#kiddos au
appleblocks · 4 months
Fun AU thoughts bellow :3
Idk if I should call this headcanons or if I should categorize this as my own AU, but I feel like Hermes, Tiny Tom, Grumbot (yet to be drawn), and Jrumbot (yet to be drawn) would have scheduled playdates sometimes where the parents (Joel, Grian, Mumbo, Jevin) are off to the side talking about stuff and also just being friends. It's as much of a playdate for the kids as it is for the adults, except the adults have too much tnt to play with and the kiddos are playing tag or something
Other ideas I've been having consist of:
Grumbot and Jrbot taking Hermes and Tom to see the Llama that Mumbo uses to enter his base. Then Mumbo descends to get into his base and sees the kiddos and is just like "Oh, well this is awkward" as now he's just standing there with a few hearts unable to get to his base cause the kids are right there (even though they know about respawning)
Tom staring at Grian very intensely and having secret Watcher conversations with him at the worst times. My dude is trying to pretend to do his job at the permit office and Tom walks up, climbs the counter, and just glares at him until he stops and talks to him. He cannot run, Tom is inescapable, he will find him.
I'm having a lot of fun with this
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seatoss · 3 months
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This game is childhood to me. How I miss it and it's delightful design
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scatterbrainedbot · 8 months
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ok but the ghibli vibes of @triona-tribblescore 's wandering guardian au???
like i could live in this world forever tbh
inspo boards/refs below ft trionas SPECTACULAR GORGEOUS AMAZING og works of the au bros
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edorazzi · 3 months
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Page 21 of my Miraculous Mentor AU comic A Matter of Trust! In which Felix needs a breather before opening up any further, and Adrien realises his enigmatic mentor is starting to let his walls down!!! 😻✨
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Weekly updates each Sunday! You can also read ahead early on Patreon, and/or buy me a Ko-fi if you'd like to support my work! 💖
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itty-bitty-sunshine · 3 months
Heard it was international father's day, so of course I had to draw the father & daughter duo of all time
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punnifullife · 1 month
I always thought Mar’i would be best friends with Lian Harper and Irey West if DC let them exist in the same timeline. Ugh! Another missed opportunity 😔
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Yess!! I think they would make great friends as kids. The possibilities with these 3, especially if they end up taking after their fathers... ohh boy. but there would be age gaps. Lian, of course, was an accident and even a secret for awhile. Irey (and Jai) came next and then of course Mar'i! She's the youngest, but as she grows older, she'd be the one getting the other two out of sticky situations.
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Bonus: Young Lian meeting Mar'i for the first time
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rinisdrawing · 3 months
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“you betrayed me.”
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rampantram · 5 months
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Bishop Lamb with the fam was another option on the 3k celebration poll and I’ve been itching to mess around with the idea so have some Big Lamb with their loving family (including grown Beau & Belle) 🪦🐏✨
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chiscribbs · 7 months
Hi I’m here to take your teams picture before the competition
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"...we may need to take a raincheck on that."
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This is going well so far, isn't it? (P.S. I promise they will be in costume at some point. The plot is in progress, bear with me, lol.)
More @tmntaucompetition shenanigans! Special cameos by @angelpuns, @kaysdenofchaos, & @rattraptmnt's AUs
[Grown Apart AU] [INTRO]
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kaiminluu · 1 year
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byler x dirty dancing GRAHAHAA
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threepandas · 3 months
Your Biggest Fan: Villian/Yandere Izuku
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You Ruined His Plan.
No one was supposed to CARE. They NEVER care. NEVER ask questions. They look, at the red shoes, the note, then shrug it all off. Just another statistic. One more gone, of an already "dying breed".
The Quirkless had been a "dying breed" for a while now.
He bet they didn't even know where that phase came from. It was WAR propaganda. Quirkless population numbers were supposed to level out a decade ago, according to estimates. But noooo! They kept DROPPING!
Dropping, Dropping, DROPPING!
Like notebooks and little boys off roof tops.
No Heroes coming to save them. Smiles for everyone ELSE. Just burns and bad grades they didn't earn, ruined lunches and funeral flowers on desks. Kicking and kicking and PUNCHS until they break! Until they fight back. Until THEY are the problem. THEY are the monsters!
Dreams destroyed and online friends who go silent.
Funerals. Mothers who cry but don't protect you.
ANGER and where are the HEROES?
Here... apparently.
She is... she is standing HERE. Arms crossed. Mouth in a furious line as she listens to the principal spew his excuses. She does not look like she believes a single one. Does not look sympathetic or dismissive in the least.
The disgusting trash around her isn't used to it. Are slowly beginning to sweat. Panic. It is beginning to dawn on them... that there could be CONSEQUENCES for their actions. Their criminal neglect and cruel allowances.
She looks disgusted. Furious. And... when she glances at the supposed last words of Hanako-chan? Utterly heartbroken. She stands, feet planted, shoulders back, as she argues and pulls rank. Threatening to ARREST even the police officers THEMSELVES unless they DO THEIR JOBS.
As is her RIGHT. Because this is not JUSTICE. Nor Vengance. But can bring, at least, closure to the soul of a little girl wronged. Prevent others from harm. And she stands as a shield against that harm. It is her JOB, her DUTY, and so help her, if she must hunt each and every one of them down and HAND DELIVER them to a cell? She WILL.
She stands there, in the cold afternoon light, like...
Like A Hero!
He has to slap both his hands over his mouth. To stop his dreadful muttering habit from escaping again. He... he hasn't found anything INTERESTING enough to mutter about in so LONG. Gotten out of the habit of controlling it. His control is shot. And... and OH~!
Ever since Kacc-... Since All Mi... THEM. He hasn't... hasn't BELIEVED in Heros like he used too. He WANTED too! He did! But...? It was like it just... died inside him. Slowly. Painfully. Screaming.
It hurt so, so much. Everything was angry and grey and TERRIBLE. B...But? But! BUT NOW? It's like a giddy spark of light has struck a match inside the empty cavern inside him, lighting up the massive caves where his belief once lived. I..It's so small and fragile. So WARM.
He scrambles back. Hands pressed to his mouth, eyes shut tight, uncaring of the rough brick he's pressed too as he slides to the wet ground. It scrapes him up. But what's a few more scrapes amongst the rest? He's always hurt. It's his life. It's ALL their lives.
He breathes. Savors the fragile warmth in his chest.
"Hey, are you okay?" That voice. No, no it can't be... his eyes shoot open. Startled he looks up. Directly... into... a.. mask.. "You're looking pretty banged up. My Quirk doesn't have many medical uses, so unless you think you've cracked a bone or something, I hope you're good with band-aids. Fair warning though. All the Froppy one's are already gone. Kid's LOVE frogs."
It IS. His Hero. THE Hero. She must have finished up. Noticed him somehow. Sloppy...
Already kneeling, she gently takes his hand. Is already pulling out a medical kit from her thigh pouch. He spots "good job!" Stickers and a few lollipops. He... he has QUESTIONS. For the first time in YEARS. Who is she? What school did she go too? What Quirk does she have? Where does she work out off?
Why did she CARE?
Is it a one off? Would she care AGAIN? Her hands are firm but gentle. She keeps him "distracted". Asking him inane questions to take his mind off his pain. Kind. So KIND~! He manages to get her Hero name before she goes. Sends her off with a smile that hurts his face. Reminds him how many years it's BEEN since he's truely grinned.
He races home. Fingers flying on his phone. His lieutenant can deal with Hanako. Get her settled with her new family. He... he NEEDS too... TOO-!
He SLAMS his shoebox of an apartment open, ignoring the bellowed demands and insults of the filth that live around him. It's only muscle memory that has him locking the dozen locks behind him, to keep out the scum that would attempt to prey upon him.
He... he NEEDS-!
His "work" laptop. So bleeding edge I-island will be cursing their own bigotry for centuries. If only out of GREED. They don't know what they've lost by turning down those engineers and applicants. But Izuku does. He collects them ALL.
And now it pays off once again.
It take less then a moment. Easier then breathing. And he has EVERYTHING.
Her arrests records. Her case load. Her school records and medical files. Social media. Current audio book. Hero ranking, media presence, the chatter about Her online. EVERYTHING.
It's... it's beautiful.
A "troublemaker" who wouldn't shut up about the injustice she saw around her. Wouldn't stand for it. Got into fights to protect the weak and defenseless. Helped where she could. It put her on the wrong side of the narrative. When she wouldn't shut up about how everything WASN'T fine and what those in power were doing was WRONG.
She was a child, they were not. She HAD the option to shut up and pick her own future over the well being of those around her.
She chose to be a HERO instead.
Like... Like HIM. She was robbed of her DREAM. Of going to UA. The future she wanted, she fought for, needed like AIR.
But... but Aaah~♡ she was so COOL! Didn't give up! She sued. Made a RACKET. And when it got her record wiped but not her chance to enter any Japanese Hero school reinstated? She took the winnings from her lawsuit, her parents reluctant consent, and WENT ABROAD.
Came BACK with a hero license that the Japanese government had to recognize as per international accords. Let her take the final test HERE.
They BURIED her in the rankings. Must HATE her. A real hero, come to SHAME THEM for all they've become~♡ Or, well, HE thinks she will. How can she NOT? When she is so much BETTER?
He needs everything. Bedspread, pillows, posters, sweaters, slippers, MERCH! There's not enough. He should commission some. Where are his notebooks? Ah, no. He needs a NEW one! A better notebook! Oh! Oh! He could COMMISSION a notebook! Oh that's PERFECT!
He may have just met her today?
But he can already TELL~ He's gonna be her NUMBER 1 fan!
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kkolg · 2 months
I recently thought abt this so
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Here’s a basic idea of them
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He’s a great father /vlh
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tangledinink · 1 year
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i feel like ive accomplished very little over the past several days, much to my chagrin, but here. have these lil throwaway doodles.
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starry-bi-sky · 2 months
What's a scarier thing to say than 'I love you?' - DPXDC Stillborn Au Ficlet
Danny doesn't believe in the words "I love you".
People always say it's one of the scariest things people can say to another, because it lays them bare in front of the one they say it to, revealing their vulnerabilities and true thoughts and feelings to the world like an open wound. Telling someone you love them is the bravest thing you can do.
He thinks it's a load of bullshit. He's had two of his foster parents tell him they loved him, only to turn around and stab him in the back days, weeks, months, minutes later. Anyone can say they love you with nothing more than a sweet smile and a dagger hidden behind their spines. 'I love you' is an empty phrase, one that makes his heart beat unpleasantly in his chest and his palms sweat as he waits for the other shoe to drop.
'I love you' is a ploy. A plot. A lie. It's a coward's way out. If someone loves him, he wants them to show it, not say it. Because if 'I love you' is such a scary thing to say, it should be easier to show it in their hands, in their actions.
Wanna know what he thinks is the scariest thing in the world to say? What most people hem and haw and try and avoid? Try and deny, deny, deny?
The words, 'I hate you'.
There, that's the scariest thing in the world to say. Everybody can say 'I love you' and say they mean it, he's found that nobody wants to say 'I hate you' and say they mean it. That's a phrase everyone gets uncomfortable with, that everyone doesn't want to believe no matter how much you insist it.
Danny wonders a lot about why that is. Why everyone can love everyone, but nobody can hate anybody.
He thinks it's because hate can be personal in a way that's too similar to love. You can hate in a lot of ways, just like you can love a lot of ways. But in order to hate someone, really hate someone, in a way that's not far off and distant like distaste, but truly personal, burning and all-consuming loathing, you need to care about them in some way.
To hate someone implies an investment in their well-being in a way that mirrors love. It indicates a level of importance that person holds in your life that exceeds beyond simple indifference or disgust (an emotion easily mistaken for hatred despite its fleetingness).
To hate someone and to say you hate someone means that the thought of them fills you with a fire that carves into the marrow of your bones. That you think of them, even if it's not in a good way. To hate you need passion. To love you need passion.
To look someone in the eyes and say you hate them, and truly, really mean it, that is something that takes courage. That is something that requires you to lay your soul bare and reveal your vulnerabilities like an open wound.
But he supposes he can understand the confusion.
Hate and Love are not opposites after all, they're siamese twins.
Nobody ever wants to say they hate someone. Everyone wants to say they love somebody.
He wishes his foster parents had just said outright they had hated him, he wishes they hadn't strung him along with calorie-less love. He wishes they had just left him alone rather than sat him on the rug they were gonna pull out from under his feet. The ones who said they loved him hurt worse than the ones that never said it at all.
At least the people who said they hate him are honest about it.
What was he doing again?
He curls tighter into himself, his arms squeezing around his legs as burning magma flow spills over his shoulders and cocoons him away from the chill of the living. Danny's hair had broken out of its braid some time ago, and he'd burned off the excess lava and thrown it to the side to get it off his back, but it never takes long to grow back longer.
It's fine, it's fine. It's letting him hide.
Danny's not sure how long he sits there, stewing in his own heat and hurt, but it's long enough that he forgets why he's even there in the first place. It's long enough that the terrified fury lashing out in his core like a solar flare cools and settles, and then forgets why it was even lashing out at all.
It's long enough that he falls asleep.
Long enough that when he wakes up, it's to the feeling of a hand pushing away his hair like one pushes back a curtain in order to peer at the sunrise behind it. Fingers, sharp, clawed, brush over the bridge of his nose and his cheek in order to tuck the magma out of his face.
There's only one person capable of touching his hair -- made of magma and always burning, reflecting his own feelings, untouchable to the living -- without melting their hand right off. Danny peeks open his bleary, tear-sore eyes, and sees Vlad Masters, as Plasmius, kneeling through his lashes.
He's too exhausted to be angry at his appearance. Danny goes to say something -- to ask why he's here, why he's bothering him -- and all it comes out as is incoherent grumbling. Plasmius breathes out through his nose, a soft little sighing sound that follows with a smile shadowing over his mouth.
It's terribly fond, it's terribly foreign, and it sparks terror in Danny's heart.
(Sam compared him once to a traumatized alley cat, she wasn't that far off from it.)
"There you are." Plasmius says, voice terribly soft and just the slightest bit chiding. He brushes more of Danny's hair out of the way, thumb brushing over his brow bone, affection that he acts as if it's so easy to give. As if it’s so easy to extend to him, like he deserves it. Affection that Danny is so horribly starved for that the feeling makes him both nauseous and ravenous. "Your little friends were worried about you. When they couldn't find you, they called me."
Again goes unsaid and un-lingering, but it still pierces guilt through Danny like a shot to the head. It's not the first time this has happened, and he doubts it will ever be the last. He squeezes his eyes shut in shame, and ducks his head down into his knees like a scolded child.
Apologies come easy, like an automated message machine, even if it burns and thickens the back of his throat. Danny swallows the heat in his mouth and reaches for something even easier to say; "Go away."
Plasmius clucks his tongue, completely unaffected, and his hands move to gather the magma spilling over Danny's shoulders into his palms. "And leave you alone? I'm your archnemesis, little badger, I'm afraid that's not allowed."
Danny tries to glare at him even if his core swells with a feeling he can't name, a burning, gelling feeling like a bubble in a volcano about to burst. He tries again, and bares his fangs for good measure, "Fuck off."
His voice breaks, trembling like a little kid, and lacks any sincerity or bite.
Again, Plasmius just looks terrifyingly fond, if a bit exasperated, his eyes rolling despite the lack of visible iris. Danny watches from the corner of his eye as the man's hands begin to superheat against his hair, glowing bright and brighter until it would've been blinding to anyone who wasn't dead, before yanking.
The magma disconnects from his head painlessly, and his hair is short once more. Plasmius tosses the excess off to the side with the rest, and sizzling fills the room as the lava sinks into the ground.
Plasmius' hands finds his face again, tucking his hair behind his ears before pulling him forward. Danny lets him move him bonelessly, fingers curling around his cloak as he sinks into the embrace. It's embarrassing how routine it is, how easy it is for Vlad to tuck him under his chin like a child. It's mortifying how easy it is for Danny to cling onto it.
He's terribly warm, and Danny is always so fucking cold. He doesn't know how to keep all the heat he gives off, and so he's always shivering. Vlad's hand smoothes down the nape of his neck, over his spine, and not for the first time, Danny wishes he was living with him instead.
He hates that he wants to live with Vlad instead of the Fentons. He hates that he can't. He hates that Vlad is so kind to him when they're not fighting. He hates that Vlad is the only other dead-alive person in the world and Danny can't go to him like he wants to. He hates that he wants to even despite it. He hates that Vlad insists on killing his foster parents. He hates that Vlad wants to avenge him. He hates that Vlad cares enough to want to. He hates-- he hates--
Danny breathes in thick, shaking, and hides. "I hate you."
Vlad rumbles low, laughing, and rubs circles between his shoulder blades soothingly. "I hate you too, Daniel."
He hates that Vlad knows what he means instead.
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alkalinefrog · 1 year
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Before the thunder.
I’ve been obsessed with @sboochi’s Storm-Spirit!Hiccup ever since she posted it!! I definitely want to do some fanart of him with Jack later too! Go check out her original piece here!!
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rinisdrawing · 1 year
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the golden princess & the sorcerer prince
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