#pharaoh's throne
fullrunawaysong · 1 year
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m3ab · 2 years
YouTube recommended me this absolute masterpiece here
Little Kuriboh's amazing song with a lovely skit, YouTube has never done a better job with recommending stuff
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poleensdose · 1 year
All I know is... Bakura IS Beyoncé.
Yes, this is YGOTAS related
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mtg-cards-hourly · 3 months
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Throne of the God-Pharaoh
"When the Second Sun rests between the horns on the horizon, so begins the Hour of Revelation. Then the Hour of Glory, the Hour of Promise, and finally the Hour of Eternity." —*The Accounting of Hours*
Artist: Titus Lunter TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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Golden Throne of King Tutankhamun.
Tutankhamun, commonly referred to as King Tut, was an ancient Egyptian pharaoh who was the last of his royal family to rule during the end of the 18th Dynasty during the New Kingdom of Egyptian history. His father is believed to be the pharaoh Akhenaten, and His mother is his father's sister, identified through DNA testing as an unknown mummy referred to as "The Younger Lady" who was found in KV35.
Tutankhamun was between eight and nine years of age when he ascended the throne and became pharaoh. He was buried in a tomb that was unusually small considering his status. There were 5,398 items found in the tomb, including a solid gold coffin, thrones, face mask, archery bows, sandals, trumpets, a lotus chalice, gold toe stalls, furniture, food, wine, and fresh linen underwear.
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aytonai · 2 months
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Pharaoh and Nova Sun
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chronophobica · 5 months
the entire plot of millennium world is 10x better if you headcanon that tkb and atem were secret boyfriends who got found out which results in kul elna
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lordsardine · 10 months
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oct0bra1ns · 8 months
Pairing: Yandere Mummy! Pharaoh x time traveler!reader Tw: manipulation, mentions of bringing harm to others , yanderes, notes:bro im so indecisive, i legit cannot decide on my banner also did you know i was obsessed with ancient egypt as a kid reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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Yandere Pharaoh! who almost ended you right then and there for awakening him from his slumber until he laid his eyes upon you. He never believed in prophecies' in his rule but when he saw you he was reminded how someone once prophesied that his reign would return upon being awakened by a saviour.
Yandere Pharaoh who immediately asks you for your hand in marriage and he wouldn't take no for an answer. He doesn't care if you brought him back just so you could find out about his past, you brought him back, you brought his reign back and for that he would spoil you.
Yandere Pharaoh who wastes no time in going to confront the current pharaoh, they were unfit to rule and they deserved no throne.
Yandere Pharaoh who immediately brings you to court and declares that he was to wed you. He takes no time in getting rid of anyone who tries to convince him to get a better spouse or wed someone who actually had influence.
Yandere Pharaoh who dismisses all the concubines because he wants no one else but you.
Yandere Pharaoh who never removes his wrappings in the court but stares at you lovingly as you rewrap them at night.
Yandere Pharaoh who gives you the finest of all materials.
Yandere Pharaoh whos' well aware you're not from his time but seeing as you give him good input to rule his kingdom, he doesn't mind. He won't hesitate to punish anyone who dare says anything against you for aiding him in his rule.
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suzumori521 · 1 year
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※ The following is all fiction.
🐕When Anubis usually looks so dignified and noble, but if you roll up some bandages and toss them, he gets all excited, chasing after them with joy, sliding and frolicking.
Along the way, Bastet swipes the bandages from him and gives him a good cat punch, leaving him to retreat with his tail between his legs.
He tends to hide things he doesn't want taken, like favorite toys or treats, in the Underworld, but he often forgets where he hid them. When he stumbles upon a forgotten toy in the Underworld, the Deceased urge him to throw it to them (and most of the time, the Deceased gladly catch it).
🐈‍⬛ While the Pharaoh briefly stood up from the throne, it looks like Bastet took the opportunity to claim the spot. The Pharaoh had no choice but to sit on a nearby small chair.
Bastet always comes to sleep on the Pharaoh's lap, at their feet, or on the desk. While thinking that it's a bit of a bother, the Pharaoh moves around to not disturb Bastet (but whenever they move, Bastet comes to another inconvenient spot).
🦅I'm imagining that Horus always sleeps in a place where Bastet can't come (maybe humans have created a safe spot with a special perch), and I'm mostly ignoring the relationships and power dynamics between gods in my portrayal.
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marigoldcanaries · 17 days
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Unfortunately, the short-term goal of 31K hasn't been achieved over the past couple of days despite many people liking, reblogging, and tagging the post. Plus the last donation has been made 3 DAYS AGO. So let's try again and aim for a more doable goal: 30K in 3 days!
29,477 CHF has been raised. There is only 523 CHF left to go! If we do the math, we need at least 104 people to donate a minimum of 5 CHF to achieve the amount!
Please keep in mind with the currency exchange at the same time. The fundraiser is set in Swiss Franc (CHF)!
$10 CAD = 6 CHF, give or take. $10 USD = 8 CHF, give or take. €10 = 9 CHF, give or take.
You can match me! I've given 5 CHF!
Let's help her extended family, as well! It would be ideal if they can evacuate Sudan with Eman! Their fundraiser also have a different currency. It is in Singaporean Dollars (SGD).
$10 CAD = $9 SGD, give or take. $10 USD = $13 SGD, give or take. €10 = $14 SGD, give or take.
You can match me! I've given $5 SGD!
I also encourage you to follow Eman (@emooz-8) to recieve the latest updates on her and her family. Do not forget to reblog and share! Spread her story far and wide! She needs all the help she can get!
Thank you!
Verification: #213 in the Spreadsheet.
FUN FACT: You might be wondering why there are pyramids in the banner? Egypt is not the only place that have them! Sudan has them, too! They are called Nubian Pyramids and they are built during the Kushite/Kush Empire. This is the same empire that has established the 25th Dynasty in Egypt where Black Pharaohs descend the throne and reign.
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enneadau · 1 month
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Chibi Pharaoh, whose chosen throne name was Atem, but whose birth name was Sakhmet (discovered in Ennead: Truth) by @zackpyosr
Thank you so much! She is adorable!!!!
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ashprince-of-bel-air · 2 months
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AN: So i'm hoping to make this a 2 part story if people like this, i'm basing it on a post I saw saying that Geta would treat Y/N like the pharaoh in The Mummy and paint them so nobody else could touch them. This is also my first time writing a fic because I was desperate for more Geta content so any constructive criticism would be nice!
Part Two
Geta had always been possessive and selfish, that had been clear throughout his entire life. He detested sharing anything with his brother, Caracalla as they grew up together, whether it was toys, food or even just any basic attention. He despised the fact that he had to share the role of Emperor with him, never feeling that he was fully in control at any given moment, knowing he had to acquiesce some of his power to him. All of his resentment he kept boiling away inside of him, using it to advantage when he needed to intimidate his Generals or even dish out the Emperor’s justice in any way, helping him feed his public image of being a ruthless ruler. All this he used to his advantage whilst he plotted a way to dispose of his brother, he was happy this way, until he saw you.
It was a blazing hot day in the Colosseum, the smell of blood and sweat was full in the air as the Gladiator Games were now in full swing, the roaring of the audience was deafening, you had experienced nothing like this. This was your first time at the arena, your father had delayed on bringing you to watch the games fearing that you would not have the stomach for it, not wanting to jeopardise his ever climbing position by having you faint or scream in disgust in front of the other senators or even the Emperors. As you watch enthralled by the spectacle the sibling Emperors watch on the games with a touch of boredom, drinking their fill of wine to cool down in the hot sun, suddenly Geta’s eyes land on you, enraptured by your visage as if you were the physical embodiment of Venus herself. He leant forward slightly in his chair to gain a better look of you without alerting his brother to what he was so enthralled with. He could not turn his gaze away from the way the light pink tunic hung deftly on your skin, your skin looking so pure and untouched, he almost snarled at the thought of any of these lecherous old senators even thinking to touch you and defile you. Geta subtly heeded over a guard and commanded him to bring you to his palace after the games had finished, his mind no longer on the games as it raced with thoughts of you and how he wanted to keep you all to himself. All his life he had to share with his brother but in this moment, he knew he would do anything to make sure that you were his and his alone.
The games end and everyone begins to pile out of the Colosseum, you follow closely behind your father not wanting to be lost in the crowd. The pair of you begin to approach your carriage and begin the journey home, as you near the carriage door you both become scared and confused as to why two members of the imperial guard are stood at the door. You stand wringing your hands anxiously as one of them whispers in your fathers ear, you watch his eyes go wide and nod obediently at the guard, your father nods for you to enter the carriage and you make the journey to your new destination in silence as your father had commanded.
Once the carriage pulls up at your final destination you step out and are amazed to be at the steps on the imperial palace, your mind races with possibilities, “is this a mistake?” “Are we in trouble?” “has my father upset a powerful senator?” your mind coming up with endless conspiracies as you walk up the steps and enter the palace, none of your thoughts positive. The guards eventually lead you in through the palace and usher you into a room, it is one of the most magnificent rooms you have ever seen, adorned with rich cloth tapestries and a shallow marble pool in the middle of the room to provide an escape from the harsh Rome heat. You approach the man sat in the throne at the far side of the room nervously, waiting for something bad to happen. As you stand at the bottom of the stairs below the throne you notice that the tall statuesque figure looking down at you is none other than Emperor Geta, quickly you lean forward and bow as custom dictates and await his command for you to stand up to address him.
Geta watched you walk into the throne room, his eyes upon your nervous visage, you were like a deer ready to bolt and he was watching you like a lion watches his prey, a predatory look already in his eyes as you approach him. He chuckles softly as he sees you bow once you realise exactly who he is, he stand from his throne and walks towards you, circling you, knowing that he has you in his grasp. Geta eyes your father and speaks in a curt tone “you are dismissed, your presence is not needed here.” Your father attempts to interject however the guards escort him swiftly away and send him home in the carriage you arrived in. Geta walks to stand in front of you, still bowing politely which he found to be endearing, you feel his finger hook underneath your chin as he places pressure against it to pull you up to look into his eyes, you stare at them and notice the possessiveness in them. “what is your name little dove?” Geta demands as he hold your gaze, not letting his hand drop from your chin. “its Y/N, your majesty.” You barely whisper to him, intimidated by his towering presence. He leans his face closer to yours, his voice almost a whisper as you can feel his breath against your lips. “well Y/N, I was completely enraptured by your presence at the games today and I had to bring you here to be mine.” His eyes darken with what you can only imagine to be lust, not knowing the ways of men yet, you gulp softly not knowing what he has in store for you but how could you refuse an Emperor what he wants? Geta looks down at you scanning all the curves of your body, pure and untouched skin, he takes a lock of hair in his hand and plays with it, pulling it up to his lips kissing it and whispering in an uncharacteristic softness. “my treasure.”
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cat-in-a-mech-suit · 29 days
Transmasculinity Throughout Time: Hatshepsut
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Kicking off this first post in what I hope to be a long series by saying that I am just a guy who likes obsessively researching things and I am absolutely not a historical expert, and in this case, not an Egyptologist. My perspectives and interpretations are my own. You are welcome to have other ones.
Hatshepsut is known as Egypt’s first and only female pharaoh, and is discussed as such throughout almost all material about them. I will be nonetheless using they/them pronouns to refer to them, but during their life they used both masculine and feminine pronouns. The tendency to project modern ideas onto historical figures is common. Especially in the case of people who exhibited signs of transmasculinity, it is common for their entire lives to be reduced to “women who cosplayed as men for power” which is problematic for obvious reasons. Cis men coveting masculinity for the pursuit of power in a patriarchal society is never a reason they are actually women, yet it is okay to do this with historical transmasculine people in the name of feminism? There is a clear double standard. So, I will be using gender neutral pronouns because we can’t really know if Hatshepsut was alive today whether they would identify as a woman, trans man, nonbinary or as none of those identities. I am simply going to be discussing the history and some of my interpretations.
In the context of ancient Egypt, the pharaoh was a living embodiment of the masculine god Horus. Hatshepsut embraced this role after coming to power, ascending from the position of queen regent alongside a child king once their former husband Thutmose II had passed, to “his majesty the king herself.” As their rule progressed, they were depicted as more and more masculine in statues and reliefs, using the same ceremonial fake beard as male pharaohs, muscles, and other masculine signifiers. They didn’t stop wearing makeup and jewelry when presenting as a male king though, which some historians take as evidence to support a female gender identity - it could mean that, but it could also just mean they liked to be fashionable and didn’t subscribe to restrictive gender roles!
Like kings before them, Hatshepsut emphasized their connection to the gods by telling a story to justify their rule. However, the story they told had to be exceptional - and it was. Hatshepsut’s throne name, Maatkare, translated to “truth is the soul of the sun god.” This demonstrated a connection to the sun god, Amun or Ra, and to Maat, the tradition of maintaining harmony in ancient Egypt. The story was that Amun had appeared to their mother who had conceived Hatshepsut for the purpose of being king, commanded by the god of creation Khnum, to “fashion [them] better than all gods” with “the great dignity of a king.” In carvings, Khnum created Hatshepsut as a little boy. This explanation for their lineage is especially interesting because it emphasizes their connection both to their mother’s bloodlines and to being the child of Amun, not ruling as just a queen regent, but as a king.
During their rule of 20 years, Egypt’s trade flourished and there was an immense period of construction during which countless buildings and statues were created, and temples renovated. Unfortunately after their death, extreme measures were taken by Thutmose III to erase all records of Hatshepsut from existence in order to preserve the line of male kings. These efforts were primarily successful, and much of their history has been lost to time. There are many things about Hatshepsut that we will never know.
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Sphinx of Pharaoh Amenemhat III (Imn-m-ḥꜣt, “Amun is in the front,” 12th dynasty, ruled 1829-1799 BCE), who would become divinized and worshipped in the Fayyum lake region of Egypt well into the Greco-Roman period and known in Greek as Poimandres (Ποιμάνδρης), from Egyptian pr-ꜥꜣ (ni)-mꜣꜥt-rꜥ, “Pharaoh of the Ma’at of Ra,” which was his ruling throne name.
In the Fayyum there are statues of him standing together with the god Thoth (Greek Hermes) next to a larger statue of Sobek (Suchos), the primordial deity.
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blue-lotus333 · 2 months
💕Goddesses of love💕
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Aphrodite: Greek Goddess of love, beauty, sex and lust.
Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, emerged from the sea in a scallop shell and sailed to Cyprus. She possessed a magical girdle and had many lovers, including Ares and Adonis. Ares killed Adonis out of jealousy, leading to the creation of anemones. Adonis became a god split between the Underworld and Earth due to Aphrodite's love. She travels with the Three Graces and bestows joy, brilliance, and abundance upon mortals. She aids in romantic love and is associated with myrtles, roses, and anemones.
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Freya: Norse Goddess of love, war, fertility and magic.
Freya, the Norse goddess of love and ruler of war and death. She mediated conflict between warring groups of Norse gods and established peace in Asgard. She is known for her beauty, sorcery, and sexuality, as well as for riding a cat-drawn golden chariot. Freya wears a falcon-feathered cloak that allows her to move quickly between heaven and Earth and has an enormous palace in Asgard where she celebrates with the souls she chooses from the battlefield. In one myth, she obtains the famous amber necklace, Brisingamen, from four dwarves by sleeping with them, beauty for beauty.
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Oshun: African Goddess of love, beauty, prosperity & femininity.
Oshun is a goddess of love in the Yoruba religion. She is one of the 7 orishas and the source of power for all the other orishas. Oshun has the ability to make all things flow in the universe through her love and strength. She played a significant role in encouraging Ogun, father of civilization, to continue creating. Oshun is the only goddess who can carry messages between the mortal world and the Supreme Creator in heaven. In Nigeria, there is an annual ceremony called Ibo-Osun where women dance for Oshun during a feast of yams, with the best dancer winning Oshun's favor and becoming the village adviser on healing and fertility.
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Parvati: Hindu Goddess of love, fertility, harmony and motherhood.
Parvati is a golden Hindu goddess known for love and devotion, forming a holy trinity with Saraswati and Lakshmi. She was born in the Himalayan mountains and embodies nurturing feminine energy. Parvati won over her husband, Shiva, through patience and determination in asceticism. Parvati is the creator of her son Ganesha, the elephant-headed god of wisdom. She is also worshiped for her strength and ferocity. In one legend, she transformed into the fearsome goddess Kali-ma to overcome & destroy demons who threaten the earth, showing her protective nature.
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Guan yin: Buddhist Goddess of compassion, love, peace and kindness.
Guan Yin, originally a mortal princess named Miao Shan, was known for her compassion and kindness. Despite her father's cruelty, she devoted herself to helping others and performing miracles. After her death, she chose to remain in human form as a bodhisattva to help suffering beings, eventually becoming a goddess. By simply invoking her name, people can receive protection from harm. Guan Yin is often depicted in a white gown on a lotus throne and is revered by her followers as a symbol of love, compassion & purity. Her devotees often follow her vegetarian diet on her sacred days. Guan yin is not only the goddess of compassion, but the literal personification of it.
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Hathor: Egyptian Goddess of fertility, love, womanhood and the sky.
Hathor, ancient Egyptian goddess of love and joy, has been revered for over 3,000 years. Known as the Gentle Cow of Heaven, she provided milk to the Sun God Ra, making him and other pharaohs divine. Hathor created the Milky Way and is often depicted wearing a crown with cow horns. She is worshipped through joyful ceremonies of music and dance and is the most beloved goddess in ancient Egyptian belief. Hathor is also the goddess of the Underworld, protector of females, and champion of romantic bonds. She can appear in different forms and her symbols are the sistrum and hand mirror.
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Laka: Hawaiian Goddess of love, wilderness, the hula & music.
Laka is a Polynesian goddess of love and wilderness who taught humans the art of the hula dance. She is married to the fertility god Lono, and rain is considered a sacred time for them. Dancers in training build altars to Laka with her favorite flowers and plants, and offerings are taken down to the ocean after performances to thank her for her blessing. She is a Goddess who rules over all vegetation. Plants sacred to her are: maile, Lama, hala pepe, `ie`ie, ki, `ôhia lehua, `ôhelo, and palai.
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Aine: Irish Goddess of the summer, love, wealth and light.
Áine is a powerful and loving fairy queen in Irish legend, associated with agriculture, animals, and light. She is celebrated at the Midsummer Festival in Limerick, where people run up her hill to seek her blessing. She is also a survivor of sexual abuse in legends, where she shows strength and guides women to empowerment. Áine is depicted with red hair, a headband of stars, and surrounded by her animals. She can transform into a red mare who is unbeatable in speed.
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Xochiquetzal: Aztec Goddess of fertility, beauty, flowers and love.
Xochiquetzal was a powerful and complex Aztec goddess known for her beauty and seductive nature. She was worshipped as a patroness of lovers and prostitutes, encouraging love-making for pleasure rather than reproduction. Despite her associations with sexual relationships, she also had the ability to absolve humans of sins unrelated to sex. She was married to the water god, Tlaloc, and was considered a consort to the creator deity, Tezcatlipoca. Xochiquetzal was widely worshipped and honored through great rituals that included acts of sacrifice and confessions.
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Ishtar: Mesopotamian Goddess of love, war, fertility and power.
One of the oldest goddesses in the world, Ishtar, the goddess of war and sexual love, was the queen of heaven. Ishtar is considered a member of the special class of Mesopotamian gods called the Anunnaki. Ishtar is often called Inanna, she is also an astral deity, linked to the planet Venus, and was worshipped widely in the ancient Middle East. She was known as the Queen of the Universe and had powers attributed to various other gods. Ishtar was the very first goddess of love, Mesopotamians described her in her many legends and poems as young and strikingly beautiful, with piercing, penetrating eyes.
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