into the blonde. "Get out". He didn't hesitate to grab the excess fabric of the jacket covering the man's shoulder. 
"Take it easy, mate". The blonde almost whines as Ghost pulls him away from your group and forces him to walk ahead while he follows him to the exit. Even the man understood he'd met more than his match.
You don't hesitate to step around John to face him as soon as the man is gone. You immediately notice his lips set in an aggravated purse and how he must run a pointed tongue over his teeth. His head is turned, a hard stare boring into the man staggering away with Ghost's palm planted firmly between his shoulder blades. 
"Hey". John's eyes finally met yours. They're dark, blue soladites gazing back at you. Something is brewing in them, something volatile. "Are you alright?"
John doesn't answer. Instead, his jaw only works, repeatedly tensing, making the muscle in his temple visible. It looks like he's chewing his words but can't spit them out.
You glance towards Ghost, who just pushed the man out of the pub, caring little about what he does with himself once out of the space. 
Your eyes fall back to John as you sigh in relief. He still looks tense, and in an attempt to wordlessly tell him the situation is under control, you smile. But... you don't get a similar action in return. You got none, in fact. Something feels off. As if the situation is still spiralling despite the source of conflict gone. Your brows furrow, trying to snap him out of whatever resentment he can't seem to let go of by enlacing your fingers. Although, when your fingertips brush his, he flinches. 
Taken aback by how his hand jerks away from yours and he moves back, you whisper his name. "John?"
Your hand hang in the air, staring at him. He's still looking at you. Even so, his gaze feels far-away. Now you're seriously worried. 
"Not your fault". For being such a big man, Ghost moves quick and silently. Upon his sudden appearance by your side again, you turn to him.
"What?" His brown eyes lock with yours briefly before quickly falling on John again. He shakes his head once, not explaining something he must know.
"Marissa". You look at your friend when Ghost directs his attention on her. Even she's watching the situation with wide eyes, unfamiliarity written clearly over her features. "Have a secluded space?" 
"I-uh, you can take my office". Your friend supplies the only private space within the pub's walls. Ghost nods, turning and stepping closer to John.
"Price". The masked man earns the attention of John when he settles on the juncture between his shoulder and neck. Your mouth had opened, wanting to speak up about what just happened to you but stop yourself when no reaction to the touch comes. "Get a move on. To the back". 
And he does. Like a soldier, John turns and heads to the doors leading to the backroom. Stunned, you follow him with your eyes.
"You should come". Ghost directs with a quick look over his shoulder just as he follows John. You do as he says with a quick look at Marissa. She tries to give you a calm expression and a gentle smile, but it's impossible after your interaction with the blonde man and this sudden turn of events. Your jaw clenches as you hurry to keep up with the two men.
One of Marissa's coworkers emerges from the backroom just as you near it. Instinctually she holds the door open for the two men to pass through after she's stepped into the main room. You offer her a 'just getting some things for Marissa' to ease her confusion. Thankfully, you know her and she replies 'alright' just as your friend calls for her. Probably to not linger about to keep it as free of people as possible concerning Ghost's request.
You press your lips together when the doors close, cutting off much of the pub's natural racket, walking briskly behind John and Ghost. Something gnaws in your chest as you look at the latter. Neither he seems relaxed.
Your arms wind around your stomach, silently stepping into Marissa's office, staying almost pressed against the door once your close it by leaning into it.
"Price", Ghost's voice makes John turn. "Your head's elsewhere". He continues. He doesn't sound cold, but he speaks evenly. 
For being a masked man, you would describe Ghost as someone who usually has an expressive voice. But his current tone sounds matter-of-factual. Fuck. You gnaw your lip, fingers digging into your sides, eyes jumping between them.
"You ain't there". Ghost's words make your eyes flitter from John to him and stay there for a few moments. You only see parts of his face concerning how he's still facing John more than you. "You're back home, at the pub. There's nothin' to overthink, nothin' to deal with, nothin' more happenin'. You hear me?"
John nods. But the large man only shakes his head in return. "Answer me, Captain".
"Hear ya, L.T.". John's voice is low and gritty as he grunts the reply.
Ghost nods curtly, a swift tip of his chin. "It's all in your head. Get it back on your shoulders", he continues, letting his sentence hang in the air rather than filling the silence with anything else. 
Though you don't understand the interaction fully, you're starting to grasp what's going on in the stillness. You watch John closely as he crosses his arms over his chest and inhales slowly, holding his breath before exhaling. He repeats the action over and over.
"That cunt ain't here to bother you or your sweetheart, neither is anyone else, so at ease". Ghost angles his body, your eyes landing upon his profile. He motions to you with his hand, bringing a set of eyes to you. Yet, they're not brown, but blue.
Upon John's attention, you shift, shuffling on your feet, but don't avert your eyes. The look from before is still there, though it doesn't feel as intense. And then, slowly, it melts. It's nothing grand, not a sudden shift, no jerk of realisation. But the forced labour breathing John focused on eases into something natural, making his shoulders drop and the look in his eyes change. He feels present. As if he's actually looking at you now. A gentleness fills his eyes. They warm up.
Then, John's eyes flutter close, his head notching forwards. One of his hands settles by his temple, massaging the sensitive point before travelling to the bridge of his nose, pinching the highest point as a deep furrow sets his brows close to his fingers.
"You good?" Ghost asks, his voice milder than before.
"I'm good", John responds on a exhale. He takes a step backwards to partly sit on the desk behind him. He shifts his fingers so his thumb massages the skin between his eyebrows.
Meanwhile, Ghost turns, walking towards you. You only look at him once he stops beside you.
"Should I do something?" You whisper to the tall man. You felt helpless during this ordeal and still not exactly sure what happened even though you now had a guess. Ghost only cocks his head, hand stilling on the door-handle as he looks at you.
"Just be there for him", is all he says, swinging the door open.
He nods goodbye as he exits, not overstaying the moment after he apparently isn't needed anymore.
Your eyes fall on John when the door closes again. He looks tired, standing in a similar position as before. Only his hand had shifted to cover his eyes, the span of his brows covered by his index finger and thumb.
"John?" You try to soften your voice to hide your concern. 
His hand drops, blue eyes finding yours. His mouth is in a thin line, corners slightly downturned. Your heart cracks a bit at his discouraged look.
Your feet move on their own, bringing you to him. As soon as you're within range, he drops his arms, opening them wide for you to step into. It's seamless how you reach around John's shoulders, one hand coming to the back of his head, moving him towards your neck while his arms wind tight around your waist, pulling you close as he haunches forward to burrow his face against your throat.
The silence is only filled with your breaths. Yours blowing into the air at the side of John's head, his exhales puffing against your skin. Your eyes are shut harshly as your fingers repeatedly card through his hair and continue down his neck until your fingertips glide over his last cervical vertebrate.
It's gradual, but you feel John the tension leaving his body. He relaxes against you, not feeling as stiff with his hold. His arms loosen, sliding lower towards your hips where his hand squeeze the plusher flesh. Your thumb circles his shoulder and you turn your head to the side, kissing the side of his head. In return, he kisses the skin over your collarbone.
There's a tug-of-war inside you. Should I? Shouldn't I? In the end, you decide to try.
"If you're comfortable in telling me, what happened?" The words brush against John's head, your breath disturbing some strands of his hair.
He sighs deeply and you hold your breath for a few seconds. "Got triggered". So...PTSD, then? Or was it something you never fucking heard of? Your mind raced.
As if able to read your thoughts, John finally leans away. You don't let your hand fall from the back of his head, continuing to card through the strands of hair at his nape as he looks at you, head bowed to be levelled with your face.
"Doesn't happen much at all". John begins, clenching his jaw before continuing. "But triggers can... it feels like a misplaced adrenalin rush with overwhelming emotions and racing thoughts".
You nod, biting your lip. Brows furrowing, you search for the right words, carefully choosing what to say. "Was it something that guy said that did it?"
"Don't know, can't recall what hit the wrong cord", John said with a shake of his head.
"You sound jealous". You try a different approach in a lighter tone, rapping your fingers against his neck with a soft smile.
"Maybe protective", John shrugs, chuckling awkwardly. Even so, the tightness in the corner of his mouth eases. His gaze flickers away, moving back and forth, staring into nothing for a few seconds. When his gaze trails back, his eyes are a bit clearer, apparently having uncovered something to answer your question better. "Think it was when he raised his hand". 
The reminder that the man had thought about doing something physically to you resurfaced on your frontal lobe. As the moment replayed, you could understand why it was triggering, perhaps not to the extent and with the interconnections John obviously had towards the action.
"Got angry, worried, the feeling resembling something from...", John trails off, but you don't need him to explicitly say it. You're not there. Ghost's sentence echoes in your mind. "Should probably work on that, m'sorry". 
This man. You shut your eyes, turning your head away. You try to will the wetness you felt away, but when you open your eyes, you still need to tilt your head back and forth a few times to not let any tears fall before you look back at John, eyes noticeably glassy even so. 
"Don't apologise". You finally say. "It isn't your fault that guy acted like a cunt. Compared to him, you never wanted to escalate the situation even though you were the one who had the right".
"But-" You cock your head after he cuts himself short, giving him space to continue the conversation at his own pace. John releases a slow breath and speaks again. "It shouldn't have triggered me". You purse your lips at the way he says it. He sounds so frustrated with himself.
"Don't know too much about it", you admit, neither of you labelling what the obvious it was. "But you soldiers can't pick and choose what does or doesn't".
"Wouldn't that be a dream", he sighs.
"Maybe you should work on it. If you want to. Not the protective part, I mean... I appreciate that, I like that I can trust you having my back". You lick your lips, biting the lower one for a second as your brows furrow. "But, maybe the other part?"
It brought a sigh from John. "Guess... I haven't left the last deployment behind entirely despite being cleared on the med-evaluations". It wasn't a yes, but it was an acknowledgement. 
"I-I know we haven't talked much about what you do in detail. But, if you want to, you know? Talk. I'll listen". John looks at you, blue eyes widening.
"I-", he began. "I need to think about it". You nod, not pressing him, understanding that he needs time. 
Rather than continuing the conversation, you lean forwards, pressing your lips against his forehead. You feel his eyes flutter close, his lashes brushing your lower face as he leans into the touch, so you only part to mumble an 'okay' before planting another kiss between his brows. 
You graze your lips over his face in soft presses until you reach his mouth. Hovering there, your hand slip to his cheek. Your fingers brush along the line of his beard, feeling the softness of his skin and the brown hairs. You hover there, waiting until John initiates the kiss.
It's sweet, soft. A gentle tilt of heads in opposite directions as you merely connect the plush pillows of your lips together. It holds so many emotions for something that is so surface-level.
"Want to go home? Escape the crowd?" You whisper against his lips when you part.
John hums, leaning away so his gaze meets yours the second you open your eyes. "If you don't mind".
"Would never mind if that's what you need". You smile at John, running your thumb along his cheek. He sighs, an appreciative smile spreading.
"Can I drive?"
You remember what he said the night you first met, how helpful those drives could be for him. "If you want to, yes". 
"Thank you". John pecks your lip. 
You smile at him. "No need".
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oval3000 · 11 months
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Yandere Simon Riley x reader (Soap's younger sister)
(Pretend that you guys are adopted or something idk. Also the Canon story with Makarov will be different - he's dead)
Warning: Toxic behavior, light (Forced) Smut, Assault, Curse, very toxic. Yandere, Violence. Slight yandere platonic Soap.
When Johnny's parents told him that he's going to have a baby sister at the age of 13, he was shocked and didn't expect it. At first, he wasn't really thrilled since the age gap was really big. His father will tell him that he'll have to protect you and love you like an older brother should do.
When they brought you home, he immediately realized the things his father had said. The feeling of not caring for you changed. He loves you. He would drop you off and pick you from school whenever he had the chance. He would take care off you when his parents go out on their date.
He would help you with your homework, even if he didn't understand it well. He would show up to all of your school events. He would give you pep talks whenever you needed it.
He got full custody of you, when his parents passed away.
When he joined the military, you were worried about him, but he assured you that everything was going to be okay. You would send him letters and he would reply, which caught Simon's attention.
He was able to get a safe house, after his encounter with Makarov to keep you safe. The only one that knows about it is Price, Gaz, and...Simon.
When they were stranded and needed to get shelter, Soap brought them to you. You met them...you met Simon. Simon couldn't help but to stare at you. You could feel his eyes on you and it didn't feel good. It felt like you were about to get eaten alive.
You never really had good luck with boys since Johnny would scare them away. So the feeling of a men staring you, made you feel a little uncomfortable.
Afterwards, Johnny told you that everything was going to be fine since they took down Makarov, you were happy that Johnny was no longer in danger.
He was happy that he can come home to you. He wouldn't know what to do if something bad happened to you.
So you can imagine his rage when he comes home and you're gone.
He didn't waste anytime to call Price and everyone, telling them that you are gone. They went to check the house and saw broken vases and picture frames on the floor. It wasn't rocket science to know that you have been kidnapped.
Johnny expressed his anger and concern to Simon, who he reassured Johnny that everything is going to be okay. They all tried to track you down. Visiting possible locations where you could be only to storm inside empty, abandoned, places.
Johnny couldn't sleep or think of anything else except to get you back. Each night when he tried to get some rest, all he can think is the moment his father told him to take care of you and failed.
The team told him to take it easy or else he would hit the breaking point of his own health. Price ordered him to take time off while they worked on finding you.
Simon would come and visit Johnny to check how he's doing. "What if she's gone forever, Simon? What would I do with myself if I never get to see her again?"
Simon looked at him with pity, "don't worry, Johnny. We'll find her."
After checking on Johnny and helping the team on finding you, he would go home to his safehouse. He would place his bag on the couch and take off his mask and jacket.
He would walk to kitchen and open the door, turning on the lights. He would walk down on the creaky, woodfloor, staircase. He would stand there, Infront of the twin bed centered on the back wall of the basement.
He would stare at you.
Chained up that is hooked to the bed headboard. You sat up seeing him there. The man that took you from your home and locked you down in his basement. "Please don't hurt me."
"Love, I'll do whatever the fuck I want with you." He took off his shirt, showing his toned muscles. He climbed on the bed, having you to back away as much as the bed headboard allows you to. "Be a good girl and spread those beautiful legs of yours."
He gripped on your waist, thrusting his hip into you. You felt his cock drilling you so hard and deep you held on to the chain links that is connected to the metal cuffs on your wrist.
You hated it. He loved it. He loved the way you squirm under his tough body structure." Ah..Yes! Be a good girl for me, love!" His grunts and moans will take over your ears aswell as the sound the bed creaking and the sound of wet skin slapping eachother.
He would flip you over, pushing his your head down into the mattress and lift your ass in the air, thrusting even harder. "You're fucking mine." He pulled your hair back, forcing you to arch your back. "All mine."
He would cum deep into your womb. He would get up and leave you there, naked. You would bury your head into the bedsheets and sob quietly. He hated to hear you cry. He really hated it. "Shut up! I'm doing this because you don't listen to me!" He clasp your cheeks with his hand. "You're gonna learn, yeah," he pulled down his pants and shoved his cock in your mouth.
You were forced to swallow his cum.
You have no idea how long you've been in his basement. You don't know if Johnny is out there looking for you. When you tell Simon about it, he would take off his belt and fuck you till you pass out.
At first, you were his sex toy. He'll come home to you and drill you in till you could see the stars and leave you naked alone in the dark.
However, lately, he would lay in bed with you. He would caress your body as you lays on his bare chest.
He would unhook the metal cuffs from your wrist and carry you, bridal style, upstairs to bathe you. He would come home with flowers and teddy bears for you. On your birthday, he would bring a piece of cake with a lit candle on it.
You couldn't tell if you have lost your mind or just accepted your fate, but you wanted him. You want Simon. You want his attention, his love, his affection to you.
When he comes home to fuck you, you felt pleasure than pain. "Mhm...yes! Ah!ah! Harder Sir!"
"Love it when you call me that, love." He huffed, burying his head on the side of your neck, moving his hips back and forth. The sound of the bed creaking so uncontrollable. "You're so...ah!...s-so fucking beautiful."
Although, his demeanor never changed. "How many times do I have to tell you!? You're not leaving this room!"
"I want out of these chains, Simon!" You plead to him, holding out your chained wrist.
He lowered his head to you, "No! And if I were you, I would drop it."
That's how it was for who knows how long you've been tied up in his basement.
You weren't the only one loosing their minds. Johnny, running around trying to found you.
However, his focus came to Simon. How? Because he visited you.
Johnny went to visit Simon, to talk to him, about you. He thought he had some lead on to where you are. When Simon was looking as to where he thought you might be, Johnny wanted to get a drink.
Johnny is no stranger to Simon. He knows where Simon keeps the drinks. So when Johnny touched the basement door, it snapped Simon.
Johnny brushed it off. But not having you in his arms, he would honestly put the blame on a mail man that he met once. So it wasn't out of character for him to honestly question his own teammates. Afterall, they all knew where you were. They knew where the safehouse was. So how bizzare would it be to accuse his friend of possibly taking you.
He would spend weeks, just studying on his mates and all the possible scenarios lead up to Simon. It wasn't really that out of place, Simon became a bit sloppy. His energy of founding in the beginning, shifted. When Johnny would want to go to his house and go to the basement to get some drinks, Simon wouldn't allow him.
So when Simon opened his door and saw Johnny there, he felt the nerves rising. "Hey, Lt. Sorry to just drop by like this. I just wanted to take break and being in the house without her makes it hell."
"No problem, Johnny." He moved outside to let him in. He felt his throat to dry up a bit. Johnny has been visiting him a lot these past few weeks and it was unusual.
They both began to talk and drink. Simon excused himself to use the restroom. Johnny didn't waste time to go to that basement. He opened the door and slowly walked down to not create loud creaking. He reached the bottom floor and saw the bed and you on top.
You were laying down on your side. When you heard the sounds of steps, you thought it was, "Simon?" You peaked up and saw your brother standing there.
It's been so long that you've seen him, so him being there made you cry out. "Johnny!?"
He stood there frozen. He wished there was nothing here. He wished he wrong. He wished that it wasn't Simon. He wished that it wasn't someone he had trusted. "(Y/n)?"
You are so happy to see you. So happy that you couldn't see Simon creeping up on Johnny. "Simon! Please don't!" Simon knocked Johnny out cold.
You plead and plead Simon to let Johnny go. He tied him up. When Johnny woke up, he felt his arms on his back. He went on his knees and saw Simon standing near you. "You..you fucking bastard. I trusted you. You're supposed to be my friend."
"I only did what was the best for us." Simon went to Johnny. Crouched down infront of him. "You left me with no choice. You're overprotective of her, I knew this was the only option."
"The only option! You bastard! She's my sister and you took her away from me. I would never have someone like you to end up with her." His anger with his harsh down tone words made Simon take a deep breath.
"I know. So you kinda left me with no other choice." He pulled out a gun and pointed it to his head.
"NO! PLEASE! Please! Don't do this, Simon!" You cried for him to stop. "Please! I'll do anything you want! Just please don't kill him! Please.
"Sweetheart, you don't make the choice here." He held the gun tight, almost hesitant to pull the trigger.
"I love you, Simon! I love you. I'll be with you! Please don't kill him! We'll both forget about this, right Johnny!?" Johnny looked at you from the side and gave a small nod. "Let him live and I'll be with you. I'll do whatever you want me to do. I'll listen to you,I swear!"
"If I lower my gun, will you attack me?" Simon said to Johnny. You gave Johnny head shooks to tell him not to do something stupid. Johnny wanted to kill him, he does. But he knows the outcome if this. If he does die, then you'll be with Simon. If he does attack Simon, then he'll have to kill his friend.
How he wished he was wrong about this.
"I won't attack you. If you let me go, I won't tell anyone about this. As long as I get to see her still, I promise I won't interfere with anything else. Just let her go off those chains." His voice toned down a bit in a more calming manner.
Simon lowered his gun and turned his head towards you. "You love me?"
Your eyes widen with fear as to what Simon is going to do. "Yes. Yes, I love you!"
He ran to you, cupping your face with his hands, "You love me, sweetheart? I love you too. We'll get married and gave kids together yeah."
"Yes. But don't hurt Johnny. Ou-our kids will want their uncle." You smiled at him trying to hide your fear.
"I won't. I love you so much."
The words stick through. Johnny told Price that you were found and that some punks kidnapped for you 'their fun' it took a couple of months for people to find out about you and Simon.
The wedding was beautiful to him. The honeymoon was magical to him. And the announcement of your pregnancy was amazing to him
Johnny watched you, his little sister. Being trapped in a marriage with Simon.
As for you, you couldn't quite think of anything. It was all Simon. He knows what's best for you.
So you should trust him and love him.
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rosiestalez · 29 days
Here’s the good old Masterlist
Please refer to the rules before requesting!
AN: Please reblog! I would love some traction! I love writing and it’s one of my greatest passions! I hope you enjoy these and don’t forget to request your wildest dreams. This is where I will provide links to all my fics, and will constantly be updated so you don’t have to scroll through my page.
Specific requests🎂
One shots 🫒
Batman (Bruce Wayne)🖤🦇-
“Frozen Moments”🍒
“One Swipe of Love”🍒
Night wing (Dick Grayson)💙🦇-
“I love you”🍒🌮
Red hood (Jason Todd)❤️⚔️-
“Resurrected Hearts”🌮🎂
Superman (Clark Kent)❤️👔-
“I See Red”🌮
“Mango and Movies🍒🎂
Winter Soldier(Bucky Barnes)-🤍🦾
Human Torch (Johnny Storm)❤️‍🔥🔥-
Gambit (Remy Lebeau) 💜🪄-
NSFW alphabet🍆
“Taking a Gambit”🍒🍆🌮
Remy takes care of you while drunk🍒🎂
“The Rules of the Game”🌮🎂
“Do you Believe in Fate?”🍒🎂
Wolverine (Logan Howlett)💛🔪
Peter B. Parker- “I Need a Break”🍆
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reds-skull · 10 months
The World is Silent
Had this idea for the last couple of days, started writing it yesterday at 5am, went until 7am, slept, woke up, finished it instead of my uni work.
This oneshot is fucking depressing, and deals with some suicidal thoughts (made myself cry with this one, just be warned)
The world is silent. Plants cover the once indestructible walls of the base, vines making patterns in the cracks of the grey concrete. Leaves, old enough to brown and die, cover the training grounds, erasing the foot tracks, the memory that someone ever lived there.
Ghost cannot even indulge in the faint mark. He is not allowed to carry that reminder, that there was. There was an army here, there was a place he could call home.
There was. And now, there is no more.
The world is silent, but his mind screams. He walks through empty streets, under barren bridges and over desolate roads. 
Ghost has been looking for more canned meat. He ran out a while back, not finding a will to go into the city. He hates the cities the most.
In the wild, in ancient forests and hills, he can pretend there’s still something out there, someone. A voice besides his own. 
The city reminds him what was taken from him. He never truly cared for humanity - Ghost saw the worst of it as part of his job, and before that… he was nursed not on milk but on snake venom. His mind developed a taste for pain, and yet he always craved more. Companionship, comfort. And perhaps love, even if he does not know the true meaning of the word, even if he can’t imagine it. He wanted love. Still wants it, but that’s a dream he must leave behind.
Ghost knows he can’t love himself. And therefore there is no one in this world to love him.
He looks around, gun loosely on his back, for mere comfort. Wild animals won’t require an M4 to kill. 
One of the many grocery stores he recalls come into view right around the corner. He can’t feel too happy about it when the entrance is blocked by a felled tree, one of the many storms in the past few weeks snapping its trunk.
Ghost could simply go to a different one, but there are not many interesting things left for him to do in this world. Or, there are not many things he wants to do. There’s no point to accomplish anything when there is no one left to share it with, no one left to congratulate him.
The nearby house renovating store had a few good saws, and Ghost picks one labelled for tree trunks before returning to his new enemy. At the beginning, he thought of everything as a mission, taking care and putting in the dedication he would back Before. Now, he’s too tired of it.
He’s too tired of everything.
Ghost gets to work on the tree, the back and forth motion of sawing leaving too much room for thought. His thoughts, when left unchecked, often lead him to memories. And memories, all they’re good for now is heartache.
Still, he remembers. Because he couldn’t bare forgetting.
He couldn’t bare forgetting how Price’s bucket hat looked, the curve of the front casting shadows over his eyes (were they green? Blue? Perhaps a mixture of both?). How Gaz would buy them all tea, the expensive kind, whenever he went on leave. How he would laugh at Soap, when the Scot took a sip to try (and how did his laugh sound like?).
And he could never forget Soap, Johnny. His blue eyes, the way they shone in sunlight. His crooked smile. His silly hair. How he wished he could remember all the jokes they exchanged, the small touches before missions, his Scots.
Ghost doesn’t only remember. He also changed them, in his memory. Price was just a Captain Before, but now he’s a father, proud of Ghost and supportive of him, someone to lean on. Gaz, a brother in arms, turned brother by blood, a person he could share his deepest secrets to, no matter how embarrassing. Someone he never had to hide from. And Johnny… Johnny became an infatuation. Ghost can’t call it love, because he does not know the meaning of the word.
The tree trunk splinters under the saw, and Ghost manages to cut away enough to move it to the side, unblocking the door. He throws the saw to the side, if he needed another, he would just go back to where he found it.
In this new world, there is no consequence for his actions.
He begins browsing through the shelves, finding himself drowning in memories once more. In this candy Price mentioned he liked, or the energy drink he shared with Gaz and Soap. In the scotch next to the Bourbon, in the tea next to the coffee.
Ghost’s heart skips a bit when he hears a whimper, and he instantly takes hold of his rifle and looks around. Despite no danger existing anymore, his heart still believes there’s a possibility. His mind doesn’t indulge in those delusions.
The whimpers and whines continue, and he steps around aisles, clearing corners just to feel safe.
He reaches the end of the store, and there lays a small bundle of fur, breath heavy. He lowers the gun, and the creature lifts its head.
A dog. It has brown fur, matted and dirty, and eyes… blue.
They remind him of Johnny.
Ghost wants to shoot the dog, for daring to look like what he lost. But he can’t even lift the barrel to aim, not when blue eyes look at him like that. He could never harm their owner.
He spots a meat can on the shelf next to him. The dog still whines, albeit quieter now, curious of Ghost.
He opens the can, and slowly crouches, inching closer to the dog. It doesn’t seem afraid of him, and yet again he’s reminded of Soap. Soap was never afraid of him.
The dog sniffs the air, tries to get up on wobbly legs, and falls once again. Ghost stretches his arm close enough to let the dog eat, and it immediately starts slobbering up the food loudly. It almost makes him huff.
Ghost supposed he could sit here for a while longer. Nothing waits for him at base, nor here.
Nothing waits for him everywhere.
Johnny wakes him up again, licking his face enthusiastically. He groans and pets his soft head. The dog has grown quite a lot in the last few months, now reaching his mid-thigh when on all fours.
Ghost found himself a sort of routine, mostly forced to by Johnny. The little muppet likes taking walks around the forest, but he doesn’t like doing it alone. Ghost can’t be mad at him for that, not when he shares the sentiment.
He dresses up in warmer clothing, lacing his boots automatically, and walks out of his barrack room.
Ghost reckons he could’ve found a better place to sleep in, hell, even the Captain quarters would be better than the small room, paper-thin mattress, and bathroom made for dwarves that is Ghost’s room. He likes the familiarity of it too much to change now. It makes it so when he wakes up from a rare dream, where everything is as it was, he can pretend for a few more moments that he isn’t alone.
Johnny runs ahead, and waits for him on the top of the hill. He takes his time walking there. Johnny is well-trained, he doesn’t run off without Ghost, even if he doesn’t give him voice commands. A pat on his thigh is enough to summon him.
Ghost hasn’t spoken since it happened. He’s not sure if he can at this point.
‘It’ happened a while ago. Months, maybe years ago, he’s not been keeping track of time. One day, he woke up, and everyone just… vanished. At first, he thought he was having a nightmare, and he kept waiting to wake up. And he waited. And waited. Eventually he had to accept this is reality.
He tried to find a reason, back in those first days. Maybe he was drugged, maybe he lost his mind.
Ghost remembered the stories his mom told him, of the reckoning. Of how all the good people will go to heaven, leaving the bad ones here on earth. If Ghost still believed in God, perhaps he would’ve thought he’s the only bad person, left here on earth to be punished for his sins.
In those first few days, he waved off that theory, thinking to himself this couldn’t be hell.
Now, though… hell is an apt label for what this place became.
Johnny barks at him, shaking him off his thoughts. Maybe this isn’t hell, if he’s allowed one companion.
The forest has grown a lot since it happened. At least one thing enjoys the sudden lack of humans in its vicinity.
Ghost would appreciate the clean air, the warm sun and birdsongs, the happiness of Johnny’s wagging tail, if he could appreciate anything at all. He doesn’t see much point to anything, to enjoying, to feeling, to living.
He thought of ending it all, many times. Thought maybe it would end this nightmare, that if he’s dead at least he can’t feel this emptiness, he can’t remember.
But thinking about how, if he were to go through with it, he would end up back here, finding himself stuck, forever doomed to roam this wasteland…
He prefers living with the possibility of dying. It gives him a strange sense of hope. Something he’s been dwindling on, as the days turned to weeks turned to months, to years.
Sometimes he feels as though Before happened a thousand years ago. 
He doesn’t miss many people. The vast majority of faces have blended together long before everyone disappeared. The only ones he truly misses are taskforce 141, his teammates. Price, Gaz, Soap. He repeats those names every day in his mind.
It hurts to remember, but in a way it’s also his duty. He can’t let their faces blend with the rest. They deserve better.
They deserved so much more than he gave them Before. He wants to go back in time and punch his past self, for being so careless, so unfeeling towards them, when the 141 was the only place he could call home.
Now, After, he has no home.
They’ve been walking for a very long time when Johnny stops to sniff at something on the ground, probably feces of a wild animal. Ghost waits a while before he checks it out, after Johnny tries to get his attention multiple times. He walks around the dog and squints at the dirt.
Ghost instantly drops to his knees, pushing his face down to inspect it closer. His heart tries to climb out of his chest, and he feels tears welling up his eyes. Fuck, he might’ve lost his mind already, because this can’t be real.
Footsteps, boot marks. Human. Recent.
He and Johnny have been scouring the woods for hours now, the adrenaline Ghost got since he saw the marks still yet to fade. If there’s another person around here, he has to find them.
The notion that he just conjured it up in his deranged mind becomes less and less likely when he continues to find more signs that something, a human, has been here recently. Broken branches, too high for any animal to do, candy wrappers, knife marks, cloth pieces. Ghost feels a painful hope, sharp and spiky, wrapping itself around his heart like barbed wire.
He had hope, at the beginning. The rest of the 141 were on assignment when it happened, and so Ghost never had any proof they are really gone. He credits this fact to the way he’s been able to not lose his mind completely.
Johnny stills next to him, ears swiveling around as he listens to something. Ghost wishes he could ask the dog what he heard, but before he could dwell on that, Johnny started running, Ghost chasing after him.
Sharp branches cut his arms and clothes when he pushes through the overgrown trees, trying to keep Johnny in his sight, but too quickly Ghost loses sight of the dog, and he has to stop to take a breath. He remembered then that he didn’t eat or drink in the last few hours, mind and body only focused on the hope of finding someone.
Perhaps, he is losing his sanity.
Some far off branch snaps, and he instantly crouches to hide behind a bush. Old habits die hard and all that.
In the distance, he could hear something. Ghost understands there are two paths of action in front of him - run away or investigate.
Ghost, as he has nothing to lose and everything, everything to gain, starts slowly sneaking towards the sound.
He feels like puking when he makes it out, not because it disgusts him, but because his body simply can’t contain the sudden influx of emotions within him.
He hears humans. Speaking. In English.
As his mind tries to catch up on the fact, as Ghost lets himself indulge for a few moments in what could be the most beautiful sound he’s ever heard, the voices drift away. Instantly, he jumps from his hiding spot, looking around, searching.
There was always nothing, wasn’t there? His cruel brain decided to give Ghost hope, just to rip it away when it was done toying with him. He sits back on the ground, tears streaming down his mask, but he is silent.
The world is silent.
Johnny returned to him while he made his way back to base. The sun was setting, and raindrops started drizzling the empty fields he once trained in. Ghost absentmindedly is reminded that the pipes have been rusting, and are due to burst at any moment and flood his room.
He couldn’t bring himself to care. Johnny will wake him up before it either way, the cricking sound sure to alert the dog.
The mud caked boots stay outside his door, and he collapses on the thin mattress. Ghost doesn’t bother doing anything else, he’ll survive one day with no water and food. Johnny curls up next to him, fur dirty and soaking wet, but Ghost still presses his face to it. It makes him feel less alone.
Sleep comes and goes throughout the night, dreams meld into reality, memories resurface and call for Ghost. Lie to him that they’re still here, speak to him softly in a way he doesn’t deserve anymore.
Ominous cricking wakes him for the final time, and Johnny bolts out of the bed and sounds half a bark. Something gives and the pipe snaps, but while he waits for water to drench him, Johnny runs out of the room.
Ghost feels his heart jump to his throat when he realizes the pipe burst in another room.
He springs out of the bed, feet sliding on the base floor as he runs a couple meters to the room next to his. The door labelled ‘Soap MacTavish’ has water leaking from under it.
Opening it reveals just how much damage the water caused. The bed is absolutely drenched, the closet next to it not faring much better. Those do not matter to Ghost, not as much as the items on the table do.
One day, after it happened, Ghost searched through his teammates’ rooms. He’s not sure what he wanted to find, perhaps he was just missing them a lot.
For each member, he left an odd shrine on their table. Price has his cigars, an extra bucket hat, and a few photos he took throughout his career. Gaz has the expensive tea he was apparently planning on surprising them with, as it was hidden under his clothes, and his sunglasses. Johnny’s is made of the Ghost Team mask he kept, his personal file, and his journal.
All of which, are now ruined beyond repair by filthy, sewage water.
Ghost’s hands are shaking as he reaches for the journal, which took the brunt of it. The pages are stuck together, and he fears if he opens it, they would fall apart. The name etched on the cover is still legible, and that’s the only comfort he can take from it now.
Inside it were drawings, places the 141 went to together, and portraits of the members themselves. They didn’t take a lot of pictures together - elite taskforce and all that, and so the sketches inside were the only true memory he had. And now he doesn’t.
The mask is a little wet, but it will dry. It will be fine.
In the personal file, Ghost didn’t have much he doesn’t remember by heart at this point. At the start, he used to go through and memorise every single detail from everyone’s files - date of birth, past missions, blood type - and at this point he could write a new one from scratch.
No, what was important for him in Johnny’s file was his photo. A small passport one, where he almost smiles to the camera, in a way that brings Ghost back to how he used to see it every morning. How fucking lucky he was back then, and he never appreciated it.
He holds the small photo up, and chokes on nothing when he sees how mud and grime covered most of his face, leaving only one, blue eye staring at him. Something about it almost feels judging.
And in his mind it does, it’s angry and accusing, it’s asking why he let this happen, when he knew the pipes would burst. How could he be so bloody stupid, so careless, as to let what little he has of Johnny left be destroyed?
Ghost sinks to his knees, cradling the photo to his heart, uselessly trying to wipe the dirt off it, adding more water to the room. Johnny comes to whine next to him, nudging his hands and shoulders, but he’s too far gone in self-hatred and regret.
How much more can he already lose?
Eventually, he gets up. Shakes off the water, and goes to find something to soothe the ache in his stomach with. Johnny left a while ago, probably let himself out on a walk. Another being Ghost disappointed today.
He rummages through the canteen, where he stores all the food. Electricity stopped a while back, and he didn’t know how to operate the generators. He’s been meaning to learn, but…
Nothing feels real as he walks around gathering random cans and tins. It’s almost like he’s not in control of his body anymore. He feels empty, inside and out.
Ghost munches on what could be tinned apples when Johnny barks outside. The sun is just starting to rise at this point, and Ghost thinks he’s probably just chasing an unfortunate squirrel, but the dog comes rushing into the canteen, and barks at him.
The dog is unwilling to accept his disinterest, as it starts to grab at his pant leg and pull him off the bench. Ghost pushes his head away and sighs. He supposes he could follow Johnny to whatever he wants to show him. Perhaps it would distract him from the black hole in his heart.
They walk through the forest yet again, Johnny running ahead and coming back, trying to urge Ghost to run, but he’s too tired. The dog is unrelenting, though, and so he keeps walking.
The forest has a clearing nearby, a place with soft grass and little white flowers, that in the summer looks like it’s out of a movie scene. He remembers Johnny drew it in his journal, and his stomach churns and aches.
Ghost stops dead in his tracks when they get closer. He looks up to see smoke coming from the clearing’s direction. Could there be a forest fire? Did a rogue lightning light the grass on yesterday’s storm?
He starts walking with more purpose now, Ghost can’t let another thing be destroyed by his inaction. Johnny loves the forest, and Johnny loved it.
The dog runs off again, and Ghost hears something yelp in surprise. It sounds… so achingly human.
What he stumbles into, when the clearing is in sight, makes him want to turn away, to run, to rush into.
The source of the smoke turns out to be a campfire. Around it are three tents, so very clearly military issued. A man stands outside, on his back, as Johnny is licking his face. The man laughs, and the other two tents rustle.
One of them opens, and a second man calls for the one being assaulted by the dog. He seems happy to see him, and Johnny runs to greet him as well.
A third man joins them, visibly older and crankier at the occasion. He quiets down soon enough, when Johnny comes along to be pet by him.
Ghost’s heart, which was empty and bled dry, collapses on itself. He’s breathing heavily, the edges of his vision swim. These men, they look… they sound like…
Johnny is finished with his warm welcomes, and decides to run back to Ghost. One of the man breaks away from the group to chase him, smiling as he calls the dog back. 
Ghost is frozen in place, even when Johnny licks his hand to get him to move.
The man gets closer, and Ghost feels water run down his cheeks, blinded by blue eyes and warhawk, smile lines and a scarred chin.
He halts, those blue eyes (that Ghost has never forgotten, will NEVER forget), stare, wide and full of emotion, full of life.
The man speaks.
“... Simon?”
And the world is no longer silent.
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imyourbratzdoll · 4 months
𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒅𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒍
part 2 of 🌧️welcome to hell🌧️
summary - after catching your husband and best friend, you struggle with the negative thoughts that attack your mind.
warning - mentions of cheating, negative thoughts, self-hate, betrayal.
the gif I use isn't mine, headers by me.
part 1 - part 3
Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
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Your thoughts were running wild as tears continued rolling down your face, your lip bleeding from all the biting you were doing. You ignored the pain as your teeth dug once again into your bottom lip, you didn’t want him to hear you. You couldn’t confront him right now, your chest felt like it had been stabbed a thousand times and then someone had reached inside, gripping your heart, and squeezing.
You clutched your hands close to you as you lean forward, mouth falling open into a silent scream, tears rapidly falling before quiet sobs escape and your hands move to grip the sheets. Him fucking her kept replaying on repeat, like a broken record. Your head tilted back as you continued to cry, vision blurry as tears filled them and you stared up at the ceiling. Questions continued to intrude your mind alongside the image of them.
Why weren’t you good enough? 
Why did they do this? 
Was this the first time? 
Could you have done better to stop this from happening?
Maybe if you were prettier than her, he wouldn’t have cheated.
Your thoughts continue to attack you and you quickly pull the blanket to your mouth as you sob into it, clenching your eyes shut, more tears slipping out from the force and pain. After a few more minutes of crying, you had finally begun to calm down, only a couple more tears slipped from your eyes.
You looked down at your left hand, staring brokenly at your wedding and engagement ring. Did the vows you two spoke mean nothing to him? You played with your rings as you thought back to your wedding day, realising something you probably should’ve on the day.
You were standing there, looking at yourself in the full-length mirror. Your eyes were scanning your wedding dress with a soft smile as you felt like a princess. Your gaze snapped up as the door opened and Sarah stumbled in with a smile, her hair slightly ruffled and her lipstick smudged. She looked up at you and smiled– Looking back at it, the smile didn’t look at all friendly, it leaned more towards it being a smile someone gives you when they know something you don’t, one that seemed almost malicious. 
“Sorry, I got a bit caught up.” Sarah bit her lip, moving closer. “Oh! I ran into Johnny on the way back and he looked good. He didn’t seem like he had cold feet or anything.”
You smile, sighing happily. “Yeah?”
She nods, fixing her makeup and hair in the mirror before turning to you. “Yeah, he really seems to love you, Y/n.” When you walked down the aisle, his hair was slightly tousled, and you missed the lipstick stain hidden in the collar of his shirt. You were too blinded on your wedding day, eyes and heart filled with love and dreams. If you weren’t so blind, you would’ve seen the looks the two were giving each other. 
You blink out of the memory, realising this whole time it was before your eyes, but you were too blind. You thought Johnny had changed from what everyone knew him as, but he had just found new ways to lie. You crawl to the side of your bed and reach underneath it, pulling out a photo album filled with your wedding photos. Sitting back, you open it and begin to flick through, your eyes narrowed as you search for something, anything. You don’t know if you want to confirm your memory or not, but you couldn’t stop yourself as you continued to flick through every single photo. Analysing every little detail like your life depended on it.
You stopped, your hand slightly shaking as you stared down at one. It was a close up of you and Johnny, your eyes zeroed in on the small stain inside his collar, the colour matching awfully close to the one your best friend was wearing on the day. You flicked to another photo, your breath catching as you notice how close they are in this photo, they had been getting food and you didn’t think much of it. But now, as you stare down at the photo, you realise it wasn’t normal for them to be THAT close, with THAT look on their faces. Their fingers seemed to be brushing and your heart clenched because at this point, you were married. He CHEATED on you on your WEDDING day. He cheated with your BEST FRIEND… She betrayed you… They betrayed you.
You choke up when you remember a conversation you overheard from one of his friends.
“Damn, did you guys see the chick Johnny went home with during his bachelor party last night?!” The guy whistled as if he was imagining the woman. “She was so fucking hot! I think she’s close with Y/n? She’s that one–”
“Yeah, yeah! I know who ya talkin’ about! She’s fuckin’ fine!” Another one of his friends chimed in, “You’re tellin’ me he managed to score her before the big day?!”
“Yeah! Apparently, she’s so good, he’s gonna keep seeing her.” There was a pause. “Which should be easy for him seeing as his soon–to–be wife is close to the woman.” 
You didn’t know why you had forgotten that conversation, maybe somewhere deep down you were hoping they were talking about another Johnny, another Y/n, another wedding. It was as though your mind and heart worked together to stop you from being hurt. You wouldn’t have gone through with the wedding if you knew he fucked your best friend at his bacholer party! You would’ve been saved from the hurt from what happened afterwards. You would’ve never caught them, you would’ve never remembered her coming in after doing god knows what with him on your wedding day.
He said he loved you with a knife against your throat. All his words and promises began to feel like nothing, because that was what they were. Nothing. They never had any meaning behind them, the only person who thought they did was you. You had been fooled all this time. You wondered why he still never slept with you after your wedding night. Was he sleeping with her this whole time? You rarely saw her, so they would’ve had to meet up secretly. Was she that much better than you that it caused him to just never want to sleep with you again? Or was it in some twisted way, his way of being faithful to her, even though you held his last name? 
You hadn’t realised you had started crying again, still so softly as to not alert the man in the house. Your body began to feel weak and drained, with the last bit of energy you could muster, you slipped the photo album back into place before drifting off into a nightmare filled sleep. 
You had woken up ten minutes before Sarah got back, you decided to pretend things were slightly normal for now until you could figure out what to do. You let yourself wake up before heading down to the lounge room, sitting with Johnny, you stare blankly at the game on the screen. The front door opened and from the corner of your eye, you watched as your husband became excited when he heard it. It was strange… Before you never even noticed the smallest things, now it seemed as though everything had enhanced. 
Sarah walked into the room, and you watched as her eyes landed on Johnny first before she even noticed you. You watched as her demeanour immediately changed and she flashed you a very fake smile. You returned it, even though your face was fighting against the action. It felt you weren’t even there when she sat close to your husband. You felt like an outsider in your own home, your own marriage. You watched as they acted like this was routine for them, like it was natural. You felt like you weren’t the one married to him. You didn’t know what hurt more. 
Your thoughts ran wild as the three of you sat there, watching the screen. Well, you were watching the screen… 
What were you going to do?
How were you going to get through this? 
Would this be your life if you couldn’t find anywhere to go? Couldn’t find it in yourself to leave? 
Would you one day wake to your best friend telling you she’s pregnant, but never mentioning the father. Only for you to know and watch as your husband dotes on his child with another woman. 
Would you ever find love again if you left? 
Could you even leave? 
How long were people expected to leave when they’ve found out their partner is cheating on them? Immediately? Weeks? Months? Years? 
Could you really be alone again? 
A voice in the back of your mind spoke, criticizing you, questioning you. Did you actually think you mattered to him? Silly silly girl. You mean nothing to him… Just look at them, so perfect together, like they were made for each other. You are just getting in the way. You were so stupid for not seeing it before. 
This is your own fault for being so blind. 
You were brought out of your thoughts when she stood, sneaking Johnny a look. “I’m gonna head to bed, I’m exhausted.” Her smile stretched so wide as she looked at you, reminding you of the one she gave on your wedding day. “Thank you so much for letting me stay again, Y/n. I’ve missed us being together.” Was that a double meaning behind her words? You couldn’t bring yourself to reply, only nodding with another fake smile.
You watched as your husband watched her walk away, with a look he had never looked at you with. Your heart followed with each step your best friend took. Your gaze moved back to the tv when Johnny turned his attention to you. “Do you think we should head off as well? I’m pretty beat.” He stands and stretches, not even waiting for your response as he is already heading to the bedroom.
You sit there for a minute, your mind filled only with negative thoughts, your eyes and heart heavy. 
This was your fault. You weren’t good enough. This is your fault.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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megamindsupremacy · 1 year
Do you have any Spiderman fic recs? (Preferably not MCU but. I'm not picky)
YES ofc. Let me dig through my bookmarks for some. Warning- most of them will be Team Red fics because that’s where I interacted most with the Marvel fandom back in the day. Also, coming back after making this, unfortunately most are at least a little bit MCU influenced but I tried to stay away from the tropier/irondad/ooc fics
Inimitable by deniigiq
“Peter, is it supposed to be doing that?” One of his students asked him. He looked up to see the industrial-strength magnets he’d collected for this lab trying to crack through the glass between them to be reunited. The glass splintered.
“Yeah, no. That’s totally fine,” he lied. Then he inconspicuously chased everyone to the corner of the lab, donned a glove, and smashed the glass so that it wouldn’t splinter and stab someone in the eye in its explosion.
His students cheered.
He needed a drink.
(Peter gets called back to the city at the age of 25 to help mitigate the rapidly increasing crime rate. He's in way over his head, so he sets out to re-establish Team Red.)
(Classic Team Red fic, this author got me into the fandom years ago and I’ve been stuck since)
Say You Will, Say You Won’t by Traincat
Johnny Storm found him on a Friday afternoon, wearing the kind of beseeching look that filled Peter with dread.
“I need to ask you a favor,” he said.
“No,” Peter said, swinging away.
Peter and Johnny get married, really-not-really.
(A classic Spidertorch fic, absolutely hilarious and not even a little bit MCU-touched)
Peter Parker: Legend of Empire State by Popjeckdoom
There was a dorm room, at the end of the third floor hallway on the male side of student housing, that was a mystery to all the students of Empire State. #339, Peter Parker.
The dorm itself wasn’t strange. It wasn’t haunted or cursed in any way, or as far as anyone knew. The door looked like everyone else’s; a doodle of Spidey on the whiteboard, a random scratch at the bottom left corner of the door, likely from someone moving in, etc. What made this ordinary room into a legend was it’s mysterious inhabitant, whom many believed did not even exist.
Peter Parker. The Criptid of Empire State.
(Technically incomplete, but it’s a series of oneshots so do with that what you will)
Dumpster Fires Verse by deniigiq
Peter and May receive a notice to vacate.
The other guys on Team Red have been there before, they offer a bit of advice.
(Another deniigiq classic, it’s a series of interconnected fics that don’t need to be read together to make sense)
Can you hear the drumming? (there’s a revolution coming) by Crescent_Blues
"You know how to throw a punch?"
Peter stops fidgeting and his heartbeat slows as he breathes deep and forces it to calm. The endorphins aren't quite there yet but he can almost taste the excitement, the hopefulness. Like carmel, like yellow, like tacky sweetness.
"Don't tuck your thumb into your hand and keep your wrist and arm straight?"
He has the basics.
That's a good start.
(Matt accidentally acquires one Peter Parker at the ripe old age of eleven and becomes the mentor he never wanted to be)
(This one comes courtesy of my friend Moon, who will kill me if he knew I was reccing his fic, but the writing style and quality is top notch so I refuse to stop. Also incomplete, but there’s 160k words before you get to the end so there’s a lot to read)
Peter Parker’s Home for the Wayward Villain by BeanieBaby
A really long redemption story.
(Another classic, Peter buys a house and adopts+reforms like 90% of the Marvel villains)
Roundabout by Gruoch
“Are you being killed right now?” Tony asks. “Am I listening to your final moments?”
“Maybe,” Peter chokes out, weakly pedaling his legs in the air while he futilely scrambles to pry the hand away from his throat.
Tony releases a sharp huff, irritated. “You are absolutely not allowed to die right now. Your graduation is a month away. Pepper’s moved around all her meetings to be free that day, and I’ve already given the deposit to the catering company for your party. I can’t get it back if I have to cancel now because of your untimely demise.”
In which Peter attempts to survive long enough to graduate, Tony moonlights as a semi-professional party planner, and absolutely nothing goes according to plan.
(This one is just. Peter Parker’s terrible horrible no good very bad day but in the best way)
Spider Season by selador
Peter Parker is Ben Urich's intern at the Bulletin. He's alright, as far as interns go. Bad coffee, but he fights crime bosses who want Ben dead. That wins a lot of points with Ben, that's for sure.
(Mostly follows the plot of DD s1 but still a great fic)
WHAT sugar daddy(s)??? By o1nm
"I've never really thought about it," Peter sniffs, gazing sadly into his mostly empty cup. "Maybe uh... maybe somebody who buys me milkshakes whenever I want? I don't know."
MJ's eyebrows twitch minutely. "Really?"
"Yup," Peter says lightly, "really," despite the fact that he feels like he just signed some sort of demonic treaty. "Hey, do you think we could circle back and -"
"I'll go get you another," MJ tells him as she snatches his previous milkshake, dropping it in a trashcan on her way as she sashays back to the ice-cream store.
(*slaps roof of Peter* this boi can fit so much autism in him. But honestly he’s so oblivious throughout, it’s amazing)
Always Glad You Came by aloneintherain
Spider-Man is a relatively new, controversial vigilante, and Johnny has a crush the size of the Empire Building. The Four - operating under the assumption that Spidey is an adult - do not approve.
“I just happen to think Spider-Man's cool,” Johnny says, matter-of-factly. “A hero can think another hero is cool without making it weird. I admire his aloofness. And his badass-ness.”
“His aloofness,” Ben repeats, chuckling into his mug of beer. It’s roughly the size of Johnny’s head. “Yeah, sure, I bet that’s all your admire, right?”
(Another Spideytorch classic, with So Many Misunderstandings it’s amazing they can walk straight)
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rosewritestuff · 2 years
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First attempt at Kinktober! Some will be short, just a few sentences, while others will be my longer oneshot lengths!
Day 1 - Lloyd Hansen
Day 2 - Ransom Drysdale
Day 3 - Chris Evans
Day 4 - Chris Evans
Day 5 - Ari Levinson
Day 6 - Lloyd Hansen
Day 7 - Ari Levinson
Day 8 - Ransom Drysdale
Day 9 - Johnny Storm
Day 10 - Steve Rogers
Day 11 - Andy Barber
Day 12 - Ari Levinson
Day 13 - Dean Winchester
Day 14 - Chris Evans
Day 15 - Steve Rogers
Day 16 - Lloyd Hansen
Day 17 - Steve Rogers
Day 18 - Sierra Six
Day 19
Day 20
Day 21
Day 22
Day 23
Day 24
Day 25
Day 26
Day 27
Day 28
Day 29
Day 30
Day 31
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mirkwoodshewolf · 1 month
Hellfire's Mama fox Chap. 8; Roxxi's secret is told
*Author's note*
86' was Eddie Munson's year and 2024 is Joseph Quinn's year from getting his casting as Johnny storm in the upcoming Fantastic 4 movie, to a Quite Place day one and Gladiator 2 coming later this year. So happy for our beloved brit :) And in honor of his rising success, I'd like to say that this story is back in business with two chapters ready to be read. Hope you enjoy this update and thanks for being patient for those that read this story. Hopefully I'll be done with the events of s.4 by the time the final season comes out that way I can plan accordingly how I want this story to go. But until that day comes, enjoy these next two chapters.
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Halloween came and went followed by the Thanksgiving holiday break.  And thanks to a special bonus that Wayne was given, the Munsons were able to afford a fairly good sized turkey this year after not having it since our sophomore year.
And I knew Eddie was excited cause with Thanksgiving now passed, Christmas was around the corner and that meant a longer break from Hawkin’s high.  And it was also the start of my next upcoming holiday oneshot.  Now typically I try to only do one big holiday oneshot either for Halloween or Christmas but ever since being away and getting my head cleared, I was able to pull out two epic oneshot campaigns for this year’s Hellfire club.
But I also knew what was coming up for Hawkin’s high.  Like I had told Lauren all the way at the start of the year, it was also the time of the Hawkins gymnastics tryouts.  After the final bell rang, I headed down towards the gym where I saw the assistant coach setting up the mats for the tryouts.
I hid behind my copy of ‘To kill a Mockingbird’ novel for English class when I saw a group of girls heading towards the gym with their bags and saw them walk inside.  More and more girls, including Lauren walked passed me until the final dismissal bell rang and I watched them all tryout.
Watching the girls practice their audition routine either on the balance beam or the monkey bars, brought back so many memories.  Like I said even though I hated the sexism aspect of the sport, the pressure my parents put on me as well as the entire community, there’s nothing that made me feel freer than being going out into that ring and performing my dance.  Gymnastics is the sport that makes Man feel what it’s like to fly.
I kept watching the entire audition from behind the gym door and was amazed at some of the talent from some of the girls.  Had I still been Captain, I’d be putting most of them on the team because they truly showed promise in taking the school to State Champion.
When auditions ended 2 hours later, I quickly hid behind my book once again and watched as the girls came out talking about either how well or bad they did before the coach and the current Captain Abigail Breslin.  Once everyone had left, I looked around before entering inside the gym.
The smell of the chalk still lingered in the air.  I walked to the center of gym and set my bag down before doing a couple of stretches.  Doing some split stretches, jumping jacks, and various leg stretches.  My muscles maybe tense from lack of use but I knew that muscle memory was still in there.
Once I was warmed up, I did a few cartwheels across the gym floor before eyeing the spring board just yards away from me standing before a beam.  I charged in hot before hoping onto the springboard and successfully flipped over the mat nailing a perfect handspring.
Raising my hands up in the air to stick the pose I could almost hear the cheers of the crowd as I now gracefully ‘skated’ across the mat.  I then prepared for my next move.  I took a few steps before doing two aerials before ending it with a handstand.
My arms shook as I tried to keep balance and I nearly felt myself fall over but I kept a firm grip by keeping my palms as flat as possible and my back as straight as I could.  Ever so slowly I lowered my right leg in front of me forming an L shape with my legs.
The lack of me using this much flexibility (at least not to the degree I use with Eddie) really was putting a strain in my body but I fought through the pain as I held the pose before flipping back up right.  As I kept hearing the applause, I then quickly raised and grabbed my left ankle before raising it all the way behind my head and I heard the applause grow louder.  I smiled before setting my leg down and held my arms outward in a T pose ending my warm up routine.
I could almost hear the crowd cheering my name and feel the spotlight shining down on me.
“Roxxi?” I snapped out of my daydream state and turned to see Dustin, Mike and Lucas all looking at me shocked and in awe.
“Oh…” I brushed my hair out of my face with my fingers as I said, “I didn’t expect to see you boys here so late.”
“We had to finish up a lab for Mr. Pollock’s class when Mike realized he had also left his math book here.” Dustin said.
“I see.” I cleared my throat.
“Roxxi. Are you…..were you really doing all those flips and leg raises?” Mike asked flabbergasted, his mouth refusing to close.  If Eddie were here, he’d have smacked Mike silly for gawking at me the way he was.
“How much of that did you boys see?” I asked.
“We heard the sound of a springboard and the slamming of feet so—right about since then.” Said Lucas.  Oh so they saw pretty much the whole routine.  “We didn’t mean to spy Roxxi. But were you trying to secretly audition for the gymnastics team but chickened out?”
“Lucas!” hissed Dustin as he smacked him in the ribs.
“It’s fine Dustin.” I assured him.  I let out a deep sigh, “Guess there’s a lot I still need to tell you boys. Follow me.” I grabbed my bookbag and left the gym with the boys trailing behind me.
I lead them down to the basement to where I knew the school kept archives of all the past Seasonal trophies for every sport and school activity known to Hawkin’s High.  I took out my bobby pin and picked at the lock.
“Since when did you learn to pick locks?” asked Mike.
“When your boyfriend is Eddie Munson, you learn a thing or two. Mostly from when he forgets to grab the keys to the trailer.” After a few turns, I got the door unlocked and flipped on the light bulb to reveal all the stored boxes for the certificates and old shelf casings for the big trophies.
“What exactly are we doing down here Roxxi?” asked Lucas.
“Head over to the third case over there and look at the middle shelf.” I told them.  They walked past the shelves of trophies that came from the 70’s school year before finally reaching the 1980’s trophy shelf.
I knew then and there along with the debate team’s trophies and the swim teams, they’d also find the gymnastics trophies as well as all the newspaper articles in how I founded the entire gymnastics team and help them win their first ever State championship.
“You were a gymnast?!” the three freshmen exclaimed.
“Yep. Bred into it since I was two years old.”
“And you were the captain of gymnastics team?” asked Lucas.
“Not just captain. I was the founder of it. You see there never was a gymnastics team in the history of this school. So in order to keep up with my ‘gymnast physic’ as my parents forced upon me, I was forced to join the cheerleading team during my years at the middle school. But I couldn’t stand being a cheerleader. All the fake preppy smiles and corny cheers. Ugh it drove me nuts.” I shuddered.  “So when I got into high school, I had somehow managed to convince Principal Higgins to fund and start the Hawkins High gymnastics team.”
“Wait, I remember. Yeah a long time ago you actually made the front page news on your first win for the school. You were that (Y/n) Hemingway.” Dustin exclaimed.
“I was. Once.” I said solemnly.  “My skills on the ring were the envy and admiration of all. The people of Hawkins called me the ‘Queen of the Skies’. Oh you boys should’ve seen me at the peak of my prime. I once kicked a three time gold medalist right down to a bronze.”
“So wait, if you were some hotshot athlete, what made you give it up? Clearly you still love it judging from what we saw back there. Why’d you quit?” asked Mike.  I fiddled with my bracelet that actually had a date on it, a date that I wish to forget but will and shall never, ever forget.  And neither would Eddie.
“You remember how I’ve said to never try and break the bonds you three share? That if they’re gone, no one will be there for you.” They nodded.  “Well….I got sick my first senior year. Very, very sick. And even though people could see me deteriorating both physically and mentally, all they kept asking me was when would I get back out onto the ring. Then when I finally got the strength to tell them all I’d never go back out there…..they turned on me. Save for one.”
Their looks of sympathy made my stomach churn uncomfortably.  This is why I don’t like talking about my past because of sympathetic looks like these boys were giving me.  I took a sharp breath of air before coming towards them.
“Now, we best be off. Wouldn’t want the janitors busting us for being down here. Since this is technically breaking and entering. Guess Eddie rubs off on me in both good and bad ways. But I don’t want you boys following too much into our leagues, understand?”
“Yeah, sure Roxxi.” They chorused out.
“Good, now I think the Home Ec. dept. still has those chocolate chip cookies from the cookie cart earlier this afternoon. Let’s go indulge in a few of them.” That soon got their minds off my story as they started talking about the joys that is the Cookie cart (a thing that isn’t known in the Middle School).
Later that night, I was in Eddie’s bed finishing up the last few questions from our English assignment when I felt Eddie slip behind me and press his chest to my back.  I felt him kiss my cheek as he asked me.
“How’s the homework coming along babe?”
“Alright. English already being my top subject this is a cake walk. How’s yours coming, and don’t say you’re just gonna copy my answers in the morning.” He gasped as he covered his mouth dramatically.
“Why my beloved Roxxi I would never…..” I gave him the look and raised my brow at him.  “Okay yeah I would have BUT that’s all in the past. Though I will need help with a few questions come morning.” He soon said sheepishly.  I shook my head at him before kissing his cheek.
“And such honesty rewards you with my aid after breakfast.”
“This is why I love you.” He kissed the corner of my lips before starting to get ready for bed.  Removing his jeans and taking off his shirt.  I packed my stuff back into my backpack and said.
“I told them Eddie.” He hummed as he was halfway of taking off his shirt.  “Mike, Lucas and Dustin. They—caught me in the gym after the gymnastics tryouts. And I showed them the trophy room down in the archives.” He went still as he looked at me with those chocolate brown eyes of his.
“Did….you tell them about—”
“You know I can’t ever get that far as to talk about that. But….they know about who I was. (Y/n) Hemingway, future Olympic gymnast.” Eddie came back over to me and pressed his forehead to mine.
“You sure you don’t regret staying with me?”
“Eddie,” I cupped his face in my hands.  “You were the only one who stayed at my side after…..the incident. All I was to everyone else in Hawkins was either the Satanic whore or the Washup gymnast. You were the only one who still saw me as me. Maybe even more.”
“I’ve always seen you as more Roxx.” He said as he stroked my cheek.  “You’ve always been my girl, my One. And I’m afraid you’re stuck with me till the end.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way Eddie-bear.” He smiled before cupping under my jaw and bringing me into a soft, loving kiss.  I wrapped my arms around his neck as our kiss deepened and I felt myself lay on top of his chest while he rested against the bed.  After we separated, I placed my head over his heart as I felt his fingers stroke along my back while his hand pet down my hair.
“And just so you know, even though it’s hard for me to talk about it too. I just want you to know that……if you ever do wish to talk about it. You know I’ll be there to listen, right?”
��Thank you Eddie.” I softly hummed as I felt him kiss my temple before I drifted off to sleep to the sound of his heartbeat and his loving touch.
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desolateice · 11 months
Halloween and horror fics masterlist
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For the pre-Halloween weekend I thought it might be fun to collect all my Halloween-esq and Horror fics in one place.
Ghosts and haunted houses
Semifreddo Rating: T Couple: Johnny Lawrence/Daniel LaRusso Status: Complete
Quick Summary: Set before the karate kid, Johnny is sent by Sid to a house on Long Island to clean it up and finds the house is a little odd, and haunted.
Science-fiction/Alien comedy
Konpeitō Rating: T Couple: Johnny Lawrence/Daniel LaRusso Background couple: Terry Silver/John Kreese Status: Complete
Quick Summary: Daniel and his mother move to Earth after escaping the destruction of their planet. Daniel explores Earth, gets to know it's inhabitants and tries to grapples with a voice that speaks to him through the radio.
California Roll
Rating: T Couple: Johnny Lawrence/Daniel LaRusso Status: Complete Quick Summary: set pre-the karate kid, Daniel is walking through Newark in January and stumbles upon a body in the river. What he finds and takes home is a broken hearted mermaid. Umibudo
Rating: E Couple: Johnny Lawrence/Chozen Toguchi Status: In-progress (11 chapters) Quick Summary: set after the karate kid 1, Johnny helps a guy he assumes is shipwrecked onto the yacht, realizes they can't communicate, has a one night stand and then realizes he's befriended a very horny mermaid.
Animal Transformations
Snake Whisky
Rating: M Couple: Johnny Lawrence/Daniel LaRusso Status: Complete Warning: Body horror
Quick Summary: Johnny's gone missing and Daniel learns that he can transform into animals, like his mom, so he and the cobras search the city for a slightly off pigeon, or cat only for Daniel to find a cobra that keeps playing dead that he takes home. When he wakes up there's a half man, half snake in his bed with a dire warning.
Puppy Chow Rating: M Couple: Johnny Lawrence/Daniel LaRusso Status: In-progress Note: werewolf, set end of the karate kid 1 and then time skip to cobra kai Quick Summary: In order to try and ensure victory John Kreese uses a scrapped Dynatox formula to try and change Johnny. It fails. Johnny finds he's losing track of time, waking up in strange places, fears the absolute worst.
Devil's Food (Cake)
Rating: T Couple: Johnny Lawrence/Daniel LaRusso Status: Complete (one shot) Quick Summary: There's a demon that you can ask for wishes in the desert. You can make trades. And Johnny goes throughout his life making wishes.
Witches, Magic, and Curses
Cherry Cordial Rating: M Couple: Johnny Lawrence/Daniel LaRusso Background couples: Ali Mills/Susan, Terry Silver/John Kreese Status: Complete Quick Summary: After the tournament Daniel can't sleep and wanders around until a storm forces him into a store where he's given a book that'll make things better. He uses it to make a 'friendship' potion of sorts for Johnny so he'll be left alone in the new semester. Johnny is a witch who refuses to do magic, not knowing it's poisoning him by not accepting who and what he is, a love witch. Candied Apple Rating: M Couple: Johnny Lawrence/Daniel LaRusso Background couples: Ali Mills/Susan, Terry Silver/ John Kreese, Kumiko/Jessica Status: In-progress Other genres: medieval quest, fairy tale Quick Summary: Once everyone in the Valley reaches a certain age they're given a quest. Usually a small one, but Daniel's given a big one, that comes a little garbled. He assumes he has to make a princess happy. A very annoying noble offers to help him on his quest, unbeknownst to Daniel that he's quite cursed himself and on his own dangerous quest.
Slasher/Serial Killer
Wine Dark Night Rating: M Status: Complete (oneshot) Warning: gorey opening/lots of death and murder Spoilers: Complete ending spoiled for Night Screams 1987 (staring the same actor who plays Bobby) Relationships: Cobra cuddle pile Quick Summary: After the All Valley Bobby has a pretty intense nightmare. Stinging Nettle Rating: E Couple: Johnny Lawrence/Daniel LaRusso Status: In-progress Warning: Murder, character death (not Daniel or Johnny), a lot of murders really, highly dubious consent, characters talking crudely planning to assault another character. Sub-genres: omegaverse (omega Johnny, alpha Daniel), summer camp slasher, stalker Quick Summary: Every year since Johnny moved in with Sid he's gone to summer camp, now mid-college he's grown to hate everything about it but the campers. But there's something new this summer, Daniel is the head chef at the canteen, and dealing with a boiling rage at everything that's happened to him so far.
General Halloween
Dark ‘n’ stormy
Rating: E Couple: Johnny Lawrence/Daniel LaRusso Status: In-progress Quick Summary: Halloween at Miyagi-do. Daniel drunkenly buys a whole bunch of slutty costumes with Johnny in mind and after Johnny plays a trick on him gets the courage to ask Johnny for a treat.
I kinda want this to be a tag event. I can start one right? For festive spooky reading? So @wicked-jade and @phoomwhoosh please share whatever horror or spooky Halloween festive fics you've written.
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