#phineas has some rocks
i can’t think about ferb or i get emotional about how phineas always makes sure to include him and even though they don’t talk so much the rest of the gang clearly enjoys his company and like. he’s a valued member of any group he’s in despite having a quieter presence. he has a flat affect but he isn’t made out to be emotionless. not even a little! he very much has a personality.
no one ever pushes him to talk more than he’s comfortable with. are there jokes about his quietness? sure. but they’re never mean. even in the group musical numbers! the kids perform a song together, but ferb doesn’t have to sing even when everyone else does, but he’s still there dancing / playing instruments with the rest of them. he’s included!!!
a lot of his lines are to share some fact that he thinks is interesting. he’s a genius. he’s a silly kid. he’s musically gifted. he wants to direct movies. he hates being interrupted.
basically ferb fletcher rocks
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mammalsofaction · 6 months
Imagine human!Perry getting hit with the molecular separator. Set during the events of 'Split Personality'
-That morning when Candace was wrestling with the separator and accidentally separates herself, the machine smashes into a rock and begins to malfunction. She doesn't notice, what with suddenly being two people with wildly contradicting priorities and all.
-But when Perry steps out into the backyard to head into his hideout, stepping onto the very same rock-a trigger for his lair, the machine descends down with him. Perry lands in his seat, but the machine activates upon impact to the floor and hits him with it before it sputters out and dies. Monogram is greeted with two distinct Perrys; Agent P, professional hardass and lone wolf dedicated in the pursuit of justice and fighting evil (specifically Doof); and Uncle Perry, a mellow headed novelist who sleeps a lot and really doesn't do much, but loves the kids with all his heart.
-If both men get caught in public and outs OWCA, it could decimate Perry's cover and invite all sort of legal and coverup catastrophes. Monogram demands Carl chase them and fix it.
-Instead of the Look-Away Inator, it's a Vanessa week and Doof has cooked up another harebrained scheme to take over the Tri State Area, but first! Buying parts at the mall with his daughter :3 Bonding time.
-So Agent P storms to the Mall to defeat Evil and Uncle Perry goes to the mall because all his kids (Phineas, Ferb, Candace, Vanessa) are there!
-Cue four part musical number with Romantic Candace, Busting Candace, Agent P and Uncle Perry while PnF and Carl are trying to chase Candace and Perry around the mall, while Linda and Doof remain perfectly oblivious.
-At one point Vanessa separates from her dad to go look at some new knee high goth stomping boots, and Agent P gets to her first. He gets all up in her face, interrogating her on her father and where he's going and what he's planning, and Vanessa-miffed-goes "What is going ON with you today" and Agent P is like "That's none of your business, Doofenshmirtz." Spitting out her last name like it's something disgusting. He's never referred to her like that before: Perry has ALWAYS made a point to separate her from her father, and emphasize that she was her own person. Agent P storms off and leaves her behind feeling hurt and confused and 40% sure that was NOT the Perry she knows and loves.
-Barely a moment after he leaves Uncle Perry stumbles inside the shop, looking winded and worried before he spots her and breathes this huge sigh of relief. He notes that Vanessa looks spooked, and Vanessa is making that math calculation meme look as Perry checks her up and looks her over until she convinces him that she's fine and she hadn't been hurt. She knows Perry was a softy on the inside, but she's getting whiplash from the sheer difference between him NOW and the him that just spit in her face 5 minutes ago. Not to mention they're dressed COMPLETELY different, and she's never seen him dressed like THIS before. An old battered denim jacket with old band patches over a slightly washed out ducky momo tshirt, khaki shorts and crocs. Hes wearing glasses, and his hair uncombed and unruly. If she was any measure as face blind as her father, they would be two completely different people despite the teal hair, and she wouldn't have recognised him at all.
-She's beginning to suspect they ARE different people. Sthg smells FISHY.
-She off handedly mentions that her father is making a SUPER evil contraption that could completely isolate her uncle. He's on his way home right now.
-Ducky Momo Perry just looks at her with this confused, slightly amused "ok, and?" Look like he's not sure what to do with this information, and just asks if she needs a ride home? If she can just wait until he collects the rest of his kids (he has kids?????) he can drop her off at her father's. They could even get slushy dog otw out maybe?
-She asks if he doesn't want to stop her father's evildoing maybe, and Perry's like no???? Im just a novelist, I dont do much. I dont go out busting evil, that's Other Me's job, and Vanessa's Something Is Off senses just goes BLARING like What Does He Mean.
-Perry checks something on his phone though, and notes with concern it is so LATE, and he needs to make Lunch, oh the kids must be starving he HAS to look for them, and takes off with a kiss to Vanessa's cheek requesting her to meet her at Slushy Dog so he can take her home.
-After he leaves, Vanessa walks out with her mind going A Mile A Minute and spots the Carl The Intern that Monty had once introduced her to. She waves him over, and he asks, nervously, if she had seen "Agent P" around. It's child's play to pressure him into telling her that Agent Perry the Platypus had accidentally been molecularly separated into individually embodying each side of his double life. One where he is known as Uncle Perry of the Flynn Fletcher household, and Secret Agent P the enactor of Justice.
-They had to put the two of them together, else OWCA could risk Perry's cover to be blown, and he would have to be relocated.
-She doesn't want this! She tells Carl that she had already told Agent P that her father had gone home to enact his Evil Plan so she's sure he's going to be at DEI, and she's going to persuade Uncle Perry to send her up. Carl will have to meet them there with the repaired separator and blast them back together.
-She finds Uncle Perry at Slushy Dog, talking to that blonde kid behind the counter that she's pretty sure is Candace Flynn's boyfriend and Perry introduces him as Jeremy Johnson, who had told him Phineas, Ferb and Candace had gone home with their mother. Jeremy seems to vaguely recognise her, at least. Perry introduces her as his "Partner's daughter, Vanessa." Which, okay, they are so pressed for time to unpack that right this second. The implications don't seem to miss Jeremy, either; he looks too stunned to speak. She doubts Jeremy had known Perry was dating anybody. Heck, she didn't know until right that second either. She is SOOOOO bringing this back up once Perry was back to normal.
-She tells Perry that her dad was making her favourite doonkelberry pie for lunch and he just called her and said Perry was invited so won't he please send her home? Perry blushes a little, most likely at the thought of her dad inviting him over to lunch, Jeremy looks arrested and wide eyed like he's piecing things together in his head and Vanessa is only a little bit sorry about the mess Normal Perry is going to have to come home to when he reports home to his mother.
-As Uncle Perry drives her home, Vanessa implicitly understands Carl and Monogram's concerns for the Agency's cover and OWCA's secrecy, because Uncle Perry has NO FILTER. She learns more about him in the half hour car ride (a battered Honda Accord) over than she ever has in the last 5 years she had known him. In a relaxed state, Perry talks in odd accent amalgam that he explains had been due to being raised in Australia, before moving to England with his sister when she married Lawrence, Ferb's dad. They were otherwise orphans who were integrated by OWCA at an incredibly young age, so the Fletchers became like family, and he had stayed even when his sister passed from an OWCA related incident (the one thing he seems hesitant to elaborate on) to help Lawrence Fletcher raise Ferb. He explains to her that prior to his nemesis-ship to her father, OWCA had demanded him work odd hours which weren't very kid friendly, which made him apply for a more stable schedule. Major Monogram got in contact and persuaded him to take up a nemesis-ship with his father in Danville, and when he moved, Lawrence and Ferb moved with him.
-Lawrence met Linda Flynn in Danville, who was a single mother of Candace and Phineas Flynn, and the rest was history.
-Vanessa had an inkling there was so much more lore she could uncover from that brief yet eye opening wealth of information, but she got distracted just learning more about Perry as a person and-apparently-how much more open he is about his adoration of her father without his concerns of professionalism as an OWCA agent. She knows he thinks her dad's cute, seems exasperated but fond and awed of his inventions, angry and sad about his childhood and past. Perry says he feels like he owes Heinz for so much, not least for getting to care about another brilliant kid, a point he emphasizes with a noogie to Vanessa's head. She feels all mushy and warm inside, but all too soon they have arrived at her father's penthouse doorstep, from which originated the sounds of cartoonish violence.
-Perry notes that her father must be busy, and Vanessa is abruptly reminded of her Mission. She reiterates her father's invitation to lunch, and practically drags Perry inside, praying that Carl had beat them there or was at least primed and aimed the Separator whatsit with a clear shot.
-Inside, Agent P is posed over her father, straddling his chest and he lies on his back on floor squirming and wriggling and noting that Perry the Platypus is being strangely intense today. Agent P is sporting a good few scrapes of his own, implying that her father had given as good as he got, but even with his scowl and a fist pulled back, it's a awkward configuration to catch her dad in. It's not even the first time it happens, but it's SO weird to see every time. Her dad never seems to notice the kind of picture it paints.
-Vanessa doesn't even need to do anything to shove the two halves of Perry together, because Uncle Perry had stormed forward with a beet red face pulling Agent P off of his Heinz, demanding to know what it is that he's doing. It seems to set them both like nothing else, because they are suddenly in a full blown fight with each other (Agent P accusing his other half that he was Consorting With The Enemy, and Uncle Perry hissing about he could've seriously hurt them Heinz and Vanessa BOTH, and this was why they never have any friends or nice things.)
-As Vanessa pulls her father away, she briefly worries that she had blown Perry's cover, until she notes that her dad's got two black eyes and muttering dizzily about seeing double. It's easy to coax him out to an adjacent room as she sees Carl the Intern sneaking inside the house through the still open front door with a machine that looks a like a camera. They give each other a thumbs up as the arguing increases to a fever pitch, one wrong word away before coming to blows, and Carl fires up the reverse of the Separator.
-The abrupt silence throughout the penthouse makes Vanessa's ears ring, but seeing only one dazed figure in the middle of the lab is such a wonderful relief. She watches him take note of his surroundings, a thoroughly defeated Heinz Doofenshmirtz and a thwarted Inator before reaching his own conclusions, and practically overlooks Carl, who takes the opportunity to slink back out the apartment with a visible echoed sigh of relief.
-Vanessa watches as he darts over first to her wrecked and injured dad, hissing as he carefully assesses the injuries and bruises he had inflicted on the man himself that reminds her of the way his Uncle Perry Aspect had looked over HER in the mall-the visible care and concern Agent P disavows himself of. He's avoiding her gaze, and Vanessa figures out that he's embarrassed.
-She doesn't get the opportunity to say anything though, bc her dad comes to somewhat and realizes that Perry is by his side. Despite his wounds being inflicted Perry himself, he seems to tell that Perry's worried anyway, and requests that the agent carry him to his room to take a nap. Vanessa feels a little like she's interrupting, seeing the gentle way her dad takes Perry's hand, the softness in Perry's expression, the easy acquiescence as he heaves her father up in a bridal carry. Her dad is still mumbling nonsense, she hopes Perry will look him over for a concussion, but Perry catches her eye to nonverbally indicate-importantly-that they need to have a talk.
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hello-eeveev · 1 month
I think some people who talk about Orym are actually talking about Phineas Thatch without realizing it.
I don’t think Orym is gonna give you the “military guy hits rock bottom and must confront the ways in which his worldview has harmed others” arc you seem to think he will, but phineas midst podcast is right there. You want someone who struggles to overcome the black and white thinking he has as a result of his trauma and upbringing? Phineas Thatch is your guy.
Having read these interpretations of Orym, I really think they would appreciate Phineas’s arc. I see the frustrations with stagnation from Orym’s character, and I think Phineas’s character would scratch that itch!
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It is so important the Weepe and Saskia episode came directly after the Jonas and Phineas episode, because it really drove home how similar these dynamics are and where they fundamentally diverge.
First of all, Saskia and Jonas got their origins in very similar ways. According to Third Person’s Midst Messages series, beta Phineas (then called “Puck”) was originally a much more self-assured knight-in-shining-armor type, and Weepe was a showbiz guy that actually performed on stage and could command a crowd. Later, when fleshing out the story and characters further, Third Person essentially shaved those parts off of them to make the characters of Jonas Spahr and Saskia del Norma.
On a meta level then— of COURSE Phineas and Weepe are so obsessed with Jonas and Saskia! They are literally looking at their better half, the part of them that was stripped away to increase their flaws. Out of meta and in the context of the story, Phineas and Weepe both put Jonas and Saskia on pedestals. They then deal with these pedestals in interesting and horrific ways.
The pedestals exist because Jonas and Saskia saved them in some regard—Jonas by pulling Phineas out of the Delta, and Saskia through her kindness to Weepe when he came to Midst. This results in Phineas and Weepe primarily seeing Jonas and Saskia as the symbols they represent: heroic Prime Consector and the kind, too pure for this world pillar of the community respectively. These pedestals superimpose a fundamental power imbalance in the dynamics: Phineas feeling inadequate compared to Jonas’ Valor and charm, and Weepe thinking his awfulness will eventually twist Saskia away from him, Then, all of the problems with these relationships come to a tumultuous head when the moon fell on Midst, and it’s interesting to note that both Weepe and Phineas both partially did the terrible things they did to save face for themselves to their counterpart: Weepe specifically wanted to not be there or mentioned during the Cabaret bust, and Phineas went so violent over Sherman in an act of desperation partially to prove to Spahr he was worth something. Both of these attempts end up failing and fracturing their relationships, and Weepe abandons and Phineas is abandoned. These relationships then do not see each other until close to the end of season 3.
One of the major themes of Midst is change and metamorphosis, both on a physical and a mental level. All of the four characters go through a high level of change during their time apart, but Saskia and Weepe’s change is purely physical, while Phineas and Jonas’ is purely mental (save some beard shenanigans). Weepe’s entire body transforms into the clear skeleton man we know and love, and Saskia literally gains another body from the tearror. However, even after these drastic physical alterations, they remain fundamentally the same person. Saskia is still kind and community-focused, and Weepe is still the same diabolical bastard. Conversely, Jonas and Phineas had their worldviews so rocked (Jonas a little slower than Phineas, but Phineas got to smoke a moth about it) they individually decided to renounce the cult and value system that provided structure to their lives. They both interact with others and the world around them differently because of the mental changes they have undergone (seen in Phineas attempting to take greater responsibility for his actions and make choices for himself instead of just following orders, and Jonas learning to take agency and grow a backbone).
This is why Jonas and Phineas manage to reconcile and Saskia and Weepe don’t. For as different as their reunion scenes are, there’s a striking commonality: Saskia and Phineas both express the sentiment “I’m angry at you and I don’t know if I can forgive you” and Weepe and Jonas both respond with “Good, you should be.” It’s why they say those things that matters though. Jonas and Phineas have internally changed since their last meeting. Saskia and Weepe have not. Jonas has reached a point where he’s no longer asking anything of Phineas or placing undue pressure on him, and so he accepts Phineas’ negative emotions and imperfections for the first time in their relationship. Weepe just accepts no forgiveness because he thinks he deserves it, because he’s the same terrible person he’s always been and internal change is impossible. Or so he thinks, at least. Phineas changed and Jonas changed to match him. Saskia and Weepe were incompatible with their polar opposite values, and stayed that way permanently. To tie it back to the idea of pedestals, Jonas happily stepped off the pedestal he was on and Phineas let him—they’re both at zero. Weepe couldn’t take Saskia off her pedestal or view himself as anything less than lower than her, to the detrimental point of denying himself the chance to grow from his mistakes.
These relationships could have easily ended up very differently. In an alternate version of Midst, Jonas and Phineas could have decided to kill each other and Saskia and Weepe could have survived and attempted to try again with each other. It end up happening the way it did because Phineas and Weepe had very different facilitators of their respective metamorphosis. Phineas was guided by the Mothers Merciful to come to a new self-understanding. Weepe had Imelda fucking Goldfinch. Change doesn’t happen in an isolated chamber, it’s influenced by the people around us. Phineas was guided into change. Weepe was tortured into it. If Phineas was not treated with the kindness he was, or Weepe was treated with a little more, there’s a chance the story could have unraveled very differently.
In conclusion (this post ran away from me a bit haha) the codependent relationships of Phineas and Jonas, and Weepe and Saskia heavily parallel each other but reach different conclusions in the key places they diverge, i.e. the internal versus external change the characters went through and the type of support they received. These relationships are mirrors of each other—I think Saskia and Weepe represent the worst possible road it could have went down and Jonas and Phineas represent the best, and the key was a successful metamorphosis and accepting the other as a person as they are, off a pedestal.
They all love each other to a frankly obsessive degree. Sometimes love isn’t enough though. Sometimes it’s just circumstance and a willingness to change that ends up being the determining factor.
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Next up is the Fictional Musical Groups Tournament.
Submit a Fictional Musical Group, along with where they come from and (if you want) propaganda through ask or submit a post. If the group doesn't have a name I'd like to ask you not to submit it, simply because I worry about running out of room for the individual options in the poll without a group name to use.
What kind of musical group doesn't matter. Idols, bands, orchestras, a dance group, etc. So long as they are musical and a group, they count. Although if they are in a group but the only reason they are musical is because they are in a musical, then they don't count. There has to be something else.
Submissions will be closing on the 12th of August.
Top 4 submissions are the ones I submitted myself.
Submissions in bold have propaganda, submissions not in bold do not have propaganda. Whether they do or do not have some already, you are still free to submit some.
Franchouchou: Zombieland Saga
Little Einsteins: Little Einsteins
Umimaku High School Orchestra Club: Ao no Orchestra
Jem and the Holograms: Jem and the Holograms
Soundcheck: Odd Squad
Mechanical Fever: Honkai Star Rail
The Mad Gear and Missile Kid: Danger Days
Wonderlands x Showtime: Project Sekai
Just Getting Started: Milo Murphy's Law
Fig and the Cig Figs: Fantasy High
Nightcord at 25:00: Project Sekai
Deke Squad: Agents of SHIELD
Stonemaidens: Hello From The Hallowoods
Phineas and the Ferb-Tones: Phineas and Ferb
Love Händel: Phineas and Ferb
Squid Squad: Splatoon
Kitty Section: Miraculous Ladybug
Off the Hook: Splatoon
The Feast of the Senses: Psychonauts 2
The Flipside: Phighting!
TeSTAR: Debut or Die
Mermaid Sisters: Carole and Tuesday
Poppin' Party: Bang Dream
Sex Bob-omb: Scott Pilgrim
Vivid Bad Squad: Project Sekai
Gravity 5: How to Rock
Moonage Lobotomy: Hylics
The Seasons/Given: Given
The Rumbar Pirates: One Piece
Old Gods of Asgard: Alan Wake
The Wonders: That Thing You Do!
2gether: 2gether
DuJour: Josie and the Pussycats
4*Town: Turning Red
Dance Dance Resolution: We Resolve to Dance: The Good Place
Grifter's Bone: The Magnus Archives
Chinzhilla: My School President!
The Gavinners: Ace Attorney
Julie and the Phantoms: Julie and the Phantoms
The Hex Girls: Scooby Doo
Scylla and the Sirens: Hades II
Spinal Tap: This Is Spinal Tap
The Baljeatles: Phineas and Ferb
Squid Sisters: Splatoon
The Rhythm Troupe: Sky: Children Of The Light
Needy Beast: Nightmare Time
Deep Cut: Splatoon
Star Anis: Aikatsu!
The Band With Rocks In: Discworld/Soul Music
Trash Binz: Kevin Temmer Tunes
Brozone: Trolls Band Together
Dreamboat Express/Dude-itude: Sonic Boom
The Mechanisms
1 Trait Danger
Anger Management: Parties are for Losers
Dethklok: Metalocalypse
Snakes n Barrels: Metalocalypse
Zazz Blammymatazz: Metalocalypse
Shallow Gravy: The Venture Bros
Detroit Metal City: Detroit Metal City
Kintama Girls: Detroit Metal City
Gokudols: Back Street Girls
Lemonade Mouth: Lemonade Mouth
On-Lyne: Warframe
Mucous Membrane: Hellblazer
Suite Precure: Suite Precure
Dancing Star Precure: Dancing Star Precure The Stage
Minihamuzu: Hamtaro
Mayday and the Crocs: CROC AND ROLL
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Burford: Count me out
Baljeet: We can't count you out. Phineas listens to you.
Buford: He also listens to the Barenaked Ladies. Go get their dumb asses to help you.
[Everyone gasps]
Isabella: Back it up.
Baljeet: Okay, Buford. You are clearly in a bad space today, but Phineas is our friend and the Barenaked Ladies are triple platinum. Are you?
Buford: Why does everyone leap to defend that band so aggressively? And how much stuff do we have to go through before my friendship stops being questioned?
Isabella: Maybe friendship is about going through a lot of stuff. And maybe BNL has two Billboard Awards to your zero.
Buford: Oh, they're "BNL" now? We need a shorthand for the Barenaked Ladies. That's how fundamental they are. You know what Phineas probably needs more than anything? Some space. Maybe I do too.
Isabella: Maybe we all need some space to pull the knife out of the back of the most celebrated Canadian alt-rock band of the mid-'90s, you selfish, jaded ass.
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phoebepheebsphibs · 10 months
Hide & Seek references compendium
I put so many little easter eggs and hidden things in my Hide and Seek fic, so here is my little ongoing list of references I purposefully put in the fic for those of you who like this kind of thing idk man
Chapter 1, Disney's Hercules: "Hey, Mack! Ya wanna buy a sundial?" Disney's Jungle Cruise: “Trader Sam’s! Come shop at Trader Sam’s! He’ll give you a great deal on shrunken heads! Two of his heads for one of yours!” the Holmes Hotel, Hugh's Pies is a reference to Nickelodeon's Jimmy Neutron series, Lilo's Stitches and Embroidery is a nod to Disney's Lilo and Stitch, "Crusty the Crab" is a nod to Spongebob Squarepants, Chell's Portal Stop is a reference to the game series Portal, and the final scene is from the ROTTMNT episode "Hidden City's Most Wanted".
Though this is not technically a reference or Easter egg, I wanted to add this note… I made a point of referring to Splinter as Lou Jitsu when he was mad or angry or selfish, and as Hamato Yoshi when he was scared or sad.
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Chapter 2, Leo's determination to have Raph call him "the world's greatest ninja" is a reference to the film, Leo's quote "Land safely!" is taken from the episode "Mystic Mayhem" as well as the episode "The Evil League of Mutants", Leo's complaining to be leader is a nod to his future role, Raph referring to his father as a "sewer monster" is a reference to the episode "Man vs. Sewer", Splinter has a flashback from the episode "Goyles, Goyles, Goyles" and the line "OW! Why, you little--!" is also taken from that same episode.
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Chapter 3, Mikey's dream is obviously a nod to all that he will do in the future.
Chapter 4, The origin of Lace Face from the episode "Man vs. Sewer".
Chapter 5, Phineas and Ferb "Escape from Phineas Tower": "That's some mole!" The line "Raph! Your enormous body is crushing me!!” is a reference to Disney's Lilo and Stitch, "sweater town" is a reference to the Gravity Falls episode "The Hand that Rocks the Mabel", the line "I didn't want to believe it, but... *sigh* science." is taken directly from the ROTTMNT film as well as a moment when Leo mentions that Donnie was wrong, Donnie uses two really's, a reference from the episode "Breaking Purple", Donnie gives Leo the comic seen in the episode "Jupiter Jim Ahoy!"
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Chapter 6, Splinter's tv flips through several channels which include clips from media. These include a Thomas Sanders vine with "Weatherman Al", the quote "My leg!" from Spongebob Squarepants, part of the Fairly Odd Parents' theme song, Mrs. Cuddles' catchphrase "Let's be friends forever!", "I've got bad feeling about this" is a quote from Star Wars, the fake show about "Goosey" is an easter egg to @gooeseyleo and her Gooseyleo series. When Leo goes onstage, he does "a few improvised dance moves", which is a nod to Ben Schwartz and some dance moves he did in the Netflix improv comedy special "Middleditch and Schwartz”. The Lou Jitsu play the boys perform is a parody of the Godzilla franchise and the Pacific Rim films. Donnie's line "I strive for accuracy" is a reference to @sleepis4theweak 's comic (which I think about every gosh darn day), Horsebot-3000 and Splinter's line "I liked Horsebot-3000" are references to the show Community, season 3 episode 7: "Studies in Modern Movement".
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Chapter 7, in the illustration Leo and Donnie are wearing Transformer and Decepticon t-shirts, respectively, and in the background you can see spray paint that spells out "Atomic Lass", as well as a drawing of the turtles' weapons.
Chapter 8, a young BEBOP AND ROCKSTEADY make an appearance, as does a very young Harvey Hokum from the ROTTMNT comics. When Bebop tries to sell Leo, he calls him “Shelly”, a reference to my pet turtle of the same name. In the illustration you can see a goldfish on the shelf, which is meant to be Piebald.
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Chapter 9, How It's Made, APRIL O'NEIIIIILLLL, Harvey Hokum, Warren Stone and Kendra are referenced, "Operation Blue Suede Shoes" contains the title of a song, a reference to how in the show there are several similar code-names used for the characters ("Purple Rain" for Donnie, "Yellow Submarine" for April, etc.) Leo says that Mikey has empathy amplified, a reference to the fanfiction of the same name written by @filsa-mek on AO3.
Chapter 10, the boys watch "Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit". Leo promises to never leave Raphael alone and to always find him. Raph offers several scenarios that actually happen in the future where Leo searches for Raph - sewer monsters (a reference to the episode Man Vs. Sewer), getting captured by bad guys (the episode Bug Busters), and aliens attacking (the events of the film). The chapter as a whole is also based off of a few sketches I made - one of which shows the boys watching the film with Splinter, and one where Raph has a bad dream and wakes up to seeing he hurt Leo, who offers to help and gets the bros together for a turtle pile.
Chapter 11, the episode is heavily inspired by an episode of the audio drama series Adventures in Odyssey, specifically the episode "Mandy's Debut". The line "Wow, the shortcake of death" is a reference taken from said same episode! During Leo's flashback, a reference to the meme "She knocked that smug look off my face, but fourtunately I had a smaller smug look underneath" when Leo takes off his sunglasses to reveal a cooler pair of sunglasses underneath. Leo and Raph make a note to the fact that Leo is not the eldest in this universe.
Chapter 12, Raph, Leo, and Mikey teach April a game they play in the episode "Late Fee". When using sign language, Donnie tells Leo to "Stop yelling at me", which is inspired by a moment in Spy Kids 4. April introduces Raph to Ghostbear's starting career. Mikey repeats a line from the episode "Bug Busters", which is "Remind me not to ask questions anymore." Mikey uses the phrase "hydrate or die-drate", which is taken from a meme but is also something I say constantly as well. When in the Hidden City, Splinter hears people calling out to customers, one uses the lyrics to the Fairly Odd Parents' theme song, another is selling Mary Poppins' umbrella, a third is selling the three mystery journals from Gravity Falls, the fourth is selling Cinderella's glass slippers, and the last one is selling the Stanley Parable bucket of reassurance. Ochimizu is a Japanese mythical elixir of eternal life. The introduction and origins of Loathsome Leonard and the Mud Dogs. Malicious Mickey uses the "creepy doctor" line from "Stuck on You".
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Chapter 13, Donnie delirium is directly based off of my own experiences with delirium, as well as his and Leo's conversation about whether or not Leo would miss him when he dies (which was an actual conversation I had with my mother when I was sick with croup as a little girl). The second half of that conversation was adapted from a scrapped fic called "The Kids Are All Dying". Donnie references the song "Big Yellow Taxi". The seven-tailed fox comes from Japanese folklore, but specifically this one was a reference to Naruto! Mikey sings the first line of the "Wonderfilled" song by Owl City. The secret ingredient being a discontinued soda was inspired by the ending of the musical "Be More Chill". The toad yokai becomes Heinous Green.
Short story, in the illustration you can see several signatures and sketches on Leo's cast, such as Raph signing "Mad Dawgs" and Mikey drawing his stickers. On the wall behind Leo is an eye exam that has the words "RISE" and "PHOEBE" on it. There's also a computer monitor in the back with Leo's vitals on it, as well as a notification about the trackers, and a list of all Hamatos Donnie tagged.
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I will update more when I post new chapters... ;)
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bestanimatedmovie · 5 months
Welcome to Revenge of the Underrated!
Some of you asked me to put a "haven't watched both" to be more fair to the more unknown movies, but I've seen other tournaments doing this and I think it limits too much who can participate in the polls. So what I decided to do is a double elimination!
What does that mean? That means a movie has to lose twice to be eliminated. In other words, there will be a sorts of losers bracket that'll be part of main bracket. I'm undecided on whether to do this for only one round or the whole bracket, as it would make the tournament very long. Do let me know if you have any opinion about it.
Anyway, Revenge of the Underrated, Round 1:
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Miss Hokusai vs Happily N'Ever After
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children vs Tiger and Bunny: The Rising
Ballerina vs Book Girl
On-Gaku: Our Sound vs Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal The Movie Part 1
Cats don't Dance vs The Flight of Dragons
Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge vs The Girl Without Hands
The Twelve Tasks of Asterix vs Flatland: The Film
Felidae vs Pokemon the Movie: The Power of Us
An American Tail: Fievel Goes West vs Unico in the Island of Magic
Rock and Rule vs Rock-A-Doodle
The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning vs Freddie as F.R.0.7
The Plague Dogs vs The Magic Riddle
Pokemon Heroes vs The Pebble and the Penguin
Strange Magic vs Sea Prince and the Fire Child
Help! I'm a Fish vs Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs
16.Azur and Asmar: The Prince's Quest vs Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer
17.Titan A.E. vs Ico, the Brave Horse
18.The Adventures of Mark Twain vs A Troll in Central Park
19.The Case of Hana and Alice vs Once Upon a Forest
20.Underdogs vs Long Way North
21.Mars Needs Moms vs The Twelve Months
22.Phineas and Ferb: The Movie: Candace Against the Universe vs Blinky Bill
23.Robot Carnival vs Revue Starlight: The Movie
24.One Piece: Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island vs Winx Club: The Secret of the Lost Kingdom
25.Ruben Brandt, Collector vs Samurai Jack: The Premiere Movie
26.Lupin III: The First vs Pippi Longstocking
27.The Three Caballeros vs The Legend of Manxmouse
28.Princes and Princesses vs The Snow Queen
29.A Letter to Momo vs Seven Days War
30.The Wild Thornberrys Movie vs The Rabbi's Cat
31.Night on the Galactic Railroad vs The Boy who Wanted to be a Bear
32.The Swan Princess vs Planetarian: Hoshi no Hito
33.Patema Inverted vs Bartok the Magnificent
34.Next Gen vs Padak
35.Asterix: The Mansions of the Gods vs Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland
36.Thumbelina vs Catnapped!
37.Early Man vs Rainbow Magic: Return to Rainspell Island
38.Junk Head vs Hey Arnold! The Jungle Movie
39.Charlotte's Web (1973) vs The Princess and the Goblin
40.Shaun the Sheep Movie vs Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius
41. Redline vs Balto
42. The Addams Family vs Inu-Oh
43. Epic vs Mary and the Witch's Flower
44.The Girl Who Leapt Through Time vs Vivo
45.Barbie: Princess Charm School vs Kronk''s New Groove
46.Waking Life vs The Transformers: The Movie
47.Barbie in the Nutcracker vs Barbie as Rapunzel
48.Pokemon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back vs Cool World
49.The Land Before Time vs When the Wind Blows
50.The Secret of NIMH vs Summer Wars
51.The Black Cauldron vs All Dogs go to Heaven
52.The Red Turtle vs FernGully: The Last Rainforest
53.Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas vs Ron's Gone Wrong
54.The Boxtrolls vs Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade
55.Arthur Christmas vs One Piece Film Red
56.Barbie of Swan Lake vs The Rescuers Down Under
57.Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole vs Secret of the Wings
58.The Castle of Cagliostro vs Pokemon: The Movie 2000
59.Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust vs Arthur and the Invisibles
60.Tinker Bell vs Barbie as the Island Princess
61.Mind Game vs Tekkonkinkreet
62.The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh vs Dragon Ball Super: Broly
63.Mirai vs Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero
64.The Lion King II: Simba's Pride vs Scooby-Doo! and the Cyber Chase
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liliumsabyss · 2 years
Hello I have once again found myself rereading the Newt fics and my love for them continues to grow. However thoughts have been thunk and I need protective Newt in my life. I’m happy to let you run wild with whatever ideas you want, if you can’t think of any here are some ones that have been floating around my mind:
Newt protecting reader while they escape the maze. Newt protecting reader at the WICKED facility (probs not what it’s called but can’t stop and think about that right now). Newt protecting reader from himself while he has the flare. Newt protecting reader from Teresa/WICKED after the betrayal.
Anything you want, I’ll take it all.
All the love for you and your work ❤️
Protecting and Patching
Newt(TMR) x Male Reader
Word Count: 1.96k
Tw: Maybe OCC Newt, Blood, Injuries, Mentions of Death, WICKED, Swearing, Weapons, General TMR Violence, Film Newt, Based on Both Novel and Film
A/n: Hey again! It makes me so happy that you enjoy the fics so much! I really like the idea of Newt protecting the reader at the WICKED facility especially since my love of that scene in both the films and novels is just <3<3<3 I love that scene so much of course I love Newt more and he’s just so great in the scenes even if it’s very subtle he does a lot of the shit in the scenes. I had so much fun writing this to the point that I rewatched the scene like eight times to include all the little detail things that happen since I just wanted to capture the feel of the scene and Newts character in that scene since it’s like their first time with face to face peril of WICKED. I had a load of fun writing this and I also learned that Thomas Brodie-Sangster the guy who plays Newt is one of the voice’s of Ferb from Phineas and Ferb I don’t know if I love this fact or if it makes me want to cry. Anyway I hope you enjoy and all the love to you! Thank you so much!
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The boys flooded out of the vent into a dark room that was made of dark concrete floor and bright white concrete brick walls that were decorated with metal pipes winding and weaving into the florecently lighted hallways. The group stood antsy waiting for Thomas to give the next instructions, (Y/n) rocked on the balls of his feet, Newt quickly stepped closer to the other. Thomas started heading down the hallway.
“ Wait, go ahead I’ve got something I need to do” Aris calls out to the rest, one replying they will go with him.
The boys started sprinting down the hallway, Newt making sure the (h/c) haired male was beside him. The sound of footsteps pounded through the wall and the group turned the corner only to be met with a lady in a lab coat. The blonde quickly stumbled back making sure to put himself slightly in front of his lover blocking him subtly from the woman. 
“ What are you kids doing-“ The lady started before being cut off with the howl of sirens projecting from overhead siren lights flashed yellow. The lady’s face quickly contorted as the boys seized her holding her hostage as they continued their sprint through the corridor. They turned a corner (Y/n) being in front of the blonde when the ones who had passed the corner skidded to a stop. A man in all black with what appeared to be a large gun shouted a hey before raising the weapon and opening fire. Newt grabbed the (h/c) haired arm pulling him back clutching onto as they started to sprint the opposite way.
“ Are you ok!” Newt tried to shout over the chaotic shouts and pounding of footprints but it didn’t reach the other as he froze looking away towards where the man had come from. The blonde turned to see what the other was looking at, Minho was stopped several feet away with his fist tightly clenched, some let out calls questioning what he was doing at a time like this. Minho turned around letting out a yell as he sprinted full speed hurtling towards the wall as the man came around the corner. He kept through the air his knees close to his chest as he soared into the man taking him off guard knocking him into the concrete walls rendering him unconscious or dead. (Y/n) couldn’t exactly tell as the group surged forward Newt grabbing his arm dragging him along. Thomas had picked up the gun leading the group of boys through the winding hallways as they still kept the woman in the lab coat hostage.
A large metal door stood in front of them quickly being opened as they surged in seeing five very startled people in lab coats. Thomas holding up the large gun waving it between them screeching ‘where is she’ repeatedly. Newt turned to see (Y/n)’s face, he was biting his lip trying to push down the fear but the blonde could still see it in his eyes which had widened at Thomas’ sudden act of aggression. Newt quickly stepped in front of the other pulling his own arm behind his back to grab the (h/c) haired male's hand looking back raising his eyebrow. (Y/n) just gave the other a nod. Thomas had passed the gun to Minho who continued to keep the WICKED employee’s at gun-point. Newt ran forward grabbing a long strip of cloth attempting to tie their hands together as Thomas retrieved Teresa from the medical bed. Then suddenly someone standing next to the (h/c) haired male shouted ‘they’re coming this way!’ (Y/n) looked petrified turning towards the window in the door right where he had been standing. 
“ (Y/n) get back!” Newt screamed, his eyes widening in fear as he pushed through the crowd in the room towards the door. (Y/n) quickly sprinted out of the way, the blond pushed over a nearby metal examination table it made a loud clatter that shuddered through the already clambering room. There was a loud screech as the table was pushed by Newt up against the door barricading it. 
“ BACK EVERYONE GET BACK!” Someone shouted as a loud crash was heard, reinforcements crashed into the door trying to bash it open. (Y/n) turned at the sound of the panging of glass only to see Thomas thrusting a stool into the glass attempting to break it only to be unsuccessful. Newt looked with terror at the door as the WICKED guards were so close to breaking in so close to getting them all and then what would happen would they be killed like their so called rescuers or would only some of them be killed, would one of them be himself or even worse (Y/n), that future could not exist, he picked up another stool hurdling it towards the glass with Thomas. The loud sound of a shatter filled the room as the glass rained upon them. The boys leapt through the empty window frame that still had remnants of glass. Newt kept turning as the (h/c) haired male shakily attempted to climb through with the blonde spotting him, he however stepped on a piece of glass piercing through his foot the tip covered in blood appearing at the top of his shoe. The male let out a quick yelp falling forward onto Newt who luckily caught him.
“ Can you walk?” Newt said worriedly looking between the other’s shoe that was covered in blood.
“ I think so…” (Y/n) seethed, clenching his teeth. The blonde slowly lowered the male's legs to the ground still keeping his arms around him to take some of the weight of his foot. Newt looked up at (Y/n), (Y/n) giving a curt nod, his arm still stretched around Newt. Then they hear a loud crash. The (h/c) haired male didn’t even get a chance to look back before Newt had started sprinting, still supporting some of (Y/n)’s weight. The group sprints through the hallway being led by Thomas, Newt and (Y/n) towards the front of the group running on pure adrenaline. They all ran through a door. A man in a black ski mask with blank eyes stood there with a large gun which must have been the standard for WICKED. Thomas with little hesitation shot the man with the weapon he had been holding. Suddenly they hear the thundering footsteps echoing down the hallway from the WICKED employee’s. Someone yells shit as they race off again, they finally get to the access door all of them clinging desperately to the large industrial door. Thomas frantically swipes the ID card into the access slot, the door buzzes and a red light flashes denying access. The doors metal jaws stay clamped, some slap Thomas’ back yelling word’s of rush such as ‘c’mon’ and hurry up, but once again Thomas tries are futile as he once again frantically swipes the card it fails buzzing a sound of denial and flashing red. They hear the heavy footsteps of guards looking down the hallway and they see Jason surrounded by guards in tactile equipment heavily armed and holding up shields. Newt quickly pushed (Y/n) into the corner of the wall as gently as he could keeping in mind his injured foot shielding him from the rest as he turned to face the guard’s. Thomas quickly started walking towards Jason ready to open fire shouting at him to open the door only for him to respond with a threatening ‘you don’t want to do this’. Newts head whips behind him making eye contact with the (h/c) haired male whose hands were placed on the blondes back shaking, Newt looked away avoiding making the other more terrified he looked desperately back at the card slotted only one thought pummeling through his head how were they going to get out of this. Then as if a higher power heard Newt’s thoughts the heavy metal door screeches open its heavy jaws. Newt gives a cry of relief like most of the group as he throws (Y/n)’s arm around him, (Y/n) lets out a hopeful smile before they stumble through the door. Thomas lets out a few shots before his gun becomes jammed, throwing it at Jason and his security personnel. The metal door starts to shut slowly sliding down, everyone is screaming for Thomas to get there and in the little gap between the metal teeth of the door and the floor Thomas slides under. Jason hits the window of the door angrily as Thomas flips him off. (Y/n) still clasping onto Newt sticks his young out briefly mocking him as wide smiles spread onto the boy’s faces. They start at full speed sprinting through the large warehouse-like room stopping when they approach the large metal gate that stood a steel or iron giant whatever material it may be in front of them towering twenty feet standing between them and their freedom. Thomas quickly pulled a red lever allowing the doors to steadily open heavily, dragging open a greyish-blue smoke swirled past the door as the group flooded out.
Once they got to safety Newt and his lover separated from the group. The blonde still supported the others' weight as they hobbled to a corner where the two could sit. Newt carefully helped the other sit on the floor hoping that the pain had decreased and the bleeding stopped. He looked up at the other for permission as he went to take off (Y/n)’s shoe the (h/c) haired male nodded. Newt tried to take his shoe off as carefully as he could looking up at the other male who was biting his lip trying to not show how much pain he was in. Newt slid off the shoe to see a several inch wide gash going straight through the (s/c) skin of (Y/n)’s foot . It was bloody but didn’t appear to be bleeding as much as it was, being mostly caked in dried blood. Newt quickly took a flask of water that he had picked up earlier pouring the water on the wound. (Y/n) squirmed clenching his fists in pain.
“ I'm sorry love, I'm sorry.” Newt apologized, trying not to look up at the other in guilt. The blonde quickly tore apart part of his white cotton shirt’s sleeve, he gently held up the (h/c) haired male's foot using the cloth as a makeshift bandage wrapping the wound tightly letting the foot go carefully. The blonde then slid next to his lover putting an arm around him. 
“ This hurt’s like a shucking bitch!” (Y/n) whined to Newt waving his leg in the air.
“ It looks like we will be limping together for the time being.” Newt chuckled slightly making the rare joke about his leg only for (Y/n) to give him a bewildered look and a slight nudge. (Y/n) grabbed Newt hand interlacing them, Newt pulled their hands towards himself raising them slowly to his lips kissing (Y/n)’s hands as he peered at them with his honey brown eyes he gave out a short amused hum seeing the others bashful face.
“ We should get some sleep.” The blonde said hugging his lover slightly more into him, the (h/c) haired male leaned his head against Newt's shoulder with Newt reciprocating the action leaning his head against the others head.
“ Goodnight Newt”
“ Goodnight (Y/n), love”
The two drifted off into sleep in each other's embrace, the other boys shaking their heads at the lovesick couple leaving them alone as they continued to their shifts making sure not to wake the pair.
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39 FOR 🧟:
Denny’s big rule is that he cannot pass that line without an unarmed adult. He can’t go outside alone more generally. But one time he wandered off across the line while Karen was working in the garden, terrifying his mother so badly that the resulting lecture might have been more painful than a zombie bite. 
Buck loads the gun and keeps the safety on as he crosses the red line. Denny follows close at his heels. It’s a pretty simple pump-action shotgun. He’s the most comfortable with the shot guns they’ve managed to collect. Chim is better with the rifles. They’re the best shots on the team, but everyone - save Denny - can do it. 
The way seems clear, so they cross the street, where an old wooden staircase off the side of the road leads down a rock face to the beach. It’s not a fantastic swimming beach, but it’s turned out to be great for the fishing nets.
Once on the beach, Buck empties the gun and puts it back in its bag. He rests the bag flat on an old driftwood log. They can’t afford to get them sandy or wet. There are no gunsmiths anymore. Plus, if something comes for them while they’re in the water, they’re likely safe. The zombies are pretty repulsed by water, for whatever reason. 
“You got the bucket?” Buck asks Denny before they wade into the shallows.
Denny lifts it proudly. “Yep!”
“Alright, let’s go.”
Buck and Denny walk through the shallows, checking the trapline, emptying any fish, and resetting them. They’re each marked with some kind of floating buoy. Or, in some cases, other miscellaneous floating things Buck could find in place of a buoy. A volleyball. A life preserver. Two goose-shaped hunting decoys. Denny has named them Phineas and Ferb, one of the cartoons they have box sets for. 
“Do you think zombies know they’re people and are stuck? Or do you think zombies are more like bears?” Denny asks as they work. 
“Like bears?” Buck asks. “What do you mean?”
“Bears are scary and attack people and don’t care!”
“I don’t know if that’s true,” Buck says. “Bears aren’t that mean, Denny. Just protective of their space. Zombies are meaner than bears.”
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Characters Marked Anything Other Than "Accepted And Ready To Post" or "Already Posted"
someone said they thought this would be useful, so I'm making it. I have nothing against any of the submitters for these characters, to be clear, and for anything not in the "Dark Red: Inherently Unpostable" category you can submit more evidence to make them more postable!
Dark Red: Inherently Unpostable
You, from Real Life: Real person.
Oli Theorionsound, from Empires SMP: Too close to a real person for me to be comfortable posting them.
Red: Not Enough Evidence
Todd Chavez, from Bojack Horseman: Only evidence provided was vibes.
Estinien Varlineau, from FFXIV: Evidence provided was for neurodivergence, but not for ADHD specifically.
Siyun Baek, from Dreaming Freedom: Only evidence provided was fidgeting, which is not enough to say ADHD instead of other neurodivergence.
Kris, from Deltarune: Evidence is vibes only.
Richard Lipschitz, from Nerdy Prudes Must Die: Evidence is vibes only.
The Collector, from The Owl House: Only evidence provided is energetic personality, which isn't inherently ADHD.
Orange: Unsure If Enough Evidence. Would Prefer More. Please Submit More
Max Good, from A Goofy Movie: This one teeters on the edge for me; it has some evidence, but doesn't feel super compelling. Will probably end up deciding whether to post on the day it comes up, honestly. Please submit more if you see him as ADHD!
Tom Paris, from Star Trek: Voyager: Feels like it's on the edge between proof of ADHD and just proof of neurodivergence or personality traits. Would like more ADHD-specific evidence. I have watched Voyager but it was too long ago for me to provide my own evidence
Mammon, from Obey Me: Only evidence provided is impulsivity. Unsure if that's enough or not. Because at least part of my criteria is does it Feel Compelling To Me I vary day by day on if that's enough. So more evidence would be great.
Rand Ridley, from Inside Job: Feels kind of vague, I probably could judge this one if I actually knew the character, but I don't. Might do a wiki dive and see if that helps. More evidence would be great.
Dewey Finn, from School of Rock: Evidence is a combo of factual and vibes-based, and the factual evidence is a little weak (not getting things done on time and irresponsibility are common in ADHD people, but I'm not sure if it's enough or not.) More evidence please!
Yellow: Postable, But I Need To Look Into Something First
Mac McDonald, from It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia: Apparently someone makes a comment about him being ADHD in the show. Someone was kind enough to find where this happens for me, but I need to get around to watching it for myself and evaluate if it counts as canon ADHD. I'd usually say any assertion of ADHD in canon is a confirmation, but this is a sitcom and ADHD is unfortunately often used as a punchline. Been debating whether to just post him as "semi-canon".
Kaveh, from Genshin Impact: Submitter thought it might be canon. Need to check. Even if not, evidence was sufficient, so it'll be posted once I check (honestly should have been posted ages ago if I'd gotten around to checking.)
Tigger, from Winnie the Pooh: I've seen some cool analyses on how different Pooh characters represent different neurodivergencies and Tigger represents ADHD. Would like to dig one up to include in the post.
Flywhisker, from Warrior Cats: Author said she "wouldn't be surprised if Flywhisker was on the ADHD spectrum". Need to look up context because I think that's a canon confirmation, but she was submitted as noncanon.
Heinz Doofenshmirtz, from Phineas and Ferb: Submitter talks about how the writer based doofenshmirtz on himself and was later diagnosed with ADHD. Need to look into if said writer ever connected those two things. Evidence looks sufficient even if noncanon, though.
Amy Rose, from Sonic: Submitter's evidence was a video and I just haven't gotten around to watching it yet lol. Sounds postable from the text, I just need to watch the vid to make sure.
If your submission is not listed here, it has been deemed acceptable. If you see a character listed here as ADHD, this does not mean they will never be posted no matter what (except the dark red)! Feel free to make a submission with additional info.
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archoneddzs15 · 15 days
Sonic 30th Anniversary Symphony (2021) - My reaction 3 years later
I am going to admit one thing. I am a Sonic fan, and it has always been this way since 2006 when I got my hands on Sonic Advance 3 for my Game Boy Advance SP. At the time I was one year away from starting elementary school and my family was not well off at the time, so I had to make do with what I could play. Little did I know that my first encounter with the blue hedgehog would change my life forever as I know it today.
Then as I grew older I was able to get some extra games for the systems I did own, such as my childhood 32 bit console, the Sega Saturn. I got Sonic Jam which was my first gateway drug to the classic 16-bit Sonic games, and I even got to roam around in the Sonic World for a bit, doing tasks like collecting rings and such. The Sonic series has its ups and downs, sure, but there is one thing that the Sonic series never fails on, and it became even more apparent when I saw this comment on one particular live-stream where a music teacher was gob-smacked by how fuckin' awesome the Sonic Adventure 2 soundtrack was!
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Anyway, this little long-winded intro out of the way, though it still rings true as the picture says. Let's get right into it. As a 30th anniversary birthday present to Sega's premier franchise Sonic the Hedgehog in 2021, Sega decided "Why not make it bigger and better?" They got some Czech Republic philharmonic orchestra to do the orchestrated medleys for many a Sonic game under the sun, all of which remain one of my favorites. Keep in mind, this Symphony came out before Sonic Frontiers and Superstars. Also, I am not the best in terms of being a music critic unlike the Anthony Fantano types so my reviews of them are going to be relatively brief.
Part 1: Countdown
The music playing during the first 15 minutes of countdown is nothing short of spectacular. The track list is as follows:
A New Journey - Sonic Unleashed
Comfort Zone (Main Menu) - Sonic Mania/Plus
Sonic Goes U.G. Mix - Sonic Gems Collection
Fist Bump (Piano Version - Theater Room) - Sonic Forces
Mission (theme of Sonic 3D Blast) - Sonic Generations
Tropical Resort (Area Theme) - Sonic Colours
Part 2: The Orchestra
The Philarmonic Orchestra masterfully conducted a beautiful rearrangement of almost every Sonic game's soundtrack out there. I say "almost every" because for the Orchestra portion it's missing Sonic CD, the GBA and DS Sonic games and Sonic Boom. But that's minor substitutions in favor of something a lot grander, and I appreciate it. I mean, they even represented games like Sonic Drift 2 and Tails Adventures! Even NiGHTS got a shoutout. How about that for cool?
Part 3: Tomoya Ohtani
Tomoya Ohtani Band. Oh man, what can I say? Well, they played three songs, so let's get right to it.
Reach for the Stars (Re-Colors)
The Re-Colors version of Reach for the Stars as found in Sonic Colours Ultimate, the remaster of the Nintendo Wii game now available on PS4/5, XBOX, Switch and PC. This song absolutely rocked the socks off when I first played the original game on the Wii, and this arrangement is even better still.
Speak with Your Heart (Original + Rainbow Mix)
Things go normal for the first few minutes of this song, which I like, and then Tomoya Ohtani drops a bombshell when it turns into the "Rainbow Mix" which has a trap beat type vibe to it. I love it!
Endless Possibility from Sonic Unleashed (vocals: Nathan Sharp)
Nathan Sharp is the guy who sings covers of Sonic songs under the best name you could ever give, "NateWantsToBattle" under his record label "Give Heart Records". Endless Possibility is a song that people have loved for years and years and years. It's a song which was originally performed by the same people that did the vocal intro for Phineas and Ferb. Nathan Sharp swoops in and delivers the BEST version of the song yet!
Part 4: Crush 40 (Jun Senoue & Johnny Gioeli)
Crush 40 is also a staple among Sonic fans. From hit songs like Open Your Heart, Live and Learn, Sonic Heroes, I Am... All of Me, and so on, their music has touched lives everywhere around the world. Fun fact, they used to be known as Sons of Angels for a short period of time, where some of their Sons of Angels-era songs were used in the Sega arcade game NASCAR Arcade. The songs in NASCAR Arcade would be released in the only music album to bear the Sons of Angels artist name, "Thrill of the Feel". Speaking of which, they sang six songs before adding two more after fans (this was in 2021 and we were still in lockdown so....) "demanded" more from them. Fun fact: Jun Senoue also did some songs for the Game no Kanzume "Sega Games Can" discs for the Sega Mega CD. Johnny Gioeli also provided vocals for another band under his wing called Hardline. The six initial songs are as follows, which all really will rock your sound system off.
Open Your Heart (Sonic Adventure)
Sonic Heroes
Green Light Ride (Team Sonic Racing)
Sonic Boom (Sonic CD) (Crush 40 VS Cash Cash version)
I Am... All of Me (Shadow the Hedgehog)
Knight of the Wind (Sonic and the Black Knight)
Part 5: The Grand Finale Songs
Whooo~!!! Here comes the big ones. Two legendary songs all from one game. All before ending it off with an orchestrated mix of "Friends" by Hyper Potions.
These two songs are all from one of the best Sonic games of all time, Sonic Adventure 2.
Escape from the City (vocals: Nathan Sharp)
No one in their right mind would want to tell you that this song from after Sonic jumps off the helicopter in a bid to escape GUN forces is not legendary.
Yet here is Escape from the City, one of the BEST Sonic songs. And, of course, another spotlight by the King of Sonic song covers, Nathan Sharp. The Philarmonic Orchestra also added to the grand vibe of the song by making it even better still.
Live and Learn
There's nothing I can say. One of the GOAT (Greatest of All Time) Sonic songs just got a whole lot better.
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zagreuses-toast · 8 months
My Angua Playlist! I Didn't like Angua much at first but she won me over, and now she's enough my fave to have earned a playlist. my beautiful girl with a disorder, theres so much complex stuff going on with her relationship to herself, her family, carrot, the watch. i love revolving it all in my head. Theres some intentional overlap with Vimes's . Explanations under the read more as usual
Angua is a cynical pessimist, she's so sure she's going to be abandoned, that she'll slip back into her old bad ways, that she'll be attacked for what she is and have to run again. she always has one foot out of the door:
Fast Car by Tracy Chapman
Haunted House by Sir Babygirl (this one especially nails the "everything is doomed i just dont want it to hurt too much" vibes of early Angua)
In the Blood from Hades
Nothing Good from Centaurworld
Lets Get This Over With by TMBG
Evelyn by Kim Tillman
Run Boy Run by Woodkid
Too Much Time by John Vanderslice
the Angua and Carrot vibes. sweet in many ways but they also have a doomed romance (as in, doomed to be in a romance) thing going on thats bonkers and very fun to rotate in my mind, especially when its in tension with angua's instincts to run:
Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men
Between My Teeth by Orla Garland
Stray Italian Greyhound by Vienna Tang
I Scare Myself by Thomas Dolby
The Bright Side by TMBG
Absentee by Jack Campbell
I like You for Psychological Reasons by TMBG (genuinely thee carrot/angua theme song in my mind)
The Dog Days Are Over by Florence + The Machine (yes this is dog themed no it doesnt go in the dog themes section, the horses are carrot and finding a home in the watch)
Tounges and Teeth by The Crane Wives
Landslide by Fleetwood Mac
Sight of the Sun by .fun ("I used to run at first sight of the sun but now I lay here waiting for you to wake up")
King and Lionheart by of Monsters and Men
Despite being a pessimist, despite having been a killer, despite her family wanting her to go back to being that, and strangers still seeing her as a monster, shes better. she's trying:
Get Better by Frank Turner
Getting There by Mustard Service
Its My Way by Buffy Sainte Marie (gritting my teeth on this one, buffy was recently exposed as a horrific liar and a fraud who faked being native, but also unfortunatley this song still fits angua very well and i still like it)
Changes by David bowie
Arsonist's Lullaby by Hozier
I'm Me by Vanessa from Phineas and Ferb (LISTEN, HEAR ME OUT, it's a little silly but so is angua sometimes)
This Year by The Mountain Goats
sorry for stereotyping you Angua but here's the werewolf/dog/monster songs, :
Maneater by Hall & Oates
Control by Halsey
Senses Working Overtime by XTC
Hey Bulldog by The Beatles
Werewolves of London by Warren Zevon
Freakshow by The Gothic Archies (specifically vibes with her being undead, and all the stuff people think about that in universe)
Turn The Lights Off by Tally Hall
I wanna Be Your Dog by AJJ
Music With Rocks In by Louie Zong
Synopsis for the Latecomers by TMBG (city watch vibes, i always imagined she's the next commander rather than carrot)
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blind-seeing · 1 month
Things I've learned living by the railroad tracks+ other witchy historical tidbits from this town
(if you're going to read this and say I'm endangering myself or other people, it's a work of speculative fiction)
It's very easy to get lost on them. There are restricted access areas. Cool rocks though. I think I still have that piece of some calcite amalgam that I had my marine biology teacher, who was also a geologist, test for me. On my altar. Somewhere around here, found it in Oklahoma.
Now I live by the Florida East Coast railway line. It's very large. These things are everywhere, and are in a way the blood vessels or bones of American industry. Power grids too, I think are alive in a way
Built largely by enslaved people, poor people, was a very physically demanding job, resulting in many injuries and deaths so the blood is baked into every railroad spike. Fuckin Phineas Gage dude. But it's probably way more undocumented injuries, and secretive deaths
Built by industry, responsible for a lot of natural destruction. Double edged sword that it ruined and ended some small towns / communities, while bringing more business / populations. But whenever a new railroad is in the area it would have changed the Dynamics of the area a lot.
You do get used to the sound, if you are open to it. I'm starting to be able to tell the trains apart somewhat, and I can usually tell when they are going to come and they don't sneak up on me anymore, but sometimes if I'm not paying attention that horn comes out of nowhere.
Mr Flagler was, most likely, a rich bastard and horrible person, given that he has an entire county named after him, and he's responsible for at least a large section of this railroad. He used to do tours. I think I remember reading he brought the Queen of England on a railroad tour which is just like... Rich White people.
I am not focusing my research as much on him because I don't think he deserves the attention. I have thought of honoring Phineas Gage as a folk saint.
Volusia, however, from what I have read was a mixed Scottish and Seminole, and warrior who fought off the Spanish. The particular town I'm in was founded by The Scotts, who I think would have been some of the poorer people who came here before whole big militias/ armies of the Spanish.
Possibly indentured servants or people serving out sentences.
Hella ghosts near the railroad tracks to the point that I have found myself zigging zagging down into the underworld and other places like, unintentionally more so than I have at other places
It is a crossroads, no doubt.
Another crossroads like place acting as portal, old fort! By the bridge, by the water, where they're also used to be a moonshine operation.
There are guardians of the tracks, and bridges too.
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trigunsbbygirl · 1 year
I really liked your Vash and Knives isekai, so good. Especially the music part. Made me wonder what kind of music do you think Vash and Knives would make together and what would they make on their own. Like would Vash be more pop and rock and Knives more orchestral and indie. I wanna hear more on your thoughts on this if you wanna share. Just go pig wild!
honestly I hope this makes sense cause I don't actually really know a lot about music smbdkbs but either way I had fun writing this!!
•Nai does make a lot of orchestra music, although I think he'd mainly stick to the piano, he does explore with other instruments often. I could see him making music that sounds a lot like boss battle music. or, like similar to his theme, music that sounds a bit heroic. sometimes he'll make the most gut wrenching piano piece.
•he doesn't really write lyrics much since he uses music as a way to deal with his emotions and it makes him feel way too vulnerable. Nai won't even show Vash some of the stuff he has written. at least, not yet (he may show Vash some overtime as they've healed and worked through their past.)
•but when he does, he writes complex lyrics, never actually, truly writing about his feelings. always leaves a lot up to interpretation but he doesn't mind. (kinda likes the mystery to it in a way lol)
•every once in a while he kinda writes based around the past and everything that's happened.
•like the anger and confusion he had as a kid, finding Tesla, the betrayal of Rem and Vash choosing humans over him. a song of the hope of having wanted to make a paradise for himself, Vash and their sisters, then for it to be ripped away when he showed up on earth. but then the song becomes filled with hope again, Nai wishes to live a future where both him and Vash are happy on Earth.
•(also Nai is lowkey jealous that Vash's theme is like a cowboy theme and makes one of his own.)
•Vash writes a lot more happy and upbeat songs! they're usually about love, happiness, looking to a bright future. he wants to bring happiness and hope to people around the world.
•Vash mainly focuses on pop, rock, and edm, but he really wants to try his and at a variety of different genres and instruments. he finds it really fun and challenging. plus he loves learning about the music of each culture, why the music is the way it is, the significance of it, it's history. Vash would also love to work with other producers!
•trimax Vash especially, would write about a mosaic of love that grows as people close to it dies. because even though those people are now gone, they will still live on through memories that the mosaic holds and proudly shows. (saw a hc that Vash talked to the girls after vol.10 and Milly told Vash that he was a mosaic of those he loved and that they would live on through him or smth like that. it hasn't left my mind since..)
•he also makes music about things that have happened to him on Earth. he wrote a song about the time he found a pretty necklace and he wanted to buy it to give to you, but he had ended up forgetting his wallet so he had go go home. when he got back to the store the necklace was gone and as he was moping, walking through other stores, he found another necklace that he thought was prettier, so he bought it and rushed home to give it to you. very silly song, very dramatic. lots of others like that.
•Once made the most heartfelt, sorrowful song about loss and when you asked him if he's doing alright in response to hearing the song, Vash turns to you with the biggest pout and puppy dog eyes. "I dropped my donut the other day:(" you stare at him as he pouts more, "it was a really good donut!:(("
•he would absolutely make a song based off of Gitchee Gitchee Goo from Phineas and Ferb and dedicate it to you-
•when the twins work together it's a mix of orchestra and edm. at first it was really rough, especially since they were just in the beginning of trying to fix their relationship and Vash was also still trying to find his style with music. there's a lot of clashing between instruments, style and composition. it was really all over the place.
•but over time they've learned how to create their own harmony within their combined chaos. they learn how to smoothly transition from orchestra to edm and combine the two at the same time. (I don't like projecting too much but I can see them making music kinda like how Xtrullor does? like Nirmiti, Samsara, Supernova, Earthsplitter and Ichor specifically)
•sometimes they'll also create a piano piece together and Vash may even write lyrics for the piece.
•also! a few months after they've fully healed they decide to burn the sheet music and files for their first song as a way of finalizing the healing process. as much as the song means to them (especially Vash since he sees it as Nai willing to open up to him,) once it's been deleted it feels very cathartic and they commemorate the beginning of this new chapter with a song that's warm and hopeful
•if you're interested in music in any way, making it, or just learning about it, the twins are happy to help teach you! they'll explain everything that they can and Nai is secretly excited to teach you how to play the piano. (Vash is too but then he realizes just how happy Nai is about you sharing an interest in the piano and let's Nai do most of the teaching.)
•or! if you also make music they'd love to have you work on songs with them! if you're on the fence about for whatever reason, they're begging (Vash with the puppy dog eyes and Nai,, staring at you and trying to discreetly ask for your help) and giving you all the reasons why they'd love to have you work with them and hyping you up.
•doesn't matter what type of style or genre you mainly use, they'll gladly learn how to incorporate with their own styles too. making music with you is one of their favorite things to do.
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Rachel Paula Abrahamson at NBC News:
Openly gay actor Maulik Pancholy was disinvited from speaking at a middle school anti-bullying assembly after concerns were raised about his political activism and what two school board members called his “lifestyle.” Pancholy’s scheduled appearance at Mountain View Middle School in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, was unanimously overturned by the district’s school board in a public meeting on April 15.  “If you research this individual, he labels himself as an activist, he is proud of his lifestyle and I don’t think that should be imposed upon our students at any age,” board member Bud Shaffner said at the meeting.  Trisha Comstock, a former parent at the school, started a Change.org petition to reinstate the empathy and anti-bullying assembly. “What happened is homophobic. Anyone can go and watch the meeting,” Comstack tells TODAY.com. “This board is close to causing some real harm.”
Why was Maulik Pancholy disinvited?
Board member Kelly Potteiger raised concerns that Pancholy, 50, would discuss his children’s book “The Best at It,” which is about a gay Indian American boy. “It’s not discriminating against his lifestyle — that’s his choice,” Potteiger said in the meeting. “But it’s him speaking about it.” Pancholy played the character Jonathan, Alex Baldwin’s devoted assistant, in the sitcom “30 Rock,” and also voiced the character Baljeet in “Phineas and Ferb.” Pancholy’s presentation on anti-bullying at Mountain View Middle School was canceled by an 8-0 vote. TODAY.com has reached out to Pancholy for comment. Brooke Ryerson, an LGBTQ high school sophomore, attended Mountain View Middle School. Ryerson and her mom plan to express their disappointment at the next board meeting on May 6. 
“It was going to be an assembly about empathy and anti-bullying,” Ryerson, 16, tells TODAY.com. “But that doesn’t matter to the board. They want to silence us in any way they can.” The “us” that Ryerson is referring to is the gay community.  “They’re sending that message that they don’t want our identities in the school,” Ryerson says. “I’m lucky that I have such accepting friends and family, but it’s gotta be devastating for the kids who don’t and now feel even more like they’re not wanted somewhere.”
The cowardly Cumberland Valley School District school board in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania voted to cancel gay 30 Rock actor Maulik Pancholy's appearance at a middle school anti-bullying assembly, with 2 of its board members using the homophobic "lifestyle" canard to justify canceling Pancholy's address to middle schoolers.
See Also:
LGBTQ Nation: School board cancels anti-bullying talk by gay actor because of his “lifestyle”
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