#philippine series
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Original title: Gaya sa Pelikula.
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thethera-rossa · 2 years
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erkageka · 2 months
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People need to talk more about these 4,,,
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irithnova · 1 year
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odi-olio · 4 months
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It's my first time drawing SEATALIA aaaaaaa
I added vitiligo on Singapore, some moles on Indonesia and little freckles on Philippines hehehe.
Vivi just so done looking at the Maphilindo 🤣
Tbh it's kinda tricky to colour their hair because all of them has dark hair. But I think I do good by giving a bit of colour just to make them pop 🤔.
And bout their skin tone, I'm pretty sure I used different shades for each person, idk why it almost looks the same in my phone :')
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Calling all nations the humans are getting out of hand, there's a fake study that says if you get a nation to marry you, a human will become immortal too.
I've already locked my doors after some of my citizens attempted to kidnap me and marry me in a dark alley in Manila
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tejennnn · 2 years
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They are trying to guess each other’s local not-so-tongue-twister but more like wordplay thing
*Additional note (thank you Netsu from twitter!) : Piri actually could recognize ‘Teh’ from Indo as ‘sis’ too, so both Mal and Piri half-guessed Indo’s wordplay right!
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heretherebedork · 19 hours
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I absolutely did not have 'Sky Valley ends up with an explicit throuple in the 10th episode' on my bingo card for ever but okay. Okay, Oxin film. I guess you showed me. Just a man and his boyfriend and his ex exploring each other after a drunken birthday party. @absolutebl The throuples are spreading, lol.
Just to be clear, the show is NOT GOOD.
But dear lord I did not expect that.
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The real question is if they truly go for it. Or if they make it just sex.
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nonbayanary · 8 months
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HiruSena ft. Philippine jeepneys (the most common method of transportation here)
CONTEXT: When jeeps are full during rush hour, it's normal to see two to four men hanging onto the back of the jeep by the railings. This shit is dangerous, because if you lose your grip while the jeep is moving, you'll get into an accident.
This is also something that both Hiruma and Sena would definitely do.
RIP HiruSena, you would have loved commuting via clinging onto jeeps like your life depends on it (and it does)
HiruSena Jeep series: (1/2)
EDIT: It has a playlist now on YouTube and Spotify!
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daphnefisherofficial · 11 months
bugna: TAKIPSILIM | destiny's twilight
Pairing: MCU Moon Knight System (Marc/Steven/Jake) x Avatar Fem!Reader
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“Who in their right mind would name themselves ‘Jake Lockley’?” Marc sneered, prompting Jake’s astral form to abruptly rise, about to throw fists at the Chicago man a few meters away from him.
“If this hijo de puta doesn’t shut up–”
“Will you two shut it?!” Steven finally shouted, acting as the middle ground between his mental brothers before turning his attention to you who is now sporting a bewildered look. “Mira? Are you alright?”
“I’m okay, Steven, don’t worry. Just trying to wrap my head around all of this”, you finally spoke, nodding gratefully to Steven as you grasped Jake’s hand in his astral form to physically express your gratitude. “First thing’s first - it’s nice to finally meet you, Jake Lockley”
“The honor is mine, princesa”, Jake chuckled, placing a gentle kiss on your hand as Steven prevented the currently frustrated Marc to launch himself at his suave, Spanish-speaking New Yorker alter. “Hola a ti también, Steven, Marc.”
Hello to you too, Steven, Marc.
“Hello, Jake”, Steven greeted politely, waving an awkward hello. Marc, on the other hand, merely grimaces before flipping the bird, prompting Jake to chuckle at his host’s childishness.
“Looks like this is going to be more chaotic than I thought”, you shook your head as you couldn’t help but smile at the amusing interactions happening before you. This is proving to be a very strange day for you, no Sorcerer Supreme pun intended.
The room seemed to hum with energy as you circled around, absorbing the revelations that had just been thrust upon you. The three men in their respective corporeal forms simply observe as you work your moon magic, placing a protective spell to prevent any other spiritual forces from taking possession of their unconscious body.
“You’re some kind of witch, then?” Steven wondered aloud while witnessing your magical prowess before his eyes, while Marc and Jake were looking inquisitively at you as you took a seat at the foot of the bed. “Like Wanda Maximoff from the Avengers? Or was it Doctor Strange?”
“The politically correct term is a priestess, or babaylan in my mother tongue”, you started to explain. “I’m not a witch, but I did train to control my moon magic from Kamar Taj. It’s where Doctor Stephen Strange was taught with the mystic arts by the Ancient One. His mentor and I have been good friends for centuries”
“Centuries, bloody hell”, Steven exclaimed, not yet realizing the weight of your words. “And how old are you exactly?”
Jake snorted at Steven’s choice of words. “Pendejo, it’s rude to ask a woman her age–”
“He’s asking the right questions, so it’s fine”, you waved away, throwing a small smirk at Jake that he couldn’t help but return. “If you really wish to know the specifics, I was born in the early 900’s, so you do the math”
“You certainly haven’t aged a day”, Marc spoke mainly to himself. Upon hearing his thoughts aloud, you smiled serenely at his silent compliment. 
“I’m amazed you can still flirt with me at this stage”, you chuckled before shifting your gaze between Marc and Steven, straightening your posture before jumpstarting to your most pressing query. “So, my turn to ask you the questions. I’m guessing you two are not really twins, are you? Triplets, maybe?”
“I like your sense of humor, hermosa–”
“Zip it, Jake, this is serious”, Marc interrupted, clearly exasperated at his third alter’s quip as the latter made a face, rolling his eyes in derision. His astral form then reached out, a spectral hand brushing against your shoulder. "Steven and I - and apparently Jake too - we’re all facets of the same person sharing the same body”
“We suffer from a mental health condition known as Dissociative Identity Disorder” Steven spoke next, prompting you to nod slowly as the astonishment slowly painted your facade. “Have you ever heard of it?”
“Only read about it in clinical studies and theory”, you spoke softly as you absorbed the factual truth they’ve laid out to you. A myriad of emotions coursed through you as you absorbed their words: surprise, empathy, understanding. The truth was like a jigsaw piece that finally fit into place, and though the revelation was jarring, it also felt right. You couldn't fault them for keeping it hidden, for their fears and concerns were as genuine as the bond you had formed with them.
It was a lot to take in, and your mind whirled with questions. "Were you ever planning to tell me?"
"We plan to tell you, love, but we just don’t know how”, Steven stepped forward, his presence less domineering than Marc's but equally sincere. “We were afraid of how you'd react, of what you'd think of us."
“I know it’s not an easy matter to tell anyone”, you whispered, nodding slowly as you understood their reluctance. “I’m sure you haven’t meant for me to find out this way, but I’m glad to hear that you weren’t intending to keep this a secret from me”
“Of course not, baby”, Marc shook his head, his voice measured and somber as his translucent hand took yours as a symbol of reassurance. “We should’ve told you ages ago. I’m sorry you had to find out this way”
“We all are”, Steven chimed in, while Jake nodded thoughtfully in silent agreement.
“It’s alright, you don’t need to apologize”, you interrupted, much to the trio’s collective surprise. They knew how complicated their situation is, but your verbal acceptance was everything to them. “I can understand, I mean, you’re not the only ones guilty of keeping secrets, am I right?”
“I’m sure you had your reasons too”, Marc, of course, was the first to understand your hesitance to let them know of your other life. “But I want you to know that I’m here for you, Mira - we all are. You can confide in us, whenever you’re ready to tell”
“Thank you, Marc”, you smiled appreciatively. Steven, on the other hand, offered you a giddy smile at the realization that you were no ordinary woman.
“Your secret’s safe with us”, Steven chuckled. “I mean, we really don’t have anybody else to share it with. But it’s just bloody cool to know you’re a magical person. And coming from an ancient time too, I… wait, hang on a moment–”
“What is it, Steven?” you asked, indulging the curiosity of the British man hovering before you.
“When we talked back then about your history”, Steven started, recounting your earlier conversation on the first day you met. “You’ve actually lived during the times when your country’s colonizers discovered and invaded your homeland?”
Your knowing smile and multiple slow nods prompted Steven’s eyes to almost pop out of their sockets, his mouth agape as he slowly connected the dots with your creative storytelling that night. 
“Bloody hell-”
“I’m sorry to cut the storytelling time short, querida”, Jake’s voice was heard next, his tone apologetic but his expression meaning business. “But I have to tell you about what really happened last night. I’m assuming you would want to know that, sí?
"Yes, that’s right," you began, addressing the man who had saved you during the new moon, "Tell me what happened. Do you know who shot me last night?"
Jake Lockley leaned back against the room's battered wall, his rough-hewn features etched with a certain heaviness. "They were assassins, sent to eliminate you for good. They work for Set’s avatar, and it seems that they know you well, given their weapon of choice."
His revelation sent shivers down your spine, and you pressed further. "Knew me well, huh? I’m assuming the bullet was made of wolfsbane?"
“Yeah, that’s right”, Jake nodded, his voice low and gritty. "They took advantage of last night’s new moon, which weakened your innate ability as an avatar to a moon goddess to heal and be impervious to harm."
“That’s why you fronted. To save her”, Marc said, trying to piece his own memories together. “But how on earth did you survive that attack?”
“I’m curious to know that as well”, Steven added, his mind working to solve the imminent puzzle of Jake’s heroic act that night. “As far as I know, wolfsbane is also toxic to humans. We shouldn’t be able to survive that”
“About that”, Jake started, now avoiding everyone’s gaze as he kept his eyes directed on the wooden floor of their flat. “Mira’s healed wounds should answer that question”
“What do you mean by my healed wounds?” you echoed, pulling the sleeve of your white t-shirt once more to reveal the spot where you’ve been shot. Your heart quickened as you slowly pieced together the puzzle, arriving at the most feasible conclusion you could only think of. "It can’t be. You mean to tell me that you serve a moon god too?"
A sharp intake of breath echoed from Marc and Steven. They exchanged panicked glances, clearly rattled by your revelation.
“Es cierto, cariño”, Jake sighed, finally admitting his long kept secret. "I'm still serving Khonshu as his avatar, as the Moon Knight"
That’s right, honey.
Marc Spector and Steven Grant exchange incredulous glances, their collective disapproval resounding in the room. The room was immediately filled with tension, thick enough to cut with a knife as you watched the tumultuous battle unfold before you. Jake Lockley had just dropped a bomb of revelation that had left his two alters reeling, and a cacophony of outrage erupted from them both. Their voices overlapped, and their collective disapproval reverberated through the room like an ominous drumbeat.
"I can't believe you'd keep this from us, Jake!” Marc was the first to speak as he leaned forward, his hands clenched into fists. The anger in his voice is palpable, and Steven's expression mirrors his outrage. 
"So, you're telling us that you saved our life as Moon Knight that night in Cairo", Steven's voice was laced with disbelief, his eyes narrowing at Jake. “And you're still serving that lunatic god, Khonshu?!”
“I am”, Jake Lockley nods, his eyes unwavering. "It's the only way to truly protect all of us."
“This is fucking insane!” Marc gritted, barely containing his anger any longer as his face contorted with frustration. “Khonshu had us trapped in his service for years, and we barely got ourselves free. How can you do this?!”
“Jake, why?” Steven, ever the voice of reason, sought understanding amidst the chaos. “Why continue to serve as Moon Knight?"
"I serve because I have to, not because I want to”, Jake shifted uncomfortably, but his tone remained firm. “It's the only way I can do my job: to protect you both."
“We do not need protecting –”
“Maldito idiota, do you even know how many enemies you have, pendejo?” Jake rolled his eyes at Marc’s side comment, prompting the other to shake his head in pure disbelief. “Besides, I wasn’t just protecting you two”
“What do you mean?” Steven inquired, not understanding what other possible reason would Jake have to still take the mantle of Moon Knight. Jake's gaze then flickers to you, as if he's seeking your support. You meet his eyes, trying to understand the turmoil in his soul.
"It’s the only way I can protect you, Mira", Jake replied, his voice filled with a mix of regret and determination. His answer brought a brief silence to the room as you stood in the midst of it all, your mind whirling like a tempest as you tried to make sense of his current revelations.
Suddenly, Jake Lockley's eyes softened, and he revealed something that shocked you to your core. "I've known you for a long time. Even before all of this."
Your heart skips a beat at his words. You stand in the center of the room, your arms wrapped tightly around your own body as you struggle to absorb this revelation. 
"What do you mean, you've known me?” you took a deep breath, stepping closer to Jake. “How is that possible?"
“I remember the night we first met”, Jake's resolute gaze met yours as he nodded solemnly. "I wasn't the one who was fronting that time, but I remember seeing you. It was the night when Khonshu enlisted your help in shifting the night skies to find the right constellation leading to Ammit’s tomb.” 
The room grew quiet as your mind processed Jake's words. You struggled to remember that night, but everything was shrouded in fog. It felt like a distant dream, something you couldn't quite grasp.
“I don’t understand”, your mind raced, trying to grasp the implications of this revelation. “If you remember me, why Marc and Steven couldn’t? Why couldn’t they remember any of it? Why can't I remember you?”
“I was supposed to forget too, but Khonshu retained my memories of that night since I still serve as his avatar”, Jake sighed, his eyes a mix of sorrow and frustration. "As for Marc and Steven, those memories became recurring dreams that do not make sense”
"Wait a minute," Marc interjected, his eyes narrowing. "Jake’s right, we've had countless dreams about that night."
“That’s right, yeah”, Steven nodded in agreement. "Just like what he says - moving stars and shifting constellations. But it was always blurry, nonsensical."
Jake Lockley's gaze softens, and he begins to recount the dreams that Marc and Steven have been experiencing, helping his headmates remember what they could. These were the dreams that you've never been privy to, until now. 
In the midst of their quiet recollection and Jake's revelations, you continued your restless pacing around the room, your mind racing like a wildfire amidst the buzzing tension in the room. Something about all of this didn't sit right with you, and you require a direct line to the truth.
You needed answers, and you needed them now.
"I wish to speak to Khonshu," you declared, your voice unwavering. "Summon your god. I need to hear the truth from him, to explain all of this to me."
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helloimamistake · 3 months
Yay pinoy time (shitty edit)
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erkageka · 1 year
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irithnova · 1 year
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Review was for a buttplug
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boozles · 5 months
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For anyone who needs real confirmation, direck Ivan has given it! We are getting a 3rd Gameboys set in New York City!
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When you're always active on Twitter like yours truly, you're always seeing the weirdest crap humans come up with. Such as:
1) We nations have regenerating parts so those mummies in museums are actually just made out of our discarded body parts
2) We're spies of the government and tell our leaders everything the citizens do (Like, I don't care if I heard you're having another marriage problem, karen)
3) I'm?? Getting?? Married??? These people are planning my marriage without me knowing, oh my god. . . And the funny thing is, they say it's Mr. Brunei who's going to propose, HAHSISHISHSHS that's just unrealistic
4) Okay but like I was genuinely offended when the theory we were "unable to create children" (impotent for fucks sake—), why would these people care about that anyway???
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