#period drama-ish
talkfantasytome · 6 months
It's Instinct - Chapter 1
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The Archerons arrive at their townhouse in Yin, settling in for a season of society.
Warnings: Emotional Abuse | Word Count: 3,251 | Read on AO3
It's Instinct Masterlist
a/n: Hello @dustjacketmusings!! Idk which you'll see first, but yes, it is I, your secret santa! I was soooo excited to get you and to have the chance to build something special for you! I hope you like it. I took into consideration your enjoyment of magical/supernatural AUs, am sprinkling in some rivalry, and definitely there will be some angst (I hope it comes across well). However, my schedule did not allow for me to write a short book in one month - how rude - so this will be some time in the making, but hopefully you'll enjoy taking this journey with me!
And thank you @acotargiftexchange for putting this all together and organizing this lovely exchange!
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"Will you stop shaking your leg? Honestly, one would think you have to relieve yourself."
Her mother started on a new rant directed at Nesta. Droning on about proper, ladylike behavior again. A lady doesn't reveal her needs. A lady doesn't display extreme emotions. A lady doesn't fidget. A lady doesn't shake the carriage.
Nesta knew all these things. She was typically very good at them. But it took every ounce of will in her to remain even this calm as they neared Yin.
The scent of the dew unfathomably mixed with the first snow of winter grew with each mile they traveled. And the rattling of the wheels seemed to sing to the beat of "closer, closer, closer". Nesta's heart picked up the rhythm, beating along and growing in strength.
She hadn't seen Yin since her graduation day. That night her mother whisked them all back home and then on to a three-year tour of the most eligible bachelors the continent had to offer. Disguised as an opportunity to hone her power further, to learn from the best Reason masters in the world. Unsurprisingly, her mother didn't care to hear much about those lessons. Her thoughts and conversation revolved entirely around what Nesta would wear to the next ball, who she should speak to, what she should ask about, who to accept dances with, and regular emphasis on keeping her thoughts to herself.
For families who cared so much about intelligence and power, they seemed far more interested in finding a vapid and thoughtless jewel to adorn their sons' arms.
Not that the sons had much to offer. Nesta found their conversation bland and mediocre. They had nothing to say that was challenging in the least, save for their misogynistic undertones and expectations.
It shouldn't have come as such a shock that Nesta didn't manage to secure a 'suitable' marriage. The ones that were determined enough to make an actual offer never lasted longer than a week into the planning, much to Nesta's pleasure. And even more so to her mother's chagrin.
Nesta couldn't regret it, though, no matter how unpleasant her mother could be. As excited as she was to travel the continent, to learn from the masters and take in new knowledge they didn't teach in Prythian, she was ready to go back. Back to the city that had stolen her heart in her three years at the Academy.
She hadn't expected to be back so soon after they returned from the continent. But apparently her mother was in a rush, worried that news of her unfavorable disposition would reach Prythian before she could get Nesta married. And Yin was the only place in Prythian where they might find an appropriate match by her mother's standards. The only place that held families rich and powerful enough for that, though none so much as those on the continent - as her mother kept reminding her.
"It's really no wonder you couldn't find a husband. Your lack of self-control will be the destruction of this family."
Her mother had managed to pivot back to Nesta's horrible showing on the continent by the time they finally reached their town house. Her favorite subject.
"Eileen," their father sighed.
"Don't start with me, Owen!" she snapped before he had a chance to say anything else.
He let out a breath and gave in, opening the door to their carriage and leading the family into the house. Nesta was surprised he even bothered trying. Absent is too kind a word to describe his presence in Nesta's upbringing. He never cared for his eldest. Nesta sometimes wondered if she were really his.
The three sisters followed their parents in age order, not one of them feeling a sense of relief for being in the town house. It was never a home for any of them.
From the street, the house gave off a sense of welcome and life that would be drowned out the second Nesta stepped into the foyer. No one knew the lie that was the façade of this house. How the perfectly kept up flowers, bushes, and crawling ivy and morning glory was all just a front for the despair that laid within.
Inside was more of the same. Pristinely decorated, it was designed entirely for show. A place for the family to rest the few times a year they were in Yin. To help keep up appearances, ensure everyone knew they maintained a certain degree of wealth. Everyone who was anyone had a house in Yin. And while many wealthy families did permanently resid here, the Archerons main estate was in the port city of Adriata. It was far easier for their father, as a tradesman and merchant, to do his business from there. And when he had business in Yin, he often didn't bring the family, knowing he'd be able to keep his trip shorter that way.
Nesta hated this house. It was worse than the manor by the sea - at least that one was large enough she could hide, avoid her mother when it wasn't time for her various lessons. The grounds were sprawling. It was so easy to find a tree on the edge of them to settle under and read. It was well decorated, always perfectly clean and ready to entertain visitors, but it was still lived in. Books and notes and clothes were strewn about her room. Flowers from Elain's garden adorned almost every table. Feyre's paintings were hung in the private rooms of the manor. Their father's favorite treasures could be found accenting various rooms, a great conversation starter for those curious.
This house had none of that. It was filled with the latest trends in home décor. The right rugs and settees, tables made from the finest of mahogany or whatever wood was currently in season. Paintings only from the most famous of artists, flowers from some boutique shop, and there was not one ounce of character in any of the bedrooms. Any family could live here and no one would know.
She never truly felt at home in the manor, but here she was a prisoner. Made all the worse by her adoration of Yin. It was easier to be trapped far away from the city than to be just one wall away but unable to enjoy it.
Nesta reached her ordinary room, draped in fabrics of pale blue and silver, and plopped down on her bed. The journey from Adriata was long. She was certain she could've slept for two days, but before she could adjust her body to be properly on the bed, she heard a knock on the door.
"Nesta?" Elain's soft voice called from the other side of it.
Taking that as an invitation, Elain opened the door and walked in, followed quickly by Feyre. They shut the door behind them and walked over to Nesta. "We were going to walk to the market and wondered if you'd like to come with," Elain offered.
"Get some fresh air," Feyre added. "Away from mo-oof." She was cut off by Elain's less-than-gentle nudge to the stomach.
Nesta let out a sigh and sat up. The stresses of travel were weighing heavily on her, but getting out of the house and into the city did sound wonderful. "Yeah," Nesta agreed. "Let me just change first. I'll meet you in the foyer in 15 minutes."
Her sisters nodded and left the room, likely to change out of their travel clothes as well.
The trunk with her dresses had already been brought up to the room, the carriage carrying their things likely arriving before they had. She walked over to it and quickly dug through her clothes, picking out a simple, purple grey dress. It had some minor detail on the torso, but was plain enough it wouldn't draw too much attention.
She pulled off her shirt and skirt and threw the dress over her, using the external straps to tighten the waist enough to show off her figure. The floor-length skirt shimmered slightly in the light breaking through her windows, giving off a slight glow to the fabric. She walked over to the mirror and took out her hair, the updo disheveled from the journey. She brushed through the long, golden brown locks and then re-did it, sticking it right back up into her favorite braided coronet style.
Nesta grabbed her deep purple, valor cloak and fastened it as she made her way out her room and down the stairs. The fur trim around the hood was already beginning to warm her up, and the delicate silver flowers at the bottom popped with each step she took. Elain and Feyre were already waiting for her in fresh dresses, pulling on their gloves and chatting quietly.
"Are you ready?" Feyre asked as Elain handed Nesta her own gloves.
"Absolutely," Nesta replied.
Sharp footsteps that had all three girls straightening sounded behind them. "And where are you three going?" their mother's pointed voice asked.
"We were just going to take a walk to the market, mama," Elain explained in a sweet voice she used to get her way. It almost always worked.
"We just arrived. Surely you three have to get settled in your rooms."
"Yes, but we've been traveling for so long. We thought getting some fresh air and sunshine would be good for us."
Their mother looked at each of her daughters, moving an assessing gaze from one to the next. "Fine. Be home in time for dinner."
"Yes, mama," the three said in unison. They turned and hastened through the door before she could change her mind.
Once out of the house they each took a breath of relief. Nesta was bristling with excitement as she took in the city around them. The clouds were as white and fluffy as ever, drifting across the azure sky. It was midday, and yet something about them looked as if dawn were still lingering, a rose gold glow lining them.
With their house residing in the Rì chū - as the locals called their neighborhood - it was only a short walk to the Lí míng Market, the unofficial center of the city. The true center was still a mile away, filled with golden buildings where business and politics took place. But the market, that was the social center. Shops lined the street and stalls filled it, displaying goods from all over the world. Political hopefuls would gather in the center, preaching their opinions and fighting for change. Old friends would meet in the various cafes to catch up over cups of tea. New lovers would wander the aisles, browsing aimlessly as they sought to know each other better.
There was always something to see or do at the market, always something to entertain. But what Nesta loved best was the variety. People from all over Prythian lived in Yin, and you could see them all at the market. Their different dress styles and how they wear their hair, the various accents and intonations they speak in. It was all here, in this bustling market.
They were browsing a small jewelry stall when Elain let out a loud sigh. "You know, as lovely as this city is, I do wish we could've spent a bit more time in Adriata before coming here."
"Speak for yourself," Feyre said, her eyes tracking a pack of boys around her age that were passing them. "Did all the guys look like that when you were at the Academy, Nesta?"
"Like rowdy, eighteen-year-olds? Yes." Nesta didn't even bother looking at the group, more interested in a rose pendant painted to look like flames.
She could hear the roll in Feyre's eyes as she responded, "Cute, Nesta. I meant cute."
"I wasn't paying that much attention," she explained, placing the pendant down. It was beautiful, but her mother would never let her wear it out. Even looking at it she could feel eyes on her, as if her mother was watching all the way from their house. "Some were cute, some weren't, I'm sure. But if you're truly interested, you could always enroll in the Academy."
Feyre let out a loud snort that drew more than a few eyes, but Nesta tried to ignore it, moving them along to the next stall. "As if I'd be allowed to," Feyre lamented. "Mother didn't allow Elain to enroll."
"Really? As I recall it, Elain opted not to enroll," Nesta countered.
"What?!" Feyre pivoted, eyes on Elain, who suddenly found a new stall she wished to see halfway across the market and rushed off. "She never told me that." Her voice softened slightly as she slid up to Nesta's side.
Nesta turned to give Feyre a small smile. "I think she was worried you'd think she was staying for you. You just assumed she didn't have the option, it was easier to keep it that way."
"Was she? Staying for me."
"Not entirely. She didn't want to leave you alone, but she also wanted to stay for father. And, in the end, she's not as interested in our magic. She was more interested in staying home, getting to spend time on her hobbies and the garden. But it was her choice. Believe me. I tried to convince her to go."
Feyre let out a contemplative sound, her eyes moving to the clocks made from wine bottles that were displayed on the stall in front of them. "I still doubt I'd be allowed to enroll, assuming I could get in."
"You'd get in. You're an Archeron."
"Doesn't change the mother of it all. She'd never let me go. She'd never spend that kind of money on me."
"Feyre," Nesta sighed, knowing exactly where this was going.
"Nesta," Feyre parried. "Don't pretend. Our whole lives, everything has been about you. She doesn't care about us. Only you."
Nesta simply shook her head. "That's not true."
It wasn't about Nesta.
It never was. Not one thing in her life. Not the dance lessons, the private tutors, the fancy dresses. Not even her birth. As her mother always said, she was bred. No, she wasn't born or conceived or made with love, but bred. Like a prize show pony.
It was one of the reasons Nesta enjoyed her time at the Academy so much. The freedom. She could stay up all night, engrossed in a book if she wanted to. She could spend hours in the various museums, devouring chocolate from her favorite shop, or strolling through the Lí míng Market.
It hadn't been perfect freedom. Her mother's eye was far-reaching, she still kept Nesta 'in line', but the boundaries were far larger than Nesta had ever experienced. She just needed to stay away from Instinct - the other school of magic. Emotional, raucous, intense - they were dangerous. Nesta had heard the stories of Reason practitioners who'd gotten mixed up in Instinct. It never ended well.
Feyre could lecture her all she wanted on how Nesta was given everything. How their mother's life revolved around Nesta, but it never truly did. Their mother's life revolved around their mother, and Nesta was a mere tool in the process.
Her tone turned sharper. "Well, that's how it looks to me." And with that comment, Feyre stalked away.
One day Feyre might understand, but Nesta sure hoped that would never happen. That her mother would never shift her focus to Elain or Feyre. She prayed to the gods every day that they would never know what their mother's 'caring' felt like.
Leaving her sisters to their own interests, Nesta continued her path down the aisle of stalls, stopping whenever something caught her eye. She never lingered for long, unable to shake that feeling that she was being watched. The hairs on the back of her neck remained upright, a tingling sensation spreading through her body.
Nesta was sure she was growing paranoid. There were hundreds of people at the market. Plenty probably looked at her for a moment, but surely no one was watching her. And her mother hated the market, she certainly wouldn't have come out to it just to watch Nesta shop.
When she reached the end of the aisle, Nesta looked around for the tenth time, her eyes scanning every divot and alleyway when her gaze fell upon a pair of bright, hazel eyes that were clearly following her. Even being caught, they remained on her, a spark igniting in them, mesmerizing Nesta and holding her stare. She lost her breath for a moment. It took a minute before she gathered the strength of will to break away from his gaze and look upon the face those eyes held.
His face was nearly as intense as his stare. A strong jaw and high cheekbones, with a scar through the left eyebrow, half-hidden by some of the dark hair that fell in his face. His lips were spread into a knowing smirk. It ignited something deep within her that she couldn't quite name.
He was leaning against a lamp post, his ridiculously muscular arms crossed over his just as insane torso. Even in that stance he was daunting. She could only imagine what he'd be like at full height.
Meeting his gaze again, she finally realized what it was she was feeling.
The audacity of this man, to watch her go through the market. To give her such a smug grin, as if he knew she would come up to him now that she's seen him. She had the mind to do just that and tell him off. Before she could, she heard her name being called.
"Nesta! You must come see these!" Elain exclaimed, walking up to her and grabbing her hand, beginning to pull her toward some stall. Nesta looked to her sister reflexively, and when she looked back the man was gone. As if he'd disappeared on the wind. "Nesta?" Elain asked, noticing her sister not moving.
"Sorry," Nesta breathed, turning to Elain. "I was lost in thought. What are we looing at?"
Elain grinned widely and led her to a stall selling cloak clasps. Feyre was already there, holding up a beautiful clasp of stars. Nesta wasn't entirely sure how the designer was able to make a full clasp of defined stars, but there it was in her sister's hands, one of the most beautiful cloak clasps she'd ever seen.
"That's lovely, Feyre," Nesta said, the best peace offering she could provide. Feyre gave her a big smile and nod, her form of an acceptance.
"And look at these!" Feyre held up two others, a floral bouquet clasp and one of silver flames.
"Oh, wow!" Nesta could hardly get the words out as she took the clasp of fire and examined it. She'd never seen its equal.
Feyre could never full explain it, but whenever she was painting a representation of her sisters, she always painted these three symbols. Flowers for Elain, stars for herself, and flames for Nesta. Nesta's favorites were always the ones where she turned the flames silver, 'like your eyes,' she would say. Not that Nesta's eyes were actually silver, but apparently they could look that way in some lightings.
"It's just too perfect, isn't it?" Elain asked, already reaching into her coin purse and handing money to the keeper of the stall for all three of them.
"It's more than that. It's fate," Feyre agreed.
Nesta smiled softly as she wrapped her hand around her new clasp. "It's certainly something," she murmured.
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a/n: I hope no one minds some sisterly moments. It wasn't truly purposeful, but there's something about giving the sisters a better bond that felt right for this fic.
I stuck with East Asia as inspiration for aspects of this city - particularly the names for now, but I'm going to be trying to work in more around fashion and other things throughout the fic - because this is meant to take place in the area that would be the Dawn Court in canon Prythian.
Pronunciations - I am linking to "word hippo" for the words I used. They have a little speaker icon you can click on to hear the pronunciation, as technically the English spelling is the phonetic spelling. I did speak with a native Mandarin-speaking friend to make sure I got the right words, but she could not help me with phonetic spellings, so this is the best way to do this, I believe.
Lí míng | Rì chū
Tag list: @live-the-fangirl-life @generalnesta @secretlovelybeauty @julemmaes @boredserpent @autumnbabylon @moodymelanist @sv0430 @nesquik-arccheron @gwynrielsupremacy @katekatpattywack @moonstoneriver77 @swankii-art-teacher @lemonade-coolattas @emily-gsh @my-fan-side @champanheandluxxury @imsointobooks @sayosdreams @simpingfornestaarcheron @imsointobooks @perseusannabeth @shinya-hiiragi @a-court-of-milkandhoney @pintas3107 @embersofwildfire @superspiritfestival @thewayshedreamed @lunabean @xstarlightsupremex @mis-lil-red @wannawriteyouabook @dealfea @bridgertononmymind @daydreamer-anst @chosenfamily-valkyriequeens @hiimheresworld @c-e-d-dreamer @kale-theteaqueen
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oh my god.. a job for me.. historical pierrot beach performer lol
#also I'm obsessed with shows like this#I always forget about like 'people live in a fully historical way as a sort of half documentary half educational reality-tv ish thing' as#a genre but then every once in a while I remember and watch something like this and am so enamored#There was also one called 'manor house' or something where it was like normal people who aren't actually historians or anything#trying to live like how they did a while ago in some big manor or whatever which was interesting#not the drama really (there wasnt much but a few of the people on there were kind of annoying whenever they did get their#few little interview bits among the otherwise mostly explanatory nature of the show just focusing on how things#worked in mainatining a giant manor house)#though there's a lot of focus on edwardian and victorian times in these sorts of things. which is cool!#but I wonder if they have them for different time periods too. and different locations. what about 1500s france#1250s china. etc. etc. I dont know because like I said I always forget I like this type of stuff so I never look it up#omg.... guess what... (whispering to you as if we're friends and I'm gosspiing).. you will NEVER believe this..#you know 'Edwardian Farm' right? well.. I just found........ 'VICTORIAN farm'!#it's literally the same people doing the same thing but a different time period. And you know what? I will still eagerly watch every moment#ghbhj.. They could do 'Victorian Farm 2' 'Victorian Farm 3: Yet Another Show About The Same Stuff' and I would watch them all#ANYWAY.. also I feel like that could be my niche. Like because I'm Very Mentally Ill And Have Very Much Problems and have difficulty managi#ng ''normal'' jobs. But I LOVE menial repetitive tasks epsecially ones I can do with my hands. Like I could peel carrots for hours. I love#sculpting. etc. If I were ever in a position to learn a historical trade I think that could be My Thing. on these shows they always have li#ke 'The One Single Guy In The Entirety Of England Who Still Weaves Baskets Like They Did In Shropshire In 1805' or whatever and they#call him on the show and he's like 'yeah this basket took me 16 hours to make and here's how I do it' and it's like.. god.. I could be that#guy.. Like old style jewelry making. shoe making. all of these little tedious tasks to do crafting sorts of things.#It's just that like... when am I ever going to be in a position to LEARN that? You'd have to know someone who already does it#and be like tutored by them or etc. Which my social issues are a barrier gghhj.. and lack of resources/money to buy supplies. etc#but.. THEORETICALLY.. the dream.. ANYWAY ghhjhj.. I've been very busy all week but will try to do new poll adventure and other#stuff soon. I've had like two appointments and More Things Than Usual so just.. zero social media posting energy whatsoever#I do HAVE posts though.. pictures.. cat things.. costumes.. polls.. it's just.. brain says I have to lay on the floor all day instead#but at least I can ponder the absolute glee of a theoretical life where I am That One Guy in england who can make old ass gloves or etc.#If anyone in the UK has a dying grandpa with a near-extinct skill and YOU yourself don't feel like picking up the trade to pass it to young#er generations.. hmu and help me get citizenship and I will do it for you. even if he's evil and mean. I will MAKE those shoes
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quill-pen · 1 year
Oh, no....
Brain: So, like... you know how in Victorian times, people had to read for entertainment? Me: Mm-hmm. Brain: I mean, like, they didn't even have radio yet or anything! Me: Yup, that's true. Brain: And, like, I know they were still a number of things to do for entertainment, but reading was the main source of media-type entertainment, you know? Me: Yes, I'm aware. Brain: Well... you know the variety of books in the 19th century would be different than what you're used to, too. Me: Yeah, I figured--where are you going with this? Brain: Well... you know... you're not gonna be able to fall back on The Lord of the Rings as a book for people to read. ... It wasn't even written yet. Me:... SONUVABITCH!!!
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reusedsuperheroutfits · 3 months
This Superhero Suit is worn on Anthony Anderson as Andre 'Dre' Johnson in Black-ish: The Purge (2016) and worn on Uknown Actor in Once Upon a Time: Beauty (2017) and worn again on Ingo Rademacher as Jax Jacks in General Hospital (2020)
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theminecraftbee · 4 months
being in true sexyman nostalgia mode today (on account of. IT'S BEEN ONE YEAR BABY.) i think one of the most fascinating things about it is that we will never manage to do that again. like, not in a "we couldn't organize it better" way; there were better ways to do the spreadsheet, we would just turn off comments on posts and anon asks from day one so that we wouldn't then get people accusing us of censorship while we tried and failed to control the tide of things that ended up in the comments and inbox, we'd definitely have a WAY higher non-hermit contingent, both thanks to qsmp and thanks to the sexyman blog and medusa now having MUCH wider reach to other corners of the fandom and the original spread not all rooting at me, etc.
but the reason we couldn't do it again is that i don't know if we could ever replicate the exact circumstances that lead to it blowing up quite to the extent it blew up.
it was while tumblr polls and doing tumblr poll brackets on tumblr itself was still new-ish, and people were still excited about them. the idea of a mcytblr bracket was basically brand new; i won't claim we did it FIRST (because i have no idea if we did and doubt we did), but certainly we did it big first. so there's that; we can never again invent in real time "shit people are sending us threats about fraud lets legalize fraud because its funny, we can't stop it, and that neutralizes that drama as a thing anyone will take seriously", and then in turn accidentally invent a fandom culture of. um. wide-spread voter fraud.
(i don't know if we should apologize for, uh, causing the specific way mcytblr voter frauds. i still think it was better than the alternative at least, especially after seeing how so many other polls crashed and burned after us. there were MANY things we could have done better but i have seen SO MANY ways we could have done things worse since then so i think we came out looking pretty okay.)
but also: february 2023 was a very different time in mcytblr. we were in a hermitcraft dead period, where most of the hermits were either on vacation or playing tcg (which was fun, but didn't end up generating that much fandom activity by that time in february). the former dsmp crew was very much doing Nothing (and in that awkward space when the entire fandom knew dsmp 2 was never happening, but also people were still claiming it would happen, so it was just... busy waiting). qsmp didn't exist yet. there was no ongoing life series and wouldn't be for some time. i think even the dominioners and lifestealers were in a fairly dead zone. there was very little new for people to be excited about, mcyt content-wise.
enter: our poll. our poll which cleo then thinks its funny to call out on twitter. our poll, which was not only new mcyt content for the fandom to interact with (thanks to the fact we KEPT GETTING CC INTERACTIONS???), but participatory.
for about two weeks, we were the mcyt event de jour.
and like. the thing is. now we're in february 2024. mcyt is BOOMING. a new hermitcraft season JUST STARTED. we came off of vault hunters before that. meanwhile, qsmp just restarted and is, if i'm understanding correctly, booming. they just added a new guy! the two current juggernauts of the fandom are in FULL SWING. i honestly think we'd be somewhat overtaken by the fact things are actually happening in fandom. there's stuff to do that ISN'T go insane about a poll.
and it's not new, and we've seen it all before now, and frankly, it's hard to cause a mass hysteria event TWICE. lightning in a bottle, as they say.
i think part of the reason we all just REMEMBER mcytblr sexyman so much is that we could never, ever recreate it, so it remains crystalized in a single moment in time, impossible to replicate, forever memorable.
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haridraws · 4 months
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behold: the (american) COVER REVEAL FOR MY NEW BOOK ✨
queer regency rom-com graphic novel, out later this year
repressed period drama LONGING
vaguely chaotic Austen-ish mashup plot
n-b transmasc love interest, let's go
the inherent absurd comedy (tragicomedy?) of people assuming you're cis or straight despite literally all the evidence
inspired by pre-victorian queer history!!!! & real histories of marginalised people that rarely get taught in schools!!!!!
decolonial undertones... come for the lovely fun queer romance, stay for the gateway ideas deconstructing the regency genre
Now available to pre-order, or
Hear when it comes out here
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thewayuarent · 9 months
Handling an addiction. Part 1.
Cause oh we need to have this conversation
Disclaimer: I am not a professional, and I won’t pretend to be. This is based on my personal experience as someone who is/was in several relationships with people who struggle from different forms of addiction. I want to clarify that I do understand all characters and while I’m going to critique them I do not blame them. The very important thing to remember is that it's a very complicated topic and there is no clear right answer to it. Let's keep in mind that any conversation about any difficult topic is always mostly one-sided and it's impossible to talk about everything once. This is about addiction and only about it, but all characters are way more then that one topic. Are we good now? Let's go.
So, let’s talk about Ray’s addiction and how people in his life are failing to handle it. 
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The most important thing to remember is: addiction is a disease. By definition of most medical associations all over the world. Addiction is not a personal choice. And while it doesn’t excuse Ray’s behaviour throughout the show, it explains it. And this is a big difference. Ray as a character is much more than just his addiction, absolutely. But his addiction is a huge part of who he is and how he behaves and we need to constantly remember about it.
This conversation begins every week after every episode. Most people who seem to understand the complexity of his situation are also people who have a lot of sympathy and understanding towards him, and this is great. There are also a lot of people who feel towards him mostly annoyance and desire for him to stop without understanding why he can't - and this list starts from characters in the show. It’s, again, understandable. It’s also the worst thing you can do towards someone who struggles from addiction. 
So let’s start from Ray’s friend group and we’ll go from the least harmful to most harmful characters’ behaviour.
Boston. Yeah, shockingly, I know. But the fact is - Boston actually has the best-ish (from the worst so it’s not a high ground here) approach towards Ray’s addiction. And why? Well, cause he doesn’t give a fuck and doesn’t pretend to do. Boston is way far from the good support system Ray actually needs but at least he never judges Ray for his habits. He won’t help him, sure, but he won’t damage him harder (well, he is, but on a different topic).
We don’t actually know a lot about this friend group dynamic outside of their current drama and one episode happened two years ago. But we kind of can assume (cause Mew said it twice - in episodes 1 and 6) that Boston at least on some level was periodically responsible for taking Ray home. Which is really weird for me, by the way, cause both times Mew said Boston will take care of him Boston was also drinking. Not on Ray’s level, but still not in a shape to drive. But whatever. 
Don’t get me wrong, Boston is a shitty friend. He’s the one called Ray a burden in episode 1 which led to Ray rushing out.
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And he intentionally targets Ray more than once towards the show about Mew, which is absolutely harmful and not helpful (can we talk about the weird obsession Boston has about Ray and Mew having sex? Like dude relax, nobody cares. Well, Top does).
He is absolutely not someone you want to have in your support system while trying to heal (not if Ray’s trying but we’ll get to that in part 2). But at least he is honest about not wanting to handle an addict. And the truth is: no one in this friends group wants to. And it’s fine, actually, more on that in a minute. But oh the level of hypocrisy the other two have.
Cheum. So, I truly don’t understand what the show is trying to tell us with this one. It’s either a clear critique on the hypocrisy people tend to have towards addicts or an attempt to show how addiction ruins not only people with it but also their surroundings. And if it’s the second one then I have a problem with how it’s shown.
There is a gold rule of cinema: show, don’t tell. We are told more than once that Cheum and Mew were actively trying to stop Ray. But what we’re actually shown is way different. The thing is, they are college kids. They drink a lot. They party a lot. And if we see this group all together they are either in university or drinking (except for the iconic pool scene). And specifically Cheum seems to get drunk pretty often. So while we’re told they tried to help Ray we’re shown only how they actually (unintentionally!!) support his behaviour or ignore it. And what should I think?
I think that they missed the point when Ray’s habits became an actual addiction. And I understand why - it’s a very easy thing to miss. I think that before his suicide attempt they did’t notice his mental struggles. I think after that they were shocked and scared and they didn’t know how to handle it so they chose to ignore it. This is a very common reaction and it’s understandable. 
The very important moment to remember is they don’t owe Ray anything. They can choose to help him and support him or not to deal with it. Handling an addiction is so hard and frustrating and exhausting for every participant. And if they choose to not get themselves into it - it’s normal. It doesn’t make them bad people, as choosing to help doesn't make somebody a better person. It’s a choice and every choice matters.
But if you make this choice - be true to it. Don’t play the “I tried to help you but you don’t want it so it’s on you” card. People with addiction didn’t choose to be that way. But people in their lives? They have an actual choice. No one will judge you if it’s not for you (at least normal people won’t). It’s honestly way better than staying only to constantly remind an addict how bad he is - he knows it already.
The thing I have to say to Cheum is - go away. It’s harsh, but it needs to be said. Don’t lie to yourself or Ray. Tell him (in very careful way) that you are tired, that you can’t handle it, that he needs help you can’t provide. Or stay, but do your research and prepare yourself to long hard work. But don’t continue to constantly drink with him to then be surprised why he can’t get better. Cheum is absolutely not responsible for Ray's actions. But she is responsible for hers. 
The one time I was almost agree with her was that scene.
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Because bringing drugs was a very fucked up thing to do - Ray puts at risk not only himself but the whole group and he deserves to be called out on that. But. She continues to put all the blame on Ray - the thing she does the whole episode and it’s just frustrating as hell -  forgetting about Mew. Mew, who actually has a lot of responsibility in that situation.
Mew. Well, he does the worst thing you can imagine to do with a person like Ray. I get it, he’s hurt, I totally understand why he does what he does. I don't think he intends to hurt Ray. But.
Mew forgets a critically important thing here - can you guess which one? - right, that Ray is an addict. Mew can do all this stuff and be fine afterwards. It is always a risk that he won’t, of course, but his superiority complex tells him he’ll be fine. And I also think so - I mean, he's a young adult, he can try partying and drinking and drugs and be totally okay after.
He can turn back. Ray can’t.
Mew did help Ray in his worst moment that one time two years ago, and it is worth remembering. And after that Mew tried his best to distance himself from Ray’s struggles - again, understandable. He was trying to talk with Ray and while it was really bad - I still give him the benefit of a doubt. He is young, he’s not a specialist, he didn’t do any research and he thinks it might work.
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But a moment he decides to let loose he turns to Ray for help. Because Ray will never judge him - both cause his idolisation and cause it’s not his place to judge, he does all this stuff himself. And this is absolutely terrible. I’m sorry, but it is. Mew, the same as everyone else, doesn’t owe Ray his help or time or support. But while it is not necessary for him to help Ray, it is a necessity to not actively - and this time intentionally - support him in this.
For Mew everything happening is episode 8 is a journey, a new experience. For Ray it's a fucking relapse.
He knows Ray is an addict. He just doesn’t care at the moment. But it can be so, so dangerous for Ray. Mew started this spiraling down journey, but it’s Ray who will end up at the bottom.
And for everyone who says Ray is also an active participant - he is. But he is not. He has a disease. And he gets in a situation where a person he idolises, his favourite human being, finally doesn’t judge him. Instead, Mew supports him. Mew wants to be like him. Can you imagine even a possibility where Ray in this situation says no? It’s impossible, not in the state he’s in right now.
And this is why I critisize this friend group. This is why they deserve to be criticized. Because this is a depiction of how these things work in reality too. You don't have to help him. But the least thing you can do - if you deside to stay in his life - is to have a compassion towards him and don't get him worse.
In part two I will talk about Ray’s current state and of course about the one person who kind of does the better job here - and why Sand is able to do it.
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mrskyler · 3 months
hello!! i was wondering if i could request a platonic Jinwoo x m! reader fic (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)
y/n info: he'd very introverted and antisocial, making Jinwoo his only friend. he doesn't show much emotion, but not in a menacing way.. more like.. a doll? if that makes sense. he also lives in a very empty n ominous mansion-ish building. he doesn't talk much at all, but loves listening to Jinwoo talk. the first time he saw the shadows he was kinda spooked, but sees them as friends :3
so basically.. antisocial goth y/n :3
he may or may not have watched period dramas with Beru when Jinwoo wasn't there
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✮⋆˙ The boy in the window next door.˙⋆✮
「 Sung Jin-Woo x Antisocial!Goth! Male Reader ( Platonic ) 」
Versão Português
「 English is not my first language so I'm sorry for any writing mistakes ‹𝟹 」
⌗ a/n : SORRY FOR THE DELAY ANON! I don't have time to write because school is literally killing me 💀💀 But I hope you like it anyway! ‹𝟹
୭🧷✧˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀
Whenever Jinwoo finds himself remembering his childhood, the first thing that comes to mind is a huge mansion that was close to his house.
The reason for this was perhaps because she was completely different from anything he had ever seen.
Its color was as dark as a starless night, causing its figure to be rooted in the back of his mind like vines.
At the entrance, it had a large black gate with sharp spikes at the top; a vast and beautiful garden with long bushes of red roses, and in the center, there was a fountain – being the statue of an angel holding a vase. As said before, the mansion was completely black, along with its windows – which seemed to have a wine-like tone.
Jinwoo remembers that when his mother took him to school, they always passed in front of the mansion's big gate. Thus, causing Jinwoo's eyes to be immediately drawn towards her, and most of the time, he would see a figure in one of the windows on the 2nd floor, but the moment he blinked, It disappeared.
A few years later he discovered that people lived in that mansion.
The (l/n) family.
On a specific day, Mr. and Mrs. (l/n) had a big party, inviting everyone from the neighborhood. His parents didn't want to seem rude, so they accepted the invitation.
Jinwoo will never admit it, but back then he was afraid of the couple. Since the (l/n) only wore black clothes, and had this cold and indifferent aura.
But the moment the couple saw their family standing at the door of the mansion, they greeted them with a big smile on their faces – shined so much that could be compared to the sun itself – and a cheerful and kind personality.
Jinwoo remembers that Mr. (l/n) couldn't stop shaking his father's hand in an excited way.
Jinwoo's mother has him sitting on a soft red sofa, while she goes to get him some appetizers to eat.
Seeing his mother disappear among the other guests, Jinwoo turns around, only to find himself face to face with a child sitting on the sofa facing his.
Jinwoo is startled, giving a noticeable jump. He puts his hand on his heart, feeling it beating quickly, but Jinwoo swears it was about to come out of his mouth. This definitely took 5 years off his life.
After a while, Jinwoo calms down a little. 'Who is this boy? He wasn't here before...' he breaks out in a cold sweat, looking at the mysterious boy suspiciously.
Meanwhile, the boy was just there, looking at Jinwoo with those big, dilated eyes – like a wild animal staring at its prey, motionless as a statue.
Jinwoo wonders if this boy is a living person or just a weird, extremely detailed doll, as he doesn't even appear to be breathing and his face doesn't seem to express any specific emotion.
Unconsciously, the two began to have a competition of who blinks first. Jinwoo was afraid that if he blinked or looked away for a second, the boy would disappear or appear next to him on the couch.
Jinwoo was startled when his mother appeared holding a plate with some appetizers – placing it on the small table between the two boys.
Then his mother started talking to the mysterious boy.
She turned around with a smile, "Jinwoo this is (m/n), son of Mrs. and Mr. (l/n), say hello to him."
After that day, the (l/n) family always called Jinwoo's family to have dinner together or just spend the weekend at the mansion playing golf – yes, they had a golf area in the back of the mansion.
This ended up resulting in the two families becoming great friends, along with Jinwoo and (m/n).
Jinwoo was surprised when (m/n) said that on the day of the party, he was very excited to talk to Jinwoo, but didn't know how to start.
As time passed, Jinwoo realized that it wasn't that (m/n) didn't have emotions or feelings, he just didn't know how to express himself, ending up looking like a lifeless doll.
Like the day they met.
So (m/n) just stood there...
staring at him.
Years later, when they were both adults, (m/n)'s parents moved to another city and left the mansion in (m/n)'s hands.
(m/n) didn't awaken as a hunter, so he started making dolls of all kinds. And he even made a lot of money selling them.
He had difficulty talking to other people, so the only friend he had in all these years was Sung Jin-Woo. And even when Jinwoo had his 2nd awakening, (m/n) thought it was really cool and remained his longtime friend.
But one thing was certain, Jinwoo always left Beru in (m/n)'s shadow.
The problem was...
(m/n) didn't know that.
(m/n) was almost finishing one of the dolls from an order.
The last thing he needed to do was choose which of the two dresses looked best on the doll.
'The blue or the red?' (m/n) asked himself mentally.
"blue " replied a voice from beyond.
(m/n) jumped, causing him to hit his knee on the table. As he cringed in pain, he could hear, deep in his mind, a desperate voice repeatedly apologizing and saying something like:
"My majesty will kill me!! ".
After that day, Jinwoo introduced Beru to (m/n).
(M/n) found it strange and uncomfortable at first. For the simple fact that when he was working, someone was there with him, watching what he was doing in complete silence.
So this was how Jinwoo felt when they were both kids and he just sat there and watched him play?
He was never much of a talker, but he loved listening to Jinwoo talk to him.
But after a while, the two started talking to each other, and every now and then, (m/n) asks the shadow in the shape of an ant, which of the dresses would look prettier on the doll.
Just like the day they met.
They definitely watched period dramas together at Jinwoo's house. And when Jinwoo arrived from a portal, (m/n) was asleep on Beru's shoulder.
୭🧷✧˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀
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elementroar · 3 months
Aight, working on the big Paracelsus character growth analysis thingie. You wouldn’t believe how much lore there actually is for what people think is a side-character to A.B.A.
I mean did you guys know his biggest wingman is freaking Slayer? Dude beat up Paracelsus back when Para was still a violent bloodthirsty parasite weapon; then meets him again attached to ABA and was so intrigued by wtf he was seeing that he decided to periodically check in on their progress every decade or so.
Oh, and Slayer absolutely called their emotional development over 20 IRL years ago in an audio drama CD. That’s the power of Daisuke’s vision!
Anyway, I’ll do the lore dump and analysis soon-ish.
Edit: Too big, splitting it into parts. 1st part order up! https://www.tumblr.com/elementroar/747033550580252672/analysis-behind-the-backstory-and-personal-story
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dinitride-art · 11 months
Au fics that i think are neat and that i want to compile into a list because im trying to figure out how to comment on a chapter of a fic but i need time to sort out my thoughts (usually for fic recs i try to rec fics with less kudos/engagement because reasons but im just gonna throw everything in this list. probably multiple fics by the same author in the same universe because thats the one im trying to sort out my thoughts on.)
the strawberries are dying by eggowlss - historical fiction and very interesting character relationships and also character exploration within the time period. I really like this one because the pacing and tone are very gentle. There’s a srt of ebb and flow to the story that makes both the time period and the characters really fit into it. idk how to describe it i just like it a lot.
in the quiet of the night (acswy ao3 series) - they’re putting those characters in situations. It’s a very good time. 10/10 do recommend. If you haven't heard of this one though, it’s basically a modern au where everyone works at a summer camp and Mike and Will cause problems for themselves, each other, and usually everyone else around them. 
si vis amari, ama by perexcri - demons and angels and heaven and hell and its honestly just one hell of a story. like ive got vivid images in my head of scenes i imagined when reading this. 
you start to kiss (and the record skips) by eclipseadventure - this is a band au with a side of a secret relationship and im a sucker for secret relationships. a bit of drama/high stakes in here too which is always pretty fun. 
End Racism on the OTW! - you and me and the horrible teenaged ghost who keeps eviscerating himself in our apartment makes three by TheWrongKindOfPC - i am also a sucker for buzzfeed unsolved aus. buzzfeed unsolved, hauntings, ghosts, yknow the fun stuff. 
into the daylight by andiwriteordie - THIS IS NOT THE FIRST ONE, it’s just the first one that came up in my bookmarks. anyways, this is the second fic in a fantasy au series. The worldbuilding is really cool and there’s magic and history and politics and i like it a lot. the most recent chapter is spinning around in my mind.
the heartbreak prince by andiwriteordie - THIS IS THE FIRST ONE. 
beneath these boughs, my devotion blooms by perexcri - this is the fic that nearly killed me. i literally cant summarize it because im still recovering from what happened to me when i read it. Did i read it in april? Maybe. Listen, it had me asking questions about things i had never considered before. its 11k but im pretty sure it took me a good few hours to read because it made me think about it so much. again, ive got a bunch of visuals running through my head. its just... so much.
sweetheart, you're so cruel by perexcri - Mike’s in a band, Will’s a music snob, they’re both contemplating their life choices. very fun, very interesting, also made me think about some things. 
keep it hush by wiseatom - theres an amusement park and the horrors of customer service. and some other stuff but basically its pretty bright (the visuals of the fic in my head are bright- like sun glinting off metal- and idk how else to describe it)
the start of an age by delusionaltogether (Whyyyyy) - this ones funny and serious at times and its got Max in it. fantasy au with prince will and knight mike and a secret relationship and a small scheme between three parties that involves a fake (ish) marriage. 
superhero therapy by silverluminoqity - spiderman au with a side of trauma and healing? it’s complicated theres stuff happening, i had a good time reading it. 
you've got this spell on me by andiwriteordie - this one was really fun. basically its a fantasy au theres magic and mike gets himself hit with a spell that makes him fall in love with will and will freaks out about it for a while.
Daydream by disaster_energy - i really really liked this fic. its a fantasy au and its got gods and stuff and will gets chosen by the moon goddess because hes Will and everyone is like... woah.
takes one to know one by andiwriteordie - i also liked this one a lot, its a superhero au and its got ironic (like... dramatic irony- i think is what im talking about? maybe? but like fun irony) secret identities. 
Love goes 'round by evil_ontheinside - conversations in a laundry mat. mikes flopping (as in, flopping around like a fish) around a bit and this was pretty cute. 
my promise could be your fiend (could be the smallest of signs) by s0ld_it - spider man au, theres a bookstore involved and a lot of stuff. ive read this fic twice and greatly enjoyed it both times. 
Tip-toeing on Lily-pads by cherryisgone - very very fun, fantasy au and... mike gets cursed to be a frog. can only be un-cursed with a kiss. 
filling in the blanks as we go by delusionaltogether (Whyyyyy) - bookstore meetcute
there’s more but i spent all day painting my room and i am tired. Ive also got way too many bookmarks to go through and i have decided to stop here. still haven't figured out how to write that comment (but i am working on it because i love the fi(s) and ive been thinking about one specific thing that came up in a new chapter for so long). anyways, i hope someone enjoys this list of au fics from my bookmarks. 
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talkfantasytome · 6 months
It's Instinct
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After three years touring the continent while her mother tried to marry her off, Nesta and her family return to Prythian. As her mother makes her final attempts to match Nesta with a suitable family from the Reason school of magic, Nesta becomes intertwined with an Instinct practitioner as he tries to prove she could be more powerful if she loosened the reins on her emotions.
Warnings: Emotionally Abusive Parenting
In Progress | Read on AO3
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Happy Holidays from your secret santa, @dustjacketmusings!! I absolutely adore being your friend and love that your in my life, so when I got you for secret santa, I knew I had to do something special! Which means, instead of a one-shot, you will be getting a chaptered fic that will spread over many months. My goal is to have it finished by your birthday! Don't hold me to that, but I'm trying. I don't actually know how long it will be, so we'll discover that together, and I will likely be asking for your thoughts along the way on many a detail.
Also, I don't yet know how many chapters there will be. I'm guess at least five, so I put that for now.
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Nessian Masterlist | Full Masterlist
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ihatebottles · 11 months
hi! happy season 8!!! or 11 if you go by broadcast
i made a list of all the programming bender scrolls past on their TV in episode 141:
Jupiter’s Next Top Model
Shatner’s Creek
Friends Reunion Reunion
The Steady-State Universe Theory
Unexplained Friday Night Lights
Mets vs. Godzilla
Next Week Yesterday
The [“A” in Alien Language 1]-Team
Regular Ghost: Coast to Coast
Downton Crabby
Wide Wide World of Quarks
Star Trek: The Original Reboot
The Mare of Neutropolis
Better Call Cthulhu
A Quiet Place: Live!
The Queen’s 8-bit
Plaid Programming
The Marvelous Mrs. Poopenmeyer
Buckminster Full House
Fonfon Ru Crashers
Stanley Tucci: Searching for Alderaan
The Sex Lives of Amazonian Women
π‘s Company
Melllvar Place
Alien vs. Predator vs. Bluey
Queer Eye for the Straight Line Segment
America Lacks Talent
Say No to the Overalls!
Married with Pupae
The Sims’ Sons
Infomercial: The Bowflexo
Pimp My Hovercraft
Grey Alien’s Anatomy
The Botfather
Family Gorn
Will and Grkrk
0.999 [repeating] Full House
Sandcrab and Son
All in the Phylum
Look Who Glorbin’ 2
30 Rock from the Sun
American Holo Story
Back to the Present
The Best Dental Dam Show Period
CSI: Ceta Alpha Ⅴ
Just Disruptor Blast Me
News at √11
The Lego NewsHour
Rick & Morky
Everybody Loves Raygun
Blasterpiece Theatre
Frank Herbert’s Name That Dune
TCU Hypnotoads vs. Georgia Bullfrogs
Two and a Third Mutants
Fargo But In Space
Quantum Nonlocal News
Smizmar Island
NYPD Ultraviolet
Yak Chat
Monday Night Rollerball
and the stuff that’s onscreen when fry is looking at fulu:
People Who Enjoy Mediocre Dramas Also Enjoy…
Slurm Dog Millionaire
Stranger Fonts
Smelly in Paris
Geiger King
The Clampmaid’s Tale
Things We Claim Are Trending
How I Met Your Smizmar
Only Murders in the Hoverdome
The Great Neptunian Bam-Off
The Scary Mirror
Humorbot 5.0 Stand-Up Special
Top Hits
Blob’s Burgers
Head Lasso
Real Housecats of Thuban 9
It’s Always Sunny on Mercury
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tearwolfe · 15 days
could u info dump abt the puppy detective au?
pretty pwease
(no joke i just like reading that type of thing ruikasa is cool)
so the AU takes place in a world where most people are "monsters" in a modern setting. this means that any common type of monster has accommodations! vampires can purchase blood from stores (with ID), there's comfortable forms of restrainment for werewolves during their crazed period, etc. humans DO exist, but are pretty uncommon. rui used to be a human until he was turned into a werewolf. how was he turned? i'll figure that out eventually.
tsukasa is a vampire who works as a detective or private investigator of sorts. he dresses like that because he is dramatic and wants to give a sherlock holmes-ish type of vibe, despite the fact that that is Not his time period. you know tsukasa. he has rui help him with cases! rui's got a good nose, and an even better brain, so he's often the one to come to conclusions, while tsukasa does the groundwork. they stick to smaller, sillier cases (such as finding lost cats, investigating cheating scandals, etc.). once i figure out a storyline, i do want them to start making discoveries about Something Big and Bad but i need to figure out what first..
as per my usual ruikasa AU, rui and tsukasa's relationship is Vague. do they kiss? yes. do they hold hands and cuddle? yes. do they consider themselves boyfriends? well. they have more important things to think about right now! everyone pretty much knows they're an item.
when it comes to vampires in this AU, human blood is best for them (nutritionally, and keeps them fuller for longer), but they can get by on other monster blood. human blood is more expensive in stores since it's harder to come by. rui is a werewolf. but you know what rui USED to be? a human. he's still got the Human Vibe to him so tsukasa is LUCKY. he still buys blood when he needs to so he doesn't bleed rui dry but. you know these two..
werewolves transform during the week of the full moon each month. during the majority of the week, they are still fully capable of controlling themselves and can go about daily life. however, during the day OF the full moon, they lose control and can become quite dangerous. tsukasa locks rui up in their apartment closet to keep himself and rui safe.
rui is selectively mute, so he doesn't really talk much unless he needs to or if it's for a bit. he's fluent in sign language, and tsukasa is currently learning. nene is also fluent in sign language.
nene is a siren and rui's childhood friend. she has a fishlike appearance— gills, fins, and the like— but only grows a mermaid tail when submerged in water. she can walk around on land fine unless she falls into a body of water, then it takes a little while for her tail to turn back after she's dry. i'm still working on her role (and emu's, i need to figure out what monster she is still).
as for other characters.. they exist, but i'm still thinking about it. akito and ena are both blood werewolves, and saki is also a vampire, but that's about as far as i've thought of. i'll be marinating on it whenever i need new characters...
(i think it would be funny if mafuyu and tsukasa were exes. wouldn't that be splendid? i love relationship drama).
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absolutebl · 11 months
This Week In BL - I’m pleased with what’s airing, but conflicted about what’s ended & getting started
Aug 2023 Wk 1
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Laws of Attraction (Sat iQIYI) 4 of 8 - Omg the way the bodyguard (handler?) looks at the rich kid. Gah. I see why @heretherebedork​ loves these 2. But I really hate him (not the handler, the kid). Fun fight scene. I love lawyer babygirl SO MUCH. HE WILL BE MY 2023 FAV CHARACTER. I’M CALLING IT. This ep, Srs? You’re killing me. Suits! Pussycat bows! And then... The Public Claiming!!!!! One of my favorite tropes! And openly flirting? Boys. I’m getting spoiled. Wait… is that…? NO SINGING. Ah well, Thai BL giveth and Thai BL taketh away. 
Hidden Agenda that isn’t hidden (Sun GMMTV YouTube) ep 4 of 10 - I like the script for this. It feels like the conversations they have are very honest to a uni experience. It’s comfortable and breezy. I did not expect the kiss. Bit early in the arc. There is either going to be a lot of backend drama, or a long domestic honeymoon period. (Bet you can guess which one I vote for.) 
Low Frequency (Sat iQIYI) ep 5 of 8 - It’s moving along in a Ghost Host kinda way (minus the killer chemistry). I’m not mad about it, I don’t think I'll remember it tho. 
Be Mine Super Star (Mon Viki) ep 5 of 12 - My ambivalent relationship with this drama continues. Cohabitation trope. Punn is basically a huge puppy trying to spoil/cuddle/fuck his pretty kitty prince. It is what it is. Meanwhile, I just want more of Big Daddy & the Hot Doc. (Also the name of my burlesque show.) Why does Kevin have more chemistry with Ashi in a 1 min long scene than Punn has had… ever? Is this nascent bad boy effect or nascent 2nd lead syndrome I’m feeling? (Meanwhile Ben! Hi! Long time no see!) 
Be My Favorite (Fri YouTube) ep 11 of 12 - Whatever. Trash(ish) watch here. 
Dinosaur Love (Sun iQIYI) ep 6 of 8 eps - Aw pretty baby is unhappy his bf got injured. But also very blushing maiden. This is profoundly NOT GOOD. 
Wedding Plan (Weds YT & iQIYI) ep 3 of 7 - I have decided that Lom’s theme song is BigBang’s Monster. Listen. You’ll see what I mean. Also BigBang = also very problematic but banging. What I’m saying is, I wanna punch Lom so bad, I went slightly bonkers. Water sports are addressed. A trash watch is happening!
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Jun & Jun (Korea Thurs Viki) 3 of 8 - How DARE they make me love this show so much? I feel personally attacked. The smell thing! Gah. The way they automatically go informal in private. The flirting. The language. The suits, the EVERYTHING. It’s embarrassing how much I rewatch the final bits of each ep. 
Stay By My Side (Taiwan Fri Gaga) 6 of 10 eps - I adore this ridiculous show. (I just realized that the actor playing Jiang Chi played Ray’s evil 2-timing bf in About Youth). Baby boy is quite clueless. Sweet dreams tho. I love them both so much. The washing his jersey scene was so fucking cute. Couple’s numbers, couple’s keychains, bridal towel, kisses. Thank you Taiwan for NOT activating blushing maiden. However, confident gay/confused bisexual is a go. And we got us some justifiable angst. Sigh. I’m so happy. 
Sing My Crush AKA Follow The Wind (Korea Weds iQIYI) 1-2 of 8 eps - supposed to have released in the first half of 2022 this is a adaption of Myung’s webtoon, from the director of My Sweet Dear, and Love Tractor’s production house, basically Korea does About Youth. It’s sweet (the singing bits are easy to skip) and very much a story of young first love but less stiff than KBL’s usual high school fare (kinda Taiwan feeling). I like it but that very imprecision in production makes me concerned for an HEA, especially with such a low MDL rating. 
Tokyo in April is... AKA Shigatsu no Tokyo wa (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 8fin  - Rough final episode, but it does end happily. Fortunately, I had some warning for my personal triggers, but this is Japan and they did go dark. Full review below. 
Minato's Laundromat Season 2 AKA Minato Shouji Coin Laundry Season 2 (Japan Thu Gaga) 5 of 12 eps - Shin is so cute and proud and boldly out. I love him. Movement in the relationship with both couples, even if it’s movement into arguments and misunderstanding. I suppose we got 12 eps they need to do... something.  
Stay Still (Hong Kong Tues YouTube) 1 of 5 eps - It’s confusing. And… not good? Some flashbacks some present day? 
It’s airing but ...
Stay With Me ... NO I WILL NOT! And you can’t make me.
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Review: Tokyo in April is... AKA Shigatsu no Tokyo wa
I had to chew on this for a while but here’s where I ended up. 
Two young men with a shared tragic past reunite and fall in love all over again, but the past will not stop hunting them. Based on a manga, this office set reunion romance is GREAT… damn it. It’s Japan in full on soft focus which means it gets emo, abusive, and chewy. These two characters are giving parts of their souls away in a desperate attempt to shape themselves to the expectations they have of each other. 
Japan gave us the Bed Friends that Thailand could never even imagine. But here’s the thing: I don’t enjoy my BL this heavy and cutting. I know that for The 8th Sense crowd this is peak BL and I can’t argue with the fact that the romantic devotion, domesticity, script, and acting IS all on point. It’s just not my personal preference for that point to be so damn sharp. I appreciate that this being 2023 I have the luxury of consistent quality (especially from Japan) and thus the ability to say… 
I acknowledge that this SHOULD get a 9/10 but I can’t emotionally go higher than 8/10 
Japan = sticking to its lanes like their BL is on rails. 
Next Week Looks Like This:
8/11 Love Class Season 2 (Korea Fri Viki) 10 eps 
8/12 My Personal Weatherman AKA Taikan Yoho (Japan Sat Gaga) 8 eps 
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Still Coming August 2023
8/19 Love in Translation (Thai Sat One31) ? eps - Two strangers start working in a cafe together.
8/19 I Feel You Linger in the Air (Thai Sat Gaga) 12 eps - The time travel historical romance many of us have been waiting for. 
8/20 My Universe series (Thai Sun iQIYI) 24 episodes - This is sampler pack BL, 12 pairs, each pair gets 2 eps, not sure on the order they’ll drop. Known couples include EarthBank from Destiny Seeker and KaownahTurbo from Love Stage!!!, mostly fresh faces otherwise. Jane to direct several.
8/22 Kisseki: Dear to Me formerly known as Miracle (Taiwan Tues ????) 13 eps - From screenwriter Lin Pei Yu (We Best Love, H3: Trapped) features a student doctor forced to take care of a gangster. I love the premise and like the writer, Viki or Gaga will get this one.  
8/24 Man Suang (Thailand movie, domestic cinema release) - historical drama about Thai burlesque with KP’s MileApo. Tong is in this one too?
8/? Why R U? (Korean remake) is supposed to be out this month, filming started in sept 22. I find everything about this hilarious. I mean if Korea remakes it, we lose all the sexy and then... would we have a story at all? No we would not. Not even for six short eps. It’d be like one of those mesh shopping bags.
Oh yeah, Only Friends is coming. 
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED)
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Hidden Agenda. I love them. 
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Public claiming with the waist grab maneuver! A true hero. 
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But I think we can all agree that THIS is the hero all love triangles deserve. (both Laws) 
(Last week) 
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olderthannetfic · 6 months
why do some popular things have such small fandoms, in your opinion? like, John Wick is incredibly popular but has less than 2k fics on ao3 and there doesn't seem to be a big fandom presence on tumblr. there's shows with 10+ seasons that have incredibly small fandoms as well.
i know not every fandom is going to be, say, Harry Potter or Supernatural levels (especially if it's an older show and fics have been lost to time- i've heard ER lost quite a lot) but it's just... odd to me, i guess.
The majority of things don't get fanfic fandoms.
There are some trends though. Certain genres are more likely to generate them than others. SFF is pretty likely. Crime dramas are reasonably likely, whether that's people slashing buddy cops on AO3 or lead canon het on FFN.
Incomplete-feeling canons are a bit more likely, usually due to plot holes or a crappy ending that people want to fix—but not so crappy that everyone just gives up in disgust.
Relatedly, things where the art part isn't too intimidating are more likely than ones where the big draw is that author's exact way of writing or the fantastically subtle and moving acting in some arty movie about social issues.
Serial media are way, way more likely to generate a fic fandom than one-offs, and having a certain number of hiatuses but not ones that are too long helps. You want some gaps where people have time to make stuff before it's instantly jossed, but you do need new canon to reinvigorate a fandom periodically.
Things just being well known by lots of people does help relative to a similar canon that few people saw, but exact audience size isn't the main factor.
Some tasty character dynamics help a lot. Maybe shippy, maybe more found family. A world that people want to play more with also helps. Even the gen-focused fandoms tend to care a lot about the latter two. They don't just write about any old canon. There have to be certain hooks.
John Wick does seem like it fits some of the standard criteria. There's more than one movie. It's fun, dumb genre stuff, not super high art.
TBH, having more than like 5 fics already means it's a success as a fic fandom, so part of it is just your frame of reference. I know you say you don't expect HP, but you should be expecting the norm to be way under 100 fics, not nearly 2k. That's part of it.
But I suspect the big reason is that a lot of people find the films relatively complete as-is.
They're set in the real world (-ish), so the setting isn't that interesting to explore with a bunch of OCs in the way that people write their own HP or Naruto casts. People like the lead, but I don't think they fixate on his relationships to other characters. (Checking AO3, it looks like some people are writing basically John/self, which makes sense.)
For much of the audience, it's all about watching him use a lot of guns. So many guns. All of the guns.
Once the big screen spectacle is done, I don't know that people really want more unless it's more action movies with more visual awesomeness.
IDK, I don't think I've seen any of these beyond some clips, so maybe I'm missing something.
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guzhufuren · 3 months
China 🇨🇳 A Guide to Some of the Best Queer Asian Shows
Full list here.
Most chinese shows are adapted from explicitly queer novels, the shows are undeniably and obviously queer, but nevertheless the queer romance part is censured. The only exception is number 4 on the list, it is not censored.
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1. The Untamed period drama; fantasy
An epic fantasy led by a problem child who comes back from the dead 16 years later in order to fix the broken world he left behind — and finally unite with his soulmate.
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2. Word of Honor period drama; fantasy
The leader of assassin organisation Zhou Zishu quits his position in pursuit of freedom with drastic measures. In his travels, he meets Wen Kexing, the leader of Ghost Valley who wants nothing but revenge. The two become entangled in various machinations within the martial arts world, and eventually become soulmates instrumental in each other's redemption.
YouTube & Special Episode on Tumblr or DailyMotion
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3. Couple of Mirrors wlw; period drama; socialite/assassin
You Yi is a kind-hearted socialite and a successful author. Her perfect life is turned upside-down when she discovers a betrayal by the two most trusted people in her life. With no one left to turn to, she finds refuge in the friendship and support of Yan Wei, a lonely female killer disguised as the owner of a photo studio.
YouTube. the show doesn’t have a happy ending, but it can be a happy ending for you if you stop watching at episode 12 timestamp 28:02.
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4. Stay With Me enemies to lovers; high school setting; unconventional families; slow burn
Su Yu is a high school student who lives with his single poor father. Su Yu gets a new classmate Wu Bi. The two clash right from the start, and after getting off on the wrong foot, their explosive relationship takes a turn.
YouTube or GagaOOLala. the show doesn’t have a happy ending, but it can be a happy ending for you if you stop watching at episode 24 timestamp 05:00. OR watch the full thing and look at this post after
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5. The Spirealm inside of a video game; mystery; fantasy; horror-ish; hopeful ending
A game designer Lin Qiushi is transported inside of a game he recently played, and now he must go through 12 horrifying survivor game doors to survive in the real world. Inside his first door he meets Ruan Nanzhu, a mysterious man who offers him to team up.
The show was taken down from streaming, download files here and subtitles here.
Various WLW mini web-dramas here.
Various WLW short films here.
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