#per Lucia
eurovisionart · 2 years
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🇮🇹 Riccardo Fogli - Per Lucia
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Lucia Alberti - Calendario Astrologico: guida giornaliera per il 1968 - Rizzoli - 1967
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21st Century Sha La La La Girl
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malusienki · 9 months
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tenorissimi · 10 months
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Nei panni di Sir Edgardo di Ravenswood ne DONIZETTI *Lucía di Lammermoor*. Colore per Luz Butron Soprano LBS 23.
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notebookpapers · 9 months
Fandom: Promare (2019) Relationships: Lio Fotia/Galo Thymos, Lucia Fex & Galo Thymos Characters: Galo Thymos, Lio Fotia, Lucia Fex Series: Part 1 of GaloLio Week 2023 <3
Galo’s beginning to think he may be having a little bit of a crisis.
Hey, Siri, is it gay to keep thinking about your homie’s lips every time you’re next to them? Is it gay to keep thinking about the time you kissed a burnish? You know, the leader of the world’s leading terrorist group? You know, the guys who burned down that pharmaceutical building?
Yeah, yeah, totally normal, he thinks, as he watches from the bedroom, caught up in the little intricacies of how Lio tames his fluff of hair in the morning.
Or: Galo has got it down bad. He tries to keep it to himself - at least, until, he doesn’t.
First fic of @galolio-week 2023!! For Day 1: Firsts!! 
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carolpresents · 11 months
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Per le antiche scale 1975 | Gifset 👆🏻
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justmythings-stuff · 1 year
Puoi mettere tutti i video del tuo nuovo tik tok?
Video del tiktok del 16
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littlevals13 · 2 years
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viendiletto · 9 months
E poi, no se podeva scapolar la befa, oltre gaver el dano. Muqdisho, in Somalia, la che l’Italia la xe stada un ocupator, in italian la xe tranquilamente Mogadsico, invesse Dignan, do che se parla talian da 1000 ani, speso la diventa Vodnjan. Ma a volte la va anche peʃo. Tuti quei Taliani che i diʃi Novigrad e no Cittanova, co i visita la capitale croata, che con l’Italia e la presenza autoctona italiana no la c’entra niente, no i va a Zagreb; I Taliani i va a Zagabria.
Scriveva uno dei massimi poeti zaratini, Giuseppe Sabalich: “Se i frati e le muneghe lo parla in convento dal mile e dosento vol dir che ‘l ghe xe.”
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Someone New 1
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include angst, pining, romcom tropes, and some darker elements later in the series. Some triggers may not be specifically tagged. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This fic will contain explicit content. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You've had a crush on your best friend for years, but you're slapped in the face with reality when he takes things to the next level with his girlfriend.
Characters: Steve Rogers, Thor
Note: please enjoy the first chapter!
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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“No, no, not the pink, red,” you cup your hand over your ear pod, “exactly what it says on the order sheet.” 
Were anyone to see you, sitting in the dirt, with a brush in hand, all alone, they might think you’re a bit out there. You, talking to the air, dusting off a clump of soil, orchestrating your own voice with the bristles. You dip your head as you focus on what the voice in your ear is saying. 
“I’m not trying to be difficult,” you argue, “I put in the order weeks ago. A red bow. I have the receipt– I mean sure, pink or red doesn’t matter to me but it’s not my birthday.” 
“We’ll see what we can do,” the woman relents. It’s not exactly a triumph but as close to as you can hope. If it’s pink, you’ll just have to take the fall. The damn fondant will be devoured by the night’s end anyhow. 
You hang up with a double tap on the ear pod and your playlist resumes. You go back to trying to uncover the shape caked in layers of muck, turning the brush to chip away the rougher bits with the pointed tip. The work is tedious but it has to be. You can’t risk damaging the relic nestled inside. 
The abrupt chiming of your ringtone once more sounds through the bluetooth earpiece. You huff and hit the pod with the heel of your hand. You greet the call with only your name. 
“Are you still on site?” Your boss, Arturo asks. 
“Yep, still here,” you still your hand and twist your arm, pulling back the end of your glove to see your watch, “just a bit longer. You know I have that thing tonight.” 
“Uh, yes, I recall,” he says dully as you hear paper shuffling, “you got time to chat?” 
“Sure,” you keep the cluster of dirt and the brush in one hand and use your other to push yourself to your feet, “I just gotta catalogue this before I finish the day.” 
“Well, I have good news and bad news,” he begins as you carefully walk between the cordoned off patches. The whole place is a maze of where and where not to step. You go into the tent and put down the half uncovered idol. It’s brittle, made of hide and yew, with a bit of bone. “Lucia is pregnant.” 
“Oh? That’s great,” you furrow your brow, wondering what that has to do with you. 
“Means she can’t travel for a while. She’s adverse to long term commitments at the moment so…” 
“So…” you trail off as you label the mound of dirt and make notes for the next day. 
“So, you want her assignment?” 
“Which one?” You peel off your gloves and shake off the excess filth. 
“Norway. It can be a bit dingy but the landscape is nice.” 
“Norway? For how long?” You close up the ledger and tuck it away on the shelf. You pass between the tables of artifacts as you pull out your phone. 
“Could be a while but I figured you never get to go very far. You’ve been pent up in-state for so long, you could use the vacation.” 
“Oh? Well, I…” you scroll through your phone and see the notifications. Emails confirming delivery, messages asking if everything is sorted. “I’d have to think about it…” 
It’s evasion more than indecision. You know you don’t want to go. You can’t go. Your whole life is here. You have an apartment and friends and… Steve. Your best friend.  
“Make sure you do think about it. It’s a great opportunity. Especially for a junior anthropologist. Lucia won’t be on leave forever.” 
“I know. I’ll think about it.” 
You hang up and pluck the earbud out. Ugh, you’re covered in dirt and dust. You don’t have time to go home and shower. You knew you wouldn’t. You have to be at the venue before everyone else. You can change there and try to wash up in the sink. Whatever, no one’s going to be looking at you anyway. It’s Peggy’s night. Yay. 
You lock the fence and tug one last time to make sure it’s secure. You drag your boots across the thinning grass to your car parked on a stretch of gravel. You drop inside and hit start. You connect to the bluetooth and get some tunes going. You buckle your seat belt as you check the mirrors. You’re probably going to have to speed there. 
You back out as the music blares from the speakers. It’s not loud enough to drown out your thoughts. Why did you agree to this? Peggy doesn’t even like you. Oh, but she likes Steve. She is his girlfriend and you are only his best friend. You’re supportive. You keep your mouth shut and smile. 
Ugh. You squeeze the wheel until your knuckles hurt. You know why you offered to help plan the surprise. You’re pathetic but you’re not delusional. It meant you got more time with him. There hasn’t been much of that since Peggy came along, not just the two of you. 
Classic, isn’t it? In love with your best friend. Friends since college. Friends forever, you vowed naively, thinking that forever would never come. Nothing lasts that long, you can only hope to outlast Peggy. 
And if you don’t, maybe this crush will finally run its course. 
Red and white streamers decorate a long table set with trays. There’s a banner over it that reads ‘Happy Birthday, Peggy’, and a stack of gifts already forming in the corner. Guests drift in with anticipation as you hurry around to check off all the items on your list. 
You fix a small vase of flowers, trying to hide the droopy one in the back, and tug a wrinkle out of a tablecloth. You smile and wave at those who are early as you weave between them. You pull out your phone and lean it on the clipboard angle in the crook of your elbow. They’re on their way, okay. Keep it cool. 
As you come to the kitchen door, you nearly collide with someone else. Sam touches your arm gently as he keeps you from tripping backward. You gasp and hug the clipboard with a wobbly grin. 
“Hey,” you greet breathily, “you’re here.” 
You look down at the guest list and check him off. 
“Ah, figured I’d make an appearance,” he kids, “Rogers would take it pretty rough if his best pal wasn’t here.” 
“Please, don’t start that with Bucky again,” you warn as you point the pen in his direction, “the two of you, in fact, are seated separately.” 
“No fun!” He whines dramatically. 
You scrunch your lips at him and peer around. Yes, none of this has been fun. Caterers, servers, tables, space, food! Yes, you were going to check on the cake. Your sole squeaks as you twist sharply and go to slam your hand into the door. 
“Hey,” Sam blocks your way with his arm, “before you disappear, you’re still wearing your boots.” He points to your feet, “in case you’re wondering about the snail trail.” 
He sweeps his finger up in a gesture alluding to your previous path. You glance over at the dirt littered in your stead then down at your dusty boots. You sigh and hang your head back. 
“Fuck!” You snarl. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll find a broom,” he assures you, “while you take a breath. You need it.” 
“I can’t, Sam, they’re already on their way. I still have to get everyone in their place and… quiet,” you scowl, “ugh, this is gonna be so bad. I don’t know what I’m doing.” 
“So… why’d you do it?” He asks as he drags his hand away from the doorframe. You look at him and blink slowly. You shrug. 
“I’m a good friend,” you insist. 
He gives a skeptical hum and nods, “sure are,” he grumbles, “too good, if you ask me.” 
You throw up your hand before turning into the kitchen. You don’t have time to worry about him. Is he jealous that you’re helping Steve so much? Or does he know something else? You don’t let the seed sprout as you nearly cry out at the sight of the cake. 
A pink bow. Jeez. Of course. You check the cake off your list, nearly tearing through the paper. It’s better than nothing, even if Peggy never settles for less than the best. 
There’s no time to complain or send it back. Your phone vibrates again. Five minutes. Your heart is racing. Why? This isn’t even your party. You just want it to be perfect for Steve. You hate to disappoint him. Ever. 
You really shouldn’t care that much but you do. Like so many other things in your life. 
The crowd can't keep quiet. There's a low buzz that ripples through the guests. A wave of anticipation that's spread like a deadly virus. 
You feel a nudge in your side and peek over as Bucky sends Sam a sneer and wriggles in place. Those two never let up. You hiss at them to quit and they look as guilty as a pair of unruly children. 
"He keeps tickling me," Bucky whispers. 
"No, I'm tryna fix his hair, look at this mess," Sam flicks a strand away from Bucky's cheek, "this is a nice event, Buck, not your living room." 
"Both of you," you warn.  
"You're bitching at me when Indiana Jones here brought the dig with her," Bucky mutters. 
You look down. Dammit. You still didn't change out of your boots. You roll your eyes. It's not about you. It's Steve's night. Er, Peggy's.  
You shake out your nerves and shake your head, "you two," you step behind Bucky and insert yourself between the men, "behave." 
"Yes, mom," Sam snickers as Bucky groans and tries to smooth the few shanks that have slipped free of his low ponytail. 
You exhale and give an exasperated look to the door. You really can't handle them on top of everything else. You just want this night to end already. All your hard work and you won't even get to enjoy any of it. 
"Everybody," Natasha hisses as she runs away from the doorway, "they're coming." 
The group quiets, as much as they can, a collective bated breath as you wait and listen. The lull is unbearable as the heat of the bodies around you pricks sweat down your neck and across your scalp. The door begins to open, almost as if in slow motion, and as the guest of honour is revealed, you cry out. 
"SURPRISE!" The eruption of the chorus has your head spinning as Peggy gives a melodramatic swoon, grabbing at Steve's arm as she leans on him heavily. 
She parts only to fan her eyes and squeal. "Oh my god, you guys!"  
She teeters on her heels as people holler happy birthday and her group of girlfriends flutter over to wrap her up in a cacophony of giggles and preening. You smile, a bittersweet twitch in your cheek as you watch her spin back to Steve and pull him into a kiss.  
You're happy for them really, proud to see all your effort come to fruition, but you just feel so hollow. For an instant, you think it should be you right there, gushing in glee over the celebration of another year, with Steve beside you.  
You gulp down the jealousy and wiggle your nose to ward away the tears. That's a stupid thought. If it hasn't happened in more than a decade, it's not going to happen now. 
As the guests disperse into their own conversations, you finally manage to wade through to the happy couple. You approach with a small wave at Steve. He doesn't see you, he's watching Peggy as she chats with Natasha. 
"Hi," you call above the din, "so, you like it?" 
Steve turns to you, confusion stitching his forehead before he registers your questions. He nods and gives a smile, "it's amazing, you did so good!" 
The sparkle in his eyes, the perfect line of his jaw, the way he's looking at you, it makes your heart rend. You tilt your head and dig your toe into the floor bashfully, "thanks. I'm so happy to see it come together." 
"Um, the cake," he brings his index finger up, "I was hoping to bring it out soon." 
"Er, yeah, it's back in the kitchen. About that–" 
"Great," he claps your shoulder and brushes by you, "just gonna put the finishing touches on it." 
"Hm, what do you–" 
He's gone before you can finish your question. You deflate just a little, setting your feet flat as you sway aimlessly. The motion hooks Peggy's attention. You give a sheepish smile as you wring your hands. 
"Oh, uh, just came over to wish you a happy birthday," you chirp, "are you enjoying it?" 
"Ah, I didn't see you here, I thought maybe you were busy…" she gives a pointed look to your boots, "working." 
"Um, yeah, no," you fidget, "always happy to come support you two." 
"Where is Steve?" She gazes past you, shouldering by dismissively, "he was just…." 
Right. You nod and flit away in embarrassment. You can't say you ever got along with Peggy. Where you're accommodating, she's a bit too demanding. Different people, but you don't dislike her. You just don't mesh. Or perhaps it's just that you don't get what Steve sees in her. Especially when you're right there. 
Enough. This isn't about you or your stupid dumb heart. Just smile and go with it. 
The kitchen door swings open, a noise barely discernible above the hue, and the rattling wheels of a cart underline the steady drone. A lull washes over the crowd as they part. You move with the tide and face the sudden divide. 
A hush falls over the room as Steve pushes the cake across the floor. He stops before Peggy as she faces him, another feigned pout of surprise. He grins proudly at her as you stare curiously at the top of the cake. 
"Oh, pink?" She comments on the fondant bow as her eyes flick over to you. She quickly corrects herself an admires the double tiered dessert, "Steve, it's so pretty." 
You know she hates the colour. You recall the one time you wore a pink bow in your hair and she made a similar comment. Cute, she remarked in her roundabout way in her oh so sophisticated accent. 
You manufacture a smile and step closer as Steve beckons to the guest. Tension stills the air, almost paralyzing the crowd. You squint at the heart shaped box perched atop the bow. 
"Is this for me?" Peggy asks if it's not obvious. 
Steve nods, his cheeks tinting pink, as you notice how he wipes his palms on his pants. Peggy delicately takes the box from the pedestal of fondant and your ribs ache from the pounding of your heart. You curl your fingers until your nails dig into your skin as you watch him kneel beside her. 
She doesn't notice as she opens the box on its hinges. Her lips part and she stares at the contents. She looks over at Steve to find him on his knee and she claps her hand over her mouth. Her eyes gleam as she whimpers his name through her fingers. 
The scene hazes behind your tears as you stare wide eyed. Your ears ring as Steve's voice is dulled by your shock. 
"Margaret Elizabeth Carter," Steve's timbre warble just a bit, "will you make me the happiest man on earth?" 
You don't wait for her answer. You already know it. It's the very same you give in every outlandish dream you've ever had of your happy ending. You spin and storm through the crowd, blind with horror and self-pity. 
Surprise! Your whole world is crashing into pieces. 
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WHY did tmfu have to take the most heart wrenching part of Che Vuole Questa Musica Stasera and PLAY IT TWICE and ADD STRINGS to make it EVEN SADDER like ok the original version only has the ‘the world around us did not exist/ because of the happiness you gave me’ part once but in the movie it happens twice and the strings?? THOSE STRINGS bring me to tears every time
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malusienki · 9 months
i remember listening/watching to this for the first time a bit ago and i was like totally enamored
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disenchantedif · 2 months
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Hey, guys! Just letting you know that the postcards for August have been ordered and are on their way! This is just Lucien's proof version, Lucia also has one.
To receive Luci's postcards, you must be subscribes to the Fae tier over on Patreon by August 15th (when they ship).
The tier is limited simply due to me being the one packing and shipping everything. So far, 17 of 50 spots are filled. Each subscriber will receive both Lucien and Lucia's postcards, so two per subscriber.
The postcards will only be sent to addresses in the contiguous 48 states of the United States of America. This is due to shipping costs to Hawaii and Alaska, not to mention international. Will this change in the future? Potentially, yes! I am very new to any type of physical merch, however.
This is a new reward that I've added to the Fae tier in addition to other digital rewards.
Get the postcards here!
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zeezelweazel · 2 years
Valorant| They accidentally hurt you|
I'm so obsessed with Valorant but it's literally such a random hyperfixation like ʘ⁠‿⁠ʘ
Characters included : Reyna, Sage, Viper, Fade
• Reyna •
Reyna is used to hurting people. She has to. It's a source of life. For both her and her sister.
That's why she doesn't feel guilty when she sees the purple light of one's soul slithering up her arm and the life fading from their eyes.
She's never hurt you, she never would. Still she fears the day her wrath and her bloodlust would get to you. That despite everything her true nature would shine through and the empress would feed from your corpse.
And the day she feared had finally come.
It was supposed to be a simple mission, but it's never simple with the protocol, is it?
You were supposed to defuse the spike and all was well after you took out enemy Killjoy. Or so you thought.
Enemy Omen was creeping up on you from the side. As he was ready to strike, Reyna appeared across from him.
The scene in front of her paired with the intense "conversation" she had with enemy Viper about Lucia made her see red. She unleashed such a powerful attack it almost knocked her off her feet.
Omega Omen was most definitely dead but you were also on the ground, clutching your side.
Reyna though the bastard had managed to shoot you before he died but as she got closer it was very obvious who had done this to you.
You were saying something in the comms, probably declaring that the mission was over and calling Skye for healing, but Reyna couldn't hear you. The ringing in her ears was far too loud.
You tilted your head up catching her eyes. You were shocked to see the emotions swirling in them.
"Zyanya? Are you ok? Are you hurt too?"
That's when she snapped from her haze and dropped to her knees next to you. She was fussing over you wound, which wasn't even that serious, mumbling something in Spanish over and over again.
" Lo siento "
I'm sorry...
Then you finally understood. Reyna had fears of hurting you and she has told you so herself. Now they've come true even if the injury is minor.
You brought her hands up to cup her face and kissed her. A short but loving kiss to get her attention.
"It's fine my love. You didn't mean to hurt me I know that. You feel bad and bad people never show remorse for those they've hurt."
• Sage •
Sage, poor gentle Sage, is the protocol's healer.
She's not supposed to hurt you. Her only job is to help the agents and make sure they return in one piece.
So I'm sure you can imagine her panic when everything occurred.
Sage is a bastion and an experienced soldier panic is not something she does. It's usually the younger agents who act recklessly and she the one that scolds them. But at the moment her mind was running a thousand miles per second.
You were good at sneaking around, that was one of your greatest gifts. Right now though it was more of a disadvantage. Sage was just trying to protect herself by walling off the hallway behind her. She was sure the enemies were going to come from behind as well and as far as she knew there was no ally around to help her. In these situations it's best to wall herself off and wait for reinforcements.
Sage has complained multiple times about not being just a healer. In the end though there was one truth. If the VP loses Sage it's all over. There's no one else that can bring people back from the dead after all.
The only problem with her plan is that you were right behind her all this time.
So when she rounded the corner and walled that part of she barely heard the sound of your surprised grunt before the walls came up to the ceiling.
You weren't really hurt by the wall, just a bit dizzy, what really hurt you was enemy Phoenix and his fireballs. He cought you by surprise and managed to land a hit on you before you took him down.
By the time Sage brought down a part of her wall to get to you, you were already lying down and supporting yourself to the wall clearly not strong enough to stand.
Sage was too panicked to think of anything as she threw her gun to the side and fell to her knees beside you. Her eyes were burning with tears and her lips were shaking. She knows your injuries aren't grave. She can revive people for god's sake, this is nothing for her.
So why does it hurt so much? Why does she feel like her soul is being ripped out as she watches the burns on your skin heal.
You know how kind hearted your girlfriend is. And even though she knows you're a strong woman who's more than capable of predicting herself, she can't help but be protective of you.
After she's done healing you she keeps her gaze to the ground and her hands tightly griping the fabric on her thighs.
You can't handle seeing your girlfriend like this so you bring your hands around her in a bone crushing hug. Sage is surprised at first and who can hear a faint gasp before she returns the embrace.
As she burries her head on your shoulder you feel tears wet your shirt but you keep quiet. You'll always be here to hold her through moments like this and remind her that she can accept help as well as give it.
• Viper •
Viper is one of the highest ranking people on the protocol and prides herself in being hard working and cold hearted.
She doesn't pay mind to the nasty glares she receives by some agents. Most days she spents in her lab creating new toxins and poisons.
She never would've thought these chemicals she loved so much would end up hurting possibly the only person she truly cares about.
This mission was no different from the others. Omega earth was trying to reck havoc again and the protocol was ready to stop them. Viper was leading this mission.
With both her and Sage on the team you felt safe and perhaps that's why you got so reckless.
You know you're bound to hear a lecture from your girlfriend about being careful on the battlefield but the rush of the fight had gotten to you.
You rushed right into enemy territory and upon locking eyes with omega earth's Reyna you suddenly felt all that rush sleeping away. You were strong but you couldn't take on the empress.
Panic set in as you fleed as fast and as far as possible, only stopping when you could feel your lungs burning from exertion. Or so you thought.
When you opened your eyes all you could see was green. Admist your panic you ran straight into Viper's pit. Great.
You could barely see the crates in front of you as you stumbled and wobbled across the battlefield. You wanted to shout for Sabine but you knew that opening your mouth to speak would only allow more of the deadly gas into your system. You could only hope you wouldn't run into more enemies.
Thankfully before you blacked out completely Sage was able to find you and grace you with her healing powers.
Soon Sova and Yoru were heard in the comms signaling the spike disarmed and the mission successful. In a few minutes everyone was aboard the Vulture and ready to fly home.
You noticed that Viper hadn't talked to you at all during the flight and you found it weird. Viper isn't the most chaty person but usually she checks up on you after missions.
You soon find her sitting alone, her leg bouncing up and down rapidly. When she notices you she looks up and-
Is that guilt in her eyes?
She closes her eyes not bearing to look at you.
Sage had told her about what happened. She had hurt you.
You know that words were useless so instead you hoped that your presence would be enough to calm her down and reassure her.
• Fade •
The Turkish nightmare of a woman was not particularly well liked when she first joined the VP.
You were one of the only agents who were not set on avoiding her. She appreciated the fact that you showed her empathy and decency despite what she's done.
Fade had already hurt you by releasing that dossier but after your relationship started she swore that was the one and only time she would hurt you.
Apparently that was a promise she couldn't keep.
Many times things don't go according to plan during missions. When that happens everything is frantic.
There are shots fired from everywhere, bullets raining on the battlefield, along with bombs and turrets. You can see Jett's wind dome and Skye's bird. They're setting up an ambush.
You are so overwhelmed you don't even have the right mind to call for your teammates but you're sure they wouldn't have answered anyway.
You don't know if they have planted the spike already. Maybe they dropped it or maybe they still have it on them. You can't act properly if you don't know the situation.
Before you could even think about anything else you saw a shadow monster charging towards you and then everything went quiet.
All you could see was black before you opened your eyes to face your darkest fear.
With everything happening all at once it was pretty hard for Fade to see where she was aiming. When she felt that the prowler had locked it's target she walked closer only to see her own nightmare come alive.
The black tendrils coming out of your mouth made her gasp.
She hit you. She had never ment to hit you.
She quickly went over to you but hesitated as she watched you struggle against the nightmare she unleashed upon you.
There were tears in your eyes as well as Fade's. Breach was shouting something in her ear but all she could think about was you.
"Y/N is down. I... She needs healing... Uh."
Fade felt like she couldn't breathe, but she would stay strong. Because she needs to see you open your eyes. She needs to know that you're okay.
A few moments later you open your eyes gasping for air. Skye is beside you in an instant, offering her help. Your eyes are moving around desperate to find your lover. You know how Fade is. You're certain the thoughts in her head aren't pretty right now.
You soon find her sitting down against the wall with her knees hugged to her chest and her eyes shut tight. It pains you to see her like this.
You thank Skye as you move to get up. Fade already knows you're awake. She heard your gasps. She's not sure if her presence is wanted right now. She feels like such a hypocrite. After promising that she'd never do something to hurt you again, there she goes. Ruining everything again.
She prepares herself for whatever is to come when she feels you sitting down beside her. She is very surprised when she feels your hand gently stroking her cheek. Mismatched eyes open to look at your own. She finds you smiling.
"You didn't mean it Hazal. I know it. Plus I'm fine! Yeah it did shake me up a little but so do horror movies, so there's no need to feel guilty. I love you, I always will, don't you forget that. "
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lorenzo-zanetta · 15 days
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The resounding timbre of Antonio Zanetta's cane echoed with each step as the patriarch crossed the spacious marble foyer of his imposing Italian home; a wordless warning to anyone who worked there to stay out of his way.
Lorenzo, on the other hand, knew this sound to mean something different — his father was coming for him.
It had been mere minutes since his private jet had landed on Italian soil when he was informed by the crew that his father was requesting his presence at once. Lorenzo looked at the sleeping Vienna beside him and sighed. It seemed like their babymoon has truly come to an end.
Vienna had fallen asleep on his shoulder, and Lorenzo wished he didn't have to wake her up just yet. She looked so beautiful and serene. But he knew of the consequences that awaited him should he keep his father waiting. So, he brushed a tender kiss on her forehead to gently bring her out of her slumber.
"My father's called to see me," Lorenzo murmured in their native Italian. The dismay in his voice mirrored that in his usually icy blue eyes. "I'm so sorry, beautiful..."
Vienna looked just as disappointed, but nodded, understanding too well what it meant to be called upon by a parent.
"I'll drive you home where you can rest, then I'll join you as soon as I can, okay?" He promised, placing a kiss on her perfect lips to seal his words.
That moment in the plane felt like forever had passed as its delicate sweetness had turned strict and cold now that Lorenzo was seated in his father's office, waiting for his arrival.
As the sound of his father's cane grew closer, Lorenzo stood to greet him. But despite standing tall at 6'2", his father's presence never ceased to make him feel as small as when he was just a boy.
"Papà." Lorenzo greeted Antonio with a firm embrace and a kiss on the cheek as per the Italian familial custom.
"How was the Bahamas?" The elder Zanetta inquired as he rounded his large mahogany desk and sat himself down on his leather wingback chair. He placed his eagle cane against the table beside him before removing his leather gloves off his hands, digit by digit.
Lorenzo's eyes immediately met the similarly crystal blue hues of his father's. He should've known better than to think he could get away with leaving Antonio with nothing more than a few vague details about his trip. The man had proved time and time again that he had eyes and ears everywhere.
"It was good," Lorenzo answered, rather than asking where he may have learned this information from.
"And the girl?"
Antonio cocked an eyebrow. "Yes, Vienna."
"She's good, too," Lorenzo replied but offered no more.
"Hm..." Antonio allowed a few minutes of silence to settle as he casually reached for his cigar box, pressing the button beside it right after. Within seconds, his trusty butler Tomas had arrived, promptly pouring both men their own glasses of whiskey. "Tell Lucia to prepare dinner," he ordered. "I'm tired and I wish to dine early."
With a polite bow, Tomas left at once, relaying the message to the family's private chef.
"When were you going to tell me that you were going to have a child?" Antonio asked his son once they were once again alone. "With a Fiore, no less."
"I wanted to tell you in person," was Lorenzo's simple and truthful answer. "You've been out of the country on business since I've found out. I'd rather you hear it straight from me than through the grapevine. After all, she's going to be be your third grandchild."
"A she, hm?" Lorenzo watched as his father slowly come to terms with having another girl in the family. It was difficult to decipher — Antonio's poker face was unmatched. "And the girl?"
"Vienna," the younger Zanetta repeated calmly, unafraid to speak her name as many times as was necessary for his father to engrain it into his brain. "And I don't know..."
Lorenzo had preempted his father's line of thinking, as it had been in the forefront of his mind, as well. No matter how much he's tried to push it at the back of his head, to allow himself to enjoy the babymoon with Vienna, knowing he had a decision to make was tearing him apart.
"How did you know to be with Mamma?"
Antonio's usually rigid facial features notably softened, as it always did when Eleanora was brought up in conversation. It seemed a tender moment, driving Lorenzo to momentarily busy himself with his whiskey. Swirling the amber liquid within the crystal glass, Lorenzo added, "Doing what we do, how did you know it was... safe...? For her."
"It was difficult." His father's voice surprised him. He'd only ever heard him be this soft when he was consoling an inconsolable Nicola seven years ago. "But not impossible."
Only then did Lorenzo look up from his whiskey.
"There's only one thing you need to do," Antonio spoke simply. "And that is to be honest with yourself with what you want. That's it. Then, the rest will fall into place."
Lorenzo, who's always led his life through logic and never emotions, frowned in thought.
"What do you mean?"
Any sign of humanity had dissipated by the time Antonio leaned back into his seat. He languidly lit his fresh cut cigar, drawing the smoke into his mouth for an even burn before puffing out a thick cloud of smoke.
"I mean..." He looked his son straight in the eye. With a tone as menacing and sinister as his icy blue stare, he said, "We have the... resources," he smirked, "to protect what's ours."
* All conversations are in Italian.
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