#petra nikos
ajue · 2 months
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designed some parents and a little sister for pyrrha
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infiinitys · 1 year
29: last time you cried? (eve) / 20: Something you do like about yourself? (petra) / 10: Current relationship status? (niko)
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"i'm not one to cry very often, dear. but i must say, there was a film alistair and i watched recently that got to me. the beauty of movies never ceases, i suppose."
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"i know my own worth, and i will never accept anything less than that. i've always been like that, i've always loved being protective over my own happiness."
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"single as can be, baby. why, who's asking?"
0 notes
n7punk · 5 months
“By the Sea (Drown Me Already)” Fic Notes
By the Sea is done! It took a longer than I was expecting with everything that happened in my life, but it’s also longer than I was originally intending so that's to be expected lol.
This AU was purely vibes for a while, and thus the playlist was mostly vibe-based at first, but a few of these are very good fits.
GOOD GIRL ERA (SIDE A) — UPSAHL. FBL (SIDE B) — UPSAHL. WEEKEND — Betty Who. Silk Chiffon — MUNA (feat. Phoebe Bridgers) Bed — Niko Rubio. Love Seasons — Nina Nesbitt. Yellow — XANA. bad idea right? — Olivia Rodrigo. Casual — Chappell Roan. HOT TO GO! — Chappell Roan. Shy — K.Flay. Naked In Manhatten — Chappell Roan. Borderline — Sigrid. Minute — Kim Petras.
Epilogue Life:
I did more of a traditional epilogue than I usually do, so there’s not too much to say here, but they date working through their issues for six months before Catra officially moves in with Adora and not long after Scorpia, Entrapta, and Perfuma move in together. Catra does stay at the marina for a lot longer than she ever thought she would before eventually getting too fed up with the waves and getting an opportunity to work for one of the resorts instead.
Chapter 1:
⦁ This AU is heavily based on an area I used to visit as a kid, which sucked so much you can bet there was not a single resort there, but it was the basis of my beach experiences, so it inspired certain parts of this set up. I wanted to do a resort-type AU, but there are also some moral issues when it comes to resorts so I focused on the general vacation town angle.
⦁ I made a lot of jokes about not knowing jackshit about what I was writing, which is partially true, but I actually have Some experience related to the water parts of this fic, it’s just rather removed, and I don’t know the first thing about diving. I haven’t even been to a beach in seven years, but I dated a girl with a boat once and I leaned heavily on that experience lmao.
⦁ “Hot surfer chicks coming to the marina might make it a bit more bearable.” Catra, honey, you have Got to stop jinxing yourself.
⦁ Entrapta was right about Perfuma being anxious. She has so much experience trying to decipher emotions that are easily evident to others and picked up on the body language.
⦁ My POV for fics is always somewhat reactionary. If I do a fic that is primarily from one perspective (Adora POV in Roses & Thorns) it’s almost inevitable that the next fic (Catra POV in By The Sea) will swing the other way to balance it out. That’s not planned at all, it just happens a lot. My brain misses whatever girl it got to spend less time with lol.
Chapter 2:
⦁ Mermista’s dad owned the marina for several decades before he sold it to Netossa when he retired because Mermista wasn’t interested in running it and also in middle school. They get a free boat spot for life.
⦁ I mentioned this in a comment but couldn’t expand on it at the time: Adora and Catra’s relationship is very inspired by the setting. It’s a surprise reunion in an unexpected place, which works well with the vacation town vibes, but they’re both also worried about losing it, which matches with the transience of such a place.
Chapter 3:
⦁ Adora’s small talk was actually really important stuff for diving, that just didn’t have any relevance to the rest of the office, nor did Frosta care, and to Catra it just sounded like weather small talk.
Chapter 4:
⦁ Catra kept up most of their photos from high school. There’s one or two she had said something too glowing about Adora in the caption and thus deleted in a fit of spitefulness, but for the most part she couldn’t stand to lose them. Except that one. That one hurt so much every time she read it because it just seemed like lies, and when she was feeling generous enough to not view it was that, it was the ramblings of a best friend who only felt friendly. It was either lies, a goodbye, or a consolation prize to being “friendzoned.” She wiped it from her account and then quickly regretted it.
⦁ On Adora’s part, you can guess, but she wiped her social media in a low fit after her shoulder. The last thing she had posted was a photo taken by the training pool, gushing about how excited she was for the scouting. It hurt too much. Every photo from college did, and every photo from high school had for a while, but those were at least good memories. Now everything from college was tinged with regret and failure. She saved a lot of the old photos — mostly from high school — and even screenshotted some captions or comments — Catra-related, or even left by Catra herself — and then stuck all of that on her harddrive and pretended none of it existed. After she found a life again, she found herself occasionally going back to look at those high school photos, but she rarely revisited the few she saved from college. It took her months to feel like she could post again. It wasn’t until the next summer, when she hoped enough of her college friends had moved on or forgotten either her or what happened, that she felt comfortable doing it, and when she did she went public on her account, trying to open back up her life. Being public also felt like it gave her a layer of separation from those old high school/college followers even if all it really did was add more strangers to the pool.
⦁ I went back and forth on how to describe the age of the account and the timing of the incident, because they’re kind of halfway. Adora’s shoulder got injured at the end of sophomore year, and her social media existence started many months later, after healing time, so her account got remade roughly two-two and a half years ago and she got injured around three.
⦁ The post of Adora getting fancy dinner after the surfboard post was because her friends saw her anxiety and her overworking herself to get the money to get it fixed and knew she would never let them just pay for the repairs, so they took her to dinner instead and didn’t let her pay for the check. She needed a good time with her friends, and the free meal couldn’t hurt.
⦁ The line about crutches in Adora’s caption is actually something I said to my friend once when they were feeling ashamed of their aid. When you need them, you need them, and something being a “crutch” doesn’t mean it’s bad or unnecessary.
⦁ Adora’s injury was her “breaking the sword” moment in this universe.
⦁ It got cut because it was awkwardly shoehorned in the dinner conversation, but Adora’s Serenia bio says she has four years of experience because she actually tried diving while at college, but it was basically just some fun lessons she did that she never expected to go beyond that. It’s part of why Mara took her under her wing so hard, though. She recognized Adora’s trauma with water, but also how it was so tied to her identity and left her feeling like a shell after “failing” at swimming, so she found new ways for Adora to use those talents and find fun in them. And honestly she needed another hand with the town’s growth.
⦁ I’ll be honest: my knowledge of torn ligaments comes not from sports, but from my dog tearing her knee. I remember the vet told us some wild statistic like half of all dogs will have torn their other leg within a year of the first injury but we made all the lifestyle changes recommended while healing from surgery to mitigate risk factors and she never had any more problems! That was like six years ago now and she’s still super peppy. You’d have no idea she’s a senior dog with a knee surgery under her belt. Oh anyway that’s why I mention the injury lingering because yeah it can affect dogs at least so bad they fuck up their other leg the same way from compensation within months.
⦁ Adora talking about being happy in Bright Moon making her realize how much she missed Catra actually was a pretty big revelation for her. College was just hard the whole way through and Adora was distracting herself from her pain (emotional and physical when she overworked herself) by… overworking herself more. Taking a full load, spending too much energy at practice, working a part-time job after school, she had absolutely no room to breathe and honestly the only surprising thing is that it took her that long to get injured. She never had room to look up and see what was missing because she was explicitly avoiding doing that and pretty much everything was a pain point. Once she was healed and happy, the loss of Catra reared its head again and refused to be pushed aside, even if she was more prepared to process it. It was a lot less painful, but still present.
Chapter 5:
⦁ I think Bow 100% is the kind of guy who would enjoy being made into a sand castle but sand is so unpleasant in a lot of places and to get it out of your binder you’d have to take it off and then put it back on, which is kind of difficult on the go.
Chapter 6:
⦁ Okay so the “armor” from the title is Catra’s bravado combined with the emotional armor of making her wants and Adora’s lingering eyes all about desire instead of acknowledging the enormity of her feelings. Adora is doing a similar thing in her head, but she’s also trying to deny her desire too, so her head is a full on shitshow.
⦁ Originally the grocery store scene was going to be later in the fic when they were “Maybes” because I love the casual intimacy of grocery shopping together (romantically or platonically! It’s just fun), but I needed an Adora scene in this chapter to give a little more of a read on where she was at (denial) and the chapter was really short without it, so I decided to write it now.
⦁ I have actually seen a guy “rescue” a grocery store lobster and keep it as a pet for years on youtube. The transformation she went through under his care is insane.
⦁ Apparently cats and dogs aren’t really suppose to have nuts because it’s a big risk to them, but for the most part it has nothing to do with toxins and is just because they’re a choking hazard or at risk of being a blockage since cats and dogs don’t usually chew things up a lot. Anyway there are a few that are actual problems and that’s specifically raw cashews.
Chapter 7:
⦁ I actually wrote the scene with Mara talking about Adora surfing before chapter five, but it was too early in the fic for that and they needed to build more before something that important. The entire point of putting it early was Catra being surprised by how quickly Mara was willing to accept her and thus wondering what Adora had said about her in the past, but 1) it’s honestly still like that even being pushed back, and it’s more reasonable in that regard, 2) it was both too assuring and too insecure for the vibes I wanted.
⦁ Everything from chapter 8 was originally in chapter 7, but then all the swimming/hook up stuff got so long I had to separate them out, so CH7 ended up being mostly transition. I tell myself transitions are important when I just want to write angsty trash make outs lol.
Chapter 8:
⦁ The make out against the pool deck is like The Scene Lite™️ for this fic. It’s one of like two points I was building to early.
⦁ The original idea for the fic was that Adora would live in a house on Mara’s big property out of town, but when I went to write this scene Adora just said some stuff about living twenty-five minutes away and that got abandoned.
Chapter 9:
⦁ Honestly you can take your pick on whether Bow couldn’t arm wrestle Sea Hawk because it would make his arm too sore to drive or the losing penalty was taking shots. Both were ideas.
⦁ The closet scene is The Scene™️ for this fic. I think I wrote it before the first hookup scene in the first outline when things were more antagonistic (more on that later).
⦁ It’s so not relevant to the fic so I’m sticking it here, but Adora’s old swim coach was almost as bad as Weaver, but that actually worked out for her when it came to scouting. The swim coach wanted Adora to go pro for the glory to her team, and she knew Weaver wanted her to go to a local college, so when scouting started, the coach worked with Adora behind Weaver’s back to help her get seen and apply. This made it even easier to hide, and without it she probably would have needed Catra’s help to pull that off, thus assuring Catra actually knew about it and wasn’t totally blindsided. Adora’s coach actually helped her out and drove her to the airport for her flight out since Adora had a total blow-up with Weaver when she found out. It was something Adora needed, but it was still self-serving.
Chapter 10:
⦁ Their whole conversation here was supposed to be a quick joke and then it became the entire chapter somehow and that’s just the story of all my fics tbh. I really wanted it to be quick since I didn’t want people to think I was making light of IRL racial fetishes but I truly do think all of that would function very differently in any world with multiple species, especially the more diverse the species get and thus the less alike. It starts becoming increasingly harder for a human to be wired to find them attractive, and obviously the species in SPOP aren’t that different, but it’s a topic that always intrigued me in Mass Effect/sci-fi fic that there really is nothing like in our reality, so I was interested in at least brushing up against it and that’s how the joke happened. I’ve made some jokes about it before but they were always the quick jokes I meant for this one to be and obviously that didn’t end up happening here.
Chapter 11:
⦁ A lot of people clocked it but the musical song was Dead Girl Walking (not the reprise) from the Heathers musical (which is infinitely better than the movie, god, don’t watch that thing).
⦁ I went back and forth on if Catra would like the Ferris wheel, because on one hand, they have their secret place really high up and she doesn’t seem to be afraid of falling off the railing, but on the other hand, cats getting stuck in trees. Lol no but it is very different when you’re in something that feels as precarious as a dangling basket versus a solid building seemingly made from steel.
⦁ Okay so Bow’s whole thing here was actually written before I had the idea for Adora to ask Catra if she’s aromantic and I ended up turning this scene into that Seed Of Doubt instead of the single mention. It was another thing I meant to be a quick joke (well, Catra to be the joke where she managed to act unbothered so well — to Adora at least — that she screwed herself) but it ended up expanding into a full plot point. Also I should probably mention here I’m greyaro for the people who don’t follow me on Tumblr usually.
Chapter 12:
⦁ Let’s just say that Catra’s work day here is incredibly realistic.
⦁ I know I’ve mentioned this fic spiraling a few times, but the title “Surfboard at Midnight (I Just Might Swim)” was originally on… chapter 5. Okay, okay, it wasn’t that bad because I came up with the name before the chapter contents, but yeah, I was constantly kicking it back. The title belonged to chapter 5, and then 6, and then 8, and then like 10, and then 11, and 12, just constantly kicking it down the road as things leading up to the skinny dipping moment spiraled.
Chapter 13:
⦁ I originally said the POV for this fic was whoever because I wanted to leave the door open for having a scene from Scorfumtrapta’s perspective, but that was back when the fic didn’t have plot, and as the lesbians got increasingly dramatic, the focus on their relationship fell into the background. The main scene I was thinking of was what ended up being turned into the dinner scene. At the time, I just thought it was funny for Scorpia to realize months late that she was in a three-way relationship, but in the fic it turned into this thing about Catra feeling adrift and alone even with her friends, which wouldn’t have come through if I had used Scorpia’s perspective or something.
⦁ This chapter has a Secret Theme. So sometimes — quite often — I’ll write scenes in my head for a fic that I know have no place in it. Maybe it conflicts with the overall tone (in the fic, or just that portion of it) that I’m going for, sometimes it doesn’t super make sense, etc. Some of these things end up repurposed or I do find a way to integrate them, and that’s what this entire chapter is. When I was outlining Catra turning up at Adora’s in the middle of night for sleep cuddles, I wasn’t actually planning to put it in the fic, but then it was really sweet and I realized  fit with the transition of their relationship, so it became an unofficial part of the outline before being promoted to part of the story.
⦁ I did say this entire chapter was from scenes that weren’t supposed to be used, though, so what about the boat scenes? Well, the boat scenes were originally outlined… for Roses & Thorns. Yes, okay, I know. Let me explain. That fic wasn’t supposed to be nearly as horny as this one, but when I was writing the very end of it I had this vision of a scene with the two of them messing around backstage (being vague to avoid spoilers if you haven’t read it). It included some of the dialogue that ended up in the make out scene on the boat, but I knew it wouldn’t fit with the rest of the fic to suddenly have them getting hot and heavy on screen, so I just kind of saved the dialogue with the plan to implement it somewhere else down the line. As I was outlining this fic I had the idea for them to hook up in the storage room at the docks at one point, but I ended up moving it to the boat because that would have necessitated luring Netossa away first if they wanted to get away with it, which was less likely after the summer rush faded.
⦁ So I don’t know how all phones work but on iPhone you can set certain people to break through Do Not Disturb and Adora put Catra on that list because sometimes they would text past when hers activated for the night.
Chapter 14:
⦁ Kinds of chocolate according to Catra: White Dark Super Dark Baking Semi-sweet Sweet Milk Orange (wildcard)
⦁ The “there’s other ways to get these endorphins” thing really goes to show how little Adora understands what Catra is doing. Those kisses are “I love you”s and bids for assurance that Adora just isn’t getting and thus isn’t giving back because she’s so focused on not taking advantage of Catra and the such.
⦁ I’ll be honest I tried to get them together here and it didn’t work. Catra reacted too strongly, too fast. When I first outlined this scene I was thinking about another possible get together (that didn’t end up happening) and wondered how I would even get out of this scene without them getting together and then when it came time and the plan had changed I couldn’t MAKE them talk.
Chapter 15:
⦁ Samantha is dressed like a butch prince and I think that’s great. Also I pulled the name Samantha out of my ass because I didn’t feel like coming up with a reference like a week ago- psyche nevermind the song it's from literally just came on shuffle as I was posting this so it's actually from a Leah Kate song and I just forgot why I picked it.
⦁ This chapter easily could/should be split into two, but I like the flow of it all being together.
Original Outline:
So, this AU didn’t have an outline. It was pure vibes when I started it, with plot just taking vague shape in the back of my mind as I wrote. Pretty quickly I had a few big scenes — the make out at the pool, the closet scene — but I was building the rails as I drove at first. As such, I kept having ideas that pushed the few ideas I started with further out in a spiral.
When this AU was extremely nebulous, there were some different ideas for the concept where maybe Catra worked for the resort so she and Adora were closer to being coworkers, and then others where they all worked totally unrelated jobs on the pier but were hooking up in the “offices” when others weren’t looking, which is closer to what the final thing became, but these were all fleeting ideas before I really started writing. Originally the AU featured more antagonism between them at first too, with Catra denying even being her friend at first, but again, things just happened as I wrote and that didn’t materialize at all.
There was a draft with a very different final chapter/get together, but I honestly might use it in another AU where it fits a lot better (there’s a reason it was kicked) so I don’t want to say what it was lmao. Aside from that, this AU was something I wrote as the ideas came to me, which is fun to do sometimes.
I’ve got a couple of one shots in the works and then we’ll see what AU takes me, but for now I’m playing around in canon universe (mostly).
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iceemoondemon · 15 days
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Yes, it's them : D
Now time for the bios for them :3
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Yasumi Yaeko 💜☯
-18 years old
-Nationality: Japanese
-Occupation: N/A
-Residence: Sweet Cocoa Palm Manor
-Optional Inventory: A phone, a dagger, some snacks, a medical kit, and a recipe book
-Friend(s): César, Sabrina, Creiddylad, Niko, and Murete
-Romantic Interest: Leena
-Relatives: Tano (older cousin), Arai (little sister), Sashi (older sister)
-She is loyal, and protective of her friends, and family, she also grew up with the pastel goth fashion, since she discovered it when she was a young teenager
-Her birthplace was in the more colder parts of japan, her mother went missing when she was seven years old
-Pet(s): A cat named Cocoa
-Traits: Protective, loyal, calm, and caring
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Sashi Yaeko 🌸💗
-26 years old
-Nationality: Japanese
-Panromantic Asexual
-Occupation: N/A
-Residence: Sweet Cocoa Palm Manor
-Optional Inventory: Some fans, an umbrella, and her switchblades
-Freind(s): Linus, César, Milanette, Leena, and Aindreas
-Romantic Interest: N/A
-Relatives: Yasumi (sister), Tano (cousin), Arai (younger sister)
-She is like the motherly sister of the family, and will do anything to protect her family from harm, or danger
-She loves the sightings of the Cherry Blossoms at the park, and will sometimes meditate at the nearest waterfalls
-Traits: Gentle, calm, serious at times, and helpful.
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Tano Yaeko 🖤💀
-22 years old
-Nationality: Japanese
-Occupation: A singer
-Residence: Sweet Cocoa Palm Manor
-Optional Inventory: A guitar, some snacks, a dagger, and his phone
-Friend(s): Ethan, Murete, Leena, Petra, Savvy, and César
-Romantic Interest: Angeline
-Relatives: Yasumi (cousin), Arai (younger sister), Sashi (Older sister in law)
-He has a guitar with him whenever he has a song to play, and when he's not playing his guitar, he'll play music on his phone when he's at boredom
-He's pretty much quiet, but that doesn't mean he doesn't like talking to people, it's because he somehow has social anxiety at times
-When he met Angeline for the first time, it was love at first sight, he befriended her, and soon he started developing feelings for her
-Ethan did NOT trust Tano at first, and would check to see if he was a danger to his sister, but when he looked a bit more into Tano's caring personality, he started to think that he's not bad after all, and that Angeline has found the sweetest guy ever
-Traits: Kind, shy, a bit short tempered at times, quiet, and loyal
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Arai Yaeko 🎵🎀
-14 years old
-Nationality: Japanese
-Genderfluid / Biromantic Asexual
-Occupation: A young influencer
-Residence: Sweet Cocoa Palm Manor
-Optional Inventory: A notepad, her phone, her personal journal, and a bag of cookies
-Friend(s): Murete, Azriel, Ethan, Caitlynn, Shelby, and Lewis
-Romantic Interest: N/A
-Relatives: Sashi (older sister), Yasumi (older sister), Tano (older cousin)
-Despite her being the youngest, she's the smartest of the family, and the most helpful
-She would help any of her if they were getting put down, or being shamed, and she would especially defend her family at times
-She loves giving her friends advice, and confidence, it lightens up the mood
-She's really good at making pancakes
-Traits: Helpful, smart, kind, and sometimes protective
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arsonistsam · 10 months
Hi Niko @holyviolence !!! Thank you so much for tagging me in this “shuffle your on repeat playlist and list the first ten songs” challenge: game. Here’s my lineup.
Brother by Gerard Way
Some Nights by Fun 😔
Lost in the Fire by Gesaffelstein & The Weeknd 😔
Unlock it by Charli XCX & Kim Petras
Hold on Till May by Pierce the Veil & Lindsey Stamey
Better My Love by Hunter Hunted 🤨
Whiteout Conditions by the new Pornographers
Mother by Florence + the Machine
I Gotta Feeling by Black Eyed Peas
Nails, Hair, Hips, Heels by Todrick Hall & Ciara
Im not ashamed cause half of these are bops, the other ones were… phases. Number 6 is just because my playlist likes inflicting that song on me every day.
@cohennatural @deansflipphone @stellernorth @bee-notes and @ghostsam if y’all wanna do this :)
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jordanianroyals · 5 months
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5 December 2023: King Abdullah II warned that the continuation of the Israeli war on Gaza could exacerbate regional conditions, calling for an immediate ceasefire and the protection of civilians.
During a meeting with Cyprus President Nikos Christodoulides, King Abdullah reiterated Jordan’s rejection of the forced displacement of the Palestinians within or outside of Gaza, noting that the world must reject attempts to create conditions for displacement.
The meeting, attended by Crown Prince Hussein, covered the importance of stepping up efforts to increase and deliver humanitarian and relief aid to the Gaza Strip. (Source: Petra)
His Majesty stressed the need to ensure the uninterrupted delivery of sufficient humanitarian and relief aid to Gaza and the provision of food, medicine, water, and fuel without delay, warning that the humanitarian situation will deteriorate if military operations continue.
For his part, President Christodoulides expressed appreciation for Jordan’s role, led by the King, in ensuring the provision of relief and medical aid into Gaza, voicing Cyprus’ support for these efforts.
His Majesty also warned of the dangerous developments in the West Bank and the Israeli violations in Jerusalem, warning of a spike in violence, especially by settlers.
The King commended Cyprus’ position in support of working towards peace on the basis of the two-state solution, calling for increasing support for UNRWA to enable it to continue its vital services in accordance with its UN mandate.
Discussions also covered bilateral ties, with the two leaders expressing keenness to bolster Jordan-Cyprus relations and expanding prospects for cooperation across various fields.
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peaxhxhair · 1 year
Who I Write For!
Alice In Borderland: Karube, Chishiya, Arisu, Aguni, Usagi, Kuina, Niragi
Attack on Titan: Levi, Erwin, Hange, Moblit, Reiner, Bertholdt, Jean, Mikasa, Armin, Miche (Mike), Petra, Annie, Sasha, Connie, Historia.
Breath of the Wild: Link, Zelda, Revali, Urbosa, Mipha, Daruk, Sidon, Sooga
Grey's Anatomy: Mark Sloan, Derek Shepherd, Alex Karev, Owen Hunt, Denny Duquette, Atticus Lincoln, Niko Kim
Haikyuu!!: Akaashi Keiji
Harry Potter: Fred Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, George Weasley
Miraculous: Marinette/ladybug, Adrien/Chat Noir, Alya/Rena Rouge
Money heist JEA: Berlin, Rio, Tokyo, Nairobi, Denver, Professor
My Name: Jung Taeju, Choi Mujin, Yoon Jiwoo, Jeon Pildo, Do Gangjae
Stranger Things: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Chrissy Cunningham, Mike Wheeler, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler
The Sandman: Corinthian, Morpheus, Lucienne
Feel free to request any of these characters! I might add more characters and fandoms in the future!
Consider buying me a coffee! <3
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supersaiyanjedi14 · 1 year
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“Well, think back to when we were all at Beacon, would you say you ever did anything foolish or embarrassing? Or do you think you were perfect?[…] Well that embarrassment - that desire to go back and tell yourself not to be so stupid - that just proves you're not the same person you used to be. You're smarter, you're kinder, you're stronger, and you're not done growing yet. None of us are.”
When he led the exodus to Vacuo two years after the Fall of Beacon, Lie Ren was a nineteen year old human male.  Born in the Mistrali village of Kuroyuri to the hunter Li and his wife An, young Lie’s peaceful childhood ended abruptly when his home was destroyed by a massive Grimm attack, with a veteran Nuckelavee as the vanguard.  Narrowly surviving the ordeal with the street urchin Nora Valkyrie, he survived the following decade before enrolling in Beacon Huntsman Academy, choosing a path that would allow them to prevent their life-defining tragedy from afflicting others.  Assigned to Team JNPR alongside Jaune Arc and Pyrrha Nikos, Ren would distinguish himself as an extremely capable Huntsman in the making while also forming lasting bonds with his teammates and friends among their sister team RWBY.  However, this new stability would not last long, as the Fall of Beacon led to the destruction of the school and the more open operations of the immortal sorceress Salem, with Ren’s teammate Pyrrha being one of the most prominent casualties.  Ren’s participation on the front lines of Beacon and subsequent accompaniment of Ruby Rose in her quest for answers led to him becoming fully ingrained in the shadow war, fighting alongside his friends and establishing himself as a reliable and skilled combatant, though he remained conscious of the toll this mission was demanding of himself and his peers.
A conventional humanoid, Ren stands at 5’9” and boasts a lean, athletic physique, further distinguished by his pink eyes, pale skin, and black hair accented with a dyed magenta streak.  Over the course of his career, Ren has regularly displayed high acrobatic ability and running speed, easily standing as the swiftest member of Team JNPR.  During his time at Beacon, he evaded and outpaced both heads of a King Taijitu, dodged May Zedong’s sniper fire, and after hitting the road with Ruby, utilized nimble parkour to traverse the Petra Gigas and Caroline Cordovin’s Colossus mech.  As far as his speed compared to fellow skilled opponents is concerned, he has kept pace with the likes of Yang Xiao Long and James Ironwood, and while Tyrian Callows and Neopolitan were able to outmaneuver him, this is no sign of weakness, given that both of these combatants are renown for their great agility.  In terms of dexterity and strength, Ren was roughly average but still highly capable.  His hand movements were best expressed through his use of unarmed combat and his seamless alternation between his weapon functions, switching from gunfire to bladed combat on the fly.  Though his weapons’ nature meant that subtle skill-based movements were uncommon, he still executed his strikes with precision and control, seen in his battle with Nolan Porfirio and his proficiency with Stormflower’s grappling hooks.  While many would be quick to downplay Ren’s strength given that he has been so regularly overpowered, it must be remembered that most of his opponents have been powerful aggressive heavyweights that anybody would be pressed to engage.  Even if he couldn’t slug it out with the likes of Hazel and Elm, Ren’s more focused application allowed him to pose a challenge.  Ren has the strength, he just employs it in a much more controlled manner than others, seen when he overpowered the King Taijitu with the aid of expanding his Aura.
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When examining Lie Ren’s endurance and stamina, we see multiple impressive showings but also a few notable shortcomings.  Possessed of a powerful will to fight, Ren has worked through multiple heavy hits during his career and continued to press on, his exceptional discipline allowing him to maintain his composure even when under duress.  During the Vytal Festival, he endured a direct hit from Nolan Porfirio’s cattle prod, yet remained strong enough to continue the fight without noticeable strain.  The trip to Haven saw him regularly battered by Tyrian and the Nuckelavee before regaining his feet, and he was only overcome at Haven when Hazel Rainart sucker-punched him into a balcony and struck him with an electric blast.  During the pursuit of the Hound, Ren was slammed into several rock faces and dragged through the snow, yet remained fit enough to continue the chase and prevent Yang and Jaune’s fall.  Despite wearing no armor, Ren’s resiliency has enabled him to soak up anything short of a catastrophic hit and keep moving forward.  However, despite his physical hardiness, Ren’s stamina was limited, as periods of exertion frequently left him drained.  His and Nora’s trek in the woods during their initiation left him with labored breathing, the fight with the Deathstalker ended with him collapsing with exhaustion, and though he fought through the Fall of Beacon, he still succumbed to fatigue where many of his peers remained vital.  While Ren can shoulder long term engagements, he runs a greater risk of burning out than his peers, and his Aura has regularly been the first to break.  My belief is that this lack of sustainability is tied to the heavy demands of his Semblance, regularly expending energy that takes a toll on his body.  Ren isn’t fragile, but he can’t fight forever and is poorly suited for slugging matches, reflected in his emphasis on controlled technique and pursuing a quick victory.
As a speed and skill-based martial artist, Ren relied quiet heavily on full freedom of movement in his fighting style, and thus his wardrobe emphasized mobility over protection.  During his time in Atlas, he wore simple white trousers and a green tunic over a sleeveless turtleneck, in addition to arm-length black gloves and leather boots. The closest thing he wore to armor was a black leather manica on his right arm, with pink padding on the inside.  Though offering only environment protection, the outfit was nonetheless practical in the field and left Ren unencumbered.
RANKING: Tier 2, Peak Human Fitness
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Despite his limited resiliency and lack of armor, Lie Ren is still a well-rounded and very gifted physical combatant, with athletic performance that is comparable to his peers even on his worst days. Though he is decidedly more delicate, avoiding the speedblitzing onslaughts of his contemporaries Tyrian and Adam, his speed is still top of the line, further supported by his strong performance in supplementary areas. Even Ren’s lackluster stamina plays into his overall game plan, avoiding wars of attrition by dispatching the enemy as quickly and efficiently as possible.
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The first weapon that Lie Ren owned was a nondescript curved dagger given to him by his father Li, his only defense in the dangerous world after the devastation of their village.  A good six inches in length, it was otherwise run of the mill, yet still strong enough to seriously injure Grimm, seen when Ren dismembered the Nuckelavee with casual ease.  Ren continued to carry the dagger during his later career, and it was likely this blade that served as partial inspiration for the signature weapon set that Ren would build prior to his admission to Beacon, a pair of bladed machine pistols named “StormFlower”. Modeled off of the .45 caliber Colt M1911, the guns initially featured extended magazines to accommodate the fully automatic firing mechanism, while the collapsible blades were both strong enough to easily pierce Grimm hide and sharp enough to dissect at least moderate level Grimm. Following upgrades from Pietro Polendina, StormFlower was outfitted with grappling cable launchers build behind the blades and a selective-firing mechanism, allowing Ren to alternate to semi-automatic shots when needed.
As he and Nora were rendered homeless following the destruction of Kuroyuri, it is strongly implied that neither of them had a particularly formal training background, their early development tied more to self-taught skills and the needs of survival than formal education.  Despite this, both were still highly capable and seasoned combatants when they enrolled in Beacon Academy, appropriate given that people who lived beyond the Kingdom frontiers had a reputation for quick, practical learning.  Ren in particular displayed great skill with both of the primary modes of his weapon and advanced hand-to-hand combat, seen when he single-handedly dispatched a King Taijitu and later contributed to Team JNPR’s inaugural takedown of a Deathstalker during their initiation.  Ren’s formal studies at Beacon prepared him for the trials of the Breach, Vytal Festival, and Fall of Beacon, and the subsequent journey to and battle at Haven Academy ironed out his training with real-world combat experience.  By the time the conflict in Atlas reached its peak, Lie Ren stood as one of the most skilled and talented warriors of his generation, proving his mettle on multiple occasions against a wide variety of opponents. In his core fighting style, Ren was extremely physical yet fluid, relying heavily on flying leaps, jumps and spins to build up momentum for swift cuts and stabs from StormFlower’s blades.  Direct yet sophisticated, Ren’s attacks combined fluid weapon attacks with heavily integrated hand to hand combat techniques, his engagements with Yang Xiao Long and James Ironwood functionally amounting to fist fights supported by armed combat.  When choosing to keep his distance, Ren was a capable marksman but nothing to write home about.  His preference for fully automatic firearms was expressed through his use of wild sprays of bullets to chip away at his opponents, often to soften them up before he moved in to dominate in close quarters.  This varied offensive technique was reinforced with active defense, deflecting incoming attacks and manipulating the opponent’s weapon to catch them in the bind.  As far as more esoteric disciplines were concerned, Ren has been observed throwing his weapons to attack at range, using one half of Stormflower as a boomerang against the Petra Gigas.  Though his grappling hooks are a very recent addition to his arsenal, Ren proved to be quite proficient in their use, traversing the battlefield with dynamic swings and propelling himself to deliver flying kicks. He even demonstrated skill in the use of flexible weapons and snares, trapping Ironwood’s ankle with his cable during their confrontation in Atlas.
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Defined by his calm, stoic demeanor and wisdom beyond his years, Lie Ren was a cunning and skillful tactician, showing a talent for quick strategic analysis.  He is able to insert himself into incredibly dangerous situations and still keep his cool before coming up with an effective response.  Always one to preach self-improvement and discipline, Ren approached his chosen career path with a professional mentality that eschewed distractions and levity, a mindset that often conflicted with his genuine and powerful affection for his friends, Nora in particular.  Accounting for this intelligent and controlled approach, Ren could nonetheless be more accurately described as a freeform fighter, adjusting his approach to suit the needs of a given opponent and situation rather than planning things out.  As such, his battlefield conduct was based around adaptability and subversion, going with the flow and coming from the path of least resistance.  In his Beacon initiation, he deliberately targeted vulnerable joints on the King Taijitu and Deathstalker, setting up for his teammates to land the killing blows. During the Vytal Festival battle with Team BRNZ, Ren squared off with Nolan Porfirio, and despite taking a hit to the abdomen, he persevered and trapped Nolan behind his own weapon, using him as a shield to deter May Zedong’s gunfire.  Against the Petra Gigas and Colossus, Ren played masterful tactical support, chipping away at armor and coordinating with Qrow Branwen to disable the mech’s shields.  When faced with intelligent and skilled opponents, Ren would apply these same probing tactics on a smaller scale, keeping his distance to sus out the opponent’s measure and relaying that information to his teammates.  This chameleon approach to differing combat situations made Ren quite unpredictable despite his relatively standard technique, while his adaptability made him a highly effective tactical operative when it came to coordinating multiple avenues to a single goal.  Essentially, Ren is the quintessential battlefield scout, able to dart around the battlefield to wherever he is needed, hit the enemy where they’re not expecting it, and clearing the field for his more powerful allies to finish the job.
However, Ren’s advantages were far less prevalent when it came to single combat against well-trained opponents.  As he was so used to adapting to the situation and running from there, he had nothing to work with if the opponent adapts to him in turn.  In these situations, Ren’s tactical mind was too slow, and his measured approach went from flexible to predictable.  When confronted by Tyrian Callows and during his battle with the Nuckelavee, Ren was caught off guard by their sudden shifts in technique and sheer ferocity, blindsiding him before he had a chance to catch his breath.  Neopolitan enjoyed a similar advantage during their brief confrontation at Atlas Academy, seizing the cables of his grapplers and throwing him off balance.  Additionally, Ren had difficulties dealing with heavy focused aggressors able to bully through his interference, regularly folding under sheer output.  During the Beacon food fight, Ren fought evenly with Yang but was conclusively overpowered, and Hazel Rainart swatted Ren out of the air with ease after he injected lightning Dust into his arms.  While Ren did score hits against James Ironwood, trapping the general and contending with him in close quarters, Ironwood’s superior might allowed him to eventually overcome him, Ren’s escape owing more to Nora’s interference.  Even controlled sparring sessions saw Ren coming up short; Elm Ederne overpowered him when she seized his cables and pulled him in, and Neon Katt tripped him up and froze his weapons in ice.  While not a one-trick-pony, Ren’s emphasis on technique does limit his overall effectiveness as a duelist.  In the Star Wars EU novel Labyrinth of Evil, Count Dooku bemoaned the phenomenon of “enslavement to form”, something that Ren could be argued to suffer from.  He was more concerned with maintaining his own composure and executing his style correctly rather than trying to understand the scope of his opponent’s, which allowed the less refined Hazel and Elm to get the better of him.  Furthermore, despite his typically calm demeanor, Ren was weighed heavily by the burdens thrust upon him and his friends, and his composure ran the risk of breaking, especially where Nora was concerned.  Seeing her get tossed around by the Nuckelavee was enough to throw Ren into a violent rage, and Neopolitan was able to touch a nerve when she assumed Nora’s appearance during their fight in the Academy.  All these would be compounded when he, Jaune and Yang were confronted by the Hound, the erratically powerful beast proving a physical and psychological horror that no-one, least of all Ren, was prepared for.
RANKING: Tier 4, Advanced Application
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Lie Ren’s weaponry and fighting style mark him as a very talented and flexible martial artist, his skill set covering all his bases and his skill level being advanced enough to contend with multiple master-level opponents.  However, Ren’s approach is clearly built for general combat with mindless Grimm rather than single combat with intelligent humans, leaving holes in his skill set that can be exploited and get him into trouble.  Even his most compelling victories, such as the Nuckelavee and Ironwood, were achieved on the back of collaborative team efforts rather than his own skill as a martial artist.  That said, these weaknesses are tied more to logistics rather than oversights, as Ren is obviously aware of his limitations given his overwhelming emphasis on self-improvement.  Even with these shortcomings, Ren’s talent is undeniable, and someone who can only be overpowered by Salem’s personal elite isn’t someone I would call a novice.
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Lie Ren’s Semblance is a power known as Tranquility, the ability to mask Aura and emotions from the Grimm.  Taking the form of a shimmering pink light from his hand, the power concealed the target from the Grimm’s perceptions, the effect manifesting as a grayscale effect surrounding the subject, allowing them to move among the creatures without being detected.  Tranquility first manifested with the destruction of Kuroyuri, the severe emotional stress the young Lie was going through instinctively triggering the power to activate.  Though capable of concealing himself, Ren overwhelmingly favored using his powers to hide others, regularly masking allies and civilians to give them time to escape whatever battlefield was present.  This ability also manifested first time out when he shielded Nora from the Nucklelavee, and after dedicated training he was able to apply his powers to subjects outside his physical contact, demonstrated when he concealed Jaune Arc and Qrow Branwen to give them time to find cover.  Given his restored composure following the awakening of his Semblance, it is extremely likely that this power also served as a meditative focusing tool for Ren, reinforcing his composure and blocking out distracting thoughts.  As such, while the power was seemingly extremely situational, I believe Tranquility was a critical part of Ren’s overall method, enabling him to act as the stoic ninja warrior by blocking out his fear and anger.  This should not be seen as a dismissal of his emotions entirely, however, as, unlike Ironwood, Ren was not willing to sacrifice his feelings even for combat.  The most impressive displays of Ren’s Semblance were seen when he was aided by Jaune Arc’s Aura Amp, spreading his mask across large groups of people simultaneously. This proved critical in the evacuations of Mantle and Atlas, protecting civilians from the Grimm without even drawing his weapons.
However, Ren’s powers also seemed to affect his personal life more negatively, his tendency to suppress his feelings leading to increasing fixation on pragmatic action as opposed to actually coping with his trauma.  During his time in Atlas, Ren was in the middle of strong mental hangups over the increasingly dire situation, leading to angered outbursts and alienation of his friends as he tried to shunt out all distractions from his mission.  While he, again, did not go so far as to turn himself into a soulless war machine in the mold of Ironwood, there is no doubt that Ren’s coping mechanisms were far from healthy.  Fortunately, his care for his friends proved to be stronger, and this second major emotional turmoil resulted in an evolution to his Semblance.  When captured by the Ace-Ops, Harriet Bree’s regarding of allies as replaceable led to Ren angrily opposing her in the name of rescuing Oscar from the Monstra.  During this exchange, Ren developed the ability to pick up on empathic perceptions.  Through his senses, Ren was able to to perceive the emotional states of individuals in his line of sight, these feelings taking the form of various colored petals floating around the subject.  With this new power, Ren was able to talk reason into Winter Schnee and the Ace Operatives by appealing to their better natures, confirm Emerald Sustrai’s genuine defection by perceiving her fear, and later reconciled with Nora by properly understanding her feelings for him.  While Ren has yet to leverage this new power in combat, there is an obvious tactical advantage to be gained from this ability.  As Ren’s approach to battle was based around probing his opponents and attacking their weak points, getting a read on their emotional state can potentially swing the initiative in his favor, picking up on cues from the opponent and adjusting his approach to exploit it.
Even before his evolution, Ren demonstrated advanced perception-based abilities tied to his training with Aura.  A keen observer, he regularly demonstrated an ability to detect the presences of individuals and Grimm that were otherwise sneaking up on him.  Notable examples include his quick response to the King Taijitu in his initiation, alerting Team RNJR to the approaching Tyrian Callows in Oniyuri, and later tracking down a captured Oscar when infiltrating the Monstra.  The only time Ren’s perceptions failed him was when the Ace-Ops ambushed and arrested the gang in Mantle, all five of them being high-level Huntsmen who had the drop on them.  Additionally, Ren demonstrated a talent for outward Aura projection when he intercepted and deflected the King Taijitu’s Fangs after it tried to eat him.  However, this regular use of his Aura meant that Ren was constantly expending energy, and his powers often left him drained of both Aura and stamina.  Though he was able to mask the Atlas evacuees by himself, he was quickly exhausted by the effort and ultimately owed their survival to the new Winter Maiden Winter.  Given the limited nature of his Semblance’s combative abilities, Ren’s use of his powers were almost strictly limited to utility and tactical support, and he otherwise heavily favored physical combat.
RANKING: Tier 4, Reinforce Combat
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Tranquility and Lie Ren’s other special abilities mark him as a highly effective tactical operative who more than qualifies as a master in his own right, but the actual combative applications of his powers are limited and circumstantial.  Even if my theories about the range of Tranquility’s applications are true, Ren has not demonstrated any exceptional talent or skill for using his abilities in live combat, and much like his martial arts, show a very clear emphasis on general combat rather than single combat.  Ren is more than capable of reinforcing his own technique and approach to battle, but contesting the opponent’s powers is not within his purview.  That being said, the tactical benefits of Ren’s abilities, especially in the wake of his evolution, have the potential to be remarkably impactful, and if he plays his cards right, he can very well elevate himself to the master levels.
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Lie Ren’s final placement is determined from the average set by his martial skills and special abilities, placing him on equal footing with his contemporaries in Team RWBY.  Of those four, Ren has the most in common with Blake Belladonna, both being well-rounded and skilled combatants that balance out versatility with focus, yet are held back by a weakness for single combat.  Ren’s athletic performance is top-notch and very well built for the type of combat he favors, but he can’t fight forever and is poorly suited for slugging matches.  His fighting style is intelligently constructed and is proven effective in dueling, but it is clearly optimized for the battlefield while also somewhat overspecialized.  With his Semblance, Ren is one of the most gifted sense-based adepts in the setting with powerful utility skills, but these powers have simply not been developed to be properly leveraged in battle.  Ren is an expert-level fighter whose skills qualify him as a master in his own right, but as it stands, he is merely a respected name, not an all-time great.
For all his foibles, Lie Ren still stands as one of the most gifted Huntsmen of his generation, and he is continuing to grow and develop far and above what his Beacon education alone could have prepared him for.  His experiences in Atlas have provided the greatest opportunities for Ren’s development as of late, both as a combatant and a person.  Just as his reevaluation of his attitude towards his friends and loved ones prevented him from falling into damaging isolation, the evolution of his Semblance has rescued him from the trap of stagnation.  Ren is still growing and has a long way to go, but for what it's worth he is still a very credible threat to just about anyone.  Only time will tell if his upcoming trials in Vacuo will see his new abilities elevate him into a true master Huntsman, but even if he doesn’t, Ren has more than come into his own.  Li Ren’s caution to his son was that “sometimes the worst action to take is no action at all”, and whatever the future holds, the one thing we can count on Lie Ren to do is act.
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*originally posted on RoosterTeeth Community page on 08-30-21*
* images taken from RWBY Wiki*
RWBY Combat Analysis
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folklore-barnes · 2 years
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october '22 | playlist
want u like that – MARISA MAINO
something in the water - BOYS WORLD
forever & always (tiny's version) - PICTURE IS US TINY
queen of the night - HEY VIOLET
mr. bright side - THE KILLERS
tattoos - RENEÉ RAPP
saving me - NIKO RUBIO
you all over me (taylor's version) (from the vault) - TAYLOR SWIFT, MAREN MORRIS
i'm in love with a monster - FIFTH HARMONY
angeleyes - ABBA
cleopatra - NOVA TWINS
purple rain - PRINCE
yeah yeah yeah - BLACKPINK
secret love song, pt. ii - LITTLE MIX
breakfast - DOVE CAMERON
look what you made me do - TAYLOR SWIFT
hold the girl - RINA SAWAYAMA
neverita - BAD BUNNY
weird people - LITTLE MIX
come over (again) - CRAWLERS
only wanna dance with you - KESHA
potential breakup song (explicit) - ALY & AJ
cave song - PRETTY VICIOUS
let's not fall in love - BIGBANG
vincent - DON MCLEAN
tornado warnings - SABRINA CARPENTER
can't be tamed - MILEY CYRUS
hala hala - ATEEZ
teenage dream - STEPHEN DAWES
madhouse - NESSA BARRETT
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mentalnahigijena · 1 year
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Evo zašto Srpska pravoslavna crkva nije hrišćanska crkva
Mržnja, kao i svaki oblik netolerancije i netrpeljivosti prema bližnjima, nespojive su s kršćanskim svjetonazorom i u dubokoj su suprotnosti s učenjem Isusa Krista koje se temelji na bezuvjetnoj ljubavi, miru, žrtvi za bližnje, odricanju, oprost i milost.
Postoje, međutim, čak i crkve koje se formalno nazivaju kršćanskim, a u suštinskom smislu imaju vrlo malo veze s kršćanstvom.
Takav je slučaj i sa Srpskom pravoslavnom crkvom.
Oni koji mogu misliti da su to preoštre ocjene neka pročitaju tekst do kraja i onda donesu svoj sud. Što se mene lično tiče, veoma bih voleo da pogrešim i da me sveštenstvo SPC demantuje u narednim nedeljama i mesecima. I ja i svi ostali koji vide šta vide oko sebe i pišu šta vide.
Za početak, događaj od pre manje od 3 godine, Srbija.
U atmosferi srpskog pravoslavnog Božića 2015. godine, u manastiru Fenek (25 kilometara od Beograda, opština Surčin) održana je i predstava povodom manastirske slave u kojoj su gosti srpskih sveštenika bila deca predškolskog uzrasta. uzrasta i nižih razreda osnovne škole iz odeljenja nastavnika Krsmanovića (u pratnji roditelja).
Uz asistenciju sveštenika koji daju ritam i takt pesmi i pevaju zajedno sa decom (radi bolje intonacije i pravilnije interpretacije), izvedena je čuvena četnička bdenija „Svi četnici“ sa stihovima:
„Cijeli dan hodaju po selu/Svi četnici u novom ruhu/Imaju dugu kosu i bradu/Na kapama sve zlatne kokarde/Vodi ih Nikola Kalabić/Voze ga kola kralja Petra/Boj vodi četničke vojvode/Sve neprijatelje šalju na deponiju/Odlaze da traže savjet/Od srpskog generala Draže/Čika im daje mudre savjete/Kako održati srpsku kolijevku/Hrabrog srca idu u boj/Pred ikonu, pali sveću Bogu/U pomoć srpskom narodu/Za krst i slobodu zlatnu.
up.: Idite svi četnici brat na brata/A slušajte komandanta Đujića/Svi četnici vode gorku bitku/Svi se bore za svoju Srbiju.”
(Pročitajte više: ( http://sandzakpress.net/see-kako-u-manastiru-uce-djecu-da-budu-cetnici ; istakao: ZP; stranica posjećena 11.11.2017; snimak u trajanju od 3′ i 10" možete pogledati ovdje: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hB0o1qmJmGg )
Tako se odgaja "hrišćanska" omladina u Srpskoj pravoslavnoj crkvi. Na tradiciji slavljenja najgorih koljača i zločinaca!?
I neka se niko ne zavarava, ovo nije incident, već prosvetna politika SPC kojom su vladali Nikolajevi i Justinovi (najradikalniji sledbenici velikosrpske naci-fašističke versko-nacionalne ideologije ukorenjene u „svetom spasitelju“ "). To je kurs "Svetog arhijerejskog sabora", srpskog patrijarha i svih episkopa bez izuzetka - jer ne može se doći ni do mesta episkopa koji ne prođe to "sito" i nije dokazane velikosrpske orijentacije.
"Svetosavlje" nije religija, nego ideologija, i to je velikosrpska ideologija, i tek kada se sazna ta jednostavna i očigledna činjenica, možemo shvatiti šta se dešava u SPC.
Djeca se odgajaju u duboko ukorijenjenoj tradiciji Koljačkog četničkog pokreta uz uzore Draže Mihailovića , Momčila Đujića , Nikole Kalabića i drugih zlikovaca i masovnih zločinaca!?
Nažalost, oni koji truju dječje duše i njeguju te "vrijednosti" u Hrvatskoj gotovo nikad nisu osuđeni. O tome svjedoči slučaj mitropolita zagrebačko-ljubljanskog Porfirija Perića . U društvu svojih kolega (srpskih pop pevača) peva i pesmu u slavu mesara Momčila Đujića . ( http://www.sbplus.hr/iz_drugih_medija/evo_kako_srpski_popovi_pjevaju_cetnicke_pjesme__.aspx#.Wgc065edbhk ), ali u Hrvatskoj to ne smeta niti jednom lijevo-liberalnom intelektualcu ili mejnstrim medijima. Čak kažnjava novinara lokalne televizije i samu TV kuću jer su ga vrijeđali izjavom da "na Cvjetnom trgu večera četnički vikar".
DA LI JE HRIŠĆANSKI kada popovi slave koljače i zločince?
Ali šta drugo očekivati ​​od institucije koja za jednog od svojih najvećih „svetaca“ i „duhovnih otaca“ ima antisemitu i fašistu Nikolaja Velimirovića Žičkog (duhovnog oca Dimitrija Ljotića i njegovog fašističkog „Zbora“), koji je u njegovim stopama (takođe kao "sveci" SPC) idu Joanikije Lipovac, Milorad Vukojičić Maca, Slobodan Šiljak i mnogi drugi fašisti i koljači.
SPC sistematski rehabilituje svoje koljače, uvrštava ih među "Hristove vojnike" i po potrebi ih kanonizuje.
U državi Ilinois (SAD), u Srpskom manastiru Nova Gračanica, na počasnom mestu postavljena je ikona "Nebeska Srbija" na kojoj su glavni likovi "HRIŠĆANSKI RATNICI": izmišljeni i nepostojeći lik iz bolesna mašta srpskih nacifašista koji je postao "svetac". (bez obzira što se nikada nije rodio) "Sveti novomučenik Jasenovački i Glinski", "Sveti Nikolaj Velimirović" i "Borci za veru protiv bezbožnika". vlast“ (u vidu četnika koji su u ulozi „anđela Božjih“ – pratilaca ove počasne svite koju predvode Draž i Nikolaj)!?
Na gornjoj ikoni, u gornjem desnom uglu je Nikolaj Velimirović, u donjem desnom uglu „Vojnik Hristov“ Draža Mihailović, pored njega „Sveti novomučenik Jasenovački i Glinski“ sa pratnjom, a u donjem desnom uglu ikona su stihovi:
„Vesele se tamo oko Svetog Save/Kao sinovi kraljevi u slavu kraljeve/I četnici slavni, Božji osvetnici/Mnogi poklonici, mnogi dobročinitelji.“ ( http://iznadistokaizapada.blogspot.hr/2012/05 /blog-post_13.html ; istakao: ZP; stranica posjećena 11.11.2017.)
Da li se koljači i dokazani zlikovci koji imaju desetine hiljada života na duši mogu napraviti "Hristovi vojnici" i da li ijedna crkva ima pravo da veliča takve?
Fašista, ratno huškač i antisemita Nikolaj Velimirović vraća se kući
Fašistički i antisemitski vladika SPC Nikolaj Velimirović Žički pobegao je u SAD posle Drugog svetskog rata jer je bio na listi ratnih zločinaca. Tokom čitavog posleratnog perioda u Srbiji bio je slavljen u krugovima velikosrpskih ideologa i poklonika, na šta su tadašnje komunističke vlasti zatvarale oči, jer su im glavna briga bile „ustaše“. I do smrti Nikolaj se obraćao svojoj pastvi preko radio stanice koju je osnovala srpska emigracija u SAD. Tako da njegov duh sve vreme lebdi nad Srbijom.
U vreme kada je već počela velikosrpska agresija u bivšoj SFRJ, posmrtni ostaci ovog fašiste, rasiste i antisemite su uz veliku pompu prevezeni u Srbiju (selo Lelić kod Valjeva), u cilju dalje homogenizacije srpskog javnosti. Najveću zaslugu za to ima Jovan Velimirović, njegov nećak. Dakle, kako i dolikuje, i kada je mrtav, Nikolaj je korišćen za RAZPIRANJE i ŠIRENJE MRŽNJE i RAZRED, što je činio još za života kao aktivni fašista i član Ljotićevog "Hora". Sahranjen je uz najviše počasti (maj 1991.), a 19. maja 2003. godine proglašen je za sveca, a za kratko vreme zasenio je rodonačelnika dinastije Nemanjića (Stefana, oca Svetog Save) i postao " najveći i najpoštovaniji srpski svetitelj posle Svetog Save“.
Zato što je tvorac nacifašističke versko-nacionalne „svetosavske“ ideologije i svojom harizmom obezbeđuje opstanak te ideologije u okrilju SPC i u tradiciji srpskog naroda.
Fašista Joanikije Lipovac , mitropolit crnogorsko-primorski (1940-45) bio je aktivni saradnik nemačkog i italijanskog okupatora, odgovoran za stradanje hiljada ljudi, Srpska pravoslavna crkva ga je proglasila svetim 1999. godine.
Milorad Vukojičić Maca , poznat kao "pop Koljač" (vođa četničke trojke), odgovoran za brojne zločine nad civilima u Crnoj Gori (Pljevlja i okolina), za klanje, pa i silovanje maloljetnih djevojaka, iskorenjivanje čitavih porodica, kanonizovan je 2005. ogorčenje preživjelih rođaka žrtava koji su tražili od Sinoda SPC da obustavi postupak, ali bezuspješno.
Pop Slobodan Šiljak , poznati četnički koljač, pripadnik četničke trojke, zaklan i silovan, kanonizovan je zajedno sa svojim saborcem Miloradom Vukojičićem Macom u manastiru Žitomislić 2005. godine. U dokumentarnom filmu "Sveci i zločinci" detaljno su opisani zločini koje su počinili, a riječ je o živim svjedocima čiji su članovi porodica i rođaci svirepo ubijeni. (Pogledajte: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5TQmEIaQ3s )
Najviša vlast SPC i veliki broj srpskih sveštenika tokom Drugog svetskog rata aktivno su pomagali četnicima, mnogi su bili u saradnji sa Nemcima, Italijanima i okrvavili im ruke, ne samo krvlju Hrvata i Muslimana, već i sa krv sopstvenog srpskog naroda kojeg su klali i proganjali u Srbiji, o čemu se takođe govori ima dokaza (vidi: Masakr u Vraniću; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r70kq0yXTTQ )
Patrijarh srpski Pavlepočetkom 1990-ih i tokom ratova u SFRJ širio je otvorenu mržnju svojim govorima, pismima i „poslanicama“ (poput one za pravoslavni Uskrs 1991.), propagirao ideju „velike Srbije“ i tvrdio da "nema zajedničkog života između Srba i Hrvata" (o čemu je čak pisao lordu Karingtonu, posredniku za bivšu Jugoslaviju), dok su se u Hrvatskoj dešavali najveći masakri, a B i H obilazili su srpske krajeve i ohrabrivali Srbi da nastave rat i odbace mirovne sporazume, sve vreme tvrdeci da su Srbi "genocid" i da nikada nije pokazao ni mrvicu saosecanja prema istinskim zrtvama ubijenim u ime pravoslavlja i Srbije, blagoslovio je najvece ratne zlocince (Radovan Karadžić, Ratko Mladić, Biljana Plavšić), bio je "duhovni komandant" zločinca Željka Ražnatovića Arkana kojeg je i blagoslovio,otvorio "srpske bogoslovije" na mjestima najvećih pokolja muslimana (Višegrad - gdje je spaljeno najmanje 119 civila), postavio najgore ratne huškače, pa čak i zločince poput Vasilija Kačavende na položaje episkopa, episkopa i mitropolita, podržao i promovirao druge fašisti koji su trovali narod i širili mržnju:Amfilohije Radović , Atanasije Jevtić , Lukijan Pantelić , Filaret Mićević , Artemije Radosavljević , Lukijan Vladulov , Nikanor Bogunović, Nikolaj Mrđa, Jovan Velimirović i mnogi drugi. Oni su aktivno učestvovali u ratu (mnogi zajedno sa četnicima) i odgovorniji su za širenje mržnje, zla i ratnog ludila više od vođa paravojnih grupa.
Sociolog religije Mirko Đorđević , Srbin i praktični vernik, napisao je knjigu o delovanju patrijarha Pavla Kišobran patrijarha Pavla , koja mnogo objašnjava (PDF format: https://pescanik.net/wp-content/ PDF/mirko_djordjevic-kisobran_patrijarha_pavla.pdf )
Mržnja kao porijeklo
 Kada se teorije o srpskom narodu kao "nadrasi" ili "plemenu majki" dovode u vezu sa mitomanijom, megalomanijom, nacionalnim mitovima, željom za teritorijalnim proširenjem i mržnjom prema susedima (posebno "Latinima", tj. rimokatolici) i sve je to pojačano "svetošću" koja u centar svega stavlja Svetog Savu iz velikosrpske dinastije Nemanjića (izjednačavajući ga sa Bogom i ne retko mu dajući prednost), dobijamo onu neman versko-nacionalne ideologije koju obično nazovi velikosrpsku ili velikosrpsku ideologiju. Ta velikosrpska ideologija je srž, sadržaj i vezivno tkivo onoga što srpski nacionalisti nazivaju "nacionalnom misijom".
Evo kako to izgleda u djelima njihovih vodećih teologa i crkvenih velikodostojnika u samo nekoliko od desetina hiljada sličnih i još radikalnijih citata:
1. “ A danas je srpski Vaskrs na nebu. Danas sva nebesa, sveti apostoli, sveti proroci, mučenici, ispovednici slave Svetog Savu. Danas i sam Gospod grli Svetog Savu, najvećeg i najsvetijeg Srbina... I kleči i plače. Plače nad nesrećnim srpskim rodom, plače nad zemaljskom Srbijom. Sva Nebeska Srbija slavi Svetog Savu, a vi nesrećni Srbi ste ga zaboravili na zemlji ."
( Justin Popović, KUDA IDEŠ, SRBIJA?! , Beseda na Svetog Savu 1966. godine u manastiru Ćelije; preuzeto sa: https://sh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nebeska_Srbija ; istakao: ZP; stranica posećena 11.11. /2017 )
2. „Od kneza Lazara i Kosova Srbi su pre svega stvorili nebesku Srbiju, koja je do danas sigurno izrasla u najveću nebesku državu. Ako uzmemo samo nevine žrtve ovog posljednjeg rata, milione i milione Srba i Srba, djece i slabih, ubijenih ili mučenih u najstrašnijim mukama ili bačenih u jame i pećine od strane ustaških zločinaca, onda možemo razumjeti kako mnogo je srpsko carstvo danas na nebesima“.
(Episkop Jovan Velimirović povodom proslave 600. godišnjice Kosovske bitke; preuzeto sa: https://sh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nebeska_Srbija ; istakla: ZP; stranica posećena 11.11. 2017)
3. „Ponovo je srpski narod na krstu na Kosovu i Metohiji, u Dalmaciji, Krajini, Slavoniji, Baniji, Lici, Kordunu, Srijemu, Bosni i Hercegovini. (...) A šta reći drugačije od onoga što je mudra Jevrejka rekla opakim i agresivnim muslimanima: 'Opraštamo vam što ste nas ubili, ali ne možemo vam oprostiti ako nas prisiljavate da vas ubijemo'.
(Vidi: Atanasije Jevtić , iz govora povodom ustoličenja episkopa SPC; Vidi:   https://hr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uloga_Srpske_pravoslavne_crkve_tijekom_velikosrpske_agresije ; istakao: ZP; stranica posećena 11.11. /2017)
4. „Srbi ne mogu da žive sa Hrvatima ni u jednoj zemlji. Ni u jednoj Hrvatskoj."
( Patrijarh srpski Pavle u pismu Lordu Karingtonu, predsedavajućem Međunarodne mirovne konferencije o Jugoslaviji, 1. novembar 1991; Vidi: https://hr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uloga_Srpske_pravoslavne_crkve_tijekom_velikosrpske_agresije ; istaknuto: ZP1; stranica posećena na /11/2017 )
Ako pogledate crkvenu štampu SPC s kraja 1980-ih i ranih 1990-ih, šokira vas količina mržnje i laži koja se širi sa tih stranica. Čisti rasizam i šovinizam koji poziva na "krvnu naplatu duga" i podstiče "osvetu".
Uz sve to, SPC otvoreno slavi zločince, ne samo iz Drugog svetskog rata, već i iz ovih nedavnih ratova i od njih pravi nacionalne heroje. Prednjači ekstremizam i čvrsto je vezan za četničke i profašističke organizacije koje još uvek deluju u Srbiji i "Republiki Srbiji".
Ovdje ću navesti samo jedan primjer iz ne tako daleke prošlosti, jer prostor ne dozvoljava detaljniju razradu ove vrlo zanimljive teme.
Dana 4. avgusta 2011. godine u parohijskom domu Crkve Svetog Save u Beogradu održana je promocija knjige Milana Lukića, jednog od najvećih i najbešćutnijih srpskih masovnih zločinaca koji je odgovoran za smrt najmanje 130 civila ( od kojih je u proljeće 1992. godine u Višegradu spaljeno najmanje 119 živih civila – žena, djece i staraca – Muslimana u dvije kuće). Pravosnažnom presudom od 4. decembra 2012. osuđen je za zločine istrebljenja, zločine protiv čovječnosti, progon i druge zločine na doživotni zatvor od strane MKSJ-a u Hagu. Knjiga masovnog zlikovca Milana Lukića opravdava zločine, a objavila ju je Srpska radikalna stranka Vojislava Šešelja
Međutim, ovo što je do sada pomenuto je (nažalost) samo vrh ledenog brega, jer su zlodela srpskog sveštenstva toliko da se o tome pišu knjige. Jedan od njih je napisao Milorad Tomanić (Srpska crkva u ratu i ratovi u njoj, Beograd, 2001; dostupno u PDF-u: http://www.safaric-safaric.si/knjige/2001%20Tomanic%20SPC%20u%20ratu% 20i%20rat%20u%20njoj.pdf ).
Srpska pravoslavna crkva kroz svoju poznatu istoriju (od odvajanja od Bugarske crkve u vreme Nemanjića početkom 12. veka) do danas je bila i ostala naslednik velikosrpske ideologije, koja je našla svoj pravi izraz i smisao. tokom 20. veka u "svetisavlju" - modernoj verziji srpskog nacizma - fašizmu čija je konstanta osvajanje zemalja drugih naroda metodama genocida i etničkog čišćenja i stvaranje "velike Srbije".
Pošto su etnofiletizam, nasilje, mržnja, netrpeljivost i antiekumenizam protiv hrišćanstva, ovde već imamo dovoljno elemenata da izrazimo ocenu da u slučaju Srpske pravoslavne crkve ona nikako nije institucija koja predstavlja, zastupa i praktikuje hrišćanstvo. ili evanđeoskim principima.
Ono što je ranije rečeno vrlo je lako dokazati nepobitnim činjenicama i argumentima koje nam pruža sama Srpska pravoslavna crkva svojim praktičnim delovanjem, a radi se samo o odabiru onoga što može poslužiti kao dokaz; jer ih ima toliko da nije lako napraviti izbor i to je jedini praktični problem koji se javlja pri razmatranju naznačene teme.
Etnofiletizam je jedno od glavnih obeležja SPC i tumači se kao stavljanje nacionalnih interesa iznad jedinstva vere. Na Saboru carigradskih patrijaraha 1872. (dakle prije 145 godina) etnofiletizam je osuđen i odbačen kao "jeres" i grijeh, međutim, uprkos činjenici da su odluke tog Sabora postale obavezujuće za sve pravoslavne crkve, SPC ih nikada nije prihvatila niti ih je držala.
Antiekumenizam je takođe veoma izražen u SPC i svako jedinstvo hrišćana u njoj smatra se pogubnim za srpsku crkvu i srpski narod. Posebno su omraženi rimokatolici, koji se nazivaju "mrznim Latinima" i shvataju kao "krvni" i "vekovni neprijatelji". Kada se neko u Srbiji naziva "ekumenistom", to je jednako najtežoj kletvi koja se može izgovoriti, a oni koji dobiju tu žigu smatraju se najgorim nacionalnim izdajnicima i otpadnicima od SPC i naroda.  
Razmišljaju li o tim činjenicama naši političari, koji svake godine za Božić odlaze u crkvu na Cvjetnom trgu u Zagrebu da lome kruh i znaju li kome i čemu se tamo klanjaju - ako im je to uopće važno?
To bi nama Hrvatima svakako trebalo biti važno i znati o kakvoj se organizaciji radi, s kojim ciljevima djeluje na području Republike Hrvatske, ali i otvoreno govoriti o razaranjima koje širi oko nas.
Jer to nije problem samo za Srbe, nego prije svega za nas Hrvate.
Kao što sam već rekao, postoji mnogo dokaza koji govore u prilog činjenici da SPC NIJE HRIŠĆANSKA CRKVA , samo je pitanje koliko smo spremni da se suočimo sa tom činjenicom.
Da SPC nije djelovala na području Republike Hrvatske, većina navedenog bila bi njena unutrašnja stvar, to nije slučaj, jer se radi o sigurnosti i budućnosti građana naše zemlje i hrvatskog naroda.
Tim pre što je naše iskustvo sa SPC i srpskim nacifašizmom veoma teško i bolno, a rane iz prošlog rata još uvek su sveže.
Linkovi na kojima možete pronaći neke od materijala koji prikazuju političko djelovanje SPC i njenu ulogu u agresiji na Hrvatsku i Bosnu i Hercegovinu tokom 90-ih godina 20. stoljeća:
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multiipl · 2 years
Temporary Muse List
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AS YOU been knew, (or not) I have been scrambling with my muse list and active muses. A while ago, I have archived my BNHA muses, but I have since picked up quite a handful of new muses. Bear with me, it is A LOT!
⟼ Below is a temporary list of ALL characters I write, though not all might make the final list! Characters marked with a ⭐ are mains and WILL 100% be on the final list!
Du Yaoye
Hibiscus ⭐
Specter ⭐
Lanming [OC]
Lin Beifong
Lu Shi
Ming Hua
Toph Beifong
Ty Lee ⭐
Akutagawa Gin
Aldous Huxley [OC]
Alexander Hamilton [OC]
Arma Geddon [OC]
Bello [OC]
Derek Landy [OC]
Edogawa Ranpo
Friedrich Nietzsche [OC]
Hayashi Fumiko [OC]
Heinrich Heine [OC]
Higuchi Ichiyo 
Izumi Kyoka
Jane Austen [OC]
Ozaki Kouyou
Lucy Maud Montgomery ⭐
Markus Heitz [OC]
Nakahara Chuuya ⭐
Nakarai Tousui
Suehiro Tetcho 
Pepa Madrigal
Eugene Fitzherbert
Annette Fantine Dominic ⭐
Byleth Eisner (M) ⭐
Dedue Molinaro
Dorothea Arnault
Hilda Valentine Goneril ⭐
Holst Goneril
Ignatz Victor
Lysithea von Ordelia ⭐
Mercedes von Martritz
Roy Mustang
Riza Hawkeye
Winry Rockbell
Lieserl Albert Einstein
Rita Wossweisse
Seele Vollerei
Katarina (Battle Academia)
Leona (Battle Academia)
Thresh (Spirit Blossom)
Wei Wuxian
Song Zhen [OC]
Ann (P5)
Kanji (P4)
Rise (P4)
Yukiko (P4)
Nathaniel [OC]
9S [Nier: Automata]
Aerith [FF7R]
Devola [Nier: Replicant]
Kainé [Nier: Replicant]
Kairi [Kingdom Hearts 2]
Leslie Kyle [FF7R]
Madam M [FFR7
Popola [Nier: Replicant]
Safalin ⭐
Howl (Howl’s Moving Castle)
Lucy Kushinada (Cyberpunk: Edgerunners)
Polly Geist (Monster Prom)
Pyrrha Nikos (RWBY)
Reze (Chainsaw Man)
Uchida Idō [OC]
Zakusa (Cardfight!! Vanguard)
*Archived Muses are no longer actively written. They are not open for memes/sentence starters or new plots. Consider them a “secret menu” sort of that you can only access if you’ve written with them before.
Ayumi [OC]
Best Jeanist
Boris [OC]
Hisao [OC]
Hitoshi  [AU]
McSpeed [OC]
Megumi [OC]
Ningyo Ko [OC]
Petra Vito [OC]
Pop Step
Recovery Girl
Shuzenji Ren [OC]
Uraraka Ochako [AU]
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Accepted Characters 6/30/2022
Mr. Fox (Foxy) from Fantastic Mr. Fox
Rat from Fantastic Mr. Fox
Shoya Ishida from Koe no Katachi
Cereza (Bayonetta) from Bayonetta
Loki from Bayonetta
Ina from Inadekvat
Jinxie Tenma from the Ace Attorney series
Dhurke Sahdmadhi from the Ace Attorney series
Karin from the Dragon Ball series
Presea Combatir from Tales of series
Athena Cykes from the Ace Attorney series
Azura Summers from the Ace Attorney series
Sershel from Here comes Niko!
Poppy Rowan from Rainbow High
Inga Karkhuul Haw'kohd Dis'nahm Bi'ahni Lawga Ormo Pohmpus Da'nit Ar'edi Iz Khura'in III (Inga Karkhuul Khura'in) from the Ace Attorney series
Maud from Acception
Austin from the Flipline universe
Sasha Buckler from the Ace Attorney series
Olive Green from the Ace Attorney series
Taurus from Kiwi Blitz
Majora from the Dragon Ball series
Hoppy from Steven Universe
Harriet from the Pokemon series
Victor from Stray Dogs
Whitebelly from Even Mice Belong in Heaven
Abbie from M.F.K.
Master Jansen from LastMan
Morihito Otogi (Moi) from Witch Watch
Helm from Heavenly Delusion
Kelenken Bonkers from The Hunters Guild: Red Hood
Unnamed man from the playmobil universe (4226)
Unnamed man from the playmobil universe (70193)
Grimm from The Hunters Guild: Red Hood
Unnamed child from the playmobile universe set (6663)
Unnamed child figure from the playmobile universe  (set 6661)
Pernille Middelthon  (Pørni) from Pørni
Rebecca Bloomwood from Confessions of a Shopaholic
Ponny-Petra from Pondus
Hitomi Kanzaki from The Vision of Escaflowne
Camilla Vodello (Milla) from the Psychonauts series
Allen Schezar from The Vision of Escaflowne
Edgar Teglee from the Psychonauts series
Sheegor from the Psychonauts series
Blathers from the Animal Crossing series
Boyd Cooper from the Psychonauts series
Mills Phage from the Psychonauts series
Van Slanzar de Fanel from The Vision of Escaflowne
Balgus from The Vision of Escaflowne
282 Characters remain
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nklansek · 5 months
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Excited to share my recent podcast appearance on "Supermoč" from DELO Media House, hosted by the amazing Petra Kovic! 🎙️ We delved into my professional journey and discussed some exciting future prospects.
It was truly an honor to be a guest on this show and have the opportunity to share my story and insights. 🌟 If you're curious about my career, aspirations, and the thesis I have for the future, give it a listen!
👉 https://www.delo.si/gospodarstvo/kariera/niko-klansek-99-odstotkov-startupov-ne-uspe-a-verjeti-je-treba-v-en-odstotek/
Thank you, Petra Kovic and DELO, for this wonderful experience. Let's keep the conversation going! 🗣️ #SupermocPodcast #DELO #CareerJourney #FutureGoals #PodcastGuest
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muznew · 7 months
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- Artists: Beatport DATE CREATED: 2023-10-17 GENRES: Dance / Electro Pop Tracklist : 1. James Hype, Kim Petras - Drums(Extended Version) 2. Dom Dolla - Saving Up(Extended) 3. Wuki - Sunshine (My Girl)(Extended Mix) 4. Obongjayar, Fred again.. - adore u(Original Mix) 5. Vlado - Freddie's Warmup(Extended) 6. John Summit, MKLA - Fade Out feat. MKLA(Extended Mix) 7. Dash Berlin, Alan Walker, Vikkstar - Better Off (Alone, Pt. III)(Extended Version) 8. Jozzy, Fred again.. - ten(Original Mix) 9. Faouzia, SIDEPIECE - On My Way (feat. Faouzia)(Extended Mix) 10. NAVOS - Bodywork(Extended Mix) 11. MK, Rita Ora, Joel Corry - Drinkin' (Joel Corry VIP Mix)(Extended) 12. Hayden James, AR/CO - We Could Be Love(Odd Mob Remix) 13. Benson, Niko The Kid - Hella Good(Extended Mix) 14. Skepta - Can't Play Myself (A Tribute To Amy)(Extended Mix) 15. Genesi, Meduza - Ecstasy(Extended) 16. Boys Noize, Vtss - Steady Pace(Extended Mix) 17. Kaleena Zanders, Sunday Scaries - Dance No More( Read the full article
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djmusicbest · 7 months
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- Artists: Beatport DATE CREATED: 2023-10-17 GENRES: Dance / Electro Pop Tracklist : 1. James Hype, Kim Petras - Drums(Extended Version) 2. Dom Dolla - Saving Up(Extended) 3. Wuki - Sunshine (My Girl)(Extended Mix) 4. Obongjayar, Fred again.. - adore u(Original Mix) 5. Vlado - Freddie's Warmup(Extended) 6. John Summit, MKLA - Fade Out feat. MKLA(Extended Mix) 7. Dash Berlin, Alan Walker, Vikkstar - Better Off (Alone, Pt. III)(Extended Version) 8. Jozzy, Fred again.. - ten(Original Mix) 9. Faouzia, SIDEPIECE - On My Way (feat. Faouzia)(Extended Mix) 10. NAVOS - Bodywork(Extended Mix) 11. MK, Rita Ora, Joel Corry - Drinkin' (Joel Corry VIP Mix)(Extended) 12. Hayden James, AR/CO - We Could Be Love(Odd Mob Remix) 13. Benson, Niko The Kid - Hella Good(Extended Mix) 14. Skepta - Can't Play Myself (A Tribute To Amy)(Extended Mix) 15. Genesi, Meduza - Ecstasy(Extended) 16. Boys Noize, Vtss - Steady Pace(Extended Mix) 17. Kaleena Zanders, Sunday Scaries - Dance No More( Read the full article
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jordanianroyals · 2 years
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2 June 2022: King Abdullah II reaffirmed the strong relations between Jordan and the European Union, at a meeting with EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and European Commission Vice President Josep Borrell, following the 14th meeting of the Jordan-EU Association Council at the Dead Sea.
He highlighted the importance of holding the council for the first time in a country in the EU's southern neighbourhood, which reflects the deeply-rooted ties between Jordan and the EU since 1977. (Source: Petra)
His Majesty also received representatives of the Association Council, at a meeting attended by Borrell, including Foreign Ministers Ioannis Kasoulides of Cyprus, Jean Asselborn of Luxembourg, Simon Coveney of Ireland, and Nikos Dendias of Greece, as well as European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Olivér Várhelyi. The King discussed the latest regional developments and their impact on regional security, especially the Palestinian cause, which requires stepping up regional and international efforts to create a real horizon for progress in the peace process, and end the cycle of violence threatening regional stability and security. His Majesty pointed to Jordan’s keenness, along with Arab countries, on launching regional cooperation projects that seek development and prosperity in several fields, for the benefit of the region’s the peoples and to fulfil their aspirations. For their part, Vice President Borrell and the attending foreign ministers and EU officials highlighted the strong ties between Jordan and the European Union, stressing the need to expand cooperation in all fields. They reiterated the importance of the new EU-Jordan Partnership Priorities for 2021-2027, commending Jordan’s pivotal role in the region, under the leadership of the King, who works relentlessly to find horizons for the Palestinian cause, as well as political solutions to regional crises. Meanwhile, they commended the modernisation process, led by His Majesty within political, economic, and administrative pathways, noting that such measures are viewed positively in Jordan’s progress. On the impact of Ukrainian crisis, Borrell and the EU officials called for enhancing economic integration and cooperation in the fields of energy and food security.
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