#persian jewel
morethansalad · 1 year
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Riz Perse au Safran Vegan / Vegan Persian Jeweled Rice
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oldlovecassette · 8 months
my new kitty loves to sleep exactly behind my head on my pillow at night. she’s a persian (just like my baby romeo) so she has these dark stains of brown from her tear ducts and they make her look permanently stressed out as do her insanely light light blue eyes. we’re buying her contacts don’t worry. i love her
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h0ney8ee · 10 months
the blanket i want to crochet would cost $130 just in yarn 😔
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sohnaaz · 3 months
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purpleandteal · 4 months
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(via Malachite | Luke Irwin Rugs – lukeirwin)
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aphroditelovesu · 7 months
Since requests are closing in a few days, I just wanted to put another one in. No rush go get it done of course!
I want to request a oneshot/reaction where Alexander gives reader a really, REALLY expensive necklace. Maybe it's a wedding present, a just because present , or something following the birth of the twins. You can decide what you want to do with that 😁!
Also, I keep picturing a necklace made of opal??? Not only is it a stunning gem stone, but it was also thought to be the tears of Zeus in ancient Greece, which would be an interesting tie to Alexander. Again, it's just a suggestion. You can use whatever gemstone you want!
Thanks, and take care ❤️❤️❤️!
❝ 📜— lady l: this had been sitting in my drafts for a while and I finally decided to write it. I got a little carried away, so it's a little big, but I hope you like it and if you want to order anything else, feel free, anon! Good reading and forgive me for any mistakes! ❤️
❝tw: none, just fluff and very soft!Alexander.
❝📜pairing: yandere!alexander the great x female!reader.
❝word count: 1,308.
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Alexander wanted to find something to give you. Something expensive and extravagant, something that would leave you impressed.
He felt like he owed you that. Not only had you given birth to his children, but you were loved by him and he wanted to please you. He thought of several options: a horse, silk clothes, food and even drink. He still wasn't sure what you might like.
Until he had an idea after talking to Hephaestion. He was the one who gave you the idea of giving you a necklace made from a special and rare gem. And he knew it was the right choice to make.
It was no easy task to get a merchant to have the necklace he liked and deemed worthy of you to wear around your delicate neck, but after the fifth try with a different merchant, he finally knew what your gift should be. He decided to gift you with an opal necklace, a jewel that reflected the beauty and mystery of his passion.
It would change color and he would know that it would look beautiful and graceful on your neck. Everything about you was beautiful and graceful, so the necklace would only stand out on you and no one else.
This opulent piece was adorned with the most dazzling opals that could be found in the entire Empire. Each stone sparkled with vibrant colors, dancing like the aurora borealis reflected in the starry night. The necklace was a unique treasure, a harmony of opalescent hues, displaying hues of celestial blue, emerald green, and royal purple.
The merchant who sold it told him a story about the necklace and it was this story that convinced him to buy it. According to the Persian merchant, legend said that opals were gifts from star spirits, who bestowed their blessings on those who used them with love and wisdom. The necklace was not just a piece of jewelry, but a source of magical power. Its colors and reflections were believed to contain the essence of nature, connecting the wearer to the spiritual realms and bringing fortune and protection.
Whoever owned the opal necklace was seen as a keeper of ancient secrets, an heir to the ancient magic that flowed through the precious stones. It was said that opal possessed the ability to amplify intuition and creativity, allowing the wearer to see beyond the ordinary, opening doors to new possibilities and inspiration.
After this explanation, Alexander knew that this necklace must be yours. Not just because of your story, but because of who you were. From when you really came. No one was more worthy than you.
There was also another version of the story that convinced him to buy it. Knowing how religious Alexander was, the merchant also told him that the opal was made from the tears of Zeus. Long ago, at the beginning of Greek civilization, when the gods walked among mortals, Zeus, the mighty king of the gods, shed tears of joy and sorrow over human fate. These tears, upon touching the earth, transformed into radiant stones known as opals, carrying within them the duality of emotions of the great god.
Thus was born the opal, a legendary gem forged by Zeus' own tears. Each stone was shaped from divine emotions, capturing the essence of heaven and earth. Its unique iridescence reflected not only the colors of the rainbow, but also the contrasting feelings of joy and sadness, hope and despair, harmonized in an eternal dance of light and shadow. Ancient sages believed that the necklace was not just a manifestation of beauty, but rather a link between mortals and the gods. It was said that whoever wore the opal necklace would be enveloped in the protection of Zeus and would have the divine wisdom to navigate life's challenges.
And maybe when little Aella grew up, he could give her a necklace similar to the one he chose for you.
He smiled at the thought and with the necklace inside a small wooden box with gold ornaments, he walked to the room you shared in the Babylonian palace. Straightening his posture, Alexander knocked on the door and after hearing a soft ''come in'', he opened the door and smiled widely when he saw you sitting in a padded chair with Aella in one arm and Cyrus in the other. He fell silent when he realized the twins were asleep.
You looked at him and smiled softly when you saw what he had in his hands. Alexander placed the box on a table next to the bed and approached you, carefully taking Cyrus in his arm. You smiled lovingly when you saw him cuddling the baby in his arms.
Whispering, Alexander says, ''I have something for you.''
You smiled and asked curiously, ''What is it?''
Alexander carefully picked up the box with the arm that wasn't swinging Cyrus and placed him on your lap, looking at you expectantly. You smiled and opened the box with a little difficulty due to the sleeping child in your arms. Your eyes widened when you saw the lush opal necklace. You had never seen such beautiful jewelry.
Alexander, who was watching you like a hawk, smiled at you.
''Alexander, that's…'' You swallowed and took the necklace in your hand, carefully observing its details. The necklace was a magnificent piece, a heavenly masterpiece that captivated the eyes of all who dared to gaze upon it. Every aspect of the necklace was a symphony of intertwined beauty and magic.
The centerpiece of the necklace consisted of a main opal, a generously sized gem that radiated an unparalleled iridescent glow. This central opal was an explosion of celestial color, with soft, shimmering hues that moved like an aurora borealis trapped within the gemstone. Its tones ranged from the deep blue of twilight to the lush green of enchanted forests, and occasional glimpses of the deep red of divine fire.
Around the main opal, a series of smaller opals were skillfully arranged, forming a necklace that seemed to have been woven by the stars' own hand. Each smaller gem had its own color personality, some glowing an ethereal blue, others a crystalline green, and still others with purple and gold hues reminiscent of the sun setting over distant mountains.
The structure of the necklace was as intricate as the reflections of the opals. Delicate strands of gold wove between the gems, creating a sparkling frame that complemented the iridescence of the opals. Small, intricate metal sculptures, decorated with designs that resembled star constellations, adorned the necklace, giving it an aura of ancient magic.
''Do you like it?'' Alexander asked after you remained silent, observing the necklace with a strange expression.
''I loved it.'' You whispered, admiring the necklace. Alexander walked over to you and took the necklace from your hands and placed Cyrus back in your arms, careful not to wake him. He stood behind you and removed your hair from your neck, placing the magnificent necklace around your neck. You closed your eyes when you felt the touch of his calloused fingers on your skin and sighed when the necklace was placed on you.
''I'm glad, it suits you.'' He kissed your neck affectionately and you closed your eyes, smiling.
Alexander leaned closer to your ear and whispered, ''When I heard the story about the opal… I knew it would have to be yours and yours alone.''
You opened your eyes and turned your head, looking at him. ''And what is this story?''
Alexander smiled widely and after kissing your forehead, he began to tell you both stories he had heard from the merchant. You just listened in silence, delighting in his words, with your sleeping children on your arm and the weight of the beautiful necklace around your neck.
Your small, loving family.
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snailspng · 1 year
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Random PNGs, part 148.
(1. Emerald cup from 17th c. with Persian inscriptions, 2. Jewel encrusted nail covers from 1800s, 3. Feline heads from ancient Peru, 4. Skanderbeg helmet from c. 1460, 5. Variscite slice (?), 6. Theatrical shoes by Jitterbug Boy, 7. Sputnik orb charm, 8. Bowl from 1885, 9. Emerald ring from 16th c.)
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whencyclopedia · 14 days
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Alexander the Great & the Burning of Persepolis
In the year 330 BCE Alexander the Great (l. 356-323 BCE) conquered the Achaemenid Persian Empire following his victory over the Persian Emperor Darius III (r. 336-330 BCE) at the Battle of Gaugamela in 331 BCE. After Darius III's defeat, Alexander marched to the Persian capital city of Persepolis and, after looting its treasures, burned the great palace and surrounding city to the ground, destroying hundreds of years' worth of religious writings and art along with the magnificent palaces and audience halls which had made Persepolis the jewel of the empire.
The City
Persepolis was known to the Persians as Parsa ('The City of the Persians'), and the name 'Persepolis' meant the same in Greek. Construction on the palace and city was initiated between 518-515 BCE by Darius I the Great (r. 522-486 BCE) who made it the capital of the Persian Empire (replacing the old capital, Pasargadae) and began to house there the greatest treasures, literary works, and works of art from across the Achaemenid Empire. The palace was greatly enhanced (as was the rest of the city) by Xerxes I (r. 486-465 BCE, son of Darius, and would be expanded upon by Xerxes I's successors, especially his son Artaxerxes I (r. 465-424 BCE), although later Persian kings would add their own embellishments.
Darius I had purposefully chosen the location of his city in a remote area, far removed from the old capital, probably in an effort to dramatically differentiate his reign from the past monarchs. Persepolis was planned as a grand celebration of Darius I's rule and the buildings and palaces, from Darius' first palace and reception hall to the later, and grander, works of his successors, were architectural masterpieces of opulence designed to inspire awe and wonder.
In the area now known as the Marv Dasht Plain (northwest of modern-day Shiraz, Iran) Darius had a grand platform-terrace constructed which was 1,345,488 square feet (125,000 square meters) big and 66 feet (20 meters) tall and on which he built his council hall, palace, and reception hall, the Apadana, featuring a 200-foot-long (60 meters) hypostyle hall with 72 columns 62 feet (19 meters) high. The columns supported a cedar roof which was further supported by cedar beams. These columns were topped by sculptures of various animals symbolizing the king's authority and power. The Apadana was designed to humble any guest and impress upon visitors the power and majesty of the Persian Empire.
Darius I died before the city was completed and Xerxes I continued his vision, building his own opulent palace on the terrace as well as the Gate of All Nations, flanked by two monumental statues of lamassu (bull-men), which led into his grand reception hall stretching 82 feet (25 meters) long, with four large columns 60 feet high (18.5 meters) supporting a cedar roof with brightly decorated walls and reliefs on the doorways. The city is described by the ancient historian Diodorus Siculus (l. 1st century BCE) as the richest in the world and other historians describe it in the same terms.
Continue reading...
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pwlanier · 4 months
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The elegant field design with lobed floral vase issuing a large central cypress filled with ascending herati designs and a smaller central cypress in ivory surrounded by intricate and active designs of stylized florals and foliates with palmette meander, the rich dark blue field having jewel-tone foliate meander and interspersed blossoms is framed by a wide robust border with dynamic ascending flowering plant form on saffron ground in rich saturated jewel-tone colors overall. This exceptional Persian village weaving created in the middle period of the 19th century. with wide main border being flanked only by a narrow inner guard stripe is unusual and impactful.
Soulis s Auctions
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reveriedraffs · 2 months
I think i know why Christian was set to Marry Devi... (My theory i uploaded on reddit was removed by the admin idk why?)
It was bugging me from the moment when Christian said that he wanted to marry Devi from the very beginning although dozens hid this fact from her to spar her to get married to Christian. But why he wanted to marry her? Christian didn't know Devi and the latter came way before Devi met Ian. so what was he insisted to marry on marrying and devi only. also if it was because he show her portrait then he could've remember her when they meet for the first time.
After thinking about it so much i couldn't come to theory or connect the dots that not until i was sitting with my dad watching the news (I am Indian btw) and suddenly the news was talking about the most famous and precious jewel of india "Kohinoor" i am not sure how many of you know about this but this diamond it very "precious", "Priceless" and "CURSED" yes this diamond is "cursed" it was called cursed because of that soley diamond in the past war has fought for 500 years or more. and it has killed everyone who tried to posses that diamond the biggest empire has collapsed because of this mere diamond although it's not a mere diamond. because in reality, this diamond belongs to the gods.
The Koh-i-Noor Diamond isa a 186-caratt diamond with a curse affecting only men. According to folklore, a Hindu description of the diamond warns that “he who owns this diamond will own the world, but will also know all its misfortunes. Only God or woman can wear it with impunity.” Throughout history, the gem traded hands among various Hindu, Mongolian, Persian, Afghan and Sikh rulers, who fought bitter and bloody conflicts to own it. Every prince whohadf the diamond would ultimately lose his power if not his life. For over 500 years the stone changed hands in gruesome battles and vicious coups.
The kingdom of Golconda(current day state of Telengana,India), The khilji Empire,The Tughlaq Empire,The Lodhi Empire,The Mughal Empire,The Maratha Empire,The kingdom of Persia,The Durrani Empire,The Afghan Khanate,The Sikh Empire all collapsed one behind the other while owning the Koh-i-noor Diamond.The height of the curse can be seen in the fact that even World level Empires crumbled below the weight of the curse.The British East India company owned the Jewel since the Annexation and Disbandment of the Sikh Empire. But only 7–8 years following the looting of the jewel,the revolt of 1857 literally destroyed the east IndiaCompanyy from its roots.
Historical records indicate the diamond was acquired by the British in 1849 and given to Queen Victoria in 1850. To heed its legend, the diamond has since only been worn by women, including Queen Alexandra of Denmark, Queen Mary of Teck and the late Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother, wife of King George VI.
In 1936, the stone was set into the crown of the wife of King George VI, Queen Elizabeth (later known as the Queen Mother). The British Royal family was aware of the Curse of the Koh-i-Noor, and from the reign of Queen Victoria the Kohinoor diamond has always gone to the wife of the male heir to the British throne
Currently, it is set as one of the jewels within a British monarchy crown that is kept at the Tower of London Jewel House.
I am telling you the whole story because?
here is the dots to this theory:
Sharma owns the mines for gemstones, diamonds, and crystals not only in Bengal but in very different places on all over India.
Devi's brother died while trying to save the bride.
Those who came to kill people talked about letting "Women alive and killing all the men" A simple person may think they said it to use them later on. if so then why was Rati killed?
Devi becomes the heir of the Sharma household, and Kamal insists on making Devi the heir why? i understand that is because Kairas was his best friend but he could've easily let Devi's uncle become the heir.
For some reason Kamal agreed to marry off Devi to Ian suddenly? like that man fought for 5 years against everyone then why did he turn his back suddenly?
Also I personally thin Ian chose devi for specific reasons too, like right now she is the head of Sharma's house but even when she wasn't he wanted to marry her and only her.
The Koh-i-noor might be found on devi's mine. as it holds the power of god and specifically it is cursed. As it said that "Only God or Woman can wear it with IMPUNITY" where Impunity simply means exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action.
Or Devi personally is or is the koh-i-noor itself. Or Maybe British knew about the diamond and it's real power. They have stole diamonds from Taj Mahal too but they knew that the diamond who belongs to god holds its own power so they might need someone for that. Devi. Not only she is related to Maa Kali, she is girl and if they choose Devi and then found diamond form her mine then they can ask her to give it to them as in original i mean in reality that's how the koh-i-noor to the queen, they manipulate the royal family livin' in the England making them into thinking it was a simple diamond was given to the queen but in reality it was more then that!
I think they knew about the mines or something similar related to it.
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haydenigmatic · 5 months
Lady Nesrin /ˈnɛs.rɪn/ Parovus /pæˈroʊvəs/
Meet Nesrin, the enigmatic jewel of courtly intrigue in the Eight Kingdoms. Behind her charming smile and the gentle melodies of her harp, lies a shrewd strategist, always three moves ahead in the intricate game of court politics.
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For her face claim it's a mix between Emma Watson, Lilly Collins and maybe Anya-Taylor-Joy, now for the voice I would say Jessica Brown Findlay (the voice of Lenore in Castlevania)
Main Family Dynamics:
Duke Javaid's Expectations (Father):
Duke Javaid, the family patriarch, holds a firm grip on family affairs and expects unwavering obedience and service from his children. While supportive, his expectations also create a stifling atmosphere, especially for Nesrin who navigates the delicate balance between duty and love.
Duchess Sarnei's Priorities (Mother):
Duchess Sarnei is focused on maintaining her beauty and status within the court. She holds a keen interest in fashion and gossip, involving herself in the intricacies of courtly life, which influences Nesrin's awareness of social dynamics.
Seline's Scandal:
Seline, Nesrin's elder sister, is away from court due to a scandal that stained the family's reputation. Unmarried and seemingly without prospects, Seline secretly has a child from a forbidden affair with a commoner, straining her relationship with Nesrin.
Gennaddy's Charisma:
Gennady, Nesrin's younger brother, is a charming and courteous knight who enjoys the attention of many ladies. Confident in the family's status, revels in the admiration he receives, supporting and challenging Nesrin's approach to courtly life.
Some details about her:
Memorable Quote: "I learned at a young age that sometimes, the most effective way to get what you want is to let others think it was their idea."
She indulges in the guilty pleasure of reading romance novels but dismisses them as frivolous in public.
Occasionally orchestrates situations where she allows herself to be seemingly manipulated, only to unveil a grander scheme.
Her skill with the harp is as enchanting as her political manoeuvrers, her melodies weaving tales of beauty and intrigue that captivate those who have the privilege of listening.
She thrives on challenges, evident in her deliberate attempts to out-dress Odette, turning every encounter into a subtle competition.
keeps a dried flower pressed between the pages of her favourite book, a memento from the first bouquet someone dear to her gave her.
Her Silkshroud Feline (Persian cat), Aziza, is her loyal companion during strolls through the family gardens. Aziza wears small jewelled collars that match Nesrin's accessories.
Practices the harp at night, finding inspiration in the quiet hours. The haunting melodies she creates in the moonlit solitude serve as a therapeutic release for her inner conflicts.
Her sister scandal casts a shadow over Nesrin's life, serving as a cautionary tale that influences her choices and adds pressure to maintain the family's reputation.
Feels a deep sense of betrayal, she had confided in Odette about her dreams and ambitions, Odette's swift action feels like a calculated move to steal Nesrin's opportunities and thwart her plans.
Nesrin battles intense feelings of jealousy and resentment towards Odette, especially as she perceives her former friend not only as a rival but as someone who callously took advantage of her vulnerable confession.
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thurifer-at-heart · 10 months
The Bible is resistance literature.
In the case of the mutant creatures of Daniel and Revelation, [biblical beasts] represent the evils of oppressive empires. It’s easy for modern-day readers to forget that the Bible was written by oppressed religious minorities living under the heels of powerful nation-states known for their extravagant wealth and violence. For the authors of the Old Testament, it was the Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Greek, and Persian Empires. For the authors of the New Testament, it was, of course, the massive Roman Empire. These various superpowers, which inflicted centuries of suffering upon the Jews and other conquered populations, became collectively known among the people of God as Babylon. One of the most important questions facing the people who gave us the Bible was: How do we resist Babylon, both as an exterior force that opposes the ways of God and an interior pull that tempts us with imitation and assimilation? They answered with volumes of stories, poems, prophecies, and admonitions grappling with their identity as an exiled people, their anger at the forces that scattered and oppressed them, God’s role in their exile and deliverance, and the ultimate hope that one day “Babylon, the jewel of kingdoms, the pride and glory of the Babylonians, will be overthrown by God” (Isaiah 13:19). It is in this sense that much of Scripture qualifies as resistance literature. It defies the empire by subverting the notion that history will be written by the wealthy, powerful, and cruel, insisting instead that the God of the oppressed will have the final word.
—Rachel Held Evans, Inspired: Slaying Giants, Walking on Water, and Loving the Bible Again, p. 118
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random-dex · 1 month
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#0052 - Meowth
Scratch Cat Pokemon
"It washes its face regularly to keep the triangular stone in its forehead spotless. In the dark, the glow from its eyes and jewel make it look like Meowth has three eyes."
 #0053 - Persian
Classy Cat Pokemon
"Although it behaves itself like an elegant and refined creature, it isn’t afraid of lashing out viciously over the smallest offense. Its curly whiskers are widely beloved among fans of the species."
Note: Meowth's sprite is based on its Silver and RB sprites. Persian's sprite is based on its Crystal sprite.
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the-jewel-catalogue · 3 months
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Jewel of the day
Queen Elizabeth’s turquoise and diamond three leaf clover brooch
This brooch has been in Camilla's Jewel Box since 2019 and features Persian turquoises set in the centre of each of the three leaves of a diamond shamrock. A larger diamond sits in the centre, with a cluster of diamonds at the stem.
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jomiddlemarch · 3 months
The shapes a bright container can contain!
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IV. “This is a carriage house?” Hermione asked after first standing silent for a good two minutes, a length of time that seemed far longer when a witch was known to hurl herself into a squid-infested loch in early winter.
“You speak as if you have an extensive experience of real estate,” Draco retorted. 
“It’s quite a bit more house than I’d imagined,” she said. To exceed Hermione Granger’s imagination was a feat and Draco decided he’d follow the Muggle adage and begin as he meant to go on.
“Did you expect it to still contain carriages? Or horses? Tack?” Draco said. “Did you want a pony? That could be arranged, though I think an Arabian or an Abraxan hybrid—"
“No. Of course not,” she said. “But this is quite lovely. So thoughtfully appointed.”
“Thank you,” he said.
“Your wife had exquisite taste,” Hermione said.
“Yes, she did,” Draco replied. “You can see it in the main house. This was my project.”
“Oh, I see. I didn’t mean to imply,” she broke off. Somehow, this was what flustered her, this bit of gauche maladroitness, though she was staying in the home of a former Death Eater, a man who still bore the brand of a genocidal maniac on his forearm. She didn’t blush however; her eyes only widened and she seemed to lose what color she had. Draco decided he’d look after her well enough blushing became an option again.
“It’s all right. Why don’t I give you a tour of the place, get you settled,” he said. He wanted to offer her his arm, to feel her hand on him and keep her steady, but he suspected she would actually be as offended as she’d imagined he might just have been. He walked closer to her than would ordinarily be considered polite and kept the pace slow.
“This is the sitting room,” he said, gesturing around them. Two large chesterfields upholstered in dark green velvet sat on either side of a coffee-table strewn with periodicals and some art books, a bowl hewn from the base of a cypress at the center, filled with green apples. Squashy silk pillows in an array of jewel tones were tucked at either end of the sofas, a cashmere throw draped in a corner. A pair of club chairs bracketed the large fireplace, and an ancient Persian rug was underfoot. Long windows were surrounded by bookshelves, the bookshelves full of neatly arranged books that appeared much-handled. 
“It’s lovely. Looks very comfortable,” Hermione said. He beckoned her to follow him as he walked across the space and miraculously, she followed, her wand-hand empty.
“This is the kitchen. The table seats six, though it’s easy enough to enlarge it if you wanted to have more people over. You should have as many people over as you like,” Draco said. The table was a generously sized oval made of beautifully patinaed mahogany and he thought she would have preferred something sturdy and practical, a scrubbed oak. She’d want to set it with mismatched plates, a potluck with dishes randomly assembled or better yet, Indian takeaway with plenty of samosas.
“Is there a Transfiguration spell that preserves the wood better?” Hermione asked. 
“There’s a leaf. Though any standard Transfiguration you’d cast would be fine. It’s not a priceless antique,” Draco said.
“It looks like a Sheraton,” Hermione remarked. “I suppose that’s not priceless to you. It’s just Muggle.”
“It’s a fake. A fake Sheraton,” Draco said, shrugging, trying not to feel flustered and failing. “I like the look of Georgian furniture, but I didn’t want anything that would feel like a museum piece. I had enough of that, growing up. Except that that furniture was also cursed half the time.”
“Half, huh?”
“Closer to three-quarters in the North Wing. Dreadful place and you can’t even burn it to the ground,” he said. 
“A pity. I guess. This is the kitchen proper?” she said, moving past him into the room with its soapstone worktops, slate floors, sage green painted cupboards fitted as neatly as a ship’s galley, though there was plenty of space. A marble slab for pastry, a great hulking Aga prepared to cook a roast and warm the whole house, and tucked behind—
“That’s a butler’s pantry,” Draco said, as she poked her head around to peer in the narrow space.
“You thought this place needed a butler’s pantry? Is there a butler?” she asked, then paused, a look of bemused horror on her face. “Good Lord, is there a butler?”
“There’s no butler and no House-elves either, before you get yourself worked into a tizzy,” Draco said. He’d have liked to have Tizzy herself serving, earning the ample wage they’d negotiated, but he’d known that no matter how comprehensive the benefits, Hermione would be distressed to be waited upon by a creature in a toweling jumpsuit, unable to convince herself she wasn’t taking advantage. “I thought butler’s pantry sounded better than glorified closet. I will now pause to allow you to make some comment along the lines of me being a posh git.”
“You’ve made that unnecessary now,” Hermione said, horror passed, smiling again.
“There’s a butler’s pantry because I needed a defined space I could configure for electricity to work. Neville said you have very strong opinions about the Panis tosti charm—”
“It’s shite,” she interrupted. “Utter bollocks. It’s a travesty to call what it does toast and everyone knows it and won’t admit it. Molly Weasley has five different toasting forks because the charm is such shite—”
“As I said, Very Strong Opinions, duly noted. Also, he said you have slightly less Strong Opinions on toasting forks, I believe they hearken too much to the Edwardian period for your taste, and so I had to make sure there was some part of the house where you could make a proper piece of toast in a toaster,” Draco explained. He opened the little hatch that concealed the toaster. “There’s also a charging station for any devices that need it.”
“Oh my goodness,” she said.
“You probably won’t short it all out if you cast a spell, but I’d try to keep it to a minimum and no wandless. When you channel magic through your hands directly, it warps the wards I put up,” he said.
“You did a lot of work,” she said. “Went to a lot of trouble.”
“What part of looking after properly was obscure to a witch of your erudition and exactitude?” Draco said. She’d think he was teasing and he was but he also meant it, especially the praise, which he’d been told to expect her to shrug off.
She shrugged.
“You didn’t have to,” she said.
“I only did what I thought I must. What I thought you would do, without a second thought, if you were the one taking care of someone,” Draco said. 
“I’ve never gotten Harry a toaster,” she said. 
“But he doesn’t ever seem to miss all the Mugglish equipment he grew up with. He was happy to leave it all behind,” Draco said. 
“He does love everything Wizarding,” Hermione said. “Even Celestina Warbeck.”
Draco could not help his grimace then, but Hermione gave him a look of the purest camaraderie and appreciation, suggesting his expression had not put her off in the slightest.
“I shan’t say a word. About his taste in music at least,” he said. “There’s a water closet just at the back, before the conservatory. We might explore there a bit or would you rather see the sleeping quarters upstairs?”
He spent a considerable amount of time mulling over how he’d mention where she would sleep to minimize any awkwardness, knowing he didn’t want to utter the word bed but that she’d immediately pick up on any verbal contortions to avoid it.
“Did you have Neville to see to the conservatory?” she asked, prescient. Longbottom had spent a week and the entire budget Draco had given him, but the results were lovely and marvelously fragrant.
“Yes,” Draco answered.
“Then I’ll have an idea of what it’s like already and I’ll enjoy finding out how I’m wrong later,” she said. “Take me upstairs.”
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niamh-sims · 7 months
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Roguestorm- Far East Vacation 'Hood
Home to Khajiit
Exports- Spices, Oriental & Persian crops, Fine jewels
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