#people just assumed i would act this way. no if there is a similar gif to my gifs i will delete i can’t know which ones they are though so
Hey Raven, have you finished watching Black Butler: Public School Arc? :'D I recently finished watching the anime, It was good! I loved it! I know a lot of fans were disappointed with the different art styles/animation, but studio CloverWorks did such an amazing job! I wonder when we'll get another season, probably in another 4 years 🫠
Obviously, I couldn't help but notice the similarities between the main characters and the Twst cast. Especially that one scene where Ciel walks to the Purple House/Violet Wolf dormitory, and I instantly thought, "No way, that's basically the ramshackle Dorm!"
That being said, just for the funsies, if the Twst cast were to be students in Weston College, which dorms do you think they would be assigned to? We've got Scarlet Fox, Sapphire Owl, Green Lion, and Violet Wolf. I think it’s a fun scenario to imagine the Twst cast in Weston College lolol.
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Oooh, I actually don’t watch a lot of anime (it’s hard for me to sit still for like 20 minutes straight) 😅 but it’s nice to know that people are enjoying the adaptation of the Public School arc! I have fond memories of that part, even though I no longer follow Black Butler. I blame it for the horrible realization that I find Mr. Phantomhive hot—
And yes, lots of people have pointed out the similarities between the BB Public School arc and TWST. It makes sense since Yana was the creative spearheading both; there was sure to be spillover!
xbjsvsjww442,2!funNbejw 😭 I don’t remember the houses that well, so I did a quick Google search before writing these up. (Apologies if I misinterpreted something!) This is where I would slot the 22 NRC boys:
Scarlet Fox/Red House - for students of high class and noble lineages
Malleus (prince, duh)
Riddle (counting upper middle class since Riddle’s parents are also upper middle class; therefore the wealth can be considered generational)
Kalim (rich Rich RICH)
Leona (could also toss him in Blue or Green house as a little jab at his being second in line but I’ll be yasashii to him)
Sapphire Owl/Blue House - for students who are at the top of academics
Azul (all that shady contract work and abusing loopholes takes a lot of brainpower :v)
Idia (tech geek)
Ortho (is literally an artificial intelligence android)
Ace (okay, maybe his grades suck but I’m counting his cheeky cleverness here)
Jamil (he’s not allowed to excel in TWST because of Kalim so assume he is allowed to excel in these circumstances; if not, maybe he’d be in Red House with Kalim as his attendant 😞)
Jade (pretty crafty in general; prefers to plot before acting or resorting to violence)
Green Lion/Green House - for students who excel in athletics
Jack (see: arms)
Sebek (see: Arms)
Silver (see: ARMS; could also put him in Red House but that would be a spoiler www)
Ruggie (not super strong but pretty lanky and swift; could also work in Blue House for his street smarts)
Floyd (throw fists first, ask questions later twin)
Deuce (ex-delinquent; brute forces his way though problems with his sheer stubbornness)
Violet Wolf/Purple House - for students who are accomplished in the arts
***I expanded the definition of “the arts” to include acting, cooking, music, etc. As a result, this iteration of Purple House is more… flashy… and less gloomy.***
Trey (baker)
Vil (HUGE in the entertainment sector)
Cater (influencer ✨, loves aesthetics)
Rook (he’s constantly in pursuit of beauty; see also: concealed A R M S)
Lilia (he’s… creative)
Epel (dragged along here with the rest of Pomefiore, but does have artistic skills via his apple cutting)
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celestialscatterbrain · 7 months
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2. Personal Synastry and Composite Experiences and Observations
Do not interact if you are a minor. (18+)
Venus in 1H synastry: This one is full of compliments. You both love staring at each other, and telling the other how attractive they are. The house person can be the perfect example of what aesthetic the Venus person’s dream person would follow. The Venus person can try to embody that aesthetic more than they did before so they can show they are a good physical match for the house person. “You would look good with me.” Bonding over shared music taste(s). I think the Venus person will want to romance the house person even if that isn’t something they normally do. Venus could love how the 1H person displays their feminine side. Venus likes to ask for pictures and selfies from the house person, and can create a dynamic where you send one another photos regularly. The house person likes to look at photos from the Venus person to gush about what they look like, because they are also supremely attracted to Venus (I think Venus just has a more natural way of expressing that desire). Also as the house person who identifies as a woman, venus’ compliments and pursuit of me has made me feel more feminine than I ever have in a romantic dynamic. Even my mannerisms are coincidentally more feminine and gentle in Venus’ presence. Venus definitely increased my self esteem.
Mars in 1H synastry: I think you two could make very good gym partners together because you love each other’s bodies. Some people say this is a “s*x on the first date placement,” and I concur. You find each other sexy! You compliment each other’s physical appearance and bodies often, and very much so during the act. The Mars person is very very direct with the house person that it’s almost overwhelming or intimidating. Being the house person, I did often feel like they had just wanted me for my body or that’s what they found to be the most interesting part about me until the interaction progressed. If there aren’t other good “soft and sweet” placements in the synastry chart or in the composite, this could be a pretty annoying placement. The Mars person did admit to me that they would bring up sex or something that would irritate me just to get a reaction because they didn’t know if they stimulate me outside of those vibes. If you’re in a relationship with someone else, or show interest in other people, the Mars person can want to fight your partner so they can be the one next to you LOL. This placement also involves a lot of staring. Being touched, even regularly, by Mars turned me on more than other people ever touching me the same way even if I liked them. Mars can love to grab the house person’s face a lot during sex. Maybe for some people who are into it, Mars can want to consensually slap the house person during sex. The Mars will like to be publicly “disrespectful” about you, because they want to mark you as theirs or will for real fight for you. They can see you as someone they want to protect, or you trigger some protective instinct. They might be a lot more physically stronger than you. Sending each other pictures of your body’s changes. You both like how the other defends themselves or bond over your argumentative or aggressive sides. As the house person with the Mars person being a man, I find his masculinity so attractive it hurts. He has slowly changed my perception on what I want a man to look like 😩
Sun in 11H synastry/composite: You guys get along almost immediately. This is a low maintenance friendship, because the vibes make up for all the times you don’t see each other. You just like how the other one approaches friendship. Very open-minded. Probably met through mutual friends, and these friends probably didn’t immediately notice certain similarities you have to one another. Once they see you guys link though, they can be surprised they never noticed it before. You guys may have automatically assumed, even if flirting was involved, that this interaction would remain generally platonic more than anything. People who are not in your friend group can also notice you two becoming friends immediately, because for some reason it stood out. As the sun person, I really liked listening to the house person’s dreams. Hearing the house person speak about how they handle their interpersonal relationships made me value my boundaries more and reminded me to focus more on myself than giving too much of my energy to other people. Essentially you can help each other dismiss certain people pleasing tendencies in one another. You don’t have to try to please one another either, your authentic self is enough to give each other pleasure. A natural sense of familiarity between you two. It’s funny hearing about each other’s quirks. You are encouraged to show your eccentricities around one another. Instant bestie vibes! You can feel like evil twins together in some cases LOL
Venus in 11H synastry: Honestly, in some cases, I feel like you may have met this person because they were previously involved with a friend or ex-friend. The friend you’re attracted to, but don’t need to pursue because you also get the same joys and benefits from your friendship. Friends with benefits. Friends to lovers. You may have started dating or flirting online for a while before meeting. I think this is another sign of shared music taste and interests. As the Venus person, I first grew some sort of interest because the house person posted a video of themselves online playing guitar and I found that super attractive. Maybe the Venus person can be an online supporter or promoter of the house person’s creative outlets. Never meeting in person but having a lot of the same mutuals you both know in real life, and then meeting in person later on by yourselves, maybe in a “date” setting.
Moon in 9H synastry: Here, the house person can introduce the moon person to different religions, or likes to talk about religion with the moon person. The house person can held guide the moon person on the importance of higher education or on the acquisition of knowledge. Long distance relationship. Wanting to be together but you somehow met once you two no longer lived in the same city. The moon person can feel like the house person is one of the smartest people they have met, and can feel somewhat intimidated by the house person because of it. You two can feel really free in one another’s presence. You can talk about anything. You two can turn casual conversation into something philosophical together. Sharing your personal philosophies with one another. Having drastically different life circumstances that have shaped you, but also having some foundational similarities. The moon person might be contradictory to the house person’s beliefs, but this can just stretch curiosity. It can also make the house person analyze different gaps in their previous opinions on certain organizations or institutions. Disagreements on certain topics doesn’t seem to escalate into arguments, but rather into informed discussions. Feeling out of reach to one another. I have seen a post referencing how the moon person can feel like the house person is out of their league, and I think this can stem from, in some cases, not being intelligent or well-rounded enough to stimulate the house person long term. This can just be a feeling and not at all be the case, because the house person learns a lot more from the moon than the moon realizes. You guys can spark the other’s adventurous side. You guys maybe only get to meet while the other is vacationing in your area. The Moon person can unconsciously inspire the house person to teach others about their speciality, such as getting you into blogging about an interest you talked to them about.
Composite Virgo Mars: Having to schedule when you two can have sex (maybe it’s long distance for a period of time). Arguments aren’t aggressive, but rather a hyper-analytical discussion that can be equally as irritating. Cleaning each other after sex. Being attracted to the other person abdominal area. When you guys start taking action towards advancing your connection, you stop eating out of nervousness. Maybe your fights stem from making one another nervous rather than a real issue itself. Bickering when you’re not with one another more so than when you’re in person. Having high expectations of one another once you become intimate partners. Wanting to come off as perfect for the other. Being extremely attentive with one another and immediately responding to any shift in energy because it can make you nervous. Really wanting to know what the other person is thinking and feeling in times of silence or during sex. Different sources have made this placement out to seem “sexually repressed,” but that is not always the case. Maybe circumstances can suppress the frequency they get to go at it, but if time permitted it could be on sight all the time. Not wanting to do anything that upsets the other or makes them uncomfortable, so lots of checking in on each other during the act to see if it’s mutually enjoyable and adapt accordingly. After sex with this person you might get extremely productive in your own personal life! Their presence in your life encourages you to get your life together and not be “messy.”
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morphodae · 1 month
Edgar Redmond | Headcanons
Including: general, relationship (x reader)
cw: perhaps slight manga spoilers
Read more P4 headcanons here: 🪻x 🦉 x 🌱 x
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With a leniency towards rules and regulations, this is primarily due to his social upbringing and status. As a child, I imagine he was rarely told 'no' and thus got away with petty pranks and was able to sneak sweets… things like that.
Edgar’s tendency to get away with most anything drove his neighbor and childhood friend, Lawrence Bluewer, almost mad. Either way, the two found a way to make the friendship work even as opposites and even into their young adult years.
Raised in nobility and high esteem, Edgar does still have standards he holds himself and others to. It’s more of the sign of the societal norm at the time, though his outlook on life and people tended to lean more towards untraditional than anything.
With such an outlook, Edgar became rather tolerant of others and often looked past “unconventional” appearances, personalities, and sometimes even status. Yes, he’s a rich boy, but even so, he feels he has no right to judge others for being “different.” After all, isn’t he a little bit similar?
I’ll be honest, Edgar screams commitment issues. It’s evident in his statement that he’d rather not stick to one partner, but I also feel it’s much deeper than that.
There’s definitely a reason for it, and if we look at Maurice Cole’s betrayal of his trust, and Edgar’s words along the lines of “I can’t believe I let myself be a poor judge of character again,” then we can assume his trust has been broken at least more than once in the past. Namely, think of the situation with Derrick Arden.
So when it comes to falling for someone deeply and genuinely… he’s scared out of his wits. Of course, he has the looks, the wealth, the charm — but in his mind, all that is meaningless when his heart yearns for another yet simultaneously fears the worst.
Edgar is, unsurprisingly, a true romantic at heart. Has he wooed numerous people in the past? Yes. But when his feelings for someone are genuine, it’s quite an enigma. He will put on a faux persona like normal but his closest friends may pick up on how unusual his behavior is. Just why is Edgar so… strained in his advances towards this person? Or worse yet — he fails to make a move. He’s hardly ever denied acting upon pursing a fling before, so his friends become suspicious.
It takes a long, long time for Edgar to open up. And I mean, genuinely. A part of him isn’t sure where the genuine part of him is in regards to romance and trust; so giving that to someone who stole his heart is something that will take time and effort. It’s nothing the other person has done, it’s all on Edgar. Once he figures out his inner turmoil, he will be a rather genuine, teasing, charming and flirtatious partner to have.
It will truly take someone special to cause Edgar to commit. But, I don’t believe it’s as hard as you might think. He needs to work on his trust and commitment and if someone is patient and willing, then all would fall into place.
Additionally, I also see Edgar falling deeply for someone (gradually) who has absolutely zero interest in him and brushes off his advances like dust on their shoulder. It would drive him insane… in all the best ways possible. But as with any sort of game, playing hard to get with him may only serve to exacerbate his trust issues.
After leaving Weston, he would love more than anything for someone to stay by his side through it all. He doesn’t feel deserving of any love, deep down, (not after his crimes) and needs to know someone can give him the loyalty his soul desperately craves.
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fangisms · 1 year
did you hear?
A/N: i just think he’s so lover.
gif creds: @qveenofthorns
Pairings: Neville Longbottom x Popular!Fem!Reader
Summary: Neville Longbottom accidentally starts a raunchy rumor about the popular girl in his potions class. And rumors fly. 1.0k words.
Warnings: ‘snogging’ help im not british and it shows, rumors, allusions to sex/promiscuous acts, teasing, pining, strangers/friends to lovers
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Somehow Neville started a rumor about you. And somehow, through the unbelievably slippery walls of Hogwarts, the rumor made its way to you in less than a week.
It was an accident, honestly. And people kept blowing it way out of proportion. You were popular, more popular than he could ever hope to be, and when he said it, he had already accepted that nothing would ever really happen between the two of you. But this awful rumor made him sound boorish and borderline rabid when really it was supposed to be a harmless confession between friends.
"I heard Neville Longbottom wants to shag you out by the Quidditch pitch."
Even from a few tables down, he could see the mortification fall over your face like a black veil. Your friend giggled as she pulled away from whispering in your ear, and you clapped a hand over your mouth. He had to look away when your eyes flicked to meet his. Your friends spend the rest of lunch hour teasing you and snickering about him while you seem to shrink in on yourself.
Neville manages to avoid you where he can in the halls: taking the longer route, hiding in large groups. But none of it is very fruitful when you've got a very similar class schedule. In fact, despite his efforts, he spends nearly every passing period just behind you and sometimes even right beside you. Apparently, he's also got a clear shot of you from where he sits in the classes you share and you're even table mates in potions. Of course, he knew all of this before that nasty rumor was spread, he's just become hyperaware of it since then.
After making it through the week without too much tension, he finds himself scanning the pages of his Water Plants textbook in the Great Hall and not retaining any of the information. And as he props his chin in his hand, he notices you settle into the seat directly across from him, flashing him a quick smile before opening your own book.
He sits up, glancing around the room to find Snape preoccupied with a group of raucous students from Slytherin.
A small, crumpled piece of parchment rolls its way to your side of the table, stopping just before it topples over the edge. You set your book in your lap and look over your shoulder before unraveling the torn paper.
"I'm assuming you've heard the news by now."
A smile creeps onto your face as you flatten out the slip of paper and write your own message on the backside. You slide it across the table and just barely catch his eye.
"Here and there."
But he knows you mean just about every five seconds because this cursed rumor has been inescapable for as long as its existed. You slide the cover of the Hogwarts Gazette over as well. It's entitled, "Things Heat Up Between Popular Witch and Nerdy Wizard" just above a picture of the two of you smiling at each other in class with a few smaller headlines like, "The Rumors are True!" and "What's Next for the Unlikely Couple?"
He blinks. Who's reading this rubbish? Scratch that, who's writing this rubbish and how hard would it be to mame them?
"I'm sorry about that, it was supposed to be an inside joke. Honestly, I would never say something that awful in the first place. And especially not about you."
You give him a sympathetic smile and crumple the page and his note into a ball before sending back a new slip.
"I know."
He half-smiles before attempting to read again. But you toss him another scrap of paper.
"So what did you say then?"
You giggle when he flushes a bright pink before squinting at you and scribbling across the page.
"Something or other about wanting to snog a certain pretty girl. It was never meant to go past first base, honestly. Pure intentions!"
You shove the used paper in your pocket and glance over your shoulder with a mischievous look before delicately folding another piece and setting it in the center of his textbook. He opens it. But he doesn't get the chance to read it before it's snatched out of his grasp by a pale hand.
"Mr Longbottom," Snape drawls, "would you care to read this aloud since you two have insisted on interrupting your fellow students' focus?"
You hide your giggles behind your hand and Neville glares at you while Snape ushers him into the aisle.
He looks down the note and groans.
"How about those Quidditch Pitch seats?"
"Very funny," Neville grumbles while you hold his shoulder to steady yourself from convulsing with laughter.
"Your face! You should have seen your face!" You tease, tears nearly streaming down your face when you clutch the sleeve of his sweater.
"You set me up," he says, trying not to smile when you purse your lips.
"You started a rumor about me!"
"On accident."
You cross your arms over your chest and tilt your head to the side. "Then yes. I set you up. On accident. Walk me to Trelawney's?"
He rolls his eyes and offers his arm for you to loop yours through. You walk beside each other in silence nearly half the way, dodging confused looks and bothersome jeers from your friends.
"So," you mumble, looking at him with a cocked brow, "you really think I'm pretty?"
Neville shrugs. "And snoggable, I suppose."
He looks down at you and thinks he's never acted so cool around someone he likes so much. He thinks you're more than pretty and he wants to be able to tell you, but as you round the corner, the open classroom leers at you like a slippery snake. He spares you one last look and you peer up at him like a little dove. He goes pink.
You stop in the doorway and beckon him closer. And you think the nearly contemptuous smile on his face is new and ill-fitting but he's handsome nonetheless. You hold his chin and press a sweet kiss to his cheek before ducking into the classroom.
"See you in potions, Neville."
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I Have Evolving Thoughts on Fran’s Sexuality
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(god hannah dodd is so pretty)
First of all let’s thank GOD francesca is the queer sister and not…that other one.
Anyways upon my initial viewing of part 2 I definitely read Fran as bisexual and if you continue to read her as such I think that’s fine but my mind has changed on the matter.
I believe that Fran is actually a lesbian suffering from comphet.
The reason this actually started to seem likely to me is because of her wedding scene with John. The whole season I thought they seemed so taken with one another and I enjoyed their quiet dynamic. They were more than comfortable sitting in silence with one another and seemed to grow closer in that way.
I like many others assumed this meant their love was romantic, but that kiss
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Would a woman who is attracted to men make this face after kissing the man she loves? I don’t think so. Some people seem to think it’s because she’s shy but it doesn’t seem like she’s even thinking about her family here. It seems like she has retreated into her own thoughts. It seems like she was disappointed. And after spending the whole season feeling nothing for any of the men she meets why wouldn’t she be. She met a man she loved and she kissed him and she didn’t feel those sparks.
Now Fran is also autistic coded so this initially affected the way I viewed her relationships as well, but all of that changes when you take into account Michaela.
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Francesca immediately starts to stutter and is flustered when she sees Michaela. We have never seen Fran act this way with a man, even her husband. It wasn’t for no reason that Violet describes how she felt the first time she fell in love with Edmund and then almost immediately after Fran reacts the same way to Michaela. The butterflies, not being able to string a sentence together. This was foreshadowing.
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Some people were upset because they said it erased everything Fran said about having a quiet love and that is somewhat true, but I disagree with people saying that it erases slowly built love when Polin’s whole story is about love not striking you like a bolt of lightning.
None of this is to say she can’t love John, I believe she does I just feel it is platonic, and the loss of John would hit hard even if he was her best friend. John is one of the great loves of her life but who is to say that love is romantic? Friendships are the foundation of our lives and they are equally as important as any romantic relationship. Fran met someone who understands her and is like her, that doesn’t mean she has to have romantic attraction for him.
Some of this is affected by personal bias as I am a late-blooming lesbian, but holy shit the way I relate to Fran wanting to get married just because it would mean she wouldn’t have to pursue any other relationships with men and the way she was willing to accept whoever the Queen deemed fit because she didn’t have any criteria except “is kind to me”. Fran does not seem to be searching for love as she has not felt it before. The closest she comes is with John because the two of them are so similar and I believe she thought that because she liked him so much that she must be in love with him which is just so…lesbian coded I don’t know how to explain it.
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This isn’t to say bisexuality isn’t real or is “just a phase”. Ew. Gross. No. This is just the way I am interpreting the character with the information we have now. If it comes out definitely that she is bisexual then I will accept that, sapphic rep is so needed.
All in all they look so good and I can’t wait to see these queers kiss and have a romance.
Also I think that Michaela still could have fallen first. Fran just realized she was a dyke at that exact moment and her brain stopped working which is valid. But did you see the way Michaela looked at her. I KNOW A LESBIAN FALLING IN LOVE WHEN I SEE ONE.
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olivianyx · 13 days
hi love! i see so many similarities in your story w mine. Thank you for being so open and honest about it. I too had many troubling thoughts as i am trying to enter the void still. I know death is not the option. I know i want to live, live my best life. I’m glad your brother was able to save you. I’m in a terrible situation currently and sadly can only think of the void to make all of it go away so i had a few questions, i hope you can answer them
Can you go in detail as to what you were doing before you entered the void? like the affs u used, subs u listened to
“I just did my affs, persisted in it, and listened to subs, and on Christmas Eve, I got into it successfully. “
and how did you get into the void? did you meditate or wake up in it? could you also please share how you entered the void for the first time as well?
thank you for your time❤️
Heyy! First of all, your welcome sweetheart, I just wanted to share how naive I was before just like some people struggling to apply the law. If I did it, anyone can.
Second of all, deciding that the void is the ultimate solution will put your own life at risk. I've experienced it. Let's not use it as a method of escapism. The void is you. You are the void. It's not something that you need to achieve. It's just you in your purest form of your awareness. So I need you to understand it my love.
Coming to your questions,
🫶 what was I doing before I entered the void?
I first researched about the void and it seemed like a light at the end of the tunnel honestly. I read success stories and was really eager to try it. I tried it and I did not enter (actually we all enter the void everytime, we just need to be aware of it) so the more I tried and failed being aware, the more depressed I became. Like literally I only used to think of it as a way for escapism.
So I learnt to apply the law first. What does the law of assumption say? What you assume to be true, is the truth. So what was my assumption? I always enter the void being aware. So I started acting like the person who always enter the void. Like I would robotic affirm on my off days. Then after doing this for like a few days, I saw a change in my mindset and I eventually entered the void.
I personally used guided meditations abd sats at night. Subliminals and robotic affirming in the day time. That's it! It was hard for me to change my mind, but I didn't give up. I persisted in my assumptions.
On Christmas Eve, I just laid down and did lullaby method. My aff was 'I'm a master at void' and slowly I felt myself drifting away. And I entered the void that night.
Hope this helps 🤍🤍
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crossvise · 4 months
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summary; gionna and you have known each other since the training center days and always had each other’s back. People have been shipping liv and you since day one but little do they know.
warnings; mention of injury.
short fluff
I haven’t written anything in literal years, so please bare with me.
To say it hadn’t been easy to be on the road without your partner in crime, your traveling companion was an understatement. Many times in the past, you had referred to Liv as your soulmate, even as your other half once or twice- people assumed you meant in-ring, which was true but as Liv was your soulmate, so was Gionna.
In-ring, you never shone as much if it wasn’t with, or against Liv. Sure, you were a great wrestler but you knew Liv by heart, just like she knew you- that’s how you worked so well. You started at the training center roughly around the same time and soon enough, you were inseparable.
Everyone knew you completed each other, she had this loud, proud, colorful and sometimes, kind of bitchy persona while you were a sweet- but not naive, calm character.
Gionna and you were more similar than your in-ring personas, and it worked just as well. You never really put a label on what Gionna and you were- it was more than a friendship but you also weren’t dating per say, or at least you never made it official. People never asked questions, they were used to see you two acting like a couple.
Being in each other’s presence almost all year long, when Gionna got injured, everything felt so different. You had gone through injuries in the past, and it wasn’t your friend’s first injury but neither of you had been out for this long.
You got along with mostly everyone behind the scenes but no one could replace Gionna. When you had a couple days off, you’d visit her and if you weren’t far from where she lived, she’d come to the show you were at to see you and everyone else. Even with facetiming everyday, it still felt so different.
What was six months without having Gionna around felt like over a year. You knew she would soon make her comeback as you were the first person she told once she finally had been cleared.
It didn’t come as a surprise that her return was planned for the Royal Rumble, you were as excited as she was and looked forward to it even if you had resumed training with her for a couple of days already.
That night, you were already in-ring when Liv came out as the number thirty. You couldn’t help but smile widely as you heard the well deserved pop she received- the fans had missed her. You didn’t win the rumble, neither did Liv but having her back meant as much as winning this.
You were sitting down, back pressed against the barricade as you were catching your breath, a smile plastered on your face while Liv was next to you, watching Bayley celebrates her well earn win as the public chanted “ you deserve it ”.
Gently nudging your friend on her side, you asked, “ how does it feel like to be back? ”
“ Feels like being back home with my fav person in the world! ”, to go with her words, she wrapped her arm around your shoulders while yours was around her waist.
“ I can’t believe you’re finally back.”
“ Well, you better start believing it because I’m going to be so annoying you’ll miss when I was stuck at home.”
Laughing, you shook your head as you both made your way back through the ramp, “ yeah, it’s never happening.”
On your way backstage, you stopped for a couple of pictures as you knew there was time, you were off-air for a commercial break. As you posed for a picture, Gionna thought it would be fun to kiss your temple and leave a pink stain of her lipstick. The part of the crowd closes enough cheered seeing this, and they were in for a treat- in return you captured Gionna’s face with your hands and kissed her.
Of course, witnessing this, the crowd went even wilder- you knew it would be shared everywhere on social medias but that was something you’d deal with later. With a smile, you both finally made it backstage- god you had missed this.
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stromuprisahat · 5 months
Remind me again, why is ~he~ here?!
Siege and Storm- Chapter 9
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It's not a team effort, Malyen. Army won't judge you as a couple.
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Macho lowly otkazat'sya doesn't get to strike (again).
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Please do!
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This would work as much more powerful statement, if Mal were genuinely concerned for Alina's well-being and her OWN choice, instead of being pissed he's the one, who called dibs on her.
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*whispers* That's exactly what's he gonna do...
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For allowing you to keep breathing?!
Yeah, me too...
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There's nothing more pathetic than an insecure man shouting.
Perhaps maybe insecure man deciding for "their" woman.
A minute of silence for an alternative universe, where Nikolai isn't so unreasonably accommodating, and has actual guards stationed at door, so they rush in after hearing shouting. They see a deserter attacking their Tsarevich, so they step in...
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Is acting like a mindless animal supposed to make him look attractive?!
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HoW DaRe You fLiRt WiTh My aCcEsSoRy?!
Because seriously- what's his problem here?!
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That's what's bothering you, Alina?!
I know Alina has some serious issues regarding self-worth, but I'd be more concerned about him acting as if she were his property, and anyone even suggesting she might have different role in the world deserves to be beaten by fists (because control is overrated and true men make a pub brawl out of anything)...
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You're supposed to sit by hearth and warm my soup!
Sorry Malaria, but Alina IS THE Sun Summoner, want it or not. You can't just keep ignoring it and hoping she'll just slip into your shadow AGAIN. ... wait... *war flashbacks from Cofton* At least not as long as there are people capable of finding her and dragging her back into the story.
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How can you be so SELFISH, Alina?! What about his soup?!
Just when the heroine moves to assume at least ~some~ responsibility (although for different reasons than you'd expect), she's promptly shamed for not thinking about Maaal for one (1) second... I love how he uses position of honour as an insult, because he's the one with full ownership of a public figure.
I know I'm apparently too demanding, but shouldn't he be overjoyed he didn't get shot on the spot yet? And no one seems too concerned about his desertion...
But hey- gf not discussing her decision to stop hiding from expectations placed upon her is obviously the more pressing matter.
Y'no. if his objection was that she completely forgot to negotiate change of his status in First Army with Nikolai (DESER*gunshot*), I'd cheer and fully support him, but his position in her love life and bedroom is apparently more pressing matter.
Also a huge fan of body language here.
What could crossed arms mean in body language? Rude, angry and insecure?! Sounds about right...
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Ordinary deserter ORDERS a Prince and Major of the very same Army he fled...?
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Yeah, Alina!
Mal wants his sickly housewife back!
Y'no, I wanted to note how quickly Malyen changed his mind about coming back, but then I re-read the end of previous book to be sure, and it's always been Alina. He wanted to get out, get rid of her amplifier and live his happy life in obscurity consequences be damned:
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Shadow and Bone- After
His girl refuses to get rid of all of the stuff that makes her different, so he just has to settle for her fancy clothes...
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Supportive boyfriend here!
But hey- admitting she IS strong would mean giving up his dreams of watching her trudging after him.
He doesn't even have any idea what the Darkling can or cannot do! It's not some sort of professional opinion!
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This one's kinda funny in a way- Alina had very similar thought about him and volcra a chapter earlier...
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Siege and Storm- Chapter 8
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... ashamed ... given up EVERYTHING to be WITH ME ... Don't tell me, Malyen's so blind he never notices what his (rather pointed) remarks do to Alina?!
I thought we both wanted to help Ravka.
No, Alina. He never did. We've been both wrong. He cares only about himself and his ownership of a small, inconsequential you.
This could offer an interesting view into a mind of a soldier so alienated from his country that offers him zero promises for the future, he cares for nothing... if he weren't such an inconsiderate dick to Alina...
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Love this aspect of their relationship! SO empowering!
Like... He'd need to be extremely dull, if I wanted to interpret this as anything but clear fucking MANIPULATION. This is psychological blackmailing 101!
And he's supposed to be the supportive boyfriend SOMEHOW...
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animeyanderetalker · 4 months
In no particular order, which five characters from Hunter x Hunter do you believe have the highest probability of being yandere if they were to develop an attraction to someone?
Those are the ones I could think of spontaneously.
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I feel like Kurapika would have a good possibility of turning possessive and very overprotective over the person he starts gaining feelings for. The massacre of his own clan has left him scarred and set on revenge so he would be much more careful and paranoid if he would fall in love with someone. He has made an enemy of the Phantom Troupe by killing Uvogin and Pakunoda and also using his Chains on Chrollo to make him unable to use his Nen abilities. He knows that the Phantom Troupe is ruthless and probably wouldn’t be afraid to use you against him and that thought is going to haunt him.
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Hisoka just won’t let someone go the moment they catch his interest so god forbid if this menace actually gains genuine feelings for someone. As genuine as he can go at least. He literally won’t leave that person alone and worst is that there’s no way to get rid of him. Threats don’t work and he’s too smart to get caught by the police or he just kills them. Hisoka has no morals and his loyalty lies in what catches his interest. Rejections, insults, threats and tears don’t work on him either. Instead Hisoka is oddly invested in whatever emotion he can squeeze out of you and he’s going to be the asshole who makes you cry on purpose. He’s so persistent and is going to be so annoyingly clingy too so there goes any sense of privacy either. He is terrifying because he has no shame in killing people nor expressing his perverted desires to you.
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Start playing freaking Hellfire from Hunchback of Notre Dame for Shaiapouf and his first stages of interest in that person. He’s part of the Royal Guard, he was born to serve the Chimera Ant King and no one else so him gaining an attraction to someone that isn’t his King defies genetics. That is going to be a sting for him, all the more if we’re going with a scenario where Meruem is dead and Shaiapouf already survived. His King was killed by a human, the species that was supposed to be beneath Meruem and his Royal Guards so for Pouf this would be salt in the fresh wound. It’s an utter humiliation and he plans multiple times to kill you only to be unable to do so. There is a paranoia within him because he has failed the one thing he was born for so in a way he’s projecting on his darling by initially forcing them to act like the royalty Pouf is supposed to serve before the genuine infatuation kicks in and he embraces it completely. His paranoia and trauma will never let him let go of his darling, he’s going to be so overbearing and controlling whilst playing their servant.
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Pitou is a very similar story to Shaiapouf. Them gaining an attraction for someone goes against their natural instinct to protect the Chimera Ant King yet it’s still happening. Since Pitou is also partially a cat, there is going to be a lot of curiosity involved and much less hostility than with Pouf. Neferpitou’s mind tells them to seek out answers for those weird feelings that their darling awakes inside of them and no one can tell them to stop. Pitou is possessive over their darling and will guard them and the place they’re put in with literal teeth and claws. There is pain and trauma if we once again assume a world where Meruem and Komugi both died so for a while they view darling as a toy to forget those feelings until they realize that their emotions for them are actually sincere. That’s when darling really won’t be able to ever escape.
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He has shown a fascination for the way humans work so imagine how obsessed he would be with the person he gains an interest in. It’s unexpected because the only people Chrollo has ever cared about are the members of his Phantom Troupe but that is what makes his darling so precious and special. He yearns to know every crevice of their soul to the point where he feels almost incomplete if he doesn’t as the mere feeling of not knowing becomes a black tear in his being. He’s smart, he is observing and at one point he knows your every habit and reaction yet he’s like a glass with no bottom as he keeps taking everything about you in to engrave it forever in his black soul. You are the rarest treasure the thief has ever found and he’s going to commit massacres to ensure that you never leave his side.
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obislittleone · 2 months
CWM Oneshot: The Toil of Darth Vader
Hi, yes, this is my gift to you on may the fourth!! it is a sad and terrible oneshot surrounding anakin because i just felt like it.
Warnings: so much bro, just... so much. self hatred, depression, mentions of death and murder, mentions of self harm?? it's not traditional self harm but it still counts ig...
Summary: Darth Vader is the hatred that Anakin Skywalker exudes, but where does the hatred come from? (Obi-Wan is not mentioned in this, it's more of a little diddy about Anakin (Vader) and the women he used to have in his life, and the repercussions of not having them in his life.)
anyways happy may the fourth!!
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He was the embodiment of evil.
His dark nature and tall stature made him the most intimidating creature in the universe. He dares not say human anymore, because that would mean he looked like one. He hadn't looked or felt human since the day his life ended.
He had glimpses of when he was alive before this, memories he wished he could burn like the skin of his body, torturous reminders of everything he had, everything he gave up. He knew it was all too late. How could he himself be redeemed when it was by his hand all redemptive acts were killed off.
He feels grief, and it fuels him. It fuels his anger and his hatred, and by this, he lives. Not as he wants to, but as he has to. He has to have power... but what is power without gain? The last ten years he stands to gain nothing for himself and everything for the empire. That was the plan all along, wasn't it? For Palpatine to use him as his primary enforcer and guard dog?
He knows all these things, and they plague him. He regrets his every move of every day, but he still goes on. He kills people, viscously, ruthlessly. Innocent people that should never know suffering, he inflicts terror upon. And he does it to punish himself.
He was meant to be the embodiment of good. The only thing that stood a chance in bringing balance to the force. The balance has not been made, and he wreaks havoc to make it worse. He does not deserve to, after all this time, make amends. He doesn't deserve his redemption. He wants to feel pain and suffering and hatred and malice for the rest of his life, because it is the complete opposite of what should have been. One wrong decision, and it cost him his life.
Everyone he ever loved. Everyone he ever trusted and wished happiness upon.
His beautiful wife, and the children that never were. His closest friend and sister. His padawan, an ally he looked closely after.
All of these are dead to him, though he does not know of Ahsoka. He assumes after everything that happened, being mounted on an aircraft with half of the 501st, she stood no chance.
He sees all three, visions of the force, often memories that refuse to leave his mind. Some are just hallucinations that he finds are both a comfort and torture to him. Comforting because, he would give anything to see their faces again, but torture because, he is the reason he knows he never will.
He sees Padme in everything that is beautiful. Every lush planet he visits with the notion of destruction, he stops to look around. See the frightened faces of the people who could be smiling. He sees the nature of these places and remembers how she used to look out at scenery that was similar. She had such a romantic way about her, with everything she spoke. Even in the senate, she looked for the goodness... always.
He wonders how she ever saw it in him, even from the beginning. He was always destined for this, for the cruelty and brutality. He thinks it, anyway.
He sees Ahsoka in people's humanity. In the aftermath of the empire's crushing stomps, there are helping hands willing to lend themselves to another. There are still good people in the galaxy, and he thinks it's up to him to ruin that, because he is the ruiner of goodness and peace and serenity.
Ahsoka would look at him in such shame if she even caught whiff of what he'd become. He imagines she would try her best to abolish every aspect of him, and she was right to do so... but still if it ever happened, he could not lose. He can't let himself have the satisfaction of letting compassion consume him. He's too gone for it.
He sees his sister in fiery flames, in things that burn red and hot and uncontrollable with passion... but whenever the fire burns out he remembers the way she did, her fire still burning through those that she carried to safety. He remembers his last exchange with her often, the look in her eye one of fear and distrust and complete heartbreak.
His best friend, his most loyal ally, even to the end. Amidst the wreckage of a burning Temple full of slaughtered Jedi, she came back to save him... but he'd been dead already. Anakin Skywalker died long before she did, and this creature, this thing is what remains.
He sees her the most often, sitting at the end of a dark hallway, looking at him with toil and anger. He finds himself speaking to the apparitions when no one is near.
"You must leave me," he pleads, the words always met with a reply in her own voice, though it's echoing and in shambles.
"There's no leaving what one has never arrived to."
"Will I ever know peace?" He sometimes begs, but he knows what the answer is, he created it.
"You will reap what you have sewn. I am only here to remind you..."
And still he suffers. These visions of her are never happy. He remembers happy things about Ahsoka and Padme. He curses his mind when he does, but it's still possible. He never manages to see a smile on her face like he used to. It brings him more pain but he uses that as well. He has endless fuel for power in the dark side, so long as he remains miserable and full of hatred.
He hates so many things. But most of all himself, and it will never change. He is not the long dead Anakin Skywalker, he is what remains.
The lord of a darkness that has consumed him whole, Darth Vader.
lol i wrote this in like 20 minutes i just had so many thoughts.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
ooh, kang x reader where she's trapped in the quantum realm and he finds her, quickly becoming infatuated with her. she's kinda awkward at first but eventually warms up to him, because he's so loving with her and only her. basically strangers to friends to lovers. pleaseeeee.
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You have absolutely no clue how you ended up in… where ever this was.
You were stuck here, you learned after a while. Until you met someone, or two people.
“Hello…?” You said, as they both stood in front of you.
“You’re human.” One said.
“Uh, yeah.. I don’t know how I got here or where here exactly is.. do you know a way out?”
They both looked at each other and then back to you.
“Nathaniel.” The man said.
“Janet.” The woman said.
They seemed friendly. And they took you back ti their camp with them.
“You’re in the quantum realm. It’s a place without time or space.” The man explained, in easy terms. You don’t know where Janet went, but it didn’t matter. It had seemed like days you’ve been alone, so you didn’t care.
“So what are you guys working on, exactly?”
“We’re working on a way to escape the quantum realm. We’ve been here for a while now.”
While Janet and Nathaniel worked, you took a small break. You sat and watched what looked like the sky. It was beautiful, you would admit. You’ve been here for what you assumed was weeks.
You heard someone coming up next to you and you turned your head. It was Nathaniel.
“Hi.” You said, and turned your head back.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” He said after a while of silence.
“Yeah. Sometimes.. I don’t know. I just feel like sometimes I don’t wanna go back, Y’Know? Like no one’s waiting for me back there. And here at least I have…” you looked at the ground now.
“You know you can tell me anything.” He said, he brought his hand to your chin and directed your gaze to him.
He knew that you were destined to be together, all of his versions had fallen in love with you. No matter what you looked like or how you acted, no matter how different or how similar each version of you was, no matter if you were dead or alive, they all fell in love with you.
And he couldn’t help but feel the same way. He just hoped that you would understand eventually too, that you both were meant to be together.
“At least here I have you.”
He smiled, and he glanced back. Janet was not looking or paying attention to you guys.
You both leaned in for a slow, and passionate kiss.
And when Janet betrayed him, and set the place and plans to ruin, he protected you like it was the last thing he’d do. He covered your entire body as you both went flying back.
You didn’t leave him when Janet said he wasn’t who he said he was. You stayed next to him the whole time.
You were really the one meant for him.
If he wasn’t in his weakest form, if he hadn’t just been banished maybe things would have been different and he could have protected you better.
You were still alive, thankfully. You looked up at him and he stroked your hair.
“Don’t worry, love, we will find another way out.”
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kikoesbonbon · 1 year
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Character : Alhaitham
Mentioning : Kaveh, Cyno, Traveler (not you guys).
Themes : Self awareness, different dimensions, posesif (ig-)
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Alhaitham knows who you are. And he won't let you go that easily ferguso.
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If asked what he thinks of you, Alhaitham will find you an oddball who likes his stubborn personality. Even though he had never met you before. Even Kaveh, who just lives with him, can't stand his arrogant attitude. Yes. Bulliing Kaveh is one of his many hobbies when he gets bored dealing with his work as a scribe and acting grand sage besides reading tons of books from the House of Daena. Take the uwu lion key from Kaveh. (Didn't expect Kaveh himself to like that cute wooden lion. Who knows. I don't know. I'm just assuming)
There are rumors that people with vision will get closer to you. Look, how lucky are the vision holders. they thought. Alhaitham did not bother. He had had enough of the other ramblings of academiya students. They tried to bring other gods closer after dumping Leser lord Kusanali and trying to create new gods and now they are seeking new divine knowledge from you. How selfish are they.
In addition, they are trying various ways to get vision quickly with research and research on 101 ways to get your vision quickly (life hack. Very helpful so that you live in prosperity so that you are closer to you. No clickbait. Very helpful in getting divine knowledge with joss - fast. Guaranteed you won't lose. Money back isn't effective. If the transaction money is still with us-) what a crazy marketing technique.
Alhaitham doesn't expect anything other than peace with his boring activities which are waking up, going to work, not forgetting to have breakfast, coming back at night, not forgetting to bring the key to the cave every day when he goes to work as the acting grand sage. I swear, Sage Azar is really a burden. It's been a problem, he also has to replace him. Look, how displeased the academia were with her decision to become a provisional grand sage. Let it be, he has no interest in becoming a sage because it takes a long time to find a replacement for a new sage. After all, he would not even offer to become a sage because he was appointed by Lord Kusanali because he could be relied on.
Alhaitham doesn't expect anything but peace while drinking coffee alone at home while reading his boring colored cover book which he often carries and reads anywhere it doesn't matter where he sits as long as he can read that book. Kaveh often complains about how bad Alhaitham is when it comes to choosing interior decorations for his old and boring house. His aesthetic architect's soul was terrified to see him. (I swear, what kind of knowledge book is this kid reading that is so engrossed, Paimon herself gets dizzy just reading a few words)
His calm changed when he saw several meteors falling-eh.. Shooting stars I mean. Many stars fell in the sky that night. Blue, purple.. It is said that there is a time when the god gives mercy to the chosen one. The dendro vision on the wrist of the right arm shines just as a golden star falls down in Sumeru's night sky. Just then Alhaitham heard someone's voice enter his head.
"Welcome home, Alhaitham."
When asked how he felt when Alhaitham faced someone who sounded similar to what you sounded like, his ignorant soul became curious. Is that you? The God who gave divine blessings to the academic scholars?
"Acting Grand Sage, I would like to report on the results of the research I got from The Dune of Carouses together with Cyno this afternoon." You said while opening a small note sheet of your research results.
"So after I researched at The Mausoleum of King Deshret before..."
Alhaitham stared at your figure speaking in a voice similar to the one that came to mind at the time. Your voice was only faintly heard while you were talking, since Alhaitham's mind was only roaming about you.
"..I found some hidden mechanisms related to some of the theories I came up with. Regarding that because it requires entry with the Scarlet Sand Slate, fortunately there was help from the Traveler in this research with the Scarlet Stone he obtained back then..."
Alhaitham cleared his throat making you look up at him. "Yes?" You tilted your head to look at his tall figure. "Anything to interrupt?" maybe he cleared his throat because the delivery of your report was not appropriate?
"No, actually I was just curious. I was wondering, is it true that you ■■■■?" What an awkward question from him to interrupt what you are talking about. You only reacted by furrowing your brows at him.
"That's right. Are you tired? Need to rest? Should I not disturb you for now?"
"No, just curious. I just adjusted the name of your previous report notes".
"Oh really?" you raise your eyebrows. What's with this guy today?
"And the names also happen to be similar." he said rubbing his chin as if he was thinking.
"Alhaitham? Someone like you has acquaintances? What a joke. Besides, the name ■■■■ is the name many people use. Not just one." You sweat a little, flicking your palms forward.
A few months later, you told Alhaitham that once you graduated from Akademia, you would not continue your course. You will move to Fontaine to study mechanical engineering. I don't know what got into Alhaitham, he insisted that you stay in Sumeru. But you also insist on saying you can't stay in one place. After having a fight, you finally got tired of compromising with Alhaitham and ignored him for a few days.
Alhaitham is not stupid he knows you are hiding something. And you're not very good at lying, it seems.
So he has to find out for himself. Alhaitham saw some of your reports scattered on the table. It seems almost finished. He looked at you with his head asleep on the table. You're pretty diligent for a scolar like you. Just a little more and you graduate from the academy. You don't want to admit and you don't want to say that Alhaitham helped you a lot. What a tsundere—
Your graduation day is only a few weeks away, you have prepared all your thesis that only needs to be sent on the table. Alhaitham again saw you sleeping peacefully on the table. He sat next to you and pulled your left shoulder to lean on him.
His eyes stared at your face, and smiled faintly while playing with the ends of your hair. Alhaitham took some papers from your research on the table and read the writing. Your writing is really neat.
The next day you panicked into Alhaitham's study by breaking down the door. "Alhaitham—!" You hastily take a breath. "E-everyone, all of my theses are gone!"
"Oh?" Alhaitham looked at you with a flat gaze.
"Calm yourself,"
"Oh? Oh, you said it?! How many months do you think it took me to do that Alhaitham!?" you broke the table.
"All my work is gone! I-I don't know what to do! Without that thesis I can't graduate—"
"Alhaitham—you must help me!" you pulled his collar.
"I said calm down, you can still work on it again. There's still next year for graduation." Alhaitham patted your shaking shoulder.
"What do you mean-" your eyes widen, shaking and looking down. "D-don't tell me.. Alhaitham, you did this?"
"I don't-"
"Why did you do that to a scholar under you Alhaitham?! You know that's a offense right? Alhaitham you bastard. Give me back all my thesis papers!" you shouted angrily at him. "I didn't take all your thesis papers." he said sarcastically.
"Liar! I believe you were the last to stay at the House of Daena, right? There weren't many people there lingering until midnight there."
"What if you misunderstood? What would you say hm?" his gaze on you was condescending. You hate that look.
"I—" you gritted your teeth in annoyance. You swear, this guy is a complete asshole. "If that happens, I still don't apologize to you." You let go of Alhaitham's collar roughly. "I don't want anything to do with you anymore!"
You stepped angrily to get out of the Grand Sage's room, but were blocked by Alhaitham by slamming the door pushing you closer to the door. You stare at him resentfully. "What the hell are you—!"
"You.. you know how annoying you are lately?" Alhaitham muttered softly in a heavy tone in your ear while leaning back. "You sicken me." he muttered in a thunderous tone as he placed his finger on your hip. "I know who you really are. And I'll make sure to teach you who you stand for. And you won't be able to go anywhere.♡"
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Boy, it's been a long time since I've made this fanfic that I've been struggling since February.😰 It's been 4 months since I abandoned it because I had writer's block.😭🤙
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And the ending doesn't match the initial concept that I wanted. But because I'm still innocent for results that are a little more intimate. Forgive me. 🙇
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trlvsn · 1 year
this long ass trainwreck of a post is about two types of cards and two types of hands in apollo justice: ace attorney. also about beanix. like, a lot. i got carried away.
i have already written a post about phoenix wright in turnabout trump and his decision to make apollo present forged evidence, but i will repeat myself a little for the sake of making sense. before, i have stated three definite motivations for his behavior: teaching apollo to never make the mistake of blind trust ever again, making sure that he wins the case and completely cutting himself off from the law, submitting to the image of himself that others see. "maybe i did, maybe i didn't, but who cares anymore" - phoenix wright, 2019, dear genties and ladymen of the court. but anyway, as fascinating as his character is in aa4, the only way to really understand it is to focus on the bigger picture. phoenix wright has been collecting evidence for seven long years, working on the jurist system, playing the piano, looking in the mirror and seeing the cracks from the big big punch the system landed on him. phoenix wright might still remember how to be a lawyer, but he is no longer part of the current system, in fact, he refuses to be. he frequently says he "quit law", meaning him not going back or trying to was somewhat of a conscious choice. bringing me to my second point and fourth reason of him forging evidence: the rules don't matter to him anymore, because these rules are not the ones he agrees with. he is no longer playing by them.
once you understand that, the point of view shifts. his actions are only wrong from a legal standpoint (aside, of course, from betraying apollo's trust, not excusing that but also not really talking about that right now), he is acting as a man, not a lawyer. look at the forged evidence morally: did it do harm? we know the man who he was trying to frame with the evidence is guilty (kristoph), we know he knows and we know he knows what will happen. what happens is: with the price of a small lie, a bigger truth gets revealed, and millions of other wrongs that the system created break. this action has led to good consequences and was done with good intentions (well, i assume), meaning it was, objectively, good, righteous. it's just that the law is righteous no more.
furthermore, when you look at phoenix's actions overall, we understand that the fire burning inside him has not changed. he is fighting for a better system, one that will never leave an innocent alone and abandoned, as now there are 12 jurists and any of them could be on that person's side, not based on their position or job, but based on reason and common sense. see me making the word job bold? that's for a reason, i will talk about the significance of jobs later. anyway, phoenix's seriousness about the whole thing is really well-demonstrated by sprite.
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now. you might notice klavier and kristoph here. that's because, as noted by countless other ace attorney fans, phoenix's expression mirrors theirs. if it was just kristoph's, this expression of phoenix's would frankly concern me: a parallel with an "evil" character is not exactly a good sign. however, this expression gains a new meaning with klavier having it: aside from indicating that phoenix wright remains a sponge that adopts people's mannerism, he is experiencing a similar mindset to the gavin brothers: perfectionism. not in the von karma way, though, a different kind. this perfectionism means "i have poured my heart and soul into this concert/murder/jurist system and everything has to go right. for the love of god". it means phoenix's heart is in it. it means the mask falls.
the make falls, and yet phoenix wright remains in his hoodie and beanie. the mask falls, and yet, by the end of turnabout succession, he says he might learn how to play piano, or, maybe, perhaps, someday, pass the bar exam. weird, isn't it? the system is fresh and just, his honor is restored, but he is embracing the freedom of choice and a chance at authenticity instead of deciding what that authenticity will be for him right away. that, at least to me, is because phoenix wright is no longer defined by his occupation, and neither are any of the characters, really. here is where i come back to the job thing.
a wise tumblr user out there somewhere once said aa2 is about identity, and i completely agree. in the introductory case, phoenix loses his memories and regains his sense of self by, essentially, doing his job, remembering why and how he does it. and, like phoenix, aa4 is much more mature in the subject of identity. (not calling aa2 an immature game, just pointing out the development of identity as a concept). phoenix wright is a piano player slash poker champion, and yet he brings the truth to light and turns the system upside down. klavier gavin is balancing being a rockstar and a prosecutor; despite being a singer, he is factually serious and determined in court, despite being a prosecutor, he sings for thousands and is the most glimmerous of fops. ema skye - and boy will i say a lot about her in a separate post someday - is a detective, and yet she keeps her soul alive with luminol and fingerprint powder, using forensics despite not being a forensic scientist. apollo justice is a successful attorney, and yet he presents forged evidence in his first trial, and, while it wasn't his choice to do so, he also doesn't make the choice to go ruin his career and reveal the truth of the evidence, does he?
point is, the characters make choices, no longer identifying themselves solely with their jobs. they do what they do, and what they are is what they put out into the world. while aa2 is about identity, aa4 is about actions, making a change. no longer is it acceptable to stand by and observe - you either build a new system brick by brick and break the old one with your bare fists, or you're a victim slash pawn of it. or you're kristoph gavin and those like him - the one who the old system relies on, and the one who relies on the old system.
either way, the matter of actions, well, mattering, is really well-demonstrated by the importance of hands in aj:aa. i already talked about hands for a bit in this post, reblogged from @/phantommarigold. what inspired this line of thought was phoenix's tendency to hide his hands in almost every sprite of his, except for the objection one (which is stated was for the reason of hiding his true intentions, aka his "hand" as in hand of cards). the other reason, however, was the significance of hands in aa4 overall. kristoph gavin's hand has a devilish scar on it, showing his true identity and being a tell of his; apollo's perceptive powers are enhanced by the bracelet on his hand, which he so impolitely points at other objection-style, and so does phoenix in turnabout trump. klavier is a guitarist, so hands are quite literally an important part of his; but they are also very detailed in general, drawn with rings and great detail. in moments of weakness and confusion, he uses his hands to cover his ears, subconsciously desiring to ignore the truth (but choosing not to, of course. eh, that's for another post). machi tobaye holds lamoir by her hand at all times in order to guide her. things such as letters, written diaries, handwriting and fingerprints play a crucial part in multiple cases. i am confident that if i tried hard enough, i would find even more examples. point is: hands are important. hands symbolize action, creation and ruin, hands are our instrument, which we use to leave an imprint on the world. again, choices and actions.
but let's go back a bit. this will be a little niche, and yet i am compelled to point out the possibly unintentional tarot symbolism in character design. kristoph gavin has a devil on his hand, and frankly, that is very fitting for a name of the fifteenth major arcana. the devil traps, conceals the truth and holds immense power, which is essentially what kristoph does. the card is also associated with manipulation, which is also undeniably what he does to klavier at the very least. the card suits him, frankly even more than the descriptions of the devil as a mythical being.
before i point out the most obvious tarot reference, bear with me while i talk about the more far-fetched ones. first and foremost, trucy wright as the magician, the first arcana: someone who holds all the tools (the necessary (and forged) evidence, two times throughout her life) but isn't exactly at a point of bringing them into full action, someone who motivates and powers (her being phoenix's light), and, well, literally a magician. apollo justice as the sun - named after the greek god of the sun, bringing light and joy into life (by assisting with the downfall of the dark age) and possibly being childish (the naive behavior of accepting forged evidence in turnabout trump). are my descriptions of the cards fully accurate? no, give me a break, divination may be in my blood but it's not in my brain. anyways, lamoir as the star - constellations on her clothes, divine-looking, and the seventeenth arcana, following the tower - a symbol of a wreck, a disaster, a change (losing memories, in her case, and ... well, being shot does resemble the lighting that strikes the tower). this might seem insignificant for those not familiar with tarot, but the major arcana are famous for telling a story of life if put in the correct order, so it made sense to me.
now, the most important tarot reference of all is the one at the start of case 2. take a look at the transcript/description of the intro from ace attorney wiki:
The camera slowly zooms away from a wheel that is turning.
As long as we draw breath, the Wheel of Fate turns...
There are brief scenes of Phoenix Wright about to get hit by a car, Trucy Wright chasing someone, and a man playing on his harmonica. Afterward, it is shown that the wheel is part of a stand being pulled by a man late in the rainy evening. Everything except the wheels is silhouetted in darkness.
Spinning big crimes and little crimes together.
The man suddenly stops.
And when the Wheel stops...
The camera pans to another man blocking the stand-puller's way. As the camera begins to zoom away, there is a flash from a gunshot. The camera accelerates, showing part of a park before obscuring the scene behind some city towers.
You die.
the wheel of fortune is the tenth major arcana, and it's meaning is quite obvious.
fate is an uncontrollable force, one that is the most powerful in the universe as it is the universe itself. in this case, it spins a complicated tale, connecting small and big crimes, unintended consequences and failed plans.
in the end, what's done is done, no matter what you originally intended. you may not have wanted to present forged evidence, but you did. you may not have wanted this job, but you have it. you may not have known and you may not have seen, but now you do, and what you do next is what matters.
so you better be careful. tomorrow is a new day no matter what happens; time is inevitable, and so is change, but if you get your hands dirty and play your cards right, then, perhaps, the sun will shine on that day and the day after that.
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halliescomut · 10 months
I defended Lom, but now I shall talk about Nuea
So...a lot of this is going to be a bit rant-y, because honestly there's some reactions that have been going on that really aggravate me. But I wanted to talk more about Nuea as a character in the show, and how I think he's being presented. You hear (for reasons unknown) a lot of discussion over how Lom is almost tricking Nuea by withholding the fact that his arrangement and marriage to Yiwa is in name only. I have so many problems with this read on the situation. While it is VERY common for BLs to use naivety as a trope, it's actually surprisingly rare to see from Mame. It's not one of her go-to's and so I was actually really surprised at how many people saw Nuea as 'innocent' (read virginal) or naive. We saw a similar reaction with Sky, this idea that he's an innocent little lamb, and I kind of figured that was because that's what Rain was. Rain was clearly modeled to be this sort of ingénue-style character, young, wide-eyed, innocent to an extent, but also experimental, not constrained by societal boundaries. But what the first encounter with Prapai showed was that he was not only not innocent, but experienced. Now granted many of his experiences were likely awful and traumatic, but Gun likely didn't got straight from 1 to 100, abusers rarely do, but there's also no clarity at all on whether Sky had any other intimate partners of his own choosing, whether a relationship or just another one-night stand. But circling back to my actual point, I think there are many viewers for which LITA was their first experience with Mame, and they believe Rain to be the blueprint for her 'bottoms' when in reality he's an outlier.
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How this affects the perception of Nuea, is that since he is shown to be a fairly quiet, sensitive, kind person, some viewers began making assumptions. They assume that he's not physically experienced, that he's submissive, or even shy, and that's not really the case. We don't see much to indicate that at all in the show. He's very vocal for a lot of the show. He expresses his concerns to his boss freely, without concern for reprisal, and this certainly due at least in part to the type of boss she is, but even if she were some angry, obstinate crone, I doubt that would have stopped him. He's very vocal and honest in his conversations with Lom all through the series. He doesn't put up with any of Lom's rich/privileged BS. His kindness and empathy throughout is more a show of strength than anything. He's able to pretty easily get the results he wants without being rude, or mean. Even in his frustration with Lom, he's not vicious, but exasperated, reacting to Lom's childishness more like an exhausted nanny than anything else.
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Nuea is confident, like really confident. He's confident in his abilities and skill at work. He's a confident gay man, he doesn't shy away from sex. His hesitation in regards to sleeping with Lom initially is based only on his knowledge of the likely fall-out (especially emotionally). Once we get to this most recent episode it's very clear that he has no hesitation in being an active and passionate partner.
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I'm willing to bet after the absolute boss way that he shut down that shitty orchard customer, that we may see his confidence make an appearance next week in regards to Lom and Yiwa's mothers acting like petulant toddlers.
I think it's also important to remember that while he is younger than Lom (his actor is actually younger than ALL of the LITA boys), he's not actually all that young. While ages and timelines are pretty vague in the Mame-verse, Prapai should be about 30 in the Wedding Plan, and Lom is meant to have been his junior while they were getting their Masters, so he's probably 27-ish. Nuea, having attended university and worked as an event planner for several years is probably 25. He's not a child, and their age difference is practically negligible. Again, I feel this is an assumption based on the idea that LITA is the norm, when it's very much not. All of Mame's other main couples (in shows) have either been the same age, or with in a year or two of each other.
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So while Lom may have some power/privilege over Nuea, it's very much situational and based on him being 'employed' by him, which is something that we as the audience know he could change if he really wanted to. We see that P'Im is more than willing to go to bat for her employees, Lom wouldn't be able to pull a Karen and get him fired, or forced to work with him. And while Lom is rich, Nuea's family has a generational business and owns a large amount of property. It's not the same level of rich by any means, Lom essentially has fuck you money, but it's still not like Nuea would be without resources and support if he chose to quit his job or leave Bangkok.
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Also, the fact that he gets upset or cries over Lom, doesn't make him 'weak.' I've not heard anyone say that directly, but it's been implied. It's not weak for a man to be able to recognize and express his emotions. That's toxic masculinity bullshit, and we certainly don't want to be putting that pressure on characters that are actively defying it.
I guess in conclusion, my point is that Nuea is a bad-ass, the best kind of bad-ass even, one with a kind heart, and that he's more than capable of standing up for himself both in general and with Lom.
As a final note, what I realized watching episode 3 is that Lom 10000% has a competency kink, and further watching of the show only confirms that. He first encounters Nuea while he works at Pai's wedding and immediately begins lusting. The wedding suit try-ons where he looks at Nuea after learning he took pictures of each choice so that you don't have to try something on over and over again. He gets riled up watching him do the event where Payu proposes. He falls even harder watching Nuea put the creep in his place. Like...he just loves watching his man get shit done, and I respect (and understand) that.
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vrisrezis · 9 months
hello (i have read you're taking requests at the moment. it's okay if you can't do this but if you can i will be so so so grateful ) could you please write satoru x reader who has kind of a stronger, more introverted personality (a bit of a tsundere) so people normally deem them as intimidating, emotionless and hard to approach but satoru is falling so hard for them? like they've been close because he's been one to genuinely care and get to know them for who they are and that's why he's so protective and whipped. he's the only one who the reader lets baby them around and vice-versa, because they both know how hard it is to keep the "strongest" facade while being so soft and love starved inside. thank you if you do this really it means a lot!
SO CUTE. love satoru x tsun! Readers opposites attract okay….
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- satoru is not one to be intimidated by anyone, so you don’t scare him like everyone else. He probably finds you personally fun to tease as you get annoyed easily!
- also, it’s just nice to see you show emotions since everyone thinks youre so emotionless and he likes to know he has an effect on you!
- but eventually aside from the teasing he tries to genuinely be your friend, which he doesn’t do with many people (the only true friends he feels he has being shoko, nanami, geto, and haibara. Secretly utahime too but.)
- this mainly comes from a place of finding you fun to be around despite your personality, (you’re fun to be around cuz it’s fun to tease you) but also he does genuinely find you interesting and wants to learn more about you
- a friendship would be formed of course, and slowly he’d get to see every bit and piece of you and falls for you in the process :)
- he’d be aware of it too, and kinda just accepts that as his life
- he would really value your friendship a lot though, due to how he can’t really be this vulnerable around anyone else, except maybe geto but it’s not the same.
- the closeness he feels with you is really special to him, so he wouldn’t tell you how he felt for a long time as he valued what you two have together
- regardless, satoru is very sweet to you! Aside from all the teasing cuz he does love to do that a lot
- but he actually goes out his way to buy you things! claims it’s cuz you’re such close buds, but you see a chibi geto laughing in the corner for some reason
- he likes buying you sweets :) he knows despite that rough exterior deep down you’re a softie just like him who loves to munch on some gummy bears
- also he isn’t subtle btw
- like he thinks he is but he isn’t
- bro straight up watching a movie on the couch and then be like “oh man! It’s so cold in here! Can I cuddle up to you?” and it’s like 90 degrees outside
- satoru typically isn’t all that protective of people he likes, cuz I genuinely can’t imagine him with somebody he would view as weak (I also think even if he did it’d be very unhealthy and savior complex-y)
- he doesn’t doubt you can handle yourself, but he doesn’t like to stand back and watch people judge you and assume you’re some robot, incapable of feeling. Incapable of being sad or incapable of being exhausted from a long day. You’re a human being, and he will not hesitate to remind people of that, if you won’t.
- and vice versa cuz even satoru forgets he’s a human being that’s allowed to rest
- satoru will ask for some of your praise cuz it’s his favorite but you almost never deliver. The few times you do he’s blushing and also never shutting up about it. Two years later and he will still talk about the time you said he did a good job baking those chocolate chip cookies.
- satoru feels like he can tell you anything, his worst mistakes, his fears, his guilt. And he’s happy you feel the same way. That you can let down your walls too.
- your relationship is interesting because of how similar and different you both are, you both build up walls and hide but in a completely different manner. You act mean and tough all the time, while gojo acts happy and silly all the time. You both have a hard time being vulnerable and letting people in, and you both know what it’s like to be the strongest and have people assume nothing bad could happen to either of you because of the strength you both constantly show to the world. But you both have such big and soft hearts that you’re both terrified to share. And yet, because of that understanding, you both find solace in one another and let eachother in as if neither of you cared about letting people in, in the first place.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Sis.. now you know I’m going to need your very elaborate thoughts on Jungkook concept photos 👀🫨🫢😳😱🤯🫠💃🏻🕳️⚰️
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Look, if you need me to do something you can't be sending me gifs of Jimin raising his eyebrows at me. It's distracting as hell.
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Okay so first things first: the word coincidence needs to be BANNED from Jikookers' mouths. Like completely deleted. Obliterated 1300% It needs to not exist anymore. No seriously, how long are we gonna keep using the word 'coincidence' and Jikook in one sentence before we all collectively decide to agree they do this shit on purpose?
"You are me I am you" can only go so far. That's for them having the same moles in the same places, them being born in Busan. Things like that, that are out of their control. Not things like this!
We know, like even if you're an anti you know JK has studied FACE. @jigokuhana and I were just talking about this, JK has everything about FACE memorised. He is prolly a bigger fan than all of us combined. And don't forget he saw everything before we did. So he knows what he's doing. Knows that we will catch similarities btwn FACE and SEVEN. Armys have noticed many things that Jikook (n members) tried to hide from us and I know over the years they have to have seen us noticing some of these things. So how will we fail to notice something that's right infront of our faces? And he knows this. Of course he knew we would notice.
So first we've all seen these floating about
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Those alone are already like, crazy 😏 But then let's talk about the thorns/spikes/shards.
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I mean, what are the chances??? 😳
When u support Jikook, u discover that they are actually really sappy/corny motherfuckers so you inevitably start to get corny yourself sometimes too. This is what my friends (one of them being @lovelysmyleyes) had to say about this. I'll just copy paste them, coz I absolutely agree.
The spikes being directly on Jimin's body feel like it was a more direct hit. JK wearing the spikes on the jacket is more of a defensive maybe? Like a by-product. Almost like He was acting as a shield.
The 'shots' weren't directed at him so even if they hit him they would not have pierced the skin. Whereas it was directed at JM and meant to go deep.
It is understandable, The first thing you want to do is protect your partner the best you can.
Or it can represent keeping others away from them. Roses have thorns on them to keep people/living life forms away, after all.
They got kinda deep y'all. Which brings me to the part that blew my mind;
Mud from LC
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Mud on JK's trouser;
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The pants. I think he is hinting that he helped pull Jimin out of the mud...or at least he was down in the mud with him when he was at his lowest. He was there supporting. Someone catch me cuz I am once again falling into that delulu train headfirst 😭😭😭
He he hee... thats so fucking deep y'all. But seeing as there's no other explanation for why JK would have "dirty" trousers (yet) i'mma go with this assumption for now. #feels 🥺🥺🥺
Like, its not even that far fetched though. When Jimin was going through what he went through JK saw it all first hand. Isn't that why we assumed he kept skipping LC in the beginning? Coz it reminded him of that time and it prolly wasn't pretty. He didn't like to remember Jimin in that bad place.
I for one believe JK was there for Jimin every step of the way. Jimin said members were there for him, I'm sure his family was too and most importantly, so was JK.
Thats why he wrote letter. He said it was his turn to be grateful. His turn to give back.
I know it's obvious
So that it's not taken lightly
Let me tell you this properly
Baby, don't leave, just stay with me, yeah
To you who saw me greater than my little self
So that I can only deliver as much as I received
I can't y'all... help 😭😭😭
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Okay but this tweet tickled me 🤭🤭
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I know some Jikookers work very hard in trying not to be delulu (not me. I jump in head first, always. Ha haa) and I applaud that. I do. But these are way, way too many similarities. Even the most clear headed Jikooker has got to find this sus.
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