#philza minecraft is me always
lunelicmoone · 1 year
oh brother this guy STINKS
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luvoid · 10 months
forever thinking abt how during purgatory phil thought no one else would choose chayanne and/or tallulah if worst came to worst and they could only save so many of the eggs, insisting that tubbo would choose ramon. but just before the final 1v1 tubbo said he wouldve chosen his god children without a second thought, that he’d spent the whole event fighting for them too,,,,,,,,,,,
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owosa · 11 months
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some sketchs that I never posted here for some reason? I was drawing a lot on paper at that time, so since I'm brainrotting with cubitos ponies, here you go.
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notsogoodangel · 1 year
Thanks for participating in my poll!
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It was way more fun than I expected, l originally thought that Martyn was going to win by a landslide because all my friends but one thought he was the evil one. Even some people were surprised by how even it was. Which of course led to propaganda about who should win.
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But the funniest and most popular category that I did not include, the secret third option: BOTH
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Which inspired me to do a little bit of shitpost featuring a young Martyn and Philza
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But there's another more secreter third option and the gigachad that mentioned it:
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I already made a comment about these tags, but that doesn't mean I love it any less.
Brunim is absolutely the most evilest of those 3. Sure Martyn is a chaotic little shit that would stab people for fun, sure Philza is an anarchist with a long history of violence, but Brunim is both of all of those things and more. He is a vampire emperor, who later turned into an anarchist, killed and hurt SO many people, mainly Forever, which, by the way, the reason why he has a weird obsession with imprisoning people (like Phil and Bad) is because Brunim did it, he is the main reason why Forever is like that. I love him.
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nomsfaultau · 1 year
Wilbur: you know, Philza actually loves you a lot
Tubbo, scoffing: sure, we’ll believe it when pigs fly
The Blade: put me DOWN
Philza, absolutely sprinmnting and flapping his wings as hard as he can: I HAVE TO PROVE SOMETHING
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royalarchivist · 2 years
Phil: I wonder - I genuinely wonder how many furries this - these two characters spawned, especially this character and this kiss, like right here. How many furries do you think spawned in from this? [cracks up] Like, actually.
Someone just said: “As a furry, yes, tons.” [laughs]
The influence, holy sh*t.
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greenbeany · 7 months
Unending thoughts about Butterfly Reign always
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Butterfly Reign is by @tuesday-teyz
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dansemacabre · 4 months
hi sorry i don’t go here anymore but i feel a lot of things about the tommyinnit video and i have a lot of bit ideas and i just. i need to make a numbered list
1. obsessed with how his go to story was always “kids in school bullied me for minecraft videos” (bad, awful, sorry this happened) and not “i specifically asked for my teachers to play my minecraft let’s plays in the middle of science”. this is soooo positive and kind and affectionate because this is both something i do now (lie abt personal stories on the internet) and something i repeatedly did as a kid (deliberately got myself into Embarrassing Situations trying to mix internet and irl. i have stories too thomas….)
2. his middle name is michael. LOSER. whos name is michael. only. losers
3. i was like “wow foolish and quackity are in here a lot” until i realized that he Cannot Show Anyone Else. 75% of dsmp clips contain at least One racist and/or convicted felon
4. this guy Cannot keep fading to black and sighing. every transition it’s another fucking fade to black. Please just cut to black please just cut please just cut please please please please
5. THE TOMMY NEG CAMEO……. suddenly it was 2021 and i was on twitter at 4am and my moot was asking me if i hated philza and cheated on my girlfriend bc a random swiftie faked messages with me to be in a joke group chat i was in that dr*am got added to but never actually joined. sorry this isn’t about me but hey that was Fucking wild
7. i fuck w the djo! I am crying real human tears though
8. he found himself thru stand up comedy…….. be yourself because then you’ll get more views…………. he is so wise……. i must become the most famous man in nottingham…………..
that’s all. i don’t think half of these classify as bits. this is like a React video but on tumblr which is somehow worse than a react video. doesn’t matter. It’s all love
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genevawrenn · 4 months
At the end of this all, looking back I think my favourite memories surround Team BOLAS in Purgatory.
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Don't get me wrong, the Death Family will always be my favourite dynamic and POV but god I still think about the found family that formed in bloodshed.
It seemed rigged from the start, half their team hadn't been seen in months and the remaining people had about the collective knowledge of one Philza Minecraft on a sick day.
Despite how many times they were destroyed, over and over, they kept getting back up due to their 'fuck it, we ball' attitude. My god, I don't think any of us saw their first win coming and then they just kept doing it.
Someone would come along and kill them, deleting hours of work in seconds and they would laugh it off and get back up. It was seriously impressive from both a character and creator standpoint to watch their dedication. Their shenanigans and light-hearted attitude did so much for their morale long-term. They seriously pulled up their bootstraps and kicked ass.
They outlasted the dissolving of the third team among the remaining two. They were constantly in earshot of one another, moving as a pack and spending every moment of those short hours together in voice calls of just existing.
It was hell and it was sancutary.
It gave Cellbit a figure to look up to and work to better himself to make him proud.
It gave Baghera and Jaiden a family, something neither had experienced due to *lore*.
It gave the mourning father Slimecicle a place to accept the fact his daughter was dead.
It gave Foolish something to fight for and a fighting partner to work beside in the form of an old crow hybrid, with barely a word spoken between them they won BOLAS a day event.
It gave Carre a place to just be silly while also being a goat.
Everyone on the original team who logged in plus the second round of BOLAS members pulled their weight and did incredible in such a stressful event. The amount of clips, art and writing that were created following the interactions exchanged under those red skies will far outlive the short fortnight the event existed.
It was very bittersweet watching the two remaining members, Cellbit and Baghera, put on gas masks and wear them to the end in honour of their family formed out of circumstance that evolved into genuine growth and affection between them. They carried that respect onto that plane and to freedom, they hold the memories of the people who held them at their worst. They will fondly reflect at their best, hoping they were proud [spoiler, they always will be].
BOLAS came to mean a lot to both the characters and us, the audience.
I will remember you forever, my chaotic cult of creators. You were a delight and I am excited to relive the content whenever I feel like returning to a series that became a comfort one for me.
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bitterchocoo · 4 months
Kabukimono | M. Reader as C!Philza [Minecraft] (Platonic)
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"Someone wrote this song before.."
"Father look!"
The hooded man turned around at the sound of someone calling for him, it was a little boy with short indigo hair and indigo eyes, he ran up to him with a huge smile and a couple of apples on his arms. "Oh, you brought some apples, where did you get them?" He asked as he eyed the apples.
"From that nice old lady I help yesterday, she gave it to me!" The boy explains cheerfully. His smile seems to widen with every second. The man can't held but also smiles he let's out a chuckle. "That's nice, did you say 'thank you'?"
"I did!"
Patting the boy's head, the man gave a small smile. "That's good, remember to be kind to people and say thank you when they're kind to you." He stated with a calm and gentle voice, like a father talking to his child. "I will, can we eat these when we get back?" He asked, gesturing to the apples on his arms. "Of course." The other respond with the same smile as before making the younger smile even bigger.
They walked for what felt like hours, until they arrived at a field with a house not far away. The boy always enjoy the open field, he enjoys running through them with the wind flowing through his hair and without fail, the moment he turns around to look at the house, he'll see the man smiling fondly at him with a soft expression. Entering the house, the man immediately closed the door behind him and locking it, lowering the hood of his black cloak, he took it off and hang it on the coat hanger next to the door revealing his [H. Length] [H. Color] hair and black wings.
"Come on, Kabukimono . Let's wash does apples so we can eat it." He said as he walk towards the kitchen with the boy following closely. "Okay!" Kabukimono went to the sink and start washing the apples, before handing them to the winged man to cut. Kabukimono watches the man cutting the apples and peeling some of the skin, turning the apples into cute little rabbits. He watches in awe as the winged man made it look so easy. Maybe he could do that to?
Afterward he cleaned all the messes before bringing the plate of apples to the terrace. Both of them sit next to each other with the plate in between them. Kabukimono swings his leg as he eats the apple happily and admiring the beautiful view of the open field, sneaking a glance or two at the winged man also eating the apples beside him. Once both of them finished eating, the plate was put to the side while both of them sits next to each other with the man's right wing wrapped around the small boy.
Kabukimono smiles fondly at the older, giving him a closed eye smile he said. "Thank you for taking me in, Mister [Name]. I'm really happy to live with you, and I'm sorry for calling you father earlier, it kinda just—"
Turning his head towards Kabukimono [Name] caress his cheek resulting in him to stop talking before making him look up at him. Kabukimono looked at the older confused only for [Name] to give him a smile and said. "There's no need to thank me, and it's alright, you can call me 'father' if you want to, you're my son after all."
Kabukimono smile widened, he was so luck to have this kind, and caring man to be his father figure. He then places his hand on top of [Name]'s larger one and lean his head towards his hand.
'I'm so luck.'
'I'm so luck to have met this man."
'This man that I could consider as my own father.'
A small boy woke up in the middle of nowhere and was surrounded by a bunch of snow and trees.
He was abandoned...
Abandoned by the person that's supposed to love and care for them more than anything...
His creator...
.....His mother...
The boy hugged his legs close to his chest as an attempt to muffled his cries. Suddenly, the sounds of rustling leaves alerted the boy of another presence. Someone's here.
He quickly looked up and saw...
A tall man with [H. Length] [H. Color] hair and...
....Black wings.
"Are you lost? I can help you find your parents." He said with a voice as soft and gentle as the snow. His voice was warm and comforting, like a father talking to his child. The boy stayed quiet, averting his eyes from the man and lowering his head. He doesn't what the man to see him in such a state, plus...
He wouldn't understand...
He wouldn't understand that he--
"Were you abandoned?"
He turned his head as fast as he could to the man with widened eyes, giving the winged man a full view of his tear-stained face and red puffy eyes. "I know what it's like being all alone like that... being abandoned by someone..." He said weakly, his voice going quieter on every word he uttered.
With that, the man was suddenly by his side wrapping both of his wings around him, trapping the boy in. He then caress his tear-stained cheek and gave him a warm and soft smile, a smile that a loving family member would give. "But it's alright, you don't have to go through that pain... you don't have to go through what I went through... You don't have to cry anymore... as of today, I'll be your father, and you're my son."
He then pressed his forehead against the younger with a closed eye smile, the same smile he gave earlier. The tears in the boy's eyes streams down the moment he utters those words. The man immediately pulls him into a hug while his wings wrapped both of them gently and keeping them warm.
"I'll give you a world filled with joy and laugher."
"All you need to do is just open up your heart to me."
"There's no need to worry, I'm here after all."
"Father's here.."
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spamminginks · 1 year
Please remember that this is always only about the cubitos and never about the actual CC themselves. 🫰Also this is just me word vomiting because I have no one to talk to about this stuff lol.
Something that seems that a lot of people have forgotten is that before guapoduo ever even existed, early in the egg arc, we talking first two or three weeks, a lot of the other parents were super jealous of what Phil and Missa had and that they were THE couple.
Like not even at a distance. On the way to rescue the eggs when they got kidnapped the first time, FitMC of 2b2t straight up said, to their faces, that he was jealous of what they had as a couple and then proceeds to go off on Spreen for leaving for cigarettes. Missa adds to this saying that on twitter, everyone was saying that they were also jealous of them. Then there is also the instance of Slime and Mariana (literally within the first two hours of having the eggs) saying that they were too happy together and that they want to trade, to which Philza ("come to bed partner" in our deluxe double bed) Minecraft proceeds to huddle next to Missa saying that he's plenty happy with his partner (this was before he would add platonic in front while Missa was gone, to which he immediately stopped doing as soon as he got back as far as I'm aware).
After all of that, jump to current date, post guapoduo, who are the biggest Phil and Missa fans? First a foremost Chayanne (my god the kid has a backpack named Phissa and caged Forever when he was flirting with Phil in protest), Mumza (came up with Pissa/Phissa as their ship name) Tallulah, and then Richarlyson or guapoduo themselves (Roiers "no mamas" to Missa calling Phil handsome then asking when the wedding was and drunk Cellbit full chest shipping them, telling Missa that Phil is just shy with his feelings and also immediately clocked that the skull on Phils backpack was for Missa once he saw them together).
Also being in a QPR doesn't necessarily mean absence of romantic feelings (coming from a aro/ace person in a romantic QPR) but there is nothing wrong with seeing their relationship as strictly platonic on Philzas side of things and you are completely valid. 💛
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lennjamin-o7 · 21 days
i don't think i have it in me to watch philza minecraft's too many hours hardcore streams, so I'm just curious- how does he do lore for his hardcore series?
I can give you the info I know, and I am 100% certain there are people who can give more thorough explanations and/or correct me. @rakkuntoast is someone on tumblr who I know is much more informed than me about Philza lore.
Most of Philza's hardcore streams are him building these massively cool builds. But, the Lore of the series is that he is more of an archeologist or historian, discovering these locations and the story behind them.
A lot of the Lore is delivered by him explaining and narrating the story of the world as he builds. Occasionally, he will go through the whole story of the world for new viewers who don't already know. And sometimes, happy accidents or jokes just become a part of the story.
The main lore is this.
The Enderking, a God who ruled the End, was greedy and thought he deserved to be in control of everything, so he set about stealing everything for himself.
He tried to pull in parts of the Nether, but was stopped by the Blaze Empress, goddess of the Nether. Part of the Nether is still affected by this tussle, seen in the Nethervoid build. Also, during this clash, two of the Blaze Empress's BEST warriors known as He and She were separated. They were in love, but never confessed to each other their feelings. Now they are just lava pools, separated forever. (He and She were added because Kristin convinced Phil to put a smiley face in a lava pool and the Lore sprung from there).
Then, there is Flowerfall. Flowerfall was the home of the Ocean Overlord (Affectionately called Ocean Himbo by the Crows and I had to actually google what his title was because I couldn't think of it other than Himbo). The Ocean Overlord was a god of, well, the ocean. He lived in this massive underwater palace. When the Enderking was stealing parts of the world, the Ocean Overlord was asleep. He was asleep through the whole War, actually. And the Enderking nearly ripped his house out from under him! It was only another deity, Rose, who stopped the Enderking from stealing the Ocean Overlord's house.
The Gods (Minus beloved Himbo) fought against the Enderking and kicked him out of their realms. I'm not remembering exactly, but I think that in this tussle and the return of the Ocean Overlord's home, the sea flooded the End, creating Endlantis (someone correct me on this, if its wrong). The Enderking was slain (however, he's a god so he's not REALLY dead). His corpse lies underneath Endlantis, always possible that he could return.
There are a ton of details that are added onto this, but those details are really only fleshed out in one-off moments within Phil's streams. Like, Phil adding a tree at Spawn where the Blaze Empress and Rose send each other gifts and messages because they are such good friends (Crows know they are gal pals, even if Phil doesn't confirm it). Others are derived from accidents like the Battle of Endlantis, which was where multiple dragons were accidentally spawned, and Phil had to kill them off. Or when Phil lost his trident in the void, he made it big and existant in the newest season as if it had transcended dimensions.
There are other gods that we haven't been introduced to, as well. I think there are 2 more that he hasn't named. However, yeah, its kind of hard to keep up with all of the Lore if you aren't able to constantly watch it. I know there is a really good video of Philza explaining his Hardcore Lore to, I THINK, Slimecicle? But I couldn't find it. If anyone knows where it is, please link yes!
Anyways, I hope that answered your question 💚💚💚💚
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rainbowchaox · 1 year
Look I know I am talking lots about death duo.
You guys don’t understand. Like first day they got chayanne. Mariana and slime came to Phil and Missa. Mariana Flirted with PHIL and Phil was legit was like “sorry I’m happy with my partner-“ and cuddled close to Missa. SAME day he made a bed for him and Missa. Phil always gave Missa so much gear. Phil was calling him partner and husband before he said platonic before.
Missa meanwhile drew fantastic art of Philza and Everytime he streamed he was like saying romantic monologues about Philza. Full on called Philza his love, beloved, and husband. YOU have to realize this is when Philza was like fighting the the rising gayness of being on QSMP and was like it’s platonic guys. Missa was full on being a massive romantic simp for Felipe Minecraft in Spanish.
Missa being all dramatic towards Roier and being like “PHILZA GAVE ME A HOME” I Remeber. Not to mention him literally getting beat to death because he had the audacity to say he gonna kiss Phil cheek to forever.
NOT TO MENTION! I Remeber clearly how much a pissa/deathduo shipper chayanne is. He was so protective of his dad’s relationships that he literally trapped forever. Not to mention that scene with saying chayanne saying he has a cool dad and ONE SEC later Missa says “He’s talking about Philza <3”
Not to mention when Missa was gone Phil made him full set of slime armor. A back pack with a skull to match the one he has. NOT TO MENTION recently being like I don’t miss Missa what you talking about.
Their dynamic is PEAK. Hilarious and adorable. I literally vibrating with excitement for when they meet again.
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lookinghalfacorpse · 1 year
/dsmp /rp
cuddling with dream and the many possibilities, scenarios, and obstacles you may encounter. don't let him read this. a guide by technoblade.
i'm about to blow your minds with how complex this is. i'm a master at my art (sleeping), alright? i'm an experienced craftsman (at sleeping), i perform at my best in all locations (with naps, mostly) (yes, even in the obsidian box), and i'm very good at cuddling. i'm practically built for it. i would never, ever think about writing a guide about how to cuddle with philza minecraft (or anyone else, really), but this squirmy little guy is different.
-the best approach is the Sudden Drop. walk over to him, no matter what he's doin, and just drop onto him and stay there. spare no body weight. he'll probably think it's a bit funny, and that's why it's the best one. he's more likely to humor something if it's a good bit, and having a giant piglin treat you like a sofa cushion is a GREAT bit. he'll laugh.
-(the second best approach is when he's upset or panicking or crying, and you can see him grabbing onto himself. normally that means... idk, that he wants held? Or he wants to hold something? i'll sit down, slowly, and wrap 'im up. he'll latch onto me. hard. fingers twisting my fur-- the whole nine yards)
-otherwise, he's shy with his hands. a few times now, i've grabbed his hands and put them somewhere on me because he was just, like, hovering them awkwardly. like, cmon, man. i'm laying my whole body on you, what part of your hands do you think is gonna bother me.
-but, come to think of it, sometimes he's afraid of my hands, too. if i move them in the middle of the night. if i lay them somewhere sensitive, like his sides or the small of his back.
-another scenario: he might approach me, too. i thought it'd never happen. you know that feeling with the stray dog is finally close enough to sniff your hand and you stay super still so you don't scare it? That's how i felt. he normally just walks over and leans on my shoulder, and i still can't tell if that's all he wants or if he's asking me for a better cuddle. more experimentation is needed here.
-location is key! in all scenarios, near the wall is best. i think of myself as a secondary wall and kinda close him in- if sam were lookin', he'd only see me.
-(he's so little. he's SO little. was he always this thin? i'm gonna crush the kid.)
-expect the unexpected. sometimes he'll hit you. sometimes he'll start to cry, and sometimes that means you need to let him go, and sometimes that means you need to hold tighter. it's complicated. but everyone needs it, especially dudes bein tortured in a box, so it's worth the effort.
-(sometimes i need it, too. i'll admit it, i'm scared.)
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pixiecaps · 1 year
so you’re new to tumblr/qsmpblr? hello!! heres a short guide
- unlike twitter we don’t have any main updates accounts instead to keep up with whats going on in the smp a lot of us simply read through the qsmp tag as thats where the majority of liveblogging will be at. a lot of bloggers tend to do summary/update posts for cc’s:) however the quackityupdates blog is here as well and tends to posts updates on tweets !
- do not crosstag anything unnecessary. do not tag minecraft under any qsmp post. that tag is used by mineblr and people specifically talking about the game. instead the main tag you should always use for posting about qsmp is simply “qsmp”. if you post fanart then you can use the tag “qsmp fanart” :D some general advice is try not to clog up your posts with incorrect tags or too many tags. for instance if you’re liveblogging a philza stream do not do #qsmp #philza qsmp #philza minecraft #qsmp liveblogging ❌ instead you can do #qsmp #philza #liveblogging ✅ (using philza as an example because if you tag #philza minecraft it will get into the mineblr tag so please avoid using that tag)
- how to make mutuals.. the age old question. on tumblr we don’t do the whole List of Interests follow me thing. a lot of us simply post our silliest thoughts into the main tag and you’ll eventually gain followers and maybe make mutuals! its all based on vibes and if somebody thinks you’re cool enough to follow back!
- since tumblr doesn’t have the same algorithm like twitter and is instead very self curated following people is important as is reblogging! reblogging helps boost posts and get more people to see stuff!!! so remember reblogging is vital to our ecosystem. a lot of us leave funny comments and thoughts in the tags of reblogs not the replies!! so keep that in mind:D
- block liberally. if you see a post you don’t like simply block and move on. sending anon hate/death threats is immature. the best way to handle that is to avoid engaging with it! like previously mentioned tumblr is a self curated experience. you have control over what you see and don’t see. you can also filter content and tags you may want to avoid coming across in settings!
- anonymity is a privilege. nobody here owes anybody anything. if you so choose use fake names, hide your age, etc. bloggers here thrive on privacy. nobody is entitled to know anything you don’t feel comfortable sharing! everybody is different not every blogger wants to share a lot on their intro posts and thats okay. remember to be respectful and treat everybody with kindness!
- tag neg and critical posts. for instance instead of tagging #qsmp #neg ❌ do #qsmp neg ✅ as the majority of people who filter those tags do it as #(word) neg or #(word) crit !
if any other qsmp blogger wants to add on to this feel free AND if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask <3
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snappycrow · 8 months
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SBI (Sleepy Boys INC (incorporated)) Is a group name for Minecraft streamers Philza, Wilbur Soot, Technoblade and TommyInnit, that was "created" in 2020.
When i say "created" i mean named because they weren't like an official streamer group they were just a group of friends that were hanging out, streaming together.
Originally the group consisted of only Philza, Wilbur and Technoblade. Tommy joined later.
When the 3 of them were hanging out one night on February 17th 2020, just playing games they all at the same time tweted the same picture. Everyone got confused so Philza retweeted the tweet saying "this post was brought to you by Sleepy Boys Inc." Because it was like 4 am and they were all sleepy.
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And this is how the name SBI got born!
Then Tommy joined.
During MCC 8 (Minecraft event) Tommy and Wilbur were teamed together. Tommy kept begging Wilbur that he wanted to join their group, so Wilbur said that he could if their team placed 5th or higher. Unfortunately that didn't go as it was supposed to. So Tommy had another chance in MCC 9. And they did it, they placed 5th and Tommy was on September 12th 2020, officially a part of SBI!
Those four hanged out a lot together and developed a sort of family dynamic. Because they were all different ages;
Tommy was 16 at the time,
Wibur was 24,
Technoblade was 20,
and Philza was 34.
So Philza became a sort of father figure, Technoblade and Wilbur were the older brothers and Tommy was the little brother of the group.
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Because of different time zones and scheduals it was really rare for us to see them all play together on the same stream. Then the joke 4/4 was born.
If we saw all of them at the same place hanging out, we would start saying "oh, look 4/4 SBI!" as to all of them were hanging out that day, and streaming together.
Sadly in June 2022 Technoblade pasted away of cancer. (Rest in peace, king ❤️)
This didn't brake the group apart, not even the fandom but it definitely changed something.
We were still joking when the 3 of them were together that it was still 4/4, because Technoblade was now always with them. And he's still to this day.
The group are still very close friends. They are now together in a group channel called Sorry Boys.
But they all got different interests now, and are not hanging out on streams as often as they did.
Wilbur is a lead singer in his band Lovejoy, Tommy is starting a tour with his comedy show, and Philza is still playing Minecraft and probably will never stop lmao. But they are still very close friends off stream and will be for a log time on. :)
Anyways, i hope you all enjoyed this little rant. SBI is always gonna be so important to me and I'm never gonna let this name die. I don't think that anyone will of course. And if we keep talking about them, post art and write fan fics and AUs, I don't think that the name will ever die.
Anyways, SBI forever ❤️!
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