#charlie and the chocolate factory fanfic
victoriadallonfan · 8 months
Victoria and the Chocolate Factory
“Signatures detected.”
“All of them?”
“All. Alive too, but the signal is getting weaker. We don’t know if it’s due to the technology he uses or because… well, you know.”
I grit my teeth and nodded. I knew all too well. I’d read all the files, and seen what had happened in the aftermath.
The broken homes. The broken kids.
In some ways, it was worse than Cradle, because this fucker seemed intent on humiliating the kids just as much as he wanted to make them hurt. “We found him,” Dragon said in my ear piece. “His duplicates have been detected and targeted in London and Bath. Your strike team is clear to go.”
The cold air of Oxford whipped over my forcefield as I descended, feeling the chime in my ear as Dragon disconnected and my eye lit up with gold.  A quick rush of information poured into my vision and brain from Kenzie’s camera, logs of teams communicating where they didn’t feel comfortable speaking, coordinating battle plans and sharing files on the targets.
I had to ignore it all for now, blinking rapidly to swipe through vision modes, until I had the highlighted figures in view. Gold for allies and deep red for targets, the camera giving me a very basic outline of the building’s interiors and possible sources of egress.
Coming down through the clouds, I decided to leave those areas to my team; I had a means of making my own entrance.  
The gun chimed above my head, lines of circuitry along the barrel and handles alighting in gold as the charge readied itself, aimed near the largest red target. A top-hat symbol with a crescent grin beneath.
Traced by whatever power source the new gun used as a battery, the gold laser tore through the sky as I flew down, illuminating wisps of moisture from the clouds on my forcefield.  
It was smaller, tighter, and more concise than the original gun. The new gun was more like what Win had made to fight the Simurgh, more compact in use.
Size mattered not though, my eye camera noting how the beam of light tore through several floors of the building in mere moments. 
I cut off the beam as I approached, a few hundred feet away.
I flew down at an angle, collapsing my forcefield to a near skintight level and held the gun so that it trailed behind me like a straightened scorpion’s tail, just so I could lose that extra bit of air resistance.  With the angle of my flight, and my narrowed profile, I slipped into the glowing hole I made at full speed, the rings of melted steel flickering past me like a descent into hell.  
I came to a stop where the laser had hit near my target, a deep smoking crater that smelled of burning licorice and cinnamon. I turned to where the red symbol stood, both of us obscured by smoke.
“I've always wanted my factory to have that rustic, industrial look. How very avant-garde of you.” The smoke began to fade, the blood red top-hat and crescent smile flickering out of focus as my target became visible to the naked eye. “At least the new ventilation will help with the smell, young dear.”
Wonka, I thought with absolute loathing. The smile on the man’s face didn’t reach his manic eyes, casually leaning on a cane, seemingly unbothered by a lightspeed spear hitting the ground not even fifty feet away from him. 
Cloaked in a purple velvet jacket and adorned with a vibrant orange vest, he didn’t look much like a cape. Dark Society, the Ambassadors, and the Suits went with the professional look - even Limerick added splashes of messy color - but this didn’t feel like reinforcing a costume with high quality attire. 
Which made a level of sense. He had never advertised himself as a cape.
Curly brown hair jutted out from under his hat, and a golden goose-handled cane that felt more than a touch on the nose as he loomed over me on a small circular pedestal. A perfect match for the description of William Wonka.
One of the Wonkas, at least. The others had situated themselves across the United Kingdom of Gimel, portraying themselves as kind, loving, benefactors to the community. 
That had been before the missing families hit the news. Before the children were found, sans parents or guardians, dumped in alleyways or in the woods.
None of them were dead. We couldn’t even call it a mercy, with what he had done to them.
Last I had heard, Tattletale was trying to pull in favors from Semiramis to try and revert them to normal. Riley was looking over them too, asking about getting help from Chris for his parole.
A dark fucking irony, considering what his original had done.
“You going to surrender?”  I asked, even though I already knew the answer. More of the factory was coming into view now; giant candy carrots with leaves that looked glossy, almost like they were made of rubber. More alien looking plants and oddly designed pillars were strewn across the floor, looking more like a greenhouse from a TV show than anything that a professional business would have. 
The grass beneath our feet looked normal, but the smell of the burnt ground made me doubt it.
"Surrender?” His voice was soft and calm. He brushed some burned dust off his shoulder. “My dear, I'm afraid you misunderstand the nature of my work," he replied, twirling his cane with an eerie grace. "How nonsensical of a question to ask. Well, I suppose a little nonsense is relished for a reason. I must say, your entrance was quite spectacular, if a bit lacking in finesse."
I ignored his taunts, my gaze unwavering as I aimed the gun at him. He tapped his cane and a glass tube flashed up to encase him, glittering in the factory lights. The way the light was refracting off the glass gave me pause and the madman tipped his hat, “Little surprises around every corner, but nothing dangerous. To me, at least. For you? Well…” 
A flick of his wrist had a silver flute in his hand-
I fired a warning shot, the laser missing the tube on purpose, wanting to slow down whatever he was planning.
-and continued to play the instrument, a small melody, unbothered by the attack. He gave the instrument a twirl and it vanished beneath his coat.
Distorted echoes of laughter and screams seemed to linger in the air as the melody and blast of my laser died down, accompanied by music and the stomp of feet.
“Your fucked up game ends here," I declared, rising up and flying closer to the glass tube. “The heroes have you surrounded. Your duplicates are being hunted down.”
Wonka merely tilted his head. "Oh, my dear, you're not here to end anything. Can’t you hear it? The sound of dreamers and their fitful nightmares? Here they come, right… now."
As he spoke, the shadows within the factory stirred. Short men appeared, their skin orange and hair a sickening shade of green. Each one bore an expression devoid of any emotion, their eyes dead, even as they sized me up. 
Some of them were marching, while others somersaulted or vaulted from behind the candy colored jungle, adroit for their small size.
They sang, and music seemed to emanate from nowhere, reminding me of Nursery’s power.
Oompa Loompas, doopity doo,
Here's a lot of trouble, coming for you.
Oompa Loompas, doopity dee,
If you are wise, then now you must flee.
I turned and opened fire on the minions, only for them to cartwheel out of the way. Others were quick to put obstacles in the beam’s way, including the candy carrots that seemed slower to melt than solid steel. 
We’d captured a few of these Loompas in the past few days, canvassing the remnants of his artificial wilderness in the sewers of London. The ones we let our guards down were quick to duplicate as the song progressed and were surprisingly adroit. Cruel as well, considering what they did to their still-living victims. 
The Loompas that weren’t eradicated were quick to calcify, turning into what was best described as hyper-dense rock candy. Apparently, other locations would have different variations of the Loompas.
Another blast at a group of Loompas trying to aim a fire-hose sized vine my way, scorching chocolate spurting out before being vaporized.
Fast little fuckers.
And they were quickly surrounding me by the dozens.
What do you get when you mess with fate?
A clash of powers, a bitter debate.
What do you get when you challenge the stars?
A battle unfolding, bearing new scars.
You've entered our world of whimsical glee,
But beware, dear Victoria, of the chaos you'll see.
Heroes and villains, in a dance so divine,
Yet meddling too much might- “Gack!”
One of the Oompa Loompas fell to the ground, thrashing as barbed wire exploded out of his mouth. Pieces of a glass marble embedded his eyes.
“Wham! Bam! Shazam! Kablam!” Finale shouted, launching her own barrage of musical blasts, sending the small minions flying about as their empowered song was thrown off-key. 
The other Majors were arriving, Withdrawal blasting Loompas with goop that seemed alive, latching onto anything that moved. Caryatid was acting as a shield for Finale, unharmed as a trio of Loompas tried to bash her head in with a giant lollipop.
Sveta was in the rafters, tossing things at any unaware minion. Children were in her grasp.
The survivors.
“Oompa Loompa, doopity dee,” Limerick sang with the most bored teenage voice I had ever heard, putting away his slingshot. “Here's a new phrase, now listen to me. Oompa Loompa, doopity doo. You can’t do jack shit when we say fuck you.”
He tossed back a knife so casually that one almost would have thought it was reckless, had it not impaled a Loompa through the temple, causing him to fall atop a nearby squad and douse them all in a burning candy puddle from one of the laser blasts.
Loompas turned to him, and I got the distinct impression that his singing pissed them off more than the killing.
I turned to Wonka; chin raised.
“They say that looks can kill,” Wonka tutted. “But it seems being blindsided is what has done me in.” 
He smiled suddenly, “Come then. You and I have so little to do with so much time.”
I charged him, gun at the ready, Fragile One baring her teeth.
His child victims called the factory a ‘world of pure imagination’.
I would make sure to wake him up to reality.
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your-averagewriter · 9 months
“Hearts for a sweetheart.”
Summary: Bumping into a sweet chocolatier evolves into something even sweeter (Timothée Chalamet!Willy Wonka x fem!reader)
Word count: 1.9K
Warnings: Kissing, swearing (once I think).
Walking along the street, I’m interrupted by a sea of cheers as a man in an elaborate get-up passes around chocolates and sweets with a strong smile. As he walks through the crowd, people push forward, reaching for the chocolates forcing me forward, almost causing me to fall to the ground.
After nearly tripping over from the force of the crowd, I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn to look at the person, steadying myself.
“Are you alright, miss?” The extravagant man asks.
Looking over him I can’t help but smile a little at his top hat and jacket, finding it endearing combined with his gentle nature.
“I’m okay.” I say as he helps me stabilise myself.
“Would you like a chocolate?” He asks with a new kind of smile, a toothy grin as he extends his arm, a tray of chocolates decorating the plate.
“Thank you but I can’t afford your fancy chocolates.” I deny, looking down a little ashamed as the crowds of people still surround us although they’ve quietened down a bit now.
“They’re free. No price for you, or anyone.” He pauses after saying ‘you’, seemingly forgetting the rest of his sentence.
“Really?” He nods and I reach to take one gently. “Thank you, mister…” I pause, not knowing his name.
“Mr Wonka, chocolatier.” He grins as he tips his hat towards me with a smile.
“Thank you Mr Wonka, the chocolatier.” I smile before seeing him disappear back into the crowds.
I only see him a couple more times as he looks back at me with a smile plastered on his face, his top hat sticking out above the crowds making me chuckle before putting the small chocolate into my mouth, resting it delicately on my tongue.
Closing my mouth, I start to chew the chocolate, truly surprised by the delicious treat. It’s like nothing I’ve ever tasted before. I try to savour it but it’s gone too soon, making me wish it would last forever.
Mr Wonka, a name I would not soon forget, in fact I couldn’t stop thinking about the man: his chocolates, his fashion and most of all his endearing, sweet nature. Walking through the streets, making my way home I ponder whether I would see him again or how. He must have a shop or a stall or something similar, maybe with the other chocolate stores? It doesn’t seem like he’d fit in with those pretentious sellers who seem to have no love for the art of food, let alone chocolate.
After a couple of weeks I had saved up some coins, not enough to get me more than one chocolate I doubt, but it'd be worth it both for the delicious chocolate and to see him again. With my coins in my pocket, I wander through the town centre, keeping my eyes out for the chocolatier but I don’t spot him.
Making it to the palace of chocolate stores I begin to feel the cold nipping at my skin, regretting not bringing my jacket. I walk through the doors, feeling very fancy as I do so, looking at the patterned floors and incredible glass dome roof.
Feeling a slight shiver I hurry along, looking to the stores and suddenly seeing a new store: Wonka. Upon seeing the name I make my way towards the store, taking in the beautiful design and calligraphy.
Walking in I’m instantly taken aback by the extraordinary interior, colourful candy delights disguised as nature causing me to gasp. Frozen, I stand in the door probably looking quite shocked as after a few seconds I feel a tap on my shoulder causing me to turn around, eyes going a little wide at the slight shock.
“Hello miss.” I turn around to see Mr Wonka smiling. “I wasn’t sure if I was going to see you again.”
“You remember me?” I ask, tilting my head slightly confused.
“Of course I do, I only regret that I didn’t ask your name last time we met.”
“(y/n), Mr Wonka.”
“Ah, call me Willy, last names are too formal for me.” He chuckles and I nod before looking around.
“Your store is incredible.” I say, looking around awe-struck.
“Why thank you, would you like a tour?” 
“You’ve probably got more important things to do…” I say quietly with a soft smile.
“Nonsense! What could be more important than showing a woman as lovely as yourself around?” He asks with a charming smile. “Now, what kind of chocolate do you like?”
I think about it for a second, realising how long it’s been since I’ve had chocolate, excluding the last time I bumped into Willy. “The normal kind of chocolate?” I say, unsure.
“Normal kind?” He raises an eyebrow playfully. “Milk chocolate?” I nod.
“I think so, the chocolate you gave me last time was delicious, the best I’ve ever tasted.” I smile.
“Thank you, that means more than you realise.” He says softly, a tone of sincerity. “I’ll make you something special.” He grins. “Do you want to look around for a minute? I won’t keep you waiting too long.” He smiles, I nod before he seems to disappear before I even realise.
I walk towards the river watching as the boat goes round and round, the mechanisms seem incredible. Crouching down by the river I reach for a flower, inspecting the treat before taking a tentative bite from the petal. I let out a sigh, the treat tasting even better than I thought it would. Standing back up I take the flower with me, nibbling on the petals as I walk around the store, in awe at all the beautiful decorations.
A few seconds later, Willy pops up from out of nowhere, startling me slightly but with a small box in his hand.
“I didn’t mean to startle you.” He offers a small smile. He removes the lid from the box revealing a set of three chocolate hearts with delicate piping on top.
“Wow, these are beautiful.” I say, staring at the artwork.
“Hearts for a sweetheart,” He grins, flustering me a little.
“Thank you… How much do these cost?” I ask, trying not to be awkward but failing.
“Nothing, well except that I get to see your reaction, I think you’ll like them. I based them off of the chocolate you had a couple of weeks ago but made them better.”
“Are you sure? I have some coins.” I reach into my pocket, pulling out some coins but fumbling them leading multiple to fall to the ground. “Shit, sorry…” I say quietly before crouching down and reaching for the coins.
Willy does the same helping me pick up the coins as his hand accidentally brushes against mine. We both look up at each other before I look away embarrassed. He holds my hand, turning it over and placing the coins in my hand before folding my hand, covering the coins. He brings my hand up to his face, pressing his lips against my wrist with a small smile.
“Thank you…”
“Don’t worry about it.” He says as we both stand up again, I slide my coins back into my pocket.
He offers me the box and I take one of the three heart chocolates and place it in my mouth. 
“Oh my god, you’re a genius.” I sigh, enjoying the chocolate. “These are incredible.”
“Thank you.” He grins, a proud expression on his face. “Would you like anything else? A buttercup? Cotton candy cloud? Cherries? Gummy bears?” He shoots off options one after the other at a quick speed.
“What would you recommend?” I ask, tentatively.
“Please follow me.” He smiles, leading me around the store to a patch of flowers. Crouching down, he plucks a few flowers, matching them by colour and tying them to make a chocolate bouquet before passing it to me.
“It’s beautiful.” I smile. He pulls out one more flower and tucks it behind my ear.
“Don’t worry, that’s a real flower.” He reassures me with a soft smile.
“Thank you.” I say softly. 
“They’re chocolate, one’s white, dark and the other milk so you can work out what you like.” He says gently arranging the flowers. “Then you can come back and I can make you some more.” He chuckles. “The more information you can give me, the better the chocolate will taste!” 
“Thank you, Willy, but I should get going now, I didn’t realise it had gotten so dark…” I say quietly as I look outside.
“Time flies when you’re having fun.” He shrugs as we walk towards the door and I start to feel the cold breeze against my skin. “Are you cold?” He asks, tilting his head slightly.
“A little, I should’ve brought my jacket.” I dismiss with a small smile. “I’ll see you around, Willy.” I say, stepping out of the door and walking away.
About a second later, I hear him speak again. “(y/n) wait!” He says and I turn around as he walks towards me, pulling off his long magenta jacket and sliding over my shoulder.
“Now you’ll get cold.” I chuckle, pulling the coat around me a little tighter.
“I’m okay, I was getting a bit warm anyway.” He smiles before looking behind me into the night. “Can I walk you home?” He asks, sweetly. 
“You want to walk me home? I don’t live very close to your store…”
“Even more reason for me to walk with you.”
“Okay, if you’d like to, I won't stop you.” I smile brightly as he walks next to me.
“You know, you look really beautiful when you smile.” He says which only makes me smile more.
“Stop.” I chuckle. 
“But it’s true.” He smiles. “You’re truly the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on.” He says in a gentle but more serious tone.
“Thank you.” I whisper looking up to him before resting my head on his shoulder as we walk. “You’re really an incredible guy.”
“Ah, I just make chocolate.” He chuckles.
“Really good chocolate.” I smile. “And you make it look really pretty and your shop is incredible. I’ll have to come by more often.”
“I’d like that.” He pauses “May I hold your hand?” He asks gently after a short pause and I reach my hand out to his
Once we reach my home, I turn around to face him.
“This is me.” I smile. “I’m sorry you had to walk so far.”
“It was worth it.” He brings my hand to his face, pressing his lips against my hand again.
“Here, let me get your coat.” I say, beginning to slide the coat off of my shoulders but he stops me.
“Keep it, it gives you a reason to come back and see me again.” He says with a small smirk.
“Sneaky, very sneaky.” I chuckle, letting the jacket rest on my shoulders. “Get home safe.” I smile, as he begins to walk away. 
It takes me a few seconds to fight my thoughts off before I call for him.
“Willy?” He turns around to face me, standing about eight steps away.
I walk quickly towards him, pressing my lips against his briefly before pulling away. “I’ll see you in a few days.” I whisper with a soft smile.
“You’re not gonna see me for a few days after pulling that stunt?” He asks with a playful expression causing me to chuckle and nod. “Well, I look forward to seeing you again.” He smiles brightly.
“I won’t keep you waiting too long.” I smile before going inside my house, shutting the door after he walks out of sight. I let out a breath as I have to fight a smile, excited to see the chocolatier again.
AN: I love this movie with my whole heart!
Hope you enjoyed reading!
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"Ah, the irondad fandom is dying because there are no more ideas for stories!"
Is it? So why haven't I seen even one of these films?
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This seems like an excuse to me
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Chapter Seven
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Charlie sighed as he prepared for this new day. Your absence was felt. Her parents and grandparents acted like everything was fine and the fight never happened. Charlie had been at Bill's to see you, but your boss replaced you and you never set foot in his store again. The boy resented his parents for pushing you over the edge. Charlie sighed, leaving the Bucket house to go to his job as a shoe shiner. He was surprised to see the glass elevator park right next to the seats and a man, hiding behind a newspaper, was waiting. A man who was none other than Willy Wonka. What was he doing here? Charlie decided to play the game, he prepared his equipment and began to polish the chocolate maker's shoes.
"Pity about that chocolate fellow Wendall. Walter."
"Willy Wonka," Charlie replied.
"That's the one. Here in the papers his new candies aren't selling very well. But I suppose maube he's just a rotten egg who deserves it."
"Oh really? You ever met him?"
"I did," Charlie replied, stopping to shine his shoes. "I thought he was great at first but then he didn't turn out so nice. He also has a funny haircut."
Hearing that, Willy quickly lowered the newspaper. Revealing in broad daylight.
"I don't."
"Why are you here?" Charlie asked, putting away his gear.
"I don't feel so hot. What makes you feel better when you feel terrible?"
"My family."
Charlie stood up seeing the chocolate maker's disgusted reaction. He asked him what he had against his family, which caused Willy to gag. Harry sighed, explaining that it was the concept that bothered him. The fact that people tell him what he has the right to do or not to do, that all that was a brake on creativity. Charlie shrugged, retorting that if the parents reacted like that, it was because they loved their children and it was for the proteges. What still made Willy wince who was not very convinced of this explanation.
"If you don't believe me you should ask," Charlie said.
"Ask who? My father? No way. At least not by myself."
"Do you want me to go with you?"
"Hey! What a good idea!" Willy exclaimed as he left the seat to approach the glass elevator. "And you know what? I got-"
Willy paid no attention and crashed headlong into the glass elevator wall. The chocolate maker collapses, before the surprised eyes of Charlie. He stood up, adjusting his hat on his head, muttering that he should be careful where he parked it. Willy pressed the button, opening the doors. The two entered the flying elevator. Willy announced that he had to get someone from the chocolate factory before going to his father's house. Willy led the boy to the door of his apartment, telling him to wait in the hallway until he returned. You were perplexed when you saw Willy coming back. Had he already finished what he had to do?
"Is that okay with Charlie?" you asked, turning down the sound of the television.
"Charlie? Oh yeah! He's in the hallway right now."
"What?! Why did you bring her to the chocolate factory?!" you asked, getting up from the couch.
"Charlie had a brilliant idea! I have to go find my father and he's going to come with me," he said, moving closer to you. "I would very much like you to come with me there too."
"For what?"
"I can't do it alone. I know that with you, I will have the strength to face him. Please, Barley sugar."
"Okay, I'll come with you," you said with a sigh. "But only because you helped me and I owe you!"
"Yes sir!"
You rolled your eyes when you heard that. You grabbed your old coat, following Willy out of the apartment. Your gaze automatically fell on Charlie. Your cousin was surprised to see you with his idol. You nodded to him, following Willy to the glass elevator. The tension was palpable in the cabin. Willy was between you and Charlie. Your cousin was as uncomfortable as you. What could he tell you? He didn't know what to say, especially after what happened with his parents. Even you didn't know what to say to him. It was terribly embarrassing. The trip to Mr. Wonka's house was made in heavy silence. The elevator lands in a huge field where there was a house. There was nothing else around. The trio were closing in on the house. The closer they got to the house, the more nervous Willy became.
"I think we have the wrong house," Willy said as he climbed the stairs.
The gaze of the two cousins landed on a small sign that read 'Dr. Wilbur Wonka, D.D.S. Dental Practitioner.' Willy fell silent as Charlie pressed the doorbell. You put your hand on Willy's bicep, smiling at him to motivate him. The chocolatier nodded slightly, taking a deep breath when a stern-looking man opened the door, watching the trio intently.
"Do you have an appointment?" he asked.
"No, but he's late," Charlie replied, gesturing towards Willy.
Willy giggled, clinging more to your hand and muttering to you that it was a bad idea. You reassured him, telling him that everything was going to be fine. Dr. Wilbur nodded to the trio, inviting them to follow him. You had to drag Willy inside the house, taking the chocolatier to the cabin. Willy gave your cousin his glasses and his hat, and he gave you his long coat.
"I'll be fine," you said, smiling at him.
“Get into your position,” Wilbur said sternly, pulling on his gloves.
Willy sat down on the armchair, allowing his father, who hadn't recognized him yet, to check his teeth. Your cousin and you took advantage of this moment to better observe the walls covered with newspaper articles talking about Willy and his chocolate factory. There was even a scrapbook with other items and wrappers of Willy's famous sweets. Charlie flipped through the album as your attention fell on a photo of a young man. Probably Willy before he got so fabulous. That was the only word that came to mind to describe him. You took the frame in your hands, you couldn't help but smile. It was obvious that Wilbur cared about his son.
"Be careful with this picture, miss," Wilbur said, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"Sorry, sir," you say as you put the frame back on the fireplace.
"Heaveans, I haven't seen bicuspids like these since..."
Wilbur fell silent upon realizing that the man standing with him was none other than his son. He withdrawing his instruments, depositing them on the table. He couldn't believe it. Willy greeted his father, straightening up.
"All these years and you haven't flossed," he said, dropping his stern mask.
"Not once," Willy answered.
Wilbur smiled. After all this time, he finally saw his son again. The two men hugged each other awkwardly. You nudged Charlie lightly, nodding him towards the door. The two cousins left the room, leaving Willy and Wilbur alone the time of their reunion. You went to sit on the stairs as Charlie leaned against the wall next to the door, facing you.
"He's lucky," you say, playing nervously with your fingers. "His dad loves him. It shows."
"Yes, he just wanted to protect him from the ill effects of candy," Charlie said with a shrug.
"Yeah," you replied with a sigh. "How's it going... over there?"
"It's gotten… weird since you left," he said, shifting awkwardly to his feet. "You... you're not going to come back, are you?"
"I can't Charlie. Not after what happened with Uncle Bucket."
"I understand. I'm sorry."
"Charlie. Listen. You don't have to apologize for anything your father said or did. What Uncle Bucket told me is unforgivable. I could never forgive him for treating me the way he did it. I shouldn't have lost my temper in front of you. You shouldn't have seen this argument. Believe me, I'm sorry about that, but I'm not sorry that I left the house. ."
Charlie looked down, biting his lip. He was doing his best to hold back his tears. You sighed, dropping the coat on the stairs to get up and move closer to him. You put your hand on his shoulder, catching his attention. You hugged your cousin, hugging him.
"Charlie. Just because I'm leaving the house doesn't mean I love you less. You'll always be my favorite cousin. If you have any problems, you can come see me. I'll always be here for you, I'll promise."
Charlie nodded slightly, burying his face in your chest as he hugged you. You end the hug when you hear the door to the medical room open. Willy and his father leave the room. It seems that their discussion went well. Willy approached you and Charlie, asking if you were ready to leave. Your cousin and you acquired. You gave him back his coat and Charlie gave him back his glasses and hat when Wilbur asked if he could talk to you privately. You looked at Willy who told you that he was waiting outside with Charlie, because he had to find the glass elevator. Willy and Charlie left the residence, leaving you alone with Father Wonka.
"I wanted to thank you for coming with Willy, miss. He explained to me that you hadn't been there, he wouldn't have had the courage to come and see me," he said looking down at you.
"It...it's nothing, sir. Your son helped me. So it's only fitting that I reciprocate," you said, playing nervously with your fingers.
"I haven't been the best father to him. I know that. But I love my son. I've always followed his work. What worried me the most was that Willy didn't have no one to rely on. And when he talks to me about you, I see that he has a lot of affection for you. I know I have nothing to say, but I just want to ask you to watch over him."
You didn't expect this. It was the first time someone asked you such a thing. To you, the poor girl that everyone looked down on. You nodded slightly, agreeing to watch over Willy. You joined Willy and Charlie. The two were waiting in the glass booth. You joined them quickly, entering the elevator which started. Willy liked you? It was true that the chocolatier had shown tender gestures towards you, but at this point? Was it even possible? Come to think of it, Willy was always kind to you. He had offered you beautiful clothes, he had given you special attention during the visit to his chocolate factory and he was hosting you without asking you for anything in return. He had affection for you.
"(Y/N), are you okay?" Charlie asked, looking worried at you.
"Y-yes. Why?"
"Your face is red."
"Do you feel good, Barley sugar?" Willy asked, taking off his glove to put his hand on your forehead. "You have a fever?"
"N-no. I-I-I'm fine!" you exclaimed, removing Willy's hand. "I… I'm just tired. I just want to go home."
Willy and Charlie looked at each other surprised by your behavior. You had become silent and you were mumbling to yourself. You nervously played with your fingers. What was going to happen once you go back to the chocolate factory? What were you going to tell him? What were you going to do? What was he going to do?
"(Y/N)?" Charlie called.
"I'm fine!" you say quickly, glaring at Charlie.
"Um... we're back at the chocolate factory."
"Um? Ah yes. Um...I'll walk Charlie to the gate."
Charlie joined you in the elevator, greeting Willy. The doors closed and the car moved quickly, carrying you and your cousin to the entrance hall. The boy looked at you puzzled as you exited the glass booth and made your way to the door.
"Are you doing well?" Charlie asked, looking worried at you. "You've been weird since we got back from Doctor Wonka's house."
"Yeah, I'm fine. I… I'm just thinking about something," you say, running your hands over your face. "It's...it's really nothing, Charlie. I... I'll ask Willy so you can come see me once in a while. How about that?"
"That would be nice," he said smiling at you. "Good. Is it ok to get home? Do you want me to come with you?"
"It'll be fine, don't worry."
"I'll at least accompany you to the gate."
You accompany Charlie to the huge gate. You opened the door for the workers, asking him if he was sure he wanted to go in alone. Your cousin smiled at you, telling you that it was not the first time that he had come home alone without being accompanied. You smiled, reminding him to be careful. Charlie hugged you, telling you he missed you before he left. You watched him walk away, making sure he was okay until he disappeared from sight. You went back inside the chocolate factory, returning to the apartment. Willy was in the kitchen area, finishing making hot cocoa. He was smiling at you, asking if Charlie got home okay. You nodded slightly, moving closer to him. You watched him melt the chocolate in the milk, which was warming gently on the stove.
"It was...a rather strange day," you say as you prepare the cups.
"Yeah, but strangely... I'm happy with the result," he said, smiling at you.
"Yes," you say, leaning on the counter.
"I wanted to ask you. Can Charlie come by here once in a while?"
"Of course. He is welcome here."
"Great. He'll be happy."
Willy removed the pan from the heat, pouring the chocolate liquid into the cups. You took your steaming cup, thanking the chocolate maker before going to sit on the couch with him. The silence that settled was restful after this eventful day. To tell the truth, it was more restful than the other days. A weight had been lifted. You still had Charlie with you and Willy had made up with his father.
"This last days were really strange," you say, taking a sip of the sugary drink.
"Yeah, I never thought all of this could happen," he said, also taking a sip of his drink before setting the mug down on the table to remove his gloves. "And I still want to thank you for coming with me."
"I owed you that. You helped me a lot, I owed you that," you said smiling at him.
"You didn't have to," he said slipping his hand into yours. "And I can't thank you enough for that."
"And I can't thank you enough for letting me stay with you."
Your eyes met Willy's. He squeezed your hand gently your hand in his. He passed his free hand over your cheek, smiling fondly at you. You couldn't help but think back to Wilbur's words. Willy would really like you. You would be lying to yourself if you said otherwise. You put your hand over his, looking him in the eye. It was a strange, exciting and terrifying feeling. Willy brought his face closer to yours, pressing his lips to yours. The kiss was sweet. It was strange to kiss someone. Willy pulled back, breaking the kiss.
"You really do care for me then," you said, looking at him awkwardly.
"Of course. The first time I met you with that pissed off woman from the service," he said, chuckling lightly. "I knew that... that you were worthy to come here, that I had to show you around the chocolate factory, that I had to get to know you. I loved every day that you stayed with me and I don't want to not that it's over."
"To hear you, it sounds like a confession."
"Are you disturbed?"
"No, I'm happy," you said, smiling at him.
Willy was smiling, kissing you again when someone knocked on the door. The chocolatier had no choice but to part with you. He stole a last kiss from you before walking away from you to open the door for one of his Oompa Loompas. You were watching him chatting with his employee when you saw his expression become bored. Willy came back to get his gloves.
"Sorry, trouble with one of the new treats," he said, putting his gloves back on. "I'll be right back, Barley sugar. I love you."
You looked at Willy surprised when he left the apartment to go as quickly as possible to the Inventing Room. Did he just tell you he loved you? You couldn't help laughing, wondering how long it would take the chocolate maker to realize what he had just told you.
"I told her that I loved her!" Willy shouted, startling the Oompa Loompas.
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chocolate flowers sneak peek
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Chapter one – a hatful of dreams
As the sun struggled to break through the fog, a chilly morning greeted the passengers of a 1940s trawler boat. The rhythmic sound of ocean waves and the distant tolling of a ship's bell filled the air. Emerging from the thick mist, the boat approached the new city's dock, its passengers eagerly awaiting their arrival. Amidst the scene, a peculiar figure stood out - donning a vibrant green waistcoat and a scarf bursting with colours. With curly brown hair and eyes that matched the waistcoat’s hues, this enigmatic individual climbed the mast, their presence illuminated by the sun's rays piercing through the fog and ship smoke.
“After seven years of life upon the ocean, It is time to bid the seven seas farewell. And the city I’ve pinned seven years of hopes on Lies just over the horizon. I can hear the harbour bell!” Emerging from the icy mist, a magnificent ancient metropolis caught his eye. A grin spread across his face, for he knew that his days as a sailor were numbered and his new life as a proud shopkeeper was about to begin. “Land ahoy!!”
With a firm grip on the rope, Willy descended to the icy deck, while his fellow sailors readied the boat for docking. Navigating through the bustling engine room, he collected his worn-out plum-coloured tailcoat and weathered wooden suitcase. “Got a tattered overcoat and battered suitcase! Got a pair of leaky boots upon my feet. Got to drag myself up by my one good bootlace! Gotta work my rotten socks off if I wanna make ends meet!” With a daring leap, he landed on a supply crate just as it was lifted from the ship's hold. The crate soared high above the dock, swaying gracefully in the air. “I've poured everything I've got into my chocolate. Now it's time to show the world my recipes.” The brunette received a small bag of coins from the captain, the metal creating a clanging sound as it landed in his icy, pale hand. “good luck Willy!” he hollered waving off Willy with a supportive grin. “I’ve got twelve silver sovereigns in my pocket. And a hatful of dreams!”
Willy gracefully leapt off the crate and onto the back of a truck as it passed by, embarking on his exciting journey into the city of his dreams. The landscape he passed was blanketed in a thick layer of ice and slush, a messy combination of cobblestone debris and melting snow. With a burst of energy, the ghostly boy jumped down from the vehicle, his hands gripping a frozen lamp post adorned with tattered flyers and posters. With a graceful twirl, Willy descended the gleaming metal pole and found himself in the awe-inspiring town square. “There’s a famous restaurant on every street here. There's Brandino's and the Bar Parisienne”
The bustling square was adorned with a majestic cathedral, its towering presence casting a shadow over the surrounding area. The harmonious melodies of the choir echoed through the air, filling the square with a symphony of enchanting notes, reminiscent of the sweet songs of songbirds. In the centre of the square, a frozen fountain stood still, its waters suspended in time, a testament to the frigid weather that had gripped the city. On the opposite side, a grand dome building beckoned him with its grandeur, a destination he knew he would eventually reach. However, he couldn't resist the allure of exploration that lingered in the air, enticing him to wander through the square a little longer before embarking on his intended journey.
“Restaurant map, sir?” A cheerful attendant at a cosy booth offered a map of restaurants to the gentleman in a brown top hat, who graciously thanked him with a silver coin. “thank you!”
“Got a little map to tell me where to eat here...” As Willy unravelled his map, he suddenly spotted someone right by his side. To his surprise, it was a shoeshine boy, and the brunette had unknowingly placed his foot on the boy's box. The boy, with a mischievous grin, demanded a sovereign while wiggling his fingers, as if he had just completed a remarkable shine on the chocolate maker’s boot.
“Had a dozen silver sovereigns, now I'm somehow down to ten!”
With excitement in his eyes, Willy made his way towards a vibrant produce stall. As he reached out, his hands embraced an astonishingly enormous pumpkin, bursting with both delectable taste and vibrant hues. “Want the finest produce? This is where they stock it!” Willy narrowly avoided being hit by a streetcar that honked loudly, causing him to drop the pumpkin in shock. “That's three sovereigns, mate” The pumpkin splattered all over his boots, undoing all the work the boy had just completed moments before. “Though the prices are suspiciously extreme!”
“You break my pumpkin; you pay for it.”
“I've got five, six, seven-“
The dreamer strolled past the shops on the street, but his attention was immediately drawn to a charming green cottage-style shop. His eyes widened as he watched a woman inside, working cheerfully in her colourful attire, leaving Willy breathless with admiration. The vibrant hues of her clothing perfectly complemented the lush greenery that adorned her store, resembling ornaments on a festive Christmas tree. She was wearing an off-white blouse with puff sleeves that peeked through her green corduroy pinafore. The seams of the dress were decorated with different flower embroidery similar to his own waistcoat patterns. Her hands, covered in gardening gloves instead of winter ones, bore the marks of soil on each finger, a testament to her love for nurturing plants. The woman appeared to be around his age, her skin plump and her eyes sparkling like shiny coins. She captivated the poor adventurer with her beauty, snapping him out of his trance as she waved goodbye to a customer and the shop door chimed closed.
As he counted his coins, the chocolatier spotted the Shoeshine Boy cleaning his boots once again and reluctantly handed over yet another sovereign. At least the pumpkin was off his boot this time. “...six silver sovereigns in my pocket And a hatful of dreams”
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kylowanderer · 3 months
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bringing this old meme back
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glamnessaau · 4 months
violet no bi and no lesbian (she heterosexual and Straight ) Charlie no gay and no bi ( he heterosexual and Straight ) they no love LGBT ( Charlie and violet they heterosexual and Straight ) they no love LGBT ( Charlie and violet they love each other. ) need to add charlioet to the final comic catcf
No. :3
Now quit spamming my inbox.
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wwillywonka · 20 days
and just like that, the final chapter of heaven on their minds is done! thanks to all my readers for being with me on this crazy journey! i first started writing this so many years ago, when i was just a little pre-teen, so it finally being done feels truly insane. thanks especially to @n0isy-gh0st for beta-reading, to @ohbutwheresyourheart and @fandomjunkyard​ for being my other wonderful wonka moots, and to @tea-earl-grey​ and @dragons-dice​ for being my two biggest supporters and bestest friends. <33
Chapters: 12/12 Fandom: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - All Media Types, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005), Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (1971), Charlie Series - Roald Dahl, Wonka (2023)Rating: Mature Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, Underage Relationships: Charlie Bucket & Willy Wonka, Arthur Slugworth/Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka/Original Male Character(s), i don’t ship willy/arthur but wonka’s backstory cannot exist without arthur taking advantage of him, Mr. Wilkinson/Willy Wonka, Noodle & Willy Wonka, NOT charlie x wonka, very much not a ship fic Characters: Willy Wonka, Charlie Bucket, Arthur Slugworth, Original Male Character(s), Mrs. Bucket, Mr. Bucket, Felix Ficklegruber, Gerald Prodnose, Mr. Fickelgruber (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory), Mr. Prodnose (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory), Mr. Wilkinson (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory), Noodle (Wonka Movie 2023), Wilbur Wonka, Willy Wonka's Mother, God Additional Tags: willy is transmasc, Religious Metaphors, Lonely God, Character Study, Depression, Suicidal Ideation, canon child abuse, Eating Disorders, Rape/Non-con - Freeform, dead dove do not eat, the kindest people are the ones who have been through the worst horrors, hope it’s clear that i do not endorse any of these i just want to put willy through hell, hypocritical character, Unreliable Narrator, Jesus Christ Superstar - Freeform, Jesus/Judas type relationships, Toxic Co-Dependency Summary:
Willy Wonka is the most famous man in the world. There has never been anyone like him and there never will be again. But how did he get here? How did he earn his reputation? Who along the way hurt him so fiercely that he went mad? If you strip away the myth from the man, you will see...
Or: A dark, tragic take on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory because the prequel didn't do anything right. Mostly a deep dive into Willy and Charlie's friendship.
Or: CATCF 2005 was so fucking unhinged to look at a beloved children’s book/classic film character and go “oh yeah, let’s give this guy childhood trauma and PTSD flashbacks thus making him think he’s unlovable then make him go into a fifteen-year-long isolation to prevent suffering from further pain then introduce him to a 10 year old who treats him like the Christian god and make that child his best friend and sole reason for living then give him the loving family he deserves because even the most fucked up people deserve to be loved. Yeah, let’s show this to children. Oh, and don’t forget to make him a bitchy twink.” <3
Inspired by Jesus Christ Superstar.
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glamnessaaumisc · 11 months
Blueberries According to the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Wiki
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A blueberry is an entity. (Formerly a being of some kind!)
Just some shitpost based on a conversation on a Discord server full of Tumblr users who like CatCF.
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libraryledge · 4 months
A Part of My Story (A Reimagined Tale Set in the World of Wonka) Chapter 1
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The snow outside was falling and I felt as cold inside as the weather was outside. I traveled to London with dreams of becoming a writer and making my mark in the world of literature. I didn’t expect it to happen overnight, but I certainly didn’t expect to be spending the night in a dirty old washhouse with its two grouchy owners. However, Scrubitt and Bleacher’s Laundry House was the only place that I could afford to stay tonight, and the low prices made me extremely suspicious.
As I trailed my suitcase up the dirty stairs, I spotted the bulky dog, whom they called Tiddles. He was curled up in the corner of one of the empty corridors. Tiddles had a reputation for being a grouchy canine, but truthfully who could blame him? I’m sure he was a sweetheart, but circumstances made it difficult to enjoy the carefree life that other dogs had. If someone were to show him some love, I’m sure he wouldn’t spend so much time sulking.
When I finally made it up the stairs, I walked to the room where I would be staying. I was about to unlock the door, when I realized it was already open. Confused, I peeked inside. I barely had my head through the doorway when a scrawny, young man in a plum coat, multicolored scarf, green waistcoat, tan striped pants, and a top hat, resting on his mop of brown curls, scurried my way. He gave me an eager smile and stuck out his hand for me to shake. 
“Hi! You must be my new roommate! My name is Willy Wonka!” he exclaimed excitedly, shaking my limp arm.
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“Roommate?” I asked in confusion. Scrubitt and Bleacher conveniently forgot to mention that detail to me.
“Uh-uh! I’m so glad to have some company. It has been rather lonely. No one ever comes up here. Except for Noodle, but she’s usually busy doing chores." He took off his hat and performed a mock bow.
“M'lady.” he said, ushering me inside. As I tried to make sense of this unusual situation, I couldn't help thinking how he perfectly captured the eccentricity of a children’s book character. 
Once inside, I stood in the corner of the room which was dimly lit and smelled like rust. “So uh...Willy is it?” I asked as I couldn’t help thinking how unfortunate that name was, especially for a guy living in London. “How did you end up here?”
Even in the low light, I could see a large grin spread across his face. “I’m somewhat of a magician, inventor, and chocolate maker. I want to open the greatest chocolate shop the world has ever seen! I just need a place to stay for a few nights. By this time tomorrow, I plan to have made my fortune!”
“You’ve really got it planned out.” I replied. Chocolate was my weakness, so I was a bit intrigued by this man’s ambition. 
“Ever since I was a kid, I knew this is what I wanted to do.” he replied “It’s a dream that I shared with my mom before she passed away about seven years ago.” he admitted a little shyly.
Taken aback a bit, I responded “Oh! I’m sorry.”
Willy waved at me dismissively. “Don’t be. I believe that if I make my dream come true, she’ll be right there beside me. Now, you must be tired.” He motioned over to the corner of the room which had a rusty sink, flickering lamp, and a wobbly bed. 
“I should mention that one of the beds broke last night when I was sleeping. I was probably too heavy.” he said, shrugging sheepishly. I seriously doubted that since he was such a scrawny guy. The more probable cause was that Scrubitt and Bleacher were too stingy to invest in beds that weren’t worn out or had springs popping out of them. However, I let him continue.
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“Anyway, there is only one bed in here so that means well…” he trailed off and didn’t finish his sentence, but I figured that I could fill in the blanks.
“That we are going to have to share?” I asked, not fond of being in such close proximity to a stranger, especially not on a dusty, twin sized mattress, sitting upon a wobbly frame.
Willy gave me a strange look. “No! It just means I’ll sleep under your bed.” he says matter of factly, as if he didn’t just suggest the most absurd solution to this predicament.
“What?” I ask, completely taken aback by his response.
“Yeah. I need to keep an eye out for the little orange man anyway. He’s always after my chocolate.” he replied. Then, noting my confusion he said. “You don’t believe me do you?”
“ I mean. That’s a pretty wild statement that I don’t really know how to respond to” I replied. Willy nodded sympathetically.
“That’s ok. Noodle didn’t believe me either. Once I catch him, we won’t have to worry about it anymore.” Willy said with a genuine smile.
“Ok. Then…” I said because I figured that it was easier to go along with this wacky story than argue with him. I placed my suitcase in the corner of the room and then sat on the bed, half expecting it to collapse under me. Shockingly, it didn’t, so I curled my feet up on the mattress. Deep in thought, Willy studied me.
“Now that you're comfortable in bed, close your eyes and count to ten. I need to take off my pants.” he said calmly, once more oblivious to the absurdity of his words. 
“Whoa! What?” I said raising my hands up in shock. 
Willy took off his plum coat, placed it on the ground, and said “The night is young and I have lots of work to do, so I hope you don’t mind.” He gave me a sweet smile, as if he didn’t just drop the most appalling statement five seconds earlier. 
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What have I gotten myself into? I thought as I turned around and closed my eyes. If I could have afforded it, I would have been in a nice little studio in downtown London, writing my story while sipping on a mug of hot chocolate. Instead, I was stuck in the attic of a stuffy laundry house, with a wonky man, who has no shame in removing his clothing in front of strangers. 
I heard rustling behind me and then Willy announced “Ok. you can turn around now!”
I braced myself, unsure of what to expect once I opened my eyes.
Willy was standing in front of me, surprisingly fully clothed, except I did notice that his pants were missing a small piece from the hem at the bottom, barely exposing his left ankle.
“I’ve got it!” he said excitedly waving a tiny square of fabric in front of my nose. I realized that it was the piece that was missing from his pants.
“Uh…Ok. I’m lost. What do you have exactly?” I said, baffled by the entire situation.
Willy gave me a big grin, which I started to realize he did often, and announced. “It’s my present for Tiddles!”
“The dog?” I asked, still not following along with his charades.
“Mmm hmm.” Willy responded. Then, he looked around the room to make sure no one was listening. Clearly there wasn’t, unless the little orange man really did exist and was lurking around in the shadows, which I seriously doubted. 
He lowered his voice and whispered “Don’t tell anyone, but I’m working on a new invention. Tiddles is helping me out. Scrubitt and Bleacher expect all of their tenants to work in the washroom to pay off their debts.” I raised my eyebrows because this was news to me. Willy continued, “But I need to get into town to sell my chocolate so, that’s where Tiddles comes in” 
“How?” I asked him, intrigued to see where this discussion was headed.
“When I first arrived, Bleacher thought Tiddles was attracted to my legs.” he shrugged. “Makes sense since the saying goes, want to make ‘em sigh show ‘em some thigh. Am I right?” My eyes widened as Willy had once again continued his wild habit of dropping the most unhinged statements without concern. 
“Anyway, I quickly learned that he wasn’t drawn to my legs, but rather to these pants that I got from a mailman in Minsk.” he said as if it was the most obvious explanation. “So, I’m making this contraption that will get Tiddles a chance to play, and his running will power a machine that will wash the clothes.” He taps his head with his finger, as if to say “Clever right?”
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I had to admit that this was not where I saw this conversation going, and I was impressed with his wit. “That is such a wild plan, but I have to hand it to you, it’s a genius move.” I said.
“Aww! Thank you!” Willy said, flushing over my praise. Suddenly, his eyes widened and he flashed me a smile that stretched from ear to ear as he replied, “I know. It’s the best idea yet!”
I chuckled at how quickly he switched from humility to self-confidence. “So where is this invention of yours?” I asked.
“It’s down in the washroom. I can show it to you tomorrow morning.” he said with a smile. “But, I think we need to get some sleep first. It’s a big day tomorrow. I’m going to make my mark at the Galleries Gourmet and you…” he stopped and studied me curiously. “What are you going to do tomorrow?”
I stopped to think about it for a moment. Honestly, I didn’t really know what I was planning to do since my priority when I arrived in London was to get a roof over my head. “Oh. Well, I’m a writer, so perhaps I will try looking for a publishing house that I can send my manuscripts to. Baby steps.” I replied with a shrug.
“You write stories? Will you read something to me please?” he asked as a dreamy look crossed over his face. “My mama used to read books to me before bed, so I’ve always had a soft spot for them. Even if…” he stopped, contemplating if he should admit something to me “I never learned to read.”
I tried not to look surprised. Willy seemed so clever and imaginative, so it was a bit shocking that he didn’t know how to read, but I figured that someone who lost a parent at such a young age must not have had anyone to teach them certain life skills, like reading. 
“That’s ok. I can teach you. It’s really not so hard. For a man who can make washing machines and chocolate treats from scratch, this will be easy as pie.” I said with a smile.
Willy grinned. “Let’s make a deal. You teach me to read, and I’ll give you a lifetime supply of my chocolate once I open my shop.” He held out his smallest finger and said, "Pinky swear on it? You know, that's the most solemn vow there is."
I chuckled at his rapid negotiation skills as I interlocked my finger with his. “I have an addiction to chocolate, so this bargain is a no brainer.”
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“I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.” Willy said optimistically.
“Isn’t that a quote from a movie?” I asked. Back home, I’d occasionally visit the theater because I loved watching a good story unfold. Who knew? Maybe one of my pieces would be adapted for the silver screen someday.
“Is it? I’ve never watched one before” he replied.
“Ok. How about we add that to the bargain as well? There are many great films to enjoy.” I said as I realized that there was in fact a lot that we could teach one another.
Willy nodded and began making his way under the bed. I quickly stopped him and said. “You are not sleeping under the bed. I don’t mind sleeping on the floor if you want to sleep on the mattress. You were here first.”
He shook his head. “That’s ok. I actually prefer to sleep by the window. It has a nice view.” He nodded over to a window, and despite it being closed off with prison-like bars, which was undoubtedly Scrubitt and Bleacher’s doing, I could see the snowflakes falling outside. 
“Alright then.” I said as I pulled a notepad out of my suitcase. “Sit here for now.” I said, patting an empty space on the bed beside me. “I can read to you from the rough draft of one of my stories, if you’d like.”
“Yes please!” he said as he eagerly flopped onto the bed. 
“Once upon a time there lived a little boy named Charlie…” I began and smiled as I saw Willy peeking over my shoulder, trying to make sense of the words in front of me. Eventually, I finished the first chapter, and I glanced over to see him looking contemplative.
“So…what did you think?” I asked him. He was the first person that I had ever read my story aloud to, so I was itching for some feedback.
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“I love it! What happens next?” Willy asked in anticipation.
“Honestly, I’m not sure yet. I want Charlie to have a happy ending, since he’s grown up so poor, but I don’t really know what adventures he will get up to yet.” I answered.
“He needs a friend, someone who believes in him. I think everyone does.” He smiled at me once more, and I returned the gesture. He continued, “Writing seems fun because you leave everything up to pure imagination. Just like what I do with my chocolate.” We sat for a moment in silence until he suddenly hopped down from the bed, and scurried over towards the window. 
“Well good night! Tomorrow we say goodbye to having to scrub scrub and hello to making our dreams come true!” he said as he curled up under the window frame.
“Goodnight.” I replied. 
That night, I couldn’t sleep. Ironically, not because I was inhabiting a run-down attic that smelled of mold, but because I couldn’t help trying to figure Willy out. His quirks and unabashed manner made it impossible to define him. While I didn’t understand everything he said, I could tell he was creative and his heart was in the right place.
I turned to look at Willy. Even asleep he had a smile on his face. Meanwhile, I was contemplating what he said to me earlier, “He needs a friend, someone who believes in him. I think everyone does.” Making friends was something I always struggled with because I wasn’t one who opened up easily to new people. However, as I listened to the snow fall gently upon the roof of the laundry house, I realized that I didn’t feel as cold as I did when I first arrived here. Something told me that Willy Wonka was going to be a very important part of my story. 
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jess050605 · 2 years
Welcome to the Factory
Willy wonka x Reader
Chapter 1
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The Bucket Life
Y/N lives in a house at the end of the street a few blocks away from Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory, You live with your Mum, Dad, Grandparents (Grandpa George, Grandma Georgina, Grandma Josephine and Grandpa Joe) and your little Brother Charlie, Y/N and Charlie has always wanted to meet Mr Willy Wonka himself but his Factory was closed for many years and he never came out but Grandpa Joe worked for Mr Wonka For years but was fired when Mr Wonka closed the Factory: 
One Night Y/N and everyone else was waiting for dinner to be ready and Y/N and charlie's Dad walks in after a day of work. Dad: "Evening Buckets",  "Evening" says Grandpa Joe "Hi Dad" Charlie And I Both say. "Charlie i found something i'd think you'd like" Dad said taking squished up toothpaste caps from his pocket and putting them on the table. "Exactly what i need!" Charlie says excitingly. "What is it Charlie?" I say while Charlie pulls out a whole model of Willy Wonka's Chocolate factory made out of Toothpaste caps and putting the one of the pieces that was on the table and put it on a little person "Dad Found it! the piece i needed" Charlie says excitingly "And what piece was it Charlie?" Grandpa Joe says curiously "A head for Willy Wonka" answers Charlie "Its Wonderful Charlie" I say with Joy "Yes very delightful is a quite a lightness" Grandpa Joe Says "You think so Grandpa?" I say "Think so? I know so, I saw Willy Wonka with my own Two eyes, I used to work with him you know?" He Says "You did?" Charlie says "He did" Says Grandma Josephine and Grandpa George "I love Grapes" says Grandma Georgina. "But I was a much younger man in those days" Grandpa Joe said. *time skip to after the story and while we were eating dinner after Grandpa Joe was talking about when Willy Wonka closing his Factory* "But it didn't close Forever.., its open right now" Charlie said "Well when Grown ups say Forever they mean a very long time.." Mum said, "And it seemed like it was gonna be forever but then we saw smoke coming out of the chimneys the Factory was back in business" Grandpa Joe said Joyfully "Did you get your Job back" I asked Grandpa Joe and He looked a me and answered "no.... no one did" disappointingly his smile going away "But there must be people working there.." I said, "Think about it Y/N Have you ever seen a single person going into that Factory or coming out of it" Grandma Josephine asks me "no the gates are always closed" I say "Exactly" Grandpa Joe said "Then who is running the machines?" Charlie asks, "No body knows Charlie" Mum tells him "Certainly is a Mystery" Dad says. "I would give anything in the world just to go in and see whats become of that amazing Factory...." I say hoping if i ever do get to go in the Factory but then Grandpa George Interrupts me "Well you wont, cause you cant no one can its a mystery and it will always be a mystery that little factory of yours Charlie is the closest as we are gonna get.." He said with a bit of anger then Mum stood up "come on Y/N and Charlie i thinks its about time to let your Grandparents get some sleep" Mum told us "Okay mum" We both say and we hugged everyone and said goodnight when we hugged Grandma Georgina she said "nothings impossible Y/N" and we both smiled at her, Charlie went of to bed i went to my bed "Goodnight everyone" He said "Goodnight Charlie" we all say and i went to him and gave him a kiss on his forehead, smiled and went back to my bed and went to sleep.
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n0isy-gh0st · 28 days
ALSO I got bit by the Wonka bug this morning and finished this chapter finally ✨
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inflatingnblue · 1 month
Okay friends, here is the first part of my fanfic. I'm writing in first person present as Violet. If you notice a spelling or grammar error please let me know!
Also, should I write what happens before this point?
I appreciate feedback! Feel free to share your thoughts and comments.
And don't worry the story will be continued... 😊😈🫐
Feeling Blue in the Inventing Room
I feel a strange sensation in my stomach. It's like a swirling or bubbling. Little by little I can feel more pressure build as the swirling intensifies. I almost feel ill, like nauseated, but there's also something that feels good about it. Maybe if I wasn't wearing my belt I wouldn't feel so weird. I'm distracted by the sensations that I miss the talk of my skin turning blue.
Because my stomach still feels strange I rub it with my hand and that's when I saw the blue color spreading.
"Why is my skin blue?!"
"I told you I didn't have it quite right yet..." says Mr. Wonka calmly.
Just then the pressure and swirling sensation turns up a notch and I can feel my stomach growing.
"Violet, what are you doing now?" cries my boyfriend, Charlie.
I can feel my body growing, puffing up as if I'm having a major allergic reaction. The swelling in my limbs experience the same type of pressure and swirling sensations. 
My blue maxi dress and leggings are stretchy, although I can feel my body grow within its confines.
My middle looks ridiculous as the swelling has grown proportionately bigger and is being contained by my belt. I can't believe this is happening.
"I feel funny!" I cry out loud.
My belt starts getting tighter around my waist and the material digging into my skin is painful. I hear the belt groan and creak. I feel like I can't breathe as the swelling carries on throughout my body, especially in my abdomen.
My arms and legs continue to grow, and I’m thankful my long sleeves and leggings have been able to contain my limbs thus far. I can't move or bend my arms to take the belt off.
In desperation, I decide to create more pressure against the belt and push my stomach out to make it break.
"ARGH!" I yell as the belt makes a big explosive sound, popping off my body finally.
I feel relieved to breathe again, however it feels like a tsunami crashing within my stomach. My midsection is massive. With the belt breaking I'm caught off balance and I almost fall over due to my sheer size and weight.
"What's happening to me?!"
"You're blowing up like a balloon!" exclaims Charlie.
"Like a blueberry," Wonka says quietly and calmly. Someone may see his demeanor as bored and apathetic.
A blueberry! I'm blowing up like a blueberry! The pressure and swirling continue and I realize this must be blueberry juice.
"Someone call an ambulance," cries one lady.
"Stick her with a pin," says one snarky girl and she throws her head back with a laugh.
"No, that'll make her pop!" says an older gentleman.
"Mr. Wonka, please! Please deflate her!" Charlie begs.
"She doesn't need deflating." Wonka says poignantly. Charlie looks over at me with confusion. I feel helpless as my form continues to morph and fill out more. I am so heavy. I feel a strange sensation of the swelling increasing so much that my arms and legs are becoming a part of my spherical shape. I hear some stitching pop here and there as I continue growing. Somehow I’m lucky enough that I’m still covered. My maxi dress keeps getting shorter and shorter though.
"Blowing up like a blueberry." Charlie says more to himself than anyone else. Then his face lights up.
"Mr. Wonka! If she's blowing up like a blueberry... she needs to be... I feel crazy saying it, but juiced or something!"
"My boy, I knew you were catching on!" Wonka says excitedly.
"HELP! HELP!" I scream. I'm not taking in any of the words between Wonka and Charlie. The pressure is getting to be too much. It feels like this is never going to end. The guests on the tour are just staring at me agape. The older gentleman is shaking his head, disapproving of me not listening to Wonka. The snarky girl's face reveals shock and also a smugness. A teenage boy slowly walks up and reaches out his hand.
"What are you doing?" I ask nervously. I can't run away from him and I'm not sure what he's trying to do. His hand makes contact with my midsection. Well, what used to be my midsection. He rubs his hand against me with a look of surprise on his face. My maxi dress is closer to becoming a shirt if I don’t stop inflating.
"Don't do that!" I feel embarrassed and violated in a way. The teen ignores me, makes a fist, and pumps it against my body. It feels strange and I can feel the juice sloshing inside with the movement.
"Stop!" I yell. His mother steps forward and pulls him back to the main group. She's scolding him quietly. I think I hear her say "stay away from that thing!" THING?! I don't know how much more I can take.
Charlie is still talking to Wonka. I can't hear them anymore. What are they saying?
I start to cry because there's nothing left I can do. I close my eyes to shut out all the staring eyes and hope this is all a nightmare.
"Violet!" Charlie says. I open my eyes after what seems like a couple minutes. He's standing in front of me. "They're going to roll you to the juicing room. It's just you're not... ready yet." He says carefully.
"What do you mean? Please, please make it stop. I feel like I'm going to... going to..." I can't say the word.
"Explode, my dear?" Mr. Wonka says behind Charlie. "I told you not to."
Tears are flooding from my eyes. I'm going to explode because I didn't listen.
"Violet, that's what we're trying to tell you," says Charlie calmly. "We aren't going to let you explode. Mr. Wonka was telling me about the juicing process." Charlie looks over at Mr. Wonka.
"Yes, it's a rather simple operation. We have to wait for the right time to juice you." Mr. Wonka reaches out his hand and pushes gently against my side. "Which will be soon." By this point my arms and legs are all but gone, leaving my hands and feet sticking out of my humongous body.
Before I can respond, Wonka takes out a small flute and plays a very short tune. What is that for?
"Please, everyone, back up and lend some space." Wonka uses his cane to push the group back, including Charlie.
"Space for what?!" I still don't understand what's going on and now I'm so puffed up I can feel my body pressing up against my chin.
"Violet, it's going to be okay. I promise!" Charlie replies. His eyes are showing worry though. I wish he wasn’t so far away.
A group of oompa loompas step forward and are quietly chatting amongst themselves. I can't hear what they're saying although I swear I hear a giggle here and there. I can't see all of them since my body is so large and in my line of sight. I start hearing chatter around me instead of just in front of me. I try to look around to figure out what they’re doing.
A couple of them are standing right in front of me where I can see them. They're gesturing and it seems they're judging my size. Suddenly the oompas are walking slowly around me. This makes me more uneasy and I try to take a couple steps to gauge what's happening. I hear one oompa laugh outright after I fail to move very far. They’re taking in more of my shape based on the gesturing I see and the small pushes I feel against my huge body. I feel violated again. They are pushing in so many places. Their hands press into me for a moment and I can feel my skin indent. When they let go my skin bounces. The oompas in front of me are also pushing into me. I can't quite see them since they're standing directly underneath what would be considered my stomach. I start feeling overwhelmed with all the touching and a small whimper leaves my lips. One of the oompas steps back in response and he looks me in the eyes. I feel like I'm going to start crying again. The oompa nods and says something to his companion. Then he gives a command and I sense the message being sent around me.
All of a sudden I feel lots of hands on my back and sides. The two oompas standing in front of me are directing the others. To do what, I'm not sure until I can feel myself moving, as if the goal is to tilt me on my back.
"Please don't!" I yell out. I start flapping my hands in distress. Charlie's words about rolling me have escaped my memory. I feel so helpless as the oompas tilt me back without issue even though I'm flapping about. Once my feet leave the ground I start kicking. I know it is futile to do, but it's a natural instinct to keep fighting. My leggings have overall stayed intact, which is surprising and I’m very grateful.
I hear Charlie call my name. I'm on my back now and I can't see anyone. It's very disorienting since I'm spherical. Only a bit of my back is on the actual ground and I feel even bigger now than when I was standing. I start hyperventilating.
"Charlie! Mr. Wonka!" I yell out, and then I give another yell as the oompa loompas start pushing me about. I can’t quite see where I am in the Inventing Room at any given moment and at times I don’t see any people around as I roll across the floor. Eventually I make it back to the area where we started and the oompas turn me one more time. For one second I can see Charlie and then I’m rolling through a set of large doors.
"They know what they're doing, Violet. They're going to help you!" I can hear Charlie's voice.
"Don't worry, my dear. I take good care of my guests," adds Wonka. He doesn't sound as indifferent as before. Or maybe I'm delusional.
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if you think about it the 'field trip' trope is like Chocolate Factory if tony hated it even more Flash
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Chapter Six
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As Grandma Georgina had said, things have started to look up for the Bucket family. The next day Charlie helped his parents fix the roof, Grandpa Joe had spent the day out of bed, not feeling the slightest fatigue. Your uncle had found a new job, he was fixing the machines that took his job. As for you, you had resumed the course of your miserable life, you had resumed your work at Bill's shop, with the old clothes of your grandmothers and your aunt. You didn't have the courage to put on the clothes Willy bought you. It was still too painful for you. How could you be heartbroken when nothing was happening between you two? On the one hand, you could understand the fact that a family is a burden. But you couldn't forgive him for upsetting Charlie. Your cousin had started working as a shoe shiner, around the corner. A sigh escaped your lips as you finished placing the Wonka bars on the rack. You didn't want to think about that damn chocolatier, but you couldn't.
"Fucking chocolate," you muttered as you went into the back room to throw the empty box away with the others.
Another day of work had just ended. You left the shop to go to Charlie's workstation. You smile as you see the boy packing his things. The two cousins returned home. The dinner was taken in a religious silence. Ever since you visited the chocolate factory, your family barely spoke to you, especially Grandpa Joe. He was mad at you for the story of the golden ticket and for not letting him visit the chocolate factory one last time. It was stupid. Completely stupid.
"It's great that luck is finally smiling on us," Charlie said as he poured a sugary drink into the new glasses his parents had bought.
"We just needed time to bounce back," Mr. Bucket replied with a huge grin.
Time for them to bounce back. What about you? They always took your entire salary, leaving you penniless. In this chance, you were unhappy. Everyone was happy except you. Why were you the only one who had to suffer? You snapped out of your thoughts when you heard them laugh. You felt like they were laughing at you.
"Since Uncle Bucket is finally bouncing back and making a better living, I can finally keep my salary," you say, glaring at your uncle and aunt sternly.
Your request threw a chill in the cabin. Your gaze rested on your uncle and your aunt who did not know what to answer. They were serious? You shrug, fingering your food with your fork.
"It's true, now that you have a stable salary uncle. I'm going to start saving," you say, stuffing a piece of chicken in your mouth. "
We…we still have some difficulty, honey," Mrs. Bucket said with a tight smile.
"Me too. Since all my salary has been going into your pocket for several years. Besides, have you thought about paying me back everything you've taken from me since I was… uh… thirteen. Thirteen years of salary. That's a lot, isn't it?" you commented, throwing your cutlery on your plate.
"Charlie, go to your room," Mr. Bucket said as he put down his cutlery.
"Why should he leave? You have nothing to hide from him, do you?" you asked, glaring at your uncle.
"Charlie go to your room!"
"Charlie stay here!"
Charlie was staring between you and his panicked father. He didn't like the turn of events. The atmosphere was palpable. You and your uncle looked each other in the eye. You refused to look away. You had the right to keep your money and be reimbursed.
"Why do you want Charlie out?" you asked, your voice dripping with hate.
"(Y/N)! You're getting unreasonable!" growled Mrs. Bucket.
"Unreasonable?" you asked looking at your aunt. "Is it unreasonable of me to want my hard-earned money back? Is it unreasonable of me to want to save up to buy things for myself? Kind of nice clothes? Sweets? Jewelry?"
"We already give you our clothes!"
"Old, seedy and ugly."
"We buy you sweets!"
"And what do you want to do with jewelry?! We're not going to pay you back a single penny! You know we're in need!"
"I too am in need. And your fault!" You had just said your sentence while shouting and slamming your hands on the table, startling everyone.
You looked at your uncle and your aunt with hatred. It was always the same thing, they wanted to make you feel guilty. But now you weren't going to let it go. You weren't going to let yourself go anymore.
"It's over! I won't give you a single penny anymore!" you say between your teeth. "I'm tired of having to pay to live under this roof!"
"Do you think we wanted you? We just felt sorry. We were hesitant to put you in an orphanage. We should have done that," Mr. Bucket said. "It would have saved us this whole situation. You are a parasite (Y/N). And you will always remain a parasite."
It was like a cold shower. You couldn't help but laugh nervously. You knew it. You headed for the coat rack, grabbed your jacket and left the Bucket family residence. Tears streamed down your cheeks. You knew this day was coming, but you never thought it would happen like this, in front of Charlie. You stopped in front of Bill's shop. You entered the store and were surprised to see a young man holding the cash register.
"Good evening miss," the young man greeted smiling at you. "How can I help you?"
"Do you...do you work here?" you asked under your breath.
"Yes. Bill hired me two days ago," he said, laughing a little. "I only work nights, but Bill is going to fire this girl. He says she was no longer suitable because of the image she sent back."
"What kind of image did she send back?"
"A poor, badly-dressed girl. Maybe I shouldn't say this, but he admitted to me that he hired her out of pity, because her family is poor. But with the publicity of her finding the golden ticket in his shop, he couldn't afford to keep her."
You felt something inside you snap. The only person you trusted had just betrayed you because of your financial situation. You thanked Bill's new employee before leaving the small shop to wander around town. Where could you go? Nobody needed you. Neither your family nor your boss. What could you do? You were taken out of your thoughts by noticing that you were in front of the chocolate factory. You had come without realizing it. Since the visit, you hadn't seen Willy. All you knew about him was that the sale of his sweets had fallen sharply. You put your hand on the back of your neck, hesitating to knock on his door.
"If you change your mind Barley sugar, my door is open."
You approached the door intended for the employees. You pressed the intercom button. You had to wait a few seconds before the high-pitched voice of an Oompa Loompa was heard. You instantly regret doing that. You sputtered an apology, saying it was a mistake. You started to walk away when you heard the intercom chime low and the gate unlock. You stopped, turning towards the gate. An out Oompa Loompa, approaching you.
"You should come inside, miss (Y/L/N). This way."
A defeated sigh escaped your lips. You follow the Oompa Loompa inside the chocolate factory. The little man leads you to the huge entrance hall. He asked you to wait there, the time he went to warn Willy of your arrival. You ran your hands over your scruffy coat, leaning your back against the wall. Why did you come here? Willy was probably going to spit in your face like your aunt and uncle. Like Bill. Yes, that was probably it. You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard the "ding" of the elevator. You felt your heart beat faster when you saw Willy stepping out of the elevator.
"You came back," he said under his breath.
"I… I must be disturbing you," you said as you started to back away towards the door.
"No! No, you don't bother me!" he hastened to say, catching up with you. "Please don't go."
"No! It was a stupid idea. I… I shouldn't be here," you say, feeling a wave of angst wash over you.
Your heart was racing, your breathing became erratic, you were sweating profusely. You were having a panic attack. Tears were leaking from your eyes, rolling down your cheeks. Seeing you in this state, Willy put his hands on your shoulders, telling you to focus on his breathing. You watched Willy take a deep breath in through his nose and a long breath out through his mouth. You imitated him, concentrating on the chocolatier's breathing. Inhaling and exhaling like him until your panic attack subsides, leaving you drained of all energy. Willy put his arm around your shoulders, leading you to the glass elevator. The chocolatier pressed a button, activating the elevator which took you, both of you, to his apartment. His living space was spacious. Willy guided you to his huge leather sofa before going to the kitchen area. You took the opportunity to look around. Everything here screamed Willy Wonka. Everything was in shades of red and gold. There were numerous papers scattered on the coffee table as well as, what looked like, treats. Willy came back and sat next to you, handing you a steaming cup of cocoa.
"Here. This will warm you up."
You took the steaming cup in your hands. The heat warmed your frozen hands. You were watching the hot drink swirl around in the cup when you saw movement in your peripheral vision. You looked up, watching Willy gather up his papers and the sweets.
"Such a mess," he said, laughing nervously.
"You needn't be embarrassed. I'm the one unexpectedly showing up," you say bringing the cup to your lips, drinking the sugary drink.
The hot cocoa did you a world of good. You had long deprived yourself of the sweets of the great Willy Wonka. After the visit, you had stopped eating his treats. Although you couldn't afford it. You set the empty mug down on the table, nervously running your hands over your scruffy clothes. What were you supposed to say? Did you have to tell Willy you had nowhere to go? That you had lost your job because of your financial situation? You nervously rubbed your hands between them, feeling the tears start to roll down your cheeks again, your throat tightened, preventing you from speaking properly. Willy took your hand in his, squeezing it gently, telling you to take your time and breathe well. You took a deep breath, swallowing back your tears.
"I...I lost everything," you say with a tight throat.
"How so?" Willy asked
"My uncle and my aunt... we... we had a fight. I... I was tired of having to give them all my salary. My... my uncle got a new job and... I told them I didn't want to give them my salary anymore and... I left. I went to Bill's and... he replaced me with someone else."
"Why does your boss do such a thing?"
"Because I'm poor. I'm poor because of my uncle and my aunt. I have to wear old clothes and according to them I don't need new clothes or anything. I... I can't go home anymore."
Willy felt something snap inside him when he heard your words. You couldn't go home any more, just as he couldn't go back to his father after he ran away. The chocolatier put his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his embrace.
"I'm sorry, Barley sugar. No one should go through such an ordeal," he said, pressing his cheek to the top of your head as he hugged you before stepping back, cupping your face in his hands to wipe away your tears with his thumbs. "You know what we're going to do? I'm going to fix you a nice hot bath, you'll put on some fluffy pajamas and then you'll have a good night's sleep. We'll discuss all this tomorrow morning, okay?"
"You… are you okay with me staying here?" you asked surprised.
"Of course. What kind of person would I be if I left you out?" he said, taking your hand in his. "Come."
Willy led you to the bathroom. You sat on the edge of the tub, watching Willy run the hot water, putting products in the tub that seemed to cost a fortune. When your bath was ready, Willy went to his room before returning with clean clothes. He tells you to take your time before you leave the room, leaving you alone. The chocolatier closed the door behind him, allowing you to undress and step into the tub. The hot water bit into your icy skin. You were sinking into the water. The smell of the products smelled extremely good. How could things have gotten so bad? All for a damn golden ticket you refused to give to Grandpa Joe and Charlie. You shook your head, pushing his thoughts out of your mind. You didn't have to think about it anymore. You grabbed the soap, cleaning your body and your tangled hair. Once clean, you got out of the tub to dry off and put on the pajamas that Willy lent you. You buttoned up the shirt and put on the pants, which fell to the floor.
"Great," you muttered as you put the pants back on, which you had to hold on to before leaving the bathroom.
Willy turned to you, asking if everything was going well. Her voice stuck in her throat seeing you dressed in her pajamas that were too big for you. You had to roll up the sleeves and the edges of the pants so you wouldn't trip while walking as you approached him for help.
"The... the pants are too big," you say uncomfortably.
"Too big? Oh yes! Let me help you," he said, rolling up the edge to tighten the pants at the waist before stepping back. "Voilà!"
"Thank Willy."
"No problem. I… I'll show you where you're going to sleep." Willy motioned for you to follow him as he headed for his room.
The room was the size of the Bucket family home. There was a King-sinz bed in the middle of the room, solid wood furniture. Willy walked over to his chest of drawers to pull out a pillow and blanket.
"What are you doing?" you asked looking at Willy.
"I'm going to sleep on the couch."
"No, I'm going to sleep there, sleep in your bed. I don't want to feel like I'm chasing you."
"Oh! Don't worry, Barley sugar. I usually fall asleep on my desk and I still have a lot of work to do. I still have a few more hours. Sleep. We'll talk tomorrow morning."
"Alright good night."
"Good night." Willy left the room leaving you alone.
You turned off the light before slipping under the covers. The sheets were nothing like those of the Bucket family, the mattress was comfortable and it was the first time you slept alone. It was nice to have a bed for either. Without realizing it, you fell asleep, exhausted by this evening.
You were suddenly awakened from your sleep when you heard the door to the room open with force and slam against the wall. The light was on, dazzling you. You didn't have time to open your eyes when someone took the blanket off.
"Get up," Willy ordered, standing in front of the bed. "Hurry up."
"Willy? What's going on?" you asked perplexed.
"Get up, you're leaving."
"Are you deaf? I told you to leave," he said grabbing your arm, forcing you out of bed. "Hurry up."
"But... you said your doors were always open to me," you say, your throat tight.
"You seriously think I'm going to harbor a poor girl in my chocolate factory," he says, dragging you to the door of his apartment.
You were trying to speak, but your voice was stuck in your throat. Willy opened the door, pushing you into a darkened room.
You looked around you lost before looking at Willy who slammed the door in your face. Your eyelids opened by themselves, your heart was beating at breakneck speed in your chest. You hurriedly turned on the bedside lamp, looking around frantically. You were still in Willy's room. He didn't kick you out. You hurriedly left the bed, as well as the room, to see the chocolatier sitting in his chair, busy reading, scribbling notes, crossing out and mumbling to himself. You moved closer to the sofa, catching Willy's attention.
"Already standing up?" he asked, pulling out a watch. "It's three o'clock in the morning."
"You… you want me to stay?" you asked lost.
"Sure. Are you okay? You're pale," he said, getting up from his couch to come closer to you. "You're shaking. What's going on?"
"You... you were kicking me out. You said you didn't want a poor girl in your chocolate shop."
"(Y/N). I'll never kick you out. I told you, didn't I? The doors of my chocolate factory will always be open to you," he said, hugging you. "You had a nightmare. Just a horrible nightmare. I'll never kick you out, I promise."
You clung to his shirt like your life depended on it. You couldn't stop your body from shaking from this nightmare. Willy put his hand on your cheek, making you raise your head. He was smiling tenderly at you as he leaned in towards you, pressing his lips to your forehead.
"You should go back to bed, Barley sugar," he said, running his hand over your cheek.
"Would you mind sleeping with me. I... I don't want to sleep alone."
You felt like a child asking her parents to join them in their bed. Except that there, you were no longer a child and you had just asked Willy Wonka if he could sleep with you. He didn't say anything, he just smiled when he placed another kiss on your forehead. He nodded, telling you he was going to change and you could go back to the bedroom until he came back. You went back to the chocolatier's room. Slipping under the sheets waiting for his return. You felt the claws of sleep trying to tear you away from reality. Your eyelids started to close on their own when you heard the door close. Your eyelids opened to see Willy dressed in his pajamas. It was quite comical to see. The chocolatier came and slipped under the sheets, turning off the light before lying down beside you.
"Sleep, (Y/N). Tomorrow will be another day."
You nodded slightly, falling asleep again. Willy sighed, adjusting the blanket around your shoulders before falling asleep too.
You awoke from your sleepless sleep feeling your cheek pressed against something firm and warm. When you opened your eyes, your gaze saw Willy's face. The chocolatier was asleep, his arm wrapped around your waist. In your sleep, you had moved closer to him and vice versa. You tried to gently pull your arm away from your waist to get off the bed, but Willy tightened his grip, pulling you closer to him as he nuzzled your hair.
"Mmh... too soon...," Willy muttered still sleepy. "Sleep..."
You didn't have time to talk until the alarm clock started ringing. Willy sighed loudly. He had to let go of you to cut off this instrument of torture. You didn't have time to talk until the alarm clock started ringing. But you, you didn't know what you were going to be able to do to occupy yourself and forget what happened last night. Just thinking about it made you feel bad. What were you going to do? You had to hurry to find a new job and a new place to live. You left the room going to sit on the couch while Willy shuffled into the kitchen.
"What do you want to eat?" he asked, opening the door of his fridge.
"I…I don't know. I don't usually eat in the morning," you say, getting up from the sofa and moving closer to the counter.
"In that case, let me prepare something for you," he said, taking some ingredients.
You watched Willy begin to scramble eggs with sausage and toast. You were surprised to find that he knew how to do something other than sweets. Once breakfast was ready, he placed a well-stocked plate in front of you before taking his own plate to begin eating.
"That's really good," you say as you finish your plate. "It's quite surprising."
"Really? You thought I was a bad cook?" Willy chuckled.
"It's just that… since you're so obsessed with sweets, I couldn't see you eating anything other than chocolate."
"I can't… really contradict you," he said, pushing his empty plate aside. "Well. Now. We're going to have to discuss what's going to happen."
You wanted to disappear six feet underground. You didn't want to talk about the Bucket family and Bill. You pushed your plate away, running your hands over your face.
"You don't have to worry. I'll find a job soon..."
"I won't be dragging your feet for very long."
"(Y/N). I don't want you to leave."
To say you were surprised was an understatement. You didn't expect him to say such a thing to you. If his goal was to leave you speechless, he had succeeded. You didn't know what to answer. You mumbled a few words before shutting up and massaging your temples.
"Wi-Willy... why do you want me to stay? I'm just a burden to people. Nobody needs a poor girl. I'm just going to drive down your chocolate stock. People aren't going to let this go!"
Willy nodded slightly when he heard your explanations. The chocolatier sighed, running his hand through his tangled hair.
"You're right. People wouldn't take kindly to me harboring a poor girl, like you say," he said with a sigh, shrugging his shoulders.
"You see."
"But I've never been like the others, Barley sugar. I would have thought you had understood that during the visit," he said, moving around the counter to come closer to you. "I'm not like other people. I don't care that you're a poor girl. It doesn't mean anything. It doesn't define who you are."
"Are you telling me you know me?"
"Partly. I know you hate your social status, but you're nice," he said, tucking a flyaway hair behind your ear. "You have your heart on your sleeve. Despite what happened with your uncle and aunt, you were helping them. I know that despite everything, you love Charlie with all your heart. You have a good person (Y/N). You inherit my happiness. Let me give you all this."
You felt like your heart was going to explode and you were sure that your cheeks were as red as the wrappers of his famous chocolate. You swallowed hard, unable to help but laugh nervously.
"I feel like I'm hearing a statement," you say, fiddling with your fingers nervously.
"What if there was one?"
Alright, there you were pretty sure your face had turned crimson. You mumbled incomprehensible words, trying to create some sort of sentence. Your confusion greatly amused the chocolatier. Willy ran his fingers over your cheek, pressing his lips to your forehead before stepping back to get ready. You let out your breath when you heard the bathroom door close. Did Willy really just tell you that he wanted you to stay with him because he wanted to make you happy? Was he telling the truth or was he making fun of you?
Two weeks passed.
Two weeks you lived in the chocolate factory and watched TV. Even though Willy had told you he wanted to make you happy, you were still so unhappy. Willy had tried to entertain you and occupy your mind as best he could. He had taken the time to show you around the rest of his chocolate factory, he had shown you how he made his famous chocolate bars, but you were still concerned about the Bucket family and what they had done to you.
Every night, you had nightmares of Willy throwing you out, you saw your uncle and your aunt throwing you out again, Bill who made fun of everything or Mrs Beauregarde insulting you by clinging to Willy. Tonight was no exception to this rule. You woke up with a start and terrified, forcing Willy to abandon his work to come and console you and reassure you. You couldn't help wondering how long he was going to put up with you. You prevented him from working and you knew that the purchase of his sweets fell even more. You were definitely going to ruin it.
"I can't stay here anymore," you say between sobs.
"Barley sugar, you just had a bad dream. I would never kick you out, you know that," he said, cupping your face in his hands.
"I'm not talking about that," you say stepping back. "It's my fault that your sweets have dropped even more! I'm just a dead weight preventing you from working properly! I...I don't..."
"(Y/N). (Y/N) look at me."
You shook your head, clutching the blanket in your hands. You had had enough of this whole situation. Of your discomfort. You felt like the last of the fools. You just wanted to be quiet and not feel like a burden on others anymore. Willy places his fingers under your chin, forcing you to raise your head and stare at him. The chocolatier pressed a kiss to your forehead.
"It's not your fault that my treats are selling less. I'm solely to blame for that," he said, sighing and stepping back. "I'm completely lost. I hesitate about everything, I don't know what taste to give them, I change my mind every two minutes. Since the visit, nothing works as I would like and as..."
Willy fell silent, you saw a spark run through his eyes. A huge smile appeared on his lips. The chocolatier had come to the conclusion that the candies looked like him and since he was bad, his candies were bad because of it. You wiped away your tears, looking puzzled at Willy as he smiled at you.
"We're going to have to go see Charlie."
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cece693 · 8 months
What Fandoms I Write For/Interests
Hey, if this is your first post of mine, I shake you warmly by the hand :) This space is where I will post fanfics and imagines I come up with since I'm too lazy to do so over at Wattpad. So without further ado... I introduce to you, friends, the fandoms I'm currently writing/am eager to write for (TAKING REQUESTS):
Anything Slasher/Horror
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Shadowhunters/The Mortal Instruments
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The Hunger Games
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The Vampire Diaries
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Interview with The Vampire
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Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
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The Outsiders
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Fast and the Furious
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Night at the Museum
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The Adams Family
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Titanic (MOVIE)
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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (ANY MOVIE, ADULTS ONLY IF REQUESTING)
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