#phone tower
motherfuckingcat · 6 months
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industowerfanclub · 5 months
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Tsum boss battle-
bonus(?) and wip stuff under readmore (lol)
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I would play a twst rpg - Deuce would be a good heavy physical defense and physical attacker methinks
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wips - 'lineart' and the original deuce and tsum sketch that i deemed too boring, so the boss battle was drawn instead lol
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nostradel · 1 year
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“Horror Movie Night”
Decided to give the old VHS tape style a go. It’s tedious but i think i’ve managed to make something not too bad, but this took me WAY too long lol
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bluerosefox · 10 months
Of Godsons, Fruitloops, and Lois 'I will drag all secrets out into the sun' Lane
Danny loses his parents due to their own lack of safety in the lab (death? Coma? People finally putting their foot down about the Fenton's endangering their kids? Idk pick). Jazz can't take him in due to being in college and living on its campus (and he didnt want to force her into an apartment just to keep him, he saw the prices and knows she'll have to work to make rent) and Danny fears the only place he can go to is... Vlad. (Sam's parents would never let him live with her and Tucker's place doesn't have the room)
Vlad's been lording it over Danny, smug about it all, after all he IS Danny's godfather and he has the space and money to provide for the boy in his time of need.
Only, when digging into Danny's files, his social worker discovers Vlad isn't Danny's godfather, he was meant to be but the Fenton's forgot to send/sign in the final paperwork (even if those documents were the only contact they had with Vlad over the years before the reunion)
No Danny's godparent, the person to take him should anything happen to the Fenton's is....
Lois Lane.
His mom's childhood friend.
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sandrathachao · 8 months
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Finally decided to dust off the scanner, here's some old PT doodles!
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quinsixtridrupled-k · 3 months
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w o a g
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r i s e & s h i n e
h a p p y c a m p e r s
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unexpectedbrickattack · 8 months
best boi fakey in 13...
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dw he definitely got all that 👍hes got a good solid memory ☺️
Expression Challenge Post here !
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whereismyhat5678 · 7 months
So for the longest time my brother has been BEGGING ME to draw Sonic for him (I have to say it’s a hyper-fixation for my brother LOVES Sonic 😅)
But I DID IT. I finally drew him, and I’d say he looks WAY better than how I used to draw him 👀💧(Sonic wasn’t my fav character and to be frank I never really played the Sonic games but HECK I still tried 😭)
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And because I think it’s be funny if Sonic met Peppino (cuz they’re both fast as fuck-) I did some crossover art:
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The last one used this photo 💀:
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fallout-fucker · 3 months
Random Sole x Hancock Headcanon - Emails.
Sole figures out how to get some sort of online connection up and running again purely so they can send emails to Hancock's terminal from their Pip-Boy whenever they're apart. Love sick idiots.
Cue Hancock blushing and kicking his feet whilst reading the emails. He invents the ;) emote. Sole, in turn, makes the ^-^ and :3 emotes.
They both invent selfies. Hancock's the first to send one when he realises he can send pictures. It's a fucking process but he barters for old parts here and there and gets help from Kent. Eventually he has a working camera for his terminal. The first selfie was him stood on his couch, high af and surrounded by an assortment of baked goods (Edibles) he made. The email said 'Look what I can do ;D'.
He regularly sends pictures of what he's baking or random selfies when he's high.
Sole then made a similar upgrade to their Pip-Boy the minute they could. They send him random pictures of cats and other creatures they see in their travels. Cool views or old, historic buildings and art they think he'd enjoy. A collection of Dogmeat being cute. They sent one of Danse falling over. They send him pictures of books they'll think he like. Usually literature, history, or STEM stuff. Sole also takes pictures with their shared friends and lets them email him too from their arm for a quick update.
They also show off their new builds and inventions. Gun mods, armour, ect.
They also share a 'Spotting Deacon In The Wild' collection. They have a running joke that every new disguise they spot is a 'Deacon Variant' or new Deacon 'Synth'. They add names for each 'character' and the email will say '[Insert Character Name] Deacon Unlocked!' Like, Butcher Deacon, or Diamond City Guard Deacon, etc.
On that note, they invent memes. Usually from pictures of other companions or each other.
Like when Nick was 'sleeping' one time (Wide eyed stare Synth style) and Sole sent a picture of him, captioned 'Me after the horrors'.
Or when Preston was stood looking out at the Sanctuary River after a long night. Coffee in his hand. His hat and one shoe missing. Expressionless as he stared at the sunrise.
Hancock replied 'Me fucking too, brother'.
Sole will update him on their whereabouts regularly so he stays sane.
Hancock will tell them about how Goodneighbour is doing. From Mayoral plans to general gossip. How Daisy is doing, how the local kids are, etc.
Sometimes Hancock sends the most cryptic chain spam looking things when he is stoned.
Sole can email him whenever they're nearby and plan on visiting.
Hancock sometimes requests items if he knows they’re on their way, but only if they happen to come across it or already have whatever it is.
Will email them questions that he doesn't actually mean for them to answer. Just questions to the void, really. He just uses them as an outlet for his thoughts a lot.
Or for help on a crossword puzzle.
Sole will email him when they can't sleep just in case he's also awake. Nights feel really lonely when everyone you knew died 200 years ago.
Sometimes they ask him for knowledge. Like 'Do you know if this plant is poisonous?' or things that most Commonwealthers know for survival, but Sole is still figuring out.
They ask him for leadership advise. Especially during big decisions.
They both tell each other things they've seen/heard through the grapevine that they think the other should know. 'I heard that guy you were looking for was seen in Bunker Hill' 'Some Gens 2s were spotted patrolling Medford Hospital' 'Hi :) Sorry for the late response, I was running for my life :( Tell your traders to stay away from the East Bridge- Gunners'
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bumpadump2002 · 3 months
Peppino & Courage Phone Wallpaper
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alice-the-demon · 3 months
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nightskylersstuff · 5 months
Also have this rat for today because I'M SO EXCITED FOR THE NOISE UPDATE WOOHOOOOO
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puppetstringed · 3 months
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manicplank · 4 months
Quick one that nobody has asked for (yet)
Favorite colors!
Peppino: Purple and blue
Gustavo: Red, pink, and green
Mr. Stick: Orange and blue
Pepperman: Red and green
The Vigilante: Brown and gray
The Noise: Yellow, orange, red, and purple
Noisette: Pink, purple, yellow, and blue
Fake Peppino: Yes!
Pizzahead: Red and blue
Pillar John: Brown and red
Gerome: Just blue
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