#person 5 royal incorrect quotes
therapist-solarist · 5 months
persona 5 royal: incorrect quote
Yusuke: I'm not surprised he's dating Akechi, Joker is far too beautiful a man to be straight, I have suspected he is bisexual for a very long time. Ryuji: No way man I'd know if he was gay! Yusuke: Have you seen how Joker brews coffee? Ryuji: Boss makes good coffee. Yusuke: He raised his dead situation-ships daughter, that's not a straight man's move.
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heavenlyhoundoom · 5 months
Sun and Moon show incorrect quotes 3.
1.Ruin: I like wearing oversized sweaters. Not just because they're extremely comfy and cuddly, but because whenever the sleeves are really big, I get to flop them around and smack people.
2.Lunar: When I was your age- Bloodmoon, mocking Lunar: When I was your height. Lunar: Lunar: Listen here you little shit-
3.Bloodmoon, to Moon: How do you tell someone politely you want to hit them with a brick?
4.Bloodmoon rushes by with an armful of water bottles Sun: What's going on? Moon: Bloodmoon wouldn't drink water. Sun: …And? Moon: And I asked them how fast they could chug an entire bottle. Bloodmoon, loudly: 16 OUNCES IN TEN SECONDS, BITCHES!
5.Moon, texting: Ruin, will you please go to sleep? Ruin, texting back: What makes you think you didn’t just wake me up? Eclipse, yelling: I CAN HEAR YOU CLAPPING TO THE FRIENDS THEME EVERY TWENTY MINUTES SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GO THE FUCK TO SLEEP! Moon, texting: Just a hunch :) You goin’ to sleep soon? Ruin, texting: I’m trying Eclipse, yelling again: TRY HARDER I HAVE A 5:45 AM MEETING TOMORROW BITCH Moon, texting: Okay, don’t stay up too late or you’ll be cranky :)
6.Eclipse: According to the footage here, you shook the vending machine and when the shake alarm went off, you punched the glass and broke it. Bloodmoon: …I was hungry.
7.Sun, texting Moon: Moon! Help I'm being kidnapped! Moon: Where are you? Sun: I'm with some strange person. In a car. Help. Moon: I'll call Earth. Earth, answering their cell: Y'ello? Moon: Where's Sun? They texted me that they were being kidnapped. Earth: Sun? Whaddya mean, he's right next to me- Earth: Earth: I'll call you back. Hangs up Earth: THE NEW HAIRCUT ISN'T THAT BAD! Sun: WHO ARE YOU!?
9.Eclipse: Did you buy eggs like I asked? Lunar: Even better! Eclipse: What the fuck did you- Lunar: holding up a chicken Her name is Fluffy.
10.Bloodmoon: Onion rings are vegetable donuts. Eclipse, used to Bloodmoon being dumb: Sure… Bloodmoon: Your stomach thinks all potatoes are mashed. Eclipse: Okay? Bloodmoon: Lasagna is spaghetti flavored cake. Eclipse: Bloodmoon: Lobsters are mermaid scorpio- Eclipse: Jesus, that one is a little- Ruin, interested: No, no, Bloodmoon, keep going.
11.Bloodmoon, grinning: I have a knife! Earth: Put it down, Bloodmoon. Bloodmoon: Make me! sprints away
12.Monty: Oh, to be a bored heir to the throne who keeps rejecting marriage proposals due to being secretly in love with the cute gardener. Earth: Oh, to be a cute gardener who secretly places roses in the heir’s room because she is in love with him. Bloodmoon: Oh, to be the palace guard who discreetly helps to boost the cute gardener up the wall for her secret deliveries in the middle of the night. Lunar: Oh, to be the heir’s best friend witnessing the two fools dance around each other while knowing damn well that the two like each other. Chica: Oh, to be the noble suitor from another royal family who comes to know of their love instantly and plans an entire plan to get them their happy ending. Ruin: Oh, to be a medieval peasant who knows nothing about the heir’s personal life and who dies of dysentery at age 23.
13.Earth: Regular soda is too sweet!
Bloodmoon: Diet soda has a weird after taste!
Earth: No! Ugh, oh my god. Diet soda is THE BEST! It doesn’t have sugar! It’s SPICY!
Bloodmoon: It has other weird stuff in it! I’ll take REGULAR sugar in my REGULAR soda!
Earth: It’s SO SWEET like it’s a dessert though! Diet feels more like a drink!
Bloodmoon: I’m going to physically attack you.
Earth: Which is better, Ruin?
Ruin: Oh, I usually drink water!
Bloodmoon: Wha- NO!
14.Sun, hungover: Please tell me I'm imagining that I claimed I was king of the ducks. Moon: I would, but then I would be lying to the King of All Ducks.
15.Eclipse: How would you guys deal with a toxic friend? Earth: Tell them how you really feel. Sun: Slowly distance yourself from them. Bloodmoon: Engage in a 1v1 sword battle and if they lose they have to stop being toxic or pay the price. Eclipse, being handed a sword: …well heck.
16.Moon: Can I offer you a nice stick in this trying time?
17.Bloodmoon and Ruin texting Bloodmoon: Come downstairs and talk to me please. I'm lonely. Ruin: Isn't Eclipse there? Bloodmoon: Yes but I like you more.
18.Eclipse: They… well, I wouldn't call it inheritance per se. What do you call it when you kill someone and get their stuff? Lunar: Um, murder??? Ruin: Adventuring! Bloodmoon: Tuesday.
19.Eclipse: I swear to god I'm the only one here with a braincell. Lunar, Sun, Earth, and Bloodmoon: ALL HAIL the keeper of the sacred braincell!
20.Sun: Christmas lights? Moon: Check. Lunar: Thermos of hot cocoa? Moon: Check. Earth: Santa suits? Moon: Check. Eclipse: Shovel? Moon: Check. Bloodmoon: Alibi and bail money? Moon: Check- wait, WHAT?!
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annefolklore · 2 years
Soft Gwinam x Reader headcanons☁️❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹
Dark Gwinam x Reader headcanons🕷️
Suhyeok x Reader headcanons☁️❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥
Suhyeok x cheerleader!Reader preview☁️
Suhyeok x Cheerleader!reader full text: coming soon…
Gyeongsu x Reader headcanons❤️‍🔥☁️❤️‍🩹
Headcanons: Coming soon…:
headcanons: coming soon
Ethan Landry:
Ethan Landry x Reader headcanons ☁️❤️‍🔥
P*** Links ❤️‍🔥
NSFW Alphabet ❤️‍🔥
Bestfriend with benefits Ethan Landry❤️‍🔥
Soft and loving sex- ❤️‍🔥
Incorrect quote1⚡️
Incorrect quote 2❤️‍🩹
Incorrect quote 3⚡️
Pictures headcanons 1 ☁️
Pictures headcanons 2☁️
Wille’s camera roll☁️
Simon’s camera roll☁️
Incorrect quote 4⚡️
Hunger Games au
Incorrect quotes 5⚡️
Thighs ❤️‍🔥
Speaking Spanish ⚡️
Incorrect quote 6⚡️
Domestic ☁️
Incorrect quote 7⚡️
Incorrect quote 8☁️
Incorrect quote 9 ⚡️
Incorrect quote 10⚡️
Incorrect quote 11⚡️
So this is my account master list with the links! I will often update it so stay tuned. Yes, I know there is a lot of headcanons, but the reason is simple: this is how I introduce characters and how I personally see them, so y’all can then read my stories without any questions like “why is [character’s name] like that? It wasn’t specified in the show”. However, if you don’t want to read my headcanons or don’t agree with some of them, please don’t comment negatively about it. These are my headcanons and I understand not everyone’s gonna have the same opinion as me, but please be respectful <3.
Btw I’m in multiple fandoms, but right now I’m really focused on Young Royals. These are the main fandoms I am in:
Young Royals
Some K-Dramas
Harry Potter
The Spiderverse
I can’t think of anything else right now 😭 but this is pretty it
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floralcavern · 6 months
Even more incorrect quotes for another another another batch of OCs
Louise: Man, it smells like wrongdog out here.  Aaron: Aaron: Louise, are you alright?  Louise: *sobs*
Amarist: I personally don't think it's possible to come up with a crazier plan.  Lake: We could attack them with hummus.  Amarist: I stand corrected.  Lake: Just keeping things in perspective.
Louise: I wasn't hurt that badly. The doctor said all my bleeding was internal, that's where the blood's supposed to be!
Aaron: *concerned boyfriend noises*
Crim: I am the most responsible person in the group.  Hailey: …You just set the kitchen on fire.  Crim: Yes, and I take full responsibility for that.
Lake: When do I get my own gun?  Amarist: I wouldn’t trust you with a kid’s lightsaber.
Louise, rushing into the room: It’s terrible, just terrible! I am so upset!  Aaron: Louise, honey, sit down! Sweetheart, tell us all about it. Hailey, would you get Louise some water?  Hailey: What is he gonna do with water? Has water ever made you feel better when you were upset? Have you ever heard anyone say, “Thank God, the water’s here!”?
Lake, dramatically: They called me a fool.  Amarist, sick of Lake's shit: They weren’t wrong.
Aaron: You call yourself my soulmate, but where were you when my meme only had four likes?  Louise: Making four accounts.  Aaron, tearing up: Really...?
Hailey: How would you like your coffee?  Lake: As dark and as bitter as my soul.  Hailey, shouting to someone behind the counter: I need one vanilla latte with extra cream and sugar!
Hailey: You need a hobby.  Aaron: I have a hobby!  Hailey: Fawning over Louise isn’t a hobby.
Amarist, dashing into the room: WHY AREN’T THE DISHES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER?!  Louise and Lake: …What does that even mean?!
Crim: The Ocean is a soup.  Louise: Louise: Do elaborate.  Crim: What is needed for something to be a soup?  Louise: Erm... Water, salt, some form of vegetation, and personally I prefer some meat in mine.  Crim: *Tilts head*  Louise: The Ocean is a Soup.  Crim: The Ocean is a Soup.
Aaron: Oh, to be a bored heir to the throne who keeps rejecting marriage proposals due to being secretly in love with the cute gardener.  Louise: Oh, to be a cute gardener who secretly places roses in the heir’s room because they are in love with them.  Amarist: Oh, to be the palace guard who discreetly helps to boost the cute gardener up the wall for their secret deliveries in the middle of the night.  Lake: Oh, to be the heir’s best friend witnessing the two fools dance around each other while knowing damn well that the two like each other.  Hailey: Oh, to be the noble suitor from another royal family who comes to know of their love instantly and plans an entire plan to get them their happy ending.  Crim: Oh, to be a medieval peasant who knows nothing about the heir’s personal life and who dies of dysentery at age 23.
Aaron: *sneaking in through his window*  Hailey: *turning in her chair and flicking the light one* You want to tell me where you've been all night?  Aaron: I was with Louise?  Louise: *turning in his chair* Wanna try again?
Hailey: I know you love them.  Aaron: I am not in love with Louise!  Hailey, staring at Aaron: I never said who...  Aaron: *realizes*  Aaron: Shit. Well, anyways-
Aaron: I have an army.  Louise: We have a Amarist.
Amarist: Why are you like this??  Lake: I used too much "No More Tears" shampoo as a kid and I haven't felt a single emotion since.
Aaron, barging in: Syphilis!  Louise: Aaron: Louise: Pardon?
Crim: Hey guys, I’m making french toast sticks in the oven. I’m gonna take a quick nap, so wake me up in 5 minutes to flip them over.  *5 minutes later*  Hailey: Crim it’s been 5 minutes, time to flip your sticks.  Crim: snnnzzzz...  Hailey: CRIM YOUR STICKS!
Aaron: My future partner must be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized.  Louise: *steps on a caterpillar and proceeds to drop to their knees and sob while apologizing profusely*  Aaron: That one. I want that one.
Aaron: Why are there little handprints all over the walls?  Louise, whispering: Why are there little handprints all over the walls?  Glen, whispering: Because I have little hands.  Louise: Because she has little hands.
Louise: Where are your parents?  Glen: What are parents?  Louise: That’s just about the saddest thing I've ever heard.
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Ich habe 22.386 Mal im Jahr 2022 etwas gepostet
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Nico leaving the camp: Bye Motherfuckers! Hopefully I‘ll die from a monster attack and will never have to see ya‘ll again!
Nico: Also, Will my precious baby, don‘t forget our Risotto Date tonight! <3
34 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 4. April 2022
39 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 23. März 2022
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„If the whole world was watching I’d still dance with you“
Welcome to my silly, little blog &lt;3
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Prev URL: @/sternenleserin
About me:
Names: Elise (but you can come up with a nickname and I tell you if it’s okay) | Elsie by @kill-the-liiights
Pronouns | Sexual Orientation: they/them or she/her or moon/moons | pansexual
Nationality: German and French 🇩🇪🇫🇷
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Languages: English, German, French (kinda my grammar is horrible)
„Everything comes back to you“
Sideblogs: @sternenleserin-erschafft (Moodboard sideblog)
@i-quote-the-gays (Incorrect quotes)
(I‘m in many others but these are the most important ones)
Hunger Games | Maze Runner | Riordanverse (Percy Jackson, Heroes of Olympus, Trials of Apollo, Magnus Chase) | Heartstopper | Harry Potter (Just marauders era tho) | Red, White and Royal Blue | For All Mankind | First kill | Stranger Things | Inheritance Games
Married to: @archive-of-our-own 🐬
My sibling: @puddle-of-gender 💜
•Moots can ask for my Discord
•Quotes from „This Town“ from Niall Horan
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46 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 23. März 2022
Today my friend said „I think no one can be 100% heterosexual“ and I think that’s beautiful.
53 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 1. Mai 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
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Gods this kid is perfect.
400 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 8. Mai 2022
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kolimachris · 2 years
I just realized something.
I've had Wednesday brain worms, so it's all I'm thinking about. The fandom talks a lot about Tyler, in ways that I didn't really get. If you're talking about him as a nice guy then that's the facade he presents to keep suspicion off himself as the Hyde. If you're talking about him as a feral violent outcast that can only be after the revelation that he's the Hyde, where he's definitely a villain and not hanging out with the rest of the cast. Not that it's important for an incorrect quotes post, but some posts like headcanons should take that into account.
Lots of people are looking forward to seeing him in season two while I've not seen that as likely, unless he returns as strictly a villain, but that isn't how these people seem to be talking about him. They want him to be part of the main cast. Maybe even continue as a potential romantic interest for Wednesday.
Then it hit me. It is possible that Tyler could come back in season two as a main non-villain and I could still end up liking him as a character. How? How could this seemingly pleasant but bland actually manipulative unrepentant murderer come back in a way that appeals to me personally? Two words.
Goro Akechi.
After playing Persona 5 I hated Akechi. I loved his character as a villain you're supposed to hate, but the way the fandom dealt with him never worked for me. When I learned that he was going to be super important to the third semester of Royal I was dreading it. Here they were going to take a heartless villain and go "here, empathize with this tragic misunderstood youth". I was not happy.
Then I actually played it and I was blown away. They didn't try to make me empathize. They didn't play him off as tragically misunderstood. Instead, they went, "here, this is murder child. He wants to see you suffer." They made him endearingly unrepentant. I went from liking him as a villain but hating him as a character to loving every moment with him.
So, Tyler. I realize now how it could work. Perhaps he is sent to the school under some kind of probation. Probably with lots of safeguards in place (that at some point they'd need to get past so they can use his monstrous form to deal with the threat of the season). No one trusts him or likes him, but he doesn't need to hide beneath his pleasant facade because everyone knows he's a serial killing Hyde. So he just let's himself be the sadistic asshole we saw briefly when he whispered to Wednesday in police station. He leans into being evil, if not villainous.
This could contrast with Wednesday, who is sadistic and likes to cause pain, but actually does have a good heart. Plus, I would love to see Enid and Wednesday being overprotective of each other every time Tyler is around, knowing how he's hurt each of them.
So, in conclusion, I've decided I could enjoy a season two Tyler, which I realized because he's basically Goro Akechi. I'm probably the only person drawing parallels between these two, but once I saw it I had to share. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
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amarenta-aurum · 2 years
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I posted 52 times in 2022
That's 26 more posts than 2021!
10 posts created (19%)
42 posts reblogged (81%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 17 of my posts in 2022
#me stuff - 5 posts
#ash speaks - 2 posts
#but i feel conditioned by society to please/impress people with this - 1 post
#gay - 1 post
#quotes to go with this - 1 post
#literally an incorrect quote not one of my prompt thingys - 1 post
#quote - 1 post
#correct quote - 1 post
#poetry - 1 post
#lmk if i should upload - 1 post
Longest Tag: 105 characters
#from manga to manhwa to cnovels to cdramas to varied asian drama to the interesting flavor of thai dramas
My Top Posts in 2022:
Ash reacts live on Tumblr
Me: Let's check my drafts after a year...
Me: Wow, there's 47...
Me: Wow, some of this stuff's weird, but some's nice
Drafts: *staring back with some badly written smut and strange prompts* Ya really think so??? REALLY?
1 note - Posted June 9, 2022
HI i’m back like after a....year?
IRL consumed me,digested me completely. I don’t know if I’m out yet. But, this just helped me realize that I should stop giving a fuck about what I post on this hellsite ‘cause no one really cares and I should probably stop.
More importantly updates on what i’ll probably posting fandom wise:
severely less WMMAP, yeaaaa sorry but my interest waned...if someone reminds me to reread it, i probably will
a lot of more danmei/BL/GL content, and my thoughts on it
Me stuff, because my life is a story that just isn’t popular yet
tl;dr: I’m back with little to no wmmap content in store but lots of plans danmei wise
1 note - Posted June 9, 2022
Yeah, that's right. This one's so out there, it doesn't even get a number.
Fem! Lucas: *kabedon Kiel in* People say my lips are like skittles.
Fem! Kiel: SkItTles?
Lucas: Wanna taste the rainbow with me?
Kiel: NoOoOoOo....*pushes Lucas away and runs like hellfire*
Kiel: Athy, you need to be careful around Lucas.
Male! Athy: Why, Kiel, why? *gently stroking Kiel's long silvery white hair*
Kiel: She almost...kissed me.
Athy: Oh, really. Lucas!
Lucas: Yessss, wait why are you patting her head?
Athy: She likes it. *Kiel smugly smiling* So, why'd you try to kiss her anyways?
Lucas: It's better me than you. *proceeds to sit on Athy's lap and passionately kisses her*
Kiel: *walking away from the gross PDA with tearful eyes*
Lucas: *smiling b/c she knows she won*
Athy: hmmm
2 notes - Posted June 20, 2022
Update on current watchlist
Currently watching:
3 Will Be Free (2 eps left) on Youtube here
Bad Buddy (5.5 eps left) on Youtube here
2 notes - Posted June 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
young royals makes me want to find a person who can play piano better than me, just to watch them, not to get better but just to watch them.
5 notes - Posted December 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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artekai · 3 years
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jerryslogan · 3 years
There are few things in the design that are more important than color. Color can evoke reactions, emotions or even action all without using words. So how do we know which colors look good together? The answer is color theory in graphic design! The color theory describes the use of color in graphic design. Otherwise known as graphic design color palettes. However, it’s not only for artists as people use color theory in their everyday life as well! Whether it’s choosing an outfit or putting together a party invitation for a family members birthday color theory helps you choose a colorful graphic design!
1.The Understandings of Color Theory In Graphic Design
The biggest power behind color is their ability to evoke emotions and make people feel things, but the color meaning in graphic design can seem confusing at first as colors often have different interpretations. Let’s take a look at not only what emotions they evoke but also their symbolism!
Color Theory In Graphic Design: Red
Red is in the “Warm” color family and tends to evoke feelings of passion, both love, and hate! Proven by the fact you can see the color red used in both imagery of Cupid, an angel of love, and demons.
As it’s also been associated with power and imagery of fire, violence, and warfare we tend to use red as a warning of danger or even to reprimand someone, like marking things incorrect using a large red “X” mark. However, red can also be seen as a symbol of status like when used at red carpet events or it can make someone think of red rubies.
Red is best used as an accent color, as it can be overwhelming, and even harmful to the eyes if used in large amounts!
Color Theory In Graphic Design: Yellow
Yellow, also a warm color is considered to be one of the brightest and most energizing of the warm colors. It’s commonly associated with happiness and sunshine. However, it can also be used to convey a warning or caution as it’s commonly used in construction sighs.
yellow lemon quote wallpaper
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Use yellow when you want a bright pop of happy energy or to draw immediate attention to an area. Yello is also great to use when creating more industrial or modern designs! If you find that yellow is too stark and bright, try using a more muted yellow.
Color Theory In Graphic Design: Blue
Blue is often associated with sadness however blue is also used to represent calmness and tranquility. The meaning and symbolism of blue are heavily reliant on the shade of blue. Light blues can be both refreshing and friendly while dark blues are considered stronger and reliable.blue computer science post
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When using blue remember the exact shade of blue you select will matter most with how your design will be perceived. Light blues are often calming, bright blues can be refreshing or even energizing while dark blues, like navy, are great for corporate designs where reliability is a featuring trait.
Color Theory In Graphic Design: Orange
Orange is bright and vibrant and so also gives off an energetic vibe similar to yellow, but is much more subdued in comparison. It’s commonly used in food labels or other cooking-related products (including cell phone recipe apps) as orange is said to invoke hunger in people!
While orange in its purest form is vibrant and bright, more muted forms will give off the feeling of warmth, and remind people of fall leaves. Which can be ideal for designs that want to give the feeling of being “cozy” and warm.
orange flower quote post
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Orange can be a better warm option to use over red as it has all of the vibrancy and energy that the color red has but without the potentially aggressive symbolism.
Color Theory In Graphic Design: Green
Unsurprisingly green, a cool-toned color is considered as earthy and will invoke images of nature signifying renewal and abundance. Alternatively, green can also represent envy and jealousy as seen in the phrase “green with envy”.
Going with the same theme as “abundance”, green can symbolize wealth especially in countries where their currency is green.
green christmas party invitation
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Green has a similar calming effect as blue, but with some of the energizing tones of yellow. The brighter the green the more energizing it will be. Muted and olive greens will work best in designs of nature and the natural world while dark greens are the most stable and representative of wealth.
Color Theory In Graphic Design: Purple
Before modern-day dyes were created, purple dyes were hard to find and extremely expensive to make so only royals and the wealthy could afford them. Given this history, dark purples are associated with wealth and royalty.
However, lighter purples, like lavender, are typically associated with softness and a more tender romantic love, as opposed to red which ignites more passionate love.
aesthetic purple cloud wallpaper
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When using purples in design dark purples will give a sense of wealth and luxury while light softer purples are associated with spring and romance.
2. What’s the Color Terminology?
When talking about the color theory you may notice a few key terms pop up quite frequently. That is because describing color is best done by describing it’s hue, saturation, brightness or value. Let’s cover what exactly these terms mean!
Hue is one of the main properties of color and is the property of light by which the color of an object is classified as red, blue, green, or yellow in the color spectrum.
Green, orange, yellow, and blue — each of these is a hue, a color or a shade. A rainbow shows the melting of one hue into another, from red to violet, and all the shades in between. The noun hue means both a color and a shade of a color. Green is a hue, and turquoise is a hue of both green and blue!
Saturation is the intensity of a hue from a gray tone with no saturation, to pure, vivid color with high saturation. High saturation colors will come off more colorful or deep, while low saturation images will come off muted or pastel.
low and high hues
Value refers to the lightness, brightness or darkness of a color. Value in the art will refer to the shadows and highlights and will give your work more dimension. It is especially important in black and white photos, design and illustration as it will separate objects from each other and their background.
Brightness is simply both the hue of color along with the value of the color. It refers to its lightness and its ability to replicate light or reflection. This is also known as “luminance.”
3. Color Palette For Graphic Design
Creating a cohesive color scheme relies on one thing: knowing what colors go well together and compliment each other. Luckily there are a number of different ways to mix, match and find the perfect color scheme for you!
Color Wheel
The color wheel for graphic design is a circle with different colored sections used to show the relationship between colors. The typical color wheel includes the blue, red, and yellow primary colors. The corresponding secondary colors are then green, orange, and violet or purple.
color wheel
Secondary Color
A mentioned above, secondary colors are colors that come from mixing two primary colors. There are three secondary colors. In RGB graphic design, the secondary colors are purple made from red mixed with blue, orange made from red mixed with yellow, and green made from yellow mixed with blue.
secondary color
Two colors that are on opposite sides of the color wheel are called complementary colors. Complementary colors of graphic designs provide high contrast and high impact color combination. When placed together or next to one another these colors will appear brighter and more vibrant.
complementary color
Split Complementary
A split complementary color scheme involves the use of three colors. Start with one color, find its complement and then use the two colors on either side of it.
Analogous colors are among the easiest to find on the color wheel. Pick any color at any point on the wheel. Now, look at any three colors directly to the left or right of the chosen color. Together, those four are a group of analogous colors. Mixing colors that are adjacent to each other creates a colorful yet harmonious look. When using an analogous color scheme it’s best to choose one main color, using the other three as accent colors. This will help keep designs from becoming too chaotic or busy.
Tertiary colors are colors made by combining a secondary color with a primary color. There are six colors considered tertiary. In the RYB color wheel, these tertiary colors are red-orange, yellow-orange, yellow-green, blue-green, blue-violet, and red-violet.
4. Color Sites for Graphic Design
These sites are the top free to use color guide for graphic designers giving you easy to use tools to create graphic design palettes.
COLOURlovers is a creative community where people from around the world create and share colors, palettes, and patterns, discuss the latest trends and explore colorful articles. With more than 4,682,736 palettes, 10,035,451 colors, 5,844,503 patterns in 532,217 templates you’re sure to find inspiration to kick start your creative projects.
triadic colors
Color Hunt
Color Hunt is an open collection of color palettes, created by Gal Shir. Color Hunt started as a personal small project built to share trendy color combinations between a group of designer friends. The collection scaled up and now being used daily as handy resources by thousands of people all over the world.
color hunt
Paletton, a design tool for creating color combinations that work together well. It was formerly known as Color Scheme Designer.
5. How to Create a Graphic Design with Color Theory?
Step 1
First, you are going to fotor.com and choose your template by going to Design and choosing Poster found in the Marketing category.
Choose your template from the side panel, I will be choosing this Black Friday sale poster!
Step 2
Next, let’s customize the design!
First, the text, let’s Click on the title text and change the font face to Alibaba Sans Bold.
I will also be changing the “When” and “Where” to Alibaba Sans Bold.
Double-click on the text to change what it says, I will be changing it to “bikes and accessories”
Now onto the colors. Let’s change the yellow to a more outdoorsy green color.
Click on the yellow header, in the upper left-hand corner choose the pastel green color.
Change all yellow sections to this green color. You can even change the rippled texture in the bottom right-hand corner!
Once done, click on all the text and change them to white using the same method. In Fotor, everything is customizable by simply clicking on it, it’s that easy!
change the color
Finally, let’s use complementary colors to make the bike stand out. In this case, we have a lot of green. The complementary color of green is red! So let’s click on the bike, and choose red for our third color box, changing the frame of the boke to red.
Finish up by changing the rims of the bike to white, using the second color box.
change the color of the bicycle
Step 3
Lastly, let’s save our image by Naming out file, choosing .PNG for out the file type and then choosing High for our quality! And you are all done!
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morethanaprincess-a · 3 years
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Oh, very well.
It’s Incorrect Quotes time: Novoselic Royal Family edition.
Since it’ll be a bit long, it’s under the cut.
Before I start, here’s a bit of info I’ve already written and posted regarding her family:
Introductions to Sonia’s extended family
Annual Masquerade Ball mishaps, part 1
Annual Masquerade Ball mishaps, part 2
Queen Valentina: God, I hope you're not inviting that bloody, bollocky, selfish, two-faced, chicken bastard, pig-dog-man, are you??
Sonia: You could just say 'Father!' I'd still know what you meant!
Sonia: (about her mother’s clothes she is throwing out) I could take these down to the charity shop.
Queen Valentina: (splutters) You cannot give these sort of clothes to the poor! Darling, I'm sure they've got enough to contend with without the added humiliation of wearing last season's, sweetie!
Sonia: I mean, you know what it’s like, you’ve given up drinking before.
Liam: Worst eight hours of my life.
Queen Valentina: You’re kind like Rapunzel.
Sonia: What?
Queen Valentina: But instead of letting down your hair you just let down everyone in your life.
Queen Valentina: Well, it’s not often you get to confront your greatest failure face-to-face.
Sonia: Good to see you too, Mother.
Sam: Do you have a self-care routine? Sonia: "Keep going bitch" said to myself in different accents. King Alexandre: Can you pass the salt? Queen Valentina: Can you pass away? King Alexandre: Too much salt. Cecily, watching Prince Liam, Prince Samuel, and Princess Sonia empty an entire bottle of absinthe: Where are your parents? The three royals, deadpan, on Christmas Eve: What are parents? Cecily, wondering if her job is being a secretary or being a therapist: That’s just about the saddest thing I've ever heard. Sonia: You believe me? Liam: Sonia, you’re the last good person on this planet. I‘d believe cartoon birds braided your hair this morning. Sam: What the fuck is wrong with you?? Liam: What? No good morning? Sam: Good morning, what the fuck is wrong with you?? Liam, standing 5′11″: When I was your age- Sam, mocking Liam, standing 6′3″: When I was your height. Liam: Liam: Listen here you little shit- Duchess Olivia: Are you this rude to everyone?! Queen Valentina: Yup. Queen Valentina: Don't think you're special. King Alexandre: Everybody shut up, I'm thinking. Prince Arthur, patting him on the back: Well, don’t think too hard. I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself. Queen Valentina: Prince Liam, my nephew! Liam: I think you tried to kill me at some point. Queen Valentina: That was obviously just my way of getting to know you. Sonia: What's wrong with you? Sam: Off the top of my head, I'd say low self-esteem, a lack of paternal affection, and a genetic predisposition for anxiety and depression. Duchess Olivia, still a bit high: Strawberry milk doesn’t taste like strawberry OR milk. Prince Arthur: Go the fuck to sleep Olivia. King Alexandre: Sonia... Sonia: Oh no, 'Sonia' in B flat. Sonia: You're disappointed. Duchess Olivia: Think you can answer some questions without the usual level of sarcasm? Prince Arthur: If you can ask the questions without the usual level of stupid. Queen Valentina: Met a dumbass today. Awful. Liam: You looked in a mirror? Queen Valentina: someday you will have to answer for your actions and god may not be so merciful. Liam: I hope they've calmed down... Prince Arthur: Shut the fuck up you annoying ass pig. Sonia: I feel so burnt out. Prince Arthur: Don’t worry, it'll be over soon. Sonia: Are you gonna... assassinate me? Prince Arthur: Well not if you’re expecting it. Queen Valentina, in a very bitter tone: Do you want some tea? Sonia, hesitantly, because she knows her mother is mad: What are the options? Queen Valentina, in a tone that indicates there’s only one right answer: Yes or no. Sonia, as a little girl, very tired and very scared after having a nightmare: C-Can I sleep in your bed, mother? Queen Valentina: *half asleep* Sonia, this is a queen-sized bed. That means it’s for *gestures vaguely to herself* the Queen. Liam: Thank you for not saying "I told you so." Sam: When you’re as right as I am, you don’t have to say it. Sonia: Am I in trouble? King Alexandre: Take a guess. Sonia: No? King Alexandre: Take another guess. Anyone, literally anyone, Sonia brings home to meet her family (RIP): Why are you guys acting like this? Sonia, smiling through her tears: Oh, we're not acting. We really are like this. Liam: Guys, they're definitely prepared for us. They even have a training model of our brand new top-secret stealth helicopter. Sam: No you idiot, that’s ours we crashed! Liam: Oh yeah. I guess that makes more sense. King Alexandre, before he and his wife are meeting any potential spouse for Sonia. Particularly if he’s arranging the marriage or their daughter is bringing home a commoner: Remember what I told you. Queen Valentina, sighing dramatically: Don’t be a cunt. Queen Valentina: You might not know this, Sonia, but I am a flawed person. Sonia: I do know that. Sonia: While I'm gone, you're in charge, Liam. Liam: Yes! Sonia, whispering to Sam: You're secretly in charge, but I don't want him to feel bad. Sam, nodding sagely: Obviously. Sonia: Self care is stuff like taking a bubble bath or putting on a lot of make up if you like that, or taking a nice warm nap and stuff like that basically. Liam: Self care is the burning heat when rage washes over you. self care is when you feel the bones crack under your powerful fists. self care is the fear in your enemies eyes. Sam, on his fifth piece of apple tart: Self care is stealing someone’s birthday cake just to eat the frosting. Liam: If you touch my birthday cake I’ll make you eat your hands. Sam: Goddamn it, the printer broke while printing out Sonia's birthday invitations. Liam: Well, what are they supposed to say? Sam: "Sonia's birthday". Liam: So, what do they say instead? Sam: "Sonia’s bi". Liam: Liam: Works out either way. Prince Arthur: Without ugly, there would be no beauty in this world. Queen Valentina: Thank you for your sacrifice, Olivia. Sonia: Why would you do that? Sam: Because I feel guilty. Liam: Guilt is a trick emotion. It’s put there by our parents to stop us from doing things that feel good. Duchess Olivia: I think Sam is in trouble! Prince Arthur: Alright. Struggling to give a fuck, if I’m honest. Queen Valentina: I hate your father. Sonia: "Hate' is a strong word. Queen Valentina: I have strong opinions. Sonia: It’s funny how well you and my mum get along. Didn’t they hate you at first? Duchess Olivia: Your mother hates everybody at first. It’s her way of reaching out to people. Duchess Olivia: We've got to find a way to cut down our expenses. What can we live without? Prince Arthur: Sam, probably.
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notcorrect-persona5 · 4 years
favorite thing about them
she is the sweetest person! literally everything she does is adorable. i loved when she got ren to dance, it was so cute. 🥺also she has the best fashion sense.
least favorite thing about them
if ren rejects her when she confesses, she’s just like “well darn.” like, this girl had the fattest crush on him, and she was so nervous during her confession. it makes no sense for her to react like “oh well, it was worth a shot.”
favorite line
“you seem like a real glasses buff, so i wanted to get your advice.” because he wears glasses he must be a glasses enthusiast! i don’t know if it was just an excuse to hangout with her crush, but this quote made me laugh. again, she’s adorable.
sumire and ryuji friendship!! we didn’t see a lot of it in royal, but it would be so cute. i mean they’re both energetic sweetie pies, and they could talk about sports/athletics.
ren and sumire have zero chemistry. it seemed extremely forced in royal, and i have a really hard time seeing them in a relationship. despite all the ship teasing, it didn’t seem like ren had romantic feelings for her. meanwhile sumire started having feelings for ren before she really knew him. to be honest, her feelings give off the vibe of girl a schoolgirl crush.
random headcanon
twins run in families, and i think it would be really cute if she had twins.
unpopular opinion
i don’t see sumire, ren, and akechi as a trio. yes, they worked together during maruki’s palace, but they weren’t really buddy buddy. sumire barely knew akechi.
song i associate with them
the show by lenka
the lucky one by taylor swift
favorite picture of them
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look at her!! she’s actually the cutest.
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hoseokslefteyebrow · 5 years
BTS Masterlist
《 Requests for this fandom are closed. 》
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All :
Incorrect Quotes #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14
Wings ( one shot, Fantasy au)
Description: Jimin had always tough that he would never be able to find a spulmate, what happens when he ends up with seven instead?
Scene One : James Dean and Audrey Hepburn ( Merman au)
Summary : Even tough you were from two different worlds, you always managed to find each other in that one language.
Bts Camp Halfblood au
A bunch of drabbles of Bts being in Camp Half blood :).
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Kim Namjoon
Heartbeat (one shot)
Summary : What happens when you run into a certain tall blonde when all you actually came for was to design BigHit's new building?
A Royal Love Story (one shot)
Summary : Namjoon has often imagined being the prince in Cinderella, yet he never imagined that his version would have horses in it too.
The Baby Project (series, ongoing)
Summary: Namjoon has always wanted to be a dad, and now the opportunity finally arrived. However, no one said It'd be easy.
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Kim Seokjin
House Of Cards  (Series, completed)
Summary : When a war threatens the world of Mythica, the four greatest tribes are forced to work together in order to defeat the darkness. You and Jin are from two different tribes, two different backgrounds, and are expected to stand together in order to save everyone you love. Will you two put aside your diffrences in order to save the world or will you fail?
Bon 4oyage (Short series, fluff)
Summary: In which you're Jin's girlfriend of 9 years and tag along in Bon Voyage Season 4.
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Min Yoongi
The Baby Project - series masterlist (completed, fluff, little bit of angst)
Summary : What happens when you and Yoongi are supposed to take care of a baby for a month?
Trouble || pt. 2 ( Drabble, Min YoonJI, fluff of some sort¿)
In which Min Yoonji gets introduced to someone even worse than her, you.
My Bébé ( drabble, bad boy/ high school au, fluff)
Summary : Good girls go to heaven, bad girl bring heaven to you
An Act Of Kindness (one shot, soft yandere)
Summary : When your summer camp groupmates decide to go 'off rhe road', everything goes wrong.
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Jung Hoseok
Boss Bitch ( mafia au, one shot)
Summary : " Second thing you need to know? My name is Jung Hoseok, and you're mine."
The Serpent's Shadow ( series, Hogwarts au, completed)
But how could the Serpent ever know? What's happening behind his back? In his own Shadow? Without looking back?
BTS X Hogwarts
This story is IN the Harry Potter time line!
( Deathly Hallows Part one & two)
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Park Jimin
I like it, I like you ( one shot, angst, fluff, Idol au!)
Housemates - Series Masterlist (Completed)
Summary : As BTS gets older, they all start longing for more personal space. All, apart from Jimin. As he decides to not want to live alone, he puts an advertisement online about him looking for a housemate. What happens when you come across it?
Love Myself: Her (drabble, fluff)
Summary : Taking care of your cold ceo fiance when he's sick.
Thorned Roses Tend To Prick (Yandere, 14+)
Jimin sighs, looking at her face. 
" I'm sorry, I don't think you get what I'm saying. You belong to me. Both physically and emotionally. Besides, you're nothing without me. " Jimin's face hardens, looking into her eyes. 
She looks right back, appearing to not be terrified. 
" I'm pretty sure it's the other way around. You are nothing without me. " She says, eyes sharp, obviously not backing down from his own.
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Kim Taehyung
IDOL ( drabble ft. Jungkook)
Best Of Me ( One shot, Spy au!)
Summary: You've hated Taehyung for as long as you can remembered. But what happens when you're both get teamed up for a mission and Taehyung turns out to not be as bad ad you've expected?
Silver Galaxy (One shot, Soulmate au!, angst with a fluffy ending)
Summary: While Taehyung has always felt like he basically needed to have kids one day, you, his soulmate, absolutely do not want any. You made sure Taehyung knew this too, so what happens when you are pregnant?
His ( one shot, Hybrid au, fluff, i2l {idiots to lovers), somewhat of a smut undertone but no actual smut)
Summary : Taehyung fell in love with you the moment you saved him from the shit excuse of a hybrid 'sanctuary', but it takes jealousy to actually get to talk about it with you.
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Jeon Jungkook
IDOL ( drabble ft. Taehyung)
Rut/Heat drabble (werewolf au)
Jk Werewolf au (smoll drabble)
WANTED || J.JK ( Series, completed)
Summary : “Let me geuss, your parents are dead and you're family with one of my mates so that's why you're staying with us for a while?”
“Um, no. Sorry. Just running for the authorities and your window was open.”
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aritany · 4 years
hello! i really love your wip sound carries and am looking to read it in the future! also can i ask something? what is the "physical toll of music" that you sometimes mention? how does it look like? is it exclusive to opera/classical musicians or is it universal (as in a rock band may experience them too)? my wip revolves around band life but im not actually a musician so im in need of help to better portray it. thank you before!
hi! thank you! this is a really cool question. 
for musicians, practice involves a lot of repetition. that’s good! it’s required to repeat the same passage or song many times over in order to perfect it. however, repetition (especially incorrect repetition) can lead to muscle strain and injuries like tendinitis. to quote this article, ‘hours of practicing an instrument in sustained asymmetrical postures, often under high stress environments, can lead to wearing down of the body and tissues overtime’.
this is a personal anecdote: in high school, i played piano. i was preparing for the Royal Conservatory of Music level 10 exam, which was really involved and required between 1-2 hours of practice a day minimum. (i wasn’t always good at that.) i was working on a mozart sonata that required a bigger stretch of my fingers than was comfortable, and because i didn’t work up to it properly, something went a little funky and now, even 5 years later, my finger joints all crackle when i make a fist. (???)
the injuries related to music are usually instrument-specific: i’ve picked up the violin or the guitar after a little bit of time off and played until the tips of my fingers blistered because i’d lost callouses. for vocalists, both classical/opera and contemporary/other styles, it’s possible to get laryngitis from over-exertion. brass players can mess up their embouchure. that’s just off the top of my head! i’m less familiar with other instruments, but i know there’s a plethora of things that can go wrong.
this definitely applies to all musicians, too, not just classical musicians. in terms of rock musicians, another aspect of music life to consider is touring. band life involves not only practicing, but travel (which can mess with your body in a lot of ways), heavy lifting (amps?? do Not mess around), and really crazy sleep schedules.
this is getting long but i haven’t even talked about stress yet! stress contributes to everything i’ve mentioned above (and creates it’s own issues!), and it’s a huge factor of performance life. performers are put under absurd amounts of pressure nearly constantly, and it requires (as i’ve described it in the book) a sort of ‘reckless devotion’, and hours and hours and hours. i could write a whole separate post about the mental toll of music, but i’ll leave that for now. 
here are some links for further reading: 
7 Common Musician Injuries and How to Treat Them 
Common Injuries in Musicians
Musicians and Injuries
if you have any other questions about anything music related (or about anything!) feel free to ask - i’m happy to answer to the best of my ability! 
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badlydrawndrawnings · 5 years
Theory: Takuto Maruki is a Pisces
Until Atlus shoots it down with official information, I theorized Apple Juice Man is born between February 20 (Feb 19 is Futaba’s BD) and March 20 (Excluding March 3 as it’s Yuka Ayase’s BD).  IDK about his age, but I don’t think anyone can be a therapist/counselor at 21 or 22 (unless you’re a genius or faking being a therapist/counselor, unless you’re like an assistant training to become one, which is not the case for him) but I doubt Atlus wants him to be over 30. So amendment: I theorized Takuto Maruki is born on 1988 between February 20 (Feb 19 is Futaba’s BD) and March 20 (Excluding March 3 as it’s Yuka Ayase’s BD). That would make Takuto 28 in 2016, and 29 by the game end. Reasonable realistic age that is the middle ground.
Why the ball park estimate of Takuto being a Pisces? I found this book The Guide to Astrology: Understanding the secrets of the stars and planets. It’s over a decade old, and they got some the birth dates wrong (everything is off by one day. Example: It places Feb 19 as Aquarius). So I had to look up other online sources to see if the book isn’t BS-ing stuff, and it seems the book is accurate, but the printing got birth dates incorrect. Now, from what I can tell from fan translations/summary translations of Royal (by juicedup14′s sub and from the royal spoiler megathread on the persona 5 reddit), Takuto fits the textbook definition of a Pisces. (and Yuka, which I will do my best pointing out things in her case because I had no idea she is a Pisces lol have fun with some p1 comparisons then)
Pisces Basic: 
Pisces seem to have compassionate, sensitive, and intuitive as positive traits (*looks at Yuka who intuition allow to see something was up with Maki). They also the most tolerate of the signs and rather forgiving. To quote The Guide to Astrology, “they are gentle and kind hearted people who will prepare to sublimated their own desires in order to make the lives of others happy and comfortable.”  I had to look up the word sublimation, which means transformation. In psychology, sublimation is like, the transformation of unhelpful emotions or instincts into healthy actions, behaviors, or emotions.
Takuto had to deal with the messed up accidental breakup of him and Rumi, and he had to deal with the fact his research got stolen as well has his funding and potential lab for the research got canned as result. If he’s not channeling his emotions of the two into deciding to become GOD-LIKE and grant others their happiness sublimation, I should look up more definitions to understand it better.
Negative traits are that they lack decisiveness and if you can call this a trait, they desire to escape reality when things get tough (*looks at Yuka running away from her future*). Guide to Astrology has it as “simply walk away leaving other people to clear up the mess.” And like, the PT has to stop Takuto from making his ideal dream world a reality (which is like, a big mess).
Love and Relationship
Speaking of the whole wanting to grant people their happiness, The Guide to Astrology says they want a love affair that sweeps them off their feet and transport them to a place where they can live happily ever after (pretty sure Takuto and Yuka wanted something of a happy ending with Rumi and Yuka’s unknown husband). They would also do anything for their love ones. I don’t think Takuto meant to accidentally retcon himself out of Rumi’s life, but he accepted the fact Rumi needs to be happy and completely heal without him in the picture.
Everywhere from the book to online sources say Pisces are creative people with great powers of imagination. Lots of their careers are in the Arts (preforming or not), but not always. Pisces also like to work on their own, kind of like a freelancer (they want do things at their own pace). The Guide to Astrology has a paragraph saying Pisces “compassionate people who ability to empathize with the suffering of others often takes them into the healing profession. They make fine doctors, nurses, psychologists, and psychiatrists.” Don’t need to say much for Takuto since we know what profession he’s in.
Money Management
Money is like the last thing on a Pisces mind. It’s not the top of their list. When they do focus on money, they’re a bit stingy with it (*wonders if Yuka complaining about her husband’s salary is her being stingy*) or spend it with little thought. The Guide to Astrology words it as, “they are not financially savvy [...] are easy prey to anyone unscrupulous enough to play on their kindheartedness.” Thanks to juicedup14′s translation of Takuto’s first scene, Takuto pretty much tell the students to not come to him for financial help.
Thanks to one of My Palace Conversation translated from p5cezaria, if we take it as canon, there’s a good reason why. Takuto talks about how he tried to save a cat from a tree and fails. Yoshizawa comments about how Takuto is kindhearted. Goro comments he will get scammed. Takuto tries to defend himself saying how he won’t fall for scams or give out money, but remembers he gave an old man money because he [old man] lost his wallet. Yoshizawa expresses disbelief Takuto fell for an easy scam. Goro smiles and call Takuto an idiot. RIP Takuto’s savings because he doesn’t know how to manage it.
(Body and) Health
This really took me by surprised. Everything I read about Pisces comments they are prone to addictions, with alcohol being a major one. The Guide to Astrology has it as, “when their dreams get shattered, they withdraw into themselves, often seeking comfort in alcohol or other substances.” And we all saw Takuto drank his sorrows until he passed out in his Palace Flashback. As of this posting, there is no 100% context why, but I personally assume it’s right after Takuto’s funding/grant and lab got canned. Given his clothing and appearance, it must have happened within the time period he and Rumi broke up. Not much needs to be added. Well...
There is one more thing. Pisces rule over the body part of the feet. There are other parts they rule over obviously, but feet stood out to me because of the other two Pisces characters. Yuka wears those legwarmers over her lower legs that covers part of her shoes (the ankle part, based of her official artwork). Futaba before she stops being a hermit goes barefooted (iirc). With Takuto, he prefers to wear sandals and show off his feet. If that’s not a weird connection to Pisces, then I don’t know what to call it.
While I am 100% pulling a birth year out of nowhere, I really think theorizing Apple Juice Man as a Pisces has some support based off his actions of Royal from the fan translation available (as of this posting). If Takuto isn’t a Pisces, I actually won’t be too disappointed since I just want a freaking birthday for him.
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upennmanuscripts · 5 years
“Love and Humility are the sweet bonds of our marriage:” A Book of Hours owned by the wife of a French Catholic propagandist of the 16th century, and the Governor of Pennsylvania!
Fifty-two discoveries from the BiblioPhilly project, No. 7/52
Book of Hours, Use of Paris, Philadelphia, Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1924‑19‑1, fol. 24r (miniature of the Annunciation from the Hours of the Virgin)
Books of Hours are highly mobile objects that can often accrue fascinating later histories. Because of their deeply personal nature, they can become associated with historical persons either through legend or fact (or a combination of the two). Only relatively rarely, however, does one later owner purchase a book on account of its earlier ownership history. One such example is a fairly modest Parisian Book of Hours acquired by the Philadelphia Museum of Art in 1924 (accession number 1924‑19‑1). Unlike the later ensembles of illuminated manuscripts donated to the museum by Samuel and Vera White or Philip S. Collins, this manuscript was not published or described upon its entry into the collection.[1] Its only existing description comes from Seymour de Ricci’s Census of Medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the United States and Canada and its later Supplement, produced by C.U. Faye and W.H. Bond.
In both Census volumes, the manuscript’s early provenance with the Duderé family in France is briefly recorded, as is its later ownership in the United States by Samuel W. Pennypacker, 23rd Governor of Pennsylvania (1843–1916), who served from 1903 to 1907 (and to whom we shall return). The Duderé provenance is evident through two unequivocal inscriptions within the manuscript. The first, on folio 1r, reads:
1924‑19‑1, fol. 1r, with ownership inscription of Michelle Duderé dated to 1577
Ces heures apartiennent a damoyselle Michelle du Deré femme de Me Loys Dorleans aduocat en la court de Parlement et lesquelles luy sont echeues par la succession de feu son pere Me Jehan Duderé conseiller du roy & auditeur en sa chambre des comptes, 1577; Amour & Humilité sont les doux liens de nostre mariage.
(“This Book of Hours belongs to Lady Michelle du Deré wife of Mr. Louis d’Orléans advocate in the court of Parliament and it descended from her deceased father Mr. Jean Duderé counsellor of the King and auditor in his chamber of accounts. 1577. Love and Humility are the sweet bonds of our marriage.”)
It thus transpires that the book was in the possession of Michelle Duderé, wife of the noted French Catholic League pamphleteer Louis Dorléans (1542–1629).[2] In addition to being known for authoring numerous religious tracts, Dorléans was also an occasional poet, and wrote some bucolic verses replete with thinly-veiled references to his beloved wife, but also to his former mistress Catherine de la Sale![3] Interestingly, some of his writings also show an unusual knowledge of Middle French poetry; he even donated a fourteenth-century French translation of the Golden Legend to a Minim convent in Paris in 1561 (Paris, Bibliothèque Mazarine, ms. 1279). Michelle Duderé, as she herself tells us in the inscription, had inherited the Book of Hours from her father, Jean Duderé, notary and secretary to the French king, whose principal historical importance seems to have been his invocation in a seventeenth-century lawsuit concerning the inheritance of such royal appointments. It appears that the manuscript was then gifted by Michelle Duderé’s blind son to a cousin once-removed, a certain G. Duderé, for on the verso of the first folio we read another French inscription, written some seventy-three years later:
1924‑19‑1, fol. 1r, with ownership inscription of G. Duderé dated to 1650
Ce présent livre m’a esté donné par feu monsieur d’Orléans, fils de mademoiselle d’Orléans nomée Michelle Duderé lequel estoit aveugle et qui estoit digne de cette affliction, mon cousin germain, G. Dudere 1650… les figures qui sont à genoux dans les ymages de ce livre sont de feu damoiselle Michelle de Sauslai [?] mère de deffunct mon frère.
(“This present book was given to me by the late Monsieur D’Orleans son of Madame D’Orleans named Michelle Dudere. He was blind and worthily bore this affliction, my cousin once removed. G. Dudere 1650… the figures which are on their knees in the pictures of this book are portraits of the deceased demoiselle Michelle de Sauslai [?], mother of my deceased father.”)
   1924‑19‑1, fols. 124r and 130r (miniature of the Virgin and Child with Angel with a female donor; miniature of the Trinity with an Angel holding the Crown of Thorns with a female donor)
The supposition that the two donor portraits (on folios 124r and 130r; illustrated above) contained in the book depict a certain “Michelle de Sauslai” (?), grandmother of the owner alive in 1650 is manifestly incorrect, since the book dates from the fifteenth century. But there is no reason to doubt the other pieces of evidence situating the book with the Duderé family early in its history.
Governor Samuel W. Pennypacker (1843–1916)
This is all fine and well, but how did the manuscript come to be owned by the Governor of Pennsylvania, Samuel Pennypacker? Pennypacker was a noted jurist, trustee of the University of Pennsylvania, president of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, and local history enthusiast who collected a large amount of material related to the early German and Dutch settlement of South-Eastern Pennsylvania, most of which is today preserved at the Pennypacker Mills house museum. Other manuscripts once owned by Pennypacker that are still in Philadelphia include another Book of Hours (Lewis E 116) and a series of astronomical tables followed by a short text concerning astrology and planetary movements (Lewis E 3), both of which are today in the Free Library. These manuscripts were all auctioned off in the Pennypacker sale in 1906, together with a small number of other manuscripts. Additionally, for the present manuscript, the Faye and Bond supplement to de Ricci’s Census includes the name of an additional owner, the noted Chestnut Hill philanthropist, John Story Jenks (1839–1923). Jenks was a great supporter of the Pennsylvania Museum and School of Industrial Art (the precursor of the Philadelphia Museum of Art), as a short obituary confirms.[4] It was he who left the manuscript to the museum upon his death.
Portrait of John Story Jenks (1839–1923) by Alice Mumford Roberts
So why did Governor Pennypacker purchase this particular French Book of Hours, prior to its acquisition and donation by Jenks? The answer is provided in an all-but-forgotten issue of a regional historical journal, The Perkiomen Region, Past and Present, published in March of 1901 by Henry S. Dotterer (1841–1903). The short article, entitled “A Sumptuous Devotional Book,” vividly describes the book and asserts that the Governor:
…purchased it because he felt convinced that the family of Duderé mentioned in the inscription was identical with an old Pennsylvanian family—that of Doderer, Dotterer, Dudderer, Duttera, Dudderow. This conviction induced him to pay the large sum quoted for it by the foreign bookseller [i.e. James Tregaskis of London], and to bring it, after a service of more than three centuries, from its native France to the New World.
To find the connecting links from the Duderés of the Sixteenth century to the Dotterers of the Twentieth century would be a great genealogical achievement. Doderers and Dotterers appear in various parts of Europe prior to the date of the arrival, about 1722, of George Philip Dodderer, or Dotterer, in Pennsylvania. Tradition, in some instances, asserts that the Pennsylvania immigrants were of French origin; but not uniformly so, for Alsace, Baden, Wurtemberg and Austria are also named as the place of their nativity. We have unbounded respect for Judge Pennypacker’s insight into genealogy, ethnology, and the kindred sciences, and it will therefore not be a surprise to us if research shall ultimately prove that his intuitions are correct.[5]
The prominent Dotterer family of Pennsylvania was established by George Phillip Dotterer (ca. 1676–1741), who was born in Baden-Württemberg and died in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, in 1741. George’s father Hans is thought to have been born in the same region of Germany as his son around 1650. However, this family’s link to the prominent Catholic Duderés of France remains tenuous. As such, Governor Pennypacker’s assumption remains unlikely; perhaps his doubts led him to sell the book on in his 1906 sale. In any case, both G. Duderé’s misattribution of the portraits in the book and the dubious linkage to the Dotterer dynasty made by Governor Pennypacker demonstrate the extent to which an unsuspecting manuscript can become the subject of historical wishful thinking.
[1] Henry G. Gardiner, “The Samuel S. White, 3rd, and Vera White Collection,” Philadelphia Museum of Art Bulletin 63, no. 296/297 (1968): 71–150, http://bit.ly/2Hc3lI4; Carl Zigrosser, “The Philip S. Collins Collection of Mediaeval Illuminated Manuscripts,” Philadelphia Museum of Art Bulletin 58, no. 275 (1962): 3–34, http://bit.ly/2Vt3u3u.
[2] See the entry by Christophe Bernard in Dictionnaire des lettres françaises: le XVIe siècle, ed. Michel Simonin (Paris: Fayard-La Pochothèque, 2001), 370–71.
[3] Anne-Bérangère Rothenburger, “L’Eglogue de la naissance de Jésus-Christ pas Louis Dorléans: datation et filiation poétiques,” in Le poète et son œuvre: de la composition à la publication, ed. Jean-Eudes Girot (Geneva: Droz, 2004), 259–87.
[4] Pennsylvania Museum Bulletin 18, no. 77 (May 1923): 16.
[5] Henry S. Dotterer, “A Sumptuous Devotional Book,” The Perkiomen Region, Past and Present 3, no. 2 (March 1901): 166–7.
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Challenge 5: The ball part 1
A/N: Thanks to @benjaminschreave and @wyattschreave ALSO I am so sorry that Ben looks like a woman. I hate drawing men but I was like “I WANNA TRY IT” so i did and now Gabby has a lesbian lover who slightly resembles a male. 
My eyes scanned the ballroom with strong intent looking for Ben. He shouldn’t be too hard to recognize. Like me he had a pretty simple mask on. Though, my maids hadn’t planned for me to be in a plain mask. They had crafted a very detailed and beautiful baby blue mask to match my dress with some black accents to go with my choker. However, bad things happen when you don’t look where you sit and unfortunately I sat right where the mask had ended up under the covers.
My maids had gone into utter panic mode and managed to find a mask cut out and some leftover fabric from my dress. Sewed the fabric onto the cut out and called it a night. The simple mask made it decently easy for others to recognize me, but I guess their point wasn't really supposed to be a disguise. Finally I caught my eyes on Ben and made my way over to him.
“Hey, lanky giant, wanna dance with me?” I offered wanting to show off my improvement.
He blinked a bit in surprise at my arrival and looked down at me, “No chairs needed?” He asked with a chuckle.
“Darn you figured out who I was way too fast.” I said and tried to bitterly snap, but the gloves stopped anything from actually having audio from my fingers. I looked at my hand sadly for a moment and shook my head before turning my attention back up to him. “And no. Unless you would like me to twirl you, in which case we can probably find one.” I added.
“We can stick with some Gabby gal twirls just for tonight.” He said with a half smile and offered his hand to me.
I took his hand, “You know, I once threw a party. It was 100 times more fancy than this.” I bragged. Yeah right gabby, you were wasted for 90% of that party you have no idea if it was fancy.
We started to dance, “I believe it. Was it also your royal 21st birthday?”
“I can guarantee it was. We had Cheetos for one. And unfortunately no, I'm still 18, though in almost exactly one month that changes. What does this make you, a gemini?” Woo July 29th, keep your eyes out peeps.
He nodded, “Right on the cutoff. One day more and we’d have the same sign.” You really must know nothing of Zodiac signs. End of july is Leo.
“Incorrect, Schreave. We'd almost have the same sign. Similar to you I'm right at the cut off for cancer, but I missed it so I'm a leo. Aren't gemini's supposed to be the 'mean girls' of the zodiacs?”
He let out a short laugh, “Would you really call me a mean girl?”
“Depends, do you have a burn book? Also you did steal me seashell, that was pretty mean. So maybe you are a mean girl.” I chuckled a bit being fully aware of how weird calling him a mean girl sounded.
“If I had a burn book then I couldn’t very well tell you,” He paused to give a pointed smile, “You might be in it.”
I let out a dramatic gasp, “You wouldn't? What could you even write? I'm flawless, even my bawking is better.”
“Lots of things. Juicy secret things.”
I shook my head disapprovingly, “Gemini really are the mean girls. Guess I don't have to google our compatibility tonight since I already know you're a harsh tall mean girl. I hadn't really believed in zodiacs before but considering how spot on yours is I might have to reconsider.”
“Aww, you’d really call me a mean girl on my birthday?”
I chuckled a bit, “Fine you're not a mean girl, you're a problematic girl. Also that just made me think of the "so you just gone bring me a birthday gift on my birthday to my birthday party on my birthday with a birthday gift" vine.”
He laughed at my recital, “I wouldn’t be upset if you brought me a gift. Not in the slightest.”
“Well, I'm glad for that. I did actually make you something. Too weird to take with me to a ball though so I have to give it to you later. To warn you my family only does homemade gifts. It's a very strong rule. Ian, my older sister's fiance, gave my parents a set of oven mitts and such that weren't handmade...he was almost removed from the house. Exaggeration of course, but its handmade incase you aren't a fan of handmade gifts like some are.”
“Any gift from you I’d like.” He smiled a bit. “You sure you don’t want to grab it real quick? I wouldn’t mind having it now.” I chuckled a bit at the image. It was definitely not something you could just give at a ball. Not something that can easily be carried around.
“It really would be very awkward to carry around at a ball. I'll go ahead and tell you what it is so you can understand why if you'd rather understand then keep a surprise. The choice is yours though since it is your gift and if you'd rather it stay secret that's up to you.”
He pursed his lips together, “Let’s say surprise. I like a mystery sometimes.” He answered and gave me a twirl.
“hmm, I'll take that as an excuse to scare you sometime. I haven't seen your horrified face since our study night.”
He gave me a flat look, “I think I can deal without a few heart attacks from now on.”
“Are you sure about that? Maybe just a little heart attack?” Like a little one is any better.
“What’s wrong with keeping my heart at a normal 80 beats per minute?”
“Your face isn't as funny at 80 beats per minute. It's alright though it also wouldn't be funny if it were too frequent.” I’ll have to work with Wyatt on a good scare. I’m sure he’d be thrilled. Just as soon as I make up the shoe theft to him.
“And I’d probably die too. Something else to consider.” He suggested.
“Pshhh that isn't as much of my concern as it losing its humour.” I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes. “you don't seem like too much of a fan of doing pranks yourself though, is it all of the trauma from being on the receiving end?”
“Unfortunately. All fun and games when we were kids until all of you Selected started to conspire against me too.”
“To be fair I have yet to prank you. The only time I scared you I was scared myself and just trying to hide and avoid being a rule breaker. It's not my fault you were startled by a small girl.” I explained having a pretty solid defense.
He opened his mouth to retort but found him stuck and closed it again, then let out a quick sigh, “I’ve got nothing. I scare easy, plain and simple.”
I chuckled, “It's alright. I'm a tough tough 5'2 gal, if there's ever something that goes bump in the night I can handle it.”
He laughed a bit, “You don’t need a lanky giant to help you out?”
“Nah, you'd just get in my way, scaredy cat. You're like the BFG.”
“Hey, I can be an excellent sidekick. I’ve slayed more than a few monsters in my day.”
“Monsters?” I asked with a scoff, “Were they tiny spiders?”
“I... don’t like spiders.” He mumbled before clearing his throat, “And not the kind of monsters I was referring to.” Oh no. Please don’t tell me his ‘edgy and not a normal person’ please don’t. I won’t be able to take it if he starts quoting some teen angst show for thirteen year olds.
I chuckled trying to move on and not think about my new fear, “You're cute. And it's alright I'm not a fan of spiders either. They fall into the insect phobia. Which monsters did you mean?” I asked.
“The ones hiding in my little sister’s closet. I was the very brave older brother a few times.” He answered with a small smile. Thank goodness.
“Ooh. When Riley went off to college I had to be the big old sister for Ellie so I can respect that. It's a tough battle crawling on the ground to check under a bed. Someday Ellie will have to be the brave big sister for Mae too. Once she insisted that it was real and I had to bring a poker into the closet to duel.” I answered proudly. I was a pretty awesome big sister. Though I can also remember going into Riley’s room when I was little and crying that there was a big monster in the curtains.
He laughed, “You’re right, you don’t need me.”
I chuckled, “Nah, if I'm being fair and not acting like I'm absolutely perfect I kinda suck at arguing, well, debating. I get way too into it.” I said being a bit too honest.
“I heard you were a little passionate at the acting lesson.” He said with a small laugh causing my face to flush.
I rolled my eyes to try and play it off, “I apologized to Natalya and we even played a prank on Wyatt together so at least I was able to smooth it over.”
“Don’t worry, I appreciated it. Sounded like you.”
“What's your position on it? Do you think we should flirt with creepy people for connections or run to a bathroom and ask for help?” I asked.
“Well, it’s not always that simple. I wouldn’t ask you to flirt with anyone who made you uncomfortable, but sometimes depending on their position you have to at least be friendly.” His expression sobered a bit, “However if they ever cross a line then you definitely should get someone.”
“Hmm it makes sense in perspective I guess. Later we talked and I kinda understood it more. I used to be 'friends' with a girl named Nina who was on the cheer team. I didn't like her at all but for the sake of the team I put up with her so I guess it's a little like that. She was pretty vile.” I shared.
“Exactly. Some advisors are…” He glanced and looked around, “not the most kind. But we still have to put up with them.”
“Are they the old people who won't let dubstep at the ball? That would make them pretty unkind.”
He chuckled, “Worse. That’s me being discreet.”
“Did you have to invite some of the not as positive people to your birthday ball?”
“Unfortunately. Keep up the good relationship and what not.” We used to have to invite over some distasteful family members on my dads side when we had birthdays, then we would celebrate on our own on the day or a few days after. Maybe I could do something like that for ben.
“Hmmm, gives me an idea. Though, it's for me to know and you to eventually find out. And to calm any fears it's not intended to horrify you.” I said adding in the last part since he might be a bit scared after our previous discussion.
He let out a short laugh, “I’m holding you to that. When can I expect this idea of yours to happen?”
“Soon. Very soon. Otherwise it would be super late. Not tonight though, it requires....scheming. Probably with Wyatt though Hazel is my favourite of your siblings so far. She ate 90% of the white chocolates from the beach which is why there were less of them than the others. But Wyatt has a skill set that I need.” I’ll have to make up the shoe problem.
“Hazel is probably all of our favorite sibling.” He said with a small chuckle, “But yes, anything with a particularly secret skill set, Wyatt will be best at.”
“I wonder if he'll forgive me for stealing all of his shoes for the sake of doing some unknown thing for you.” I thought aloud with a small chuckle.
“Mmm, well lanky giant, I have pleas to now make with your brother on a tight schedule and I'm sure you have old dubstep haters to negotiate with. So we should probably part ways for now. But, before I'd like you to compliment my wicked dance improvement. Because I've done pretty awesome, no foot crushing, no tripping, and most importantly no twerking.” I added.
He laughed a bit, “No one compares to your wicked dance moves, oh majestic dance queen.” He said and gave me another quick twirl, “One more for good luck with Wyatt.”
I chuckled a bit as he twirled me, “Thank you for the luck. I'll need it, Benny boy.” I said once it had finished, gave some quick finger guns as an exit and made my way to find the brother.
Soon I found him and walked up and poked his arm lightly to get his attention, he gave another hard gaze. Jesus he needed to learn how to control that if I were someone important I would have thought the prince of Illea was trying to assassinate me with glaring daggers. His expression softened as he realized it was me, “I need my shoes back.”
“You have one pair.” I answered with a small chuckle. “I'm glad you had to take a moment to figure out it was me. I was bummed when Benny boy guessed it off the bat.”
He raised an eyebrow, “Guessed what?”
“Oh that I'm me. You had to look at me for a moment. You did your scary glare at a stranger touching you.”
He scoffed a laugh, “That’s not a thing, just—” He shook his head and sighed, “What do you want, Gabby?”
“It's happened to me twice now, let me just say it is terrifying. Makes me wish I wasn't alive. And I want your help with something for your brother.” I looked around since I wanted to explain my plan to him but couldn’t without explaining that some of the advisors sucked, so I looked around for a moment before realizing that I don’t know what any of the advisors look like.
“wait I don't even know what they look like.” I mumbled to myself before getting the idea to lean up and whisper in his ear.
“I have to be quiet about it in case there are any old important people around so I don't offend them. It has to do with them sucking.” I explained.
He looked confused and wary as I stood on my tiptoes but burst into laughter at my statement before realizing he had and covered his mouth and sobered up, “yeah... I don’t think they’d appreciate being called that.” He pulled back, “But I’m not doing you any favors. A bunch of left shoes are useless. They’re supposed to be a pair. They’re getting lonely.”
You drive a hard bargain, Wyatt. “Fine, I'll negotiate with Natalya to get some of your shoes back. It'll be a tough fight though. Will you help me now?” Didn’t say a matching right shoe but maybe he won’t notice.
He grumbled a bit, “Depends. You still haven’t told me what you want.”
“Oh, I need help kidnapping your brother and sneaking him out of the palace for like a surprise birthday celebration, since he had to have a bunch of-” I paused and lowered my voice, “old people who he doesn't like-” I raised it back to my normal level, “come.”
He looked amused, “Kidnapping, huh? Well, it is one of my side jobs. Next to smuggling and raiding.”
“Don't forget wall evaluation. I still have no idea where we would take him since I don't know this part of Angeles but I can google it later. We should talk methods for kidnapping.”
“I can help you pick something later. As for methods” He paused to think for a moment.
“I could tell him to go out as we usually do. I’ll just be vague as to what we’re doing and then we’ll surprise him with your presence.”
“Thank you wyatt. Soon you will have right shoes added to your left. We should probably do it soon though so it isn't like years after his birthday. Obviously, not tonight but soon.” I added.
He snorted, “I’ll try to figure out when’s the closest day we can do it. Inviting a bunch of people we might not want around is a common thing for our birthdays though.” It is for most people too.
“Hmmm must be a pain. Though I imagine it's similar to having to invite a racist aunt or grandparents.”
He raised an eyebrow, “Harsh. Our grand dad thought he was better than lower castes, but we actually had to live with him.”
“Yup, I get that. My folks on my dads side are similar. Unfortunate for us they're the ones who live in Angeles and the chill ones in Clermont. Really makes holidays a stress.”
He looked amused, “you just need someone to kidnap you after the holidays.”
I chuckled, “Clearly. So what did you get your brother? When I was distracting you while Natalya did the dirty work I asked but you seemed to be very against sharing until he had it.”
He smiled proudly, “I have no good reason to tell you after what you did.”
“I'm fixing it plus I'm curious. Not to mention who knows what I'd do while trying to distract from my curiosity. Maybe, just maybe, someone could end up with only bow ties instead of normal ties.”
He hummed as he considered, “I look really good in ties...but I guess I could tell you. It’s not as exciting as you might think.”
“Hmm I have pretty low expectations and pretty high curiosity so even if it's not super exciting I will be satisfied by knowing.”
He stared at the crowd for a moment, “It’s an unfinished album.” album?
“Wait- like you're making him an album or is it like a playlist of songs?”
He nearly choked on a drink he had taken from a waiter, “I meant a photo album.”
I let out a small laugh I had been holding in now that the confusion was cleared up, “Thank goodness. I was picturing Wyatt the rapper laying down some beats.” I laughed a bit more before composing myself, “Do you take a lot of pictures?” I asked.
He nodded, “You're in some of them.” He then thought for a moment before making an aha face. “There's this one where you're looking at your eating utensils with the greatest dread ever. It's pretty amazing.”
My face flushed for a moment, “Why?! It's not my fault that someone decided to trap the utensils in napkin bondage. Why would someone even do that? They're like "oh oh? You think you're ready to eat now that you're seated and have food?" Wrong. Time to learn, origami.”
He laughed again, “I’m sure they do it to trick people like you. No respect.”
“Really cruel. Why not just put the utensils on top of the napkin? Why do they need to fold them? Honestly, I'd like a reasonable explanation.”
“I’ll ask the napkin staff whenever I get the chance. And I’ll tell Ben about that horror we’ve never considered before. I’m sure when he’s King, he’ll ban the art of napkin folding forever.”
I rolled my eyes with a slight scoff, “You can hardly call it an art.”
He smirked as he looked down at me, “What would you call it, oh great, wise Gabriella?”
“A slight annoyance. Similar to how I would refer to you, of wise and great Wyatt.”
He raised an eyebrow and tipped an invisible hat, “Touché.”
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