#perfect rustic interiors
felixandresims · 1 year
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Let me introduce you to CHATEAU Part 2, a 37-item set for your Chateaus entrance and hallways.
An area that I was always longing to have more items for was a 'grand foyer'. I simply wanted to have proper french stairs but was too afraid of trying out creating them. I pulled myself together and made the stairs plus additional pieces such as curved landings and suitable french fence and railing pieces. Now that I made stone stairs, in the future I will also create a wooden one, the possibilities are endless :D.
Another Area I haven't touched for quite some time is proper historical pieces, but a chateau set can't live without them. I sat down and created a Lous XV console table as a full and quarter version ( actually I found a console table at Hotel de la Marine in Paris and had to recreate it with a twist and incorporated a Plumbob) and a Rococo Mirror inspired by an original from Athena Calderone's apartment. The Mirror comes in three height options. I also made a hanging light and a wall sconce. Two additional items that are less historic but more rustic are a round table, perfect for giant bouquet displays, and a potted Fiddle Leaf tree :)
In this month's set, you will also find a classic Parisian wooden floor, a black and white stone floor, and wallpaper with handpainted patterns( Which I created myself from scratch). I also didn't want to miss out on interior doors :)
This Set is on Early Access now and you can download it here
A little heads up about what's coming next: kitchen month :)
Thank you so so much for all your support and love and I hope you enjoy my new set. Don't worry I didn't forget about the shell building!
Happy Simming!
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yessa-vie · 5 months
❝LIKE YOU WANNA BE LOVED❞ — jeong yunho.
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PAIRING. jeong yunho x fem!reader
GENDER. strangers to lovers. fast burn. yunho and reader are young adults (but I still consider teenagers since they are not at uni but finishing high school, so technically 17-18 year old) who met during summer. mostly fluff with a tiny bit of angst.
SYNOPSIS. with an encounter on the rock near the pier begins a friendship that, within a month, turns into butterflies in the stomach, sweaty hands, ragged breaths and hearts beating out of control.
WORD COUNT. 5,580 (not counting the end quote).
NOTE. another old story I did as a birthday gift to one of my best friends, also edited to fit Korea and the situation. not my best work, so I may edit this story further on, but for now I'm ok with the changes I did, but again, fast burn is not usually my style, but I hope you enjoy it regardless.
IMPORTANT. this is a work of fiction, it has zero intent on portraing how any of the people quoted here are in real life.
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                Jeju Island. That was what awaited him during this month of vacation. He had never been to Jeju Island before and it excited him, so many people he knew went and said it was beautiful. Friends of his always came and went renewed, so to speak. Now it was his turn. A month with the family in a rented beach house. Summer at its peak. A time to think and a time just for him.
                He didn't want a relationship, far from it. He had just ended a relationship, why get involved and not enjoy the single life? A month by the sea, summer behind him, beautiful women passed by the door of his house and let's face it, he attracted attention, from his perfect physique to his innocent childish face – which was anything but innocent.
                “Yunho, we better get going or we’ll be late!” Yunho heard his mother call him and soon closed his window, picked up his bags and left his room heading towards his car to put his things.
                Another positive point, his parents would go in one car and he’d go in another with his younger brother. It wasn't that he didn't get along well with his parents, but he preferred to go alone with his brother, they could listen to whatever music they wanted, and he wouldn't have to worry about getting the car seat dirty and getting looked at.
                After a while everyone was at the beach house, as beautiful as the photo sent. A white wooden staircase at the entrance and the balcony with light wooden floors. The house was simple. Two floors, a mix of wood, cement, and glass. In the coziest interior that the outside view could provide. The room was of a light cream color that it looked white, the entire wooden floor giving it a rustic feel. A fireplace with an LCD on top, surrounded by a pastel “L” shaped sofa and an armchair of the same tone, on the left side a glass door that opened onto a balcony that – thanks to the relative distance between the houses – made it possible to view the beach without having to go in front of the house.
                The kitchen was relatively large, with the counter being made of marble, the cabinets made of wood and glass, and high wooden chairs so that they could reach the small counter in the center of the kitchen. On the left side of the room there is a staircase leading to the second floor. Four bedrooms were there, but to his happiness, at the bottom there was a small staircase that connected to the attic, which, to his happiness, was extremely tidy and a window that covered the entire wall facing straight to the sea. That would be his room for the month.
                He packed his things and when he looked at the clock, he saw that it was already 4pm, he decided to help the family get settled, as he went downstairs he saw his parents in the kitchen talking about something while his mother was cooking.
                "You need help?" Yunho was wearing black shorts, a white tank top and a black cap and flip-flops.
                “Don’t worry about us, enjoy your vacation, do like your brother and go to the beach!”
                Yunho's father said and he watched them a little more and when he received a smile from both of them, he smiled too and went out the door, walking a little along the beach.
                The flip-flops didn't bother him, and the cap helped keep the sun out of his brown eyes for a while. He was already near the navy pier when he decided to sit down. It was already close to sunset, and he had a privileged view from his vantage point.
                The sky was orange and pink, several people were already leaving, others were watching the sunset, he could see that they were either a group of friends or couples in love. He didn't let himself be shaken by it, mainly because he barely had time as a cream Golden Retivier soon appeared at his side barking and wagging his tail.
                “Hey big guy, what are you doing here?”
                Running his hand around the dog’s neck, he noticed a collar, but before he could utter any words, he heard a female voice and then she knelt down next to him running her hand over the dog.
                “Thanks for holding him,” she smiled. Yunho thought it was one of the cutest smiles he had ever seen. He watched her quickly. Straight black hair falling over her shoulders, charming almond-shaped eyes, the cutest smile on her lips, a teal tank top over a bikini and white shorts with flip-flops on her feet. “(y/n),” you commented giving him her hand.
                “Yunho,” he said, shaking your hand giving you a toothless smile that you found extremely cute. Yunho knew how to act around girls, but he especially became an idiot if he found them interesting. “So… He’s yours?”
                “My sister's actually...” You commented laughing and sitting next to Yunho on the rock and looking forward with the Golden lying at your feet. “She got it from an ex-boyfriend of hers,” you let out a nasal laugh. “We all like him despite everything and well, if we were really going to keep this little guy, our parents made us promise that we would go out with him whenever we could, and it was my turn to go out with Thor” you commented pulling Golden's head up receiving licks in the face and laughing, making Yunho laugh too.
                “He's beautiful,” he commented, running his hand over Thors's head, who licked his hand in response.
                “And he liked you,” you commented, laughing, observing him. “I’ve never seen you around here...”
                “Ah, I just moved, for a month,” you looked like you understood and shook your head.
                “I see, that explains a little…”
                “You're here to watch the sunset,” you said with a charming smile, in Yunho's opinion, on your lips.
                "What you mean?" He looked at you without understanding.
                “Let me guess, either you live around here, or you walked too much and got tired sitting on this rock and watching the sunset, now which one is right?” You didn't look at him despite the sparkle in your eyes and the mischievous smile that gave it away.
                “The second one,” he commented blushing slightly.
                "Where are you living?" You asked without expecting anything but making conversation.
                “I don't know any references here, but…” They both laughed as Yunho was remembering what he did during that time he was walking. “Since it took me two hours to get here and I was walking slower than a snail,” you laughed contagiously, making him release a smile that you thought was charming, “I think that an hour or thirty minutes of walking will be enough for me to go back home.” He commented smiling. "And you?"
                “I live that way,” you pointed to Yunho's side, the same path he had passed, making him smiled at that. “I was heading back, considering the sun was already setting when Thor ran like crazy and only stopped when he reached you,” you smiled at the boy who was looking at you enchanted.
                “Well, do you want to accompany me back?” you looked at him without understanding. “I came from there too, we can go back together...” you were silent for a while and Yunho quickly tried to correct himself. “I mean... if it’s okay with you or-”
                “Hey! Don’t worry,” you laughed a little, taking Thor by the collar and going to Yunho’s side. "Let's go?"
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                It had been three weeks since Yunho was in Jeju. You met every day. Your family had invited him and his family to dinner or lunch with them and Yunho's family did the same to you. They lived just three houses apart. You had gotten surprisingly close.
                Yunho now knew of two boys who “chased” you at school, he knew they had a crush on you and that's why they were always around and watching you, he could see the reason why they liked you thought, of course he could. You also knew things about Yunho, things he never told his friends or his brother. This was a good thing. But Yunho was afraid of confusing things, after all he was a master at confusing things.
                He already knew every little detail about you without you needing to say anything. He knew what to do and how to do it. He wanted to protect you from everything and everyone, in addition to being stressed because you had taken the final college exams and was waiting for an answer. You wanted to enter Seoul National University, but he knew that it wasn't easy to get into that university, but he knew how much you had studied even if he didn't know the details regarding how you felt emotionally.
                Unconsciously he had memorized your perfume, how you made him feel good and complete, something he hadn't felt since the end of the relationship. Yunho knew your scent, he knew all the smiles – and their meanings – that you gave out to everyone, he knew and loved the faces you made when he pushed you into the sea, or when you simply walked at night and the cold air hit your face.
                He loved hugging you and having you in his arms. He loved being able to call you “little one” whenever you arrived and hug him warmly with that smile like a child on Christmas Day. Yunho loved everything about you and that was his biggest fear and warning alert. He knew that falling in love with a girl like you was easy, but he didn't want to confuse things. He noticed the glances you directed at him, how your smile was different in some moments when you were together, how the concern on your face was evident whenever he and your father were in the same space, the face of relief and joy that your face showed when Yunho was congratulated or simply did well in the areas established by your father.
                He had to admit that he thought your father thought he was your boyfriend, or at the very least, a suitor. Not only him but your mother too. He also noticed the exchange of looks between you and your sister, noticed the hints that your sister threw at the two of you whenever you were together or Yunho would go to your house so you could go out somewhere, but what stressed him out and confused him was yourself.
                Despite all the signs from your family and the statements from the boy's family that said there was something more than a simple friendship, he didn't see any sign coming from you. He didn't want to ruin the friendship that had begun, nor did he want to go back to Gwangju and leave you behind. He had become attached to having you by his side every day.
                At that moment, you were both silent, walking side by side on the beach. The sun would set in less than three minutes and soon night would wash over Jeju. The silence was both pleasant and unwelcome. Yunho thought about ending the silence, but what would he say? ‘I think I'm confusing things and I think I'm starting to like you as more than a friend’? Yeah, that was out of the question.
                “What day are you leaving?” Your eyes didn't meet his.
                Yunho looked at you briefly, trying to memorize the few moments he would still have left with you as this trip would soon be nothing more than another memory. In two weeks he would hit the road back to his city so he wouldn't know when to return.
                “Two weeks,” he lowered his head.
                "Which day?" Yunho stared at you without understanding. “What day exactly are you going?” You asked hugging yourself tighter after a gust of cold wind came. Yunho automatically hugged your side trying to keep you warm. "Thanks..."
                “It’s still not sure, but we have to return before the fifth...” He replied without looking at you and lowered his head. He didn't want to think about leaving you, not after having you so close, bringing him the security and complete feeling he had whenever you were near.
                “Great,” it was the first real smile you’d let out since you started walking aimlessly as the sun began to set. Yunho looked at you without understanding. “You gonna stay for my birthday!” Yunho soon cheered up and a cute smile took his lips, being imitated by you who finally looked at him.
                You were getting closer and closer to the pier and the cold of the tidal wind tormented you each time, making you lean more and more against Yunho, which made him smile every time. When you finally arrived at the rock where you had met, you remained there for a while in silence, enjoying each other's warmth.
                For some reason the wind had died down and consequently the cold from the sea air, but you didn't move away, much less Yunho. Your head was resting on Yunho's chest which was slowly going down and up, he was controlling it, because in reality, his breathing was failing him. Yours was no different. Yunho's hand on your waist as he caressed that area leaving your body burning. Yunho was different from the other boys. You had created a friendship with him that was never possible with many people you had always lived with. You looked up at Yunho, thinking if you should let your intrusive thoughts win.
                “How can someone be so perfect with just under the light of the moon?” That was the thought that kept running through your head. You shouldn't find him beautiful in a silly, passionate way, you couldn't fall in love with him, you didn't want to lose this short-term friendship that made you feel so good. Yunho barely noticed you watching him. Little did he imagine that you were recording every detail of his face and how you held yourself back from touching his face and pulling him to face you so that they could finally kiss.
                Little did you know that in his head, he was holding himself back from doing the same. Yunho had his right hand on your waist, making a small caress while his left hand rested on your leg, his head was going through a thousand and one things, but reality brought him back when he felt his hand being welcomed by another hand, a warm hand with slightly cold fingers. He looked at his own hand, following the arm of the other hand that overlapped his, finding you looking at both of your hands with a shy smile and... Dumbfounded? He had never seen that smile. Something burned in his chest and a thousand things stirred in his stomach as if the carnival had just begun.
                You looked up and the two pairs of almond-shaped, goofy eyes met. Yunho pulled you closer against his body involuntarily and automatically. You lowered your head, feeling your cheeks itching, Yunho undid the clasping of your hands and touched your chin making you look at him. Both of your eyes were different, with a different shine. You hid your face in the hollow of Yunho's neck, making him shiver when he felt the heat of your breath in that place, and he was a little scared when he felt you place a simple and – almost – innocent kiss in that area.
                Yunho tangled his free hand in the hair at the back of your neck, pulling it lightly to find his face. Noses touching, breaths mixing, butterflies celebrating, hearts fluttering, the certainty of one thing and the doubt of another. Little by little the centimeters between your faces ended and a simple and innocent kiss took place between the two.
                The sensation was the most perfect combination of elements and sensations. A fire dominated both your bodies and the feeling of accomplishment took over completely. Neither of you wanted to open your eyes, neither wanted to part your lips, neither wanted to forget the feeling of liking someone and that person reciprocating.
                The lips parted to quickly come together again. This other kiss was different, of longing, of desire, of passion, of love, of fear, of security, of desire, of fulfillment. A perfect dance in synchronization of all the elements that surrounded you made the moment more and more perfect. The tide, the location, the feeling of freedom, the sound of the waves breaking, the feeling of tranquility and lightness. The kiss was delicate, nothing rushed, there was nothing to rush there. That was the consummation of the best feeling in the world for any being, the feeling of correspondence, of friendship, of love.
                The lips parted. Both red and swollen, making both want to resume what you were doing, but when you met each other’s eyes, you stopped. That was the certainty, you liked each other and wanted each other, get closer to each other, the good you did for each other was something more than visible. But doubt soon caught up with you and you lowered your head. Yunho was returning to his city in two weeks, what would be the probability that this continue? What would work? They didn't have any clue and that was a problem.
                “Let’s not think about that now, okay?” Yunho cupped your face and you nodded, soon kissing him again. And the explosive consummation of their feelings hit you again.
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                It was the night of the 31st, your birthday. Everyone was there, friends, family and obviously Yunho and his family. You and Yunho didn't let go of each other for more than thirty minutes. Forming an extremely cute couple, the type to have cute and sickening nicknames, you always hugged each other, whispered to each other, etc. As the party ended around midnight and everyone left and, as a birthday present, you asked if Yunho would and could sleep there. Your father didn't like it very much at first, but he couldn't do much, other than accept it, after all he liked and trusted Yunho, he knew he was a good boy and would do everything he could to not disappoint his little girl. And if he did leave, he wanted you both to have the best memories of this summer vacation.
                The night was basically the two of you exchanging caresses, imagining what would happen when Yunho left, what would happen if you decided to continue the relationship and if it was worth trying to maintain it. You quickly fell asleep in Yunho's arms while he sang and watched over your sleep as well as stroking your hair lightly.
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                August 4th is the last day of the two of you together. You had decided to spend the night with Yunho, you wanted to enjoy all the time you still had with him. As soon as they hit the road, you would head home. Dinner was peaceful, a few jokes here, laughter there, jokes aside. Soon the first floor of the house was the same as when his family had arrived, apart from most of the suitcases being present near the door.
                You were lying on Yunho's bed watching him pack some things that were missing from his last suitcase. Your eyes were burning, your body hurt, you didn't want to let him go, long distance relationships are rarely successful. You stayed with him practically the entire summer and now you would have to spend the rest of the year away from the boy.
                Yunho put a handful of blouses in his suitcase and turned to pick up his pants, finding your sad gaze directed at him, that was more painful than he ever thought it would be. He left his pants where they were, his suitcase open on the floor, some clothes still on the hanger, nothing mattered to him other than his little girl in bed looking at him sadly. He knew why you were like this; he knew because he was the same way.
                Neither ever thought or believed in a “summer love” or a “holiday affair”, that was something that neither of you thought would ever happen and you also never understood people talking about them with a look of longing or, whatever that they felt, but now you understood.
                You both wanted to be able to relive that month of summer every day, walking on the beach, playing, laughing, playing with Thor, jumping in the sea, chatting, having each other's warmth and imagining that, at that moment, you were infinite, that nothing could stop you, that feeling would be eternal and that no one could ever take that away from both of them.
                You were unique on that vacation, without lies, without anyone but you and you alone. You just wanted to run away and hide, spend the rest of yours lives together. Too dramatic and irresponsible, but that's how you felt. You wanted to be close to each other, Yunho forever wanted to be sitting on the rock near the pier with Thor coming towards him barking and you coming behind, catching up with them and kneeling down, petting the big and clumsy little Golden Retriever.
                You wanted the feeling of the first kiss again, wanted to relive every vain moment without caring about the world falling apart around you. Yunho wiped the tear that insisted on falling from your eyes. Your head fell on the chest of the boy who hugged you back, not just any hug, that hug that says more than any words, that memorable hug, that hug of longing, that hug of affection, love, goodbye.
                "I do not want to leave you."
                Your voice came out weak and shaky between a few tears that were already wet Yunho's shirt.
                “We’re not going to let each other go, remember?” Yunho commented, stroking your hair, placing a simple kiss on the top of your head. “You will always be with me, no matter where. You made me be me, you completed me, you made me feel like the happiest person in the world...” you moved your head away and looked him in the eyes. Watery, red eyes met and Yunho sighed. “We both know that everything could go wrong after I get in the car and hit the road, I just want you to know that I will never forget this summer.”
                Yunho's words of conviction brought in you the feeling of happiness that you hadn't been able to allow yourself to feel since the night before. You both knew it was more likely that you would never see each other again, but that didn't mean you had to forget about each other. His eyes lit up when he noticed the first real smile you allowed yourself to give in the last 24 hours, making Yunho smile too.
                “Yunho…” Your voice was weak. Yunho ran his thumb over your face, making you smile slightly at that, feeling it and trying to memorize everything. “I wanted to repeat everything...”
                “Me too, little one.”
                He placed a kiss on your forehead, your hands quickly cupping Yunho's cheeks, pulling him closer to your face with a slight smile and his eyes were shining, not with sadness, but with happiness.
                “Shall we go to the rock?” Both smiled. Yunho was already getting up, but you stopped him, hands on his forearm. “Finish your bags, I don’t think when we come back, we’ll have time for you to pack them later.”
                A mischievous smile appeared on your lips.
                “(y/n) are you sure?” You approached the boy, looking at him with a toothless smile and that spark that Yunho loved in his eyes.
                “I trust you and I don't think we'll have a second chance anytime soon,” the kiss was quick, but full of desire, desire, trust and longing. You and Yunho finished packing your bags amidst small stolen kisses, some tickles and small moments where you distracted Yunho by the simple fact of existing and being in his room.
                “Shall we go, little one?”
                You nodded, taking his hand and you soon headed to the rock where you met for the first time.
                The path was relatively long, but that didn't stop you from keep on running, laughing, kissing, hugging and screaming – in the moments when Yunho decided to carry you on his lap when you started trying to tickle him again. Soon the beach could be seen and your hands quickly intertwined as you walked along the shore and – occasionally – joined the other beachgoers. You kicked the sand, went close to the sea to feel it on your feet, trying to relive every moment, until at dusk, when almost no one was on the beach, you both sat on the rock facing the dark horizon, the reflection of the moon in the sea, the waves breaking, seeing the stars, the wind from the coast, that for both of you was all you had to remember from that vacation.
                “The best memories are made of small moments, they are made of people, the right people and the wrong people. They are made of a longing, of a desire. Memories are memories that our unconscious keeps and releases from time to time to remind us of who we are, what we have become, what made us change.” Your speech was serious, but your eyes were focused on the ocean in front of you, your hands always intertwined, the constant reminder that Yunho was still there with you. The silence was nice, it wasn't uncomfortable like it probably should have been. You laughed softly and looked at Yunho with a goofy smile and shining eyes. “You are one of my fondest memories, Yunho.”
                “And you mine, (y/n).”
                Yunho grabbed your face with his left hand, bringing you closer and your lips soon met. A simple touch of lips. Just a taste of what was, what is, what would always be.
                You both spent a few more moments enjoying the moment in which it all began, remembering moments that you thought were lost, moments that you would give anything to relive and never forget. Once you left the rock hugging each other, it must have been close to midnight when both arrived at the beach house where Yunho and his family were staying. Then you went up as silently as possible to Yunho's room.
                As soon as he closed the door, began a warm kiss that would remain in their minds for a long time, knowing that when you saw each other again, the desire to repeat it would be extreme. Both walked awkwardly towards the bed, laughing between kisses, feet and legs intertwining from time to time, hands running and exploring each other's bodies. That was when you felt the bed on your knees, pulling Yunho closer to you, not wanting to break the kiss for anything, but Yunho moved away a little, supporting his weight on his arms, looking at you from above, both of you with a smile on your face, eyes shining like two pairs of obsidian, lips swollen and red.
                “Are you sure you want this?” Despite the breathless voice and the desire to have his mouth on every part of your body, he wanted to be sure.
                Before you started getting involved, when neither considered it anything other than friendship, you had already had a similar conversation where you said that you couldn't give yourself to someone the way some girls did, that you both had to have something relevant for you to get along with, for you to give yourself in such a way and it would not be easy for that to happen.
                “Yunho, we may not be officially dating, but our relationship is the relevant relationship I was talking about,” your voice was firm despite your breath being missing a little, a small laugh came out of both of your throats, and you continued with a slight smile and little blushed. “You make me feel good, you give me confidence and I have no problem with that happening between us.”
                “I promise not to hurt you.”
                You knew he could never do that to you, but that sentence brought greater security as Yunho continued to look into your eyes, waiting and looking for some kind of change, of apprehension, of fear, but he didn't find any. A cute smile took over your face along with a slight pink tint on your cheeks. Yunho smiled lightly, kissing your forehead, then your nose, both cheeks, chin, and a simple kiss on your lips and then focusing on your neck, taking the opportunity to wrap one of his arms around your waist when your back arched with the trail of kisses that he left around your neck.
                You both wanted that, there was no better time for it to happen. What would be the possibility of meeting again? Practically zero. You just enjoyed it, you only had one night, one more night together, why not make it more special? Why not make it that memory that will make you let out that goofy smile, bring you that feeling of freedom, that desire to come back, have the feeling of loving and being loved?
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                "Will we try?"
                Yunho asked after closing the trunk of the car and observing your reaction as you stared at his arms, exposed thanks to the tank top he was wearing.
                “You had to wear a sleeveless shirt.”
               Your comment was low enough that only you both could hear, an embarrassed smile on your lips as you approached him, running your hand over the nail marks on Yunho's arms and back, making a slight grimace when you noticed how visible they were, making the boy laugh and hold your hand.
                “Why hide it?” He commented laughingly, looking into your eyes, making you blush a little more before he pulled you in for a quick kiss. The lips trailing from your mouth to the base of your ear. “You still haven't answered me...”
                One last kiss under your ear, along with a light squeeze on your waist, caused your mind to go into short circuit, pressing your thighs together, which didn't go unnoticed by Yunho who laughed softly, depositing a last kiss on your cheek. Your hands quickly going to the back of his head, a small caress there and you could swear you heard a grunt come out of the boy. Knowing that you had as much of an effect on Yunho as he had on you was gratifying to say the least.
                The memories of the previous night quickly infiltrated both of your minds.
                “We can, but when will we see each other again?”
                Yunho smiled and kissed you again, he heard the horn of his parents' car and immediately went to the driver's door and opened it, but before entering, his arms were quick around your waist, pulling you between his legs. The kiss was quick and full of feelings. Your hands wrapped around his neck, while his fingers tightened around your waist. It was only when Yunho felt a salty taste amid the kiss that he pulled away, lips red, just like the eyes that stared at him. You had cried. He quickly pulled you closer, feeling your face hide in the crook of his neck, tears wetting part of his shirt, but he didn't care as his hands ran up and down your back.
                “Don't worry,” he said wiping away the few tears and kissed your forehead and got into the car, closing the door, lowering the window and then starting the car. “I’ve already made arrangements with our parents, I’ll come here next vacation, you just need to accept me into your house and we’ll see each other again.” Yunho gave a mischievous smile as you stared at him with your mouth open, not knowing what to say. “I love you little one,” Yunho blew you an air kiss and squealed behind his parents’ car, leaving you unresponsive for a few moments.
                You ran to your room soon after and rolled over in bed with happiness, stifling a scream with your pillow, you quickly ran to your cellphone marking the next long holiday on the calendar, such as the next day of the start of winter vacation, which was supposed to be the time when Yunho would return. Your happiness was greater than anything else, you didn't know whether to scream, jump, run, or whatever to release the happiness you contained within yourself.
                Your fingers quickly sent a simple message to Yunho for when he arrived in Gwangju, to call so you can talk. Even though you didn't know exactly how everything would happen from that moment on, you couldn't care less. Yunho had said he loved you. He would come back to you, you just had to wait for him, which you knew you would do even if he didn't ask.
                Yunho had marked you; you were his, just as he was yours the moment he saw you run after Thor on the beach the day he arrived in Jeju. Deep down, you both knew that it didn't matter if it worked or not, because in the end, what you experienced that summer had been more than remarkable, you belonged to each other even before the night you spent together and that was enough at that moment.
"And what was eternal, will not remain only in the smell; in the speech; in the embrace; in the eyes. It will remain inside, intensely stored in the heart.”
(Victor Hugo Felipe)
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yeeterthek33per · 10 months
New Beginnings and Interesting Reads
Mary Fowler x Reader
Requested by Anon
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Honestly, she'd thought she could get away with not stopping to check on the little red light on her dash. It was just blinking so incessantly that she wanted desperately to have it just go away.
Who would have thought the great Mary Fowler, Australian Matildas Footballer, was one to ignore her car screaming at her until it forced her to pull over.
So now, she was stuck on foot, walking around a tiny ass town on the outskirts of Manchester after having it towed to the local mechanic. It wasn't tiny tiny, after all, there was, in fact, a mechanic.
There were a few dotted shops here and there, and there was a main street with a couple of grocery stores and various goods and services fronts. One that, for some reason, stood out to her was a rustic little two storey building. Standing out from the modernised concreting of the other stores surrounding it.
As she walked up to the door, she could see it was a bookstore. Books were lining the windows of varying conditions and colours.
The Rugged Pages.
Huh. Seems like something from a fantasy universe. Perfect way to kill time.
A little bell chimes when she steps in the store with a little push of the door. It's only a few seconds before a smiling employee greets her from behind one the many book laden wooden shelves.
She greets the employee back but doesn't really get a good look at them because she's too preoccupied looking around at the interior of the place.
It's a much bigger interior than she expected. Instead of a full second floor, there's a balcony that wraps around the outer walls and a set of what looks like mahogany stairs leading up from the far left. The centre of it opens up to peer into the upper ceiling and the walls of bookshelves that line the balcony.
There's dozens of shelves downstairs, with varying genres of books and age grouped stories. Starting with the kids' section towards the front and the more adult esque reads towards the far wall.
The oak counter is sat towards the far right of the back wall, a doorway just set in behind it leading in to what Mary assumes is a back/storage room.
"Is there anything I can help you with, miss?"
The accent is shockingly familiar to the aussie. A smile creeps onto her face as she gets a full look of the person behind the australian accent.
Shoulder-length hair pulled up into a high bun with a midlength undercut that looks like it hasnt been shaved down in a few weeks. A pair of plastic framed country road glasses sit on your face, and you're wearing a loose-fitting red flannel shirt tied at the waist with a browny looking red shirt underneath. It's paired together with some black jeans and a pin tacked to the outer pocket on your flanno. The pin has your name on it surrounded by intricate metal flows and vines.
It reads "Hi! My name is Y/n."
"Hey, no, I'm all good, just browsing."
You nod softly with a small smile. You tilt your head back towards where you're loading a big box of books onto some of the smaller shelves designed for kids towards the front of the store.
"Let me know if you need anything."
Mary nods softly before moving to peruse one of the shelves in with it marked 'LGBTQIA+'.
The shelf is lined with varying titles and fronts. There's markers every few books. 'MLM' 'WLW' 'Bisexual Romance' 'Chaotic Ace' (That one makes her snicker a little) 'WLW Mystery' and many other categories. She picks out a title that sticks out to her. 'The Shattered Lands' by Brenda Nation. Perfect, that will do.
She peruses a bit longer in other sections but eventually makes her way to the counter where you pop out from your spot, loading books up.
"Ah, the Shattered Lands, that's a good read. From tiktok?" A little confused, Mary shakes her head.
"No, I.. I just thought it might be interesting." You raise your brow slightly. A smile pulls at your lips.
"I'm glad then. The only time anyone buys this one is if they're fans of the author from tiktok. It's nice to see someone pick it up for the genuine interest. It was a good one to read. If you have the time, there's a little reading corner just by the window if you like."
Mary glances over. It's a comfy little nook with couches and multiple cushions, both on the floor and on the seating. She is killing time at the moment, and she mentions as such, agreeing to stay for a bit to read the book. It was gonna be a few hours before she had to go get her car again. The mechanic said she'd call Mary when the car was fixed. She's lucky. She's got a few days yet before she has anything she needs to do urgently.
"Actually, I might take you up on that offer, I'm stuck here til my car gets fixed, so I've got plenty of time to kill."
You nod in understanding, "Make yourself comfy." As you gesture to the lounge area.
She manages to bury herself into the book for about an hour, various people coming and going, some regulars that she hears you greet with a warm smile and playful tone, most new customers travelling through looking for some quick picks to read on their travels, which you greet with a bright smile and help guide them to what they're looking for.
Eventually, though, she's left feeling a little stiff and eventually gets up to wander the shelves. She finds you reading a book yourself at the counter, having completed stacking any new deliveries for the day. You look up at her as she does so, eyes following her over the top of the pages.
"So what's got you coming through here? Travelling from home? Doesn't sound too much like you're from around this area."
Her eyes crinkle with a laugh as she approaches and sits on one of the stools placed underneath the countertop.
"No, I'm just in from Manchester, I live and work there for eight months out of the year, I am from Australia though, just moved for the job, I take it you were too?"
You nod, "Little podunk set of towns in NSW. Moved up north for the opportunity with a business partner of mine. Ended up owning this place instead. Plus, the women's soccer is nice to have available to watch."
Mary blushes a little at that. Did you know?
You chuckle a little, blushing a bit yourself, oops. "Yeah, sorry, I didn't wanna call you out like that. I knew who you were, just didn't wanna bring it up on you, keep work at work, that kind of thing."
She laughs at that, shaking her head.
"Honestly, thank you for that. It's nice to have a little time to myself without any professionalism. Don't worry, though. You had me fooled for a good bit."
Your eyes sparkle with a little playfulness. "Happy to be of service, m'lady." Before continuing. "How're you liking the book so far?"
Mary, to her credit, actually had been enjoying the book, but she couldn't sit still long enough to read anymore.
"It's been pretty good, I got up to the bit about Sapphire going to find the red-haired witch in the forest to ask about what she might know about her origins."
"Ah, you're in for a treat then. The book keeps you on your toes, though."
"Right? There are so many twists already."
"But I'm guessing you're getting a little fidgety there?"
Her nose scrunches up a little, and she sheepishly nods. "Not much of a sitter I've come to discover."
You nod, biting your lip a little. "Would you wanna take a walk around town for a bit? I've got a lunch break for an hour or so. I figured, since you've time and all."
You pause to wait for a bit before backtracking again, a little flustered. "Not that you have to, I just thought you might wanna get out of here for a bit. Come look at some of the cafes with me."
Mary smiles and nods a little more enthusiasticly than she likes. "Absolutely, of course, but I wouldn't want to take up your time."
"Absolutely not, I'm offering. I kinda wanna learn more about you."
She smiles back, nodding, and you begin grabbing your stuff before leading her out of the store and locking the place up temporarily with an "on break" sign posed in the window.
You walk beside her for a few blocks, chatting idly about the town and its aspects. "There's a few places I go to when I forget to buy food for work, which today happens to be one of those days."
You lead her to a cozy little coffee shop. Inside, it's a bit warmer, and the smell of brewing liquid life permeates the air. You nod at the barista working the register. "That's Em, my most likely future best man."
Emily looks up at you as you enter. "Look who it is, ratbag. In for the morning usual?"
You shake your head amused, "Yeah, Em, and another one for the new girl."
"Hi, how are you? I'm Emily."
"Hey, nice to meet you, I'm doing pretty good, keeping this one busy, it seems."
"I'm showing her the good places to hit up in town, just getting coffee first. How do you want your coffee?"
Mary gives her order to Em, who starts working on the two beveridges right away. As you wait, she asks about the reason in particular for this town.
"Cause she can't get enough of this!" Emily yells out from behind the machine.
You roll your eyes at the barista. "Nah, you're a pain in the ass."
"You love this ass."
"Too much sometimes, honestly, why are we friends again?"
She gives you a mock offended look, clutching at invisible pearls.
You chuckle and turn back to the striker beside you. "The opportunity was there. The place was cheap, and a quick fix. Plus, the people here are okay."
Emily interjects, waving you both over.
"Actually, the people here are really nice. This one's just an asshole." She winks at Mary as she says it.
"Don't listen to her. She's just jealous cause she can't get a date in a town with a population of two hundred."
Mary raises a brow at that.
"A date?"
You flush quickly realising what you said. "I mean, it was more of a-"
"Nice going sweetheart'."
You whip your head around at the girl behind the counter. "Shut up."
Mary's head tilts back in a laugh. "If you wanted this to be a date, all you had to do was ask."
Your mouth drops open at that, and Emily laughs at your expression. Mary smirks as she picks up her drink and walks to the door, gesturing for you both to keep moving.
"I like this one, keep her around for me!"
Em calls after you, and you turn to glare at the blonde.
This woman certainly has you on your toes.
Your cheeks are basically pinker than they've ever been but you follow regardless, a little sheepish if anything.
You rub at your neck as you both slowly stroll around the corner, away from view. "Sorry about that, I just kind of assumed and I-"
"Ask me."
You look up at her confused.
"Ask me, you want it to be a date, ask me."
Your bite your lower lip trying to hold back from a massive grin.
"Will you join me in this fine, fine hour and go on a date with me?"
Your head does a double take before the girl chuckles and shakes her head.
"I'm kidding, of course I will."
You sigh in relief. You didn't wanna miss this opportunity. She's gorgeous, she plays your favourite sport for a living, she likes to read and she lives relatively close to you. It's nice not to have to be stuck in a one sided long distance relationship. Woah, hold your horses, hasn't gotten that far yet.
"Great, then I've got a great place we can go to, just give me a few minutes while I go lock up for the day, a half hour isn't long enough to be honest."
You're gone for about ten minutes, and you come back to Mary back inside the cafe, chatting with your friend.
"Hey, sorry about that, ready to go?"
Mary nods, and Emily waves you both goodbye.
She slips her arm around yours. You're slightly shorter than her, so it's a little weird at first, but you eventually settle into the hold.
You both walk to another section of town. There, you bring her to a place that looks like a little sandwich shop with a massive arcade attached to it. You tell her about your first encounter here. The place looked decent and turned out to be pretty good. Good enough that you were back on the regular.
"Hey, Y/n, usual today?"
Georgie greets you from behind the register.
"Not today, I'm with someone for a few hours."
"Ah, gotcha. What would you like love?"
Mary hums for a second, browsing over the menu. You watch as she pulls her bottom lip between her teeth for a second, and you realise you're staring when she looks back at the cashier. "I'll have a number 12 and a water, please." "Coming right up, hon, and for you L/n?"
"I'll take a number 5 today, please."
"No mayo, extra pickles with a sunkist?"
"You got it."
"16 pound 50 today love."
You're quick to jump in and tap your card before Mary pulls her phone out. She pouts at you, and you chuckle. "I asked you out."
"Only because I told you to." You stick your tongue out at that cheekily. "I wanted to."
Your food comes quickly, and you find a table in the corner, away from the door and any large windows.
The food is amazing as per usual, and the look on Mary's face agrees with that from her first bite. The food is always good here.
"Good, right?"
She groans, "You're kidding, right? How do they make sandwiches taste so good?"
You chuckle and shrug, "No idea, must be that southern English love."
"I swear my nutritionist is gonna kill me, that and my bank account."
"Yeah, I tend to avoid this part of town most days because if I even get close to this place, I can't resist a good teriyaki chicken club."
You finish your food and drinks, and you pull her up with a giddy grin as you lead her into the arcade and grab a loaded up card from your pocket.
"The food is amazing, but the games are pretty close. Come on, I wanna see what we can win today."
You spend the better part of two hours in there, ranging from a basketball hoop shooter to the Mario Kart racer. Turns out, Mary is really good at arcade games. And it turns competitive quite a few times.
In the end, you come away with a combined 2000 tickets.
Which is honestly pretty good for two people in that amount of time. With that, you both pick out a few lollies and a stuffed bear in a soccer uniform, which you all too happily hand over to her. (*It may have cost a few thousand more than you actually earned, but she doesn't need to know that you dipped into your saved tickets for it*)
In the end, the date slows down to a slow stroll around town in the late afternoon. And it's only when she finally gets a call from the mechanic that it has to come to an end.
You walk her back to just outside the mechanics while she picks up her car and pays for the repairs. She's parked it just on the street outside the bookshop while you two talk for a bit.
"Guess this is it for the night, then?" You ask tentatively, shuffling a little.
Mary smiles softly and nods a little.
"Yeah, I have to get back to Manchester with this stuff. And I've got teammates waiting for me to get back as well."
You nod in understanding. You're a little upset about the date ending, but you don't show it.
"Thank you for agreeing to come out with me today."
"Hey, pretty girl asks me out, I'm not gonna say no. Besides, I'm definitely gonna be back. I wouldn't wanna miss out on a second date. And a chance to pay you back for the bear as well." There's a twinkle in her eye that says she damn well knows how much you spent on her earlier, and you blush a little.
"So there's a second date?" You ask with raised brow.
"If you'll have me."
"Without a doubt." You answer without hesitation. Mary grins and grabs your hands in hers. She pulls you into her, and you grin, leaning up. She meets you halfway with a soft kiss to your lips.
It sends tingles down your spine, and her hands running up and down your arms leave goosebumps in their wake, making you shiver a little.
It deepens for a second before you take a step back, stopping yourself from holding her hostage here any longer and going any further than you should.
"You're amazing, you know that?"
It has her grinning, and she scrunches her nose adorably. Her hand finds yours to squeeze it a few times before she presses one last kiss to your lips and bids you farewell.
"I'll message you soon, pretty girl, I want that second date I was promised."
"Wouldn't miss it for the world, drive safe, cutie."
She waves goodbye and drives off, heading in the direction of the highway, going back to Machester.
You can still feel the tingle of lips against yours, the feel of her fingertips on your skin, and it leaves you keening for more, despite her being long gone. You'd have to keep an eye out on your phone now.
As Mary's cruising along the highway, all she can think about is how your lips felt against hers. How you'd grinned at her when she'd pulled you in to meet her against the side of her car. How easy the two of you just settled into easy banter and how open you seemed to be with her. You were definitely someone she didn't want to let go of just yet.
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victoriadallonfan · 5 months
Victoria and the Chocolate Factory
“Signatures detected.”
“All of them?”
“All. Alive too, but the signal is getting weaker. We don’t know if it’s due to the technology he uses or because… well, you know.”
I grit my teeth and nodded. I knew all too well. I’d read all the files, and seen what had happened in the aftermath.
The broken homes. The broken kids.
In some ways, it was worse than Cradle, because this fucker seemed intent on humiliating the kids just as much as he wanted to make them hurt. “We found him,” Dragon said in my ear piece. “His duplicates have been detected and targeted in London and Bath. Your strike team is clear to go.”
The cold air of Oxford whipped over my forcefield as I descended, feeling the chime in my ear as Dragon disconnected and my eye lit up with gold.  A quick rush of information poured into my vision and brain from Kenzie’s camera, logs of teams communicating where they didn’t feel comfortable speaking, coordinating battle plans and sharing files on the targets.
I had to ignore it all for now, blinking rapidly to swipe through vision modes, until I had the highlighted figures in view. Gold for allies and deep red for targets, the camera giving me a very basic outline of the building’s interiors and possible sources of egress.
Coming down through the clouds, I decided to leave those areas to my team; I had a means of making my own entrance.  
The gun chimed above my head, lines of circuitry along the barrel and handles alighting in gold as the charge readied itself, aimed near the largest red target. A top-hat symbol with a crescent grin beneath.
Traced by whatever power source the new gun used as a battery, the gold laser tore through the sky as I flew down, illuminating wisps of moisture from the clouds on my forcefield.  
It was smaller, tighter, and more concise than the original gun. The new gun was more like what Win had made to fight the Simurgh, more compact in use.
Size mattered not though, my eye camera noting how the beam of light tore through several floors of the building in mere moments. 
I cut off the beam as I approached, a few hundred feet away.
I flew down at an angle, collapsing my forcefield to a near skintight level and held the gun so that it trailed behind me like a straightened scorpion’s tail, just so I could lose that extra bit of air resistance.  With the angle of my flight, and my narrowed profile, I slipped into the glowing hole I made at full speed, the rings of melted steel flickering past me like a descent into hell.  
I came to a stop where the laser had hit near my target, a deep smoking crater that smelled of burning licorice and cinnamon. I turned to where the red symbol stood, both of us obscured by smoke.
“I've always wanted my factory to have that rustic, industrial look. How very avant-garde of you.” The smoke began to fade, the blood red top-hat and crescent smile flickering out of focus as my target became visible to the naked eye. “At least the new ventilation will help with the smell, young dear.”
Wonka, I thought with absolute loathing. The smile on the man’s face didn’t reach his manic eyes, casually leaning on a cane, seemingly unbothered by a lightspeed spear hitting the ground not even fifty feet away from him. 
Cloaked in a purple velvet jacket and adorned with a vibrant orange vest, he didn’t look much like a cape. Dark Society, the Ambassadors, and the Suits went with the professional look - even Limerick added splashes of messy color - but this didn’t feel like reinforcing a costume with high quality attire. 
Which made a level of sense. He had never advertised himself as a cape.
Curly brown hair jutted out from under his hat, and a golden goose-handled cane that felt more than a touch on the nose as he loomed over me on a small circular pedestal. A perfect match for the description of William Wonka.
One of the Wonkas, at least. The others had situated themselves across the United Kingdom of Gimel, portraying themselves as kind, loving, benefactors to the community. 
That had been before the missing families hit the news. Before the children were found, sans parents or guardians, dumped in alleyways or in the woods.
None of them were dead. We couldn’t even call it a mercy, with what he had done to them.
Last I had heard, Tattletale was trying to pull in favors from Semiramis to try and revert them to normal. Riley was looking over them too, asking about getting help from Chris for his parole.
A dark fucking irony, considering what his original had done.
“You going to surrender?”  I asked, even though I already knew the answer. More of the factory was coming into view now; giant candy carrots with leaves that looked glossy, almost like they were made of rubber. More alien looking plants and oddly designed pillars were strewn across the floor, looking more like a greenhouse from a TV show than anything that a professional business would have. 
The grass beneath our feet looked normal, but the smell of the burnt ground made me doubt it.
"Surrender?” His voice was soft and calm. He brushed some burned dust off his shoulder. “My dear, I'm afraid you misunderstand the nature of my work," he replied, twirling his cane with an eerie grace. "How nonsensical of a question to ask. Well, I suppose a little nonsense is relished for a reason. I must say, your entrance was quite spectacular, if a bit lacking in finesse."
I ignored his taunts, my gaze unwavering as I aimed the gun at him. He tapped his cane and a glass tube flashed up to encase him, glittering in the factory lights. The way the light was refracting off the glass gave me pause and the madman tipped his hat, “Little surprises around every corner, but nothing dangerous. To me, at least. For you? Well…” 
A flick of his wrist had a silver flute in his hand-
I fired a warning shot, the laser missing the tube on purpose, wanting to slow down whatever he was planning.
-and continued to play the instrument, a small melody, unbothered by the attack. He gave the instrument a twirl and it vanished beneath his coat.
Distorted echoes of laughter and screams seemed to linger in the air as the melody and blast of my laser died down, accompanied by music and the stomp of feet.
“Your fucked up game ends here," I declared, rising up and flying closer to the glass tube. “The heroes have you surrounded. Your duplicates are being hunted down.”
Wonka merely tilted his head. "Oh, my dear, you're not here to end anything. Can’t you hear it? The sound of dreamers and their fitful nightmares? Here they come, right… now."
As he spoke, the shadows within the factory stirred. Short men appeared, their skin orange and hair a sickening shade of green. Each one bore an expression devoid of any emotion, their eyes dead, even as they sized me up. 
Some of them were marching, while others somersaulted or vaulted from behind the candy colored jungle, adroit for their small size.
They sang, and music seemed to emanate from nowhere, reminding me of Nursery’s power.
Oompa Loompas, doopity doo,
Here's a lot of trouble, coming for you.
Oompa Loompas, doopity dee,
If you are wise, then now you must flee.
I turned and opened fire on the minions, only for them to cartwheel out of the way. Others were quick to put obstacles in the beam’s way, including the candy carrots that seemed slower to melt than solid steel. 
We’d captured a few of these Loompas in the past few days, canvassing the remnants of his artificial wilderness in the sewers of London. The ones we let our guards down were quick to duplicate as the song progressed and were surprisingly adroit. Cruel as well, considering what they did to their still-living victims. 
The Loompas that weren’t eradicated were quick to calcify, turning into what was best described as hyper-dense rock candy. Apparently, other locations would have different variations of the Loompas.
Another blast at a group of Loompas trying to aim a fire-hose sized vine my way, scorching chocolate spurting out before being vaporized.
Fast little fuckers.
And they were quickly surrounding me by the dozens.
What do you get when you mess with fate?
A clash of powers, a bitter debate.
What do you get when you challenge the stars?
A battle unfolding, bearing new scars.
You've entered our world of whimsical glee,
But beware, dear Victoria, of the chaos you'll see.
Heroes and villains, in a dance so divine,
Yet meddling too much might- “Gack!”
One of the Oompa Loompas fell to the ground, thrashing as barbed wire exploded out of his mouth. Pieces of a glass marble embedded his eyes.
“Wham! Bam! Shazam! Kablam!” Finale shouted, launching her own barrage of musical blasts, sending the small minions flying about as their empowered song was thrown off-key. 
The other Majors were arriving, Withdrawal blasting Loompas with goop that seemed alive, latching onto anything that moved. Caryatid was acting as a shield for Finale, unharmed as a trio of Loompas tried to bash her head in with a giant lollipop.
Sveta was in the rafters, tossing things at any unaware minion. Children were in her grasp.
The survivors.
“Oompa Loompa, doopity dee,” Limerick sang with the most bored teenage voice I had ever heard, putting away his slingshot. “Here's a new phrase, now listen to me. Oompa Loompa, doopity doo. You can’t do jack shit when we say fuck you.”
He tossed back a knife so casually that one almost would have thought it was reckless, had it not impaled a Loompa through the temple, causing him to fall atop a nearby squad and douse them all in a burning candy puddle from one of the laser blasts.
Loompas turned to him, and I got the distinct impression that his singing pissed them off more than the killing.
I turned to Wonka; chin raised.
“They say that looks can kill,” Wonka tutted. “But it seems being blindsided is what has done me in.” 
He smiled suddenly, “Come then. You and I have so little to do with so much time.”
I charged him, gun at the ready, Fragile One baring her teeth.
His child victims called the factory a ‘world of pure imagination’.
I would make sure to wake him up to reality.
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simspirationbuilds · 5 months
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Nestled along the tranquil waters, this cottage offers a perfect blend of rustic charm and modern comfort. Imaging waking up to the soothing melodies of flowing water, surrounded by nature's embrace - every day! This cottage is a haven of relaxation, seamlessly merging the beauty of the riverbank with stylish interiors. Create lasting memories for the years to come in your own river retreat xx
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flash-the-readies · 1 month
Building a house in the sims 4 but every room is a different pink floyd album
I built this ages ago and it just now occurred to me that I could share this here. I was inspired by a lilsimsie video where she did the same thing except each room is a different Taylor Swift album.
So I built this shell of a house with 14 rooms (+ the exterior so 15 total albums) and then randomised an album for each room and decorated accordingly. Since I wasn't planning on actually playing in the house I didn't bother with landscaping lmao. Sorry for the awkwardly wide shots, I got lazy taking screenshots.
Anyways I suggest making it into a game by going through the photos first and trying to guess which album they are before reading. Let me know if you get them all and what references you catch
As a bonus I added the interior design styles I was vaguely inspired by
Here's the downstairs and upstairs floorplans
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The exterior: I cannot make this up. I got the Wall, I was cackling
Style: I wanted English cottage but not in a thatched roof way.. in a Georgian way... and then I remembered I started complaining about Georgian cottages so I added more...shape and ended up with this... eh...
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The Entryway: Ummagumma
Style: a bit transitional, she's homey, she's relaxed
I started off thinking I was going to make a relatively ordinary house
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Downstairs hallway: Endless River
That basegame gradient wallpaper was actually perfect. This is the second room I did and slowly started dropping any pretenses that this was going to be an ordinary house
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Downstairs Powder room: Momentary Lapse of Reason
Style: coastal but in an extra silly goofy way
THIS is where I finally decided to embrace the chaos. Unfortunately I didn't get a bedroom for this album but I actually like how it turned out.
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The dining room: Wish You Were Here
Style: brutalism and minimalism
I'm actually obsessed with how this one (pls notice the grate behind the table)
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The kitchen: Meddle
Style: Rustic, cottage
This was difficult...I was heavily relying on the colour scheme and references to the lyrics since the album cover looks like.. well... that...
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The office: A Saucerful of Secrets
Style: 60s space age and Mid-Century modern
I was so thrilled to use that 60s space age chair
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The living room: Obscured by Clouds
Style: traditional
I shared this with my dad and this room made him laugh.. I too was cackling while decorating it
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laundry/utility/mudroom: Division Bell
Style: .......... fuck if I know
pls tell me you see the vision because this was a struggle
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Upstairs hallway: More
Style: Spanish revival, Spanish colonial
uh... there wasn't much to do here but that's what I had in mind. Not pictured is a nice wooden chandelier above the stairs.
.......... I take it back. This was even more of a struggle
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Bedroom 1: Animals
Style: Industrial
This is probably my second favourite room
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Bedroom 2: Atom Heart Mother
Style: She's rustic, she's farmhouse
I HAD to use that topiary
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Bedroom 3: Dark Side of the Moon
Style: If I had to choose one I would say contemporary even though it's not actually reflected in the room
Discover University actually came with a Dark Side inspired poster so I KNEW I would be using it
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Bedroom 4: The Final Cut
pls tell me why the two kids' rooms ended up being colour-drenched in black..
(the bed is a military cot....)
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Upstairs bathroom: Piper at the Gates of Dawn
style:... she's ...... eclectic
Saved best for last. The Sims has a gnome obsession and I FINALLY got to use them all
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goldfarthing · 1 year
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A customisable A6 greeting card featuring my own Shire watercolour painting and calligraphy on the front. Warm tones of green, beautifully textured (and 100% recycled) card, and a blank interior make this the perfect gift for book and fantasy lovers, whatever the occasion! A6 brown kraft envelope included.
You can also choose to have a custom message handwritten inside in a familiar rustic script. Just drop your message in the customisation box, and my trusty pen and I will do the rest! Swipe through the photos to see an example.
Want me to send the filled-in card directly to the recipient? Pop their address in the delivery address section, and remember to mark your order as a gift! I'll seal the envelope, write the recipient name on it, and post it directly to their address (inside a second, card-back envelope so it doesn't bend in the mail).
Dimensions: A6 (105 x 148.5 mm) when folded. 300 gsm.
Materials: Card made of an uncoated recycled card in a natural shade, manufactured without the use of Optical Bleaching Agents (OBA). FSC Certified Recycled Fibre. Envelope made of brown kraft paper.
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punk4ndisorderly · 1 year
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The one where Y/N is the daughter of a legendary Team USA coach and used to attend the development program with the boys. 8 years after they last saw each other in person, a reunion brings Jack and Y/N back into each other’s lives... and hearts.
if you keep the light on, i'll keep the light on
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XI XII - better living through chemistry XIII
“I mean, who would’ve known some idiot would purposefully set off the sprinklers and get the club evacuated? Don’t get me wrong, it was a kickass bachelor party nonetheless, but we were really enjoying the show.” the groom chatted away on his phone while David, his fiancé, drove, humming along to a Sinatra song and tapping his fingers softly on the steering wheel.
Y/N sat in the backseat, her eyes wandering around the secluded community’s landscape. River's topic of conversation made her look down on her lap, where Jack's grey dad hat rested, taking her back to that night, a week before, when he had leaned in impossibly close to her face, starting to say something, only to be interrupted by the sound of a fire alarm.
That had been bothering her for the better part of the past seven days. She was dying to know what he was going to say, but he didn’t mention it again after that night, and it wasn’t really her place to push it.
“We’re here.” David announced as he parked, smiling softly at his fiancé beside him.
“Ah!” River all but squealed inside the secluded space, making Y/N wince.
The doctor grinned at the serenity in the groom-to-be’s face. She had always been extremely fond of the pair and she was sure they were going to continue making each other very happy for a very long time.
The beauty of the wedding venue continued to astound her. Her brother had definitely found the perfect place. It there was someone who could do the job it was River, sometimes to a dangerous level of diligence.
“Y/N, you go ahead and choose a room, I’ve got to deal with the event planner. Here’s the key. Go hang your maid of honor dress, sister! I trust you followed my instructions?” the designer raised his perfectly styled eyebrow, momentarily moving the phone away from her ear.
“Yes, Groomzilla, don’t worry about it, I got the memo.” she chuckled, putting the cap on and adjusting her ponytail before going to get her bag from David.

The groom-to-be flipped her off in response, placing his mobile device back where it had been for days and heading down the pathway towards the wedding planner’s headquarters.
“I can take these for you!” David offered, shyly.
“Thank you very much, but go with your man. Trust me, if you think he's stressed now, let the clock strike midnight… Enjoy it while he's sane and as close to calm as he can get while you can.” the doctor winked, earning a nervous chuckle from the engineer. “Don’t worry, it will all be worth it in the end. You guys are absolutely perfect for each other.”
The cabin was spacious, with wooden decks and several balconies. Its woodsy interior presented a rustic décor, comfy furniture, fireplaces, a large kitchen and five bedrooms, as well as a game room.
The boys are going to lose it over this, she thought, snickering to herself as she ran her hand over the foosball table’s handles.
Y/N opened the door to the first bedroom she found, figuring out it was the one David and River were staying in and deciding to look for one for herself. The maid of honot ended up choosing the secluded room with the queen-size bed. There wasn’t much else to it, the bed not leaving much space for anything else. It was small, but cozy, just down the hall from every other room in the cabin and it would certainly give her the privacy and the peace she craved to rest.
Hanging up her garment bag in the closet, she stuffed her duffel bag in there as well, giving herself a tour around the wood cabin after in order to get a picture of roughly everything that caught her attention with the camera she had been inseparable of for years. Her ex-husband, as usual, had been inflexible about swapping weekends for her to be able to bring Joey with her to the wedding, so she had promised her daughter she’d take pictures of everything to show her when they got home.
The doctor stepped outside, breathing in the fresh air, not being able to keep the small smile on her lips from growing. She’d always loved the quiet and the calmness of nature, loving the happiness and inspiration it provided her.
Tying up her shoelaces, Y/N followed the dirt road path that had brought them to their weekend accommodation, redoing their car trip in reverse so she could snap some photos of the view she had fallen in love with.
After walking alone for about fifteen minutes, she found the entryway to a small hiding spot between the gigantic trees. She sat down, placing her hands on the ground behind her and looking up at the blue sky, way above the branches and the birds that flew around her.
The scent of pine trees invaded her nostrils, reminding her of the times she had gone camping throughout the years. With her parents when she was six, with the girl scouts at thirteen and with the boys back in camp. It was all so simple back then. Y/N recalled how she couldn’t set up a tent to save her life and Jack had done it for her, blushing furiously when she thanked him with a peck on the cheek. Thinking of his goofy grin as he finished his task made one appear on her face. He had always been so impossibly sweet.
Sweet Jack.
Y/N started to look at him differently as he grew up, and mostly over the past few weeks. Her former linrmate surprised her every day with his wit and sense of humor. Ever since the reunion she felt like she could not get enough of him. Something new was brewing up in her heart and she dreaded to find out exactly what it was.
Her phone vibrated in her pocket, interrupting her little introspective moment.
“Hey!” Y/N greeted her mother.
“Hi! Did you get there safe?”
“Yeah, thank you. You and Dan should come visit this place sometime. It’s gorgeous.” she gushed, picking up a small daisy from the ground, spinning it around between her fingers. “Jo would definitely love it here.”
“Speaking of our favorite little girl, she made me call you because she wants to tell you something. Apparently, it’s urgent.”
The doctor knitted her brows together, wondering what it was, standing up and cleaning her dirty hands on the fabric of her jeans.
“Hi mommy!” her daughter’s sweet voice filled her ears, making her smile instantly.
“Hey sweet girl! Nana said you have something very important and urgent to tell me. Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, I just wanted to tell you I saw a pretty butterfly in grandma’s garden and it made me think of you!”
Her heart melted with her five-year-old’s confession, not even thinking of scolding her for scaring her with the urgency of the call. She knew butterflies were one of Joey's favorite things in the world.
“Aw, sweetheart! Are you having fun over there?”
“I am! Daddy promised he’d pick me up after work and let me stay up past my bedtime so we could watch one of my Barbie movies together.”
“He did, hu?”
“Don’t get mad at him, mommy. I’m very persuasive.” Joey stated matter-of-factly. “I don’t know what it means, but daddy said so!”
“I’m not mad at him, Jojo, but you need to go to bed early, okay? You have to stick to your bedtime so you can make the most out of your days. Promise me you won’t use your charm on your dad or your grandma again…”
“I promise…”
“Thank you, baby. Remember to be ready when daddy picks you up and to be a good girl, okay? I’ll call you later to say goodnight, okay?
“Yes, mommy. Love you, mommy.”
“I love you too, Jo.” Y/N cooed, hanging up.
Checking the time on her phone, the teacher decided it was for the best if she started to head back to the cabin. She should be around in case River needed help with anything, knowing full-well how stressful weddings were.
Snapping a couple of pictures in her favorite new nook, she glanced around one more time before stepping out of it. As soon as her foot touched the dirt road, she heard the tires of a car screeching and a black Range Rover stopping right in front of her, making dirt and dust fly and settle all over her petite form.
She groaned in frustration, cleaning up her face and shaking off the rest of the dirt, unsuccessfully for the most part.
Jack jumped out of the car, running towards her, a worried look etched on his handsome face.
“Are you okay?” the brunette man asked, frantically, taking her by the shoulders.
“I’m fine.” she chuckled awkwardly, her heart still pounding hard in her chest. “I should’ve looked before stepping into the road like a maniac. This could’ve gone wrong. River would’ve been pissed if I stole the spotlight away from him on his wedding weekend.”
“Uninjured and cracking jokes! Thank god.” the Devils' player sighed in relief. “You scared the hell out of me. And the dogs.”
“Oh right, River told me he was going to ask you to bring them. To be fair, with the amount of stuff we had in David’s car, those little beauties wouldn’t have had a pleasant trip. Still, I wish I’d have snuck Finn in, poor thing.”
“Your mom is probably pampering him as we speak. I think he’ll forgive you for leaving him behind for the weekend.”
“How do you - ”
“Your mom is the only person in the world you’d trust your dog with. I know you, Y/N.” he taunted.
“Too well, it seems.” the doctor laughed, gazing at his handsome face.
God, she could probably get lost in those eyes.
Jack bit down on his lip, noticing the way she was looking him but being too afraid to call her out on it.
“She comes into my mind, twisting through my nerves, I don’t understand a thing she says. She’s on my side, I love her all the time…”
“What?” she muttered, coming out of her trance.
“Sonic Youth.” the hockey player smiled, pointing to her t-shirt.
“Oh, right. Yeah. I love her all the time .” she chuckled, looking down at her torso.
“One of my favorites. By the way, what are you doing alone in the middle of nowhere?”
“I came to explore.” Y/N, holding her camera up for him to see, wiggling her eyebrows at him.
“Okay, Dora.” he laughed. “Come on, I’ll give you a ride back to the cabin.”
“You know where it is?”
“No, but the GPS does. And don’t look at me like that, I don’t have the same sense of direction I had in high school.”
“Or lack of it.”
He stuck his tongue out at her, pretending to have taken offense as he opened the door for her.
“Wait! Get on the hood!”
“What? Why?”
“I think it’d be a cool picture of you! But you’ve got to follow my instructions.”
“Hu… Y/N…”
“Jack… It will look great on your social media feed, you hermit. If you don’t post it, I’ll have to… And it’s likely I’ll get death threats over it. We wouldn’t want that, right?” she challenged, smirking.
“Oh, no, we wouldn’t want that.” the brunette man agreed, mimicking her.
“It’s so hard always being right.” she sighed. “Alright, let’s get to work. Outstretch your arms. Both of your arms, Rowdy. Yeah, just like that. Perfect. Now sit down and pretend like you’re going through your phone. That’s it. Very mysterious. Wait! I just need one more.
Jack looked up from his phone, ready to do as she pleases.
“I want a picture with you, dummy.”
His heart fluttered in his chest, his former linemate waiting for his answer expectantly.
“Jack? If you don’t want to, it’s fine! I was just going to save it to show my girl when she’s old enough to understand you’re famous, but I get it if it’s - ”
“Y/N… Please. Don’t be silly. Of course I’ll take a picture with you.”
That smile of hers, the one that made her look like the sun, illuminated her face and she joined him, placing herself between his legs, trying to get the camera as far away from their faces as she could. Noticing she was struggling with the task, the length of her arms anything but long enough to fit the duo in the same frame.
“Give it to me, Thumbelina. I’ll take the photo.”
“Hey, I’m not that small!”
“Sure you’re not, shortcakes.” he smiled condescendingly, taking the camera from her hands.
“You celebrities are all the same… So full of yourselves!” she joked, leaning back against his hard chest, smiling when she felt the laughter roaring on his chest.
“Smile, sunshine.”

She didn’t even remember that nickname. She thought he wouldn’t either. He was the only person who had ever called her that. Sure, everyone told her she was the living impersonation of the sun but, even though her friends constantly teased her over the nickname he had given her, they never dared to use it. Perhaps because Jack uttered the word with such reverence they would never do it justice.
“Do you wish anything else from me, madam?” he whispered into her ear, pulling back to see Y/N roll her eyes.
“No, I got enough material to sell online and take Joey out for a little trip during the summer. Thanks, bud!”
“Atta girl! Nice hat, by the way.” the Devils' player smirked, getting in the car.
“I was told that it looks better on me than it did on its previous owner…” she claimed, enjoying the playfulness and lightness of their conversation.
“It really does.” Jack agreed, turning the key in the ignition and starting the car as she joined him inside.
“Oh, I’ve been a fan since he played - ”
“John Winchester, right?” Trevor laughed, plopping down on the couch, next to Alex.
“William Gallagher in PS: I love you. Dude, that movie broke my heart.”
Cole broke into hysterics at Trevor's facial expression over their friend’s admission, hugging Alex as if to protect him from Trevor's sharp wit.
“I think we’ve talked enough about movies, hu boys? By the way, where’s everybody?”
“The it couple is out in the back with the wedding planner, who, by the way, is probably a saint. Quinn is in our room doing god knows what. David's sister-in-law got the flu so her and his brother will only come on Sunday, but dropped off the kid so he won't catch anything in the meantime. Jack was supposed to be here by now with the dogs and I haven’t seen Y/N yet. Wait, I lost track of the boy."
“He’s sitting on the front stops reading.”
“My buddy is a bookworm now? Aw, a little nerd, just like his uncle."
“Alex, you flunked Lit three times.” Cole pointed out.
“Mr. Adams and I had our differences.” his friend shrugged.
“Yeah, he wanted you to study and you wanted to skip his classes to smoke blunts and make-out under the bleachers.” Cole snorted.
“Same thing.” he waved him off. “Anyway, your room’s the one with two large beds. You should take your baggage there, or River might unleash his wrath on you.”
“I do not feel like putting out that fire today.” the blond man shuddered, standing and throwing his bag over his shoulder.
“Oh, little Cole is afraid of mighty River?” Trevor teased him.
“Shut up, Z, the last time he glared at you you nearly wet your pants. Turc, keep an eye on the kid.”
“Turc's on it!”
He jumped off the couch, peeping at the little boy through the front window, watching him at an impressive pace, considering his age.
A car he recognized as his friend’s pulled up and out came Y/N, as well as Ginger, Ava and Freddie. Jack parked next to the other vehicles next to the cabin, joining the doctor and the three joyous dogs, who ran around, ecstatic, clearly enjoying the great outdoors.
“Is that…” the brunette man began once he noticed the small boy sitting on the steps in front of them.
“Oh my god, it is!” Y/N gasped. “Leo!” she called out.
David's brother's child raised his head, closing his book and standing up to greet the pair with a large, gap-toothed smile.
“I haven’t seen you in so long! Hi, buddy!” the doctor all but cooed, hugging him, just to hold him at arm’s length once she finally pulled back. “You’ve gotten so big! Let me take a good look at you!”
He was the spitting image of his mother, the only visible feature of his father his raven hair. Y/N could swear time had flown by and it had only been yesterday that his father was telling anyone and everyone to rub his wife's stomach because he had decided it was good luck.
“Y/N, we came to visit two months ago.” Leo said, faking annoyance.
“It’s been a lifetime!”
“Mom said you’d say that.” the little boy countered, chuckling.
“She did, did she?” Y/N smiled, looking back at Jack, who stood watching their interaction with a fond look on his face.
Leo peeked behind her to see the man she had come with, his grin widening significantly.
“Jack!” he greeted, letting go of the brunette to run to his godfather, his little arms around his waist. “I’m reading the book you told me about!” the boy made sure to let him know, beaming up at the brunette man like he’d hung the stars in the sky.
Jack's hand set on the crown of the kid's head, gently moving it to brush his hair away from his forehead.
“Yeah, which one?” he inquired, looking down at Leo.
“The prince Caspian one!”
“That’s a great one, right there.” the Devils' player winked. “It’s one of my favorites.”
“Mine too! I mean, I haven’t finished it yet, but I already know!” Leo quipped. “Y/N, where’s Joey?” he asked out of the blue, turning to her.
“She’s at her dad’s this weekend so she couldn’t come… Sorry, buddy…”
“Oh… Okay!” the seven-year-old shrugged, diverting his attention back to Jack. “Jack, I have a new pet turtle! I named him Simpy, because uncle River told me that was your nickname in school! You’re coming to see him soon, right?”
“Of course I am.” Jack grinned. “And hey, tell your uncle River Jack is going to kick his butt for telling you about that.”
“Sorry… Please don’t kick my uncle's butt.” Leo pleaded.
“Hey, don’t worry, little man. I won’t hurt him.” the older man assured him. “Much.” he added under his breath, only for Y/N to hear, making her purse her lips in order not to laugh.
“Well, I have to go change, because someone hit the brakes too hard and covered me in dust. I’ll be right back and I’ll want to hear all about that book of yours, alright? Keep Jack company for me, Leo. He’s a liability when he’s left by himself.”
Jack rolled his eyes playfully, leaning against the wooden handrail, suppressing a smirk.
“Okay, I will. Do you think uncle River minds if I play with the dogs?”
“Of course not, buddy! Go to town!”
Y/N ran up to her room, emptying her pockets and scattering her belongings all over the bed. She took off her grey Converse and her jeans, retrieving her bag from the closet and setting it on the floor, struggling with its zipper.
“Why did I overpack? I keep swearing to myself I won’t and yet…” the doctor mumbled to herself, huffing as she carefully looked through her garments in hopes to find the spare pair of pants she had packed. “A-ha!” Y/N chanted in victory when she found them.
Placing her belongings back in the closet, she leaned down, put the clean jeans on, struggling to pull them up past her ankles.
“Fuck you, tight pants!”
The door opened while she was cursing, her bottom still up in the air, and in came Jack holding his own garment bag and baggage. His eyes immediately landed on her ass and the black lace boy shorts she was wearing.
“What are you waiting for? Leave your shit there and get your ass downstairs. We’ve got a foosball tournament to win.” Trevor commanded loudly from behind him.
Y/N shrieked, being caught completely off-guard and stubbing her toes against one of the legs of the small settee in front of the bed. Her heart pounded in her chest as she quickly pulled her jeans all the way up, wincing in pain as she held her finger up in the air, asking them to remain silent until she left the room, limping.
Jack stood at the door, his eyes wide and his throat dry.
“She’s still got it.” Trevor laughed, patting his shoulder before turning back on his heels and heading down the hall.
The brunette man glared at him, hanging up his suit and leaving his luggage by the door.
“Ice! Ice! I need ice!” she called out, walking past Cole and Quinn in a hurry to try and ease the pain.
“Hello to you too, babe.” Quinn smirked, standing up to help her.
“I’m sorry.” Alina stopped her quest to hug her friend. “Hey.”
“Where’s the little princess?” he inquired, looking around for the small child.
“Charlie wanted to have her this weekend, so I’m riding solo.” she sighed, opening the freezer and grabbing a bag of frozen peas.
“Aw, I really wanted to see her!” Cole pouted, wrapping the plastic package Y/N handed him in a dishcloth and giving it back to her.
“I’m facetiming her later, feel free to join in.” the doctor smiled, watching her friend’s eyes light up in excitement.
“I will! Is she as cute as I remember her to be?”
“I think she might be even cuter.”
“Oh god, my heart can’t take it.” Cole placed his hands over his chest, closing his eyes.
Y/N sat down on the kitchen floor, icing her bruised toes.
“What happened to you?” Quinn asked as he entered the room.
“Settee, me trying to put pants on, my clumsiness. You get the picture.”
“Ouch. That must’ve hurt like a bitch.” he yelped, patting Y/N's head comfortingly.
“Quinn! You said a swear word! You have to put a quarter in my swear jar. Uncle River already gave me money three times… And three more in advance. He's really mad about the flowers the pretty lady forgot uncle David was allergic to.” Leo said, walking in, not bothering to take his eyes off the page he was currently reading.
“Sorry, buddy, let me check if I have some change in my wallet. Come on.”
Quinn and Leo left the kitchen, almost as the same tome as Jack made his entrance. He cleared his throat, making the teacher look up and smile. Cole looked between the duo, immediately sensing the shift in the atmosphere.
“Sorry I ran out, I tend to curse really loudly when I get hurt and I didn’t want Leo to hear me so I just kept on moving to distract myself from the pain.” the doctor explained, not bothered by Cole's presence and going straight to it.
The Devils' player was stunned: once again, she didn’t make a big deal out of something he knew most people would freak out about. The fact that she as so comfortable around him made him weirdly giddy.
“Well, sorry I didn’t knock first.” he chuckled, avoiding eye contact with the third party in their conversation. He knew Cole was not one to let anyone live anything down.
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it.” Y/N smiled, getting up. “It’s my way of christening things, anyway.” she joked.
“As much as I’d love to continue our chat, I came here not only to apologize, but also to invite you and Caufield to come play foosball with us. We’re short two people.”
“What about David?”
“Poor dude is on River duty… Turc, on the other hand, is quite focused on making a puzzle and won’t budge until he finishes it. I’m afraid he might miss the wedding.”
“How many pieces does it have? Three thousand?” Y/N snickered, exchanging an amused glance with Cole.
“A hundred. But, to be fair, he’s really bad at puzzles.” Jack revealed, making the duo crack up. “Will you guys join us or what?”
“Let's get this party started!”
The trio entered the game room, where Trevor was already positioned on his chosen side of the table.
“Hurry up, Jacko, we’ve got to school these two on good ol’ foosball.” Trevor requested, impatiently, “Y/N and Cole you’re together, obviously. Don’t feel bad when you lose. Jack and I are the all-time champions, after all.” he bragged.
Y/N raised her eyebrow, scoffing.
“Aren’t we cocky?” she teased, taking her place next to Cole.
“Confident.” her friend retorted.
“We’re pretty good.” the brunette man agreed, bumping fists with his partner.
“You’ve obviously never played against me… You’re going down. Right, Junior?”
“He kicks ass at foosball, gentlemen.” Y/N stated, as if it was a given.
“Is that so? I guess we’ll have to make this interesting then…”
“What do you want, Hughes?” Cole huffed.
“The losers have to go skinny dipping in the lake at midnight.” Trevor proposed, rubbing his hands together and nudging Jack's side.
“Better get your floaties ready then, boys.” the doctor warned, getting a hearty laugh from her partner.
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that, Y/L/N.” Jack smirked.
“Bring it on, Hughes.”
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Michael Jackson Vector Portrait
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Package Name: MichaelJacksonVectorPortrait
Discover the ultimate graphic package for Michael Jackson fans and designers! Our MichaelJacksonVectorPortrait is a convenient Zip file that, once unpacked, gives you access to a range of optimized and verified graphic files to meet all your creative needs.
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mariacallous · 4 months
La Bola is a classic Madrid tavern. Located on a quiet backstreet, it is painted lacquer red on the outside, with a dark wood and colored tile interior. We arrived during a busy Sunday lunch service. The place was filled with multigenerational families and loud groups of friends who, like us, were there for the jewel of the crown, the most Madridian dish of all: Cocido madrileño, a stew that La Bola has perfected in its 150 years of operation.
Cocido madrileño (“the stew of Madrid” in Spanish) is a rustic dish of chickpeas, vegetables such as potatoes and cabbage, and a variety of pork cuts, sausages and marrow bones. At La Bola it is still cooked the traditional way, layered in individual clay pots over coal. The stew is served over two courses, making for a full meal. First, the busy waiter poured the cooking liquid out of the cocido pot into a soup bowl filled with vermicelli noodles, to be eaten like a soup. The chickpeas, vegetables and meats were placed on a platter for the main course (some serve the chickpeas for a second course and the meat with veggies for third). The scene repeated itself at almost every table in the packed restaurant, with guests watching in anticipation as the waiters laid out the cocido spread.
But as it turns out, the roots of this Madrid staple, this pork-laden stew, are deep in the medieval Sephardi community of Spain. Specifically, in a Shabbat overnight stew called adafina (AKA dafina, tfina and s’khina). 
To understand the dish’s amazing evolution, we need to look way back.
Muslims conquered the Iberian Peninsula in the early eighth century. They brought religious moderation to Al Andalus, in addition to new dishes, spices, fruits and cooking techniques. Since Jews and Muslims both avoid pork, their cuisines at the time were very similar. 
Cooking stews overnight, over or under coal, was a technique used by Muslims while still in the Levant. But in Al Andalus, it was the Jews who were most identified with this cooking method, mainly because it was a good practice for Shabbat, when lighting fire is not allowed. The word adafina comes from the Arabic word for “hidden” or “buried,” since the dish was cooked while buried under coal, though the dish is also known as ani or calinete (“hot” in Spanish) or hamin (“a warm dish” in Hebrew, a name that was used for Shabbat dishes in the Talmud). 
Adafina, just like cocido madrileño, consists of chickpeas, vegetables, meat (lamb) with the occasional addition of hard-boiled eggs (huevos haminados) cooked together at a low temperature overnight. Adafina is still prepared by Tunisian and Moroccan Jews of Sephardi descent around the world. Through the years, more ingredients were added to the pot, most notably potatoes from the new world, as well as wheat berries, sometimes tied in a cloth, and a sweet loaf of ground beef.
According to author and food historian Claudia Roden, Moroccan adafina was served in several courses, first potatoes and eggs with plenty of the soup, then the wheat and/or rice and lastly the meat with chickpeas. Just like the cocido is served in Madrid today.
The first cookbook available to us from the Iberian Peninsula is the 13th century Andalusian “Kitab Al Tabikh.” It includes six Jewish recipes, and two of them use the technique of covering the pot with another pot of coal to keep it warm. A third recipe, described as “Stuffed, Buried Jewish Dish,” is called Madfūn, an Arabic word that comes from the same root as adafina, to bury. Although the recipe is different to what we know as adafina today, the method of cooking it for a long time under coal is the same.
With the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492, many left to Portugal, North Africa and the Ottoman Empire, where for 500 years they kept their prayers, language (Judeo-Spanish or Ladino) and their unique cuisine, which is why adafina is present in Moroccan homes today.
Those who stayed in Spain were forced to convert to Catholicism. To enforce the sincere conversion and prevent the conversos (converts) from practicing their Judaism in secret, the monarchy used the Inquisition, an institution that kept its devastating work well into the 19th century.
One of the ways the Inquisition spied on and convicted heretic conversos was by observing their food. They published guides with detailed descriptions of Shabbat dishes, matzah on Passover, eggplant dishes and the avoidance of pork. Interestingly, the conversos themselves, having no other resource available, used those same lists in order to learn how to keep their Jewish customs alive. Neighbors and servants reported their suspicions to the Inquisition authorities. And so adafina became one of the most incriminating dishes, punishable by cruel execution.
A letter written by an eager informer to King Ferdinand in 1516 says that “nearly all the residents of this city [Seville] smell Jews, them, their houses and the doors of their houses, because they are gluttons and pigs, and they nourish themselves with casseroles, garlic and adafinas,” as documented in Hélène Jawhara Piñer’s book “Jews, Food, and Spain.”
But if the roots of cocido madrileño are, in fact, in the Jewish Sephardi adafina, why is it full of pork?
While many conversos saw avoiding pork as the most important Jewish law to keep, others deliberately consumed pork in public in order to avoid any suspicion. “The conversos of Majorca were known as Xuetes (“xua” meaning “bacon” in Majorcan Catalan), explains Paul Freedman in his book “Why Food Matters.”
“Because their ancestors cooked and ate bacon in public to show their sincerity, but they only did this once or twice a year.”
“The one way to demonstrate that they [the conversos] now are Christian was to eat pork, so they introduced pork into the most famous dish they ate, adafina,” Mara Verdasco Arevalo, La Bola Tavern’s manager and owner, told me in an email. 
For hundreds of years after the expulsion, Spain had no Jewish community and the Jewish roots of many staples of Spanish cuisine were all but forgotten. In recent years, Spain has been making an effort to revive its elaborate Jewish history. Spanish governments have worked to renew Jewish quarters around the country, began issuing Spanish passports to Sephardim and opened new Jewish museums. Hopefully a thorough research of Spain’s culinary heritage, acknowledging the Muslim and Jewish roots, will be part of it.
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soulofapatrick · 1 year
Birthday Wishes - Joel Miller x Reader
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Summary: Tommy decides to throw a celebration for Joel’s first birthday in Jackson 
Words: 1.5k 
Warnings: none 
The Tipsy Bison is as crowded as ever when I step inside, bustling with people of all ages and walks of life who have found refuge in Jackson. Exuding warmth and familiarity with the rustic wooden interior adorned with strings of fairy lights that cast cozy glows across the room. The air is filled with the aroma of beer and the savoury scent of hearty meals being prepared by the volunteers. 
Amidst the lively atmosphere, the sounds of laughter and animated conversations blend harmoniously with the occasional clinking of glasses. Groups of friends huddle together, sharing tales of their jobs of the days, some never having the same each time the sun rises. Families gather around large tables, their eyes reflecting both weariness and determination, finding solace in the company of their loved ones and the fact that they’re safe in the walls of Jackson. 
I’m not one to frequent the Tipsy Bison but I promised the Miller brothers I’d be there tonight as it’s Joel’s birthday and he hates celebrating it but it’s his first birthday in Jackson. Tommy wants it to be special and I promised so here I am, eyes scanning for Joel. I catch a glimpse of Tommy first, his broad shoulders and easy smile instantly recognisable. He’s engaged in a conversation with Jesse and Ellie. However, Joel is nowhere to be seen, Tommy nodding towards the bar when he notices me. 
Feeling a mixture of anticipation and curiosity, I navigate through the crowd, eyes constantly searching for the older Miller brother. Finding him isn’t usually easy as he knows how to blend into the background and keep a low profile but it doesn’t take long to find him today from the overly feminine and sultry voice carrying across the bar. There. Sitting at the bar, trying to enjoy his beer is Joel, a blonde hanging off his muscular arms. She giggling and batting her eyelashes at him while his honey eyes are solely focused on his beer, swirling the liquid in the glass like it’s the most interesting thing ever. 
I’m not going to deny the pang of jealousy stirring within me as Joel has always been handsome with me, it’s just he’s never seen it in himself. His chiselled features partially hidden by the dim lighting as I take a breath before heading over to the two with steady and confident steps despite how nervous I really am. I’m no good at confrontation but the forlornness look about his appearance and posture has me wanting to do something. 
Joel’s glancing up when I touch his shoulder lightly and I swear those honey orbs brighten at the sight of me, the smile playing at the corner of my lips fills me with confidence, “Heya Joel,” I’m greeting him, ignoring the woman, I think her name is Grace. She’s fixing me with a look that would have me six feet under if looks could kill but I keep my attention on Joel who has straightened up and is waving the bartender over, gesturing at another beer for me. It seems to make Grace fume as suddenly she’s standing between me and Joel, shoving me back a few paces. 
“Hands off skank, I was here first,” She sneers, her grip on Joel tightening, “It’s not like an orphan like you could really change him-“ 
I want to turn and leave, feeling a few eyes on me and I can see Tommy making his way over from behind Grace’s shoulder but I stand firm at the way Joel’s face falls again “Change him? He doesn’t need changing, he’s perfect the way he is.” Joel’s head flies up at my words, mouth dropped open a little in surprise and Grace is furrowing her brows and gripping onto Joel even more, “He’s strong, protective and fiercely loyal. He has depth that many can’t comprehend and you, you just want a new boy-toy.” 
My words hang in the air, a testament to the unwavering belief I have in Joel. The room now mostly focused on us, holding its breath for what seems like hours as Joel’s honey coloured eyes lock with mine, surprise still evident on his face. I stand my ground still, feeling Jesse and Ellie not too far behind me in support, refusing to back down to Grace’s hostility. 
Joel’s finally moving, reaching out and gently pushing Grace away as he rises from his seat, voice calm but firm, “That’s enough, Grace.” He doesn’t see the way her eyes widen in disbelief and hurt when he shakes her off of him; he doesn’t hear her whining protests as he closes the gap between me and him with two long strides and he doesn’t hear her begin crying when one of his calloused hands reaches up to cup my cheek. 
“Hey.” I manage to choke out, voice trembling with a mixture of surprise and uncertainty, unsure what’s happening. My breath catching in my throat at the feel of his touch, both tender and grounding, his eyes searching mine with a myriad of emotions swirling in them. There’s surprise, gratitude, guilt, pain and perhaps something more, but it’s hard to decipher with the knowledge that half the town of Jackson are currently watching this interaction in near silence as Joel Miller is currently showing emotion. Joel Miller, the ‘violent thug, a brutal killer, and a torturer’ is currently showing emotions of want and what I think is love but I’m not really sure as my heart is trying to beat out of my chest and it’s so loud I can barely hear anything else. 
He doesn’t speak, those dark eyes flickering down my suddenly dry lips and back up to meet my gaze. I’m darting my tongue to wet them in anticipation and it seems to snap any control Joel has left. His gaze lingering on my lips, his own mouth slightly parted as he takes in the sight, and without breaking eye contact, Joel leans in, his movements slow and deliberate. The air crackling with tension, the anticipation building between us like an electric current. My heart pounding in my chest and I’m letting my eyes flutter shut, somewhere subconscious highly aware of how cliche this all it. 
As Joel’s lips brush against mine, a surge of warmth courses through my veins. It’s a gentle and tentative kiss, filled with a mix of longing and vulnerability. Our connection deepens with each passing second, the world around us slipping away as if we’re the only two people in existence. I can taste the years of pain, loss and survival etches into Joel’s lips. The touch of his mouth against mine is a testament to the barriers he’s built slipping away and opening up the vulnerability he’s kept hidden. It’s a silent plea for understanding and acceptance and has my arms instinctively wrapping around him, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss. 
We eventually have to break apart, breath mingling, Joel resting his forehead against mine. I can’t handle the silence and find myself blurting out, “Happy Birthday Joel.” Which draws a deep and husky laugh, filled with raw emotion, from him before he’s yanking me into a hug that has me melting into his embrace. The strength and warmth of his embrace wraps around me, offering a sense of security and belonging that I think we’ve both yearned for in this harsh world. In his arms, the weight of the outside world fades away, replaced by a simple moment of connection and celebration. 
“Right! Who wants cake?” Tommy’s booming voice breaks the silence and suddenly the Tipsy Bison is full of sound and laughter and joy but all I care about is the feeling of Joel against me. His strong and broad chest pressed against mine and the feel of his beard scratching at my forehead a little, the smell of his musky cologne mixed with something citrusy. 
“Come on baby doll, I think Tommy is wanting me to blow out my candles.” Joel gently unwinds himself from me but he doesn’t let go completely, slipping his calloused hand into mine to tug me with him. Tommy standing near a table adorned with a giant birthday cake, his infectious grin welcoming us as we approach. The room seeming to hush once more, until Ellie begins belting out Happy Birthday and everyone starts to join in. 
Joel’s face flushes redder than I think I’ve ever seen it as he stands there, the soft glow of the candlelight dancing across his face, casting a warm and gentle radiance. His eyes meeting mine with a mixture of gratitude and affection evident in their depths and I can’t help but return the sentiment, my heart swelling with love for this man, barely whispering out a “make a wish”. 
With a deep breath, Joel leans forwards and blows out the candles, the room erupting in applause and cheers before the festivities continue, Tommy and Maria helping serve everyone a slice of cake as Joel makes a beeline for me again. 
“What did you wish for?” 
“Nothing,” He wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me into his side, lips pressing to the side of my temple before he’s murmuring even quieter, “I have everything I’ve ever wanted right here.” 
The Last of Us Masterlist
TAGS: Tag List Form
@clover723​​ @sexyvixen7​​ @iraot​​ @gemimawrites​​ @twopercentmilk​​ @amythenortherner​​ @urnewghostfriend​​ @grooveandshit​​  @canpillowscry​​ @ginger-swag-rapunzel​​ @quinnverses​​ @librafilms​​ @notsosecretspy​​ @certifiedhunter​​ @yourmommilf​​​ @mediocrewallflow3r​​​ @fariylixie0915​​​ @randomhoex​​​ @secretsthathauntus​​​ @ems-alexandra​​​ @quinnsgrapejuice​​​ @marvelsimps​​​ @cutesyscreenname​​​ @misspascaliverse​​​  @pedritosdarling​​​ @letsgroovetonighttt​​​ @forthetears​​​ @casual-obsessions​​​ @phoenixxtay​​​ @katmoonz​​​ @scoliobean​​​ @evyiione​​​ @pedr0swh0r3 @casa-boiardi​​​ @carlgrimeskisser​​​ @mydailyhyperfixations​​​ @malewife-cas​​​ @paleidiot​
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
can you do prompt 5, diavolo x mc? where diavolo schedules a surprise for them :)? [place, event, gift - what you think would fit best] fluff please, tyty ♡
Hi! I'm sorry for making you wait, but I finally finished! I hope you like it
'I want to show you something'
-> diavolo x mc
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
content warnings: none
'Mc! I want to show you something!'
That was when Diavolo made you wear a blindfold and took you to a 'mystery location.' You don't know how long you've been in this car, you had asked the Devildom prince if you could take the blindfold off but he refused. His excitement about showing you this thing was enough to convince you to wear it.
At last, you arrived at the location. Diavolo took the blindfold off for you, and you were met with the sight of the rustic interior of what seemed to be a cabin. 'Happy anniversary! I rented a cabin in the mountains for the weekend.' Diavolo proudly announced. A smile crept onto your face, how sweet of him to do this for you.
The cabin was perfect. The view outside was breathtaking. You could see a sky full of stars above a pine forest from above, with the moon subtly illuminating the scenery. The food prepared by Barbatos you took with you was amazing, as usual. But most of all, you knew the time you'd spend with Diavolo here would be a great bonding moment.
It was now the night before you'd leave. You had just prepared to go to sleep, so you climbed into the bed next to your partner, but sonething was off. Usually, he'd be talking about what a good day he had. This time he was quiet. 'Diavolo? Is something wrong?' you asked. The prince remained silent for a while before talking. 'I actually have a second surprise for you.' With lightly trembling hands, Diavolo reached for something in the dresser. It was a small box, containing a ring with your favorite precious stone adorning it.
'Will you reign over the Devildom by my side?'
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obiancadenise · 11 months
But First, Coffee: Where Caffeine Dreams Come True
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But First, Coffee is a refuge for coffee lovers looking for a pleasant and bright location to fulfill their caffeine demands, tucked away on a busy corner of the city. When you walk in, you'll be welcomed by the scent of freshly made coffee and the smiling smiles of baristas who clearly love what they do.
Warm timber elements, cozy seating, and walls with great interior that creates an ambiance that is equal parts contemporary and rustic at But First, Coffee. It's the perfect spot to relax and enjoy the full range of flavors and aromas that coffee has to offer. There is a wide variety of coffee drinks to choose from, from traditional espresso-based drinks to innovative flavor-exploring speciality beverages.
What makes But First, Coffee special is not just the high quality of its beverages, but also the welcoming atmosphere it provides. People from all walks of life, including coffee connoisseurs, artists, and friends, congregate here to exchange ideas, hear each other out, and generally have a good time. It's a place where people get together to share ideas and network over hot beverages.
But First, Coffee provides something for everyone's palate, whether you're a seasoned coffee connoisseur or just starting out. Every cup of coffee is treated as an individual piece of art by the expert baristas. With latte art worthy of an Instagram photo op and tastes that dance on your tongue, every sip is a new and exciting experience.
If you're looking for a place to relax or get your coffee fix, make But First, Coffee your first stop. Indulge in the deep richness of their pour-overs, the silky smoothness of their cappuccinos, and the welcoming atmosphere of this coffee lover's heaven. After all, there isn't enough time in the day to do without the customary "but first, coffee."
Facebook: But First, Coffee PH Instagram: @butfirstcoffeeph
Disclaimer: All pictures shown are mine and self photograph
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bojanastarcevic · 10 months
Greetings fellow Sims enthusiasts! I'm so excited to share with you my new Sims 4 build called Country Residence. It's a charming small family house in Windenburg with a touch of elegance that I absolutely adore. Drawn from inspiration found in some of my favorite Sims builds, I had an absolute blast designing and decorating this beautiful abode.
The house is situated in a picturesque Windenburg countryside location, surrounded by beautiful greenery and trees. The design is a perfect blend of rustic and modern, with warm brick accents and sleek finishes. The interior is bright and airy, with plenty of natural light streaming in through the large windows.
Overall, I couldn't be happier with my new country residence. It's the perfect place for your Sims family. I hope you enjoyed this little tour and maybe even got some inspiration for your own home!
Gallery ID: Bojanasimsyt
Patreon page :
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simspirationbuilds · 8 months
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Earthy and rustic, these walls are perfect if want to add a bold touch to an otherwise minimalistic interior.
Early Access on my Patreon.
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Food? Sure
FORSETTI MORALMIN: Great! Hop on, just this way…It's a prestigious yet rustic-looking restauraunt you're led into. Rueben's Bin, if memory serves correct. It reminds you of a pastiche of a cozy tavern. The interior is clearly trying to replicate the general aura of a small-town pub, but everything is too clean, too tidy, too fake and too populated
to sell the vibe it's going for.
You put a hand against the counter, wondering where the service is. Everything around you looks like a picture-perfect restaurant, but... where's the waiters? The staff? Anyone?
BERWIN SPAGHETTY: Is anyone gonna serve us, or is it just a buffet-type situation.
FORSETTI MORALMIN: What? Oho, no. There's just one chef.
BERWIN SPAGHETTY: Just... one chef?
You look out into the dining area.
BERWIN SPAGHETTY: Running all this?
FORSETTI MORALMIN: You'd be surprised. Despite everything he's been through, Rueben's still the most versatile guy in the biz.
They not-so-subtly lean their elbow against the service bell.
A clattering of pots and pans rings from the kitchen, scattering out into the open, and then -
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RUEBEN GRAHAM: H-Hi! Welcome to Rueben's Bin! I'm Rueben Graham, y-your server, chef, everything else for today!!! HAHAHA!!! H-HA- Wait! I - HA! I KNOW you! You're uh - Berwin Spaghetty! T-the new fish as he calls it!!! Y-yeah! You!
(WHO'S 'HE'?)
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