#persuasive soft selling
ekainfra2020 · 1 year
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sellingskill · 2 months
Why selling skill is essential?
Here are some key reasons why selling skills are vital :
Persuasion and Influence:
This can be crucial in negotiations, pitching ideas, or even in everyday interactions.
Career Advancement:
Whether you’re seeking a promotion, a new job, or trying to convince your team to adopt a new strategy, selling yourself and your ideas effectively is crucial.
Building Relationships:
Good selling involves understanding the needs and desires of others, which helps in building strong personal and professional relationships.
Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty:
For businesses, selling skills are directly linked to customer satisfaction. Understanding customer needs and providing appropriate solutions leads to higher satisfaction and loyalty.
Problem Solving:
Effective selling often involves identifying and solving problems, which can improve your critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
How to Excel in Selling Skills?
Know Your Audience:
Understand who your target customers are, their needs, preferences, and pain points. Tailor your approach to resonate with them.
Develop Active Listening Skills:
Pay close attention to what your customers are saying. Active listening helps you understand their needs and build a connection.
Enhance Communication Skills:
Clear, concise, and persuasive communication is key. This includes verbal, non-verbal, and written communication.
Build Trust and Rapport:
People buy from those they trust. Be honest, reliable, and show genuine interest in your customers’ needs.
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Tips to Improve Selling Skills:
Practice sales scenarios with colleagues or mentors. This can help you refine your approach and gain confidence.
Seek Feedback:
Ask for feedback from customers, peers, and supervisors. Use this feedback to improve.
Read and Learn:
Invest time in reading books, and taking courses on sales techniques and strategies.
Join Networking Groups:
Connect with sales professionals to share experiences, tips, and best practices.
Use Technology:
Leverage CRM tools and other technologies to manage customer relationships and streamline your sales process.
By developing these skills, you can become more effective in selling, leading to greater success in both professional and personal endeavors.
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Enemies vs cowards
With few exceptions, it is more accurate to divide most politicians into two broad categories: Enemies, and Cowards. The enemies are those politicians who are legitimately opposed to your policy goals. The cowards are those politicians who may agree with your policy goals, but will sell you out if they must in order to protect their own interests. Embrace the idea that we are simply pushing to elect the cowards, rather than the enemies. Why? Because the true work of political action is not to identify idealized superheroes to run for office. It is, instead, to create the conditions in the world that make it safe for the cowards to vote the right way. Under this framework, you can set aside the tedious feelings of disappointment that come with holding moral views while also supporting any politician. Will your favorite candidate do something bad? Almost certainly. After all, they are cowards. The onus is on us to give the cowards a soft path to the moral choice. The education necessary to equip citizens with the facts; the persuasion necessary to move public opinion to the right place; the organizing necessary to mobilize people to fight for the right thing. These things are the substance of “politics.” Elections can be seen as just another organizing task, one in an endless procession of efforts necessary to arrange the chess pieces of power in a way that will, eventually, produce the righteous outcome.
-Hamilton Nolan
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cool-fancier · 11 days
Running into You
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Synopsis: You're just an ordinary person, but your life is about to take an extraordinary turn. Your friend Somi, a die-hard Blackpink fan, drags you to their concert. You stumble upon a quiet backstage area and bump into none other than Rosé, the main vocalist.
Word Count:6.9K (long one)
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The afternoon sun filtered through the curtains of your living room, casting a soft, golden glow over the space. You were curled up on the couch with a book, trying to lose yourself in its pages, but your attention kept drifting. The words blurred together, the story losing its grip on you as your thoughts wandered.
Lately, everything seemed to have fallen into a predictable pattern, one that you couldn't quite break free from. Work, home, the occasional hangout with Somi, and then back to the routine. It wasn't that you were unhappy—just... stuck. There was a restlessness growing inside you, a need for something different, something that would shake up the monotony of your life.
"Why do you look like you're about to fall asleep?" Somi's voice cut through your reverie, pulling you back to the present. She was sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of the coffee table, her laptop open with several tabs displaying concert dates, fan forums, and YouTube videos.
You glanced up, startled by her sudden question. "I'm not about to fall asleep," you replied, closing the book with a sigh. "I'm just... not into this book, I guess."
Somi's eyes sparkled with that mischievous look she often had when she was up to something. "Maybe you need to do something more exciting tonight," she suggested, her voice light but full of energy.
You raised an eyebrow, curious but cautious. "Like what?"
"Like coming to a concert with me," she said, her grin widening as she leaned forward, clearly excited about whatever she had planned. "There's this band I've been dying to see live, and I've got an extra ticket. You should totally come with me!"
You frowned slightly, hesitating. "A concert? I don't know, Somi. You know I'm not really into crowds, and I don't even know who this band is."
Somi rolled her eyes, clearly having anticipated your reluctance. "Come on, it's Blackpink! Even if you're not familiar with them, I promise you'll have a good time. Their shows are legendary, and the energy is just insane. Plus, it's been forever since we did something fun together outside of this apartment."
"Blackpink?" you repeated, the name vaguely familiar, though you couldn't place it. You might have seen it online somewhere, but you couldn't recall ever listening to their music. "I don't know..."
Somi wasn't one to give up easily. She moved closer, her tone becoming more persuasive. "Please? It'll be a blast! And who knows, maybe you'll even meet someone interesting." She winked, the playful grin on her face impossible to resist.
You chuckled, leaning back against the couch as you played along. "Oh yeah? You think I'm going to find the love of my life at a concert?"
"Hey, it could happen!" Somi teased, nudging you with her foot. "I mean, you're single, ready to mingle, and you've been in a bit of a rut lately. What better place to shake things up?"
You rolled your eyes, but the smile tugging at your lips betrayed your amusement. "Right, because that's exactly how these things work."
Somi's grin only grew wider. "You never know! Besides, I've got a good feeling about this one. Who knows, maybe you'll even catch one of the members' eyes. There's this one, Rosé—I think you'd really like her."
"Rosé?" you repeated, trying to remember if you'd ever heard that name before. "Is she famous or something?"
Somi nodded eagerly. "Yup! She's the main vocalist, and she's absolutely gorgeous. I've always thought you two would be a perfect match."
You laughed, shaking your head in disbelief. "Now you're really dreaming. What would someone like her see in someone like me?"
"Don't sell yourself short," Somi said, her tone becoming more sincere. "You're smart, kind, and beautiful. Anyone would be lucky to be with you."
You smiled softly at her words, feeling a warmth spread through your chest. Somi always knew how to lift your spirits. "Thanks, Somi. But still, it's not exactly realistic, is it?"
"Maybe not," Somi admitted with a shrug. "But hey, at least come for the music and the experience. If nothing else, you'll get to see what all the hype is about."
You considered her words carefully. The prospect of something new, something different, was tempting. Maybe a night out was exactly what you needed to break the monotony.
"Alright," you finally said, giving in with a smile. "I'll go with you."
Somi's face lit up with excitement. "Yes! You won't regret it, I promise."
— — — —
The days leading up to the concert seemed to fly by, with Somi's enthusiasm never wavering. She tried to introduce you to Blackpink's music, playing their songs while you both worked around the apartment or during your commute together, but the details mostly flew over your head. The melodies were catchy, but with your busy schedule, you never really took the time to learn the names or faces behind the voices.
Each evening, after work or on lazy weekends, Somi would excitedly share a new song or music video, pointing out her favorite moments, but you only half-listened. It wasn't that you weren't interested; it was more that the music felt like background noise to everything else happening in your life. There was always something else to focus on—work deadlines, family obligations, and the usual demands of daily life.
But as the concert date approached, you couldn't help but notice a growing sense of anticipation within yourself. Maybe it was Somi's infectious excitement, or perhaps it was just the idea of doing something out of the ordinary, but you found yourself looking forward to the night more than you had initially expected.
The night of the concert arrived faster than you expected. As you and Somi got ready in your apartment, the excitement in the air was palpable. Somi was practically bouncing off the walls as she applied the finishing touches to her makeup.
"You look amazing," you said as you watched her in the mirror, genuinely impressed by her ability to transform her look for the occasion. Somi had gone all out, wearing a stylish outfit that perfectly captured the concert vibe—bold, chic, and a little edgy.
"Thanks! So do you," she replied, turning to give you a once-over. "See? I knew you'd get into the spirit of things."
You glanced at your reflection, feeling a bit more confident in your outfit. Somi had helped you pick out something that made you feel good—something that was still very much you but with a bit of flair. For the first time in a while, you actually felt excited about going out.
As you slipped into your jacket, you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. There was something different about you tonight—a spark that you hadn't seen in a long time. It wasn't just the outfit or the makeup; it was the idea of stepping out of your comfort zone, of embracing something new.
"Okay, let's go before I change my mind," you joked, grabbing your jacket as you headed for the door.
Somi laughed, linking her arm with yours as you left the apartment. "No backing out now! We've got a concert to catch, and who knows? Maybe you'll even run into Rosé.”
You rolled your eyes playfully. "Yeah, because that's totally going to happen."
The journey to the concert venue was filled with a mix of excitement and nerves. Somi kept the conversation light, chatting about her favorite songs and how incredible the band was live. You listened with a smile, feeling more at ease with each passing minute, even if you couldn't quite keep track of all the band details she was throwing at you.
As you got closer to the venue, you could feel the energy around you intensifying. The streets were crowded with fans dressed in various shades of pink, holding signs and light sticks, all buzzing with anticipation. The atmosphere was infectious, and despite your earlier reservations, you could feel your own excitement starting to build.
"This is crazy," you muttered as you and Somi made your way through the throngs of people.
"Isn't it great?" Somi replied, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "This is what it's all about—the atmosphere, the anticipation, the music. It's going to be amazing."
The crowd outside the venue was massive, with fans buzzing with anticipation as they waited to get inside. The energy was contagious, and for the first time, you felt a genuine thrill of excitement.
As you approached the entrance, you could feel your nerves creeping in again. The noise, the crowd, the unfamiliarity of it all—it was a lot to take in. Somi must have sensed your apprehension because she gave your hand a reassuring squeeze.
"Hey, if it gets too much, just let me know, okay?" she said, her tone gentle. "We can take breaks, step outside if you need to. I want you to have a good time, not feel overwhelmed."
You nodded, grateful for her understanding. "Thanks, Somi. I appreciate it."
Once inside the venue, the atmosphere was electric. The stage was set up with massive screens and lights, and the anticipation in the air was almost tangible. You and Somi found a spot with a decent view, and as you settled in, you started to feel a bit more comfortable. But as the minutes ticked by, the noise and the crush of the crowd began to get to you.
The venue was buzzing with life, the energy palpable as fans eagerly awaited the start of the show. You glanced around, taking in the sight of people decked out in merchandise—T-shirts, hats, light sticks—all proudly displaying their love for Blackpink. It was a world you didn't fully understand yet, but there was something exhilarating about being a part of it.
Somi was in her element, chatting excitedly with a group of fans nearby who were just as hyped as she was. You tried to focus on the conversation, but the noise and the sheer volume of people were starting to feel overwhelming. The venue, which had felt so thrilling moments before, was now beginning to press in on you, the weight of the crowd a little too much.
You took a deep breath, trying to ground yourself. "I'm going to step outside for a bit, just to clear my head before the show starts," you told Somi, hoping she wouldn't mind.
She looked at you with concern but quickly nodded, understanding. "Sure thing," she said, giving you a thumbs up. "Just don't take too long! You don't want to miss a second of this."
You smiled, appreciating her concern, and started to make your way through the crowd. It took longer than you anticipated, weaving through the throngs of people all eagerly chatting and finding their spots. But eventually, you reached the exit and stepped outside, into the cool night air.
The contrast was immediate and stark. The noise of the venue was replaced by the quiet hum of the city at night, the air cool against your skin. You took a deep breath, savoring the stillness, the way the world seemed to slow down out here. It was a much-needed reprieve from the overwhelming energy inside.
You walked for a bit, letting the tension in your shoulders ease as you moved further away from the noise and the crowd. The streets around the venue were quieter, less chaotic than you expected. You turned a corner and found yourself in a small, dimly lit alleyway. It wasn't particularly scenic, but it was peaceful, and right now, that was exactly what you needed.
Leaning against the wall, you closed your eyes for a moment, letting the quiet wash over you. The city sounds were distant, muted—cars in the distance, the faint murmur of voices, the occasional breeze rustling the leaves of a nearby tree. It was a soothing backdrop, one that allowed your mind to slow down and process everything.
You hadn't realized how much you needed this, this moment of solitude. The excitement of the evening, while exhilarating, had also been draining. But here, in the stillness of the night, you could finally breathe, let go of the nerves that had been building up.
Your thoughts began to wander, unbidden, back to Somi's words earlier. About Rosé. You couldn't help but smile to yourself. It was a sweet thought—Somi's belief that you and a global superstar could somehow be a perfect match. It was unrealistic, sure, but it was nice to have someone believe in you like that, even if it was just in jest.
The idea of meeting someone like Rosé felt like a distant dream, something far removed from the life you knew. But in the quiet of the alley, with nothing but your thoughts for company, it didn't seem so far-fetched. You let yourself imagine it for a moment—what it would be like to meet someone who could see you, really see you, beyond the surface. Someone who could connect with you in a way that felt real and meaningful.
You shook your head, laughing softly to yourself. "Get a grip," you muttered under your breath, pushing off the wall. This was silly, getting lost in such thoughts. It was just a concert, just a night out. Nothing more, nothing less.
But as you began to make your way back toward the venue, something caught your eye. The door to a side entrance was slightly ajar, light spilling out into the alleyway. Curious, you hesitated, wondering if you should take a peek inside. It was probably just a maintenance entrance or something equally mundane, but the idea of stepping into a quieter part of the venue was appealing.
With a quick glance around, you gently pushed the door open and slipped inside. The hallway was dimly lit, the sound of the concert preparations muffled in the distance. It was a stark contrast to the chaos outside, a pocket of calm in the midst of the storm.
You wandered down the hallway, the cool air inside a welcome change from the warmth of the crowd. There was something almost surreal about the quiet here, like you'd stepped into a different world entirely. It was a world where the noise and chaos of the concert didn't exist, where you could just be, without any expectations or pressures.
As you rounded a corner, lost in thought, you collided with someone. The impact was gentle but unexpected, and you both stumbled slightly, caught off guard.
"Oh, I'm so sorry!" you exclaimed, your hands coming up instinctively to steady the other person. "I wasn't paying attention, and—"
"It's okay," a soft voice interrupted, gentle and reassuring. "Really, no harm done."
You looked up, and your breath caught in your throat. The woman standing in front of you was stunning. She had long, blonde hair that cascaded over her shoulders, and her eyes sparkled with a warmth that immediately put you at ease. There was something ethereal about her, something that made the world around her seem to blur at the edges.
"Are you sure?" you asked, still flustered as you took a step back to give her some space. "I wasn't paying attention, and I—"
"I'm sure," she said, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "I've been in your shoes before—lost in thought and bumping into random people. It happens."
You let out a small, relieved laugh. "Well, I'm still sorry. I don't usually run into people like that."
"It's no big deal," she replied, her tone soft and kind. "Like I said, it happens. You're not hurt, right?"
You shook your head, still a little stunned. "No, I'm fine. Just... a little embarrassed."
"Don't be," she said, her smile widening a fraction. "It's actually kind of nice, having a normal interaction for once."
You blinked, caught off guard by her words. "Nice?"
"Yeah," she said, her voice taking on a thoughtful tone. "It's not often I get to just... be, you know? Without all the noise and expectations."
You nodded slowly, trying to process what she was saying. There was something about her, something in the way she spoke, that made you feel like you were in on a secret, like she was sharing something with you that she didn't often share with others.
"So, are you here for the concert?" you asked, hoping to steer the conversation into safer territory.
She nodded, her smile returning. "Yeah, I'm here for the concert."
"Me too," you said, relaxing a little now that the conversation had found its footing. "Well, sort of. My friend dragged me along. She's a huge fan of this band, but I don't really know much about them."
She chuckled softly, the sound warm and comforting. "That's actually kind of nice. You get to experience it all for the first time, without any preconceived notions.”
"Yeah, I guess so," you agreed, though you still felt a little out of place. "It's just a little intimidating, you know? Everyone else seems to know so much about them, and I'm just here trying to figure it all out."
"That's the beauty of it," she said, her tone light but sincere. "You get to see everything with fresh eyes. It's a rare thing, and it makes the experience all the more special."
You found yourself smiling at her words, feeling a warmth spread through your chest. There was something about her that made you want to keep talking, to keep this conversation going, but you weren't sure what to say next. The silence between you was comfortable, though, filled with a sense of understanding that didn't require words.
"So, what do you think so far?" she asked after a moment, her eyes curious.
"About what?" you replied, a little caught off guard.
"About the whole experience," she clarified, her smile softening. "The concert, the music... everything."
You took a moment to think about it, trying to put your feelings into words. "It's... overwhelming," you admitted. "But in a good way, I think. I didn't expect to feel so much... energy."
She nodded, her expression thoughtful. "It can be a lot to take in, especially if you're not used to it. But that's what makes it so powerful, I think. It's this shared experience, this connection between everyone in the room, all feeling the same thing."
You looked at her, really looked at her, and for a moment, it felt like the world had narrowed down to just the two of you. There was something in her eyes, something deep and genuine, that made your heart skip a beat. You wanted to ask her more, to keep this connection going, but the words didn't come.
Finally, she broke the silence, her voice gentle. "I should probably get back. The show's going to start soon."
You nodded, though you felt a strange reluctance to let this moment end. "Yeah, I should too."
She smiled at you, a smile that seemed to hold a thousand unspoken words, and for a moment, you thought about asking her to stay, to talk a little longer. But before you could find the courage, she turned to leave.
"Maybe I'll see you around?" you found yourself saying, the words slipping out before you could stop them.
She paused, turning back to look at you, her eyes soft. "Maybe," she said, her voice holding a promise that made your heart flutter.
And then she was gone, disappearing down the hallway and leaving you standing there, wondering what had just happened. You felt like you'd just experienced something rare, something precious, but you weren't sure what to do with it.
You stood there for a moment longer, trying to collect your thoughts before heading back to the concert. As you made your way through the crowd to find Somi, your mind kept replaying the encounter, the way her eyes had seemed to see right through you, the way her smile had made you feel like you were the only person in the world.
When you finally found Somi, she was practically vibrating with excitement, her eyes wide as she talked to a group of fans. "There you are! You almost missed it!"
You forced a smile, trying to push the encounter out of your mind, at least for now. "Sorry, I got a little lost."
Somi waved it off, too excited to care. "No worries! Come on, the show's about to start!"
You followed her into the crowd, but your thoughts kept drifting back to the woman in the hallway. There was something about her that you couldn't shake, something that made you feel like you'd just missed out on something important.
As the lights dimmed and the crowd erupted into cheers, you tried to focus on the stage, on the music, on the experience that Somi had been so eager to share with you. But your mind kept drifting back to the woman in the hallway, to the way she had looked at you, like she had seen something in you that even you hadn't noticed.
And then the music started, and the stage lights came up, and you found yourself staring at the group on stage. The woman from the hallway was standing in the center, microphone in hand, her voice soaring over the crowd. Your breath caught in your throat as you realized who she was.
She was Rosé.
And she had been singing just for you.
— — — — —
You stood frozen, your eyes glued to the stage as Rosé sang. The realization of who she was—and who you had just been speaking to—sent a shockwave through you. Her voice was even more powerful in person, filling the entire venue with a warmth and intensity that made your heart race.
Next to you, Somi was cheering loudly, completely caught up in the performance. But you were still processing everything, your mind racing as you watched Rosé move effortlessly across the stage. She was captivating, her presence commanding every bit of attention from the audience, yet all you could think about was the conversation you'd had just minutes ago.
You hadn't recognized her. How could you have not recognized her?
The thought was both embarrassing and oddly exhilarating. You'd spoken to Rosé, not as a fan, not as someone who knew everything about her, but as yourself. And she had spoken to you, not as a celebrity, but as a person. The memory of her eyes meeting yours, the warmth in her voice—it all felt so surreal now.
As the performance continued, you found yourself unable to tear your gaze away from her. Every note she sang, every movement she made, seemed to resonate with you on a deeper level. It was like she was speaking directly to you through the music, and for a moment, the crowded venue and the thousands of fans faded away, leaving just the two of you.
But then the song ended, and the crowd erupted into applause, snapping you out of your reverie. You glanced at Somi, who was practically glowing with excitement, completely oblivious to the inner turmoil you were experiencing.
"This is amazing!" Somi shouted over the noise, grabbing your arm. "Aren't they incredible?"
"Yeah," you replied, your voice a little shaky. "They really are."
Somi didn't seem to notice your unease, too caught up in the next song as it started. But you couldn't shake the feeling that something had shifted. Rosé was right there, on that stage, singing her heart out—and yet, all you could think about was the brief, fleeting connection you'd shared with her backstage.
As the concert went on, you tried to focus on the music, on the energy of the crowd, but your thoughts kept drifting back to her. You kept replaying your conversation in your head, analyzing every word, every look, trying to make sense of what had happened.
Had she recognized you? Did she know that you didn't realize who she was? Was that why she had seemed so intrigued by you?
The questions swirled in your mind, making it hard to focus on anything else. Even as the concert reached its peak, with the crowd singing along and the lights flashing in time with the music, you felt a strange sense of detachment, like you were watching everything from a distance.
It wasn't until the final song that you finally managed to pull yourself back into the moment. The music slowed, and the stage lights dimmed, casting the group in a soft, golden glow. Rosé stepped forward, her voice filling the venue with a hauntingly beautiful melody that sent chills down your spine.
You watched her, completely mesmerized. There was something raw and vulnerable in the way she sang, something that seemed to echo the conversation you'd had earlier. It was like she was laying herself bare for the world to see, and yet, somehow, it felt like she was singing just for you.
As the song came to an end, Rosé's eyes swept over the crowd, and for a brief, heart-stopping moment, they met yours. You held your breath, wondering if she recognized you, if she remembered the conversation you'd had. But then her gaze moved on, and the moment was over, leaving you with a strange mix of emotions that you couldn't quite untangle.
The concert ended with a final burst of energy, the crowd erupting into applause as the group took their bows. You clapped along with everyone else, but your mind was still elsewhere, lost in the whirlwind of thoughts and feelings that Rosé had stirred up.
As the lights came up and the crowd began to disperse, Somi turned to you, her face flushed with excitement. "That was incredible! I'm so glad you came with me!"
"Yeah, it was amazing," you agreed, though your voice lacked the enthusiasm that Somi's held.
She didn't seem to notice, still buzzing with the afterglow of the concert. "We should totally do this again sometime! I can't believe how good they were live!"
You nodded, forcing a smile. "Definitely."
But as you made your way out of the venue, your thoughts kept drifting back to Rosé. The concert was over, but the memory of your encounter with her lingered, leaving you with a sense of unfinished business, like there was something more to be said, something more to be done.
You couldn't shake the feeling that you'd missed an opportunity, that there was something important that had been left unsaid. And as you and Somi walked through the crowd, your mind raced with possibilities, wondering if you'd ever get the chance to speak to her again.
— — — — —
The ride home was a blur of neon lights and distant chatter. Somi was still gushing about the concert, replaying her favorite moments and showing you clips she'd captured on her phone. You tried to engage, to share in her excitement, but your mind was elsewhere, still stuck in that dimly lit hallway where you'd spoken to Rosé.
By the time you arrived back at your apartment, Somi had finally started to wind down. She flopped onto the couch with a satisfied sigh, scrolling through her phone for more Blackpink content.
"That was seriously one of the best nights ever," she said, glancing up at you with a grin. "Thanks for coming with me."
"I'm glad I did," you replied, and you meant it. Despite the overwhelming emotions, there was something about the night that felt... significant.
Somi yawned, clearly exhausted from all the excitement. "I think I'm going to crash," she said, standing up and stretching. "But we should totally talk about this tomorrow. I want to hear all your thoughts about the concert."
You nodded, watching as she headed to her room, leaving you alone with your thoughts. The apartment was quiet now, the only sound the faint hum of traffic outside. You sank onto the couch, finally allowing yourself to process everything that had happened.
Your mind kept drifting back to Rosé, to the way she had looked at you, the way her voice had sounded in that quiet hallway. There was something about the encounter that you couldn't shake, something that felt unfinished.
Without really thinking, you pulled out your phone and opened up a search engine, typing in "Rosé Blackpink" out of curiosity. As the search results popped up, you were greeted with countless images of her—performing on stage, attending events, posing for photoshoots. She looked just as stunning in the photos as she had in person, but there was something different about the woman you'd met.
In the photos, she was polished, poised, the image of a global superstar. But the Rosé you had spoken to in the hallway had been different—more relaxed,
more real. There had been a vulnerability in her eyes, a warmth in her smile, that you hadn't expected.
You found yourself scrolling through the images, searching for that same warmth, that same realness, but it wasn't there. In the photos, she was Rosé, the idol, the star, but in the hallway, she had just been... herself.
As you continued to scroll, you came across a video of the concert you had just attended. Curious, you clicked on it, watching as the camera panned over the crowd before zooming in on the stage. The energy of the concert was palpable, even through the screen, but your focus was solely on Rosé.
The video captured the final song, the one where Rosé had looked out into the crowd, her voice filled with emotion. You watched as she sang, her eyes sweeping over the audience, and for a moment, you could almost convince yourself that she was looking at you.
But as the video continued, you noticed something that made your heart skip a beat. Just before the song ended, Rosé glanced off to the side of the stage, her expression shifting subtly. It was a brief moment, barely noticeable, but it felt significant.
You replayed the video, watching that moment over and over, trying to decipher the meaning behind it. Was she looking for someone? Was she thinking about your conversation? Or was it just a trick of the camera, a coincidence that meant nothing?
The questions swirled in your mind, making it impossible to focus on anything else. You tried to push them away, telling yourself that it was just a chance encounter, that it didn't mean anything, but the doubts lingered.
Finally, you set your phone down, running a hand through your hair with a frustrated sigh. You needed to stop overthinking this. It had been a moment, a brief, fleeting moment, and nothing more.
But as you lay in bed that night, staring up at the ceiling, you couldn't help but wonder. What if it had been more? What if there was something deeper, something that you hadn't fully grasped?
The questions haunted you as you drifted off to sleep, leaving you with a strange sense of anticipation, like you were standing on the edge of something important, something life-changing, but you didn't know what it was.
— — — —
The next morning, you woke up feeling restless, the events of the previous night still fresh in your mind. Somi was already up, humming to herself as she made breakfast, but you couldn't bring yourself to join her. Instead, you grabbed your phone and headed out to the small balcony attached to your apartment, hoping the fresh air would help clear your head.
As you stood outside, your thoughts drifted back to the concert, to Rosé, and to the way she had looked at you. There was something about that moment, about the way she had spoken to you, that you couldn't shake. It felt like there was more to it, something left unsaid, something unfinished.
You stared out at the city, trying to piece together the puzzle of the night before. Why had Rosé taken the time to talk to you? Why had she seemed so different from the image you had of her—a global superstar with thousands of fans at her feet? The encounter felt significant, but you couldn't put your finger on why.
Somi's voice pulled you from your thoughts. "Hey, you okay out there?" she called from the kitchen.
"Yeah," you replied, though your voice lacked conviction. "Just thinking."
Somi appeared in the doorway, leaning against the frame as she looked at you with concern. "You've been quiet since last night. Did something happen?"
You hesitated, not sure how to explain what you were feeling. "It's nothing, really. Just... processing, I guess."
She gave you a knowing smile. "The concert was pretty intense, huh? I saw the way you were watching the stage. It's like you were in a trance."
You nodded, your thoughts drifting back to Rosé's performance, the way her voice had wrapped around you, pulling you into a world where only the two of you existed. "Yeah... something like that."
Somi grinned, pushing off the doorframe. "I knew you'd come around! I'll make a Blinks fan out of you yet."
You forced a laugh, trying to match her enthusiasm, but the unease lingered. There was something more to last night, something you couldn't quite grasp. And it was gnawing at you, refusing to let go.
After breakfast, you decided to take a walk to clear your head. You needed to get out, to think, to figure out what was bothering you so much. Somi offered to come with you, but you declined, telling her you needed some time alone.
The streets were quieter than usual, the weekend morning lulling the city into a slow start. You wandered aimlessly, your feet carrying you without direction, your mind replaying every detail of the night before. The way Rosé had looked at you, the way she had smiled—there was something there, something that made you feel seen in a way you hadn't expected.
As you turned a corner, your thoughts still tangled, you nearly bumped into someone coming from the opposite direction. You looked up, an apology ready on your lips, but the words died in your throat when you saw who it was.
It was Rosé.
She was standing right in front of you, dressed casually in jeans and a simple jacket, a baseball cap pulled low over her eyes. For a moment, neither of you moved, both caught off guard by the sudden encounter.
"Hi," she said, her voice soft, almost hesitant.
"Hi," you echoed, your heart pounding in your chest. You couldn't believe it—what were the chances?
Rosé looked around, as if checking to see if anyone was watching, then back at you, a small smile tugging at her lips. "I didn't expect to see you again so soon."
"Me neither," you replied, your mind racing to catch up with the situation. "Are you... are you following me?"
Her eyes widened in surprise, then she laughed, a sound so genuine and warm that it made your heart flutter. "No, not at all. I'm just... I don't know. I guess it's fate or something."
"Fate?" you repeated, the word hanging between you like a question that neither of you could answer.
She nodded, her smile fading into something more serious. "Yeah, maybe. Or maybe I just... I don't know, wanted to see you again."
Your breath caught in your throat. There was something in her eyes, something that made you feel like this moment was teetering on the edge of something bigger, something you couldn't quite grasp.
Before you could respond, she glanced around again, her expression shifting. "Listen, I know this might sound strange, but... would you mind walking with me for a bit? I'd like to talk, if that's okay."
You hesitated, still trying to wrap your mind around the fact that Rosé was standing in front of you, asking to spend more time together. "Sure," you finally managed to say, your voice barely above a whisper.
She smiled, a genuine smile that seemed to reach her eyes, and motioned for you to follow her. The two of you started walking, side by side, the city moving around you as if in a different world. Neither of you spoke at first, the silence between you comfortable, but charged with anticipation.
As you walked, Rosé glanced over at you, her expression contemplative. "You know, I don't get to do this often," she said quietly.
"Do what?" you asked, curious.
"Just... be myself," she replied, her voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability. "Away from the cameras, the expectations. It's nice to have a conversation without all the noise."
You nodded, feeling a deep sense of connection to her words. "I can imagine. It must be exhausting, always being in the spotlight."
"It is," she admitted, her eyes distant for a moment. "But last night... talking to you, it felt different. Like I could just be me."
There was a softness in her tone, something that made your heart ache with a strange mix of emotions. You wanted to say something, to tell her that you felt the same, but the words were stuck in your throat.
The two of you continued walking until you found yourselves in front of a small, cozy café tucked away in a quiet corner of the city. It was the kind of place that looked like it was straight out of a postcard, with ivy creeping up the walls and a charming little sign that swung gently in the breeze.
Rosé hesitated at the entrance, then turned to you with a smile. "Do you want to grab a coffee? My treat.”
"Sure," you replied, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.
The café was warm and inviting, with the scent of freshly brewed coffee filling the air. Rosé led you to a table in the corner, away from the few other patrons, and the two of you sat down, the atmosphere between you comfortable, but still tinged with something unspoken.
As you both sipped your drinks, the conversation began to flow more easily. Rosé was surprisingly down-to-earth, sharing stories about her life, her travels, and the little things that made her happy. You found yourself opening up as well, sharing stories from your own life, laughing at shared experiences, and finding common ground in unexpected places.
The connection between you grew stronger with each passing moment, and for a while, it felt like the outside world didn't exist—just the two of you, talking and laughing over coffee.
But then, just as you were beginning to relax completely, Rosé's phone buzzed on the table. She glanced at it, her expression shifting slightly, but then she smiled at you and put the phone face down on the table, clearly not wanting to interrupt your time together.
"You're popular," you teased lightly, trying to keep the mood light.
Rosé chuckled, her eyes twinkling. "It's probably just work stuff. I try not to let it interfere when I'm enjoying myself."
"Well, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself," you said, feeling a warmth spread through you.
She looked at you, her gaze softening. "I really am. This is... nice. Just being able to sit and talk like this."
There was a moment of comfortable silence between you, and then Rosé's phone buzzed again. This time, she let out a small sigh and reached for it.
"Sorry, let me just check this quickly," she said, her tone apologetic.
"Of course," you replied, trying to ignore the slight pang of disappointment.
Rosé glanced at the screen, her eyes widening slightly as she read the message. A small smile tugged at her lips, and then she looked up at you, her expression somewhere between amused and mischievous.
"Everything okay?" you asked, curious about what had caused her reaction.
She nodded, biting her lip as if holding back a laugh. "Yeah, it's just... do you trust me?"
The question caught you off guard, but there was something in her tone, in the playful glint in her eyes, that made you smile. "I think so... why?"
She leaned in slightly, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Because I just had a crazy idea, and I think it could be a lot of fun."
You raised an eyebrow, intrigued but wary. "What kind of crazy idea?"
Rosé grinned, her excitement almost contagious. "How do you feel about a little adventure? Something spontaneous?”
Your heart skipped a beat at the suggestion, the idea of doing something completely
out of the ordinary both thrilling and nerve-wracking. "What did you have in mind?"
She looked around the café, as if making sure no one was listening, then leaned in closer. "Well, I just got a text from one of the girls in my group. They're doing something kind of wild today, and they dared me to bring someone along. Someone... unexpected."
Your eyes widened in surprise. "You mean... you want me to come with you?"
"Yeah," she said, her smile widening. "If you're up for it. It's nothing dangerous, I promise. Just a little spontaneous fun."
You hesitated for a moment, your mind racing with possibilities. This was definitely not what you had expected when you woke up this morning, but the idea of spending more time with Rosé, of being part of whatever adventure she had in mind, was too tempting to resist.
"Okay," you said, feeling a rush of excitement. "I'm in."
Rosé's eyes lit up with excitement. "Great! Let's go before we change our minds."
As the two of you quickly finished your drinks and prepared to leave the café, your heart raced with anticipation. Whatever was about to happen, it was sure to be something you would never forget.
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darkpetal16 · 2 months
We've got Mafiafell Papyrus headcanons, BUT!! What about Wingding?
Can’t forget about him!
Undercut because t/w for toxic relationship.
Things have a place and he knows where that place is. He’s particular about things being where he needs them to be; from pens in his office desk, suit jackets in his closet, and to even where people stand beside him.
He needs to feel in control of his life the situation, otherwise he’s helpless immeasurably angry.
This controlling nature bleeds into all of his relationships. He will manipulate anyone by any means necessary for his goal. This includes you, and his brothers.
It’s for your own good, he will always say.
There are times where you may think the choice was yours; but hindsight will consistently show that he subtly hinted, and steered conversations around the idea months ago to plant it in your head.
He’s patient. He can and will wait however long it takes for you to come around.
If verbal persuasion no longer works, his next step is solitary confinement via the void. You’ll submit eventually.
Or break. He can love an obedient puppet just as much.
It’s not impossible to change his mind or handle him, just. . . Difficult. It takes trials and errors time. The important thing is to let him feel in control of the situation, even if he’s not. If you can manage that, you can manage him.
Control > Family > Himself.
Laws are “guidelines” to abide by. He tries to adhere to them when able, but if it gets in his way he won’t care to bend/break them.
He likes to act like a gentleman. He likes to pretend he’s polite. He likes to play the role of a suave rich man. It helps distract him from the fact that he grew up poor, crass, and desperate enough to sell himself to the Dreemur family.
He is the Royal Scientist, even if he doesn’t utilize the role as often as he did in youth. His love for science dwindled under the forced labor by the Dreemur family. Now all he feels is bitterness towards the subject he once revered.
If you find a way to turn that bitterness into something sweet, and make him genuinely love science again, you’ll cement yourself as someone precious to him. He’ll be so soft and gentle to you.
He doesn’t like to show vulnerability to anyone, so if he ever does show it to you. . . Understand that you’re special. Unique. He treasures you enough to show that side of him.
He will never let you go.
Dates are always someplace nice where you both have to dress up. He likes to keep up appearances, and he expects you to match his pace.
He’ll only do casual dates if one or both of you are sick. Then it’s usually eating together on a couch and reading. Something quiet.
Consistent kindness shown towards him even at the cost of yourself makes him weak please be gentle with him because no one else has or will disgusts him.
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redheadspark · 1 year
hello can i request #29 with azriel from acotar! thank u
A/N - I think this is beyond adorable and great for Azriel! Thank you for requesting this, anon!
Summary - Azrile brings you peace and love again after you return from being under the mountain
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Warnings - Just some angst and fluff morphed together :)
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You were watching the water drip down from the faucet, going in an inconsistent rhythm while you were hugging your knees to your chest and your hair was framining your face. It shoudn't take this amount of strength to reach over and turn the water on, to let the warm and nearly pipping hot water surround you in the massive claw tub, and you let the rest of the day melt away with the soaps that Elaine gifted you on your birthday.
But you couldn't reach it. Your mind was occupied somewhere else.
It has been years since you were trapped under the mountain, under the wrath of Amarantha and her sick reign and control over those who were her prisoners. You were one of the unlucky ones that suffered: Countless nights and endless nightmares that you would never see the light of day ever again, countless times of pain and punishment from either moving too slow or being too inconistant.
Worst of all, you were almost sold off as a sex slave. But you weren't, and you had Rhysand to thank for that.
The door to the bathroom opened and closed quietly, you instantly know who it was since you felt the soft licks of shadows along your bare back and your neck. It was a sense of greeting, a gnetle way and nothign too harsh. The soft sounds of boots waking onto the room was heard too, but then it stopped right next to you.
A scarred and calloused hand, touching the rim of the bathtub as the being crouched down to see at your eye level.
"My love?"
You looked away from the dripping water and over at Azriel, seeing him watch you with love in his eyes, some concern and pain, but mostly love. His hazel eyes were shining from the lights in the bathroom lights and candles that were already at work, his smile appeared as your eyes searched his own while he tilted his head at you, "Feyre told me you were feeling a bit out of it today. I came home early from training the new recruits to check on you,"
"Az...you didn't have to--" You were starting to say to him, but Azriel leaned in to press a kiss under your eyes and then pushed his head into yours. You breathed him in, the musky scent he brought with him from his vigorous training and work amongst the Illryian soldiers. But his scent was also his own: a mixture of the ocean breeze and some of the orange blossoms that were near your little townhouse you two lived in.
"I wanted to," He reminded you softly as his voice vibrated against your skin, "You're still healing, and I wanna be here for you as you heal: for the good and the bad, remember?"
You gulped and nodded your head, tears were falling freely now as Azriel pushed them away with his thumb. You knew Azriel would enver be parted from you for far too long, not anymore after he nearly lost you under the mountain for all the time. He swore to you that he would be at your side throughout your healing process, after hearing from Madja that it would take some time for you to bounce back to where you used to be. Madja laid it on thick and wasn't sugar coating it: you went through shit thanks to Amarantha.
Rhysand protected you from worsening nightmares, thanks to his persuasion and the methods he had to use on Aramantha. He didn't mind being her "whore" so to speak, since it would give him the opportunity to talk Amarantha down from selling your own body in return. You were grateful for him and his willingness to place his neck on the line for you, and when Azriel heard of this news, he could only thank Rhysand and owe him his life for saving you.
Azriel turned on the water and got the water flowing in the tub, then stripped off his own clothes slowly as you felt the water rising in the tub. The piping hot water along your sensitive skin was both soothing and yet uncomfortable, but it was better than being cold. Azriel, now bare and his shadows diminishing a bit against his wings, got into the bath behind you and leaned back against the back of the tub. With gentleness, he touched your bareback soothingly with his fingers and moved them up and down along the nobs of your spine.
The same scarred hands that were damaged when he was a boy, the very hands that had raised hell and fears in others with how deadly they are holding Truth Teller, were beyond gentle and loving to you as he was coaxing you to unwind and unravel from your fears. He never once gave you a sense of fear with his fingers and palms, on the contrary he was always soothing and kind.
Even after you two were reunited from under the mountain and became mates not too long after, Azriel stayed gentle. Maybe it was your love language, the delicate touch that made you feel so safe and loved at the same time. You had to wonder if he was like this with just his friends, but Cassian told you with reassurance it was just with you.
"Trust me, Az is not one to be a softy. Only with those he trusts with his life, and that's you,"
"Come back, my love," Azriel hummed at you, you unwinding your legs and finding yourself being leaned back against his muscular chest. The firmness of his chest along your back made you sigh in relief and his arms were linked along yours as your side. Your legs bracketing one another, and you knew he was doing that on the surface. No matter if you two were naked and bare in the tub, Velaris was right outside your curtain-drawn window, and the world going on with ease, you two were in the moment together. Azriel knew to ground you by touch, whether it was holding your hand or hugging you in bed, he knew how to calm you come skin contact. He was the same way: you would touch his shoudler when he was stressed or kiss the side of his head when life was too much. You helped him so much when he was in the rough patches.
Now he was going to help you heal in return.
He started to hum as the water magically stopped at the right spot, you both were mostly submerged under the water as the steam was rising in the air and along your face and neck. His humming was a song, an old lullaby you knew belonged to his mother who would sing to him when he was a little boy. He taught you the song in the earlier part of your friendship, and you thought the song was beautiful.
Ever since then, he would only hum it to you as a reminder: The song that was sung by the first woman he loved was now sung to the love of his life.
As he hummed, you moved his arms to drape around your chest and waist, cradling you against him as your eyes closed. Azriel never pushed you when it came to touching, especially as you were healing. So for you to make the first move and let you hold you close in his arms, Azriel felt his heart shift. He didn't care how long the process will take for you to be full again, he only knew that you were there in his arms, willing to lte him help you heal.
And you did heal, becoming stronger than ever.
The End
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May Prompt Session
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suresh-lal · 3 months
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Name: Suresh Lal Age / D.O.B.: 38 / October 3rd, 1985 Gender, Pronouns & Sexuality: Cismale. He/Him. Demisexual / Homoromantic Hometown: Born: Puducherry, India. Grew up: Newcastle on Tyne, England and Marseille, France. Now: Lower East Side, Manhattan, NY Affiliation: Syndicate Job position: Captain / Owner of Shady Plots Funeral Home and Crematorium Education: Most of medical school Relationship status: Single Children: none Positive traits: Pragmatic, Calculated, Practical, Fastidious, Persuasive Negative traits: Cold, Morbid, Controlled, Selfish, Resentful
tw: body horror, organ harvesting
Born in Puducherry, India. Parents relocated to England when Suresh was 5. His mother was French his Father was Indian. So Suresh has British, French and Indian passports. Left England at 15 to live with his Mother's family in Marseille.
Suresh was fascinated by forensic pathology and consumed large amounts of information on it growing up.
Went into medical school in France at 18. He was considered slightly off-putting with his clinically cold demeanor but showed great aptitude for trauma surgery.
When Suresh was approached by a few criminally minded individuals looking for help with a business idea he agreed not because he needed the money, and not for some type of sadistic need, but for the sheer personal challenge it offered to hone his surgical skills.
But it came crashing down three years later and Suresh was jailed at 27 after it was found that Suresh had helped a "friend" to remove and sell their kidney to pay of illegal gambling debts. Only one of the many surgeries they had performed over that three year term selling body parts and making a tidy profit. He was not allowed to complete his specialization as a surgeon and was stripped of his medical license.
In prison Suresh worked as an ad-hoc medic inside. His release was secured after only a year in prison, paid for by the business partners that he hadn't flipped on and that hadn't gotten caught.
After his release ten years ago he relocated to New York with a carefully cleaned background and first worked as a medic and cleaner for the Syndicate. Opening a Funeral home, he showed natural business acumen specializing in black-market sales.
Suresh became a Captain for the Syndicate five years ago. A feat on it's own considering his younger age.
Suresh is clean, efficient and professional. And is uninterested in letting personal feelings affect the Syndicate negatively.
He hasn't spoken to his family since his arrest in France.
Has a soft spot for horror films good and bad no matter how D list they are.
Employees of Shady Plots - Syndicate affiliated is a must for any illegal work
Close friends - Suresh is hard to get to know but there are a few that have made it past the surgical steel wrapped around his heart. (most likely Syndicate or Syndicate adjacent)
Professional acquaintances - (medical backgrounds, mortuary backgrounds, utilized the Funeral Home for legitimate business)
Resurrection men- (people that supply bodies or buy the bodies)
Romantic connections - Did you flirt at a horror convention? Did you hit on Suresh at your Great-Aunts funeral? Are you one of the few people that actually got a date? Or one of the even more rare people that actually got to go home with Suresh?
His bunkmate in prison that he grew close to.
Height: 6’
Body type: thin
Hair: Black 
Eyes:  Brown
Piercings/Tattoos: none
Languages: English, French, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam
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Day 20: Shotgunning
Warnings: drug use
Rating: E
Pairing: Boyd x Raylan
“What’ve you got there?”
Boyd looks up at the sound of Raylan’s voice, one eyebrow raised, and – that’s fair. Raylan knows the answer to the question even as he asks it. He spent enough time in Miami – and hell, in college – to know what a blunt looks like, never mind what it smells like. 
“Raylan,” Boyd drawls, and his voice is looser than usual, soft around the edges in a way that tells Raylan exactly how long he’s been hiding out on the back porch, smoking. Boyd smiles, too, wide and a little crooked. “You should join me.”
Raylan snorts, but he sits down on the porch swing next to Boyd anyway. Almost immediately, Boyd leans against him, laying his head down on Raylan’s shoulder as he puffs on the diminishing blunt. “I guess someone has to keep an eye on you,” Raylan says, and Boyd hides his laugh in the collar of Raylan’s shirt.
“Responsibility is a good look on you, Raylan.”
Raylan reaches up, scratching his nails gently through the hair at the base of Boyd’s neck and earning himself a sweet little shiver and a satisfied sigh. “You think everything’s a good look on me,” he accuses.
Boyd takes another drag. “Why, you’ve found me out, marshal. I happen to be unrepentantly attracted to my boyfriend.” He rolls his head to look up at Raylan, teeth bared in another of those too-wide smiles. “Now I forget: what might be the penalty for a crime of that caliber?”
“You are high,” Raylan mutters, but he’s smiling, too. Boyd is relaxed, the permanent tension he’s been carrying for what feels like the past five years no more than a memory. It’s a pretty sight. “I think we might be able to negotiate a deal for you, though.”
Boyd makes an inquisitive little sound. “Oh? And what is it you think I have to negotiate with, Raylan?”
The sound of his name in Boyd’s mouth is sinful on a normal day, when Boyd is sober, when he isn’t flirting. The way he says it now is downright salacious, but knowing he’s being seduced doesn’t make it any easier for Raylan to resist, not when Boyd’s eyes are dark and he’s pressed up against Raylan’s side like there’s nowhere else he’d rather be.
“We can start with this,” Raylan says, and he tilts his head just enough to brush his lips over Boyd’s. The kiss is soft and sweet, barely a kiss at all, really, but Boyd still hums into it, his eyes fluttering shut as Raylan leans back.
“If your intention is to dissuade me from making these same choices again, Raylan, I’m afraid you’re failing.”
“Boyd, when was the last time I dissuaded you from anything at all?”
Boyd laughs, slowly opening his eyes again. “Don’t sell yourself short, now, You can be downright persuasive when you want to be.”
He lifts the blunt again, but this time Raylan catches his wrist. And when Boyd just looks at him questioningly, Raylan shrugs. “You did say I should join you,” he says, pulling both Boyd’s hand and the blunt towards his own mouth. “Can’t see why you should be the only one having fun.”
“Oh, Raylan, if fun is what you want…”
Raylan rolls his eyes, but he takes a drag anyway, breathing shallowly enough that he won’t send himself into a coughing fit. It’s been a lot of years since he dabbled in this particular vice, and he’s a cocky son of a bitch, but he does know his limits.
He doesn’t exhale, though. Not right away, at least. Boyd is still looking up at him and his lips are just slightly parted, and a bolt of want so strong it almost hurts shoots right through Raylan. It's enough that he doesn't think twice about tilting Boyd's chin up and slotting their mouths together again, breathing out right into Boyd's open mouth.
Boyd moans, and arousal pools at the base of Raylan's spine, hot and liquid. "Maybe fun is what I want," he murmurs, nipping at Boyd's bottom lip and earning himself a hitched breath and a shaky little sigh. He smiles, leaning back and plucking the blunt from Boyd's fingers. "Maybe that's what you wanted in the first place."
"You caught me, Raylan," Boyd says, and his voice is still lazy around the vowels but it's deeper now, rougher. "Now, I believe all that's left is for you to decide what you're going to do with me."
"Is that all?" Raylan muses. He takes another hit, blowing this one out towards the backyard. Boyd huffs his displeasure. "Well, I think I might be able to manage that. Hold still."
Boyd obediently doesn't move while Raylan shifts, swinging one leg over Boyd's thighs so he can settle in his lap. Immediately, Boyd's hands come up, his fingers creeping under Raylan's shirt, greedy for that skin-on-skin contact. It's enough to make Raylan arch into the touch and throb in his jeans, everything made just a little better by the pleasant haze he can start to feel sneaking in.
"Raylan," Boyd breathes, asking, wanting, and Raylan gives him what he wants, taking another drag before leaning down and letting Boyd lick it from his mouth. Nails scratch down his back, just on the right side of too hard, and it's Raylan's turn to shiver, to gasp and pant and lose himself a little. 
He's not sure who moves first, but he's the one who drops the blunt and goes for Boyd's belt, and Boyd is the one who abandons his quest to claw up Raylan's back to do the same to his. There's no finesse. There's barely any coordination. But Raylan gets Boyd's pants unzipped just far enough to pull his cock out, and Boyd manages the same, wrapping his fingers around Raylan and stroking him with a grip tight enough to make Raylan snap his teeth.  
"It ain't a race, baby," he murmurs, but he wraps his own fingers around Boyd's cock a little tighter, makes the drag a little more inescapable when he starts moving his hand. Boyd's head tilts back against the back of the swing, and Raylan takes the opportunity to nip at his neck, to suck a mark right there under his jaw. Boyd's cock jumps in his hand when he feels Raylan's teeth, spilling precome that Raylan spreads down the length of him.
"Raylan," Boyd says again, and then he's angling his hips up and pulling Raylan down a little more so he can get his hand around both of them. Raylan can't help but buck up into the touch, shifting to brace his hands against the back of the swing as Boyd strokes them together.
"Fuck." Raylan's voice is high and a little breathless. The callouses on Boyd's hands and the want etched clearly on his face are both driving him quickly towards the edge – never mind the way the head of Boyd's cock keeps catching under his own, rubbing against that sensitive spot that makes him see stars. 
He leans up and steals a kiss, more or less panting into Boyd's mouth, and Boyd tenses and groans and comes, spilling all over his own stomach. Raylan can feel the way he pulses, the way Boyd's hand tightens to draw out those trembling aftershocks, and that's enough to drag him over the edge too, adding to the mess on Boyd's stomach.
For a moment, they just sit there, both of them breathing hard, coming down from the intensity of it all. Raylan knows he'll have to move, that his knees are going to punish him for this little bit of afternoon delight, but Boyd is still lax and loose underneath him, still smiling lazily, and Raylan finds he's not in a rush to chase that expression away.
"Five minutes," he says, and closes his eyes as he settles, tucking his face into the crook of Boyd's neck. He feels Boyd's little laugh more than he hears it, but he also feels two arms settle around him, warm and reassuring, so he only nips at Boyd's neck in retaliation. 
When Tim finds them there, twenty minutes later, they're both asleep, both of them clinging to each other. They're sweet, Tim thinks, as he snaps a picture he'll never show to anyone outside of the house. 
He doesn't wake them.
find this fic on AO3 here:
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galesdevoteewife · 3 months
Wanted to ask about how Zilvera felt about all the children in her camp? Specially about Yenna considered that unlike the Tiefling children or Thaniel/Oliver, she doesn't show any potential or power. I can see her taking a liking in Mol and Arabella, thinking of them a good allies for the future (specially once both of them become adults), one would have to be mad to not respect Thaniel/Oliver. But, not to be cruel to Yenna, she is an average orphan who clawed to the first person who was decent (and sometimes not even that) to her. Was Zilvera more into being kind to children because of Gale's influence by then? Or did she just let her stay at camp because most of the team, Gale included, wanted to help?
Hi anon! Hehe thanks for the ask, always appreciate the chance for story-brewing!! ♡♡ Well, Zilvera simply...never thinks about them. XD
Her mind was like the quest tab. It was filled with a long list of to-dos, and she could barely recall the kids' names. Except for Thaniel, who was part of Halsin's quest so she remembered.
It's not possible in gameplay, but in my HC the companions took their own actions. Wyll always try to help and share as much as he could. The charming prince had high CHA and was very persuasive — not to mention persistent. Sometimes Wyll/Karlach were too eager to give more than they should, while Gale/SH were being pragmatic and talked them down. Lae'zel was rolling her eyes, she believed the weak should be pruned. Astarion wanted to keep everything and didn't want to carry them. He'd rather sell extra food for a couple of gold than give it away for free. Zilvera had no interest in interfering. The children weren't problems in her eyes. There was always someone taking care of the babysitting, and the kids weren't slowing them down in any way. She cared about combat resources but not camp supplies. Gale, Wyll, and occasionally SH were the ones keeping an eye on rations, camp planning and tent maintenance while Lae'zel kept the weapons sharp and the armors rust-free. The druids would take care of medicines and pest control. Fleas are awful and nobody wants them.
Zilvera's impression of Mol, Arabella, Thaniel/Oliver, and Yenna:
Mol Just another playground boss of the street. Opportunistic, bold, cunning. Zilvera thought Mol had a high chance of dying soon; one mistake is all it takes.
Arabella SO. LOUD. Why does this one have to shout all the time? Keep her away from me or I will have the shadow silence her. Act 2 was when Zilvera's nerves were most tense. Too many unknowns to figure out and the environment/enemies were ever deadly. She wasn't showing, but Gale's suicide mission did bother her. It's never easy to go against a god's will and she was eager to know everything, prepare better, not dealing with endless haunted things. She wasn't too impressed by the girl's magic since many other spells can do similar task. My HC it was taught to Gale.
Thaniel/Oliver It was interesting talking to Thaniel, and she sensed true, old power in him. Talking to Thaniel was like listening to wind running through the forest, which Zilvera enjoys a lot. She felt peaceful around Thaniel. Didn't really had a chance to talk to Oliver.
Yenna My HC Yenna was trying hard to make herself useful. She would behave with the best manners she knew and help with cleaning, washing clothes, cooking, serving food, washing dishes, etc etc. She knew she was at their mercy for the protection, so she was doing whatever she could. Thanks to her, Gale was freed from cooking duty, and they used the time for dates. Gale enjoys exchanging recipes with the little chef. Yenna in my HC was the one who actually lived with the group, and the party would bring her little gifts. Even Astarion had a soft spot for her after a while. Post game Wyll used his connection and found her a job at a kind noble house. Soo yeah that's everything! Thanks again for the ask it was really fun brewing all these!! <333 Please feel free to drop any questions! Always happy to do more ♡ (´。• ω •。`)
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six-demon-bag · 1 year
an (incomplete) list of sixdemon fic
eta: ok i write too much to update a list, so. yknow. it’s all on ao3
my ao3: six_demon_bag
on my blog for tags and excerpts: #sixdemon fic
✨ Bucky Barnes/Helmut Zemo ✨
even in the silence i can hear your song (NR, MCD, 2k)
The hate between Bucky and Zemo seems unchangeable, until Bucky kills Zemo at the memorial. It’s too late for anything to change after that.
Depths Unplumbed (E, 2.5k)
Zemo accidentally discovers Bucky is unable to come due to past HYDRA trash parties, and many sexual situations send him into flashbacks. Zemo is determined to find something HYDRA didn’t ruin for Bucky.
the power in my violence (makes me go insane) (NR, 1.5k)
Captured by HYDRA scientists, Zemo is injected with the supersoldier serum and left to deal with his worst nightmare.
August Heat 2023 - event (E, 27.5k)
Nine standalone fics for DeadDoveKink's August Heat (A/B/O) event - all but two are WB, check the tags
Toe the Line (E, 2.5k)
Zemo has to wear an ankle monitor on parole, and Bucky has to change it out every night. He doesn't understand why Zemo acts like it's a big deal, until he realizes: Zemo's feet and ankles? His biggest erogenic zones.
Balance the Scales (E, 5k)
Zemo insists on keeping his body count - both of them - the same number. Bucky and Sam make an unsavory post-mission discovery.
One Two Many (E, 23k)
Bucky and Zemo meet on an anonymous dating app and find a deep connection in each other. In the meantime, they grow closer in person without realizing they’re falling in love online too.
Hellfriend (E, 17k)
HYDRA summons and binds a hellhound to serve them. Decades later, they lose control of it and it becomes attached to a young Helmut Zemo.
Open Carry (E, 5k)
Zemo buys the Winter Soldier from a HYDRA auction as a failed breeder with the intent to use him as a weapon against HYDRA, breedable or not.
home is where your teeth sink (E, 3.5k)
Things go sideways when Zemo tries to rescue a kidnapped Bucky only to find him entirely feral and entirely focused on him.
Souper Soldier (E, 1.5k)
Zemo uses the soldier as a bargaining chip to get information from Selby. Bucky is more into it than he means to be.
If the Glove Fits (T, 5k)
Bucky is an orphan trapped under the steel fist of his horrible uncle Pierce. When the realm’s Prince Zemo holds a ball to find a husband, Bucky decides he has to find a way to attend, if only to get out of the house.
and nothing is the only thing you ever seem to have (E, noncon, MCD, 3k)
Bucky gets possessed by a creature that controls his body, and he’s trapped watching as it toys with Zemo’s feelings for him.
is there any chance you could see me, too? (E, 5k)
Zemo and Bucky fall into bed together, over and over. It's perfunctory. Business-like. Bucky never kisses Zemo, never lets him get close. Zemo just wants a soft touch. Just once.
eat clen, tren hard, anavar give up (E, 3k)
Zemo gets bored in prison and starts working out. Endless time and money can build wonders, and Bucky is not prepared to behold those wonders when he breaks Zemo out.
Tiny Favors (E, 2.5k)
Zemo offers sexual favors to the Raft guards in exchange for small luxuries, but never fucks them. He’s loaned to Sam and Bucky for a mission and Bucky finds out about the Raft deals Zemo makes, and he gets very, very jealous. When Zemo asks him for a favor, he’s more than ready to leverage it right back.
just say i'll serve you my lord (i will sell you my soul) (E, 12k)
Instead of activating the Winter Soldier by force, Zemo decides to try persuasion - he approaches Bucky in Romania, offering him protection in exchange for assisting him in his revenge against Steve for the death of his family. Bucky reluctantly agrees, unsure of what Zemo intends, but knowing it’s his best bet to stay out of the hands of people who want the Winter Soldier.
love soldier (i want closure) (E, 8k)
Zemo is paroled from the Raft a few years after the Flag Smashers events. He and Bucky grow close, and Zemo is left with one-sided feelings he struggles to handle. (second half of Matched Set)
Keyhole (E, 3k)
The missing scenes from the prison break in episode three. Just how did that keycard get into Zemo’s cell?
Wrist Deep Honesty (E, 8.5k)
Bucky gets dosed with sex pollen on a mission. He seems completely under control, at least until Zemo comes in.
if you want my love (let me pull my hair back) (E, 1.5k)
Bucky grows his hair out, and Zemo can’t handle it.
Miss America (of Being a Power Bottom) (E, 4k)
It's a bad day for the Winter Soldier when HYDRA discovers a clean source of short-acting super soldier serum they can extract from his ejaculate. Instead of being put in cryo, now the Asset gets tied securely in a milking chamber, sometimes for weeks at a time. In order to Improve the Yield, HYDRA searches for the person who the asset has the strongest reaction to. It’s a bad day for Zemo when the results come back.
HYDRA Tupperware Party (E, 7k)
Zemo is convinced Hydra Trash Parties were a real thing and is determined to pry that information out of Bucky. Bucky has made it through life without being kissed or realizing he’s gay. The combination is lethally stupid.
I don’t do the walk of shame (I strut) (E, 7k)
When Bucky and Sam break Zemo out of prison, they aren’t expecting his hot girl summer. Bucky isn’t expecting to be jealous over Zemo. Sam can’t believe this is his life.
Rigged to Blow (E, 2k)
The trio are captured by HYDRA on a mission. Under threat to Sam, Zemo has to keep Bucky hard by giving him blowjobs. If he gets soft, then the bombs tied to Sam will go off.
compromised from how you say my name (E, 5k)
Zemo gets dosed with sex pollen on a mission and Bucky has to help him through it, despite his deeply buried feelings and knowing Zemo will never forgive him.
Sudden Focus (E, 2k)
On the plane to Madripoor, Zemo puts on a pair of glasses to read Bucky’s book. Bucky abruptly discovers a new kink.
oh, euthanize my heartbeat (as i set more in the concrete) (E, 8k)
A few years after the Flag Smashers events, Zemo is paroled indefinitely. He and Bucky grow closer as friends, and Bucky accidentally develops feelings for the baron. He doesn’t know how to handle it when Zemo picks up a secret lover. (first half of Matched Set)
Hold Your Breath (And Steal Your Baron’s Away) (E, 1k)
Bucky barges in on Zemo in the bath.
You’ve got those eyes that drive me crazy (and I’ve got eyes to watch you sleep) (T, 9k)
As a control mechanism, using the trigger words on the Winter Soldier also triggers a bone deep devotion to his handler. When Zemo activated the soldier in Berlin, he was unaware of the consequences.
take and take until you lose (E, noncon, 4k)
A mutual hatefuck turns into a forced pregnancy, and Zemo has to deal with the fallout in prison.
Moderfucker (E, 4k)
Zemo’s family was killed when HYDRA caused the fall of Sokovia, and he sets out to destroy them in revenge. He is captured and dropped into a forest as a sacrifice for their captive monster. Zemo’s always been good at adapting.
soft touch (E, 3k)
Zemo knows exactly how to make the Soldier into a perfect gift for Selby.
✨ Bucky Barnes & Helmut Zemo ✨
when you can’t dream, well, what’s life mean? (NR, 1k)
Zemo struggles to stay connected to a world that’s moved on without him.
are you dreaming of death (are there ghosts in your chest) (M, 3k)
From the scene Ayo takes Bucky's arm off. Wakanda told Steve, who told Sam that they could do that. Zemo knows they knew, and he tells Bucky.
✨ Bucky Barnes/John Walker ✨
Melt Your Walls (E, 3.5k)
When a mission goes wrong, John and Bucky are caught in a blizzard on a remote mountain. It’s up to John to make sure the cranky vampire doesn’t freeze to death, and in the process some feelings are exposed.
take my time and take my heart (E, 3.5k)
John gets hit with sex pollen that Bucky recognizes from his time as the soldier. Sure, it’s not fatal to ride it out alone, but it’s much less painful to fuck someone on it. Of course it’s totally selfless and involves no ulterior motives if Bucky offers himself up for that, right?
Communication for Dummies (T, 2k)
Bucky is nursing unrequited feelings for his straight best friend John, only to get hit with a tsunami of jealousy when John goes on a date with a man.
tonight is gonna be the loneliest (E, 9.5k)
John and Bucky have reached a cold truce after working together for years, no matter what other feelings John is suppressing. Bucky going into heat unexpectedly throws their connection into a new territory.
can't get enough, no, you burn me up (E, 4.5k)
Bucky and John get dosed with sex pollen on a mission, and it makes them discover feelings they didn’t even know they had. Loudly and repeatedly.
Left Behind (G, 1k)
A fire throws John into the past and forces Bucky to confront his feelings.
know you got my blood running (E, 14k)
Bucky and Walker have undeniable chemistry, but it’s buried under resentment and mutual dislike. What happens when it erupts?
✨ Helmut Zemo/John Walker ✨
touch the light and let it burn (E, 6.5k)
After getting severely burned during a mission, Zemo takes to wearing his mask all the time to hide his scars. He finds an unexpected connection in John Walker, and has to reevaluate his opinion and assumptions alongside his developing feelings.
The Whole World is Listening (against their will) (E, 2.5k)
Things go a little differently when John and Lemar show up to the apartment in Riga to arrest Zemo.
the upside of rock bottom (i've seen everything) (E, 4.5k)
No one ever says they’re sorry when Lemar dies. No one cares enough to visit the Sokovian Memorial either.
Skillset (E, 3k)
An urgent need for obtaining information from their captive ends up with Zemo deeply appreciative of a kindred spirit in Getting Things Done.
Fakers (E, 3.5k)
Zemo and Walker are captured by some HYDRA agents on a mission, and have to distract the guards from killing them while they wait for Bucky and Sam to rescue them.
✨ Bucky Barnes/John Walker/Helmut Zemo ✨
Rolling Hitch (E, 2k)
John, Bucky, and Zemo are trapped in a safehouse when Zemo goes into heat.
Shut Me Up (E, 2.5k)
Bucky and Walker find common ground in shutting Zemo up.
✨ misc MCU fics ✨
i got a love (and i know that it's all mine) (E, 1.5k)
(John Walker/Olivia Walker)
Olivia can appreciate her man coming home hot and sweaty, and she is going to make sure he knows it.
Poor Life Choices (M, 1k)
(Steve Rogers/Howard Stark (past), Steve Rogers/Tony Stark)
Prompt: What if Zemo showed Steve, Tony, and Bucky an old sex tape between Steve and Howard instead of the tape when the Winter Soldier killed Tony’s parents, and Zemo and Bucky just awkwardly watch Tony beat up Steve.
got me in the worst way, got me in the best way (E, 6k)
(Helmut Zemo/Everett Ross)
Zemo flirts as easily as he breathes. It’s a fun diversion for him, and an extra bonus if he gets an edge on someone. He hadn’t expected to get anything when he flirted with Ross when he got to the Raft, but Ross’s reaction has him perking up like a hunting dog.
Double down on the Sokovian (E, 2k)
(Helmut Zemo/Helmut Zemo)
Sam, Bucky, and Zemo are on a mission investigating an old HYDRA base when Zemo accidentally gets cloned. Zemo is more than a little appreciative of Zemo.
slippery thoughts - two part series (E, 40k)
(Bucky Barnes/Brock Rumlow)
What happens when you accidentally get bonded to the Winter Soldier? Brock Rumlow and HYDRA are gonna learn what happens when you fuck around (rumlow) and find out (hydra)
Mine (E, 2k)
(Brock Rumlow/Jack Rollins)
Jack can see how much the soldier wants Brock, and he’s going to make it clear who the commander belongs to.
✨ Stiles Stilinski/Peter Hale ✨
Strange Neighbors (E, 8.5k)
Peter buys a little haunted cabin on an empty lake to hide after a bad breakup. The cabin might be empty, but the lake…
Efficiency (T, 1k)
Yet another mediocre blind date for Stiles yields unexpected fruit in the form of a very attractive wolf interrupting.
✨ and more! ✨
(but you have to go to ao3 for those)
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jewishbarbies · 2 years
You know what I legitimately don't get? How is that Taylor managed to sell this persona of her. I mean, we can tell she's highly persuasive and works hard to paint this image of "I'm just like everyone else" and you and I both know that it's merely incoherent at best and performative at worst.
Her whole discography consists of general lyrics, same concepts rehashed and reused 100 times in different settings and the general inability to talk about anything other than her previous cat fights and relationships.
And tbh, I grew up in Brazil with Brazilian popular music, there's no comparison in terms of lyrical thought and narrative. And sure, it might not be fair to compare given the context of the birth of MPB, but still... Her lyrics are lackluster, with soft core metaphors and premises that people still treat like are the freaking Odyssey.
And let's give credit where is due, she took complete advantage of the Kan*e debacle, painted herself in some sort of cross and never left.
I can't imagine having my entire career being based on "someone was mean to me, poor little me". Then, she proceeds to say "no, actually karma is a bitch and I'm not a victim" only to do a 365° and start all over again.
Girl, make up your fucking mind.
I know right??? the constant switching gives me a headache. are you healed and better than everyone or are you the victim bullied by everyone? pick a struggle girl.
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windupcloset · 2 years
How to spot super fake Chanel bags in 2022 ?
With the black market bag industry's increasing quality and attention to detail, used Chanel bag authentication has become both an art and a science. It used to simply be a matter of a question of, "Does the bag come with an authenticity card?". But very good fakes, or "super fakes," are coming with fake but very persuasive authenticity cards. 
Specialists with years of experience in Chanel authentication review everything from bag quilting, hardware, material selection, stamps and holograms, letter embossing, and more.
If you love Chanel and don't have years of authentication experience, here's a detailed guide to the science of Chanel handbag authentication that you can quickly check out at home or while traveling. 
As authenticating Chanel bags is also an art that requires years of refinement, such as identifying scent, texture, weight, softness, and awareness of vintage bag aging, we highly recommend that you always have your bag authenticated by a trained professional or buy it from a trusted retailer offering a guarantee of authenticity.  
Spoiler: If you' re authenticating a pre-owned Chanel bag that uses a chip instead of a hologram (year 2021 and above), skip to step 2 down below. Later on in this post, we will cover the new NFC chip technology embedded in Chanel bags produced since April 2021.
1. Check the Serial Numbers/Date Codes:
So you want to know if the purse is authentic, then what should you do first? If the bag has an authenticity card, it may not be real. There are some ways to tell if it's a real Chanel card, but for counterfeiters, it's much easier to make a persuasive card than the bag itself. Look for a sticker with the serial number on the inside of the bag.
Chanel serial numbers will vary depending on the year the bag was made. Comparing your serial number to the chart below will tell you when your bag was made :
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 Figure 1: Reading Chanel's serial code
The year of manufacture of the bag is determined by the number of digits in the serial number and the first digit(s) of that number. If your bag has 8 digits, it was produced between the end of 2005 and today. 
For 8-digit serial numbers, the year is identified by the first two digits (for example, 24XXXXXX is late 2017-early 2018). If your bag has a 7-digit serial number, the year of production is determined by the first digit (for example, 6XXXXXX is 2000-2002). 
If a bag's serial number does not conform to the Chanel formula or has more than 8 digits, it is most likely a fake. In rare cases, you can find vintage Chanel bags with a 6 digit serial number. Most bags made in 1986 had a 7-digit number starting with zero, but in the early 1986 bags, the first zero was omitted and the 6-digit number started with 1 or 2.
Chanel's 2020 date code on its handbags is 30XXXXXX. If the date code on your handbag starts with 27XXXXXX, 28XXXXXX or 29XXXXXX, it was made in mid/late 2019.  
Of course, the Chanel formula is readily available information, so advanced counterfeiters could create a serial number that matches the table above. Pay attention to the font, glitter and x-cut of the hologram. You need to look more closely at the serial number sticker: it will never be a plain, boring sticker that looks out of place. 
Authentic Chanel serial number stickers will contain a combination of CC logo markings, an "X" shape cut into the strip to prevent removal without damage, and small reflective spots in the strip. 
Also, if you find "Chanel" printed at the top or bottom of the sticker, it is not a real Chanel bag. This is a common feature of counterfeit stickers. "Chanel" is meant to be printed on the side of the sticker. 
If you've looked all over the bag and still can't find a serial number, it can also be an authentic vintage Chanel made before 1986.
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 Figure 2: What does a Chanel serial number look like?
 Notice how they combine several unique identification and security features: iridescent flecks, CC logos, and "X" markings on the plastic. The date code stickers are usually very small and can be found either on a small leather tab, as in the example below left, or inside an interior pocket, or in a corner of the bag's interior.
2. Examine the Stitch Quality and Stitch Count:
When you buy a Chanel product, you not only get the highest quality materials, but also meticulous craftsmanship. The seams must be flawless, with no loose threads, dents or other irregularities. 
Chanel bags are also characterized by a high stitch count: in most cases, there must be 10 or more stitches per edge of the diamond quilting. This keeps the bag strong and prevents the leather from swelling. The exact number of stitches may vary depending on the type of Chanel bag, but if you see an unusually low number of stitches, it's probably a fake.
This is not a rule of thumb, however. You will encounter authentic quilted Chanel handbags with less than 10 points per diamond edge - usually smaller bags or different styles of 2.55.
Caution: If a Chanel bag has less than 10 dots per edge of the diamond quilting, it may be a counterfeit. Get close to the bag and count the dots! Chanel bags have a very high stitch count to preserve their shape and make them more durable. You should count about 10 stitches per diamond edge, but this number can vary depending on the model.  
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        Figure 3: Stitching of a Chanel bag 
 3. Examine the materials :
Chanel's material is in a class of its own, giving the bag an ultra-luxurious aura. This is where many counterfeiters fail because they can't replicate Chanel's quality. 
Even counterfeiters who manage to use better materials and construction - counterfeit bags known as "super fakes" - often lack the attention to detail applied to authentic Chanel bags. Here's what to look for.
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Figure 4: The quality of Chanel material
 Unfold the flap and examine the back of the CC locking plate. If you've identified the bag as old by the serial number, you won't be confused by the flat head screws on the locking plate. 
More modern Chanel bags have exclusive star-shaped screws. If you see flat head screws (the ones in the shape of an "X"), you are facing a fake. Chanel never uses phillips head screws in their hardware.
Also, make sure that the color of the bag's hardware (silver, gold) matches the CHANEL marking inside the bag. 
If you see a "Made in Paris" stamp, the bag is fake. Chanel only uses France and Italy for its "Made In" stamping. 
However, it is normal to see "CHANEL" and "PARIS" engraved on the material, and counterfeiters often mistake them for the "Made in" stamp.  Also, if you don't see any "Made in" stamp, know that the bag is probably a counterfeit!
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Figure 5: Chanel material to watch closely
4. Make sure the C's overlap correctly on the CC logo
Please always make sure to scrutinize the CC lock, designed by Karl Lagerfeld in the early 1980s. Check that the C's overlap correctly, that they are the same width and have flat edges. 
Confirm that the right "C" overlaps the left "C" at the top, and that the left "C" overlaps the right "C" at the bottom (pictured above). Next, make sure the CC padlock is centered vertically and horizontally on its leather flap: if the placement looks wrong, it's a fake. 
Another easy clue to detect is that the edges of the "C's" are flat on real Chanel bags - if you see rounded edges, it's a fake. If you see a stamp on the CC lock, the bag was made in France; if there is no stamp, the bag was made in Italy. Make sure the stamp is clear and visible. Fakes rarely have legible stamps.
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 Figure 6: Chanel CC Logo
5. Look at the patchwork pattern and the symmetry
The most noticeable feature, at first glance, of the majority of fake bags you''ll encounter is the stitching pattern. Real Chanel bags are flawless in terms of shape, symmetry and alignment of the stitched diamonds. 
On Chanel 2.55 Flap bags, check the back pocket of the bag: on authentic 2.55s, the quilting pattern on the back pocket aligns perfectly with the pattern on the bag itself. 
It is very common for counterfeit Chanel bags to misalign the diamond quilting between the flap and the rest of the bag. If you see a blatant misalignment, you can consider the bag a fake.
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Figure 7: Chanel back pocket
 You can tell a real Chanel bag from a fake by looking at the quilting. On the left, a fake bag: the quilting is clearly not aligned between the pocket and the bag. On the right, a genuine bag: the stitching pattern appears seamless between the pocket and the bag.
Caution: If the quilting pattern on the bag’s back pocket doesn’t line up perfectly, the bag is highly likely to be fake.
It's also noteworthy that as the bag ages and is worn, the leather tends to soften slightly and the padding may not line up perfectly. A bag with this minor imperfection may still be real, so be sure to check the other areas! 
6. Closely analyze the zippers
Zippers are easily overlooked, but be sure to inspect them carefully as they often have many signs of authenticity. Chanel uses different types of zippers depending on the bag, but the most notable are the Lampo, DMC, YKK, zipper, triple "C" in a circle, and an unmarked closure for very old Chanel bags.
Be sure to open and close the zipper to get an idea of its quality. The closure should be smooth and seamless - a luxurious experience, just like every other aspect of an authentic Chanel bag.
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Figure 8: What do the Chanel zippers look like?
 Caution: If you see a zipper that looks like it came from a sweater on a supposedly  real Chanel 2.55, this is more than likely a fake.
 Lampo zippers are typically found on authentic Chanel bags of various types. Check the underside of the zipper pulley mechanism to see the mark.
Update: In 2021, Chanel switched from holograms of serial numbers to microchips
Chanel has launched a new initiative from April 2021: microchips inside a metal plate. This metal plate now replaces the self-adhesive hologram and authentication card.  The metal plate is approximately 1.2 inches wide and color matched to the bag material. An interlaced CC logo and an 8-digit alphanumeric serial code appear on the front of the plat form. A microchip is embedded in this metal plate.   The chip is usually placed inside the bag and, for WOCs, inside the zippered pocket. The alphanumeric code no longer allows you to know the year of production at a glance. All of the bag's information is now digitally encapsulated in this microchip, which includes creation, distribution, purchase and even repair dates.  
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  Figure 9: The new Chanel microchip
With the microchip using near field communication (NFC) technology as well as blockchain technology, the data is impossible to alter. The microchip can only be scanned using chip reading machines in Chanel stores to retrieve this information.  Although criminals may be able to replicate the appearance of the metal plate to some extent, they will not be able to hack into Chanel's computer systems.  Authentication cards and holograms can be forged or misplaced. The microchip cannot be replicated.   On the resale market, we are excited that Chanel has introduced state-of-the-art technology to protect what is most valuable, authenticity. Here at WINDUP CLOSET, we are happy to say that our extensive authentication work and ability to spot super fakes is helping Chanel in its fight against counterfeits.  
6 Easy Steps to Authenticate a Chanel Bag:
Serial Numbers/Date Codes - Validate the serial numbers/date codes based on the year produced. Remember, Chanel bags made in 2020 should have the date code 30XXXXXX. Chanel bags made in 2021, 2022 and later use NFC chips instead of hologram stickers.
Stitch Quality and Stitch Count - Validate if the bag has 10 or more stitches per edge of the diamond quilting.
Hardware – The chain must feel heavy in your hand because of its top quality. Screws on the back of the lock plate have to be flathead or proprietary star-shaped on newer bags.
CC Logo - Make sure that the C's overlap properly whether it is hardware or a stitched logo.
Quilting Pattern and Symmetry - Check if the quilting pattern on the bag’s back pocket lines up perfectly.
Zippers - Make sure to check for most commonly used Chanel zippers, such as Lampo, the DMC, the YKK, the Eclair zipper or the triple 'C' in a circle.
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websoptimization · 24 days
Telecalling Jobs: Essential Skills and Future Trends You Should Know
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Telecalling has become integral to modern business operations, particularly in sales and customer service. 
As companies strive to maintain a direct line of communication with their customers, the role of telecallers has grown in importance. Whether generating leads, providing customer support, or conducting market research, telecalling offers a dynamic and rewarding career path for those with the proper skill set. 
In this blog, we'll explore what a telecalling job entails, the essential skills required, the prospects of this profession, and why it's a viable career option.
What is a Telecalling Job?
A telecalling job primarily involves making phone calls to potential or existing customers on behalf of a company. 
The objective can vary—from selling products or services, gathering customer feedback, and setting up appointments to offering support and assistance. 
Telecallers serve as the company's voice, often being customers' first point of contact. This role is crucial as it can influence customer perceptions and determine the success of sales campaigns.
Telecaller jobs can be categorised into two main types:
Inbound Telecalling: In this role, telecallers handle incoming calls from customers. These calls might be inquiries, support requests, or complaints. The telecaller provides accurate information, resolves issues, and ensures a positive customer experience.
Outbound Telecalling: Here, telecallers actively reach out to customers or prospects. This could involve cold calling, following up on leads, conducting surveys, or promoting products and services. The success of outbound telecalling often hinges on the telecaller's ability to engage the customer and drive action.
Skills You Need to Become a Telecaller
Success in telecalling requires a blend of technical know-how and soft skills. 
Here are the key skills needed:
Communication Skills: The ability to communicate persuasively and effectively is fundamental. Telecallers must articulate their message well and adjust their tone and language based on the customer’s response.
Active Listening: Listening is just as essential as speaking on a telecall. Understanding customer needs, addressing concerns, and picking up on cues are all vital for a productive conversation.
Product Knowledge: It is crucial to have a deep understanding of the products or services being offered. This enables the telecaller to answer questions confidently and provide accurate information.
Patience and Resilience: Telecalling can be challenging, with potential rejections and difficult conversations. Patience and the ability to stay calm under pressure are essential traits.
Sales Skills: Outbound telecallers must have a knack for sales. This includes understanding sales techniques, handling objections, and closing deals effectively.
Time Management: Managing time efficiently allows telecallers to handle a high volume of calls and meet targets. This involves organising calls, following up, and staying on top of administrative tasks.
Technical Proficiency: Familiarity with telecalling systems, CRM systems, and call tracking tools is increasingly essential. Telecallers need to navigate these systems swiftly to manage customer information and monitor their performance.
Future of Telecalling Jobs
The future of telecalling is evolving alongside technological advancements and changing consumer behaviours; despite the rise of digital communication channels like chatbots and social media, the human touch that telecalling offers remains irreplaceable.
Automation and AI Integration: By integrating AI and automation, routine tasks in telecalling can be streamlined, allowing telecallers to focus on more complex interactions. AI can provide real-time information, analyse customer data, and even offer predictive insights, making telecalling more efficient.
Remote Telecalling: The shift towards remote work has opened up new opportunities for telecallers. With cloud-based solutions, telecalling jobs can be done virtually anywhere, increasing flexibility and job availability.
Skill Development: As the role of telecallers expands, there will be a growing demand for professionals who can handle multi-channel communication, including phone, email, and live chat. Continuous skill development will be key to staying relevant in the industry.
Increased Demand in Certain Sectors: Industries such as healthcare, finance, and e-commerce will likely see an increased demand for telecallers. These sectors require constant customer interaction and support, which telecalling can provide effectively.
Telecalling is a dynamic and rewarding career that offers a variety of growth opportunities. While it requires a unique set of skills and the ability to adapt to changing technologies and customer expectations, it also provides a solid foundation for a career in sales, customer service, or marketing.
As businesses continue to value direct communication with their customers, the role of telecallers will remain crucial. Whether you're just starting your career or looking to develop new skills, telecalling offers a path worth considering.
By understanding the demands and future of telecaller jobs, you can better prepare yourself for success in this field and leverage the opportunities it presents.
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mvpseminars · 5 months
Mastering Sales And Managing Stress Through Impactful Sales Training Seminars
Equipping teams with the right capability’s fuels business growth. This is especially true in sales, where mastering the art of persuasion directly impacts revenue. Sales training seminars can level up teams by sharpening their selling skills. Meanwhile, managing workplace stress boosts wellbeing, productivity and performance. That’s why in dynamic markets like Texas, more organizations are investing in immersive seminars covering both sales mastery and stress management.
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Texas sales training seminars
Sales has changed, with buyers more informed and harder to resonate with. To stand out, reps need an arsenal of consultative selling techniques. Seminars led by industry veterans provide intensive skill-building through roleplaying and feedback in a safe practice environment. Attendees return to work ready to apply proven methods tailored to different sales situations.
Beyond new tactics, seminars also cultivate essential mindsets. Participants learn the importance of emotional intelligence, listening, trust building and helping customers achieve desired outcomes. This combination of strategic knowledge and soft skills pays dividends.
Stress Management to Sustain High Performance
Meanwhile, left unchecked, mounting workplace stress hampers performance and causes burnout. Pressure-packed sales roles are especially vulnerable. Sales training seminars offer preventative care, equipping Texas professionals with science-backed techniques to operate at peak capacity.
Whether struggling with anxiety, lack of focus or everyday strains, personalized seminars provide coping methods. Attendees gain perspective on how stress physically affects the body and brain. Equipped with this insight, they learn to recalibrate through mindfulness, nutrition, ergonomics and breathing exercises. Participants walk away with customized stress reduction regimens to support wellbeing and sustain high achievement.
Capitalizing on In-Person Immersion
Digital learning has its place, but for sales mastery and stress care, live seminars facilitate deeper transformation through human connection. The energy of sharing space with experts and peers makes the concepts stick. Instructors read body language and provide tailored in-the-moment guidance. Conversations carry learnings further.
Plus, off-site venues minimize distractions so participants can fully unplug and immerse in the experience. They return refreshed with expanded perspective along with actionable tactics.
Post-Seminar Sustainability
The impact lives on long after seminars conclude. Many firms provide take-home playbooks and post-event coaching to reinforce adoption. Some also utilize technologies like microlearning through mobile apps. Short skills-based videos continue the learning journey on demand. Gamification elements like point systems and rewards further drive application.
Peer roundtables also promote sustainability. Small groups meet regularly to share experiences applying program lessons and solving real problems together. This built-in support system cements growth.
Analyzing Results
Like any business investment, the success of sales and stress management seminar training hinges on ROI. Be sure to monitor leading indicators like employee satisfaction plus trailing metrics like sales pipeline growth, deal closure rates, turnover reduction and workplace culture. Surveys, focus groups and performance data help quantify program impact and guide continual optimization.
The Takeaway
In today's high-pressure business climate, equipping teams with selling skills and stress resilience pays dividends. Immersive seminars drive adoption through experiential learning and camaraderie. A blended approach of seminars and technology sustains development for the long run. The result is confident, more empowered teams equipped to manage stress and deliver sales success.
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digipubl6 · 7 months
7-8 Mar | Live Commission Project - The Podcast/Audio Advertisement - Part 1
NER - Live Commission Project
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For the final part of the live commission project, you will be creating a Scripted audio recording for Disney+. This advertisement is to place at some point within a Podcast or Spotify free audio streaming.
Task 1: The first step you will need to take is to undertake some research in the persuasive writing style. The script you are creating is to sell Disney+ subscription, so it would need to be in a persuasive writing style. Explore the points below:
What is persuasive writing?
Why is persuasive writing important within advertising?
Can you highlight any persuasive writing tips or strategies?
Task 2: Once you have completed Task 1, you will now need to gather some further research into different audio advertisements. Using the radio or youtube you will need to find 2 audio advertisements. You will need to take a screengrab of the audio advertisements and have a link to the web page. With the audio advertisements you will need to explore the following point:
Type of Voice - What is the voice like? Soft, deep, high/low pitch, Accent.
Pace - The speed of the spoken word. Is it slow, is it fast? Explain how you have come to that conclusion.
Background music - How noticeable do you feel it is? Explain the impact ithas on the advertisements.
Clarity - Is it coherent? Easy to understand.
Place Task 1 and 2 within your online PowerPoint document, called “Live Commission Project” under the heading of “Audio advertising research”
Task 3: Once you have finished with Task 1 and 2, you will need to now start working on your script. Your script needs to be no more than 60 seconds long, but it can not be shorter than 30 seconds. To make sure your script is within the times, you will need to read it back at the same pace you plan to record it.
Please write your script on an Online Word document, and share it with me. Don't forget to document this written script on your  “Live Commission Project” under the heading “My Script”.
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ekarmaindia2001 · 9 months
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Classified advertising is a form of advertising, particularly common in newspapers, online and other periodicals, which may be sold or distributed free of charge. Classified advertisements are much cheaper than larger display advertisements used by businesses, although display advertising is more widespread. They were also commonly called "want" ads, starting in 1763, and are sometimes called small ads in Britain.
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Advertisements can be classified in various ways based on their content, purpose, medium, and target audience.
Here are some common classifications:
Based on Content:
Product Ads: Promoting a specific product or service.
Service Ads: Highlighting a particular service offered.
Brand Ads: Focused on building awareness and recognition for a brand.
Informative Ads: Providing information about a product, service, or issue.
Persuasive Ads: Convincing the audience to take a specific action.
Emotional Ads: Evoking emotions to create a connection with the audience.
Based on Purpose:
Commercial Ads: Aimed at selling products or services.
Non-commercial Ads: Intended for social or public interest, like PSA campaigns.
Political Ads: Promoting a political party, candidate, or ideology.
Based on Medium:
Print Ads: In newspapers, magazines, flyers, etc.
Broadcast Ads: On TV, radio.
Online Ads: Displayed on websites, social media, search engines.
Outdoor Ads: Billboards, posters, banners.
Mobile Ads: Ads specifically designed for mobile devices.
Based on Target Audience:
Demographic-targeted Ads: Tailored for specific age, gender, location, etc.
Behavioral-targeted Ads: Based on user behavior, interests, browsing history.
Contextual Ads: Related to the content on a webpage or app.
Based on Execution Style:
Testimonial Ads: Using endorsements or testimonials from customers.
Humorous Ads: Using humor to engage the audience.
Storytelling Ads: Presenting a narrative to convey the message.
Demonstration Ads: Showing how a product or service works through demonstration.
(1) Based on Frequency and Duration:
One-time Ads: Appear only once.
Recurring Ads: Shown regularly over a period.
Long-term Campaigns: Run for an extended period with consistent messaging.
(2) Based on Call to Action (CTA):
Direct Response Ads: Encourage immediate action (e.g., "Buy Now," "Subscribe").
Soft Sell Ads: Focus on brand building rather than immediate action.
These classifications often overlap, as many ads incorporate multiple elements or purposes to achieve their objectives.

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