#pewter city
acquired-stardust · 3 months
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Pokemon Blue Gameboy 1996
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mypokemonscreencaps · 3 months
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Having made their way through the forest, Ash and company are doing stuff around potential internet people again! The gym leaders must be like the equivalent of having a local celebrity, so Pewter City must have eaten up the drama surrounding Brock and his father.
Only one episode between now and the Cerulean City episode. The Sensational Sisters probably have some fans in the Poke world, we’ll see if I can into the stan mindset for them.
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frankhightower · 1 month
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Pokemon TF drive page 2: Title Card
<<Start | Next>>
Although Pallet Town doesn’t mean much to Rei, she does remember resting at “my house” being better than resting at the Pokémon Center.
No donations yet, but setting TF at 4% with the money from my patreons to show how it works. Thanks, Jespe  and Pam!
The first thing I’d fix with Pikachu’s Goodbye is that the setting is not clear at all. We’re told it’s a forest but… where? We know Pikachu are native to Viridian forest, and we know they have access to Diglett’s Cave by this point (the defeat of Lt. Surge and the Diglett-centric episode have passed). All they had to do was start the episode with them exiting it, possibly even running from it. They’ve done stuff like that before.
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myotherrideknowssurf · 2 months
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Kanto Destination Shirts
Dress like you've been there, because, well, you have! Many times, I'm sure. Each design features the 8 gym badges from the Kanto region and within each badge, different popular attractions from the respected cities. Each design comes in multiple colors!
Check out these unique designs at my shop!
Just A Covell Design
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Hannah Plays Pokemon Green pt.2~
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I have a Pikachu named Hoho now, although I would like to use Pokemon I don't usually, so I'll probably swap him out at some point
I did not use Hoho fighting Brock because I'm not ten
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I love that this trainer class is just... Boyscout?
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Green ver..Geodude looks like monkey bread with arms
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Had to look up mikubiru, which is "to belittle," apparently. Sorry Takeshi-kun, didn't mean to belittle you with my Bulbasaur
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I swear this guy in the fossil museum is saying someothing about worshipping a dragon god...?
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Battle; Brock
So Jay does the Kanto league second in her "fuck I need something other than all the fucked up shit to focus on" drive but uh.
Ok no I think she did specify that it wasn't her first league, so for the other gyms I did intend to use their after-league/HG teams if I'd kept writing them, but
one of my cowriters also thought it would be funny if Brock just did his whole Brock Flirt Thing and didn't pay attention to that. So.
I stop outside the gym, looking up at the sign.
 “So... another gym challenger, hey Vulp?”
 She barks, pawing at the door.
 “Quite stalling, Jay,” Brith puts a hand on the door. “And concentrate on what needs to be done.”
 “Ok... I guess it’ll help,” I sigh, pushing the door open.
 “A challenger?” someone looks up from the end of the room.
 “Yes. BlueJay NightGale, of Snowpoint,” I state it loudly, peering to see who it was.
 He steps closer, moving quickly towards me.
 “I’ve already–”
 “BlueJay NightGale, right? Well, you sure blew me off my feet!” suddenly he is in front of me, shaking my hand.
 “What?” I jerk it back, eyeing him up. “Are you the gym leader?”
 “Yes. You can call me Brock,” he winks at me. “You’re a fire trainer?”
 “I guess,” I glance at Vulp. “Sort of.”
 “You know, I can tell ‘cause you’re so hot.”
 Arceus, what kind of person comes out with this!
 “I’m here for a gym battle,” I state, dead-panning his gaze.
 “A battle? There’s no need. You’ve already knocked me out.” He grins, winking again.
 “Really? I was under the impression my pokémon had to knock yours out for the battle to be over.”
 “True, true... You know I have an onix, right?”
 “Yeah, something to do with being a rock gym, I’d guess.” I’m thrown by his apparent change of topics.
 “Come over to mine, I’ll show you his earthquake!”
 “Brock. Gym battle. Here. Now. Nothing else, ok?” I snap at him, getting slightly exasperated.
 He backs off slightly. “Did you use confuse ray?”
 “Nope, though I think someone h–”
 “’Cause you are making me dizzy.” He winks again.
 I feel like slapping him.
 “So, a battle. Can we make this interesting?” he asks, springing back to his place at the other end of the hall.
 Brith sighs beside me. “What is he like?”
 “Two lines from being punched, that’s what,” I whisper to her. “Interesting how?”
 “Let’s have a bet on the outcome.”
 “What sort of bet?”
 “If I beat you today, we’re gonna go out for dinner tonight, and I will Brock your world!” he clicks his tongue, pointing his hands as gun at me.
 I wince. “And if I win, you will stop with these terrible puns.”
 “Only that?”
 “Yeah. And, by the way, I–”
 “Geodude!” He throws out a pokéball, to reveal what I guess must be a staple of rock gyms.
 “Sharranth, you’re up!” I release Sharranth onto the ground between us.
 “Type advantages, eh? You know I won this gym back from a water trainer?”
 “I’d heard, vaguely. Water pulse, Shar!”
 He nods and launches himself into the air, gathering the moisture from the air.
 The geodude throws itself at Sharranth.
 Oh no. Oh, please, no. Tell me he hasn’t–
 Sharranth dodges with ease and slams the geodude into the ground with a concentrated blast of water.
 “Defence curl!”
 He totally has. The little shit.
 I groan.
 “What?” Brith shoots me a look.
 “He’s using his team for new trainers. We’ll show him. Sharranth! Bubble!”
 “Looks like I won’t be needing to step in.”
 I laugh briefly and watch as Sharranth dodges the geodude yet again and sends a flurry of bubbles to harry it.
 “How long do you think that’ll last?”
 “How long do you intend to drag it out?” she replies.
 “Tackle, again!”
 “Fair point. Sharranth, bubble beam.”
 He swerves beautifully and flips, raining bubbles down on the geodude until it is recalled in a flash of light.
 “Oh, well then. Are you a Deoxys?”
 “Skies above, Brock, shut the hell up.”
 He releases an onix. “Because I was going to say, you are out of this world.”
 “So will he, soon enough,” I growl to Brith. “Sharranth, confuse ray!”
 “Are you wanting to drag this battle out?”
 “I might derive some pleasure from that, yes.”
 Sharranth sways in front of the onix’s face, making it bob in time with him.
 It lashes its tail up and Sharranth is caught a glancing blow as he dives, and is thrown into the ground.
 “Good, now screech!”
 I clap my hands over my eyes as the onix lets out a hideous sound. To my side, I see Brith doing the same. No doubt Vulp is trying to cover her own behind me as well.
 “Bubble beam, shut it up!”
 If Sharranth hears me, it’s a miracle. He pulls himself up from the sizable dent in the ground and sends a flurry of bubbles towards the onix, spiralling around and around the pokémon.
 Then the onix cuts off with a strange choking sound and Sharranth flips over with a whistle.
 “Hey, Onix!”
 It’s choking really badly now, great rough hacking noises. Oh, hell.
 But he’s already moving back, soaring nearer the pokémon’s head.
 The choking stops, and the onix lays its head down on the ground, eyes closed.
 “Well.” Brock returns it as Sharranth drifts to rest before me. “That was unexpected.”
 “It’ll be alright?” I return Sharranth.
 “Oh – yes, I think so.” He nods, leaving his box to walk across the pitch. “But I think I need a paralyse heal–”
 “Because I’m about to break your neck?” I interrupt, walking out to meet him.
 “Actually, I was going to say because that was shocking, but–”
 “We said no puns if you lost.”
 “At least in my hearing.” I narrow my eyes.
 “That sounds more reasonable.” He holds out the badge. “You fight far better than I expect, for a rookie.”
 I roll my eyes. “Well, I tried to tell you before – I’m not a rookie.”
 “… Oh.”
 “Yeah. Second league. Was expecting a bit more difficulty.” I take the badge.
 “So I might’ve been a little–”
 “A lot–”
 “Side tracked. Won’t happen again.”
 Yeah, sure.
 “Though with the skill you displayed, the badge would have been yours in any case.” He smiled. “Congratulations, BlueJay NightGale. The Boulder Badge is yours.”
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gauntletgreen · 1 year
Gauntlet Green - Part 1
Gauntlet Green is a pokemon nuzlocke set of rules I am working on. Base game obviously is Leaf Green. Main concept is to make routes (or chains of routes) into gauntlets that player must complete before pokecenters can be used, and there is no going back. As well as a few other things...
Rules (8/13/23) - As far as Vermillion city, as I want to make sure these are viable for all starters before continuing.
Pokemon faints, it dies.
2. Can only catch the first viable wild pokemon on each route.
If a species has already been caught before, it (or its evolution) cannot be caught again on a different route. If a species was viable but not captured on an earlier route, it may be caught on a different route.
3. No TMs or Move Tutors may be used, Pokemon may only use their natural level-up move set. HMs may be taught but may not be used in battle.
4. No items used in battle by the trainer. Pokemon can hold items.
Only one pokemon may hold Leftovers.
5. No items used outside of battle that heal Pokemon.
Antidotes may be used outside of battle, when Pokemon has 1HP left.
6. Rare Candies have been added to game, but can only be used 'outside' of gauntlets. Ie, once you enter a gauntlet, your levels are what they are.
7. No wild Pokemon may be battled for experience within a gauntlet. Nor may you use wild Pokemon for free HP (using leech seed, absorb, leech life, etc. and then running.) Basically, no wild Pokemon except for your attempted catch, play within the spirit of this rule.
8. Trades are fine, but pokemon you can buy/given are forbidden ($500 Magikarp, Eevee, Lapras, Game Corner, etc.)
Gauntlet '0': Grab Oak's package, get Pokedex, Route 1 encounter in order to unlock Viridian Pokecenter.
Gauntlet 1: Route 2 encounter, Viridian Forrest encounter, and all Viridian Forrest trainers.
OPTIONAL 1a: Route 22 encounter, but must fight optional Rival battle if choose this fight. May not use Viridian Center pokecenter, but may level all Pokemon prior to entering gauntlet up to level 9. No Pokemon higher than level 9 may enter Route 22 gauntlet.
Once player enters defeats Brock or uses Pewter City Pokecenter, all routes south are locked and Route 22 encounter is considered off limits if not already obtained.
Gauntlet 2: Brock's gym. All Pokemon may be level 10 upon entry into gym.
Gauntlet 3: Route 3 encounter, all Route 3 trainers. This unlocks Pokecenter at base of Mt. Moon (Route 4).
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meganuzlockediary · 2 years
FireRed Gym 1!
October 5th
Its begun! Oh boy! Day 1 has already started eventfully!
I have chosen to start with Fire red and Leaf green as they are Gen 3 allowing me to avoid the janky experience of the early games while still allowing me to start in Kanto. There are 3 kanto games that I'll be using but of course Kanto pokemon are present in almost every game, so I want to ensure I don't use too many.
Anyway I started by naming my character Darius! A good strong name! He's gonna need it. As its the first pokemon of the run I HAVE to choose pokemon number 1, Bulbasaur!
He's named Green after the OG game (also I like naming my pokemon after colours). He has a naive nature so +speed - spdef. We'll see if it helps!
I also chose him to make these earlier games easier. With Brock and Misty's gym I want a good counter and to avoid using many other pokemon. Except I am very silly, as you will see.
After getting pokeballs and a pokedex I managed to get a pidgey on route 1! I named him Feather. Eager to catch more, I took him to route 2 and found a rattata. Unfortunately due to an unlucky crit from feather, Rattata fainted. Probably a good thing as I may use him in leaf green. I also went then to viridian forest for the encounter there and Feather helped me catch the most evil weedle ever named Pins. Pins poisoned my Pidgey! I had no antidote. Terrified I ran back to a pokecentre to try and save him. But the dreaded sign appeared. Pidgey has fainted due to poison!
An early loss which now means I cannot use pidgey again for any game!
Fortunately after a lot of grinding a close call from a trainers level 9 weedle. I evolved Pins into a kakuna and took my level 10 bulbasaur to the Pewter City Gym.
Needless to say it was a slaughter. Bulbasaur destroyed the gym earning me my first badge of the run.
Now, I am wondering whether to start leaf green too and complete them together to stop them being too repetitive or do I just continue? I'm tempted to do both for the stategic encounter control that would give me. E.g. if I move ahead to one route and catch an oddish in one game can I therefore guarantee an abra in another.
I'll decide soon and see!
Current party: bulbasaur lv12, kakuna lv8
Deaths: 1, RIP Feather
Total Mons caught: 3
Lessons learned: Always carry an antidote!
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pokemon-cards-hourly · 2 months
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tyrantisterror · 1 year
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After over a year of searching, I finally found my sword. Poetically, I found it at Enchanted Knights, the medieval fantasy-themed gift shop of my childhood family vacations to Mackinaw City. It's been over a decade since I last stepped foot into these hallowed halls, and I can think of no place more fitting to find the sword I've searched for so long.
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mypokemonscreencaps · 3 months
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hlrart · 1 year
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It's time to take the Pewter City gym.
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vaugarde · 10 months
maybe its the presentation like i said and also that ive muted the game and turned off battle animations so it goes faster but man. im coming to the brutal realization that my kanto issues probably dont stem from gen 1 as much as they do with pokemon yellow
#like. i LIKE pokemon yellows concept. i adored its manga adaptation in spe and i love pikachu and walking with pikachu#and i love the anime and all its references#but like. theres SO much charm that gets lost in that transition#i already said so with the sprites and all but pokemon yellow feels less like a game made out of love#and more like a product. yknow? i mean they all are but yellow just feels off in co#comparison to what im playing now#and its in little ways like all the antagonistic pokemon in the anime being unavailable and the really bad anime sound effects#like i didnt know the original pewter city did have a singing jigglypuff using the original soundfont#i thought it was a hasty anime reference made to justify the games existence. but now i know the anime jigglypuffs a nice homage to this one#and like that little jingle was infinitely nicer than the bitcrushed anime voice#i mean some if it is nice like team rocket being there but even they feel misunderstood sometimes#like theyre just smacked in sometimes and they just spout their motto#they dont do any of their jokes and meowth doesnt even talk. does meowth talk in lgpe? i dunno#but i do know that they dont even get their teams right. what is with nostalgiabait rocket references#that dont even bother to include any pokemon they had besides arbok and weezing. they have other pokemon!#in gen 1 alone you have victreebel and lickitung! maybe even growlithe if you wanna get fancy#ntm wobbuffet is constantly abandoned#ik ive said i dont like team rocket cause i got so burnt out on them in the show but like it stings more to see them and they arent even#arent even authentic. just their likeness slapped onto an npc to go ‘’wow remember the pokemon animes first season! that was nice!’’#(the pokemon they get replaced with arent even nice when they gotta do that. i love scyther but jessie wouldnt own a scyther)#she would sooner freak out at a scyther or turn it in to giovanni before actually using one#echoed voice
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Second stream is done! I managed to complete 4 of the 5 goals I set for myself tonight:
Catch a Weedle
Catch a Pikachu
Catch a Caterpie
Evolve Weedle to Beedrill
Defeat Brock
I'll try to find a Caterpie next stream. Beedrill was my main goal though and I managed to get that while defeating Brock, so it worked out great. I named her Beekka after my best friend, Bekka. She's the one that really encouraged me to get over myself and start streaming so I'll carry Beekka all the way to the Elite Four! I can't wait for another stream, hopefully tomorrow night.
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gender-euphowrya · 1 year
i always found it way too convenient in terms of in-universe realism that the pokemon gym leaders with the lowest level teams just HAPPENED to live right next door to the new kid who wants to start a journey
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