#picking on glen club <3
eightyuh · 9 months
Why does Freya seem to want to murder Glen (although deep down we all want to maul him one way or another)
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Freya gets cute aggression!
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misskittyhart · 4 months
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Chapter 3: Dark Night: A voice in the static
🔪Warning: violence/ murder 📻
It was pouring down rain. The sky opened up like a black abyss. The words Alastor had spoken to kitty nights before had her sleepless. Exhaustion weighing down her mind and her soul. Join Me! he had said to her a wild look in his eyes hand out stretched for her to take. She felt like she had made a deal with the devil himself. Still she was confused why she felt so compelled to take his hand and become partners in crime. His big goal was cleansing society of the undesirable people who were wicked deep in their hearts, those who kicked the down trodden and used up the innocent like a burned out cigarette.
The wild look in his eyes was burned into her mind. She felt she could see those eyes full of blood lust everywhere in the darkness of her room. Why had she agreed so easily to continue down this path of darkness? Her soul felt like it was in an struggle between redemption and damnation. His grin, was like a wild beasts, predatory and wicked.
Kitty sighed heavily splashing cold water on her face before looking at her tired face in the bathroom mirror. Her visage stared back at her, it looked horrid. Black bags under her eyes and a wild look of madness in her eyes. Did she just see a shadow move behind her? A voice hissing through the radio in the other room. The radio she could have swore was off.
She swore she heard it through the static. There was no way. She felt she was going mad. Covering her ears with her hands she stood still closing her eyes tightly. It has to be lack of sleep, pull it together. Shaking her head she splashed more cold water on her face trying to clear her mind.
She needed sleep desperately. Her eyes burned painfully. Stumbling back she made her way out of the bathroom. That radio static again. Shaking her head she quickened her pace to the radio. It was off. That’s it, she was going mad.
Her mind was reeling now. The loud sound of the phone ringing startled her. She moved quickly to the hallway and picked it up. Her voice was weak “h….hello?”
“Kitty? You okay? You’re late for your shift.” It was her manager
“Oh shit Glen I’m sorry….I didn’t realize” she said sounding distant.
“If you aren’t feeling well stay home dear. We can put on another act tonight no worries” he said sounding concerned.
Maybe that was a good idea.
“Okay…I’m sorry I’ll rest thank you.” She said before hanging up. This was unlike her. Just what was going on?
That hissing static again. She clapped her hands over her ears trying to block that sound. That’s it she really was descending into madness. She began to wonder had she made a deal with a devil instead of a man. Her dreams were plagued with his smile and his eyes. Burning through her like hell fire. Yet she was so compelled to seek out his company. Like an addiction.
Damn it.
She heard a knock at her door and it jarred her. Her eyes wild and wide as she stared at her door. More knocking. Louder and louder. More aggressive. More demanding with each wrap.
She swung it open in a state of panic wanting it to stop. A man stood there looking down at her. She recognized him immediately. It was the man from the club who had been desperate to see her outside of work. Very persistent at wanting her to be his. She gained her usual composure. Her eyes were cold as she felt sickness deep inside the pit of her stomach. How did he find out where she lived? Had he stalked her.
“Ah hello miss kitty~ have you thought about my offer?” He asked
“I’m standing firm with my no, Gabe” she said crossing her arms, “I’ve no interest in being your wife. Did you stalk me? How did you get my address?”
He laughed “I just had to see you somewhere more private” he dodged her question. He gripped her arm firmly, with a threat “I won’t take no for an answer.” He said firmly.
Kitty’s eyes flashed with rage before calming. How dare he touch her. How dare he come to her private home, and demand her to marry him. She jerked her arm out of his hand. “You need to leave. Now.” She said firmly.
“No.” He put his foot in the door and pushed into her home. The static became loud and wild in her ears. Her eyes narrowed as he forced his way in.
The door closed behind him. He rounded up on her grabbing her. Kitty wrestled in his grasp the urge to make him leave her be growing stronger. She’d do what ever it took to get him away from her.
Even kill him?
There was the static again, louder than the sea crashing on the shore during a storm.
He won’t ever leave you alone~ do it. Kill him.
Kitty felt the madness soak into her brain. Yes. That’s the only way to be free. She’d never let another abusive man chain her down. After all she had finally escaped her cage of an arranged marriage that was extremely abusive. She fled from her husband to New Orleans. He was extremely abusive to her, he’d beat her violently for any little thing.
She found freedom in the crescent city. Her wings able to spread and her voice able to carry here. She refused to go back into another cage.
Her attitude changed and she played flirty “you know…I think I have changed my mind. Would you like a drink?” She asked softly
“Oh that would be lovely.” He smirked sitting on her couch.
She moved to her cabinet and pulled out a flask of scotch. Laced with a little fox glove. Her window boxes held nothing but fox glove. Just a little drink of this would have him paralyzed and weakened unable to over come her.
She offered it to him. He took a swig and she felt wicked glee building inside of her.
The radio flicked on “good evening listeners! Welcome to the show~ I have quite the tale for you tonight~” Alastor’s voice carried over the radio.
Kitty felt her mind start to grow fuzzy hearing him speaking through the radio. It was surreal, and so strange he came on suddenly. After all her radio was off. But she didn’t want to linger on this, maybe she had turned it on.
His voice was going in the background. Gabe chuckled “sounds like that pompous ass of a radio host, Alastor” he mused drinking the liquor from the flask, “you know I’ve been jealous of him. I saw you leave with him. Is that why you gave me the cold shoulder?”
Kitty felt rage building inside “I suppose but I’ve changed my mind now. He’s nothing compared to you.” She lied but she sounded so believable.
Gabe smirked standing to hold her. “I knew you’d come around~” he wrapped his arms around her stomach drawing her close.
Her breathing stilled and her eyes looked dead. She made up her mind. He had to be put down. It was the only way she’d be free. So slowly and gently she moved her hand to her hunting knife hidden in her dress. Gabe started to feel funny, and light headed. He didn’t seem to notice her holding the knife now behind him. A murderous look burned in her green eyes.
That’s right~ just kill him then you’ll be free~
Static again. Alastor’s voice came through the radio “be careful who you take home tonight dear listener. There’s some real nuts out there~” he said amused. She could swear he was watching her right now
The green magic tube eye on the radio started to glow a sick green as it did when signal got stronger. Except it seemed to be putting off strange tendrils of magic in sickly green. Kitty didn’t notice as it was behind her.
She pulled back from agave suddenly raising his chin with her finger. He was feeling quite weak suddenly. She didn’t hesitate as he stumbled. She slit his throat. His blood spraying onto her pretty face. She was breathing heavy now at the spray. Sounding more like a wild fox than a human. She growled somewhere deep in her throat.
Gabe looked horrified grasping at his neck gurgling as he was bleeding heavily. It was good she usually stayed somewhere more remote. Normally she would make sure to take the victim to the bayou to make it more remote, but this was too unexpected of a situation. She never thought a man would stalk her to her home.
He stumbled backwards falling onto the wood floor. She dug her heel into his throat. “Die like the pig you are~” she hissed through clenched teeth. She panted heavily. He writhed weakly under her heel. Her eyes were cold and cruel as the poison set into him. She watched his crimson blood drip onto her floor.
Her heart was racing. She was free now. The light left his eyes, the rush of the kill was addicting. Her breath was sharp and her heart was racing.
Good girl~
She swore she heard from the radio. Out of the corner of her eyes she swore she saw his shadow. The knife fell from her hand. Clattering loudly to the floor of her cottage. Running her fingers through the blood on her face she started laughing. Wildly. Like a lunatic. She drug her fingers down her face.
His presence was surrounding her. Making her mad. Her phone rang again starling her. Her breath hitched as she came back from her madness. Coldly, she stepped over the body like it was nothing and moved to the phone.
“May I stop by, cher~” a voice came through the phone. It was Alastor
“Yes.” Was all she said her voice devoid of emotion.
She could almost see that smile of his now.
The phone hung up and she looked over at the man dead on her parlor floor.
At least Alastor could help her take care of this. She stared at the body with disinterest, and coldness.
I’ll make it all better~
The static filled her mind as she stood simply zoning out her mind going blank. The radio hissing and crackling in the parlor loudly. Green eye glowing brighter illuminating the room in eerie green light. Casting her in a sickly green as she stared coldly at the dead man on her floor.
Her soul was forfeit to him now. Alastor was twisting her mind to the perfect tool for him. The perfect companion to carry out his dark plans. Her broken soul was so easy to restitch into what he desired.
The sudden knock on the door barely registered til his voice was heard through the door “open up Cher~” he said warmly.
Kitty felt compelled to open the door. When she did his grin twisted seeing the man dead on the floor over her shoulder. “My, my~ someone’s been busy.” He chuckled darkly, “I’ll handle the disposal” he said simply closing the door behind him.
His thumb brushed against her face running through the blood on her cheek. “Oh darling~ you look magnificent in crimson~” he laughed coldly
Kitty felt empty inside her eyes meeting his as he caressed her face coating his finger tips in blood. The radio static had gotten louder and she felt it was filling her brain.
“Oh darling~ what a treat.” He patted her face, moving past her to check out her handy work, “lovely~”
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screenandcinema · 19 days
Coming Attractions - June 2024
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As usual, we present monthly previews of new movies being released. These are the movies that will be hitting your local cinemas (and streaming services) this month:
June 7th
Bad Boys: Ride or Die - Mike and Marcus are back in this fourth installment of the Bad Boys series.
The Watchers - Ishana Night Shyamalan (daughter of M.) wrote and directed this supernatural horror film starring Dakota Fanning.
The Hit Man - Though it had a limited theatrical release in May, Richard Linklater's The Hit Man hits Netflix this month. The action comedy stars Glen Powell as the titular hitman.
June 14th
Inside Out 2- The emotions are joined by some new friends in this sequel to the 2015 Pixar film.
June 21st
The Bikeriders - From writer/director Jeff Nichols comes the story of a motorcycle club in the 1960s. The drama stars Austin Butler, Tom Hardy, and Jodie Comer.
Kinds of Kindness - Fresh off last year's Poor Things, Yorgos Lanthimos presents this absurd dark comedy anthology starring Emma Stone, Jesse Plemmons, and Willem Dafoe.
June 28th
Horizon: An American Saga - Chapter 1 - From Kevin Costner comes the first part of a sprawling epic about the American West. Chapter 2 comes out in August and Chapter 3 is filming now
A Quiet Place: Day One - Lupito Nyong'o stars in this prequel set in the world of A Quiet Place.
A Family Affair - Remember Prime's The Idea of You? Well, Netflix made the same movie but this one stars Nicole Kidman, Zac Efron, and Joey King.
Now for a quick look ahead to July, my top picks for next month are Beverly Hills Cop: Alex F, Twisters, and Deadpool & Wolverine.
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laoiseach · 3 months
I’ve never been much of a writer. I would read though. As a child I devoured books. When my mom was in hospital with her heart my grandad used to pick me a up a book from the small shop to keep me occupied in those white rooms. (All hospitals should have a shop). When I turned 14 I started drawing and painting, I sought distraction in the visual instead.
When I was 15 I started working, the time wasn’t quite there for a good book. Then covid hit. I turned 16, and eventually 17. In lockdown I discovered queer books (and myself within them, though I cant remember which came first). I would order queer books online, ensuring that they didn’t look queer from the outside.
Somewhere within that mess my brother gave me a copy of Good Omens for my birthday. It was a change from the easy-read YA love stories that I’d been devouring, but it was exactly what I needed. I sat outside and read for hours and hours in the sun. My back had sunburn scars for weeks because I didn’t realise the time passing, but then again, it was covid and time wasn’t real in my backgarden. Covid ended. I went back to work and back to my exams.
I’m now in my second year of college. I’m still working, and still trying to read when I can. I went to a massive second hand bookshop local to my college-city looking for some essay materials, and instead stumbled upon Norse Mythology. I read it, loved it and thought about it often. Later that month I went into another bookshop, picked up a copy of American Gods and debated spending €15 for a brand new copy. I left it there, groceries took preference that day unfortunately. On that same day, on a whim I went into a local charity shop. I found American Gods and The Graveyard Book sitting on a shelf. 2 for €5. The lady there gave them to me for €4
The Graveyard Book
I have a lot of things to say about this book. Instead I will say this: I am glad I didn’t find this as a child. I would’ve been insufferable. Within this same breath I mourn for the child I could’ve been, this would have changed me.
I know it’s a childs book. But I was once a child so it doesn’t matter. If i could read it again for the first time I would. It has somehow wormed it’s way into my favourites list. I have more to say about this book, maybe I will. I probably won’t terrorise this site with all my thoughts.
Moving on.
Amercian Gods
This was the longest book I’ve read since I was a child. That probably doesn’t say much. Religion has always been a very fickle thing for me, it’s something I don’t like to think about often. I think this book is a masterpiece of fictional theology, and though I won’t subscribe to a belief based solely on one novel, this helped me quanitfy some things.
I only finished this last week so I need some more time to think on it and Monarch of the Glen. I think I actually liked Monarch of the Glen more than the main novel. I’m excited to read Anansi Boys which hopefully will arrive this week (along with 3 other Gaiman novels. Oops.)
Fragile Things
I am 2/3rds of the way through this one. I was originally skeptical about the concept, I don’t havs a great record with short stories. Cue the flashbacks to my copy of Metamorphosis and Other Stories by Franz Kafka. The annotations stop halfway through. Oops again.
Fragile Things is becoming quite dear to me. Much like The Graveyard Book, I can feel it carving a permanent space in my psyche. I connect to the stories in this more than I did to American Gods. This book and it’s stories are more relatable. Don’t get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoyed American Gods, but the characters gave me a feeling I can only describe as ‘boys club’. (And I say that as a young, sisterless, Irish Military woman). Fragile Things is easier to feel.
These 5 books are so far the only Gaiman books that I’ve read. Which is a wonderful thing- I won’t run out for a while. Gaimans writing style feels like a hug. It’s comforting in a way that the subject matter should not provide. It leaves me confused and longing and nostalgic for the words I just read. I know that I could re-read each book 10 times and still take something new away each time. I think in another life I’ve read them all already, they all feel just more than vaguely familiar.
My life has been changing a lot lately and these books feel like a rope tethering myself to myself. I’m really grateful for them, and to have them. And I’m grateful for @neil-gaiman whose very active tumblr brings me joy in my book-less moments. Thanks Mr.Gaiman :)
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celtfather · 3 months
Myra's Lament for Lamlash Bay #282
Everything changes. But what do you do when your career, your life, your joy, comes to an end because everything must change. We’re talking about the life of a scallop diver in Lamlash Bay.
You can learn all about it today on Pub Songs & Stories #282
0:17 - Marc Gunn “Favor of a Dance” from Come Adventure With Me
Favor of a Dance | West Side Story Meets Firefly
Inspired by the Firefly episode “Shindig”
I am Marc Gunn. I’m a Sci F’Irish musician and podcaster living in Atlanta, Georgia.
If you’re new to the show, please subscribe. You can do that PubSong.com or Just send me an email to follow@celtfather.
New Poll: What are your favorite songs on St Patrick’s Day Songs for Kids?
New Merch Bundle: CD, Album Pin, Poster and Songbook for $90
MAR 9: Senoia Beer Company, Senoia, GA @ 7-10 PM
MAR 17: Wings Cafe & Tap House, Marietta, GA @ 3-7 PM
MAR 23-24: Sherwood Forest Faire, Paige, TX
MAR 28: Dragon Con Filk Music Concert w/Brobdingnagian Bards @ 8 PM
MAR 30-31: Sherwood Forest Faire, Paige, TX
Make sure you check the calendar on the Marc Gunn homepage to see the latest list of performances.
9:29 - The Byrne Brothers "P Stands for Paddy" from The Boys of Doorin
The show is brought to you by my supporters on Patreon. If you enjoy this podcast or my music, please join the Club. You get something new every week. It could be bonus podcasts, downloadable songs, printed sheet music, blogs, or stories from the road. Plus, you’ll get access to videos like my Coffee with The Celtfather video concerts. Email follow@celtfather !
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I plagiarise songs into local events..the one I sang last night I wrote at 3 AM in the morning. My wife had been in hospital 100 miles away, for two months, and the chorus came to my head when I was feeling sorry for myself. Simultaneously, the Government had decided to ban us clamming in Lamlash Bay. I’d sustainably hand picked scallops there for 34 years. The trawler/dredgers were destroying the habitat, and they wanted to
ban them. But they done us in as well… a Federal hammer to crack a wee nut!!!! So, the song is called “Myra’s lament for Lamlash Bay”…Lamlash is at the Isle of Arran.
Tommy Makem inspired my plagiarism with “The Boys from Killybegs.” Killybegs is a fishing port in Donegal, Ireland..Dun Na Gael…. The Fortress of the Stranger. Tommy famously sang and played banjo with the Glancy Brothers..
Sgheirs:- Gaelic..reefs pronounced “skerries.
clams”:- generic term in Scotland for bivalve shellfish..we fish for scallops..Pecten maximus
Sound:- navigable stretch of water between two pieces of land in this case formed by the Tarbert shore and Isle of Arran.
Thole :- Lalands Scots (old Scots) my work they won’t accept or tolerate.
Dole:- Un-employment register
Listen to the original version of the song on the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #85.
Myra’s Lament for Lamlash Bay
lyrics Liam Griffin, music Marc Gunn
There are scallops in the sea, put there for you and me By the Lord who reigns from heaven above. And the divers catch and sell, but we won’t go to hell, We treat the sea with joy, respect and love.
* There’s a wild and rolling sea bringing me back home to ye. To yer bed that’s dry and crisp and woman warm And our lovin’ knows no harm when I hold ye in my arms. When the Boys from Lerags Glen come rollin’ home.
There are rocks upon the shore, There are sgheirs even more* And the trawlers they are dredging to and fro’ But the diver’s in the gully, for the seabed we don’t sully Hand pickin’ is the way I chose to go.
But today the sea is calm and the boat is full of clams** And swiftly we have cleared KilBrannon Sound..*** Sacks of scallops stacked up high All our divers safe and dry And soon for Lerags Glen we’re homeward bound.
But now a new day’s dawned and time is moving on and conservation is a game that they al play and my work the cannot thole and I’m told to sign the dole No more from Lerags Glen go to the sea.
23:37 - Marc Gunn “Myra’s Lament for Lamlash Bay” from Come Adventure With Me
27:22 - CREDITS
Thanks for listening to Pub Songs & Stories. This episode was edited by Mitchell Petersen.
You can follow and listen to the show on my Patreon or wherever you find podcasts. Sign up to my mailing list to learn more about songs featured in this podcast and discover where I’m performing.
Remember. Reduce, reuse, recycle, and think about how you can make a positive impact on your environment.
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#pubstories #lamlashbay #obanscotland
  Check out this episode!
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eazy-group · 8 months
Wild Camping in Fort William
New Post has been published on https://eazycamping.net/wild-camping-in-fort-william/
Wild Camping in Fort William
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There’s likely no better way to experience the Scottish Munros than heading to the Outdoor Capital of the UK and pitching your dependable wild camping tents near the historic town of Fort William. Travellers worldwide flock there on weekends or holidays to escape from the pressures of day-to-day living and feel closer to nature.
Picking the best wild camping spot near Fort William can be a delightful yet challenging affair because of the vast array of choices. We’re here to help you through this process.
In this article, we will share our top recommendations for those who want to wild camp in Fort William. Check out each location to learn more about what to expect and some valuable tips to create a memorable itinerary for you and your companions.
The 7 best camping spots near Fort William
With hundreds of choices available, finding the ideal camping spot around Fort William can take a lot of time and effort to go through. We can help quicken your preparations with this rundown of the top seven camping spots based on our previous escapades in the area.
These recommendations have something different to offer, so read through our list to find out which will best match your idea of a perfect wild camping trip in Fort William.
1) Glen Nevis Caravan & Camping Park
This wild camping spot is only a short walk from Ben Nevis, the tallest mountain in the British Isles. As such, it is a popular choice among mountaineers, hikers, climbers, and outdoor sports enthusiasts.
In addition to Ben Nevis, they use it as a base to explore the Highlands and other attractions, including but not limited to the Nevis Range Ski Resort, Fort William, and River Nevis.
Note that this camping park is only open to guests from March to November. During that time, you will have access to various facilities and amenities, such as toilets with showers, a laundry area, electric hook-ups, a children’s playground, and an on-site restaurant. We also appreciate how well-maintained and comfortable Glen Nevis is, all made possible by the family operating this park.
2) Bunree Caravan and Motorhome Club Campsite
As a member of the Caravan and Motorhome Club (CMC), Bunree guarantees a high-quality camping experience. From its beautiful setting on the shores of Loch Linnhe to its proximity to Fort William, this wild camping spot is perfect for first-time campers and seasoned travellers alike. In addition to the typical facilities expected from a caravan park, Bunree also provides guests with a motorhome service point and Wi-Fi connection.
Using this campsite as your base will make it easier for you to plan your outdoor activities. The area has several hiking trails where you can take casual strolls or challenge yourself to a climb. Anglers will also enjoy a day on the loch teeming with salmon, trout, and pike. We also suggest boating on Loch Linnhe or boarding a cruise to the Isle of Skye.
3) Ben Nevis Holiday Park, Highland Holidays
Wild camping near this holiday park in Fort William feels like a treat to the senses and spirit. The park offers accommodations, including caravans, lodges, and hot tub pods. It also provides entertainment options so you won’t have to leave the campgrounds or travel far away to let loose and have fun. For example, many guests enjoy playing in its laser tag room or mini golf area and unwinding at the on-site sauna.
Outside the holiday park, you will have quick access to Ben Nevis and its selection of nature trails. Experienced hikers should consider doing the Ben Nevis summit hike or the Devil’s Staircase hike. Don’t forget to pay attention to your surroundings because different local wildlife, such as golden eagles, red deer, and mountain goats, resides in Fort William,
4) Bunroy Park
What we love the most about camping in this family-owned holiday park near Fort William is the scenery. Bunroy Park is situated on the banks of River Spean, close to the Roy Bridge. And with the Nevis Range as its backdrop, the views offered by this park can be tough to beat.
Guests may choose from different types of accommodations. If you pack for wild camping, there are camping pitches available all over the place. The park also has lodges and caravans for those who prefer something more comfortable.
Regarding activities, consider visiting the West Highland Museum to learn about the geology and history of the area or the Nevis Range Ski Resort if you’re a fan of exhilarating outdoor sports.
5) Great Glen Yurts
If you want to try Mongolian yurts as an alternative to traditional camping tents, check out this campsite on a flowery meadow in Torlundy, just outside Fort William. Each yurt is spacious and has the essentials, including beds with comfortable bedding, cooking utensils, and a wood-burning stove. Shared facilities like a communal fire pit, toilet block, and shower stalls are also available for all guests.
Wild camping in the Great Glen Yurts is perfect for those who want to experience star gazing in the Scottish Highlands. When the sun sets, the skies over these lands become so dark that you can clearly map out the different constellations. The remote location also lends a sense of peace, thus making it the ideal resting place after a full day in the mountains.
6) Linnhe Lochside Holidays
For a touch of luxury up in the Highlands, we suggest camping at Linnhe Lochside Holidays Park. Your choice of accommodation includes caravans, chalets, and caravans. Each room is furnished with cosy beds, TV, and Wi-Fi. Expect the view from the comfort of your room to be breathtaking as green landscapes, mountains, hills, and Loch Linnhe surround the park.
As for activities, we recommend booking a boat trip or fishing trip on the nearby loch. Fort William is only a short drive from the park, so you’d have easy access to the town whenever you want to explore it. To round up your trip, visit the whisky distilleries in Fort William for a tour and sample the local brands.
7) Gairlochy Holiday Park
Last but not least, the Gairlochy Holiday Park is one of the best camping spots to help you realize your dream nature getaway in Fort William. A family of avid campers run this place, so you can rest assured that you will be in good hands. Accommodations offered range from camping pitches to spacious lodges and caravans. Regardless of your preference, expect spectacular views wherever you are in the park because it overlooks the River Spean.
To soak in more of the admirable scenery, consider boarding the Jacobite Steam Train or the Glenfinnan Viaduct. Fans of the Harry Potter series will surely recognize the latter for its appearances in its films. However, if you prefer something more low-key, Gairlochy has a swimming pool, sauna, and steam room within the campgrounds and various hiking trails to the surrounding mountains and hills just outside its perimeters.
Plan your next wild camping trip in Fort William!
Fort William in Scotland draws in thousands of campers every year because of its convenient location to the most popular destinations in the Highlands. That said, the town offers visitors stunning landscapes, a rich culture, and reinvigorating ambience. You also won’t feel bored or disappointed because there is so much to do while exploring and learning about this tourist hotspot.
If you wish to discover Fort William and its natural beauty, please familiarize yourself with the rules for wild camping in Scotland. Doing so will give you peace of mind during your trip and allow others to partake in outdoor activities in the country with the same liberties and immerse themselves in its magnificent scenery for the years to come.
FAQs about Wild Camping in Fort William
Can I wild camp near Fort William?
Yes, you can pitch your tent on the wild camping spots around Fort William. However, remember to comply with the Scottish Outdoor Access Code guidelines to guarantee a peaceful and enjoyable outdoor adventure. Doing so entails travelling in small numbers, camping away from roads and buildings for two to nights only, and leaving no trace of your campsite afterwards.
Where is the best place to wild camp in Fort William?
The answer varies depending on the individual’s needs and expectations for the wild camping trip. Fort William and its surrounding areas have plenty to offer, ranging from off-the-grid hiking destinations to relaxing campgrounds near rivers or beaches. Regardless of your preference, be sure to research the weather conditions and reminders from fellow campers to ensure that it is the best wild camping spot for you.
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stillunusual · 9 months
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Leeds United: Meslier, Ampadu, Cooper, Piroe (Gray 84), Kamara (Gruev 90), Summerville (Anthony 80), Shackleton (Ayling 90), James (Poveda 84), Struijk, Rutter, Byram.
Subs not used: Darlow, Cresswell, Gelhardt, Joseph. The bad news before today's game was that Willy Gnonto will be out for eight weeks, following his injury on Wednesday night. But our injury list is getting shorter overall - Junior Firpo, Djed Spence, Stuart Dallas and Patrick Bamford are the only other players who are currently unavailable. Joe Rodon also missed this game as he was serving a one match ban after picking up two yellow cards against Hull.
Club captain Liam Cooper returned to the starting line up and Glen Kamara started a game for Leeds for the first time. I was slightly concerned about the fact that our back four consisted of a midfielder at right-back (Jamie Shackleton), a right-back playing at left-back (Sam Byram) and two left footed centre backs, but I needn't have worried. Watford didn't do a great deal of attacking and on the rare occasions they did manage to get forward, we defended solidly. Illan Meslier had nothing to do for most of the game, but had to be alert on a couple of occasions to make sure we finished with our fourth clean sheet in a row. In contrast, Watford's goalkeeper had a very busy afternoon and was definitely their man of the match.
Leeds outclassed Watford for the entire 90 minutes and created so many chances that the 3-0 scoreline really flattered the away side. Ethan Ampadu and Kamara won the midfield battle, and our front four all had outstanding games. It's particularly amazing to see a completely transformed Georginio Rutter fast becoming a fan favourite and orchestrating some of our best moves with his strength, creativity and skill on the ball.
Rutter had a goal disallowed for offside midway through the first half, and it took us until the 67th minute to finally get the reward we deserved. Rutter beat two players in the middle of the park, fed Dan James on the right wing, and James delivered a perfect cross for Joel Piroe to volley home at the far post. Three minutes later a corner from James was headed into the net by Byram.
Jaidon Anthony replaced Crysencio Summerville with 10 minutes of regular time remaining, and scored our third goal to finish off our best move of the game. Pascal Struijk won the ball just outside the Leeds penalty area, passed it to Rutter who danced around three Watford players before sending a perfectly weighted pass into the path of Anthony, who powered into the box and found the bottom corner with his right foot.
After a chaotic summer and an understandably below par August, things are starting to come together….
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maxfabricz · 2 years
11 abiti a scacchi indossati da James Bond
James Bond indossa spesso abiti a scacchi e con altri piccoli pattern. Eccone una lista.
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1. Pied-de-poule o Houndstooth
James Bond indossa un abito pied-de-poule in Goldfinger una giacca sportiva con lo stesso motivo in Al servizio segreto di Sua Maestà.
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2. Pick-and-pick
James Bond indossa vestiti con questo motivo in Dalla Russia con amore,  Il Mondo non basta e Skyfall.
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3. Glen Urquhart Check
James Bond indossa abiti con questo pattern - solo leggermente modificato -  in Dalla Russia con amore, Skyfall e in un certo numero di altri film. Spesso questo ‘scacco’ è accompagnato da uno scacco di dimensioni maggiori in rosso o in blu (prendendo spesso e impropriamente nome di Principe di Galles): James Bond lo indossa in Al servizio segreto di Sua Maestà. In Una cascata di diamanti, Bond indossa una giacca sportiva in tweed con una variazione del Glen Urquhart Check, più grande e multicolore.
4. Plain Weave Glen Check
James Bond indossa abiti con questo ‘scacco’ in this check in Licenza di uccidere e Dalla Russia con amore.
5. Hopsack Glen Check
James Bond indossa abiti con questo motivo in Missione Goldfinger e in Una cascata di diamanti.
6. Gun Club Check
James Bond in Zona pericolo indossa  una giacca con questo pattern, in 5 colori e interessanti combinazioni quando i colori si intrecciano.
7. Barleycorn
8. Broken Twill/Barleycorn
9. Tick Pattern
10. Herringbone
11. Birdseye
Gli abiti a righe non sono stati inclusi e saranno materia di un altro post.
Fonte: 11 Checks and Patterns James Bond Has Worn
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americanegg · 3 years
egg’s digestible guide for attainable rides: cyberpunk 2077
(cheap to mad expensive) post then later a (free quest cars) post
Car Model >  €$ (Fixer). All details about each are my own experience. Location of vehicle by district and waypoint.
(Reminder that if you’re short on eddies you can do Gigs, Sidequests, and “Assault in Progress” mini quests to get rich and level up.)
1. Thorton Galena G240 > €$ 13,000 (Regina)
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Rusty hunk of junk but functional, especially after your car gets bodied in the beginning of Act 2. Located in the garage of your apartment building.
2. Makigai MaiMai P126 >  €$ 14,000 (Wakako)
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Small. Super fucking small but decent and could turn into a red bullet on the highway at the cost of absolutely no control on your turns. Located in the southern part of Charter Hill, Westbrook sitting neatly in a small parking lot.
3. Mahir Supron FS3 >  €$ 16,000 (Reyes)
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Sort of van type situation but compact. Cheap and definitely made of plastic. Like it says that in the lore. Located East from Hargreaves St waypoint in Arroyo.
4. Chevillon Thrax 388 Jefferson >  €$ 17,000 (Padre)
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It’s a smooth ride, I’ll give Padre that. Long in length and takes years to turn with but it’s not made for street racing so it’s still decent for traffic and looking like a corpo. Located directly South of the Pumping Station waypoint in Wellsprings.
5. Villefort Columbus V340-F Freight >  €$ 19,000 (Dino)
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Another van-type situation with plenty of seating. Could drive your kids to soccer with this one and get there in one piece. Average vehicle overall but can go 210mph if needed. Located SouthWest of the Downtown Central waypoint and sitting in a parking lot.
6. Thorton Galena “Gecko” >  €$ 21,000 (Dakota)
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Found in the Badlands this is a great choice for rocky roads at 100mph. Go crazy and go stupid outside the city with this bad boy. Shred rubber and whatnot. Be wary of turns and speed in rocky areas as you can make as much airtime as a dirtbike on a ramp! Located SouthWest of the Old Turbines waypoint in the Eastern Badlands.
This is where Street Cred Level will come into play along with your pocket full of eddies:
(cred = streetcred level)
7. Kaiba Kusanagi CT-3X >  €$ 22,000 > 12 cred (Wakako)
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Right after Jackie’s Arch, this is my favorite ride in the game. She’s sleek, perfect for bypassing traffic, and very well-designed. Located in an abandoned parking lot in Japantown, Westbrook directly NorthEast of the Skyline and Salinas waypoint.
8. Archer Quartz EC-L R275 > €$ 29,000 > 12 cred (Regina)
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Another great set of wheels for burning rubber and kicking up sand in the Badlands, if you have the eddies for it. Located South of the Offshore St waypoint in Northside and immediately next to a Neutralize the Perps mini quest.
9. Chevillon Emperor 620 Ragnar >  €$ 32,000 > 12 cred (Dino)
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First of the heavy duty SUV you acquire at 30k eddies. Didn’t drive this one very much since I’m a small and sleek kinda dude but if you need to ram a taxi or show off to your video game girlfriend your chunky ride, here is the car for you. Located in Corpo Plaza SouthWest of Arasaka Tower waypoint or NorthWest of Reconciliation Park waypoint.
10. Villefort Cortes V5000 Valor >  €$ 37,000 > 12 cred (Padre)
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If you want to look like an asshole you can check this one out. Pretty much a bougie limosine type situation. Long car so long turns my guy. Located in Wellsprings, Heywood sitting in a parking lot West of Berkeley & Bay waypoint. 11. Thorton Colby C240T (aka Thorton Colby C125) >  €$ 39,000 > 20 cred (Regina)
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Vehicles to pick up your gf/bf and go to a drive-in theater with? This one. Smooth ride with plenty of seating to do you know what at said drive-in theater definitely not watching Bushido 3. Located Northside, Westbrook South of the Docks waypoint in a small parking lot in front of the Ded Zed clothing store.
12. Thorton Colby CX410 Butte (Green) >  €$ 43,000 > 12 cred (Reyes)
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Imma be honest... I’m a slut for Thorton car models. This one is straight up satisfying to my ears and eyes. Located in the parking lot of PieZ waypoint in Rancho Coronado, Santo Domingo.
13. Thorton Colby “Little Mule” >  €$ 49,000 > 12 cred (Dakota)
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Truckin and fuckin around the Badlands? This is definitely the car for you!  Located near the Sunset Motel parking lot in the Eastern Badlands.
14. Quadra Type-66 Avenger >  €$ 55,000 > 20 cred (Dino)
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Remember those Need for Speed games? No? Well imagine it for a second and look at this preem ride. Got that image in your mind? Now look at your wallet. Located West of Metro: Republic Way waypoint tucked under the Empathy club building.
15. Quadra Type-66 “Jen Rowley” (aka Quadra Type-66 640 TS)  >  €$ 58,000 > 20 cred (Reyes)
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If you haven’t noticed, Quadra Type-66 are very good at designing cars that make you look like you shred these streets since you were a babe. Like, Baby from Baby Driver would fuck this ride up, you know it choom. Located West of Kendal Park waypoint in Rancho Coronado, no more than 2-minute walk away.
16. Villefort Alvarado V4F 570 Delegate >  €$ 62,000 > 20 cred (Padre)
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Another Limo! I’ll be honest, six wheels on a car this low is crazy but Villefort always finds a way. This is the ride you’d drive to your corpo apartment to go pick up your corpo wife so you can take your corpo ride to a nearby corpo restaurant and only drink Spunky Monkey in a wine bottle. Located directly West of the Palms View Way waypoint in The Glen.
17. Herrera Outlaw GTS >  €$ 62,000 > 30 cred (Dino)
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Limousine type body but god damn if it ain’t gorgeous to look at. A real sexy piece of wheels, this one. Located in Corpo Plaza, North of Ring Road waypoint. 
18. Quadra Type-66 “Javelina” >  €$ 73,000 > 30 cred (Dakota)
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God am I a fan of rides that pick up hefts of sand and dirt? Yeah, I am. Do I love how this car looks? Absolutely. As a Nomad V, is this one of the sexiest rides you can get? ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY. Located in Southern Badlands near the Protein Farm waypoint.
19. Mizutani Shion MZ2 >  €$ 75,000 > 30 cred (Regina)
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Not gonna lie, this is the car that occupies my headspace every time I boot up Cyberpunk. Maybe it’s the name, maybe it’s the design, maybe it’s the car I would take to my honeymoon, idk. Located in the same garage as the Thorton Galena in Little China, Watson.
20. Quadra Type-66 “Cthulhu” >  €$ 76,000 > No cred requirement (Regina or Sampson)
Condition to receive for free: Sparing Samson in “The Beast In Me” side quest
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Okay other than Beast which is a chonky beast this one is a very speedy beast with classic racecar features but bulky armor. The wiki literally says this ride has 666 horsepower so you KNOW this shit is gonna slap as soon as you get in and hear that engine, dawg.  Can be found in Little China, Watson in Megabuilding H10.
21. Brennan Apollo >  €$ 94,000 > 30 cred (Padre)
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If you thought Jackie’s ARCH and the Yaiba Kusanagi was sexy boy you will not be disappointed. Smaller and more compact but a speedy on the highways and countryside. Side Effect is you’ll look like the coolest pizza delivery driver in Night City. Located in Vista Del Ray, Heywood a short walk away East of Delamain HQ waypoint. 22. Mizutani Shion “Coyote” >  €$ 115,000 > 20 cred (Dakota)
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... Look at her. Just... just look at her. Look at those wheels, that build, the spoiler, look at her! I would own so many Hot Wheels and have her in a display case alright. Like, you know what you’re signing up for at 100k eddies for Dakota. Like this car that was originally used for scooting around the city was LITERALLY modded for the Badlands. As a Nomad this is a must-have. Located in the Eastern Badlands, North of the Sunshine Motel waypoint.
23. Thorton Mackinaw MTL1 >  €$ 128,000 > 30 cred (Reyes)
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The most SUV that ever SUV’ed in Night City. Reyes calls you for this one and shit, it’s new, it’s spotless, it’s a shiny new car, and trouncing down Badlands, the streets of Kabuki, Pacifica, name it. This beaut does go maximum of around 150mph but with how big this bad boy is, it can charge through the highways but be wary of how you turn corners! Located around the block from the Red Dirt Bar waypoint to the East in Arroyo, Santo Domingo.
24. Quadra Turbo-R 740 >  €$ 129,000 > 30 cred (Wakako)
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TURBO-TASTIC ride. Again, of racecar design, you can almost smell the 1980s nostalgia from the picture alone. Located in the Dynalar building/waypoint in Charter Hill, Westbrook.
25. ARCH Nazaré >  €$ 138,000 > 40 cred (Wakako)
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Writing this guide up to this point I have discovered that Old Lady Wakako knows what “fucking nova” means because all the cars she offers are fucking bangers so of COURSE she would offer an ARCH bike like this bumblebee badboy. You can see all the fun bits in and around the bike to know what you’re getting into so expect some hella smooth sailing. Located on the way TO the Drive-In Theatre in the lot of the Gig: A Shrine Defiled. South of Drive-in Theatre, North Oak, Westbrook.
26. Rayfield Caliburn (White) >  €$ 157,000 > 40 cred (Dino)
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Dino actually coming in clutch with this last call for vehicles he offers. Like, I had to look up what “hypercar” meant to logistically know how hype this car makes me every time I hit the gas. At high speeds the engines purr like a cat, which is a whole other satisfying experience after driving hunks of junk. Located West of the Corporation St. waypoint in Downtown, City Center.
27. Rayfield Aerondight S9 “Guinevere” >  €$ 225,000 > 50 cred (Wakako)
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Um... so... this is- this is the last car from Wakako. I haven’t even gotten to the point of being able to afford this... this... work of art. I can only imagine, with the Rayfield brand, that it’s better than the Caliburn. Which I don’t even think that’s possible but once I buy it I’ll let you know. Located North of the Columbariam or directly West of the North Oak Sign waypoints in North Oak, Westbrook.
Yo, if this guide helps you or makes your day or think it’s absolutely genius or dogshit don’t forget to like/reblog! Share with your friends!
Free Vehicle Post coming soon!
Images from gamesatlas.com, cyberpunk.fandom.com, & game-maps.com
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asukaskerian · 3 years
So yes I reread the entirety of Lone Wolf and Pilot, and I'm sure I've said this before but I just. The way Duo's mindset seems totally reasonable, yes of course he checks the exits as soon as he comes into a room, and he's worried about Killer lashing out bc he's not used to other wolves, sure..... and then you abruptly realize holy SHIT, Killer's so wary and lethal all the time bc DUO IS, DID YOU NOTICE DUO HAS PTSD, READER??? 8)
It just SNEAKS UP on you and then clubs you in the head. Oh! And so does that thing he's doing towards Heero that Heero finally calls him out about, like STOP ASSUMING I HATE YOU all the time, what the FUCK dude. "Oh he's letting me hug him but yeah, he totally barely tolerates me" DUO. ARE YOU LISTENING TO YOURSELF.
Really beautifully done unreliable narrator. <3
ahhh thank you *^_^* duo is so much fun to write because on the surface he copes so damn well. he’s personable, he’s funny, he actually talks with strangers... but yes, ye olde ptsd.
i mean, at age 8 he was watching his second set of adoptive family burn to death because some nominally allied guys didn’t like that a priest took his vows of peace and assistance seriously and then he was going around calling himself the god of death beause everybody around him dies haha lol isn’t that ironic. baby is fucked up, he just pretends really well. at this point heero might be better adjusted than he is? heero is at least aware of exactly how different from normal people he is but at this period of his life it’s almost less the ptsd than the “yep, idk what kind it is exactly but that sure as hell is neurodivergent”.
so. yes. sneaking in duo’s inner truths inside the narrative (those fucked up self-narrative habits that you KNOW are illogical but that you still unconsciously accept as the pure truth) is an exercise in unreliable narrator hilariousness and surprise suffering.
all that displacing he does onto his lovely psychic baby wolf. suuure, the issue with killer deserving his name is entirely because he wasn’t socialized properly and not at all because he’s picking up on Duo’s background half-conscious threat assessment and inability to truly trust anyone who isn’t either a gundam pilot or hilde (or MAYBE relena and cathy but only secondhand.)
honestly all the wolves are a reflection of a hidden part of their human’s psyche, apart maybe for Wufei because Glen wasn’t his wolf originally ... but then again Glen sure has become a marker for his survivor’s guilt and his drive to become at least a little bit like the man he took from the world. (like, fuck you for doing this to him, treize. bad. mean.)
mary is heero’s “you know what, i’m cool with myself in all my strange and terrible self and ability and surprise fluff so i have no reason to be suspicious or hostile with you from the get-go either” and trowa is in a good place mentally atm so coyote is just trowa’s “life is actually pretty nice when you relax and roll with it” which is the LEAST buried one out of the four of them. 
this is probably why quatre needs no wolf. or why quatre can’t have a wolf because he would need seventy.
anyway duo and denial are old friends.
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freddiesaysalright · 4 years
Just Like a Woman - Part 9
A Roger Taylor x Reader Story
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Summary: You and Roger were once in love when you were young. Only, he went on to be a rock star, and you went on to be a lawyer. Now, quite against your will, you’re representing him in his divorce.
Word Count: 3.4k
Tag List:  @psychosupernatural​, @someone-get-a-medic​, @bensrhapsody​, @deakyclicks​, @crazylittlethingcalledobsession​, @minigranger​, @crazyweirdocalledfriday​, @the-moving-finger-writes​, @assembledherethevolunteers​, @rose-writes-prose​, @queenlover05​, @26-7-49​, @drowsebaby​, @moon-stars-soul​, @im-an-adult-ish​, @ixchel-9275​, @jennyggggrrr​, @zyanmaik​, @mypassionfortrash​, @a19103​, @madeinheavxn​, @beepbeephardy​, @rrogerchxrm​, @qweenly, @blisshemmings​, @seasidecrowbar​, @internationalkpoplova, @ellystone​, @takemetoneverland420​, @coffeexcigarette​, @lookuptotheskiesandsee​, @thatpunkmaximoff​, @angelkissys​, @rocknroll-stolemyass​, @simonedk​, @anotheronebitesrogertaylor​, @peterquillzblog, @mrfahrenhcit​, @joseph-mozzerella​, @theprettyandthereckless​, @flick-ofthe-wrist​, @johndeaconshands​, @rogerandhiscar​, @queenmaracasandlove​, @sunflower-ben​, @cubetriangle, @amy-brooklyn99​, @scorpiogemini, @kiainspace​, @itsabenthing​, @bookandband​, @makemeyourwife-loveofmylife​, @grazessa​, @borhapqueen92​, @theonsasheart​, @vektorivittu​, @chanti-frn, @brianssixpence​, @dancingcoolcat​ If you’d like to be added, let me know!
A/N: It’s time for some courtroom actions, baby!!
Warning(s): Descriptions of assault
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8
Part 9 here we go!!!
Weeks passed. Nick was pleading self defense and refused to negotiate, so it was going to trial. In front of a jury. Dominique was struggling with having to relive the events of that night over and over again. You, Roger, and Bill were trying to keep her spirits up in the conference room before the trial was set to begin.
“Just one more time, Dom,” Roger told her.
She looked at him with watery eyes. “I’m telling you I can’t do this anymore.”
“We can get him, though, if you just power through,” Bill added. “We’ve got your testimony, photographs of your injuries, and then the witness who found you. Our case is solid. And you’ve said yourself you don’t want this to happen to anyone else.”
“I know, but…” she trailed off.
“What is it, Dom?” you asked gently. “Speak your mind.”
“It’s not helping me recover,” she said quietly. “Maybe that’s selfish, but every time I have to tell another room full of people what happened to me, I feel again all this...shame and guilt. And don’t tell me it’s not my fault, Roger, I know it isn’t, I just…”
He closed his mouth.
“We understand,” you told her. “But we’re all here for you, okay? I know you can do this. But if you’re not feeling up to it anymore, we’ll support that too.”
She paused, looking at the ground. “I’m tired.”
“You can’t give up now,” Roger said. “We’re so close.”
She sighed, refusing to meet his gaze. When she blinked, a tear rolled down her cheek.
“Dom, we’re going to support you no matter what you decide,” you said. “But Roger is right, it’ll be only one last time. And we can put that man away.”
“You said you want to get him,” Bill said. “So let’s get him.”
She sighed. “I...yes. I still want that.”
He knelt in front of her and took her hand. 
“Like Y/N said, we’re with you,” he said. “We’ll all be standing right beside you and in front.”
You and Roger exchanged a surprised look at Bill’s uncharacteristic tenderness.
She smiled at last. “Thank you.”
“Alright, let’s prepare for this trial,” he said, grinning back.
“One thing,” you interjected. “Tim sent over the final copy of the divorce settlement. I got a call from the judge that it needs to be finalized before the trial begins.”
“We can sign it now?” Roger wondered.
“Yeah,” you said. “Remarkably, Tim was comfortable with you both signing with just me and Bill as witnesses.”
You put the papers down on the table. Bill handed Dominique a pen. She signed and slid it over to Roger. He picked up the pen and stared at the papers for a moment. For a feeling second, you feared he would refuse to sign it. If he didn’t, what did that say about where he stood with you? But then, after he glanced at Dom, he swiftly scrawled his signature across the line and dated it.
Just like that, their marriage was over.
“Could we have a moment, please?” Roger asked.
“Sure,” you replied.
You took Bill’s arm and led him out of the conference room. Roger looked at Dominique.
“Just because we’ve signed these papers doesn’t mean I don’t still care about you,” he said. “And how this trial will go.”
“I know, Rog,” she returned. “I still care about you too. And I appreciate your support more than you know.”
“I still love you,” he said. “Just….not…”
“You don’t have to say it,” she told him. “I understand, alright? We’re all friends here. I’m not angry at you - at least, not anymore,” she finished with a chuckle. “I think all this has shown me what really matters.”
A beat passed.
“I love you too, you know,” she said. 
He smiled. “You’re the strongest woman I’ve ever met.”
“Now you’re just trying to flatter me,” she teased.
“I’m not, Dom,” he said. “You’re...impressive. And I’m sorry I couldn’t -”
“Let’s not go there,” she interrupted. “Let’s leave it at loving each other. Alright?”
He took a deep breath. “Yeah, alright.”
With that, he waved you and Bill back in. You picked up the paper.
“Alright, I’ll give this to Jane to process,” you said. “Are you two okay?”
“We’re perfect,” Dominique said. “But I’m starving. Is it alright if I go get some lunch before we prep for trial?”
“Sure,” Bill said. “I’ll go with you. I know a great Italian place just around the corner from here.”
She smiled and you were certain you saw her blush. “Well, alright, then.”
They left together, Bill placing a gentle hand on the small of Dominique’s back as they walked to the elevator.
“Wow,” Roger joked. “Our marriage isn’t even cold yet, and he’s making a move.”
“I don’t think this is normal Bill, though,” you said. “I think he likes her.”
“Well, if he likes her, I’m alright with it, but if he’s just trying to get a shag in, I’m not,” he said.
“Relax, Roger,” you said. “If that’s what he wanted, he’d be more obvious about it.”
“Well, while they’re gone, you wanna start the trial prep?” he asked.
“We need Dom for that,” you said.
“Well, we can do my part,” he argued.
Your brow furrowed. “Roger, are you under the impression that you’re going to be called as a witness?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” he demanded. “She’s my wife, isn’t she?”
“Ex-wife,” you reminded him. “But you’re not a witness to the crime. You’re just a concerned loved one. I’m sorry, but you’re not relevant to the case.”
“Like hell, I’m not,” he protested. 
“Roger, think for a moment,” you insisted. “You didn’t see the crime take place, you didn’t come across her body, and you’ve had no interaction with the defendant. What exactly would your testimony do besides look like an emotional manipulation of the jury?”
“Maybe that could help,” he said.
“No, we’re sticking to the facts,” you asserted. “The facts are the strength of this case, and if we stray from that we only give the defense weapons to use against us.”
He huffed irritably and sat down in a chair.
You opened your mouth to scold him for pouting, but at that moment there was a knock on the door. A man stood there - tall and handsome in a Ken doll sort of way, with a swaggering stance that made you already hate him.
“Can I help you?” you asked, sharper than you meant to sound.
“I’m Glen Harrington,” he said. “I’m the new attorney for Nick Sully. I’ve come to speak with Dominique Beyrand.”
“She’s represented by counsel, you can’t speak to her,” you replied.
“You’re sharp,” he said, looking you over. “Love that in a woman.”
Roger jumped up from his chair. “Watch it.”
Glen ignored him.
“Anyway,” Glen continued. “I only wanted to have a chat. We’re not in court -”
“I don’t care if we’re in your fucking hot tub, you can’t speak to her,” you snapped.
“Are you her lawyer?” he wondered. “God, I’d love to see what the two of you would do alone in a room together.”
You scowled at him.
“I’m the second chair,” you said. “She’s with the first chair lawyer now. And she won’t be speaking with you.”
“Well, maybe you and I could have a conversation,” he suggested, winking at you. “Although, usually with me, you’ll just end up saying my name.”
Roger could stand it no longer. He put himself between you and Glen and pushed the latter back a step.
“Watch. It.” Roger warned.
“Who’s this, your boyfriend?” Glen questioned, laughter behind his eyes.
“He is,” you answered. “And I believe he told you to watch it, pig.”
“You can’t win ‘em all,” he sighed, and then stepped further away from Roger. “I’ll see you in court tomorrow...I didn’t catch your name.”
“Y/N Y/L/N,” you practically spat at him.
“Well, Y/N, I’ll see you in court,” he said.
“Oink,” you retorted.
He smirked, turned on his heel, and left. Roger rounded on you.
“How do you put up with that?” he cried.
You shrugged. “This industry has been a boy’s club as long as I’ve been in it. I’m not afraid of some crass remarks.”
“But that was ridiculous!”
“He’s just trying to intimidate me,” you explained. “I’ll admit, that was a bit more than I’ve seen before, but I can handle myself.”
“Alright, but I’m gonna be in that courtroom every day,” he said.
You chuckled. “You were going to do that anyway.”
“True, but now it’s different,” he said. “He came on to you.”
“And I will feel securely protected knowing you’re there,” you joked.
“Don’t tease me, Y/N, I’m serious,” he said. “I don’t like the way he spoke to you.”
You softened, seeing the earnest need in his eyes.
“I’m sorry, Roger,” you said. “I really do appreciate you defending me. I guess I make a joke out of it so that it really can’t frighten me.”
He pulled you into his arms. You settled into him. The pressure of everything was hitting you. The trial, this new ass of a lawyer, your concern for Dominique going forward...it felt like too much. But with Roger’s arms around you, it felt lighter. You knew you could walk into that courtroom with confidence.
Bill did the opening statement. Your stomach squirmed with anticipation. There was a lot at stake here and you didn’t want to mess it up. Then, Glen stood up and made his opening statement as well. Bill sat down and gave Dominique’s hand a squeeze. She returned with a grateful smile. When Glen had returned to his seat, the judge, Seymore Walsh, looked at Bill.
“You may begin,” he said.
Bill stood up. “The prosecution would first like to call Ms. Dominique Beyrand to the stand.”
Dominique stood up from her seat at the table. She took a deep breath and then, with her head high and shoulders back, she walked up to the witness stand. She took her oath, and you saw her hand just barely trembling as she did, and then sat down. Bill came out from his place behind the table.
“Ms. Beyrand, take us through what happened the night you went on a date with Mr. Sully here,” he said, indicating Nick.
“Well, Nick and I met at a bar a few days before,” she began. “We flirted and he asked for my number, which I gave him. He called the next day and we arranged to meet that Saturday.”
“What happened when you met up again?” Bill pressed.
“At first, things were great,” she said. “We were chatting, flirting just like before. But it started to get late and I was ready to head home. He offered me a ride. I agreed, thinking it was awfully generous of him. Only...it wasn’t.”
“What happened in the car?” he asked gently.
“He kissed me,” she said. “I didn’t pull away at first because I don’t mind a kiss or two. Only things started to heat up, so I tried to push him away. He said that I wasn’t being fair. He’d bought me drinks and I’d flirted all night, so it wasn’t right for me to turn him down. Then, he grabbed my breast.”
She paused a moment and gathered herself.
“When he did that, I pushed him off,” she said. “So, he slapped me. I slapped him back. He punched me in the eye. We started fighting. He was still grabbing at me and hitting me. He got me by the throat once. I felt like I was going to pass out. But I broke free, and tried to get out of the car. That was when he slammed my head against the door. It’s all sort of fuzzy, but after that, I don’t remember anything.”
“So, let me see if I’m hearing you correctly,” he said. “He asks you on a date, pays for the drinks like a gentleman, he even offers you a ride home - only to sexually assault you in the car?”
“Yes,” Dominique said. “That is my testimony.” 
“For clarification, when he attempted his sexual advance, did you use the words ‘no’ or ‘stop’?” Bill asked.
“I did,” she said. “More than once. When he was hitting me, I was begging him to stop.”
“Are you certain he heard you?” he asked.
“Yes,” she went on. “Because he kept telling me to shut up.”
“I see,” he said. “Well, thank you for your testimony, I have no further questions.”
Glen got to his feet. He cleared his throat as he approached Dominique. She looked nervously at him.
“Ms. Beyrand, it is your testimony that you were attracted to my client, right?” he asked.
“Yes,” she said firmly. “I was attracted to him before he beat me within an inch of my life.”
You stole a look at Roger and beamed. You saw the pride in his face as well.
Glen ignored it. “Is it also your testimony that my client bought your drinks the night you went out?”
“It is,” she replied. “But that does not entitle him to -”
“I’m not saying it does,” he interrupted. “But we all know the implications. Society has taught us that drinks and flirting is usually a lead up to...something more.”
He took that moment to turn and wink at you. 
“Objection!” you cried, jumping to your feet.
Judge Walsh looked at you with disbelief. “Ms. Y/L/N, what exactly are you objecting to?”
“He - well - he winked at me and I didn’t like it,” you said, heat rushing to your cheeks. 
“The objection is overruled,” he said. “But, Mr. Harrington, do not wink again at opposing counsel. Focus on your witness.”
“Of course, your honor,” Glen said. “Now, Ms. Beyrand, you also testified that you struck my client, yes?”
“Yes,” she said. “Only because he struck me first.”
“When you claim my client was assaulting you, why did you not continue to strike back?”
“I tried,” she said. “But after that punch, I was a bit dazed. Not to mention your client is a professional kickboxer, so he had the upper hand.”
“This is shit,” Roger hissed to you. “He’s just asking her to repeat herself.”
“He wants her to say it differently than before so he can twist it,” you whispered back. “Don’t worry, she’s doing great.”
Fortunately, Glen was unable to get Dominique to change even one part of her testimony. Her wording was clear and consistent, the same as when Bill was questioning her. Finally, Glen gave up, and Dominique was allowed to return to her seat. Roger put his hand on her shoulder and gave it a squeeze. She smiled shakily at him.
Now, it was your turn. You stood up.
“Your honor, the prosecution calls Miss Lucy Thomas to the stand,” you said.
Miss Thomas strutted up to the witness stand, took her oath - though not without rolling her eyes - and then sat down. You approached.
“Miss Thomas, tell us what happened on the night you found Ms. Beyrand,” you told her.
“I was out for my nightly jog through my neighborhood,” she began. “On my usual path, I saw a person lying in the grass. At first I thought it was one of those drunk hobos again, but she was awfully still. I got closer and realized it was a woman.”
“Can you identify that woman?” you requested.
She extended her hand, pointer finger out, toward Dominique. 
“That one,” she said, and then promptly returned her hand to her lap. “Although you’d hardly recognize her with her face all bruised and blood everywhere. It was disgusting.”
“What did you think when you saw her condition?” you asked.
“I honestly thought she was dead,” she answered with a shrug. “But then I saw that she was breathing. So I went to the nearest payphone and called the police.”
“What did it appear had happened to her?” you asked.
“Objection!” Glen interrupted. “Your honor, Miss Thomas is not a medical professional, therefore her speculations about what happened to Ms. Beyrand are guesses that should not be admissible as evidence.”
 “Sustained,” Judge Walsh said, and then looked at you. “Counsel, keep your questions strictly what the witness can actually attest to.”
“Sure,” you agreed, then returned to Miss Thomas. “Were you able to make contact with Mrs. Beyrand?”
“I tried, but she was out cold,” she said. “Like I said, I thought she was dead. It’s a miracle she’s alive right now.”
“Thank you,” you said. You faced Glen. “Your witness.”
You returned to your seat as Glen got up, buttoning his blazer. He sauntered over to the witness stand. Miss Thomas looked at him like a jungle cat about to pounce.
“Miss Thomas, you say you were out jogging when you found Ms. Beyrand, right?” he began.
She glowered at him.
“Objection!” she cried, and then looked at Judge Walsh. “Your honor, I’m bored. If this lawyer is going to be so unattractive he could at least be interesting.”
Glen blinked and stepped back. “Excuse me?”
You bit your lip to keep from laughing. The judge just looked at her, stunned.
“Miss Thomas, you are a witness,” he reminded her sharply. “You do not make objections, only attorneys may do that.”
“I’m sorry - unattractive?” Glen interjected.
“Yes,” Miss Thomas snapped. “I’m penile psychic, and you’re not getting laid nearly as much as you’d like people to think. Maybe it’s the odd shape of your nose or that your hands are freakishly small that makes you so repulsive to women. But it could also be that you’re just an asshole.”
You heard Roger snicker behind you and you shushed him as subtly as you could.
“You don’t even know me!” he argued.
“I don’t really have to,” she returned coolly.
He sputtered a moment before the judge intervened.
“Miss Thomas, that’s enough,” he scolded. “Answer his question and from here on, refrain from commenting on his sex appeal.”
“Well, then let me just say that he has a tiny -”
“No!” you and Glen both cried. You with desperation and him with offense.
A pregnant pause hung in the room. Roger was biting down on his lip so hard he almost broke the skin. Dominique tried to give him a harsh look, but a smile was on her lips as well.
Glen cleared his throat. “The question, Miss Thomas, was -”
“I remember what it was,” she cut across him. “The answer is yes. I was jogging. Like I’ve already said.”
“It was autumn and quite late at night,” he said. “Why were you jogging at that time?”
“There’s fewer people out so I feel safer,” she replied. “Plus, I like the cold. It reminds me to be myself.”
“You feel safer jogging alone at night?” he questioned.
“Yes,” she said. “Little did I know there were psychos like your client out there, I’ll have to start carrying pepper spray.”
“Objection!” Glen groaned, looking at the judge.
“Miss Thomas,” Judge Walsh warned. “Please remember your answers should pertain only to the question asked.”
“Fine,” she sighed, rolling her eyes again.
“Now, Miss Thomas, did you see anyone else by the time you came across Mrs. Beyrand?” Glen asked.
“No, she was alone,” she said. “Bleeding from her head and face. Barely alive. She was alone.”
She shot a meaningful look toward the jury. Glen swallowed.
“No further questions,” he said, and returned to his seat.
Judge Walsh released Miss Thomas. After that, Bill called Officer Colmes. He explained the blood on the dress. You examined one of the medics who took Dominique to the hospital, and he affirmed that Dominique appeared to have been beaten by someone. Your final witness was the doctor, who confirmed the source of Dominique’s injuries, and was able to point them out on the photographs taken just after she was brought in. You saw the jury wince at the first picture. The doctor also testified that the blood type found on Dominique’s dress - aside from her own - matched Nick Sully’s. As did the hair. All the evidence was pointing to Nick and you were feeling confident.
Before you would break, the defense would get to call a witness. Glen looked at you with a wicked gleam in his eye.
“Your honor, the defense calls Mr. Roger Taylor to the stand.”
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mmenthusiast · 3 years
Weekend (2011)
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Director: Andrew Haigh
Stars: Tom Cullen, Chris New, Jonathan Race
After a drunken house party with his straight mates, Russell heads out to a gay club. Just before closing time he picks up Glen but what's expected to be just a one-night stand becomes something else, something special.
This movie is about a fated encounter at the wrong time. The guys meet each other and fall in love right before one of them has to go abroad to attend an art course. Their relationship starts rather abruptly, but as the movie continues it goes deeper. What at first looks like a shallow encounter turns into something more emotional by the end of the movie. In the beginning I didn’t really feel their chemistry, but that changed for me as the movie progressed and their moments of affection seemed very natural to look at.
I appreciate that the movie wasn’t overly sentimental, though it does have its melancholic moments, but the downside for me were the occasional homophobic slurs and recreational use of drugs which is supposedly normal nowadays, especially in connection to the nightlife...
Rating: 3/5
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willtheweaver · 3 years
The Broken Prophecy
Part 3: The Journey East
Autumn had given way to winter, and any trace of warmth had vanished along the great west road.
Sean’s journey had so far been unremarkable. By day he walked the rolling fields and gently sloping hills, finding shelter wherever he could when night came.
He did not expect anything really to happen after lighting a fire and bedding down in the clearing of a small grove.
But this night had barely begun when the air rang with the howling of wolves.
Sean stood up, afraid and not knowing what to do. He could not outrun the wolves. Nor could he fight them; his walking stick and sling would be of no use against a pack.
In the gloom his eyes could make out at least four wolves circling him.
Four too many, Sean thought. And that is just the ones I can see.
Sean was desperate for any way out of this situation. He had an idea, a real desperate one, but it was the best he could come up with.
From his bag, Sean brought out his flute and put it to his lips. The tune was an old one, and the country folks said that it possessed extraordinary powers over people and animals.
Almost immediately, the melody had an effect. The wolves stopped prowling and dropped their heads, as if in deep sadness.
Sean kept on playing. The music picked up, becoming lighter and more joyous. The wolves picked up their heads and howled in time to the rhythm.
Finally, the music slowed down, and the air became heavy and as peaceful as a warm blanket. The wolves could no longer stand. One by one they lay down before falling asleep. It was only after the last one shut its eyes did Sean stop playing.
When dawn came ,the wolves were gone. Sean was incredibly relieved. He gathered up his belongings and went on his way.
Days had passed since then, and nothing much happened. The road now twisted and turned along hilltops and mountain glens. The terrain made for much slower travel.
Sean knew this. What had taken a single day of walking in the lowlands now took several. There was no sign of game, and his food supply had dwindled to just a handful of biscuits. He would have to find ways of making them last if he hoped to make it to the end.
He was not the only one feeling the pressure from winter. A raven say perched in a nearby tree. It was probably the most miserable looking bird imaginable; scrawny and shivering from lack of food.
Sean looked up and felt pity. Although he could not afford to do so, he gave the bird one of his biscuits. The raven looked in better spirits and let out what might have been a thanks.
Sean continued on his way. As darkness fell, he looked for any form of shelter, but to no avail. After spending some time wandering in the freezing cold night, he smelt the whiff of smoke which led him to a tiny drystone hut.
Inside were two stone benches, separated by a fire in the middle of the space. Against one wall were three logs, and a wrinkled brown gnome.
“Well…what do we have here?”the gnome said. “I do not get many visitors poking their heads through my door. But I will gladly let them warm themselves up by my fire.”
Sean was initially wary of entering. But the warmth of the fire was too much. He made himself comfortable on one of the benches, moving only to take one of the logs to feed the flames.
After a while, the fire started to die down. The gnome took the second log and fed it to the flames. He gestured Sean to do the same.
But Sean would not move. He sensed something was not quite right. So he sat back and let the fire die out. The hut was immediately plunged into darkness.
When the morning came, Sean saw that he was sitting on the edge of a cliff above a lake. Had he gone to take the last log, he would have fallen into the lake, and to his death.
Now Sean wanted nothing more than to be done with his travel, and so he picked up the pace. The hills soon gave way to flatlands, although these were heavily forested.
Sean was more aware and less carefree than he had been at the start of his journey. After all that happened, he was expecting something to go amiss sooner or later. So when a trio of bandits sprang out of hiding, they found their intended victim less intimidated than he ought to have been.
“Whatever you have planned, just spit it out”, Sean said in an irritated voice. “I’m off to see the King, and have little time for anymore distractions.”
Needless to say, the bandits were not amused.
“Well I was going to demand you hand over your money”, their leader said. “But since you’ve been so standoffish, me and ma boys will take your life instead.”
And with that, they drew their weapons and attacked.
Sean dodged the first attack, and quickly responded with his walking stick. Despite being cold and hungry, he was faster, and his walking stick provided more reach than the bandit’s clubs.
The first two were dispatched with ease, but the leader was tougher to deal with. He was obviously and experienced fighter, and his short sword was the more effective weapon.
Sean dodged and blocked as best he could, but he was getting tired, and the bandit’s blade was making short work of his walking stick.
Things were looking desperate when suddenly a raven flew in and began attacking the bandit leader. Sean recognized it as the same bird he helped earlier.
“Go!” The raven cried. “I’ll hold him off! There’s a place where you can seek refuge further down the road!”
Sean did not need much persuasion.
He ran. Ran faster than he ever did before.
The muscles in his legs burned in protest. And his heart beat so hard that it threaten to burst.
But still Sean ran.
He ran until he spotted an abandoned chapel just off to the side.
Sean ran inside before falling to the floor from exhaustion.
His heart a blacksmith’s hammer, his legs stiff as lead, he could only pray that the bandit leader did not find his hiding spot.
Minutes turned into hours. Soon the sun set and all was lost in shadow. The darkness soon parted as the sun rose on a new day.
Sean was relieved. He had made it out of all those misadventures alive. He said a silent prayer of thanks before exiting the chapel.
On the branch of a nearby tree, he placed the last of his biscuits as a toke of thanks to the raven.
And with that out of the way, he continued is walk to the King’s palace.
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scotianostra · 4 years
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On May 21st 1650, James Graham, Earl of Montrose, was executed in Edinburgh.
The Great Montrose was renowned for his tactical genius on the battlefield during the civil wars that cost King Charles I both crown and head. Although Montrose would die as a royalist he first entered the lists in the 1630s’ as part of the  Covenanters who were resisting Charles I attempts to impose a religious governance on Scotland, which according to legend was kicked of by Edinburgh's Jenny Geddes in St Giles Cathedral with throwing of the stool she sat on and the words: "De'il gie you colic, the wame o' ye, fause thief; daur ye say Mass in my lug?" meaning "Devil cause you colic in your stomach, false thief: dare you say the Mass in my ear?"
Montrose as Covenanter  was a moderate and afetr the Bishops War he became  a leading exponent of the pro-reconciliation faction, bitterly opposed by the chief of the Campbell clan, a wee link to a post from yesterday where Campbells' son lost his head.
The two became the opposing poles for the ensuing civil war in Scotland, at once a local clan war that would end up involving Ireland and England. Although Montrose, now King Charles’s lieutenant-general in Scotland, could hold his own on the battle fields he cherry picked skilfully using the hills and Glens to his advantage, as other great generals, Wallace and Bruce had centuries before. If you follow my posts and Graham's battles you will recall he finally ran out of luck less than a month before at The Battle of Carbisdale, he was then betrayed at Ardvreck Castle.
After being paraded through the towns of Scotland on the journey south Montrose was arrived at the in Edinburgh where he was met by the City Magistrates. Mounted on a cart, with his hands tied so as to be unable to protect himself, the people were urged to pelt him with stones and rubbish. Thankfully this did not happen and so sweet was his carriage that even the women who had been paid to stone and abuse him were moved to tears upon observing his unfortunate predicament. 
The next day these same women were roundly rebuked from the pulpits for not taking the opportunity to revile and abuse him.
As the cart made its way up the Royal Mile it was stopped adjacent to Argyll's lodging of Moray House where the wedding of Lord Lorne and Lady Jean Gordon was in progress. As the party stood on the balcony and made ready to mock him, Montrose sensed what was afoot and defiantly turned his face towards them. Argyll stood at the back of the group shielded by a curtain, when it was wryly observed that even then he was unable to stand and look Montrose directly in the eye. Lady Gordon was heard to laugh aloud at Montrose whereupon an English gentleman in the crowd shouted to her that it should be she who should be in the cart for her adulteries.
In one version of this story I have read that someone from the balcony urinated on The Marquess as the cart sat there, I'm not sure if this is true though.
As usual there was the double dealing between the big players, even though Charles II was in exile he had named Graham his Lieutenant General in Scotland, sending him to raise an army to deal with  the Covenantors, wjat The Great Montrose didn't know was that Charles was in negotiations with the very people he sent him to fight, he was literally hung out to dry by the King he fought for.
As he had already been proclaimed a traitor James Graham did not get a trial, he was even denied, what was seen as an honourable death by beheading, he was hung, like a common criminal at the Tolbooth n the Royal Mile, he went to his death defiantly, maintaining his adherence to the Covenant. He also went stylishly, dressed in a black suit, a scarlet coat with silver trimmings, and a beaver hat.the last words of this loyal and highly principled man were:
“God have mercy on this afflicted land”,
his beloved Scotland.
It wasn't good enough to merely kill him though, his head was placed on a spike on the Royal Mile, his limbs distributed to other Scottish burghs, and his torso buried near the Burghmuir loch, now The Meadows, this was a warning to others perceived as traitors.
For royalists, Montrose became a symbol of loyalty and a martyr for their cause. After the Restoration of Charles II in 1660, they took revenge on their enemies in various ways, including the trial and execution of the Marquis of Argyll in May 1661. Meanwhile, a grisly piece of theatre was carefully stage-managed to emphasise the king’s power and authority, and the undoing of the covenanting regime’s acts. 
In January 1661, six ‘grave makers’ were paid £18 Scots for ‘raising’ the corpse. There were actually two bodies, for the remains of Sir William Hay of Dalgety, executed along with Montrose, were retrieved at the same time. A Robert Johnstone was paid £3 for showing the burial place, where the exhumation took place by torchlight. Surgeons washed the bones, wrapped them in cloth, and placed them in coffins. The coffins were covered with ‘two best velvet mortcloths’, for which John Kniblo, a local merchant, was paid £24, including ‘drink money’, a customary additional payment for work.
Montrose’s heart was missing, having been removed by sympathisers in 1650, embalmed and kept safe. (Much later, the heart went missing and was lost.) The accounts also show that 100 planks (‘daills’) were made into scaffolding and a stage ‘for the trumpeters for the down taking of my lord Marques head’ from the spike on the Tolbooth. 
After the coffin containing Montrose’s remains lay in state at Holyrood Abbey for eight weeks, a magnificent funeral took place on 11 May 1661. His remains were buried in St Giles. They were disturbed by later alterations, but after Queen Victoria expressed astonishment in 1886 on seeing a simple slab inscribed ‘Montrose 1661’, the place was marked more formally.
Pics are The Great Montrose, his execution, and part of the account of Robert Rae’s expenses, and other documents, were printed and described in an article by J C Robbie, ‘The Embalming of Montrose’, in ‘Book of Old Edinburgh Club’, the next pic is a bit grisly, a souvenir of Montrose's hanging: His right arm (seen front and back) and sword. The arm was nailed at the gate of Dundee, it was later carried off to England and was never retrieved for his formal burial. And finally his tomb in St Giles, Edinburgh.
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bunkershotgolf · 4 years
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The Club at New Seabury’s Director of Golf Instruction Named NEPGA Cape Cod Chapter Teacher of the Year
Jimmy Damiano’s Relatable, Fun Approach with All Skill Levels Transforms Golf Culture
 Jimmy Damiano, Director of Golf Instruction at the Club at New Seabury has been named 2020 NEPGA Cape Cod Chapter Teacher of the Year.
A lifelong devotee to enhancing the golf experience, Damiano has inspired single digit handicappers as well as beginners for decades. Whether he’s giving a three-hour playing lesson with a championship golfer or he’s instructing a group of eager beginners enrolled in a GETGOLF READY CLINIC, he brings the same enthusiasm and commitment to helping his pupils.
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“Jimmy’s passion for the game is so evident with everyone he works with,” said Jim Clay, Director of Golf at the Club at New Seabury. “He is a true ambassador of golf and has really reinvigorated our Club and our members by adding fun and thought in his students’ approach to the game. He’s so deserving of the NEPGA Cape Cod Chapter Teach of the Year award.”
Damiano spent countless hours honing his craft under the watchful eye of Jim McLean, a renowned golf instructor and longtime owner and advocate of Trackman, which utilizes state-of-the-art technology to deliver an understandable message to a wide range of players.  In addition to technology, Damiano stresses club fitting as an essential ingredient to each students’ improvement, which he maintains extensive experience.
He became a full-time instructor, splitting his time between Long Island (Glen Oaks) in the summers and at the Jim McLean Golf School at Doral (in Miami) in the winters and has also been fortunate to work at other top private clubs, including Castle Pines Golf Club and Nantucket Golf Club, where he turned pro in 1998. After spending 13 summer seasons as a teaching professional at Glen Oaks Club in Old Westbury he arrived on Cape Cod in May 2018 to assume the position of Director of Golf Instruction at The Club at New Seabury, a premier Private Golf Community, boasting two championship tracks – the Ocean Course and the Dunes Course. Damiano was tasked with helping to transform the golf culture and in one year has led an astounding turnaround with a 250 percent increase in Instruction Revenue which included Revenue (262%), Quantity of Lessons (250%) and Club Sales (266%).
“Last year was a blur. Once the weather improved around Memorial Day it was like a turn style and a switch that went on and never turned off,” recalled Damiano, who estimates he has given between 15,000-20,000 hours of golf lessons over his career. “After many years of instructing I can now walk away from a 10 hour day and feel good that I’ve helped every one of those 10, providing them with something to make them better.”
As impressive as the numbers are, Damiano’s impact at New Seabury can be seen with a renewed focus on membership engagement.
“We aimed to create a culture of learning and improvement through the use of instruction and technology and Jimmy’s approach to the game, his knowledge of the swing, and communication skills were crucial to our success,” Clay noted. “The membership confirmed our belief that they wanted this change by supporting the instruction and club fitting programs.”
At the Club at New Seabury, Damiano helped introduce several new golf programs in 2019 and all were met with enthusiasm.
From Get Golf Ready, a women’s clinic designed to introduce current non golfing spouses into the game, to Play 3 and Practice Tee Clinics which emphasized learning on the golf course where the instructor first evaluates the student on the course then uses that knowledge to instruct accordingly.
“I never played golf before joining the Get Golf Ready Ladies Clinic,” said Lisa Joubert of New Seabury. “Jimmy has taught me golf basics and golf etiquette but also gave me the confidence to go out on the course with my husband after just a handful of lessons. He is a great instructor, extremely knowledgeable about the sport and he is positive, motivating and encouraging. He made me feel comfortable with each lesson whether I mastered it or messed up. I’ve learned that you just need to relax and enjoy the game.”
Damiano has also worked alongside many peers who have gained the highest accolades when it comes to golf instruction. Jamie Fisher, Director of Instruction at Conway Farms Golf Club and Indian Ridge Country Club and an LPGA Class A Member has known Jimmy since 1995 and taught with him in California, Massachusetts, and at resort golf schools.
“I have watched Jimmy blossom into the top teacher he is today throughout that time,” said Fisher. “It goes without saying that to be a great teacher or coach one must have an understanding of the subject matter.  Of course, Jimmy has that in spades and has a continual drive to continue learning about the game especially through the ever-evolving use of cutting edge technology. But, in my opinion Jimmy's real strength as a teacher/coach is his boundless enthusiasm and ability to inspire his students.”
Damiano’s skill set has also added tremendous value to the member experience and in doing so he’s made golf fun and interactive.
Neil Golub, Chairman of the Golub Corporation and a lifetime golfer for over 70 years has won club championships and is a 5-time Schenectady County Senior Champion, added: “Jimmy’s charisma and training techniques during our practices have been inspiring. Today my short game (which has been excellent since training with friend Dave Pelz) has been significantly upgraded with Jimmy’s new techniques. Hard to believe but true. I have been coached by some of the best Golf Training has to offer. For anyone like myself with talent who is willing to work, I would rate Jimmy as the most coherent coach I have ever experienced.”
Damiano remains eager to help perfect his pupils’ golf experiences as he is content in the shared experience.
“It’s so satisfying to see the smile on the face of one of my students who has just picked up the game,” said Damiano. “When they finally get the ball up in the air or hit that sweet spot you can see the gleam in their eye. Some of my students have had little to no experience but we’ve made it fun and comfortable. I always aim to be an effective and efficient instructor,” he added. “We can dilly dally on a driving range but I’m focusing on efficiency. I can break down what a student is doing wrong in minutes, and start working on the technical aspects of what they’re doing. Once they’re hitting the ball properly, we’ll go right on the course. The ultimate test is “can you hit these shots on the course?”
Since returning to Cape Cod in 2018 Damiano has settled into New Seabury nicely, spending time at the Club’s new Golf Practice & Teaching Facility: a 12-acre gem with expansive grass hitting areas, a two-acre short game area to practice every type of shot and a 20,000 square foot putting green along with a 100 yard sand bunker.
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Woodlands Doggie Village
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Woodlands Doggie Village 25120 Glen Loch Dr, Spring, TX 77380 WoodlandsDogBoarding.com
(281) 419-9902 https://g.page/woodlandsdogboarding Dog Boarding Woodlands Dog Boarding [email protected] Woodlands Doggie Village is your dog’s home away from home. We offer kennel-free boarding, day care and grooming to the Greater North Houston area. Mon – Fri, 7AM – 12PM, 2PM-7 PM Sat, 9AM – 5PM Sun, 12PM – 5PM
Picking out Good Local Dog Boarding
Every so often even by far the most devoted pet owner will need to consider a trip which is just not acceptable to consider a canine on, and on the stage superior area pet boarding are going to be a must have. A good boarding kennel will seek to make your dog's time from you as joyful and simple as possible.
Woodlands Dog Boarding
The most effective way to evaluate what a boarding kennel is like should be to go to it. Maintain your eyes open and possess a great search around any time you stop by, and talk to the team lots of questions. Learn what an average working day retains for a canine - do they get training, and if so how often and does this contain cost-free operating, or just on lead strolling? To produce the switch from your home to boarding kennels less complicated, is it possible to deliver your dog's bedding from home, and perhaps a number of toys also?
A change of food stuff can be very unsettling for your dog's digestive system, so a superb dog shelter will permit you supply foods for your canine. The time at which your doggy is fed is really a major portion of his plan too, plus a very good boarding kennel will attempt to replicate what your puppy is accustomed to in the home. Ensure that that the kennels will make sure that your pet dog may have refreshing h2o available frequently.
Should you have additional than 1 canine, a fantastic boarding kennel will permit them to remain together -within explanation. By way of example, it's reasonable to assume two or 3 pet dogs to have the ability to board with each other, but an institution which could accommodate 5-6 pet dogs all collectively could possibly be rarer. This could not be taken as an indication of the insufficient high quality of care, plus a excellent dog boarding kennel will try to make it possible for your dogs a minimum of a while with each other if they are used to living alongside one another at home.
Should you use a mate who boards their doggy at a individual kennel, ask them what their activities are actually; have they arrive back from holiday vacation to pleased, healthier pet dogs, and has the staff members been friendly and handy? Should you you should not know any individual domestically who kennels their pet, check out an area puppy club or log onto an internet based discussion board.
A superb community pet boarding kennel will likely be registered having a regional vet just just in case any of your pet dogs requirements treatment, so ask concerning this. It can be also truly worth inquiring should the kennels is often a member of any experienced overall body, and what animal care qualifications workers associates have, as theses all help to propose a company as one that will consider very good care of your respective doggy.
One of the most up-to-date developments in puppy boarding will be the usage of webcams which can permit you to definitely regulate your canine although you're having fun with your holiday. They are under no circumstances conventional nevertheless, so really don't be alarmed when your picked out facility will not offer you this.
In the end, you need to rely with your instincts a few canine boarding kennel. Check with each of the thoughts you might have, look close to and request the view of other clientele, but believe in your personal thoughts; when you will not assume you can trust a spot to seem right after one among probably the most cherished factors in the everyday living, the preserve looking. Following all, you won't take pleasure in your holiday vacation unless of course you might have uncovered excellent pet boarding in your pet dog.
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