#perhaps i will attempt to perceive this later if classes do not exhaust me
superfluouskeys · 9 months
About the invitation: there are only a handful of scenes in that movie like this but they have made me SO unwell ghjdsgjhds it's mostly some gross rich dude being manipulative and main character being like hehe -twirls hair- but the other two female leads are like.. flirting so much with her it's insane I am wondering if it was intentional or if I just have the goggles on you know?
LOLLLLLLLLL classic! but tbh i've been in a movie-watchin mood lately which almost never happens + the aesthetic and vibes look kinda worth!
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libbee · 2 years
Losing Touch With Reality
It was my daily experience of chaos and incomprehensible psychological setbacks where I felt like every time something went wrong in my life or every time I felt a negative emotion, I would fall into an aperture where I will drown in the contents of the unconscious for many days. I was almost always dissociated and daydreaming my life away. Then a few days later, if something happened in real life that was severe enough to bring my attention back to reality, I would be back here from the aperture but facing memory issues (what did I do in all these days?), detachment from reality (who are these people?), unable to handle my physical life (where is my career going, what happened to my classes) and living a provisional life through imagination.
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Caption: Outer shell of walnut aka PHYSICAL REALITY.
But the catch is that I thought everyone lived like that. I could not understand that different people live differently. It took a long time to accept my intuitive nature and limitations to stay in touch with reality. It feels like wearing VR glasses and experiencing reality in a very confined and isolated way, there are other people sitting next to me in couches but all I can only see is the inner perception of the external life and not the external life itself.
What if I did try to force myself to live in the external physical reality? Either I experienced intense emotional pain so that I had to recoil to my shell and heal whatever wound might have been triggered. OR, something would go south in my life that forced me to withdraw and wonder what was going on, where did all these problems come from? I was just doing what I thought everyone else did but the sheer number of emotional and physical set backs forced me to shed my skin and realize something was wrong with the way I perceived "reality".
So, in an attempt to fix my life as much as possible and gain a sort of control over my life, I peeled layer after layer after layer of every feeling and thought that I encountered. But I regularly feel like I am possessed by an unconscious world although my eyes are open and I appear calm on the outside. I go into another realm with a lot of concepts, ideas, patterns, connections. And then come back to physical reality with a lot of contents to assimilate and integrate.
I feel like the "collective consciousness" (not coined by any psychologist) that is the default layer of the world is like the shell of the walnut while the psychological contents are the fruits inside the walnut. This world where people live is built upon the outer shell of the walnut and it is very real. They have the ideals, ideologies, beliefs, assumptions, conventions, how to behave, how to perform. Everything is very normal and real to them.
But if you manage to break this outer shell with a lot of thinking, questioning, contemplation, self reflection, walking through your memories one step at a time, you will find the internal fruits. Sometimes I look at the people around me and feel like shaking them and yell "stop this performance right now! why can't you see this inner world? why are you playing a character?" but then I realize how different their reality is from mine. Now everything is different in my life. I don't have the same identity I used to have before, don't have the same thoughts and beliefs, don't have the same hobbies and interests, don't have the same compulsions and automatic response, don't have the same emotional problems that I used to have before (victimhood, impulsivity, obsessions with people, mistaking imagination for reality, emotional investment in others, validation seeking, etc.)
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Caption: Inside the walnut aka PSYCHOLOGICAL REALITY
I can go on and on about this whole "thing". It is tiring and exhausting. And it is a very real thing although it is completely invisible. I am not sure exactly which astrological houses deal with the world of the unconscious, perhaps all 12 houses are interconnected so all of them have the reflection in the psychological sphere. Let's look at what makes up the subjective reality:
Touch, hearing, taste, smell, sight
Your brain, mind, control over body parts, awareness of self
Psychological life, identity, perception, life experience since birth
Your fate, destiny, daemon
Cognitive bias, logical fallacies, what you do not know yet
You are not omnipresent and omniscient
That is what makes up subjective reality from the POV of one native, which is completely unique to them although the parallels are found everywhere in the world. Psychology has a language of its own, particular keywords, classifications, sentences, phrases that are already written by psychologists at various places.
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86 notes · View notes
sugaxjpg · 6 years
event horizon; m
⤷  The city of Crystalfall had, just like any other small town, the good, the bad, and the ugly. You were familiar with the first one, and Min Yoongi, in all of his despondent and reckless glory, taught you about the rest.
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✓ Couple: Yoongi x Reader | Criminal!AU 
✓ Filed under: angst, fluff, smut
✓ Look out for: violence, drunk driving, and drugs; a relationship slowly getting toxic
✓ Words: 30,782 (yes, I know) 
Author’s Note: Inspired by the setting of “Riverdale”. I’d like to put out a PSA and say that this fic has moments that are quite toxic/abusive, and by no means I approve this kind of behavior, nor am I romanticizing this. It’s all fiction, and I treated it the best way that I could. Nevertheless, feedback is always welcome and, oh boy, I hope the ‘read more’ works on tumblr mobile. 
⤷ Song rec: Chase Atlantic - Triggered
⤷ This story is dedicated to @pantaemonium. Happy birthday to my beautiful, talented, unique wife. Love you lots. 
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According to physics’ theory of general relativity, the event horizon of a black hole is a point of no return. It does not matter how you have reached that specific part of the universe, nor how you feel once you touch its insubstantial traces ― in that speck of victory and defeat, the only thing that holds any sort of significance is the fact that, even against your best attempts, you cannot go back to where you once were. The gravity is too strong, the pull is more than you could ever take; you are trapped in a position paused in time, unable to comprehend the nothingness that lays beyond; how even the light curves and attempts to escape from that cosmic abyss.  
Your story began the same way it ended: with a poorly thought-out decision, and a promise of better days. For the lack of a better definition, Min Yoongi, with all of his melancholic and dream-like existence, became your event horizon.
Tempestuous and dense clouds had long fallen over the suburban town once you entered that pleasant diner place, hearing as the rhythm of the rain danced against the foggy windows, almost overlapping the dim ringing of the bell that signaled your arrival. With no hesitation, you walked towards your usual table, ordering a hot cup of chocolate after greeting the friendly employees, and waited for your friends to come to your peculiar reunion.
The diner, decorated by a clear 50’s style, was permeated by a delicate aroma of vanilla and cinnamon, holding tightly to the warmness that could not exist outside. For a few hours now, the summer rain had monopolized the small town, balancing out the overwhelming heat waves that had hit you the week prior. From the corner of your hot pink sofa, you watched the droplets running down the glass next to you and, even if for an instant, you swore you could perceive the characteristic smell of petrichor that came alongside it; floating amongst humid strands of glass and quivering branches.
Your beverage arrived in a couple minutes, faster than your friends did. The delectable taste of your hot chocolate, present in so many past meetings, awakened your nostalgia promptly. You had no idea why you had been summoned to the diner that summer afternoon, but the blunt request had been the first message that popped up on your group chat that morning, illuminating your screen the same way that the sun’s rays brought brightness to your bedroom. Joohyun’s text came in the form of an abrupt and dry “3pm at Mercy’s. Good news!!” followed by the confirmation from your other friends. It wasn’t as if impulsive meetings had never been set up in the same fashion aforetime, but it was odd regardless, especially because of the lack of details.
Joohyun had been your best friend ever since you could remember and, just as far back, you could recall occurrences in which her decisions snowballed into ridiculously large problems. Back in third grade, when she decided that she wanted to lie about who gave her the answers of a test and ended up involving the entire school board; or perhaps during your junior year of high school, when she accidentally started a sexual rumor about you after misunderstanding your euphemism in Biology class. You two were almost polar opposites, but, in the end, you complemented one another, and your friendship had a harmony that you struggled to put into words. The two of you just worked, and that was all you needed to know.
Yet, you were annoyed as hell at her. You hated her cryptic 10am messages.
The sound of the bell ringing called you away from your meditations, and suddenly you could hear the vague melody of an indie song playing in the background, coming from the speakers above your head — the composition came crashing on your perceptions like waves that broke at the bay, soothing your worries instantaneously. You had no idea how you hadn’t noticed it before.
You looked up and smiled lovingly at your approaching friend, eyes following the hypnotic motion of her mermaid-like hair, brown as chocolate, as she walked hurriedly towards your table. “There you are,” you spoke calmly, “I thought you wouldn’t show up.”
She breathed out and raised her eyebrows in a expression of exhaustion. You could see underneath her eyes the marks of her sleepless night, and had to fight back the blooming of your inner preoccupations. Perhaps you could ask her about that later. “Sorry, things are a mess at home,” Joohyun said, agile while placing her bag on the table and sliding on the sofa opposite from you. Against the bright pink leather, her slim figure stood out even more. “Were you waiting for long?”
“Five, ten minutes at most,” you responded — it wasn’t as if you ever expected for her to be punctual. “You know where the others are?”
Your friend nodded. “Hoseok and Namjoon are together, they won’t take long,” Joohyun told you, running one hand through her hair, trying to fix the mistakes only she could perceive. “They were driving by that fast food near the supermarket by the time I called, which was like, two minutes ago.”
You chuckled. “Checking to see if you would be last one to arrive?”
She sighed, shoulders falling in a silent confirmation. “You know me too well.” Then, before you could even consider an answer, her charcoal-colored eyes oscillated to the half-filled cup on your hand, her eyebrows raising in interest. “Let me have some, please. You know that I love hot chocolate.”
“I do.” You slid the mug towards her. You weren’t the biggest fan of the drink — it got quite nauseating after the third slip — but you had gotten it for your friend. You did know her very well, so you were positive she would be eager to get her usual sugar rush by the time she arrived. “Now, why did you call us here for? An intervention?” you asked.
Joohyun took a second to respond, closing her eyes to fully appreciate the rich taste that filled her mouth, and humming out in delight. It was fascinating the effect that hot chocolate had on her, it was almost as if her exhausted look had completely faded away by the moment she looked back at you, eyes slightly widened by animation. “Don’t you want to wait for them?”
“I’m curious, you know that,” you verbalized, a tinge of guilt staining your words. “There’s no need to torture me any further.”
And that was the complete truth. Ever since you received her message, that was all that you could think about. It was as if Joohyun’s text was the Sun, and your thought process circled around it like Mercury, fast and restless, waiting for an answer to appear in the star-covered horizon. It was far too tempting to be there and not wish for it to be uncovered immediately — besides, the boys wouldn’t care, you knew that.
Your friend smiled back, setting the mug on the wooden surface. Around its alabaster border, was imprinted the touch of her lips, red as cherry. “You’re lucky I can’t hold myself back.” She leaned forward on the table, placing her hands on top of yours in sheer expectation, her palms warm. The world came to a halt. “Okay, so... you know about The Cave?”
Your eyes narrowed in suspicion — you did not like that one bit. “Vaguely…”
But you knew about that place very well, and you were positive that, coming from her, such mention could never be the precursor of good news. The excited look that was projected over Joohyun’s doll-like features did not say that The Cave had been burned down or something alike, but that it was vivacious as ever, ready to take more victims in.
As much as you already knew where this conversation was heading, you still felt the impact of her words as they departed from her throat. “I might have gotten us a way in.” She smiled openly.
It was your time to lean forward, eyebrows furrowing into an image of your inner exasperation. “Joohyun, are you insane?” you whispered, guided by preoccupations. Not for you, but for her — she was going, regardless of your opinion. “That place isn’t for us. Do you want to be killed?”
Just as you had foreseen, your best friend disregarded your words instantaneously. “Oh come on, just—“
Once again, the ringing of the bell broke the serenity of the establishment, making the two of you move away from one another, backs pressing against your respective seats. The leather couch was often so comfortable, but now it felt like it was trapping you against the table, feeding off your nervousness and sticking to your skin; there was a bad feeling looming over your head.
From the door came two silhouettes — Namjoon and Hoseok — and the smell of fried food. Your stomach was fast to present its hunger the second that your eyes met the brown bags on their arms, slightly stained by circles of oil. God works in mysterious ways, after all.
Namjoon was the first one to speak, moving quickly to seat across from you. His pallid green jacket was covered in droplets of rain and, somehow, it matched the aura of that lugubrious diner flawlessly. “Hey guys.” He placed the food on the table, and angled his hips backwards, trying to place his body on the small space between the surface and the couch. “What did we — dude, just move over, it ain’t that hard.” He pressed his shoulder against Joohyun, who gave a little jump to the side while poking her tongue out at him. “What did we miss?”
Instead of answering promptly, your fingers were agile as you reached out for the brown bag. “Oh my god, fries,” you almost whined those words of relief as you peeked inside, salivating. Just then did you realize your lunch had been only a half-eaten apple, and your body could not be angrier at that poor fitness decision.
Hoseok scoffed as he sat down next to you. If you hadn’t been pressing against the opposite wall already, you were sure he would have asked for you to move over as well — the kid loved to take up space. “Your deduction is impeccable, Sherlock,” he told you with a grin. His dark red hair was one shade deeper because of the rain — it was a bit pushed back, but it still it managed to send droplets down his forehead. “You’re welcome, by the way.”
You nodded and shoved a fry in your mouth. The assuagement was immediate, and you swore you could hear a chant of angels inside your head. “Thank you,” you said — both at your friends and the faceless creator of such divine meal, “you guys are awesome.”
Joohyun’s fingers were fast to curl around the bag’s edge, pushing it towards her, “YN, give me some,” her voice came out in an order. Your eyes flickered between the fries in her hands and the empty cup of hot chocolate next to her as if to say ‘are you sure about that?’, a memo she promptly grasped. “Today is my cheating day. Let me live.”
Namjoon chuckled as one of his arms reached out to get the other bag, which the two of you had miraculously overlooked. Hoseok had been wise to get two extra-large portions, he had to recognize that. “Whatever you say, baby,” he mocked her, and then turned his head in your direction. The anemic lights of the overcast sky curled around his features impeccably, painting the picture of his puzzlement. “So, what were the two of you talking about? Sharing is caring.”
“Did you hear that? Sharing is caring.” You pulled the bag from your friend, ignoring her full-mouthed complaints. “Joohyun here was just telling me her suicide plan,” you complained.
The girl rolled her eyes, clearly irked at your up-right attitude. “YN, why are you so dramatic? I get that you’re the mom friend, but don’t spoil the fun.” She turned towards the newcomers with a fresh, commercial-worthy smile — another miracle that her teeth were not stained by her copious amounts of chocolate and fries, but that was a subject for another meeting. “Boys, I was just talking about that place, The Cave,” she explained.
Next to you, Hoseok stopped chewing. “The abandoned industry complex at the east side?” He swallowed the food with weird eagerness, his eyebrows raising in muted excitement — oh my god, did the other bag have cheddar on those fries? You needed to check it out. “Damn. What about it?” he asked.
She licked her reddish lips — both from excitement and the need to get the remnants of salt out of her mouth. Joohyun, once again, allowed for her inner exhilaration to push her forward on the table, her black eyes scintillating in a frenzy of adventurous emotions, pendulating between the two boys. “I might have found a way for us to go in,” she spoke out, her hiss-like tone making the entire scene comical — she looked like a supervillain, in the most awkward of ways.
And, of course, your friends reacted precisely as you expected them to — like kids.
The thrill that washed over Hoseok’s face made it seem as if he had just received a present, glistening inside his eyes like the stars that decorated the night sky. “Sweet!” he exclaimed, voice one pitch higher. “How did you manage that?”
You tugged the oil-stained bag out of his hands in a gesture that was a bit too harsh. Noticing that you had forgotten the cheese-free portion, the other girl acted quickly to get it. “Hoseok!” you reprehended, anguish filling your lungs. “It’s on the east part of town, in case you forgot. It’s a place for gangs and, I don’t know, contract killers,” you said, reaching down the bag. Definitely had cheddar on it. “Do you seriously think that’s a good idea?”
Unaffected by the urgency of your tone, Hoseok shrugged your worries away. “So? We just stay out of trouble. And give me back my fries.” He pulled the portion out of your hands. That constant fighting for food could not be healthy friendship-wise. “Go on, Joohyun, how did you manage that?”
Namjoon grinned wickedly. “Her boyfriend probably got her a free ticket.”
As he spoke, the other girl saw glimpses of his chewed food inside on his mouth. Joohyun cringed her nose in disgust. “Gross. First off, we’re not dating,” she hurried to deny, even if the pale shade of scarlet around her ears told no lies. You all knew very well that they weren’t dating because of the other guy — some weird outlaw from the sewers or something, a ninja turtle for all you cared —  hated compromise, and not because she didn’t want it. “Second: yes, he did get me in, but that’s not relevant. I can take people with me, so, please?” she whined, prolonging the last word into an irritating ‘pleeeease?’. “Guys? It’ll be fun.”
Hoseok drew back against the pink couch, running his hands through his wet hair. You had no idea how he hadn’t traced a path of orange cheese through it, but your friends seemed to be in the mood to do the impossible that day. “I’m in,” he said. Not a surprise.
Across from you, the other boy spoke up, “I might have to see when I’m free, but I’m in too.”  Namjoon agreed. “When is it?”
“Tonight,” she responded.
“Count me in, then.”
You groaned out in pure irritation. Quite honestly, your mood would’ve been so much worse if you didn’t have your escapism by food to tame the tides of your chaotic thoughts. “You guys can’t be serious,” you complained, looking around to see if, amongst any of their features, you could find any remnant of reason. Nothing. “Am I the only sane person left living?”
“Between the four of us, yes,” Hoseok answered, but did not seem to truly feel any sort of empathy towards your cautious attitude. If he hadn’t been eager to get a confirmation from you, he would’ve teased you much further. “You’re coming or not, grandma?”
You crossed your arms, defensive. “No fucking way.”
Namjoon raised his eyebrows as he shoved three more cheese-covered fries inside his mouth. You had started to think that maybe they should’ve gotten more. “So Miss Responsibility is just going to let her friends alone?” he teased, mouth half-full. He really needed to learn some basic manners.
You narrowed your eyes, looking your friend up and down. “Kim Namjoon, don’t you dare take advantage of my altruism.” You pointed at him. And it was your time to reach for another fry — rather angrily, if you could say so yourself. You couldn’t stay mad at them for long when your fingers were covered in cheddar. “Even if you have a good point,” you added.
“So…” Hoseok raised his eyebrows in unspoken expectation, leaning playfully towards you. “What is it gonna be?” he asked in a cheese-scented exhalation.
Your patience could only go so far. “Fine!” You threw your hands up in a theatrical signal of your surrender. The others smiled victoriously, sharing words of encouragement amongst them — a pack of demons, that was what they were. “But I’m leaving early, and I’ll complain the entire time,” you added.
“Seems good enough for me.” Hoseok placed his palms on the surface, and got up to his feet. “I’m getting us some more food, since the two of you seemed to forget that we are all sharing,” his eyes vacillated between you and Joohyun. “The usual?”
The table was filled with nods and hums of agreement and, in the next moment, Namjoon was getting up to go alongside Hoseok, claiming he probably would pick the wrong things — again. When you and Joohyun were alone once anew, your friend suspired, turning her head towards you.
Joohyun placed her palm against the back of your hand. Amongst the lines of her dark irises, you could almost read the the words that encompassed your head like vexatious insects — it seems like you will have to deal with it, “Loosen up, baby.” She pouted, crooking her head slightly to the side. Oh, she was finding joy in that small victory, and you knew it. “We’ll have fun, I promise. Something tells me that you might even find someone interesting,” she teased. “Only the Lord knows how much you need to put that sexual energy into something else… or someone, really.”
You scoffed, rolling your eyes at the absurdity of her claims. “You wish, Joohyun.”
She pouted. “We’ll see about that.”
Outside, the rain had stopped drumming against the opaque windows, and the fragile incandescence of the sun had started peeking over the diaphanous mountains of the storm clouds. There was a certain whimsical feeling to that scene, an uncharacterized emotion that resounded inside your chest, erupting in-between your lips in the form of a prolonged sigh.
If Joohyun had been mistaken that afternoon, that would have made the upcoming weeks much, much simpler for you.
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Crystalfall was, by definition, a small town.
With its astonishing twelve thousand inhabitants and mundane church meetings every Sunday, it stood as a gentle agglomeration of buildings in — as Hoseok would say — the middle of no place, right next to nowhere at all. It had received that name for its dazzling waterfall and source of drinkable water which had, primordially, catalyzed the migration towards the land, many years before you were ever born.
Just like most small towns, boredom was mandatory a good amount of the time, and there was little to no task to be fulfilled during summer break, once you went back to its veridian fields and sun-kissed afternoons, taking a time off university. In fact, besides Namjoon — whose family owned a considerably large farm nearby, and had to take his afternoons off to take care of the crops and animals —, none of your friends seemed to find anything thrilling to do, instead choosing to spend time in the house, watching movies or talking for hours about the most frivolous of subjects. And, quite honestly, you liked it like that. You had always appreciated the simpler aspects of life.
Crystalfall was no big deal, but it was home, and you loved every part of it.
Well, almost every part.
You had been lucky enough to be raised on the west side of town, where most of the families did. It was, as Joohyun would say, a sheltered castle of dreams, a countryside paradise — a boring piece of utopia. There was little to no crime amongst its inhabitants, and the biggest outrage that took place had been the time in which a few middle school kids dared to steal some bread from the chapel, a matter that rapidly got taken care of.
That, however, had been amongst the locals of the westside; the east didn’t hold the same amount of benevolence amongst its people. You hated to have your mind so fundamented on that basic dichotomy of good and evil, but it had been the only way you could describe the ridiculously large differences between the two parts of that same town. While the west was a “boring utopia”, the east bordered on a bone-chilling anarchy; the womb of a few of the worst criminals your state had ever had — gangs, murderers, drug dealers, kidnappers, rapists: you name it, they had it all.
You constantly felt threatened by that, like it was the presence of death itself looming over your life. As much as the thugs of the east side often messed around with their own kind and, besides that, you were sure that there were good individuals living amongst those incarnated devils, you could never really felt safe in those parts of Crystalfall — so, in return, you avoided it the best way you could. It worked. For some time.
Nevertheless, now you had thrown all those efforts out of the window, for your friends were dragging you right into the lion’s open mouth.
You could barely keep up with their pace as they ran down the deserted streets, their heavy steps reverberating throughout the obfuscous night. Joohyun’s hand was holding tightly to your own as she pulled you to walk faster, unable to hold back her excitement. She glimpsed back just so you could notice the phantasm of a smile being casted over her roseate, petal-like lips. Her hand felt warm and inviting against yours, contrasting with the hyperborean winds of dusk. “Come on, we’re late!” she exclaimed, almost as if talking to herself. “I promised him we’d be here by eleven.”
“I never saw you as someone punctual,” you complained, but were sure she did not hear your voice amongst the fragile traces of wind. Behind you, Hoseok and Namjoon were whispering something you could not catch.
The industrial complex had been deactivated around fourteen years ago and, now, it didn’t go beyond a mere phantasm lingering stubbornly amongst the memories of the senile locals. Nowadays, most inhabitants of Crystalfall knew it as the perfect spot if you wanted to meet your local drug dealer, or perhaps mingle with people that seemed to be a better fit for jail than for a small religious community. Bottom line: even if The Cave was the closest to a club that your town could ever get,  it didn’t mean it was a good alternative.
Through shattered windows came the dust-filled rays of a deep damascus light, casting down the earth that piled up on the outside of the relinquished complex and, as you moved closer, you could start to make out the vague melody of an Eagles song echoing past it. Instead of what you had expected, however, there were no gangs piling up on the outside of the abandoned construction, no obnoxious fights to break the tranquility of midnight. The Cave, in all of its hellish expansion, appeared to be bigger than you had expected, mayhaps because of the overwhelming desolation that impregnated each and every broken tile; each centimeter of the atmosphere. It was a zombified beast living off the liveliness of its occupants.
The four of you arrived at the large, corroded metal door. Joohyun said something to a couple of big guys that stood by it and, by the mention of her (not) boyfriend’s name, they appeared to put their guard down a bit. As much as they were not precisely frightened of the people from the westside, they were absolutely horrified at the concept of allowing undercover cops into their world, and the consequences they would have to face by the hands of their own counterparts.
Nevertheless, your friend took care of the matter rather effortlessly and, within a couple of minutes, the entrance was being unlocked for you. With a hesitant suspire, you followed the three of them into the epicenter of bad decisions that was The Cave.
Okay, perhaps you imagination had taken the best of your judgement, for you did not expect the decoration of the place. It wasn’t much — and by no means fancy — but it was gorgeous regardless.
The Cave still looked like an industry complex, with its large rectangular-shaped construction, wooden boxes and empty buckets piling up at the corners, and dense concrete floors, but whoever was in charge of changing up the place did not disappoint: the large metal bars that sustentated the tall triangular ceiling had been covered in christmas lights, pouring down the room in beautiful orange cascades; inducing the ambient to border on the spectral, since it was its only light source. All over the walls, kaleidoscopic posters covered up the dry grey painting and the broken bricks, speaking in silent promises — all-you-can-eat contest; make your bets at the winners of sunday’s dog fight; Maurice’s Bear: knockout version; and other advertisements for less puritan, adult-centered services. Not that dog fights were that good.
There was a strong smell of alcohol and something burning around the static air; the Eagle’s song had then changed into a band you did not recognize. Passing your eyes swiftly over the crowd, you could see some large men playing poker on a secluded table — one of which had an disgracefully large snake tattoo over his right cheek and forehead — and, right next to them, a group of girls laughing loudly at something they were discussing. There were other, smaller groups scattered around the place, talking vehemently in roaring voices, minding their own business as the night progressively moved forward.
“Won’t you look at that,” next to you, Joohyun’s tranquil voice sounded, dragging you back to your position. Her flaming crimson lipstick was burning under those conflagrant lights, standing out against her skin and her dark hair; curling upwards on her lips as a timid smile germinated upon them. “I see my man. I’ll talk to him real quick, I’ll be right back.”
Before you could even figure out what to respond, she had already tapped you on the shoulder, and was walking firmly towards a crowd of leather-covered strangers. You had no idea how she had seen her pseudo-boyfriend amongst them. You sighed. “Sure. Have fun.” You turned around to meet your other friends. “Seems like it’s just the three of us, g—”
“—Dude is that a dart throwing competition?”  Hoseok pointed across the room, over your shoulder, and Namjoon followed his stare with furrowed brows and the hint of competitiveness shining inside his eyes. Part of your soul cracked then: you knew exactly where that was heading. “I’ll totally kick your ass this time.” He laughed.
You opened your mouth to protest, but you were far too slow. In the short time span that took you to verbalize one syllable, the two of them were passing by your side, completely ignoring your presence. “Over my dead body, Jung,” you heard Namjoon snicker.
Exhaling from your nose, you closed your lips. “That’s great,” you mumbled to yourself. That night was going to be amazing, wasn’t it? “Predictable. But great.”
Then again, your adventure had barely begun. Out of alternatives, you found yourself going towards the bar and asking for a glass of water — the last thing you needed was to lose full control of your actions and moral judgement in a place like that, especially when you were taken there under the unspoken mission of babysitting your friends. You couldn’t allow yourself to be taken away by the compelling necessity that was to drown your problems away in oceans of cheap liquor, no matter how gorgeous those polychromatic bottles looked on the walls.
You had precisely ten minutes of peace before the changes in your life started to take place.
With your peripheral vision, you noticed a broad silhouette arriving, moving quickly to seat on the bench next to you. Primordially, you thought nothing of it — there was no reason to — and continued to pay attention to the flowery details of your dahlia-colored summer dress; thoughts traveling many miles away from that overflowing place. It was only when a voice — deep and thunderous — sounded next to you that you understood your position. “You’re here alone, sweetcakes?” it inquired.
Just by the tragic usage of that pet name, you knew the two of you were off to a rocky start.
Trying your best to keep your expression neutral, you looked him up and down — from his ginger beard to his piercing ice blue eyes, then back to the overabundance of reptiles tattooed on his exposed forearms — finally, away from him and back to the strangers in the crowd. The was the last thing you needed for that night was a viking cosplayer wanting to ask you out. “I’m with my friends,” you responded, rather dryly.
He hummed, and placed his arm on the counter. “No boyfriend, then.” The red-haired smiled openly. He was clearly a large guy, and from the bad side of Crystalfall — you had no idea how he could take rejection, and you weren’t very excited to find out. “You’re not from this part of town, are you?”
You decided to keep your posture as respectful and detached as you could possibly manage. Answers were difficult to come up with when you were that uncomfortable. “Is it that obvious?” you said, turning your head to take another peek at him. He was definitely much older than you, most likely around ten years, and his breath reeked of cigarettes and cheap alcohol. “I don’t want to be rude, but I’m not interested in finding a boyfriend either. If you know what I mean.”
“I do.” He winked. He did not know what you meant. “Maybe we can have fun just for ton—”
His speech was paused abruptly and, for an instant, a loud sound broke the static, followed by even a louder one, of flesh meeting leather. Your discombobulated mind needed a few instants to fully comprehend that those noises had been the sound of another man patting your viking counterpart in the back, perhaps with the force that could be comparable to a heimlich maneuver.
Ah, the night was getting better by the minute.
“Hey, man,” the newcomer greeted, skirting his large figure. As he came into view, you could perceive the petulant smirk that curled up on his flower-like lips, and the murderous glint that lit his dark eyes aflame. Quite the combo, if you could say so yourself. “It’s been a while.”
The red-haired man paused. His thrilled face withered into one that you could only describe as a mixture of irritation and apprehension — the same sentiment when a wasp is banging against your window, but you’re not insane enough to open the glass and watch as nature gets the best of you. Some things are better left unbothered and, apparently, that guy was one of those. “Yoongi,” he spoke that name as if it burned his tongue. “What can I help you with?”
His feline grin did not subside: in fact, you were sure it grew a few millimeters. “I’m glad you asked. I’m here to talk with an old friend.” He signaled with his head towards you — who, as anyone in that place could tell from your flabbergasted features, had never seen that man before in your entire life. “If you don’t mind, of course.”
Though, from his tone alone, it was clear that there was no space for debate. “I don’t.” The other man stood up, and only then did you realize the noticeable size difference between the two. In a way, that observation was chilling, for there was certainly some sort of compensation from the part of the smaller one — in that side of town, it was nothing good. “We’ll catch up later, sweetcakes,” the viking told you.
You opened your mouth to respond, but the so-called Yoongi laughed in disgust before you could verbalize anything. “No, you won’t.” He patted the guy on the back once again, this time a bit lighter; smiling freely as the other groaned something intelligible, then turned around to leave. “Keep movin’, dude,” he said, his speech clearly filled with mockery. “Let’s catch up later.”
Yoongi exhaled in artificial relief, placing his drink over the counter. The liquid was red as fresh blood, contrasting against his golden-kissed skin. “Well, he won’t bother you any further,” he told you, turning around to face the barman — who, you noticed, had been extremely entertained while witnessing that peculiar exchange. “Fill this up for me, man?”
The boy blinked, barely understanding the sentences that dripped in the space between them, before nodding energetically. “Yeah. Sure thing, Yoongi,” he agreed as he reached for the cup.
There was something about that man’s demeanor that got the best of you — perhaps the way that he held himself with such imprudent confidence, or the puzzle that formed just beyond his obsidian irises, inviting you to dive deeper into his mysteries. Phosphorescent, halcyon lights dripped down his features with perfection, his skin glowing slightly under the overwhelming brilliance — his semblance living on the thin line between human and seraphic. He was dazzling as a model, as desirable as the devil.
Yoongi looked just like a bad decision would, only a bit more tempting.
“That was a bit overdramatic.” You took a sip of water, trying to hide the smile that started creeping up your roseate-tinged lips. Even your friends would be able to tell that a guy like that could never mean good news — so why were you so drawn to him? It was so weird. “What are you, Yoongi, the big boss around here?”
Clearly he hadn’t been expecting that inquiry, for he promptly scoffed at your words. “Nah, not really,” he said, stare still locked to the barman, following the ruby liquid that was poured on his crystal-clear cup; two cubes of ice. “We don’t have leaders around here.”
“Anarchy. Always good for the soul.” You raised your cup in a silent cheer, watching as he laughed at your words — strangely, you found yourself enjoying that sound a bit more than you should. “You didn’t need to step in, though. With, you know, that guy.”
As he turned his head to find your eyes, you swore you had forgotten how to breathe for an instant. Underneath heavy eyelids, his look was sharp and gelid as a dagger, piercing directly at your soul. “Were you enjoying the talk?” he spoke slowly, voice an octave lower.
“Not at all.” You cleared your throat — you could not tell why you were so nervous all of a sudden. “Why the violence?”  
The charming stranger smirked. “I wasn’t violent.”
“Yeah right.” You rolled your eyes, and placed your cup back on the surface. Yoongi followed the motion of your slender fingers with clear interest, and his stare lingered on your skin, following up the path up your arms. “You slapped that man's back like he was choking on his inner demons.”
He shrugged, leaning against the surface with flawless grace — his every action was a dance, a frail path of endless daydreams being painted through the atmosphere. “It was nothing.” Yoongi ran one of his hands through his hair. His skin was marked by pallid blue veins, his hair was stygian as the nocturnal skyline, morphing into the adumbration of the poorly-lit room: you would be lying through your teeth if you claimed you didn’t feel attracted to him. That was bad. It was really bad. “So… you’re here with friends, right?”
“You overheard that.” You grinned. From the other side of the bar, the barman placed the drink on the surface with a mumble-like ‘there you go.’
It wasn’t a question, but he responded regardless. “Yes. And I overheard that you’re not from this part of town.” Yoongi spoke further, his sculptural lips forming his sentences with endless fluidity. He looked up at you. “What is a west beauty like you doing in a dreadful place like this?”
“Babysitting my inconsequential friends,” you overlooked his hidden compliment, even if you could not dissimulate the shade of geranium that bloomed upon your cheeks. “What is an east hunk like you trying to get out of a conversation like this?” you asked back.
He hummed and elevated one of his eyebrows. “You often have these trust issues, or is it just with me?” he provoked.
You smiled. “I often do. But you’re magnifying them.”
“Fair enough. You’re not from here.” Yoongi took his drink to his mouth, and the strawberry liquor — you assumed — stained his lips with an anemic shade of rufescent. “I’m just trying to get to know you. Which is hard, since you haven’t even given me your name yet.”
Presenting that stranger with any sort of information about you was most likely an unwise decision, but you did it regardless. “It’s YN.”
He raised his eyebrows. “Exotic,” he mocked, “I’m glad I got something out of tonight. Quite the day off.”
“Stop fucking with me.” You pushed his shoulder in a playful manner, watching as, on his lips, blossomed the traces of a diverted smile. He seemed to be such a nice guy, maybe you had judged him too soon. “Why, did my damsel-in-distress moment interrupt your business around here? Are you a dealer or something?” you joked.
Yoongi shook his head in a silent disagreement, forging a surprise far bigger than the one he witnessed. “Wow. Because I’m in a bad side of town? Talk about judgement.” He rolled his eyes. Then, against your expectations, his face grew serious, and he turned back to look at you. “But why? Want me to hook you up on some crack?”
Your lips parted in amazement. “I’m—“
He could not hold back his laugh then, and it was his turn to push his shoulder against yours. “I’m just messing with you, chill,” he said. “You should’ve seen your face.”
Overtaken by relief, you breathed out. “Damn, why did you do that for? I was going to say yes.”
“Sorry, couldn’t hold back.” He grinned — oh, he was definitely handsome. “I’m here just to have some fun, believe it or not. I was talking to some old friends, you know, catching up. Taking my mind off things.”
You agreed. “I should do that, but I’m constantly worried about something.”
“That seems like a chore,” Yoongi spoke with honesty, his tone as sacchariferous as caramel. Just by hearing his voice in such soft, casual manner, you could feel your chest being filled up with oceans upon oceans of interest, its growing tides crashing just at the bottom of your throat. That couldn’t be good. “What’s in your mind now?” he asked.
“My friends. Like those two, Hoseok and Namjoon, over there with the darts.” You pointed at the other side of the construction just in time to see Hoseok get the maximum ponctuation, his dart standing out right at the central red circle of the target. He jumped out in endless bliss, pointing at Namjoon and laughing victoriously. Next to you, Yoongi chuckled at the scene. “They love to go a bit crazy on the alcohol, and they always end up in insane places. This one time, Hobi took a cab and woke up two towns away, it was crazy.”
“Let me guess, you picked him up?” Yoongi asked.
You pouted. “It’s that obvious?”
“You seem like someone who would do that.”
“I’m his friend, it’s the least that I could do.”
“No one could’ve picked him up instead?”
You shrugged, unsure of what to respond. You didn’t know where the man was getting at. “I mean, I don’t know.”
“I do. I think he called you because he knew how you’d react.” Yoongi was talking fast, and saying all the correct words. You could tell that he had a sharp, quick-witted mind, for he responded to your sentences with zero vacillation — as Joohyun always said, smooth talkers are a dangerous type; they knew just how to carry you away. “You’d pick him up, maybe scream at him about being reckless, and let it pass. Am I right?”
Your shoulders fell in muted concordance. “Unfortunately.”
Yoongi smirked. “Thought so. You’re a Good Samaritan, west beauty.”
From the vague touches of playfulness amongst his precisely-built syllables, you though he might have been making fun of you. “Is that... bad?”
He took an instant before answering. “Not if you don’t overdo it. People might take advantage of that.”
You frowned and turned your gaze away from him, allowing for your attention to float back to your two friends. Hoseok and Namjoon were discussing loudly about one of them cheating, and nearby expectators were laughing along, perhaps a bit more invested than you’d believe possible: the two never had issues making friends. “I don’t overdo it,” you said in an annoyed whisper — it sounded as if you were trying to convince yourself.
“Yeah? So why are you here?” From your peripheral vision, you could see as he leaned his head to the side, trying to catch a glimpse of your dimly lit features. Still, guilt made your gaze oscillate to the opposite direction with almost flawless timing. “Throwing your night away because you wanted to make sure they were okay. They’re adults, you can’t babysit them forever. If they only get a pull on their ear every time they fuck up, they’ll never learn to weight the consequences.”
You scoffed, crossing your arms before your chest. You knew he was right. “Pretty talk for a guy in a thug bar.”
“That doesn’t invalidate what I said.” Yoongi spoke with tranquility, as if he already knew what your advances would be. It was odd, very odd — how genuinely he seemed to care, and how well he read you. “It’s like that saying goes: don’t set yourself on fire to keep other people warm. Help them out, sure, but I can tell you’re wearing yourself thin because of it. That’s not the best idea.”
You sighed. “I guess.”
He found your determination to keep your walls up to be, at the very least, entertaining. Still, he wouldn’t bulge — he never backed away from a good challenge. “Let me ask you something.” Yoongi placed his arm on the table, moving a bit towards you. His voice morphed into a profound, concentrated tone, words coming out in a whisper-like formation. Yoongi’s breath was sugary, carrying along the aroma of strawberry. “Would they do the same for you?”
Your eyebrows moved together, and you looked back to meet his stare. “How so?”
He shrugged and leaning back on his bench. It was a weird dance he was performing there — getting closer and then far from you, oscillating the inflections and volume of his mellifluous voice in a way to draw you nearer. “Would they pick you up if you were in trouble, would they accompany you somewhere they didn’t want to go because they were worried about you…? The list goes on,” Yoongi explained.
You thought for a second. Reality was rather dreadful once you came to terms with the fact that your friends weren’t as worried about your safety as you would like them to. “Joohyun would, I’m sure of that. She’s my other friend.” You cleared your throat. “But I’m not sure about the guys.”
Yoongi hummed, but did not buy the truth you were trying so vehemently to sell him. He examined your features like an attentive predator, trying to find the cracks on your mask. “Where’s Joohyun now?” he asked.
You knew exactly what his intention was the second that inquiry poured from his cinnamon-colored lips. “With a guy.”
One of his eyebrows raised. “She left you alone, then?” Yoongi questioned, traces of bitterness ornamenting his speech. “In a sketchy place, filled with strangers, knowing fully well you didn’t even want to come.”
You chuckled, humorless. “Yeah. Sounds so shitty when you put it like that, though.”
He sighed. “Tell me something.” Once again, he tilted his body closer to you. “Would you do that to her? If you had come to see me, and she was the one who was left behind, would you feel good about that?”
There was no need to ruminate on that inquiry, for you already knew the answer. “Not at all. I wouldn’t do that.”
Yoongi pressed his lips together and raised his eyebrows in an expression that spoke ‘that’s what I thought’. “Well, then that’s something to work on,” he said, then seemed to dive into an instant of thought. Maybe there was pity within his stare, but you could not be sure, perhaps you were just projecting. “Hey, all I’m saying is that you have to give yourself some value too. Gotta keep yourself together so you can help others with their broken pieces. All that crap.”
His words were so cliche that you would not help but laugh at the ridiculousness of it. “Where did you read that? In a minion meme for suburban moms?”
“I just came up with it.” He smirked, clearly proud of his impromptu work. “Cool, right? Some calendar shit right here.”
You took one of your fingers to your cheek and pretended to wipe away an invisible tear. “It was inspiring, to say the least.” You giggled. There was a certain insubstantial wave of security that encompassed his proximity, and it allowed for you to have a free conversation with him. That man was really something else. “Thank you, Yoongi. You’re cool.”
He raised his empty cup in a silent cheer. “Always a pleasure, YN,” he grinned, the lowered the object back on the table. Yoongi cleared his throat. “So... when do I see you again?”
You looked at him. There was something at work in your spirit that you could not quite comprehend — your eyes examined the exquisite person that was Yoongi, and it seemed as if your heart was filled with nostalgia, completely overthrown by a sentiment that did not belong alongside that stranger. Joohyun was right: smooth talkers were the worst, they could tear your walls down and make it seem like you did it yourself.
And that was your first mistake when it came to Min Yoongi: you trusted him far too easily.
“I’ll tell you what,” you started, turning around on your bench. Over the counter, your fingers were almost touching, and you swore you could feel the warm aura emanating from his skin. “Whenever you want to, I’m down.”
From the delight that was casted over his features, you could see that he couldn’t be more pleased at your response. “Alright. Let’s go have some fun one of these days.”
You leaned in, interested. “Got something in mind?”
“I might,” he disclosed with a grin. “Listen out. This might sound a bit crazy, but stay with me.”
So, you did.
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It was a bit over two in the morning and your companion for the night had already left when you reached out for your friend amongst a crowd of strangers, poking her on the shoulder. “Joohyun, sorry to interrupt, but I’m going home,” you said as she turned around, her eyes wide and cheeks painted by a faint tone of cherry. “You can get a cab, right? Hoseok and Namjoon will probably leave together.”
The response, however, did not come from her. “I’ll drive her home. I didn’t drink.”
You looked to Joohyun’s side, meeting the face of her (not) boyfriend. He was definitely not your type, and you were sure she could do a lot better if she didn’t have such a gargantuan weakness towards bad influences. Not that you could judge her after what you had pulled that night. “Alright, man that I don’t know,” you were sarcastic as you spoke, and you noticed that the unknown guy did not appreciate your attitude. “You’re good?” you asked her.
Joohyun smiled warmly at your protectiveness — you didn’t know then, but she appreciated it deeply. “I’m good, YN, you can go,” she guaranteed with a nod. “Thanks for the heads up.”
“Sure thing.” Your eyes flickered towards the guy for another instant, but he was already paying attention to a discussion that happened behind your figure, his lips somewhat parted as his eyes squinted in absolute attention. Quite the airhead that your friend had gotten there. “By the way…” You breathed out. “You were right. I did meet someone interesting.”
Her eyes lit up in a level of excitement that, almost certainly, had been enhanced by alcohol. “That’s great!” she exclaimed. “Tell me everything later.”
“Will do.” You agreed with a movement of your head. “Thank you for bringing us here tonight, and you—” You poked the guy, who blinked a few times as he crashed back into reality. “Thank you for getting us in.”
He mumbled something that you believed sounded like “whatever, chick I don’t know,” even if his speech was a bit too groggy for you to follow. There was no alcohol in his breath, and he certainly didn’t seem high. He just seemed a bit slow and, combined with his clear dislike for you, he most likely didn’t feel like having a proper conversation anyways.
Well, you took that as your invitation to leave. Next up, saying goodbye to Hoseok and Namjoon, and making sure that they hadn't stabbed each other’s eyes out with darts.
Their ebullient screams of exhilaration got to you before their images did, mingling with other, equally loud laughs. From what you could see, their little show of competitiveness had resulted in quite the audience agglomerating around the two of them, finding the situation a bit funnier than it was — and thank booze for that. You could only imagine what kind of circle of hell The Cave would be if most of its crime-leaning users weren’t drunk out of their minds.
“Namjoon, Hoseok,” you called out, trying your best not to get hit by one of the passersby. “I’m leaving. Are you guys alright?”
“Yeah, we didn’t drink,” Namjoon answered, his gaze still locked on the target. His fingers were holding his dart so strongly that his fingertips turned white, his concentration was so intense that he most likely didn’t notice his roseate tongue poking at the corner of his plump lips. “Can’t miss these shots.”
Namjoon made his sensational shot, but it came nowhere close to the central circle — in fact, it almost missed the target completely. Hoseok slapped his shoulder, unable to hold back a resounding laugh. “Clearly, you can. I’m still winning, man,” he teased. “Keep on trying, though, this is what dreams are made of.”
You could not help but smile alongside your friends, a certain sensation of amiability spreading throughout your chest. You really cared about those guys, and you were more than blissful that you all got a great night out of what, at first, appeared to be a nightmare. Perhaps they were right, perhaps you really should let yourself go more often.
But, well, you had already started, in a way.
With a final check on your friends, you allowed for your gaze to travel around The Cave for the terminal time that night. Truly, those christmas lights made everything much more ethereal, and you certainly wouldn’t mind coming back there another time — especially now that you knew someone of those lands.
Yeah, you wouldn’t mind at all.
Without further ado, you made your way to the front door, and welcomed yourself into the obfuscous veil of dusk. Around your legs, your summer dress danced, blown away by the tremulous touches of that hyperborean breeze. You placed your hands over your thighs in an attempt to keep the fabric in place, and stepped onto the dust-covered ground.
Yoongi was leaning against the brick walls, his black leather jacket morphing with the crepuscular aura of the night. Twilight danced on his skin as he raised his green bottle up to his lips, delighting on the ambrosial taste of his liquor. Once he heard you stepping outside, shoes making dry sounds against the earth, his head turned towards your figure. He smiled then, satisfied. “Said goodbye to the kids?” he inquired, even if he already knew the answer.
Your heart leaped inside your chest — he had scared you. “Yeah.” You inhaled the cool air. Behind your back, it seemed that the vibrations of the slow rock song stretched out into the infinity of the nocturnal winds, booming inside your spirit ― a clear cacophony if compared to the beating of your heart. “They didn’t seem to care much, they were kinda busy.”
“If they are your friends, they did care.” Yoongi took the bottle back to his lips, taking the remnants of the drink. The green glass used the luminescence of a nearby pole to cast emerald-colored shapes over his somber features. “Maybe they’re just taking you for granted. Happens.” He sighed once he lowered the bottle.
You looked at him and frowned. A dense mist had fallen over the asleep city. With its cloud-like nature, it curled around relinquished constructions and dispersed the lambency of fluorescent lights, those which flickered rhythmically amongst the colorless expansion, painting the white smoke by what resembled a purple hue amongst the penumbra of midnight. For an instant, you stood there, amazed at the way that landscape resembled a daydream; Yoongi’s image bordering on a mirage.
At last, you spoke out, and your words carried not the weight of certainty, but of fear. “Maybe.” You allowed for a despondent, timid smile to materialize at the corners of your rose-painted lips. “Do you go around coaching people or is it just me?”
“Just you.” Yoongi responded with no hesitation. Against the pallid touch of moonlight, he appeared to be a lost phantasm, a bittersweet soul looking for a way to anchor himself back to hope. Perhaps he had just found it. “Not a lot of people listen to me. I’m avoided most of the time,” he said, “Not that I care about it.”
Weeks later, you would ask yourself profusely how the hell you could have ignored the blatant red flag swirling in the air, right in front of your face. Then, however, you had succumbed to your ephemeral, curious bliss, and instead chose to ignore the warning signs that started to emerge within your head. “They should,” you told your new friend, hoping your words carried along the touches of your gratitude. “Thank you again.”
Yoongi smirked as he licked the remaining drops of liquor on his lips. “You’re welcome, west beauty,” he responded. “See you next week, then?”
“Wouldn’t miss it,” you responded, voice dancing just above a timid whisper. Your timbre, as light and ethereal as a tulip’s petals, carried along into the cool breeze, dispersing into the skyline. It wasn’t just a promise, it was a request to the stars. “It’s a date.”
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The week that followed your night in The Cave passed in a rush of contrasting emotions and haze-covered dialogues.
After Namjoon had scrambled to arrange another meeting at Mercy’s the next day, you took your time hearing your friend’s stories about the former industry complex before you said anything about your upcoming adventure. The boys were clearly excited, talking continuously about the individuals they had met and the dart competition that, according to Hoseok, he had won; but, according to Namjoon, it had been a close tie.
“We’re even thinking about, like, forming teams or whatever, apparently some guys from the east side already have one,” Namjoon had vocalized, ignoring the other boy’s continuous protests. “But that’s about it. What you have to share, Joohyun?”
With a smile and a flick of her hair, the girl started pouring out her stories. As much as she promised to spare the spicy details of her romantic endeavors, she could not hold the same mercy towards the gossip that surrounded the group she had been thrown into. Joohyun spoke, in a voice as velvety and sweet as candy, about the time that someone was thrown over the bar and crashed against all the beverage; or about the man that constantly threatened to hang his counterparts on the christmas lights, but was terribly afraid of heights — making his plan virtually impractical.
Though, that was not the point of her monologue, and the two of you knew that very well. “But… there’s something else. Something more important.” She turned to you, a smirk already creeping up on her lips. “Isn’t it?”
You took a deep breath, and leaned back on the couch. All eyes were on you now, dripping seas upon seas of expectation. “Yeah…” You cleared your throat. “I might have… a date?”
Hoseok almost choked on his saliva. “Are you for real?”
“As serious as a heart attack,” you answered.
Then, as expected, the questions started flooding the space between your bodies. Who the lucky guy was, what he did, how in the living hell he managed to drag you out of your bed and into an emotionally threatening situation, so on. You answered them with a lingering smile on your lips and the sensation of change creeping up on your back; the feeling that something incredible was at work all around you.
It had been years since you felt that kind of infantile nervousness; the sensation of butterflies caressing the insides of your chest, their wings quivering in expectancy. As one day fell into the next and Yoongi’s messages became more and more frequent on the screen of your phone, that feeling only intensified, burning at the edges of your ponderations like wildfire, sending shivers up and down your skin. It had been an audacious — careless, hotheaded — decision, but you managed to neglect the consequences that approached on the horizon.
You could not comprehend the effect that Yoongi had on you and, quite frankly, it felt a bit frightening. Call it a crush, mere carnal desires, or the treacherous side effects of curiosity — the point was that, even against your best attempts, the idiosyncratic man kept returning to haunt the corners of your mind; his voice singing amongst your most profound of reveries, whispering the promises you could never wish for. If it had been anyone else to approach you in that place, you would have never accepted to accompany them in a date; so why had it been so easy with him?
Back then, you could not see the reality that curled around his figure like venomous, thorn-encrusted vines — Yoongi looked like a supernova, but he was just a black hole, sucking you into his gravitational field with every movement of his pallid lips. Though, some truths were very well hidden under a veil of enigmatic sentences and thaumaturgic glares. Eventually, they would all come crashing down.
Still, you were far from that fateful moment — a couple months, to be exact. No, you were still looking down to the abyss, still feeling the tingling of excitement washing down your figure. First, you had to fall to the bottom of the well and, only then, you could start your way up.
At last, the anticipated day arrived. Your animation awakened alongside the primordial traces of aurora, and the obnoxious ringing of your phone, which shook you out of a dreamless sleep. Upon answering the unfitting call, you were met with Joohyun’s voice on the other end of the line, wishing you good luck and requesting for you to keep her updated on recent occurrences. With a tender smile, you thanked her, and said that you would be more than glad to have a night of gossip after that entire deal was done with — fries, ice cream, and terrible movies; just the way you two adored so much.
Once you hung up the call, however, a new surprise awaited on your device.  
Slowly, you were starting to realize that you had a tendency to gravitate towards people that enjoyed cryptic messages far too much for your own liking — and your new friend was no different. Yoongi had texted you saying to meet him in the parking lot of a local supermarket, a bit after seven, where he would be buying some supriments for your undisclosed date.
Countless times throughout your week of daydreams and presuppositions, you had pushed the boy to share the surprise he had prepared for the two of you, but you remained unsuccessful. Yoongi would merely chuckle at your radiating desperation, claiming that all that you should know is that it was a special occasion, and there was nothing you could say or do that would make him change his mind about disclosing it. His one and only hint had been that it would be in a known spot around town, hiding in plain sight.  
But that didn’t help much, did it? It was a vague as possible.
Which, again, was a common theme with him.
Asymmetrical to the suspicions that started to propagate within your chest, you moved forward with your date and, before you could tell, the horizon had already adopted the lambent haze of the setting sun, burning amongst the buildings like a golden aura.
If one were to follow the path of the tenuous — yet dreadfully suffocating — summer wind throughout the pacate streets of Crystalfall, they might have catched a glimpse of your figure against the scalding sun. You walked towards the center of the town with your heart in your throat and your hands shaking, dress waltzing in the air alongside the rich scent of lilacs and roses — courtesy of downtown’s famous flower shop, always open for late lovers. All around you, vivacious trees trembled underneath the magnificence of the season, their leaves casting hypnotic shadows against the crepuscular asphalt, hiding in shades of green and brown.
It was an instant paused in time, paused in memory. Some days are so permeated by exquisiteness that you could not help but believe that they were made for grandiose purposes; that their heavenly symmetry could only mean the new beginning of a phase in your life. Either by coincidence or fate, that was precisely what that date was.
You saw Yoongi’s car — a black 67’ chevy impala — the instant that you arrived at the back entrance of the supermarket. Other than another blue truck at the edge of the parking lot, the place was completely desolated; its monochromatic cement painted by an intense hue of apricot, reflecting the overwhelming summer heat on your exposed legs. Not much later,  as you walked towards the vehicle, you saw the reason of your chaotic thoughts emerge behind it.
In the background, the sounds of the traffic was muted, and the trees had become static — the universe had come to a halt, and the only aspect still in focus was him. His hair was disheveled, slightly pulled back and touched by droplets of sweat and, on his lips a pout was formed, permitting for a prolonged sigh to depart from in between them, losing itself amongst the heavy atmosphere. You moved closer with hidden reluctance, accompanying the manner that the muscles of his shoulders tensed up as he placed something inside the car; his back curving so he could take a last look at the job he had done.
As Yoongi adjusted his posture and placed his hands over the trunk’s edge, ready to lower it, you swore your mind had gone completely blank. Instead of the leather jacket that your gaze had expected to meet, the summer heat had forced your new friend to cover his chest only with a white tank top. The piece of thin fabric allowed you to see his built in its full form and, more than that, paved the way so your eyes could trail up and down the black lines on his skin. Yoongi had always had a vague touch of demonic, wicked allurance to him, but that was just too much — that was temptation in its rawest form, wrapped in ashes and smoke.
Though, you had barely no time to fully take in what he was presenting you. Upon perceiving your presence, he looked up at you and his lips twisted into a cheerful smile. “West beauty,” he greeted, closing the trunk. Your eyes vacillated between his inky hair and the dark tattoos that covered up his exposed arms, drawings contrasting so beautifully against his skin. “You showed up.”
Fighting against the rapid beating of your frantic heart, you forced yourself to exhale your worries through your nose. With steady steps, you paused before him, paying close attention to the way that his caliginous eyelashes casted small shadows against his cheeks — every detail seemed to be precisely architectured so he could pull you deeper into perdition. “Wouldn’t miss it,” you responded, signaling with your head towards the car. “Shall we?”
He agreed with a nod, and made sure to open the door for you before swiftly moving to his seat. Once the two of you were inside and the low murmuring of the ignition broke the silence, your voice resumed. “By the way,” you begun, turning around and watching as he bucked his belt with a low clicking noise, “if you’re planning to murder me, I’ll kill you.”
“Seems like a fair trade.” Yoongi chuckled. “You can put the emergency number on dial if that makes you feel any safer.”
You forced out a sarcastic laugh, crossing your arms before your figure. Beyond the parted windows, a dense cloud covered the rays of the radiant sun, and the world fell into fugacious darkness. “Very funny,” you vocalized. “It already is.”
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Light had long vanished beyond the mountains once the two of you arrived at your destination — the waterfalls.
In all its natural purity, the cascades of Crystalfall stood like a forgotten deity against the horizon, crashing down on a valley encrusted by lime-covered rocks and altitudinous pine trees like an enormous lion roaring into the midnight, many miles away. The water was a bright shade of cyan once it was bathed by the lambency of daytime, though, at night, its translucent flow had succumbed into an abyssal tone of indigo, its droplets reflecting like pearls against the effulgence of the moon before, at last, they morphed into the furious white vapour that floated above the lake like smoke.
For the first time in you life, you fully grasped its magnificence.
You had gone there only once, when you were a kid, but the experience was impossible to compare. With Yoongi by your side, you could notice every little detail of nature reflecting within his figure — the crystalline beauty of the water drops that flickered like diamonds inside his eyes; the sound of whispering trees that echoed within his speech; the feeble caresses of the wind against your skin, resembling the ghost of his fingertips against your own.
After sneaking past the ocean of  dry foliage and unbothered animals, the two of you stayed just over a verdigris hill — where, even with the distance, you had a sensational view of those gargantuan landscapes, and the thunderous sounds of the water did not bother the volume of your speech. In an aura of romanticism that you had not expected, Yoongi had planned a picnic for the two of you — which ended up being an overabundance of sweets over a red towel. As you were starting to notice, he might have been a bit weak when it came to the flavour of strawberries, for that was the common element amongst his packages. Not to mention the main dish: strawberries and chantilly.
Though, you were not even close to complaining about any of that. Yoongi lived with a thin layer of bliss covering his every movement; his eyes continuously oscillating back to you, silently inquiring if you were enjoying his company, if he was playing his part correctly. And, heavens, he was. There was no way he could have made that first date any better.
Minutes decayed into hours and, before you could notice, the sands of time had passed by, echoing alongside the boisterous roaring of Crystalfall. With the same fluidity of the cascading waters, the two of you prepared your picnic, and dove into all sorts of conversations — hope-filled sentences; silent requests of a kinder future for the two of you; slender cracks of the past you sought so hard to cover. You came to understand the mystery that was Min Yoongi a bit better and, besides that, found out that the two of you weren’t as different as you first pictured.
He was an eclipse: dull and obscure, but surrounded by a threadlike line of light. Beyond the twilight, an entire universe was hidden.
At some point, as snow-colored clouds tenderly held back the silver illumination of the midnight moon, Yoongi held your hand; his thumb caressing your soft skin in a constant assurance of his presence. In an unforeseen flash of euphoria, you swore that your hearts were beating in unisound, and the ballad of nature could be heard alongside his mellifluous speech — those beautiful words he had no problem using to break your walls down.
You swore that you were meant to be, that he had been handmade for you to love.
Who were you to deny the requests of fate?
“You met me in a very weird time of my life, Min Yoongi,” you spoke out, stare scrutinizing every minute detail that whispered amongst the slender trees; trembling alongside the mumbling leaves. Life in Crystalfall might have been a simple one, but its paradisiacal elegance was not mundane whatsoever.
With one of his arms pulling his body upwards, he looked up at you — his abrupt gaze was blinding as a glimpse of sun through dense storm clouds. “Is that good?” he asked.
There was a second of silence before your answer came out. “You tell me.” You suspired, inhaling the cold mountain air, purifying your lungs. That had become your small fragment of heaven, and you wished you could stay there forever. “It’s so out of character for me to have accepted your invitation — like, come on, you’re from the east side, no offense. I met you last week, I  know barely anything about you.”
He raised one finger, pausing your speech. “Don’t forget that you met me in an abandoned factory that was turned into a bar for thugs.” Yoongi added, the hint of a smile creeping up on the corners of his lips. “Sounds like every parent’s dream.”
You chuckled, finding his reaction rather adorable. “You won’t have to worry about that. My parents are out of the picture,” you said. From the way that confusion was casted like a shadow across his face, you were certain of which doubt had sprouted in his head. “They didn’t die, don’t worry, they’re divorced. But they don’t speak to each other and sure as hell don’t speak to me.”
Yoongi turned his body around, his chest now facing you. Something gleamed within his semblance, but you could not define which emotion it was. “Well at least you know who your parents are,” he spoke. “I’ve skipped from foster home to foster home my entire life, raised in the streets, all that. Not the best of influences, if you ask me.”
“That’s so rough, sorry about that,” you attempted to verbalize your compassion the best way that you could, placing your hand over his. You could not even begin to imagine how it could have been for him — to be raised with no family, no safe port, surrounded by the worst that humankind could offer. In a way, it was no surprise that Yoongi had been attracted to the east side of town, you figured that it was the only reality he had ever known.
He shrugged it off, though, perceiving your empathy as an image of pity. Yoongi hated to feel vulnerable, hated to be treated as something to be protected. “I deal with it. I’m not the same person anymore,” he said. The boy must have seen the confusion that was projected over your features, for he hastly changed the subject. “Now you know more about me, though. You’re from here?”
“Kind of. Raised here, born four towns away,” you told him. “My aunt takes good care of me.”
He seemed puzzled at the prospect. “And she’s okay with this date?”
You took a deep breath and redirected your gaze away from him; the phantasm of a smirk already showing its signs. “Well, I didn’t exactly give her all those details about the thug bar. But she’s happy I’ve met someone,” you spoke. On your tongue, the sweet taste of chantilly still lingered, and it instigated you to reach for another strawberry. “She says that I needed  it.”
Yoongi hummed in an unspoken concordance, paying close attention to your moon-bathed features, seeking for cracks on your controlled demeanor. “You’ve been feeling lonely lately?”
In some way, his question hurt something within your spirit, throwing salt in a wound that you didn’t even know it was there. Though, there was a time and place to face those demons, and your first date just wasn’t it. “Not exactly. I just stay in my head a lot,” was what you responded instead. Even if you felt secure by his side, there were some parts that you simply did not share with anyone. “I love my friends to death—“
“—Even if they take advantage of your altruism,” he interrupted.
“They care about me, in their own way.” You took a bite of the strawberry, unable to meet his gaze — it was able to look directly at the most vulnerable parts of your soul, and that was the last thing you needed them. Smooth talkers. Always the smooth talkers. “Anyways, I love them, but we seem to always be in totally different frequencies, you know?”
“I do. I feel the same.” Yoongi intertwined his fingers on your own, making your gaze navigate back to his own — those pupils that held everything and nothing at all. “I think everyone feels left out at some given point of their life, it’s normal. It doesn’t have to be a bad thing to be alone, or even lonely.”
“I never really cared about it, it was kind of the norm of my life.” You breathed out, and looked down — your hands, bathed by the pallid, silver-like illumination of the moon, stood out against the deep carmine of the towel. “The more I grow up, the more I feel like I’m out of sync with everyone.”
“The more I grow up, the more I realize there’s no rhythm to follow.” Yoongi threw back, watching as your eyes widened in confusion. Your expression showed an emotion that he could not identify, as if you had just realized something important, something that had been hidden right underneath your nose. “Damn, west beauty, just march to the beat of your own drum, whatever works.”
You could not hold back a laugh — a tender, liberating chuckle that erupted at the bottom of your throat, exorcising all the mischievous devils that had been encompassing your head for too long. “Thanks, Coach.” You smirked. “Freud got nothin’ on your bar psychology.”
“Shut up, you brat.” He laughed, taking one of his hands to push your shoulder playfully. “You really got no respect, uh?”
You rolled your eyes. “Says the man who offered me crack.”
“Jokingly,” he corrected, “Also, before my goldfish memory makes me forget to say this, just enjoy the moment. Some things aren’t meant to be understood, and we can’t be narcissistic enough to feel like we’re the chosen ones, that we deserve a special answer. Just don’t be a prick, you know?”
“Wiser words have never been said.” You smiled longingly. Something was flourishing inside the walls of your fast-beating heart, and you could not control its roots radiating throughout your entire being. “You sound like you would like a simple lifestyle. You know, on the westside.”
“Yeah, maybe one day, when I’m tired and bitter, I can get a farm like the rest of the old people in Crystalfall.” Yoongi smirked faintly at the prospect — it didn’t sound so bad when he said it out loud. “I’d have to dedicate my entire life for that, though, and I can’t stay still for too long.”
You raised one eyebrow, placing your elbow on the towel, merely a few centimeters away from him. “You’re here with me now.” You lowered your body to the same position as his. He has so close you could perceive the sugary aroma that sprouted in between his lips.
His gaze fell to your parted mouth, somewhat stained by the red tinge of strawberry. “I mean in the same city.”
“Oh, so you’re leaving me the second this date ends?” you asked, playful.
He paused at that. Yoongi’s eyes were atramentous as the night that surrounded the two of you, but there were no constellations scintillating in his pupils — there was only a fathomless fall, an unsolvable puzzle. “I didn’t say that.” He took one of his hands to your cheek, caressing the place with his thumb. You heart got trapped in the confinements of your throat as, gradually, the boy started to lean in, his nose brushing lightly against your own. “Besides... I can make an exception for a west beauty like you,” he whispered.
Yoongi’s lips tasted like a storm, like he was hiding hurricanes beneath his tongue. The boy kissed you patiently, slowly, taking his time to caress your lips with his before he parted his mouth enough to deepen his actions. Your mind was miles away, but you had the impression you heard a low, shriveled groan reverberating in the space between your mouths as your tongues met. Time ceased to run for an instant, then, it all came crashing down.  
Your eyes remained shut for a second when the boy moved away, your full attention still focused on the phantasm of his kiss, the sensation that still waltzed on your lips. At times, merely the right kiss is enough to make someone fall — the precise impact that would make you lose your balance, to decay into the pit that was those amaranthine black eyes.
That night, at least, it was.
Once you opened them, you were met with a weak smile from his part. “Can I ask you something crazy?” Yoongi’s lips touched yours as he spoke.
“Depends,” you said underneath your breath, utterly taken away by his beauty.
With stardust in his eyes and the cosmos expanding at every inhale, Yoongi was the ruler of your own shared universe, holding your hands through the infinity of time and space. When he spoke, you felt as if his words were written in the stars, guiding you towards the future you were meant to live. “I want you to run away with me.” He took his fingers and placed one strand of your hair behind your ear. “Not forever, just for a little while. We can get in this car and just go around some places, be nameless for some time. I feel like you and I could use some relaxation.”
You raised your eyebrows, walking in the thin line between worried and intrigued. If it had been anyone else, you wouldn't have even considered such preposterous idea — however, it was Yoongi, and he knew how to push all the right buttons. “Like a road trip?”
He shrugged. “You could say that. What’s your answer?”
“Oh, what the hell.” You placed a small kiss on his lips, and whispered against his parted mouth. “I’m in.”
And then he took you for another kiss.
Right then and there, you made the decision that would shape the weeks to come.  There you stood, staring down at the abyss that was Min Yoongi, wondering what could follow your jump. The air was thin and smooth as silk, brushed against your skin like the gentle caresses of butterfly’s wings. It was static and devoid of sentiment; phlegmatic; empty. Beneath your feet, only darkness. 
“Whatever this is,” you thought in a flash of reason, “it isn’t love.” 
And jumped. Fell.
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The first three weeks passed by with little to no incidents, and you had started to believe you had found paradise on earth.
After you had accepted the man’s proposal for a miraculous getaway, the two of you made your plans as if it would be the last adventure of your lives — from the route that you would follow to the attractions you would see. Taking advantage of his free spirit’s memories, Yoongi made sure to highlight the best cities he had seen nearby, his face growing serious every time he looked up to meet your anxious gaze. He would speak smoothly then, following the rhythm of the melody only the two of you shared, and tranquilizing your negative thoughts promptly.
“West beauty, I want to share the world with you,” he would say, his fingertips touching the skin of your cheek as if he could write poetry on it. Yoongi’s voice was like a rich verse, a sublime rhyme that continued to echo within your soul. “I know it’s crazy, but I’m sure you'll love it. Just give me a chance.”
It was crazy, and you knew it. You felt as if you had been possessed by a recklessness that was completely alien to you — pushing you to pursue that insane road trip by the side of a man you knew nothing about, but yet that understood you so profoundly. Of course you were beyond worried — you had every reason to be — but, once again, you had long commited your first error, and your misplaced trust would take some time to fully disappear.
So you went forward with it. You came back home, invented some strangely believable story about meeting some college friends to your aunt, and packed your bags as adrenaline rushed through your veins, electricity sparking at your fingertips. You had spent your entire life following rules so thoroughly that the mere prospect of running away — for some time — with a man you barely knew was impossible for your aunt to even conjure. There was nothing holding you back from entering the most dangerous situation you had ever placed yourself in.
But oh well — some of the most unexpected blessings can disguise the most pernicious of curses.
Two days after your date at the waterfall, just as Sunday’s sun was starting to set, you met the boy at the Yellowside bridge — which connected the two parts of the town, split only by a slender river. Just as he had promised in a previous message, Yoongi had parked his cars amongst the veridian-painted trees, in a blind spot covered by bushes. It was a gorgeous afternoon: chilly, yet pleasant; silent, yet permeated by the whispering of leaves and the quiet crashes of the river’s water. There was a vague scent of flowers and humid ground mingling in the air, dancing along the singing of birds. It was perfect, after all.
Yoongi was leaning against the passenger side of his vehicle, eyes scrutinizing something on his phone. Behind him, the horizon was painted by thin brushstrokes of apricot and burning amber; setting the strands of his black hair on fire, shining like a golden aura around his angelic features. To catch him in such breathtaking landscape was an unique experience, so fantastic that your worries were silenced for an instant.
It didn’t take long for him to grasp the sound of your hurried footsteps against the dry foliage. “I’m here,” you said as he looked in your direction. Your hands were holding tightly to your backpack, and you felt like you carried the weight of the world in there. “Ready to go.”
In that simple sentence, you promised him everything that you had. And he accepted promptly.
Your partner in crime showed his gentlemen side that day — he opened the passenger door for you, then moved to place your backpack on the back seat, along with his own baggage. Yoongi’s car had the same scent as last time — strawberries, with a vague touch of mint.
The next instant, he was already sitting next to you and turning the ignition. “To infinity and beyond,” Yoongi claimed, closing the door with a loud exclamation. The sound resembled a gunshot to your arrhythmic heart, making it skip a beat. That was crazy. You were crazy. There was no way that could end well. “Let’s enjoy life together, west beauty.”
Nevertheless, as his car started to move, you didn’t verbalize any of your inner worries. A few minutes later, they were merely a ghost at the back of your mind — you came to the realization that the two of you had the world ahead of you, and it was yours to take.
In the progression of a few hours, the sky was painted by a deep shade of blue, then succumbed into a star-encrusted stygian. The roads expanded before you like paths into infinity, illuminated solely by the lights of his car — a small comet crossing the endless universe in respectful silence. On the radio, a slow song played on repeat, each melody decaying into the next one, dispersing its beautiful notes amongst the indoors air. With dreamy eyes, you followed the trees moving next to you, turning into a obfuscous blur of forms and sizes. A personal cosmos had opened itself for the two of you, and you adored the tranquility it brought along.
Three hours later, you arrived at the first of many motels. The purple luminescence of the neon sign ondulated on the surface of nearby puddles, a mystical aura walzed within every detail of that place. As you opened the passenger door and stepped into the cool air, you felt as if your entire life was opening like a flower in front of you.
In the strangest of ways, being on the run felt like home.
And so, you dove into it.
Before you could even notice, the days morphed into weeks, and the weeks into almost a month. Yoongi loved you kindly at first, taking his time to explore the nature that was born within your figure. He caressed your fingertips with endless delicacy, delighted in the honey of your tongue and drowned in your sweet soul, touching every crack, loving every wound. His hands were made of promises, his words were soft as silk and, together, they drew poems across your skin.
“I think that I’m in love with you, west beauty,” he would whisper against your mouth as the auric sunlight creeped through the cracks of the curtains, losing no time before dwelling in your kiss once again. Yoongi suspired against you, mind still slumberous, and limbs still intertwined around your half-naked figure. He was like the moon — mystic, lonely, overpowering. He controlled the tides of your ocean with endless delicacy, crashed against you and then retrieved back with tenuous kisses against your lips.
For those moments, you would feel free. You had convinced yourself, in a haze of impromptu decisions and impermanent pleasures, that you had fallen for him. You had sewed your mind in such way that you vehemently believed that you loved Min Yoongi just as much the moon loves the stars, like the clouds kiss the sun. You loved him like the Yellowside river’s water runs on, like the seasons pass, and you two were left with brown leaves and naked twigs — vulnerable and weak. You loved him like prismatic flowers blossomed during the spring, like earth embraces the cold droplets of the falling rain. You loved him like you. Like him. Like the two of you.
God, you loved him.
Yet, somehow, someway, you knew the two of you were not meant to last — so, you were left to whisper to him your deepest secrets, attempting to keep your head above water; your heart above desire, as you succumbed into the fathomless ocean that was Min Yoongi. You continued to fall for him, in between caresses, in between lamenting sighs; but, then, your every movement became coated by a thin layer of reluctance; the poltergeist of a broken heart beating inside the walls of your chest, banging against your ribs in unspoken pleas for mercy.
Those paranoid flashes of reason, however, did not last for long. Yoongi silenced your demons with the touch of his tender kiss against your lips, muted their whispering voices with the booming sound of clubs — asking for you to dance the night away, to be carried by the rhythm of freedom, to scream out in deserted roads and hear as your pain was washed away by the ice-cold winds of change. You did all of that for him: from the never-ending hours spent inside his vehicle to the constant moving between motel rooms, you accepted his words, took them as your personal truth, and allowed for them to guide you into a land where there were no problems in sight. A land in which he was your world, and you were his.
For some time, that was sufficient.
When Yoongi asked for more of you, there was no fiber in your being that even contemplated the idea of turning it down. As he kissed an invisible route through your neck, past the mountains of your breasts, and into the lines of your stomach, there was nothing within you that made you hold back the river of your own desire. In that muffled motel room, the only sound that pierced the static was the constant spinning of the fan’s blades, and your voice, tender as the vernal season. “Yoongi,” you mumbled against the skin of his neck, goosebumps spreading across your own. You wished to feel him so badly that it was consuming your soul, setting your mind on fire — there was nothing else that mattered. “I want you.”
And, heavens, only God knew how much he wanted you too.
Tracing the pattern from your clit to your entrance, Yoongi grunted as he felt your liquids running down his digits; listening to your soft sighs as he pushed past your folds, teasing his way in — but never fully doing so. For a few times, there was all that he did: brushing lightly his fingers from your opening to your clit, never applying the satisfactory pressure or entering you. You despised his patience sometimes.
In dissonance, as soon as he moved back his head and his hooded eyes met your own, needy ones, all the remnants of his self control were lost. He could tease you another time — then, he needed to have you.  
With a passionate kiss, the man took you in his arms and, with a strong pull, elevated your hips from the soft mattress; fingers not wasting a single second before pulling down the cotton of your underwear. He groaned against your mouth once he felt the sensation of your center against his hard, clothed member, pressing down just right.
An ambrosial taste of nectar was pouring form in between his lips, rushing through your veins, intoxicating your senses with its mephitic sweetness. Against your chest, you could perceive the fast beating of his own heart, resounding like drums inside your ears alongside a deep, rusty grunt of desire. “Baby,” he whispered — begged. “Let me have you, please.”
There was no need to ask, for you had already given him every sign of consent that he needed. Who would you be to decline such compelling proposal?
And so you gave yourself to him — again and again; until your legs were trembling and your weak lungs could not take in the dense air anymore. You gave yourself to Yoongi as if the world would reach its ending in the following morning; as if the pleasure of his enticing touches were enough for you to live on. You dove into the melody of his moans and whines; cried out in need as he prolonged your euphoria just a little bit longer; fucked you a little bit deeper; ruined you a little bit further.
In those moments, everything felt as marvelous as it could be.
Before you knew it, those instances had been incorporated to your routine. And, for that, Yoongi was dangerously creative. He would have you the way he wanted it, when he wanted it: he would fuck you mercilessly against the wall, take you in the hot tub at late hours of the night, would accompany you in your showers, making you beg for him with the right movement of his digits and the flick of his tongue.
You loved the way he looked then: his eyes so filled with flames; his breaths so raspy, so deep; his cheeks painted by a vague tinge of cardinal. Droplets of sweat decorated his abdomen and his forehead, shining around his opaque gaze as he took you deeper, rougher, whispering sweet nothings into your ear. “You’re all mine, west beauty,” he moaned out once, voice rotten by desire and certainty. “You take me so well, baby, I love you so much—”
He did, he really did. Yoongi, in all his breathless bliss, could only compare your image to the empyrean, cherubic beauty of angelic sculptures, embellished by the eroticism of forgotten nymphs. He adored the way your body — more specifically, your ass — moved as he fucked you so mercilessly from behind; jumping up and down on the motel bed at the will of his strong thrusts. “You like this, baby?” he asked in a hushed tone, fingers digging to the curvature of your waist. You cried out his name in a clear agreement. “Yeah? You like my cock? You like when I fuck you like this?”
“Yeah, oh my god,” you whimpered, turning your head on the pillow to look at him. God, your mouth was so swollen, you had been biting the pillow so hard you barely noticed it.
But Yoongi did. The dream of decorating such gorgeous, immaculate features — those lust-filled, cherry-painted lips he venerated so much — with the whiteness of his release made him thrust against you even harder. “You feel so good, you’re so tight,” he praised. It had become even more difficult to find the right words to speak now that his high was hanging like sword over his head. “You’re such a good girl, aren’t you? You’re so good.”
“Y-Yeah, Yoongi…” you cried out, hands holding tightly to the pillow as if it was the last fragment of reality that could chain you down to the delicious present of his actions. Your hair was disheveled, spread all over the mattress like a cascade. “Harder, please,” you requested in a whine.
Yoongi moaned again and again, opening his eyes just enough so you could perceive the way his irises shone in absolute concupiscence — he looked like something straight out of a daydream, a tempting demon lurking in the shadows of your desires; from the way his hair was gleaming in droplets sweat to his parted, gasping red lips. “Take it baby,” he said. Ordered. Once again, you did as he said, perking up your hips and feeling as he hit your sweet spot. “Yeah, that’s my girl, come on.”
Fuck, how he loved to have you that. Yoongi could cum just at the mere sensation of your wetness, the way you moaned and cried under his rough touches; fighting to reach your climax as his member thrusted in and out of your soaked center. He was so hard it was almost painful to endure, cock pulsating inside you as his hips slowly started to lose their precision, movements growing erratic, stained by pleasure.
His climax washed over him, breaking upon his cloudy perceptions and erupting on the tip of his tongue in a long, drown-out moan. Yoongi could make a vouch in the name of the stars, in those glorious times of victory and defeat, that you were the closest to heaven he would ever get; the bliss in your eyes could never be comparable to anything else that he had ever witnessed.
There was one detail, though, that needed to be taken in consideration: those had been just your adventures behind four walls, in the confinements of your neon-lit rooms.
Other times, you two wouldn’t even get to the motel, and had to make good use of his car. And that was your favorite time. In all honesty, you did not hate it one bit — in a way, you preferred it over the bed, or any other location he had ever took you.
“You know I can’t hold back when you tease me like this,” Yoongi said once, struggling to park his car in a nearby alley. For all he cared, he could put it right beneath an open semaphore and have you then and there, open and ready for him. He didn’t care if anyone saw it, frankly, it only made his job a bit more fun. “Can you stop with that? Fuck,” he complained.
You smirked, and your hand brushed against his clothed member once again; fingers delicately tracing the outlines of his erection. In his black pants, his cock throbbed in the thought of how you would feel around it, the concept so concupiscent that made him bite his lower lip in sheer desire. There was only so much he could take. “Stop with what?” you teased, clicking your seatbelt in anticipation — the black stripe dragged against your chest, pushing your low-cut blouse slightly to the side.
Lucky for both of you, he wasn’t in the right mental state to play those tempting games, and his head had been utterly focused on finding a right place to camouflage his chevy — the alley ended up being a bit broader than he first thought, so it made his torturous times a bit easier to endure, even if he was growing terribly annoyed at the constant, mocking movements of your hands against his arousal.
To be fair, Yoongi was a patient man, but he had been bothered by your presence far longer than that. Ever since he had seen you get out of the bathroom with that luscious short skirt, your body had been all that he thought about — the repercussion of the bar’s song had turned into white noise inside his skull, the faceless silhouettes of strangers could never compare to the way the fabric moved upwards as you danced, presenting him with appetizing glimpses of your ass in that white lacy underwear.
By the end of the night, when the two of you were departing from that overflowing establishment, he could no longer keep his hands away to himself. Now, Yoongi was patient, but he was no prude when it came to public displays of his desire — his touches lingered from the sides of your breasts to the curvature of your waist; moving down to squeeze your ass as his lips sucked on the flesh of your neck, placing red-bitten caresses all over your skin. The motel was just too far away, and he needed to have you at that very instant.
The second that his car was parked amongst the consolidated shadows of a nearby construction, Yoongi helped you onto his lap, your back towards him, hands moving up and down your exposed thighs, seeking for the cotton of your panties underneath your devilish skirt. With his pulse echoing like thunder inside his head, the boy stared in hidden fascination as he pulled your underwear haphazardly from your center, presenting him with a luscious view of your dripping sex.
Producing a low, satisfied groan, Yoongi took one of his fingers to your entrance, delighting on your wetness. “Won’t you look at that,” he provoked, voice deeper than usual. “It seems like there’s no need for me to play with you tonight.”
You bit down on your lower lip, pressing your ass against his erection as if to prove your unspoken point: you weren’t the only one who had been a bit carried away. But, hell, could someone blame you? The simple hypothesis of being with Yoongi inside his car was enough to send shivers down your spine, the images of past meetings flashing like a projected movie inside your mind. The position and the friction that his car gave you was just perfect, and the thrill of getting caught by oblivious citizens only enhanced your excitement.
Yeah, the motel could wait.
“Lean over, baby,” Yoongi requested in a whisper against your neck, his hands moving upwards on your chest, pressing your tits together. The contact was rough, showing you just how much he needed to have you.
Placing your hands over the wheel, you did as he requested, listening as the sound of his zipper sliced the silence of the closed ambient. All over the rain-covered windows, thin layers of fog covered the outside world, blending with the obfuscous luminescence of nearby signs, bleeding in geranium and sapphire.
As Yoongi pulled down his pants and you heard the sound of plastic filling the air, your voice resumed its speech. “Don’t you want to turn on the radio?” you asked. “I know how much you love fucking me to some good music.”
“I do.” His palms came in contact with your waist, pulling you body back down on his lap. Against your asscheecks, you could feel the touch of his cock, hard and ready for you. “But I love hearing you more,” he completed.
Leaning your head back, you placed it against his right shoulder. Through the curtain of your eyelashes, you watched as he undressed you, opening the buttons of your blouse one by one. “Yoongi,” you called. “You can do this later.”
Light as a feather, his lips came in contact with your exposed neck. “I can,” he agreed, opening the last one. His palms traveled from your stomach to your breasts, cupping them over your bra — the same white lacy underwear that was driving him crazy. You moaned softly at the sensation of his rough touches, your ass perking up against his erect member. “I know I can. But I love when you get like this.”
You swallowed dry. “Like how?”
“Like this.”
As if he had been expecting your inquiry, one of his hands flew to his mirror, and oscillated it towards the two of you. On the reflection, you could see yourself — cheeks flushed, half-parted lips and hooded eyes — and the eroticism that gleamed inside Yoongi’s eyes. You had discovered that he had quite the liking for mirrors when, by mistake, the two of you had received the honeymoon suite of a fancy motel, and ended up with a mirror on the ceiling.
But that was a different story.
“Baby,” Yoongi called you, pressing down on your boobs with a bite against your neck. Against your back, his erection throbbed against your skin, and felt yourself clenching in anticipation. “I’m gonna put it in, alright?”
And you agreed with a hum and raised your figure a bit, because that was all that you could do then.
Yoongi rubbed himself against your wet folds once, twice, feeling their moisture as a deep groan broke behind his teeth. At last, just when you’re about to complain about all the time that he was taking, you feel the lethargic, heavenly sensation of his cock sliding inside you, stretching you out.
Then it was your time to steal the spotlight. With a heavy exhale through your nose and your palms finding support on the wheel, you begun moving your body up and down, dwelling in the aphrodisiac sensation of his member inside you. Some strange way, it felt a bit more personal than your lust-covered mind had foresaw — with Yoongi whining and moaning against your back, inhaling your sweet scent with every slow rise and fall of your figure. Every time your absent-minded gaze flickered towards the small oval mirror, you would see him, with his mouth parted and eyebrows furrowed in absolute focus, accompanying the bouncing of your breasts as your rhythm increased in speed, the sound of your wetness filling his ponderations with lewd ideas.
His digits dug deeper onto your hips as he felt the approaching waves of his high, unexpected and merciless. “Oh yeah,” he moaned out, throwing his head back. Yoongi’s eyes were closed in endless bliss, the sound of his flesh hitting yours repeatedly was all that he could hear. Underneath his thighs, the leather of his car seat was sticking against his sweaty skin. “Take it deeper, baby, come on. Fuck my cock.”
Once again, you could not help but fulfill his request.
As his cock pounded in and out of you, his own breathing was growing heavy under the angelic characteristic of your form; reason long forgotten. “Just like that, yeah,” Yoongi spoke in a whisper. Neediness was plastered all over his face, gleaming inside his irises as they fell to the obscene movements of your body against his. God, you were everything he wished to have at that time; the movement of your hips against his was driving him to the edges of his sanity. “Fuck, you’re so hot, baby, I can’t believe you’re mine,” he disclosed.  
“Yoongi,” you whimpered out his name in a personal prayer, knees and thighs trembling as you felt your delight increasing by the second. Your mind had went completely black, hyperfocusing on the hypnotic, harsh thrusts of his cock in and out of you, the rolling of his hips against your own, fighting for more. The heat in your lower body was becoming unbearable, ready to come crumbling down at any given instant. “It feels so good, I’m—”
He groaned as he felt your walls tightening around him. “Can you come for me, baby?” he asked. The sobs and whines that left your lips were as addictive as nicotine, immersive as the song of a siren; you struggled to blurt out a prolonged, moan-like confirmation. “Yeah? Do that for me, baby.”
Of course you could — for Yoongi, you would go to the moon and back. Euphoria took over your senses as your orgasm washed over you, his name coming out in broken sighs in between your swollen lips, dissipating in the foggy atmosphere of his warm vehicle. Behind you, the man cursed at the way your walls pulsated around him, taking him just right.
Yoongi placed his hands on your ass, squeezing your flesh strongly as you kept sitting up and down on his erect member. The man, utterly overwhelmed, whined against your neck something that resembled the fragmented syllables of your name, his cock filling you up again and again as his limit fastly approached. “I’m gonna come,” he moaned out, throwing his head back against the seat. His abdomen clenched, his lungs produced a trembling exhale. “Fuck, just feel me, baby, come on.”
Even if the ghost of oversentibility had started to haunt your bones, you ignored the exhaustion of you limbs, and continued to fuck yourself with his cock, waiting for Yoongi to reach his high. Instead, you focused on the luscious way that his voice resounded all around you as he thrusted upwards, diving into the astonishing way you wrapped around him.
It did not take long for Yoongi to find his release, holding down to your hips as he did so. With a few terminal, spasmodic movements, he finally came undone, and let go of your figure for an ephemeral second.
Though, you knew that it would take a bit more than that for him to be fully satisfied.
“Look at that, what a mess.” Yoongi chuckled behind you, and his index finger met the path between your folds — you were so sensitive that you leaned forward, placing your hands on the wheel for support. The sound of wetness was lewd, but you loved it, and you loved Yoongi’s touch even more. “So much fucking cum,” he praised, breathless. “You take it all so well.”
Your lips were swollen from both his touch and the constant biting from your part, and they pulsated as you attempted to form a comprehensible sentence — with the afterglow of your orgasm still weighing down on your muscles, and his fingers tracing circles up and down your core, there was not much left for you to work with. “I should…” You swallowed dry, fingers holding tightly to the leather as he moved towards your clit. “I should clean up.”
“Why? We’re not done yet.” He chuckled behind you, the sound reverberating inside your bones; sending shivers down your spine. You knew that devilish tone like it was your second language, it was his way to telling you that the two of you would not be getting any sleep anytime soon. “Let’s get to the motel first.”
Of course, the fun was barely starting.
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However, as much as those first weeks had been incredible, every sea of roses still had its thorns.
There were other, less pleasant times in which his presence wasn’t that perfect. Instances in which strangers at the bar would widen their eyes once they met his, or perhaps would whisper cautiously once your partner was recognized, their previous conversations turning into alarmed whispers, following the same melody as the hissing of water against burning charcoal. Your gut warned that something was wrong, that a piece of the puzzle wasn’t fitting, but you ignored it. Call it love, call it idiocy, even innocence — the point was that Min Yoongi had you at the palm of his hand, and even the biggest of red flags couldn’t wake you up from your enamored fantasies.
Well, at least not yet.
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Hoseok [11:02pm] Hey, where are you? We’re worried, Namjoon said he couldn’t speak to you, and it’s been almost a month since we saw you.
You [09:38am] Hey, I’m out of town with a friend. I’m safe, don’t worry about it. Sorry I couldn’t answer sooner.
Hoseok [09:38am] Damn. When are you coming back? We need a to talk about a problem real quick.
You [09:43am] I don’t have a prediction. You’ll guys will have to figure that out without me.
With a low hum of approval, Yoongi slided your phone towards you across the white-painted table. “Nice one,” he praised. “Baby steps, I guess.”
You nodded as you inhaled deeply, fingers moving to lock your device again. In the background of the establishment, the ringing that signaled the arrival of another customer ressounded. “I’m really holding back to ask what it is, though,” you said, “what if they’re in trouble?”
He shrugged, clearly not worried at the prospect. His hair, crepuscular as a raven’s feathers, contrasted against the golden luminesce of the afternoon sun that came from the restaurant’s window — in a way, the place reminded you of Mercy’s and, combined with Hoseok’s messages, you only missed your friends further. “You’re not the only person in town. They’ll figure it out,” he spoke as his fingers traced the pink straw of his strawberry milkshake. “Besides, they waited two weeks, it’s probably not that important. Just ignore them.”
Unable to continue staring at the dark screen of your phone — you felt as if it would light up again at any given second — you turned it around, facing your pale yellow cover instead. “You’re probably right.” You sighed. You certainly did not feel as if he was, though. “This feels wrong, I don’t know. I’m not used to saying no to my friends when I know I can help them.”
One of his hands reached out for you, and the warmness of his palm met your own. It was bizarre: his expression did not hold the same amount of heat. “Hey, listen,” Yoongi spoke almost in a whisper as he leaned in closer to you, as if he had been sharing a secret. “I know you’re a very non-confrontational person, alright? I get it. But listen: can you imagine if people didn’t defend themselves ever? Because I don’t know if you’re aware, the world isn’t filled with good intentions.”
You licked your lips, trying to find the words to respond with. There were traces of vanilla stil hiding in your mouth, and the sweetness of it made you nauseated. “I know, Yoongi, but these are my friends,” you responded.
Once such a serene experience, now the mere holding of his gaze felt alien to you. You continuously felt as if you were being analyzed under a microscope, as if you tiniest of actions could be a reason for his disapproval to flourish again. “I know, baby,” he said back, leaning his head slightly to the side. “That doesn’t mean they wouldn’t take advantage of you.”
Your eyes flickered between the world outside and the fathomless expansion of his irises, trying to find a way out of that conversation. You hated when he talked to you like that, like you were a kid. “Your point?” you asked, rather emotionlessly.
He suspired. “My point,” he said, leaning back against his seat. His hand felt like fire against your own, burning your spirit to ashes. “is that there are bad things in the world, and we don’t run away from it. We face it, head high, even if we’re scared shitless, and we tell it to stick it right where the sun doesn’t shine. You can’t allow people to take advantage of you when they are fully aware of their actions, do you understand me? You deserve to value yourself more than that.”
As you were starting to learn, Yoongi had a tendency to monologue about the most tedious of subjects, verbalizing each word as if he was absolutely certain of its veracity — as if you were far too dumb to realize something so obvious. “That isn’t exactly nice of me,” you said.
“You can be nice without being used as a rug.” He took a slip of his milkshake, and it was finally over. Your vanilla drink was practically left untouched, and the ice cream was now a warm, thick liquid at the bottom of your tall cup. “You know that saying, ‘treat others like you’d treat yourself’? Yeah. I think you need to work on the second part, and internalize a little bit of that love towards you every once in a while. They’ll live without their helicopter mother around.”
You chuckled at that last part. His words seemed empty, but you still found yourself leaning towards them — damn smooth talkers. There was no other kind as manipulative as they were. “I’ll try.”
Yoongi smiled openly, victoriously. You had forgotten to look away from the eclipse, and now it was blinding you, muting your senses. “You better,” he verbalized, pushing his empty cup to the side. Every movement was choreographed, every sentence was practiced into a splendiferous delivery — now, the grand finale. “Because, you know, I don’t want you being all walked over by those people. You should, like, just block them at once. I can tell how their messages make you anxious.”
You smiled weakly, attempting to keep your own act together. “Thank you, coach. I don’t think they are, though,” you said. But you didn’t know anymore: Yoongi’s words always made so much sense. How could he be wrong when he was claiming to want the best for you? Your thoughts were a miscellaneous of excuses and torn-apart conversations, flying in circles, pathless and disoriented.
“You’re welcome, west beauty.” He winked at you, then placed the palms of his hands against the table, using it as a sustentation to get up to his feet. Yoongi’s figure, wrapped in that infamous black leather jacket, was now a vortex of twilight amongst a prismatic landscape, sucking all the light in, pouring nothing of it out. “I’ll pay the bill, just a second.”
“Alright.” You nodded, and watched as he walked towards the counter.
That conversation, however, left a sour taste on your mouth, and the faint touch of a bad feeling just at the bottom of your stomach. As if guided by an impulse you could not comprehend, your hands seeked for your phone in a rush of adrenaline. You turned around, and were met by a new cascade of texts from your friend.
Hoseok [10:13am] It’s important. You’re with someone from the bar, right? I can’t recall his name rn, but we have to talk.
Hoseok [10:14am] The guy that Joohyun was hooking up with was very alarmed when he found out that you had been seen with him. He’s not good news, I need to know that you’re actually safe.
Hoseok [10:15am] From what I’ve heard, he has fucked some people over, and now he owes them money for some weird job. The guy didn’t know much, but he knew it was bad, blood was spilled and shit.
Hoseok [10:15am] Namjoon heard some dark stuff as well
Hoseok [10:15am] His name’s Yoongi, right? Min Yoongi or something like that
Hoseok [10:16am] Ring me up when you can, alright? Let’s have a talk. I’m worried sick.
Your heartbeat increased once your eyes met every new word, fingers growing weak around your phone. It was as if Hoseok’s messages has shaken awake the worries that had been silenced within your chest, chained by the ties of denial. Once your story ended, a few weeks after that day, you would look back at that very instant and, in a bitter memory, would claim that it was when you begun to see beyond the good — and into the bad and the ugly — of who your lover really was.
“Ready to go?” Yoongi’s voice was piercing, making your heart skip a beat. You looked up at him with widened eyes, mouth slightly parted in a way to form words you couldn’t build. You were nervous. He noticed it. “Is everything alright?” he asked, suspicious.
You cleared your throat and placed your phone back in your pocket. “Yeah, sorry,” you said, forcing a timid smile. “Let’s move.”
Later, in an impulsive decision made at two in the morning, you deleted the texts you had received that afternoon. That was what Yoongi would have wanted. He would tell you that he was no longer that man, that you had nothing to worry about. Everything was going to be alright, and he was there to protect you, not hurt you. He would never do something like that. And, for the time being, you would believe in that.
However, as you would soon come to understand, Min Yoongi was a huge, disgusting  fucking liar.
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Trouble started showing up eventually, and your make-believe paradise progressively transformed into inferno.
Every time Yoongi showed you a glimpse of his darker side, you overlooked it. You buried your preoccupations underneath the cold motel sheets, hoping they would never be uncovered, that the monsters underneath the bed would never come back to take what you owed them. However, there was a point that it reached dangerous levels, and you could not pretend as if everything was okay any longer.
It started gradually — minor discussions over stupid matters; bar fights, which caused a bloody nose here and there; stealing; reckless behavior on the wheel. One day he was stealing expensive champagne from local convenience stores, the next he was gifting it to you like it was his very own version of salvation, promising you he had bought it instead.  One day he was pushing you away and, the next, he was holding you tighter than ever before. It was emotionally exhaustive, psychologically torturous, to follow the harsh — sometimes unpremeditated — switches of his personality. You constantly felt like you were walking in a place filled with mines, ready to be exploded at any given second.
There were two occurences, though, in which you truly feared for your life. Moments in which all your excuses, all your justifications, fell flat in face of real threat. There was nothing you could tell yourself that would mask the true nefastus aura that surrounded Yoongi once he got into that wicked state of mind — he was just like any other reckless beast from the east side, and he had no worries for your well being. Whoever that version was, you did not love it.
The first one was at the parking lot of a club.
Yoongi had nurtured the awful habit of, just as the night was starting to get tiresome, he would disappear, claiming he saw someone he knew amongst the crowd or, if he was at the motel with you, you’d wake up in the middle of the night to find him gone. Just like all bad things in life, you managed to get used to it and, after the fifth time that it happened, your sadness had turned into a slight displeasure at the pit of your stomach.
More often than not, he would come back as if nothing had happened, and would not answer any of your questions about where he had been aforetime. That was what you had expected that special night, but neutrality was the last thing you received once he reappeared.
Like usual, Yoongi had vanished to talk to some faceless old friends, and you were waiting for him outside of a booming club. For twenty minutes you stood there, alone, leaning against the cold wall and watching as drunken groups staggered in and out of the booming construction — lovers holding onto one another; friends laughing loudly against the wind; or perhaps loners trying their luck for the night.
At some point, a man joined you outside, claiming he just needed to smoke a cigarette. “Rough night?” he asked.
“Rough month,” you responded, friendly. “I’m waiting for my boyfriend,” you said. If you could even call him that. “He usually takes his time when his drunk.”
He nodded, and continued the conversation. The stranger was particularly nice to you. He kept the dialogue somewhat casual, and maintained a respectful amount of space between your bodies. You were under the impression — which quickly got confirmed — that he only wanted a friend to talk to, and wasn’t trying to get anything else out of you. Comforting, the feeling allowed for you to relax under his presence, and you though, in an instant of bliss, that perhaps the long wait for your boyfriend wouldn’t be so bad.
More often than not, you were incorrect when the subject was Min Yoongi.
He came out of the club like a tornado just at the instant that you were laughing at something the kind stranger had said, and he opened the double doors with a movement far to rough for your liking. There was barely enough time for you to look at him, lips slightly parted in surprise, and to take in the uncharacteristic expression that had overtook his features, barely illuminated by the phosphorescent lights of the construction.
Yoongi was not sober, that you could tell. His posture was a little curved, and his eyes were not as white as you would like — besides, his forthcoming actions worked in the favor of your thesis.
He didn’t take long to jump into conclusions, for his vision and mental processes had been funneled by primordial emotions. “And who the fuck are you?” Yoongi spoke out in a groan, his speech slightly dragged. He looked directly at the other man, and took a step closer. “What is this?”
You swallowed dry, and tried to reach out to him. Next to you, the stranger threw his cigarette on the concrete. “Yoongi, it’s fine,” you said. He pulled away from your grip. “We were just talki—“
Now, Yoongi might not have been the biggest guy around, but he was certainly one of the fastest. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” He swiftly walked past you and pushed the man away with all the force he had, stepping in front of you with determination bleeding from his red-tinged eyes. You didn’t know if he was drunk, if he had consumed something else, but, frankly, that was the least of your worries then. “Stop looking at my girl like that, you cunt,” he spat.
Your eyes widened, pulse increasing to a point in which you believed your heart would just give up at any point. Through the anemic clouds of nicotine-painted smoke, you saw as the other man’s gaze faiscated in anger, his hands curling into fists. “Yoongi, he wasn’t—” you started, but it was already too late. The other man’s punch had sliced through the air and hit your boyfriend directly on the nose, sending him to stagger backwards. “Yoongi!” You called out, horrified.
Still, he wouldn’t back away. With the animal gaze that overtook his caliginous eyes, you were absolutely certain he had taken some sort of drugs, for he barely touched the blood on his nostrils before he was charging forward at the stranger; looking as if he had barely felt the impact, even less the pain.
Everything that followed had been saved like a blurry sequence of events inside your head. You could remember Yoongi charging towards the other man, punching him straight in the face with a groan and then, even less than a second later, the stranger had charged against him, throwing the two of them on the asperous concrete. You had no idea how, but Yoongi had been able to throw his weight over the man, and rolled around his figure so he would be on top.
The second that he started throwing constant punches against the other guy, something inside of you screamed that you had to stop that before it was too late — after all, there was no one else around.
With a bravery that did not belong to you, your fingers hooked on the collar of his shirt and, with a force that was moved by your panic, you mustered enough strength to pull Yoongi up by a few centimeters. You were by no means strong enough to take his entire body away from the other man, but the pull seemed sufficient to make him lose his balance. “Stop! The two of you,” you cried out and, with another pull, Yoongi rolled to the side, getting away from him. You took the chance and held your hands out, each of your palms facing a different man. “That’s enough, come on.”
Much to your relief, the kind stranger seemed to agree. “This is bullshit, man.” He spat, staining the concrete with his blood. His face was covered in splashes of purple and red, and the scene was terrifying to witness. As he spoke, blood splattered out of his mouth, covering his teeth in a thin layer of maroon.“You’re fucked up.”
Yoongi breathed out, enraged. “Stay the fuck away from her,” he ordered. You wanted to help the other man just as much, but you were afraid of how Yoongi would react. “I know what pieces of shit like you want.”
The other staggered to get back on his feet and, for an instant, you thought he would fall back down. It was bad — very bad. “Whatever, dude,” he said, his speech slightly groggy. Running the back of his hand against his nose, a thick trail of carmine was imprinted on his skin. He groaned. “You’re fucking crazy.” Then, he locked eyes with you. “You should get out of… whatever the fuck this is. Before it’s too late.”
You swallowed hard, but did not trust your own voice to formulate a sentence in regards to that. “You… should call someone,” was what you said. “It’s not looking good.”
He nodded and, with a mocking grin, mumbled something you didn’t quite catch. You were worried sick for that stranger, but you couldn’t even show it. Next to you, Yoongi’s eyes were burning with the endless flames of his anger, following the silhouette of the man as he turned his back to the two of you and moved closer to the club. “Let’s get outta here,” he whispered, “That guy is coward enough to call the cops on me.”
Unable to think of anything else, you did as he requested, helping him to get back on his feet. Yoongi’s face was by no means as bad as the other guys, but his nose was bleeding and trailing red paths down his face and onto his lips; there were dark purple marks beginning to show around his cheekbones and jaw. His eyes were bloodshot, and you did not have the courage to ask him what was in his system — to be fair, you didn’t even want to know.
The two of you walked across the construction in absolute, sepulchral silence, following the path of your arrival. Yoongi didn’t want to pay for a spot — fifteen bucks an hour was absurd —, so he parked his car in an alley nearby, where he was sure no one would complain. He seemed to have calmed down throughout those transitory instants of quiessence, for even his respiration had taken a much more tranquil rhythm. You though, in a flash of assuagement, that he had come back to his normal, collected state.
Though, it wasn’t the right conclusion.
Before you could even react, you felt his hands holding unflinchingly to your shoulders, forcefully pushing you against the asperous, frigid brick wall of the alleyway. Your eyes widened in a mixture of surprise and horror, watching as his own, blood-colored gaze scrutinized every minor detail on your semblance. Yoongi’s red-stained mouth was curved downwards and his eyebrows were hanging low, twitching lightly as he bit back his fury.
With a hard-bitten groan, he placed a bit more of his weight on you. It didn’t really hurt, but his actions had chilled you to the core. Then and there, you could swear that he was able to murder someone. Perhaps he already did. “Fuck, don’t get in the middle of my shit!” He warned, fingertips digging to your shoulder blades. You could feel as his blood dripped down from his bruised knuckles and onto your exposed skin — the warm liquid seemed like a horrible forewarning. “You want to make me look like I’m a fucking pussy? Is that what you want? You wanna make me look like I can’t take a half-assed beating?”
Overtaken by trepidation, the words seemed to refuse to leave your throat. Your mind had turned into a blank canvas, painted by the scarlet and cimmerian shades of his devastating acrimony. You dream turned into a nightmare right then, paralyzing your members and soul. “No, I didn’t—”
Yoongi grunted. “You know what? Spare me of that bullshit. Doesn’t matter.” He interrupted, pushing you one more time before staggering away from your trembling body, his arms weighing down next to his fast-breathing chest. You were not sure if he was talking about the situation, or you. “Let’s go back. You fucking drive, I’m too wasted for that shit,” he groaned, and threw the keys your way. “If you crash my car, I’ll kill you.”
Which flawlessly ties into the second instance in which you feared for your life. It took place about two weeks later, when Yoongi had changed his mind about the dangers of driving under the influence, and swore he was more than capable to get you two from the bar to your motel.
Then again, Min Yoongi was a liar.
The car ruptured the night like a shooting star, passing by the tall trees in a blur of headlights and worried screams. The mumbling of the motor chilled you to the bone, shaking inside your chest like the drumming of a war; and the sudden swerving of lanes — which happened every time Yoongi saw an upcoming curve — seemed to be the last action that you would ever witness. He maintained the velocity much above the speed limit and, every time you asked him to reduce it, he would raise it even further just to delight in the way your panic increased.
Yoongi looked at the open road like he had been possessed, his unfocused eyes barely seeing something beyond his hooded eyelids. “It’s a highway, not a fuckin’ roller coaster,” he had complained, licking his lips. The car was impregnated with the strong smell of alcohol, and you thought you were going to throw up at any given minute. “Can you stop—“ He burped. “Fuck. Just stop screaming.”
Still, you were in under no condition to be rational. “Yoongi, slow this down!” You cried out in horror, fingers clenching to the leather of the seat. Your nails were already hurting because of how much they were being pressed down against the thick fabric, your heart seemed as if it was about to stop. Next to you, the half-open window sucked out your hair, blowing the dense summer air onto your face at full speed. “How much did you drink?”
You had the impression that the man tried to smirk, but he was too far gone to fully control the muscles on his face. Instead, the corners of his mouth vaguely turned upwards, his expression bordering on the one of a serial killer. “Doesn’t fuckin’ matter,” he told you as his fingers tightened on the wheel. Only one hand was guiding the car, for the other was hanging tightly to the — stolen — beer bottle he had brought along. “Shut up, damn, why are you so loud? Loosen up a bit. Shit.”
The wheel turned and there was a vague scratching of the wheels against the asphalt as he struggled to make a tenuous curve — you could already see the car losing its path and crashing against one of the thick pine trees, killing the two of you instantly.
Yoongi took his bottle to his lips and chugged the rest of it down, not hesitating for one second before throwing it out of his window with a crash you could barely hear. The white lights of the poles flashed over his features like a movie was being projected onto him, presenting you with a person you did not recognize.
“Yoongi, stop this car right now.” You banged your hand against the door, trying to get his attention. The motor groaned as the man pressed down on the gas pedal, making his stance known, and pushing your back against the seat with the new acceleration. Trees were passing by in disfigured blurs of black and brown, and you were sure you were starting to lose blood pressure because of the stress you were under — it wouldn’t be the first time you fainted because of panic. “Oh my god, I’m gonna die.” You cried out, breathless. “Please, Yoongi—“
Yoongi took the back of his hand to clean his stained lips, and then looked at your direction — you didn’t know if his attention on the deserted road would make any difference at that point. When he spoke out, the nauseating smell of alcohol burned down your throat. “As much as I want to right now, I won’t flip this shit over,” he told you with endless annoyance, his eyes filled with a mixture of disgust and petulance. You didn’t know who he was then, and the fright that you felt only increased once you met the eyes of that stranger. “But only if you shut the fuck up. Do that for me, princess, and you won’t have to worry about a thing.”
Even against every nerve in your body, you did as he requested, and bit down on your lower lip. At some point, tears started wetting your cheeks, but you ignored them. Eventually, tough, the car began to slow down.
About ten minutes later, you two arrived at the neon-bathed motel, and Yoongi crashed in bed with a final cascade of curse words and complaints towards you. You only felt relief once you realized he was sound asleep and, even then, you could not rest for the entire night. You were terrified.
The last drop, however, was in the final night you two passed together.
Yoongi had mentioned that one of his old friends was in same town as the two of you, and asked if you would like to accompany him to a local bar, if you wouldn’t feel too left out, since he needed to have a private conversation with the man. As much as the requested was a bit offbeat, you accepted it regardless, for you felt it would’ve been better than to be alone in a small room with poor TV signal, and worries bubbling at the bottom of your stomach. It was better to be with him than to wonder where he was, and that you had learned the hard way.
The two of you arrived there a little past midnight, and were amazed by the slow movement — most of the tables were empty and there were, at most, fifteen other people, staff included, in that secluded ambient. Before you could even mention it, Yoongi briskly excused himself, said that he would be having his “important discussion” for some time, and claimed that under no circumstances were you to interrupt his exchange — unless, of course, it was urgent.
Out of alternatives, you turned to face the shelves decorated with prismatic bottles. As you walked towards the counter, throat arid as a desert, you thought about the night you met him under those auric christmas lights, when he swore he could give you everything and a bit more. Yoongi had made sure to show you — again and again — how your friends had been selfish when they left you behind to fulfill their own objectives, but he was doing precisely the same thing then.  
You were sure he would have a flawless justification hanging just at the tip of his tongue, though, as he always did. Yoongi wasn’t the biggest fan of being held accountable for his mistakes, and he wouldn’t start now.
With a disinterested expression hanging over her features, the purple-haired woman that worked at the bar moved closer to you. She held a piece of grey fabric in one hand and a cup in the other, and didn’t seem as if she was in the mood to make any friends. “What can I get you?” she questioned politely.
You licked your lips and thought for an instant. Behind you, two figures sat down, facing one another. “Just water is good,” you said, “thanks.”
She nodded and moved back to reach for your drink. It arrived much, much earlier than Yoongi did.
You sat there for some time, waiting as the night dragged along; filled by the exhilarated screams of embriagated customers and the constant buzzing of animated conversations. Exhaustion had overtaken your limbs, tingling on your fingertips and ruling over your mind by the time that one hour had gone by — and, with it, five glasses of water and two small trips to the bathroom. Maybe you should have stayed at the motel.
Lamenting the adventures you never got to live, you raised your gaze from the counter, and turned around on your seat. If you adjusted your posture and inclined your neck just enough, you could see Yoongi and another silhouette talking at the corner of the bar, completely immersed in a secretive subject. You thought about asking what it was about, but you were sure he would not share it — Yoongi was a man sustantained by secrets; a petulant monarch sitting in a throne of poorly constructed lies and enigmatic whispers.
Every time you looked at him you would picture a scene: the two of you trying to finish a puzzle, but there’s a piece missing. You don’t know if it’s with you, if you lost it, if you can’t find it. Or if it’s with him. If he’s hiding it from you. In a speck of courage, you would dare to take a look at him, meeting those eyes that are both everything and nothing at the same time. Empty as black holes, full as the brightest star. They push you like waves, then pull like the cold tides. There’s echo e and there’s muffling. There’s him. You don’t know who he is. Then you understand, once again, that the puzzle will not be completed, and you can only guess what that final piece would present. Perhaps one detail would change it all, perhaps it would have been precisely what you had always envisioned. You will never know. He hid it from you during all that time, and you doubted it would ever see the light.
Though, you soon would get an idea of it.
Behind you, a loud cough resounded throughout the establishment. “You saw him right?” One of the men asked, his voice so deep that, for an instant, you thought it was the same guy that bothered you in The Cave, months ago. The story was repeating itself, after all, in the most hypocritical of ways.
But no, you were too far away from home. It wasn’t him, and your friends were nowhere in sight.
The other hummed in concordance. “The Yoongi guy? Yeah. He got here with some chick I didn’t recognize.” He stopped once a sequence of deep, painful coughs ruptured his speech — you did not need to know him to be sure he was a smoker. “Fuck— Not that I expected it would be the same as last time, but ya know.”
“Yeah.” Another long pause. You felt as if your heart was just about to jump out of your chest; your fingertips were sweaty and quivering against the corner of the table. “You think they got him?” he asked.
“Nah. If they did, he wouldn’t be here, he’d be behind bars, where he fuckin’ belongs.” The other laughed. Paused. More coughing. “The guy knows what he’s doing around these streets, it’s not for nothin’ that he’s always on the run.”
The other scoffed at those words — as he spoke, clear traces of jealousy reverberated alongside his voice. “He thinks he’s some hot shit. One of these days we’ll find him dead in a ditch.”  Then, a chuckle. “Can’t say that I’ll miss him. He’s bad news. I feel sorry for the girl he dragged into this. I wonder if she knows.”
“She doesn’t, they never do. For sure. She should get the hell out befo—”
But you weren’t listening any longer. That had been the last drop.
In an impetuous wave of anguish and betrayal, you got out of your seat and looked around to find him. He, who had played you so effortlessly; he, who had completely ruined you with his omissions and imprudent actions. Negligence personified; hypocrisy in flesh. Min Yoongi, in his natural inhabitant.   
The man was the personification of Crystalfall — oscillating between the wickedness of the east and the utopian, artificial benevolence of the west side. You had been a fool to believe he was merely switching between extremes: Yoongi was both of them at the same time, and there was no way that you could have a touch of paradise unless you were ready to face the flames of hell.
You were not. Would never be.
Amongst the crowd, you saw him. Yoongi seemed to be in a heated discussion, speaking fervently with another man — his eyebrows furrowed and his mouth verbalizing poisonous words, head shaking to present his full frustration to the stranger. You wondered as he would punch him too if things got out of control; wondered if he would do something even worse. If one day you thought you knew Yoongi, that certainty had been too far for you to reach.
The other man ran one hand through his curly hair as you walked closer to them, disheveling his pale blonde strands with an anguished groan. He had deep violaceous marks under his eyes and, amongst the freckles on his skin, there was the obvious white line of a fresh scar. “All I’m saying, man, is that you have to get the fuck out,” he spoke with urgency, the same sentiment that gleaned inside his wide hazel eyes. Preoccupation fell like a stone at the pit of your stomach. “They know where you are, and they’re not being throw in prison for what yo—“
Yoongi saw you before he could finish. “—Hey, baby.” He cleared his throat, eyes darting to the man on his side. You knew him well to know that he was ordering the other to shut up before things got worse. “You’re good?”
Reluctant, you took an instant before responding — the stranger looked at you with cautious eyes, measuring your presence. You felt threatened by his rough posture, as if he could jump on you at any given instant. “I’m sorry to interrupt. It’s urgent.” You looked back at Yoongi with hollow irises, chest completely overwhelmed by a mixture of panic and disgust. “I heard some things about you and I… I wanted to talk.”
He opened his lips to respond, then seemed to take an instant to organize his thoughts — you could tell that he knew what it was about; the truth would be uncovered sooner or later, and it was time for him to pay his debt.
Yoongi sighed deeply. “Come on, baby,” he motioned with his head towards the exit. Beyond the wooden entrance, the night was darker than ever; merciless and algid. “Let’s continue this somewhere else.”  
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The outside of the bar reminded you of the night you met him, the promise you made to meet him again. You should have never accepted his date proposal, you thought in a glimmer of betrayal and disgust, you should have listened to your gut and never got close to that awful place.
With heavy eyelids, you blinked lethargically, barely feeling the comfortable warmth of Yoongi’s hand at the bottom of your spine as he walked you out of the establishment. You were tired, and had been for as long as you could recall. That memory could trail back to a couple of weeks or a plethora of insomnia-filled days ― not even that certainty you could rearrange. Then again, exhaustion was a paradox of itself: you were too fatigued to even care. You just wanted to sleep. Everything else could burn to the ground, for as much as you cared.
Well, everything else but the reason why the two of you had left so suddenly.
Even turning your head seemed like a huge task ― so, as you spoke, you did not. You proceeded to look straight ahead, underneath heavy lids, waiting for his car to mysteriously materialize into focus as you two walked down the relinquished streets.“Yoongi,” you called out, “you have to tell me what’s going on. You keep protecting your secrets, I don’t know who you are anymore.”
He chuckled as if he had been expecting that inquiry for quite some time. His hand trailed the invisible path from your back to your shoulders. You had started to despise when he touched you there. “I’m not protecting my secrets,” he guaranteed, “I’m protecting you.”
You took a deep breath, measuring his expression — where you once saw everything, now there was nothing to be found amongst the traces of his celestial features. Yoongi was completely hollow on the inside. “And why the hell would you do that?” bitterness countered your speech as you spoke out.
Yoongi crooked his head to the side, looking at you with endless adoration. There was an instant, mercurial and tenuous as the midnight breeze, in which you actually considered that such emotion could be genuine. Though, as he spoke out, his voice came out with no inflection, no sign of it. He was a liar, as you were starting to figure out, but a bad one regardless. “Because I love you, west beauty,” he confessed.
But you didn’t believe that. If Yoongi had told you that before everything else — the reckless driving, the stealing, the violence — you were sure you would have been head over heels for him, convincing yourself that he was your soulmate, the one you were supposed to be with forevermore. You were naive then, but now… now you were just tired. “You don’t mean it,” you said.
He was unaffected by your words. “I do.”  His hand caressed your cheek, and you fought back the need to pull away — so, instead, you just looked to the side, trying to ignore the warm poison that dropped through his touch. Everything felt so fake now, so calculated. “Hey, look at me,” Yoongi requested.
“What?” You did as he asked. Looking into the depthness of his pupils, you thought, even if for an instant, that he could see your soul projected at the bottom of your irises — naked, stripped of pride. It felt pleasantly awful; horribly intimate. It was natural, in the oddest way imaginable. Yoongi knew who you were, but you could not say the same about him. “What are you looking at?” you whispered. His other hand moved to your cheek, then placed a string of hair behind your ear. “You,” he replied, now cupping your face.
You took a split second to examine his face. Yoongi’s eyes were obscure — tenebrous as the night sky, fathomless as the secrets that echoed within his head. When you looked at him, there was nothing but his  piercing gaze; no sound but the harmony of his low, whisper-like timbre. You were completely trapped by the event horizon of his venom-filled aura, held hostage by the tranquility of his hand against your skin. His gravity was too strong. You were being sucked in. You inhaled deeply, trying your very best to organize the catastrophe of your hurricane-like ponderations. “You always stare at me, you know that?” He pouted, leaning his head slightly to the side. “Is there a problem with that?” You did not respond, for you could not find an answer. “Do you even realize you’re doing that?” Yoongi smiled. “Do you even realize how gorgeous you are?” he threw back within a heartbeat.
In the rapid instant that took you to digest the depthness of his words, your mouth hung low. In the following second, you were pulling yourself together. “Of course, I’m a catch,” you joked, unable to take that unforeseen complement. You were never the best when it came to that, so irony was quite often the miraculous escape you went for. “You’re lucky to have me.”
But were you lucky to have him? It surely didn’t feel like it.
However, Yoongi’s words left his plump lips with every ounce of honesty he could possibly arrange, “Yes,” he whispered lackadaisically, leaning in. “Yes, I am.”
Before you could verbalize the thousands of sentences that bolted throughout your mind, every conceptualization ― no matter how big or small ― dispersed into white noise. Your lips touched and, for a moment, you swore you could taste the stardust that melted at the corner of Yoongi’s lips; the constellations that were built and destroyed by the low, feather-like sigh that reverberated against your mouth. The pressure of his kiss was not prolonged, but ephemeral ― and, just are you were starting to melt under its touch, he pulled away.
When you looked back at him, you suddenly did not recognize him anymore. You had to say that it was one of the most terrifying, mind-bending experiences to look someone in the eye and realize, like a thunder that ruptures the skyline, that their semblance had switched into a persona you could not comprehend. Yoongi’s eyes were empty, devoid of any feeling he had presented previously. Abruptly, he was the same man that drove his car so recklessly; the same that would overstep his alcohol consumption; that would take drugs, steal, and push you against a cold brick wall in a fit of jealous anger.
That self-destructing man coexisted alongside the one you had fallen for, and you couldn’t tell who was about to take the lead. “Let’s go back to the motel, alright?” He requested, placing his hand on your lower back once again. “We should have a talk.”
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As you would soon discover, that conversation was nothing but the calm before the storm.
No one told you that the cupid’s arrow could hurt so much — that the piercing of your skin wasn’t desired, but an endless anguish to, perhaps, have your chance at a delightful love story. No one told you there could come a time in which you would repudiate it, and the anguish you would feel when pulling it off could be even worse than the way it hurt you aforetime.
Still, you were about to find out that falling out of love what much more difficult than it seemed.
The bedroom door closed behind you with a dry clicking sound and, for a moment, it was the only perturbation that filled the consolidated atmosphere of that motel room. At first, none of you turned on any lights, so the only source of illumination come from the outside neon signs — it came in stripes, casting their lines of turquoise and violaceous over the messy bed. Yoongi never ordered room service, he said it spoiled his privacy.  
“What was that about?” your voice resonated in the darkness, hesitant and rotten by agitation. At first, it found no answer.
Yoongi walked towards the bed with his head hung low, paying more attention to the motion of his feet against the pale pink carpet than the anguish that blossomed inside your chest. “Nothing,” he spoke in a mumble.
You took a step in his direction. “Yoongi,” you called again, this time more desperate. You were so tired of his secrets, of his half-assed excuses. “Stop it. Tell me what’s going on.”
He scoffed at the impatience that permeated your words, finding your nervousness to be a bit pathetic. In his mind, it wasn’t as if telling you something would make any difference at that point — it was still his cross to carry. “I owe money to some guys. Sue me.”
Upon hearing that forsaken confession, the clouds of anguish that circumnavigated your head exploded into nothingness — then, into outrage. Bitterness hung at the tip of your tongue, dripping out like a serpent’s venom in between your syllables. “Yoongi, you need to tell me what in the hell is happening.” You walked closer to him with heavy steps, even if they got muffled against the fluffy ground. “We can work on this together.”
Mercurial, the man moved around the room as if he already had his every act perfectly architectured — just like the night you met him. One second, he was standing by the bed and, in the next, he was getting on his knees and pulling his large backpack from under it. “We can’t. Not this time.”
“What do you mean? Why are you getting that?” the questions continued to pour out of your lips, even if you already knew what his answer would be. You were not half as naive as he thought you were: you just needed to hear it from his mouth. Closure what the minimum he could give you. “Yoongi? Talk to me, I’m not asking anymore.”
The man stood up with a long groan, and threw the object over the bed — it bounced twice, sliced by the phosphorescent lights from the outside. “God damn it, I—” He ran his hands through his hair, pulling at the roots. If you hadn’t been so monopolized by frustration, perhaps you would have been a bit more cautious at the words that you threw his way — after all, Yoongi had showed you countless times that he wasn’t the king of mature decisions. “I have to leave.”
Another step closer, and now you were right besides him. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
He threw himself on the mattress, shoulders falling in defeat. You couldn’t read his expression, it laid somewhere melancholy and disgust — not much different from your night at the highway. “I can’t stay anywhere around here, and I can’t take my car either,” Yoongi explained a bit further now, taking his time to measure his erratic words before they left the captive of his chest. “I have no money to pay them back. Not the amount they want, at least.”
You suspired, and sat down next to him, fingers interlaced over your lap. “So?” you voice came soft, in a whisper.“We can get more time.”
“This was my extra time.” He snickered, sarcastic; gaze lost on the thin blue lines that casted its brilliance over his fingertips — his knuckles were forever marked by bruises, decorated by marks of his past fights. Perhaps those scars had been there the night that you met him, you just never noticed. “In case you didn’t get it, I’m in no place to bargain. If I stay, they’ll murder me, or sell my organs in the black market so I can pay for what I owe them. Simple as that.”
You licked your lips. “Maybe we could—”
“—We couldn’t do anything. You’re annoying the hell out of me with all of these questions,” he interrupted, absentminded. Every time he got detached in such abrupt manner, you knew he was trying his best to control his anger.
Yet, you were in no position to care about his feelings at that point. “Yoongi,” his name came out weakly in between your lips and, for an instant, you asked yourself if you had even vocalized it at all, “look at me.”
He blinked lethargically and did as you requested. “What’s wrong?”
What was wrong is that you had made the mistake of thinking that he could change if you loved him hard enough, but that was clearly not the case. There was something sparking inside his clouded, luciferine eyes that told you everything you needed to know — he held no regrets. He was mad at getting caught, not at his past actions. “Tell me something. And don’t lie to me.” You placed your hand on his cheek, feeling the warmth of his skin underneath of palm. “What did you use the money for?”
Then, he did precisely what you expected he would: he lied through his fucking teeth. Yoongi got the checklist of his poor acting skills and crossed out everything that gave it away — the oscillation of his gaze towards the left, the flaring of his nostrils, and the licking of his chapped lips followed by a dry swallow. You knew him too well, you were no longer buying that cheap mask he used.
“It wasn’t anything illegal,” he verbalized with artificial tranquility, even if you could tell from the inflections on his timbre that he was, in fact, extremely bothered by your interrogation. “I was paying my friend’s rent. He was short… for the past six months. He was going to be kicked out.”
Liar. Min Yoongi was a fucking liar. You just needed one simple question to break the false placidity of his tone, and you could move on from there with much more facility — lucky for you, you knew exactly what would work.
“Why can’t you call the police?” You inquired, forging innocence.
He raised his hands in a mocking prayer, looking up at the ceiling. “Why can’t I— because!” Yoongi exclaimed, his voice bordering on a scream. Once again, his demeanor switched faster than you could follow. “Fuck, don’t you understand? This money is dirty, this is from stealing and murdering, not honest work in a fucking farm. If the cops knew I was aware of that, which I’m sure they will figure out, I’ll go to jail. I’m guilty by association.”
Then you saw it: something else flickering inside his irises, perhaps a hint of guilt — not because of his past actions, but because of his current one. Yoongi was lying by omission. “That isn’t everything, is it?” You asked him, eyes narrowing for a millisecond. You were trying your best to keep your expression under control so he wouldn’t feel as if you were judging him — which you were, and rightfully so. “Did you do something else, Yoongi?”
Yoongi was delicate — but not the same manner that a butterfly is, or maybe a torn-apart flower. He was delicate as a missile, ready to detonate at any given second. And, at that instant, you had pushed the big red button. “We have to do what we can to survive, alright? It’s not the time for miss perfection to come out and judge a reality she doesn’t understand.” He threw at you, getting back to his feet. You had never seen him like that, so rough, so defensive. “I might have some blood on my hands, I might not, it doesn’t matter now. There’s nothing you can do about it, so it’s better if you don’t even know. I’m not that person anymore.”
You inhaled profoundly. “If you just let me speak—”
“—There’s nothing to be said. Deal with it,” he interrupted, pointing at something behind you. “Hand me that shirt, do something useful for once.”
With a sigh, you did as he requested, even if you preference would be to choke him with that old, stained piece of fabric. “You’re just gonna leave me behind, I assume,” you spoke out with patience, teasing your way into every new word with endless nausea. After all that had happened, you didn’t know if you wanted to be around him anymore.
“Yeah, sorry about that. Shit got out of my control.” Yoongi ran one hand through his raven hair, disheveling it a bit further. He seemed to be thinking a billion things at the same time, for his speech came out in a wave of rapid words, barely any connection between them. Amongst the darkness of that motel room, he looked like a frenzied demon looking for another soul to feed off from; since, apparently, he had gotten tired of playing with yours. “By the way, before I forget, I need you to get my car and leave it by the bar we met. I’ll ask a friend to pick it up, and you can get a cab nearby.”
But you didn’t care about any of that — fuck, you might even set that piece of shit car on fire if Yoongi continued with that damn attitude. “When are you going?” you asked instead.
He cleared his throat, shoving his clothes into his backpack. “Tomorrow morning, the earlier bus they got.”
With a suspire, you got back to your feet, looking down on him. “Which is?”
“Old Mountain, 5:15am,” he responded. “I already checked and bought my ticket, don’t worry about it.”
“Of course you did.” You chuckled, humorless. Your chest was utterly empty, devoid of any sort of emotion, and your eyes had started to burn under a thin curtain of tears — you would break down at any given second now. “Before you went out to meet with your friend and decided I was a boring game all along, I assume. Something else you forgot to tell me? Maybe how I’m completely worthless for you?”
Yoongi groaned, allowing for his inner infuriated to drip past his lips. “Oh my god, can’t you shut up for one damn second? Let me think.” He placed one hand on the bridge of his nose, trying to figure out if there was something else he needed to do. “Fuck, I don’t have to tell you everything. Learn how to respect people. I didn’t think I’d be the one to teach you that.”
Oh, that was just rich. Talk about reaching limits — you had just flung yourself over yours.
“No, I cannot shut up, you fucking megalomaniac asshole,” you spat out ― shock value long forgotten. For an instant, you couldn’t recognize the roughness within your own voice, nor the way it curled around you like thorns, piercing your skin with gushes of adrenaline. You had been bottling up your emotions for too long now. “You were the one preaching for weeks about how I should stand up for myself, and now that I do, you’re telling me to quiet down? You’re full of bullshit, do you know that?”
Yoongi looked up to meet your gaze, slightly flabbergasted. Something told you that he didn’t expect you to throw the same rudeness back to him, and he didn’t appreciate it in the slightest. “You know that’s not what I fu—”
You rolled your eyes. “Whatever, I don’t give a fuck what you meant,” you threw back, chest bubbling up with fury. “So you can get your bag ready, and I can get mine, and we can both pretend as if we don’t mean anything to one another tomorrow. Seems alright?”
His eyebrows moved together, forming a frown. You hated how he was the one pretending to look so confused, when you were the one who had been taken away from the truth. “Baby, I don’t—”
You took a step towards the man that you once loved, moved by an anger that did not belong to you. “Don’t fucking call me that, you selfish little prick.”
Yoongi stood up from the bed, his fists clenching — regardless, you could see it in his eyes that his demeanor was vacillating, uncertain how to deal with your explosiveness. But of course he did not want that: he wanted you to be quiet, for you to be agreeable. He wanted you to feel bad for your empathy, to focus on the love that — supposedly — you could only get from him. Yoongi wanted you at the palm of his hand, and he didn’t want you to talk back. “What the hell do you want from me, you crazy b—”
Then, something broke inside of you.
Like a switch had been turned on in your mind, you recalled every horrible experience you had by his side — the drunk driving, the pointless discussion and violence, the emotional manipulation. You had never been important to him. He didn’t care. He didn’t love you — if he did, he would have never placed your life on the line, he would have never blamed your kindness for the evils of the world. Yoongi despised your altruism because he wanted you to normalize his nightmarish behavior, so you could think that, perhaps, it had been your fault for being too sensitive.
When, all that time, it has been his fault for being corroded by egoism; reckless, and self-destructive. Min Yoongi was drowning in his own sins, and he was pulling you down to the bottom with him by convincing you that you couldn’t swim.
“—Fuck you, Min Yoongi!” you almost screamed, tears accumulating at the corners of your eyes. For an instant, the man remembered your first night together, the diamond-like droplets that came from Crystalfall. “Fuck you for making me believe you were different, that you actually cared about me. Fuck you for using me, for taking advantage of who I am. You have no right to do all of this to me and then just drop me like I’m nothing, alright?” Your hands curled into fists, and you pushed them against his chest. You wanted to punch him until his rib cage caved in, and you could take his heart in your hands so you could see if it ever even liked you — if it could even beat at all. “You’re just like the people you criticize, you hypocritical son of a bitch. You can’t keep your fucking word!”
Yoongi raised his hands in a quiet surrender, trying to stop the advances of your punches. “YN, please listen—”
“You fucking listen!” You cried out, the last word morphing into a frail whine as his fingers curled around your wrists, pausing your movements mid-air. You were too exhausted to fight, and he was using no force to keep you still — he didn’t need to. “You can’t pay back the money you got, you can’t keep your fucking word to me, you can’t do shit. You’ve been lying to me since day one, haven’t you? You’re playing with me. All this t-time, yo-you’ve—” hiccups interrupted your speech, “Fuck!” you exclaimed, and pulled away, turning your back from him.
In an explosion of anguish that was utterly alien to you, you acted out in sheer despair. The closest object to you got the tides of your anger thrown directly at it, and, with a strong motion, you hit it with all the force you had stored in your bones. The lamp shattered against the wall with a loud exclamation, and it was the final dot your argument needed. The room withered into silence instantaneously, Yoongi’s limbs were frozen in time. Seems like both of you changed through your little adventure — weeks before you had ever met him, the mere idea of damaging property was outrageous for you.
Now, it was nothing but a shattered lightbulb, and pieces of old wood all over an ugly pink carpet. How poetic.
You sniffed. “Don’t worry about it. I have the money to pay,” you told him, voice bordering on a mumble. The flame of anger that had been motivating your speech was completely gone then, leaving behind a trail of white smoke and regretful decisions. You had never felt that empty in your entire life. “I don’t owe shit to anyone.”
The motel room was static for a breviloquent period, filled only by the constant blowfly-like sound of the fluorescent lights flickering over your head. You wished you could turn back time, that you could warn your former self to jump off that sinking ship before it trapped you beneath tempestuous seas, making you unable to breathe. You wished to tell yourself that Yoongi’s kiss tasted like a storm because he hid hurricanes behind his cool facade; that his touch was catastrophe personified, destined to break you down into utter pandemonium.
But you couldn’t. You could only fix your world from that point forward.
Your breath was caught in your throat as you felt his arms curling around your waist, pulling you into a tender hug. His chest, rising and falling rapidly, met your back promptly, Yoongi’s hair fell over your clavicles as he leaned his forehead against your shoulder. Some part of your foggy mind warned that he wasn’t trying to calm you down, but to make sure you would not leave him behind then.
“Yoongi, don’t—” You choked on your own speech. Your throat was dry, your nose was clogged. Nothing was right anymore, and his touch felt like it emanated venom. You wanted him gone, you wanted his atrocious touch far away from where it could corrode you. “Please, don't hug me, I can’t deal with this right now.”
“I’m so sorry,” he spoke against the curvature of your neck, his voice coming out muffled and weak against your skin. You could feel him his cheeks getting wet by crocodile his tears, but you could no longer buy any second of his pathetic little act. Every emotion you ever had towards him had been replaced by utter disgust; and every emotion he ever swore to have towards you had morphed into the nothingness he truly felt. “I can’t believe I did this to you.”
Until the last instant, he would play the victim. That wasn’t his story to tell. “You’ve ruined me, Min Yoongi,” your voice came out firm, like an order; a certainty. There was nothing more that he could take away from you, for all that was left was the same merciless willpower that he had once swore to uncover; the lack of compassion he so desired to achieve. You would not bend. Not for him.
“I know, baby, I know,” he whispered and squeezed you tighter in that fake hug —  but his timbre already too far away for you to listen, his touches were shallow and his arms felt like snakes getting ready to suffocate you. It didn’t matter anymore. “I’m so sorry, please, forgive me— baby, I’m so sorry.”
And, for the first time since you’ve met the human-shaped catastrophe that was Min Yoongi, you didn’t have to look at him to know that he was lying.
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You [04:23am] hey, hobi. sorry I’m messaging you rn, I can’t sleep
You [04:23am] there’s a lot in my mind
You [04:23am] i’m coming back home, alright? tomorrow
You [04:24am] tell the others to meet me at mercy’s, 3pm.
You [04:24am] i have a lot of stories to tell
You [04:56am] i miss you guys
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When you would start to think about how much your soul has changed through it all, you used no words — but an image. You would think of an empty, cerulean-bathed cave, with cold, frozen waters and sharp stalactites. You’d think of an ongoing, periodic sound of something dripping, and the upcoming darkness of the corners you could never see. You would think of gelid emptiness, of deprivation and misery; of crystals made of ice, and of touches of white and blue. You would envision a place that dances between the omnipotent trepidation and the enchanting beauty; a place that is awfully human, yet remarkably devoid of any sort of compassion.
You fell in love with Min Yoongi — or, rather, who you thought he was. You feel in love with a man that was kind and loving, you held your hand as you were about to fall asleep, who caressed your hair as the morning sun slipped past the cracks on the curtains. You fell for the man you had seen at the bar, who took you to witness the beauty of Crystalfall, who promised a world in which the two of you could reign supreme. A man that would ask you to scream on a desert road so you could scare away your demons, not a man that would, instead, yell at you into submission, and shape you into a person you could never be.
You surely did not fall for who he really was. Never in your life would you love someone who put your own line so selfishly on the line, driving embriagated, refusing to slow down even if you begged for him to do so. You could never love someone that was so filled by jealousy that a mere talk with a stranger was seen as a threat; you would never find alluring the way he slowly pulled you away from your friends, convincing you that they weren’t good enough — no, they were far from perfect, but they would never do what he did to you. They would never ruin you, would never leave you behind to rot from the inside out.
When you were to come back to Crystalfall, you were sure they would be there for you, and Yoongi would be far, far away.
The previous night was spent with open eyes and fast-beating hearts. After Yoongi’s terrible attempt at an apology, you removed yourself from the room with a half-assed excuse, and said that you would come back later to help him pack — which you never did. In a state that laid between grief and indignation, you sat down outside, hugged your knees, and forced yourself to look at the neon lights of the motel’s hot tub, trying your best to find the answers you could never reach.
And, for the rest of the night, there you stayed.
You had been expecting for the monsters underneath your bed to crawl out of the shadows and take you down to a place in which demons could torture you forevermore, but you never considered the fact that, perhaps, the real monster had been by your side all along, toying with your emotions and sending you to the edges of panic. Once, you had compared Yoongi to the moon, but forgot to bring up his dark side — the piece of nothingness that could not be illuminated even by the brightest of stars.
You had been naive to compare him to anything but a black hole.
Yes, he had been raised in hell, had walked through a life of crime and was presented only with the worst that life could offer. But until which point could his past excuse his present? You had chewed on on that question for days on end, but still could not find a proper response to it. Some of your thoughts were utterly condemning, saying that it was all on him to blame; while another part of you leaned towards the other extreme, claiming he was merely a product of his twisted story, and needed just a bit of kindness to change his ways. You were sure the answer laid somewhere in the middle, even if you doubted you could ever fully discover it someday. If Yoongi had not passed through all of that, would he be any better? Perhaps he would have been worse? You could never tell. All you knew is that he would not be the one you met that somber night at The Cave, and certainly not the one you had fallen in love with. And those were the positive memories you chose to carry along with you at the day of his departure. You had not fallen in love with the man you drove to the bus station, all covered in blood stains and scars, with deep puddles of purple underneath his tired eyes, but the kind, charismatic man that had took you to the waterfall, who had adored you as if you were his own masterpiece.
You did not fall for a monster, and it wasn’t your fault that he changed into one.
“You have everything you need?” your voice came out soft as you spoke, stained by melancholy. Next to you in that claustrophobic car, Yoongi nodded slowly, his hair contrasting against the foggy, rain-encrusted windows. “Okay. Let’s move before you miss your bus.”
Just like the night before, that morning progressed in a quiet, phlegmatic blur of heavy hearts and discombobulated thoughts — from the instant you two took his bags from the truck of the car, to the very instant Yoongi checked his ticked one last time, pointing at the bus he was supposed to catch. Through all, you were trying to keep yourself together: you could cry later in the car, or maybe in the arms of your friends, but not then. Not in front of him. Not when you swore that your dignity would be the one thing left standing after he had ruined everything else.
You would survive. It was not the first time that someone believed that the world was about to reach for a catastrophe far too big for it to handle, only to continue living through the ashes and the smoke. Vivacity would come again — with someone else, somewhere else. Kinder times are always waiting ahead.
As he involved you in a warm hug, you felt your soul cracking. You knew, at some level, that the two of you were never meant for do or die: you could never last. “Goodbye, Yoongi,” you verbalized those words with care, paying attention to the sour taste that they left on your tongue. It wasn’t just a farewell, it was a promise to the stars. “Take care of yourself.”
Yoongi held you into that hug for a little bit longer. What once felt like a comforting touch, was now suffocating you into a reality you were not meant to face. “Goodbye,” he whispered back as he pulled away, then took a step behind. For a moment, there was only the low humming of the bus’ motor reverberating in between your bodies. “Let’s meet again someday.”
“Definitely.” You nodded. But you knew you wouldn’t — the two of you were toxic for one another, and some things were better left in the past. That, at least, was what you hoped would happen.
He placed his right foot on the first step of the bus, then turned back to look at you. Yoongi’s eyes were overflowing with despondency, and you were certain, even if for a mere, short-lived second, that he was going to cry. “I love you, west beauty.” The man spoke with endless calm, yet profound adoration. It was the last time he had ever said that to you. Perhaps the last one ever. “Stay out of trouble, alright? You deserve a better life than whatever I had to offer you.”
You hesitated for an instant — those words, once so inviting, now crashed like cold water against your skin. Fyodor Dostoevsky once wrote that “being in love doesn’t mean loving”, and that had been the sentence that was echoing in your mind ever since Yoongi told you he would leave. You were in love with him, absolutely and wholeheartedly, but you could not love him. You barely knew him, he was a stranger from the east, a formless shadow filled with acrid demons. If that was love, you didn’t want to be loved.
“I love you too, Yoongi,” you lied — you could do that so effortlessly now, and you knew that he was the one to blame. “Will you come back to visit me someday?”
He simply nodded, uncertain. He couldn’t promise that, and both of you knew that very well. It was for the best if he didn’t.
Just as quickly as Min Yoongi came into your life, he departed from it, crossing the midnight sky like a comet; leaving only a diaphanous trail of ice behind. One second he was there, looking at you against the cadaveric luminesce of the cloudy sky, and on the next instant he was turning his head and walking up the steps of that old bus, leaving you behind like your story never held any sort of significance. Maybe it didn’t — not for him.
The doors closed soon after, and you stepped away. The bus was a pale blue shade, a pale blue feeling; its motor’s purrs resonaning alongside the raindrops that started to pierce the skyline. Completely numbed by his departure, you could only watch as the vehicle trailed away with a loud vibration, grey clouds of smoke exploding in thin exhales on its back. The smell of burning gasoline was strong and merciless, and it felt as poisonous as the sentiment that begun blossoming at the basis of your throat.
With a final inhale, you turned your back to the man you once fell in love with, and started following your own path.
Your story began the same way it ended: with a poorly thought-out decision, and a promise of better days. For the lack of a better definition, Min Yoongi, in all of his despondent and reckless glory, became your event horizon.
And, once you crossed it, there was nothing left of who you once were.
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sonofhistory · 7 years
76 for Halemadge? Thank you!!
My ao3 here. 
Also posted on ao3 here. 
76: “You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.”
August, 1771 - Yale
Benjamin Tallmadge was never sick. Or, at least that was how it was before the measles outbreak. Nathan hadn’t intended to get Ben sick. No one knew exactly whom had begun the epidemic–though they both at the beginning pegged James Hillhouse as he had gone home for two weeks during the summer. Before long, Ben was discreetly brushing his forearm underneath the desk of their class with a sense of bewilderment emphasizing his facial features. There were at least seven empty desk chairs–the number only grew as time bore on.
Ben hadn’t minded in the slightest when classes were cancelled the following week. “It’s most likely the flu,” he commented, sitting back on the backboard of his bed and setting the book he was reading down on his stomach, “but of course,” he paused before picking up on the pages where he’d left off, “that’s just what I’ve heard.”
Nathan accepted this even though he touched two fingers to his jugular, a growing sense of anxiety quivering in his gut. The flu still kills, he thought, clearing his throat–Ben gave him reassurance anywhere. He passed a glance over to Enoch who was resting with a hand draped over the side of the bed, he looked rather flushed at the face.
Hours rolled by and Enoch didn’t rise from his bed that evening for dinner even after rocking him. Ben coaxed Nathan to the ground floor of Connecticut Hall though he exhibited reluctance. ”He’s just tired, let him rest.” Nathan didn’t touch his food, Ben took bites from his meal when the professors turned the back while making rounds, saving him from scolding and they both noted the few amount of students in the Hall. He was grateful for that and for Ben. They only called a Sir into their room after Enoch groaned and wouldn’t lift to wash up. The Sir pressed a hand to Enoch’s forehead and Nathan witnessed how the sweat glistened on his forehead. His stomach began to church, “Just like the others”, the Sir remarked, motioning with a shake of his head in either pity of annoyance. 
Who’s next? Nathan lamented privately.
The Sir left the room, shutting the door behind himself as he went. Nathan remained largely quiet, focusing at Enoch’s cot where his face seemed twisted in illness. Ben came up behind him, squeezing his wrist and spinning him around to where they were facing one another. “He’ll be alright,” his eyes were filled with a gentle pool of reassurance, Nathan believed him in a heartbeat and his shoulders lost their tension. Not entirely thinking and ignoring how his own throat tingled like fire and how shaky his footing felt, he inclined forward, seizing Ben’s collar in the hovering candle light and capturing his lips. 
Who’s next? 
The cold water from the basin made him shiver and he could barely hold the washcloth firmly. Ben inquired if he was alright, he submitted a weak simper and lied to him. The blanket seemed as if it was holding him underwater, he didn’t stumble for breath and hastily drifted off without struggle. Nathan’s head felt heavy when he awoke the next morning, his mouth dry and he had not hardly the strength to cover his mouth when he coughed. He heard Ben whispering his name, but he shut his eyes and drifted back to sleep, jointed feeling like scratching rocks.
He was vigilant only occasionally, eyes struggling to pull back down and he forced them open. He did remember Ben fighting with a professor who seemed twice his size in the doorway of their dorm room, throwing his arms above his head in either exasperation or desperation. Ben won the fight, it seemed, as he didn’t go to breakfast that morning, instead tugging a chair right up next to his bedside and postulating himself in the seat.
“You shouldn’t be here”, Nathan mustered the strength to spill words after accepting a glass of water that was brought to his lips.
Ben gave an unimpressed eyebrow, “It’s charming how you’re willing to sacrifice seeing my face for a while,” Nathan felt his chapped lips rip as he smiled at this, “however, I believe I am fine right where I am.”
There was a grab for Ben’s hand, “You’re going to get ill,” on queue almost, Enoch’s mattress creaked as he clenched his stomach and groaned across the room. His fingers felt like water through he knew Ben’s digits laced his own.
“Seeing your face is quite enough to get me a fever”, the world seemed to close in on this intimacy, “I don’t get sick, remember?”, his elbow came up to guard a cough and his voice sounded like gravel.
Nathan believed him and Ben shifted on his knees, kneeling before his bed. He forgot the rest. Perhaps it was the kiss in the secret confinement of their room that brought it all crumbling down.
Nathan awoke the next morning to a start, gathering his conscious and wiping dried sweat off of his own forehead with his hand, he perceived it as though it was carrying the enfolded against the knuckles. It all was off, his puffy eyes searched but discovered Ben was not there beside him. He peered farther to his right, over at Ben’s bed; sure enough, he was there, pale, flushed cheeks and a countenance of pure illness.
“Damon?”, he called.
Ben’s voice in reply could barely be heard over the late summer wind that was beating leaves against the window. “I… told you…”, Ben’s knees curled up to his chest, “I don’t get…”, his voice broke off and he shivered underneath the blanket.
This time, Nathan could not conjure up any piece of him to believe this.
It was a week before Nathan recovered, however, he did so before anyone else in his dorm room. He sat by Ben’s bedside, reading, and leaning over every once and while to wipe a cold cloth against his forehead or tug the blanket back up to his chin when it slipped from his body. He closed the book, Enoch’s complexion had returned but he had already turned in for the evening, snoring into his pillow. The blonde made his way back to his own bed, peering at Ben’s form, swallowing nervously and he blew out the candle.
Ben would only wake up intermittently, lifting himself before fastening his eyes again and they rolled back into his skull. His surface was clammy, burning to the touch and he whimpered in his slumber. Fear riveted through his chest, pulsating around his heart.
Enoch recovered a few days after he did and a couple days later, classes resumed on a Monday. The prayer bell rang every morning 4:30 and he rubbed his eyelids with exhaustion before dressing and heading down the stairs. He always ceased a minute at the doorway before Enoch placed a hand on his shoulder, hauling him away with pursed lips, clicking the door shut.
The local physician, Dr. Eneas Munson came and went, each time Nathan tipped Ben’s chin up as Munson slipped a spoonful of medicine onto his tongue. Without hesitation, each moment after the doctor exited the room, Nathan blundered between the sheets of Ben’s cot, wrapped his arm around his chest–never drifting off.
Two weeks flashed by, Nathan had gotten used to the terror that enveloped his nerves something he was unable to shake off. He couldn’t pay attention as he knew Ben lay in pain in his bed, he stared at the empty seat next to him with his chin rested on his wrist. Distracted he failed to answer the professor’s question, his arm was grabbed, ripped up from his desk and he heard Roger Alden not even endeavoring to mask his laughter from across the room. His cheeks flushed, he slammed himself back into his seat, glimpsing the desolate chair beside him. He respired, shoulders slumping–it was not at all the same.
Jack Wyllys poked at his food that night, tapping his spoon against the tabletop, “Ben hasn’t been in class for weeks”, their area of the table grew into reticence and Nathan cast his view down at his plate, setting his jaw.
In retort, Thomas Meade covered his mouth, chewing and then swallowing before piping in from beside Jack, “I heard he’s going to be sent home soon.”
“I heard they’ve confined him to Munson’s in fear he’ll catch to others.”
There seemed to be consensus of agreement and they all nodded, not returning to their business. Nathan tensed, narrowing his eyes, anger drumming in his skull, throbbing across his veins, he dug his nails into the palms of his hands, mouth beginning to taste like blood. From beside him, Enoch’s firm grip landed underneath the table onto his wrist, holding him down, don’t do it, those fingers seemed to be piercing into his skin.
Ezra Sampson shrugged his shoulders, not dismissing these notions, “Tallmadge is knocking on death’s door”, he shook his head tapping his fingers against the table absentmindedly.
“Enough!”, Nathan rose from the table, the bench screeching against the floor and all eyes turned to him. He threw his napkin at his food, leaping from where he was knowing if he did not leave, Ezra would bleed. Enoch didn’t attempt and stop him, but he heard his name being shouted across the mess hall. He couldn’t hear them over the blood thrumming in his eardrums. He slammed the door of their room behind him, skidding to the floor, holding back tears.
There recalled to be no sense of improvement even after nearly three weeks. Everything appeared to numb him except those moments when he stayed into the late hours reading to sleeping silhouette. Enoch dozed off, Nathan parted his eyes once again, eyeing his brother’s sleeping form and nibbling on his lip. A pale moon drifted in through the curtains, the still summer heat made his heart calm, beating without a sense of rhythm.
Ben was so pale. The moon made be seem almost ghostly, his lips no less a beautiful fuchsia in the consuming light. He perched on the edge of the bed and the springs creaked with ease. He didn’t even bother checking to see if Enoch had awoken from the sound. Ben’s brows creased and his bouche parted but no sound admitted from the space. He grasped the sheets in his fists and gulped, inclining and clearing the perspiration off of Ben’s forehead, sweeping strands of chestnut hair off that had shifted in front of his eyelids.
“Damon?”, he let the backside of his hand slide against his cheek and drop to his neck–scorching to the touch. His vision remained shut and it almost intimated as if he was wincing in his sleep as though withered from a nightmare. Sweat accumulating on his skin, Ben revolved onto his side and drew in a large, extending and sleepy breath. There was places in Nathan that seemed to wilt whenever he had to leave the sheets at dawn. They could barely fit together, half of his body hung off the cot.
His fatigued mind recessed on the pillow, wrapping an arm around his waist and tugging Ben closer to the V of his stomach, throwing his legs over his waist and their ankles knocked together. The palms of his hands seemed to find a home looped among his fingertips and Nathan wondered if this was the only thing he would ever get; what if he never woke up?
Every single night, even as the darkness swallowed the blackened world, he willed to tell him exactly how beautiful he seemed, tell him how, “I love you…”, it came out rather raspy and he almost regretted conveying those words even if he knew Ben couldn’t listen to them. He felt like just a speck of sunlight surrounded by an entire forest of green.
Tears brimmed his eyes and he did not bother to rid blink them back. He rustled until Ben’s head lay in the crook of his neck. “You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.” His lips quivered and his chest trembled inward. He couldn’t do it without him, he held him closer, burying his nose in his hair.
It was silent, until Ben stirred a moment, muttering incoherently, and squeezing Nathan’s hand. The blonde gave out a short, silent laugh, wiping the tears from his lashes and drinking in his scent. He nearly didn’t catch that way he weakly pressed his hand, and he shushed him, threading fingers through his hair, kissing his ear. Nathan fell asleep with a smile; Ben will be fine.
Nathan slipped from the bed that morning at the usual prayer bell, ascending and cracking his stiff neck, stepping away from the bed before Ben grabbed the back of his nightshirt. Nathan spun around, Ben was barely awake, struggling weakly to maintain a weary composure, “I can’t either.”
Nathan didn’t believe he heard that correctly, but the way Ben’s thumb pressed into the bed of his wrist illustrated it all. He exhaled, anxiety shifting out of his lungs. 
Nathan returned in the late afternoon, to which Ben sat up on his mattress with a smile, “Oh how I’ve missed you.”
Also posted on ao3 here. 
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Peter Maximoff x Reader
A/N: “You should be have dinner with Virginia Woolf with all this stream of consciousness.” -My Yr 12 Extension 2 English Teacher (on a section of my Major Work), 2016. Once again I seem to be in a bit of an experimental mode with my fics, so this is a little less dialogue heavy, but I hope it fulfils the prompt nevertheless 😊
Title: Why Pamper Life’s Complexities? (inspiration (x) ) Words:1300+ Tags: I’m having a minor crisis because I get distracted by cute boys at uni the same way I do with puppies, so it’s bled through. Rating: T Prompt: here (x) Masterpost (x) and Prompt List (x)
Why Pamper Life’s Complexities
Needless to say 1955 was a rather significant year for a twenty-two year old Erik Lensherr (unknowingly, who regretted his sudden leave later in life) and an eighteen year old Charles Xavier (knowingly, after several months, a frantic letter, and angry parents). Despite being on other sides of the world and in different dives, the story was always the same. Charming girl, copious amounts of alcohol, and either a lecture desk or a pool table. It was a fact that served to be a mutual basis of consternation for the two men in their long history of friendship.
The result of which resulted in two adorable miniature mutants with a lack of fine-motor skills and no sense of self-dependency until old enough to comprehend basics.
But Charles’ daughter faced a rather difficult situation, unlike her future best friend.
The ability to perceive human emotions and thoughts was not so different to that of human hearing. The frequencies of emotions and thoughts would travel, be received and an attempt to understand them was made; usually through manipulation. However, unlike hearing, there is no kind filter that attunes one’s mind to human voice and singular things- no, it cannot drown out a single thought and discard another. There is no simple harmony, no organisation, no cohesiveness.
So at the age eight she was shipped off to her father with a suitcase, a book of fairytales and the vain hopes that she may learn to sleep at night.
She stayed mostly to herself, though craving human interaction, it was exhausting. With a shrug she’d smile and leave a room of more than four, waving goodbye and finding another movie to watch at the cinemas or another book to borrow from her father’s library- or even the local library near to closing time when it was empty, when the remaining students minds’ had simple reduced to desperate and tired white noise. Characters, those of books, of movies and television- they were a delight for her. It was a rare moment where she could traverse the valley of human emotion and feel only one person’s thoughts at a time.
But music, music was perhaps the best.
The raw emotion, the gentle pain, the anger, the euphoria- all of it. It was simply exhilarating.
But as Peter placed in a Smiths tape with a manic grin spread across his face, and the opening bars of This Charming Man drifted towards her ears, two visions came startlingly clear into view, burning before your eyes and painfully constricting her brain.
The first was a hazy image of sandstorms and pyramids, flames and screams of agony as arrows pierced flesh and frenzied thoughts of trapped beings fought to escape. Then silence- death and the empty void before them.
The second was the familiar hand of a best friend intertwined with yours as it rested upon a swollen abdomen, the flickering heartbeat of life and thoughts coming into existence.
She wasn’t sure what scared her more:
The visions of life and death hanging by a web-like thread, ready to snap at whatever pressure the continuum of time and space would press upon it . Or the fact that at approximately 2:45 pm on May 1984, her father would wheel into what should have been his empty classroom only to find his only child rather enthusiastically making out with the only child of his best friend; against his prized antique teaching desk.
May, 1976
“Holy shit, Professor Xavier has a daughter? Like someone actually had sex with him?” Peter burst out in genuine shock, unable to believe what he was hearing.
“Look, I know he looks like he’s probably on crack at the moment, but in the fifties and sixties he was actually rather clean-cut and attractive to most people.” Hank McCoy answered with a little smirk as he wheeled the scowling Professor in question into a quiet section of the Mansion.
“We were hoping to have my daughter teach, she’s just been churning her way through correspondence courses from Universities around the world. Perhaps tutorials rather than full classes, and certainly older students with better mental guards. But it’s just that…” Charles began, reaching the handle of his daughter’s bedroom door, hesitating before knocking. “She’s just lonely, Peter. Very lonely. I thought you’d be of help,”
“Sure thing, Professor.” Peter awkwardly stood, staring at his scuffed sneakers against an immaculately polished floor.
“Pumpkin, can we come in?” Peter held back a snort at the endearment, but finding it in whole to be rather cute of the Professor.
“You very well know the answer to that, papa.” The door creaked open and a young woman pulled a cardigan tight around her form. “You’re trying to coax me out of my hermit cave,”
“Of course, Pumpkin,” Charles grinned brilliantly and Hank gently pushed the door open wider in order to wheel the Professor in. “You know why we’re here,”
“Do you think you can help?” Peter was taken aback a little by her direct address towards him, and in turn he awkwardly brushed his hair back, staring down at the floor a little before trying to meet her gaze.
“Well, um,” He wasn’t sure how to word his answer, of course he wanted to help, but, he wasn’t exactly the best person to do that, after all he was a hot mess who’d barely scraped through a teaching course in college.
“It’s Y/N,”
“Do you like David Bowie?” Peter fumbled for words, deciding upon that somehow insufficient statement.
“What sort of question is that?” She replied as if the answer were obvious, Peter prepared himself for the worst. “What sort of rebellious teenager would I fucking be if I didn’t?”
“We’re going to be best friends,” Peter laughed, sticking out a hand.
“I know, I’ve already seen it,” She took with a dazzling smile. “It’s going to be dreadfully fun.”
May 26, 1984, 2:46 PM
It wasn’t every day that your best friend managed to save not only yourself and your father, but help take down an evil megalomaniac hell-bent upon taking over the known universe in a genocidal rage.
And it wasn’t as if you weren’t ungrateful to Peter, no, it was just…
Perhaps it was your hormones going “In case you’ve forgotten in your self-imposed hermit phase, you have a sex drive and it would be highly convenient if you could get yourself spermed in the nearest broom closet. Or bedroom. Or empty classroom…”. You know, because you were trying to figure out if you only wanted to bang Pietro Django Maximoff because he was the only (attractive, clever, kind, funny) male you had frequent contact with that wasn’t a relative (or as good as a relative).
But the instance his leg had healed, he had pulled you into his arms, trying furiously not to laugh and failing as his face turned an interesting shade of red, and you had both danced (swayed, giggled, sighed) to whatever his Walkman was playing. It was hard to deny what you felt for the poor bastard, and the jumbled voices of equally-if not more hormonal teenagers simply did not help the current situation, drowning out familiar chords and lyrics.
That current situation being your father’s mouth absolutely hanging aghast at the sight before him. You weren’t sure if it was Peter or her tulle skirt hitched up far too high to be platonic. Not that the kissing was platonic God no.
No, your confused mind could sense the jumbled mess of not only Peter (who’s hair was a mess due to the cherry-red nails that ran through them) but your equally as confused (and amused?) father.
“Oh GOD!” Charles awkwardly began to wheel himself out of the emptied classroom. “For fucks sake! Could you both wait several months to give me grandchildren!”
“Sorry, sir,” Peter apologised, an awkward hand making it’s way though his hair, though the incredibly close proximity between the pair of you certainly wasn’t helping the situation.
‘You saw this before, didn’t you Pumpkin?’ Your father’s thoughts floated into your own perception, a hint of curious teasing lilting at the corner of his question.
‘I never went through a rebellious phase, papa, can you blame me?’
Peter’s eyebrows furrowed as Professor Xavier burst into laughter, his face falling into his hands.
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ciathyzareposts · 6 years
Crusaders of the Dark Savant: Gorror Show
So begins a mostly-optional but fun dungeon level.
              I spent 14 hours late this week trying to win Crusaders, and I made it to the threshold, but I can’t quite cross it. Unfortunately, I waited a bit too long to blog about this experience, and looking at my notes and screenshots, I find it impossible to discuss what I accomplished in any kind of linear order. The endgame requires so much backtracking that I came to memorize entire dungeon levels. It also required three separate violations of my “no cheats” rule, although they’re not technically “violations” if I’m completely stuck and can’t progress otherwise. They still feel like violations.
Getting into the dungeon on the Isle of Crypts required the “Majestik Wand” that I found last session.
          In broad terms, there’s only one dungeon left after the experiences I related last time. It was on the Isle of Crypts, and it consisted of four major sections:
1. The introductory level full of undead, 22 x 22.
2. The “Hall of Gorrors,” 16 x 16.
3. Eight small 8 x 8 levels with a bunch of teleporters connecting them
4. The level with the Tomb of the Astral Dominae, 16 x 22.
I had to leave the entire dungeon–and once I got to the third section, that involved a lot of backtracking–at least half a dozen times to pick up some new item or clue or experience. I think even if you played more optimally than I did, you’d still have to backtrack out of the dungeon a minimum of twice, because there are things you can’t do on the surface until you find the right clues or items in the dungeon.
The first level was large and full of undead, fairly easy to map. It has some annoying squares where every time you enter, you set off a trap that damages, blinds, or “vegetates” your characters, and there doesn’t seem to be any way to avoid or disarm them. I don’t know; there’s a golden urn at one point, and it might be possible to disarm the traps by putting some powder in the urn the way it supposedly is in the Dane Tower, but I never found any of that powder.               
This message accompanied a lot of the unavoidable-damage squares. I never figured out what it was about.
          As I began to explore, some ghost kept appearing and shrieked things like, “IIII WWWWANT MMMY BMOCYENOBBB!!!” Having been programmed now–largely by the Wizardry series–to automatically check everything backwards, I immediately interpreted this as something like “bony comb.” I’d been carrying around a “bone comb and brushes” since Orkogre Castle, so when I finally found the corpse of an old Gorn queen and used the object on it, the specter went away. That might be the longest amount of gameplay between finding a quest object and using it that I’ve experienced.            
Most of the ruins in this game used to belong to the Gorn, it seems.
        There were some locked doors on the level that opened only with “Keys of the Tomb” or “Keys of the Crypt,” both of which appeared in random loot on the level. The rooms behind these doors had some treasure chests with decent objects. There were actually quite a few treasure chests throughout this session, and while I didn’t record in detail what I found and kept at each location, by the end of the session most of my characters were wielding different items. My Valkyrie got a Valkyrie-only weapon called “Maenad’s Lance.” I found a decent mace called “Diamond Eyes,” but the only character who could use it effectively was my lord, so I ended up transferring the “Sword of 4 Winds” to my ninja, who oddly never found a high-level ninja-specific weapon. I found an entire suit of Samurai-specific armor on one corpse, and I hated to discard it all, but at this point I didn’t want to do any more class changes.           
It would have made more sense if his name were * M I L D  I N C O N V E N I E N C E *.
               There were combats with demons and dragons among all the undead, and the level culminated with a battle with a black dragon called * D O O M *. Despite this being a spaces-and-asterisks boss, he wasn’t that difficult, or at least I didn’t take any detailed notes that suggested the combat was difficult. I think I might have gotten lucky with a critical hit (against which most boss-level enemies seem immune) in an early round.
The next level is the one worth talking about. It was small and easy to interpret, consisting of six 2 x 6 rooms, each behind a locked gate, each featuring a different unique enemy, each with a treasure chest behind him. Each gate opened with a “Key of Gorrors,” of which I only had two when I first entered the dungeon, but later discovered more after random combats. Some of the gates required swimming for up to 7 squares, so you arrive at those exhausted and have to spend some time sleeping before the battle.            
“And a thousand eyes, can’t help but see . . .”
          The enemies, all of which were optional, ranged from the trivially easy to the impossible. In rough order:
Ra-Sep-Re-Tep. This was the undead skeleton in the starter dungeon. I don’t know how he’s in two different places, but he doesn’t seem to have advanced very much in between. I killed him almost immediately. It was frankly embarrassing.
D’Arboleth. A ghost enemy. He died in maybe 8 rounds of physical attacks (meaning he had maybe 1,000-1,200 hit points), with none of his attempts at “Death” working.
         D’Arboleth’s demon ally was more difficult than he was.
        Horragoth. A demon who attacks with some lesser demons or sphinx-type enemies in tow. Both he and his comrades are fond of mass-damage spells, and Horragoth himself often casts “Death Wish” and “Word of Death.” When these spells work, they’re obviously devastating to the party, but I find–especially with “Magic Screen” active–that they hardly ever work. To beat him, I just had to keep up on healing while whittling down his hit points.
           “Do you know what you just interrupted?!,” Horragoth screamed.
         Thing from Hell. This is a bug beast with more than 5,000 hit points. It frequently casts “Mind Flay,” which can drive a character insane, and a physical attack that causes high-level poison. (Insane characters behave erratically, usually ignoring your assigned action and sometimes attacking other party members.) This was the first Gorror that I encountered as I mapped, and I gave up after a few tries. Much later, when more of my characters were capable of casting “Sane Mind” and had higher levels in “Mind Control” (see below), I tried again and was able to beat it.
           Bix goes insane.
        Beast of a Thousand Eyes. I haven’t been able to defeat either of the last two enemies, but at least I can survive a couple rounds with the Beast. By icon, the Beast is in the “flying jellyfish” family. He has these tentacles that don’t do much damage (although they can poison), and every time I tried to fight him, he’d use those tentacles for a few rounds while my melee characters pounded him for hundreds of hit points. But then, inevitably, he’d cast “Dazzling Lights” and it would be all over. “Dazzling Lights,” according to the manual, is a spell that does random effects to enemies, including insanity, nausea, blinding, stoning, and death. His, for whatever reason, seem to favor the “death” option. I tried to keep up with resurrections and other healing spells, but in about 15 tries, he always wiped out my party by the 12th round.
          Ironically, he doesn’t appear to have any eyes.
        Fiend of 9 Worlds. In contrast to the Beast, I couldn’t even last three rounds against this Rattkin enemy before all hope died. He has a Vorpal Blade that causes 99 hit points every time it strikes, almost never misses, and leaves a character poisoned even if he survives. He also shoots mystic arrows that seem to have a lot of luck with critical hits.
               It annoys me that an enemy this powerful is a Rattkin.
          Once I understood the “shtick” of the level, and perceived that the combats were optional, I didn’t mind the difficulty so much. It actually improved my approach to the game’s combats in general, which is a funny thing to say this late in the game. There are so many spells that even with the number of combats you face in the game, I’ve tended to rely on the same handful for most of them. (It should go without saying that with any difficult combat in this game, I started, or at least re-started, with “Enchanted Blade,” “Magic Screen,” and “Armorplate” blazing.) Trying to defeat the Gorrors, I experimented a bit more with different spells and combat options and found a few combinations that could have served me better.            
Having just woken up from a nap, the party regrets not having its protection spells turned on right now.
           Among my discoveries are the utility of “Create Life,” which creates an (invisible) ally to fight along side you. Not only is this ally capable of doing some significant damage, but he must stand off to the side somewhere because the enemy is capable of either attacking the party or the ally. If he casts a spell at the ally, even a mass-damage spell, it never affects the party. Those rounds where the summoned ally absorbs the enemy’s attention are very rewarding.
The spell “Armormelt” seems to do a good job of softening enemies for melee combat, and I’ve found that “Anti-Magic” causes their spells to “fizzle” a satisfying number of times. “Superman” does a good job bolstering allies. However, the problem that I have with these spells–and perhaps the reason that I avoided using them for so long–is that the manual is coy about how long they last. There’s no indicator on screen to show that you have any of the buffing spells activated, so you just have to trust that when you cast the spell, it’s doing something. I’m not big on that kind of trust.
A lot of commenters have extolled the virtues of building up the “Ninjutsu” skill and hiding in the first combat round. My characters do all have this skill–a side effect of my cycling them through ninja or samurai classes, if only for one level, to give them “Kirijutsu,” which governs critical hits. When it works, all the characters drop into shadows and then come out screaming the next round with backstabs and such, doubling or tripling the melee damage they can cause. You can also elect to stay hidden for multiple rounds and let your summoned allies do the work. There are even some mass damage spells that don’t break your cover, although I haven’t experimented long enough to get these.
Anyway, my problem with the strategy is that it really only works if all of the characters manage to hide. I didn’t spend enough points on “Ninjutsu” for some of the characters and they usually don’t make it. When that happens, the un-hidden characters draw all of the enemy’s attention and don’t prevent the enemy from casting mass-damage spells that hit everyone. Also, even characters with 50+ points in “Ninjutsu” don’t seem capable of hiding from high-level enemies like the Beast with the Thousand Eyes.
What strikes me is how, this late in the game, it’s generally physical attacks that save the day. This separates Crusaders from a lot of games in its genre where fighters become useless around mid-game, and spellcasters end up doing all the heavy lifting (Phantasie and The Bard’s Tale series are two where this is is particularly true). Here, it’s the spellcasters who become somewhat weak, with high-level enemies (infuriatingly) shrugging off even the highest-level spells cast with the highest number of dice. I find that at this stage, the best my spellcasters can do is keep the melee characters alive and healthy long enough to do their jobs. In a lot of rounds, I have my mage, bishop, and alchemist join the front three characters in physical attacks.
The only thing I had to accomplish on the Hall of Gorrors level, it turns out, was to find something called the Jewel of the Sun behind a hidden door and corridor. After that, it was on to the next section. But to get there, I had to get the first of my three hints.              
This pillar is going to be important later, too.
            To get out of the Hall of Gorrors, you have to open a gate with something called the Key of Skulls. The Key of Skulls, in turn, is hidden within a pillar called the “Gaelin Stone.” The pillar has four faces, and at each face, the party can read a message that talks about two of the game’s maps. It turns out that to get the key, you have to physically “use” the LEGEND map and hold it up against the western-facing edge of the pillar, which discusses the DRAGON and STAR maps. This is what it says:           
*DRAGON* A Dragon, a Chest, and a Key…
*STAR* A Stone Tablet, Three Statues, and a Five-Pointed Star…
              This is what the LEGEND map says:
Whatever was written upon the map has long ago faded. Now it is but a blank piece of parchment, dotted with several scattered holes. Around the edge of one hole near the center, you can just barely discern the faint remnants of a ring of reddish dye.
                When you use the LEGEND map at the pillar, it says this:       
You hold the Gaelin Legend over the face of the Runed Tablet, and see that the holes in the parchment conform perfectly with the knobs of stone protruding from the pillar. The hole near the center of the Legend is positioned directly over the eye of the Dragon, and by inserting your finger, you discover that it is actually a well-concealed button. Pushing the button, a secret compartment opens up in the tablet, revealing a black key in the shape of a skull.
      Even knowing the solution, I don’t understand how I was supposed to figure it out from the available evidence. The word “Gaelin” is only attached to the LEGEND map, as far as I can tell, in this one paragraph. Nowhere else in the game do you “use” the maps like this. What am I missing?
In any event, the gate led to the next section of the dungeon, where I spent most of this session’s time but have the least to say. It was eight levels of 8 x 8 squares with no stairs between them, only teleporters. There are 54 teleportation destinations within the area, but some of the destinations have more than one teleporter, with the result being that about 25% of the squares are either teleportation or destination squares. Some of the levels have dark areas that you have to “feel” your way through, and one has a water area. There were a few locked gates where I had to find treasure chests with keys before I could open them.          
Dark squares, a staple of other tile-based blobbers, really haven’t been a part of Crusaders so far. This was briefly disorienting.
        Naturally, it took a long time to map the entire thing, but this is the kind of challenge that I enjoy. I don’t know why I enjoy it. There isn’t much creativity involved in mapping an area like this, just a lot of trial and error. I enjoy it anyway. I stayed up all night one night finishing the map.           
The eight dungeon levels with all of the teleporter origins and destinations.
         There were multiple battles with undead, demons, dragons, and other high-level enemies, and while I had a fair number of reloads during the process, the battles weren’t overly hard. Each one delivered an average of maybe 20,000 experience points. My characters require 600,000 experience points between levels these days, so about 30 battles per level, but I have six characters, so roughly every five battles or so, someone leveled up.
Aside from a few weapon and armor upgrades, the key item to find among the eight levels was the STAR map. The STAR map turns out to be the solution to one of the “statue” puzzles back in the City of Sky, and you need something from that area to get through the Tomb of the Astral Dominae, so this represents one of the mandatory backtrackings from this dungeon. At the time that I found it, however, I didn’t even begin to guess that was it’s purpose. It wasn’t until I was looking up a later hint that I saw an unwanted (although it turns out, equally necessary) hint about the STAR map.             
If someone else had gotten to this first, I might have rage-quit.
          The hint I needed came from one of the dungeon levels, where to progress I needed to press eight buttons–Egg, Moon, Cross, Tower, Dragon, Skull, Sun, and Star–in a particular order. Looking through my existing maps gave me no ideas. Looking for a hint, I discovered that the answer was to be found on the CRYSTAL map, the only map that I hadn’t retrieved so far. The last clue I’d received about it said that the Rattkin had it.            
This area had four rooms of two buttons each.
          It was clear that both to find the CRYSTAL map and make use of the STAR map, I’d need to leave the dungeon, so I backtracked my way out the doors and back to my boat. I returned to New City to use its fountain and sell some excess equipment and ponder my next move. I briefly considered looking at a more explicit hint about the CRYSTAL map, but ultimately sighed, sucked it up, and took the long forest path back to Rattkin territory.
No one ended up having the damned map–I killed every NPC to check and reloaded when they didn’t have it–but it was an interesting side trip regardless. You may recall that the last time I visited the Rattkin, I had given some information to Barlone’ of the Rakuza that would allow him to intercept a T’Rang starship and perhaps use it to expand his influence off-world. Well, it must have worked, because on my return he told me that the Rattkin would be clearing out of the area. He offered to let me ransack his treasure room for 40,000 gold pieces, which I gratefully paid because I have plenty of excess gold. The treasure room turned out not to contain much of anything I needed.
           I’m glad you’re moving up in the universe.
         I suspect the map is in the hands of Ratsputin, who I haven’t seen for a couple dozen hours. Meanwhile, any “lore” about the map has completely disappeared. Every time I talk to a wandering NPC, the tell me about every other map, including all the ones I have, but CRYSTAL has never come up again. Of course, the NPCs themselves have been few and far between now that I actually need them.
After several hours of aimless wandering, I did what I’d been trying to avoid and looked up the text of the Crystal Map, which told me how to get through the area and up to the final section of the dungeon, holding the Tomb of the Astral Dominae. I was utterly unprepared for the difficulty of the enemies on that level, least of all (what I assume is) the final battle, and I ended up leaving the dungeon again for some grinding and other character development time. But this post is already pretty long, so I’ll save my further adventures for next time. As I write this, I’m preparing to take on the final battle again.
Some random notes:
The City of Skies, which I talked about last time, has this museum where there are several powerful-sounding artifacts including a “Mercurian Light Sword” and a “Cobaltine Power Glove.” Each item is behind a force field and can only be unlocked with a “Key of Light,” of which it appears only one exists. When I first visited the city, I found the key after visiting the museum, and owing to the difficulty navigating the area and its invisible walls, figured I’d decide on the artifact later. Then I forgot to go back. I also forgot to go back when I visited the city the second time to use the STAR map. Those items probably would have made a difference. Maybe I’ll go back if I still can’t beat the final battle.
Many of the chests in the Isle of Crypts dungeon were impossible to disarm even with a character with a “Skullduggery” skill at 100. That seems a bit unfair.
In my opinion, the graphics and animations for the various demon creatures are the best in the game.
            These guys are reasonably intimidating.
              It seems like almost every weapon and piece of armor I found was useable only by a fighter, Valkyrie, lord, or samurai. I never found any really good stuff for my bishop, alchemist, or mage.
At one point, I thought I had discovered some good stuff. One chest gave me a number of items “of Doom,” including a staff, and both upper and lower pieces to a robe. The items were cursed, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing in this game; it just means you can’t unequip them without casting “Remove Curse.” The armor class on the robes was insanely low, and they also had a high magic protection rating. I was so enamored of them that I didn’t realize until much later that they sap hit points from whoever is holding them. It’s slow, but fast enough that the character will die during 8 hours of resting. I reluctantly gave them up.
My characters all have at least 18 in everything now. Some of them are up to 19 or 20 because of ankhs that you can “invoke” for a one-point attribute gain. The nice thing is that even with the toughest enemies, my characters almost always act first. 
It’s been a long time since I cast something at anything but the highest level. I wish the game would just default to the highest level.
And I wish there was a higher-level healing spell. Most of my characters have enough spell points for 8 to 10 castings of “Heal Wounds,” and it takes that many to fully restore a character’s health. That’s like trying to heal a Dungeons and Dragons character with nothing but “Cure Light Wounds” when he’s Level 20. It would be nice if the game had offered a “Heal Wounds a Lot” spell to cut down on some of the time.
Here’s a process I’m getting sick of: Entering the temple in New City. Acknowledging a message about the statue of Phoonzang. Acknowledging the screen with the name of the temple. Acknowledging a descriptive message about the temple. Acknowledging the introductory screen of Father Rulae. Telling Father Rulae that we want GUIDANCE. Talking to Father Rulae. Reminding Father Rulae that we know the SACRAMENT. Acknowledging his reaction. Saying BYE to Father Rulae. Acknowledging his farewell message. Telling father Rulae to LEAVE. Acknowledging his farewell message again. Then finally being able to walk down the corridor behind him to the healing fountain. It would be nice if the corridor had just stayed open permanently after the first time I told Rulae about the SACRAMENT.
            The characters have gotten creative during this process.
         Sorry for all the posts in a row on Crusaders, but this isn’t a game that rewards taking time off, and my two other active games are too difficult to offer any kind of reprieve from this one. Let’s keep pushing on through.
Time so far: 104 hours
source http://reposts.ciathyza.com/crusaders-of-the-dark-savant-gorror-show/
0 notes
ghcstbuster-blog · 6 years
A Better World Is Possible
PunkerslutA Better creation Is PossiblePolitics Articles | June 29, 2005It respects reality as the remaining enemy and as the source of all suffering, with which it is impossible to live, so that one must gap off all relations with it if one is to be in several way happy. The ascetic turns his back on the star and will have no truck with it. But one can do other than that; one can try to recreate the world, to build up in its stead something else world in which individual most unbearable features are eliminated and replaced by others that are in conformity with one's mine wishes.-- pigment Freud "Civilization and owned Discontents," by Sigmund Freud, chapter 2If a procreation that harbor love and affectionately admire honesty were to create two gods, they would be gloom and optimism. The first gave them the vision and vision to recognize what is wrong, beyond holding faithful to bias and bigotry. The twin gave them the vigor and ability to discover a better world, smooth if it started and ended with one restored soul. dramaturgic bible of this generation, the religious text and scripture which they would refer to in their daily lives, would repose of conference between these two gods. Pessimism regularly seemed to represent apathy, a sensitivity of apathy accompanied by lost dreams. But, later again, it was the agitator, the creator, the mover. Optimism would consistently seem to represent exercise and growth, a feel of activity and a desire to do thing about it, as great as egestas and pleasure. This propagation of admirer and thinkers would adoration these divinity through thing of kindness, mercy, and love. breathtaking names they would grant their children would have hidden meanings, like "romantic poet," or "moment of orgasm."If a good customer were to try to live raise to the expectation of change and growth with the daring honesty to look forward, he mould be a cynic as much as an optimist. His sacred scripture would simply be: "A superior World Is Possible."When we look consequent to our owned society, probe its process and endemic manners, we discover a great accord that we wish to change. individually see crime, we recognize poverty, we see remedy addictions, murder, war, calm abuse, adolescent abuse, rape, theft, brutality, and exploitation of every power. the particular of the humane process have regularly believed that it was the friendliness of guy that brought them in sync for consensus and strength. Today, we stand on the remains of present-day life. appeal may have been the social knack which acquire brought U.S. together and has set up our families, our towns, our cities, and our nations, but there is so enough more to it thaw that. downtown have become the swarm of indecency and misery, the perfect strangers to loneliness. Our modern poets and romantics stand back this marvel of life, and are speechless.When we think of pain and suffering, what do you think it is that is the most prophetic source of suffering? There is no doubt that it is from a bit relationship within society, or at least within human civilization. as it may be it is the partisan social exchange between guy and women, resulting in sexism and domestic abuse? Perhaps it is the unjust accord that live between nations, resulting in economic embargos and wars? Maybe it is the relationship in citizens, engage crime and theft, or the accord between management and employee, resulting in poverty and misery? whatsoever it is that is the terrible cause of suffering in the world, there are some stuff that must be considered. First, we are analyzing the marriage that exist between all other to discover the roots of this suffering. It is an constitutional problem. It is not a inquiry of natural disasters and the frenzy that quality has worked on mankind. No, it is a question of the form that we act amid ourselves, the customs we forge anad the statute we make. Second, as Freethinkers and those fairly concerned with justice, meanwhile we evaluate these communication in society, we do so with the decided of set up a more free and more just system.The needed difference instant between an Anarchist and a Liberal is this: the Liberal wants to repair the damage ended by the system, the Anarchist requirement to overhaul the system. The antecedent looks to poverty and creates welfare, completely take off the material system untouched. The last wants to completely abolish any monetary system that will top to homelessness, poverty, or misery.It was not uncommon or occasional in our past for these communal relationships to change, convert altered, or become ultimately abolished. enthrallment was formerly tradition that men goody women comparable property, that wars amid nations were glorious events, that lack was od's naturally reward condition for a convinced class of people, that crime was simply double nature to each human, and so indefeatable. complete of this was conclude by the people, they took it in as unquestionable truths. Well, it was the liberating experience of either honest individual, to comprehend that whole conscious structure simply wish to be free. against such a humble start, the advance of benevolent thought receive come a long way. Citizens have collectively allocated women's rights, worker's rights, children's rights, citizen's rights, etc., etc., protecting the freedom, security, and contentment of the particular who have been exploited for so long.Do you think the happiness of the ordinary person, from these primordial times to our prevailing situation, include increased? I imagine that few would disagree with me. appeal was by altering and changing these relationships amid the disparate groups that a better, more quiet terms of living came about. So, when we decide to examine the social morals and accord of our own era, and unearth such huge amounts of suffering, the only reasonable response to these situations is this: we must reorganize society, change the relationships, improvement fmovies revolutionize) the rule itself, back we will stop perceiving the hardship that it causes. What we would be action would be a radical activity, in that we would be altering our own earth to earn our owned ends, in the maximum radical form possible. It would also be the tradition of spirited autonomy to oust oppressors and cast absent any continuity or servitude they have given to the innocent.Our questions requisite be twofold. 1) What are the relationships that are create so much stress, misery, pain, and suffering on others? 2) What jar we complete to shift them?Crime. What causes it? Any skilled person will give the same answer: the hunger or commitment of appreciable objects. granted that the salary offered by employers execute not placate the use of the workers, that is to say, the people who have no property, formerly criminal exercise becomes the result. Psychologists and psychiatrists might essay to segregate criminal behavior, trying to put frontier and boundary through it so that they vessel understand it. The one thing that they end not explain about unlawful behavior is that it is not unique, that it is not special, that it is perhaps the better natural part of bodily life. granted that a mother bear is interested in obtaining meat for endemic young, accomplish it constantly consider the fact that it is violating intrusion laws in doing so, or end it constantly consider the opinion of other bears? Maybe isolated insomuch as it involvement her and her cub's welfare, but beyond that, not at all. The creature is simply committing an performance that is required for life. So, too, is the individual who execute crime to survive, although no legitimate means of income will suffice.The shrink might be right that the sage changes somewhat with illegitimate behavior. New instincts, behaviors, reflexes, and understandings are required in group behavior. All of the shoplifters that I know, including myself, have developed crowd senses -- we flourish a subconscious that analyzes and understands where anybody in the room is and position they are looking. aforementioned allows us the facility of perceiving if we are life watched, an invaluable dexterity for Land of Liberty lifters.Without poverty, there is no crime. Crime is caused individual by the poor setting in which human subsistence live, and their drastic attempts to escape those conditions. through least, this can be considered normal with all those conditions in which property felony is involved. We requirement to flourish a system, an regulation of society, in which crime is completely eliminated. That is our objective. What fashion would we mend or forge the current arrangement so as to exhaustive our objective? Well, although we stare at these who have been exact with the miserable career of criminal, what fly in specific are we examining? comic working class. Their marriage that brings them to poverty and eventually felony is the their marriage with the Capitalist class, or the employer class.The only form to heal this relationship, between the haves and the have nots, is to produce it so the consequence of it is also wealth in the pockets of the have nots. This put up be down with a policy so limited and conservative as minimum wage, minimum running hours, safe working conditions, lowering the work freedom per week, etc., etc.. All of these laws, if they were be implemented into a government's laws, should be stationed on the collective's perceptive that the working son must be protected -- not from other engaged men, but from these whom they work for. With the above-mentioned limited policies, the management class would be notice much alike the government: a unavoidable evil, after which we would have tranquility and peace, at least for a limited while.In a more uneasy effort, we might oust the firm class entirely, dissolve it into the working body of citizens. It get been spoken that to establish Democracy, every resident must be treated cognate a king. If we apply the same analysis to economics, in an effort to eliminate the poverty that comes from Free Trade, then whole citizen prerequisite be treated like a Capitalist. Using this system, the entire conflict that would arrise in a Capitalist rule -- with workers fighting for contemporary wages and the employer class boxing for worsened sweat market conditions -- this sound conflict would be removed, and article called totalitarianism or Leninism would revenue effect. The relationship that causes poverty, misery, and so scads abuse of the humor is the relationship that exists halfway those outwardly property, who must move their labor to survive, and the particular with property, who handle the commonalty to production for them. To dispose of this relationship, thus knock out the conflict, we are establishing a better world. Among the most influential revolutions, Maoism and socialism are of the best degree for any revolutionary.When we try to assume of the relationships in society that allow for a tremendous deal of unnecessary torture and misery, we influence to feel about the relationships that exist amid us and those that we tenderness and encumbrance about. In literature of every science and each one era, we find that adultery enjoy been at the cause of heartache for so many lovers. It has been the inspiration to a volumes of sad poetry. attractiveness has move the origin of so much conflict, so great fighting, so much fighting and violence. I introduce that a bit cultures were intelligent and thoughtful suitable to sidestep such stupid brutality and misery. However, as we see it in our modern world, it is quite straightforward to watch that the relationship that exists among lovers is one of great shame and pain. We are attracted to it by the logic of happiness, pleasure, a feeling of connection and mutual understanding. The influence of affectionate relationships are the duplicate in any culture: they come from the better natural fascination to mood love, as though the universe put up end and all a lover could do would be to welcome it.Yet, we look so abundant abuse hit from this relationship that exists halfway lovers. climactic time for a modern moral code is necessary. The generation has consistently been ripe. I offer that sweetheart learn to love other openly, that their communication are not confined to one somebody only -- what in fact has been the cause of all the particular problems. granted that sexual activity with new partners was accepted in our present-day society, later the question of the lonely and disheartened girlfriend disappears. although we learn to take that partition sexuality with others is a conclusive aspect of life, in that it creates affection, something beautiful, and a connection -- when we learn to accept this, then so much misery, pain, and depression would be clean out. But, the question of the matter is in growing ourselves, in learning to accept that you cannot tell one what to do with their bodies, even in a relationship. I'm not evading a double standard. Men should be as promiscuous as they like, as should any woman. It be permitted be troublesome and lengthy for woman to buried these group prejudices. our own selves wince whole time the thought of a obliterated lover materialize to mind, and we are reminded of the pain that comes from a deceased passion. our own selves do not forget the misery that we have suffered, that others have, that surplus still will, and it is our intention as revolutionaries to uphold our scripture: a better universe is possible.There are so many origins of sickness and so many other great standardize and alterations that could happen in our state-of-the-art society to abolish the sources of misery. affecting animals of the universe are murder for the taste of their molder carcasses. premier and oppressor switch community constantly as I bonanza more and more crowd confused at the political situation. Books are illegal at the same time courts decree guilt by association is "reason to convict." father and mate are launched in dungeon when they make the personal decision to make drunk themselves, and gain a gentle enjoyment via unreal means. slave slave aside at work, hours of their growth taken aside with imagination crumbling and sinking.I wish to detonate when I see the walls of chain facility stores and rip afar the humdrum of a "brick back brick" architecture. In my dreams, I am expansive enormous pot of paint to compose child-like paintings of fog on the side of every Walmart. I requirement to community a paper-mache rose on the tread of whole girl who feels alone, give a confident discussion to every boy who feels alone. I hankering to yelp for each one rape. I want to die for every resurfaced memory. I want people to pain less about death, and think also about their life as a unique and cute experience. I want people to accent less about life, and concentrate on the share of brisk that grant a pain of ease. Everywhere that I turn, every cry of the strangers I talk to, they are based on so copious petty things. I hankering swing my arms and lose perceptive of my consciousness, and... let go... I hankering to license go... moreover maybe bargain a insufficient peace, a little understanding, a little "the beautiful part of life is that community can be called the collective practice of without exception living and breathing creature," maybe in the bossom of intoxication.www.punkerslut.comFor Life,Punkerslut substance Tags: exceptional World, Relationship Between, Exists Between, vicious Behavior, Employer Class Punkerslut (or undy Carloff) get been hand essays and poetry on social affair which have caught his attention for several years. His website www.punkerslut.com contribute a entire list of all of these writings. His activity experience add homelessness, squating in modern Orleans and LA, leak out of high school, getting ejaculate from organization for "subversive activities," and a infinite of auxiliary revolutionary actions.
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techbarcelona · 6 years
Stories from the principal iPhone line Wherein I find new things about cell phones, life, and The Goonies.
I'm slouched underneath a revolting orange canopy that highlights the blue Death Star logo, getting what shade I can out of the thing as it folds flaccidly in a breeze hot and soggy as puppy's breath. In the face of my good faith is the cool glass of a store window, on which you can in any case observe the blurring diagram of as of late evacuated "CINGULAR STORE" vinyl flags. It's not exactly 90 degrees Fahrenheit—that is around 32 degrees Celsius for you Celsius fans—yet the 90 percent stickiness ransacks the shade of the greater part of its solace. The world is a gradually heating convection broiler, and the glass I'm inclining toward is the main decent thing in it.
A neighborly woman from the beautifying agents store nearby is making the rounds again with jugs of water from a wicker crate, alongside coupons for mascara. Her mascara looks strong notwithstanding the dribbling mugginess, so I take a coupon.
Yet, it doesn't make a difference. None of the inconvenience matters, not over the long haul, since when this is finished—in three more hours—my life will be unique. In three more hours, I'll have an iPhone.
Beggaring conviction
Goodness, I'm not one of those morons who tunes in slack-jawed awe to Steve Jobs' announcements; I don't possess a Mac (not yet, at any rate—I don't have any acquaintance with it now, yet in five months I'd jettison my maturing Windows PC for a glossy new aluminum iMac). I don't become tied up with the guarantees of the Jesus Phone that will spare the world and introduce another period of comprehension and companionship—the beret-wearing Apple extremists can keep their affection globules and their single-catch mice. I don't think the gadget I'm a couple of hours from purchasing will improve me a man. Nor will it transform me into a lesbian. It's only a telephone, and I perceive that.
Furthermore, obviously, there's giving a colossal center finger to the cell bearers. A telephone with no poop on it? In my moist pocket at this correct minute is a Moto RAZR (same as Woz, clearly). This RAZR booms a tinny Cingular tune on startup and demonstrates a vivified Cingular flag on the two its screens; it has a mammoth "CINGULAR" logo stamped into the back of it. More than whatever else, I savor the possibility of a telephone free of bearer poo.
Three hours to go before I see with my own eyes.
A companion without a doubt
At half past eleven that morning I'd showered, slathered on sunscreen, dressed, and left for the nearest AT&T store—which is only a couple of hundred feet from the retail space that used to be our neighborly nearby Babbage's. Sitting tight in line for this telephone implied burning through six more hours near a place where I'd officially spent incalculable hours in my developmental years. All in all, it didn't appear an absurd time speculation for such a cool bit of innovation.
Despite the fact that by 2007 I was at that point a prepared sysadmin and innovation veteran, this was the first occasion when I'd felt emphatically enough about a retail buy to hold up in line. I had a book and I was prepared for six hours of tedium. I didn't have a cell phone to take a break. Basically nobody excepted, corporate composes with Blackberries and furious neckbeards with Treos, and neither of those classes of people would be gotten dead purchasing an iPhone. Not yet, in any event—it took a couple of years for the iPhone to swallow those socioeconomics.
Be that as it may, at that point I got an unexpected call from my amigo Jason, a beloved companion and previous Babbage's associate. He was exhausted and had the day away from work and needed to recognize what I was doing. I disclosed to him I was copying the majority of the day in line to get an iPhone. In the wake of contemplating for a minute, he volunteered to come hold up with me.
"Are you going to get one, as well?" I inquired.
"Nah," he answered coolly. "It looks imbecilic and Apple sucks. Be that as it may, I'll come hang out so you don't need to remain there alone throughout the day like a douche bag. Or on the other hand like to a greater extent a good for nothing, I presume."
Lesson took in: the closest companions are the individuals who will hold up with you in an item dispatch line for something they don't think about.
Time flies never to be reviewed
Jason and I landed at the AT&T store at twelve and moved toward becoming people number two and three in line for iPhones. The main space was held by a kindred about my age who seemed, by all accounts, to be sleeping; he opened his eyes, gestured at us as we moseyed down onto the warm concrete, and after that shut them once more. Throughout the following couple of hours, more individuals bit by bit appeared; by 3 o'clock toward the evening, the line of would-be iPhone proprietors has developed to around 60 individuals and extends to the finish of the mall. The last couple of people are wrapped around the side of the building and are sitting in full sun, however they had grass seats and umbrellas.
My shirt is streaked with salt from sweat, and my hair and eyes are grimed with it. I contemplate, for the hundredth time, pressing it in and going over the road to the Apple Store in Baybrook Mall—regardless of whether I was route back in line, I'd be inside. In any case, that conveys us to the reason I was at the AT&T store in any case: my significant other and I shared a corporate markdown mobile phone design. More awful, it was an inheritance "orange" Cingular design and not another "blue" AT&T design. I would not like to surrender it, thus I'd assumed that the best activity is get my telephone specifically from the AT&T store and let the AT&T individuals exchange the arrangement over, instead of attempting to disclose the circumstance to Apple Store workers who may be absolutely insensible about the caprices of heritage corporate markdown shared plans.
"Do you ever think about whether Starfleet has a Human Resources division?" asks Jason all of a sudden into the sweat-soaked quiet of the holding up line.
"Perhaps," I answer, gradually dragging my look over the swarmed solid region of I-45 out there. Through shining warmth dimness, a million autos slither over the road in an endless automobile overload. "It sort of appears like Counselor Troi is fundamentally the Enterprise's HR division."
"I can't generally observe her conveying a broad class on inappropriate behavior or anything," Jason keeps, biting on a nail. "On the other hand, perhaps I can. It'd be called, similar to, Space: The Ultimate Hostile Work Environment."
The main individual in line, who'd been noiseless for quite a long time, all of a sudden turns his head. "All things considered, review that in Measure of a Man, we discover that Starfleet keeps up division level JAG workplaces on different starbases," he says in delicate, profound, exceptionally exact Received Pronunciation. "Maybe they have a HR corps too."
Jason and I both gaze at him and after that begin gesturing gradually, tolerating this data. It is a point well-made, and I'll accept basically anything if it's originating from somebody who sounds like Richard Burton making out with Stephen Fry.
The following hour goes peacefully. We get another round of water from the make-up woman's wicker bin.
This glossy new bit of unit I intend to purchase costs sincerely, as Microsoft CEO and Internet image saint Steve Ballmer accurately called attention to when the iPhone propelled.
"Five hundred dollars?" he hoots in his jovial bazaar comedian voice. "Completely sponsored? With an arrangement? I said that is the most costly telephone on the planet!"
He's correct—not every person is enamored with the gadget. Adoptive parent of Houston innovation reporting Dwight Silverman composed for the Houston Chronicle that the sparkle was wearing off his new iPhone after scarcely a month of utilization. The 2.5G-time EDGE radio was inauspiciously moderate. The gadget needed Exchange usefulness. Furthermore, that console… not by any stretch of the imagination beyond any doubt about that, either. (I'll bring up that Dwight did in the long run come to love the iPhone—last time I got together with him he was brandishing a 7 Plus and noisily singing its gestures of recognition.)
However, I couldn't care less—I recognize what I saw on YouTube and I comprehend what I read in early reviews. I know I need this thing and that the cost will be worth paying.
Never incredible
"You recall the part in Goonies where the children go down the slides and they discover One Eyed Willie's privateer transport?" asks Jason. It has been no less than 20 minutes since anybody last said anything.
I don't gaze upward—I've been viewing a multitude of ants working over a french rotisserie somebody had dropped on the walkway. The little suckers were dismantling it with astounding productivity. In any case, I gesture, and Jason proceeds.
"Give me a chance to ask you something," he says, stopping for a minute. "In that scene, do you recall there being an octopus?"
It's an odd inquiry, however it sparkles recollections from later in the film. "No," I react insightfully, as the consummation of the motion picture flashes through my head, a glint quick feature reel of pictures and sounds enduring perhaps a moment or two. "In any case, I recall Data says something in regards to an octopus toward the finish of the motion picture. I generally figured he was simply escaping by the fervor of being saved and seeing his folks after relatively passing on." Ants stream away, each with its minor individual segment of broiled potato braced in its steely subterranean insect mandibles. I imagine a ruler subterranean insect, far underground, irately requesting her devotees bring her more french fries.
"Affirm, see, along these lines, you don't recall the octopus," says Jason, talking quicker at this point. "However, I swear, my sibling and me, we watched that film on tape like a billion times growing up and there was an octopus. I recollect each and every detail. In any case, cracking no one I ask recollects the dumb octopus." Jason's knees split like top firearm impacts as he stands and extends. "So am I insane?" he keeps, looking down at me. "Do I have all these, similar to, counterfeit octopus recollections? Furthermore, if that is not genuine, what else about growing up that I think I recall is really phony?"
I look at the kindred with the British pronunciation before us. He doesn't raise his eyes from his book. It would appear that I'm without anyone else for this one.
Jason proceeds, energized. He swings his arms and motions as he talks, similar to he's attempting to punch his focuses into the air.
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Stress Reduction
Finding the motivation to practice stress reduction
In occupied with stress discount, most of us know the drill--exercise, smile extra, begin a gratitude journal, take a deep breath, do yoga, take a break. Nice! Do you find yourself stuck on the best way to do any of those great things? Most of us have very lengthy to-do lists. Is there space for something peaceable?
The question right here is motivation. Many people--each women and men, wait until there's something fallacious before taking action. That is better than avoiding and doing anything. Nevertheless, it's possible you'll be occupied with prevention additionally. I would wish to propose a step-by-step method for putting extra stress discount into your life.
Step One:
One Step at a time
Take into consideration one factor you may actually wish to do this would cut back your stress. It does not must be fancy or take a long time. This step is to get clear on what it is. You by no means have to do it!! Just eager about it's a step you are taking in the direction of decreasing your stress. If you want to attempt doing it and are having a tough time, remember to keep it easy and find a strategy to give your self some optimistic suggestions about doing it. In case you are engaging in one thing that is stress lowering, attempt to identify that for your self. For those who go to the gymnasium, it is likely to be for body picture or to remain in shape, however it's also a stress reduction exercise.
Step Two:
What works for you
Almost everyone can agree that stress discount is a good idea. However understanding what's going to work for you will not be always that easy. Sometimes there is resistance to positive change that will not make a lot sense on the surface. We may cling to damaging habits and behaviors, and then berate ourselves for it. Just as it's straightforward to guage a lady who stays with an abusive accomplice, it is straightforward to evaluate your self for binge eating if you wish to regulate your food consumption, or happening a procuring spree if you find yourself attempting to get out of credit card debt. This may turn out to be self hatred.
The more loss, trauma, and difficulty you've had, especially early on in life, the extra advanced the highway is to healing. Reaching a point where you will discover methods to nurture yourself is a giant accomplishment. You will need to be delicate to yourself and perceive what's going to work for you. Sometimes this involves such small steps it can be very frustrating at first. Attempt to not evaluate your self to others--there will always be someone else who appears to be higher at doing what you desire to or having what you need. Now that now we have just passed by way of one other holiday season you could possibly see simply how a lot stress, hurts, and self judgment can improve presently of year.
Step Three:
Being persistent
I feel it's extremely arduous to work on self- improvement, when you don't feel rewarded with the reinforcement of seeing concrete progress. There are such a lot of methods to get discouraged. Typically you would possibly feel like life is conspiring against you in the realm of self-care. As an illustration, you find an train class you'll be able to match into your busy schedule solely to discover that you just dislike the teacher. Otherwise you attempt to buy more natural greens, then discover that you simply put them in a drawer in your refrigerator and forgot they had been there. Perhaps your partner or partner is not that supportive of your want to reside a healthier life fashion or is unable/unwilling to work along with his/her personal adverse habits. How do you retain on attempting with out giving in or giving up?
Persistence is an attention-grabbing high quality. Sometimes it is higher to let go and move on, generally it is extra important to hang in there regardless of disappointments and discouragement. What's your persistence factor? Do you discover that you are someone who keeps attempting it doesn't matter what? Can you let go when you could? Are you able to follow a solution-plan when there are ups and downs? Most people who are successful with stress discount can attest to the necessity for persistence, since most healthy stress discount behavior takes time to show outcomes. For instance, respiratory techniques, meditation, yoga, train, all take follow to have an impact on nervousness.
In AA it is instructed that newcomers find assist from people who have been working the steps over a time period--individuals who have discovered a point of serenity and sobriety over time--and this appears to me to be excellent recommendation. What can you do to search out role fashions who can help you on the road to better self-care? How can you domesticate persistence for the process, and persistence to achieve your targets?
Step Four:
Sharing ideas and getting support
It's exhausting to observe absolutely anything all on your own! This is the reason there are such a lot of groups, classes, and on-line boards, not to mention textual content messages and phone calls to friends and kinfolk. Teams and lessons may also help us get new ideas, share our own thoughts and experiences, encourage us, and assist us stay on track. On the Mayo Clinic webpage about stress reduction they say that support from household, mates, and coworkers can have a robust healing affect when you are below stress. Help provides you a option to belong, which reduces loneliness, fosters better self esteem, and enhances emotions of safety.
If you do not need a supportive family, you are not alone. That's a good cause to achieve out into the world to seek out buddies and assist groups that can accomplish the same things as household help. If you find yourself depressed or traumatized, it is extremely easy to isolate your self. That's the reason typically folks determine to pursue particular person therapy as a step in the direction of connecting with another person. It is useful to have a look at the patterns of your friendships and intimate relationships to see if you're repeating hurtful experiences from earlier instances. You may have had associates and help at an earlier time in your life and been upset by people out of your previous. Typically it's potential to reconnect with lost associates and if not, it might be possible to let go and grieve for the disappointments, which might make room for newer more healthy relationships.
Stress is a psychological expertise that impacts physique and thoughts profoundly. It's true that a specific amount of stress does the marvel; nonetheless, acute or extended stress offers unfavourable impact altogether. In the later case, we need to endure Training by means of acceptable measures providing completely different stress reduction methods. In any other case, it may result in severe problems equivalent to suicide, violence, coronary heart assault, stroke and even most cancers in some of the cases.
Stress reduction refers to a process wherein completely different techniques are executed to counteract with various hectic circumstances and to offer a way of serenity and relaxation in return. This text explores completely different stress discount methods.
Affect of stress
The experience of stress is by some means individualized to some extent. Meaning the tolerance degree for experiencing stress is completely different for each one. However, continual stress might lead to unpleasant condition even for strongest individuals. Extended stress can cause a permanent biochemical imbalance in the health system. This ultimately leads to weaken immune system and therefore to increase vulnerability for critical well being condition, which may be proven deadly in the end of time. Stress is thought to develop various health complications akin to bronchial asthma, cardiac complication, high blood pressure, allergy, fatigue, melancholy, insomnia, anxiousness, irregular bladder, headaches, physique pain, and lots of more.
Dealing with Stress
In observe, there are primarily two ways to deal with stress. One is to get rid of stressors from the setting or at the very least decrease the stressors. The opposite one is increase the resistance energy coping with stress. Actually there are an ideal range of useful strategies to amass these two attributes, but the important thing aspect of all variations involves a single level, that is, leisure. There is no such thing as a single stress discount approach; reasonably it needs to be implemented in combination with change in lifestyle, food regimen, train and relaxation.
These components complement a greater management of stress by way of discount or elimination to some extent. Rest method sounds pretty simple and the central theme of a lot of the stress discount strategies, however it isn't so easy to accumulate it without the expert steering. The fashionable life demands experiencing aggravating stimuli nearly each second, it's seen that relaxation method has increasingly turn into the expert answer against stress.
Therapeutic Measures
There are various leisure therapies that help people to achieve a deep helpful relaxation experience. Specifically, the therapeutic measures involve a combination of thoughts-physique therapies, physique movement, herbal diets and plentiful water. A lot of the therapeutic measures may be practiced solely as a part of self care system, nevertheless, in few circumstances, continuous help of consultants is obligatory.
Therapeutic measures focusing on the thoughts-physique connection assumes that emotions might play a big role in physical system. These measures in particular help individuals to get a hold on each day stressors and to cope with them quite than trying to eliminate them from environmental stimuli. Individual counseling and meditation are two essential factors of such therapies. These strategies are really useful for reducing blood stress and gastric issues.
Completely different therapeutic measures are implemented in stress discount program. These may embody dance therapy, music remedy, massage remedy, art therapy and lots of others. The primary intention of these techniques is to boost physique-mind system in holistic fashion. Physique work typically includes physique contact mechanism involving manipulation, realignment and posture correction. This remedy is effective in deep tissue manipulation.
Natural therapies are discovered to be beneficial for stress administration when it comes to offering a particular emphasis for inner balance. It stresses on the significance of pure substances in relation to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual connectedness. Apart from that, there are different helpful methods which might be efficient in managing stress. These are acupuncture, Alexander method, aromatherapy, autogenic coaching remedy, behavioral remedy, reflexology, naturopathy, Rolfing, kinesiology, Tai Chi Chuan, sound remedy, Reiki, autosuggestion therapy, Ayurveda, Bach Flower remedy, bioenergetics, biofeedback, flotation remedy, Feldenkrais technique, Shiatsu and plenty of others.
In case you are actively looking for an article on stress reduction, then likelihood is you might be already feeling the adverse results of stress in your life.
Why Are You Searching for an Article on Stress Discount?
We live in a society where stress and anxiousness are thought-about standard, and that is the reason that our society is seeing an increase in nervousness associated illness reminiscent of high blood pressure, diabetes, strokes and psychological illness. Lowering the levels of tension in your life will usually not have an immediate impact, however over time lowering stress will certainly result in well being enhancements, significantly within the vascular areas (Reminiscent of high blood pressure, coronary heart illness and stroke).
Is There Any Use in Reading Such an Article?
Studying an article on anxiousness discount can definitely help to offer background details about how one can relieve stress in your life, however most frequently the solutions offered in such an article are simplified and involve main adjustments to your life. For instance, an article will advocate extra train, more time without work, more time for yourself and other similar way of life adjustments, but many times these are tough to incorporate into a busy lifestyle. Certain, these are simple and informative adjustments you may incorporate into your life, but merely reading about them shouldn't be going to do the trick: it's essential to implement them, and that's the only method that you could start to see a change in the stress in your life!
Greater than simply studying the article, you want to be able to find a means in which you'll be able to apply to your life. So while the ideas of the author may be useful, then possibly different stress treatments that are easier to apply within the trendy life-style with out disrupting or altering your complete life.
The big factor is that most individuals suffering from anxiousness and pressure of their lives want to change, so they analysis articles which can make difference. Nonetheless, the soar to applying the knowledge contained in the articles is commonly a very troublesome one in their fashionable and fast paced lives, so the facility of the research they do is dramatically decreased.
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