#pfsh surely not
angeart · 4 months
hhau rescue rambles - part I
>> hhau masterpost here << [cw besides the usual mess and violence: animal death mention]
It’s been months since the latest hermit got saved, and over a year since Hermitcraft imploded. There’s only two people to go: Scar and Grian. And they can’t seem to locate them at all. But they can’t stop looking. They can’t, they won’t. 
The rescue party is comprised of X (voidwalker), Doc (creeper), Ren (wolf), Impulse (partially demon), Cub (vex), Gem (deer), and Pearl (moth). Thanks to X knowing how to navigate and survive the void, they are able to get a void vessel (a sort of ship) to base in as they go around scanning different worlds and scouring for information. 
Until they come across a world that reads as permadeath, and somewhere in the world files, X flags Grian’s and Scar’s name. Not as players; there’s no list available here. What comes up is the wanted poster. It doesn’t have a date stamp. It could be months old, and they know Scar's track record with dying.
Still, they have to try.
They search for a place that seems to have good resources and Cub, Gem, and Pearl get dropped down. They’re equipped with bracelets that they can activate to send X a signal to teleport them back, and two extra for Grian and Scar, if they do find them, but they have to gather any other kind of equipment, including armour and weapons, on their own.
They quickly realise comms don’t work on this world, and as the player list is also non-existent or corrupted, they are going in blind.
Well… almost.
They use Cub’s vex bond with Scar to pick a direction to head in.
Grian and Scar, in the meanwhile, are not having a Good Time. 
Some awful things have happened prior to this, namely the ending of the Summer house arc. To quickly sum it up, Grian and Scar went up north, for as long as they could. Away, away, away from everyone. Until it felt like maybe they’re far away enough, and they tentatively set up a house. Which turned into a nest. Which turned into a semblance of permanence.
A lot of things went on here. Days turned into peaceful weeks and, tentatively, they started thinking that maybe they can start planning some kind of future here. They planted crops. Scar re-learned to glide with his torn wings. Grian unfurled his wings and re-learned the feeling of flying through the sky. And they found a bird friend! (A real, living bird in this world!)
The reality caught up to them eventually. 
Nobody’s really seen Scar or Grian for a while, but the avians in this world have dull wing patters, for survival reasons, and so Grian is really special. And the hunters don’t want to give that up. The reward on the wanted poster gets upped, and now the fever pitch to get this avian rises. The hunters go further. In bigger groups. Greedy and determined.
They find the nest house, empty at the time, and they burn it down. 
Scar and Grian come back to find it in flames, and to find themselves unsafe and hunted once again. All of a sudden, they have nothing again. The fire licks high, turning everything to ash, to a distant cheering and hollering of a party of hunters. There’s no sign of their bird friend.
(Grian finds him later. Dead, with wings cut off. The only creature that resembled him; the bird he befriended, the proof that a winged creature could exist here and survive. Ripped to pieces. Echoing the only fate that is bound to await Grian as well.) (It was a sun conure parrot, bright and beautiful.) 
The hunters are on their tail once they realise that Scar and Grian are here; that it wasn’t just some temporary base that’s now abandoned. With no remorse and still too much cheer, bloodthirsty and unstoppable, they go after them. 
Scar’s blood is absolutely boiling and he expects Grian to ground him. To talk him down. But Grian’s mind buzzes, looking at that bird, and— He’s as down to fight as Scar is. Because anger is easier than grief right now.
He’s so tired of grief. 
So instead, Grian goes angry and feral. (The other option is to fall apart, and he can’t.) 
They tear this particular hunting group apart, and it’s meant to make them feel better, but it doesn’t. It feels like a necessity; like just one more step towards survival. They loot what they can, and they continue moving, realising that stopping anywhere to do more than just survive is a moot point. They’re not going to outrun this. They'll never be allowed to stop. They’ll be hunted forever.
(Grian will be hunted forever—)
The word gets out, and more and more hunters arrive, wanting the trophy of violet wings and the wanted reward for themselves. It’s a sport to them. A way to get rich. Like a gold fever, they continue tracking Grian and Scar, relentlessly hounding them down.
There are times when things go worse in these encounters. Grian gets his wings grabbed and attacked, and it sends him spiraling back to never allowing anyone—including himself—to touch his feathers. (He was doing better and now it’s all gone.)
They internalise many horrible thoughts, during their run. It’s been a year-worth of culmination of awful events, a year worth of pain and fear and loss. 
For Scar, as a vex, he’s been expected to be a monster from the start. And all he wanted here was some peace. To be with Grian. He wasn’t allowed it, but now he finally got a glimpse at it—at what could’ve been; at who he wanted to be from the beginning (who he’s always been)—and it’s violently taken from him. So yeah, fuck it. If they want a monster, he’ll be a monster. 
(This leads him to thinking that he shouldn’t be trusted with soft things anymore, Grian’s feathers included, especially as Grian gets ground-bound again and starts pulling his wings tightly against his back and flinching at the mere implication of touch.) (It hurts to witness, after what Scar’s seen: Grian, freely gliding through the sky, violet feathers catching sunlight.) (He was allowed to preen them, tentatively, slowly, gradually, a couple of times.) (Not anymore. Not anymore.)
 Grian keeps thinking about the bird, and how they’re the same. He’s seen the brutal display, the way the wings were taken. He can’t quite stop thinking about it. 
But it’s more than that. He’s also thinking about [redacted]. About anything winged being doomed. About what happened with the vexes. It all spins and spins and spins until he can’t see himself as anything but harbinger of death.
The hunters wouldn’t care to go this far for one vex. They only go because of his goddamn feathers.
Naturally, this topples into him thinking that Scar will be safer and better off without him. They’ve been running on sleepless nights and exhaustion, trying to get away to no avail. They’re tired, and things are looking dire, and— Grian wants it to stop. He needs Scar to be taken out of this equation, separated from this fate. He needs him to be safe. (He can’t bring death to Scar.)
Grian can lead the hunters the other way. They only really care about him. ([redacted] already proved that point, after all.) 
So one night, Grian sneaks away.
He presses a soft kiss to Scar before he goes. (It’s a farewell kiss.) Scar is asleep, only kind of waking up to it—just that groggy, sleepy “mm?” Grian kisses his forehead again, oh so gently, and murmurs the quietest “Love you. Stay safe for me.” To Scar, it just feels like a dream, and he dozes off again, none the wiser.
The next morning, Scar wakes up to Grian gone.
For a while, he doesn’t even remember that hazy interaction from the night, but then he does remember, all of a sudden. An absolute vertigo slams into him, panic flooding his veins as he stares down the empty, quiet forest.
And this is when the Hermit Rescue Party finds him.
They only find Scar.
They only find Scar, and they instantly try to take him off world.
-- part II here
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sysig · 8 months
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The best! The very best of skeletons! (Patreon)
#Doodles#UT#Handplates#Papyrus#Sans#A mix of several things! Some redraws and digital reconstruction and high editing/low cleaning >:3c#This paper Actually makes that possible thank goodness#It's not the best paper but it is better in that way for sure#Quicker is all I can ask for really#Anyhow! From the top!#In looking at the old doodle with a blushy Papyrus it looks like the only thing I ''redrew'' about it was the blush itself lol#And being a bit smiley#He's very cute when he's so distracted in battle haha leave him be he's very busy!#The second one was so fun! I was very stylistic with his lower jaw in the original :D The way he looks like an interlocked puzzle piece haha#I trust him he's definitely got this handled#Colour doodles! Red and blue boys! Tall and short long and stout <3 Love 'em#My two favourite colour tools my blood pen and my blue pencil ♪ I could've gone in with my various yellows but pfsh#A nice clean two-colour is very nice :) Or in Sans' case just blue haha#I was using the same blood pen in the original too! Well the same casing anyhow the ink has since been replaced hehe#Snuggling sleeping brothers <3 Another one that was digitally reconstructed! Hopefully it's not super obvious#Even back them I was doodling them sleeping on each other haha - Handplates was an influencing factor ♪#And now into the definitely-Handplates! I love how even in sleep Papyrus snores in capital letters and Sans in lowercase hehe#It's so cute! Sans will fall asleep at the drop of a hat but Papyrus is so much more obvious with his sleep!#Maybe it's like concentrated vs. evenly spread out haha#Babies!! Love them ;; That one was originally meant to be a comic panel but I got their posing wrong lol I misremembered#But they turned out so cute! Look at them!#I especially like Sans' super-glowing eye in the shade of Papyrus <3 Sweet lads#And a couple sleepy boys to practice skeletal profiles :) Nose? Teeth? They have a subtle silhouette but there are varying shapes!#I defaulted to a more chibi look on Sans tho haha his fused jaw and big eyes just give that kind of appearance ♪
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sainzfilm · 2 years
ok, but imagine introducing mick to your family and your little brother gets jealous- like making sarcastic comments at him and threatening him, until you find him playing fifa with mick and they finally start getting along, to the point that he prefers mick over you ✨🤏🏻
pairing: mick schumacher x reader
a/n: this is so CUTEEEE literally mick is such a great guy to bring home to meet your family….im in my feels goodbye. also! i named the little brother as charlie just to easily distinguish between the characters :)
“Honey, go get the door!” Your mother yelled from the kitchen, making sure that the food was perfect, “I’m certain it’s lover boy!”
You laughed as you shook your head with a smile, quickly going down the stairs, “Yeah, mom! That’s him, don’t worry about your pasta!”
Checking yourself in the mirror one last time, pushing a stray hair behind your ear, you took a deep breath and opened the door to be welcomed with the sight of your smiling blue eyed boyfriend.
“Hey, love,” Mick smiled as he kissed your cheek softly and handed you a bouquet of flowers, “For my girl.”
“Mick, you didn’t have to,” You mumbled as you hugged him quickly, “Are you nervous?”
He chuckled, “I’m a little nervous about meeting your little brother.”
You grinned as you closed the door and held his hand, leading him to the kitchen, “Don’t worry about it. I told him to be nice.”
“Ah, he’s finally here!” Your mother exclaims, taking off her apron and setting it on the chair before walking over to give Mick a hug, “It’s so nice to meet you, sweetheart.”
“Nice to meet you too, ma’am,” Mick smiled as he hugged your mother back, “The food smells really good!”
“Look at him, making me give him my seal of approval already,” She grinned and patted Mick’s cheek gently, “You can call me mom too, ma’am sounds so…old.”
“Hon- oh! Our guest of honor has arrived,” Your father smiled as he entered the dining area, holding out a hand for Mick to shake, “Nice to meet you, son. I’ve heard great things about you.”
Mick smiled as he shook your father’s hand before offering the paper bag with a fine bottle of wine, “Nice to meet you too, sir. I hope you like what I picked out for dinner tonight.”
“This must be expensive,” Your father nodded as he set the bottle down and grabbed a few wine glasses, “Thank you, haven’t had a glass of wine in a while.”
“Pfsh, great things,” Charlie, your seven year old brother, sarcastically quipped as he followed after your father, “I haven’t heard any.”
You frown in confusion as you looked at him with an eyebrow raised, “Buddy. What did I say earlier?”
Rolling his eyes, he poked his tongue out at you before sitting across the two of you at the table, glaring at Mick every now and then.
Your mother clapped her hands, “Okay! Dinner time!”
Dinner went by smoothly, it was safe to say that your parents loved Mick and you were glad that they made the effort to get to know him beyond the stories that you’ve told.
“We must go golfing together!” Your father exclaimed as he clapped a hand on Mick’s shoulder, “Or maybe even camping!”
“Count me out on those,” Charlie mumbled as he set down his fork, “Thanks for dinner, mom.”
Before you could say anything, he quickly stood up and exited the room before heading out to the living room.
Mick looked at you hesitantly before excusing himself, “I’ll talk to him.”
You smiled softly as you nodded, squeezing his hand and letting it go shortly.
Mick shoved his hands in his pockets as he walked to the living room. Why was your brother harsh towards him? Has he said or done something wrong?
“Hey, buddy,” Mick stood in the doorway as he smiled softly, “Do you mind if we talk?”
Charlie frowned as he set his controller down on the couch, “You’re already talking.”
Mick sighed as he walked over and sat beside him on the couch, still making sure he’s maintained enough space to avoid frustrating the younger boy, “Have I done something wrong? Please be honest with me, Charlie.”
“Yes. You have,” He huffed as he crossed his arms, leaning back against the sofa, “You’re taking Y/N away from me.”
“Is that what you feel?” Mick softly asked as he looked at Charlie, “You think I’m taking her away from you?”
Charlie sniffled as he nodded, “Yeah. I don’t see her as often because you always take her to your races.”
Mick frowned, feeling guilty that this is what your little brother had been feeling. He didn’t mean for it to come out that way.
“I’m sorry, Charlie,” He whispered, “You know that Y/N loves you a lot. She tells a whole lot of great memories she’s had with you.”
“She does?” Charlie turns to look at him, a sparkle in his eyes. Mick could see it right there and then how much your brother adored and loved you.
“All the time, buddy,” Mick nodded as he smiled, “She told me that you were the king of FIFA?”
Nodding eagerly, Charlie exclaims, “Yes! I am! Do you play too, Mick?”
“Of course, I do!” He grins as he opens his palm towards Charlie, “What do you say? Will you let me play with you?”
Charlie paused for a moment before smiling as he grabbed the other controller and handed it over to Mick, “Game on.”
As the two boys laughed and played together on the couch, they didn’t know that you stood by the doorway, heart feeling fuller than ever that your two boys are getting along.
“He’s a keeper, sweetheart,” Your mother smiled as she stood by you and kissed your temple, “You got lucky, huh?”
Smiling as you nodded, “Luckiest girl in the world.”
bonus scene!
Groaning, you rolled over in bed, blindly reaching out for your phone over the desk before answering the Facetime call, “Hello?”
“Hi, Y/N! Oh- did I wake you up?” Charlie pouted as he squinted his eyes through the screen, “Yeah, I think I did.”
“Good morning, buddy,” You sleepily smiled as you rubbed your eyes, “What’s up?”
“I was wondering…uh,” Charlie stuttered as he looked around in his room, “Is Mick around?”
“Did you call to ask me if my boyfriend is around? Not even asking me how I am?” You feigned offense as you clicked your tongue, “Charlie, I’m hurt.”
“I’m sorry!” He whined as he propped his phone up against the glass and ate his cereal, “But is he there?”
You nodded, rolling over to bring your phone over to a sleeping Mick, “There. He’s sleeping buddy.”
“Oh, I must be quiet,” Charlie whispered with his mouth full of cereal, “Could you come over tonight?”
“Why? Anything special?”
“No,” He giggled as he shook his head, “I wanna play FIFA with Mick.”
“This is what you called me for? At 7 am?” You groaned as you snuggled up to your not-so-sleeping boyfriend, “You’re unbelievable, Charlie.”
“Of course, he did,” Mick mumbled sleepily as he smiled at Charlie through the screen, “We’ll be there, bud.”
Charlie cheered as he nodded, waving goodbye before ending the call, “See you tonight, Y/N and Mick!”
“I can’t believe my brother loves you more than me now,” You mumbled as you wrapped your arms around him, “Next thing I know is you’re taking him out for karting lessons.”
Mick shrugged as he kissed your temple, “What can I say? I just have that charm to the Y/L/N’s.”
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dracothelizard · 10 months
HEY HEY HEY. Frigging amazing idea to do an askbox prompt thing for most of the world :D
Prompt for you: Beard4Beard. Please? I have a mighty need and it's completely my own fault. (can be super short, can also be completely sfw, I just have.... cravings)
In the spirit of not excluding anyone, have some Ed/Sinterklaas Beard4Beard fic in English!
Ed's pretty proud of his beard, even if it's grey rather than black nowadays. He can see the envy in the eyes of men who can't grow beards this lush, or who don't take care of it and end up with a rat's nest on their chin.
He takes good care of his beard — can't be Blackbeard with an unkempt mess of a beard, obviously.
But when he hears about another man sailing the seas with a magnificent beard, Ed gets… he doesn't get jealous. He's Blackbeard. There's nothing in the world he can't get have if he wants it.
He orders Izzy to track down this Sinterklaas guy, which is trickier than expected because for some reason he's only around during November and early December. No one knows where he is for the rest of the year.
The ship they follow is fascinating as well, so different from the ships Ed's familiar with, and the crew! The crew, all with some soot on their faces, is dressed in bright outfits, all the colours of the rainbow, and the boat is decorated with flags. It looks fun.
Ed makes sure to have a scowl on his face when they board. He's Blackbeard and Blackbeard doesn't like brightly coloured outfits or flags as decoration, pfsh, of course not.
He leaves Izzy with the boat's first mate - Chief Pete, as they called it, another weird, fascinating thing - and he goes to find the man himself.
Ed finds him in an office, an old man with long white hair and, dammit, a lush and impressive white beard, longer than Ed's, definitely better-maintained, so pristine.
Ed wants to rub his face against it. Rub his beard against it.
"This is a raid," Ed announces.
Sinterklaas looks up. He's wearing a red robe over his white shirt. "Oh, Edward Teach!"
Ed blinks. "It's Blackbeard."
Sinterklaas consults the book in front of him. "Hmm, pretty sure it's Edward Teach." He raises an eyebrow as he looks at Ed again.
Ed feels... he feels chastised, and he raises his pistol. "This is a raid! Give me all your beard care supplies!"
Sinterklaas doesn't look concerned. "Is that really what you're here for? I mean, your beard is magnificent, so you clearly have good beard care supplies already."
"Yeah, well," Ed replies, grinning a little at the compliment, "maybe I want more beard care supplies. From a guy who clearly knows what he's doing with his own beard."
Sinterklaas strokes his beard with a gloved hand. "Oh, thank you." He winks at Ed. "That's always lovely to hear from a beard expert."
Ed shifts on his feet. This raid isn't going like he planned, but he's not complaining. "Uh, yeah, of course I'm a beard expert." He strokes his beard with his free hand.
"I don't suppose..." Sinterklaas trails off, eyes on Ed's beard. "I don't suppose you'd mind coming closer so I can take a better look? None of my Petes can grow a beard as fine as yours."
Ed tucks his pistol away and saunters over, and maybe he sways his hips a little. He puts his hands on Sinterklaas's desk and leans closer to loom over him. "You wanna appreciate my beard, hm?"
Sinterklaas pushes his chair back and pats his lap. "How about you sit here? That's traditional when people visit me."
Ed eyes the lap, then meets Sinterklaas's eyes. "Interesting tradition. What other traditions do you have?"
Sinterklaas smiles, a twinkle in his eye. "Well, Edward, that depends on whether you've been naughty... or nice..."
Ed grins and drops into Sinterklaas's lap. "I'm Blackbeard," he purrs into the old man's ear. "I'm naughty and nice."
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smelt-starverse · 1 year
wrote a bit of Sashannarcy content with their pre-Amphibia dynamic in mind so… fair warning, this one’s going to get a bit heavy. If there’s any warning tags that I missed, feel free to send them to me so I can add them.
I promise the next snippet I post will be MUCH more light-hearted.
Text transcript after the cut.
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“Anne?” Marcy asked. Her voice quivered, almost struggling to cut its way through the wind in front of it… as if Anne could tell the difference.
“Hm?” Anne perked up, her ears telling her that Marcy was asking something. She didn’t turn away from her magazine, but did pause.
“Is it…” Marcy said, the struggle to force out the words having somehow intensified after breaking the ice. “…is it possible to be inseparable from someone, even when you’re apart?”
Anne paused for a moment. “…no? Like, just use a different word at that point?”
“Pfsh. Duh!” Sasha chimed in, walking up behind them. “You know, Marmar, for someone who’s close to the top of English class, you sure seem to forget what words mean sometimes…”
Marcy looked down and squirmed in her seat. A part of her wanted to shrivel up and die on the spot, to not have to deal with the future at all. The pit in her stomach grew and the corners of her eyes began to water, but she was able to hold back. Maybe they were just distracted. She’d ask again later. If only they had more time…
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angel-of-the-moons · 11 months
ive been seeing fics/hcs abt prowler versions of other characters, like hobie for example.. so... what would prowler pavi be like? idrm if its just hcs <3
I hope I can do these lil tidbits justice!
Prowler!Pavitr HCs
A/N: Believe it or not I know very little about the Prowlers from the movies. (I still haven't seen either film because I've been too busy to sit down and genuinely enjoy them between taking care of my nephew and going with my dad to his doctor's appointments! My knowledge consists of what I've seen in shorts on YouTube and TikTok)
And of course the thirsty fanfics asdfghjkl
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• First of all... Prowler? Pfsh. Pavitr is far more creative than that! Why not call him the Tiger? The Shadow of Mumbattan? Something cool! But no, it all gets dictated by the press, apparently. And they all agreed that "Prowler" was the best choice...
• By day, Pavitr was the sweet ray of sunshine that did whatever he could to support his Aunty Maya after his uncle was so callously murdered.
• At night...
• As time went on, the killer of his beloved uncle was never caught, and the desire for justice consumed him; ate at his gut like a cancer.
• So he adopted his "Prowler" persona. He used his smarts to create tech, to make a suit. And he took to the streets. He was far from a goody-two-shoes hero that people fantasized about.
• When he fought, he fought tooth and nail, and it often got bloody. He's never killed anyone, but his ultimate goal is to find the man that took his uncle away from him.
• When he found him? Oh, he was relentless. The hunt lasted days, a bit of a cat and mouse game, just to terrify the man. He deserved it, for what he did. But all games end at some point.
• It didn't end well, for the killer. He beat him within an inch of his life, and dumped him in the gutter where he killed his uncle.
• Sometimes, the things he did haunted him. Did he go too far? What if he gave that person lifelong injuries that would inhibit them forever?
• He'd shake the thoughts away as he typed on his computer, hacking into various "dirty" companies and siphoning funds for him to help support his Aunty, the one person in his life that showed unconditional love after his uncle's passing.
• Sure, he had a day job. But running deliveries or writing crappy articles could only do so much in terms of fattening the wallet and keeping a roof over your head.
• Besides... He was merely reallocating the funds to those who needed it more. These companies were the evil ones, not him! They were stealing money and ripping off innocent people!
• No, no... He wasn't a bad guy. He wasn't. He had morals. Good ones.
• Protect the little guys. Protect. Even if it meant getting blood on your hands.
• He was a bit of an anti-hero, sure...
• But he always did what he had to do, to protect those that he felt needed it most. Even if the press painted him as a villain.
• He will not stand by while people suffer.
• He will not go down quietly.
• He was Pavitr Prabhakar. The Prowler of Mumbattan.
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ddejavvu · 2 years
hi hello, mei!!! happy monday 💟 maybe some coffee shop au with ms jennifer jareau where she’s a regular (pfsh not because she wants to see you too) <33
today is multiverse monday! send me any au you can think of :)
"-And a blueberry muffin?" You finished Jennifer's order for her, watching as a surprised smile crept over her face, red rushing to her cheeks.
"Yeah, um, do I come here that often?"
"I'm starting to think you're obsessed with me." You joke, though your cocky façade sputters when she bites her lip softly, eyes twinkling. It sends butterflies through your stomach, wings flapping relentlessly against your insides.
"You're the one who remembered me order," She mused, "Are you sure it's me you have to be worried about?"
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ladybugkisses · 3 years
i wanna know about ur sona's relationships :eyes:
(Part 1)
honestly we just have an overall good casual friendship i think
i’m probably a version of alastor he can actually like and it helps i don’t try to make his afterlife harder lmaooo
i... .. . really like the idea that alastor and husk knew each other when alive. .. ...so i’m adopting that headcanon for the time being gdsgsnkgs
tHAT BEING SAID maybe my sona would know husk before she died too, Because Of Alastor, but they weren’t like. great or close friends at the time
that didn’t stop her from going crazy when they reunited tho- she was just happy to see another familiar face after so long!! !
he appreciates me “keeping alastor on a fukcing leash” as much as one possibly can anyway
Charlie + Vaggie + Angel
i don’t have much on these three because my sona would only be meeting them at the time of the pilot, but i have some general ideas i guess
i feel like charlie would blindly trust her, thinking she’s not that bad? actually she’s not bad at all. what the heck is she in hell for
and in a way she’s kinda correct because my sona has no interest in ruining what charlie’s trying to accomplish
something i forgot to mention in this >post< is that my sona sorta believes in redemption, so that oughta get charlie all starry-eyed lmao
it’s more of a “sure, why not” kinda thing though. i mean if you can “fall down” why can’t you “rise up”. but it’s definitely not for everyone and she won’t even entertain the idea it might be for her
vAGGIE ON THE OTHER HAND... .. . would not trust my sona at all i think. i mean she’s good friends with the radio demon?? ? AND works for the neøn demon? AND YET she doesn’t seem All Bad?? VERY SUSPICIOUS
and i’m sorry when i say this because i love vaggie but i just know i’d also love to mess with her. not in the ways alastor or angel do it, but still
meanwhile i feel like my sona and angel could become good friends but it’s in a “are we friends? when did we even become friends. i didn’t notice” type of way gdskngds
just lots of accidental bonding while trying to keep shti casual :^/ next thing you know we’re caring about each other or something lame like that. pfsh
that’s all i can think of at the moment, and it should be enough for now considering i had to split it gdsGDKGS
if y’all wanna know more/anything specific feel free to ask! ✨
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skittlemxauthor · 7 years
I can't tell if it actually hurts or I'm just being a baby
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iris-writes-things · 5 years
Two Guys and a Baby: Day 8
Read on AO3, FF.net or under the cut, or read up to 2 chapters ahead as a $1 Patreon patron!
“Actually, it’s more about something I’ve been meaning to ask you,” Anthony said as he scratched behind his ear. A realization dawned on Ezra. His breath caught in his throat. This was it.
Or, Crowley pops a question.
Chapter 11 of 20 Ongoing 2073 words Romance/Humor
It was dark in the bookshop. Ezra’s best guess was that it was past midnight. The only light in the shop came from a flickering lamp post outside, even the lights behind the signs of the other shops in the street were out.
But nevertheless, he was down in his shop, alone, with Anthony, backed against the counter by the other man. He wasn’t sure how they got here, but couldn’t bring himself to care when he found one of Anthony’s hands on his hip, the fingers of his other hand digging into the back of his vest, clinging on for dear life, and Anthony’s lips firmly planted on his own. 
They started slowly and gently, he was sure he remembered, but they were well past that now. Anthony pulled back and gasped, his face red from breathlessness and other things, but soon those lips were back at his jaw, his neck, his collarbone, and ventured vaguely downwards. The other hand, withdrawn from the back of Ezra’s vest, found purchase at his other hip, jerked him forward and—
He woke up.
A groan of frustration and disgust escaped him as he sat up. This hadn’t happened to him in, what, twenty-five years? He hated it now just as much as he hated it back then.
Light filtered through his drawn curtains and a quick glance at his alarm clock told him it was almost half past six in the morning. He sighed and decided it was probably for the best to just get up and start his day. With a cold shower.
The memory of his dream wouldn’t let him go. 
Ezra rubbed through his eyes as he wrote his dream down in his journal, sitting at his desk in the small apartment over the shop. Onto the page and out of his mind, he always said. Really, he should probably be revising the first draft of his book, but on the other hand, perhaps if he wrote this first, he wouldn’t be haunted by Anthony’s lips anymore. 
He wondered vaguely what it would feel like if, when it really happened. Would he be sure of himself? Experienced? Or would he perhaps be just as much of a nervous mess as Ezra? The idea was mildly reassuring, but with the way he looked, the way he moved, Ezra found this extremely unlikely.
The fact of the matter was that Crowley was a nervous mess. It was eleven in the morning by the time Crowley found himself pacing around on the pavement in front of the door to Ezra’s shop. Five past eleven… Ten past eleven...
It was ridiculous to the point that even Adam looked at Crowley weird. Crowley frowned. “Geez, no need to be judgy. You ask him out if you’re so good at it,” he murmured to the baby. “No, wait, never mind. If you asked out Ezra, of course he would say yes. Just look at you, you’re irresistible.”
An old lady looked at him in a way that oozed suspicion and Crowley snapped.
“What?! Never seen a nervous wreck before?! Oh, fuck it,” he said with a sigh, raised his hand to the door. A quick glance through the window had already told him that Ezra wasn’t downstairs, but a quick glance next to the door suggested to him that the man had never gotten a doorbell installed. And so, he resorted to knocking.
Ezra’s gaze snapped up from his journal when he heard shouting through the paper-thin walls of his building.
“What?! Never seen a nervous wreck before?!”
He looked back down at the notebook and found that he’d filled pages upon pages with his thoughts. Oh dear. Maybe this was worse than he thought. What time was it, even? He glanced at the clock. A quarter past eleven?! He was supposed to have opened the shop over an hour ago! Knocking sounded at the door as rushing feet stumbled down the creaking steps of the stairs. He was out of breath by the time he made it to the door and unlocked it, giving Anthony a nervous smile through the window.
“Sorry I took so long,” he stammered. “Lost track of time.”
Anthony took off his sunglasses and raised an eyebrow. “That’s unlike you… Are you alright? You look like you’re burning up.” Anthony raised a hand to lay on Ezra’s forehead, but Ezra ducked out of the way.
“N-no, I’m fine, thank you. Oh! Please, do come in,” he said as he moved aside for Anthony and Adam. He came so close. Almost as close as in his dream. Except he could smell him now. His shampoo, his cologne, the distinct lack of tobacco was new, so Ezra committed it to memory. It was different. A good different.
He smiled nervously as he stepped into the shop. All pearly white and dazzling bright, but what was he nervous for? Ezra heard him shouting so just now, but he’d missed the context. Perhaps, if he wasn’t so focused on his writing, he would have known.
“Speaking of which, are you alright?” Ezra asked. “I heard you shouting just now. What are you nervous about?” ‘I hope you weren’t nervous about coming here,’ Ezra added mentally.
“What? Pfsh, of course not. Why would I be nervous? No, no, it’s… something else.” Anthony’s eyes guiltily darted around in that way he always did when he thought of an excuse. Ezra had forgotten all about it, but he’d gotten well reacquainted with his eccentricities over the last week. 
The last week, Ezra realized.
In seven days, Anthony’s boss would come back from her vacation and life would go back to normal. There would be no more Adam and no more excuses to ‘hang out’ with Anthony. Save for perhaps that one dinner at the Ritz, but they spoke of that many times in the past, and then it never came to fruition. 
“Actually, it’s more about something I’ve been meaning to ask you,” Anthony said as he scratched behind his ear.
A realization dawned on Ezra. His breath caught in his throat.
This was it.
This was it. 
All he had to do was ask this god damned question. All he had to do was speak, find out whether Ezra loved him back or not and start a new chapter of his life, with or without him. It was just a stupid question, but Crowley felt like he was having a heart attack instead. 
He tried to keep his cool outwardly, at least, but the look in Ezra’s eyes and the reflection in his glasses told Crowley that his body was betraying him.
“I… Would you… I mean, if you’d be so inclined…” Crowley stammered.
Ezra stared up at him with a bright-eyed intensity that he’d rarely felt before. If anything, it made him more nervous. By now, he wasn't even sure he was breathing anymore. Every fibre in his body was screaming at him to abort.
"Help me write a letter of resignation?"
So he did. 
Ezra tried not to scream in frustration. He really did, but he couldn't stop a small sound of dejection from escaping. Anthony was trying, he could tell, but his self-sabotaging ways were beginning to wear on Ezra's patience. Nevertheless, he took a deep breath and decided to work with what he was given.
“You’re quitting your job? Why? How come?” Ezra asked as he took Anthony by his upper arms and sat him down in his usual seat. “Wait, hold that thought. I’ll make us each a hot cup of cocoa. That’ll calm you right down.” And with that, he hurried off to the kitchenette.
Crowley was grateful by the time Ezra returned with their cocoa. He took the steaming mug into his cold hands and took a careful sip. Adam, from his perch on the floor, looked up at the sweet concoction, stood up and pulled on Crowley’s jacket. “Adam, no, it’s too hot for you. I’ll save the last bit for you when it cools down, okay?” And as if he somehow understood, Adam waddled off into the shop. “Thank you. It’s great.”
“It’s no problem at all,” Ezra smiled, leaning on the display table opposite the window seat. “So, what’s this about resigning?”
Crowley looked down, eyes fixed firmly on the floor. His fingernails tapped nervously against the still hot ceramic mug — it had a quirky book quote on it that Crowley didn’t recognize, as most of Ezra’s mugs did — and he sighed in exasperation. “It’s just…” He paused, trying to arrange the words in his head in a way that would make sense when he spoke them aloud. He sighed again for good measure. “They were right, angel, everyone said I would regret getting that job and I did. And it’s not so much that I’m bored out of my mind half the time. No, it’s because I’m dealing with the most insufferable people on the planet on a daily basis. It’s that every time I set foot in the studio, Hastings and Liggett have new insults to throw at my head, not to mention Dygon in accounting. It’s demeaning and I hate it.” He bit on his lip, eyes darting around the shop, but always careful to avoid Ezra. “It’s just, being out of the office and hanging out with you, it reminded me how good life was when I didn’t dedicate it to people I hated, but to people I loved instead.”
Ezra took a slow, shuddering breath. The look with which Anthony gazed up at him did things to his heart even he couldn’t begin to describe, much less the Useless Lesbian™ narrator of this story. Nevertheless, words left his mouth.
“Well... I think that’s a very healthy decision of you to make,” he said softly. A nervous chuckle escaped him. “Though I rather hope I belong to the latter category.”
He looked down, fidgeting with his fingers. He didn’t dare look at Anthony, so he didn’t notice how his face settled into a deep frown.
“Are you kidding me?” Crowley very nearly snapped. “Ezra…”
Ezra’s gaze nervously wandered back to Crowley.
‘You’re the love of my life,’ he really wanted to say.
“You’re my best friend. Of course you do,” he said instead, taking Ezra’s free hand in his and squeezing reassuringly.
“Well, that’s alright then,” Ezra said, visibly relaxing. “So, this letter of resignation, what do you want it to say?”
“Something like, ‘everyone in this office can go fuck themselves, except for you Lucy, you were the only tolerable part of this job.’ Except still sounding somewhat professional.”
A mischievous glint appeared in Ezra’s eyes that Crowley hadn’t seen in years. “I think that can be arranged.”
XX March, 20XX
Dear Sir,
Hereby I submit my resignation from my position as assistant to miss Lucy Ferguson.
I sincerely thank you for employing me over the last few years, but due to circumstances in the office I can no longer fulfill my tasks with the same optimism with which I used to, and have decided to focus on my craft instead.
My final day of employment will be two weeks from now.
Unfortunately, due to pre-established activities by miss Ferguson herself, I will not be available to assist during this time of transition.
In case of an absolute emergency, miss Ferguson will know where to find me.
Anthony James Crowley
“Hmmm…” Ezra hummed as he peered at his beige computer screen. It was eight PM. The two of them had settled in the dark back room of Ezra’s shop where Adam slept on the worn velvet sofa. “It’s not quite where I want it to be, but could you take a look anyway?”
The office chair creaked under the weight of Anthony’s hands on the backrest as the man leaned over Ezra and peered over his shoulder. He smiled like a snake.
“Ezra, you beautiful bastard, I could kiss you right now!” he said in his enthusiasm. He blushed and looked away.
‘Then why don’t you?’ Ezra wanted to ask.
“Well then, let’s print it out, then you can deliver it on Monday,” he said instead. Perforated paper was fed through a beige printer.
“Could you come with me?” Anthony asked. Eyes pleading. “I don’t trust myself not to chicken out halfway through.”
Ezra saw more truth in his eyes than the man would ever admit.
“Of course,” he smiled.
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interstellix · 5 years
naww that's relatable😔ohh I actually never liked the mafia theme but I'll go check it out maybe it'll change my mind :D I still have so many animes friends recommended to me but due to uni I never find time to watch them🤧 and I wish I had your motivation for my own room, because I've wanted to decorate it differently for a while now🥺🥺also I gotta organize all of my merch :') -🌙 1/2
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oooh if you ever feel like checking it out, then i recommend bungou stray dogs haha!! it’s among my absolute favorite bcs it’s not only guns and shit but also a v v beautiful story to it c: that said, take your time checking it out haha, that kind of lack of time is just absolutely awful fjdkjfk. oooh decorating is always the best part :( i hope you’ll get there soon!!
tbh i don’t even really remember how yesterday was lol but today has been a mess?? i’ve spent... like... half of the day watching/listening to videos and radio shows with the two japanese voice actors for the main characters in kh, it was absolutely ridiculous; they’re 31 and 35 years old but act like 11 but they’re also childhood friends just like the main characters!!! :’( so it’s always funny and cute stuff uwu
oooon the other hand, i started working on a new diy project today and i got?? so frustrated?? bc nothing, literally nothing went my way?? and one of my best friends has been acting up a bit lately and it just became too much today hhhh. on top of that, i’m the idiot type of person who cries when i’m frustrated, i don’t even have to be sad or smth lmao so yeah i’ve been?? kinda tired .-. all that said, i had a bit too much left-over paint, i gotta say i’m impressed by my own efforts considering i did it with folded paper and toothpicks but yeah i went and took a pair of perfectly white fine new socks and just–
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i did give up halfway through the flowers tho and it really shows pfsh 
aaaaanyway. how about you? how’re you doing today? c:
also, i’m really sorry to hear that.  chronical illnesses absolute suck, literally everything about it all. i’m glad you’re doing better though, and even more so to know that you’re trying and doing your best. it’s not as easy as it sounds and definitely - and i mean definitely - takes a lot of effort, energy and motivation so you should really be proud of yourself!! good luck with what’s remaining love, i hope all goes well  💛💛
lastly don’t be. it hurts sure but. i mean. i eat it anyway just like every other food i suffer from lmao 🤠
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sysig · 1 year
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Quest Complete! (Patreon)
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kippentrash · 6 years
THE MARATHON IS GONNA HAPPEN AND AS SOMEONE WHO RAN ONE BUFFY IS NOT READY AND I'M NOT READY TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS. Dehydration and fatigue are super common and you can get injured so crossing my fingers that she'll be okay! I missed them way too much. His voice when she falls "BUFFY" SO CONCERNED GOD. I want them to be happy because they give so much happines! Oh and the last episode had me sobbing for 5 minutes, but other than that I'm doing well! Petting my cat rn. How about you? -ghostie anon
Oh my god when Buffy said she’s going to run a marathon by going in headfirst without buildup was just– sweetie no that’s not how this works I love you but even you won’t be able to handle this. Marty worrying for her getting hurt was justified and evident from her nearly FAINTING IN THE PROMO BUFFY I LOVE YOU BUT NO–
Marty’s concern for her in both of the scenes they share together in the promo really got my Muffy loving self-thriving, even though it did mean something not good was going on for Buffy. Glad he’s there to make sure she doesn’t totally mess herself up ;w;
On top of that this episode they specifically mention that Marty’s been running a lot of long distance lately, meaning it was something different compared to when they did talk meaning Buffy isn’t normally a long distance runner so… Buffy I know I can’t change what’s gonna happen at this point but why you competitive competitive child LKSJDALDJ
Is episode 14 also the episode where Rachel’s supposed to come in? Or is it possible it got moved around due to the whole editting necessities? Actually, that would probably stay wherever it is since it would both fill more time and not have anything to do with you know who anyway so. Maybe she sees his concern for her or something like that. Also does Rachel run in the marathon with them, since this episode also sort of teased that Marty and his girlfriend might both run long distance? Idk I really want to know where and how Rachel plays into all of this…
I just want Muffy to be happy man, whether it be strictly platonically or romantically or whatever because their dynamic is definitely one of my favs and have I meNTIONED HOW HAPPY I AM THAT THEY’RE BACK??? I have no clue the extent of their scenes when the show returns but no matter what it is I’m happy we’re finally getting more scenes with them again.
And same at last episode wrecking me ohhhh my god nothing went right and I LOVED every minute of it. It was really well done in my opinion, you could feel the PAIN. Except for the fact that we have a hiatus afterwards that is so painful dear gods. But I’m a sucker for angst with a happy ending, and the buildup of so much bad things going on just piling up on one another means that there’s going to be quite some satisfying euphoria inducing events to fix them all hopefully pretty soon and in probably(?) a fairly clustered amount of time so I’m HERE FOR IT. The best feeling of hope comes after the most despair after all. It’s a cycle, now it’s just extreme suffering until the tidal wave of relief comes.
I’ve mentioned it before but do hate that there’s practically no way the Tyrus angst will be solved next episode though since TJ’s not in it ;-; and that there’s no way to tell how much it gets brought up next episode. I feel like it’s even more monumental than the gun fiasco in terms of the way it’ll effect both TJ and Cyrus, so knowing it’s getting drawn out better mean it at least gets mentioned next episode, because let’s be real even though a gun is technically a bigger issue this is SPECIFICALLY emotionally driven conflict and as a middleschooler that’s going to eat away at them more than fighting over something that doesn’t necessarily have something to do with their actual relationship if that makes sense. Hey, maybe after looking at relationship issues of Buffy and Andi in the past they finally look at a relationship issue with Cyrus not pertaining to the GHC, but considering there’s already Bexie wedding drama filling Andi’s mind I doubt it ;-;
Wow I went on a Tyrus tangent we were talking about Muffy I’m sorry DKASJDASLKJ But both Muffy and Tyrus outsold last ep, Muffy for the fluff and Tyrus for the angst and I’m HERE FOR IT
Also ooo you have a cat? What breed? And how old? :3 I got a doggo but my brothers usually play with her more than I do, I ain’t got energy for that. I just pet her and hug her n stuff mostly oop. Just woke up from a 4-5 hour nap so :P ((Pfsh me? LAZY? Maybe so.))
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exyjunkies · 6 years
hey I was wondering if you could do 51+jerejean from the list please? I absolutely adore your writing
hi wow thank you!! here you goooo
(p.s. this isn’t set in the Exy-verse)
fic meme 1-100: jerejean + 51. “What the hell are you wearing?”
send me a pairing (preferably from aftg/trc, but you can send me anything) and a number and i’ll write you a drabble (1-50) (51-100)
It started out as a day like any other - Jean would come to work, sit at his workspace (yes, he did refuse to call it his ‘desk’ - he wasn’t some unoriginal, boring person), and, with the rest of Palmetto Creative Solutions Group, do what they did best: create.
Now, Jean was poring over this latest offer, from some restaurant down on 5th. They wanted a promotional campaign for their latest revamp attempt - seeing as how they weren’t doing very well to begin with, Jean silently weighed the pros and cons of saying yes to this.
“Working hard, I see.”
“Yes, Jeremy, go away.”
“You’re not usually this rude.”
“Well. Today I am,” Jean shifted in his office chair, flipping to the next page of the proposal. Never mind the fact that he did find Jeremy cute. Work never waited for anyone. And he was definitely not the type to put work on hold to ogle at some man.
Three years in, he still was very amazed at the audacity of some of their potential clients to belittle their work, however subtly.
A month’s worth of certificates? For sure, you assholes can offer us something better.
Jeremy put his hands on Jean’s desk. “I just wanted to ask your opinion.”
“Yes, you’re being unbearable.”
He heard Jeremy sigh. “Look up for some context, maybe?”
Rolling his eyes, Jean set the proposal aside, and looked up.
And, well, he had to interlace his fingers and put up his elbows on his table to steady himself. He tried his best to not let his amusement show.
“I–” Jeremy put both his arms up, gesturing to his entire ensemble. He grinned.
Well, ‘ensemble’ was one way to put it. Jean, at the moment, was currently finding the right word that would fit.
“What do you think?” Jeremy twirled, allowing a bit of a laugh to escape from Jean’s mouth. “Hey. It’s not that bad.”
“What the hell are you wearing?” Jean asked, standing up and going around his desk to face Jeremy completely.
For Jeremy was wearing the most ridiculous dog onesie Jean had ever seen. Jeremy had his tongue lolling out, and he was panting and tilting his head a little to emulate a dog. It was a beagle, with big brown eyes, a bright blue collar, and a white underbelly.
Well. On Jeremy, it really was just a belly.
“Allison said it would be a nice execution for some stunt we need to pull for the local dog shelter,” Jeremy replied, mimicking the way a dog would excitedly lift his paws up. “Apparently they need to look less of a threat and more of… something that would actually benefit the community.”
“You look like you’re going to a children’s party,” Jean remarked, petting Jeremy’s head. He scratched him behind the ears. He tried to ignore the way Jeremy leaned a bit into the touch. 
“Glad to see at least one person here acknowledges I’m cute enough for children to look at,” Jeremy replied, putting up more of his hood.
“Hah. Children would ambush you and you wouldn’t be able to leave the party unscathed.”
“It wouldn’t be so bad. I like kids.”
Making a not bad face, Jean went back behind his table and sat back down. Crossing his arms, he said, “Kidding aside, you look absolutely ridiculous.”
Jeremy leaned forward to look Jean more in the eye, and then he said, “Well, I probably don’t look that bad to you, since everyone else here barely batted an eye and you were the only one who was overly critical.”
“W-well, I mean,” Jean stammered, and Jeremy smiled playfully.
“…pfsh. It’s for the art, Knox.”
Jeremy stood up straight and laughed. Lifting a paw up, he said, “Whatever. I’m going to go be a mascot for a few hours. Text me if anyone here’s buying drinks later tonight.”
And then Jeremy was off, leaving Jean very much flustered, and even more so lost in whatever he was doing. Exhaling shakily, he signed a red-inked ‘rejected’ over the printed proposal he was looking at earlier, and began to look at the next one. 
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kiwi-cake · 6 years
Arranged part 4
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Warnings: none
A/N: It’s finally time for some fluff babes! This is probably my favorite part in the whole series because it’s just so wholesome (but I promise we will get into some less wholesome content in a few parts so stay tuned loll)
“I’ll trade you,” Y/N said to Luke as he looked down unhappily at his morning grapefruit. He looked over at her pear and grinned. However, his mother wasn’t so happy about the idea and she gave him a disapproving look from across the breakfast table.
“If you’re going to drown your liver in alcohol you at least need to eat good antioxidants for breakfast, Luke,” said his mother. He rolls his eyes and Y/N snickers.
“Y/N and I have a meeting,” he said to the rest of the table, which consisted of his family and other guests of the palace. He grabbed her hand and pulled her out of her chair. Luke closed the door behind them and took a deep breath.
“What has you in such a mood? Don’t like it when Mummy tells you to eat your fruits and vegetables,” she teases, walking backwards to face him. Their relationship had improved a lot since the incident. They both made an effort to be nice and, surprisingly enough, they actually had a lot in common. She learned that when his clever comebacks weren’t being used against her, he was actually hilarious.
“I’m twenty years old, my mother shouldn’t be telling me what to have for breakfast… hey didn’t the doctor say you weren’t to do anything too strenuous on your ankle for a few more weeks?” he asked, placing his hands on her shoulders and turning her the right way around.
“Pfsh, I could walk backwards in my sleep, Hemmings. In fact, if there were a sport dedicated solely walking backwards I’d-- hEY!” she huffed as he walked far too quickly for her to keep up with, even if she had two good legs.
“I can’t keep up with your stupid tree-person legs, slow down,” she said. That’s one thing she still couldn’t stand about him. He was annoyingly way taller than her.
“C’mon then limpy, hop on,” he huffed, bending down for her to get on his back. She giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck once he stood back up again. Things were easy with them, so easy that she was angry at herself for making things so difficult those first few months. If they had just gotten over their initial mutual distaste for being married, then they could’ve saved themselves a lot of fights. They were actually pretty good friends after just a few weeks, considering they were the only two young people in the palace and they had a lot of down time together.
The queen had suggested they sit in on official meetings about the country’s well being and other important royal matters. She insisted it was only because they would need to know how to do these things one day, when they rule, but Y/N knew that day would come sooner rather than later. The king’s health was obviously declining, even if no one, especially Luke was willing to admit it. The first few meetings they tried to listen, they really did, but the royal advisory board refused to hear any of their solutions to issues, so they ended up just sitting quietly in the room for hours each day.
Today was no different, except for one thing, the sun was out. This rarely happened in this country, and Y/N was anxious to get out of the stuffy room and lay out in the sunshine. However, she didn’t like to go anywhere alone these days. After what happened, she didn’t leave her room unless she was accompanied by one of her ladies in waiting or Luke. It had been rough for her to feel safe anywhere, but this helped a bit. It did, however, usually put a damper in her plans. Her ladies were all older women and when they weren’t gossiping, they were scolding her for not being more ladylike. She looked over at her ticket outside. He was sitting in the chair next to her, softly snoring. His hair was flopped over his face, somewhat covering the fact that he was asleep. She poked his cheek a few times in an attempt to wake him, admiring his dimples.
“What?” he groans quietly at her, eyes still closed.
“Let’s go outside!” he opened his eyes then and rubbed his face, trying to wake up.
“No, I’m tired, you go ahead,” he said, settling back into his chair. She gave him a look that probably resembled a puppy who’s just been kicked. He hesitated for a moment then agreed.
“Alright, let’s go then,” he sighed, then announced to the room, “Y/N is feeling ill, I’m taking her back to our room.” Y/N gave them a very convincing sickly smile and wobbled her way out of the room, Luke following closely behind her.
The grass was still damp from yesterday’s rain, but that didn’t stop Y/N from laying down in the soft spring flowers and soaking up as much sunlight as she could. Luke sat above her, leaning back on his hands. He had his eyes closed and the most peaceful expression was painted across his face.
“We should do this more often,” she sighed contently.
“I’ll make sure to put in a good word for you next time I speak to mother nature,” he quipped.
“That attitude is the reason it took me so long to not hate you, Lucas,” she said, placing the flower crown she had been working on for the past half hour on his head. She giggled at how soft his hair was and the expression on his face as she rearranged his curls to frame his face.
“It’s also the reason you love me soooo much now,” he joked.
“You’re not wrong, but my ego won’t allow me to admit you’re right either,” she said. They had unintentionally leaned in closer to each other through their banter, and she was suddenly very distracted with the reflection of the swaying trees behind them in his blue eyes. He reached up to tuck some of her windswept hair behind her ear, and her gaze moved from his eyes to his lips. Her head was spinning a mile a minute. She wasn’t sure what was happening, or even if she wanted it to happen. They were just friends. Sure, they were married, but that didn’t mean she wanted to kiss him. Did she? As she watched his tongue poke out to wet his pink lips she wasn’t so sure anymore.
A rustling in the grass behind them pulled her out of her crisis, and they both turned to see what it was. Luke dropped his hand from her hair as a tall figure approached them.
“Y/N?” he said.
Request for part 5 // feedback is always welcome
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splattales · 6 years
“So you’ve been taking back Zapfish from every zone here, like you used to in Octo Valley?”
“Yeah. They get stolen back again sometimes, but we try to replace them with a substitute… it’s not the same, and they’re weaker, but it’s better than nothing.”
Marina stares over the edge of Octo Canyon, barely processing what Finn is saying. She still wasn’t sure how to feel about his Agent work-- after all, it was her home he was fighting against. That said, there were alternatives to theft the underground should’ve been working on – Deepsea and Wetside, for example, took advantage of the water surrounding them and used it to generate electricity. The Canyon and the Valley could always try something inventive and they might have less of a power crisis…heck, they could even start making cutbacks on all the electricity guzzled by the machines down there. But Emperor Octavio…he’d just gone right back to taking the Great Zapfish, hadn’t he? Did he really and truly believe it was his by right?
“You’re fighting the Octoshower next?” she asks, changing the direction of the topic.
“Oh, uh, yep. I’m a little scared to be honest,” Finn sighs heavily, tossing breadcrumbs from a sandwich he was holding at a nearby gathering of sparrows.
“Hah! You should be, you’re gonna come back soaked to your boots in enemy ink,” Marina smiles, but then considers this a moment, “you know, not all the Octoweapons were supposed to be active. They’re war machines. More have been brought back online as ‘Zone Guardians’ but… doesn’t that seem suspicious to you?”
The Inkling shudders at this suggestion.
“Yes, very. Three years ago, that slimy old—er, I mean, that noble DJ told Molly and I that he was going to start another war to take back the surface. It wouldn’t surprise me if he was gonna use the Octoweapons for that purpose. But you told me he never mentioned that to Mrs. Salt or her council friends or anything?”
“Mmmnnnope. Well, if he did, it was quickly shut down. Most of us don’t like Inklings very much down there, but the Squid Sisters changed a lot of people’s perspectives about co-existence. A war is the last thing anyone wants—and if we lost again, there’s a heavy price to pay. It’s worrying, but those cries for war might just have been the ramblings of a crazy old man,” the Octoling pauses to take a bite out of her own sandwich, spending a few moments in silence. “Anyway, I don’t think that’ll be a problem anymore. Something about Octavio has changed, but since he’s closed himself off to the public, I’m not sure what it is. Maybe you’ll find out when you fight him again. If he really has squidnapped Callie for a concert, that’ll just further increase the popularity of you squids, you know? It doesn’t add up.”
“It doesn’t,” Finn agrees, letting out another sigh. He cautiously sneaks a glance at Marie to see how she’s dealing with the fact that he’d brought an Octarian friend to their watchsite, but she’s facing the other way. Obviously not worried about it at all, then…
Little did Finn know, Marie was busy confronting another cephalopod that’d slipped their way through the grate…
“Agent 3, I’m not blind. I saw you sneak behind the cabin.”
“Do me a favour and don’t tell the others…! I wasn’t…I wasn’t expecting Marina to be here, tch!”
Marie obscures the pink squid by standing in front of her, her open parasol blocking the other two’s line of sight should they decide to turn around.
“Did you come to apologise at last~? Finn told me you shoved him. That’s going to take at least thirty ‘sorrys’. Are you going to apologise to gramps too? He’s still waiting, you know. Told me he made you a cape.”
“Ugh! I didn’t realise I’d have to endure this kind of torment...” Molly shakes her head, “I guess I deserve it for being a jerk, though… I’m sorry.”
“Great! Now actually apologise to somebody you need to apologise to,” the idol smirks.
The Inkling seems to struggle with this concept—she still feels like there’s a heavy weight in her gut every time she even considers apologising. Not that she didn’t WANT to, it was the swallowing of pride, the admittance of being wrong; acknowledging she shouldn’t have acted the way she did... She knew there were better ways to talk out her problems with friends instead of shouting at them. Steadily, she nods at Marie, and begins to walk towards the unlikely duo…
…Marina turns to notice her before she even makes it halfway.
“It’s you…”
There’s a sneer behind those eyes, and it causes Molly’s anger to bubble up quickly. Not now, she has to focus, she came to say sorry to FINN…
“Molly? What’re you doing here??”
Naturally, he’s surprised to see her, but doesn’t seem as frightened after their run-in over splatfest.
“…a…apologise,” she manages to mumble, her shoulders hunched. Upon realising this sounds like a demand, she adds, “I came to do that.”
Marina raises an eyebrow knowingly, causing another needle of rage to shoot up Molly’s back. She barely holds it together as Finn furrows his brow in confusion. Staring at the ground, the small Inkling chokes out her apology.
“Finn, I’m sorry for shouting at you. I’m sorry for shoving you. I’m sorry for taking out my frustration on you and Cuttlefish. I’m sorry for being rude about your friend even though I still don’t like her,” she blurts, unable to continue.
“Pfsh, that’s not much of an apology if you ask me,” Marina quips snappishly.
Before anything further can be said, Molly dashes back the way she came, leaping through the grate to Inkopolis and hiding her face from view. Finn presses a hand against his forehead in frustration as Marina turns back to stare over the edge of the canyon’s abyss.
“I probably shouldn’t have said that, huh. …Sorry.”
“What am I going to do?! With either of you?!?”
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