#peter pevensie x caspian x
zluty-spendlik · 1 year
Caspian and co were like "gosh this duel idea is great and all, but how the heck are we gonna get Miraz, whos army is like three times bigger, to agree to it??"
And the Pevensies were all like: "No yeah we'll just send this little shit right here, he can provoke anyone into doing anything, trust us"
While Edmund so-you-bravely-refuse-to-fight-a-swordsman-half-your-age Pevensie just raised an eyebrow, grinning.
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narnianskys · 2 years
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The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe
By C. S. Lewis
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raven-dor · 26 days
I saw your recent Edmund fic and I’m obsessed!
Could you do one where Edmund gets super jealous/overprotective with reader? I love possessive Edmund!
mine all mine
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the four times in which edmund discovers that he is overprotective of his wife, and the one time she proves to him she can take care of herself
PAIRING: edmund pevensie x wife!reader
WARNINGS: fluff, overprotective nature, sword fighting, typical Narnia violence, fluff ending
AN: This is set during the Golden Age, so all of them are adults!! also your title is fair, as in an adjective for just, not at all a description of what the reader looks like!!
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He hadn’t meant to listen in to his wife’s meeting, really. But when he noticed Lord Eluna raising his voice, he couldn’t help but linger outside of the door, his hand on his sword's hilt. Y/N’s constantly calm voice interrupted the seething lord. “While I understand the importance of this situation, it does not warrant you to act poorly towards your queen, Lord Eluna.” 
The man scoffed. “By marriage. A marriage which could be easily annulled, seeing as you have not produced his grace any heirs.” 
Y/N laughed, seemingly not phased by his comment. “We are not in desperate need of any heirs, my lord. If you haven’t noticed, we have a plethora of rulers. Unless you are planning something that would warrant the need of heirs.” She paused, and Edmund could only assume the look on her face, the one she typically made when she was proving him wrong. "Are you?"  
“How dare you insinuate-” 
Edmund forced down a laugh, barging into the room. “My lords.” 
The table of twelve men stood, bowing to their superior. Half hearted ‘Your Grace’s’ were thrown Edmund’s way, but he could not care less. He looked at the man who was still glaring daggers at his wife. “Lord Eluna.” 
“Your Grace.” He tore his eyes from the young queen. “We were just-”
“Yes.” Edmund raised an eyebrow, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “I heard. And while I appreciate your obviously kind and thoughtful concern, my wife and I do not need your advice on that particular matter.” 
Y/N turned bright red, widening her eyes when all the lord's jaws dropped. “Edmund-” 
“I’m sure whatever you were meeting about can be postponed.” Edmund looked around the table, waiting for an answer. “Well?” The lords clambered, nodding quickly in agreement. He smirked and walked over to his wife, holding out his arm for her to hold. “My love.” 
She rolled her eyes but still hooked her arm through his. “You are quite dramatic.” 
He laughed, ignoring the prying eyes around them. “I haven’t the faintest idea what you mean.” The couple walked out the doors, giggling when they knew the lords could no longer hear them. Edmund frowned, rubbing her arm comfortingly. “Do they always treat you so horribly?” 
“You cannot keep doing this, Ed.” She sighed.
“What am I do-” 
She glared at him. “You know what you’re doing. They will never learn to respect me if you keep coming to my defense.” 
“It’s been two years. They should have respected you the minute I married you. Actually-” He scoffed. “They should respect you because it’s the right thing to do.” 
They walked into their chambers, collapsing onto the bed. Edmund wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her in as she traced shapes into his chest. “You're a gallant and honorable man, Edmund, much more than your lords. But you know as well as I that those old malcontents will never respect me until I give them a reason to.” 
“I wish it wasn’t so.” He leaned down, kissing her temple. “You are a much better leader than me.” 
She scoffed, leaning into his touch. “Not true.”
“Yes.” He nodded, staring at the ceiling. “You are.” 
“If I am..." She appeased him. "It is only because I’ve watched you and your siblings rule with kindness and justice for so long. Please do not put yourself down for my sake.” She stretched up, kissing him gently. “Never put yourself down; you are too perfect for that.” 
“If you insist.” He smiled, feeling lovesick. How could he not? The most beautiful woman in all of Narnia, or, more accurately, the universe, lay beside him.
Of course, he felt lovesick.
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“Happy Birthday, my love.” Y/N smiled mischievously at her husband. “How old are you now? Eighty?” 
He glared, kissing her cheek softly. “What a charmer you are.” 
She nodded and took a deep breath, straightening her dress as they prepared to enter the ballroom. “Well, you didn’t marry me for my baking skills.” 
He rolled his eyes. “Your baking skills are perfectly adequate.” 
She scoffed, looking up at him once more. “Don’t lie to me, Edmund Pevensie.” She fought the smile that threatened to break her act. “You flatter me too much, I think.”
He felt the overwhelming urge to kiss her senselessly. He had that urge constantly, but it was especially difficult at that moment. “You are a true beauty. Have I told you?”
She blushed, turning her face back towards the grand doors. “Behave.” 
He nodded, still looking at her in awe, enjoying the way her flushed cheeks complemented her dress. He had always loved her in the color blue. “Yes, ma’am.” 
The ushers opened the doors, and they stepped forward. “King Edmund the Just, and Queen Y/N the Fair.” 
The room exploded into applause for the Just King, and the pair descended the stairs, focusing on not falling in front of all their subjects. Peter, Susan, and Lucy sat on their thrones at the bottom, smiling brightly. Lucy gestured toward the Maestro, and Edmund led his wife to the middle of the ballroom. “I do wonder what they'll play.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow. “What did you do?” 
“I don’t know what you mean.” 
Y/N's smile grew as their wedding waltz’s familiar intro echoed through the hall. “This isn’t fair.” 
He laughed at the irony. “Why not, my love?” 
“It is your birthday, not our anniversary.” 
He spun her around the room, whispering. “I happen to like this song.” 
“Edmund…” She blushed again. “You should have chosen a song that you love.” 
“I did.” The waltz ended, and he bowed. “It reminds me of you; why wouldn’t I love it?” 
Her eyes were watering, and he suddenly felt horrible, his stomach twisting. “I’m sorry, did I-” 
She leaped up, kissing him soundly. The crowd gasped, but Edmund didn’t care. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close. She leaned back, their foreheads touching. “I don’t deserve you.” 
His heart felt full. “Quite the opposite, really.” He kissed her once more, nuzzling his nose with hers. “I love you.” 
Lucy clapped her hands, pulling the crowd's attention away from the happy couple. “Thank you all so much for attending my brother’s 24th birthday ball!” The room erupted into cheers. Lucy smiled. “Help yourselves to the buffet, or take to the dance floor. Happy Birthday, dear brother.”
The crowd dispersed, and the pair walked up to the thrones, sitting beside each other, still holding hands. Peter muttered, smirking. “Couldn’t have waited until later?” 
Edmund rolled his eyes. “Just because you don’t have a love li-” 
Y/N scolded her husband. “Ed.” 
Peter glared playfully at his brother. “My love life is none of your business, thank you very much.” 
Susan laughed. “How is she?” 
Peter blushed. “She has a name.” He straightened his posture, looking out into the crowd for who Y/N could only assume they were talking about. “As perfect as ever.” 
Lucy giggled. “Have you tried talking to her?” 
Peter closed his eyes, leaning his head back against his throne. “I am getting attacked from all sides, it seems.” 
Y/N smiled. “I think it’s sweet. You seem very in love.” He smiled back, looking longingly at the buffet table, where a gorgeous maid stood handing out desserts. Y/N nudged him lightly. “You could ask her to dance.” 
He laughed, and when he realized his sister in law was not laughing, stopped. “I fear she would not like the fuss.” 
“Ah.” Y/N looked over at the girl again. “I will be right back.” 
Edmund whined. “Where are you off to?” 
“None of your business, Edmund.” She kissed his cheek quickly. “Do have fun at your own birthday party.” 
He sighed as she walked away. “How can I when you’re leaving?” 
The fair queen glided across the floor with the intention of making conversation with the girl the High King was infatuated with. She had almost reached Peter's love when a hand wrapped around her waist. She gasped, pulling herself out of the stranger’s hold. The visibly drunk lord bowed teasingly. “My Lady, would you care-” A hiccup interrupted his question. “Would you care to dance?” 
She smiled politely. “I’m afraid my card is full for the night. But thank you for the offer.” 
The man tried to speak again, but she turned around, walking back towards the maid. 
Edmund had seen the entire interaction, gripping the handles of his throne tight enough to break the solid stone. Peter whispered. “Edmund, don’t do anything rash-” 
“He just-” 
Peter gave him the stare, that older brother stare that he tried to reserve for hard moments. “He will be dealt with, trust me, but you need to be subtle-” 
Edmund stood up, stalking over to the drunken lord. Peter sighed once more. "He will be the first to give me gray hairs.” 
Susan rolled her eyes. “You are twenty-seven, Peter. You’re not graying anytime soon.” 
Edmund grabbed the lord’s arm, dragging him out to the balcony. “A nice night, isn’t it?” 
The lord was in shock, nodding. “Yes, Your Grace.” He grinned. “It is truly an honor to have been invited to your-” 
“It was a nice night.” The young king smiled condescendingly. “Until you harassed my wife.” 
“I-” The old man stuttered. “I meant no disrespect.” 
“Don’t lie to your king.” Edmund seethed. “If you ever do that again, I will rue the day, believe me.” He took a deep breath. “You will apologize to my wife, and after that, you will leave immediately. You are fortunate that I don’t ensure you are barred from the castle grounds.” 
The lord looked upset. Good, Edmund thought, serves him right. “But Your Grace-” 
“Do I make myself clear?” 
“Yes.” The old man nodded. “Yes, Your Grace.” He stumbled back into the ballroom, making a beeline for Y/N. Edmund watched from afar, smiling as she smiled, actually genuinely smiled. Then he frowned when she let him kiss her hand. Oh, how he wanted to have him banished. 
Y/N made her way to the balcony, shaking her head at her proud husband. “What have you done?” 
“Nothing. Why do you assume-” 
“Edmund.” She crossed her arms. “You must stop.” 
“What?” He laughed. “Stop protecting you?” 
“Yes!” She yelled, exasperated from his constant watching eye. “I had it handled.” 
“He harassed you.” 
“Thank you Edmund.” Her voice dripped with sarcasm, something Edmund did not appreciate at the moment. “I wasn’t aware.” 
“My love.” He stepped forward, taking her hands in his. “As long as there is air in my lungs, I will protect you. It pains me to see you go through these things.” 
She smiled, placing a hand on his cheek. “You are a good man, Edmund.” 
He closed his eyes, leaning into her touch. “You shouldn’t have to deal with that.” 
“You’re right, I shouldn’t. But if we make a fuss about every lord who gets handsy while they’re drunk, the ballroom will be empty.” 
He rolled his eyes. “Good. Get rid of the whole lot of them. I would rather it just be you and I anyhow.” 
Y/N gasped, smacking his chest lightly. “Edmund!” 
“No one should have to deal with that.” 
“Well, I agree. But you can’t-” 
“Good.” He nodded, ignoring the fact that he just interrupted her. “Who were you talking to after that incident?” 
“Peter’s love.” She smiled. “That girl is quite kind. Spirited, too.” 
Edmund laughed, pulling Y/N in. “Perfect for Peter then.” 
She hummed, leaning her head on his chest as they looked back into the ballroom. “Perfect for Peter.” 
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It had been Edmund’s idea to go on an afternoon ride. Y/N had reminded him of the recent attacks that they were investigating, but he’d ignored her. Their horses galloped through the fall woods, leaves falling as they flew through. Phillip muttered. “Her horse is much younger than me, no wonder she keeps beating me.” 
Y/N’s horse, Vilja, laughed. “Perhaps you are simply slow, Phillip.” 
Y/N fought against the laugh that threatened to spill out. “Now Vilja, play nice. Remember, Phillip has to hold Edmund and his ego.” 
Edmund scoffed, shoving his wife playfully as they slowed. “What happened to playing nice?” 
They tied the horses beside each other, walking through the woods leisurely. “It is perfect outside, is it not?” 
Y/N nodded, leaning her head on her husband’s shoulder. “It is.” She smiled as the lantern came into view. “It’s been too long.” 
Edmund hummed. “We’re happy here.” He looked down, his heart beating fast. “You would tell me if you weren't happy, I hope.” 
“Of course, Edmund.” She smiled. “I'm very happy here. I only meant we’ve been here for a long time. After all, it has been thirteen years.” She looked back at the lantern, pulling Edmund along with her. “I wonder how long it’s been there.” 
He laughed, kissing her temple gently. “Who cares?” 
“Edmund…” She leaned into his touch. Feeling mischievous, she pulled out of his hold, sprinting further into the woods. 
Edmund groaned, chasing after her. “This was funnier the first time.” 
The nymphs giggled as they watched the couple run through the woods. Edmund spun in the clearing, squinting as he tried to find his wife. “Y/N, you know I’ll find-” A piercing scream broke the joyful nature of their fun, and his heart sank. “Y/N?” He waited for her response, another scream echoing through the forest. He ran towards her, unsheathing his sword. “Y/N!” He broke through the woods, finding his wife backed against a tree, a wolf growling in front of her. Edmund stood in between them, pointing the sword at the wolf’s head. “We don’t want to harm you.” 
The wolf simply growled. Odd. Edmund whispered. “Stay still, my love.” He stepped forward, addressing the wolf once more. “You have one more chance to leave us. We won’t harm you if you do so, you have my word.”
The wolf leaned back, lunging at Edmund, and he slashed his sword, killing the animal in a single blow. Y/N stood silent behind him, staring at the ground. “I thought all animals spoke in Narnia.” 
“So did I.” Edmund knelt beside it, checking for any witchcraft of any sort. 
Y/N smiled sympathetically, kneeling beside him. “She’s gone.” 
“He was wild. There had to have been-” Edmund was silenced by a gentle kiss. He blushed. “What was that-” She kissed him once more, smiling. 
“Edmund, she is gone. For good. And you saved me.” She mumbled. “Even though I could have reached for my sword-” 
He rolled his eyes, standing up and extending his hand. “Let me guess? You had it handled?” 
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She was radiant in that blue dress, Edmund observed from afar. After he had expressed his love of her in the color, she had ensured that almost all her dresses were that light blue. The rest of her dresses were her favorite color, which Edmund loved on her almost as much. 
Unfortunately, others enjoyed looking at his wife as well. Lately, in Edmund’s opinion, her sworn guard had been looking at her for much too long. He was a conventionally attractive man, Edmund could admit, but he didn’t like that the young knight was looking at his wife the way Edmund himself looked at her. 
He hadn’t brought it up to Y/N, not wanting to be called overprotective for the hundredth time. So he watched from afar, making sure that the knight didn’t make any untoward actions towards her. 
They were currently in the garden, and Y/N was smelling the flowers, laughing and making polite conversation with Ser Ellington. The young man laughed back, reaching out to stable her when she stumbled over a root. Edmund clenched his jaw, forcing himself to remain calm. 
It was his job after all, to make sure his queen was safe.
But when he reached out and grabbed a flower, extending it to the kind woman, Edmund snapped. That was not his job. He practically stalked forward, interrupting whatever conversation the two had been having. “My love.” He called out. “You look radiant.” 
She blushed. “Edmund, I thought you had your meeting.” 
He nodded. “I did, but we finished early, I thought I would accompany you for the rest of the day.” 
“Of course.” She looked over Edmund’s shoulder at Ser Ellington. “You are excused for the day. Thank you, Ser.” 
The knight bowed. “My Queen. Your Grace.” 
Edmund watched suspiciously as the young knight walked away, only turning back to his wife when he turned the corner. Y/N smirked, tilting her head just so. “You have no need to be jealous, my love.” She turned back to the flowers, smelling them. 
Edmund smiled guiltily, following after her like a puppy. “Can you blame me? Ser Ellington is not exactly unappealing.” 
She nodded, still not looking back at him. “He is. But I am not married to him, nor do I sleep in the same bed as him every night.” Edmund turned bright red. “Am I wrong?” 
“You are not, but you have to understand. You’re a beautiful woman, I can’t help but worry that someone will steal you away.” 
She rolled her eyes, turning around. “Do you really think I would hurt you so?” 
“What have I done to make you assume so? I love you; I made a vow to you.” She crossed her arms. “Am I just a prize to you that you desperately need to cling to?” 
“Of course not.” He grabbed her hands in his. “I’m madly in love with you, and the thought of you leaving me, the simple thought…” He pulled her closer, whispering. “Drives me mad.” 
“Edmund.” She glared, pulling out of his hold. “You are exaggerating.” 
He grabbed her wrist, pulling her gently back to him. “Do you really think I do not love you?” 
“I never said that.” 
He laughed. “You act as if we were not a love match. Like we didn’t discover Narnia together. I love you; I think I have since we were young.” He kissed the back of her hand delicately. “I know that I am too overprotective, and I am sorry for that…” 
She smirked with satisfaction. “Good.” 
“But can you blame me? You are a treasure, surely any other man would act that same way.” 
Y/N nodded. “Perhaps. But you are not any other man. You are Edmund Pevensie, and I know you know deep down that I can handle myself. I do not need you to watch over me like a mother hen.” She raised an eyebrow. “I also fought the White Witch, I also helped you form peace treaties, I also-”
Y/N stopped, becoming more irritable by the second when she realized Edmund wasn’t listening. He stared at her so lovingly it made her sick, and she scoffed. “I am going to the library.” 
He nodded, following after. “I shall accompany you.” 
She shook her head. “I would like to go alone.” 
He frowned. “Are you-” 
“Edmund, please.” She sighed. “I love you, but I need to be alone with my thoughts.” Without a second glance, she walked out of the garden, leaving Edmund helplessly staring at her. 
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the time she proved him wrong
They had been gone for too long, Y/N thought as she stared at the woods. They had been gone for hours longer than they said they would. She should have gone with them; who knows where they were, where Edmund was. 
She tried to calm herself down and reminded herself that neither Edmund nor his siblings would leave her in Narnia alone, but it was difficult when all of the hunt’s participants were speaking to her at once. 
“Where are they?” Lord Eluna’s voice sounded over the rest. She tried not to glare at him; she could tell the man was enjoying the sight of her under pressure. 
“I understand everyone’s worries; I have them myself, but we all know that the Kings and Queens would never leave their subjects so suddenly. Have no doubt that they will return. I am certain High King Peter and King Edmund dragged their sisters along a trail of the deer’s tracks.” Light laughter echoed through the crowd, relieving her stress slightly. Her stomach fluttered, and she pressed a hand to it, rubbing it slightly. “Does anyone else have any immediate causes for concern?” 
The crowd erupted into chaos once more, and she took a deep breath, clearing her throat. “I will take meetings with all of you individually in the main tent.” 
Edmund sighed, staring at his older brother as he tried to convince himself the deer was nearby. “Peter, we’ve been gone for hours. If we haven’t found the deer by now, who’s to say we’ll find it later?” He practically pleaded. “We should return to camp.” 
Peter rolled his eyes. “Just because you want to get back to your wife-” 
“Peter, Edmund’s right.” Susan interrupted. “This deer isn’t important, and Y/N is there alone with the entirety of the court.” She frowned. “If it were me, I would be rather overwhelmed.” 
Edmund fell into his thoughts, staring at the ground. Lucy whispered, nudging her brother lightly. “Edmund, don’t-” 
Edmund tightened the reigns on Phillip, racing back towards the camp. Peter sighed, riding not far behind him. The dark-haired king didn’t look back; his only thought was that he had left Y/N alone with the egotistical lords of the realm. Phillip slowed, and Edmund jumped off, running towards camp. 
Everything was fine, almost too fine. It was quiet, with a slight buzz of chatter but no worried voices. He stalked toward the main tent, whipping it open. 
There sat his radiant wife, talking calmly with Lord Dolitmov. The older man saw Edmund and immediately stood, bowing. “Your Grace.” He looked back to Y/N, kissing the back of the queen’s hand gently. “Your Grace.” 
Y/N smiled, waving as he walked out of the tent. Edmund tilted his head, smiling. “What happened?” 
She laughed. "The better question would be, what happened with you?” She hugged herself, rubbing her stomach once more. Edmund made a mental note to address that later. “You were gone for so long I assumed you had returned home.” 
He shook his head, frowning as he realized how stressed she had been. “I’m sorry for the worry we caused you; I fear Peter was too fixated on finding the white steed.” 
She nodded. “I wondered.” 
He took her hand in his, rubbing the back with his thumb. “I’m sorry that I worried you. But I must say, it is rather calm here.” 
She smirked. “I told you I can handle myself.” 
He laughed. “I believe you. Truly I do.” he brought her hand to his mouth, kissing the back gently. “I love you.” 
“And I you.” She walked into his arms, burying her head in his chest. “I would have died from heartbreak if you had left me.” 
“I would never.” He kissed her temple. “You know that.” 
She nodded. “I know you would never leave us.” 
He nodded back. “Correct. I would never leave-” He paused, tilting his head. “Us?” 
Y/N looked up sheepishly. “I-” Her eyes started to water. “I’m pregnant, Edmund.” 
“What?” Edmund grinned, staring at his wife in disbelief. “Really?” 
She nodded, and Edmund grabbed her waist, spinning her around the room. Y/N cackled, smacking his shoulder. “Put me down; you’re going to hurt the babe.” 
“I’m sorry.” He smiled. “I can’t help it.” 
She laughed, kissing his lips softly. “I love you.” 
Edmund leaned down, kissing her soundly. “And I you.” 
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taglist: @beebeechaos
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to-the-western-wood · 8 months
peter: (eating a family size bag of chips)
edmund: (throwing darts at a dartboard on the wall)
caspian: (reading quietly)
lucy: (solving a puzzle at the table)
susan, suspiciously: what have the four of you done
peter: nothing
edmund: just keeping busy
caspian: killing time, you know, the usual
lucy: yeah!
susan: (narrows her eyes suspiciously but leaves)
caspian: she is definitely losing her touch
peter: oh 100%
lucy: should we let him down then
eustace, taped to the ceiling, gagged, furious: mmh!
edmund: not just yet, i prefer him up there
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jessmalia · 1 year
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NARNIA CHARACTERS as TAYLOR SWIFT ALBUMS (insp. x x x) @pscentral event 19: music
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saltwaterburns · 10 months
giggling kicking my feet twirling my hair while being 3 hours into peter pevensie edits
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neptunesize · 3 months
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𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐒𝐮𝐧
A Susan Pevensie playlist
⟡ Queen of Peace - Florence + The Machine
⟡ Meet Me in the Woods - Lord Huron
⟡ Movement - Hozier
⟡ Body and Mind - girl in red
and more! Listen here
a playlists with 4 moods, love, angst, empowerment and redemption 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧
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donde-quiera · 1 year
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peter pevensie x gn!reader — aslan help him. ↬ fluff!
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• ha whipped
• boy oh boy who would have thought that rallying armies and talking to someone you fancy would be two entirely different battles.
• he’s painfully aware of how his High King™️ persona falters around you.
• he wants so badly to exude that regal composure and charm, but instead he's clearing his throat to stall for time to articulate properly after you hold his gaze for too long.
• he’s mortified and more than a little vexed. you think it’s endearing.
• truth is, between stumbling through wars and acting as the head of narnian nobility he hasn’t had the chance to really court someone.
• lucy brings up the topic most often and he humors her by rolling his eyes and saying he’ll cross that bridge when he gets there.
• (except he is now falling off that bridge.)
• he always held you in high regard and in the back of his mind he dreaded the inevitable moment those feelings softed into romantic attraction.
• now they have and it sucks. he’s conflicted and may avoid you for a bit because he's very aware of the implications of courting a king. the high king. of narnia.
• this kinda backfires on him though because the more he withdraws the more worried you get, and the more he can imagine you next to him in cair paravel.
• so finally — for once — he goes to susan.
• after hearing him out she tells him you might not even feel the same anyway dummy to stop being so serious about it. he may be high king but that doesn’t mean he has to pressure himself into finding narnia’s next addition to the throne room. he has to decide if he’s even happy with the person first. (and to put a little more faith in you too. if there’s anyone who would be understanding about the situation it would be you.)
• she’s right so with that in mind he lets himself stare at you from across the courtyard more often.
• his attention has wandered to you on more than one occasion during council gatherings and he’ll blink when someone finally asks his opinion.
• “is . . . his highness feeling al-” “yes — do continue.”
• now susan probably off-handedly told lucy, and lucy immediately told edmund. (god no.)
• edmund finds the entire situation beyond amusing and will proceed to raise actual hell for his brother.
• peter’s blood pressure is that much higher because of this.
• edmund will ask you to help look for something in a room he knows peter just entered.
• or one time in the middle of a social event after lucy complimented your newly sewn clothes, “i agree, the color is quite befitting. what do you think, peter? do you think the color is quite befitting?”
• peter’s glare would have been sharper if he wasn’t coughing into his drink.
• gremlin behavior.
• if you’re on the quieter side he always gets the room to shut up settle down so you can share your thoughts;
• which doesn’t take much because most of the courtesans consider you his betrothed anyway jfjdjd
• “your grace was most eloquent during the meeting this morning.” “oh, thank you . . . but i’m not-” “royalty? i beg your pardon; i merely presumed!” which leaves you oddly flattered and very confused.
• if you adjust the tunic of his armor, tap his visor, and wish him luck for a tournament he’ll give you a tight-lipped smile before tugging it down and striding away to hide his warm cheeks.
• god help whoever has the audacity to smartmouth you around him. though not that anyone would, considering both your reputations among the narnians but also because if anyone did they’d be in for a cold shot of english sarcasm.
• lucy thinks you guys are the cutest and he’s much more accepting of her comments compared to ed’s teasing.
• but joke's on you because if edmund is in charge of teasing peter, lucy is the one poking you.
• “so what do you think of peter?” “well, he’s brave, decisive, and-” “yes, yes, of course, but what do you really think of him?”
• she’s all smiley when you avert your eyes and say you guess you’re fond of him.
• susan is just happy to have another level head around and thinks you’re good for her brother plus you don’t put up with his shit
• you’re the only one he listens to.
• when he inevitably loses his patience with someone one disappointed look from you has him begrudgingly apologizing, and the siblings aren’t sure whether to be jealous or impressed.
• cue them occasionally taking advantage of this because when else are they gonna get this opportunity?
• “peter said i shouldn’t ride side saddle!” “what? peter, why?” “because she’s more likely to fall off that way.” “your sister has endured a lot worse than falling off a horse, pete.” “see?” “oh, alright.”
• even susan, “i think we should make camp by the stream.” “yes, but the trees provide more shelter from the wind.” “flowers grow close to the stream.” she says it like it's obvious. his finger taps his sheath. he’s looking at the water. “you could give a flower to-” “fine.”
• he did give you that flower. it was purple and you liked it a lot. what you didn’t notice was lucy giving him an enthusiastic thumbs up from behind a bush and susan elbowing ed for rolling his eyes.
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— con amor; drink your water or i’ll find you <3
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aesthetic--mood · 6 months
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The Chronicles of Narnia Spring Aesthetic
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viablemess · 1 year
So I was thinking about this scene right
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And I'm convinced that this HAS to be an inside joke by Lucy and Edmund. Like they did get old(ish) together during the Golden Age.
I'm just imagining some Golden Age scenes right -
Susan is approached by a suitor who she ACTUALLY likes and maybe it is just a way to be petty towards Rabadash (I couldn't support it more) but Susan dances with and kisses him in front of everyone in Cair Paravel.
Lucy, in the middle of discovering there is a naiad woman she would absolutely die for: "I'm sure when I'm older I'll understand."
She told Peter about the naiad, of course. And Peter fully supported her OF COURSE. So, Peter, realizing his baby sister is also a questioning maybe-baby lesbian, just laughs.
Edmund is next to them, shirt collar tugged high over his neck to hide some hickeys, "I'm older and I don't think I want to understand." And Lucy and Peter both laugh bc Peter definitely walked in on Edmund and a male efreet who defected from the White Witch's army.
Just Peter shoved in the middle of his two gay siblings while watching Susan be the Token Straight. So whenever they see Susan with a guy, they crack the joke. They must. Edmund and Lucy are just waiting for the moment when they can make the joke with Susan cause Peter is with someone, but the situation has not arisen yet.
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zluty-spendlik · 1 year
Edmund: Its so strange to see another human in Narnia that isnt my sibling, but im glad youre here
Caspian: I can imagine
Edmund: I mean, finally theres someone who understands all of the human culture who I can talk to without bickering, but still, when I saw those two Telmarine guys I was like "JESUS CHRIST THERES MORE", haha, you know?
Caspian: ... yeah...yeah I get it, I understand everything... everything human- just a quick question uh... whats a jesus christ?
Edmund: s-
Edmund: sorry what
Peter: oi mate could you pass me a bo'lo'wa'er please
Lucy (on the dawn treader): Well thats quite a storm, its raining cats and dogs out there!
Caspian: ... I...Im pretty sure its raining water
Susan, struggling to string her bow: *quietly* fuck
Caspian: whats a 'fuck'?
Susan, whos bared witness to all of his confusion and had to explain everything for the past 72 hours: I dont have time for this
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rainintheevening · 4 months
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader movie is so much better when I put it in the context of Peter being just about to turn 18, and Edmund is wrestling with that, trying to prepare himself to let Peter go (even though he's already done one term at school without him), and trying to stand on his own without Peter, figure out just who he is without his brother.
I think the implication in the movie is that Peter went to America too, but forget that. Peter's visiting Professor Kirke for the summer, at his little cottage in the country, and working on a farm as well as getting tutoring for university entrance exams, even though he knows he's not going to be going in for a few years, or however long the war lasts.
Ed hates the idea of Peter going off to war without him. Lucy is feeling left behind by everyone (parents and Su in America, Peter on the verge of becoming a soldier, and Ed wanting to join him).
Ed by turns latching onto and getting annoyed at Caspian, because he's not Peter, but it's like having Peter there, and Caspian doesn't understand what he and Peter have, but Ed can see how much Caspian wishes for a brother, and they do become that for each other in the end.
Ed wielding Rhindon at the end, Peter's sword in his hand, like Peter hasn't left him after all, and Peter's love and Aslan’s promise are louder and brighter than any ghost or sea serpent ever could be.
Lucy shooting with Susan's bow, because she doesn't have to be Susan (or Peter or Ed) to be like her in protecting the people she loves, she just has to use what Aslan has given her.
Ed knowing he's gonna go back to England and Peter's going to come celebrate his birthday with them before he signs up, so he hugs Caspian extra hard, because Caspian's going to have to go on alone too.
(But not alone, no. They have the Lion's promise. They all do.)
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Narnia Incorrect Quotes 909/?
Eustace: What's the hardest thing to say?
Susan: I was wrong
Peter: It was my fault
Caspian: I love you
Lucy: I need help
Edmund: Worcestershire sauce
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myownworld2509 · 8 months
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versatancore · 1 year
peter *flirty* : i love you :)
caspian *flirts back* : what are we, enemies to lovers?
peter *turns to edmund* : lmao, bro thinks he's good enough to be my enemy.
caspian : i hate you.
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strawberryghostss · 1 year
I am amazed that greta gerwig is taking on the narnia films but even more amazed that netflix remembered they owned the rights to narnia in the first place
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