linipik · 7 years
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This is how i want to remember him
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Day 5 (22nd August) - Romance
Percy Jackson/Annbeth Chase aka Percabeth
‘I could see Annabeth now- standing barefoot above me on the canoe lake pier. I'd fallen out of my canoe. That was it. She was reaching out her hand to haul me up, and she was trying not to laugh. She wore her orange camp T-shirt and jeans. Her hair was tucked up in her Yankees cap, which was strange because that should have made her invisible. "You are such an idiot sometimes." She smiled. "Come on. Take my hand." Memories came flooding back to me- sharper and more colorful. I stopped dissolving. My name was Percy Jackson. I reached up and took Annabeth's hand.’ - Percy Jackson, The Last Olympian
My contribution to Percy Jackson Week 2017 hosted by @percyjacksonweek2k17
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dotshiiki · 7 years
The Origin of Blue Foods
Yeah so I’m doing like a million and one things today and didn’t need one more, but I absolutely could not resist the @percyjacksonweek2k17 prompt for today and anyway I wrote half of it in the middle of the night when I couldn’t sleep last night. This is my offering for day 1 of @percyjacksonweek2k17, for the prompt ‘blue’. Enjoy!
Sally smelt Gabe before he shuffled in, that overpowering sour stench of body odour, like a week's worth of unwashed laundry, which always preceded his entrance into any room.
My husband, she reminded herself wearily. But she'd made her choice consciously, knowing before she sealed the deal what she was in for. To the uninformed onlooker, she might seem like a silly, duped victim, lured into nuptial drudgery, but her marriage to Gabe Ugliano was actually a premeditated decision.
Percy looked up and, a defiant look in his eyes, finished recounting the colours he'd learnt in school that day in an almost deafening volume, 'And the Cookie Monster is BLUE!'
She could have sworn he'd raised his voice just to torment Gabe. Percy might be only five, but her boy was smart as a whip.
Gabe's fists came up. 'You gonna shut him up, Sally, or do I gotta?'
Sally hurriedly turned Percy's face away so that he was no longer glaring at Gabe.
'Good job, sweetie!' she praised. 'But let's not forget to use our indoor voices, okay?'
Gabe grunted and dragged himself over to his La-Z-Boy, where he plopped down and picked up the TV remote. 'How about getting me some grub, then, eh? I been working hard all day to keep you in style, least you could do is have dinner waiting when I get home.'
Sally bit back the retort she would have dearly loved to throw at Gabe. She couldn't turn him off. They needed him.
Percy needed him.
'Right away, dear,' she murmured. To Percy, she said, 'Come on, sweetie, you want to help Mommy cook, don't you?'
Gabe didn't even bother responding. He'd already cracked open a beer and settled in to watch The View.
'He's mean!' Percy complained as she steered him into the kitchen. 'He's mean and he's a stupidhead and he's smelly—'
'Percy,' Sally admonished. 'What have I said about calling people names?' Even if they deserve it, she thought to herself. It wouldn't do for Percy to go saying it to Gabe's face.
'He's smelly,' Percy repeated stubbornly. 'Smelly Gabe.'
Sally fought the urge to laugh at the apt nickname. Instead, she pulled a few tomatoes from the vegetable crisper. 'How about you tell me more about the colours Miss Popples taught you? What colour are these?'
'Very good!' She waggled a carrot at him next. Percy struggled a bit with this one.
'Ummm, ORANGE!'
Having successfully diverted Percy's attention from the subject of Gabe (Percy, thank heavens, was nothing if not easily distractible), Sally returned to her task of making dinner. Percy sat happily at her side, naming the colour of every ingredient that she chopped up and threw into her stew.
'Very good, Percy!' she said.
'Sally!' Gabe bellowed, interrupting them. 'Where's dinner?'
'I'm coming, Gabe!' She ladled out a single bowl—she and Percy could come back and eat in the kitchen.
Percy trotted beside her as she carried the bowl of stew back out to the living room and laid it on the tray table in front of Gabe. He had the television talk show blasting so loud, she barely heard Percy asking her a question.
'What is it, honey?'
Percy raised his voice over Barbara Walter's. 'Why aren't they blue, Mommy?'
'Why aren't what blue?'
'The food! Tommy-toes are red and carrots are orange and corns are yellow and coo-coo-bers are green but there's no blue!'
Gabe tore his eyes away from Barbara and her co-host. 'Don't be ridiculous,' he sneered. 'Food can't be blue.'
'Why not?' Percy demanded. 'There's blue crayons and blue fishies and blue birdies so why not blue food?'
Sally racked her brains for an answer for Percy.
'Blueberries,' she said. 'Blueberries are blue.'
Percy grinned. 'Can we have blueberries for dinner?'
'You'll damn well eat what you're told to, runt.' Gabe snorted. 'And blueberries are a stupid name. The little shits are purple, not blue. I oughta know. Some idiot got the stains all over one of my appliances last week.'
Sally mmhmm-ed in what she hoped Gabe would consider an appropriately sympathetic manner, although she really couldn't bring herself to care that much. What sort of appliance got permanently stained by berries, anyway?
'They are so blue!' Percy retorted. 'Mommy said so!'
'Blue foods don't exist!' Gabe thundered. 'And you can shut up about it, piss-face, before I punch you black and blue. Can't a man watch his show in peace around here?'
Sally ushered Percy back to the kitchen before Gabe could antagonise him any further. Percy stabbed his spoon into the bowl of stew she lay before him, disappointment written all over his face.
'It's not fair.' He poked at his vegetables like they were silly putty. 'All the other colours get to have foods. Why not blue?'
The spark of rebellion grew somewhere between Gabe's close-minded insistence that blue food didn't exist, and Percy's crestfallen wish that they did.
So what if nature hadn't made food blue? It didn't mean it was impossible.
'Tell you what,' she said, pulling open the kitchen cupboards. She had to rummage for a bit among the baking ingredients before she found it: a small bottle of food colouring. She set it on the table, along with some flour, vanilla essence, and a little bag of chocolate chips. 'How about we make our very own blue food?'
Percy's eyes grew wide and eager. 'We can make it?'
'Percy,' she said solemnly, 'as long as we believe it, we can make anything happen.'
Can you all tell I have a thing for Sally’s blue food tradition? It’s one of those things from the series that warm my heart so, so much.
This kinda crossed over into tomorrow’s prompt actually, and there was a bit before this scene that I couldn’t quite get to work just yet, so I may expand it for tomorrow’s prompt.
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Percy Jackson Week 2k17
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Mark your calendars, it’s time to celebrate our favourite son of Poseidon!  August 18-25 is Percy Jackson’s week!
The rules are simple! 
All types of posts are accepted (fanart, fanfiction, headcanons, gifsets, moodboards, edits, videos, playlists, etc.)
You don’t NEED to use the prompts but we hope you do!
Tag everything with #percyjacksonweek or #pjoweek within the first 5 tags so I’ll see it!
Please no NSFW as this is an all ages welcome event. (partial nudity/slight blood and gore allowed). If you’re unsure what falls under the NSFW umbrella don’t hesitate to shoot me an ask! Thank you for your cooperation!
And now for the most important part, the prompts!
Day 1 (Aug. 18): Blue
Day 2 (Aug. 19): Family / Sally Jackson/Blofis
Day 3 (Aug. 20): The Ocean / Water
Day 4 (Aug. 21): Loyalty / Friendship
Day 5 (Aug. 22): Romance / Shipping (any ships allowed!!!)
Day 6 (Aug. 23): Angst&Troubles / Tartarus / Dyslexia/ADHD / PTSD
Day 7 (Aug. 24): Free Day!
I’m super excited for this so please, reblog this post to get the word out!  I’m excited to see what you all come up with!  Don’t forget to tag your works #percyjacksonweek or #pjoweek (in the first five tags!!!) or @ this blog so I can reblog it!!!
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themarauderswand · 7 years
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Sally Jackson ”Your mother is a queen among women,” Poseidon said wistfully. “I had not met such a mortal woman in a thousand years." - The lightning thief Headcanons about Sally * When she first met Poseidon on the beach in Montauk she was very confused why other people didn't seem to notice him. Since he was rather good looking (who was she kidding really - he looked like a god) she would have expected him to get more attention. * He, on the other hand, seemed to be surprised she noticed him. * After they started talking the attraction was there early on. Poseidon told her all about him being a god and all so Sally knew what was waiting when she got pregnant. * Sally was a little suspicious to the whole pregnant thing, she wanted a baby, but she wanted to give her child the childhood she never got - and she didn't have any money. And she was so young. However, all those doubts disappeared the moment she first laid eyes on Percy. * When Poseidon said he had to leave Sally never asked him to stay. She was sad and it hurt that another person she loved left her, but she never asked him to stay. * She's a cat person. She have always wanted a cat but her uncle was allergic and the time never felt right to get one. * When she met Gabe she knew what she was getting herself into. Percy had already started to attract monsters and she needed to keep him safe, no matter how awful Gabe was. * About Gabe: she still has very bad conscience about dragging him into Percy's life. Even though it probably saved their lives she hasn't forgiven herself yet. * She still thinks about him rather often and the scars from his abuse still haunts her. * She was very weary of Paul first, since her first marriage she has had very hard time letting other people in. * But they grew very close friends and she knew of Paul's attraction towards her and didn't really mind. * When she admitted to herself that she liked him she asked him for a date. He saw Paul's eyes light up and realises that she really wanted this. * It was not like being with Poseidon, where everything was all or nothing, storm or calm without notice. Being with Paul gave her stability, a place in her own world, the mortal world and not her sons world. * She decided she had to tell him about Percy's world. He has been so honest with her and she wanted to be that with him - but she was scared yet another person she loved was going to leave her. * Paul took it in rather calmly and Sally realised even more how much she loved him. * Introducing Paul to Percy was... Interesting. Paul had explained how he really wanted Percy to like him and Sally asked Percy to give him a chance. Percy was very weary and didn't want a new Gabe in their lives. * As soon Percy saw that Paul made his mother happy he started to loosen up and they come to good terms with each other. * Paul expected Percy to be some kind of angry teen who hated everything and got really surprised how polite he was. * Now they're both Sally's family and Annabeth too since she visited a lot during the eight months Percy was missing and now Sally has her family and is writing her book and she is happy. That was my first headcanon I'm sorry if it wasn't very good. @percyjacksonweek2k17 //day 2: Family/Sally/blofis
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ivory-peaches · 7 years
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So, I should probably contribute to this since I’m hosting it, lmao.  Here’s my day one post, fashionably late.  Hehe.
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marysuperwholock · 7 years
So... it’s really bad, but I really wanted to be part of this sooo, @percyjacksonweek2k17 , here’s my contribution! 
  Percy wasn't sure why he was the one walking around New York with that sealed envelope. It was torture. Maybe it was Annabeth's revenge. She had been complaining about the morning sickness, and how it was all his fault, really. 
  She was an evil genius, so she could totally have planned all this. The thing was, she wanted to do a big reveal thingy and as soon as the doctor told her what it would be, she wrote it down and sealed it. Now, she could at least have told him. But of course, she didn't. After all, he was just the father. 
  Anyway, Nico was supposed to take that damn envelope to this fancy bakery who did cakes or something. But Nico was currently working for his father, and it would take two or three days to finish whatever he was doing. So Annabeth gave it to him instead. And promised pain if he looked inside. 
  He was walking around looking for a place he didn't know the name of (he kind of forgot, and he didn't want to call Annabeth, she was already stressed as it was). All he knew was that it had sounded fancy. Pretentious, but fancy. That was when he found The Golden Lion Pastries. One fancy place or another, wouldn't really make a difference right? 
  The smiling woman who asked if she could help turned out to be a Dracaena. And the "Golden Lion" was the Nemean Lion. That was now chasing Percy around New York. And he didn't see any astronaut food around. 
  He eventually managed to kill it near Central park using a lot of leaves and a suitcase. Don't even ask. 
   When he was about to take a deep breath and relax, he made a mental check list. 
Two arms. Here. 
Two legs. Here.
 A very cool sword. Here.
 The envelope. He... 
Apparently, he had lost the envelope. And the last time he saw it was in the Bakery. So now he had two choices. A nest full of Dracaenas OR a furious Annabeth? 
  It wasn't really that hard, he thought and made his way to The Golden Lion Pastries. 
   Everything turned out surprisingly okay. He killed some dracaenas, got his envelope back and found the perfect bakery, owned by a daughter of Demeter. All is well when it ends well and yadda yadda yadda.
  Piper and Jason did the decoration. Their little apartment was now full of bright interrogation marks in pink and blue. Leo made the food. tortillas, the best dip ever and tacos. 
  Nico was finally back in town and picked the cake on his way to their home. 
  All in all, surrounded by his friends, by his family, he felt happy. But he would do anything for this night to be finally over to know! 
  "Hey, guys! Time to slice the cake!” Annabeth finally called. “Percy, would you do the honors?" The cake was covered in plain white frosting. So he cut and got the first slice.
 But of course, it was a blue cake...
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You should alredy know but the “inside necklace” photo is from Viria
And Happy Percy Jackson Week!
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this is something for @percyjacksonweek2k17 for the prompt Family and i think this also fits for the future prompt Friends. It includes an original AU of mine with multiple OCs, but for sake of the event’s prompt it will only focuses on one OC who’s really closely connected to Percy to the point of family.
Brief Summary of the AU: everything is pretty much the same except after the Giant War the demigods and basically everybody else meets a few magical young girls who calls themselves the IGIRLS, they’re from an organization in another world who’s job is to help people in different worlds, they are called Helpers, and the people they help are called Families. Also, in this AU Percabeth never happen, there will be a small mention of the AU pairing which is Jercy.
Sorry it’s short. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aina Ainini, a Helper who’s job is to help and protect whoever is her Family.
Percy Jackson a demigod Son of Poseidon, he was the demigod of the prophecy twice, one of the Seven Demigods of the Prophecy, a hero in the demigod world, a hero in two different wars, one of the strongest demigods there is, the slayer of titans, and his other titles she probably forgot to mention. But there is one title she can always remember, Percy Jackson her Family.
You might not believe this (or maybe you will), but in all her life as a Helper, Aina learned that people with the most accomplishments also happens to have the most problems. It’s ironic and a little sad but it’s true.
When she first met Percy, she didn’t think that she was going to be assign as his Helper, even more a Bonded Helper. But after going on a quest together and learning more about him, she suddenly has a huge urge to protect him.
When Aina found out about the ‘boyfriend’, it took her a lot of her willpower to approve Jason. It’s not that Jason’s a bad kid (His own Bonded Helper Emerald would tell you otherwise), to tell you the truth, she’d probably have a hard time accepting Percy dating anybody, her Family is way too good for anyone. So even though she trust Jason and knows that he would never do anything to hurt Percy, there’s still that small part of her that dislike the idea of them dating. But as long as she can still see Percy smiling whenever he’s with that Son of Jupiter, she can learn to accept their relationship.
Speaking of him smiling, she always loves it whenever she can see her Family smile. Not only does that mean she’s doing a good job as his Helper, he also deserves to smile. Seriously, after all the shit he’s been through he really deserves to smile and be happy. It’s even better whenever she’s the one who makes him smile and laugh , whether it be through her clumsiness or craziness (there are times when she would do something that Percy dubs as ‘crazy’) as long as what she did makes him smile she’s willing to do it over and over again.
But there are also times where she would see Percy frown and she can’t do anything sbout it. And that scares her. Whenever she witness Percy having a nightmare or even worse, a panic attack, it makes her angry, her Family doesn’t deserve any of that crap. Sometimes she even wished that she could somehow make all those nightmares and flashbacks go away for him, but unfortunately not even magic from her world can make them disappear, the best thing she can do is stay by his side. She really wished she could do more though.
Aina is the middle daughter in her family, she has two sisters, Diamond and Lily, and even though she already has biological siblings of her own, she considers Percy as a little brother. She has also always been protective of those she considers her family and friends, therefore she is really overprotective of Percy. She is so overprotective, that if you even dare to hurt her Family, whether it be physically or emotionally, she will drown you.
She really love Percy, and she’s willing to do anything for him to help and protect him. Because that’s her job, she is a Bonded Helper and her job is to help and protect Percy Jackson.
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starrcrossrose · 7 years
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This is the first fanart of Percy I’ve ever done, and I’m fairly proud 👌💙 (Ugh, but the quality always ends up butchered!) Happy Birthday, Seaweed Brain, my precious angel. I love you and all the laughs and tears and adventure you’ve given my life. 💙💙💙
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linipik · 7 years
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Happy Birthday Percy ! (18/08)
My favorite percy pics I’ve drawn in a year from my pjo/hoo project  :’>
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Day 1 (18th August) - Blue
“My mom’s funny that way, celebrating special occasions with blue food. I think it’s her way of saying anything is possible. Percy can pass seventh grade. Waffles can be blue. Little miracles like that.” - Percy Jackson, Sea of Monsters
My contribution to Percy Jackson Week 2017 hosted by @percyjacksonweek2k17
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dotshiiki · 7 years
pjoweek day 4
This is for day 4 of @percyjacksonweek2k17, prompt: ‘loyalty/friendship’, but it’s such a loose interpretation of the prompt and is mostly percabeth fluff/angst (is flangst a thing?) and fits this collection of drabbles (here, here, and here for the previous ones).
737 words. Percy’s better at making friends than Annabeth.
Running away at age seven because you believe yourself unwanted doesn't build a great foundation for trusting others. Meeting two great friends who promise to be your family only to see one of them killed (well, sort of) a mere fortnight later doesn't help much with that either.
It's no real wonder that Annabeth has a reputation for being aloof and scary. For years before Percy came along, Luke and Grover were her only real friends (and she always suspected the latter was as apprehensive about her as most of the other campers, only Grover has a yard of guts that no one ever seems to credit). Even Luke's approachable nature never seemed to extend to her. Annabeth quickly gained a reputation as 'that small but lethal Athena kid', with a side dish of 'you don't want to get on the wrong side of her!'
Until Percy crashed on the porch of the Big House when she is twelve and draws her unwillingly but helplessly into his orbit. Before she knows it, she is trekking across the country with him—only because she wants a quest, she tells herself—and responding helplessly to his stoic loyalty and big heart.
You're my friend, Seaweed Brain, she find herself telling him reflexively, realising that it was true only after the words escaped her mouth.
At the time she can't figure out how it happens so quickly, without her knowledge, that she's become such fast friends with an annoying kid who should have been her rival, but as she hangs around Percy more, she sees how he draws people easily into his circle. He's funny (well, his jokes are really stupid sometimes, but they always put people at ease), he trusts people (too much, if you ask her), and he doesn't judge them (clearly, when he manages to pick a Cyclops as his best friend in seventh grade).
In five weeks he collects a larger circle of friends than she's had in five years. It makes her a bit jealous. She tells herself her jealousy about how he got so popular so fast. It has absolutely nothing to do with the many other friends he's made who aren't her. And especially not with the redheaded mortal he's managed to befriend as well when he was supposed to be on a quest to rescue Annabeth.
All these people Percy’s wins over with his open heart and forgiving nature, and it’s not really surprising, is it, considering she was the first one to fall for his charm, the way he wove himself into her heart so intricately that she can no longer pinpoint the moment his life became inseparable from hers. Annabeth, watches Silena go to pieces at the news of Beckendorf’s death and finally admits that it’s not Percy’s ability to capture people’s hearts that piques her, but his loyalty to all those people.
She’s terrified that that loyalty is what will kill him in the end.
Her mom told her before—for a friend, Percy would sacrifice the world.
Annabeth knows that isn’t quite right. For his friends, Percy would sacrifice himself.
But then, somewhere between taking a knife in the shoulder on the Williamsburg Bridge (better her than him) and learning of his crazy bath in the Styx (You were my lifeline, he whispers in the quiet dawn at the Plaza Hotel when he thinks she’s sleeping), Annabeth comes round to the even more frightening truth: she is the friend Percy would sacrifice everything for.
And when Olympus is in shambles around them, and there is Luke dying, Annabeth will deal with all that guilt later because right now, she can’t tear her eyes off Percy. He’s alive. And let’s be absolutely honest—it was never his charm with people she envied, because it’s him she wants, him she’d sacrifice herself to keep alive. Percy, who’s won her heart so thoroughly that she concedes defeat on all fronts.
Her heart sings because he’s staring right back at her like she’s all he cares about, too, and she doesn’t need to be jealous of Percy’s other friends because he loves her. Her: annoying, overbearing Annabeth I’ll-kick-your-ass-any-day Chase.
In the end, Annabeth doesn’t begrudge Percy’s great talent at making friends. After all, if he hadn’t been better than her at it, she might never have become his friend. And Annabeth doesn’t even want to imagine a world where that’s a possibility.
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themarauderswand · 7 years
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I got so inspired by @aimeetheshrimp and so my friend and I had to bake some blue cookies for Sally. They turned out green so I guess we failed but they taste delicious!
@percyjacksonweek2k17 // day 2: family & Sally
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson Characters: Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Hestia (Percy Jackson) Additional Tags: First Date, Established Relationship, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, It's Really Sweet Series: Part 3 of Discord Prompts AU Summary:
Annabeth and Percy are going on their first date date!
Annabeth is nervous, more so when Percy's ex shows up.
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For @percyjacksonweek2k17 Day 3: The Ocean. (Also it's my first time making an aesthetic)
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