#personified city
nat-of-personifs · 6 months
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Galileo :)
-His clothes are very very loosely based off of recent NASA spacesuits.
-The pastel pink thing is VNP-120, which is how people get to and from the Moon; Vanguard fucked with it a little. The collar looks like that because I wanted to incorporate a reference to the outline of
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This building, the Riverside Museum, in Glasgow, Scotland, designed by Zaha Hadid. The architect was mentioned as creating buildings with a similar feel to those found on Galileo. I tried to incorporate the style into his hair, but I don’t think I did very well. Here’s Zaha Hadid’s Wikipedia article.
-All the other green and pink things are pockets. Galileo loves pockets.
-The pen in his pocket is a Fisher Space Pen, which isn’t strictly required for the conditions he’s working in, but still very durable. He literally only owns a single pen; it’s all he needs, and he keeps meticulous track of his belongings.
-I wanted so badly to include a telescope somewhere on his form, but I couldn’t make it fit.
-The cuffs on his legs, tungsten, symbolize the anomalous generators that create his artificial gravity.
-He has a somewhat rational fear of jumping/skipping and hates trampolines with a burning passion, though he has nothing against climbing tall structures.
-Physically nine. Mentally an older teenager. Unlike most cityspirits, he has very few scars.
-Constantly moving and talking. He needs to be doing something useful with his hands at all times, and there’s a lot to be doing. On the rare occasions he doesn’t have something to work on, he’ll crochet or tap his pen against his leg. He walks and talks very quickly. He does not sleep.
-He may look like he’s paying attention to what you’re saying, but he’s probably thinking about his latest research project or energy initiative.
-Tourists are like gut bacteria.
-Excellent orator.
-Considers Luna Area-32 his personif parent, but he’s had a lot of benefactors, and owes his existence to Vanguard and the Druv’tuul.
-Currently in the in/dependence stage of development. He’s not afraid to ask for help but prefers to solve things on his own.
-Comforted by routine, but he’s a high sensation seeker.
-Finds socializing with Earth cityspirits natural and comfortable, though they’re often surprised. He never stays long, though.
-Incredibly utilitarian. He has an appreciation for beauty, but will subordinate it to function if necessary, and he doesn’t understand ornamentation without practical reasoning behind it.
If you’ve made it this far, here are some sketches of an early design I drew at school:
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He looks more his age here.
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yakny · 10 months
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"This street only sees me and I, have only ever glanced at it as I walked through it. I was not there for its naming, its cracks on the ground, its statue imported from another country, or the way it was told to bend and turn since its conception. It was there for when my life fell apart, when I carried a potted plant into my first visit to a friend's house, or for the time you smiled into my arms. It will outlive me and it will continue outlive many others, seeing their lives fleet through its rocky veins like a river of our collective consciousness, heading somewhere and nowhere at all. It is within that thought that lies the solace of my obligations."
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futurebatgirl · 5 months
It’s 2023 and people are still critiquing Wes Anderson for being too whimsical
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tinytrexstudios · 6 days
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@coastermaynia week 1!
Day 1: Top Thrill 2 from Cedar Point
Day 2: Hyperion from Energylandia
Day 3: Talon from Dorney Park
Day 4: Lost Gravity from Walibi Holland
Day 5: Good Gravy! from Holiday World
Day 6: Valkyria from Liseberg
Day 7: Outlaw Run from Silver Dollar City
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retrowave-racer · 7 days
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Coaster Maynia 2024 Day 7 - OUTLAW RUN
“The exhausted outlaw came to a halt, ducking in between the Saloon and the shop, hoping to stay hidden from the relentless sheriff. The outlaw gasped for air, winching at the pain in his legs. A moments rest, he prayed it would be enough to slip into the shadows and out of this good for nothin’ town! How dare they call the sheriff on him for only taking what he deserved! Nevertheless, he hadn’t been caught before, and he sure as hell wouldn’t let that start here! Just another deep breath and…
The sound of hooves tapping almost impatiently behind him stopped him from exhaling. He slowly turned his head, his teeth gritting into a forced smile. “Ah, hello Sheriff? Having fun?”
The horse stomped, almost seeming irritated by the Outlaw’s snark. “Easssy Silver,” the sheriff cooed, warmly smiling at his horse, and then to the Outlaw. “Now now, we can end things here if you just come with me, your hurt, running will only make it worse.”
“Tsk, you really are on your high horse ,huh? You think I’ll let someone from a pathetic town like this take me in? You’re not even on the map!”
“Pathetic huh? Maybe if you’d give this place a chance, you’d see its full of good people, maybe it would help an outlaw like you change your ways hmm?”
“Pah as if! This is the Wild West, not a fairy tale!” The Outlaw got to his feet. “You want to take me in? You’ll be throwing a limp body behind bars!” He stumbled off once more.
The Sheriff grinned. “The game goes on. C’mon Silver, I think it’s time I stopped going so easy on this fella….he doesn’t seem to want to change, and I gave him plenty of chances!”
“Ahaha as if I want your chan—“ The smug outlaw suddenly dropped his facade as his leg gave out under him, and he stumbled over his own feet. He groaned and looked up, to see a raging steed just inches from him, her rider swigging his lasso….”
Had so much fun with this design and story! I actually consulted a friend who had been to Silver Dollar City for his perspective of the ride to help with this design, thanks for that Jono!! Also if anyone recognized the Outlaw design from last years Coaster Maynia…you get a cookie!
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i may not fall in love with people humans much. but inanimate buildings and cities and constructs???? kisses on the walls the railings the doors i love you so much
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mur-art · 1 year
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I swear I’m working on other requests but I definitely went a bit too hard on this one. @aarcanaa​
This is getting out of WTTT and into my own OC territory but I hope y’all don’t hate me too much. I intended to add L.A. too but TBH I don’t think I’ve spent enough time in L.A. to feel confident with a design right now. Also I personally have a lot of negative feelings toward L.A. so it may be a bit unfairly biased. 
Anyway, some notes about my interpretations (and a sketch of San Diego v.2) below: 
Fun fact; I live in a super rural part of California literal hours away from the nearest major city (which is actually Las Vegas, Nevada) so my experience of being a Californian is a bit uh... different. Cities terrify me a bit (see my notes on L.A. above) but I’ve been to most of the CA cities at least once. Out of all of them, I’ve actually spent the most time in San Diego. 
Anyway, enough rambling; here’s some notes about them. Keep in mind, these are just my interpretations based on my own experiences. 
San Francisco: 
-Nonbinary; uses they/them pronouns. (I can’t get the idea of them saying “My name is San FranCISco but I’m anything but” out of my head.) 
-Has a lot of super artsy and well-executed tattoos (pretend I can draw them correctly!) Most of them are exactly what you’d expect, but some of them are truly bizarre. Many of them cover burn scars. 
-Apparently SF’s official city flower is the dahlia, so they’re wearing a vague approximation of a dahlia. 
-Has a semi one-sided rivalry with L.A. (L.A. is too busy with her own shit to care as much) I think this somewhat originally stemmed from the jealousy of L.A. overtaking San Francisco as the largest city in CA, but it continues because of their clashing personalities.
-Is rich AF but attempts to dress and act like they’re not. Wouldn’t want to be like L.A.; that’s what they’ll say. But they will 100% humblebrag about their latest expensive gadget purchase whenever given the opportunity. 
-Leans 110% into every single thing they do; they are seemingly incapable of half-assing something. This is their boom town mindset in action- first it was gold, now it’s tech. They are a MASSIVE overachiever, and this leads to them always being stressed-while-pretending-not-to-be-stressed. 
-Acts kind of spoiled and haughty and can be a judgmental asshole sometimes, but despite this, they actually do care about people. When shit hits the fan, they’re the first one to lend a hand. Maybe it comes from coming close to dying multiple times (in the way that personifications can actually die, not just silly accidents) that gives them a deep sense of empathy and awareness of their own mortality. This leads them to champion causes that seek to make the world a better place. They’re not perfect and sometimes things backfire, but they do try. 
San Diego: 
-Cis female; she/her. 
-Canonically (at least in WTTT) California’s favorite city. She knows this and tries to work him to her advantage to get what she wants. 
-She’s basically sunshine personified. She’s super bubbly, outgoing, and generally friendly. Unlike the other California cities, she is actually genuinely laid-back and relatively stress-free. 
-She’s very book smart, especially with numbers and engineering-related things, but she often acts outwardly ditzy and carefree, leading some people to doubt her intelligence. However, when she gets to work she can prove herself immediately. 
-Historically, she was overshadowed by the other cities. At times, they even forget she existed, despite her trying her best to make herself stand out. I found this great quote from a 1920s businessman: 
“What is the matter with San Diego? Why is it not the metropolis and seaport that its geographical and other unique advantages entitle it to be? Why does San Diego always just miss the train, somehow?"
-Despite being perpetually overshadowed and ignored, or maybe because of it, she forged her own identity. She didn’t feel like she had to uphold any rigid standards like the others did, so she became much more chill. 
-She can be very flaky; don’t try to make plans with her, she’ll either forget or get distracted by something else. If you want to hang out with her, you just have to go with her flow. 
-She can speak Spanish fluently and is best friends with TJ (Tijuana). 
-She’s super fit and could beat you up, but she won’t. 
-San Diego is well-known for having a large military presence, so I had to include San Diego in her day job attire. (Ssh, pretend I know about military stuff and got her uniform accurate) She can go from hippie mode to drill sergeant mode in an instant, but only when someone has really fucked up. 
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Anyway, thanks for sticking with me! 
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lapetitechatonne · 1 year
Day Three: Eldritch Entity
i literally can’t believe it’s day three already!!! okay, but this story idea has been bouncing around in my brain for a while and i’m so happy to get an excuse to write it. i’m thinking about turning this one into a series, so if you’re interested let me know!!!
ao3 link!
Kate’s Masterlist here!
Trust Only the Dark - 2.2k words
Dani clutched her stomach as she stumbled down the dark cave system, the only light the greenish glow of the blood dripping between her clenched fingers.
Vlad’s stupid bounty hunters finally got a lucky shot after months of stalking. One she didn’t know if she’d survive.
She stumbled over a rock, her knees hitting the ground hard. The pain in her knees magnified by the ache everywhere else. It hurt. Everything hurt.
She blinked away tears as she watched her blood drip onto the ground.
That’s when she saw it.
The shadows crept around her, moving and stretching around the jagged rocks. A shiver ran down her spine as they started collecting in the dips of the cavern walls, thickening into swirling shapes. It reminded her of Johnny’s shadow or Vlad’s shades.
The pools of darkness slowly slithered together, into a large mass in front of her. She watched in fascination as it began to form a humanoid-like shape, sharp at the edges like static but drifting in and out of view like fog.
At its center, two glowing circles formed. They were pure white balls of gas against the darkness, which made them all the more intimidating.
The creature moved its long spider-like limbs skulking towards her like she was a wounded animal. Logically, she knew she should be afraid, that she should run away as far as she could and never look back.
But as she stared into the burning eyes of the creature, she couldn’t bring herself to run. There was something too. . . familiar.
“What,” its voice was a sound somewhere between tv static and shattering glass, the words barely recognizable, “you?”
It stretched out a long, knifelike finger, pointing at her.
Before she could think any better of it, she reached out too. As she neared its out-stretched extremity it screeched, slicing her hand and pulling back into itself.
She gasped, pulling her hand back into her. The scratch on her hand was deep, deep enough that she could see bone, and the sting was amplified by the pain already pulsing through her body. She hissed as she switched which hand was pressing down on her stomach wound so that way her uninjured one could also press down on this wound.
Soon she was gonna run out of hands.
She looked up at the creature as it shifted uneasily back into the crevices like it was waiting for her to attack it.
“I’m sorry,” her voice was barely more than a whisper, but the shadow tilted its head like it understood, “I didn’t mean to—ahh,” she groaned in pain as her head spun. She panted, taking deep breaths until it subsided a bit. She was losing a lot of blood.
And fast.
When she looked back up, the creature had inched forward a bit, its glowing white eyes almost curious.
“What you?” it asked again, this time keeping its distance.
“I’m. . . I’m nothing,” She bowed her head, tears pricking her eyes, “I’m something that’s not supposed to exist. Something no one cares about.” The words were thick in her throat but they were the truth. "I'm just a phantom," she laughed bitterly.
No one cared about her, whether she lived or died. Not really. Not because they actually cared about her or would miss her. They just because they didn’t like death, even less so when they played a passive part. She understood that after all her travels.
The difference between people caring about you and just not wanting to see you die.
The silhouette shifted, getting closer. This time she stayed still, not wanting to frighten it again. She knew what it was like to lash out because you were scared and you were used to people hurting you, she’d seen it so many times—hell she'd done it before.
“Hurt?” it reached out its finger again, this time slower. It dipped the sharp edge in her blood that was pooling on the ground.
She watched as it examined the slightly glowing substance. It looked curious and cautious, but no longer afraid.
“Yeah,” she laughed humorlessly, “he got a lucky shot in. Real lucky.” She smiled grimly up at the thing. Surely it knew she wasn’t going to make it out of this.
It continued to study her. Circling her. She watched the shadows bend and swirl around her like it was trying to engulf her. She continued to stay still, she was dying here anyways. There wasn’t any point in fighting.
Once it finished. . . whatever it was doing, the shadows gathered in front of her again, this time in a much smaller, almost human-shaped form. This time when it held out its claw-like hand it wasn’t scared. It was sure.
“I help,” it said.
Dani looked from its outstretched hand to its white, glowing gaze. Whatever this thing was, it seemed to think she was worth helping. She didn’t quite understand, but she decided that maybe she didn’t have to.
She slowly reached out and took its hand. It felt more solid than she expected it to. It was cold—which was something coming from her—and clammy like fresh snow melting under her touch. It pulled her to her feet, giving her a moment to catch her balance.
It lead her down the long dark cavern, though it didn’t so much as walk, but glide around the bumps and spikes on the ground. It was oddly fascinating to watch, even as she felt her brain becoming more and more cloudy.
She lost a lot. More than even a halfa should. It wouldn’t be long before she collapsed, leaving only a puddle of goo on the rocky ground. At least she wouldn't be alone.
Maybe that's why she was following the creature. Despite everything, even though she knew this creature didn't care for her, she was too scared to truly die alone.
They took twists and turns Dani didn’t understand, moving from one cavern to the next. Just when she thought she didn’t have it in her to keep going, she saw a soft green light emanating from the entrance of a new cave system.
The creature lead her to the cavern, and Dani couldn’t believe what she was seeing.
There was a small pool of a viscous green liquid, swirling around and around in a familiar pattern.
It was ectoplasm.
Her whole body could feel its presence and it ached to consume it. She moved forward, unable to control the pure need in her core. As she got closer she could tell it wasn’t quite right.
It wasn’t like the ectoplasm she knew, it was. . . wrong. Tainted. It was some kind of darkness he couldn't identify, not beyond the surface level.
Still her body craved it. It needed it. If she didn’t consume it she’d die right here. Right now.
She stepped into the pool, feeling the ectoplasm surrounding her skin. It was like a cool balm on her burning muscles, quieting the persistent pain to a dull ache. With each step deeper, she could feel the foreign emotions flooding her system.
There was so much pain. So much fear. So many people had died in Gotham so suddenly, it made sense that it left a tangible mark on the city, a place where the leftover emotions lingered.
Still, she went deeper. Voices started whispering in her ears, distant and indistinguishable. It didn't matter. She continued until she could let herself fall back into the pit, letting the ectoplasm engulf her.
The ectoplasm rushed to her wounds, stitching the skin back together and mixing into her bloodstream.
The voices got louder. The cries and screams of the dead echoed in her ears, they were so lonely. So scared. They didn’t deserve this pain, all this pain—gods there was so much.
She sank deeper and deeper until her back hit the jagged ground.
There was still fear and pain and anger, but there was something else too. Something warmer. Happier.
There was love.
There was hope.
So many loved this city. Loved it so deeply that a part of them got left behind. Had so much faith in it that they never truly believed in anything else. Had so much hope for it that it continued to live on in the very concrete under their feet.
It was unlike anything Dani had ever felt.
It was tragic. It was kind. It was purpose.
Something she lacked. That's why she was falling apart to begin with—she was a ghost without an obsession. A human without a family. She had nothing. Was nothing.
But Gotham. It was so much. So much it hurt.
Dani pushed off the ground and rose to the surface, feeling the cold night air on her wet skin. She gasped filling her lungs and found that just breathing the Gotham air felt different. It felt sweeter. Tangier.
She tried to orient herself, letting the intense feelings fade to a dull roar in the back of her mind. She didn’t know if she’d ever be free of them after that. She wasn't sure she wanted to.
Here there was purpose. There was love.
How could she go back to a life without it?
She stared out at the cave, and almost missed the creature as it slunk back into the darkness.
“Wait,” she called out to it. The thick liquid swished around her as she tried to get out. “Thank you. For saving me.”
It tilted its head in acknowledgment and began to pull back again.
“Don’t go!” She struggled, trying to move even faster but thankfully it froze, seemingly unsure what to do. As she got closer she could see the marks across its dark form, like it’d been torn apart and stitched back together. She wondered if that's why it was so afraid at first.
She reached out but didn't touch it, “You’re hurt too.”
Her words were quiet, but they seemed so loud in the small space.
If she focused, really focused, she could feel the hurt radiating off the creature. But just like the ectoplasm, past the layers of darkness and anger, at its core there was love. Unbelievable, almost unbearable love. There was so much it hurt.
“I curse,” its form sagged in sadness.
“Curse?” she asked. She'd never known a curse to take form, and she'd certainly never seen one so attached to something.
It raised its finger and tapped the space between her eyes. As it did, her vision blurred and she was thrown into what she could only describe as a premonition.
As rows of women were lined up on the gallows, their broken voices calling out to the skies in harmony.
“Gotham will never know peace. Gotham will never know peace. Even after we're deceased, we will haunt your masterpiece, the blood will run in the streets. Gotham will never know peace.”
The promise cracked over their sobs as the men prepared to pull the boxes out from under them. The singing only faltered for a moment as the women dropped, the crack of their necks sickeningly audible in the moment of silence.
As the lifeless bodies swung in the wind the women behind them continued the haunting melody.
Dani gasped, bile rising into her throat. She wanted to cry, to scream and collapse. Those people, all those poor innocent people—gods.
She looked up into the sad eyes of the creature, the puzzle pieces slowly falling into place.
“You’re Gotham?”
Gotham made a noise she interpreted as agreement and moved back from her again, trying to hide in the dips of the cave. It was. . . ashamed of what it was. Dani could relate.
“It’s not fair,” she smiled at it sadly but didn’t move any closer, “that you got caught in the crossfire. I don’t blame you. Sometimes it’s hard to be anything but what people make you. I’d know.”
She looked down at her hands. She was nothing without Vlad, yet she was nothing with him.
She could feel the voices of Gotham’s people deep inside her wrapping her in warmth like they were comforting her. Huh.
She looked up at Gotham, its cautious white eyes staring back at her.
Gotham saved her. It embraced her. It loved her, and not because it had to, but because it saw something in her worth loving. Worth fighting for.
Dani held her hand out to Gotham, a single thought solidifying in her mind, “Let me help you. We can share the burden.”
She smiled as the Curse crept forward on uneasy limbs, examining her from all angles.
It reached out and wrapped its thick hand around hers, cautious of its claws.
Dani felt a surge of cold power rush through her, like the ocean breeze on a hot day. It settled underneath her skin, pulling at her core until it completely wrapped around it.
She could feel the streets of Gotham carve themselves into her bones. The hopes of its people settle in her chest. It’s pain in her muscles. She could see and feel everything all at once.
Dani opened her eyes, the Curse still stared back at her but it was different. Smaller. Lighter.
The sound of a baby's first laugh rang distantly in her ears as she felt an old woman take her last breath. Her core sang in harmony with the distant church bells.
The Curse smiled back. It took their joint hands and lead her down the cavers into the very heart of the city.
Exactly where they should be.
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weepylucifer · 5 months
I never really got into any Vetinari ship bc like... he always seems like he has too much else to do, idk. But I think if there was Vetinari/Morporkia i could get really into that. Like, that is the love of his life. He's killed for her, he put himself in harm's way for her, he carried a lilac blossom in his mouth for her, he dedicated his entire life to her. Yes, the "Stinkytown is sentient" post inspired this
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pisscreant · 7 months
Revachol. Sweetheart. Gorgeous. You're a monument of suffering and joy. You are so full of diseases and conflict. We have so much in common. We should get married about it, I think
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nat-of-personifs · 6 months
A Comprehensive List of Every Personif Thing I’ve Seen, Ever
-A lot of old books, like Common Sense by Thomas Paine, refer to OTJs with she/her. I love them dearly.
-Just google national personifications.
-Welcome to the Table. US Statespirits.
-Meanwhile in Australia. Australian Statespirits.
-Scandinavia and the World.
-Paris Burning and associated universe. Cityspirits. I was majorly influenced by this.
-The Great Cities series by N.K. Jemisin, favorite books of all fucking time. The avatar terminology and style of personification fighting basically made it into my canon wholesale. Cityspirits and boroughspirits.
-Living Maps: An Atlas of Cities Personified. Haven’t got it yet but I really want it.
-The Bible, apparently. Cityspirits.
-@mur-art’s addition: Big Wayward Girl. Statespirits. California.
-This old-ass poem has Paris talking. There were a bunch like it, but I couldn’t find translations. I owe my life to JSTOR, and my fountain pens.
-Centricide. Political personifs.
-Socialstuck, Fandomstuck, and Socialstuck Cloutchase.
-Purge the Poison by MARINA. Mother Nature dissing humanity for climate change in two minutes.
-I Am California by John Craigie.
-@mur-art’s addition: some Statehumans comics.
-@mur-art’s personif playlist
-@mur-art’s addition: Florida’s state song (I AM OBSESSED WITH THIS THING ALREADY OMG)
-@bread--quest’s addition: Sedona by Houndsmouth
-@milokissa707’s addition: Canadian provinces as roommates
-There are a bunch of things on quora; just search something related.
-Nico’s Proposal describes the Administrator like the personif of the Foundation.
-Fall Witness, Part 2. Autumn Court Fae create an artificial personif of the O4 Council. Vanguard tale <3
-SCP-1761. This thing got me into the SCP Wiki in the first place.
-SCP-5513. I do not have words.
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godofsmallthings · 25 days
hey so like. london is ja personified and florida is mh personified, no?
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hyunpic · 2 years
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hyunjin for the ysl event in paris! cr. xeno_sta
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silly-bees · 11 months
gotham is good friends with death.
they meet each other more often than not; death stays the night sometimes.
gotham trusts death. gotham trusts death more than anything, because death loves her children.
when her children die, gotham watches as their souls rise from their bodies. they are drawn to her, and she cups the cold spirits in her calloused palms. with great grief and love, gotham raises them up and passes them to death. he takes the souls, and gently cradles them to his bones.
the chill of the souls mix with his own, and death receives their memories. death now understands them. death now loves these souls.
(you must understand, death does not hate life. he in fact, loves her. life is long and beautiful, and death is very patient. he is content to watch as souls blossom in life's palms before being gently passed onto his own. death knows life is beautiful, and he's honored to be able to feel life in each soul he takes.)
death does not blame gotham for his visits. he enjoys her company, and he loves her children. they carry so many stories with them, and they bring much joy to an ancient like him. gotham is grateful her children are in such loving hands.
death is good friends with gotham.
and life still blossoms in her children.
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dungeonbf · 7 months
toronto, ontario is my bf btw if u guys even care 🙄
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solargeist · 2 years
are human l'manberg and new l'manberg the same person
yuh ? lmanberg has always been lmanberg :thumbsup:
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