#personal to the achene
ungodlydandelion · 2 years
Look I think horror movies on the whole are boring and tend to just replicate the culture they come from but I also will happily incorporate the Maxine Minx mantra scene into my psyche.
I will not accept a life I do not deserve.
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thegirlwiththeart · 1 month
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Random OC idea
Meet : Alissa Achen
-19 years old
-aroace and trans
-german and latina
-likes old French love songs, writing in their blog and working at their local university as the librarian
-hates crowds, loud noises and bath tubs (childhood trauma)
"you know no one would date a trans person"
"promise?" (An actual convo she had)
This is not the final thing, just some random idea that I wanna do more on <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>
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haggishlyhagging · 1 year
. . . [T]he Dorians transmuted the role of the ancient creator-goddess of the earlier Greeks—Athene. In pre-Hellenic myth, as well as in the memories of Hesiod and Plato, Athene had created the race of Greeks from Hellen, the son (originally the daughter) of he first couple—Pyrrha and Deucalion. From the four sons of Hellen—Ion, Achaeus, Acolus, and Dorus—had sprung the four branches of the historical Greeks, the Ionians, Achaeans, Acolians, and Dorians.
Athene remained the supreme deity of the three older branches until the Dorians, the youngest and least civilized of the family, invaded Greece at the beginning of the first millennium B.C. Somewhere in their two-thousand-year wanderings in the wilds of Europe, they had learned a new god-religion and had adopted Zeus as their deity. After their conquest of their elder brothers, they sought to impose on them their new god, in which endeavor it became necessary to demote the Great Goddess, in the persons of Themis (Justice), Metis (Intelligence), Hera (Courage), and Athene (Wisdom). The Dorians therefore married Zeus to the first three goddesses, relegating them to secondary roles as mere consorts of the new god. But with Athene the problem was more difficult. Athene was the eternal and blessed virgin, and her devotees would not permit her to become a wife of Zeus. And so the Dorians determined that she must become his daughter. Zeus thereupon got Metis with child. When he was warned by the Delphic Oracle that the child in Metis' belly would wrest the world away from him (that the goddess would depose the god), he swallowed Metis.
Metis remained in Zeus' belly "giving him knowledge," while the child Athene, insisting upon being born even from a belly within a belly, as it were, burst from her father's head. This miracle, no more absurd than Eve's birth from Adam's rib, reflects the effort of patriarchal society to denigrate the importance of women even in the procreative role. "The outrageous myth of the birth of Achene from Zeus' head," writes Harrison, "is but the emphasis and over-emphasis of a new patriarchal social structure."
Despite Zeus' precautions, Athene remained the primary deity of Athens, and was always worshiped by the Ionian Greeks with more ardor and more devotion than was Zeus.
-Elizabeth Gould Davis, The First Sex
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quibbs126 · 2 years
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(Oh I think the quality got tanked, I’ll have to see if it sticks and if it does I’ll fix it)
Aight, so I had seen someone (edit: found the post, the person is @ohnocrowsx) make a character that was supposed to be Sycamore’s wife that had miraculously survived but had gotten amnesia, and honestly I thought that was a really cool concept. So I kind of decided to take a swing at something similar, except here it’s his daughter
Okay when I say it like that I feel like I’m just ripping off their idea, that wasn’t my intention. I was just inspired to do something similar
Anyways, on to the character, this is Abbigail Sycamore (or Abbey for short, inspired by a fic I once read), Professor Sycamore’s daughter. Or at least that was her name before she lost her memory
I’ll be honest, this drawing is more like a first draft I prettied up, I might change her design later
So backstory time, I’m thinking that after whatever accident killed Sycamore’s family, Targent was checking the scene to ensure that his family was dead. One agent found Abbey who was miraculously still alive, though on death’s door, and feeling guilty and not wanting a small child to die (I say she was about 6 at the time), they secretly took her with them to try and save her life. While she survived, she unfortunately had amnesia, and the Targent agent didn’t know who her family were (they were only there for cleanup) but that they were likely dead, and feeling fed up with Targent and their actions, decided to leave Targent and take the girl with them, moving to a small rural village where Targent wouldn’t look for them, which is where they’ve stayed since, and Abbey’s name became Molly Achene
Unfortunately, Desmond was unaware of all this and thought his daughter was dead
Anyways, cut to years later after Azran Legacy when Targent is gone. The former agent who had been taking care of Molly finally tells her the truth of how they ended up here, and after hearing this, Molly wants to find out what happened to her family and if any were still alive. Unfortunately her guardian didn’t know anything, so she has to try and figure out largely by herself
Eventually she comes across the name Hershel Layton, one of the people responsible for taking down Targent, and someone known for solving many odd mysteries, and she thinks he’s the perfect person to help her with her conundrum. So she makes her way to London and meets with the Professor, and they go out on a quest to find her identity (this is after Unwound Future btw)
Flora’s here too, and she and Molly become good friends. I also say they’d be around the same age
I wanted to make her identity a bit obvious, with her having the same eyes as her father and with the name Achene, which is actually (according to my Google search) the type of fruit sycamore trees bear
Anyways, I’m not sure where to go with things here, her identity as Sycamore’s daughter is eventually revealed but I don’t know what to do with that, but I had fun making her
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botheringlevi · 2 years
They probably didn't. Things have always been dismal unless you're a merchant or even a criminal then you're a little better off. But not much. I lost my sisters to disease and starvation. Pretty sure that Uprising saved my life. I understand that I have the Scouts to thank for that so from the bottom of my heart thank you for the part you played.
Yeah Wall Sina is beautiful on the outside and kinda terrible inside. There are some decent people I've met but even they are wary.
Yikes. I have heard a story or two about Achen so I'll give that a wide berth thanks.
As for my new name, you can call me Adelaide Hahn. It wiuld be a much appreciated gesture if I could get into Rose, thank you.
I'm not much of a fighter but I want to change that especially if people are going to judge me. I would like to maybe try for the military myself. I would like to protect people and I like the thought of the routine and teamwork involved.
I would probably go into the Garrison if I could. I don't think I could ever trust the MPs after they did a shit job below. I probably don't have what it takes to be a Scout either but I reckon I coukd do some good with the Garrison.
Thank you for the advice. Thanks to the orphanage I have been able to clean myself up a lot.
- Addie (formerly underground brat)
((OOC: for the admin, it's funny you said that in the tags, i have written an insert around that kind of 😂😂))
[First ask]
Can't say I'm surprised either way... You're better off being born in a grave than Underground. Your story isn't an uncommon one, but you did get fortunate. The most I did was bring it to the Queen's attention... but you're welcome.
I've never lived there myself, but yeah... It's like painting shit gold if you ask me.
Okay, Adelaide. Stick to the bar closest to the gate in Ehrmich. You'll have someone hanging around that area two days for now… Can’t say the time. At that bar, sit on the stool second from the door. That's how he'll identify you. Don't do anything stupid between now and then.
Fighting's not a skill you need to master or anything, but it's nothing to scoff at. The Cadet Corps are taking bodies all the time, so. That’s not a bad idea, and besides. That's probably your next best bet as far as a place to eat and sleep goes.
At least you don't have to be top-ten in your class to join the Garrison... and I certainly don't blame your distrust of the MP. You’d be stupid not to distrust them. Even if you're the type of person with some kind of moral code you wanna execute... it's not worth it. But whatever you do with yourself, it's up to you.
Yeah. You're welcome.
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kaerimichirami · 2 months
Desire. Such things could be related to the dampest sins. To me, desire was nothing but soothing the achening. Carressing and hugging the oh-so stressed me. But that is more than just “love”. Desire goes beyond any kind of appreciation or esteem. Desire is flesh; it is chewing, gulping. Desire is, indeed, what comes from a damp sin. Desire is what makes me embarrassed about being watched; desire is what makes me beg to be watched. Desire is the contradiction of self, desire is the agony of life and death; and desire is the dark path that leads you to destruction. Desire comes in many forms, in many packages, in many fabrics, in many flavors, smells and textures. Desire comes for your demise, but what could be human if not desire? To want, to be unable to deny. To lay yourself to destiny, to indulge yourself. Denying your desires is denying yourself, but allowing them day after day is, truly, losing the sight of future. Still…Destruction is also part of existence. As much as one may deny it, desire is inevitable. Desire is what drives impulse, and impulse is what drives fun. Fun, surely, is what drives life. What kills you is what makes you want to live, and there is no life without a certain death. Desire is the ultimate challenge; desire is all of those little things that combust into the all-ending explosion. That is, undoubtedly, the beginning and begging of life, and so on, the beginning of self. The struggling reflection in the mirror, the flashing lights, and the scary background noises are all driven by nothing but desire and, consequently, the only thing that calls for death: life.
It doesn’t make me proud that my most beautiful pieces are made late at night, when I’m exhausted from the world and give in to my desires, which consume me until I’m dead. If I don’t give in during my meals, I’ll give in to a stranger in their bed, and if it’s not that, it’s on my shopping cart. It's clear how full of flaws we are. Not one piece of it makes sense, and there are people out there talking about how everything works in sync. It might be for a while, but everything collapses. Every body turns into a corpse, and every breath soon disappears into thin air, but desire, desire doesn’t give in. Desire knocks on your door, desire touches you all the ways you like, and desire fills up your heart or stomach with the next crap available. Desire is the end, but the start, to repeat myself and make it clear.
Only for today, because I deserve it, I’ve done so good, it’s been so tough, and I’ve been so sad, and everyone’s so mean to me, and it’s just this once and it won’t affect me at all, and it’s only this time I am allowing this, from this person, and it’s only this red and it’s only these blues, and I swear tomorrow I won’t feel. But I do. I feel it hitting me hard, so hard, and I cry from how crazily good fulfilling my desires feel. That, until it’s empty and I’m empty, and I now crave something else. Unaware that my own cravings crave me. They’ll eat my dead body, so slowly but so surely, they’ll lick the bone and fall on their backs exhausted from the meal they have been preparing for these many years, feeding me on them so they can feed on me. Ain’t I such a desirable meal?
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ivan-fyodorovich-k · 3 months
This is amusing
…the costs of presiding over widely resented economic conditions can be long-lasting. As the political scientists Larry Bartels and Christopher Achen have shown, parties that found themselves in power when the Great Depression struck tended to struggle electorally for a generation, regardless of their ideological orientation. America has scarcely suffered an economic cataclysm on Biden’s watch, but the Democrats’ association with a period of anomalously fast price growth threatens to reinforce damaging stereotypes about liberals’ fiscal irresponsibility.
Democrats must therefore hope that Trump’s unique toxicity combined with the US economy’s objective strength allow Biden to overcome both the globe-spanning backlash to incumbents and his own personal liabilities. In the longer run, however, the party must somehow regain the American public’s trust on economic management before Republicans figure out how to nominate a normal presidential candidate.
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bitslifeapk · 3 months
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🌟 Explore BitLife's Character Saga! Download Now!
🎮Embark on BitLife Unblocked! 🌐 Meet characters like Leilah Abdel, the British police chief, and Adrian Achen, a fearless German soldier. 🌟 Ready for endless adventures?
📲 Download MOD APK: [ bitslifeapk.com ]
🌈 Discover Characters:
Leilah Abdel: 🇬🇧 Police Chief
Adrian Achen: 🇩🇪 Soldier
Adam Price: Young Boy Alyssa "Alli"
Roberts-Smalls: Mystery Person
👇 Swipe Down for More Excitement!
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tttavb · 1 year
seit dem es die seit e seit seid e gibt
sagt dir jeder verbesserer wo du den tipp feler in deinr sprachausgabe gemacht hast
wenn ich mich am schwarzen brett zum tippen unterhalte, mach ich mic himmer lustig über leute die reden wie sie tippen, weil, mein schul lehrer gibt mir dann immer nen extra GBP in mein konto, einen netten pfund an good boy points, die kann man sptäer einlösen gegen extra legg ding wie mxcdonald und manchmal sogar nen puff besuch ;)
darum find ich es sehr fichtig seit dem ich den untdresvchied von seid und seidener seiteen seide yu sehen ehabt getan geamcht gewusst und umgestzt simsalalba binm also kein bock mehr tipp halt wie du willst aber wenn du mich in auf nem orum verrechtstellen wirllst mit buchstaben ordnung in deiner autistischen redewise wie ein pargabbemtn vom autisten drucker der gerne neger hinrichtet ohne dabei zhu wissen das er tiere qqält und nicht al denkt wer sei irgendwi was das was udn dirgendiwe aber wenigsten genau so wie h meingetruchtert wurde weistste es gibt sowas wie masst pute
also man nimmt so nen rohr, und dann oben kommt so nen trichter drauf, dann prefcht man diesen gartesnchlauch runter in den magen, ganz normal und nett tut fast nich weh und ad bleibt es drinne, das is t angebehm weil dann hat man keine whal mehr weil ist drinn und die hände sind angebunden und man wird eh umgebracht aber man denk ok ich mach mitt wenigstends sterb ich nich sofort Ö)
machen di den trichter also drann, also man is gefesslt wie nen pute ente etc, leber mast oder fett shit egal igitt, wette das macht spass aqls dummer nutzdier nutzer, jedenfalls fuck die tiere
der tier ficker sagt dann mh muss diese dicke schwein noch fetter achen jetzt kann er endlich denken, und muss machen was ich ihm sage weil er denk er macht einahc dabei denke ich für ihn wei dumm aknn man den noh machen
und da is eigetnlcih das beste
ihm da ganze so ganz ohne fesseln mache zu lassen
d..h gleicher effekt
ohne irgendwelche art von befehl oder direkter ansprechung oder sontwas seinfach nur selbt raus aritkmerhtiers selbstseketunrgs selektion
perfekto cheffs kiss denkt der sich
und irgendwann sieht er eine youtube site die ihm die live stream in den shit tank der platzenden super fans sieht, sie liiieben es ja sie haben die
die neue religion des deutschen islams ist einfach
man nehme einen eimer
da smable meine scheisse
dann trocke man dies scheisse, je langdne rd man es sctinkken und trocknen lasest desto messer, mehr trocken mit mehr nass, also pip rein, richtug gut guelle guellen, mit extra kaka okidoki
warten bis richtig fest und trocken
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aber mit katzen klo sache nghts noch besser
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aber noch als brei
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ein gedicht
das weisst einem an
das man je länger an es esst
wird es bseser
jeder ist so
das ist normal
du kreisnt nen kasten
und q.e.d. mit dipllom
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gausses · 2 years
im in sachsen-anhalt. without the s </3
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ungodlydandelion · 2 years
It's weird because I don't, personally, think there's much value to religion. I think it's more harmful than beneficial. I want nothing to do with it myself and purposefully avoid most religious persons. I think that religious exemptions or rules in law & custom are inherently dangerous. I am suspicious of orthodoxy & proselytizing in general. In that sense, I guess I'm an anti-theist.
But so long as it's not affecting anyone but the practitioner, it's also not my business. I'm soft towards paganism & luciferianism, if strictly disinterested myself. I think it would be asinine of me to deny someone personal religious expression. I respect customs so far as they don't impinge on my space or autonomy. I remember how people ask me to treat them based on their religion. I bow to hijabi instead of shaking hands (as a non-woman), keep kosher rules in mind when inviting Jewish guests, try to remember star signs and varied farewells, don't swear in front of certain folks... I find some of it offensive and some meaningful. In that sense, I don't know if I'd consider myself an anti-theist.
Wonder if it would make sense to call myself a pro-theistic-choicer. I wouldn't choose theism myself, but I respect your right to choose to follow a faith. Dunno if it matters.
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tuzlay · 5 years
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Salsify achene and a vial by tuzlay From the series "Board game for the photographer" (2017) June 9, 2017 at 07:15PM
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stephanocardona · 7 years
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Salsify achene in a vial by tuzlay
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techniktagebuch · 34 years
Um 1990
Die Postleitzahlen waren noch vierstellig und ich brauchte das Geld
Als Student habe ich um 1990 herum einige Male Jobs über die studentische Arbeitsvermittlung der TU-Berlin ergattert. An das Vergabeverfahren der TUSMA (für TU-Studenten Machen Alles) erinnere ich mich wie folgt: Das Büro neben der Mensa in der Hardenbergstraße öffnet früh um 7. Schon ab 6 bildet sich in einem Vorraum im Erdgeschoss eine lange Warteschlange. Beim Öffnen des Büros bekommt jedeR eine Losummer. Ob diese Nummern drei- oder vierstellig waren, weiß ich zum Zeitpunkt des Aufschreibens (2019) nicht mehr.
Das Büro selbst liegt im 1. Stock und sieht ein bisschen wie irgendein Amt aus – gläserne Schalter, Wände voller Aushänge, Bänke für die Wartenden. Nur dass sowohl vor als auch hinter den Schaltern zerzauste Studenten herumhängen.
Die Nummern gelten für die Jobverlosung des jeweiligen Tages. Die Jobs werden ausgerufen und der- oder diejenige mit der niedrigsten Losnummer bekommt den Zuschlag in Form eines Vermittlungsscheins, den man dem Arbeitgeber vorlegen muss und über den später auch abgerechnet wird.
Manche Jobs, die spezielle Qualifikationen wie Computerkenntnisse, einen LKW-Führerschein oder ein Gesundheitszeugnis erfordern, und solche, die besonders unangenehm oder schlecht bezahlt sind, können im ersten Anlauf nicht vergeben werden und werden dann ausgehängt.
Ob und wie verhindert wird, dass eine Person zwei Nummern zieht oder dass Nummern weitergereicht werden weiß ich nicht mehr. Um an der Verlosung teilzunehmen, muss man TUSMA-Mitglied mit entsprechendem Ausweis sein. Vielleicht werden irgendwo Ausweisnummern und Losnummern notiert.
Aus dem System ergeben sich jedenfalls einige spieltheoretische Überlegungen. Unter anderem meine ich, die Nummern wären nicht fortlaufend vergeben worden. Wenn man also z.B. bei geschätzt 150 Kandidaten die Losnummer 14 von 999 hatte, war unklar, wie viele bessere Nummern im Rennen waren oder ob das vielleicht sogar das beste Los des Tages war. Dann waren die angebotenen Jobs natürlich von unterschiedlicher Dauer und nicht gleich angenehm und gut bezahlt. Und sie wurden nicht gleichzeitig ausgerufen. Es konnte gut sein, dass um 9 Uhr noch interessante Angebote hereinkamen, wenn der erste Ansturm längst abgeflaut war.
Selbst mit einer guten Nummer steht man also vor der Wahl, ob man lieber bei zwei Tagen Aushilfe in der Fabrik zuschlagen soll oder auf so etwas luxuriöses wie einen Komparsenjob oder das Überführen irgendwelcher Limousinen warten. Und bei der Warterei riskieren, dass am Ende doch noch jemand eine niedrigere Nummer hat. Je nach Vertrauen in ihre Chancen gehen die Leute auch irgendwann einfach und manche kommen nach einer Weile mit einem Kaffee zurück.
Einer der Jobs, an die ich auf diese Weise gelange, ist das Sortieren von Post in einem Postamt an der Möckernstraße. Man bekommt einen Sack Post, vermutlich direkt aus einem Briefkasten, und muss die Briefe und Karten entsprechend der ersten zwei Stellen der maximal vierstelligen Postleitzahl in Fächer sortieren. Die Wand vor mir sieht aus wie ein überdimensionaler Setzkasten und hat Fächer für alle bundesrepublikanischen Postleizahlgebiete, also "53" für Bonn, "46" für Dortmund, usw.
Die Berliner Briefkästen verfügen schon über zwei Einwurfschächte – je einen für Berlin (West) und den Rest der Welt. Gibt es in meiner Wand ein Berliner Fach oder sogar mehrere mit den Nummern der Zustellbezirke, z.B. "1000 Berlin 44" für Neukölln? Ich weiß es nicht mehr. Da diese Tätigkeit vor der Wende stattfindet, gibt es auch keine Fächer mit ostdeutschen Postleitzahlen.
Sendungen, die unvollständig, unleserlich oder erkennbar falsch adressiert sind, werden aussortiert und irgendwie gesondert weiterverarbeitet. Die sortierten Sendungen werden auf der Rückseite der Fächerwände von anderen Mitarbeitern eingesammelt und dann vermutlich für den weiteren Transport separat in einen Bonner, einen Dortmunder usw. Postsack gesteckt.
Manchmal kommt die Post auch nicht in Säcken, sondern säuberlich gestapelt in Kartons. Das sind dann Werbesendungen oder anderer Postausgang von Firmen. Diese Stapel nimmt man natürlich gern, weil die Briefe einerseits einheitlich groß und bereits sauber hintereinander gepackt sind und andererseits schon maschinell mit gut leserlichen Postleitzahlen bedruckt.
Ich mache diesen Job nur etwa drei Tage. Er unterscheidet sich deutlich von den Produktions- und Bauhelferarbeiten, die ich sonst in der Zeit so übernehme. Man ist drinnen, es ist leise und sauber, niemand gibt einem Anweisungen, es gibt keine Erfolgskontrolle. Die Arbeit findet zwar im Stehen statt, ist aber ansonsten nicht anstrengend und angenehm einförmig. Ganz in Tagträume abdriften darf man aber auch nicht, denn das stetige Entziffern der Zahlen erfordert so eine Art halber Konzentration.
Ob man diese Tätigkeit irgendwann so weit internalisiert bekommt, wie z.B. das Autofahren, und sich dann dabei unterhalten kann, finde ich nie heraus. Ich brauche nach Feierabend eine Weile, um abzuschalten und nicht instinktiv auf die Ziffern von Hausnummern und Nummernschildern zu fokussieren und keine Postadressen mehr zu sehen, sobald ich die Augen schließe.
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lowcarbnutrients · 5 years
Nine Cancer Cures That Your Doctor Will Not Tell You About
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Are you a wellness nut? Why not? What's stopping you? Do you believe that it's unlawful to cure illness with food, or is that simply what you read in JAMA - The Journal of the American Medical Association? Perhaps you saw some tag that the FDA added an organic item which says food cannot assert to treat any kind of illness or disorder - yes - that was possibly it. That's since the only means to patent US 'medication' as well as make a fortune is to integrate in a lab synthetic chemicals that create terrible adverse effects, then pay the FDA millions to accept it. That technique likewise entails marketing your heart to the Clinical Mafia, that control you and perpetuate the 'fake war' on cancer - the one that actually alters EVEN MORE human cells and also leads to a very early tomb. Do you desire to participate in THAT?
So without additional farewell, here are nine treatments for cancer cells shown by individuals who had cancer cells however no more do! Shhhh! Don't inform the Medical-Industrial Complex.
9 Cancer Remedies You Could Wish to Know!
1. Turmeric - The majority of turmeric offered in America endures from high lead material as well as a high count of germs. By acquiring cheap turmeric, you could actually be enhancing the hefty steel contaminants and also bacteria that you eat, driving cancer cells. Do the precise opposite! Locate a natural turmeric cast that has the phytonutrient curcumin, as well as you can create all-natural immunity.
2. Hemp seed oil - Cold-pressing the seed of the Cannabis sativa (hemp plant) generates a crucial oil that is lawfully acquired in the USA at organic food shops throughout the country! It's very high in essential fat content, and also it does NOT include the psychoactive THC component made use of by people who smoke pot. A member of the achene family of fruits, it's considered a 'superfood' as a result of its distinct ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 important fatty acids as well as includes around 5% pure GLA, which is also more than in spirulina. For hundreds of years, hemp seed oil has actually been recruited in potions and medicinal teas to provide anti-mutagenic action which protects against genetic damage by totally free radicals and/or radiation. You probably will not see banners regarding it at the 'pink' bow march or 'stroll for the treatment.'
3. Reishi mushrooms - You won't discover reishi on salads at restaurants or packaged at your normal traditional grocer. Really going to health food stores and also inspect the supplements and dried powders, typically sold as capsules. Reishi have been used to treat numerous conditions in the Far East for over 2 centuries. In China, they're called the 'Mushrooms of Everlasting life.' Reishi are implied for lasting usage and also have actually been connected to minimized high blood pressure as well as improved nerve function as well as stamina! You could treat cancer cells and diabetic issues with reishi mushroom, just don't inform the medical facility administrators or your neighborhood paper that it functioned so well, or they could have to report you to the Medical Mafia. When you start talking around vital polysaccharides and saponins that lower cell expansion in malignant lungs, the oncologists' sales register stop sounding and they send you house to LIVE!
4. Melatonin - Hello, scavengers of free radicals! Did you know that you can combat free-radical damage WHILE you rest? It holds true. Considering that its discovery over 50 years ago, melatonin has shown itself as a functionally diverse particle with antioxidant residential properties. A large quantity of speculative research has revealed its essential role in the body's defense versus many cell-damaging totally free radicals due to the fact that it possesses 200% more antioxidant power than vitamin E. Melatonin decreases oxidative damages and has been located to be above glutathione and also vitamins C and E. It deals with free-radical-related diseases like cardio disease as well as cancer cells. It's real that the body normally generates melatonin in the brain, however if you're diabetic person, borderline diabetic person or over the age of 55, it prevails to require supplementation. Ask your naturopath!
5. Real spring water withoutaddedfluoride( with ordinary pH level of 8.8!) - If you're combating cancer, you more than likely remain in anxiety to readjust your body's pH. Almost every nutritionist in the world would tell you to eat lots of raw organic vegetables and also fruits and eat great deals of water - and it much better be real sparkling water in order to help alkalize the body.
6. Baking soda - Yes, the affordable kind that you discover in many stores! Basically a teaspoon in a glass of water everyday and also aid alkalize your system so cancer cells can't even make it through if it desired to. Cancer can not endure when your cells have a lot of oxygen as well as your body is not acidic. The baking soda is so basic that you'll never ever hear this insight from the mouth of an MD or oncologist, since the AMA/FDA/FTC will certainly come closed them down. There's no money for the mafia-style medical establishment in selling baking soft drink and also the formula for killing cancer.
7. Organic garlic cloves - Oppress the virus thanks to over 200 biologically active components! There is an unique enzyme that the 'bad guys' (mutated cells) utilize to multiply, and it's called 'ornithine decarboxylase.' You could obstruct this enzyme as well as remove the enemy's 'supply lines.' Just how much easier would it be to beat cancer if cancer cells had NO gas?!
8. Apricot seed kernels - The apricot seed 'cyanide' controversy foolishly obscures an effective different cancer cure. Thousands of individuals have used apricot seeds to remove cancer cells without unfavorable negative effects. Suppose the 'cyanide' from misconceptions that scare you are actually describing the kind that KILLS CANCER and also NOT you? Do not allow the medical mafia scare you away from longevity!
9. Cannabis sativa- The 'Daddy of Chinese Medicine' found the healing homes of marijuana in 2700 BC. Throughout history, the old Egyptians, Persians or even Greek human beings made use of medical cannabis. Mainstream medication in the USA is very slow to identify this because the DEA absurdly identifies it as a Schedule I narcotic, frightening off would-be individuals and doctors.
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March 6 zodiac sign
Walk 6 Zodiac Birthday Signs - Your Pisces birthday uncovers you to be an optimistic person with an excellent of values and useful abilities. Amicable, kind, and frequently honored with imperativeness and drive, you are a solid willed individual with an immediate and forthcoming methodology. Exceptionally natural, particularly in issues concerning monetary undertakings, you can make the most of fantastic open positions. Whenever you put your energy into an ideal or a reason, you can be both not set in stone.
The additional impact of your Sun in the demolish of Cancer shows that typically your intuition about individuals is right. With a capacity to perceive a decent deal when you see one, you don't pass up on numerous potential open doors. As a thoughtful individual, you are responsive to the sensations of others yet need to be careful with fluctuating mind-sets. With an innate capacity to lead, you generally admission preferable providing orders over getting them. To make progress, you really want just apply the vital self-control.
Favored with great wellbeing and knowing how to have a ball, you relish easy street. You might need to be careful, be that as it may, of overindulgence or turning out to be excessively materialistic. Abstain from seeming to be bossy or pompous by showing your modest and delicate side. Assuming that you need discipline, you might be unsure of your qualities and convictions, however with the right mentality you can move heaven and earth and intrigue others with your insight and abilities.
Until you arrive at the age of fourteen your advanced Sun travels through Pisces, putting the accentuation on your enthusiastic turn of events. While you are between the ages of fifteen and 44, your advanced Sun travels through Aries. This impact recommends that you slowly foster your confidence and appreciate being dynamic and audacious. This is a great opportunity to step up and figure out how frankly. After the age of 45, when your advanced Sun moves into Taurus, you might turn out to be all the more sincerely consistent and reasonable. You likewise have an expanded should be laid out and monetarily secure as well as to be sustained by excellence and nature. At the age of 75 your advanced Sun moves into Gemini, accentuating correspondence and the longing to study or talk.
Achene's impact animates extended vision and the capacity to see the entirety. You are probably going to have a hopeful standpoint, an affection for equity, and high desires. This star offers achievement and an energy for managing the overall population. Achene may likewise guide you toward reasoning and religion.
Connected to your Sun's certificate, this star gives a liberal, patient, and hopeful nature. This star gives unmistakable quality in advanced education and an ability for composing. Compensations for remarkable work might be demonstrated. Achene proposes that you can make progress in business and managing the overall population. Assuming you gain distinction, it is frequently dependable.
• Positive: equity, social sense, desires
• Negative: naïveté, idealism, theory, errors
Your Secret Self
With your affection for information, you for the most part feel more joyful when all around informed or when you have the right stuff to figure out your concerns. Your solid mental resolve, when utilized decidedly, urges you to think autonomously and usefully. Typically exceptionally not set in stone, with an eye for detail, you are curious and creative. An inclination to become exhausted, in any case, infers that you blossom with assortment and have an excitement for new interests.
Fit for being extremely dedicated when intrigued, you advance rapidly. Warm and imaginative, you have a decent behavior and feel quiet in your collaborations with others. A tendency to be pompous, nonetheless, may make strain in affection connections. At the point when you turn on the appeal, however, you can be profoundly attractive, with the capacity to make yourself well known with others.
Work and Vocation
With your solid visionary sense and down to earth soul of big business, you are much of the time able to coordinate or direct enormous endeavors. A decent coordinator, you have a great feeling of structure and are typically able to buckle down. With a requirement for amicability and self-articulation, you can be unequivocally drawn in by imaginative or innovative pursuits like dance, music, show, or composing. Having great interactive abilities additionally empowers you to work effectively in vocations that arrangement with general society. You can join your keen business understanding with your regular innovativeness and interactive abilities to assist you with arriving at the top in the realm of money. On the other hand, a craving to help other people might draw in you to the mindful, recuperating, or clinical callings.
Celebrities who share your birthday incorporate painter and artist Michelangelo, writer Elizabeth Barrett Browning, humorist Lou Costello, vocalists Kiri The Konawa and Mary Wilson, Olympic competitor Dick Roxbury, author Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and entertainer Tom Arnold.
Sympathy, optimism, and a mindful nature are a portion of the characteristics proposed by a number 6 birthday. Frequently a visionary or a helpful, you can be mindful, adoring, and steady. Despite the fact that you are normally common and profession situated, with a number 6 birthday you can be a homemaker and a gave parent. The more touchy among you should track down a type of innovative articulation and are frequently attracted to the universe of amusement or craftsmanship and plan. The difficulties for some, number 6 people might incorporate creating self-assurance or being really telling. The sub impact of the number multi month shows that you are touchy, with a solid intuition. Carefree and a decent buddy, you appreciate cordial social exercises and many interests. Since you are adaptable, with a requirement for various and energizing encounters, a tendency to get exhausted effectively may make you become ambivalent or extended yourself excessively far. Interest and a need to find a significance to the more extensive image of life propose a need for profound turn of events.
• Positive: common, amicable, merciful, trustworthy, thoughtful, optimistic, locally slanted, helpful, ready, creative, adjusted
• Negative: unhappy, restless, timid, nonsensical, difficult, candid, oppressive, reckless, skeptical, conceited
Love and Relationships
Enchanting and laid back, you like to be related with progress and esteem. A preference for easy street infers that you are drawn toward extravagance and value quality. Cash and great possibilities are additionally significant variables seeing someone. Generally you know how to live it up or engage individuals and like to connect with the people who have potential. Charitable and kind, you like liberal individuals however need to stay away from overindulgence.
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