pepurika · 1 year
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Fire salamander larva and adult...
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puzzled-pegasus · 1 year
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theallianceclangen · 9 months
Moon ??? - 0
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the small refuge was filled with cats from four different clans, who had never met before, but had something in common, everyone didn't want to talk about what happened.
They didn’t want to talk about the water.
Of fire.
Of the loss.
Of the monsters.
the Violetclan leader, Cressstar, looked through the sea of fur before speaking "am I the only leader here?" no one spoke, but that silence answered his question. the leader's sibling, Blightbreeze, stepped forward "so I guess you'll all be part of our clan now!"
"...What?" a cat turned around, indignation written on its face, Sunspring, the golden fur warrior tom of Rosyclan, bared his teeth, almost growling
"If you think we're going to end our clan's legacy just because no one else has nine lives, you're a fool!" another spoke to the left of them, Slatepelt, an elder of Weedclan.
then a great argument began between the four clans, no one seemed to agree with anyone and it seemed that they were about to test their claws on others.
"Enough! You're scaring our kits!" Snapjump, Weedclan's she-cat healer spoke over everyone's voices. This made everyone stop and look at the pile of kits, different bloods, different clans, huddled close to each other, whimpering and crying and a single one in front of them, Ravenkit, an angry expression with tears in his eyes, ready to protect the little ones.
a cat snorted "it seems like they are more adult than us" Scorchfeather, the brown she-cat meowed, his tone was mocking but still sincere...everyone felt embarrassed.
everyone remained silent, thinking about what to do next, a welcoming breeze passed by them, carrying the smells of the past, their hair stood on end and their eyes widened.
above them a spirit hovered, a guide.
The cat took them to a cave in the bottom of a mountain, the inside of the cave was filled with crystals with a blue and magical glow. the guide stopped and crouched in front of a larger crystal with four cats in it.
"Weed, Violet, Bird and Rosy"
The cats seemed surprised and struggled to pay respect to their founders.
Violet gave everyone present a judgmental look.
Rosy purred before saying "Rowanbug"
Weed smiled big "Sandsun"
Bird yawned before saying the last name "Pheasantfur"
Sandstar received nine lives and choose Sladepelt as deputy
Rowanstar received nine lives and choose Rustbite as deputy
Pheasantstar received nine lives and choose Eaglelily as deputy
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masquerain-with-a-mask · 11 months
Anyway, i thought i'd introduce you to some of my favorite cats in my main clan SolarClan because, well, i love them dearly
We're gonna start with the alive cats with Pheasantstar ; he joined on the first moon after the clan was created and kept his original name ; Pheasant. His first apprentice was his adopted daughter Barleypaw, whom he brought back to the clan back when she was a kit, he became deputy after the previous deputy - Honeywhisker - died. He's mates with Lotusfreckle, one of my many medicine cats, and they keep adopting kits like holy shit i am drowning under kits over here. He became leader only recently after the founding leader, Squirrelstar, died
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Next up is Lotusfreckle ! He's my original medicine cat, who got sick during literally my first leaf-bare, which led me to appointing another cat - whose name was Edelweissdrizzle - as medicine cat so my clan wouldn't be eradicated by greencough at the very beginning of the game. He became very close with Edelweissdrizzle, became mates with Pheasantstar despite being hated and hating pretty much the entire clan and Edelweissdrizzle's death really messed him up.
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Malika ! There's not much to say about her tbh, she isn't a really important cat in the clan's lore actually, but during a patrol she put everyone back in their place and it stuck with me so now she's one of my favorites. (also you can't see it on the screenshot but i appointed her as deputy even tho she's prolly gonna retire soon)
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Galestripe ! Not much to say about her either, other than her design is really fucking cool and that when she was an apprentice, she was caught by twolegs and came back two moons later while the clan was grieving, which sent her into shock. Also, her litter was the first one that was adopted by Pheasant and Lotus.
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Last alive cat ; Tempestseeker ! Tempestseeker was an apprentice when SolarClan was founded, at the same time as another apprentice, Lizardpaw. They became mates after becoming warriors, but then, Lizardpaw - now Lizardrose - died, which left her distraught. Coincidentally, another cat was grieving at the same time, Newleafjump, and they became mates. They had a kit together, Fogpatch (who was named after an apprentice who died back when Tempestseeker was an apprentice) but then Newleafjump died soon after too, after disappearing at the same time Edelweissdrizzle did.
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And we're moving onto the dead cats ! Starting off with Edelweissdrizzle, who's probably my absolute favorite so far. So, Edelweissdrizzle became a medicine cat while Lotusfreckle was sick and he spent pretty much his entire life grieving cats who died under his care. It started with the death of his mate, Hemlocktail, and was then quickly followed with the death of Honeywhisker, Hawksnout and Beamfreckle. He went missing at the same time Newleafjump did while he was grieving and found dead. I love him because after each death, his reactions to the death became more and more whitsdran, to the point where he would push away the cats who'd try to comfort him.
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Next up is Newleafjump ! Newleafjump was found during leaf-bare by Squirrelstar and Honeywhisker who adopted him despite not being mates at the time, this lead them to become mates later on. He's cute, he loved his wife, he loved his mom, he loved his dad and he loved his dad's boyfriends.
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Beamfreckle ! She was SolarClan's second deputy before she retired and started off as an arrogant cat before becoming charismatic. She saved quite a few patrols from close calls due to her fighting skills and became mates with Squirrelstar towards the end of her life after Hemlocktail - who was her mate - died.
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Hawksnout ! He's cute ! He loves his wife (Squirrelstar) ! He loves his husbands too ! That's it, that's all I have to say I was so sad when he died!!!!!
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And finally, Honeywhisker ! This man started the first polycule of SolarClan, he loved his wife and husbands and adopted kits with pretty much all of them, was a great deputy and i was SO DAMN SAD when he died
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Some lil character pieces for my and @scara94's kiddos - Pheasantstar, Hollyfang, Larchsight & Weaselcloud!
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theanoninyourinbox · 3 years
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Happy New Year! Thanks for sticking around and waiting, I’m trying to get back in the Warriors Groove with some random generator cats as practice. I promise, I’ll start working on the Brightstar AU soon! Hope your day is as wonderful as you are!
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mechafeline · 4 years
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‘I’m out for blood to claim what’s mine’ (Battle Cry by Beth Crowley)
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tfwyore grandma’s clan leader and also leading clan rebellion
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joutacujo · 7 years
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Finally drew Pigeonstar! Added the other leaders too since they were uploaded to my art blog originally.
Shinestar, Pheasantstar and Snowstar. Noticed recently that Pheasantstar is the only male leader but he’s a tortie. Lil interesting tidbit.
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of-salt-and-smoke · 6 years
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Violetwing: deputy of Woodclan
a pretty, fluffy brown ragdoll molly with bright blue eyes.
Violet - Violetpaw - Violetwing
“Oh, I’m sorry darling, I didn’t see you there. You wouldn’t mind in the slightest running and grabbing me a mouse, now would you? Why, thank you!”
Current: Woodclan
Past: kittypet
39 moons / molly / she/her
Mate: Snaketail
Ex-Mate: Tigerfrost
Children: Dovepaw, Lavenderpaw
Mentor: Bantamflight
Deputyship position preceded by: Bantamflight
What a pretty cat - and she knows it, too. Violetwing’s easily been considered one of the best-looking mollies in the Clans for moons, and she’s certainly not afraid to show it off. Clever and witty, she knows just how to spin her words to get any cat to agree with her or do what she wants - and she does love ordering the apprentices around as the Clan’s new deputy. Pheasantstar chose her to succeed Bantamflight not just because of her beguiling words, but Violetwing’s secretive attitude hides a very intelligent strategist who’s seen the Clan through several battles with shockingly few injuries. She’s also not just words - everyone knows her soft, luxurious fur hides viciously sharp claws, especially if she hears a whisper of an insult regarding her two darling kits, Dovepaw and Lavenderpaw.
Violetwing isn’t a mean-spirited cat, exactly, but she’s not afraid to speak her mind and she’s got no patience for fools. Her first relationship with Tigerfrost, whom had shared the apprentice den with her, has ended with two kits that Violet dotes on, and a messy, bitter breakup that’s left the two mollies glaring at each other at every interaction (much to the Clan’s dismay).
She would have liked to take one of her kids as an apprentice and train them for the deputy position, but mentors training their own children is frowned upon, so she currently has no apprentice.
Violet was a kittypet who had come with humans to tour the island, but being the fiesty impatient kitten she was, quickly ran away and got lost in the thick woods of Moon’s Shadow. She was picked up by the former Woodclan leader, Morningstar, who took a liking to her and became her foster mother. Violetwing has since proven herself as a formidable - and maybe, a little bit spoiled - warrior, dedicated to Woodclan’s success.
[more to come]
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pepurika · 1 year
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HMMMMMMM my Shrek-inspired boy from the knights comic,,, still tweaking the design
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puzzled-pegasus · 1 year
I was sketching my OC cats all day so here they are
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First is Morningstar, he was the leader of one of my Clans. He was an auburn-ey red colored tabby with white front paws, a white tail tip, a white chest patch and a white muzzle. If you can't read my notes, he was also rather a ho' and had affairs with a lot of members of his Clan, male and female. He's also dead, unfortunately. He died of rabies during the outbreak that broke up his Clan.
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This is Pheasantstar, my main leader, who is alive as of yet. He's a brown tabby with white on his face, chest, legs, and tail tip. He has green eyes. He's fairly small and nimble, and somewhat young to be a leader, but he does an excellent job. He is smooth, positive, charming, and good at keeping his Clan calm. He's cool under pressure. He has a close relationship with his Deputy, Cottonmouth, and her family, including her sister Whitetail and Whitetail's mate Puddleduck.
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This is Raccoonpelt, the Deputy to yet another Clan led by Swanstar that lives near Pheasantstar's. She's a gray tabby with dark bands on her tail, a raccoon-like mask marking, and coppery eyes. She's somewhat of a character foil to Cottonmouth, and similarly her brother Grayjay and sister Possumtail are seemingly opposites to Puddleduck and Whitetail, respectively. She's bitter, cunning, temperamental, selfish, and likes to tell her brother and sister what to do, being Deputy. She is a good strategist and a good fighter, and although she's a bitch about it, she's often right.
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Grayjay is Raccoonpelt's brother and a Warrior under Swanstar. He's a gray tabby with white on his nose, chest, rear legs, and tail, and amber eyes. He likes to make his short-fused sisters angry for entertainment, and is generally mean and obnoxious. He's a smooth talker when he wants to be, and manipulative. He has a very obnoxious and harmful sense of humor that is always at the expense of someone else's feelings or dignity. That being said, he's probably the least dangerous out of his siblings.
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Possumtail is the smaller sister of Raccoonpelt and Grayjay and Grayjay's main target for teasing because she's so small and easy to anger. She's mostly white with splotches of a gray tabby pattern on her back, and pale yellow eyes. She's quite jumpy because she always has to watch out for her siblings. She is quiet, however, and constantly trying to restrain herself from killing someone in her vicinity. Her siblings do love her, Grayjay at least, although they show it in the least effective ways possible, and because of this, she is able to sometimes emotionally manipulate or guilt them into doing things she wants using her sad Puss-In-Boots pleading eyes. Flattery also works.
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theallianceclangen · 8 months
Moon 6: The first gathering
The four leaders sat on the trunks of four trees that were broken, the two on the right were in Birdclan territory, the two on the left in Rosyclan territory, their warriors and medicine cats who wanted to come around the trunks, their deputies lying or sitting on the floor next to the wood.
"I don't know why we need this, we've lived well alone for generations" Cressstar grumbled
"that's exactly why we're in this assembly, because we're no longer alone" Pheasantstar said loudly
"Be quiet there, you only have 22 moons" Cressstar replied with annoyance
"you're acting more like a kit than him" Rowanstar said with a huge smile, the kind of smile that wants a fight
Sandstar sighed "what did your guides tell you?" The three finally seemed to remember why they had gone to that place.
"Why don't you speak first, old man?" Rowanstar said in a friendly tone
"Greyhawk said that different information would go to each of us, mine is that meetings should always be at night" Sandstar's voice carried a natural authority that made everyone listen with attention and respect
"Spidereye said that these meetings are every two seasons" Rowanstar continued
"then we'll see you here again at greenleaf" Cressstar contemplated, he put his paws together and raised his head before continuing "well, Bayouwing said we'll share things we think are important...like the kits, apprentices and new warriors or creatures we've encountered”
"...Duckbird said we need a code" Pheasantstar meowed
"a code?" Rustbite spoke out for the first time that night "like rules?" Honeybee asked and Pheasantstar waved at him "so the first law should be that this is a time of peace, we cannot attack each other" Eaglelily suggested "the orange one is right" Blightbreeze said, surprising his clanmates.
Everyone was silent for several minutes, everyone's shrewd eyes staring at each other, sometimes whispering to each other.
"Do you want to discuss this code later and tell you the news first?" Sandstar inquired and others agreed.
Sandstar began, talking about the new warriors and apprentices, about Sladepelt and Darkspeckle becoming elders and the rogues.
"the first thing I wanted to say is that Adderhare gave birth to three kits today-"
"so you have already been blessed with blessings, how envious" Rowanstar interrupted him, Cressstar gritted his teeth before continuing "yeah, apparently the blessings manifest themselves as flowers in the cave, there are four flowers and something else, all the medicine cats can ask for an escort to the cave or go alone, I know how you need to connect to the Starclan" he turned his eyes to the crowd before looking at the leaders again "he chose the names already, they are Birchkit, Bogkit and Brightkit"
"and the father?" Rowanstar spoke again
Cressstar was silent, but his claws scratched the wood, everyone understood the message, but Rowanstar laughed. "I'm glad to know that your clan is the same as ours" Cressstar looked confused by his words "like, it doesn't matter if they're half clan or not, as long as the father or mother and the kits are happy then it's fine"
"please don't interrupt me anymore" Cressstar asked "we also found a small dog and a group of rogues, it's likely the same one your clan found Sandstar" Cressstar's tail moved, wrapping around his paws "Mousewater was bitten by a snake, but survived, Hillbloom finished her training and is now a warrior, we also found a kittypet, Foxheart" he looks at the old cat in the crowd, the cats next to him welcome him and some congratulate Hillbloom "that's all"
"my turn~" Rowanstar meowed "we found a badger, we also found a fox, but we had to fight this one, Emberdapple was injured... nothing interesting happened anymore"
"Sandpiperspeck became a warrior and gained a scar in her efforts, Nuthatchfreckle also finished his training, Ravenpaw became an apprentice with Magpiepuddle being her mentor, we also met a kittypet called Bone, but changed her name to Blackbirdstep, we also met a badger" Pheasantstar said.
With the Birdclan leader's final announcements, everyone began discussing what to put in the clan code, some also suggested certain holidays to celebrate.
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pepurika · 1 year
First thing i thought when i saw all the coats of arms on that guys hoodie is that they might be from defeated opponents... am i onto something 👀👀
YES LOL he has this cloak that he made using the sigils of his defeated opponents… one day he hopes it’ll even touch the ground
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pepurika · 1 year
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Some more character designs from the new project..
Honestly i’m just putting damn everything about the project on here now ahah!
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pepurika · 1 year
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Here’s the other main character from the Knights project, a bit further into the story… they’re both idiots oh my god i cannot wait to show you how much of an idiots they are . My brainrot is spREADING
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