#personal hws hc
qhimberly · 8 months
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In a modern au where Scandinavia was there for baby Iceland and teenage Norway’s childhoods. Norway is trying to get his baby brother to hold his finger.
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sere-ness-ima · 17 days
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cowboy-robooty · 7 months
What do you think about the nyotalias?
ai like them 😏 ESPECIALLY NYO ITALY. my favorite nyo is italy actually lol i love her tgirl swag! im ngl guys nyo italy x male germany MAKES ME CRAZZYYYYYY!!! I LOVE IT OUGHWJSJE MORE!! MORE!!!! anyways ermm. here have this super old nyo italy doodle i did ^_^ ai colored it just for u!
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mystybird · 7 months
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cat-with-a-tie · 2 years
DenNor, traced from that scene in Princess Mononoke bc it’s a crime this hasn’t been done before.
You’re beautiful.
(first meeting, circa 800 AD)
Norway about six centuries later: ‘Damn really should’ve just killed him then and there huh.’
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getting invested in your own au is so dangerous because sometimes you'll start wanting to make an au of your au, and you'll come to a tough split point decision where you have to decide if you do that Or if you just make your idea canon to the first au, because no one can stop you
anyways. i need to be physically restrained from touching lucky jumbo right now
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hetagrammy · 5 months
IreMano headcanon: So Ireland canonically sleeptalks and can/will accidentally summon shit while doing so. I can imagine when Molly and Lovino start sharing a bed he has some fun with it when he realizes, like having “conversations” with her when she’s out and saying nonsense… that is until one night he wakes up to the Old Man Who Randomly Appears and Gives Advice™ standing at the foot of their bed and almost shits himself
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irithnova · 8 months
It seems to be a popular headcanon that Mongolia met Russia during the 13th century? I really do not think that is the case. Without a doubt I think Russia would have had contact with the Golden Horde, but not Mongolia himself.
The territory of the Golden Horde was in Central Asia and Eastern Europe, the Mongol heartland/yuan dynasty was in East Asia, that was where the great Khan resided. The difference between the "Great Khan" back at home and the Khan's of the Golden Horde, Ilkhanate and Chagatai Khanate is that the Great Khan held supremacy over the rest of the Khans (well before the Mongol Empire split and then the supremacy became more symbolic/waned out). This was because the line of the Great Khan was established after Genghis Khan died and his empire was split between his sons. Ogedei was his official successor and "Great Khan" of the overall Mongol Empire, Jochi and Chagatai were Khan's of their own Khanates but were not Great Khan's.
Mongolia himself would accompany the Great Khan and his children obviously would accompany the different Khan's of the Golden Horde, Ilkhanate and Chagatai Khanate. It's much more likely that Russia had contact with the Golden Horde than Mongolia himself, as Mongolia was all the way in East Asia dealing with business over there and once the Yuan Dynasty was established by Khublai Khan in 1271 the Empire already fragmented and on the road to becoming more and more apart from each other in the decades ahead when they'd squabble with each other (there was already some infighting).
So. Russia and Mongolia having a relationship back then, let alone meeting each other? I personally don't see it. Mongolia didn't care about Golden Horde's subjects - whatever relationship he had with them was his business. He only cared if they gave tribute on time and if Golden Horde would stop being so emo.
I made this post mainly because I wanted to get it out there and partly because honestly I was slightly irked by the amount of people who think that Russia lived in Mongolia's palace or something or that Mongolia had a parental relationship with Russia because I'm huge on Mongolian history (if you couldn't tell already) and it literally doesn't make sense to me at all
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hcaivoices · 1 year
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Real shit! He only puts out certified hood classics.
Please for the love of god just listen to this so you know what I'm talking about he has the most beautiful voice, it's UNFAIR!
I mean it when I tell you all there is not a note that he cannot hit. He's done Aurora and hit every note perfectly
If he were a real artist I would buy every album.
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skyward-floored · 1 year
This is rly rly random, but can u give us Artemis and Mask dynamic Headcanons??
Sure, I love thinking of how these two interact :D
I think when Mask first meets Artemis (as Sheik) he probably doesn’t interact with her too much. He knows she’s Zelda (he’s done this song and dance before) and the reminder is... sorta painful.
But she’s also so cool and nice and willing to help him prank the captain and likes to learn the songs he knows so... he actually ends up spending lots of time with her. By the time the war is over he ends up viewing her as sort of a mix between cool older sister and mom (though he would never admit the second one).
Artemis on the other hand is immediately fond of Mask, though suspicious of the knowing looks he tends to send her way. She can’t quite believe he’s a hero since he’s so young, and was in opposition to letting him fight at first, but seeing how capable he was at plowing through monsters convinced her pretty quick.
She tries to keep an eye on him when Warriors can’t, and keeps him busy if he seems like he’s having a bad day. And they both like pranking Warriors, so they definitely bond over that.
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sorvete-de-pacoca · 1 year
An ask this time!
What does Luciano think about the possibility of Afonso dying one day?
Oof, such a angsty question qwq
I feel this is not something that the tans think about all the time considering their immortality. After all, they're pretty hard to kill. Even if they get dominated by another nation they will live as their province/state.
I think Luciano doesn't think much about this scenario unless something really bad happened with Afonso, like some natural disasters or wars When the wildfires happened Luciano felt that stab in his chest with the terrible possibility that it could be so serious Portugal would dissapear. He would have panic attacks imagining spending the rest of his immortality without him. It doesn't feel right for him to die! They all should be together forever!
It doesn't help that Afonso, being older and such, has a more calm view about his "death". Whenever he brings it up Luciano gets really mad and lash out at him to "stop saying shit like that!"
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russeliarat · 2 years
In regards to Cia in a lot of the LU fanon space (aka fics and headcanons), I feel like she's being portrayed far worse than she actually is in Hyrule Warriors. I do think that Wars would have a lot of trauma regarding her considering she's the whole reason a war was started in his name. I do also think that starting said war is pretty bad. But I don't think she really deserves the black-and-white viewpoint most people have of her, it undermines the (attempted - it was a bad and rushed attempt but an intentional attempt nonetheless) redemption of her character arc. I say this as someone who owns the game and has combed through it for hours to attempt to rewrite that bullshit game.
But I think a lot of people are missing the part where Cia actually had control over her one-sided love for centuries as she only watched each hero and never interacted, but it was when Ganondorf came in and corrupted her that she started the war. She was under Ganondorf's influence throughout most of the game, even when she defected from him and attempted to gain the Triforce. She eventually made attempts to redeem herself after becoming free of Ganondorf due to Lana. There's also an element that Cia herself was exploited for Ganondorf's own power fantasies, it was likely that he manipulated or even told her to go to such extremes as making a war to get the Triforce and just used Cia's quiet yearning as a motive.
As dogshit as Hyrule Warriors is as a game and story, I think the idea that Lana is this perfect good is a great foil to Cia's unwavering evil, both forced to these extremes because of Ganondorf, who then regained their humanity once Cia finally broke free of him, though is more subtle in Lana is actually expressed kinda well compared to the rest of the wonkiness of the game. I think there's something to be said about Cia treatment as a antagonist compared to others like say Shadow, the way they're treated as being redeemed villains who were manipulated by Ganondorf for his own gains is vastly different across the fandom. Idk if there's a reason but it feels so distinct and I can't answer why.
This isn't to say that I don't think Wars would have a lot of issues surrounding what happened, its quite obvious he would have a lot of relationship problems on top of everything going on about the war. Its more a ramble about how people portray Cia post-HW/during LU. I myself don't understand how it happened, but as a DLC that was added for free in the Definitive Edition, Cia was revived and re-evilised, so yes she is technically alive still. I don't blame people for thinking she's some mega evil seductress that wants to capture the hearts of all the Chain, she seems very one-sided as a character at first without either getting the game and playing through yourself or skimming every website about the game (which is surprisingly few compared to its Age of Calamity counterpart - which also has its issues) and analysing the very misleading text in wiki pages and reviews. But no, she's not portrayed as a rapist (wtf literally where in the game is it even implied) nor is her character shown to be a pedophile (each hero she has been shown to fawn over are very explicitly the adult heroes).
I'm fine with headcanons, but the kind of stuff I see passed around in LU fanon is basically character assassination. It's kind of sad to see Cia just absolutely obliterated. I'm fine with some of the tamer headcanons, but some of the aforementioned like her being a rapist or a pedophile is so gross to me (and yes I've seen both multiple times in many more words to try to soften the blow of the writer/headcanoner's implications). I don't really like her character myself but I feel like I've analysed her and reworked her and picked apart her character too much to even consider humouring these kinds of ideas. Saying things like she's hypersexual or playing into her seductress image and appearance is fine because it's almost canon, I'll even agree with people calling her a stalker because she definitely was one during the war, but saying anything close to her committing anything more extreme is just not it for me.
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worldheadcanons · 2 years
i think it wld be funny and silly if all the main hetalia characters tried romancing the same person like in those dumb otome games. I think it wld be even funnier and sillier if yao “won” 90% of the time
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doueverwonder · 2 years
Ngl I adore the hc that Liechtenstein has a key to Austria’s house. Because that either means,
A. Austria makes sure to get her a new key whenever he changes his locks
or B. Austria hasn’t changed his locks since 1918
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error-elf-206 · 1 year
You know the love that France(is) and Joan (of arc) have in Canon,
the sort of "I love you too much for what time we had together, I've never hated my immortality more then for it not letting me see you again/I'll remember you forever and every one shall know it, eventualy nowone will be sure you existed becouse my love mythologicalised you so much. "
Yeah I don't think france should be the only nation with that sort of thing. I think they all have like a 'you get One. no mockery, Promise' sort of thing cause all cultures have like a warrior or just a great person that got grandurised so much in death now nowone is sure they were real or myths.
I think scotlands/Angus' was William Walise. And I'm little stuck thinking of one's for the others.
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halonicheart · 1 year
Haurchefant’s Chocobo
Summary: What started out as a short headcanon turned into a ficlet about the noble steed Haurchefant left behind as well the person she chooses to let onto her back, Emmanellain. There is a brief portion that mentions my oc Lovette but this ain't about her. There will be a fic that expands on that small portion later.
A sleek, black and feisty bird that refused to let anyone get near her.
Haurchefant had raised her even when others told him that was so feisty even has a hatchling. She didn’t listen to the orders of others very well, wasn’t very playful, wasn’t very social… over all was a handful. But with Haurchefant, it was different. He was kind and patient but stern when need be.
Somehow, he managed to quell the beast that was now named Belladonna, for Beautiful Lady. Though some did find it slightly off putting the fearsome feathered lady shared a name with a poisonous plant... fitting, in a morbid sense. Despite being more cooperative and well behaved with her master, she still had a feisty streak and was fiercely protective of Haurchefant.
She adored Haurchefant of course.
She only seemed to tolerate Artoriel, however she warms up to him over time.
Edmont was on thin ice with her for one reason or the other. He isn’t quite sure. So long as she doesn’t lunge at him he supposes he’ll let the bird hate him all she wants.
She liked Emmanellian. Most days. So long as he didn’t speak too much. Which was often. Took the entire family, Emmanellian included by surprise. Didn’t think she would like anyone other than Haurchefant.
She took rather quickly to Francel, to no one's surprise this time around. Adores him as much as she does Haurchefant.
She adored Lovette on that fateful night Haurchefant first met her…
Belladonna was a picky, fiercely loyal, loving and stubborn bird. Haurchefant wouldn’t have her any other way. No man could ask for more noble a steed than her.
When Haurchefant passed… Belladonna was inconsolable. She understood the weight of the situation when someone who wasn’t her master brought her to that spot he loved to visit in hopes of meeting that girl again, to view all of Ishgard… and there lay a monument with his broken shield.
Belladonna did not wail. She was still. Even when coaxed to move she would not budge. Those of Camp Dragonhead had no idea what to do with her. She wouldn’t take to another owner so easily. She wouldn’t listen to much anyone. They simply let her be. She would always return to her stable. She was cooperative enough to let others tend to her and feed her but nothing more.
If she were ever gone too long they would send someone after her to check on her. They always found her at her master’s memorial. She would never pay the person sent for her much mind. She would give a huffy Kweh and ruffle her feathers before slowly trotting back to her stable.
They all expected that to be her ways until time finally reunited her with her beloved Haurchefant. As much as it hurt to see, there was only so much they could do for a stubborn bird like her.
When Emmanellian took the seat of garrison leader, he was informed of Belladonna’s behavior and to let her be unless she was gone for too long. He knew the bird liked him well enough but knows how she can be when riled up. He makes no plans to be on the receiving end of her ire.
Emmanellian had only gone to check on her once. Only because he was the only one who could. Make no mistake, he’s doing his damnedest to fill his role properly… some habits just are hard to kill.
Poor Honoroit unintentionally upset Emmanellian, suggesting he need a chaperone to check on Belladonna. Only to be met with half hearted chiding as Emmanellian bounded off alone with an order to stay. He won’t be long.
And so on chocobo back, Emmanellian set out to check on Belladonna. Sure enough she was still at the memorial. Perfectly safe and no danger in site. Or perhaps she scared off the danger… could put the fear of Halone even dragons this lady…
Tonight was a more feisty night for Belladonna. She gave a more fiery sqwak… that ended up scaring off Emmanellian’s chocobo…
“Now look at what you’ve gone and done! How am I supposed to get back now?! On foot!”
Belladonna only huffs in response.
“Bah! Probably already nearing the camp… just wonderful!” He whines as he marches towards her. “You owe me an apology old girl! Putting me in a nasty pickle as this. Make a fool of me will you…” he knows she didn’t scare his chocobo intentionally. His chiding is mostly half hearted. Emmanellian sighs heavily before kneeling in front of the carved stone. “Not that it takes much to do that…”
Belladonna makes no noise. He assumes she isn’t even looking at him.
“Try as I might, I worry I won’t be cut out for this. But gods, do I want to be.” If anyone arrived in time to see him cry, they didn’t. He’ll deny to Halone’s frosty hell and back. “By no means will I ever come close to him, I’m a fool not an idiot. Even still, were I to match even a fraction of the greatness, would you be proud of me? Would you see me as I am?” He isn't sure who is it he was directing this at. His father? His still living brother? Or the one he lost...
Emmanellian does not notice Belladonna approaching him.
“It took tragedy to finally see clearly. See the mess that is our family. No amount of love can fix a mess no one is willing to clean. We tried none the less. Did it make a difference, I wonder…gods look at me… as if you could answer… as if anyone could answer. A right fool I am. Can’t even keep a chocobo at his side…”
It was then that Belladonna lowers herself to nuzzle her beak into his face. Nearly jumped out of his skin in surprise.
“Comforting me old girl?” He sniffles as he strokes her feathers. “Least I have company until someone comes along to fetch this poor sod…”
Belladonna makes a soft coo as she rises slightly. Staring at him expectantly. She coos once more when he does nothing and ruffles her feathers.
Emmanellia stares in bewilderment. “Are you…?” Is all he can say as she coos again, a little more annoyed sounding he dare say. “Alright, alright! No need to get snippy on me now old girl!” He approaches her slowly. Strokes her feathers one last time before hopping onto her back.
The stares the two received when they arrived at camp dragonhead.
Honoroit rushed to his side, initially wanting to tell him they all were moments away from sending a search party but found the sentiment dying on his tongue. “Lord Haurchefant’s steed….. she let you on her back?”
“A dashing pair, her and I, wouldn’t you say?”
“She hasn’t let anyone on her backside. Not even when lord Haurchefant still….. she… she chose you.” Honoroit spoke with misty eyes. There was whispering amongst the crowd. It would seem they all agreed with the sentiment.
Emmanellian speaks with a tone more serious than anyone thought him capable of. “…. I am no replacement for Lord Haurchefant. I am not here to carry his legacy but to honor it. I wish to do right by him and do right for me all the same." It wasn't the first time Emmanellain has stated as much. "I know my habits better than anyone. I know my faults. Halone as my witness, I will not let those faults out weigh the good I can do. Belladonna is a stubborn old girl and still she chose to let this fool ride her… a man could not ask for more noble a steed than her nor a more capable garrison as this one. Yet still, one man can only do but so much, as I did the day I arrived, I ask again for all of your guidance.”
No one spoke. The mix of soft and sad smiles amongst their faces was response enough. Of course they would help him. Even without his asking.
There was no better man that could have been placed in that seat than Emmanellian De Fortemps.
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