#people think im old cause i know what a vhs is and i remember the orange ones and had cds and tapes as a kid
Why are you not supposed to show your face online?
personal safety. i forget exactly what they said in the online safety classes they made you (me) take in elementary school, but its for the same reason you're not supposed to share your full name (or any name at all! make up a name and stick with it, or hey, its the internet, lie about your name and your age and say you're a math major from connecticut named matt, or something! i ain't gonna stop you! have fun with it!) and address and social security number. so people can't track you down and kidnap you or other horrible things.
In general its just like. don't share information someone could use to identify you online, because people are weird and some of them are shitty and if you say something and they don't like it, and if they can find you or identify you then thats not good!
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padawanlost · 4 years
i have to admit im still a bit confused as how Vader still carry on the chosen one prophecy through out OT. i know georges said he still is and i trust the man's vision but imo killing out sidious for selfish reasons too (luke) doesnt counterbalance the fact the force was plunged in darkness by 3 decades of genocide. what do you think? (ps: thank you so much for all the wonderful metas)
Hey! Thanks :) The Chosen One prophecy is a bit complicated as is Anakin’s role in everything so I’ll break it all down in parts:
“You have got to remember that this is one movie, and it’s meant to be seen I through VI. So, I think when you watch the actual movie in order, the story will become very clear: that Anakin is the Chosen One. And even when Anakin turns into Darth Vader, he is still the Chosen One.” - George Lucas
The prophecy of the Chosen One
The Chosen One prophecy was made thousands of years before the events of the movies. by the time TPM starts, it’s considered a myth by most so they don’t know *exactly* what it means and how they supposed to deal with it. As we saw with Anakin’s visions, prophecies are tricky. 
Because some Jedi have been able to use the Force to anticipate possible future events, it is not surprising that Jedi records relate various accounts of prophecies. The Great Holocron contains many references to the prophecy of the Chosen One: A Jedi will come To destroy the Sith And bring balance to the Force. Records are unclear about this prophecy’s exact origin, or whether the above words were the actual prophecy or a concise interpretation. Several accounts indicate that the prophecy was the subject of debate as far back as twelve hundred years ago, but it may in fact be much older. However, records do establish that approximately two hundred years before the Battle of Yavin, Jedi Masters became aware of an abrupt change in the shape of the Force, and many believed that a looming sense of dread pointed to the growing power of the dark side; some Jedi suggested that the Sith had returned, while others—maintaining that the Sith were extinct—dismissed this notion. But as time passed without any indication of Sith activity, the Jedi Master Yoda proposed that the gathering darkness was a sign of the coming fulfillment of the prophecy of the Chosen One. According to Master Yoda via the Great Holocron: Fully defeated by just anyone, the dark side cannot be, but only by the Chosen One. And who might be this Jedi? Know I do not, but not yet born is he or she. This much, sense I can. A vessel of pure Force the Chosen One will be, more powerful than any Jedi in history. [Ryder’s Windham’s Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force ]
Another man—even another Jedi—might have resented the rebuke, but Obi-Wan only sighed. “I suppose—he is the chosen one, after all. The prophecy says he was born to bring balance to the Force, but …” The words trailed off. He couldn’t remember what he’d been about to say. All he could remember was the look on Anakin’s face. “Yes. Always in motion, the future is.” Yoda lifted his head and his eyes narrowed to thoughtful slits. “And the prophecy, misread it could have been.” [Matthew Stover. Revenge of the Sith]
She blinked as though he’d slapped her. “Why—that seems … unlikely, doesn’t it? What about this prophecy the Jedi put so much faith in? Isn’t he the chosen one?” “Very probably. But I have scanned this prophecy; it says only that a chosen one will be born and bring balance to the Force; nowhere does it say he has to be a Jedi.” She blinked harder, fighting down a surge of desperate hope that left her breathless. “He doesn’t have to—?” “My Master, Qui-Gon Jinn, believed that it was the will of the Force that Anakin should be trained as a Jedi—and we all have a certain, oh, I suppose you could call it a Jedi-centric bias. It is a Jedi prophecy, after all.” [Matthew Stover. Revenge of the Sith]
They knew very little of the prophecy but they *assumed* the chosen one had to be a powerful Jedi and that his role was to defeat the Sith. They didn’t know fro sure what the prophecy said about what balance meant or that this chosen one had to be ONLY a Jedi. but, because they couldn’t fathom the possibility of someone who isn’t a Jedi defeating the Sith, the moment Anakin stopped being a Jedi they automatically dismissed him as the Chosen one in favor of Luke. of course, that doesn’t mean Anakin stopped being the actual Chosen One.
The Balance:
If good and evil are mixed things become blurred - there is nothing between good and evil, everything is grey. In each of us we have balanced these emotions, and in the Star Wars saga the most important point is balance, balance between everything. It is dangerous to lose this.” George Lucas
The one thing everyone seemed to agree on was that the Chosen One was to bring balance but what was balance? It wasn’t 2 Sith//2 Jedi. It wasn’t a world free of evil or conflict. It was a world where good and evil could coexist without one or the other trying to dominate the Force. It wasn’t political, it wasn’t about ending wars and religious/political groups. The balance was about the Force and in this case the Sith were the ones unbalancing the Force so the Chosen one’s job was to defeat the Sith.  
We know the Force was ‘unbalance’ by Plagueis and Palpatine’s experiments but ALSO by the Jedi Order’s inability/unwillingness to prevent the ever growing corrupting in the Senate and all the problems it caused in the rest of the galaxy Surprise and disbelief mingled in Sidious’s blue eyes. 
“The Force?” “Yes,” Plagueis said pensively. “But I failed to exercise due caution. As we attempt to wrest the powers of life and death from the Force, as we seek to tip the balance, the Force resists our efforts. Action and reaction, Sidious. Something akin to the laws of thermodynamics. I have been audacious, and the Force has tested me the way Tenebrous sought to. Midi-chlorians are not easily persuaded to execute the dictates of one newly initiated in the mysteries. The Force needs to be won over, especially in work that involves the dark side. It must be reassured that a Sith is capable of accepting authority. Otherwise it will thwart one’s intentions. It will engineer misfortune. It will strike back.” “The Maladians—” “Perhaps. But in any case this is why the Jedi Order has descended into decadence and is dragging the Republic down with it. Because the Jedi have lost the allegiance of the Force. Yes, their ability to draw energy from the Force continues, but their ability to use the Force has diminished. Each of their actions engenders an opposite, often unrecognized consequence that elevates those attuned to the dark side; that buoys the efforts of the Sith and increases our power. Yet our use of that power requires delicacy. We must be alert to moments when the light side falters and openings are created. Then, and only then—when all the conditions have been met—can we act without fear of meeting resistance or repercussion. “To say that the Force works in mysterious ways is to admit one’s ignorance, for any mystery can be solved through the application of knowledge and unrelenting effort. As we had our way with the Senate, and as we will soon have our way with the Republic and the Jedi, we will have our way with the Force.” [ James Luceno. Darth Plagueis]
Yoda’s reinforces this idea when he says their vision is clouded by the dark side. Everything is muddled so they can no longer see clearly. 
“The first film starts with the last age of the Republic; which is it’s getting tired, old, it’s getting corrupt. There’s the rise of the Sith, who are now becoming a force, and in the backdrop of this you have Anakin Skywalker: a young boy who’s destined to be a very significant player in bringing balance back to the Force and the Republic. George Lucas - from the American ANH VHS tape in the making of Episode II in the 2000 release.
To bring balance is to ‘clear’ the Force. It’s not about eradicating Sith or saving Jedi. The Force is beyond of that. the Chosen One’s job is about cleaning the slate clean, regardless of political agenda. Of course, it doesn’t mean the Jedi *had* to way. Anakin could and should’ve chosen a different path. Nothing was set in stone. but the path he did choose doesn’t mean he stopped being the chosen. The fact he accomplished his mission by making the worst possible choices doesn’t mean he didn’t accomplish his mission as the Chosen One. In the end Anakin’s saved the Jedi, destroyed the Sith and help restore the Republic. And with that, he restored the balance. It’s not about erasing what happened before it’s about making things better from that point on.
Anakin Skywalker
“What the whole story is about” is a mishmash of tales as old as tale-telling: A young boy, plucked from obscurity by elite beings who believe he is somehow blessed, who grows up under their wise tutelage, becomes corrupted by power and evil, and then must finally face his own son – equally trained, equally tempted – in a battle to the death. – George Lucas
Anakin was the chosen but the world of around him didn’t protect him and that influenced his behavior. Anakin didn’t made bad choices because he was born a bad person, he made bad choices because of how he was raised and everything that happened to him. it has nothing to do with his chosen one status. Anakin was born because of the Force but it had no control over how people treated him and how he reacted to their treatment. Everyone had free will, everyone used it and things happened as they did. It’s as true for Anakin as it’s for every other kid in world. The fact a child shows promise doesn’t mean the child shouldn’t be protected and raised right. and if the kid does grow up to do bad things it doesn’t mean the kid never had any talent. 
Also, the prophecy doesn’t say Chosen One had to do anything out of the goodness of his heart. He had to bring balance. How and why he’d accomplished that wasn’t set in stone. The fact Anakin sacrificed himself to save his son doesn’t mean Anakin didn’t save the galaxy. I’d even argue that Anakin’s sacrifice wasn’t selfish. The fact he was thinking about his son doesn’t mean he was only thinking about himself. Personal sacrifice, by definition, is not a selfish act. It doesn’t mean the person is wholly selfless but the act itself is not a selfish one.
The force wasn’t out of balance because the Sith were evil, because the Jedi were killed or because innocents were dying. People have been killing each other for thousands of years before the Force was considered ‘out of balance’. What changed was the Sith experimenting with it and the Jedi’s withdrawal from the galaxy. To correct that the Force created a child that would eventually fixed that. the child was called Anakin Skywalker and he corrected the situation by destroying the Sith, ensuring the survival of a new and better kind of Jedi and by ending a war that would lead to a creation of new, less corrupt government safe from the influence of the dark side.
So, yeah, Anakin was always the chosen one even when he was Darth Vader and George’s claims are backed by the lore :)
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emptynarration · 3 years
Author already had 5 soulmarks -all platonic, thank god- so he really didn't need any more. But there it was, the sixth mark, appearing right on his neck. And clearly a romantic one as well. He doesn't want any soulmates. He wants to be alone. He doesn't want romance, he hates it. But apparently, fate wanted to smother him in love and affection, if he wants it or not. 
So yea I had this idea once before but differently so now. Have Author being ABSOLUTELY C O V E R ED in soulmarks!!
Spoiler: He'll have 23 soulmarks.
You can probably figure out who the soulmates already having their mark on him are! :D If you can, you're awesome 💜 (Also decided against explicit sex though... i may add some later. i'm a horny guy im sorry-)
Leave a comment if you liked this please!! 💜
Author had a total of six soulmate marks. One was a VHS tape, another was some sort of flower, two of them were an old TV and a receiver connected to it, another was simply a tree, and the latest and newest was of a shooting star. He hated each and every one of them. He didn't want a soulmate, yet alone six. And the worst was, that he was apparently getting new ones still. Considering the sixth he'd just gotten a couple months ago. At least only the newest one was romantic. It were only black outlines, while the rest were black lines with black shading -it meant the one would get coloured, once he found that soulmate. He didn't want to think there was someone he was destined to be involved romantically with though. He didn't like romance.
Just to prove his point, Author often went to random bars, to pick up strangers for a night, to then never return to them again. Fucking around was pleasurable and easy, and he didn't have to think about soulmates or people or anything. So he went to a bar, got himself a drink, and scanned the crowd. Maybe he'd find someone good looking enough he could imagine sleeping with. He never really felt any attraction to people, just going with what he liked aesthetically, so he had a pretty free pick of who he wanted. He spotted a man, short and soft looking, and clearly drunk. Judging from his state, getting drunk had been his intention. Sauntering over, Author decided that was the perfect man to pick. Someone drunk enough they wouldn't notice all the marks on him once he was naked -though most people just assumed he got those tattoos himself.
“Hello there handsome.”, Author purred, leaning against the bar next to the man, golden eyes half-lidded as he took in the sight of the other man from his now closer position. The drunk man shifted to look at Author, a tired sort of expression on his face. “Hello..”, he mumbled, nearly slurred, and Author chuckled lowly. He reached out, brushing stray strands of hair from the man's face and behind his ear. “I think you had enough to drink, haven't you? Let me take you somewhere.”, Author murmured, leaning in close. The man hummed, the smell of alcohol on his breath, and one of his many soulmarks itched. Author ignored it. “Mhh..”, the man was clearly thinking, blinking at Author, fiddling with the glass in his hands. He shifted to turn his body towards Author, and he cupped the man's cheek in his hand, gently running his thumb over the man's lips. “Come on handsome.”, Author pulled back, just to help pull the other to his feet. Glad to hear the man had paid off all his drinks already, so Author could just pull him along with him.
“Wha's your n'me?”, the man slurred a little, but Author could understand him well enough. He hummed as he thought, before shrugging to himself. It wouldn't hurt to tell his name to a man who was too drunk to think straight. “Issac. And yours, handsome?”, he answered, leading his partner for the night to the nearest hotel. No need to drag the stranger through a dark forest to his own home -plus, Author could just leave as soon as he was awake again and leave the man to forget all about this. “Ed-... Edwa-ward. Edward. Ed.”, Edward stammered, furrowing his brows as he tried to think. It was almost endearing in a way, how he had to think so hard just to pronounce his own name. He clearly tried to ask something more, but he was struggling with the words, so Author didn't really listen. Instead, he dragged Edward to the hotel, got them a room, and brought him there.
He let Edward sit on the bed, climbing in his lap and straddling him, wrapping his arms around Edward's neck and kissing him deeply. Edward seemed unsure at first, but when Author ground down against him, he moaned and stopped worrying. Laying his hands on Author's hips, kissing him back as the man moved on top of him. Edward kissed and licked and nipped at Author's neck when he pulled back, making the man moan, his hands moving to push off Edward's jacket, and undo his shirt. Edward's hands were clumsy on Author's skin, struggling with the man's shirt -so eventually Author just pulled back enough to pull off his own shirt, and help Edward out of his in turn. Author vaguely noted the mark in form of an open book on Edward's collarbone, but didn't linger enough to notice any colours or not. He didn't want to know, and he didn't care, so he focused on kissing Edward again, kissing him deeply and hungrily. Edward was sloppy in turn, but he was also drunk.
The man's skin was warm, his body soft, and Author's hands happily explored what laid barren to him. Edward's hands moved over Author's chest, making an unhappy sound when they were met with another garment. “You're drunk enough to not care.”, Author muttered, shifting to lean back and pull his binder off over his head. He shouldn't have sex in it anyways, so he was glad he had picked someone drunk enough to probably neither care nor notice. And Edward truly didn't care, his hands moving to Author's soft breasts, and Author couldn't help the soft breath that left him as Edward's warm hands touched them how he did. He let himself merely enjoy the touches, breathing heavily as he rolled his hips over Edward's, feeling aroused. He moaned when Edward was back on his neck, sucking dark marks onto his skin, pleasuring him further and making him more wanting. Eventually though, Author had to pull back, getting off of Edward. He pulled a condom out of his pant's pocket, before working on getting them off of himself. Edward watched with a dreamy gaze, before he fumbled with his own belt and pants, until he could kick them off.
Author was now only dressed in panties and stockings -because he had felt like them before leaving his home, deciding that whoever he picked up tonight would be a lucky fucker. And Edward was apparently the lucky man who got to see him like this. And Author was pleased to see the man aroused and wanting. Author climbed back into Edward's lap, arms sliding around his neck, and Author kissed him deeply once more, breathing heavily as he claimed the man's mouth with his own. Kissing him felt good, no matter how sloppy it was, no matter how much Edward tasted like alcohol. Author didn't question why.
Their bodies were hot as they were pressed together, Edward's hands exploring Author's body, as the man held himself up, enjoying the touches and kisses. He was eventually the impatient one, pulling at both of their underwear respectively, until he had his night's partner free beneath him. Author was impatient with safety first, but that made the pleasure all the sweeter as he moaned, their bodies melding together perfectly, fitting so well together as if they were meant to be. Author lost himself in the repetitive movements, arms tight around Edward's neck as he moved, and the other man attacked his neck and shoulders, causing more pleasured moans to leave Author. It felt wonderful, making Author forget about all these soulmarks covering him, all these people he was supposedly connected to in a deep and meaningful way. All that mattered, was the pleasure filling his senses, the warmth of Edward's body against his, and the soft lips against his skin.
They reached their climax together, Edward groaning beneath Author, the writer kissing Edward breathlessly, swallowing his moans and breaths. Pulling back once he had no more air in his lungs, Author slumped against Edward's chest, feeling exhausted but happy. They had to move slightly though, Author needing to get off of Edward. After slight adjustments, the two men laid down in bed together. Edward was quickly out like a light, with Author soon following behind -snuggling into the warm embrace the other man so openly gave him. It was one of the best sleeps Author had gotten in a long time, unbothered by bad dreams or nightmares, barely waking up once or twice during the night. It didn't stop him from waking early in the morning, but that was alright.
He took his time with waking up, feeling the gentle rise and fall of Edward's chest, telling him he was still asleep. He would definitely have a hangover once he woke, and, hopefully, wouldn't remember Author. When he finally decided to be awake, Author rubbed his eyes, shifting away a little. He looked Edward over, his features gentle and soft as he slept so peacefully. It was nice like this, and Author found himself enjoying merely laying here and sleeping next to this man. That was, until it spotted the soulmark on Edward's collarbone again -the open book, the pages yellowed, the cover red. With slight panic starting to build, Author carefully got out of bed -as to not wake Edward- and hurried to the bathroom. He looked over the marks on him, and his eyes widened seeing the shooting star now coloured in with yellows and blues, and a hint of mint. “Oh god oh no-”, he hurried to gather his clothes and get dressed again, fleeing from the room. He did not want to acknowledge that he had found his soulmate, and had just had sex with him. Nope!
So Author fled the hotel, running from his soulmate -his damn romantic soulmate- and all the feelings that brought with it, back to his own home. It would be better this way, he told himself. He didn't need a soulmate, and he didn't want a soulmate. Hopefully Edward would forget about him, forget this had ever happened. Hopefully he wouldn't notice his colored soulmark any time soon, because that'd mean he'd be certain of his night with Author, and would probably remember, and try and fine him. And Author really didn't want that.
He didn't go back to the bar after that. He didn't want to see Edward again, he didn't want to risk the man looking for him there, so he just.. stayed away. He stayed in his cabin, sometimes unconsciously scratching at the coloured mark on his neck. He didn't want a soulmate. He didn't want a partner. He didn't want romance. He tried to distract himself with writing, but every time he sat down to write, his thoughts strayed from what he was writing to instead think about Edward. He wondered what Edward's job was. Hadn't he worn some sort of labcoat when they had met? No, no it mustn't have been. It probably had been closer to a trenchcoat than a labcoat. But that made him wonder, what if Edward was a scientist? (We've all been a scientist at one point in our lifes anyways). Or maybe he was a researcher? A doctor? Or maybe he was something entirely else. Maybe he worked with children? Or maybe he did something entirely else? He really wanted to know, he didn't know anything about Edward, and he wanted to know. But he also really didn't want to know. He wanted to forget all about Edward, and how gentle his touches had been, and how good his sloppy kisses had been, and how soft he had been....
He growled in frustration, head on the table as his hands tugged on his hair. He just wanted to write, but apparently, he wouldn't find peace until he was back with Edward. At least he didn't feel any, urgh, butterflies. The thought alone of such disgusting romantic feelings made him feel sick, and he couldn't imagine anyone actually feeling something like that. He knew they were destined for romance, so all he could hope for was, that he'd grow to enjoy it more when getting to know Edward. He didn't want to get to know Edward though. No! Nope sire, he didn't want anything to do with the man. Except he did, and every day he stayed holed up in his cabin away from him was torture. He was battling with himself, very much not wanting to go, but also desperately wanting to go.
With a deep sigh of resignation, Author abruptly stood up. He'd go back. There was just nothing he could do but try and find Edward again. He pocketed some pens and scraps of paper for emergencies, and made his way out of the cabin. He'd just find Edward, and put his thoughts at rest. Maybe if he just met him again, and told him he didn't want any romantic relationship, he'd feel better. He kept thinking over and over about what he was going to say, chewing on the pendant of his necklace as he walked and thought. He wasn't sure if what he was trying to do would work -he wouldn't even know if he were going to find Edward. But when he entered the bar, the bartender -Jim, someone who knew Author more or less, considering how often Author showed up here- perked up when he noticed him. “Issac!”, Jim called, beckoning Author over. He let the pendant drop out from his mouth, walking over. It was still early, so there weren't many people around yet. Author leaned against the bar, and it was obvious how uncomfortable he was. “The guy you left with couple days ago was around, asking for you. Left me his number, if you wanted it.”, Jim told Author. Somehow, Author wasn't surprised in the least, sighing heavily, rubbing his hands over his face.
“Yea give it to me.”, he muttered, letting himself be given the note. He could just not text Edward. But every fibre of his being wanted to text Edward, to call him, to meet with him again and touch him, feel him, hear him, have him. “Good luck.”, Jim wished him, making Author snort and wave him off, muttering a “yea yea” and leaving the bar again. He stared at the number on the paper, before eventually pulling out his phone. Having no clue what to text, he decided to call, because that would obviously be easier than texting. It rang a couple of times, before Edward picked up. “Edward Ipliér speaking.”, Edward said, and Author briefly wondered if the man was French, judging from how he pronounced his last name. Eeplee-er. How weird. “Hey, this is Issac.”, Author mumbled, not feeling quite as confident as he should've been. What was he supposed to say? He wasn't sure if this was any sort of a good idea anymore, and he really wanted to hang up now. “Issac!”, Edward gasped, and Author grabbed his pendant with his free hand, so he could chew on it while he walked. He wasn't sure if he should go home or not, so he just... walked.
“Yea...”, was Author's lame reply, knowing that was nowhere near as excited as Edward probably expected him to be. “Heard you were searching for me.”. “Yes! Issac I- well.”, Edward cleared his throat, reigning in his excitement. “I noticed my soulmark was coloured in after our... night together.”. Author takes a deep breath. He wasn't sure what else he expected, really. Edward would tell him he was his soulmate, and that it was romantic, and Author knew all of that already. “I don't want romance.”, Author said, quick and easy. Like a bandaid. Crush any hopes before they grew too much. “I'm... not interested in romance.”. Edward was silent, and there was a tiny speck of panic in Author's chest -because this was his soulmate, and he needed to be with him- but he stayed calm. He just said how he felt, because Edward deserved that. “That's... that's okay.”, Edward said softly, after a moment, and Author barely relaxed hearing him speak again. “We can... just be friends? I don't think I'll manage to function without you.”, he chuckled a little, a bit awkwardly, and Author knew exactly how he felt.
“Yeah, I feel the same. I haven't been able to focus on anything at all.”, Author replied, attempting a smile for the sake of how it'd affect his voice. He knew it didn't really work, but well. He tried. “Could... could we meet some time?”, Edward asked, almost hesitantly. “I'd like to get to know you.”. Author hummed softly. He could remember Edward's touch as clear as day, how gentle and loving he had been, how good his fingers had felt on his skin. He knew, once he met Edward again, he would want that again. “Sure.”, he replied simply then, because he didn't want to scare Edward with saying what he thought at that moment. He knew it couldn't possibly drive his soulmate away, but... still.
They agreed on a time and place, and directly the next day, Author was nearly excited to go meet Edward. Somewhere, he thought of this as a date. He tried not to though, because he didn't want this to be a date, even though it very much was, in the end. They met, and they talked. Author got to know Edward -he was a doctor, he was very interested in stars and astronomy, he usually wasn't one for one-night-stands, and was a very kind and caring man. Of course Author also talked about himself, who he was, what he did for a living. Neither mentioned anything about any weird powers they may or may not have. It was nice. They decided to take a walk, and when Author took Edward's hand, the man let him. Author couldn't help the tingles he felt, feeling Edward's warm hand against his own. It was probably because of how touch-starved he was, though he would never admit such a thing out loud just like that. If Edward did take notice of it on his own, he didn't say anything about it.
“This was nice.”, Edward said softly, smiling up at Author. He was happy, he was comfortable with Author, and he had really enjoyed his time with Author. He didn't want him out of his life -he wanted to be with him, though he knew Author didn't. “It was.”, Author agreed lightly. He had enjoyed himself. He had liked just... spending time with Edward. He didn't want to say it out loud, but he didn't want to just cut Edward out of his life anymore. He knew he wouldn't be able to either way, but to never be close to him again? He couldn't imagine it. He couldn't fathom his life without Edward anymore. “Can I call you sometimes?”, Edward asked softly, lightly squeezing Author's hand -still holding it, as they had for their entire walk already. “Sure. No promises I'll reply though.”, Author replied, giving a mischievous grin to Edward, who chuckled lightly in return, smiling and nodding.
They soon parted ways after, bidding the other a good night, with the promise of future texting and calling. Author already knew he'd have to meet Edward again, would eventually show him how to find his cabin, because he wanted Edward to be close to him. He also knew he'd have to tell Edward about his other marks, his other soulmates he had, the ones he may or may not know. Well, so far he did know them, he simply... didn't want to. Not that they were horrible people -not worse than he himself was at least- but simply because Author didn't want to have them as soulmates. It didn't help that two of his soulmates were also soulmates with each other. So he preferred to stay away, and merely partake in a group chat they had. Which they specifically had for him, because even not having contact with his platonic soulmates was grating on him after a while. He hoped Edward would be okay with it. Of course he would be, he was his soulmate too after all, but... well. Author couldn't help the spark of anxiety it brought, the thought of Edward hating how many soulmates Author had. It'd be fine. Next time they met, he'd tell him.
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
Has the person you like ever seen you in your pajamas? I don’t like anyone in that way.
Did the last person you kissed celebrate your last birthday with you? No. The last one they celebrated with me was six years ago.
What’s the first word of the last text message you received? “Will”
Do you think you’ve changed at all over the past year? Not in a good way.
Is there a song that reminds you of your ex? Do you still listen to that song? Lithium by Nirvana. Especially a cover of it done by ThePeteBox.
Did you tag anyone in your last Facebook status? No.
How do you behave when you’re drunk? I was chatty and annoying I feel like.
What is your least favorite type of chocolate? Dark chocolate, blech.
When was the last time you felt disappointed? What was the reason? I’ve felt disappointed in myself these past few years.
Is there someone that can make you smile, even when you feel like crying? My doggo.
Is there a certain person on your mind right now? Tell me about him/her. No.
You’re getting ready to go to bed, and the last person you kissed shows up, what do you do? That would be completely random and out of the blue. I haven’t seen or talked to him in almost 6 years. I would certainly be surprised and confused and caught off guard. I wouldn’t go out and talk to him, though. I wouldn’t want him to see me right now. I honestly don’t know if I’d text him at least or not.
What was your last thought before you went to bed last night? I don’t remember. My mind is a jumbled mess.
Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? Nope.
Are you okay right now? I’m tired.
What time did you get up today? Sigh, like 930 after hardly sleeping at all.
When was the last time you saw your mom? Last night before she went to bed. She had the opening shift at work today so I haven’t seen her yet today.
What is the last thing you drank today? Water.
Do you dislike/hate anyone? No.
Where is your best friend right now? She’s at work.
When will your next kiss be? I have no idea.
Will you be up before 7 am tomorrow? 7AM is usually when I go to bed. :X
Does anyone completely understand you? I was just asked this in the previous survey I did, but no.
Who was the last girl you hugged outside of family? A friend. That was like 4 years ago.
Have you held hands with somebody in the past three days? My doggo.
What will you be doing in 3 hours? *shrug*
How often do you straighten your hair? I haven’t straightened my hair in years.
What are you currently looking forward to? To when my mom gets off work because I’m gonna ask if she can get me a Starbucks on her way home. I’m also hungry and wanting a breakfast sandwich, so I’ll probably have one later. She’s not off for 5 more hours. D:
Is tomorrow gonna be a good day? What are you going to do? I don’t have anything out of the ordinary going on.
Who did you last hang out with? My mom.
Did anyone see your last kiss? Probably.
Could things possibly get any better? Uh, I sure wish they would.
Do you know who you’ll even kiss next? Nope.
Do you ever sleep in jeans? I haven’t in years, but I have before in the past. I don’t know how I did that. I’ve been living in leggings for the past few years and I can’t imagine doing that now.
Name something you dislike about the day you’re having? I only got like 2-3 hours of sleep.
Did you get a full 8 hours of sleep last night? Yesterday I got like 10 hours, which is insane. My brother came in and woke me up because it was after 6PM. I never get that much sleep anymore, so I have no idea what that was about. But now today I only slept like 2-3 hours. I tried going back to sleep, but couldn’t and now here I am. Sigh.
Are you in love lately? That’s a weird way of saying it, but no. It’s been a few years since I’ve had those kind of feelings.
How often do you see your ex? I haven’t seen him in almost 6 years.
Who was the last person to text you? My pharmacy.
Did you like anyone last summer? No.
Do you replay things that have happened in your head? All the time.
Who was the last person you stayed up with till 2am? My brother and I stay up late all the time, though we’re in our own rooms.
Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend? Not at this time.
Are you currently in a relationship? No.
Do you use a full length mirror daily? No.
Would you be shocked if the person you have feelings for texted you? I don’t have feelings like that for anyone.
Is there anyone you wish you could fix things with? Yes. I have to fix myself first, though.
What are you planning on doing after this? I’m waiting for my church’s livestream service to start in like 30 minutes.
Is there a girl you would do anything for? I’d do a lot for my mom.
Who IMed you on facebook last? I had been messaging a family friend a couple weeks ago about something.
How old are you? 31.
Do you love dogs? Yesssss. I don’t know how anyone couldn’t.
Were you finished childhood and teens when Harry Potter movies came out? The first one came out when I was 12 and the last one came out when I was 22.
Did you keep all your VHS tapes? No, just the Disney ones.
Do you think Jack Nicholson is a good actor? Sure.
Have you ever watched an episode of "The Honeymooners"? Nope.
Have you ever owned a pair of high-top Converse? No, just flat tops.
Do you have rain boots with a cute pattern on them? I don’t own any rain boots.
Would you rather eat an apple or an orange right now? Neither, but if I had to I’d choose the apple cause I don’t like oranges.
Would you rather do a cartwheel on land or a backflip in water? I can’t do either one.
Have you ever performed on stage in front of people? Yeah, for choir and band concerts. Never by myself. 
Were you kinda scared of the goths in high school? No.
What size is your mattress?(single,twin,double,queen,king) Full size.
Do you eat foods from all 4 food groups everyday? Not even close.
Do you sleep in PJs? I always wear leggings and graphic tees and sleep in that as well.
Do you prefer watching TV or listening to music? Depends on my mood, but I haven’t been listening to music lately.
Would you rather watch a movie in theatre or at home? There are some movies I love experiencing in theaters for the first time. 
Do you prefer brown or white rice? Neither.
Do you like spaghetti? Yes.
What about lasagna? Not so much. It’s the type of noodle I have an issue with. I’m weird and particular about my food and when it comes to pasta, I like thin noodles.
Do you celebrate Christmas? Yesss.
Is your Thanksgiving celebrated in October too? No, it’s in November.
Do you like chocolate bars? Sure. 
what about ice cream? Sure. I haven’t had either one in awhile, though. 
Have you ever been stung by anything? What was it? No, thankfully.
Do you get tired easily? I’m just always tired.
Or do you always have plenty of energy to spare? Hahahah, no.
Have you ever done volunteer work? Where? Yeah, I’ve done a lot of volunteer work. What about court-ordered community service? No.
Have you ever worn contacts?(even just to try them out) No. I’ve always been too scared.
Would you wear contacts on a daily basis? No. 
Are your ears pierced? How many times? Just my earlobes.
Do you have GOD-GIVEN(not dyed) natural brown hair too? Yes.
Or were you born blonde? Nope.
Have you found a gray hair on your head or body before? Ugh, once I turned 30 they started popping up.
Have you ever had any suspicious moles removed? Nope.
Have you ever been screened for STDs? No.
Are all your wisdom teeth pulled? Yes.
Did you have your tonsils taken out? Nope.
Did you have your appendix taken out? No.
How many kidneys do you have?(have you donated one?) I have both of them.
Would you(to save someone)?^^^ I don’t know if I could, like health wise.
Have you ever found a bug or slug in your salad? skjflsfjklds nooooooo.
Do you like Harry Potter? I enjoyed the movies.
What about Twilight? I was really into Twilight back when the books and movies were coming out, but I outgrew it and find it kinda cringe now lol. How do you feel about Lord of the rings? I never got into that.
Are you going to see 'The Hobbit' when it comes out? ---
Do you have a glass that says 'Molson Canadian' on it? No.
Do you have any collector's glasses or cups or mugs? I do.
Would you rather have a white fridge or a black fridge or a stainless steel fridge? Black.
What size shoe do you wear? 6 in women’s (US). Each of my Adidas are actually a 3 or 4 in kid’s sizes, though.
Do you have a wide foot or a narrow foot or just average? Average, I guess.
Do you bite your nails when you're stressed? I pick and clip my nails constantly.
Do you have to take an allergy pill daily in order to live normally? No.
Are you on the birth control pill? Nope.
Or are you trying to get pregnant? Absolutely not. I’m just not sexually active, so.
You'd rather wear black sneakers or sneakers in a bright color or pattern? Black.
Has anyone ever told you they were attracted to you? Shockingly, yes.
Can you swim well in water way above your head? I can’t swim.
Are you afraid of thunder & lightening? No.
Have you ever experienced an earthquake? No.
What about a tornado? Nope. 
Are you closer to your dad?(more so than your mom) I’m closer to my mom.
Were you your parents' first born? I’m their first together, but not my mom’s. She had my older brother before meeting my dad.
Do you have a child? Is the father still with you? No.
Did you trade stickers at recess when you were a kid? No.
How old were you when you had your first crush? Do you remember their name? I was 9 and his name was Philip. 
Can you even remember what the hell they looked like? Vaguely. 
Have you ever operated any type of motorized vehicle before? No.
Are you going to drink alcohol tonight? Nope. I haven’t drank in 8 years and have no desire to.
Have you ever heard of the Canadian kids show called "Mr. Dressup"? Nope.
What about the kids show "Fred Penner's Place"? Nope.
Did you hate Sesame Street when you were little too? No.
Were you born perfectly healthy or with some(or a lot) of health issues? I was born healthy.
What are those 'said' health issues? –
Do you collect DVDs? No. I don’t have that many.
Do you download music? Nope. I’ve just used Spotify the past several years now.
Or do you still go to stores and buy CDs? No, I have’t done that in yearssss.
Did you skip(jumo-rope) a lot as a kid? No.
Did you ever catch any bugs or insects with your friends as a kid? EW, noooooo.
Didn't you just LOVE art class in elementary school?! Yeah.
Have you ever played dodgeball? Ugh, yes. I hated dodgeball. I don’t find having a ball thrown at me to be fun at all. I was always scared of getting hit in the face.
What about Red Rover? Yes.
Have you ever played "What time is it mr. wolf?"? It doesn’t sound familiar.
Do you hate your weight? Yes.
Have you ever struggled with a mental illness? I do.
Serious question, peanut butter or nutella? Peanut butter, hands down. I don’t get the hype of Nutella.
Have you ever stepped on a snail? Gahhhh, I’ve run over one before.
Do you prefer baked potatoes or mashed potatoes? I like both.
Do you prefer ankle socks over regular socks? I only wear ankle socks.
Last movie you've seen in theaters? The Invisible Man. That was almost. a year ago now. I miss going to the theater.
What is your oldest sibling's middle name? I’m not sharing that.
Have you ever been to Disneyland or Disney World? I have been to Disneyland several times, I love it. I’d love to go to Disney World someday.
Would you ever go backpacking across any country? No.
Would you prefer to travel around the world by yourself or with a friend? I definitely wouldn’t go alone.
Do you like breadsticks? I do.
Do you usually wear shorts around your house all year long? I never wear shorts, I’m a leggings gal.
What state were you born in? California. 
Have you ever had a nose bleed? Nooo, thankfully. I would freak out.
How far away do you live from your birthplace? Still live there.
Do you have a weak stomach? Yes.
Do you know anybody who has been diagnosed with cancer? Yes.
Have you ever had to take care of an intoxicated person? No.
Have you ever considered becoming a lawyer? No. Definitely not cut out for that.
Do you *really* like donuts? Yesss.
Do you think Disney World could ever get old? Not to me.
If you could, would you hookup with the last person you texted? Uh, NO, absolutely not. The only people I text and text me are my parents, brother, and my Nana....
What are your favorite things to spend money on? Food, coffee, clothes.
Will you talk to the person you like on the phone tonight? I don’t like anyone in that way.
What do you usually order on a pizza? *finishing this hours later from when I started* White sauce, feta and ricotta cheese, garlic, spinach, crumbled meatballs, and pesto. Do you and your boyfriend/girlfriend fight a lot? I’m single.
Who's the first person with the letter "m" in your contacts? My mom.
Which would you rather have a new puppy or kitten? Puppy. 
How old will you be on your next birthday? 32.
What color are your underwear? Blue.
Do you ever feel self-conscious when you eat around other people? Yes.
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smokebreakblog · 5 years
4/20 in Nashville...
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Maaaaaaan, that was the dopest show I’ve had in my shitty lil career. One that was filled with Love, herb, alcohol, friends, vibes and ENERGY. The coolest aspect had to be getting to share a road trip with my Little sister (by a year). Getting to see her experience life outside of the village I’m from was dope enough for me...so if you want to read some deets, let me hear you say....JK, I ain't THAT corny...lets get it..
intro to it all, took shots of tequila with my cousins the night before...Not a good idea when you have to deal with Enterprise in the AM needing way more forms of ID and shit,,,that I don't have..caused us to get on the road wayyyy later than expected...which in then turned into Blind ass Christian, Driving in a four lane highway...With a downpour of rain...and a sister in the passenger seat thinking my vision is better than it is...but nonetheless we made it to Madison TN..Where we got to link up with some of the funkiest motherfuckers I've come to know. The Weird sisters..Sir Izaac (the guy shredding in all the videos I have, also my guest DJ).
We were met with a basement full of people putting in work on these big ass ring girl style cards for their set..in font of what had to be about 8 old style TVs, hooked up to a VHS player..which was playing the 98 olympics...We got stoned, we geeked out over a throwback eat N Park videos...and I ordered my fat ass some food, which resulted me putting IZ on to Lemon Pepper flavored wings..I know right? how doesn't he already know about that sacred flavor?? I”m just glad I was there for his first time...Pause..
Now Play..
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fast forward to 4/20 and My soundcheck is at 4p....show doesn't even start till 9p..and bruv/Bruvette..when I tell you that I was so excited to have an hour to myself for the set, ya’ll need to believe me..because I’m used to shows where soundcheck is literally like 30 mins before the doors open...or in some cases while the people are coming in (Fuck me right??) anyways...the coolest shit happens...so at this venue, there's mad floors, different rooms..so like...upstairs there was like a wedding reception or some shit...nonetheless they were getting on with their event during my soundcheck one of the guest comes in...at the time I thought he was like security for some shit,...but no...he was a guest. so I start flexing and shit..rapping all crazy being all extra..feeling my shit..so like I open my eyes and look over and there’s like 4 of em...just chillin mouth open all sick..
“How it sound?” I asked
“Really fucking good bro”- in my best white dude voice. 
after soundcheck we still had like 4  hours to kill...so instead of napping like I planned on...My sister wanted to go do some shit..So we walk down the road to this little jazz joint and come across a man playing the bass and crooning so smooth...Name was Shawn Munday. I kept it V PA and ordered myself a Yueng..and vibed the fuck out...
I wish we had more shit like that back home...
doors open and the people start coming in...I remember looking at Izaac and asking 
“yo how many people you think will be here??”
“Oh we’ll at least bring in 100.” he said casually..
I’m embarrassed to say I don't see many crowds like that...But thanks to The Weird sisters and The morning After Crew..I got a taste of big crowd energy...and yo I have to say..It felt natural as a Mf yo..It made me want to shed my existence as a little store manager trying to make it to Full Nomad until I get mine..The crowd listened to every word..I know this because f the many people I ran into trying to get a drink after my set reciting lines that they heard for the first time during a set that day...on 4/20 at that...and again..Im not talking my shi or flexing...I’m still high off the vibes..
SIDENOTE...You can watch the Live feed On my IGTV ----> [here]<-----
After the Weird Sisters and The Morning After Crew threw down and put the crowd into even more of a fit..I ran up to announce the after party one last time...we took pictures with people in the crowd, closed our tabs and packed up..I didn't drive btw...of course not I wanted to drink...so we run into this Lyft driver who was at the show,...who happened to be off duty...who happened to be going to the after party...so call me crazy, but I took that ride..Me, my sister and this dope ass dude who I will not name..but he did pass me a packed cone and showed love about the set. We get back to an after party that was actually pretty lit. handles of liquor, bong packs, doobs...L’s...Etc..we rode the waves into the wee hours of the night...and so this doesn't turn into a ramble...Im going to list a few things here that I feel people should Abide by..
Don't be the dick at a party that imposes on somebodys joint...You really bout to come through and like not even ask just look at me like yo let me hit that..My nigga I don't even know your name...Were you even at the show?? FOH
and that’s it...I was gonna smack that MF...but whatever, good vibes..not my crib..keep it moving..
In the end, my sister DID get to go kick it around nashville the next day..ate, laughed..made memories I don't need to share with ya’ll and I’m just happy I can do that with the music I make..That’s dope af to me..ont he last morning my sister and I packed a couple bowls...rolled a few for the road..wrote a goodbye note to the sleeping musical geniuses and hit the road..there is so much that I left out but that’s for us..go experience your own shit..It’s fun.
since we  made it back...I’ve been having a terrible itch to quit my job and just attack this shit..but i need to calm my shti down real quick,...
Or do I?...
Until Next time...
Now I leave you with this Gem...
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Miss ya’ll.
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powerdragonmoon · 7 years
I got tagged by @themoskabot !! Thanks for the tag!
How old are you? 25! shhhhh, i’m still enduring my quarter life crisis here... 
Current job/Dream job? Currently, I’m a Customer Service Agent, just part time tho... but dream job??? I’d like to work in environmental monitoring, city planning, or wastewater treatment?? Like working with at a city or municipality or a consulting firm that takes on interesting and meaningful projects would be amazeballs... that’s probably my end goal... but for right now, maybe gaining some experience in the engineering field in general?... basically a job that’s more fulfilling than dealing with people’s complaints all the time??? yes pls. 
What are you talented at? -____-  i don’t... i don’t know?? NOTHING??? Getting overly stressed out while driving??? Being scared of swimming both skiiing/snowboarding??? OH!!! I’m very talented at going to the dentist?? :P like people always complain about it... but I love it??? nah...? just me??? oh, not a talent? ok... than no, i got nothing D: 
OH! i’m very good at making fresh stove top popcorn!!! (~3yrs working at the local theatre ftw!!) and chai... popcorn and chai are my specialty!
What is your aesthetic? really good, reliable wifi; 90′s action movies; alex trebek’s mustache; awesome socks; narwhals; bright fall leaves; complex, blue islamic art; and theatres converted into bookstores (El Ateneo Grand Splendid)
am i doing this right?? this doesn’t seem right :/
Do you collect anything? i get overly attached to everything... so i collect a lot of crap... par example, my parents used to own a string of video stores (I KNOW! - insert john mulaney gif about that being a dated sentence and that i’m old ;___;) - but anyways... i was desperate to save as many of the VHS tapes we had when we closed the stores (those tapes were my bffs and i was like 8!)... so i guess i collect them, in that i have shelves and boxes filled with them! plus i just bought two VHS tapes yesterday for no good reason OTHER THAN SPEED BEING ONE OF MY FAVOURITE MOVIES OF ALL TIME!!! 
Good advice to give? i’ve been thinking about this a lot ... but like not letting all the terrible things in this world get to you??? like instead of being discouraged and losing hope (which is super hard) to instead use it as fuel to make a better world, to remember to treat people better and to stand up to injustice??? i dunno... im not a good advice giver D: 
here’s one cause it snowed so much today/yesterday, DON’T SLAM YOUR BRAKES and drive slow pls. if you gotta brake, you gotta do the ol’ tappa tappa, mmk? i’m already stressed out enough when the roads are normal. drive safe and take your time
Recommend three songs: warning these are all from my recent playlist for @karawek’s chlonath au (for context its an enemy au! see her AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL, AWESOME, FANTASTIC art for it by clicking dem bolded adjectives! i have some headcanons for it here) 
Set Me On Fire - Fancy Cars
Irresistible - Fall Out Boy
Honey - Magic Man (ayyyyyye, see what i did there??... there’s also a song called feather in this playlist - i’m nothing but subtle! :P) 
(also same @themoskabot about Hamilton, dats my jam dude) 
I tag @karawek @yunyin @insanitysbloomings @ming85 @thehibiscusthief @qookyquiche @equalistmako @illustraice @grubsnuggle
YOU’RE IT! ... or like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ not?? if you don’t feel like doing it, thats cool too or if you’ve already been tagged than whoops!! :D 
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anomalagous · 7 years
lc’s ongoing long-ass list of what the fuck, teen wolf, and other sundry E606:Ghosted edition.
scott getting a little tiny bit snarly at the sheriff for not believing~~ in stiles gives me life
this old-ass map not only puts beacon hills on top of a real life place called scotty place which still makes me laugh, but also substantially more north and eastward than i originally estimated.
why the fuck didnt naziwolf just get the fuck outta bh?
why did he choose to stay and teach high school of all things?
california requires an 18 month accreditation course and a certain GPA of teachers who do not have an education degree, i know this from direct experience. its been three months since naziwolf busted out of his bacta tank, so what the fuck
if he forged his credentials, how
when did he actually learn all of the post WW2 physics and electromagnetics things he clearly genuinely knows and has a genuine interest in?
did the dread doctors read him bedtime stories from their science journals?
if so, what the fuck
i guess if youre an alpha werewolf you can sleep in the backseat with no seatbelt and its not a big deal if you crash
good job on malia being the driver and not crashing them im proud of her
reading the date of the canaan abduction in the standard american way it was april 8th, 1987, which cant be a coincidence given that’s stiles birthday (albeit pre-stiles)
if canaan has been abandoned for 30 years, who has been cutting these obviously not overgrown lawns and trimming these obviously not overgrown accent shubberies
why isnt that flag beat up or torn in any way?
kudos on giving that convertible the old 80s style california plates but why arent any of the windows on any of the cars busted out? no flat tires? no rust or missing doors?
also that shot of the ‘town’ where there was more substantial damage looked fake as hell and the crosswalk was proceeding at the wrong angle and i cant unsee it.
why is there still power running to these street lamps?
for that matter who has their street lamps scheduled to turn on in the middle of the day?
was that block party banner over the street lettered on both sides? it reads properly no matter what side youre looking at, which seems weird.
why is there blood on the carousel? was that explained? we’ve never seen the ghost riders’ gun draw blood that i can recall
im not even sure we’ve really seen their whips draw blood per se and certainly it wouldn’t have caused that kind of blood stain
also why is the blood still wet and red 30 years later? why wasn’t that newspaper rotted out? either time impacted this town to make it shitty as hell or it didn’t, pick one, you cannot have both. it still rains enough in california to totally disintegrate a newspaper in thirty years.
how the fuck did that carousel function even that tiny bit after 30 years in the elements?
why did melissa have to sneak chris argent around, couldnt he have just declined the operation against medical advice?
also good to see scott got his utter inability to lie from his mom
even if malia isnt wearing 100% stiles’ void-hoodie how could the costume department have thought for a minute we wouldnt have thought that was the void hoodie?
malia having a hallucination of theo in the same episode he comes back in for real seemed both rushed and entirely unnecessary.
in fact these hallucinations seemed wholesale unnecessary and neither scott nor malia deserved that nonsense
were all of these dead leaves already on location or did some poor asshole have to ship them in and then ship them out again
come to think of it, at first i was really excited to see coral/eucalyptus trees as they are actually trees that are in california (as opposed to the type of oak the nemeton is, which is distinctly Not a type of tree in california) but then i realized those are Southern California Trees and if beacon hills (and canaan) are that far north and close to the oregon border, the trees should be way more pines and evergreens and not coral or eucalyptus or ... any deserty tree, really.
seriously were these hallucinations just to show malia can feel sad too?
malia was wearing really subtle gold eyeshadow earlier. now it’s dark shadowing up to her browbone. does being a werecoyote also mean being able to shift your makeup at will? cause thats cool
do little girls seriously still play with baby dolls while hitting their first strides of puberty? im beginning to think i was never actually a little girl.
how much younger than malia was kylie supposed to be? bc she looks like 12 here but malia was like... 10 when the desert wolf murdered her family, right? was SHE the younger sister??
teen wolf shamelessly reusing shots with new filters on them like never before. this ain’t even the fifth time i’ve caught them doing this, this season, and i’ve literally never seen them do it in any of the other seasons.
im not sure anybody told kylie’s actress she wasnt gonna get to make out with shelley
how do werecreatures get piercings? or were her ears pierced first before the change?
why does anyone let liam make any decisions, ever?
i do not get why everyone finds naziwolf so hot
seriously i have a little tree-bush exactly like this right outside my door/garage and that shit is wild and untamed in just a month of no trimming in 30 years it would not have that nice slender shape anymore
also trees being choked to death by kudzu or whatever all these vines are dont look that healthy
is there even kudzu in california??? ive never seen so many vines in all my 10 years of living here.
the first house scott goes in theres like no tv in the living room but there is one chair (with no dining table) all alone in the dining room area, which just looks sad.
oh sorry two chairs set up in what was clearly the worlds most melancholy staring contest.
my dentist used to have that exact sailboat wallpaper trim around the top of his exam rooms.
scotts bullying a door.
have melissa and chris argent actually told the pack about the head-biting yet bc i feel like they should know
i think more people have asked scott if he’s okay in this episode than in the last three seasons, which is sad bc it’s basically just lydia and malia that do it.
that one house has some brutal earthquake damage in its exterior wall.
poseys microexpressions are so woefully underrated, he really is brilliant.
i have more grey hair than jr bourne and that makes me really angry
i like that they’re doing alchemy with druidic compounds/hedgemagic/whatever you want to call it more than i could possibly express.
why is there a porch loveseat on the step up to this one house but that FLAG IS ENTIRELY INTACT?
how convenient that all three of them were looking at that window when lenore decided to fuck with the drapery.
that said scott’s resultant HOLY SHIT?!?? face is amazing
how has lenore been surviving in this town, does she not need water, electric, heat, groceries? where did the lemons for the lemonade come from?
all this wood paneling is the most 70s thing i have ever seen in my life
i appreciate the little cast iron redwood decoration with the ‘m’ on the bottom of it.
everything!! in!! this!! house!! is!! brown!!
that piano as a busted af bass key there.
i feel like i’ve seen that other metal flower/leaf decor before. the new version of the stilinski house, maybe?
lenore has an intimidatingly large smile and i feel like that as an intentional casting choice
how come malia and scott couldnt hear her heartbeat after scott explicitly called out that there were no heartbeats? or for that matter not hear that caleb also didn’t have one? (presumably.)
im not 100% sure but i think malia is holding scott’s hand when they enter the dining room area of lenore’s house, which is adorable so i accept no other reality now.
i honestly feel really bad for lenore.
i would say the fisheye lens is s6′s slo mo but the slo mo didnt go anywhere
i dont know if its supposed to be fancy or artisinal or whatever you called that in the 80s but dont put green shit in your lemonade, green shit does not belong in your lemonade. lemons. sugar. water. it isn’t hard.
malia like chugs a good half of her glass at once, but when she sets it back down it is more full than any of the other glasses. i prefer to think she just faked drinking it to try and gain lenore’s trust than it’s a continuity error from the props department.
when lenore starts using her banshee powers to shake the house, it also magically converts the lemonade into water.
lenore has a pair of decorative ducks on her wall but they appear to be two male mallard ducks, so. gay duck decor.
so when does lydia get to have telekinesis?
i dont think im a very big fan of how angela harvey handles scott.
malia did NOT make a fist like she was really committing to trying to punch out that window.
seriously scotts the alpha he doesnt need lydia to give him permission to do things scott thinks need to be done
that being said scott going into the basement with a creepy kid when youre obviously in some kind of horror movie trope was stupid
the cameras they used for the senior pack team were super blurry anytime anyone moved even the littlest bit, its so annoying.
scott barely being tall enough to reach this tiny-ass basement window is endearing to me
there is no way a vhs tape that wet would run. i remember vhs tapes. they were not sturdy.
i feel like we used to have the same VCR in my parents’ room tho
also what the hell camcorder did they record this on that put it straight on VCR, camcorders in the 80s had weird little small VCR tapes you had to put in a converter. that was just a standard VCR tape.
also why are there jumpcuts in the home video? did somebody cut the original footage and THEN put it on a standard VCR tape?  how much fucking work was THAT??
caleb goes from 0 to 100 on the creepy poltergeist scale real quick
well okay maybe from like 40 to 100
banshee duel yessssss
literally why would noshiko do this after she saw what happened with the nogitsune
not that i necessarily think theo is as dangerous as the nogitsune but he is well bad enough
look at this worthless white boy doing this shit against all the advice of the woc around him
why does the sword do this, i thought the power was in kira and not the sword
if the power is in the sword why couldnt noshiko fix her own damn blade
look at this other worthless white boy even more worthless than the first
that looks like melissa is putting like grout on chris’ injury that does not look comfortable
oh look hes screaming imma guess it was not in fact comfortable
gratuitous jr bourne fanservice
awwww theyre holding haaaaands again
how did this kid get on the stairs the last time we saw him he was by the tv, why did scott and malia let him herd him like this
i appreciate malia’s willingness to beat up a kid poltergeist immensely
of the pictures on caleb’s walls, many are pictures of insects. one is a blue crab. one says ‘guten’ on it, which somehow entertains me a lot.
this is the second time this episode has tried to make me scared of carousel horses
the vhs footage loops while no one is attending to it which is not how vhs tapes work
malia is such a treasure
that being said having nearly drowned twice in my childhood this whole drowning-on-dry-land conceit is not super great for me
screencapping this is so gross
i love lydia’s fierce banshee scream face
so the blood was on the carousel before the wild hunt attack, as we see in lydia’s vision. SO WHY IS IT THERE??
poor skateboard bro couldnt even take his skateboard like rude wild hunt
i feel like there’s a lot more ghost riders here than there are in beacon hills. maybe the ghost riders just come for particular towns and the ones in bh are actually like... cora isaac and danny.
its amazing how much younger a good foundation can maybe somebody look
did liam SERIOUSLY just tell theo he can kill whoever he wants? did i hear that right? bc that is a TERRIBLE thing to tell theo, who has ALREADY KILLED A LOT OF PEOPLE, even if what you meant was ‘dont kill us you need us’.
i cant believe we got this cheap knockoff as an excuse to not have kira and then they didnt even let him have the powers he needed to do the job
otoh watching his ass get blasted back into the tunnels was satisfying
literally nobody cares if youre okay theo you murderous fuck
i wonder how many times scott had someone steadying him telling HIM he has to breathe like hes doing for malia right here
i should really keep a tally of how many times scott does stiles’ lizard tongue thing while stiles is gone
this is gross of me to think while the character is basically drowning but hey now i know what scott looks like with his bottom lip all wet and covered in somewhat translucent stretchy goo--jizz. okay. it looks like jizz.
scott mccall nearly drowns on dry land after a lifetime of severe asthma and the first thing he does after is ask if malia is ok
luckily THIS time she asks if HES okay to but jeez
he looks so shocked and confused to be asked extra jeez
more scolia handholding, this time while fleeing danger
i was literally three in 1987 and i still have more grey hair than lenore who was demonstrably an adult in 1987 I AM VERY ANGRY
that being said i realized why caleb here’s clothing was bothering me so much. nobody had shorts that long in the 80s. everybody wore short as hell shorts in the 80s. it was thighs everywhere.
these stupid motherfuckers taking theo to scott’s HOME and putting him in scott’s SAFE SPACE without even WARNING HIM oh my GOD
those better not also be scott’s CLOTHES
ok but WHY are the wild hunt trapped? did they BRING the northern lights or is the northern lights related to what’s trapping them?
excuse me but WHEN did lydia see anything related to what happens to people after the wild hunt takes them and why didnt we get to see it too?
seriously its like if scott is thinking of stiles then lizard blep
im so mad at liam for bringing theo back and putting him in scotts house i cant even see straight
and i just know that this anger that scott is being allowed will be it
and in a week or two itll be working with theo like nothing ever happened
im honestly shocked he even got this much
he even got undercut there by malias (also justified) rage
cool that the morrigan got a namedrop but i dont trust them with that story eitherrrrr
man let me tell you if this was martin and not scott and somehow he had been murdered and resurrected and was then confronted with his murderer in his pack house that murderer would not fucking leave alive
im still kind of mad that this season brought claudia back to life just to make her so sketch and make me kind of hate her, i didnt want to hate her
oh okay its a different weird leaf decor piece than the other one
oh yeah noah OKAY NOW youre starting to believe BUDDY you have faith issues
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