#phic ask
sloanedestler · 2 years
Hehee, for the "Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask", I'm really curious about you UwU sorry for asking too much UwU
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
💌 How do you feel about comments and feedback?
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
💲 Would you ever open commissions?
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them. (of course, Erik hehee, but could I have Christine too? UwU)
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
😬 Which of your fics would you be most horrified for friends, family, or coworkers to stumble upon?
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
🥰 How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
Oh my gosh, how fun! You could never ask too much btw 🥰
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
I think the version of the moment where Erik realizes Christine accepts him for who he is, whether that's physically, emotionally, or both. I'm just a sucker for a sad man who thinks he'll never have love in his life realizing he finally does
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
One that gets my every time is this exchange between Erik and Raoul from Thanksgiving Dinner:
'Just as Erik was about to comment on his friend’s lack of culture, Raoul entered the room and rudely thrust a wine glass at him. He arched an eyebrow as the insolent boy took a seat, his own wine glass in hand. Erik tried to be the bigger person, truly he did, but the wretched boy made it so difficult sometimes.
“Something on your mind?” he asked innocently, and was rewarded with seeing Raoul instantly bristle. Ah, he was simply too easy to rile, Erik thought with satisfaction.
“Absolutely nothing.”
“Indeed? I thought as much, but it’s always nice to be validated.” Really, irritating the boy was no challenge at all.
Raoul had turned an unflattering shade of red, Erik noted with satisfaction. Just as he was about to return his attention to Nadir, the boy spoke again. “By the way, nice shirt, jackass.”
Erik slowly allowed his gaze to return to the boy. Why was he cursed? Why did every person in his life have to be so irritating? Except for Christine, of course.
He stared at Raoul until he flinched slightly, but still he refused to break Erik’s gaze. After a moment in which he determined the boy wouldn’t back down and look away, Erik answered his insult. “This shirt is to please Christine. Obviously if you knew more about how to do that, maybe you would still be with her.” By now fully done with the conversation, Erik turned away once again, but Raoul refused to take the hint.'
⛔️ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
There's been a few one shots that I started that never went anywhere, but the only one that had enough there to come to mind is a story I started right before I had the idea for Second Chances. It was also a marriage of convenience story (surprise lol), where Christine knows Erik is a man and not an angel. Mamma Valérius gets sick, and Erik offers to pay for a doctor. Christine thinks he will only do it if she marries him, and he thinks Christine is marrying him because she wants to. I don't really know what else would happen though so I've never gone back to it
💌 How do you feel about comments and feedback?
Very, very positive. They truly mean do much to me!
❌️ What's a trope you will never write?
I would probably never do a time travel story
💲 Would you ever open commissions?
I can't see that ever happening for me. However, I'm happy to consider any prompts people might send my way. I actually have a great one in my inbox right now, I just need to get to it
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
Not that I can think of (apologies if I've forgotten someone). I guess I'm too predictable! 😂
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them
This is a hard one for me, as I don't necessarily have strong headcanons. I think there are so many ways to see the story that I can get into many different interpretations of it. However, as far as what I like to write:
Erik: I like an Erik that was probably a very sensitive and kind child, and it was everything he encountered that made him the way he is, as in he became who he had to in order to survive. And I like to think that under the right circumstances, he could reclaim at least some of who he once was
Christine: I like to write a Christine that recognizes Erik as her 'person', at least on some level, but has to deal with feeling as though she shouldn't want him, both due to his actions and to outside pressures
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
This is from a story I started last summer but haven't posted anything from yet:
'Trailing along after her father and M. Khan, Christine glanced up shyly at the tall man walking silently next to her. Uncertain if she should remain quiet or not, she decided to try venturing a question.
“Destler is an unusual last name. Is it British?”
Taking so long to answer that Christine had decided he wasn’t going to at all, M. Destler slowly shook his head. “No, it’s just a name I took by chance. I have no idea what the origin is.”
“Oh,” she answered weakly. He really was the strangest person she had ever encountered. “I’m sorry if I offended you, M. Destler.”
“Offended me? You haven’t. But, I would prefer that you call me Erik.”
“Of course,” she answered automatically, wondering if she was trapped in some kind of bizarre dream. Wanting to be polite, she added, “And, you may call me Christine.” Slightly encouraged by his brief nod at her words, she continued, “So, with the given name Erik, are you Scandinavian? I was born in Sweden.”
Again, he shook his head. “No, I’m not Scandinavian. I suppose you can say I’m not really from anywhere.”
Thankfully they had arrived at the wagon by this point, because Christine truly had no idea what to reply to that statement. Fortunately, M. Destler - or Erik, as he wanted her to call him - seemed to forget what they had been discussing, completely changing the subject.'
😬 Which of your fics would you be most horrified for friends, family, or coworkers to stumble upon?
Omg any of them 😅
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
Although it ends happily, one part of Second Chances really got to me as I was writing it, specifically Erik's internal monologue during the climax of the story. I'm not usually a crier, but I cried a little when I was writing that
🥰 How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
Reader interaction means the world to me, and any questions about my fics are so welcome! The entire reason I started writing was because I was feeling some kind of way during the pandemic, and I think I wanted some kind of way to connect with people. And that's still true today, so yes please to any and all reader interaction!
Okay I think I made it through 😂. Thank you again, I had blast answering these! ♥️
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five-rivers · 5 months
I just want to let you know that you are the reason I am in the DP phandom, and am participating in Phic Phight
you're like my fandom idol
Ahhh thank you. I'm sorry I didn't get to your ask earlier, when it comes to the fight, I sort of black out everything else. I hope you had a lot of fun with it and got some good fics. <3
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nerdywriter36 · 3 months
for the five sentence fic ask game: POTO + innocent
"He's so beautiful," Erik whispered as he gazed down at his newborn baby boy, tucked in the nest of pillows that had been built up around his wife after she had delivered their child.
"He is," Christine said, her voice similarly hushed. She rested her head against her husband's shoulder, nestling into his warmth and stroking their son's downy hair.
Erik nodded in agreement, amazed by how the child stared up at him, unafraid of his terrible face and gazing at him as though he were any other man. The babe was so innocent, so pure and beautiful, and by god, Erik would do everything in his power to ensure that nothing would take that from him.
last one! i'm really happy with this one. i hope you enjoyed these little pieces, Aster, thank you for all of the suggestions! <3
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ashadeintheshade · 9 months
City of Angels, Chapter 3
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Here comes Cherik!
Our favorite little creeper is doing the major creeps.
The chapter in which I slide in my favorite Cherik line:
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Will Christine like this? I guess we'll see!
Read now on AO3.
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phicphight · 2 years
im so excited for phic phight!!
about how many ppl have signed up so far? how many prompts are there??
We're excited, too!!
As of right now, 95 people have signed up, with a total of 347 prompts!
Only a week left to sign up for Phic Phight - sign ups close on March 26!
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forlorngarden · 6 months
Lorde for the artist/album ask game 😎😘🔮
hiiii hi hello! wouldn't expect anything else of u. let's see
hard feelings\loveless. its just hard for me to imagine loving a song any more! guess this is the winter! our bodies are young and blue!!
glory and gore. well you know ive only tattooed this song on my body nothing too personal. incredible song. anthem! anthem!
perfect places. the best pop hit of all time i dont even give a fuck. substance use? check! feeling lost and lonely in a crowd? check! destructive escapism? ding ding dingggg
bravado. godddd i love this song so much. chills every time. ITS A MARATHON RUN OR A MOUNTAIN YOU SCALED WITHOUT THINKING OF SIZE
gaaaaah this is so hard. so many great songs. but i will choose supercut simply because it supercuts me in small chunks every single time i listen to it. what the fuck do you mean i'm someone you maybe might love i'll be your quiet afternoon crush be your violent overnight rush. who let you do that...
ask game!!
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owlfacenightkit · 9 months
For the Drabble ask game- 🫂 and/or 🧠
::) no pressure, ofc!
*Checks the date on this* MARCH 13TH??? This has been sitting here for MONTHS. I meant to do it but I couldnt really think of anything. I originally wanted to do something TOH-related because that’s your special interest
Ended up doing Danny Phantom I guess (Ao3 Link)
Hope you don’t mind :]
Comforting hugs/Traumatic event
Danny was locked in a nightmare. He knew it was a nightmare because he was alone. The portal was on and swirled with a toxic green light, inviting him closer. He knew this was wrong. This wasn’t how the accident had played out. Sam had coerced him in. She wasn’t here now. Danny looked down at himself. He was wearing the white hazmat suit he had been wearing at the time of the accident.
The portal’s glow beckoned him and he found his feet moving against his will. He remembered the pain of the accident and his scars flared with the remembered pain.
He stepped into the portal, felt his hand press the button that shouldn’t have been there because the portal was on this shouldn’t be happening.
Familiar electricity arced through his arm, shooting through his body and down his spine. He woke with a scream.
He was in his room. Safe. Away from the portal. His breathing slowed. These nightmares were getting worse.
Jazz burst into his room. “I heard you scream. What’s wrong?” She held the Fenton Peeler in front of her.
“Nothing. I just had a nightmare.” Danny answered.
Jazz’s eyebrows went up. “That didn’t sound like ‘just a nightmare.’”
“Yeah, well, it was, and I’m fine.” Danny glared down at his blanket.
“Hey, I didn’t mean to make you upset.” Jazz said. She set her weapon down on Danny’s dresser, then sat on Danny’s bed. “Do you need a hug?”
Danny crashed into Jazz, wrapping his arms around her middle in a tight hug. She was startled at the strength in the embrace. She hugged him back, gently squeezing her younger brother.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Jazz asked. Danny shook his head. Jazz rubbed his back and felt the tension melt out of his muscles. She scooted closer to him and he shifted in her arms so that he was sitting up. She nuzzled her head into his hair and continued rubbing his back gently.
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redactedgoose · 1 year
For the fanfic ask game!
"If that's our house on fire I'm going to kill you-"
"If that's our house on fire I'm going to kill you-"
Jazz cuts herself off as Danny blips through the ground; seconds later, Phantom is zooming off through the sky, legs morphed into a tail.
"Of course; I should've seen that one coming," she sighs.
Jazz continues to walk towards their apartment in a much more calm and controlled manner. Of course she was concerned-- Danny had inherited their dad's love of tinkering and building (even if it was much more fruitful than their dad's ever was) and she wasn't sure that their cheap little apartment in one of Gotham's seedier areas could handle it, even if he had mostly everything-proofed their place with ectoplasm and bits of scrap.
When she finally gets to their street, though, she's shocked: not only is their house actually on fire, but Danny's fighting- and it's not the fire he's fighting.
("I shouldn't have jinxed it.")
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can you give us a peak of the new chapter of your amazing fic pleaseeee? I can’t wait for it to be published 🥹
Ahhhhh of course I can! I actually just wrote 300 words last night after not getting anything on the page for almost two weeks so this is excellent timing!!
**Update October 31st**
I'm so sorry for taking so long to answer this but I had such a hard time choosing an excerpt because there's so much in just the little bit I have written of chapter 8 that I want to share!
I did finally settle on a cut though. Its short, but i don't wanna give away too much :3. so here you are: the first 160 words of chapter 8 as a little Halloween treat for your goody bag! Hope you enjoy!
Christine was still clutching Erik's hand, feeling yet another overwhelming wave of emotion crash through her at the look he gave her. Throughout his whole awful history she had been internally buffeted by the turns his story took. Fear and sadness and anger and hate. It had all been so hard to imagine, and yet all too easy at the same time. She imagined a younger Erik--perhaps lankier than he was now and somehow both fresh-faced and careworn, though that should be impossible--skulking through the tiled halls of some great Persian palace in loose pyjamas and billowing robes. How easy--and dreadful--to imagine him in those death matches, strangling all those men; the expression of grim triumph that must have been so familiar on his face in those days. Was that how he had looked? Was it how he had looked years later (just three months ago), when he throttled Joseph Buquet high above in the flies?
This should motivate me to keep chugging along so I can the rest to you ASAP. I can tell this is definitely going to be one of my favourite chapters so far 😊😁.
Thank you for asking <3 this has really encouraged me.
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sloanedestler · 2 years
hi sloane! for the fic writer asks: 6, 10, 11, and 18! <3
Oh hey! Better late then never, I guess :)
6. Favorite piece you've ever written?
Ahaha I feel like a broken record on this subject, but that would be Second Chances 😊♥️
10. Do you have unposted works?
Not really - I have some bits and pieces of things that I started and never continued, but nothing completed
11. Give us an excerpt of your current WIP!
Well, a lot is happening in the next chapter of Beneath a Mountain Sky, so it was a little difficult to pick something out without giving too much away. But here's a little bit:
'Growing even more irritated by Nadir’s backhanded way of reminding Erik that the only contact he'd had with Christine since she left was a few photos and messages concerning Gustave, Erik snapped, "What do you mean she decided not to stay? Why would she? It's not like she lives here, Nadir."
For a brief moment, Erik found himself hoping that the other man had finally decided to stop talking, but that hope was quickly dashed after a few moments. "Wait…Erik, you did ask her to stay, right? Christine knows how you feel about her?"
Shrugging, Erik looked away. "Of course she knows how I feel about her. But no, I didn't ask her to stay. Why would she want to?"
Nadir closed his eyes for a long moment, and once again Erik thought maybe he would be spared any further commentary, but as usual that hope proved futile.'
18. What's the title of your most recent fic? What is it about, what's the word count, etc.?
Well, it's been a bit since I posted anything, so my most recent fic was the one I wrote for Halloween. It's called A Harvest Ball, the word count is 1792, and it's a fluffy Modern AU that involves Christine pursuing Erik and Erik being completely oblivious to that fact 🥰
Thank you so much for the ask!! ♥️♥️
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paperandsong · 9 months
Question , I am looking for this fic I read a while back , and I don’t remember the name . I was wondering if you would . It’s modern day , set in the UK, and Raoul drags Christine to a BDSM lounge ran by Erik. Thank you !
I think you might mean Nightclub Encounters by @aphaea21. And if you didn't, you should read it anyway - it's really good!
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q-gorgeous · 1 year
Fic writing ask post!!!
✨What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
idk because alot of my favorite fics all seemed to have done pretty good. my ghost farm series was pretty well received as well as my lightning fic that i mentioned in the previous ask. i think maybe just my fics with dash in them in general? dash is my favorite character (my dog is named after him) and sometimes ill spend alot of time writing a longer-than-average fic for me about dash and it doesnt seem like it does as well as other fics ive written and i just wish they got more attention (or maybe they do im not sure but i just love receiving comments on my fics about dash)
💥find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it.
my least kudo'd fic on ao3 was mortail wail which is fine i know you asked me to say something wonderful about it but this is big cringe to me now because i was projecting a breakup with my ex onto two characters kjnhbgv it actually still kinda leaves a pit in my stomach when i think about it? i guess it was a good outlet at the time? kjnbhg
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
i havent started any more wips yet theyre just little ideas but just. more dash and phil i like writing them and theyre characters i can write a bit easier so im always excited for stories with them in it
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nerdywriter36 · 3 months
for the five sentence fic ask game: POTO + jump
It would end swiftly this way. Faster than any other method Erik could have come up with, that was for certain. With one step off of the edge of the roof, of his precious opera house, it could end. This tormented life that he had lived for far too long, one that he was now fated to live completely alone with his Angel gone. There would be no one to grieve him, and he might finally know peace, that which he desired for so long.
this was the one that gave me the most trouble, and this was the only idea. apologies for the angst >.<
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uniasus · 5 months
WIP word "outside" (because it's that kind of day for me)
And now comes the hardest part of this - figuring out what WIP to use. This would be so much easier if I didn't post my chapters as I go, but here's a bit from The Keep's Ruler, my most recent fill that I'm working on for Phic Phight. This chapter is already live, but eh. I haven't talked about this fic here much.
Skulker flew closer, running a hand along the outside of the machine. Danny noticed he took extra care to not cross the line into the tunnel, and something in him eased. He didn't want anyone to step inside. Ever. "There's no damage to the machine." "Nor did I touch it. I fed ectoplasm into the portal to keep it open." Skulker looked at him, eyes on his chest before continuing his examination. "It was closed from the other side. That's the only explanation." "Who could even do that?" Tucker asked through the phone. "I thought the portal was self-sustaining." Skulker looked uncomfortable, eyes darting to Danny, even as he stepped further and further from the portal. It clicked. Only one thing made ghosts that uncomfortable. "Me. I was powering the portal because it formed in me."
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phicphight · 6 months
After prompts based on events of "A Glitch in Time" the graphic novel or set after okay to use?
Yes, prompts based on AGIT or set after AGIT are perfectly fine to use!
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forlorngarden · 2 months
ch 20 of gideon the ninth just made me a substantially crazier person
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