#percy jackson/phan au
itsmyusualphannie · 5 years
watermelon sugar high
Title: watermelon sugar high (ao3) Beta: @counting2fifteen Artist: @violetofthesea Word Count: 3.5k Warnings: none Rating: T
Summary: Dan is the son of Hades, god of the Underworld, while Phil is the son of Hebe, goddess of youth and vitality. They couldn't be more different, but somehow they're friends (and maybe a little more). A Percy Jackson AU.
Author Notes: yes this is my second fic for @phandomreversebang! yes, it’s the day after my other one! no, i don’t have any shame! don’t forget to check out emma’s art for this fic!
It was mid-day and Phil’s neck was damp with sweat beneath the heavy rays of the sun high above. Chatter and clanging of utensils against dishes rang clear around him, the air heavy with the noise of over a hundred campers clustered around tables in the Dining Pavilion. Many of the tables were full, piled with teenagers and food, but a few of the tables around the edge of the gathering were sparsely occupied.
One table, in particular, had Phil’s attention. He watched it with one eye as he methodically made his way through the slab of roast beef, mound of mashed potatoes, and herbed vegetables piled on his plate. The table he was watching didn’t have a single occupant, though there should have been one. If the tables weren’t specifically assigned, Phil had no doubt he would be sitting there.
A ruckus arose from one of the tables across the pavilion. Phil could barely see what was going on, his sight hampered by the leaping flames of the bonfire in the centre of the arranged tables, but he could tell by the various bellowing and shrill yelling that something important was happening.
“We got another fuckin’ Apollo kid!” someone bellowed, and the table that was just beside Phil erupted. In a simultaneous motion, they rose and moved as a mass across the pavilion, whooping and leaping.
It was a claiming, then. Phil could see the kid now, jostled between two tall blonde-haired teens as they practically hauled him back toward the table they’d just vacated. The kid was wide-eyed in either excitement or terror, and Phil could see the bright golden laurel wreath glowing just above his head. It was an obvious symbol from his godly father, Apollo.
The kid was squeezed onto a bench at the table and immediately drawn into conversation with the others at the table, all of them his half-siblings. Phil watched them for a moment, entertained by the outgoing nature of the Apollo campers and the way they immediately drew in their newly-claimed half-brother. One of his closest friends, PJ, was an Apollo child - and there he was now, catching Phil’s gaze and waving. He had the familiar blinding grin that all of Apollo’s children seemed to claim, although unlike many of the others’ golden curls, his hair was tousled dark waves. He turned back to the new kid and joined the chatter directed at him, and Phil laughed a little before going back to his own food.
Phil’s table wasn’t nearly as crowded as the Apollo table. His godly mother, Hebe, didn’t quite have the same voracious sexual appetite that many of the major gods and goddesses seemed to have. There were less than a dozen of Phil’s half-siblings at the long table, and he wasn’t particularly close to any of them. His friends, collected through various training activities and games, were scattered around the pavilion at different tables.
There was PJ, son of Apollo, at the table right next to him; Natalie, daughter of Dionysus, a few tables away as she waved a cup of grape juice and laughed boisterously; Olly, son of Athena, navigating between his notebook and arguing with one of his siblings; and Louise, daughter of Aphrodite, fingers deep in one of her brother’s long silvery locks as she weaved his hair into a braid.
For the dozenth time since Phil had come to lunch, he looked over at the empty table at the edge of the pavilion. There was a single plate on the table, but no one ate from it. That was where Phil’s best of friends usually sat, but he was noticeably absent.
Around Phil, a few campers were already climbing from their seats and heading toward the bonfire in the middle of the pavilion, so he grabbed his plate and joined them. It took only a moment to scrape his leftovers into the crackling fire, the usual ritual that offered the smell of their feast to the gods, and then he headed out. He offered a wave to Olly, who was frowning intensely as he disputed with another Athena teen but returned Phil’s gesture, and swung by the empty table to steal the plate that was sitting unattended. It was still piled high with the same meal that Phil had eaten earlier. Phil supposed he had dumped a sufficient offering from his own plate to make up for taking this other, so he hopped down the steps to the pavilion and took off across the campground.
He knew where he needed to go. There was only one place his friend would be instead of the Dining Pavilion, where he would need to sit at a table alone, surrounded by too-loud campers and conversation in which he couldn’t partake.
The sound of boisterous chatter faded behind Phil as he struck out down the dirt pathway. He gripped the plate with both hands, more than a little worried that his natural clumsiness would somehow force him to trip over nothing and lose the food. The path may be smooth, but that didn’t mean much when Phil was walking on it.
It only took him a few minutes to reach the cabins, arranged neatly in a horseshoe pattern, but Phil barely cast them a look as he hurried past. The cabins, each named after its patron god or goddess, were designed and decorated in the style of their benefactor. Phil could see the Hermes cabin, still a good distance from it, and its overflowing trinkets and accumulated trash. It wasn’t quite as full as it used to be, but there were still a lot of Hermes’ children sleeping there.
Phil was grateful that he didn’t have many siblings since his cabin wasn’t too packed, but as his gaze fell upon the Big Three cabins - Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades - he couldn’t help the pang of compassion for the few children of those gods. There were only two of Zeus’ children, both gone on missions outside the camp; one of Poseidon’s sons, who Phil hadn’t seen since last summer; and one son of Hades. Their cabins, tall and glorious, seemed to loom over the others. The Zeus cabin was bright and almost painful to look at for more than a few seconds at a time, the Poseidon cabin was elegant and arched, like a wave crashing to the shore, while the Hades cabin was dark and ominous, shadows licking around the edges.
Phil was more familiar with the Hades cabin than any of the others. That one drew his gaze more than the others, even more than his own mother’s slender, golden cabin. He wondered for a moment if his friend was hiding there instead of eating lunch, but Phil shook off the thought. He didn’t want to second-guess himself, so he continued on down the path, passing cabin after cabin and the occasional other camper who had left lunch early.
He got a brief look at The Big House, where the camp director Chiron stayed, before he passed the Forge. Billowing grey clouds were drifting from the towering smokestacks and Phil could hear the ringing clang of hammer against metal inside. The Hephaestus children were hard at work, it seemed.
Someone screamed on Phil’s right and he jumped to the side just in time to avoid a pale-haired boy sprint past, his arms churning. A red-faced girl wearing full armour and a long, slender lance in one hand thundered after him, but the metal was slowing her down. A malicious laugh floated back from the boy, clearly a son of Hermes. If Phil didn’t recognise the girl bearing down on the boy as a daughter of Athena, he would have assumed her to be one of Ares’ children, with the way her muscles coiled and amber eyes burned bright with rage.
Phil watched them hurtle down the path back toward the cabins, and then they disappeared from view around the gleaming Apollo cabin. He was used to the antics, though, and he continued on undisturbed, the plate still gripped in his hands.
Rounding the Forge, he smelled the strawberry fields before he saw them. The sweet, delicate scent surrounded him, drowning out the blunt iron and copper smell emanating from the Forge. He made his way toward them, avoiding the miscellaneous gardening supplies scattered next to the low picket fence that surrounded the fields in a sloping sprawl. It looked like the Demeter kids hadn’t finished their gardening before lunch had been called.
The rows of strawberries were long. For ease of picking, they were on tall shelves of dirt almost three feet above the ground, with deep furrows between them. Phil made his way along the side of the fence, peering down the length of each row. They stretched for what seemed like miles, bright green plants dotted with red berries.
Finally, Phil spotted the person he was hunting. A figure was sitting cross-legged a few dozen metres down one row, his dark clothes and hair blending effortlessly with the rich earth surrounding him on two sides. He was slumped, head ducked over something in his lap.
Phil let out a little cheer and swung his leg over the squat fence. Even if it had been taller, it wouldn’t have made much difference, not with his impossibly long legs. He straddled it for a moment, balancing the plate with one hand, and then he was over it and trotting down the narrow pathway between the cleaved mounds of dirt. Despite their height, they barely reached his waist.
“Dan!” called Phil as he approached, but didn’t receive a reply nor an answering gaze. Huffing impatiently, he hurried a little faster. He tromped to a stop next to his friend and immediately dropped to the dirt next to him, his shoulders thumping awkwardly against the dirt walls. His hair barely brushed the stalks of the strawberry plants beside him, and now that he was amongst them, their scent was overwhelmingly cloying and saccharine. He could almost taste them on his tongue.
“Hey,” Phil prodded, nudging Dan with his elbow. “I brought you lunch.” He offered the plate.
Dan looked up, and Phil could see what he had been preoccupied with. It was a slim Nintendo DS, the dancing graphics pausing as Dan lifted his thumbs. “Thanks,” he said, his voice almost a croak. He coughed, clearing his throat. “Um,” he tried again, “yeah. Thank you.” He offered the handheld console to Phil, and they traded items. Dan clutched the still-warm plate like the most delicate of flowers, while Phil folded his fingers around the console and peered down at it.
“Mario Kart?” he asked, delighted.
Dan nodded, mouth already stuffed with a spoonful of mashed potatoes. “Mm,” he said and then rolled his eyes long-sufferingly at the pleading gaze Phil shot him. He swallowed his mouthful. “Yeah, whatever, go ahead.”
Beaming, Phil unpaused the game and began playing where Dan had left off. He only dedicated half of his attention to the gameplay, glancing up at Dan every few seconds to make sure he was eating.
Dan polished off his plate in record time. Phil would have been worried that he hadn’t eaten all day if he hadn’t seen him at the pavilion for breakfast that morning. He set the plate on the ground, the side opposite to Phil’s position beside him, and just watched Phil as his fingers sped over the controls.
“Still hungry?” Phil finally asked, pausing the game and looking from the empty plate to Dan.
Dan shrugged, which was as good as a spoken reply. Phil handed the console back and reached over his head, feeling the thick berry plants with careful fingers. The rough leaves brushed against his hands, but he didn’t stop until he closed his fingers around the distinct form of a thick berry. He withdrew them, brushing the few specks of dirt from the strawberry. It was dark red and plump, clearly ripe for picking.
Phil offered it to Dan, but Dan didn’t reach out for it. Instead, he leaned forward toward Phil, eyes dark as he parted his lips expectantly. Phil quirked a smile subconsciously, but he didn’t hesitate, placing the tip of the berry against Dan’s mouth and sliding it forward until Dan’s teeth closed down over the fruit, biting it in half. Phil held it up until Dan had swallowed that portion, then pressed it up against his lips again until he bit into that as well.
He plucked another berry without delay, briefly dusting it before holding it out again. Dan obediently ate it as he had done with the previous, lips gleaming with the juice from the ripe berries. Phil fed him another half-dozen before Dan sat back, apparently satiated.
Phil flicked away the leafy portion of the strawberry that Dan hadn’t eaten, but it flipped through the air and landed stubbornly on Dan’s jeans. The dark green was a stark contrast against Dan’s black trousers. Phil snorted a laugh. “You could use a little colour in your life,” he told Dan, who didn’t look impressed as he swiped at the discarded leaves until they fell to the packed dirt beside him.
“My outfit is an aesthetic and stylistic choice,” said Dan primly, tossing his head as though he had long, flowing locks and not tightly-wound curls and buzzed sides of his hair.
Phil eyed Dan’s black shirt with a faint shimmering skeleton outline, the tiny silver hoop in his right ear, the tight dark jeans, the black high-top shoes, and let his gaze linger as he trailed it back up to Dan’s eyes. “Sure,” he finally said, amused. “You’re not at all going with your father’s Underworld theme.”
Dan shrugged nonchalantly, picking at a root that was protruding from the dirt just beside his shoulder. “Just because Hades is my dad doesn’t mean I have to dress like this. It’s a personal choice.”
“Of course,” Phil agreed, grinning at the faux-offended, half-hearted punch Dan offered to his knee. “Ow.” He plucked another strawberry and glanced quickly at it before he lifted it to his own lips, and he was glad he did look at it. There was a shrivelled brown area near the tip of the berry. He narrowed his eyes at it. A familiar sensation made its way known deep in his chest, burning hot and spreading through his body, down his arms, to his hand. A faint glimmer manifested on his fingertips, feeling like the tiny pop-crackle from a flame, and enveloped the berry in a swarm of small flickering sparks.
The berry trembled in his grip, and then all at once, it was visibly shifting, the dark red of the berry smoothly slipping over the withered area. In an instant, it was a normal strawberry with no defects. The warm feeling withdrew from Phil’s hands, arms, shoulders, and nestled back into that small space in his chest that he rarely let loose. He surveyed the berry again, pleased at the plumpness of the skin, then popped the entire fruit in his mouth.
Dan had watched the entire procedure with a curious expression. No matter how many times he had seen Phil de-age various items, he still seemed to find it fascinating. Phil wasn’t sure why, since in his opinion, Dan’s otherworldly communication with and control of the dead seemed far more exciting than Phil’s ability to restore a few small objects to their past glory. Their individual parents’ gifts were always useful in some unique way, though.
A bell rang in the distance, the clear sound making its way even to the strawberry fields where they both hid from the rest of the camp. Dan and Phil startled in unison, then laughed at themselves. Time had gotten away from them, and they hadn’t even noticed, although that wasn’t particularly unusual.
Phil reluctantly stood, his legs almost wobbly beneath them as he grabbed the dirt row next to him for balance, and then held out a hand for Dan. Accepting the help, Dan gripped his hand and hauled himself up, tucking the Nintendo console into his back pocket. 
They both looked back down at the empty plate Dan had cleared off with disconsolate expressions, then at each other. Instantly, their hands flew up and they touched their nose, speaking in unison, “Not it!”
Dan sighed, dropping his hand. He had been a fraction too slow. “Damn it.” He eyed the plate, lying at a lopsided angle on a lump of dirt.
Phil realised what he was going to do an instant before he did it. “Dan!” he protested, but it was too late. Dan lifted a foot and stomped the ground, which split beneath the contact. A narrow, yawning chasm opened beneath Dan’s feet and stretched hungrily toward the plate. It wavered on the edge of the crevice, then gave out and toppled into it. It fell endlessly, spinning round and round into the gaping darkness in the opening. Dan tapped his foot against the ground again, considerably less aggressively, and the chasm sealed itself shut, leaving nothing out of place but a few disrupted clumps of dirt where it had been.
Phil glowered half-heartedly at Dan. “Now we’re going to have a missing plate,” he attempted to scold him. “Also, blatant misuse of your death powers.”
Dan shrugged. “No one’ll notice.” Phil noticed that he didn’t refute the “death powers” title, as he was clearly pleased by it.
“Fine,” Phil sighed. It wasn’t much point arguing further; besides, now neither of them had to haul the plate back to the dining pavilion. Maybe some skeleton or spirit deep in the Underworld would appreciate the crumbs of food still clinging to the plate. Or would they? Phil wondered if they could eat the food if they found it. Could they eat the plate?
Dan tugged Phil’s arm and he started out of his thoughts. “Huh? Oh. Ready for riding lessons?”
Sighing, Dan began trudging toward the fence, out of the row of strawberries. “You mean, ready to watch you pretend you’re not terrified of horses?”
“Hey!” Phil complained, following him. “I don’t pretend! I think it’s pretty obvious to everyone that I don’t like them.”
Dan snorted a laugh. They reached the fence and Dan went over it with an easy hop. He waited until Phil joined him, and then they began walking along the fence back toward the main area of the camp. The stables were visible from here, although barely.
Grass whispered against Phil’s ankles as he trudged alongside Dan. He stole a few glances over, but Dan noticed almost immediately.
Phil laughed. “Nothing! I just like looking at you, that’s all.” He was gratified by the patchy blush that crawled up Dan’s jaw and cheek.
“Shut up,” he grumped, but a smile was creeping over his lips. 
Phil poked Dan’s deepest dimple and offered his own grin. “Remember when we first met? You were all quiet and sullen with your fully-black outfit and Pokémon hat. You were so annoyed when I started talking to you.”
“How could I forget? You hauled me into your friend group and forced me to get along with everyone.” Dan batted Phil’s hand away from his face, but when Phil pouted at him, he gave in and grabbed his hand to clutch between them. 
Phil swung their clenched hands between them, delighted. “They’re our friends,” he rejoined. “It’s been almost five years since you showed up here as an eleven-year-old dork, you don’t exactly have plausible deniability now.”
Pretending to be disgruntled, Dan tugged at their shared grip, and Phil stumbled a little, catching himself with a laugh. “I can deny whatever I want.”
“Hmm, I don’t think so.” Phil stopped abruptly and Dan was jolted to a stop. He tugged Dan toward him until only inches were between them, and then he leaned forward to steal a kiss from Dan’s lips. He tasted like strawberries, which was to be expected.
Dan’s flush was even more prominent when Phil pulled back, licking his lips at the sweet flavour that clung to them now. “You suck,” was all Dan said, but his eyes were bright and betrayed the lie, and Phil grinned at him.
“Yeah,” he agreed. Unable to help himself, he kissed Dan again, and then settled back on his heels, satisfied. “Can’t deny that.”
Dan looked like he was torn between flipping off Phil or pulling him back in for another kiss. He settled for sticking his tongue out, but Phil only laughed again. He never laughed as much as he did with Dan.
Another bell chimed in the distance, the last warning before riding lessons began. They looked at each other, dark brown gaze meeting bright blue, and then, in mutual unspoken agreement, they turned and began sprinting toward the stables in the distance, hands still clasped between them.
It was mid-day and sweat clung not only to Phil’s back but also to his hand gripped in Dan’s. He couldn’t be happier.
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teddynotthebear · 2 years
So based on my passionate interest in @reddie-for-anything’s Angels In Outfields, @lumosinlove’s Sweater Weather, and can.s.m on instagram’s Phan Fencing AU, I need fic recs about sports
Main fandoms include:
Percy Jackson
Harry Potter
Stranger Things
I also wouldn’t say no to Gravity Falls, Dan and Phil, or Our Flag Means Death
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Percy Jackson AUs??
All Is Fair - jilliancares
Summary: Dan Howell has made many mistakes in life, the first of which was being born to Aphrodite (or maybe just being born at all, in his uncle’s opinion). It’s never made much sense that he was son of the Goddess of love, seeing as he didn’t even believe in it. Still, maybe there’s time for his mind to be changed when he finds himself going on a quest to retrieve his mother’s “Cupid’s bow” with Phil Lester, son of Ares.
An Olympian Danfic - pinkgrapefruit22
Summary: AU fan fiction about the Fantastic Foursome (AmazingPhil, crabstickz, danisnotonfire, and KickthePJ) in the universe of the Percy Jackson series.
Camp Halfblood Phan AU (ao3) - comfortab1ynumb
Summary: Phil, son of Demeter, is loving his life as a demigod at Camp Half Blood. Little does he know how much his life is going to get turned around when a mysterious boy named Dan stumbles across the magical borders…
Far from ordinary (ao3) - Jessicatastic613h
Summary: Dan Howell has never felt like he belonged anywhere. When he is sent to Camp Half Blood and realizes that he’s the son of Hades, things just get more complicated. With his younger sister Addie, and new friend Phil, the son of Apollo, he must go on a quest to save his family, and also the world. He might not know much else, but he knows one thing. He is definitely far from ordinary.
Maybe It’s Meant to Be…? (2) - anonymous
Summary: Dan is the son of Goddess of love, Aphrodite. But he is an exception. He hasn’t fallen in love ever. Until his paths cross with a blue-eyed stranger. What is this son of Ares going to bring to his life?
Zero to Hero - phanfictionvevo
Summary: Phil sold his soul to Hades long before he met Dan, so when Hades wants to use Phil to destroy Dan he has no choice, and people do crazy things when they are in love.
Just a reminder to check the tags page and use the search feature on the blog before sending an ask!
- Christy
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dannyboy-lester · 7 years
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I've been really interested in a Percy Jackson/ Demigod Phan AU, so I've started doing some art for it along with writing a bit. Here's one of my concepts- Phil, son of Demeter! Hope you like it.
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stayinurlaneboi · 5 years
Pics Text Masterlists Gifs Videos Audio CGs
last updated: April 14, 2022
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picking outfits for the ball 
general headcanons 
home sweet home 
touch starved 
mc finds a starving cat and brings him in 
things he would definitely do 
can’t let go yet kisses 
drunken convos between asra and nadia
maybe it’s the magic in the air and the stars in your eyes 
lazy morning kisses 
asras tired so mc takes care of him 
he takes care of mc when theyre hurt 
something about your bleary eyes and messy hair 
baby its cold outside 
one frigid winter day  
soft hugs cold hands 
accidentally calling mc my love
cuddle hc
domestic life 
stealing mcs blanket 
sleeping habits 
hella affectionate mc 
they realize they’re in a game but they fall anyway 
spell gone wrong
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Humans Are Space Orcs 
rage and wrath 
fueled by hatred 
duality of the soul 
the heavens wept 
i remember
humans dont notice that there are reality bending infestations everywhere 
fey prompt list
fairy writings
Heros and Villains
a courtesy
it was cruel of them, you could have never won
superhero and villain has a mutual friend group
a villain love story is simply superior
come to the dark side we have insurance
jealous/drunk kun
yanchen + cuddle time before deadlines
yuhua groupchat imagine
xukun + soulmate au where emotions can be seen as colors
nine percent + being protective
bias + firsts
astro + types of affection
eunwoo + baby its cold outside
eunwoo + sweet dreams
summer dream + bias of choice
Dangerous Fellows 
short s/o
zion + touch starved
dating alec
alec + prom
camping headcanons
alec + its not jace
Teen Wolf 
cuddle puddle 
Court of Dreams 
another what if au
at the moonstone palace
what ifs…. 
the dragon circlet
a different first meeting
pining!arthur and oblivious!merlin
arthur is so so in love with merlin he’s barely even hanging in there 
sorry, dropped your coat! 1 2  3 4
↳ first steps 1 2
The Witcher
what if jaskier was immortal lol
jask is part elf and geralt is like wbk
jask is rly good at throwing knives
immortal!jask modern au
jask and his ye olde yelp reviews
jask can see ghosts
yen is going around and invoking the law of suprise 
jask buying geralt matching hair ribbons
modern au where everythings the same except for jask
characters who don’t get phased by things suddenly have smth bad happen to them
imagine waking up in a fictional world
imagine killian and peter at disney world
fake married is the best trope prove me wrong
phan +  platonic relationships
being with hiccup when he meets his mother
characters eyes glow when they use their powers
the “who did this to you” trope
a death thats on the side of the good guys bc death is inevitable
fake relationship au ver2
fae are just real mad that we can lie and they cant
the fae said trans rights
some dope ass tropes
peak fantasy environment designs
free boys + youtuber s/o
i enjoy being with you turns into i want to be with you
when 2 people have been separated for too long
feral!tomoe relationship hcs
fake married/dating is the best trope
Percy Jackson
percy jacksons popular but Not Like That  part 2
percy is kind of an enigma at school
pjo mini comic
demi god conspiracy theories
rachel is one of the richest people in the country
Short Stories
every 20:17 you become impossibly productive for just 60 seconds
your heroic nemesis is a teenager and your their emergency contact  round 2
date a selkie but dont hide her cloak
you’re a powerful magic being except you’re not
star wars alternate universe
local house ghost adopts some kids
give me your name child...
you’re now a earth parent now oops
dating mr frost and being a guardian
aliens have taken over but they didn’t plan on the old gods returning
beauty and the beast au where belle falls in love slowly
crowleys replacements dont last very long
vulcans and touching hands 
agnieszka of the wood and her dragon 
city girl!mulan 
once there was a witch who lived in the woods… 
a couple of witches decide that they’d make a better chosen one then a 15 y/o 
an old tale 
fey: give me your first born human: ok when do we start 
anakin and padmes kiddos and how much of them are in them 
magic sandwich nonsense 
morally grey captain is cursed to die and the only cure is.... 
candles are just fire pets 
pumpkins left out on a full moon turn into vampires
everyone can teleport within 10 feet of the person they love most
once “defeated” demon king
a detective and a thief walk into a bar..
the story of Eowyn
wei wuxian and what he gets away with
baskin robin commercials as unsent love letters
Text Posts
mafias and their restaurant fronts
plants producing actual poisons and humans coming around be like yum:)
pirate queen elizabeth
star trek and two dumbasses
the addams family rents out rooms in their house to students
the swan princess turns feral
dont live your life looking back 
but what if the princess went into the tower because shes the dragon
sorry but if i saw a ddoor to another world id go rip to you but in different
old lobster quote
stupid leftists and their intrinsic value of human life
the idea of showing someone the worst parts of yourself and still being loved
gordon ramsey and his various sides
me: i have nightmares about school school: this is normal
if you think you can go anywhere in europe easily have never been to italy
secretly in love with your roommate? your not the only one!
my ancestors are proud of me
jack sparrow: he’s been through it all
alignment chart
i am kind because i cannot allow anyone to go through what i did
hi yes i have your long lost statue.. do you want it?
“your fathers darth vader” “haha very funny” “its true” “no its not”
the plot of yuri on ice is just too fuckin ridiculous
science people are losing it
goofus the murder peacock
birds are really fuckin smart and you should fear them
quotes that hit different and their origin stories
art for arts sake
amateur comes from the latin word for love
matchmaking service to find a dragon his hoard of people 
lesbian fake dating au
types of stupid characters
how to subtly name your kids after comic book characters
there is nothing more human than to play
the best adaption for a christmas carol
ily in any other language is too fuckin intimate to say out loud
educating people on their pets
this lady and her mom an aunt are bamfs
tolkien went to war and based his books off of his experiences
the council of retired white moms gets a scare of a lifetime lol
children v religion is so funny
if you dont think people will document historically significant events then...
the story about the RMS Carpathia and the the tragedy of the Titanic
“scam artist” caought selling immortality in a bottle
your most important survival skill is asking for help
competitive found family
when you are effectively are a cryptid but all it brings you is minor troubles
elizabeth swan was a lot of peoples gay awakening
nude modeling is not as sexy as you’d imagine it to be
hanging out with old people rock 
its a taboo to admit that your lonely
jurassic park except they have proper enrichment programs
the aadams family rents out rooms in their mansion for broke college kids
vegans need to make peace with honey
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dvp95 · 5 years
I just wanted to know if you like writing aus or keeping it mostly canon? Like in your newest one (that’s amazing btw) you kept phil as a youtuber. So I was wondering how do you feel about like different time periods? Or supernatural. I have to be honest I’ve only looked at your phan fics so I don’t know what you have wrote previously.
honestly that's fine, i don't recommend looking at most of my other fics (except burns like cinders if you're a percy jackson fan, that's probably the only one i'm still proud of haha)
so this is an interesting question because i usually do prefer writing as close to canon as possible - my magical realism au was in fact started by the question "what if everything was the same except phil's dreams came true?", for example, and in the fic i'm working on right now, phil is a different type of youtuber. maybe i'm just more comfortable with my characterization if i have reality to lean on or maybe i am just... not super creative! but i am absolutely open to it, i'm always happy to push my writing comfort zone !
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the-stressmushroom · 6 years
Please message me your thoughts
I think I want to do a Percy Jackson Phan AU. It has been in my head for a while and I don’t think enough of them exist. Let me know if this is something you might enjoy reading!
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moonbeam-rprp · 7 years
hey hit me up if you’re looking for new rp, I’ve prompts for the following ships:
Harry Potter: drarry, scorose, scorbus, blackinnon, dramione, rona, jily, wolfstar, druna, tedorie
Falsettos: whizzervin
Hamilton: lams, hamilsquad
The song of Achilles: achilles/patroclus
Percy Jackson: solangelo, caleo
interested to see if anyone else has starters from these fandoms or others, open to oc roleplay too! Good grammar, long and fast replies. Would love to see some wacky aus/ ancient greek stuff so hmu
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YouTuber AU
there aren’t enough of these so I’ve decided to add my own because why the hell not.
Percy -mutherfuckin- Jackson
His username would be super basic like BabyPoseidon or something. 
His video’s would all be about random stories he would make up like “HOW TO SURVIVE AN ANGRY GIRLFRIEND” and Annabeth would be in the thumbnail just flipping the bird to Percy as he runs down the street.
“How I Got Kicked Out of (another) Walmart” would be his most viewed videos because he’s been kicked out of multiple Walmarts.
Annabeth Chase
her channel name would be like Do-It-With-Money instead of like Do-It-Yourself because she doesn’t understand the points or diys but she does them anyway
You wouldn’t fuck with her
she’d be that one YouTuber kinda like a DIY girl except at the end she’d let Leo set everything on fire because When in the world am I going to need an edible phone case.
in most of the backgrounds during her filming you would either A) hear Percy or B) see him running down the hallway to fuck with her filming.
“How to Bury Your Boyfriend’s Body” would be her most viewed video because it’s fucking hilarious
Hazel Levesque
she’d be the new Thomas Sanders. 
Do i need to put anything else because i don’t think i do
Jason Grace
holy shit
he’d be the new Bill Nye the Science Guy
except either Piper or Percy would be with him at all times and they’d either almost burn his house down or almost kill a gerbil
he’d try and do makeup tutorials but Piper would come in half-way and just do it for him
Piper Mclean
She’d do the makeup halloween things but
she’d also be the biggest motherfucking prankster ever
Leo would frequently help her put freaking baby powder in Jason’s hair dryer
“Why I Might Need a New Identity” is her most viewed video because she almost burns down a Target bathroom
Leo Valdez
He’d be the new gamer and also prankster
he’d say this game isn’t scary and then promptly fall out of his chair
Calypso would be in the background just like im dating this dumbass
he’d also have a weekly cooking show with Calypso where she tries to take it seriously but he’d just like let’s ADD SOME GUMMYBEARS TO THE LASAGNA
I don’t think Frank would have one he’d be too busy volunteering at animal shelters and shit
but he is in 99% of Hazel’s videos 
its practically a collab channel at this point
he’d be the angsty gay one
except he wouldn’t come out
in a Q+A one of the questions would be When are we gonna meet your girlfriend and he’d just fuckin DIE OF LAUGHTER
“Do i honestly even look straight to you guys? I mean, phan is a thing right?”
Im sorry but i have to add Will
because he’d be the one to nurture people on health but in the stupidest ways possible like
Way To Not Die #782: Don’t drink Cyanide. Just, don’t? PLease?
He’d be in a secret relationship with Nico and everyone ships them
they’d always show up in the background of each other’s videos doing the stupidest shit ex: shooting a bow and arrow at a china cabinet or pretending to be a stripper
whenever Nico would call him while recording Will would pick up and just scream “WADDUP BITCH”
And if he was still recording when Nico got home Nico would either A) kick over his tripod or B) dump a bucket of something on his head
im sorry but i needed to do this
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jilliancares · 7 years
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blossomfreckles · 7 years
Tumblr media
Dan looks fly af with those wings 👀👀
This is the art i made for the brilliant @jilliancares's au All Is Fair!!
Its a percy jackson au and worth checking out im serious like phan as demigods think abt it
Please dont repost, reblogging is welcome!!
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Phan Percy Jackson AU?
Thinking of writing a Percy Jackson Phan AU....
currently considering which patrons would be best for D&P. I have a few ideas.... if you guys like this idea, please comment with suggestions of which gods they should be demis of! :)
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phanfeed-ao3 · 7 years
Camp Halfblood Phan AU
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2vUC48x
by comfortab1ynumb
Phil, son of Demeter, is loving his life as a demigod at Camp Half Blood. Little does he know his life is going to get turned around when a mysterious boy named Dan stumbles across the magical borders...
Words: 1267, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Dan Howell - Fandom, Phil Lester - Fandom
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dan Howell, Phil Lester, Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Nico diAngelo, Hazel Levesque, Frank Zhang, Jason Grace, Leo Valdez
Relationships: Dan Howell/Phil Lester
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2vUC48x
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dannyboy-lester · 7 years
hello friends I’ve written a thing and I kinda wanna write more so if you wanna check out my ao3 here it is (if you liked the idea of my demigod/camp halfblood au it’s the beginning of that)
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irecommendphanfics · 5 years
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Dan Howell - Fandom, Phil Lester - Fandom Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Dan Howell/Phil Lester Characters: Dan Howell, Phil Lester, Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Nico diAngelo, Hazel Levesque, Frank Zhang, Jason Grace, Leo Valdez, Piper McLean, Chiron (Percy Jackson), Grover Underwood Summary:
Phil, son of Demeter, is loving his life as a demigod at Camp Half Blood. Little does he know how much his life is going to get turned around when a mysterious boy named Dan stumbles across the magical borders...
TIMELINE NOTE: This story takes place towards the beginning of the events of HOO series. Percy is still missing and Piper, Jason, and Leo have left for their quest.
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