#petits rats
jeanfrancoisrey · 9 months
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Petits rats…
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jamespottersmixtape · 11 months
guys oh no my finger slipped🫣
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kellyvela · 6 months
Hello! I didn't fully understand what was going on, but one thing is for sure, I hate joe. As far as I understood, on January 11, they completed the custody case, but the divorce was suspended and was supposed to resume when the guardianship was completed, this did not happen, and that is why Sophie's lawyers are now asking for the reopening of the divorce. Is it that joe is deliberately delaying the divorce? And will we learn the details of custody? Although it is so obvious that a larger percentage of Sophie and her children live with her in England, still wanted to know this for sure. And interesting article:
https://www.etonline.com/sophie-turner-and-joe-jonas-divorce-case-reopened-in-miami-a-timeline-of-their-split-211872 I didn't know some things before that.
joe is so horrible, he cheated on her twice, first when he refused to move to UK, and the second time with some 20 year old girl. And I also like that Sophie and her lawyers have documents and letters and everything has dates and facts, while joe has only empty words. And there is also confirmation that the children lived with Sophie in UK and only at the end of July they decided that the children would go with joe, which again confirms the position of Sophie, not joe. I hope you can explain more about their affairs to me now. And I'm glad that soon all the horror with joe will end and Sophie will live peacefully with her children in England. And I hope that justice and karma will punish joe and even his fans will see what a piece of shit and a rat he is.
Hello, anon!
What I really hated was the shady and misleading tmz headline, they implied that Sophie said that the negotiation collapses so she requested the Miami judge to rule the divorce and decide the custody. But I think this is wrong.
I believe the rat was thinking about filling divorce for a long time, that's why he convinced Sophie to let the girls come back to US with him while she was very busy filming Joan.
So, having the girls with him in the US, the first days of September, the rat leaked rumors that he was looking for divorce lawyers in LA (California) area, but few days later he filled divorce in Miami (Florida). In the end, despite leaking LA rumors, he chose Miami, a red state, that favored fathers in custody battles, this is what a lot of people told me so far. So, this was an evident legal strategy, designed by lawyers, to take advantage over the other part.
And at that point, the PR strategy also started, with him implying Sophie was a bad mother, always patying and drinking while he was basically a single dad caring for the girls alone all the time. And this is the reason why I call him a 🐀
But it was evident that the rat lied to the Miami court by saying the girls and him were Miami residents for the past six months, because the girls were living in England most of the year. Sophie was very detailed when she filled her lawsuit to the New York Federal court.
Indeed, Sophie was right when she filled an international lawsuit to the New York Federal court, claiming that the girls main residence was England, so the custody should be determined or approved by a UK court. The New York Federal court then ordered the Miami State court to stop the case regarding the custody of the girls.
The New York court also ordered the parties to start mediation and during the mediation they stablished a temporary custody agreement and decided to bring the case (custody) to a UK court.
So, since the custody was out of its jurisdiction, the Miami court approved an abatement, which is basically a suspension of the divorce case, until they reached a permanent custody agreement.
So, I think they already reached a permanent custody agreement in the UK court, which was approved on January 11, 2024, and that's why Sophie dropped the international lawsuit at the New York court, and requested to the Miami court to "reactivate" the divorce case on January 14, 2024, but this was only recently made public.
We don't know the details of the permanent custody agreement. But I hope she has primary custody, and the rat has visitation rights.
Things are really coming to an end, anon. I bet there are basically just a few details left to be determined, or at least I hope I'm right.
This is what I think is happening. But the press love the click bait . . . .
Again, I hope I'm right!
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rielzero · 3 months
Just some musings with freshly turned Vampire Locke (act 3) Drabbles might not be used in my comic eventually but can be spoilery for future comics.
It's a little quiet this time around, elfsong inn. The party of The Absolute Adversaries (Not officially named), is going through a rest day.. But the unusual silence leaves some awkwardness in the air.
It's barely noticed by the party leader, Locke, who's part of the reasoning for the silence. He can barely focus on anything at the moment, overwhelmed by new sensations. He's curled up on Astarion's bed, uncomfortable.
His fingers are pinching down the bridge of his nose, fighting vertigo caused by the smells that presumably are his companion's body odor. Locke's never really paid that much attention to anyone's musk before, but he isn't exactly trying to now either.
''I can't stand it.'' He mumbles, rolling on his side before sitting up. Gale eyes him with a worried glance. ''I thought the quiet was rather nice, or..'' He raises his brow. ''You look nauseous-''
Ignoring the wizard, he stumbles forward, then sideways, grabbing the green little door to the bathroom next to Astarion's bed. He plunges inside, eyes darting for the barrel of water that was stored here.
Astarion looks up to him with surprise, holding a small perfume bottle in his hand. ''Dear?'' Locke says nothing, one-track-minded, he stumbles towards the barrel, opens the lid by force and submerges his head in it. ''If you wanted a bath, this isn't exactly..'' Astarion sighs and closes the door behind him, then puts his perfume bottle on the sink.
He gently reaches a hand to touch Locke's shoulder. ''Darling.. If you stop breathing, Karlach's going to freak out again.'' He strokes patterns over his back. ''Just because you can't drown as an undead doesn't mean water in your lungs is any more pleasant, the average vampire can't exactly swim. Not that you're anything like average, but..''
Locke quietly raises his head from the water, his eyeliner had begun to dissolve, creating lines over his cheeks. Its almost as if he'd been crying the past hour, if not the lack for red swollen eyelids.
''Hi.'' Is the only response he can muster, partially out of it.
''Tut, tut.'' Astarion grabs him by the shoulders and pushes him on the ground, making him sit. Then he sits down next to him.
''Do you.. Smell that? All that? All the time?'' Locke whispers after a while.
''I've said so previously, yes. I can't exactly turn it off.'' Astarion wipes some of the wetness off Locke's brow while he continues. ''There's ways of filtering it out, a strong perfume is one of them.''
Locke instinctively sniffs at Astarion, then inhales. ''Oh.'' ''You pick up things faster than you think you do, sometimes.'' The newly crowned vampire lord says with a chuckle.
There's a silence, in which Locke quietly stares at Astarion, or through him almost. His eyes unfocussed. He sniffs again.
''I can't smell the others.'' With a relief the half elf untenses and slowly glides onto the floor, stretching.
''Yes, yes, but you can't hide in the bathroom with me all day.''
''Says the one that has been in here since the morning..''
''To hide from the glares, maybe.. But I was busy making perfume.''
''I can see that..''
''These things take time! I'm very particular about-''
Locke yawns with a wide open mouth, leaving Astarion in a daze. He looks at the other bewitched. ''The perfume is for you.''
Locke blinks. ''It is? Oh!''
What could this smell be.. It's not bergamot and rosemary, not too sweet or bitter. But definitely sweet, woodsy. Soapy? Floral? Locke recognizes it, Lavender. Mixed with something else, he can't tell what.
''And the bathroom is coated in it, surely Gale won't mind.'' There's a shifting behind the bathroom door, he had been listening in. Gale had felt a little left out lately..
Not that he wanted to admit it directly, but Locke kind of enjoyed little breaks like these. No fighting, exploring, no sorting supplies, ordering people around or planning ahead. No doomsday visions, no absolute crisis bullshit. Just him, and his friends and lovers lazing around doing absolutely nothing except some much needed bonding. He contemplated opening the door to drag Gale in, but couldn't get his body to move, so Locke slumps a bit further against the wall with closed eyes.
After a short forever he can feel Astarion's hand creep under his chin, quietly pressing open his mouth. Locke's lips twitch, expecting a kiss.
Confused, he opens his eyes to see Astarion examine his teeth with obsessive fascination. Why? Is there something stuck?
Locke says nothing, slightly amused, observing Astarion's eye movement. The high elf then rubs a thumb over one of Locke's canine's smooth side, to prevent cutting himself. Jokingly, Locke closes his mouth and suckles Astarion's finger.
Astarion snaps out of his daze and withdraws his hand. ''I didn't bite you.'' Locke snorts. ''I'm not going to do that for a long time.'' He blinks at the other, who know quietly processes his thoughts.
''I was just trying to see if they're smaller than mine.''
''You're comparing fang sizes?''
''Mine grew a little after the ritual, I was simply making an observation.''
Locke could tell Astarion wasn't fully being honest. It wasn't exactly a lie either, however.. ''You look at me with pride like an artist proud of something they've created.''
''You are.''
''Okay mommy, you don't need to rub it in.''
Astarion pushes a hand to his own chest and makes a dramatic gasp. ''How dare! Watch your tongue with the dirty talk. Such heresy!''
Locke eyes the door, hearing Gale's snickering. ''Shh, I think we have voyeurs watching through the keyhole. ''
''Hmm. Wouldn't that be.. Scandalous?'' Astarion speaks in an inviting tone.
Gale quietly opens the door, bringing in a waft of old dusty book smell. Locke flinches, but is calmed down by the perfume.
''What the- Why is it so flowery..? That's strong.. By the.. Huh. It's kind of lovely.'' Gale hangs against the door, observing the two.
''Apparently that's my new musk.'' Locke shrugs, eyeing Astarion for a reaction.
''Must you call everything a ''musk'' ? A perfume is a little more.. Shall we say, fine and dandy? Dainty?''
''I thought you were baldurian.'' Locke blinks.
''Proper. Cultured. Educated!''
''Respectfully, love, I am not educated.'' Locke grins with the same mischief he's worn on his face the past few days.
''You're not?!'' Gale blinks. ''Of- Of course you're not.. I should've realized by now, how presumptuous of me.''
''Aaaand now you're just insulting me again, boohoo rich wizard tower boy.''
Astarion chuckles, but thinks about the exchange for a little longer. With the funds from Cazador's estate, he could hire some private tutors for Locke.. Should he want to learn anything he's missed in his awful childhood. At his age, he could probably really use it..
Astarion watches Gale awkwardly struggle to explain the difference between an aimed mockery and stating something that is plainly true in a longwinded rant, before he decides to cut in again, only to stop before he can utter a word.
Locke lets out another yawn, a longer one this time. ''Oh you were just making fun, weren't you?'' Gale lets out a relieved sigh, but notices Astarion's intense stare.
''Hmm, they're definitely on the more petite side.'' Astarion grabs Locke's face mid yawn to turn him to the side.
''What?'' Gale blinks.
''His fangs. They're petite.''
''He means smaller.''
''I.. I know what he means, Locke.''
''I'm not that delicate- Godsdamnit. You expecting me to chip a tooth or something?''
''Darling, if you chip a tooth, I'm going to kill someone. Can't have cattle damage your adorable little fangs.''
Locke starts pouting, ''Little?!'' he pulls his mouth open with his fingers to show his teeth better. ''I cawn bwite off swomeone's fwongers and twhoat weeth theese!''
Astarion's eyes widen. He cups Locke's cheeks.
''And you've just given him the perfect view..'' Gale takes a mental note, vampire lords get obsessed with.. Their spawn's fangs apparently. That, or Astarion really wants him to sink his teeth in him. It's a bit weird. But also.. Adoring.
''You three having fun in there?'' Karlach concernedly peeks around the corner, raising a brow at the sight.
''Just casual dentistry, nothing unordinary.'' Astarion releases Locke from his grasp again.
''..Okkayy, whatever you say. Fangs.'' She pauses. ''There's two fangs now.. Hmm. I need to come up with better nicknames.''
Locke mumbles quietly under his breath. ''Petite he says.. Hmph.''
Unfortunately for him, Karlach heard that.. And would proceed to differenate the two with that addition from then on.
Oh, the quiet days.
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akajustmerry · 11 months
the morning show/morning wars writers are so fucking embarrassing. can you imagine writing a show who's first season was all about unpacking corporate misogyny, condemning abuse between employees and superiors, and the importance of supporting victims of assault???? AND THEN you decide the best course of action for this show to take is a season that ends with someome planting a false story of sexual abuse and exploitation between a ceo and employee to undermine a man's position - BUT the whole thing is entirely glazed over because, actually, the man genuinely loved her and the allegations are only half true so it's fine. I have literally NEVER witnessed a show so fundamentally lose sight of itself like this. It's borderline comical. Bradley/cory is such a bad fucking joke, sorry!
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indagold-orchid · 1 year
I see people make tons of posts about their rats getting pregnant and not being able to tell the difference in sexes like H O W
this is like running face first into a closed door with your eyes wide open
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ma-du · 2 years
Chris Pratt, the ultimate dude: *dared to exist in the Super Mario trailer*
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Jack Black | Bowser: *exists*
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Luigi: *is here for 0.5 seconds at the end*
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quackityposting · 4 months
does tubbo know rat bot is a real person
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lissaylisse · 2 years
hey gamers. anyways.
i made a funny petition. literally if this got like five signatures it would be hilarious to me
please spread the word!
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istherewifiinhell · 2 years
oh my god i was just gonna be like. btw heres the next mutation intro cause it makes me feel like i have a fever. but in the proccess turns out theres two version??
so anyway the one attached to how weve been watching the eps
[clips from the live action turtle show with very 90s transition art and effects. the song has a fast technoy beat and heavy use of auto tune typical of the era. lyrics are a very basic 'were gonna party tonight' vibe but including the words ninja turtle and fighting.]
but i think thats just the dvd and? when it aired it had this one??
[visuals the same. song is more guitar heavy. lyrics are a very basic rap explaining the basics of the show]
so anyway the amount this feels like a fever dream have only INCREASED.
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yuleshootureye · 1 year
Petition to refer to the platform formerly known as Twitter as "Chris"
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mysticalamity · 2 years
Hey, y'all 👋🏾 today's call to action is to sign the above petition to stop Twin Pines's titanium mine from mining near Okefenokee.
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twohundredfiftynine · 13 days
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daisylovesrumble · 10 months
Urge Taiwanese Officials to Ban Animal Testing for Food and Beverage Companies | PETA
The Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA) is close to ending a test that kills baby rats so that food and beverage companies can make health claims for their products. But we need your help to cross the finish line.
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nebulaafterdark · 3 months
The Rats
Aegon ii Targaryen x Velaryon(Strong)!Reader
Summary: Aegon attempts to make peace with Rhaenyra after being forced to usurp her throne. Lucerys’ death complicates things.
18+ ONLY, MDNI. Targcest, smut, angst, violence. S2 SPOILERS
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“I can’t be ‘Aegon the Magnanimous.’ No one knows what Magnanimous means.” Aegon drawls, slumped over in his throne. The hour is late and there are many places he’d rather be. Namely with his beloved wife, who he’s scarcely seen, since taking on his duties. Their children will already be asleep, but if they wrap things up here soon, he may have a few moments with Y/N before bed.
“Aegon the dragon cock.” One of the piss drunk men raises his cup to the king.
“That’s more like it,” Aegon claps his hands together.
The men hoot and holler at the name. Dissolving into laughter.
“Speaking of,” Aegon rises to his feet, “I must get back to my wife. I did not wed her to admire from afar.” Aegon tosses back the remainder of his wine, throwing his gauntlet down beside the throne. “Good evening, gentlemen.”
He wastes no time, taking the stairs two at a time up to his chambers. His queen is already abed, waiting up for him with a bit of light reading. “What story is that now, my dearest love?” Aegon asks, pulling off his boots.
“It’s a book about the plague.” Y/N bends it open at the spine, setting the bound pages on the bedside table.
“Seems a bit morbid.” Aegon frowns, “especially in these times, wouldn’t you say?”
“Do you have something better in mind, your grace?”
Aegon doesn’t miss the bitterness in her voice. “You are my equal, here of all places. Don’t do this to me, please. Do not ice me out, I cannot bear it.”
Y/N sighs, crossing both arms over her chest. “Helaena is frightened of the rats. I’ve been looking into their behaviors and customs.”
Aegon flops onto the mattress, unceremoniously. “The rats?”
Y/N nods, “to be honest, I’m not particularly fond of them either. Although, they are interesting.”
“No vermin shall touch you so long as I live, darling girl. The only thing nibbling your toes will be me.” He wiggles his foot against hers for emphasis.
Y/N huffs a laugh. Allowing the silence between them to hang heavy.
“I am sorry about your brother.” Aegon says, despite ordering his own brother, Aemond, away at the news and holding her through sobs, he’s yet to say the words. “I cannot stand your suffering. It’s made it nearly impossible to be away from you to perform my duties.”
Y/N brings his hand to her lips, kissing the knuckles.
“I want you to attend the petitions,” he decides. “At my side, in my lap, seated directly on my cock; whatever suits you.”
“Directly on your cock?” Y/N chortles, “your mother would have my head.”
“She will do no such thing, you are queen. You may do as you wish.”
“You spoil me,” that’s what everyone says anyway.
“You’re mine to spoil. They’re jealous is all.”
“Shall we practice then? For the hearings?”
“If you wish.” Aegon rolls onto his back, sliding both arms behind his head.
Y/N grins, devilishly as she slides off his clothes, allowing his cock to spring free. Her own nightgown and small clothes follow before she swings a leg over his hips and slides down his length.
“Seven hells,” Aegon groans.
His wife leans forward, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips.
“A tenth of my flock has been taken, your grace.” Aegon tells her, repeating one of the smallfolk’s concerns.
“Your what?” Y/N blinks at him.
“Sheep,” he continues, “a tenth of them gone, taken by your guard, just before winter. What say you, my queen?”
“Give them back.” Y/N sighs as his hands finally land on her hips, guiding her movements.
“That’s what I said,” Aegon hums, thrusting up to meet her.
“Did they listen?”
“No.” Aegon purses his lips, “they might need them to feed the dragons.”
“It’s much harder to concentrate this way, my king.”
“I know,” he coos, “but you’re doing so well.”
“The dragons,” Y/N pants, “have never required sheep from the smallfolk before.”
“We have never been to war.” Aegon says, through gritted teeth as she clenches around him.
“My mother will want revenge for Lucerys.”
“And I want this matter resolved peacefully.” Aegon assures her, “still I cannot give my brother up for the slaughter.”
“I don’t see how this can end peacefully now,” Y/N laments, feeling the coil in her belly tighten. “It will end in fire and blood.”
“What would you have me do?”
Y/N shakes her head, “We must stop Aemond from claiming Harrenhal at the least.”
“Consider it done.” Aegon beckons her down for a kiss.
The clatter of metal against the floor breaks them apart, “what was that?” Y/N’s eyes search the room.
“Twas only the wind, my dearest love.” Aegon smiles up at his wife.
The hairs on the back of her neck stand at attention. “No. Something is wrong.”
“I agree,” Aegon takes her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, rolling it to a taut peak. “You stopped moving.”
“Aegon,” she warns, “please.”
“Shhh,” he gentles her back to a steady grind. “I’m here. You are safe.”
Y/N offers a shaky smile. Still something seems amiss, though she can’t think much more about it with Aegon’s free hand toying with her pearl.
“Cum on my cock, then we will look into it, if you feel so inclined.”
Y/N nods, bouncing faster, harder. Trying to ignore the worry twisting at her gut.
Aegon’s bottom lip is caught between his teeth. “Fuck, I love you.”
“I love you.”
“More than anyone or anything, save for our children. I want you to remember that…always.”
Y/N nods, feeling herself teetering on the precipice. “I-” she wants to say it back, only her brain doesn’t seem to be working.
“Hush, sweetheart.” Aegon groans, because he knows. Rubbing his fingers harshly against her pearl to push her over the edge. Shaking and crying her release as she milks his cock. “Good girl.” Aegon fills her pulsing cunt with his spend.
She leans toward her husband, capturing his lips as they ride out their high. Once she has caught her breath Y/N rolls away, off of the bed, shuffling back into her nightgown.
Aegon follows her lead, redressing in his tunic and trousers. “Head to the children’s room, wait for me there. I’ll have the guards help me search the floor for any sign of…rats.”
Y/N wrings her hands, knowing how silly it sounds. “Thank you, Aegon.”
He closes the distance between them, pressing his lips to her forehead and cheek. “You’re more than welcome.” He watches her leave the room before heading in the opposite direction. Where is everyone? The keep is never so quiet, even at night.
Y/N scampers down the hallway to the nursery, it takes a moment for her mind to make sense of the scene before her. Helaena with a knife held to her throat by a strange man. His counterpart hovering over the children’s beds with a blade at the ready.
“What are you doing?” Y/N breathes, clutching a hand to her chest.
The man holding Helaena shoves her aside.
Y/N catches the woman in her arms, smoothing down her white tresses. Helaena clings to her. “It’s ok.”
The children sleep better together, they always have. Besides the maids prefer Aegon and Y/N’s children close to Aemond and Helaena’s for practical reasons, until they are older.
“Which of them are yours?” The first man demands.
“All of them,” Y/N lies. “All of them are mine.”
“You have but four children,” Cheese insists. “Here lie six, tell me which are yours and I will spare them.”
“If I don’t tell you and you’re wrong, my mother will have your head.” Y/N clenches her jaw. “For all I know of our true queen, this was not her request. So who’s was it?”
“A son for a son, that’s what’s fair.” Blood insists.
“What did they offer you? Gold?” Y/N wonders, “I’ll double it if you leave now.”
The men look to each other, undecided.
“Or you could take me instead. I’m worth more to my mother than any bounty.” Rhaenyra’s eldest child offers.
Aegon completes his sweep of their chambers, along with the rest of the royal floor. Nothing is amiss. He moves to the children’s quarters and finds Helaena, curled up on the floor. “What’s happened?”
Helaena takes her brother’s outstretched hand. “They wanted to kill the boy.”
The boy? “My boy?”
Helaena shakes her head, “mine.”
Aegon looks to his nephew, still sleeping soundly. “Where is Y/N?”
“They took her instead.”
“Where the hell is Cole?” Aegon demands. “Where in the seven hells is anyone?”
“I don’t know,” Helaena sobs.
Part 2
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xx-purple-jester-xx · 11 months
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