#phonetically obvious
snoopybutch · 2 years
This is really random but I fucking hate when ppl are trying to make “content” and do no work or research on what they’re talking abt, the lowest level of this is pronunciation and names. If you’re making a video and mispronounce an amazingly look upable non english name I’m fuckin outta there!!!
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zylphiacrowley · 4 months
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Walk through the world with care, my love And sing the things you see Let new names take and root and thrive and grow And even as you stumble through machair sands eroding Let the fern unfurl your grieving, let the heron still your breathing Let the selkies swim you deeper Oh, my little silver seeker Even as the hour grows bleaker, be the singer and the speaker And in city and in forest, let the larks become your chorus And when every hope is gone Let the raven call you home
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arale2126 · 2 months
Onslaught as twins Jean-Wanda saga continues…
INT. Xavier’s Oxford Estate, Basement Infirmary - NIGHT
Raven: So, what do want to name the kids?
Erik: Charles can wake up and name them himself.
He stands up and leaves.
Erik: If he ever wakes up.
"What's the point in naming them if they would not likely to survive even the night?" He doesn't say out loud.
"What's the point in naming them if you plan to kill them anyway?"
God has mercy after all, because it seems that they wouldn't have to do that themselves after all, he and Charles.
But then Charles gets out of the coma and we have Wendeline "Wanda" Erika Xavier and Jeanette "Jean" Charlene Xavier.
Wendeline because that was one of the names Erik and Magda planned for their future children.
Jeanette because that was one of the names Brian and Sharon would have picked if they had a girl. ("Either that or Cassandra.")
If Charles sleeps forever then there'd be Charlotte and Charlie for sure, lol.
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My chosen example word is "dizi" -- a type of Chinese flute. In English, the obvious pronunciation is "dee-zee." In Chinese, it's something like "dee-z'h," the second "i" muted in a sound English speakers don't typically make. Which is better: to be accurate, despite the English words on either side? Or be inaccurate, but potentially smoother to the ear?
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necropsittacus · 15 days
if they rename ross's gull anything other than rosy gull or a variant thereof, i will be tremendously disappointed
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stabknives · 1 month
Let me be clear. Uh. One doesn't stab Knives trigun. He does the stabbing. And yes. It's a metaphor for penetration.
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msburgundy · 4 months
learning a second language has actually given me a real understanding of to what extent very many people actually cannot read in their native language
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I love how the name Conner means "lover of hounds/wolves"
Bro literally loved Wendy the Werewolf THAT much he subtly sneaked it into his very name without going the obvious route and naming himself after a character.
I am just imagining Cassie asking him why he chose "Conner" and Kon ofc he doesn't want to go through the whole nuance behind it so he gives a blanket reason of "Oh it's just phonetically similar to Kon El" but Bart is suspicious so he looks up the name meaning and it's exposed that Kon try as he might cannot avoid the NERD allegations.
But honestly for real the name meaning is so funny and fitting considering his history with Krypto the Earth Dog (who hated his guts) and Krypto the Super Dog (who became his literal best friend).
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rowwiz · 6 months
so is nobody else aware that L and Light's names are technical opposites of one another?
ok, so, this requires a lot of elaboration, so bear with me here. first thing to clarify is Light's name. without too much deliberation, Japan has this phenomenon (to my western understanding) wherein certain parents will name their children after English words. (this could potentially include other western languages; i am unsure.) as japanese is a syllabary, most of the time, these words cannot actually be pronounced properly in japanese. these names are often also written with presumably completely unrelated characters. light's name is one of these, having to be pronounced as "raito" in japanese, and written (as he so kindly explains to naomi) with "tsuki," the character for "moon." these names are called "kira-kira names." i am not joking. (that L never made a joke about light's name being literally a "kira-kira" name leaves me with a harrowingly destitute void in my soul.)
last thing we need to do is look at the translation for "Yagami," which approximates (to my knowledge!) as meaning "high," as in "high in power" (not "high" as in "stoned," because that's probably more like L's thing).
so, if we take an extrapolation of this, and replace light's names with their written functions—his forename as being a kira-kira name and being written as moon, and his surname (depending on how it's written) meaning "high"—we can evaluate an interpretation of light's name as being, extensively, "kira-kira moon high."
maybe my fellow death note crazies can see where i'm going with this. now, let's look at L's name, which is far more self-explanatory. his name is L Lawliet (in case you are somehow on the death note tags and were not already aware), which is pronounced "L low-light." (which, as s a side note, is a hilariously unintuitive pronunciation for his name, implying that Light (if he ever heard it) would almost certainly misspell it (made even more likely as a native japanese speaker, even given how good his english is) and potentially make him immune to a human using the death note by misspelling it six times.)
so, if we put the *phonetic* pronunciation of L's name next to the *written* extrapolation of light's, and reduce light's name to its logical conclusion, we get "L low light" and "Kira moon high." (hyphon in L's name and hyphon + second 'kira' in light's removed, as light himself is not both kiras, and removing the second kira also removes the hyphon in his name, whereafter we then logically can remove the hyphon in l's name. like homoerotic algebra.)
furthering the analogy, and allowing a little leniency (given all the other obvious similarities) that "light" can be taken as the opposite to "moon"—as in, "sunlight," and furthermore, "sun"—we output "L low sun" and "Kira moon high."
if you interpret L as the sun and Light as the moon, then congrats, it's already spelled out for you. if you interpret L as the moon and light as the sun, then it's like they carry the symbolic celestial analogies of one another in the other's name, which is some crazy soulmate shit. if you're like me, and interpret them as being both but in different ways, then both ways are true simultaneously. (to me, it speaks to how similar they ultimately are that you can interpret them as being both the sun and moon, albeit in different fashions.)
either way, they have gay ass little names and i can't believe i've never heard anybody talk about this before. so eat up, death note tumblr. enjoy your meal.
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pico-farad · 4 months
GX Character Names - an in-depth analysis
(i promise there's more substance than you think)
⇀ yūki jūdai (遊城 十代)
« yū (遊) - play, enjoyment » « ki (城) - castle »
The yū (遊) uses the same kanji that all the other Yu-tagonists have, but it's probably more relevant to Judai than any other protagonist. 遊 is a particle with many associations, most notably play and games, but also enjoyment, freedom, travel, and hedonism. All the protagonists play children's card games, but Judai is the one who most treats it like a children's card game, even when he shouldn't. His signature phrase is literally "That was a fun duel!"
The ki (城) kanji means castle and could be a slight nod to his past life, but more importantly, yūki is a homophone of 勇気, meaning courage and fighting spirit -- fitting for his hero theming and pure shonen protag energy.
« jū (十) - ten » « dai (代) - generation »
First of all, there's a fun connection with the first character of Judai's name meaning 10, to the first character of Manjoume's name being 10,000, as well as the Tenjoin siblings phonetically having 'ten' in their name (Fubuki even references it by signing his name '10join').
The second character dai (代) is fitting given the name of the show. The G in GX stands for "Generation." And the X stands for "neXt," but get this -- X is also 10 in roman numerals.
That's right... Judai's name is literally GX.
It goes deeper though. The more blatant meaning is that taken together, 十代 means adolescence, or teenager (it has similar etymology to the latter, something like "the tens ages"). But jūdai is also a homophone of 重大 - serious, grave, of great importance. That's it, those are literally the themes of the show in one name.
GX is ultimately a coming of age story. Judai is a kid who just wants to play games and have fun, but over the course of the show, is forced to give up that childish simplicity in the face of adult responsibility. He starts off believing that being a hero is just about courage and shonen ideals, and learns though grave consequences that it's not, and that being a hero isn't fun at all.
⇀ manjoume jun (万丈目 準)
« man (万) - ten-thousand » « jou (丈) - height, strong » « me (目) - eye, seeing »
This is where the 1, 10, 100, 1000 chant comes from. Combined with the second character, it feels grandiose and ego-inflated, then when you add on the final character, me (目), associated with seeing, the vibe you get is something like "looking down on (from a height of 10,000)." All of which makes his insistence on being called Manjoume-san even more conceited, but also gives you an idea of how the Manjoume family name looms over Manjoume himself.
« jun (準) - semi, secondary »
In contrast to his family name, his given name shows us the other side of Manjoume's character. jun has several kanji spellings with positive and auspicious meanings. One of them, 潤 (to profit, to become wealthy), would have been an obvious choice for our rich boy. 
But no, instead they chose 準, a kanji with a meaning that can be difficult to pin down. It's associated with preparation and reserves, such as reserve funds (準備金) -- in other words, being the back-up, extraneous. In the workforce, it indicates assistants, associates, juniors (準会員, 準社員). It's part of the words for semi-finals (準決勝) and runner-up (準優勝). Ultimately, it's a character that carries a meaning of being secondary.
Underneath all that snobby pomp, Manjoume feels inferior to his brothers, and can also never win against Judai, and this drives his character arc. The tension between his last and first names, of "looking down on" and "being secondary," is emblematic of Manjoume's internal conflict.
This is driven in even further by the fact that his brothers have first names that complement their last name. The first character of his oldest brother's name, Chosaku (長作), means leader, senior, or superiority (which directly parallels the meaning of associate for Jun, and also fits with Chosaku being a businessman), but it's also phonetically the same as 兆 which means one trillion, basically exaggerating upon the 10,000 of his last name.
Meanwhile his middle brother Shoji's name (正司) starts with the character associated with truth and lawfulness (ironic considering he's a slimy politician), was archaically used to mean of higher rank in court (again paralleling Jun), and also has a niche meaning of 10 to the 40th power, or... 10,000 trillion trillion.
⇀ marufuji shou (丸藤 翔) and marufuji ryou (丸藤 亮)
« maru (丸) - circle, entirety, perfection » « fuji (藤) - wisteria »
Circles are significant symbols in Japanese culture, used in divination to represent completeness and perfection, and the kanji 丸 also carries this meaning. Wisteria is a cultural symbol too, representing love and longetivity, with a tie to royalty and nobility.
All together, the name rings as elegant and dignified. In season 1, we see how Shou feels pressured and unable to live up to the name he shares with his brother, who embodies it. Perfection is a key part of Ryou's character -- in the graduation duel, he even acknowledges that he has reached perfection, but also that it is a limit, setting up for the deconstruction of the theme.
« shou (翔) - to soar »
Shou's name simply represents his character arc, starting from Osiris Red with no confidence in himself, and ending in Obelisk Blue, surpassing his brother who has an opposite arc of "falling." It's also a homophone of 小 meaning small or younger.
« ryou (亮) - clear, brightness »
The kanji used for Ryou's name is part of words like moonlight (亮月), rightfulness (亮直), as well as words associated with royalty, like mourning the emperor (亮闇). All of which vaguely match the tone of Ryou's character as "the Kaiser." The Cyber Dragons are also light attribute, and he is introduced with "light" theming which is all reversed after his turn to the dark side in season 2.
The kanji can also be part of the word ryousatsu (亮察) which can mean to take into account, to consider, and to sympathize. A core theme of Ryou's character is having respect for his opponent and not underestimating them -- this is why you'll often hear Shou referring to "respectful dueling," and also why Power Bond is their signature card, because without respecting your opponent's capabilities and taking their field into account, the card will backfire on you.
Oh, and as an aside, Ryou does not use the same kanji as Bakura Ryou from the original Yu-Gi-Oh, who uses 了 -- completion or ending.
⇀ tenjoin asuka (天上院 明日香) and tenjoin fubuki (天上院 吹雪)
« tenjo (天上) - heavens » « in (院) - institution »
The first part ties into the Cyber Angels that Asuka uses, as well as the Atmosphere cards that Fubuki uses in the manga. It's also referenced by Fubuki in his embarrassing pickup line ("What do you see above?" "Ten... join!" This is the guy that Manjoume thinks is the love magician)
The second part is a particle used for institutions, particularly stately ones in government or higher education, which makes sense if you believe Asuka becomes a teacher. Overall, it's a refined name which perfectly suits Asuka, and not Fubuki.
« asu (明日) - tomorrow » « ka (香) - fragrance »
The first part of her name is why Jim calls her Tomorrow Girl, which spawned the Asuka/Jim ship by itself, but it also suits Asuka really well, because her character arc in season 4 is ultimately about moving on and embracing the future. She leaves behind the safety of Duel Academy and takes a step into the unknown by going to America.
« fubuki (吹雪) - blizzard »
This is why he's nicknamed the Blizzard Prince. Otherwise, he doesn't have any connection to blizzards, but Asuka uses ice decks in the Society of Light and in the manga, so the Tenjoins both have some ice theming.
⇀ misawa daichi (三沢 大地)
« mi (三) - three » « sawa (沢) - marsh, brilliance »
Another number-themed name alongside Judai's 10 and Manjoume's 10,000. sawa is a common kanji in names, but you could argue it ties into his signature monster, Water Dragon.
« dai (大) - great, vast » « chi (地) - earth »
Of his six decks, we see two of them, his water deck and his earth deck. The latter of which he uses against Tania, who in turn uses her wisdom deck -- which is perfect because daichi can also be a homophone of 大知, which means great wisdom. Nerd.
⇀ tyranno kenzan (ティラノ 剣山)
« tyranno (ティラノ) »
This name is derived from tyrannosaurus rex. Because he's got dino fucking DNA.
« ken (剣) - sword » « zan (山) - mountain »
The literal characters are fitting for Kenzan, who has an offense-focused deck of mostly earth attribute monsters, and a personality to match. But as a whole, 剣山 refers to a tool in traditional flower arrangement. The kenzan is the base in which the arrangement is stuck into, a foundation which keeps the structure secure. Kenzan ultimately looks up to Judai (and calls him aniki) because he wants to be a leader like him, one who can bear the weight of his followers' expectations. We don't get much of this after his introductory episode, but I still think it's a fitting name for a dependable guy.
⇀ saotome rei (早乙女 レイ)
« sa (早) - early, quickly » « otome (乙女) - maiden »
This one is pretty on the nose. The first character refers to how she came to Duel Academy early, being younger than all the other characters, and not joining the cast until much later. The otome is the same used in her signature card Koisuru Otome, or Maiden in Love, and also refers to a romance genre for girls. As a whole, saotome is also a term for a girl who plants rice paddies.
The name may also be a reference to Saotome Ranma, the protagonist of Ranma ½, which is about a boy who changes into a girl when splashed with water.
« rei (レイ) »
Rei is a unisex name with many different kanji spellings and meanings, but instead, Rei's name is spelled with katakana. Given that she dresses as a boy twice and uses masculine pronouns in Japanese, this may be to make the gender more ambiguous than if kanji with more gendered connotations were used, such as 麗 (graceful) or 鈴 (bell sound) which are more feminine, or 零 (zero), or 令 (authority) which are more masculine.
If you ever wondered, Ray from Arc-V also uses the same katakana spelling, though this may be because most of the Arc-V characters from other dimensions use katakana, which sounds more foreign or ambiguous in origin. Meanwhile, Rei from Zexal uses 零 (zero).
Feel free to correct me if anything doesn't seem right! I'm not Japanese and may have read too much into some of this.
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One way people unintentionally tell on themselves a lot is by assuming that their own biases or thoughts are universal, and then accusing others of something they never said. When you assume the worst of someone you don't know, you're just publicly broadcasting the worst things you can think of.
You can pretty much always tell whether or not someone speaking finnish is a native speaker. The pronunciation is distinct and differs from all but a few related languages, finnic languages do not even resemble any other language family in Europe. Save for a few Estonians - whose language is so similar in phonetics that someone who speaks neither language could not tell them apart - every finnish-as-a-second-language speaker I have met has had an accent, no matter how faint. And the grammar rules are infinite and absurdly complex - someone who has lived here for 20 years and speaks finnish fluently will still make mistakes that a native speaker wouldn't, but more subtle and nuanced ones.
The sheer fucking amount of times I've had someone go "how dare you say that" when I aknowledge the finnish language is like this is astonishing. Who said that not mastering finnish flawlessly is a personal failure, or fault in one's character? I did not, nor did I imply so. The accuser did, seeing their own shadow on me and deciding to attack in self-righteous fury. Every time I hear someone speaking finnish and notice how they conjugate a verb the wrong way - often in a way that would be more logical than how native finns say it - I'm only aware that they probably memorised conjugations from a textbook, and that if I had not learned this language as a native, I could not do what they have done.
I've had people who have never seen finnish romani come at me for saying that they're easy to notice in a crowd by the way they look. They hear me say that and the first picture that pops into their heads is the assumption that I am claiming that the way they look or dress would be bad. No, you said that, without knowing better. Finnish romani are the downright cleanest and tidiest people I have met, putting a lot of effort into being well-dressed and presentable is literally a part of their culture. And as much as ethnic features are always morally neutral, I would still go as far as saying that they are remarkably beautiful people.
Politely pretending to not notice matters that are obvious is how polite people tactfully handle things that are bad or mortifyingly embarrassing. By insisting that it's rude to merely aknowledge how people who are different from me are different from me, you're just airing out what you are thinking. And people like this get offended when I tell them their assumptions were wrong, and will go "how was I supposed to know?" And the thing is, you weren't supposed to know.
You just supposed that you knew.
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worflesbian · 10 months
middle of thee night and im reading way too much into how worf and b'elanna's names are both bad anglicisations. it's obvious how wo'rIv became worf (you pull a six year old out of the rubble, ask him his name and write down his answer phonetically) but how does beylana become b'elanna? my moneys on john torres not being familiar enough with the klingon alphabet to transcribe it right on her federation birth certificate but nonetheless wanting it to "look" klingon so he threw a qaghwI' in there kind of at random. the unhinged point that im getting to being that worf's name is a reflection of his violent seperation from Klingon culture and imperfect attempts to reconstruct it from memory whereas b'elanna's is a reflection of how other people's warped perceptions and expectations of "klingonness" have been projected onto her overlapping and obscuring her own sense of identity since birth
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necronatural · 1 year
What's Up With Dante's Name Anyway
It's fairly evident from the start Dante's name is not actually Dante. They express superficial "I've kind of heard of it, but idk what that is" reactions to a number of things, but make it clear that "Dante" is completely alien to them. Their own name!
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Notable is that the sinners will write/embroider? their own names on their coats.
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You can see Rodion uses her nickname, how she would like to be referred. DonQui's as the standard, a little uneven but clear and readable. Yi Sang wrote his in lowercase. Ishmael started writing hers, then before she finished tore the lower half of the coat off, preventing her from finishing her name. Gregor's is distorted; why that is is unclear, but the top 2 options are "he's right-handed and couldn't fix it once the mistake was made" and "he never learned to write to begin with". His profile seems to be the only one that's been typed out, so either way, he physically struggles to write, thus proving these are written by the Sinners personally.
Now look at Dante's.
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They've interpreted the name phonetically. It's so alien to them they don't even know it's Italian. This is absolutely not their name.
Now, important to note Dante is a sinner too! They're in the lineup as #10, and they have a subtitle name just like the rest of them, "DURANTE". Durante is the poet Dante Alighieri's full name; "Dante" is a nickname, a term of familiarity.
Coincidentally, while their profile doubles down on "Dante", their jacket in that profile is written with...what's this??
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DURANTE. The subtitle name.
Now, the subtitle names (purpose unknown) are also written out on the sinners, also clearly written by the sinner themselves, in their native language. On their weapons! (Mostly; Yi Sang's is on his bag, and as his knife is sheathed and obscured we can't tell if it's on there as well.)
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Notable is Outis, of course;
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Her subname is just her name. That's because she's based on Odysseus; "Outis" is a pseudonym, the written word's first John Doe.
This makes the reversal a little strange; going by a LC-assigned pseudonym, but your subtitle is your true name? That doesn't sound right. While it's obvious Dante can't go by their real name (their identity is being withheld for a reason, as mysterious as it may be), something is up!
My current theories are
Funniest possible option: They've been provided with a nickname as their alias, which is alien because absolutely no one has ever referred to them by nickname before
Durante is a surname; they would never be referred to as "Dante" because their first name (notably missing from their promo art's coat) is the one that would get a nickname. Notable that Durante is generally a surname nowadays.
Durante is just an alias, just like Outis', but can no longer be used due to the secrecy around Dante's previous identity
Durante is the name of D corporation (D-corp being where Dante was found, and the region that is soon to experience a mass-death-event of around 200,000 people in June of 985), which they are the CEO/Face of
Durante is the name of a specific role within the D Corporation that is self-evidently very high up, possibly tasked with being the interface for their Singularity (their Star?)
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librarycomic · 4 months
The Kickstarter campaign for Dr. Library's Phantasmal Channeler has entered its final week! My cat Soup endorses it. And he also loves today's comic for obvious, phonetic reasons.
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zarvasace · 3 months
Shatterproof four splitting and all the colors spend their day with different other links? Maybe Blue with Wind and Wild, Vio with Wars and Hyrule, Red with Time and Legend and Green with Sky and Twillight! (just suggestions, you can mix and match them up maybe?)
I like these suggestions! :)
Just under 1k words—
“On your mark,” Wind says, “get set…”
Blue glares at the grassy ground, his muscles taut and brimming with energy. It's been several long weeks since Four split, and he's pent-up. Beside him, Wild’s heel shifts against the ground. 
“Go!” Wind slashes his hand through the air, and Blue and Wild take off. 
The route isn’t long, just across the clearing and back, so Blue is optimistic. It feels so good to stretch out, even if his pain is at a mid-level today. His feet pound against the tall grass and the hard dirt beneath, and though he tries, Wild pulls ahead. 
On the way back, Blue’s foot catches in a divot, and he goes sprawling. He scrapes his elbows but manages to stop himself before he flies too far. The world stops rolling. He stares up at the cloudy sky and sighs. 
Wild skids to a stop. “Blue! You okay?” 
“Fine,” Blue calls back, rolling up to sitting. And then, with a secret thrill of joy that he would never hold over any of the others’ heads, even if they know he feels it, he stands up. “I think I'm just out of practice. And your legs are longer anyway, freak, so you have an unfair advantage!” 
“Hey,” Wild protests, but he laughs. He hasn't made it to the other end of the clearing yet, worried for Blue. Wind raises his eyebrows when he meets Blue’s eyes. 
Blue walks calmly over, letting himself limp just a little. He laughs along with Wild. “It's just been a while since I ran, that's all.”
“Yeah, okay, I'll give you that,” Wild shrugs. 
And then Blue takes off again. He runs the last five or six steps to their designated finish line. “HA! I WON!” 
“Now that's unfair!” Wild says, jogging over. 
Wind collapses into laughter. 
At this point, after so many lessons and a lot of practice, Vio is only slightly better at signing than Hyrule. He's very happy for Hyrule, of course, but it does rankle his pride just a little, so he takes up Warriors on his invitation and joins the next little lesson. 
As he observes Warriors and Hyrule have a half-silent conversation, it becomes obvious that their communication is less about learning actual sign words or grammar and more about figuring out how to adapt it for the two of them. Everything Warriors says has to be in contact with Hyrule’s skin, one way or another, so Vio doesn't catch most of that. 
But Hyrule’s signs are pretty normal, since Warriors can see them, except for one thing. 
“That—” Vio starts, then bites his tongue.
“What?” Hyrule says. “Was that wrong?” 
“Um, only in that your spelling is… off.”
“It doesn't matter,” Warriors shrugs, hands flying. “I've figured out his phonetics.”
Vio makes a face. “Wars says it doesn't matter, he knows what you're saying anyway, but the perfectionist in me is frustrated.”
Hyrule laughs. “Sorry. I haven’t ever, you know, learned letters before. I figured I was getting some of it wrong.”
“You know,” Vio says thoughtfully, thinking back to his books at home, “I know there's a type of writing that was developed by people with low vision. I don't know much about it, but I know it exists in my time. I wonder if we could find some of it.”
“Oooooh,” Hyrule says, his eyes widening. 
Red picks another dandelion at the base of its stem, close to the ground. “And then you use your fingernail to make a little slit by the flower, like this! You can't make it too big, though.” He demonstrates, smiling at the way both Time and Legend lean in to see better. 
“And then…” He slides the stem of his next dandelion through the hole in the first. “Ta da!” 
“So pretty similar to a normal wildflower chain,” Legend says, copying Red and starting a dandelion chain of his own. “Do you ever put knots in it?” 
Red hums, considering. “No, I think these stems would break. They're tough but don't bend very well.”
“Sort of like Legend,” Time says, smiling. 
Legend huffs, but he can't hide the little smile of his own. “Sure. Whatever.” 
When Red finishes his dandelion chain, he loops it around into a crown and drops it right on Legend’s fluffy head. Legend returns the favor, putting his own dandelion chain on Red’s head, except it's a bit too wide, and it falls to his neck instead. 
Legend’s snort-laugh starts off a round of laughter that Red and Time can't easily shake. 
Twilight pulls out the shopping list again, adjusting his hold on the bag that sits over one shoulder as he does so. “So is that everything?” 
“Hm?” Sky says, looking back over at Twilight. “Oh. Yes. I think so.”
Green catches up, weighed down a little by a supply pack of his own on his back and the fact that even using crutches, he’s a bit short. “Wait, no, Wind needs a belt, and I need some more brass rivets.” 
Sky snaps his fingers. “Right, rivets! Hey, Wind didn't say anything about a belt… did he?” He glances at Twilight, who shakes his head.
“Wars keeps inventory,” Green explains. “And I noticed.”
Twilight puts away the shopping list. “Sounds like a trip to the leatherworks, then.”
Green eyes Twilight as he passes. “You could use a new sword belt, too. Let's see if they have anything with the D-rings. If not, I'll make one.” 
“Thanks, Green. What would we do without you?"
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thecraftyninjacat · 6 months
Mahoro, Matakara, Aladdin and the Princess
I think Episode 8 finally confirmed to me that the role of the Princess in the Aladdin allusion was actually split between Mahoro and Matakara, rather than it being one or the other. There's a reason why they're both represented by Jasmine-chan during the Nyan Nyaight Love cutaways!
Preface; imo Bucchigiri's narrative takes inspiration from both Disney's Aladdin and the original Aladdin story, so I'm going to switch the Princess's name depending on which version of her I'm referring to. So Jasmine -> Disney's Aladdin, and Badroulbadour -> 1001 Nights Aladdin.
From what I saw in the 1001 Nights Aladdin, Badroulbadour didn't have much of a personality, so it makes sense that a lot of Mahoro and Matakara's personalities were taken from Jasmine, while their roles in the story were slightly more influenced by Badroulbadour.
Mahoro: The feistier side of Jasmine. She has a sharp tongue and always speaks her mind, regardless of potential danger. Eg. Mahoro stands up to Akutaro after he gains the upper hand on both gangs, similarly to how Jasmine refuses to bow to Jafar when he becomes Sultan.
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She's also regarded as pretty desirable, and has charmed several men to get them to do what she wants (something that both Jasmine and Badroulbadour do at some point to trick Jafar/the sorcerer). Arajin falls for Mahoro at first sight, similarly to how both versions of Aladdin fell for both versions of the Princess, and like Aladdin his crush on her becomes his driving motivation throughout the series. Akutaro also talks about turning her into a NG Girl and…abusing her, a la Jafar. Ik it's just to trigger Arajin but yk what I mean!
Matakara: The gentler, more naive side of Jasmine, in that he trusts/believes in Arajin...a lot more than he should, really. The main 'lying' plot point between Disney's Aladdin and Jasmine is directly implemented into Matakara and Arajin's relationship. On a surface level there's also their blue colour schemes and phonetically similar names (Asamine -> Jasmine). Near the climax of the 1001 Nights version, the sorcerer tricks Badroulbadour into giving him the lamp with the genie in it, similarly to how Akutaro manipulates Matakara into shooting himself with Ichiya. Both actions trigger a Very Bad Turn of Events that Aladdin stops/will have to stop with the help of his own genie.
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Also very interesting how Ichiya has a moon motif, and Badroulbadour's name is a metaphor for female beauty meaning 'full moon of full moons'. Totally not losing my fucking mind over that no sir
Though they both fit the Princess allusion, the entire show is screaming that Matakara is Arajin's true Jasmine, and Arajin is going to realise he was what he needed all along. Honestly, it doesn't get more obvious than Episode 9.
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That's not to mention how Mahoro and Matakara also have many, many parallels to each other via their relationships with Arajin. (Both visit him one-on-one at his mom's restaurant to convince him to do something and order the exact same dish, Arajin thinks of child Matakara after seeing both current Matakara and Mahoro get hurt, his meetings with both of them are juxtaposed with one another and described as a 'fated meeting' in this trailer, etc.)
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Aside from that, there's also a lot of little stuff that the two have in common! (Both suck at cooking, both deeply care about their older siblings, both are cute as hell etc etc.)
(it's also pretty neat how they're technically both the respective 'princesses' of Minato Kai and Siguma, being the younger siblings of the leader/former leader of each gang!)
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