#perhaps i'll expand on it later
sthrnstar · 6 months
although im a sucker for the whole ghost and simon being two sides of the same coin , one person but different sides of him , sort of thing . i don't think its as dramatic as some people think .
he does keep you from ghost though . takes his mask off before he enters the house , at most you've seen the balaclava never the skull plate , tries his best to keep details to a minimum when you ask about missions . his gear is tucked away and out of sight the entire time he's home , so much so that you don't even realize theres a gun safe in the closet in the hall because you never use it , it's reserved for his stuff . he hates when you use his call sign , even if its as simple as getting his attention with it when he zones out . hes not ghost when he's home , he never wants to be ghost when hes home .
simon is ghost and ghost is simon , but simon never lets you see that side of him . he would hate to see how you'd react to it , positive or negative the thought of you knowing that side of him makes his stomach turn . its part of him , but not a part he's willing to share
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galedekarios · 9 months
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altonaufein & relationships 🌙
i saw this making the rounds on twitter and wanted to do it for my drow son.
i would like to see more people do it so i'll be tagging (with no pressure, of course):
@voliialpha, @lairofsentinel, @shibepetter, @rahabs, @thenightsong, @leopardmuffinxo, @utopianoverlord, @lokorum, @galfreybaenre, @poreyneel, @hawke, @zahra-hydris, @carusti, @fuzzy-set, @inkberrry, @polygone-moi, @bg3, @bigbraincel
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piplupod · 1 year
"get out of ur comfort zone!" brother i ain't ever been in my comfort zone :/
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yzzart · 7 months
"𝐀 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫."
pairing: Coriolanus Snow x F!reader.
summary: how does a snowflake carry so much possessiveness?
warnings: explicit content, explicit words, playing with nipples, mention of erection, and mentions of manipulation + take a look at the masterlist!
word count: 944!
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The smell of wet wood accompanied by the typical aroma of fresh earth invaded your nostrils; It was a new situation and coexistence, but it was pleasant and welcoming. — A cozy home.
Together, the sounds of wood being trampled upon with disoriented, blind footsteps with a possible goal of reaching the old-fashioned bed of the place had surrounded your ears. — That definitely bothered you. — There were unstable and old parts of the floor that complemented louder noises; it sounded so unacceptable and abominable.
But absolutely nothing could take away or take away the attention and disposition you received and gave from Coriolanus' lips. — Lips that were wise, sapient and so sweet, with cautious and dignified words; and also so dangerous. — You delighted in the sweet and poison of Snow's mouth.
Coriolanus kissed you with a flaming passion, a description so ironic, that it slowly burned your proud and dissatisfied chest; he kissed you as if his life really depended on it. — And for the Snow boy, these words were part of an affirmation in his heart and soul.
A mixture of feelings, sensations were involved and welcomed in that kiss, something easy to analyze. — Snow never knew how to explain what he actually felt or saw in his veins and heart, so when he met you he discovered how he could do that.
Your tongues moved in such a sudden way, fighting against a space that would not be properly used and animalistic; this strong word was in the right place to be used. — Not to mention the distress of contact between your teeth. — God, it seemed like it was the first time you two kissed.
For the first time, at that moment, there was a mediocre separation between your lips and those of Coriolanus; the empty, incorrect and cold sensation walked through your mouth. — Your mind closed, distressed by the absence, and a taste of despair expanded on your palate.
Those blue eyes observed your lips, already red and shiny caused by the mixture of saliva; they demonstrated desire, possessiveness and something very deep. — You didn't know how to decode what it was, at least not at that second. —But it was mesmerizing, a trap set for you.
"I have you." — He whispered with a distant and small smile, an action that used delicacy in your eyes along with the hot and uncontrolled breath that debated against your face; Coriolanos was giving you all the affection that coursed through his thin and surviving body. — "I'll always have you, right?"
Perhaps those words were an affirmation, a certainty that was written in an honorable and never disrespected book; or also a cryptic or wrong assumption? — You didn't know, much less had an answer that justified it and you didn't care about your trivial assumptions. — Your only action was to nod in silent agreement, earning a proud smile from your lover.
"My good girl." — A constant chill revealed itself in your belly when you heard that, then it was replaced by the relief of feeling Coriolanus's lips touching your again.
The kiss had much more pressure and strength than the previous one, there were conflicts in the middle of it; however, more desire, pleasure and intensity. — Emotions, feelings and reasons mixed between both sides. — A delightful tension.
Coriolanus, who was guiding your to the old and poorly cared for bed, reached his goal without releasing or interrupting the kiss. — God, you mentally thanked me for that. — And, quickly, he got comfortable on the mattress; placing his large hands on your waist in order to direct you to his lap and you didn't waste a single second.
The roughly worked fabric of Coriolanus's pants scraped your thighs and, surely, afflictions would appear later in the day. — In addition to feeling the bulge of his erection punctuating the thin noble fabric of your shorts; he had a privileged opportunity to feel a moistened region in that place. — Coriolanus would go mad and you were the cause of it.
While your arms were around his neck, a way of supporting yourself and getting deeper into him, the Snow boy directed one of his hands through the edge of your thin and noble shirt. — Passing under your, feeling your warm skin that avoided his cold fingers, until he stopped at one of your nipples.
Of course you were scared, it was surprising, in a pleasant way, and in the middle of the kiss, a few low whimpers were released from your mouth. — Like a bird on its singing day. — Snow was pinching your nipple, enjoying the soft, appetizing flesh; It wasn't easy for you.
"Coryo…" — A moan, this time loud and clear, with his name was the first thing you said when you stopped kissing him and it was the only thing that happened that day, little head. — Another pinch followed by a simple and frank affection.
Coriolanus's thumb walked along the tip of your nipple as if he were playing with a shirt button. — A very precious and rewarding t-shirt. — He was a damn man.
"Oh, Coryo…!" — Moving your head involved in such pleasure and excruciating pain, your neck was exposed and it didn't take long for you to become a fragile target for the Snow boy.
Small kisses, as if they were an apology that in reality they were not, prolonged seals and exultant bites filled the area. — Coriolanus marked you with vigor and exuberance, in a seductive passion; a prey that fell in love with its hunt. — He applied his scent to you, such an animalistic action.
It was sick, unhealthy and over the top. — It was the love that Coriolanus felt for you.
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lucysarah-c · 1 month
Do you think Levi is a bit conservative? I don't think Levi canonically would be the jealous type, but would he criticize Reader's dress if she wore a dress that was revealing or showed cleavage? Would he be concerned about attracting attention from others? Would he be one of those men who can't understand why women dress so revealingly?
Hi, sweetie! How are you?
Oh, I adore this type of question; it’s right up my alley. Overall, my answer would be "no," and I'll expand on that later.
If we’re talking about a modern AU Levi, I think he wouldn't give a fuck, honestly. By modern standards, he would tell you to wear whatever you want, and if anyone has a problem with it, they can get a "royal salute" from him.
Now, in canon, which is more old-fashioned, we do see that women, when not wearing the Scouts uniform, dress mostly very "modestly." He would still not care most of the time. I think that, given the misogynistic standards within the walls, Levi would be quite "open-minded." He might have some sexist thoughts or opinions here and there, but nothing extreme. This man is the son of a woman who was forced to be a prostitute; he doesn't judge women based on their clothes.
Levi simply does not care—he doesn’t care what others wear and doesn’t care what others think of him. I don't imagine him as the jealous type either. If Levi wants to be with someone, it's because he feels comfortable with that person and trusts them. His issue is with "the rest," like if a guy looks at his girlfriend inappropriately or tries to hit on her, he’s not jealous or angry at his girl or anything. He’s going to put the other person in their place.
I can only think that, perhaps, if the outfit is very revealing, it might make Canon!Levi feel a bit uneasy. He would prefer if you wore something else. He might imply it by looking uneasy or saying something like, "Wouldn't you prefer to save that one for when it's just the two of us?" or he might look a bit grumpy. But I don't think it would escalate from there—he wouldn’t order you to change or wear something else, but let’s say it’s not "his favorite look" on you, haha.
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cyphyree · 1 year
Adolescence of Utena -- Architecture x Character Designs
Dunno if I read it from somewhere, but I realized that Utena's new uniform is styled somewhat like the architecture of Adolescence Ohtori, namely how her clothes are black and white (later with red accents) . Whereas Utena stands out in the world of RGU, she blends right into Adolescence Ohtori, almost as if she is a part of the architecture and vice versa.
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The movie is also called The *Adolescence* of Utena (or Girl's Revolution Utena: Adolescence Apocalypse), and in the show, we see adolescent Utena wear black and white at the funeral. I think that her wearing this scheme again in the movie is a sort of return to her adolescence. Not to say that she regressed back into the child she was before the show, but more so to represent the child that Utena still is even after maturing. An adolescent is defined as someone roughly between 10-19; Utena is still a teen who's growing in this age range.
That said, Adolescence Ohtori seems to be an architectural representation of Utena's inner child/self. Like a mindscape of sorts. At the end of the movie, both she and Anthy would leave the mindscape of their adolescence and enter into the unknown "outside world" of adulthood.
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Red is associated with the Rose Bride, ie Anthy. Before meeting Anthy for the first time in the show, Utena's clothing was absent of red (her child funeral dress); however Utena's RGU uniform afterwards would have red accents.
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Similarly, Utena's Adolescence "boy" clothing doesn't have red, but her "prince garb" after meeting Anthy does.
Speaking of, if we continue seeing Ohtori as Utena's mindscape, the deep red of the Adolescence rose garden is like the part of Utena's mind that Anthy occupies. The tower where the girls draw is also Anthy's domain, as it's draped in red.
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Even other black-white architecture of Ohtori is accented with red--Anthy has always been present in Utena's thoughts, even if subconsciously.
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Alternatively, red in Ohtori could represent Anthy's mindscape "overlapping" with Utena's. Anthy is still wrestling with leaving Akio after all, and after the events of RGU, it would make sense that she and Utena share "spaces"/experiences/solidarity.
Anthy's Rose Bride dress also more closely resembles Utena/Ohtori's aesthetic (white, red with black accents), and we only see her transform into that when she is with Utena. It seems to signify that Anthy has become more familiar/recognizable to Utena, as her Rose Bride dress visually brings her closer to Utena, more so than her generic mint-green uniform.
When Utena first meets Anthy in Adolescence, a light flurry of rose petals fall from the garden above, crossing from Anthy's domain into Utena's-- they are beginning to cross each other's paths again. During the dance in the garden, a much heavier shower of roses blanket the school architecture below, as if Utena and Anthy's connection has now become much stronger. From then on, Utena would try to create a genuine bond with Anthy (as we see during the drawing session)
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Alternatively, it could also signify a progression towards Anthy taking the spotlight when she and Utena decide to leave the school for good:
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Near the end of Adolescence, we are back in Anthy's rose garden, we see the chairman's tower (associated with Anthy and Akio), and everything is washed in purples and reds-- Anthy's colors. Utena's black/white structures are now absent. From here on out, Anthy is going to drive (heh) the story forward.
I wanna talk about the architectural styles of Ohtori, but that'll be its own post once I do a bit more research. I wanna expand on some differences such as:
Adolescence- constructivist, Russian Revolution, industrial, "masculine"
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Show- neoclassical/rococo? French Revolution, floral/decorative, "feminine" -- perhaps Anthy's mindscape in a way.
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Anyway this was supposed to be a bullet point list of miscellaneous stray thoughts, but I guess that's impossible, so I'll just eventually write more individual utena thoughts posts lol
Please feel free to tell me what you think btw!
There's also another post by @nothing-suspicious-in-there about Utena's uniform that's a completely different take, please check it out!
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typingfool · 1 year
𝐍𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐍𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐒 ;; nikolai lantsov
pairing ; Nikolai Lantsov x fem!Reader platonic / mentions ; tamar yul-bataar, tolya yul-bataar
outline —; Nikolai isn’t the only royal member in the Sturmhond Crew. 
WARNINGS —: none.
Word Count —; 621
A/N —; just wanted to write something again, i've been stuck in a writer's rut. NOT BOOK ACCURATE. THIS IS BASED ON THE SHOW; SHADOW AND BONE. so sorry if it's short, i'll expand on this later. for now, enjoy !!
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“You’re whom?” 
His tired question echoes, voice bouncing across the room, making Nikolai slightly bite his inner cheek. He shook his head, blonde hair messily falling over the edge of his brows. You sat with your back against the headboard, the weight of your knees covering your chest. He carefully repeated his question; “Who are you?” 
You lay your cheek against your knee, a familiar smile broadly appearing across your face. A sleepy expression carried your next words, as though you weren’t thinking about what you were saying. “Secondborn Princess of Novyi Zem.” You replied with a yawn. 
Nikolai sat on the edge of the bed, the fabric of the tunic fit his body perfectly, and you forced yourself not to stare. Peaking your gaze towards your clothes. He scoffed, his hand extending to your face. His fingers found their way to your chin, forcing you to look at him. With amusement evident in his voice, he said; “Why didn’t you tell me?” 
Your fingers curled around his wrist, pulling it away, the absence of his touch lingered across the skin of your chin. Rolling your eyes, your head fell back against the bed’s headboard. “Sure, of course, I would tell you, Prince Nikolai.” You teased, shaking your head, arms wrapping around your legs. “You didn’t think you were the only royal one on board, did you?” 
Nikolai plopped himself on the bed, with his palm on his forehead, scoffing. 
No wonder you were so enticing. So polite and kind. Your posture told your status, you held your head high, shoulders on-alert, hands crossed or over each other (because, who would hold your hands if it grew cold?). Your choices were impulsive, for sure, but that was only due to the fact that the luxury of choice isn’t a right to a Princess, especially a Secondborn. The attention is with the Firstborn, the first light, the first star, the responsible, the role model. 
How could Nikolai miss all those traits? The traits that made him love you deeply. In secret. With the doors locked, he would hold his aching heart, wishing that Sturmhond is his real name. 
Then again, you adopted an alias. One that felt so uneasy leaving his tongue. He felt the need to say your real name, if you so kindly give him the permission to. “What is your name?” Nikolai asked, peeking down on your tired figure. 
You left your spot and settled beside him, elbows touching. You said your name without looking at him, carrying the bitterness of your title alongside your identity. 
“Princess…” He started slowly, maybe sleepily. His whispery voice stopped, before he turned to face you. Your gaze was still fixed on the ceiling, ignoring the Prince’s tracing eyes over your profile. “No,” He stopped, then said your name. 
The weight of your responsibilities came tumbling down. And Saints didn’t matter to you anymore, the ongoing war of Ravka, destroying the Fold, Kirigan’s return… nothing mattered. Nothing. Your name never sounded so common, yet so rare. Your parents named you after a Queen, and as the saying goes, ‘Name her after a Queen and expect her to act like one.’ 
For a moment, you were so thankful that you were in a foreign land. One that didn’t recognize your name in its meaning. Thankful for your impulsive and rash decision that one midnight. The one night you fled, met Tamar and Tolya, and joined Sturmhond’s Crew. 
The one night that changed your view in a world so cruel. That, perhaps, a stranger’s name could belong to you. But he proved you wrong. Your name belongs to you. 
“Out there, Princess” Nikolai pointed to the walls, eyes closed. “In here, No titles,” Nikolai smiled. 
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yanxidarlings · 10 months
so more of the slytherin boys was in the lead last night and inspiration struck, but i still will be doing whichever option has the most votes by the end of the week, and eventually i'll probably have all of the concepts up, if you haven't already you can vote here.
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so i did more reading up on mattheo and lorenzo, and i honestly don't know where to pick up from, i'm thinking of making this my main concept for yandere hp and building on it.
the last post specified the darling as the dormmate of our dear slytherin boys here, but many of the headcanons can be applied to a fem darling, or darling from another house. it's quite intriguing to imagine someone who had grown up close to draco, theo, ect. getting sorted into a different house; i can honestly see this being a trigger for the boys' yandere tendencies to develop.
sure theo was attached before, but he had never even entertained the possibility of not getting sorted into slytherin together. and what do you mean the darling won't be there to knock draco down a peg when he won't stop talking down to goyle?. how is blaise supposed to get through seven years of not watching his darling everynight whilst they sleep?
i might expand on this in my future ravenclaw (possibly hufflepuff) posts. for now i want to delve into the individual yandere characteristics of each slytherin (i'm considering adding pansy, adrian, other slytherins) to the concept if anyone else is interested.
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DRACO MALFOY (cast tom felton):
i think i've made it painfully obvious draco is alot to deal with as a yandere. he's got a bit of everything and even more; but overall, he is overwhelmingly obsessive. his obsession is driven by irrepressible thoughts of his darling. ever since he was a child, separating from them has simply felt wrong, i think he's likely to have known the darling the longest, perhaps having grown up close to them.
maybe his darling is a member of the black family, or a lestrange, or hails from another prominent family, thus he has been brought up closely next to them.
there's no one he feels more comfortable around, his darling is his home, which would be sweet if he weren't willing to kill and maim others to keep his darling with him.
his darling was probably hoping, praying to get sorted into any house but slytherin, it didn't take a ravenclaw to know draco would only get worse if they shared a dorm/common room. immediately, he claims the bed next to his darling, and already has pestered his father into arranging them a private dorm together, but that old oaf dumbledore refused because "all students must be treated equally." what bullshit. if you ask draco.
he won't let his darling interact with anyone "don't lower yourself and associate with the likes of them" and socially isolates them. don't you dare wander off, it'll end in the biggest tantrum, and don't even think about dating, the entire slytherin dorm will implode on itself.
draco needs constant attention, his darling is all he thinks about so he expects them to only think about him as well. you'll quickly learn that it's best to give draco the attention he wants. it's not that he plans to give his darling a hard time, but he becomes moody, both mean and clingy at the same time. he'll have his arm around his darlings waist whilst accusing them of being a blood traitor, and attacking their insecurities, then a few hours later he crawls into bed whispering sweet nothings.
it leaves his darling on the edge, because sometimes these mood swings happen even when paying him the attention he so desperately craves.
this could lead to his darling keeping a facade up in front of him, so he has less ammunition during his mood swings, but if he suspects his darling of not being as open and comfortable around him as he is them, all hell breaks loose.
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THEODORE NOTT (fancast lorenzo zurzolo):
but he's not as sensitive about his darlings perception of him as theo is. perhaps sensitive isn't the correct word as much as demanding. theodore demands his darling be open and honest with him, he wants to know about every ache and thought they have. however he is best characterised as a possessive yandere. above all he cannot live with the thought of sharing his darling with anyone.
sharing, in theo's mind, is anyone even casting a glance upon his darling. why isn't his company enough? why does his darling have to interact with undeserving rodents like malfoy, potter and the weasleys? he would completely abandon his life outside of his darling if they just asked would anyone else do that for them? no!.
they're the person that matters most to him, and he wants to be the only person his darling cares about as well.
theodore has likely known his darling since childhood, perhaps they shared similarly harsh parents/guardians, and bonded over that. it would make it all the more easier to theo to manipulate them into staying close to him.
his company is not as dreadful as draco's, and he doesn't demand physical affection and praise as much as the latter does, not if his darling is not willing. but there is still a part of him that yearns to press up against them and never let go.
he simply cannot handle his darling distancing themselves from him, and is quick to resort to threats, blackmail, emotional manipulation, anything that he thinks will keep him and his darling close.
he is another one who will shamelessly confess his love and attraction to his darling, and has already 'claimed' them in a strange way; everyone at hogwarts seems to identify theo out of the slytherin boys as the one the reader is 'dating', to theo's delight. his darling doesn't have to agree with the rumours or even think of them as a couple, as far as he's concerned, they've been together since they met.
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MATTHEO RIDDLE (fancast benjamin wadsworth):
the only one who i imagine the darling meets when they start at hogwarts is mattheo. whichever year he starts at hogwarts, he's immediately intrigued by them (for whatever reason). maybe the rest of his dormmates take poorly to his blood status, and the darling is the first to welcome him, or maybe ol' moldy voldy has tasked him with extracting something from the reader.
no matter what jumpstarts his obsession, it develops at an alarmingly fast rate, one week he's glancing over at them in class, the next he's invading their thoughts whilst they sleep and following them in the halls.
his darling likely won't take too easily to his sudden interest in them, they've already been dealing with several unsettling slytherins for years, and are probably always on guard.
not like mattheo cares. if he wants to be close to them, he will. he knows draco and his gang have to treat him with courtsey if they want their families to stay in the dark lords good graces, as does his darling. so he inserts himself (quite violently) into his darlings life.
it should be harder than it is considering his short temperament and his darlings cautious nature, but he's able to understand his darling on an intense level due to his inherited legilimency.
no matter how uncomfortable his darling is around him, he can just invade their mind and lock them in a room with him if he wants to spend time with them. and he always gets what he wants.
he seldom reveals that he is reading their mind, lest they feel the need to develop occlumency. it also gives him a kick knowing their raw thoughts, he could never even say a word to his darling and still know them better than anyone else does. including the other slytherins.
deep down mattheo's incredibly insecure about his connection with his darling; out of theo, blaise, goyle, enzo, draco, he's known them for the least amount of time. he's the only half-blood. he's evil incarnate son of the dark lord himself. he'd only bring them pain and suffering but he can't bring himself to let go of them either.
whilst theo, draco, enzo and even goyle will confess their affection for their darling, and perhaps admit to what they've done, mattheo will only do the latter, and does not provide any context as to why he hexed weaslette after the darling complimented her quidditch skills, nor will he elaborate on why he must take showers at the exact same time as his darling everyday.
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BLAISE ZABINI (cast louis cordice):
blaise shares his concealed affection for the darling. you could be none the wiser to his deep seeded affetion for you for years only to suddenly be told that he's your betrothed and now he refers to himself as your fiance and invites you to sleep in his bed as if it's the most normal thing ever.
among them all, blaise is the most calm and calculated. he knows that following his darling around and monopolising their interactions makes him look bad but sometimes he just can't help it. he has to sneer at granger who the darling got paired with in potions, and make remarks about how disgusting muggle and mudbloods are.
but he doesn't think he's better than muggleborns; he thinks he's better than everyone. i think blaise is the most likely to develop an obsession for a shallow reason, maybe the readers is aphrodite personified, hails from a prominent pureblood family that his mother is encouraging him to marry into or is incredibly intelligent, their actual character couldn't matter less to him. from the moment he decides they're his, they're his.
blaise is uniquely one of the only ones who actually wants his darling to love and show him affection of their own accord (meaning he would be nice enough to give them amortentia).
he wants them to be happy, but he also wants them to be entirely dependent on him. he takes on a sort of big brotherly role, he encourages them to eat and sleep well. he wants to be the one they ask opinions on outfits, schoolwork, ect. he thinks if they rely on him for everything, it'll be impossible for them to leave.
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LORENZO BERKSHIRE (fancast louis patridge):
out of all of them, enzo is by far the 'softest', as mentioned in the previous post, he's the 'sane, normal' one out of all of them. he doesn't act strangely creepy (sorry blaise it's true), disturbingly controlling (don't deny it mattheo), possessive, obsessive or devoted to them. he comes across as the 'best friend', the sidekick in every romance novel that offers advice and stays out of the drama.
this is because he initially see's his fixation on his darling as nothing but a desire to protect them from those lunatics he and his darling call 'friends'. but why does his heart drop when he see's them getting pulled into a room by mattheo, or when blaise stares at them as if they are a veela. it's not jealousy it's concern for his poor mate. yeah, that's it.
and why can't he stand to be left out of their attempts to evade the others, or when they don't confide in him, whether their troubles are slytherin related or not.
he's probably the only one who realises how messed up what they all do is, the rest justify it, but when enzo eventually gives in to his obsession he doesn't pretend to be in the right. he's apologetic but he just can't let them go.
the only thing that would set him off would be them distancing themselves from him. he can handle sharing, but the idea of his darling avoiding him, not viewing him as the safe haven from the rest really drives him to insanity.
i also think lorenzo would be the one who convinces everyone to share their darling once shit hits the fan and everyone wants to take the reader for themself.
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GREGORY GOYLE (cast josh herdman):
goyle is honestly just happy he gets to be around his darling. yeah, it would be nice if he could have them to himselves, and not just be a lackey for draco to sabotage the others. maybe his darling treats him with a bit more benevolence and he's grown attached to them over the years.
always willing to lend a helping hand, i think he's the least possessive out of all of them, and is best characterised as a devoted yandere. whilst the rest of them want to maintain some level of control over the reader, he's content just being near them. he doesn't even have to talk to them but it's a plus.
i wonder if he's actually as bad at school as he acts or if he just doesn't bother listening so that the darling has to dedicate time to tutoring him. no one knows.
goyle will really have to fight tooth and nail to be apart of the sharing arrangement enzo, draco, theo, mattheo and blaise somehow eventually come to. (that i will expand upon in a future post because this is getting long).
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angel-sweets666 · 19 days
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Running away!
guard könig x princess reader
a royal guard falls inlove with a princess
Warning age gap (reader is 18-25 König is 36)
chapter two, read chapter one here!
König walked to his post, his thoughts drifting to you as they often did. You and he had grown very close, sharing dreams about the future, discussing your lives, and speaking fondly of your families. Your conversations brought him a sense of comfort and companionship that he cherished deeply.
As he stood his post by your door, he anticipated your appearance. Right on schedule, your head peeked through the doorway, a sight that never failed to bring a smile to his face. Tonight, only König and two other guards were on duty by the princess's room, which meant you could sneak König into your quarters without much risk.
"König," you called softly, tapping his shoulder.
"Ja?" He turned to look at you, his eyes softening.
"Come into my room, will you?" you asked gently.
"Me? Princess, I can't. I'll get into trouble," he said, shaking his head, though he longed to say yes.
You grabbed his sleeve, your eyes pleading. "No, you won't… not if you don't get caught."
It was clear you were warming up to him, and his resolve began to crumble. König's shoulders slumped in defeat. "Fine… but only because your face is very pretty," he said with a shy smile, slipping past you into your room.
"M-me? Pretty? Oh… thank you," you stammered, blushing deeply. The compliment sent a warm rush through you, and you closed the door quietly behind him.
Inside, the room was dimly lit by a few candles, casting a soft, golden glow over the plush furnishings and elegant tapestries. König felt out of place amidst such luxury, but your presence put him at ease. He watched as you moved gracefully, your every action mesmerizing him.
You gestured for him to sit on a comfortable chair near the window, and he complied, feeling the weight of his armor press into the plush cushions. You took a seat opposite him, close enough that your knees nearly touched.
"So, tell me more about your home," you said, eager to learn more about the man who had captured your interest. Your eyes sparkled with curiosity and warmth.
König hesitated for a moment before beginning to speak, his voice low and hesitant. "Well, it's not much compared to here. It's a small village, surrounded by forests. The people there are hardworking, honest. We have festivals in the summer, and the winters are cold but beautiful."
You listened intently, hanging onto his every word. The way he described his home painted vivid pictures in your mind. "It sounds lovely. I'd like to see it someday," you said softly.
His heart swelled at your words, and he smiled, a rare and genuine expression. "I would like that, too."
The conversation flowed naturally from there, covering everything from childhood memories to favorite foods. Time seemed to slow as you shared laughs and exchanged stories. König found himself feeling lighter, the burdens of his duties momentarily forgotten.
As the night grew later, a comfortable silence settled between you. You stood up and moved to sit beside him on the chair, your proximity sending a pleasant shiver down his spine.
You leaned in closer, your faces inches apart. "Stay with me tonight," you whispered, your breath warm against his skin.
König's heart raced, but he nodded. "As you wish, Princess," he said, his voice full of promise.
Of course! Here’s the edited and expanded version with the perspective changed to "you":
You stood up and grabbed his sleeve, gently but firmly ushering him toward your bathroom. "Don’t worry, I’ll clean you up!" you said with a smile, hoping to ease his confusion.
"Ah… princess… what?" König seemed bewildered, and rightly so. You had randomly decided you were going to bathe him. Little did he know, you were trying to seduce him subtly, acting in a wifely manner to win his affections and perhaps convince him to whisk you away to his cabin, where you could be safe and loved.
The bathroom was warm and inviting, lit by soft candlelight that flickered against the tiled walls. The air was filled with the soothing scent of lavender from the oils you had added to the bathwater. You made sure the water was just the right temperature, hot enough to soothe his muscles but not too hot to discomfort him.
You began to help him undress, your fingers brushing against his skin as you removed his armor and clothing. He stood there, a bit hesitant but allowing you to guide him. Once he was undressed, you guided him into the bath, watching as he sank into the water with a sigh of relief.
"What are you doing this for, princess?" he asked, his voice a mix of curiosity and gratitude.
"Nothing… it's just… you work so hard for me. I should return the favor," you said, trying to keep your voice casual as you began to rub his shoulders. Your hands moved with practiced ease, kneading the tension from his muscles. He seemed to like this, leaning into your touch.
"Okay… maybe for a little while…" he sighed, his body relaxing under your ministrations.
"See? It's nice to relax," you said softly, continuing to massage his shoulders. You could feel the knots and tension in his muscles slowly melting away.
Carefully, you reached for a soft cloth and dipped it into the warm water. You gently began to wash him, starting with his back and working your way to his arms and chest. Your movements were slow and deliberate, each touch meant to care for him
"Princess, you don’t have to do this," he murmured, though he made no move to stop you.
"I want to," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper. "You deserve to be taken care of too."
His eyes met yours, and for a moment, the world seemed to fade away. In that instant, there was an understanding between you.
As you continued to wash him, the room filled with the quiet sound of water and the occasional soft sigh from König. You could see the tension leaving his body, replaced by a sense of calm.
When you finished, you took a towel and began to dry him off, your hands gentle and careful. He stood up, water dripping from his body, and you couldn’t help but blush at the sight. You wrapped the towel around him, patting him dry with slow, deliberate movements.
"Thank you," he said softly, his eyes never leaving yours.
"You're welcome," you replied, feeling a warmth in your chest at his gratitude.
You moved back into the bedroom and helped him into a comfortable robe. He sat on the edge of the bed, looking more relaxed than you had ever seen him. You joined him, sitting close enough that your legs touched.
"Princess, why are you doing all this?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine curiosity.
"Because I care about you, König," you said, your voice earnest. "You mean a lot to me."
He looked at you, his eyes searching yours for any hint of insincerity. Finding none, he smiled—a rare and beautiful sight. "You mean a lot to me too," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.
The room was silent for a moment, the air thick with unspoken feelings. You reached out and took his hand, squeezing it gently. "Stay with me tonight," you said softly, hoping he would understand the depth of your request.
He nodded, his eyes never leaving yours. "As you wish, princess," he replied, his voice full of promise.
you slowly dried him off and helped him into pyjama pants “sleep with me.. “ you said as you slid into bed, patting the spot next to you. He blushed “really princess?” He asked softly, almost moved by the idea “yeah… I’ll wake you up early I promise!” You smiled, he rolled into bed with you and ever so slowly… wrapped his arms around you
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saltydumplings · 9 months
Can I request a vampire and a werewolf hanging out, talking about their terrible and eternal curses that robbed them of their humanity?
Request #31
I feel like this turned out a lot cuter than the request suggested, lol.
"I miss the sun," the vampire started. They were sat on the porch steps of a cabin, staring out at the dark woods around them. "I feel like my world is missing colour. Like the second I got bit my sight switched over to grayscale."
Beside them, following their gaze, the werewolf could almost understand that. The forest looked so vibrant during the day: glowing green in amber light, speckled with the red and brown of mushrooms and the white of clustered flowers; there were pink blossoms in spring, and in the fall the valley was overcome with orange - that single colour sweeping through everything in its path without remorse or signs of stopping. The moonlight ruined that though. It washed it out, and the shadows dulled whatever remained.
"I can understand that," the werewolf said after some consideration. "It must be hard, only ever seeing half of what the world has to offer."
The vampire hummed. "Warmth too. I miss days when I could just lie in the sun."
The werewolf took the confession as an invitation to move closer. They repositioned themself behind the other's back, arms encircling the vampire's waist whilst their nose nuzzled against their neck - taking in their scent slowly.
"I miss my control," the werewolf admitted. "I hate having days that I don't remember. Days that could change everything for me - and usually never in a good way."
Nothing was scarier than waking up in the middle of nowhere, alone, not knowing what had come before that. Sometimes they'd find blood under their fingernails or fresh injuries like something else had tried to mawl or ensnare them.
"Perhaps I can remember those days for you," the vampire offered. "To the best of my ability - if you like."
The werewolf paused, a little taken aback. "You would do that for me?"
The vampire leaned back into them, turning to place a kiss against the werewolf's forehead. "Of course I would. It's the least I could do."
In response, the werewolf let out a small rumble of a sound as they returned the affection, first kissing the vampire's lips and then their neck - pulling them in closer still.
"Maybe I can return the favour: provide enough shade for a sunset. Sunrise, even, if you're feeling brave."
The vampire chuckled, hands locking around the werewolf's own. "Brave? I think you have me mistaken for another vampire."
"Hmm, well, certainly brave enough to share a bed with a wolf."
"How else would I stay warm in winter?"
"Ah, so I'm just a glorified radiator now then?" the werewolf asked.
"Yes, amoung other things..." the vampire teased.
"Other things?" The werewolf let out a low growl, tail wagging behind them in a playful manner. "You want to expand upon that?"
All too happily their partner complied. "Well, you're also a spectacular pillow. Very comfy. Not to mention a pretty reliable chair - sometimes even a footstool when you're in one of those moods where you just like to curl up on the floor and--"
"I'll show you who's a footstool!" the werewolf declared suddenly, standing and taking the vampire with them as they turned back towards the cabin.
The other let out a startled yelp that broke into giggles, struggling lightly as the werewolf threw them over their shoulder. "Werewolf, no! D-Down!"
"Down?! Oh, you're in trouble now!"
They went inside, laughing, closing the door behind them softly with the vampire tucked tight between their arms.
The curtains closed soon after.
An hour later and pink light was spilling across the sky, the werewolf peeking out at it whilst their partner slept contentedly on the bed - lovingly bundled up to their chin in blankets.
One day, the werewolf thought. One day they could share this.
But not just yet...
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anemoi-i · 1 month
There are many Venti fans that believe he will receive a second part to his story quest when Dornman Port releases and while I understand that, plus understand the need for him to have a second story quest, I believe it does a great disservice to him when there is already content in the game, with specifically Mondstadt, that has not been expanded on in any way, shape or form that could have already been used as potential grounds for a second story quest.
Another argument is that Venti is only "end game content" as in he will only be relevant when the Traveler reaches Khaenri'ah to learn the truth about what happened during the Cataclysm, and yes, that could be the case but it would be detrimental if hoyo was to wait that long not only for him, but for the other Archons as well.
You'll remember that the game is pushing the narrative to us, the players, that the Archons are directly responsible for the Cataclysm and are only showing us Khaenri'ah's side of the story. There's even a red herring that the Traveler seeks to ask specifically Venti and Zhongli about the fall of Khaenri'ah while in the same breath, talks about the battles the Archon faced to defend their nations and the wounds that still linger 500 years later, but no Archon directly tells the Traveler their side of the story, the Traveler has not went back to previous nations to ask, which leads to so many unanswered questions.
I'd like to go back first and explain why I do not think Venti's second story quest will release with Dornman Port (and if it does, it'll be a miracle and I'll come back to this) and it is because it seems too trivial to release an important part of an Archon's story with a small area, especially a port. That, and the current trend with Archons' story quests (save Furina) is that they have a boss, and vital pieces of information are found out before that boss is fought. There's the argument that Andrius and Dvalin are the two bosses already (Andrius was the "second world boss for Mondstadt" already) and it's unlikely that there would be a third Mondstadt boss, but why would that be? Mondstadt is the first nation we visit. Perhaps later trends in how story quests and it's related bosses work came after.
Don't get me wrong, I would love a Mondstadt expansion, but I doubt a Dornman Port release would answer all of the many other plotpoints unexplored as well as other questions that remain unsolved. I'm sure we'd get a nice World Quest, as these new World Quests are very good, or subtle lore drops like the random release of Perinheri, but that's about it and after that we would all be left disappointed.
I've already went over potential plotpoints that would be far better, such as why Durin's heart still beats at Dragonspine, why the Abyss Order was/is mostly active at Mondstadt, the presence of Istaroth, why hoyo is literally doing nothing with Albedo (to be fair, a lore drop for Albedo could just be behind a second story quest for him which he deserves), and Grand Master Varka's expedition, plus so, so much more including the Mare Jivari (which is what I speculate will be important when Natlan releases) and even Old Mondstadt. All of which could have been already explored in a second story quest for Venti, but we're left having to speculate when it will release.
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channelinglament · 9 months
Self Aware HypMic?
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(What kind of rabbit hole I'm falling in?)
It goes as if you did this 2 ways
- You played the game
- You watched the anime/read manga
(If u didn't it's alr tho)
Let's begin!
'Kay, so game verse and anime/manga verse are kind of different. Even the game name says "alternative rap battle" instead of division rap battle.
(I assume u already know TDD Era and stuff.)
It was another mundane day of your life. Pillows surrounded your figure, as you flipped pages of the manga (online or not, up to you). Your drink of choice nearby you, ready to be drank and yet, you are too preoccupied with a manga that you recently found out about. This past months, you've been listening to drama tracks, the songs and reading the manga. The storyline is quite complicated in the beginning, but the more you read, the more you understand. You felt so many emotions during the reading process. Sadness, anger, happiness, love. You were so hooked on it.
Unbeknownst to you, figures inside the said manga were having an existenal crisis. Nothing really new to Ramuda, but you get me. The days have been going as they used to. Rap battles went well. Nothing seemed out of place except for the strange feeling. The feeling of being watched. No one understood why did they feel this way. It was not a stalker was it? They became paranoid, until they started hearing voices. Who is it..?
First ones to become self-aware: Ramuda, Rio, Saburo, Kuko(?), Sasara, Iris, Gentaro, Doppo, Otome.
Everyone finds out or accepts it later, then the characters I listed.
I think some of them hated you, some didn't mind you, while others ignored you. They thought you would leave after a while, and yet, you stay. Why are you watching them?
For some reason they can somewhat feel what you feel towards them. Perhaps their universe is intune with your emotions? Would...would they all die if you stopped liking them?
Their world seems to constantly change as well. Why? Some days you were watching them, and sometimes talking. Other days you..sang along with them? Tried to help them sing better? Helped them during some battles..? (Game moments)
It certainly took everyone a good while to warm up to you. Some warmed up quicker than others (Dice and Jiro, they thought you were some guardian angel or something. Like- you're helping them fr)
I'll expand on this suff and world building later. Now, let's move on.
(I may write for Secret Aliens, but I don't know them much so idk)
Depending on reader's age, it will be a romantic or platonic piece.
Reader is 18+?
Romantic: Ichiro, Jyushi, Kuko, Jiro(?), Dice, maybe Nemu.
Others are platonic
Reader is 25+?
Romantic: MTC, Hifumi, Doppo, Ramuda, Gentaro, Sasara, Rosho
Others are platonic.
Reader is a teen?
Romantic: Saburo, Jiro.
Everyone else is platonic. Even this, depends entirely on age of the reader. (I have a few 13+ readers, and more 16+ readers)
Reader is 30+?
Romantic: Jakurai, Hitoya
Others are platonic (I don't write for Rei)
I honestly am 15, so I feel more comfortable with characters that aren't older than 20 heh.
Aka Saburo, Jiro, Ichiro, Kuko, Jyushi and etc.
Even tho I stated in 25+ as platonic, I know that ppl who r 25 can date ppl 20+, so yeah, you may specify if romantic or platonic? Tbh I don't know much abt adult relationships sorry.
I don't write for Rei
Also Hifumi warming up to reader depends on gender (We all know why)
Everything else goes by my rules, pinned post :^
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fluff-n-cookies · 6 months
Endeavor - Intro/Headcanons
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Endeavor is a very underrated character.
yes he was an abuser, but he is trying to be a better father. and even though hen still gets mad and doesn't really know how to show his emotions he's still trying. As someone who doesn't have the best relationship with her father, and also as some one who is trying to be a better person I can appreciate that.
I feel like if somebody were to give him a chance, somebody that has little to no knowledge of his past or status he could actually have a stable and healthy relationship with such a person.
but that on it's own is boring so make it a reader who was just recently put in an orphanage as she was saved from her neglectful parents and has no other family. we'll keep her around the age of 4-15 as those were the years that endeavor missed the most with his kids.
now, how would these two meet? I have a couple ideas and I'll write a fanfic (or fanfics) for the most popular one. (there's a poll below for y'all to decide.)
option 1 : Bus stop
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reader is around 5,6,7 years old and quirkless.
so you and Endeavor have a similar morning commute at the same bus stop, at the same time, every morning. you go to school, and him to his agency. and while Endeavor never really cared for this, one morning you happen to forget your coat at the orphanage. (not that it kept you warm anyway.) the sight of a child in winter, cold and alone, practically pulled at his heart strings. a feeling overcame him I suppose, a need to protect and provide perhaps. and begrudgingly he got out a sweater, all warm and fluffy and lent it to you, grumbling something about giving it back to him later. now all snuggled up within the oversized cotton fibers of the sweater, warm and happy, all you could really do is mumble out a little thank you. Imma bout' to pull a grinch but Endeavor's heart grew 3 times that day.
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Option 2 : support hero
reader is 15 and quirkless but uses support items to help her if she needs anything.
you are the apprentice of his main support hero, a wild, spunky woman who spends her days drinking, drunk, or hungover. ( I mean... good for her.) and yes while she does teach you, she usaully leaves all the real work to you. at this point she's your apprentice. so when Endeavor comes it's not her that really helps it's you! you repair, you improve, you operate the rest of the support heroes, honestly he should give you a raise. and it's nice, having you around I mean, you just always seem to make his day better, either by showing him cat memes, or explaining your latest obsession to him, or just being your self. it's a talkative and optimistic x furious monster that will fight to the death for them dynamic or a brings instant noodles to share for lunch x uses his fire quirk to actually cook the instant noodles with his fire quirk dynamic.
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Option 3 : Dabi
more of a Endeavor-Dabi mix for the drama. reader is 4 and gets her quirk in the story. her quirk is a heightened version of shoto's quirk which I'll expand on if this is the fan favorite.
you are the product of Dabi and a fling he had when he was 19 or 20, and while he may not have the most money or have the money, he still tires to protect you and and make you feel as cherished and loved as one can. growing up he never really showed you what a hero was. all you need to know is that they are not good people but don't tell anyone that lots of people don't know that and might get angry. now this is fine and all, Dabi protects your innocence while also protecting you from the world that hurt him. but one thing he negelcted to teach you is who is a hero. because the description he gave you "people attempting to 'save' people and fight 'bad guys' using their quirks often with swarms of people around them." only applies to heros in action and/or heros that the public actually like. so when Endeavor is placed to patrol in a relatively bad neighbourhood (it's the best one dabi could afford HE"S TRYING C"MON) around the time kids go and comeback from school to make sure they get home safe is when he meets you. a little girl with white hair like snow and sapphire blue eyes that glisten with joy.
thx for reading!!! byyeee.
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holleighgram · 1 year
Hold onto your keyboards, cause I'm about to get ✨️controversial ✨️
I'd like to preface this by saying all interpretations/ headcanons/ readings/ etc. Are valid and I'm in no way discouraging anyone to change their ways.
I watched (and enjoyed) Baloney's "The Truth About Kingdom Hearts!" And I absolutely adored their take on the series, but one line stuck out to me that I really want to expand on because I don't see it being talked about as often as it should.
Kairi doesn't like Riku.
And I think this is a very RICH and IMPORTANT aspect of the Destiny Trio dynamic. It adds to the complexity of these characters, but especially Kairi.
(Another shout out to @violethowler and their INCREDIBLE Constructing Kingdoms series. The video on"The Girl Who Never Grew Up" made me like and understand Kairi so much more. Highly recommend checking it out.)
Kairi doesn't like Riku, and with some pretty valid reasons, but I'll get to that after I compile all the evidence towards this:
In KH:
Kairi likes her life the way it is. She doesn't desire change, but Riku wants nothing but change. He wants to grow up and move on and see the outside world.
And because Sora looks up to him, Sora has jumped on the bandwagon too. Kairi is going along because Sora is. But it is clear that for Kairi, change =/= good. So what does she say?
"You know, Riku's changed."
Sora asks her how, and she kinda bites her tongue. Clearly she had opinions, but doesn't want to badmouth Soras best friend to him. Later she says, "Sora, don't ever change."
Later, after everything, when Kairi is restored and in Travers Town, she doubts that Riku can be saved, despite the fact that she LITERALLY saved Sora from being a heartless. She almost seems like she's trying to convince Sora not to go, or to at least let her come with-- not to save Riku but because she wants to be there with Sora.
At the end of the game, she obviously return to destiny islands and draws the paopu.
During Chain of Memories, everyone forgets about Sora, but the memories of Riku stay intact. For a year. Kairi is well aware that her "friend" is missing. In fact, last she knew of him, he was still taken by Ansem and presumably dead or at least suffering. She doesn't know.
She knows she's a Princess of Heart and has powers thay can help (as she restored Sora after being a heartless). But the most we get is "he's far away, but I know we'll see him again." Like, do you?
I mean, SELPHIE is the one that says "I sure miss him." That's way more than we EVER get from Kairi.
So for a YEAR, she doesn't spare Riku a single thought. But the SECOND she remembers Sora, she is willing to do anything to see him again.
Here's a little bit of speculation for WHY she doesn't like Riku:
1) Perhaps when she first met them as kids, he reminder her of Xehenort, who kidnapped her and yeeted her into space.
2) Kairi wanted to be best friends with SORA, but not Riku. She's afraid that Sora will follow Riku to the outside worlds (where she doesn't want to go) and leave her behind. If it wasn't for Riku, Sora wouldn't want to leave at all.
3) He (as far as we know) opened the door and damned their home into Darkness. That's probably a point of contention for her. Even though Sora so forgiving.
4) He hurt Sora in KH1, but Sora is still loyal to him. She probably sees that as him taking advantage of Sora-- the person she cares most about.
5) He's the reason Sora never came home. If it wasn't for him, they would have gone home at the end of KH1 together.
I can't say for sure how Riku feels about Kairi. He DID drag her corpse around and give into the darkness to save her, but that can be interpreted as solely wanting to "beat " Sora at being the hero. Even still, we get moment in COM where he reflects on missing her. We even see Namine come to his rescue in her form. I definitely feel like there is less animosity there, but who knows.
That's all.
Roast me, Kairi stans, but I love the depth this reading gives to the story and the potential for arcs and character growth for her and she is forced to face who she is without Sora.
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tokiro07 · 3 days
Still thinking about past Zeldas getting their own games
Obviously not all of them have enough going on to really warrant their own games, though that shouldn't stop anyone from giving them something to do, but which ones lend themselves to getting new stories the best?
Ocarina of Time is a pretty easy one with a seven-year gap for her to train herself up as Sheik. Sheik is extremely popular and has a lot of demand for her own game, even getting optioned for one by Retro once, so it's both the easiest to pitch and seems like the most likely to happen
Wind Waker's Tetra is similar, being super popular and having a large gap in her history that could easily house any number of adventures. Tetra spent who knows how many years at sea, and could easily have fought all kinds of monsters or discovered all kinds of treasures. We could even get her and Link finding the land that will become New Hyrule, defeating some kind of evil before its founding, like Malladus perhaps
Skyward Sword also provides ample opportunity with Zelda going on her own adventure one step ahead of Link at pretty much all times, though literally "Skyward Sword's levels but playing as Zelda" doesn't sound like a very worthwhile story. If they can find a way to keep it fresh, I'm all for it, but it may be better to have her exploring the Surface after the people of Skyloft begin migrating down to it
Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom has a gap between games, while also having the events of the Imprisoning War, though neither seems much like something they're interested in continuing to explore since we got to see so much of it already. It might be easier to just continue exploring the Depths or the lands surrounding Hyrule to get a deeper understanding of the Zonai's culture and historical impact
Pretty much all of the other Zeldas weren't very active in their own stories and don't leave a lot to the imagination, so any stories involving them would definitively have to be post-game rather than mid- or pre-game. Of these, the most interesting candidates would likely be:
Twilight Princess's Zelda investigating the Twilight Realm and looking for a way to reunite Link and Midna to repay them for their help in saving Hyrule. This could give us an opportunity to see more of the Twilight Realm and understand its ecology and culture while also giving us more insight into Midna herself. Personally I'd rather have a Midna game than a Twilight Zelda game, but I have a harder time seeing that pitch going through
Link Between Worlds, same thing, but Hilda and Lorule; Zelda may go back to check on how reviving their Triforce worked out and may end up facing some new villain who's trying to steal it. Again, I'd like to play a Hilda (or Ravio) game, but I'll accept any excuse to spend more time in Lorule and expand on its history and it's version of the Triforce; does it symbolize different traits, does it have its own goddesses, what?
Adventure of Link's Zelda I is definitely not a well-remembered or beloved character, but I think that the story angle of a princess waking up after countless years to find her descendant has taken the throne provides an excellent opportunity for characterization. Perhaps she feels out of touch with her kingdom having been away for so long, or maybe she feels unneeded since there's already a reigning princess? A search to find herself and possibly a confrontation with the spirit of the wizard who cursed her would make for a great plot, especially if they can find a way to incorporate the other Zelda like having the player control both with different abilities to help differentiate them. Unlikely, but certainly the most novel and the one I personally want to see most
Spirit Tracks's Zelda returned to her body in the end, presumably removing her ability to control Phantoms, so it's harder to see how she'd get to go on further adventures. However, it was stated that Byrne would reincarnate sooner or later, so that would at least provide a story opportunity even if new mechanics would be necessary
Minish Cap, Four Swords, and Four Swords Adventures don't really give Zelda much reason to go on an adventure post-game, but again, neither did Link to the Past, and if I'm right Echoes of Wisdom is branching off of a hypothetical ending where Ganon took Link with him as he was defeated, so I'm sure any number of excuses could be given for them
Minish Cap's Zelda had the most personality, but FSA's story is a little easier to see continuing, since Vaati or Ganon could well be revived again afterwards. Still, they're both pretty weak as inspirations for new stories, even if more Vaati content would be wholeheartedly appreciated
It's not very surprising that the biggest name Zelda games have the clearest routes for expanding on their stories, but since the opportunities still exist in all of the others, I would hope that Nintendo would try to do more than just the most obvious options
Or they might just make up new Zeldas and eras entirely without any regard for the timeline or previously undeveloped story segments, that seems like something they'd do
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fulcrumstoried · 10 months
Ex Diris and the Card Spread
Just read the Ex Diris lore entry exotic grande launcher from the season pass and haven't seen anyone try to do a breakdown of the cards and how they align with cartomancy yet, cause I am gnawing at this.
So, the Deck of Whispers is an oracle deck (think tarot, but the cards and meanings are different).
One of the ways that people engage with cartomancy is by developing spreads, aka the order you draw the cards, and the places that you put them, add to the meaning of the cards.
Eg, a three card spread of past, present, future. The first card you draw represents the past, the second is the present, the third is the future.
I don't believe Eris' spread has an exact match (please let me know if it does), but it is very very close to the Celtic Cross Spread, particularly the expanded version.
I'll break down the spread, the meanings, and the cards below. There's very little theory crafting, but a lot more meaning finding, so I hope you enjoy!
The Labyrinthos link above is a very good full breakdown, but tl;dr, each card in this Celtic Cross Spread has a different meaning, which I'll get into (at a basic level), and it looks something like this:
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Card 1 - Your current situation [Blades]
Eris interpretes this to mean Sword Logic. Yes, but I think it's also about the First Knife, and the Final Shape, aka this whole fight / saga is centered around whether or not the Witness is right.
Card 2 - The Challenge / Obstacle [Adherent]
Eris clearly sees this as Xivu Arath. I agree, an Adherent could also be known as a Disciple. The meaning also supports it: she's the threat of the season, the thing we have to overcome first.
Card 3 - Foundation / Cause of the situation [Sisters]
Eris clearly sees this as the Hive God's first selves. I agree, as the meaning supports this: who the Hive Gods once were is the foundation of who they have become.
Whilst this feels like a limited meaning (there are more causes than just them), I think it's a deliberate choice to set up the next card:
Card 4 - The / Your Past [The Harbinger]
Eris can only see this as herself. The spread meaning becomes tenuous here, perhaps because she is the Oracle and from the past she foretells the future? Perhaps it is her card because it is her past that is in play? Or perhaps it's because the writers wanted to have that very interesting line
Perhaps now she counted among those sisters. Savathûn, Xivu Arath, and Eris Morn. A game between siblings. A love that sharpens.
I've got a bit of a crack theory developing about this (particularly with what implies about her role as a Navigator), but that's for later.
This is also when the normal spread and Eris' differ. Traditionally, you then place Card 5, which represents the present. Eris skips this (perhaps because she doesn't need to know what's happening now), and goes straight to
Card 6 - Near Future [The Lie]
Eris wonders if this is the Guardians, or maybe the lie of the Deep. From a simple standpoint, perhaps it could just mean that the future is a lie, or that to know the Future is to know a lie? Or, following the way each card is an entity, perhaps this is the Witness? After all, they're going to be in our near future.
This is when the normal and Eris' spreads diverge again. Sometimes, at the end of a reading, people add three or four more cards across the bottom, which shows the more subtle influences around the person doing the reading. Eris does this halway through, creating:
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Because she does it halfway through, I think Cards 6, 7, and 8 are clarifiers of the three columns beneath them, rather than the reading as a whole. (I'm also toying with the idea that they could also represent the Surface, the Sky, and the Deep, but eh)
(Lmao I've just realised that because I made the second graphic, now the numbers don't align, and I'm going to repeat Card 6 and now use the numbers from Eris' spread, sorry!)
Card 6 - aligned with Harbinger/Eris [Liminal]
Imo these match, Eris is currently occupying the liminal space between Hive and not-Hive, Light and Dark.
Card 7 - aligned with Sisters [Ascension]
Again, a match, their rise from being sisters to godhood.
Card 8 - aligned with The Lie [Lacuna]
Now, a lacuna is a gap, particularly where there should be, or once was, something. Eris saw it as part of a Guardian's Light, but I think it's specifically her Light - and the fact that she no longer has it.
She had not held it for centuries. The Hive sisters below beckoned more loudly than the Light did.
Aligned with The Lie, either she is tempted to fill it with the Lie (aka the Darkness), or the fact that she doesn't have it is the Lie (?).
Then we get to the final four cards, also known as the Staff.
Card 9 - Current approach / Your influence [The Witch]
Eris is torn between Savathun and herself, and I think that's reflected in what the meaning of the card could be. I'm leaning towards Savathun, because it's highly unusual to have two cards representing one person in a spread, and because she is, you know, the Witch Queen.
Also, that which is influencing us and dictating our approach right now is Savathun. So if we continue with our current approach, we will continue up the staff/column of cards to:
Card 10 - What you need to know / External influence [The Truth]
This is a fun card because it states The Truth, then Eris goes and says
There were too many truths for any one to triumph.
This is a very interesting line to me, and immediately brought to mind the final Veil Log, the Von Neumann-Wigner hypothesis mentioned, and this breakdown from Reddit. Tl;dr the Light is about creating possibilities, and the Darkness is about collapsing all possible states into one reality.
I also find Eris' use of the word triumph interesting - what will the final truth (final shape) of the universe be?
Card 11 - Hope / Fear [Lament]
Eris sees this as Oryx's death. I immediately thought of The Lament sword from Beyond Light. The sword was a gift from Clovis Bray to Banshee, due to his regret at not caring about the living whilst he was alive. In it, he states
Stay alive. For legacy.
However, when we activate the Clovis Bray AI, he threatens to kill Banshee. His initial lament is forgotten. Similarly, Savathun and Xivu Arath both once died, and Oryx brought them back.
So, these combine in two interesting ways; that of fear of total loss then rejection upon regaining it, and perhaps a fear/hope of sword logic being true.
Card 12 - Outcome [The Wish]
The particle The Wish feels important, and my immediate reaction was The Last Wish or Eris' Wish? Now Eris' was in the past, and I think both the meaning (Outcome) and Eris' interpretation suggest that this is something that will occur.
Eris had wished before. It had led her here. Would she be asked to wish again? What else would her desire wrought?
This post breaks down those lines really well. Or perhaps it is about the Last Wish, fulfilling it, that of the fireteam wishing to keep the Dreaming City / Awoken/Humanity safe?
A wish is desire, the greatest power in this universe.
Which is pretty much a direct quote from the Last Wish cinematic. This also reminds me of the reddit post, as being able to choose your reality feels like a pretty darn great power.
Eris' interpretations of these cards are built on each other, like a tower working up. A Witch, from whom Truth flows, which causes Lament, to the final outcome of The Wish.
This could be the story of Eris, actually. She asked for the way out of the tunnels under the moon (knowledge, and truth), losing and gaining something in the process, to obtain the wish of being free.
But also, according to Labyrinthos, with the staff (this column of four cards),
We learn how the context of this situation can affect the reader's life outside the situation, and also - how to change it, if desired.
I think these cards are not just for Eris, but for the story/season - the wider picture, and also how it may change later.
I also think that these cards do a really good job of bringing together a lot of different areas of Destiny story together - from Forsaken and the Last Wish, to Lament and Beyond Light, with the Hive and Witch Queen.
This was an absolute blast to try and read into, so hope you all enjoyed my red string nonsense!
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