#permanent residents in my freaking brain!!!!!!!
bettyfrommars · 1 year
Stop the World and Melt with You//Eddie Munson x fem! reader//Part 5
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🚨18+only, MDNI, adult themes, magic realism, fantasy, talk of dimensional travel, fear of the unknown, smoking cigarettes, sense of fear, held hostage (not reader), getting slapped (not reader), mention of blood, mention of being restrained (not reader), storyline involving people other than reader, sense of being hunted down, eventual smut, talk of tattoos. Word count: 3.2k
Series Masterlist
💜disturbed by the temporary tattoo you got from the quarter machine, you cut your time with Eddie short. Time goes on, you get a job at the motel, and meet Robin Buckley who says you remind her of a girl she used to know. We meet some people behind the scenes of your trip to Hawkinsgate.
A/N: Brought to you by my love of Eddie Munson, parallel universes, and The Twilight Zone, this story is for anyone who wants something a little different--definitely not for everyone. This is something I'm writing to relax my brain while I work on a longer series. Parts will be short, updated hopefully every other week. ALSO, forgive me, but I lost my tag list for this, I know there were a couple of you xoxo
Part 5: The Flicker
"This place is like someone's memory of a town, and the memory is fading."
In the real world, we live on the hands of a clock, digital flashes that remind us that we’re always aging in this free fall, on a rock plummeting through space. In Hawkinsgate, you felt like you were living in moments, some of which didn’t even belong to you. Like a peddler somewhere in the universe sold you someone's memories, without any structure or reason, and you were now a permanent resident in one.
Eddie leaned over. “What is it?” He asked. You had your hands positioned like you were holding a book in front of your face, blocking him from seeing what you had while you tried to make sense of it.
The first words that escaped your lips were that it must be a mistake, yet a mistake would imply that it existed in the realm of possibility, but this did not. How could it?
Eddie was worried about you, your skin had gone ghostly pale and you weren’t saying anything to him, you were just staring down, mouth a bit slack.
Your tattoo was an illustration of a pineapple wearing Eddie’s denim battle vest; not just any pineapple, but your pineapple.
You showed it to Eddie. “How can this be? Look---” you pointed to the tiny, specific details of the pins on his vest, right down to the pocket that was unbuttoned. Strange little green flourish of pineapple hair sticking out from the collar like a real cool exotic fruit boy.
Eddie didn’t know what to make of it. Sure, strange things always happened in Hawkinsgate, but they seemed to be getting stranger since you arrived. Eddie’s tattoo was a grim reaper, complete with a scythe, a bit menacing for a quarter machine, but nothing to get alarmed about, all the same.
“It’s a good thing though, right?” Eddie lifted his eyebrows. “That way you will always remember him.”
Eddie seemed to be missing the point of why the existence of it was freaking you out. Or, maybe he fully comprehended the magnitude of your situation and wanted to try and make you feel better somehow by minimizing it.
“I have to go,” you whispered, grabbing your bag off the chair.
“Wait, no, stay. Please,” Eddie stood halfway and lingered there, hoping you would come sit back down. As long as you didn't see what was in his bedroom, everything would be fine.
“I’m sorry Eddie, I just...I need some air,” and then you were out the door, jogging down the steps, throwing yourself into your truck as quickly as you could as if there were a killer at your heels. Eddie stumbled out onto the porch with a wave, watching you yank the gear shift to reverse and peel out. You threw a wave over your shoulder at him, made sure you were out of his line of sight, and then you burst into tears.
------- Somewhere Else--------
A short, blonde man studied an obscure map on the wall, his hands behind his back, mumbling to himself, “where can she be...where can she be?”
Just then, the doors to his study open and two officers in dark blue jumpsuits enter.
“We have Lorelei,” they tell the short blonde man, and then there is a sparkle of satisfaction that stretches across his face.
Lorelei is tied to a chair in a slightly damp cement room, with weeds growing up from the corners and cracks in the floor; a tiny window with metal bars above her head, and a bare mattress against the wall. She’s wearing a long, purple dress, her bare feet are dirty, and her long red hair is dotted in dried mud.
She tucks her chin to give the blonde man a Cheshire smile when he walks in.
“Lorelei,” the short man with the receding hairline says, tucking a yellow file full of paperwork under one arm. The two guards in blue jumpsuits are with him, guns holstered at their sides. “Fancy meeting you here.”
“Hello Ronald,” Lorelei purrs, batting her lashes a few times at him. “This is an odd way to let me know you have a crush on me.”
“Hilarious,” Ronald returned, handing the file under his arm to one of the guards. His hands go into the trouser pockets of his tan suit, his smile fading. “But this is no time for jokes. You know what I want.”
Lorelei sniffed and licked her lips, her resolve set; there is a tinkle of laughter in her voice: “You’ll never find her.”
Ronald loses his cool instantly, his face screwing up, his fists flexing at his sides. She could almost see smoke coming out his ears like a whistling tea kettle. She enjoys the sight of his frustration while it lasts, but then he calms himself with a deep breath.
He takes a few steps toward her, flexing his mouth, scooping two fingers in to stretch his shirt collar away from his neck. “See, now, that’s where you’re wrong,” he chided. “This little game of yours has been entertaining, albeit a complete waste of time. You know I’ll find her with or without your help, my dear.”
“You can try,” Lorelei replied with an air of smugness, a dull laugh escaping her throat.
Ronald was shaking, the whites of his eyes cracking with bloodshot veins. It took him years to find out which dimension you were in, and when he finally did, that cunt Lorelei was somehow able to move you, and it was really grinding his gears. He was tossing and turning at night, fully obsessed.
He came up and snatched Lorelei’s chin, squeezing her lips together, forcing her to look up at him. His words were a venomous hiss. “Oh, I’ll find her, and when I do, you’ll be sorry you played this little game with me, you fucking bitch,” and then he threw her chin so that her face jerked to the side, hair falling in her eye.
Defiantly, Lorelei turned to meet his intense gaze again. “She’s growing stronger, I can feel it. If you do find her, it will be too late.”
Ronald’s hand came down, smacking his palm across her cheek in a slap. “You know I hate it when you make me do this!” He barked, his hands going to his hips as he started to pace in front of her.
Lorelei continued to exude calm and patience as she watched him unravel before her very eyes. She licked her teeth and made a smacking sound, tasting blood.
He turned his back on her, facing the door. “Why couldn’t you just let me have this one?” He asked in a softer tone, cheeks red, eyes dry. “You could’ve had anything you wanted; a home, a life, freedom. But instead you choose this,” his hand gestures around at the concrete room.
She thought about her words for a second. “I could tell you, but you wouldn’t understand.”
“Try me!” Ronald shouted as he turned on his heel to face her.
A dreamy look passed over Lorelei’s face as her eyes shifted to the ceiling, thinking beyond it, to the sky. “Because I love her,” she replied, a partial smile exposing a tint of pink blood over her teeth. “She’s one of the last Creators, Ronald. For all of your faults, I know you can appreciate what that means.”
There was a gold wedding band on Ronald’s finger and he twisted it as he frowned at the ground. “Wherever she is, you can’t keep her there forever. You’ve been on the run for too long, you’re getting weak, Lorelei.”
Lorelei felt the pang in her empty belly, and the ache in her sore muscles, but her spirit was strong. “I can keep her there long enough,” she answered in a hush.
Ronald cursed. “Long enough for what???” He belted, flapping his arms out wide and then letting them slap down against his legs. “It’s always goddamn riddles with you people.”
His flare for the dramatic never ceased to amuse her. Ronald continued to pace, running his hand down his mouth, until he stopped, abruptly, and turned to her with an unnerving smile pressing his lips against his teeth.
“You put her with him, again, didn’t you?” He bleated, a thrill rising in him when he noticed the way Lorelei’s gaze flickered away, unwilling to meet his gloating stare. Ronald clapped his hands together, giggling like a toddler.
“He’ll protect her,” Lorelei squared her shoulders, wrists flexing in the ropes at her back. “He doesn’t know he can yet, but he will.”
Ronald chuckled, wagging his finger at her. “You’re too much of a romantic, Lorelei, that’s your problem. You could’ve sent her to a dimension on Saturn to sit in a cave and stay safe, but you just had to reunite those two like the incredible sap that you are.”
“Love is stronger than fear,” she said with a lift of her chin.
“Oh, shut up!” Ronald shook his head, signaling for the guards to open the door. “Thank you Lorelei, you’ve been very helpful.”
Pausing in the doorway, Ronald jerked his thumb over his shoulder at her. “Make sure she eats something, will ya?” He looked over his shoulder at her, and then patted the guards arm. “Not too much, though, wouldn’t want to spoil her.”
A week went by and you were still living at the motel. You mentioned to Mrs. Henderson that you were running out of money and things to trade, and as it turned out, she said she was in desperate need for some part-time help at the front desk, so you had yourself a job.
The pineapple tattoo on your forearm was fading, but you brushed your fingertip over it, thoughtfully, wishing it would stay.
You didn’t see Eddie that whole time, but you did notice that his van drove extra slow down the street in front of the motel a few times on his way to or from work, as if hoping to catch a glimpse of you. He didn’t deserve to be ignored; he had done nothing wrong. Nothing except be a part of this obscure place that held you captive, where nothing made any sense. The other day, there was a pile of mismatched socks on your doorstep; not a single pair in the lot of them. You asked Claudia about it and she didn’t have an explanation, but said you could keep them if you were interested. You doubted there was any value in a pile of single socks, so you put them in with the lost and found at the office.
You started your job the next afternoon, flanked by your three office helpers; cats named JoJo, Henry, and Clarice. Cleaning out their litter box was one of your nightly duties, and they loved to watch you as you did it, twitching their whiskers with pride as you collected the gifts they’d left for you. Every so often there was the random husband having a fight with his wife who got a room for the night at the motel, or the occasional friends who were having a “girls night” and wanted to sit by the pool out back. One night, a shifty couple with sweaty palms asked if they could rent a room for a couple hours, but you regretted to inform them that they would have to pay full price. The Grove was the only motel in town, and they ended up trading with a bunch of food supplies like gold chocolate coins, oranges, and an unopened box of Honeycomb cereal.
You made a friend, her name was Robin Buckley. She worked as the part-time maid, and she also worked at a Family Video down the street.
She went out back by the dumpster to have a smoke, and you went with her. She offered you one from her pack, and you took it, thinking that maybe this was as good a time to start smoking as any.
You took an aggressive inhale, and then sputtered and coughed.
“Couldn’t remember if you smoked or not?” Robin asked with a crooked smile.
You choked a few more times, throat burning. “What is it with people coming here and losing their memory?” You asked, hoping maybe Robin would be the one withholding some answers.
Robin leaned against the side of the building, hiking one foot up behind her, both of you staring across the alleyway at the metal fence and the diner that was down another block.
“I wish I knew,” she admitted softly. “I met a girl once…” she drifted off, taking time to flick her cigarette. “She was...like you, but also, not.”
You turned to face her, interest piqued. You put the filter of the cigarette between your lips but did not inhale before lowering it.
Robin continued. “She remembered stuff, from her other life.”
From her other life…
Robin looked around, as if to make sure no one was around, as if she shouldn’t be talking about it. “She had these tattoos all over her body,” she used the hand holding her cigarette to gesture down her leg and over her shoulders. “She said they were like passport stamps for all of the different dimensions she’d traveled through.”
You swallowed hard, thinking about your own tattoos.
“Anyway,” she snorted, scratching her elbow. “Everyone thought she was crazy, but I loved---I thought she was funny and brilliant. I believed her.”
Robin seemed to follow where your mind went and both pairs of eyes traveled to the tops of your feet that were visible through your sandals. There was a circle with dots around it on your left foot, and three parallel lines on your right foot; a thick black circle around your big toe. You also had some on your stomach, your sternum, under your arms, behind your knees, just behind your ear. They were all geometric shapes and markings, and none of them made sense to you, but you figured that, whoever you were before was into that sort of thing.
“Hers were the same, but different,” Robin assured you, without you having to ask the question.
“What else did she remember?” You asked reluctantly, a part of you almost afraid to know.
Robin swallowed, clearing her throat after taking another drag. “Supposedly, this place---” she looked around at the sky and the building, “--was designed to be like a safe house for travelers like her...like you.”
You made a face, clenching your eyebrows together. “So this place isn’t real? You’re not real? It’s all just a dream or something?”
Robin put her hand up, palm out. “Touch me.”
You obliged, spreading your fingers and pressing your hand against hers to feel the warmth and the callouses.
“Do I feel real?” She asked.
You nodded, deciding to run your fingers down the brick of the building to also see if it was real.
“She said there are billions of parallel lives, and we’re all living them at once, moment to moment,” she snubbed the last of her smoke out in the ashtray. “What this place is called is a flicker, like a blink, a sliver that exists in between each of our simultaneous existences.”
To be honest, it made you head hurt a little. But you didn’t want her to stop talking, you wanted to know more, you wanted…
But then the bell at the front desk rang to alert that someone needed service, and Robin was getting ready to head to her other job, but you asked her when she’d be back.
“Not for a couple days,” she told you with an air of reluctance. “But come by Family Video sometime, I’ll introduce you to the King of Hawkinsgate.”
You didn’t know what that meant, but you knew you wanted to talk to her again.
“Is there a VCR in your room?” Robin asked. “If not, we rent them at our place. I could get you all set up.”
The bell rang again, this time the person was tapping their hand on it over and over.
As Robin backed away, she waved to you. “Hey, don’t be afraid, okay? Wherever you come from, I’m pretty sure you were a badass. I know she was.”
Eddie dropped down on the couch in the living room of his trailer with a grunt. He was still in his work clothes, hair and face filthy, mouth parched. His grim reaper forearm tattoo was almost gone, and so he ran his hand over it vigorously to peel the rest of it off, bits of his sticking to his arm hair. He was tired of convincing himself not to go over to the motel and see you. He was tired of listening to people, especially Gary, telling him he was doing the right thing by staying away.
If only they knew…
He pulled the bandanna off of his head and let his hair go loose, thinking about what sounded good to eat. It had been over a week, but he still had some of the cans of spaghettiOs you’d left behind, and he figured that was as good as anything for dinner. He turned the TV on and slipped the movie Halloween into his VCR so that he could have something on while he cooked.
In the bathroom, he washed his face while the shower got hot, and then he opened a can of beer and jumped in, sipping the beverage as he washed the grime of the day away.
Standing on the blue bathmat, he turned the shower off and wrapped a towel around his waist, hair long and wet down his shoulders. On his chest and back were strange markings he’d always known as birthmarks: the outline of a crude triangle, a letter C with a line through it, two vertical wavy lines. He used his hand to wipe some of the fog off of the mirror on the medicine cabinet, making a squeaking sound as he went.
He continued on down the hall to his bedroom, stopping at the closed door, pausing with his hand on the doorknob, wondering what you would think of him if you ever saw what he had in there. The paintings, the drawings, the letters. The songs he had written. The nights he had paced the floor wondering why he kept seeing your face; and then one day, there you were --- appearing to him in the flesh.
First order of business after he ate was to finish the mix tape he’d been working on for you.
Scorpions, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, those were all a given, but he had some other things planned for your listening pleasure as well.
That night, you both had the same dream, and shot out of bed in your separate rooms with a start, clutching the blankets, hearts racing, tears of joy brimming in your eyes. But the second you were fully awake, it was gone; another precious memory lost in the flicker.
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librathefangirl · 11 months
Got any rambles for any of these?
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Thanks for sharing your wip list!
Demon Bros Comfort Nuzzles
This is a fic solely dedicated to the headcanon that demons nuzzle to show affection. It all started with me seeing a post about affectionate nuzzles from caretaker and I then promptly had two thoughts: 1. What if demons nuzzle to show affection? And 2. I wanna write about Mel and Zel giving each other comfort nuzzles. So basically, it's gonna be a fic about times throughout the years when the brothers have done just that. It might be organized as a 6+1 fic, but it might also be more times than that, or just an "x times..." styled fic. I haven't decided yet. I guess it depends on how the inspiration goes. (That said, if anyone has any cute or angsty scenarios they wanna see, I'm all ears!)
Also, this hc has taken up permanent residence in my brain (along with the "Mel used to call Merlin 'kiddo'" and the demon thermoregulation hcs, and possibly also the demon heartbeat hc (see below)). So don't be surprised if affectionate demon nuzzled start showing up in my other fics too - especially from Mel, but also from Zel, and maybe even Ellie (having picked up the behavior from Mel).
Whumptober - Meliodas & The Boar Hat Regulars
This one is all your fault thanks to you actually, for getting me attached to the idea of the Boar Hat Regulars and their weird but caring relationship with Meliodas, and also for inspiring the plot of this fic. I was originally aiming to write it for Whumptober, but never got around to it (because of life and mental health and October doesn't like me and whatnot). The prompts for Day 15 were "Makeshift Bandages", "Suppressed Suffering", and "I'm fine" - which I decided went together perfectly for poor Mel, in a fic taking place during the 10 years of the Sins being split-up and framed.
Basically, Meliodas gets into some trouble (of yet-to-be-determined origin) and then decides to go on with his day as if nothing happened. He learns the hard way why running a tavern while actively bleeding is a bad idea. Our heroes of the story are going to be two regulars and one very confused/freaked out first-timer (possibly with some other patrons around too - I haven't decided on how big of a character group I wanna work with yet - oh and Hawk I guess).
Zel gets distracted by Mel's heartbeat and everything changes
I actually shared a bit about this one back in July. Unfortunately, I haven't made much progress since then - mostly because I'm not exactly sure how the plot is gonna progress from here. I had an idea, then changed my mind about part of it, then had a better idea, but forgot about it, and now I'm just trying to figure out where I want to take the fic.
Sometimes a story starts with a demon bros thought and some demon lore. - a note from the actual document lol. But yeah, this is a demon bros angst fic taking place, or at least starting off, during the fight between Mel and the 10C in Vaizel; then it goes canon-divergent (when and how is the thing I haven't decided on yet). The lore part comes in with the fact that demons can tell each others' heartbeat apart, and the heartbeat also changes subtly (but noticeably to a demon) depending on number of hearts and stuff.
Somewhere, somewhen, somehow since his last death, Meliodas lost a heart (not like ripped from his chest, but broken/damaged/not beating). So Zeldris ends up having an internal crisis during the Meliodas murder, over the fact that Meliodas' heartbeat (which he still knows by... well, heart(s)) has changed and the wrongness of it all and being faced with the reality that the big brother who had always felt invincible was in fact not that. This is what leads to the canon-divergence, because Zel can't just forget about it (which means "everything changes" either during the fight or sometime after it - again, to be determined).
A little sneak peek (even though I've shared it before because this post doesn't have any sneak peeks yet!):
It shouldn’t have been such a staggering thought. A demon only needed one heart to survive. Zeldris had grown up in war. He knew plenty of demons who had lost hearts. But at the same time, to him, his brother had always felt invincible. He’d led armies way older than himself. He’d turned every demon against him without fear. He still stood here after 3,000 years, opposing their father once again. Even like this, surrounded in a nine-to-one fight, the idea that Meliodas was just as vincible as the rest of them felt almost foreign to Zeldris.
(Full sneak peek can be found in this post)
Wrath of Light (You'll have to go through me)
This is one of my remaining Febuwhump stories (hoping to get them all done this year at least lol). It's for Day 23, and the prompt "You'll have to go though me" (so the actual title of the fic is just "Wrath of Light").
I've shared a little sneak peek about it before (here - I think you saw that one back when I posted it?), but here's some proper info: it's taking place in some undefined-timeline (Elizabeth has her full powers and memories, but there's still a war against the demons?), there's a big fight happening, and tbh our heroes are getting their butts kicked for the moment, Meliodas gets badly injured, and Elizabeth snaps. Or, in other words, she reminds everyone that while she mostly uses her goddess powers to heal, she is no less dangerous than the demons they fight. It's also from Hendrickson's perspective, which I thought was an interesting pov for this fic, given his history with the druids and their view on the goddesses and demons.
You could also summarize this fic in three words: Protective Badass Elizabeth.
Here's another sneak peek:
Never before had Hendrickson truly considered the destructiveness of her power. He’d always seen it like the princess herself; bright and gentle. Before now, it had been healing. Offering miracles at death’s door. Saving soldiers in battle. Even after her true self had shown, even as the light proved lethal to demons, it had always felt safe. There was nothing gentle about the light surging from Elizabeth now. Hendrickson had only ever seen Meliodas' wrath when Elizabeth’s life was threatened. Never the reverse; not until now. Perhaps in the end, the two weren’t that different at all.
As you've seen by now, I talked about the other wips you asked about (and more) in another ask.
WIP Tag/Ask Game!
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plegg-culture-is · 9 months
Fannish plegg carton culture, specifically protogenic-endogenic plegg culture that later finds itself to be full of permanent resident soulbonds is —
In very very early childhood:
*Projections literally playing H.O.R.S.E or whatever that basketball game is. Of course the main fronter never played, because they are too short.*
"Huh!! Well I mean those barbecue sauce was spicy before but it's 0.05 seconds later and I feel completely different as a person and also this barbecue sauce is no longer spicy. Oh well. The teacher called me a liar over barbecue sauce so I'm gonna be a shithead to them and have a meltdown"
In middle school:
"What would Gohan do if he was in this world???"
"What would Jayfeather do if he were in this world??"
*Has full-ass slow changing "see through my eyes" quasi-ceremonies based solely on vibes since we didn't have innerworld completely built yet*
*Chasing each other in hallways and all people saw was a small autistic child running for no reason lol*
"Why the fuck can I never feel my face when something horrible happens to us me? Also I relate too much to Silver from Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver"
In high school:
"Yep just Gon and Killua from Hunter×Hunter chillin' over there. Nobody can see 'em and these feel pretty distinct from hallucinations considering I can't literally see them. Eh. Maybe just imagination."
*Checking out a pro-endogenic blog in 2015* "Yup I am just a curious singlet"
*Still chasing ourselves through hallways just less or more hidden because people are stupid.* Why the fuck am I so angry all of the time. Why the fuck do I feel like there should be more to all of this.
"Hhhh Illumi Zoldyck from Hunter×Hunter patting my head is completely normal. So is pretending I am Ethan from Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver I'M NOT PRETENDING ThOUGH??? I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO CALL THIS all I know is I am definitely Ethan, , not Ethan? And Illumi Zoldyck is petting my head and we are working at a McDonald's right now. What the fuck is happening" *Proceeds to ignore this and never tell anyone until we are today years old*
"My vitriol for Hisoka Morrow of Hunter×Hunter has three sides to it. I hate him and his canon. I have no clue how to explain the other two sides to this and I cannot stand my friend obsessing over this character" *Proceeds to also ignore this one too, and never tell anyone until we are today years old*
In university:
"Hey 30 year old Gladion idk if you're actually a figment of my imagination anymore but yeah sure your sister Lily and her daughter Mei can chill in here in this brain for awhile. Does this mean I'm genderfluid lol?" (Narrator: this is, in fact, NOT what genderfluidity is supposed to feel like.)
"Oh well I guess Itonai from Assassination Classroom is just decided to sleep in the bed tonight. Get the fuck off of my bed ya lazy bum. Noooo it's just wei — get back in our head you freak (//lovingly, platonic)"
*Just feeling fucking uncomfortable around sysmedicalists but especially the sysmedicalists who were anti-endogenic as well (yes there are pro-endogenic sysmeds!! Uhm but definitely not plural, nope)*
"I am now talking to these projections while brushing my teeth. Lucifer from The Devil Is A Part-Timer has literally crash-landed into our brain along with Emilia Justina. Wtf?"
*Discovers the word endogenic yet again and gets the weird euphoria again*
*Maybe our late second year at university, at fucking 11PM, after anime club finishes — Kusuo Saki just fucking chilling on top of the table via projection* "Heeey so remember that one time in high school where you had weird daydreams about that pink-haired psychic boy and the blonde with drills? Welp, Mami Tomoe picked me up on the way here —" *Queue freakout of the main fronter at this point*
SO ANYWAYS that is. Uh. Some Stuff(tm) yaaay, anyways the good thing about this is we don't think our queer shit would ever, ever be as fucking weird as our plurality shit in the context of the societal context and chronological context we, Rusanya, live in, so figuring out we're aceplex (since we found the plurality first and asexuality is more of a veil) was mostly just an "AHA okay then lol" and we just kind of slap every label on the planet onto us that we like that we think applies, both on an individual and collective level. :D
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justices-blade · 1 year
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ooc; TOA Anniversary Munday!
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
tagging: you :)
Name: leo
Pronouns: he/him
Birthday (no year): :)
Where are you from? What is your time zone?: yes. cest (gmt+2)
Roleplay experience: 12 years total, 10 years on and off on tumblr
Got any pets? i had a bunch of fish at various times in my life but the last hag of a molly murdered all her tankmates it was a whole thing
Favorite time of year: autumn
Some interests and things you like: dnd, drawing, gaming, a bit of cosplay. i like frogs :) and rock.
Some funfacts & trivia about you: - i once kneed myself in the eye on accident - ive made 47+ ocs just for ffxiv - funny character voices are my passion - i either go completely silent or get really loud while gaming. i also make actually physically wounded noises when my character gets hit
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? ffxiv, apex legends, flight rising, honkai star rail, enstars, soulsborne, splatoon. its a list of all time for sure
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: ghost/bug, spiritomb/armarouge
How did you get into Fire Emblem? was really into smash bros for a while and got interested in fire emblem. my friend had a copy of awakening and i watched her play, and when i asked my dad to get me path of radiance when he was in the us he got radiant dawn instead
What Fire Emblem games have you played? the gba ones, tellius, the 3ds ones and engage
First Fire Emblem game: radiant dawn
Favorite Fire Emblem game: also radiant dawn
Any Fire Emblem crushes? i dont do crushes but pandreo? ephraim also makes me feel profoundly unwell. also call me brendan reed because limstella,
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? - Awakening: stahl - Fates: niles - Three Houses: idk tbh - Engage: pandreo
Favorite Fire Emblem class: thief, mage
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class? thief (high skl/spd/res/mag, dogshit con def and hp, normal str)
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? golden deer
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with? micaiah or byleth
How did you find TOA? saw it here and there while scrolling fe tags on tumblr... was scrolling the tellius one and saw an active leonardo??? and i was missing tumblr rp at the time and i was like okay sure why the hell not (i would write edward regardless though)
Current TOA muses: edward, chad, denning
Who was your first TOA muse? If you don’t have them anymore, could you see yourself picking them up again? edward has taken up permanent residence in my brain since i was 14 he is NOT leaving
Have you had any other TOA muses? im at three and im staying with these three until further notice ✌️
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards? little guys and pensive freaks. theres closer descriptions of my archetypes but this is good enough
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most? hmhmhm. i like themes of belonging and not-belonging i think? places and people with which you feel at home, places you feel adrift and lost and that disconnect where it falls apart. i also really like unreliable narration, horror and that unsettling slightly delusional tonal dissonance when i have occasion to whip it out to maximum effect :)
Favorite TOA-related memory: keras kai elephas was so damn fun to me i need to stress this. first lore event really hit and solidified that i definitely want to stay!!
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day in TOA that you’d like to share? wil boey kliff and jean. are At My Door. theyre not getting in anytime soon but Hey.
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just-patchy · 1 month
💗💖💘 For the oc currently being microwaved in your brain 👀
Thanks for the ask! :3c
my current fav is my mha kid fukuro who i’ve never talked about on here but also i don’t really have ships for him??? with the final war arc and all the other stuff i never got around to developing him more lol
i’m not gonna use him for all 3 (re: no ships) so i’m gonna sub in some ships i DO have instead, also the kiss parts are microscopic bc idk how to write anymore, and it’s just long + imbalanced bc I Forgor How To Write
also a slight nsfw/suggestive warning? kind of???
💗 slow kiss / gentle kiss / inevitable / soft | Hatori Fukuro/Shouji Mezou
many creative liberties taken, i haven’t written properly in a while
Despite what Mezou says, Fukuro will never be convinced that people don’t find the taller boy attractive.
He already sticks out being as tall and muscular as he is, the mask he usually wears only adds an extra layer of mysteriousness, and he’s a perfect gentleman to boot; the type to hold open doors for people or carry your things for you. Fukuro has literal harpies in his family, he doesn’t need to be beating metaphorical ones away with a stick.
He’s kind, far too kind for his own good, and Fukuro can’t help but wonder if part of Mezou’s hometown has taken permanent residence in the younger boy’s heart, if they’re the reason why he’s fine with throwing himself in the line of fire; because he’s big and strong and his arms grow back anyway, because he’s a monster that needs to pull out its fangs and file down its claws to prove that it’s not a threat. He wonders if Mezou was even allowed to have anything as a child, and suddenly his room, only holding the bare essentials, looks like a prison of his own making. He knows Mezou is strong, but that answer is never enough to reassure him.
(He’s not even allowed to show his scars, because he’s still a 15-year-old no matter how buff or strong or monstrous he is, and 15-year-olds make for easy scapegoats in the face of bigger societal problems that people don’t care about.)
Fukuro’s never sure if he’s enough to make Mezou feel loved, that maybe he should allow himself to be more greedy and selfish and make Mezou his in every way possible, the same way he’s ready to give himself to the younger boy for as long as he’ll have him. The demons from his own past whisper in his ears; how Mezou is only with him out of the kindness of his heart because genetically and scientifically, he’s even more of a deformity despite his human features. There’s no such thing as a male harpy after all, he’s a freak of nature in every sense.
At the very least, he likes to think he’s Mezou’s freak; when he sidles up to the other boy after class and they go find a quiet spot for lunch amidst the hollering of 2-A, when Fukuro steals food out of his boyfriend’s hands and Mezou only wipes away bits of sauce around his mouth, when Fukuro steals a bit more than just food and languidly peppers butterfly kisses where he can reach, including the scars down his neck, when Mezou easily gives twice as much back both with his quirk and his actual mouth.
When they both lean forth to meet in the middle, a moment to themselves in the warm afternoon sun.
💖 rough kiss / hot and heavy / making out | Howl Knightley/Cater Diamond
When Cater shows up to meetings with Riddle or the Light Music Club looking…ravished, for the lack of a better word, people don’t believe him when he says it’s Howl’s handiwork. The easygoing second year certainly has the physical prowess to do so, or at least one would hope considering he’s one half of the Twin Knights of Heartslabyul, not just in mannerisms and in name but also ability.
Whether he wants to is another story, and it’s difficult to envision him doing so when he always seems to have his head in the clouds.
As he’s backed against a wall, wrists pinned above him by a large callused hand, a leg slotted between his thighs and a predatory glint in warm greyish-brown eyes, Cater thinks maybe it’s better that people don’t see it.
It’s probably just a spur of the moment thing for Howl, maybe excess steam that he hasn’t let off yet. By Riddle and Kalim’s accounts, he was on a roll today, a rare burst of energy from the laidback knight. Maybe he just found his boyfriend first instead of his twin, considering that he’s always down to fence with Garnet.
Or maybe he just really missed Cater, and the older boy hoped it was the latter because that would be adorable despite the position they were in now.
Cater squeaked as Howl suddenly dropped his head, nestling his face into the crook of his neck and inhaling deeply while mumbling sweet words under his breath. He could barely hear the taller boy but what he caught was enough to paint his face a light rosy red. Howl’s free hand was settled low on his waist, as the knight raised his head to meet the older boy’s gaze, his usual dazed smile spread across his face.
“Hey, Howl-kun? Maybe we should take this back to the dorms, yeah? We’re still outside-“ Cater protested weakly, only to be met with casual humming as Howl cut him off with a kiss, and another, and another, until he was too flustered to speak, only able to stare back at his boyfriend who had the audacity to tilt his head in a childish manner. The nerve of him to look as innocent as he did while he had his boyfriend up against a wall.
“As long as Riddle doesn’t find out, we’re safe~” he replied lazily, and swooped in for a deeper kiss, which Cater enthusiastically returned; if you can’t beat them, join them. He’s sure the other boy’s hair would be a nightmare to detangle once they were done, with how he was tugging and ruining Howl’s braid. Cater arched into the taller boy’s embrace, pressed up against the hard muscle beneath his deceptively slender frame, while Howl’s thumb rubbed small circles where it had slipped under Cater’s shirt. Neither one of them really wanted to stop and take a breather, until-
“Cay-kun, you bit my tongue,” Howl pouted, nipping at Cater’s bottom lip in revenge. It wasn’t intentional, his phone just happened to get a notification (probably from Magicam or a reminder for his Heartslabyul duties) and he…might have accidentally bit down in surprise. He snuck a peek at his phone before looking back up at the (still-pouting) taller boy.
“I’m sorry! I’ll make it up to you later, okay?” Cater gave his boyfriend a quick peck on the nose, before taking him by the hand and dragging him in the direction of the Hall of Mirrors.
“Let’s go before Riddle-kun takes our heads off!”
💘 fake relationship / mutual pining / dared to kiss | Stefano Fuoco/Azul Ashengrotto
It was supposed to be a quick thing, a one-shot for the masses to eat up before they moved on to the next big thing; “The Fuocos’ Elusive Son Spotted With Mysterious Beau” or whatever trashy headlines gossip sites came up with nowadays. Just because he doesn’t really show his face in public doesn’t mean people don’t know who he is, and being the farthest thing from a social creature doesn’t mean people won’t talk.
There are still rumours of him buying his way into Night Raven College, whispered taunts laced with accusations of nepotism. Not that he cares, everyone who was present in the Florenetta theatre that day probably dreams of wires and tattered rags stained with ink once in a blue moon. He’s more than powerful enough by the school’s standards, and there were better uses for his family name even when it came down to it.
Still, it is a fact that hanging out with Azul is very much a publicity stunt, a business deal like everything else the merman does. Azul gets to put his foot in the door of the catering industry (on land anyways) and Stefano can slowly make a name for himself beyond his parents’ shadows, posting about his directorial work here and there.
That’s all there is to it. Whatever feelings he has are set aside in the face of professionalism.
Sometimes, late at night when fatigue is still settling into his bones, Stef wonders if Azul feels something as well. The tips of his ears turn a soft shade of pink when they talk alone, and he gets a little flustered sometimes when they practise hand-holding or some other fluffy couple thing before someone’s camera starts rolling. Sometimes, Azul seems to look a little more smug than he usually does when Stef praises him, a hint of embarrassment also present if the director squints hard enough.
He’s probably just overthinking, but when he leans in to steal a kiss from Azul under the guise of practice, he starts wishing for a second, a third, or just that Azul will think of him when he kisses someone else, that he’ll never forget how warm the director feels against him.
He’ll allow himself the slight happiness of knowing that he was also Azul’s first.
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h4zardousch3micals · 1 year
I've sent this ask so many times already to other Fallen Stars readers by going through the likes on that fucking thing, my curiosity must be quenched
if you could make something canon in the story, what would it be?
You have no idea what kind of mentally ill response you've elicited from me /lh
Keep in mind that I mean absolutely no hate towards Plushii or the original version, tbh I freaking love how it turned out and it takes up a permanent residence in my brain. I'm just an sucker for alternate universe what if type scenarios and daydream too much lol—
Slight tw for Fallen Stars typical heavy themes
I wonder what could've happened if the subplot about Amber Island being unusually cold was touched upon more. At the time, the theory I had was that when a Celestial died their element goes absolutely haywire until they're revived. (Which I think might've been what was implied to going on? Idk for sure tho)
Picture This: The Kiddos and Seasonals are making their way to Plant Island when a crazy strong blizzard swoops in and they're forced to make an emergency landing on Cold Island, and they find that it's an absolute mess. It's far too cold even for the native monsters, and the sun hasn't been in some time as shadows seem to block it out. In the postal office, they find emergency letters sent from the other islands complaining of a similar predicament, though to a lesser extent, but they look like they've been untouched since they arrived.
Nobody dares to come out of their homes because of the weather, or maybe they're already dead, so nobody is there to greet or help them: they just have to wait the storm out until the shanty can sail again. Maybe one of the kids gets hypothermia or frostbite for the added angst (probably Blasoom since I'd assume they're especially sensitive to the temperature). This is when Attmoz realises exactly WHY the weather's acting so crazy, and he has to do something about it: or risk having the residents of this island, the other islands or even ANOTHER Celestial die from it.
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they designed this character specifically for me I think
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he’s taken permanent residence in my brain and he doesn’t even pay rent
strange little freak of a man
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crashional-thinker · 2 years
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I posted 11,690 times in 2022
That's 10,231 more posts than 2021!
553 posts created (5%)
11,137 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 532 of my posts in 2022
#nuclear throne - 12 posts
#path of exile - 10 posts
#ubermosh - 9 posts
#nidhogg - 5 posts
#dark souls 2 - 5 posts
#youtube - 4 posts
#risk of rain - 4 posts
#internet funeral - 3 posts
#liminal - 3 posts
#same - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#oh you want a good plot? and you still want a horror game? go play alien isolation or dead space. they're better than fnaf could ever be
My Top Posts in 2022:
😭👸☠️ REST IN PEACE🙏QUEEN ELIZABETH 👩‍🦳 WINDSWHORE!! The sun🌞has finally set on our 💁‍♀️ LITTY💃TITTY 🍈🍈 LILLIBET, 7️⃣0️⃣ years 📆 after she first 👧👩‍🦱👩‍🦳 became QUEEF 👑💨 REGNANT of the 🍆 COCK-MAN WEALTH 🇬🇧 of the💂‍♂️ BRITISH FEM-DOM-PIRE 👯‍♀️. Over her LONG😩JUICY💦REIGN she saw PMs 👨🏻‍💼👨🏼‍💼 CUM n' GO, from SIR WINSTON CHURCHHOLE👨‍🦲 to WHORIS JOHNSON🤡, STEADFASTLY serving KWEEN 👠 and CUNTRY 👜 with her FAMOUS 💎 BROOCHES 🐦 and 💦💦 PEARL NECKLACES 🤪, given to her by her late 😔 HORSE-COCKED 🐎🍆 COUSBAND 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 PRINCE PHILL-ER-UP 🤴. Her GORILLA 🦍 GRIP on the CROWN JEWELS 👑💍💎 has HELD TIGHT through CRISES 🤯 like BREXIT 🇪🇺🙅‍♀️🙃 and MEGXIT 👨‍🦰🙅🏾‍♀️🙃. But now it's time for ELIZABETH II REGINA'S 🤭 FAMOUS 🏠 ABODES like 👊💦SANDRINGHANDJOB, 👄👅 BALM-ORAL, and of course 🥵😛🤤 FUCKING-and-SUCKINGHAM PALACE 🏰 to be DRAPED IN BLACK 🏴🏴 in MOURNING 😱 for the LATE ⚰️ GREAT 💪 LIZZY. STAY TUNED 📺 for THE ⛪ CORNHOLE-INATION 👑 of her 👎LEAST FAVORITE SON👩‍👦CHARLES, with his ADULTEROUS JEZEBEL💃👯‍♀️ CUMILLA PORKHER-BOWELS 💩 right by his side. 🗣️🗣️🗣️ OYEZ, THE QUEEN IS DEAD! ! 🪦🥳 JUSTICE FOR LADY D!! 👸🚗🚨
52 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
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jamming this fucking thing into my disk drive and opening every file give me the bees i want bees open thr bees
54 notes - Posted August 2, 2022
there is a confusingly large amount of games that have an incredibly demanding skill floor but also very memorable characters. i bet half of the users on this website would suck at like, hollow knight, but that's okay, because the lil creachers are Adorable and that's all you really need
everyone in nuclear throne is deadass just a Lil Guy with minimal personality or backstory but their designs and playstyles are so unique that each one takes up permanent residence inside my brain. also the game pisses me off
63 notes - Posted March 29, 2022
honestly it was so funny to give kim basically infinite authority and have him never use it unless he's completely sick of your shit. this is a man who is intelligent and knows what he's doing who could easily command the case and solve it but instead he's like "nah, this raging alcoholic who doesn't even know what century we're in can definitely do it" and he's just along for the ride
95 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
you can criticize nintendo and game freak all you want for overcrunching their developers and releasing an unfinished, broken mess for the switch but nothing is going to change unless you stop buying the fucking video game
4,705 notes - Posted December 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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languageyeti1985 · 7 months
Mind Games With A Dash Of Wit.
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at the back of your mind
When you say something is at the back of your mind, you are subconsciously aware of or vaguely remember it - sometimes, it is better to recall somewhat an event than to feel guilty.
"Even though I promised myself to start eating healthier, the image of that delicious chocolate cake is always at the back of my mind during meal times, silently tempting me."
(be) in two minds about (someone/something)
When you are in two minds about someone/something, you feel uncertain or hesitant about a decision or opinion you must face.
"I'm in two minds about going to the gym today. Part of me wants to get fit, but the other part is deeply in love with my couch and a good Netflix series."
cross your mind
When something crosses your mind, it briefly enters your thoughts or awareness, but you usually forget about it quickly.
"It suddenly crossed my mind while I was in the shower that I had left the oven on. So, I ran out in a foamy panic, only to realise that my wife's family were in the living and I hadn't even turned it on in the first place!"
get (someone/something) out of your mind
When you try to get someone or something out of your mind, you are trying to stop thinking about them or it. Sad to say, this sometimes is nearly impossible to do.
"No matter how hard I try, I just can't get my ex out of my mind. It's like they've taken up permanent residence in my brain, rent-free!"
give (someone) a piece of your mind
When giving someone a piece of your mind, you express your opinion forcefully, often when angry or frustrated, using vulgar language.
"When my flatmate ate the last slice of pizza without asking, I had to give him a piece of my mind - and let's just say it wasn't a small slice, and I added a long list of jobs they never do around the flat!"
go blank
We have all been there. So, when you go blank, you suddenly forget something or have your mind become empty of thoughts - usually when you need to answer a question, which isn't enjoyable.
"During the exam, I went completely blank when I saw the first question. It's like all my knowledge decided to take a vacation at the worst possible moment!"
mind your own (fucking) business
When you tell someone to mind their own (fucking) business, you are being blunt or forceful way of telling them to focus on their affairs and not interfere with others.
"When my nosy neighbour asked me why I was receiving so many packages, I politely reminded her to mind her own (freaking) business before jokingly suggesting she might need a new hobby rather than watching me."
(something) broadens the mind
When you say something broadens the mind, you refer to experiences or activities that expand one's understanding, perspective, or knowledge.
"Travelling to different countries broadens the mind. Who knew you could survive solely on pizza and gelato for a week and still feel culturally enriched?"
the last thing on your mind
When something is the last thing on your mind, it is not a priority or concern at all.
"With the deadline looming, fixing the printer was the last thing on my mind until it suddenly started printing pictures of cats wearing sunglasses and outfits. Now, it's my top priority!"
to have a lot on your mind
When you have a lot on your mind, you are preoccupied or deeply concerned about something that seems ever-present.
"Between work deadlines, family commitments, and trying to remember to water my neglected houseplants, I've got a lot on my mind. So, if I forget your birthday, know it's not personal, Darling!"
to have a one-track mind
When you have a one-track mind, you are overly focused or obsessed with a single topic or goal. That can be good or bad, depending on what you are obsessed with 24/7 - so please make it a good thing.
"My dog has a serious one-track mind when it comes to food. He could be sound asleep, but the mere sound of a treat bag crinkling will have him teleporting to the kitchen in seconds!"
to put (someone's) mind at ease
When you put someone's mind at ease, you try to make someone feel calmer or less worried about something, usually by being supportive.
"When my friend was nervous about her first driving lesson, I told her not to worry because I had full faith in her driving skills. Of course, I conveniently omitted the part where she once mistook the accelerator for the brake pedal - I hope I put her mind at ease!"
to read (someone's) mind
When you read someone's mind, you accurately guess or understand what someone else thinks or feels, which can be easy or exceedingly difficult to do.
"My husband can never hide his true feelings from me. I always know when he's forgotten our anniversary because his guilty expression practically screams, I forgot to buy flowers - it is easy to read his mind!"
0 notes
chicgeekgirl89 · 1 year
I absolutely love your fics so much and last night I freaked out because I wanted to read "The House in the Pines Where the Road Ends" and I forgot to bookmark it the last night I read it because braincells don't work sometimes. Full on freaking out, searching ridiculous tags from what I remembered (AND THOSE TAGS WERE IN THE FIC AO3 JUST DIDN'T SHOW ME THE FIC???) and I found it through your yachting au seven sentence thing because I saw Francesca mentioned. I could have cried because I genuinely thought I had lost the fic forever....
Anyway! I adore Adriana and Francesca so much!!!???? OH and the Reyes family you created is very dear to me. I think about them a lot. All of them permanently reside in my brain. Your fics are so good I binged them the first time I found them. Thank you for putting in so much love and hard work into them 🩷🩷. You're so awesome
Oh my god. Okay, I have sat on this ask a few days because I...don't even know how to respond, this is literally so freaking nice, oh my god. Firstly I'm so glad you love that fic, I am so proud of that one and it brings me so much happiness that others like it too. Second of all, like...I don't think you can even understand how much it means to me that you love Francesca and Adriana. People loving my fanfic is amazing, and I'm so grateful. But these are two characters that I created all on my own, and it's a whole new level of pride and joy to find that others love them, want more of them, ask about them, and find my little sneaky references to them in other fics. It's built my confidence as a writer in a whole new way and there are truly no words to express my thanks that you took the time to tell me how much you enjoy them! This is just the loveliest ask, thank you so much for reaching out!
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derpycatsu · 2 years
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good evening wallace and steven enjoyers and everyone else . brainrot today is catastrophic as usual
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eremin0109 · 3 years
VERY heterosexual of Ryu Sooyeol to imagine a man walking up to him while he's naked in the sauna to beat him up. Such ladies' man behaviour to imagine the same damn man washing himself in his own bathtub, while standing not two feet away from him and then spraying him with water while he giggles.
I mean, only the straightest of men can accomplish such manly feats OOF 🥵
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years
what else??? ummmm gosh i don't know... ghost stories? weird shit that happened in the wee late hours (or early hours) that the personnel tell the newbies about to spook em? Old superstitions, maybe? idk i will take any and all thoughts about Them (this seriously hasn't left my brain (or helped my obsession with medical drama/-centric stories ahflkahfta))
Legend and Hyrule once hid a training mannequin in the on call room and covered it in fake blood. The first resident that went in there to try and get some shut eye screamed and called half the ED staff to deal with “someone’s bleeding in the bed!!” Warriors was naturally first to the scene and has since then never let the resident hear the end of it. Welcome to emergency medicine!
The residents have been leery of using that on call room since then.
Wild swears that he’s heard the ghost of a nurse who must have died in some accident still trying to go to work. He’ll be in the transport supply area and hear someone murmuring when no one is around and say it’s this really petite woman with red hair who is strangely dressed in something more akin to military garb. But she’s gotta be a healthcare provider, she keeps talking about healing him!
Wind made the biggest mistake in healthcare: he said Quiet. On shift. While meandering in the ICU. Four wouldn’t let him hear the end of it for a month because as soon as he said it one patient coded, another needed to be intubated, and they got three admissions to the unit. Never use the Q word in healthcare. NEVER.
Time and Malon compete over who gets to choose the pandora playlist for the OR for that day. They have a few days a week where they let the surgical tech or anesthetist pick the theme, but the rest of the time it’s a heated competition of rock, paper, scissors.
Twilight’s favorite newbie task is watching them fumble with how to make baby formula or watching them change diapers for the first time. The new tech or RN will be gagging or freaking out because the baby boys just go to town with their pee spout and half the newbies get KO’d while Twi is just :) in the background
Sky loves visiting all the EMS rooms in different hospitals and seeing what kind of energy drinks they have there. Half of them don’t have any and he’s very sad and droopy (the worst one just has empty broken cabinets and doesn’t even give any food or drink at all) so the flight medic or flight nurse just caves and brings some from home. Legend, who lives off the stuff, coordinates with Hyrule to make a permanent Sky Stash to ensure the pilot always has one at the ready. On the other hand, some hospitals have EMS room competitions where Sky just begs that they fly to this one hospital because it’s got the sprinkle donuts like GUYS THOSE ARE SO GOOD
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freyja-veens · 2 years
See this was the thing that launched me into a bkdk brainrot like look at it!!! Because when I did, something in my brain clicked.
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Even tho I wasn't caught up with the manga (I basically stopped after dvk2 bcos there was a lack of kacchan lol), and I only knew basic stuff about their characters, the fan content that have been created for these two is so amazing that I don't even have to worry about canon.
I have read fics that read like a freaking novel, that have made permanent residence in my mind, that made me incredibly gooey inside. Absolutely incredible fanart that I want to frame and hang on my wall.
Like this, this is the thing that I crave from fiction. There's just so much you can do about them. I know I haven't even scratched the surface but I'll be having this brainrot for as long as they'll have me.
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eldritchcryptids · 3 years
Okay. New question of how season 3 works for the AU. I assume Brian & Jay stay together after being chased off. Would Tim wake up at some point w his memory wiped & go about the start of s3 the same way? Also, i assume theres still TTA just run by the third member. [So i imagine thats creepy bc even less of an image of the person behind the camera] Also I'm so sorry if I'm pestering you. MH is a SI of mine and I love Brian, Tim, & Jay sm -🐝
nah ur not pestering me man, i totally get it ajshdksba mh has had a permanent residency in my brain for like. 8-9 years now or smth ajshdjahs
but yeah, pretty much everything with tim in the start of season 3 would still function the same - memory wiped, he goes on with his life til he's dragged back into everything
things like entry 61/62 doesn't happen bc. no hoodie to steal tim's pills. (if anything, it would just be a case of tim not getting to his meds in time n stuff) - entry 58 functions differently bc tim doesn't get freaked out by jay trying to chase after hoodie - entry 59 still happens cause it would still work and be funny i think
tta does still exist but is obviously different as well, I.e any video with hoodie in it is Changed/different
so yeah 🧍‍♂️
its pretty much very similar except i forcefully inserted brian into it as an actually helpful figure
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morvantmortuary · 2 years
I was tagged by the lovely @illegalcerebral! sorry it took me so long to play catchup, hon, my sense of time is whack in the summer :’D
Last song: Bark at the Moon - Ozzy Osbourne (I was outlining some stuff for the freak and the witch today lol)
Last movie: I’m an hour into this movie called Room 203 on Hulu rn, it’s about these two college-aged friends who move into what’s definitely a haunted apartment that definitely house a cult that might have sacrificed people to a?? bird god??? idk something in the wall had feathers that’s for sure. the longer I stare at one of the actress’s faces I can’t tell if she was in the mtv scream series or if I’m just projecting really hard. I’m seeing Nope tomorrow with a close friend IRL though - with a mask on the whole time, but still! I’m excited!!
Currently watching: the new season of what we do in the shadows!! on one hand, glad they’re weekly releases so I don’t rush through them all, on the other, the wait between is agony :’D I did also have the ‘80s season of american horror story and the new netflix resident evil series on in the background the last couple days, and unfortunately for both I have utterly no idea what’s going on lmao
Currently reading: I’m somewhere in The Pallbearers’ Club by Paul Tremblay, but left off after the big time jump to go read Nothing But Blackened Teeth by Cassandra Khaw. her prose was like really luxurious dark chocolate: really rich and beautiful sometimes, sometimes just a little heavy, especially at the beginning. I’m trying to decide if I’m going to pick back up with TPC or read What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher, as it’s supposed to be a House of Usher retelling and that overlaps with some of my work next semester
Current obsession: Vampires is kind of a permanent special interest that goes dormant and comes back sometimes, and with all the talk of vampire!Eddie Munson it’s definitely back rn as I work on tf&tw. Otherwise I still have Mortuary brain, I’m just giving myself some time to read and get fresh again before spooky season gets here <3 I’ve got a lot of southern gothic on the brain as I’m focusing on it when work starts up again, so that’s definitely an influence on everything I’m taking in lately
thanks so much for tagging me, babe! it was nice to be thought of <3 I’m throwing this at a whole entire slew of people, but no pressure all around: @rosemaremembrance, @bigtiddythanos @maximoffwxnda @runawaywerewolf @jmathesonandsiblings @eldritchcircus @lorna-d-m @scuttle-buttle @pondering-and-wondering @somethingthatsaysbubbles @imalsonotsure @snaxk @darkestamralime @arctic--ash @norabrice1701 @creme-bruhlee @mypoisonedvine @raven-blood-13
and whoever else would like to share! <3 I always love reading these and seeing what people are into lately :D
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