#period architecture
reallyniceskies · 5 months
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Sunset on Sheep Street, Petersfield (Jan 2024)
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rollin-up-the-walls · 6 months
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Tenby, Europe
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heidisysto · 9 months
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Traditional Exterior - Exterior Inspiration for a substantial, traditional, two-story, mixed-siding home with a hip roof and a shingle roof.
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abetc · 11 months
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Château de Freyr
Namur, Belgique
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youngkaezy · 1 year
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Great Room - Kitchen Open concept kitchen - mid-sized traditional light wood floor open concept kitchen idea with a farmhouse sink, beaded inset cabinets, white cabinets, marble countertops, white backsplash, ceramic backsplash, paneled appliances and an island
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toushiz · 1 year
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Great Room - Kitchen Open-concept kitchen with a farmhouse sink, beaded inset cabinets, white cabinets, marble countertops, a white backsplash, a ceramic backsplash, paneled appliances, and an island in a mid-sized traditional light wood floor design.
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nepalcamel · 1 year
The Merchant House of Sandholt
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The Merchant's House in Sandholt is a beautiful and historic building that dates back to the 16th century. It is a fine example of the Tudor style, with its distinctive half-timbered facade and steeply-pitched roof.
The Merchant's House was once the home of a wealthy merchant who made his fortune trading in wool and other commodities. The interior of the house is adorned with a variety of decorative features, including ornate carvings and intricate plasterwork.
One of the most striking features of the Merchant's House is its large bay window, which provides a commanding view of the village square. The window is framed by decorative wooden moldings and features a variety of painted glass panels, each one depicting a different scene from the life of the merchant and his family.
The interior of the house is just as impressive as the exterior. Visitors can take a tour of the various rooms, including the merchant's study, the family's living quarters, and the grand dining hall. Each room is decorated with a variety of period furniture and works of art, providing a glimpse into the lifestyle and tastes of the wealthy merchant class.
Today, the Merchant's House is a popular tourist attraction, and visitors can take guided tours of the building to learn about its history and the lives of the people who once lived there. It is a true jewel of the village, a testament to the power and wealth of the merchant class, and a living example of the Tudor style that remains popular to this day.
The Merchant's House is a beautiful and fascinating building, a true testament to the history and culture of the region. It is a unique and valuable part of the village's heritage, and it remains an enduring symbol of the wealth and sophistication of the merchant class in medieval times.
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escapismsworld · 7 months
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“A fondness for reading, properly directed, must be an education in itself.”
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livesunique · 1 year
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Fukashi Castle, Matsumoto, Nagano, Japan,
@ Kota_ig
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half-a-life · 4 months
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Troja Palace is a Baroque palace located in Troja, Prague's north-west borough. It was built for the Counts of Sternberg from 1679 to 1691. The palace is owned by the city of Prague and hosts the 19th century Czech art collections of the City Gallery.
The stairs between the palace and the gardens are the work of two sculptors from Dresden: Johann Georg and Paul Heermann. They sculpted statues representing the fight of gods and giants. The terrace is decorated with a rare collection of vases made by Bombelli.
Troja Palace
Prague, Czech Republic 🇨🇿
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vintagehomecollection · 2 months
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Japan's craftsmen achieve intricate textile patterns with sturdy paper stencils for katazome (paste-resist dyeing). These hand-cut designs, now collectors' items, had a large influence on European decorative art in the early 1900s.
At Home With Japanese Design: Accents, Structure and Spirit, 1990
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mintjeru · 11 months
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i would like to award kaveh the highest honor i can bestow 🖤💚🤍
open for better quality | no reposts
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yebreed · 11 months
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Gongshutang Temple (公輸堂) with its unforgettable cosmological ceiling.  Just a small temple in the rural outback in Huxian County (戶縣), Shaanxi, in Qinan village (祁南村). The locals even barely remember its name.
The Gongshutang Temple, originally called Yuanyuantang (源遠堂), also known as Wanfotang (萬佛堂) was built in the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty, facing south from the north. It was erected by the followers of the “Baiyang Sanhui” (白陽三會) movement to commemorate their legendary ancestor-founder Lu Ban (魯班).
From the very beginning, Gongshutang was a large-scale temple complex. Nowadays only the main hall exists with a building area of 106 square meters. Referring to the folk religion, the temple is conceived to worship the amalgam of the Taoist and Buddhist pantheons.
Photo: ©同斯庆呀么丕显休
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leroibobo · 6 months
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kadavumbagam synagogue in kochi, kerala, india. it's also known as the "cochin blossoms synagogue" for its floral details.
malabari jews trace their origins to jews who'd come to present-day kerala from the middle east from antiquity. the synagogue was renovated in 1700, but the original dates back to the 12th-13th centuries. it was said to have been built by jews who'd fled persecution to kochi's ernakalum district. the specifics of the story vary.
after a period of abandonment beginning in the 1970s, it was restored in 2018 by local josephai "babu" elias and is now in use again. it's currently the oldest functioning synagogue in india.
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90sgrungelouis · 5 months
sorry to be That kind of person because i also hate when people are never satisfied but i just didnt like this weeks episode. the books were funny! exciting! fast paced! action packed! full of personality!! every week i wait to get invested and excited because i WANT to get excited and i WANT this show to do well but every week i sit there at the end of the episode feeling disappointed. them changing the lotus flowers to be like 'it was in the air' is so lame, adding in that augustus character was unnecessary, they took out everything that made the casino cool (PLEASE for the love of god STOP telling instead of showing, it reads like an episode of dora the explorer), lin manuel miranda absolutely did NOT have to be in that episode because he added completely nothing, and there is so much unnecessary exposition i feel it coming out of my ears. i just feel like this series is so serious and flat and lacks the personality and action and fun that the books (and even the movies lbr) had. i just. i dont know man! im sad.
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noxcorvid · 2 months
think I’m almost done deciding when serana gets bank chuted w her elder scroll, sometime between 1E 2331 and 1E 2703, the end and beginning times of the alessian and reman empires, bc the main hangup in figuring out when that happens is her line of “cyrodiil’s the seat of an empire?” when you wake her up. I decided against it happening during the interregnum in the 2E, bc while Cyrodiil doesn’t have a solid cohesive empire at that time, it still was kkkkkkkind of an empire? it was nominally an empire (the empire of Cyrodiil) so I decided against it, and then that segways right into Tiber septim septiming all over the place into the 3rd era, so 1E it is. Considered before the Alessian Empire, but that began 1E 243 and for the sake of keeping the story relatively cohesive (for perspective, the Dwemer getting thanos snapped and chimer->dunmer happened around 1E 700, and the yokudans began sailing en masse for Tamriel in 1E 792), and I initially didn’t want serana to be so violently out of the loop... I was gonna save that level of dissonance for a potential miraak doesn’t die in apocrypha arc but the ideas been growing on me. Like a fungus. ALSO, re: language: I don’t care what the official lore (or at least uesp) says there’s no way all of tamriel was using high elvish for legal documents continent-wide, serana would speak primarily old Nordic either way, but at least with the Alessian empire having already happened it makes sense if she at least spoke a little bit of old cyrodilic ……… but also very early 1E serana so. Hm.
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