#personalized poster prints
kiivg · 24 days
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.I ordered my first commission ever from @hotwe a few months ago and I gotta say they are absolutely amazing and they have ✨ commissions open right now ✨ so scooch on over there and check it because 10/10 they drew my stinky Cousland perfectly and each wip was a treasure and I cried a little every time because it was the BEST experience 💖💖.
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.i kiss him on the forehead I kib him on th e forehead o kiss him on tbe forehed I kibb him-.
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its-a-beautful-day · 4 months
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The Crow and the Cat, 2023
Is it a fight or something more primal?
a meeting of two beasts,
beak and feathers,
claws and teeth,
limbs wrapped around
creating an embrace
known for centuries
to Eat and to Love
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kyurochurro · 11 months
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Frankie Stein!! ⚡ Part 1 of 3 for my 2023 Howl-o'ween Monster High Series!! 🎃 >:)
(Draculaura and Clawdeen are next!! Stay tuned for them, I'll link them on this post later on when they're done!)
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sunstream7 · 3 months
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eirianerisdar · 5 months
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Living room and entranceway finally done!
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And an SF-23 diagram for the room corridor (kindly gifted by the artists of the big poster):
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strawberryspiced · 5 months
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Beneath the thoughts and feelings you have worn on your shoulders for so long, there is the real you, who is worthy of freedom from what darkness said you would be, for you are more than what you feel, you are more than what you think, and yes, these things do matter, but they do not mean everything - there is still this open space deep within endless grace to let those old things go and start all over again. - Morgan Harper Nichols
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adealiz · 9 months
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Tism poster duo
The demon isn't out, it's within.
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Kawi is not just shy he has social anxiety disorder (SAD).
A Quick summary of social anxiety: "A person with social anxiety disorder feels symptoms of anxiety or fear in situations where they may be scrutinized, evaluated, or judged by others" 
You can see through the drama how he cares about the opinion of others. He builds his whole life over what other people think about him and, in the same way, pushes other people way and keeps a distance. 
He also, in many moments, freezes in front of others. For example, when he has to sing as a first-year student in front of his classmates. Besides avoiding places or situations where he feels other people may judge him, which causes him to not have any meaningful connections in the future and regretting all the opportunity he lost. Even the work he ends up at is basically another form of isolation (he does subtitles in his home office and the contact with his boss seems to be mostly through his cellphone).  
After a social situation, he tries to over analyse his "performance", looking for flaws in his interactions, blaming himself and regretting the things he said/did. Also, he tends to expect the worst possible consequences from a social interaction or negative experience, believing that any mistakes he makes will turn people against him. Basically, he doesn't allow himself to make mistakes, especially during social interactions. You can see him expressing this a lot in the firsts episodes. 
Another thing that shows is that he doesn't feel comfortable eating in front of others, a usual trait in people with social anxiety disorder (observational social fears). It is also pretty common for people with SAD to develop drinking problems. Normally, they have alcohol because it's a way they can be "fun and spontaneous" around other people. However, how he was before, also shows his social anxiety. He was too afraid of drinking and getting loose around other people. That's probably why he never drank. Basically, he went to two different extremes in that matter.  
Plus, people that are part of a minority group (in this case queer) are more likely to have social anxiety disorder. 
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noxith-sky · 2 months
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@zulayawolf, hung up my new print today!
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deadlykitten-404 · 4 months
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the girls have been added to my music wall hehehe
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babychosen · 4 months
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my sitcom prints are finally here (':
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autism-corner · 1 year
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augh look at my wife Y-Y
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freebooter4ever · 5 months
this is why the glass stays covered. anyway we're still in the 90s for a few more days in this house. did anyone else record this song onto a cassette from the radio and play it over and over?
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kopibihun · 1 year
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Starmaker 🌟
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ravangie · 11 months
hi hello!!
i adore your art so much. i love el dorado, but you have such a unique view on the characters and story that i feel like, seeing your fanart, is falling in love with another story entirely and all over again
i would really love to support you and have something of your art in real life! have you ever thought about opening a shop? although i know how much work would be needed to do so :(
Ah, thank you for such kind words! I also feel like i have been leaving so much of myself with The Girls that they happened to become their own, separate from the movie, people. Thank you for confirming that! It's hard for me as a creator to objectively understand what exactly you mean by saying that i have a unique view of the characters, just like it's hard for me to understand what someone means when they say they like my art style, but i think it all comes down to the fact that i unconsciously project my own experiences and personality onto the women that i draw, so they get their own little quirks and views from me. And with all the love that i put into them, they can't help but become alive in their own ways.
As for your question - yes, i have thought about opening a shop. To be honest, it is a bit of a dream of mine - to be able to support myself by doing what i love and what keeps me sane and what i do on a daily basis anyway. I imagine it would be super fulfilling to see my artwork matirialised and to know that the love that it contains could reach another human being in a physical form. I'm not scared of the amount of work it would take, since i've been balancing a 9 to 5 job with commisions and drawing for myself anyway. But it does take a lot of time and energy - resorces that i could be spending on The Girls. So it would be nice if one of those points of income could be through The Girls.
What's stopping me is the fact that i happen to be from Russia, so most of the worldwide transactions are unavailible to me at this time. I do have an audience from Russia and it is very lovely, but it's not big enough yet to start making merch, it just wouldn't pay off money vise. So in the meanwhile i'll just continue doing what i've been doing: keep drawing my ladies, keep expanding their world, keep creating more girlfriends for them. Keep sharing bits of happiness that they graciously gift me with all of you. And hope that things will get better in the future.
Thank you for reaching out to me, it really means a lot, please have a good day❤️
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lilgynt · 5 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers ❤️
ohhhh okay!!!!! mwah
car naps they’re so insanely good i love being in a tight space i love the vibrations just very nice
i loveeeee art i was just ranting about caravaggio on my insta i just love art history
making people laugh makes me very happy - my coworker told me i should be a comedian today which given that i don’t talk to my coworkers a lot made me very happy :))
little babies in public being little babies
decorating my room makes me so happy it’s mainly moving posters around or either adding or moving shelves but having a little space made especially for me always makes me happy
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