#if i wrote anything in a offensive way please let me know so i can correct it
Kawi is not just shy he has social anxiety disorder (SAD).
A Quick summary of social anxiety: "A person with social anxiety disorder feels symptoms of anxiety or fear in situations where they may be scrutinized, evaluated, or judged by others" 
You can see through the drama how he cares about the opinion of others. He builds his whole life over what other people think about him and, in the same way, pushes other people way and keeps a distance. 
He also, in many moments, freezes in front of others. For example, when he has to sing as a first-year student in front of his classmates. Besides avoiding places or situations where he feels other people may judge him, which causes him to not have any meaningful connections in the future and regretting all the opportunity he lost. Even the work he ends up at is basically another form of isolation (he does subtitles in his home office and the contact with his boss seems to be mostly through his cellphone).  
After a social situation, he tries to over analyse his "performance", looking for flaws in his interactions, blaming himself and regretting the things he said/did. Also, he tends to expect the worst possible consequences from a social interaction or negative experience, believing that any mistakes he makes will turn people against him. Basically, he doesn't allow himself to make mistakes, especially during social interactions. You can see him expressing this a lot in the firsts episodes. 
Another thing that shows is that he doesn't feel comfortable eating in front of others, a usual trait in people with social anxiety disorder (observational social fears). It is also pretty common for people with SAD to develop drinking problems. Normally, they have alcohol because it's a way they can be "fun and spontaneous" around other people. However, how he was before, also shows his social anxiety. He was too afraid of drinking and getting loose around other people. That's probably why he never drank. Basically, he went to two different extremes in that matter.  
Plus, people that are part of a minority group (in this case queer) are more likely to have social anxiety disorder. 
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bklynsboys · 2 months
Operation: Hide Our Relationship (?)
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pairing: dean winchester x reader
summary: “you know,” dean murmured, his voice barely audible over the engine. "you always look so cute trying to deny we're not together." you jumped, startled, your hand instinctively reaching for the door handle. “what?”
genre: fluff
word count: 0.5k
author's notes: wrote a silly little drabble about how i see dean hard launching his relationship! the man is the biggest blabbermouth & he'd definitely be the first to announce that he's dating the love of his life to the most important person in his life (aside from you, of course), his brother. so, sit tight! i hope you'll smile from the the tooth-rotting fluff <3
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THE IMPALA HUMMED WITH THE AFTEREFFECTS OF THE HUNT, THE AIR THICK WITH THE METALLIC TANG OF BLOOD AND THE FAINT, ACRID SCENT OF BURNT BONES. Dean slumped in the driver's seat, his eyes closed, his breathing deep and rhythmic, a stark contrast to the chaos you had just escaped. You sat beside him, your hands trembling despite the adrenaline fade. A thin film of sweat clung to your skin, and your heart pounded like a trapped animal. In the backseat, Sam tried to ignore the charged atmosphere, his eyes darting between the rearview mirror and the darkening road.
He’d suspected for a while. The knowing glances, the easy touches, the way their eyes lit up when they spoke – it was like an open secret, obvious to everyone but them. He'd tried to voice his suspicions, but they’d always laughed it off, their denials as practiced as their hunting rituals.
“You know,” Dean murmured, his voice barely audible over the engine. "You always look so cute trying to deny we're not together."
You jumped, startled, your hand instinctively reaching for the door handle. “What?”
“You heard me, sweetheart.” A lazy grin spread across Dean’s face. His green eyes, usually sharp and focused, held a softer glow. "You look adorable when you're all red-faced and in denial that we're together in front of Sammy."
A blush warmed your cheeks, and you could feel the heat rising in your neck. “Shut up, Dean!” You tried to sound indifferent, but your voice cracked, betraying the giddiness within.
There's nothing more than you want aside from screaming at the top of your lungs that finally, you and Dean were together.
"And you," cheeks still pink from your boyfriend's teasing, you turned your head towards his younger brother in the backseat. "Sam Winchester, stop smirking. I know you're finding this really funny."
Sam merely raised his hands in surrender, shaking his head at your accusation. "I didn't say anything."
Dean chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “See? So cute trying to prove my point.”
Sam couldn’t resist a snort. “Really, Dean? Now’s the time?”
Dean feigned offense, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. “A guy can appreciate his own relationship, can’t he?”
You groaned, burying your face in your hands. “You two are impossible.”
Sam grinned, his eyes dancing with mischief. “Just admit it, you’re totally into each other.”
They exchanged a look, a silent agreement to ignore him. But the truth was written in their eyes, in the way they moved in sync, the unspoken understanding that hummed between them like buzz.
“Can we please just go?” you mumbled, your voice muffled by your hands. "I wanna shower. I stink of graveyard dirt and sweat."
Dean nodded, his expression softening. He reached for your hand, his touch grounding. “Yeah, let’s do that.”
Sam sighed dramatically. “I’ll pretend I didn’t see anything.”
As the Impala ate up the road, the tension eased. With Dean's hand in yours, a promise of safety and companionship, you drifted off to sleep, the rhythmic hum of the vehicle and the gentle sway lulling you into a state of quiet.
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woso-dreamzzz · 8 months
Chloe Kelly x Reader
Summary: It's a tradition
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It was becoming a bit of a habit.
You wrote it off as a joke the first time it happened. You came into England camp with a smile and a flirty wave to the camera.
You turned to the corner to see Chloe on one knee with a singular tulip in her hand.
"For you," She said in a dramatic joking tone," My lady!"
You laughed and took it from her, curtsey deeply to play along. You knew the cameras were eating up the interaction so you caught Chloe's hand and pressed a kiss to it.
She laughed and jumped to her feet, tucking you under her arm as she winked and pointed at the camera. "And that's how you get a girlfriend!"
"Is that what I am?" You said back with an eye roll before looking back at the camera. "Don't listen to her, everyone, she's too cocky to think she's done anything wrong ever."
"Come on!" Chloe complained," Don't tell me you weren't wooed for a second there!"
You held up your index finger and thumb, squashing them against each other. "The tiniest of seconds," You said before walking off to go to your room," You have to try better than that, Chloe!"
"I'll get you!"
The next time Chloe surprised you with flowers was on a pitch inspection for the Euros. You were completely exhausted from having spent most of your night up talking to Tooney and binging on the food you had snuck in.
"My love," Chloe said dramatically as she dropped to her knees in front of you and pulled out a fairly crushed tulip," Take this as a token of my undying love!"
"I'm pretty sure that flower is dead," You replied dryly.
"Shit," Chloe muttered before clearing her throat and offering it to you again," Take this as a token of my affection!"
"The dying flower? Gee, Chlo, why don't you just stomp on my heart now?"
She rolled her eyes. "I'll be back! You'll fall for my charms!"
"Bye, Chloe!"
It became a bit of a tradition and soon the fans were being updated every week of the Euros campaign about Chloe's attempts to woo you.
"Hey! Wait!"
You tried to back out of the door when you saw her but with Millie and Rachel behind you, you couldn't escape.
"Jesus, Chloe," You breathed out as you looked at the tulip in her hand," Where are you getting all of these flowers from? Surely, you're going broke?"
"Love has no price tag!" She declared dramatically as she assumed the position on her knees and cleared her throat. With her other hand, she unfolded a long sheet of paper.
"Oh, you've got to be kidding," You laughed in disbelief as Chloe recited poetry that she had obviously written herself from the way she was trying to rhyme your name with various household objects. "Are you nearly done?"
She gave you a deadpan look. "Excuse me," She said in faux offense," But I'm trying to declare my love for you and I'm only halfway through the rooms of your house. I would like silence and cooperation for this part, please."
You jerked your thumb over your shoulder to Millie and Rachel. "And the bodyguards are here, why?"
"To make sure you can't escape."
"Oh, so this is a hostage situation. Thanks for letting me know."
She waved a hand dismissively. "Can I get back to this now? Please and thank you."
The further you got into the tournament, the more public Chloe's jokes got.
After the semifinals and the celebration on the pitch after you won, Chloe threw you over her shoulder and carted you around on the lap the team took.
As she went by, she collected the tulips that she clearly had convinced the fans to bring with them before trapping you between her and the stands.
She cleared her throat. "My love-"
"No!" You pointed," No sappy nicknames! Start again!"
She looked pointedly at the crowd before starting again. "My love of you is as endless as these flowers! They just keep coming and coming!"
You opened your mouth to complain about how she was only holding five flowers when more rained down from above you.
It shocked a laugh out of you.
"Nine out of ten delivery!" You said, still laughing," Could use some work!"
"Oh, come on! That has to be a ten out of ten!"
It all comes to a head at the finals.
The rush of adrenaline felt like nothing you had ever experienced before.
"Hey, match winner," You said as you collided with Chloe.
"Hey!" She yelled over the triumph of the crowd. She produced a singular tulip and raised it into your view. "Are we doing this or what?"
You took it.
Then, she kissed you.
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chimielie · 1 year
my lover, my life, my shawty, my wife
summary: Ushijima x f!Reader. snapshots of eternal youth.
word count: 1.3k
cw: lighthearted manhandling, longterm established relationship ups (and one down), marriage talk and mention of toshi’s parents’ divorce. it’s basically all fluffy and silly tho
a/n: nobody @ me i wrote literally 99% of this a couple weeks ago and just remembered it was in the drafts today i’m working on the promised fics!!! it will just be A While i’m slow okayyy 💘 anyway enjoy some pure ushijima fluff
“Ushiwaka!!!” You shriek, voice breaking with laughter as you slam your hands against his backside. “Put me down, you—you barbarian! Kidnapper! Plunderer!”
He doesn’t say anything, just jostles you gently so your top half (currently upside-down over his broad shoulder) sways while your legs stay firmly in the grip of his arms. You know it’s as close as he’s going to get to a verbal admonishment, your current position already more than enough of an indication that he is fed up with you acting up in a public setting.
“Fine,” you scrunch up your face, sure that he can envision it just the same as you can see in your mind’s eye the near-invisible traces of amusement on his face. “Ugh, you’re going to make me sick. You are so bossy. I can’t believe you think that you can just pick me up and carry me around and tell me what to do. You don’t even say please, you know that?”
He probably gets the idea that he can just pick you up and carry you around and tell you what to do from the ten years that he's been doing all those things, since high school.
You've never gotten sick from being carried like this, either.
“You are bossy,” he says simply in rebuttal. "You say please but you know I'll do whatever it is you want. Even unreasonable things."
"I'm always reasonable," you say. He pats your butt in a way that isn't supposed to be condescending but is. You smack his in return and enjoy the way his back muscles tense up. "Ooh, you've been training your glutes."
He's been doing it in your home gym. You've always been loud about obvious things like this; he doesn't understand it, especially, but he likes it. At first, that had been much of your relationship. You were loud and obvious about your feelings for the up-and-coming teenage ace, and he didn't understand you, but he liked you.
He considers, and then revises his previous thought. He understands you better now. You talk through even things you and he know well because it helps you to process your thoughts, and you are determined to be shocked and delighted by all small things in the world.
"Hello, Bo-kun!" you wave to his teammate. Bokuto, bless him, attempts to bend over upside down to mimic you.
"Hey, Ushijima-san!" Ushijima is lucky that everyone in the facility knows you and you don't have to clarify to any security guards that you aren't in danger, for real. You take offense to the idea that you couldn't win in a fight against him, anyway.
You had been asserting this particular belief, actually, to the rest of the Japanese men’s volleyball team while they stretched post-practice and friends and family were allowed on court to distract them. Atsumu had been egging you on, urging you to try fighting another of the players since he didn’t trust Wakatoshi not to let you win currently. You had rolled up your shirtsleeves when the ace scooped you up and you had, already protesting, waved goodbye to the blond, a huge grin on your face. He had saluted you as you went.
“We’re not married yet,” you say, bonking your forehead into Wakatoshi as he stops short. “You all don't have to keep saying that. Please, call me—”
"Oh, Waka-kun said," Bokuto starts before being cut off.
“We may as well be," Wakatoshi says, turning to face Bokuto (At least turn sideways so I can see, you complain). "It'll happen eventually, so we can start practicing by calling her my wife now."
"What?!" You say. "Don't say things like that. You sound like you like me. Do you like me? Do you want to be more than friends?"
People have always talked about your relationship in begrudging terms. "Oh, opposites attract, I guess..." spoken in a disbelieving and reluctant tone. He understands. Most high school relationships didn't work out. Most people would get frustrated with him and his communication style. Then most long-distance relationships didn't work out. Most young professional athletes wanted to try new things, new people.
Wakatoshi doesn't understand why he would want to try something new when he had something perfectly fine with you. He had said that to you, once, when you were in Sapporo and he in Koganei. You had gotten very quiet for the rest of the call and then remained quiet for two weeks, sending all of his messages to read and calls to voicemail. It had taken a short flight and a shy, quiet apology to right his wrongs. He had known that he would spend the rest of his life with you, he said, forgetting to blink even as you furiously swiped away tears, a month in when you were fifteen. Barely longer than this terrible time you had stopped even fighting with him, just giving up on him. Why would he try anything else when he had never deviated from this path?
But what if you're just not seeing that there might be something better out there for you, you had said, voice angry but face already forgiving. Worse, what if you do see that someday? You’ll get tired of settling.
He had shaken his head. There isn't something better. Please, continue to be patient with me. Your breath had burst out of you in a single sob, and then you were yanking him toward you, ordering him to kiss you so you'd stop crying in front of all the neighbors.
Considering his parents' marriage, one might have thought that he would have more qualms about the concept than he did. You didn't seem interested in pressuring him there, though, and when asked just reminded him that living together long enough would result in common-law marriage anyway, so he just had to tell you if he ever wanted to stop living together. After several years separated and more reunited, he hadn't yet found any desire to do so. He definitely had strong negative feelings about being away from you for extended periods.
He was very lucky that you had chosen a career path which would allow you to travel essentially anywhere with him, find lucrative work anywhere with him. The home gym had actually been your gift to him, from the bank account you didn't share. It was the most thoughtful and horrifyingly expensive gift he had ever received. He had retaliated by hiring your most favored interior designer to rework your apartment into something both sentimentally familiar and not decorated entirely on the whim of two mid-twenty-year-olds. While they worked, he took you on vacation.
"We have to go," Wakatoshi adjusts you in his hold, nodding to his teammate. You’re quiet for a bit, so he puts you down, steadying you by your waist until your head stops swimming.
“You know we have to talk about these things,” you say, looking steadily at him.
“Yes,” he rumbles, considering his words for a moment. “I’ve been thinking about it more often recently. I still don’t feel strongly about the idea of a wedding, but I want you to be my wife. If you want to be.”
Insecurity sparks in him. You enjoyed your friend’s weddings, but perhaps you didn’t want one of your own, or one to him. Perhaps he had crossed a boundary.
“I don’t know,” you tap your lips with a finger, and a weight lifts off his chest when you smile at him. “I’ll see when you ask me. But I want it to be sometime in the future, somewhere more scenic than your athletic facility, okay? With a ring and a sappy speech.”
He smiles, then, his teeth showing. An explosive and momentous display of emotion.
“I’ll be sure to say please.”
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asmutwriter · 6 months
Just A Woman (Part 1 Section 1)
DESCRIPTION: You work at the local brothel, trying to get enough money to survive the difficult time period. But then a customer gives you an offer you can’t refuse. 
A/N - I have condensed partr 1 (which you can find here) into 4 smaller chunks so that you can have a better reader experience
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Next / Master List
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WARNINGS: swearing, mentions of prostitution, time period sexism, mentions of sex work
- I wrote this in my knowledge of sex workers and I am truly sorry if I got it wrong and/or is offensive, that is not what I wanted to do and I’m sorry if that is the case
-  This is fiction. Please always talk to your partner before doing anything and make sure they are ok with what you are doing beforehand
You go back into the house, a young girl reading a book comes out. You smile and tap her on the shoulder, as she turns to look at you. You grab the book from her hand and run from her.
“Isa!” she yells and chases you
“’Oh and the love of my life did say to me you shall be mine and I’m forever yours’“. You read before she grabs it from you, glaring at you “I can’t believe you read all that soppy stuff”
“It’s romantic”
“It’s slightly sickening”
“I can’t help it if you’re inexperienced in the ways of love” you laugh
“’Oh my dear, I love you and I can’t picture my life without you. Let’s have 20 babies and then I’ll find a nice, younger woman who I can run away with and leave you with my children’. I think that’s love this day and age right?” you chuckle
“Or more like-” she picks her book up “’my dearest love. I think of thee as I watch the sun rise and the moon set and wonder, is this what our lives our like? Destined to be so distant. Only being able to share a few seconds with each other before we must spend our time apart again’“
“Romantic” you chuckle as you look outside
“Speaking of moons and suns, our sun is setting. So go get into bed. We are to rise early tomorrow. Or as your book would likely say ‘our eyes are destined to bewitch each other one more time before we know we are truly in love’“
“You must’ve read her book before” another girl walks out, sticking her tongue out at her sister. You laugh
“Come on. Bed. All of you!” you yell. 3 more girls walk out of the kitchen, flour covering them “Daisy, can you go get your sister from outside. Guys” you pause, looking at the state of the three of them and letting out a soft chuckle “What happened?”
“It was her fault” they all say in unison and point at each other. You roll your eyes
“Just, get changed and go to bed. I have work tonight so I’ll be back late. If you guys are up when I get back you’ll be in trouble. I’ll eat all of your chocolate” you smile and tickle one of the girls who laughs as you carry her to the bedroom. “Dressed and bed. I’m leaving Daisy in charge of you” you go and grab a bag and a coat “I’ll see you all later, love you all” you blow kisses to them, seeing the eldest as you walk out “I’ve left you in charge. Make sure they are all in bed by the time I get home. And lock the door behind me. I’ve got my key so you’re ok” you smile and kiss her forehead before walking to work.
You let out a small sigh as you reach the brothel doors. You go inside, men and woman grinding on each other as you go to the backroom where you can get dressed. You smile at one of the girls whose smoking. She offers it to you, taking it and having a few puffs as she speak “quite a lot of people tonight. I reckon we might get lucky enough to have them spend out a bit more tonight on us, what do you think?” you nod and hand her cigarette back, exhaling the smoke.
“Hopefully some men who think with their dicks and not their brains” you both laugh as you get into your clothes for the night. You go out, eyeing up a few gentlemen as they walk past. You walk over to a man sitting alone. “Hey there handsome” you sit next to him, hand gently resting on his. He smiles at you slightly, drinking from a glass. “Ooh what drink do you have?”
“Whiskey. Helps settle my nerves” 
“Why are you nervous?”
“I’ve never been in a brothel before” he admits to you. You chuckle slightly, stroking his hand with the tip of your finger
“I can show you how it works if you want” he shakes his head
“I’d quite like to just chat to you to be honest” he takes another sip of his drink “what’s your name?”
“What do you want it to be?” he raises an eyebrow at you. You let out a soft sigh
“It’s Isabella. Most of my friends call me Isa though” he nods
“John” you nod.
“What brings you here John? I assume you aren’t here for the obvious reason that is” he takes the last of his drink, ordering another one. 
“I normally live in France but I am here for business reasons. I leave for France again on Tuesday. I’m currently at a place just down the road from here” you nod
“Are you staying with family?” he shakes his head
“No. It’s just a house a bought as my vacation home” he chugs his drink “my mother is coming over the weekend as well as some family friends. She’s arranged a ball for everyone” you nod slightly. After a few more drinks he turns to you, a look of seriousness on his face “Isa. I know we’ve just met and I don’t mean this in a harsh way and I want you to know that you are gorgeous, but I’m not going to have sex with you. But-” he places his finger to your lips, to hush you from words you weren’t going to say “but I have another offer for you. The reason my mother has arranged a ball is so that I can find a woman. However, I have no interest in finding myself a woman. But, if I have a woman she thinks I am seeing she will be happy” he smiles at you “would you do me the honour of letting me court you for a week? I will pay you” he write down a number on a piece of paper “in cash”
“I- oh my god...” you look at the number but swallow sadly “I’m sorry. I can’t leave my family for a whole week. I’m the oldest one and Id worry too much” he nods
“The weekend then. Mother comes on Saturday, so come Friday and leave Monday” you nod slightly
“I will have to check in with my family but… yes.” he smiles as he hug you. 
“I will meet you here in 2 days” he smiles at you as he stands and walks out. You look at the number he wrote down and squeal in excitement. 
You practically run home. You open the door and hear scurrying. You turn and see the girls had been having a mini party by the looks of it. A fort was built from blankets. You fold your arms and pretend to be annoyed. “Sorry Isa” you chuckle, to buzzed from your work night to care.
“I have some amazing news for you all” you show them the number on the piece of paper “guess how much I’m going to get payed this weekend”
“Holy shit”
“Holy shit indeed” the second oldest daughter takes the paper and looks at it. 
“We’re going to be rich”
“How are you getting payed that much?”
“A kind man said he wanted me to be there to impress his mother and friends at a ball this weekend so I will be going to his. Is that ok with all of you? Daisy, you’ll be in charge for a few days” you look at her and she nods. You hug her “you are such a brave girl” you kiss the top of her head “I love you”
“I love you too” you hug her and her 5 sisters, “Were going to be so rich!” you all smile and cheer.
It’s Thursday night. You are at work. You went through all the things for Daisy and her sisters. Showing her how to wash their clothes if they get too grubby and where to place the fresh eggs from your chickens. You share a cigarette with the same friend from a few days ago. “I still think you’re mad. What if he murders you? Who will I be able to gossip with then?” she nudges you as you chuckle
“If he does murder me though, can you look after the girls? I know it’s a lot to ask but if I thought I’d left them alone and they didn’t have anyon-”
“I’ll be glad to look after them” she hugs you “I knew I should’ve talked to him first. Dammit” you laugh at her. Seeing the man you hug your friend
“Goodbye my love” you smile at her as you leave her
“I’ll see you Monday night ok?” she nods and waves at you as you go to the man. He smiles at you 
“M’lady” he offers you his hand as you go into the carriage he brought. You sit and look out the window, in pure shock at how perfect the materials are. You’re in even more shock when you approach the house. 
“Fuck it’s huge!” he laughs as he leads you in
“We will have our own rooms. I also should tell you that some of my friends are staying over with my mother as it is a very long trip for them” you nod and look around
“This is amazing” you look at him and smile, biting your lip
“My friends are coming around midday tomorrow. I have found some dresses for you and placed them in your room” he leads you upstairs to a room “your room. The dresses are hanging in the wardrobe. I hope they are comfortable and to your liking. I shall bid you farewell and see you tomorrow” he bows slightly and leaves. You squeal and jump excitedly. Clasping your hands together as you run over and collapse onto the bed. Loving the feeling of the soft sheets on your skin. You undress and go over to the wardrobe, finding a nightgown you place it on your body. Getting into bed and falling asleep.
You wake late the next day. You stretch as you see the sun high in the sky. You get out of bed, placing a robe over your body you go downstairs. Seeing it is nearly 11 you see John and nudge him as you sit next to him on the sofa “You didn’t wake me”
“I thought you might want some rest so I told the servants to not bother you and let you wake on your own” you look at him
“You have servants?” he nods
“I do”
“Fuck me...” you whisper. He chuckles
“Our guests will be here soon. Friends about midday but mother will join us for dinner” you nod
“I should get dressed then?” he nods. You go upstairs and shut the door. No more than 10 seconds goes past when a knock on the door happens
“Umm miss” a young lady walks in “I’m here to help you dress”
“Excuse me?”
“I’m your handmaiden for the weekend” 
“Fuck he is rich isn’t he?” she giggles slightly at your words as you take your night dress off. Helping you clothe yourself and brush your hair, or more just watching you do it yourself as you insist that she doesn’t need to help you if she doesn’t want to. Once you finish you hear horses outside. Suddenly nervous you turn to the maid “how do I look?”
“You look beautiful miss” you nod and go downstairs. John waits at the bottom of the stairs, holding his arm out for you to take. You do so as he walks you both to the door to open it. 
“Lady Bridgerton!” he smiles and greets the woman stepping out of the cart. You suddenly go shy as you notice multiple people getting out of the carriages. You grip the man’s arm slightly tighter with a slight fear. He pats your hand in comfort “This is Isabella” you smile at the family, averting your eyes down. You’d feel a lot more confident if you could wear clothes that fitted you slightly better. 
“Ahh yes. We’ve heard wonderful things about you” she smiles at you and hugs you
“You have?” she nods and places a hand either side of your face
“That you are talented and funny. He never mentioned how beautiful you were though” you chuckle slightly at the compliment. They all go inside as John whispers to you
“See? Not so bad” you nod as you all go to the dining room so you can all sit together for lunch. John sits opposite you, a man you believe to be Anthony sits one side and the other side sits a girl who you think is called Eloise. The mother, named Violet you know for certain, sits next to John. She smiles at you 
“How did you two meet?”
“It was an extremely romantic encounter. She was out at a park one day and I literally just bumped into her” you laugh and snort slightly, hand covering our mouth as all of the Bridgerton family looks at you “Sorry, she gets a bit overwhelmed by our first meeting” you nod and take a sip of your drink
“It was just like every girls dream”
After food the day goes past quickly as you read away most of the afternoon. John calls you all to go into a living room. You go and sit, smoothing out the fabric of your dress as you feel one of the older brothers sit next to you. You look up to see the second oldest by you, watching the door as he slumps slightly in his seat. “I’m sorry I’ve completely forgotten your name” you admit to him.
“Benedict” you nod and smile at him
“It’s nice to meet you. Have you met his mother before?” he nods and looks at you, noticing your hands smoothing your dress
“She is a kind woman, you have nothing to worry about” you laugh slightly
“Only the fact I’m meeting a random woman that I know nothing about”
“Has John not told you about her before then?” you look at him as he smiles slightly to you. You stay silent before he whispers to you “you look fine”. Just as the woman in question walks in. She smiles at everyone as she beams at you
“Oh my dear!” she exclaims. She nearly runs over to you “stand. Let me see all of you” you stand up “yes. Oh you and my son will make beautiful children together”
“Pardon?” - “Mother!” you both say in unison
“Oh. You have a beautiful face my dear. How old are you?”
“And how do you feel about children?”
“I believe children are a wonder to this world. I babysit my friend’s children all the time” she smiles and clasps her hands together
“You are just divine” she sits opposite you and beckons you to sit again, which you do. You feel Benedict smirking beside you at your obvious awkwardness.  “Do you sing my love?”
“I do but I wouldn’t say I do it very well” you smile at her
“Do sing! I want to hear your voice”
“Oh no. I don’t like singing in public”
“Please. I do not mind what you sing” you nod slightly and scratch the back of your neck. You avoid eye contact with them all as you sing softly “speak up my dear. No one likes a girl who mumbles” you sing louder. Finishing they all clap
“I’ve not heard that song” the eldest son says
“I hope not, I made it up myself”
“You made that?” the eldest sister asks as you nod
“It’s not the best one I’ve done but it’s the one of the few I can remember all the words to” you pick your nails, slightly embarrassed by the praise they are all giving you. 
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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cosmitton · 4 months
my friends should know i don’t listen by now
Johan Seong X F!Reader (foreign)
A/N: It’s been a while since I wrote anything, sorry about that! I just finished my Spring semester of university and am set to graduate at the end of this year, so I’ve been busy lol. This one is a bit more romantic than the others, though they’re not really in a relationship yet. Idk what chapter this takes place around, exactly, but it’s a little while after the first 2 I wrote. (Maybe around chapter 283, the end of Hostel, or a little bit after that?)
This is a continuation of this and this that I wrote before, if you haven’t read them. Same reader. Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think Zoe’s ever met Johan? Right?
Once again, I hope you enjoy and please let me know if anyone’s OOC or anything I need to improve. Thank you! c:
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Warnings: None
Summary: Johan comes to pick you up from school to go to the park. For the first time, your school friends find out who you’ve been spending time with.
You’re so into finishing with writing your notes that you don’t even realize that class has ended already. Not until you’re pulled from your thoughts, at least.
You hear your name being called and turn to see Daniel at the doorway to your classroom. Of course, Zack, Vasco, and Zoe are with him – and another girl… Mira, you think? The girl Zack has a crush on. You haven’t really spoken to her, seeing as you’re in the baking department while she’s in the fashion department with the others – and she’s not as outgoing as Zoe is to introduce herself, she seems nice though.
You nod to him, starting to pack up your things. You almost forgot that you have a date – well, not really, but kind of. It’s a good thing Daniel pulled you back to Earth or you would’ve been late, and your date would’ve been pouty, despite how much he denied that he ever pouted.
“Hey,” you stand up, putting the strap of your bag onto your shoulder, “sorry.”
“Take your time.” Daniel smiles, ever polite.
“Hurry up.” Zack huffs, but cowers when Mira looks at him chidingly.
“How was your day?” Vasco asks, always the buff, oblivious golden retriever.
You smile fondly at him, “fine, thanks. Yours?”
Vasco prattles on about everything that he and Jace, and the rest of Burn Knuckles, did today as your group walks out of school together. Admittedly, you stop listening once you get outside, looking around for your date – he should be meeting you at the gates. You see a couple of other students glancing confusedly in a direction and chattering with each other, and when you turn to look in that direction, you see him.
“Johan!” You raise your hand in the air as he looks up, straightening up from the way he was leaning against the pillars at the entrance of the schoolyard, to show that you’ve seen him and are on your way. “Hey, guys, I’ll see you late–”
You’re cut off when someone gently, but firmly, pulls you back. You turn to see Vasco with his hand on your arm, staring straight ahead at Johan with a tense look. The others in your group seem to have similar looks of apprehension or surprise on their own faces – except for Zoe, who just seems curious.
“Who’s that guy? He’s cute. Is that your boyfriend?!” It’s cute how Zoe seems genuinely excited about the prospect.
Vasco says your name tensely, and you turn to see the concern on his face. “You know him? Did you invite him here?”
You take another glance around the group – they’re all watching you now, “You guys know him? He’s my friend.”
“Do you know him? I mean, really know him? You should be careful around him, he’s–”
“It’s fine, Vasco. I can handle myself. And he’s a good guy.”
Vasco seems about to refute that, but Daniel steps in this time, “are you sure? Do you know what he’s involved in–”
“It’s not my business. And, no offense, but this isn’t yours.” You pull your arm out of Vasco’s grasp. “Thanks, guys, really. Don’t worry about it.”
You start to back away when Zack steps forward, a mix of eager and some kind of concern – though you don’t think it’s for you because Mira has a similar look, though she’s staring at Johan with shock as well. You wonder how they know him, and why they’re so surprised to see him, but you don’t ask – that also isn’t your business, and Johan will tell you in due time. “Wait, how do you know him?”
You turn toward Johan now, “see you later!” Now that you look at the brunette, he’s definitely pouting – figures.
You ignore Zack calling after you to answer his question and jog to meet with Johan and his dogs. “Hey,” you aim at the boy while you pet Eden and Miro in greeting.
He doesn’t answer. You look up to see that he’s glaring back at the group of your school friends, before he turns and starts walking away without you. You laugh slightly before catching up with his long strides. Your friends have bothered him, but you don’t ask why because you know that he’ll end up saying it anyway. It just takes him a minute, it’s like he can’t help himself.
As expected, he finally speaks, “you’re friends with those guys?”
You hum, knowing it’ll annoy him that you don’t elaborate further. But he never does, so why should you?
You can almost hear him roll his eyes, “and that big idiot? You’re friends with him? Really?”
“Vasco’s nice.” You offer.
Johan scoffs, “he’s not that great. Why is everyone so hung up on him?”
He doesn’t elaborate, of course.
You try again, really twisting the knife. “Jealous?”
He finally looks at you, half-annoyed and half-aghast. “Of what? Ignorance and failing grades?”
“You’re not even in school.”
“Shut up.”
You laugh as he turns away again, “you’re pouting~.”
“’M not.”
“Isn’t he?” You turn to Eden and Miro with your ‘stupid voice’ – as Johan calls the baby talk you naturally do with dogs – to ask them, “isn’t it so obvious that your dad’s pouting?”
“Don’t bring them into this.” Really, it’s adorable to you the way Johan is scandalized as if his dogs can actually understand and agree with you.
Eden and Miro both bark anyway, excited by the attention. You laugh, “see? They know it, too.”
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ihavethedreamies · 7 months
Hard to Swallow | Easy to Expert (3 v6)
Lee Yongbok (Felix) & Seo Changbin - Stray Kids
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Rating: M (18+) MDNI
Word Count: ~3.7k
Genre: Reader-Insert, Smut, Fluff
!!This is smut…if that much isn't clear you should probably leave now!! MDNI!
Warnings: She/Her Pronouns used, Swearing, Kissing, Lingerie, Multiple Partners, Oral (M! Receiving), Deepthroating/Face-Fucking, Threesome, Double Penetration, Anal Play, Sex Toys - Butt Plugs, Anal Sex, Changbin has a Big Cock (duh), Cockbulge (duh), Breeding Kink, Unprotected Sex (Bad Idea, Don't Do It)
Disclaimer: I do have the whole cock-bulge thing in this. I understand this could be a bit offensive to some who are on the heavier side (I am in that group as well). Sorry if this doesn't align with your body type, this is just a work of fiction.
Author's Note: This series has seriously devolved into pure filth. I am writing these one after the other and the clear decline in purity is obvious, helps you know whose I wrote when. This one is second to last, and might actually be a little better than the one before it but…we'll see...
PS. I wrote the first A/N before I wrote Bang Chan's, and now that I have...this one is worse.
Edit (8/25/24): I changed the text/chat pictures to just text.
-> Series Hub <-
-> Part 1 <-
-> Part 2 <-
-> Ver. I.N. <-
-> Ver. Seungmin <-
-> Ver. Hyunjin <-
-> Ver. Han <-
-> Ver. Lee Know <-
-> Ver. Bang Chan <-
I am cross-posting this on Archive. Please reblog! If you know anyone that would like this or future fics but they aren't on here my name and icon are exactly the same on the other site. Happy reading!
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"So, (Y/N) has an idea-"
"Okay, I'm in." Changbin didn't even let Felix finish the sentence.
"You have no idea what I was going to say."
"If it involved (Y/N), I'm in. What is it…?" Changbin put his phone away, leaning in as he rested his elbows on the table. No one else was in the classroom yet, but Felix still quieted his voice.
"She wants a threesome-"
"I know. But she requested you specifically."
"Me?" Changbin giggled like a child, "she wants me?"
"Okay, I'm going to send you an address. Go there and ask for the item code I will send too." The older guy pulled his phone back out and typed away on it. Felix furrowed his brow, a little concerned that Changbin already had something like this planned.
"Oh, don't worry. I've had this ready for the next girl I get but none of them would have fit. (Y/N) will though." He smirked and your boyfriend's phone buzzed. He opened the message and instead of saving it, he forwarded it to you. Felix had already given you his card so you could go buy a set of lingerie if Changbin agreed. He had planned on you getting a frilly pink set, but if Changbin had a request then so be it. He added after the forward that if whatever it was did not, please you, to go ahead with the initial set.
"Can’t fucking wait, tonight?" The man bounced in his seat, once again like a child. His mannerisms did not fit him, not with his build and bulk.
"I was thinking next week, but I can see if tonight works." Felix texted you the question as well.
🐤: Changbin-hyung said yes 🐤: Wants you to go here... 🐤: Location Sent! 🗺️ ☀️: ✅ 🐤: ...and ask for item #823. 🐤: If you don't like it just get what we decided. ☀️: Okay! 🐤: He wants tonight... ☀️: Hm, okay. I'll have to go to the other store to get a matching plug. 🐤: just use my card, I'll get him to pay me back ☀️: Sure thing! 💝
The address was not too far from where you were meeting your friends for lunch so you would stop by on the way home. When you got there and requested the item, the clerk came around the counter to assist you. It was a lingerie store you had been to once before, but never got anything. It was a little higher than your price range and you made sure to remind Felix to get paid back from Changbin. The clerk measured you quickly just to get your rough numbers so she could pick a good size.
"Please wait here." She smiled, bowing slightly then went to get the item. The place was bigger than you thought from the store front, and you wondered how the hell Changbin found this place, let alone to knew what he wanted you to get. The worker came back and presented the set to you, already hanging in a bag, she would have to just zip it up. You balked at the set before you. You were expecting black leather or even latex. Maybe red or dark purple? Fishnets? No. The lingerie looked like it was supposed to be for a bride, but it was a pale blue instead of pure white. When the clerk rang the item up you almost choked on nothing, and reluctantly pulled Felix's card out of your bag. Why the hell was it half-a-million won? When you checked the register, the set was listed as Mulberry Silk Bridal Lingerie Set. Really Changbin? Trying not to seem so awkward after you paid, you bowed as you took the clothing bag from her and scampered out of the store. You still had it slung over your arm when you walked into the much more familiar adult store you and Felix frequented. The cashier didn't even acknowledge you as you headed straight to the section you needed. You were supposed to get a tail that looked like a unicorn's, braided fake hair of pink, blue, and purple. There was also a matching headband, but it didn't fit the elegance of the lingerie. Humming in thought, you ended up going with a tail plug that was made to look like a tiger's, white with black stripes. There were matching ears and you used Felix's card again, the grand total being about 30,000 won. A much more reasonable price.
"What the actual fuck Seo Changbin?" you muttered, going to stand in the full-length mirror. You had prepared yourself, accordingly, slipping the tail plug in before you put on the rest of the set. The panties weren't the same kind that Felix and you normally picked out. It was a thong, not crotchless, and you had to fenagle it to accommodate the plug. You literally got out your sewing kit, luckily having a spool of white thread at the bottom. Carefully you ripped the seams out and resewed the thong strap so you could slide the tail through. You hated ruining such an expensive piece of clothing but at least it was just the thong.
Looking in the mirror you huffed, but had to admit you looked good, like a snow tiger. The top was a corset that luckily laced in the front and had short ruffles of silk at the bottom. The corset didn't have an attached bra, it curved to rest under your breasts though, lifting them up. That was where the support was because the bra was barely that, only the edges were actually silk with some boning, but the rest of the material was sheer. The thong was made of silk as well and there was a garter belt included as well. You had clipped them to the sheer thigh-highs after you extremely carefully rolled them on. There were ruffled silk bracelets that you tied on each wrist. After seeing the ensemble, you knew your black choker would be a stark contrast, but it ended up working well with the white tiger set you had. Moving into different poses, you looked yourself over in the mirror. In the background you heard the keycode being pressed into your door and the two men shuffling in.
"Wait!" Felix called, sounding annoyed and the heavy footsteps immediately halted.
"Take your shoes off," your boyfriend scolded, and you giggled softly.
"What the hell did you make her get?" You heard your boyfriend coming down the hall and stepped back from the mirror to stand at the foot of your bed. Changbin didn't answer, but he got to see when he entered your room.
"Shit." Your boyfriend sighed. He wasn't sure how to feel about it. It was clearly a bridal set, at least it wasn't white though. You did look amazing however, and he loved that his black choker pulled out the stripes on your tail plug and your headband.
"Fuck me~" Changbin practically moaned coming in to the room as well. He desperately wanted to scoop you up, but he held back. He was getting the privilege of Felix letting him fuck his girlfriend, he would hold back.
"Rules?" You prompted Felix who came to stand beside you. He glanced at your back to see the rest of the set and made you spin slow so Changbin could see too.
"Yes~" The other man nearly hissed.
"Rule One!" You started.
"No kissing her on the lips." Felix's arm wrapped around your shoulders, his index fingers tracing your pout. You sucked the digit into your mouth playfully which made him smile.
"Two!" you said when your boyfriend took his finger back.
"You have to listen to me." Felix continued and Changbin nodded in acceptance.
"Only I get to take her ass." Your boyfriend finished the prompt and once again got a nod.
"Valid. Probably break her anyway." The older man acquiesced. You had a feeling about that, and you still had never seen his dick.
"Fourth! No cumming down her throat." Your boyfriend held his fingers up. He didn't get a nod from that one, his friend's face hardening a bit, but you continued.
"Finally! You don't need to use a condom, but you can't come inside." You finished.
"Why?" He looked at you, his gaze less playful than before, his tone sharper. Felix was worried about this.
"She likes it too much, so only I can. In her cunt and her throat." The man next to you hardened his tone as well and Changbin scoffed. He took his ball cap off, throwing it to the side, shaking his head and running his hand through his curly hair. You watched enthralled as he unzipped his sweatshirt and discarded it too. His black t-shirt was so tight it was like he had it painted on and you had to admit your mouth watered thinking of finally seeing him without it. He was proud of his physique but only really showed off his arms. Your boyfriend rolled his eyes playfully as you gaped at his friend and began to discard his own clothes.
"I will follow your rules…" Changbin started, undoing and removing his belt, he threw it too hard and it left a scratch on the wall. He smirked at your gaze, slowly pulling his shirt out of where he had it tucked in but didn't do anything more.
"But I want her to swallow my cum, and I want to breed her." He asserted, pulling the shirt off so roughly you heard some seams pop. Your whole body flinched when you finally got to see him, and you didn't hold in your whimper. He chuckled cockily and Felix licked his lips in thought. He knew you would LOVE it, and that is why he wanted to say no. On the other hand, just because Changbin would cum inside you, that didn't automatically mean he could make you fall over the edge too. You cast a glance at your boyfriend, trying not to plead with your gaze. But holy shit did you want that. Before Felix metaphorically broke your dam, you had never been one for anything kinky, but now…To be double sure you took the pill and was even considering getting a IUD just in case.
"She has a creampie kink, not breeding. You can cum inside, she's protected." Felix agreed to Changbin's terms but added a caveat.
"Rule one was no kissing her lips. I'll let you do what you want, but you cannot kiss her anywhere. You can't eat her out either." You looked between the two of them, waiting for the other man to answer. He didn't love those stipulations, but it would be worth it if he could fill you up.
"Fine." They shook hands and Felix gave you a positive hum and you scurried forward, hands running all over Changbin's now bare torso. He was delicious and you desperately wanted a taste. He just stood there, letting you do as you pleased, just watching as you fell to your knees. Your fingers hooked in the loops of his jeans, which were hugging his thighs perfectly, and he sighed as your hot little tongue licked up from under his belly button to as high as you could go kneeling.
"Shit (Y/N)~" He hummed, not even helping you as you undid his pants, having to tug to get the denim to unpeel from his legs. You whined, letting him get the pants off his ankles and they were shoved to where his shirts and belt lay. Felix watched amused as started to kiss Changbin's thighs, as thick as your head. He chuckled as you nibbled his inner thigh before kissing the impressive bulge held back by his boxers. He hardened further at the touch and licked over the fabric as well, your cunt already pulsing at the thought of him filling you. Giving him a coy look he smiled, "Go ahead, princess." So, you did. Slowly, like unwrapping an expensive gift, you pulled his tight briefs down and off, his cock bouncing in the air. You gaped and he smirked. He was only half hard but…You swallowed hard, wiggling your jaw back and forth, wondering if you could fit him or not. Not any longer than Felix, maybe even a bit shorter, he was THICK. Changbin just watched as your hand came shakily to encircle his cock, your fingers unable to touch. You mewled, then wrapped your other hand around him as well, pumping them as you licked around the head. His whole body seemed to quake with his groan. When he was fully hard you swallowed again. Glancing back at your boyfriend who was standing near the bed, mostly naked himself, he nodded. Changbin grinned at the round ears on your headband and the tail flowing out behind where you kneeled. However, seeing you in the pale blue silk he picked out was definitely the best.
"Go on, princess." He urged and you breathed hard through your nose, adjusting your pose, opening your mouth as wide as you could. It seemed he wasn't that thick, but your jaw did still protest some. You moaned when the taste of his precum hit your tongue and he groaned too. Leaving one hand at the base of him, the other went to lay on his hip, sliding up and over the v-line of his torso.
"So good~" He praised as you huffed through your nose, tongue swirling over just his tip still. He knew he could cum alone from that, but he knew you could do more. When the plug inside you buzzed on you whined, and Changbin saw Felix messing with his phone. You focused, trying to keep your lips over your teeth and took his fat cock deeper. When the head hit the back of your mouth, you did gag slightly, not accustomed to his girth. He tasted amazing and you were eagerly anticipating him painting your throat white. You swallowed a few times, trying to relax the muscles, but pull back some to take a deeper breath. After another measured breath, you swallowed him back in and descended further. He groaned dramatically as your throat fluttered around his dick, you were gagging slightly, tears springing to your eyes. Despite the struggle, you still wanted desperately for him to fit inside all the way at least once. Pulling back, sucking as you went, he sighed, watching intently as you took another deep breath before going back down. You whined as you managed to get him completely in, swallowing over and over trying not to gag too bad. You had no way to get air in, so you didn't even try, but your nostrils flared as the tip of your nose touched his pelvis.
"Fuck! (Y/N)~" How bad Changbin wanted to grab your head and pump his hips, but he didn't want to hurt you. When it was getting too hard to last without air, you pulled your head back just enough that you could suck in more oxygen through your nose. Felix watched, amazed that you fit his friend's huge cock in your mouth. Drops of drool and pre splattered on the floor in front of you as you bobbed your head, letting Changbin's cock bury completely every once and awhile when you tolerated. Felix knew his friend had the stamina of an ox, but he looked close to cumming already. Of course, his sweet (Y/N) sucked dick like no other.
"Ah, I'm close princess." Changbin huffed out and you braced yourself on the floor. Felix recognized your stance immediately.
"You can thrust but don't go too deep till you finish." Your boyfriend instructed the other man. He nodded, and his strong hands went to your head.
"Ready?" He asked and you hummed, teary eyes meeting his. He swore under his breath and did as he was allowed, starting to pummel your poor throat with his cock. More tears spilled from your eyes, the obscene sound caused by your drool and his precum echoed through your bedroom.
"Okay, one, two-" Changbin didn't get the next word out before he filled you full, cumming down your throat. Your eyes rolled back, cunt clenching and you lost count of how many times you had to swallow to get everything he gave you. You didn't cum, but Felix wasn't overly keen about how turned on you did get. Just when your vision started to swim, Changbin pulled out and you swallowed a few more times. Your throat hurt, sorer than when Felix did the same thing. Your boyfriend came to you with a bottle of water. You gulped some down, the cool liquid soothing your throat but also helping wash down the thick cum still in your mouth.
"Fuck." Changbin huffed simply.
"You okay, love?" Felix made sure you nodded, letting out a hoarse, "Yes." You glanced to the other man and your eyes widened. His cock hadn't softened at all and was still covered in a thick layer of fluids. He stroked over it with his hand, smiling at the slick.
"Hurry up, 'Lix. I need her cunt." Changbin stared at you, his gaze fiery. The playfulness and glee from before were gone, covered by molten lust and you shivered a bit. With what he just did to your mouth, you were worried about your pussy.
"Come here, love." Felix led you to stand and go over to the bed. Changbin followed and as he got on the bed, sitting at the top in the middle. He leaned back casually into the headboard, motioning you closer. You crawled on after him and straddled him, your legs spread much wider to accommodate his thick thighs than with Felix.
"Who do you want inside first?" your boyfriend asked and you pondered a second. You could handle the stretch of Felix's dick in your ass easier and get used to it faster than you probably could with Changbin in your cunt. Because of that you thought the latter should go first. The elder man's cock was still painted with your spit and his cum, your core dripping so much, you knew no lube would be needed. He positioned you so the tip of his cock rested at your entrance. He grunted at how hot and wet you were, losing patience.
"Go." Felix gave him the okay and Changbin's hands on your hips led you down. Your jaw fell open, your breath hitching as he stretched you open. Felix wasn't small by any means, but everything about Changbin was girthy. You shivered as he filled you, not even fully inside yet, a small bulge protruded from your lower stomach. Your body shivered, breathy moans leaving your lips as he bottomed out. Your cunt fluttered around him, more of your slick dripping down to smear over his groin.
"Shit, princess." He chuckled, holding you to him when you fell forward. He could feel the plug in your ass through the walls of your cunt, and he hadn't even noticed it was buzzing still. You whimpered softly when the vibrations ceased, Felix coming up behind you. He wrapped his hand through the tail of the plug and pulled softly, easing it out of you. You sighed, letting out a squeak as Felix dripped more of lube onto your ass, smearing more on his cock. He couldn't believe the sight of your tiny cunt stretched over Changbin, trying desperately to hold him in. He was a little miffed that you were so close already, but he knew he would throw you over the edge when he buried his own cock in your ass.
"Ready, love?" he asked, thumbs rubbing circles over your hips. You let out a small noise Changbin couldn't discern, but Felix heard you loud and clear.
"Breathe." He didn't even have to lead Changbin to rub your back, helping you relax. Your boyfriend started to ease into you, and you focused on the hand rubbing over your spine, breathing hard. The stretch set you on fire, your cunt fluttering. Felix bottomed out and you twitched aggressively, and when he grinded slightly into you, you fell apart. He smirked, grunting hard at the squeeze. Your ass was always tight anyways, let alone with his friend's cock splitting you in half. Your teeth had sunk into the muscle of Changbin's shoulder, and he hoped you left a mark.
"I'm not gonna move. Fuck her ass full of your cum then I'll blow her back out." The older man held you close, your orgasm dying but you still shivered. You had no more strength. Felix made sure you were okay with it and interpreted your little whimper as a positive. He nodded and started with short but deep thrusts and Changbin grinned at how your pussy clenched around him, even able to feel your boyfriend fucking into you.
"Fuck, you're milking me, love." Felix's deep voice rumbled through you, and you whined.
"'Lix~" You moaned, and he huffed with a grin. Two more thrusts and you squealed as he painted your ass white with his cum. You came again, Changbin recognizing the clenching of your core.
"Ah, fuck…" Felix groaned, pulling out of you.
"Off." Changbin motioned to him, holding you closer and he scrambled to the side, still out of breath. He barely got off the bed before Changbin rolled forward, you under him, immediately holding you in a mating press. You squeaked at the move, your knees at your ears as his hands gripped your thighs, so tight you knew it would leave bruises.
"Hold on, princess." He warned you and you scrambled your hands, digging your white painted nails into the sheets. The headboard banged against the wall as he took his first thrust and your head fell back, nearly falling over the edge of the bed. You back arched, silent screams wracking your lungs. The noises Changbin were making sounded more like a beast than a person's and your head lulled to find your boyfriend. He was watching with slightly wide eyes, his cock already starting to harden again.
"Okay, princess, I'm gonna breed you~" The man utterly destroying your poor pussy made two more hard thrusts, then he pumped more of his cum into your protected womb than he did down your throat. You shivered, but you didn't cum again, still looking at Felix. He smirked at your gaze, nodded and you let yourself fall over the edge as well. Changbin noticed and marveled at the level of control Felix had over your body. You lay there panting under him, nearly blacked out.
"Don't let her go, 'Lix. I'll snatch her up otherwise~”
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Master-Master List
Stray Kids Master List
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ghostlygeto · 1 year
wanna write me some cute Bokuto fluff ??? you know you do.... i'm itching crying BARKING plz bb just a scrap a crumb
what was that? bokuto scraps for the love of my life? always. anything for u my love. kinda lame bc i wrote it in a total of like 30 minutes but blehhhhh
warnings: fluff s'all. bokuto is clingy. i don’t proof read
wc: 500 lol
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mornings with bokuto were always the worst. not because they were bad, but because he refused to let you go. it didn’t matter what the occasion was. if you had work, if he had practice, it didn’t matter. he was not moving.
“bo, please. this is a really important thing in my family. i have to be there, and on time. otherwise my mom’ll murder me,” you tried to squirm your way out of his arm, but his grip was strong. stronger than you, that’s for sure. “promise when i get home i’ll get right back into bed with you.”
“don’t lie,” bokuto whined, burying his face further into your chest, “when you get home you’ll want to clean or go on a walk, and then you’ll want to take a shower. and then it’s dinner time, then you’ll want to read your book or watch your show until bed. and then, finally, after hours and hours of suffering without you, you’ll be ready for bed. then you’ll let me cuddle you.”
you frowned, knowing he was right. you had used that on him one too many times, apparently. enough for him to see right through you, at least. “i promise, we can cuddle for a little bit when i get home before i start cleaning okay?” you pushed back his shoulders so you could look in his eyes, moving one of your hands so you could look into his eyes.
“promise promise?” he sighed, a small pout on his face. “y’know i have to leave in two days for like a week, so if you’re lying i’m not cuddling you until i come back.” bokuto moved away, sitting up and looking over at you again, “and i mean it, for real. i really won’t cuddle you until i get home.” “i know you don’t mean that,” you laughed, leaning over to press a kiss to his shoulder, “you could never do that to me, kou. i think you’d cave before i do,” you watched him feign offense, turning away from you and getting out of bed.
“just for that, i don’t want to cuddle with you anymore today. feel free to go and hang out with your mom and come home and clean and shower and read and mind your own business until you fall asleep, i’ll just cuddle you tomorrow. not today.” he crossed his arms and looked away, though you saw him open one of his eyes to make sure you were looking at him like a child. “and i mean that.”
“sure you do, loverboy.” you rolled your eyes and stood up yourself, stretching your limbs. “i’ll be home around two, okay? if you’re not already cuddled up in bed when i get here i’m not gonna wait around, i’ll get started on doing my other stuff and then it’ll be too late.”
“won’t move from this spot ‘til you’re back, then,” bokuto dove himself back onto the bed, curling up in the blankets, “have fun with your mom, i’m gonna be snug as a bug in a rug while i wait.”
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Some Tim Drake headcanon
I did some headcanon based in canon stuff and also random things, this is more around the batkids and Tim. Please respect
Tim likes to think of himself as a street smarth, but he's not. He is academically smarth, but not a street smart kid (he grew up in a mansion with several servants, even though he is hella neglected, he wouldn't know how to survive on the streets of Gotham in the same way that Jason, Duke, Dick)
(ok I noticed some confusion with my worlds here, then Tim Drake is a child from Gotham, his way of surviving there is a little different from his brother but he still would figure it out. That's what I was saying, thanks for the comprehension)
whenever Tim needs someone to talk to he looks for Dick, he knows that Dick will listening to him and his older brother will also give him useful advice/ help him solve the problem
He's afraid of having redhead fever from his older brothers (Dick being friend with Babs, Wally, Kor'i and Roy and Jason being friend with Artemis, Roy and Kor'i), not in a romantic way or anything, he just doesn't know how to explain how Dick and Jason attract so many redheaded friends
He fears info dumping someone when he talks; Duke once commented that he liked the smell of rain when it rained on very hot days, and Tim began to explain that this was due to a fungus. Duke just listened silently and then shy smiled. And only later did Tim think he had ruined the peaceful moment, as he noticed how Duke and Cass lay quietly enjoying the rain...
His relationship with Steph isn't that complicated, they dated in the past, but nowadays they both try their best to remain good friends
He tries to plan several cute dates with Bernard, but he always ends up overthinking so he chooses the simplest route, cinema and burgers (Kon and Bart helped him choose this as perfect date)
When Tim is having problems with Bruce, he always turns to Dick, knowing that his older brother will help him with whatever he needs
Tim regrets the beginning between him and Damian, not just the assassination attempts, but Tim didn't try to trust Damian and always accused Damian's people of being bad and had an offense towards Damian's origins (both were wrong, Damian in his trauma stuff and I dislike how "his people are evil" that DC wrote at that time)
He is secretly afraid of someone discovering the bomb in Nanda Parbat, yes there were murderers there, but it was a city that also had civilians there and as a hero he shouldn't put the lives of innocent people at risk (why does DC keep writing him like that???)
There are actually several theories in Gotham about why he doesn't age, some say he's a vampire and others say he bathes in the blood of innocents, no one knows who start these theories (Dick blames Jason, Jason blames Damian, Damian blames Steph, Steph blames Bernard and Kon and Bart blames each others)
his worst nightmare is being the only survivor of his entire family (again)
Loneliness can hurt him in ways no villain could, being alone can drive him crazy. Therefore, unlike his brothers (who can work alone), Tim tries his best to work in teams
Because Bruce and Tim were born into a rich house, they are out of touch with normal stuff sometimes
he really enjoys listening to Bernard's theories and sometimes encourages him with something stupid
Tim likes to think that If his mother were alive she would like Bernard
Tim is the only one in the family who shows concern about Damian's addiction to adopting animals, afraid that it will turn into something similar to Bruce
Tim learned a lot about motorcycles because he thought it would be a good topic to talk about with Jason
Tim has and listens to his emo playlist
Even when he hates loneliness, he can disappear for a while, either because he wants someone to look for him or because of something Bruce said. When this happend, he usually comes back when he is tired of being alone or someone go look for him (man this is pretty sad...let me write something...)
There was a time when he disappeared for a while, he hid in a safehouse outside the country and when he started to wonder if anyone would miss him the door was shut down, Damian, Jon and a girl in a white mask that he didn't recognize entered
"tt if I knew you weren't in danger I would have feared more" "what?" "come on, get on the Goliath, we have to go home" "did something happen?" "Batcow. Cows have a circle of friends and they can get depressed if a friend disappears
Ok Tim knew about cows due to Kon living on a farm, but he was extremely confused about being kidnapped rescued by Damian, Jon and Nobody just because the kids were worried about the Batcow mental health
Coming back was strange, since Bruce didn't even notice he was gone, but soon he felt Alfred the cat rubbing against him, Titus licking his hand and the cow mooing at him, Tim was a little happier to come back (I'm not good to write fluffly you guys are struck with this)
Nowadays Tim is very smug because he was the first of the brothers to fly in Goliath
Some batkid headcanon: Damian || Duke || Cassandra || Stephanie || Tim || Jason || Dick
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grape-marbles · 6 months
A smutty story I wrote with no names mentioned.
It was a late Saturday night, I was on the couch almost asleep while watching some shitty tv show I was recommended and drinking some wine when my beautiful girlfriend walked in and sat down next to me. She wrapped her arm around my shoulders and pulled me close, gently rubbing my shoulder and noticing how tired I was.
"Hey honey, how was your day? You look tired, can I get you anything?"
"It was alright love, I'm just a little sleepy, that's all." But that wasn't all, it never was. In reality yes I was tired, but I also had a lot of built up needs that were causing me a lot of stress. It'd been so long since I was last able to feel her soft, long, warm hands inside of me hitting every spot I could possibly hope for. It had been so long since I'd even seen her like this that every touch of hers was causing the heat to pool between my thighs. Every rub of my shoulder, her arm around me, the way she was leaning ever so slightly up against me, all of it was driving me crazy. I needed her. I needed it more than anything.
"Something else seems to be the matter, what is it that my boy needs"
"Well...well um...I need you. I need to feel you touching me and inside of me and um..." I nervously trail off. I shouldn't be as ashamed to tell her what I want, but I'm just so flustered and embarrassed I can't help it.
She readjusts, turning so one arm stays on my shoulder, and her other hand starts to make it's way to my jeans, she sticks her hand down but hooks her thumb on the waistband of my jeans teasingly, getting oh so close to what I want but not close enough. "Is this what you were wanting honey?" She asked teasingly, a smirk on her lips and a devious glint in her eye, as if she's looking down on me and knows she can get exactly what she wants out of me so effortlessly.
"Oh come on, you know that isn't what I meant! Stop teasinggg!" I whined, knowing I was probably going to get in trouble, after all, she's in charge and I don't get to make demands. It also doesn't help that I didn't use her honorific.
She moved her hand from my shoulder onto my throat, slowly but forcefully, reminding me who's in charge and who I belong to. "Oh? You don't get to make demands my darling slut. And you know what to call me. Now if you'd like to try again you absolutely can. Be a good boy and remember who's in charge here."
"I'm sorry Mommy! Please be so generous as to move your hand down. Please! I need to feel you slide your fingers in and out of me! I need you to make me cum on your hand. Please Mommy make me feel good!"
"See? I knew you could do it. You're such a good slut for me begging like that. Still I feel like you need to be punished." She then grabbed me by the hair and laid me over her lap. I knew from how we were positioned what was going to come next. "Now, you're gonna count how many times I smack your ass, and if you stop counting we're going to start over. Don't worry, since it was a minor offense it won't be too many." She brought her hand up high and then quickly brought it back down onto me, making a loud smacking sound. I had to try hard not to let out a moan and let her know I was enjoying it.
"O..One" she brought her hand back down on me again "T...Two..ngh~" and it continued until she had done it 10 times. I could tell my ass would be very red and it would be painful to sit. She got up and flipped me over so that I was lying on my back. She moved over to the other end of the couch and positioned herself between my legs.
"Now since you're doing a good job taking me I might just give you what you've been wanting. But it'll be my way, under my terms and conditions. First things first, before I begin to please you I want you to please me." She takes off her shirt and starts to unbuckle her belt and I can tell exactly what she wants from me. She finished unbuckling her belt and she takes the rest of her clothes off, revealing her throbbing erection. She crawls over to me with a smirk and positions herself in a way that will make what comes next extremely easy on her end.
She begins to place herself into my mouth, slowly and gently, so gently in fact that I'm lulled into a false sense of security that she won't be too rough on me. She puts it all in and then slams herself so far it hits the back of my throat. She starts thrusting, in and out, in and out. She picks up a fast and harsh rhythm, forcing herself in and out of my mouth while I gag. She gently caresses my face while she does it, whispering praises about how well I'm taking her and how good of a slut I am. I start to feel tears prick my eyes while I gag on her and I look up to meet her gaze. We lock eyes and she immediately climaxes down my throat and I gratefully drink every last drop that she gives me.
"You do such a good job at taking me. Such a good slut swallowing all of my cum for me. You don't even have to be told what to do, you already know. You're my good little boy. Now it's my turn to please you." She goes back down, between my legs, and tells me to take my shirt off while she undoes my pants and slides them off. She hovers over me and pins both of my wrists to the couch with one hand, the other going to my soft breast while her mouth meets mine. She kisses me slowly and passionately, while groping my chest and pinching my nipple making me moan softly into her mouth. She removes her lips from my mouth and starts trailing down my neck, sucking, kissing, biting. She starts leaving marks all over my neck while I start to get louder and louder for her. She moves down my neck to my collarbone, then down to my breasts, down my stomach and to my thighs. She leaves marks everywhere she goes, claiming me as purely hers.
She then hooks my legs over her shoulders and brings her hands down to where I begged of her earlier. She starts rubbing my sensitive nub in slow circular motions, and then quickly picks up speed, drawing loud pleasure filled noises out of me. While doing that with her thumb she slid her middle two fingers inside of my tight entrance, slamming them into me making me scream-moan several swears. She continues doing this, hitting everything just right and making me almost cry from the pleasure she brings me. When I feel my climax approach I start babbling that I'm about to cum. Suddenly she stops. She's denying me the orgasm I swore I had earned.
"Aww you thought you were gonna be allowed to cum? Already? Of course not sweet boy. I gotta make you wait a bit longer. After all I never said your punishment was over."
She repositions herself with her face between my legs. She takes a long lick from my hole all the way up to my sensitive spot. She starts sucking on it and making me squirm while I moan softly. She licks it again before speaking.
"Come on hun, it's alright, you can be louder than that." She then licked all the way down to my hole, shoving it inside and starting to fuck me with her tongue. "Darling you're delicious, I'm having so much fun down here. Also it's always a plus to have you squirming for me." She continues shoving her tongue deep inside, then licking back up and sucking on my clit, swapping motions until my legs start shaking signaling me being about to finish once again. She takes her tongue away, once again denying me my release.
"Aww you believed again that I would let you finish? Where's the fun in that? I gotta keep you on your toes Honey. You're doing such a good job taking Mommy though so I'll give you a treat."
She picks me up and carries me to our shared bedroom and places me down on the bed while I'm confused. She digs through our nightstand and finds handcuffs. She grabs my wrists and puts them behind my back in the cuffs and locks them tight. She gets close, between my legs and lines herself up with my entrance. I wrap my legs around her for stability while she slams herself in and makes me scream out her name. She starts roughly slamming herself into me at a steady pace, holding me down and fucking me as if she's been deprived and can't hold back. She continues with this motion and I squeeze her waist with my legs and shove her even deeper into me.
"Fuck Mommy can I please cum this time? Please! Fuck~ I need it please! Please Mommy please let me cum. I'll be good I swear. Fuck you're hitting so deep ngh~ I can't take it please!" My legs were shaking and I was babbling like an idiot, begging her to finally let me finish. I needed my release, needed it. I needed her to give this to me.
"Fine darling. I suppose you have been on your best behavior. Third time is the charm too. You're such a good slut for me taking my hands, my tongue, my cock. You'd let me do anything if it meant you got to cum huh?"
"Yes Mommy! I'd let you do anything! I'll be your good slut, I promise."
She continued to thrust into me, now at an even rougher and faster pace. She kept going and going with my legs shaking and me screaming out her name and how good it felt. She kept on until I felt her shoot her liquid into me and I screamed out a final time as I finished onto her cock. It was the most intense orgasm I have ever felt. My legs were shaking and I was panting so hard I felt like I couldn't breathe. Everything just felt so much better now that my needs had been taken care of. I also love the feeling of having her cum fill me up and mark me as her property. I was appreciative and grateful for everything that she gave me.
"Did you enjoy it honey?" She asked as she undid my handcuffs.
"I always enjoy it when you destroy me Mommy."
"Good, now let's get you cleaned up and go to bed."
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hauntedwitch04 · 5 months
Lucifer II
Nyx Acheron x reader
Words: about 2.9k words
Warnings: blood, death, murder, sad things in general, shitty biological family BUT in this a lot of fluff too :)
Author's note: This is the second part for a request by a follower on Wattpad, that I personally loved and I wrote this during the night. It's not complited, the second part will be out soon, but it was getting to long. Hope you like it loves, your witch Becky
Lucifer I
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Your breath catches in your throat as you try not to let anything show in your expression and try to come up with a plan as that monster you have for a relative moves toward you, while you still have your back to her.
"I see that as usual she does nothing." My aunt says in a croaky, sour voice to the elderly village chief, who looks at me worriedly, and then lays his eyes on her and lowers his head slightly, thus hinting at an elegant greeting, which that woman certainly does not deserve.
"I am as always at your disposal, after all, by now your word is law." Responds the elderly gentleman in a grave and sad tone, before being interrupted again by that withered crow.
"If you would do everything I've asked you to do over the years, I wouldn't have been forced to have a new boss elected in your place or even bargain with a gang of rowdy kids to make you lose your job." She shouts, chuckling at the end, looking satisfied.
"So she was the one who instigated the rebellion movements by those boys, and she's not even a little ashamed of it? And then what's this about there being two tribal leaders, I really don't think High Lord knows anything about that or he would have informed us." Says Nyx, interjecting himself into the discussion, in an authoritative and serious tone, as I hear him approach me slightly, as if he sensed my discomfort at being here right now.
"Yes, I was about to inform you that for two weeks now I have been "discharged" from my role as camp superintendent. I hope I have not offended you in this way, in case it was not my intention, just I was pleased with the idea of escorting you personally." The gentleman confesses.
"No offense taken, in fact we very much appreciated your gesture and I think I speak for both of us in thanking you." You say in a confident tone as I try hard not to lay my eyes on the worst of your nightmares, but out of the corner of your eye you see her squinting as she comes toward you, as if sensing that there was a secret in you that you were hiding from your eyes in every way.
With her, just like a demon that never dies, came your grandmother. On her face the years passed showed, but the evil spirit still shone through her eyes.
The two women, now part of your small circle, do not hide their personal conversation from your ears.
"Do you think it's her?" Your grandmother asks her daughter, but the other is too busy looking at you to answer her mother.
You feel Nyx brush against the wall you had erected in your mind, and without thinking about it you allow him to enter, knowing that either way that one would collapse at the first blow from those two harpies when they finally realized who you were.
"One nod from you and these two women will be in ashes. And remember, we can blow it all up and leave whenever you wish." He says in a calm and gentle tone, as if we were talking about the activity we prefer to do in our spare time and not about killing two people and subverting an order from his father.
"You don't even know who these women are, how can you say you want to kill them? And then what would Rhys say?" Answer trying to maintain a modicum of lucidity.
"I don't need to know who they are, if just the sight of them hurts you and makes you nervous, that's enough to slit their throats with my own hands." He argues this time in a colder, calmer tone, so much so that it makes you shiver, though I don't know if it's because of the thrill of terror at seeing that calm murderous will in his eyes, or the excitement of having someone ready to defend you so blatantly in front of everyone, to kill in your name, no matter how terrible death is.
Too engrossed in your conversation, you do not realize that your aunt had approached you and grabbed your wrist, uncovering an old scar that she had left you many years before.
Frightened you immediately retracted your wrist, crushing it against your chest, as if to hide something that unfortunately everyone had already seen.
"I knew it, I knew it, that even after all these years you would come back to finish what you started! You filthy whore! You killed my beloved husband! And your sisters, who were like daughters to me! You, you are cursed! You slut, you are nothing but scum! And now you have come to kill us too! Help! Help me!" She began shouting out of nowhere, flailing and seeking the attention of everyone in the village, but you were petrified.
How dare that witch blame you for the murder of your sisters! How could she know that they were dead! Had they found them? Had they desecrated their grave?
A blinding rage rose up through your body and there was no way to quell it. You took your sword from your side and pointed it at his neck, while the flames of hell snaked in your eyes. Nyx, by your side, had not moved an inch and neither had the elderly gentleman, knowing better that now was not the time to interfere, although doubt was painted on the handsome face of your young friend.
"Don't you dare sully their name with your poisonous mouth, you witch! If anyone has to pay for what he has done it is you, the other hag behind you and your husband, who, however, has already had to taste my blade." You say in a cold, detached tone, as if a demon had taken possession of your spirit, before letting loose in a deep, icy laugh. "I am not afraid to soil my hands with blood again, in fact I am looking forward to the pleasant sensation of my sword penetrating your throat."
"You will end up in hell for what she did, you know that right? Mother will leave you no escape." Speak this time your grandmother, who until now had been silent, but from her expression you could read a kind of resignation to what was about to happen, as if she expected that sooner or later, like an avenging angel, you would return to bring justice to earth.
"Save me a seat then, see you down there." You answer, before slitting her throat with a gesture so lightning fast that even Nyx did not expect it. She could not mask her astonishment for the first few moments, only to return to the cold mask of the prince of darkness, which you had come to appreciate with time. You had decided to kill her first, to drive her daughter, who at the moment was screaming like a little girl who finally sees the monster hiding every night under her bed, a little more crazy.
Red blood flowed out of the elderly woman's throat, soiling her dress and a little of yours as her hexamenous body fell to the ground.
However, the elderly gentleman, who was shocked by your such a violent act, said nothing and continued to look at your aunt who was now in despair tearing her hair out as she begged for someone's help from her monstrous niece.
Thus came, hearing the screams, a man whom you recognized as an old friend of your uncle's who, seeing the body of your grandmother examined and you still holding the bloody sword, ran toward you. Once he got closer, he took a better look at the scene and squared you up.
"You are the little one who killed my friend, aren't you?" He left you no time to answer that with a hidden sword, he wounded your face with the intention of frightening you and making you fall to the ground, as it happened, so that once in the mud, it would be much easier to put the sword to your throat and look into your eyes as you took your last breath.
But something you did not expect happened; he passed the sword into your aunt's hand, while the man held Nyx down, who, with the strength of a wild animal hunted by a hunter, was flailing restlessly, looking for a way to help you.
"And so ends the story of our little rebel, doesn't it? You thought you were so much smarter than us, so much better, but all you did was make my job easier. I've been waiting for years for that old woman to croak, and before that I've been waiting for that pig of a husband I got to do it, if I'm honest you did me a favor, and for that I think I'll thank you by sending you to your mommy and little sisters, what do you say?" Says your aunt in a mocking tone, as you feel the sword blade enter, slowly, more and more into your throat. You would have died there, of that you are certain. "Ah wait, you won't go to them. You've been a bad child, and as such you will burn among the worst demons, because that's what you are after all: a monster."
You do not have time to process what is happening, that the man holding Nyx hostage falls, under a mortal blow inflicted by the elderly village chief, thus freeing the young prince who, with a small knife that he always keeps hidden in his jacket sleeve, strikes your aunt in the arm so that she can no longer hold the sword, which she lets fall on your neck, scratching it slightly.
You with a quick gesture, grab the handle of the sword and move it so that your aunt crouching and bending over herself in pain, meets your weapon and kills herself, piercing her stomach with it.
"I am what you taught me to be." You say, before you could almost see his soul expire from his lips, but instead probably what you saw was a trickle of blood that came out of his mouth and, like a signature, had settled on your clothes.
You stay still for a few seconds, breathing noisily through your mouth, as if you had just finished a marathon, before the terrible fear that had triggered you inside this murderous rage comes back, and the panic rises from your belly to your brain, passing through your heart, before driving you mad.
Without warning you get up, and start running at a breakneck pace, your muscles burning and your eyes watering from the wind, to the only place where those fears could end. Your feet, without even thinking about it, carry you to the clearing where thick lavender plants cover everything. You stop to observe that wonderful sight, which hides within itself, however, a terrible secret and a sad truth. You do not realize that Nyx has followed you until he speaks, in a whisper, as if already that same place has also conveyed to him the same sacredness that it had conveyed to you years before.
"Are you okay?" He asks you, already knowing for himself how stupid that question was. A thought paints itself clear inside the young man: he should have taken you away from the very beginning, when you had been sick in the woods at the mere thought of remembering that little village.
You do not answer him, but advance through the flowers, like an automaton, until you reach the place where you know you will find two small stones, under a willow tree, with your sisters' names engraved on them.
Once you get to the place, you squat down and move the lavender to reveal those two boulders, so imprinted in your memory, that often at night they appeared as clear to you as if you were holding them.
Taken by a fit of rage, you began to uproot the various plants, so as to clear their grave, without even whom to be angry against: With you, for leaving that place for so long, almost letting the memory of your sisters be forgotten in this forest; with Mother, for snatching your sisters away from you so soon or for taking them in your place; with your aunt and uncle, for somehow killing them, making them suffer and forgetting them; or with your parents, for leaving you, even though you know perfectly well that the latter is the most irrational of all. Nyx, who had again silently followed you, also begins to pluck flowers. Once finished, you pause to look at your handiwork, but you cannot stop yourself from falling to your knees on the ground, then bursting into tears.
Nyx in the blink of an eye is beside you, but he dares not touch you, knowing that you need to vent right now.
He lets you cry for several minutes, with endless sobs, until you have no more tears to cry.
"Lucifer, do you want me to call my father? He'll take us right back home, and I'll also tell him never to let you come here again-" Nyx says then all of a sudden, all in one breath, as he looks at you with frightened eyes, before being interrupted by you.
"Why do you always call me Lucifer?" You ask in a low, rough voice, but loud enough to stop the boy, who stops and looks at you confused.
"Why do you always call me Lucifer? Do you really think I'm as bad as the devil in the stories that go around these mountains. A three-faced monster at the head of Hell, ready to punish damn and offend the righteous? Do you really hate me that much?" You ask, showing him a side you had never before shown him, the other part of you besides the fierce and unscrupulous fighter: the weak and delicate part, which for years you had hidden in a stone prison you had built around your heart.
"Absolutely not." He replies confidently as he looks at you. You still keep your face turned toward the ground, so he takes your chin with one hand and brings your eyes up to his. "You don't know the real story of Lucifer?" He asks you, continuing to speak. You shake your head as you lose yourself in his lavender eyes, the same one that surrounds you.
"Lucifer, whose name was not yet so called, was the most beautiful angel in heaven, who decided not to bend to the will of Fate, and so because of his fighting and noble spirit he was cast down to earth, taking away his grace, but this certainly had not made him any less beautiful. The princess of the Court of Night found him when he fell, at the break of dawn, and because of his ethereal beauty she named him Lucifer, or Morning Star. The girl took him in, caring for him and giving him a life in her court, not realizing that he was slowly falling in love until he had totally won her heart." Nyx narrates, while you are silent. "Nowadays we have forgotten this story, and we associate the name of Lucifer with an ancient superstition of a barbarian people, but I like to remember instead that of a fallen angel and a simple human in love, because-" Nyx, pauses for a moment, as if weighing the words he wants to use, then continues. "Because it reminds me of how I feel about you. You never told us why you came to our family, but right from the start the first thing I thought upon seeing you was that you were the reincarnation of that angel: fallen and aching, proud and damned at the same time. You, who had always brightened my days, made me fall in love with you little by little, until I realized that there was an even deeper bond between us." He finishes, touching your left cheek with his right hand, as you feel something burst in your chest, only to see a golden thread come out of your heart to connect with his.
You stand open-mouthed at that sight as you feel more tears coming to your eyes.
"I can't believe it." You say, trying to process all the emotions you were feeling. "I don't deserve it. I don't deserve you. You don't know what I've done, so many horrible things." You continue, as he nods his head.
"Don't talk nonsense, you deserve this and much more. Take all the time you want, I'll be here waiting for you." He says, and for the first time in that day, a sincere smile breaks out on your face as you can already imagine the life that awaits you by his side.
@winchestergirl222 @nothingimportentreally @duda @itsmeseph @lys-neyr8 @nyotamalfoy @anonimusy @marigold-morelli @luna-1-3-5 @esposadomd @thotd-f1 @humanpersonlasttimeichecked @backups-backups @daeneeryss @hjgdhghoe @theviewfromtheotherside @e_dollly @holb32 @kierramofficial
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niceboyeds · 2 years
just hold me (e.m.)
Eddie Munson x reader
summary: Eddie comforts you after your best friend moves out of town *fluffy fluff*
word count: 1.2k
a/n: one of my best friends lives over 4,000 miles away from me and she facetimed me today crying because she misses me. so now i’m sad and i miss her like crazy and i wrote this super fast before bed because i desperately need a hug.
“you’ll call me every week?”
“every Thursday at five o’clock.” your best friend promises, hugging you tightly as both of you try your hardest to push back tears.
“i can’t believe you’re leaving me.” you whisper, pulling away to hold her face in your hands. trying to show her you understand why she’s going. “but i’m so, so proud of you. i know you’re going to do great things.”
both of you collapse into each other’s arms for one final squeeze before she hops into her parent’s station wagon. she rolls down the window, holding out her hand for you to grab and you follow them down the driveway, only letting go when they turn into the road.
you can’t find the motivation to go back inside your house. instead you watch the car get smaller and smaller until you can’t see it anymore. then you’re just staring at nothing.
“come on baby. let’s go inside, yeah?” Eddie’s voice is soft and caring, knowing this is extremely difficult for you.
“okay” is all you can seem to say before trudging up the driveway and into your home. you immediately walk into your bedroom, crawling into your unmade bed and curling into a ball.
“do you need anything?”
“can you just hold me please?”
he does without a second thought. wrapping his arms around you, cradling your head with his hand as you weep into his chest. his other hand rubbing up and down your back gently.
he doesn’t once tell you that you’re being overdramatic. never saying “you’ll see her soon” or “you’ll talk to her next week”. he knows how hard this is for you, because he knows she’s your person.
he didn’t get it at first, confused with thinking he would be your person. but he quickly learned there is no way he could possibly replace her, and he never once took offense to it.
“it sucks, i know.” is all he can think of to say, not fully knowing how to make you happy in this situation.
“it sucks ass.” you sniffle, your breath shaky from crying.
“what can i do to cheer you up? i hate seeing you like this.”
“nothing. i’m just going to wallow in my sadness right here.”
“hm, i guess we can wallow for a bit.” he says, his arms still wrapped around you. “maybe a nap?” you nod as you cozy into him more, if that’s even possible.
the next couple of days are filled with nothing but sadness. no one prepares you for when your childhood best friend moves away from you. you feel like you’re missing a part of yourself, like there’s a hole in your heart.
this is worse than a breakup. a whole new kind of heartbreak. it might seem dramatic, it’s not like she’s dead. but the fear of not knowing when you’ll get to see her again, to hug her again, it’s so painful.
“are you still in the same position i left you in?” Eddie asks, walking through the door of your bedroom.
“have you eaten?” he’s always so worried about you, making sure you are taking care of yourself. you consider lying, but he would see right through you.
“not since you made me yesterday.”
“okay, c’mon pumpkin.” he grabs your hand and slowly pulls you up, despite your groaning and attempt to hold yourself onto the mattress.
“maybe a shower will help? and a movie night?” he suggests, helping you stand from the bed and you let him win. you don’t have the energy to fight with him on it.
“okay. but if you’re making me get out of bed then i get to pick the movie.”
“naturally.” he kisses your forehead before you walk to the bathroom.
he was right, of course. the shower did help get you out of your funk. feeling clean and scrubbing the dried tears off your face made you feel better.
until you were brushing your hair, thinking about how every time you’d come out of the shower at a sleepover your best friend would always braid your hair. something you had never been able to master. she always did it best.
you walk out of the bathroom in a set of clean pajamas and make your way to Eddie. “aw sweetie, i thought it would help.” he frowns once he sees your tears.
“it did. i just want her to braid my hair.” you whisper, bringing your hands up to wipe your tears.
“i know, i’m so sorry.” he sighs, unsure how to further console you. all you do is curl up on the couch next to him, laying your head on his arm as you sniffle quietly.
“i ordered your favorite pizza…” you look up at him, trying your best to smile. 
“thank you.” he’s trying so hard to make you feel better, to help you. you hate that you’re being like this. “can you just hold me?” 
he moves his body slightly to hold you against him once again, rubbing your arm gently. slowly you start to feel better, thinking that soon enough you'll be back to normal.
Thursday at 4:59pm you wait by the phone, giddy with excitement to hear your best friend’s voice. 5 o’clock sharp you hear the ring and jump to grab it, feeling so relieved it’s her. the two of you have a lot to catch up on.
the conversation flies by, talking about her new job and weird roommate, and suddenly it’s been an hour. you both agree to talk again next week, saying another round of saddened goodbyes before hanging up the phone.
you’re proud of yourself for only crying a little bit, easily wiping away the few tears before your sweet boyfriend walks through the front door.
“hi!” he smiles, kicking off his shoes in the entryway.
“hi baby.” you smile back, trying your hardest not to be upset again.
“i know you probably just got off the phone, and i'm sure it was hard on you… but i have a surprise.”
“thank you, i really appreciate it.” you give him a kiss, truly grateful to have him to lean on. “i’m just gonna shower real quick.”
once again the shower distracts you, feeling refreshed and excited to spend the rest of the evening with your lovely boyfriend.
“okay what’s my surprise?” you tease, walking into the living room with your damp hair where he’s sitting on the couch.
“sit on the ground!” he sits up excitedly, patting the area of the couch between his calves to tell you he wants you to sit in front of him. you sit skeptically, surely he’s up to no good.
or so you thought, before he starts running his fingers through your hair and slicking it back. he starts following a pattern you know like the back of your hand.
he’s braiding your hair.
you let him finish in silence, smiling to yourself as he tightens the hair tie around the ends to keep it together. you immediately turn around to look at him.
“how did you—”
“i asked Max to teach me.”
you melt right there. this man has been nothing but supportive and loving for the past week and a half. doing everything in his power to make you smile.
“i don’t deserve you.” you whisper as you hug him, never wanting to let go. “i love you so much.”
as time goes by you’ve learned to come to terms of not seeing your best friend every day. and even though you still have rough days of missing her here and there, Eddie is right there to hold you and braid your hair.
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sugar-glaze-donut · 8 months
Hii!! <3
If it's alright with you, could do some drabbles/small hcs of the devil butlers who have an aruji-sama who is a long dragon/Chinese dragon? I've been thinking about this concept for a while, I still haven't seen any sort of supernatural MC in this fandom😭 I mean it makes sense since the game MC is supposed to be basically just a self insert of the player, but it would still be nice to see an aruji who's like nonhuman and stuff •w• sorry if I rambled a bit there (T_T)
Why hello Anon! I see you have an interesting request!
In my past few works, I wrote about Aruji-sama who's a devil, an angel and a fairy. But an Aruji-sama who's a Chinese dragon? I LOVE YOUR IDEA!!!
I did a lot of searching about the Chinese dragon, here are the sources I used! - Here! (Please let me know if some information is fake or isn't true!) (Also PLEASE tell me if anything I wrote here is offensive in any kind of way! I don't want to accidentally offend anyone here, I want my readers to feel comfortable reading my writing)
Headcanons under the cut!
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First of all, I'd like to imagine that Aruji-sama has eyes with a gradient of colours and slitted pupils. Colourful eyes are extremely unusual in the Human world, so Aruji-sama has to hide their identity by wearing colour contacts.
Ever since going to the Akuneko world and seeing the butler's MAJESTIC eyes, Aruji-sama probably thought that taking their contacts off would be a good idea...
But even if colourful eyes aren't unusual in that world, slitted eyes sure are!
▪️ ❤️ ▪️ 🐲 ▪️ ❤️ ▪️
Nac 🗝️: Oh Aruji-sama! Your eyes are stunning as always!
Aruji-sama ❤️: O-oh thanks-
Lucas 🍷: Is this some sort of unusual genetics from your world, Aruji-sama? May I have a closer look?
Aruji-sama ❤️: Yes, of course-
Lamli ⭐: Aruji-sama! Your eyes are sparkly... like, like stars!
Aruji-sama ❤️: *sobbing internally from embarrassment* (from my research, apparently Chinese Dragons are shy? Oh my! I suppose we have another case of slightly insecure and shy Aruji-sama, oh no!)
▪️ ❤️ ▪️ 🐲 ▪️ ❤️ ▪️
Scales and Tails
Just another note about Aruji-sama's appearance! Once they open up to the butlers, I'd like to think that they'd let their appearance slip through their human looks. From their tail suddenly popping out when they're happy, to showing their canine teeth when they're angry.
Think of it as... those Zhongli (from Genshin Impact) or Dan Heng (from Honkai Star Rail) in their half-dragon forms! That's what I imagine Dragon Aruji-sama to look like!
▪️ 🐲 ▪️ 🪭▪️ 🐲
Aruji-sama: Guys... I have to tell you something...
Berrien: Yes? What's wrong Aruji-sama?
Aruji-sama: I'm not human... *shows their dragon features*
The butlers: *gasp* 😯
Miyaji: Aruji-sama...
*insert Miyaji turning into his half-animal form after Aruji-sama unleashes his demon (why the fuck does that sound so wrong??)*
Miyaji: Me too...!
Aruji-sama: aww! *on the verge of tears cause they feel safe in the palace*
(if you know this meme take this 👑)
▪️ 🐲 ▪️ 🪭▪️ 🐲
Fortune and Rain
Last but not least, as Chinese Dragons represent "Good Fortune" and "Strength", I think that Aruji-sama's presence would give extreme luck to every butler in the palace
It can be small, unnoticeable things to unusual and terrifyingly weird events. Like Ammon's roses growing unusually well in bad weather, Nac feeling energized even after he only had a few hours of sleep, and... Haures actually succeeding in making something edible!?
The butlers might freak out (especially because of Haures's case).
And with the power of Google, I have found out that Chinese Dragons are usually associated with water. Occasional rainclouds here and there... oh and nobles slipping on puddles here and there... why is that noble drenched? Wasn't today sunny all day?
▪️ ⭐ ▪️ 🧧 ▪️ ⭐ ▪️
Boschi: Hey Ammon, don't you think things are going a little too well these days?
Ammon: Now that you mention it, that's kinda true...
Fennesz: It's not bad though... we should be on guard in case something happens-
Haures: Hey everybody look! I actually succeded in making cookies :D
Fennesz: I'm hallucinating, I'm definitely hallucinating...
Haures: ...do you want to try my cookies at least? :(
The rest of the butlers: I feel a disturbance in the force...
Aruji-sama ❤️: a-ACHOO!
▪️ ⭐ ▪️ 🧧 ▪️ ⭐ ▪️
Some random noble: You and your butlers suck! *walks away*
Berrien: Are you alright Aruji-sama? Please don't listen to that noble. I'm sure they-
*Berrien hears a scream in the distance*
Berrien: Oh my! Was that the noble... why are they drenched?
Aruji-sama: *looks away awkwardly* Maybe a puddle just fell on them...
Berrien: Ah, of course, that makes sense- huh? Wait that's not right..
▪️ ⭐ ▪️ 🧧 ▪️ ⭐ ▪️
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🍩Side note for anon: I hope I was able to get your request right! Sorry it took me so long to write this... 🍩
Last edited - January 29th 2024
✦ Want to read more of my works? Come and take a look at my Masterlist! Have a nice day, toodles! ✦
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xpao-bearx · 2 years
"Partners In Crime"
Officer Callahan x Bad Girl!Reader
SUMMARY: As the resident "bad girl" of Hawkins, you truly only want one thing: to get into the pants of the resident dorky and dedicated police officer, Phil Callahan (and hey, maybe steal his heart too!).
NOTES: I recently just finished Stranger Things and yeah, great show, but have you SEEN the men??? 👀 Anyhoe, being the ✨️whore✨️ that I am, it really comes as no surprise that I'm simping over all the hot dudes but one of the hotties I've become obsessed with is CRIMINALLY underrated 😭
And so, of course, I took this grave offense ✨️personally✨️ and wrote this lil piece! Though I can't really call it little because it is SHOCKINGLY long (for me) and I sacrificed hours upon hours of sleep 🥲 But hey, when Phil fucking Callahan (and his gorgeous actor John Reynolds) makes you horny and inspired, YOU👏SEIZE👏THE👏GODDAMN👏MOMENT👏
If it isn't already obvious, this fic contains 18+ SMUT AND MATURE CONTENT and it gets preeetty steamy if I do say so myself~ It's also set roughly around Season 2, and I say roughly cuz I suck at remembering plots and shit so I just went with the flow 😅 And as always, PLEASE don't be a silent reader! Likes, comments, and reblogs are VERY much encouraged and appreciated!! \(^o^)/
I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing this baby! This is my first ever humble contribution to the ST fandom and, who knows, MAYBE not my last ;)
In the small town of Hawkins, you were popular as the "bad girl". You were loud, headstrong, and constantly got into trouble--completely unlike any of the "proper" ladies that talked shit behind your back. But the trouble you caused, despite the chaos it unfailingly left behind, was never anything actually hurtful. Hell, you were even caught a few times using your colourful language to make some middle school children cry when you saw them bullying some poor boys (one of them, you remember, being the Wheelers' son who always looked like trouble followed him himself).
A bad girl with a golden heart; a cheesy, living cliché. But that's what you were. You just wanted to have fun, to live in the moment. But in this bumfuck town where pretty much nothing happens before that Byers kid mysteriously disappeared then reappeared, how could anyone really blame you for trying to stir shit up simply for your own entertainment and for your damn sanity?
But some of the locals knew you on a personal level. Particularly, the Hawkins Police Department. Before you stumbled upon Hawkins a few years ago, you were a drifter; chasing after the high of wherever life would take you, free yet lost. Whether it was by chance or by fate, you only stopped at Hawkins to fuel up your motorcycle and have a quick bite at the local diner until suddenly--like something out of those fucking romcoms your mother used to watch--you met him.
Phil Callahan. He was only a rookie officer at the time, having not even grown out his beloved moustache yet. You noticed his police cruiser parked at the gas station with an evident bump on the front of the car. He was fuelling up, but his hand holding the pump was limp and he was as pale as a ghost; eyes comically wide behind his horn-rimmed glasses, brunette locks tousled and sticking out every which way after frantically running his free hand through it god knows how many times.
And staring at this clearly stressed, slightly pathetic man, all you could think was: HOT.
Before your brain could process what you were doing (though, let's be honest, you never really used your brain much in most of your life decisions), you found your feet walking away from your bike of their own accord and towards him.
Once you were by his side, it's only then that you realized just how tall he was. So much taller. He easily towered over you and it made your mind drift to other, much less innocent thoughts.
Namely him bending you over his car and fucking you within an inch of your sorry excuse of a life.
"Can I help you?" Your head snapped up from the stranger's voice, eyes meeting his narrowed ones. And--dammit!--he was much more unfairly handsome up close. His light brown eyes reflected almost green, raising a suspicious brow at you as his lips pressed into a tight line.
"Sorry, Officer--" Your gaze strayed to his shiny name tag, a grin tugging up the corners of your mouth. "--Callahan. I just couldn't help but notice you. You look like you just died inside, man."
His brows furrowed, glancing over his shoulder to the bump on his car before quickly darting back to you. "Thanks for your concern, ma'am, but I'm fine. Nothing a civilian should be worried about, anyway."
"If you don't mind--" You piped up once more as he set the pump away. "I think it's got something to do with that nasty bump ya got there, huh?"
"Uh, okay, actually I do mind." He sighed exasperatedly, no longer able to hide his growing aggravation. Today was just not his day, it seemed. "Ma'am, like I said, it is none of your concern." He put on his police hat, tipping it to you. "Good day."
As he turned away from you, you sidestepped him so that you were in front of him again. Your grin was much bigger this time, practically reaching your ears. "Uh-oh, are you in trouble, Mr. Policeman~?" You purred, one hand reaching out and playfully drumming your fingers along his chest. You intently studied him from head to toe, as if admiring an artistic masterpiece before biting your lip and giggling. "Lemme guess... You're a young, new police officer who doesn't know any better. You got so excited driving a police car for the first time that you drove it a bit too fast and crashed into a tree or some shit. Sound about right?"
His face flushed scarlet, and you weren't sure if it was from the shame of having his dumbass misdemeanor exposed or from your fingers making a shiver run down his spine--probably both.
"How do you--"
"This ain't exactly my first time having a lil run-in with the law, so I know how men like you work." You winked. "Hey, tell ya what, how 'bout I help you? You can tell your other piggy buddies that I'm some crazy bitch with anger issues you caught for speeding and in my oh so scary rage, I purposely crashed my motorbike to the front of your car just to fuck with you. You can even put cuffs on me~"
He blinked, utterly dumbstruck as he stared down at the total menace that was you (and the fact that a certain part of him reacted at you graciously allowing him to cuff you), feeling like forever until he finally found his voice that cracked slightly as he spoke. "Who the fuck are you?"
"Y/N L/N." You hummed, wrapping your arms around his neck as you leaned up on your tiptoes and dangled slightly off of him with the few inches left between the two of you. The sudden action caught him completely off guard, his hands dropping to your hips to support you and making him blush even redder. But you didn't care, smiling mischievously up at him. "Feel free to search me up in the system, Officer. I've got a permanent record, after all~"
And that's how you met Jim Hopper, Calvin Powell, and the rest of the Hawkins Police Department when Callahan brought you with him back to the station. They definitely didn't believe you guys, especially when you didn't have a single scratch on you that indicated you "crashed your bike to his vehicle" (Callahan cleaned up your choice of wording a bit). But it was amusing to see Callahan dragging you along in handcuffs, who appeared all too joyful with a shit-eating smile as if you just won the lottery. Meanwhile, Callahan's cheeks were flaming hot and his voice adopted to a nervous high pitch as he lied to everyone who were just barely containing their laughter.
It also wasn't long before you decided to settle into Hawkins in some shitty trailer park, but you couldn't really complain considering your drifting years weren't all sunshine and rainbows either.
Besides, Callahan made it all worth it.
It wasn't love at first sight, but there was absolutely attraction. Hell, you were practically (if not literally) throwing yourself at him during your first encounter, and after that it would be the same--if not more intense.
You were no stranger to trouble, but often times you would seek for trouble yourself on purpose just so you could wind up in the police station to bother--ahem, I mean, very persistently try to hang out with Callahan. Or you'd just go to the station despite having no business there, but Flo the secretary usually kicked you out before you had the chance to even lay eyes on the gorgeous four eyes.
Today, however, Flo wasn't there. You didn't believe in some higher power, but it was a fucking miracle that you were grateful for and didn't dare to question. And so you more than happily made yourself at home in the station, sitting down at Callahan's desk as you curiously pried into his stuff before a deep laugh from behind you broke you out of your little reverie.
"This is just ridiculous now, Y/N." Hopper shot you an incredulous though very much amused expression. "If you like Callahan so much--which I have no fucking idea why--then just ask him out on a date already."
It was no secret that Hopper can be a total grump, but oddly enough you became fast friends with him. He never gave you a hard time and you never bullshitted him, which in turn formed a weird sort of respect between the two of you.
You rolled your eyes at the huge man, turning back to Callahan's desk and inspecting his assortment of pens--which you thought was way too much and he probably doesn't even use all of them, but that only amped up his dorkish charm to you by, like, a thousand.
"You're one to talk, Hop." You scoffed, snatching a pen and beginning to click it continuously. "I bet your hand's tired from jerking off to Joyce Byers."
Hopper scowled, but a faint rosiness dusted his cheeks. "Okay, first off--" Click. "I do not jerk off to Joyce--" Click. "and unlike you--" Click. "I actually have the balls to ask her out--" Click. "she just hasn't--" Click. "WILL YOU STOP FUCKING CLICKING THAT GODDAMN PEN?!"
You didn't even flinch, casually stashing the pen away in your pocket before you stood and faced him. "Enough about you." You huffed, crossing your arms as your eyes levelled with his. Hopper may as well be a living brick wall walking around ready to punch whoever crossed him, but you were never intimidated by the chief of police whom you've admittedly grown a soft spot for. "Callahan on for patrol duty tonight?"
"Yeah, and you owe me big time." He frowned when you blatantly ignored him, but what was new? "I need as much manpower as I can get to investigate what the hell's going on with the pumpkin patches yet here I am, like a fucking idiot, helping to set you and Callahan up."
"You looove me~" You teased, patting his shoulder and granting him a Cheshire Cat-like grin. "This is all for a good cause, big guy. And just think, the sooner Callahan and I get together, the faster I'll be outta your hair!" You chuckled. "And hey, you're thinking too much into those pumpkin patches. Probably just some pumpkin farmers having a pumpkin war. Go big or gourd home, am I right?"
Hopper watched as you laughed obnoxiously loud at your stupid pun, looking so proud of yourself as little snorts wracked your smaller frame and your shoulders shook from sheer glee. He shook his head, sighing heavily to himself.
"God, I actually feel kinda bad for Callahan..."
Night couldn't fall any quicker, but once it finally did your entire body was practically bursting with excitement like a child who's about to go out for trick or treating.
You hopped onto your bike, revving up the engine and driving even more maniacally than your Munson neighbour did out of the trailer park. You didn't even keep track anymore of how fast you were going, your hair flying as you raced down the road and were greeted by Halloween decorations strewn about in various houses' lawns.
A few minutes later, you found yourself on the empty road leading out of Hawkins. And just as you predicted--had hoped--the shrill blare of a siren sliced through the air and the all too familiar red and blue lights nearly blinded your vision as a police cruiser followed close on your tail.
You couldn't suppress the giddy grin that tore across your face, slowing down by the side of the road and the car pulling up next to you.
The butterflies in your stomach were doing fucking somersaults now as you heard the car door open and shut close, boots thudding on the ground as your favourite officer approached.
"Well, well, well... Lookie who we have here~?" The singsong voice made your grin widen even more if it was possible, making your cheeks hurt. The beam from a flashlight hit your eyes, and once your sight adjusted there was none other than Callahan, staring down at you with his pretty brown eyes. "If it isn't Lil Miss Trouble."
"Cally!" You giggled like some lovesick schoolgirl, and if we were being honest, you pretty much acted like you are. "Fancy seeing you here~ Halloween ain't 'til tomorrow, so why are ya out on patrol?"
"Beats me." He shrugged. "The chief suddenly put me on duty. Also, you know how much I hate that nickname." He grimaced, turning the flashlight off. It was quite dark, but you could still see him well enough due to a lone street lamp a couple feet away. "Get off."
His sudden commanding tone sent a shiver down your spine, a certain part of you getting wet. And it didn't help that you decided to forgo panties, your slick coating the seat of your bike. You then jumped off, your breasts bouncing slightly. This action didn't go unnoticed by him, his eyes dropping to your chest and trailing down your figure until his gaze landed on your skirt--if it could even be called that.
You were wearing a leather mini skirt that left little to the imagination, hugging your curves just right and showing off your thighs. He thought that if you made one wrong move, you'd flash him your panties; of course, not knowing you weren't even wearing any.
"Did I ever tell you how much I love your moustache?" You purred, heart leaping when he went speechless and his mouth hung agape.
His eyes flicked back up to meet yours, snapping out of his trance. "Only the first hundred times." He then cleared his throat, pointing an accusatory finger at you with a hand placed on his hip like a parent scolding their child. "Flattery won't work on me, Y/N. Do you know how fast you were going? And why weren't you wearing a helmet?"
"I know I was going pretty fucking fast!" You guffawed. "As for not wearing a helmet, well, what can I say? I don't like feeling restricted. I like being free. If I could, I'd totally go naked."
You saw his Adam's apple bob as he gulped at your emphasis of "naked", a death grip on his flashlight as his jaw squared. "That's public indecency." He stated simply. He was getting better dealing with you, but the ever so slight crack in his voice was a telltale sign that you still very much had an intoxicating, beguiling effect on him. "And where the hell were you going? Were you...leaving Hawkins?"
You didn't miss the plaintive way he had asked the question, your heart melting. He cared for you. No matter how much trouble you caused everyone, caused him... He would still check up on you, and you even caught him several times keeping watch outside of your trailer when Will Byers went missing a year ago. He claimed that the police were patrolling every nook and cranny after the kid's disappearance, but you never saw Hopper or anyone else guarding other people's homes like how Callahan did yours.
"I'm not leaving, Phil." You breathed out, nothing more than a whisper as you looked up at him; serious, for once. Because as boring as this town was, you've grown fond of it. And Callahan played a big part in that and even if you weren't together, he was the closest to home that you've ever felt in a long fucking time.
He searched your face for any lies, brown eyes soft before a genuine smile graced his features. "You better not, Lil Miss Trouble." A beat passed between the two of you, breaths mingling together and you only just realized how close you both were standing to each other. He had you caged against your bike, and you had to strain your neck just to be eye level with the tall man.
Then something in his expression shifted, and soon he was drawing away from you. "W-Well, I'm gonna let you off with a warning. Just this once, though! Think of it as thanks for that time--" You cut off his rambling when you reached out, grabbing his hand.
"I didn't leave." You declared, an almost pleading tone in your voice. "So don't leave either, Phil."
For what felt like a dreadful eternity, you were swallowed by a deafening silence. You, who was usually so confident, found your will breaking with each passing second. Your grasp softened until you let go, feeling your heart sink to your stomach.
"...Forget it. Thanks, Cal--" But you couldn't finish; because in a blink of an eye, his lips were on yours. It was brief, feather light. But the chaste peck made your heart explode, and you didn't even question if this was just one of your silly fantasies. It felt too real--too good.
He slowly pulled away, resting his forehead against yours and his warm breath tickling your nose. "I'm not leaving." He murmured, such beautiful, sincere greenish brown eyes locking with yours. "I'm not leaving you, Y/N."
You felt tears prickle your eyes, but before you would ever allow them to fall you wrapped your arms around his neck and nuzzled your nose with his. "Then prove it." And you crashed your lips with his, this time fiercely, passionately. You felt the rough brush of his moustache, but that only made everything feel astoundingly better.
He finally closed the gap between you two, looming over you, the flashlight clattering to the ground as his much larger hands clutched on to your hips before he easily lifted you and plopped you down on your bike's seat. You wrapped your legs around his waist, nipping on his bottom lip that elicited a gasp from him which you gladly took as the opportunity to slide your tongue inside his mouth. His tongue tangled with yours and coaxed it into a sensual dance, earning him a most heavenly moan from you.
You two only pulled away for breath, a thin string of saliva connecting your tongues. But his glasses were foggy and tinkly laughter bubbled out of you, feeling like a druggie high off of life--high off of him.
He chuckled, taking his glasses off to wipe them before putting them back on. "Sorry." He smiled sheepishly. "That ruined the moment, didn't it?"
"On the contrary..." You were still laughing, but you held one of his hands still on your hip and guided it lower, lower, lower...until his palm was right on your bare pussy. "You always turn me on, Cal. It's pretty fucking ridiculous, honestly."
His breath hitched sharply when he felt how drenched you were, his pupils dilating and mouth forming an 'O' at the realization that you've been half naked this whole time. He pressed his palm closer to your core, your laughter instantly dying down as his thumb slowly rubbed circles around your clit. One of your hands flew to his hair, something you've always dreamt of doing ever since you saw the incredibly sexy messy state it was in the day you met him. Your other hand clung onto his shirt for dear life, a gasp escaping you as he pinched your nub and began to stroke his fingers along your slit.
He leaned down to your ear, his fingers gradually increasing their pace and you trembled from the pure ecstasy that overcame your senses just from his deft fingers. "You really are a little troublemaker, huh?" He chuckled, voice dropping an octave lower. "You planned this all along, didn't you? Fucking slut..." His lips dragged down your ear to the crook of your neck, biting down and leaving a mark that had you crying out. "My beautiful fucking slut."
"All yours, Officer~" You mewled, your hand latched onto his shirt making its descent to his crotch. You palmed him, feeling his prominent erection aching to spring free as he groaned. "Just be mine, too." You peered down at him, eyes hazy with desire and desperation. "Pretty please?"
"I think I've been yours ever since we met. Not like I had a choice on the matter, anyway." He snickered before capturing your lips once more in a sultry, intimate kiss. Your mouth moved in perfect tandem with his, but you both took your sweet time as everything else faded away. There was only you and Callahan, Callahan and you. And it's all you ever fucking wanted; all you needed.
Not breaking the kiss, you shucked your leather jacket off and carelessly tossed it to the ground. Your hands came up to cup the sides of his face, fingers caressing him tenderly while his hands crawled beneath your white tank top; imagine his pleasant surprise to discover that you didn't wear a bra either.
"Jesus..." He muttered, yanking your tank top up before kneading and squeezing your perfect breasts as his lascivious gaze met your own. "You're gonna kill a fucking cop here." He grunted, making you giggle which immediately turned into an elated whimper as he tweaked your pert nipples.
"Get down. Turn around. Ass up." He ordered, and you didn't at all hesitate to obey. In your haste, you nearly tumbled off of your bike though Callahan steadied you. "Eager, are we, Y/N?" He chuckled, but something about the way your name smoothly, seductively rolled off his tongue had you wanting to fall down on your knees and reverently suck him off instead. But you didn't dare disobey, spinning around with your back to him and bending over your bike.
Though something dropped to the ground as you bent over, making Callahan arch a brow as he picked it up.
"My pen?" He scoffed, and though you can't see him, you can feel his disapproving stare boring into the back of your head like daggers. "Naughty girl, now you're stealing? Tsk, tsk." He flipped up your skirt, your ass now in full view as he licked his lips. His hands groped the pillowy soft flesh, releasing a low whistle of appreciation as he squeezed before suddenly raising his hand and spanking you.
"Ah..!" You exclaimed, looking over your shoulder with glazed eyes and flushed cheeks. "M'sorry, Officer~"
Smack! Another slap had you reeling in the best way possible, your pussy clenching at--unfortunately--nothing as you whimpered.
"Uh-uh. Didn't say you could look at me, did I, naughty girl?" He chided, seeing that you were wiggling your ass and trying to inch closer to him.
Smack! Smack! Smack! Three slaps, one right after the other. Your flesh glowed red with his handprint, making him smirk devilishly.
"M'sorry..." You said again, your voice coming out as a meek squeak. But more. You wanted more, more, more. "I'm a good girl, I promise!"
"I'm sure you are~" He hummed leisurely. "Just gotta prove it to me, right, baby?"
Before you had any chance to reply, he prodded your legs apart with his knee and his pants unzipping sounded like the most divine music to your ears. Both of your breaths got caught in your throats as the tip of his cock pressed against your pussy, stroking up and down your entrance slowly, teasingly. Your lustful impatience getting the best of you because, fuck, you deserved this, you were just about to slide down onto him when he suddenly pushed his entire cock in with no warning.
And fuck he was big. Much bigger than you ever fantasized, completely stretching you out as a long moan was drawn out of you and your upper body fell like a ragdoll on your bike. You vaguely heard him laughing huskily before he started to move; carefully, as if he was afraid you might break.
But with you? That didn't last very long, any pathetic thread of patience he had snapping as soon his thrusts started to become rapid, hard, wild--hitting that amazing spot deep inside your gummy walls over and over again, the lewd squelches of his cock slipping in and out of your pussy perfectly harmonizing with skin slapping against skin.
"Fuck, fuck, fuuuck..!" You screamed, toes curling and grinding your ass in time with his thrusts as he watched, utterly transfixed, with how you seemed to just fit him like a puzzle piece; the fucking addicting way you slammed back down onto him, your skin rolling with each bounce, your pussy clenching his cock like a goddamn vice and effortlessly accepting all of him.
He then wrapped a hand around your neck, squeezing just enough to have your eyes rolling to the back of your head before pulling you up so that you were standing and your back was pressed against his chest. He nuzzled his face just beneath your ear, hot pants grazing your skin as he never seized his pleasurable assault to your cunt as he continued to pound relentlessly into you like a beast in heat.
Suddenly, he pressed his pen to your clit. Your eyes widened as you felt the long, thin object rubbing against your sensitive mound, stroking and poking at your folds as his cock drove in and out, in and out.
"Gonna cum for me, pretty girl?" He whispered, planting butterfly kisses along the delicate column between your neck and shoulder, his grip on your neck tightening ever so slightly as he humped against you.
"Y-Yes, fuck, yes Officer..!" You choked out, rocking your hips desperately as you could almost see stars.
"Then cum, Y/N."
And you did; your walls fluttered and clamped down on his dick, your body stilling and eyes crossing as waves of the highest rapture coursed throughout your body. Callahan soon followed, a nearly animalistic groan accompanying the spurts of cum that gushed into your deepest, most intimate part as his hips stuttered to a halt.
You basked in silence, revelling in the satisfying afterglow. Then, agonizingly slowly, his twitching cock slid out of you, making you convulse and you could feel the hot cum trickling down your legs. He spun you around and gently grabbed your chin, tipping it up and examining your completely fucked out expression. You stuck your tongue out, and he didn't waste a precious moment as he leaned down and entwined your tongue with his. He held you closely, securely; hugging you to his broad chest as he stepped backwards until his back bumped into his car to support the both of you.
You were the first to pull away from the sloppy liplock, laying your head on his chest and sighing deeply. "That was..." You looked up at him, blinking dazedly. "...not what I expected."
"Did you not have fun?" He chuckled, though there was a hint of worry in his voice as his thumb lazily caressed your swollen bottom lip, kind brown eyes seeking yours. Shit, did he overdo it? Or worse... Did you realize that you actually weren't that into him?
"I did, it's just..." You trailed off before a giggle erupted out of you, shaking your head. "Y'know, the first time we met, I actually thought of you bending me over your car and fucking me. I never imagined I'd be bent over my bike."
"For fuck's sake, Y/N, you really are gonna be the death of me!" He whined dramatically, making you laugh and soon he joined you.
"So..." You grinned, fixing his glasses that had fallen to the bridge of his nose and running a hand through his sweaty, unruly curls that you loved too fucking much. "Was I a good girl, Cally~?"
"The fucking best." He returned your euphoric grin, booping your nose and, though he'd never admit it, he actually liked your nickname. Just for him, only by you. "Buuut you're a good girl that's coming back to the station with me."
"Huh? But I thought you're gonna let me off the hook for speeding?" You questioned, confused.
"I am, but you're forgetting your other crimes." He cleared his throat, rising to his full height and looming over you yet again. "Public indecency..." He traced his pen on your pussy, making you shudder as the cold metal glided across your skin up to the valley between your breasts. "...and theft."
"Well, Officer, if that's the case then you're not innocent either~" You smirked, wrapping your arms around his neck and dangling off of him much like you did the first time. "You stole my heart, after all~"
His face was as red as a tomato, smiling like a doofus as he hooked his hands under your plush thighs, hoisting you up and wrapping your legs around his waist. Taking you by surprise, but definitely not unwelcomed as he stared up at you with a stupidly smitten expression.
"We're partners in crime, then, Lil Miss Trouble~"
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gallant-basilisk · 2 years
HEY, HELLO I wanted to ask if you can do and todobakudeku x Yandere!reader but if you have done this already plese tag me in it and also, I love your writing <3
TodoBakuDeku X Yandere!Reader
(First time writing yan reader, apologies in advance)
Here's a quick heads-up! I'm only finishing this half finished fic and I'm not doing any editing to what was already written, therefore you may come across grammatical errors and a sudden change in story-telling.
"Good morning Momo, Uraraka!" You ran up to the two, tackling them in a hug. "Good morning, Y/N," Uraraka yawned and her lips tugged into a tired smile. "You seem unusually excited today. Did something happen?" "Ah, well.. no.. not yet, at least." "Ooh!" The brunette exclaimed with new found energy, "something's gonna happen today?" "I presume it's something good..?" Came Momo's addition and you pondered for a moment—what to say, exactly. "I actually have something to ask from you guys.. can we--" "Alright problem children, settle down already.." Aizawa's sudden voice made you jump slightly, and everyone quickly ran to their seats.
A few seconds after taking your seat you felt your phone buzz and checked it cautiously.
— - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - —
The three musketeers GC
I'm sorry about earlier. But we can resume the conversation after class...?
There's nothing happening rn, lets just talk here. It seemed like you wanted it to be private anyways @Y/N
Yeah, ur right. It also feels more comfortable over text.
Is that okay @Momo?
If it's that important, then I can't argue. I want to make sure everything's alright with you, since you're my dear friend.
Aww, Momo!
Thanks Momo, Uraraka ❤️
Alright, shoot the question bestie
😂 Alright, alright
So the thing is..
You like someone?? 👀🎉
Well, yes
Multiple someones, actually
I'm not trying to insult you, but what happened?
Come on Momo
They're flustered and just speed wrote 🤭
I wasn't aware there was something like that 🤔
By the way, @Y/N
Who are you talking about? Are they in our class?
.. perhaps
Don't forget any detail!
What detail?
Who they are, how many, do you want help choosing between them, etc
You know, what friends usually asks dear friends
You guys really like the term dear friend, huh
But I don't want to choose between them
Y/N I hope you're not thinking about something bad
Huh, wym Mom?
Oops, i mean geez
Are you.. okay? 😅
Yes, just autocorrect :/
Where were we?
So what did you think about doing Y/N?
Ever heard of polyamory? 😐
How do you know these someones would be polyamorous? Btw, yes, I had
That's why I wanted to talk with you guys
You are close to them
Alright, but WHO
We can't exactly help if you don't tell us.. 😅
I don't mean to pressure you or anything, just...
You know
Help us help you
So it's kinda awkward, but there's 3 guys
Just um.. don't judge , ok?
Please type one word at a time
Or space them
It's hard on the eyes
"It's Midoriya and Bakugou and Todoroki"
Are you sure??
Yeah, very 🙈
Well, I think Midoriya and Todoroki might agree to a polyamorous relationship if they like someone, but I don't know how they feel about you
no offense!
on the other hand Bakugou....
Well, tbh I don't know him that well
Balugou def not gonna agree
He's the type o guy who keeps his partners for himself and "doesn't like sharing"
Especially not with those two, yeah.
But @Y/N
Hoo boy, here we go
Yk whatever not gonna question you anymore
But how come you like them all?
I mean, they're.. kinda different, personality and appearance wise. 🤔
Yeah, but it's not like I have an exact type either
Do you ?
I don't remember ever getting involved with your love life
Prior to now, that is
Cause I didn't feel this type of intensity before now
I see, well
How can we help
Speaking of we, @Uraraka
Smth happen?
What no
You just acted a bit off
You didn't bombard Y/N with questions
Still haven't thought of one
It's so sudden
I never even noticed y/n liked someone...
Well, you have plenty of time to think about questions to ask
But we should help Y/N now
How? 😅
It's not like i or you have any experience, especially with more than one person
Ouch 😔
We can still think of something
If you say so..
I'll chat with you guys once I thought of something
Thanks, again
This means a lot to me guys
Np 🥰
— - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - —
You turned off your phone and briefly glanced at Uraraka and Momo. The latter seemed to follow through the lesson without fail after turning her phone off, while Uraraka played with her hair anxiously and chewed her lips. "Heh.." You couldn't help your lips tugging up into a small smirk at the sight of her—hopelessly thinking. Just the sentence "I have a crush on Midoriya" threw her off so much, you wonder what would happen were you to go further.
But it's enough for now.
For now.
"Y/N.. Y/N..." "Mmm.. yeah..?" You murmured softly—with your head nested on the desk and covered by your arms—, and, after recognizing the oh so familiar voice, you sprung up from your seat so quickly you knocked your chair back. "Midoriya! Hi!" The words left your mouth in the form of sharp breaths. "Ahaha, hi." The flustered boy scratched his face and you quickly apologized for the jumpscare, even going as far as to bow down. Which earned you an embarrassed chuckle from said boy. "I didn't mean to bother you either, just wanted to ask for your help with.. something." Midoriya averted his eyes and you took this chance to quickly scan the classroom, only to realize it was only the two of you in the room. You were happy, but also a bit disappointed that no one could witness Midoriya's adorableness and flustered state, though you'll definitely carve out every bastards' eyes who stole a glance when you finally get the chance to. But your top priority right now was the flustered boy in front of you, with his soft locks of green-black hair partially covering his eyes that glanced up once in a while and an awkward smile resting on his face. The sight of him made you feel as it always did—you could barely suppress the urge to pull him into your chest and pepper kisses on every. single. freckle on his body. The way he'd whimper and needily grab onto you, starving for your touch just as much as you do. You wanted to spoil him, to spoil ALL of them. The way all three boys would gaze up at you with glossy eyes, impatiently waiting for your return when you leave. When they finally realize how much you mean to them they'd throw away any silly dreams or thoughts, like wanting to be the No.1 hero. They don't need to work to gain the fake appreciation of those good for nothing members of society. So long as they--
"As expected, it's unreasonable from me, huh.." What?- Oh, for god's sake, you got lost in your fantasy. Again. Now look at the boy—that adorable pout on his face that makes you want to cup his face and force his mouth open to-- alright, Y/N, get your head out of the gutter. "I'm sorry if I upset you." "No, no no no no no!" Before you could regain your composure, your hands shot out to hold Midoriya's. "..?!" Midoriya's sharp gasp was the one thing that pulled you out of your daze as you kept rubbing his hands, which were unlike his face—rough, scarred and full of experience. There's definitely no way you'd be able to take him on in a one-on-one combat. "So-sorry!" You blurted out, but still didn't let go of his hands. "It's-it's just that--that, you know--you have verynicehands!..." "Um." "I-I.. I'm sorry--that sounded incredibly weirdbutididntmeanitinaweirdway or anything--notthatithinkyoucansaysomethinglikethatwithoutsoundinglikeacreep--but-but--you get it right??" "To-to be honest, you were talking a little bit too quickly. Can you repeat it?" Midoriya flashed an innocent smile making you feel as if a thousand butterflies would burst out of you at any. moment. You sighed, and regretfully, let go of Midoriya's hands, already missing the rough texture of his skin against your own.
"Nevermind. To be honest..." You began, looking at Midoriya—staring back at you with a heartbreaking look on his face. "...It's--I'd love to--that, yes... I'd love that..." You cursed yourself mentally for not having the heart to admit you weren't listening to whatever he was asking you and can only pray that it's something you're actually capable of doing. You'd rather die than to disappoint him. But that can wait, you'd rather try to engrave Midoriya's beaming face into your memory. The way he squeezed your hands. The muttered "thank yous" and that warm laugh that classified more as childish giggle will forever be a cherished memory to you, only overwritten with even more intimate moments with him.
"Really, Y/N, you're really nice— I'm sorry for involving you in something silly like this." Midoriya bowed to you and, before you could say anything, ran off through the second door. And as soon as his footsteps faded away, the first door of the classroom slid open—Uraraka held the door with her head dipped so low she might as well been bowing down to you.
"Uraraka-chan!" You called out in a sweet voice, expecting a giggle or smile from the naive girl. "What's wrong? Do you need me to help with anything, dear friend?" Instead, she raised her head and glared at you—god, that annoying baby face really doesn't work in her favor, but it sure as hell makes your blood boil. The mere fact that she was here, most likely expecting to find Midoriya all on his own, to take him away from you even when you told her already how much you yearned for him, for Katsuki, for Shoto—It's obvious!— you are the only one who can have them. Yet, despite making it so clear to her, how they all belonged to you, she still can't give up on Izuku?
"Y/N." Now what, does she want to play the victim—to make you out to be the bad guy?
"Yes?" The word escaped through gritted teeth wishing to brutally rip her throat out, maybe that, that would make her curse-like presence perish.
She gulped audibly and took a confident stance as if she was facing a fucking low-worth criminal.
The nerve in her..!
"Wait, no, before you continue..." You raised a hand and continued shortly after, "for how long did you eavesdrop on us? What exactly did you hear? If what you heard was the reason why you're... Mad at me, then you have no right to." "Wha--" "YOU were not a participant in OUR conversation, at the most, you were just stalking me or (my) Izuku and only happened to hear it—that does NOT equal being part of it. So if--" "SHUT UP!!" Uraraka shouted and held her head, tears prickling the corners of her eyes.
"You knew it already, didn't you?" You cock your head, "what could you possibly be referring to?" Her lips form a straight line and the hurt in her eyes sells her out. "Oh, it's Midoriya. Well, I would've probably guessed that sooner or later." "You're so heartless.."
"You should stop, before something happens."
But she didn't.
/ Whack /
It stings... Your cheek stings and your ears are ringing..
Did she really...
She just slapped you...
You truly didn't expect for the dumb bitch to be this dumb. Not a single ounce of courage, merely stupidity.
"Oi." You slowly raise your head, only to meet with a truly horrified expression—all the blood left her face and she, mouth parted, made shallow breaths almost as if forgetting how to breathe, like a fish stuck on land. "I-I.." She stammered, robotically raising her hands in a defensive way, probably afraid you'd hit back.
Which you really wanted to. A lot.
But, alas, nothing goes according to your wishes.
Momo steps into the classroom with Todoroki by her side, and, judging by their expressions, they probably were witness to Uraraka's uncharacteristic melt down.
"Uraraka-san." Todoroki called out, but she didn't turn to face him nor Momo. "Y/N, are you okay?" Momo ran up to you and held your face in her hands, examing the red handprint that slowly formed on your cheek. Truth to be told, it wasn't anything more than a faint uncomfortable feeling and it's most likely gonna disappear after a while.
"Hnn..Momo, did," you sniffled as small droplets of clear liquid trailed down your face and rolled down Momo's hands, "did I do so-something wrong??" "No, you didn't!" A golden opportunity was presented to you. She turned towards Uraraka, "We might've not been here the whole time, but I know that you wouldn't do anything bad intentionally. And so wouldn't Uraraka." Huh? "And I'm sure we can talk this out, right, Uraraka, Y/N?" "Momo..!" Uraraka smiled at Momo with shiny eyes, but you, on the other hand... You should just get rid of them already. They're only obstacles and they never helped you in any way. "Are you okay?" Todoroki's voice tore through the red clouding your eyes. Right. "I don't know why Uraraka-san would shout at and hit me." "That's--" "Why did you hit them?" Todoroki cocked his head and raised a brow, ever so slightly at her. "I..." Uraraka gulped and looked at Todoroki, then Momo. Then you. No. "Y/N's lying about me." "What?" Momo looked at you and Uraraka, a puzzled expression evident on her face. This is not. "Lying about what? You hit me! EVERYONE SAW IT!" "Y/N." Your name fell out of Todoroki's mouth, like a whisper. No. You hadn't prepared for this situation. And you're losing it. They're all looking at you. As if you're not the victim. And truth to be told, you weren't ever really good at acting, especially not under stress. This... THIS ISN'T RIGHT. What should you do...
"Is... Is this about our chat?" You put on your best pouty face and cling to Todoroki, peeking at Uraraka from behind him. "You're mad at me because you like... Midoriya?" "--Nnh...!" She grit her teeth and averted her gaze to the floor, clenching her hands so hard the nails dug into her skin. "Uraraka?" Momo stepped forward to stand before her. "Is what Y/N said true?" "No, I don't like him... I love him! But they knew!..." "Eep!" She pointed at you with a glare and you quickly hugged Todoroki from behind in an act of terror. He turned his head back, checking on you and smiled reassuringly. Aww, how cute. So caring. You almost feel as though you should get rid of Momo and Uraraka right now, before either of those idiots hurt Todoroki. But that's not right. Not yet. "Thank you, Todoroki." You try your best to put on a sad smile, but it's just so difficult when you're so happy. Even with the way things are, it doesn't matter as long as he only has you before him. Not those... Things.
But God does it piss you off how you can't just wrap your arms around him. Can't lock him up or tie him to you... Just yet.
Just a little more.
"This is a sensitive topic to both of you (I assume), so let's talk things out when we're back at the privacy of our dorms." Momo glances around worriedly and presents an uncertain smile, probably with the intention to lighten the mood. "Is that okay with you two?" Uraraka agrees to the suggestion without much hesitation, she trusts Momo's ability to find a solution for everything, after all. You, on the other hand, swallow every venomous word attempting to escape past your lips and begrudgingly nod along.
Your fingers twist the fabric of Todoroki's uniform tightly in anger, but the boy seemingly misinterprets it as fear— he turns towards you slightly and smiles. His hand twitched, contemplating whether he should comfort you with a reassuring touch, but to your disappointment he decided against it and settled with just a smile that turned awkward with uncertainty.
Momo releases a breath of relief and puts a hand on Uraraka's back comfortingly, and slowly leads her out of the classroom. But not before shooting a strange look to Todoroki that you can't quite understand, but you can guess it meant something along the lines of 'lets separate them' or... something, because the next thing you know Todoroki's walking out (in a different direction from the girls) and you instinctively follow him, still clinging to his uniform.
You don't say anything during the walk, and you only stop when you arrive to the entrance of the dorms and Todoroki turns around— forcing you to let go of him— and scratches his neck. "Y/N." "Yes?" You answer immediately, but it doesn't divert his attention from your intense staring. Though he doesn't comment on it. "...You like Midoriya?" "No! Yes– wait, um... This is a little more complicated than it seems." You huff and massage your temple, contemplating lying. Todoroki irks a brow, but doesn't speak any further.
Should you come clean? Todoroki's a rational person, plus he wouldn't judge you, right? Maybe telling him your feelings might provide a better solution than... Well, it's still a plan B, but you shouldn't jinx things just yet.
"So, let's say hypothetically I have a "crush" on Midoriya," you fiddle with your hands and avoid looking at Todoroki for fear of exposing yourself, "but at the same time— I have a crush on an another person too..... And one other. Hypothetically saying!" He doesn't say anything, but he doesn't seem to want to leave just yet, though you're still afraid from looking up and meeting his eyes, so you can't be sure. "What would that make me?" "... I don't know." He answers thoughtfully. "You like three people?" "Hypothetically only, it's a hypothesis! Like a "what if" question." You blurt out hastily, whipping your head up and finally meeting Todoroki's gaze. Fortunately or unfortunately, he doesn't seem to have an opinion formed, or he just doesn't show it with the stoic expression he's wearing.
"Okay." He says with a bit of a pause. "I'm sorry, I don't know what answer you want." "It's not– nevermind. Let me reword that— say, hypothetically, if you were the one I had a crush on... What would you do?" "One of the three?" "Y-yeah." You sigh and carefully examine as he raises his hand to his chin in thought, seriously contemplating your "hypothesis". "...What would that mean?" "What?" "If you had a 'crush' on me, what would that mean?" "That I like you? I really don't know what you're asking."
"Then I would say thank you." "....That's it?" "Yes... Was there something else?" "Sometimes I forget how annoying it can be to talk about certain topics with you..." You grumble under your breath, but you also know that no matter how dense Todoroki can be, he's still someone you genuinely love. Even if your love may be a little too intense..... sometimes.
"No, thank you for answering my hypothetical questions. But I have to go back to my dorm now, so see you later." You say dejectedly and wander into the building, and you feel a slight pang in your chest as you consider that Todoroki may be easier to convince under different circumstances.
~ At night ~
It's about time the bakusquad leaves for their respective rooms (and Bakugou will be alone), so you use your quirk to transform into a small cat and climb into his window to wait.
"...What are you talking about?" Your ears perk up to the sudden change in atmosphere, and you try your best to eavesdrop without being spotted. "Midobro! He told me he's dating someone." Kirishima exclaimed, flashing a toothy smile to Bakugou. "No way!!" Mina screeched, but even that ear-piercing noise couldn't deter your thoughts from wandering from what the redhead had said. "Are you sure it wasn't just a prank or some kind of test from the teachers??" "Kamibro, he was blushing and rambling the whole time we talked." Kirishima turned towards Bakugou for support, but didn't receive any. "The nerd's always blushing and rambling to everyone, besides, there's no idiot stupider than him who would date him." He grumbled, briefly raising his head from his phone, and quickly returned to it. "Man..." Kirishima groaned and looked out the window— you quickly ducked to the side, hoping he wouldn't see you—, then he looked around the room once more. "So you guys aren't interested in who's Midobro's date? Not even a little bit?" "No, dumbass. Because he doesn't have one. Tch!" Bakugou commented, not raising his head this time. Kirishima turned to the other two, receiving unsure grins. "I guess we should go to our own rooms already, it's getting pretty late anyways..." He pouts, and the trio leaves files out of the room, saying a brief "good night" to the blond, now laying on his bed and leaning against the wall.
"Mreow~" You quickly seize the opportunity and paw at the glass until Bakugou notices you, and opens the window. "You're early.." He says thoughtfully as you trot towards the soft bed, and curl yourself up next to the pillow. It's something you've been doing for a few weeks now, taking on the form of a small cat and hanging out with Bakugou late at night— the first time you were impatient, thus careless, and you almost got caught in your original (human) form inside his room. But a few days later, when you were on a walk you saw a young kitten and you got an idea— and to your delight, that idea worked out well and Bakugou allowed you inside his room, even petted you and allowed so many more things that would've been considered weird, or even creepy if you were to do it as a human. (Since then, you've also began visiting Midoriya and Todoroki in their rooms when they were alone, and when morning came you took something from there as a keepsake, of course being careful not to make them too suspicous).
He plops down next to you, but this time he lays on his back and pats his stomach. You happily climb onto him and nuzzle into his neck, purring and kneading as he gently strokes your fur. His lips tug into a small, silly smile and he sighs. You know how relaxing it is for him to pet you and you'd be lying if you said this isn't one of your favourite things to do. But in a few hours, after you made sure he was asleep you'd go to visit your Izuku and Todoroki, as you've been doing for the past few weeks.
Otherwise, how could you sleep peacefully, if there was a chance either one of them could be hurt or even worse... So you have to make sure they are safe, every night, even if they don't know, even if they never thank you.
— - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - —
I really don't want to make this too long. I really didn't know how to end this, so this may seem abrupt.
Ps. I wanted a build-up, but it definitely turned a little awkward. I just didn't want to write the typical (and cringy) yandere falls in love and is immediately killing everyone who even looks at the subject of their love.
I might write another Yandere!Reader x The trio fic (that would be a 100% better) sometime in the future, but right now I'm just glad I got this one off my shoulders. Thank you for reading! ':)
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trying414 · 1 year
Maribat Prompt
This was titled post-idea, and i literally just copy-pasted my note, so thats why theres the crying prompt thing at the bottom.
Also, none of this is meant to be offensive or anything. I wholly support all genders/sexualities. And I'm pro-choice. So if this is offensive, I'm so sorry, and please let me know (gently, im sensitive) so I can try to correct myself ❤️
Damian ladybug, Marinette black cat
"Father, I have acquired a kitten. I'm keeping her. She's MINE." (Stake his claim so no adoption occurs. But also the kitten joke because he loves animals.)
"Holy shit, it's hereditary." (I've definitely seen this line with Mari being a cat, but she's always with a bird. Not a bug. Which is fun for the cat-who-got-the-canary plays, but not what I'm going for with this idea.)
He can become red bird or something, I don't know. He can't be ladybird. I know that would relate, but he's not a lady.
Maybe he does it just to spite people
And take down sexist, discriminating assholes
He might
His brothers would laugh, but they would get behind the cause
It would seem so out of character
But he would enjoy trolling people
Maybe the bats mention ladybird strategically
People are looking for a female
And then as soon as one starts talking shit, BAM!
(Those two lines were a reference to a play I was in when I was in high school and they fit perfectly 😂)
😘 drink your respect women juice, kids
And accept all.
Oh my God, though.
I know this started as damian, but could you imagine dick or Jason? Maybe even Tim. I feel like damian is just the least likely to pull this shit.
"Ladybird is a dude wtf"
Cue fake tears "I'm TRANS you PRICK"
he's not, but he supports whole heartedly and that will teach them not to assume one's gender
Suddenly, gothamites have united for Trans rights. Pride month is bigger than before. And gothamites protect their own. Someone says shit about their "Trans" bat? Oh FUCK no. And all the Trans gothamites finally feel represented. Whichever batbro is playing that part takes pride in helping them feel represented. He may not be Trans himself. But he knows how important it is to feel like you matter.
Bonus if it's Jason because he lived on the streets. He knows what being Trans and unaccepted can do to people, whether it be murder or suicide or rape. He's seen them turn to "hormone therapies" found on the street because they can't afford proper medical help or their family doesn't support it and the drugs are a bad batch or laced with something or not even the correct drug at all, and the next thing he knows, they're addicts or dead. Fuck yes he's going to represent.
Give him a more tragic backstory. Maybe he had a trans friend on the street that wasn't accepted by their family. Maybe he tried to help them get the drugs or tried to talk them out of it (having seen his own mother). And they died for it. So when he has the opportunity to represent, he takes it. No one knows if he's mtf or ftm. Maybe he's nonbinary or genderfluid (though I'm pretty sure that's not trans? I could be wrong. And if I am, please gently correct me. I want to learn, not be attacked.) Hell, maybe he's nb or genderfluid outside of the mask. I don't know. I don't think he would be trans, if I'm being honest. The only one I think I could really see as trans is Tim. Though, I'm sure there are great ways to spin Jason as trans, and no hate on that. Just not for this au (though if someone wants to run with this idea and make him trans, I have no problem with that, and I will happily read it 😊)
Fuck, I just wrote a whole goddamn prompt 😭
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