#pickled myoga
ayanos-pl · 1 year
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Myoga, myoga ginger or Japanese ginger (Zingiber mioga)
Imbir japoński, imbir mioga (Zingiber mioga)
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shoku-and-awe · 2 months
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Leaving the country so it’s time for a gyoza feast! Cukes with myoga ginger, eggplant agebitashi, boiled gyoza, and then gyoza trio: regular, white kimchi, and pickled ginger! My favorite was the white kimchi—so juicy and savory.
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mamedorilabo · 1 year
My exhibition & Kakishibu dyeing
こんにちは。 この地に引っ越してきて半年、もうすぐ秋になろうとしています。
Hello. It's been 6 months since I moved here and it's almost fall.
Although the days are still hot (Japanese summers are really wet & hot!) ), I can feel that autumn is approaching when I look at the dye process of the persimmon tannin.
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My lovely friend purchased a my works' gown made of linen and dyed with persimmon tannin.
These are called myoga, Japanese summer herb, eaten pickled in vinegar. It can also be eaten raw.
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私は本当に柿渋染めの色が大好きなので、布をどんどん染めなくてはと焦ります。 そしてこちらは最近の制作風景。柿渋が鉄と反応すると黒くなる事を利用して模様を描いています。
I really love the colors of persimmon tannin dyeing and I am in a hurry to dye more and more fabric.
And these pics are recent work in progress. I draw patterns using the fact that persimmon tannin turns black when it reacts with iron.
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The deep black charcoal color, which is not just black, is very beautiful. And it seems to have a very strong water repellent effect. さて、展示に向けてラストスパート! 国内ではこちら。
MAMEDORI LABO. solo exhibition
ギャラリー水巣 新潟県柏崎市松波3丁目3-3-28
Next my exhibition in Japan is
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その後、イギリスのセレクトショップ Beautiful fashion freal lab. さんへたくさんの作品を送ります。Beautiful fashion freak lab.とMAMEDORI LABO.の限定コラボ商品も制作中。 イギリスの皆様、何卒よろしくお願いいたします。
After that, I will send a lot of works to a select store Beautiful freak fashion lab. in England. I'm also working on a limited collaboration product between Beautiful freak fashion lab. and MAMEDORI LABO. Thank you very much for your kind attention to me in the UK.
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sushioverload · 2 years
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Made this for a friend at work. Maguro-zuke, kanpachi pineapple, masaba w pickled myoga, anago w sansyo, and Ikura for good measure
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Days of eating soil (book review) ... Tsutomu Mizugami's "food" essay
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earthen pizza (just kidding)
Mr. Tsutomu Mizugami(勉 水上) (1919-2004) died recently, but he has an excellent book on "food". That is "every day eating soil, my devotion 12 months". (Although it seems to be read as "Minakami Tsutomu", he called it "Mizugami".)
When I used to read the manga "Oishinbo: a eater delicious foods", the main character, Shiro Yamaoka, when he said, "Among the cooking-related books that are full of street now,  it's only worth reading ..." I had an intuition, and that's right, Shiro mentioned this book. The only such (= worth reading) book is "days of eating soil". I knew this book about 30 years ago.
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Days of eating soil-Twelve months of my devotion (Shincho Bunko)
• Author: Tsutomu Minakami
• Publisher / Manufacturer: Shinchosha
• Release Date: 08/27/1982
• Media: Bunko
However, if I get a little mischievous, "If only" the days of eating soil "are worth reading, then" Oishinbo "will also be" a book not worth reading ", and it will be praised for its worthless book. "Days of eating soil" also invites the paradox that "it is not worth reading". Well, it's the rashness of Tetsu Kariya, the author of "Oishinbo". "Oishinbo" should have been excluded.
Coupled with the appearance of this "Oishinbo" and "children who refuse to eat the food in front of them because they are too annoying with the ingredients", it was a work with greater merit and demerit.
By the way, Tsutomu Mizugami was born in a poor lumberjack's house in the Wakasa region of Fukui prefecture. Was sent to a Zen temple). There he learns the basics of Vegetarian food, but at the end he leaves the temple, experiences various jobs, and is recognized as a writer for his work "Frying Pan Song". Then He had became a Naoki Prize writer.
In this book, if you read it in anticipation of a "cooking recipe", you will be wrong. Well, there is a way to pickle Umeboshi in the upper reaches of the water, but this book is a book that describes the "heart of cooking". Of course, Mr. Mizukami's culinary spirit shines when he encounters various ingredients.
At the time of writing this book, Mr. Mizugamiami lived in Karuizawa Town, Nagano Prefecture. Therefore, he develops the topic of vegetables and fruits that he can make, receive, and buy by himself. One of them, the part where Dogen Zenzi's(道元禅師) words were chewed upstream of the water:
When cooking and preparing all items, do not look at them with the eyes of ordinary people. Don't think in the mind of a mediocre person. You have to pick up a piece of grass and build a big temple and go into something like a fine dust to do the Buddhist sermon. Even when making poor vegetable cuisine, you shouldn't be disgusted or poor. Even if you're making a good meal with milk, don't be overjoyed. You should hold back your bouncing heart. You must not be obsessed with anything. Why is there a way to dislike poor things? Why don't we try to be good without being lazy even if it is poor? Never let your heart move by being caught up in the goodness of goods. Changing the mind with things and changing the language with people is not something that is bodhicitta.
This word is the fundamental thesis of "every day eating soil". For example, with regard to radish, while despising an actor who cannot sell as a "radish actor", he says, "There are no ingredients that are as grateful as radish that can be obtained anytime, anywhere." , I think that it is a good radish with enough "spiciness".
Also, from the description in the chapter in July, myoga (Japanese ginger) is called "stupid" by the greengrocers. Shurihandoku(One of disciples of Buddha )has a weak memory by nature, often forgets his name, walks with his name tag down, and myoga grows from his dead grave. I followed him around. Here is a word from Mr. Mizugami: "For me, myoga is like a summer vegetable that I want to do a medal, but what do readers think? I don't know the vegetables that have the amazing flavor). "
A word of the day: Winter, when you eat only dry foods without blue vegetables, spring April and edible wild plants, bamboo shoots in May, plum making in June, Japanese ginger in July, and so on. Seasonal ingredients will appear naturally, and you will be able to see each ingredient and the dishes made with it. Please take a look at this work, which is like a gem that treats those ingredients without distinction.
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Inuyasha - Chapter 21 of 559
Chapter Index
Okay, princess. Your husband is apparently a pretty freaky and uncool dude. Not only does he want to eat YOUR SOUL, but also the fermented (?) souls of, well...of A WHOLE BUNCH of women he has preserved here...
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Inuyasha busts in to get the frog guy and discovers the current predicament.
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And not only are at least 26 girls in egg bubbles, but the princess has now been encased in one as well!! (Also, Inuyasha's reaction to this is so blasé. "Oh. So this is where the girls have been going...huh.")
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Considering the fact that the girls are in the eggs until their souls "ripen," it leads me to think that at least the vast majority of them are already dead at this point.
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Take a look at this early design for Tessaiga... Much less impressive than its eventual design. Anyway, our favorite blasé hanyo is already ready to kick some ass...
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...but once he actually sees the frog yokai EATING these girls' souls to regenerate from his wounds, Inuyasha seems to be AT THE VERY LEAST a little perturbed by the current situation.
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While Inuyasha and Kagome are focused on the yokai, Nobunaga actually proves effective in this one situation by saving the princess's life.
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The frog yokai is affronted by the fact that Nobunaga is touching his wife, but Inuyasha delivers a bit of a reality check via Tessaiga. And beaning him pretty good makes the lord's consciousness come to the forefront and he sees everything that he has done while being possessed:
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Considering the situation, the lord makes the alarming but REASONABLE request for Inuyasha to kill him.
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And Inuyasha is only too happy to oblige. But Kagome is not on board with this mercy killing train.
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Inuyasha capitulates to Kagome's reasoning...
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...but also divests himself of the responsibility of dealing with this guy. If Kagome wants this guy to live, she's gonna have to figure out how to separate the yokai from the lord. And since no good dead goes unpunished, the frog yokai immediately runs Inuyasha through with his murder tongue. What a dick.
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Anyway, with Inuyasha injured and Nobunaga and the princess being pretty useless, it's up to Kagome (and Myoga), YET AGAIN, to figure out how to deal with this situation.
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One weird thing about this particular story is that I have no idea if all these women are absolutely dead or if some of them are just chilling in eggs. They brought at least 5 girls to the castle at the beginning of this chapter. Do they at least live? Do they also die?? The only girl who is eggified in this story how definitely lives is the princess, but Sweet Jeebus look at these poor girls!
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How could they? HOW COULD YOU, NOBUNAGA! YOU SEEM TO COMPLETELY FORGET ABOUT EVERYONE WHO HAS BEEN BROUGHT TO THE CASTLE ONCE THE PRINCESS IS SAVED!! In the first panel of this chapter, I count no fewer than 26 eggs, and that's just looking from this one direction...
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Anyway...if all these girls are dead, that is certainly a high death count for this little adventure... Even if you (the lord) were released from the possession of the yokai, how could you have a normal life knowing that your basement is full of at least 26 girls whose souls are being pickled? Like, that is...pretty fucking insane when you think about it... How could you live with the fact that the power you have over the people around you resulted in them willingly turning over at least 26 human beings for (technically) you to consume? (They weren't knowingly delivering these girls to a frog yokai. They were delivering them TO YOU, THEIR LORD.)
You should feel bad about yourself.
Also...I know I've already pointed this out, but Kagome is doing a LOT of the critical thinking heavy lifting in this story. I don't think Inuyasha is dumb, but he's like a "claws first, ask later" kind of guy, and this tendency is not blunted by him acquiring Tessaiga. I love how yes, killing this guy is one solution, but there is almost always another way to deal with the situation that leaves the humans being afflicted by yokai possessions alive and saved. (The possessed humans might not always CHOOSE this other way, but that's a meta for another time...)
Chapter Index
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casliveblog · 1 year
Custom Toonami Block Week 144 Rundown
Spy X Family: It’s the second half of the season and it’s DOG ARC time! The family goes to get Anya her dog but Loid’s spy shop is just full of bara dogs doing Jojo poses at them like why even take her to that one like if anyone blows the cover on that shop you publically going there is dangerous. But yeah Loid gets called away and busts a ring of college students planning to use dogs with bombs attached to them to murder the foreign minister and start World War whatever world war number this world is up to. This is pretty suspicious as college kids don’t tend to have ‘buy government hyperintelligent dogs to strap bombs to’ money which is a lot more than it takes to buy, you know, a gun. Meanwhile Yor and Anya are at another pet show and Anya trips across one of said Data Dogs who already has a picture of the Forger family in its memories so she wants to go see what the fuck that’s about and runs off after promising not to run off like five minutes ago and Yor has apparently been taking lessons on watching your kids from Stu and Didi Pickles because she doesn’t notice a fucking thing. Anya tries to free the Data Dog but because she’s in the hideout of the afformentioned college students with dog bomb money she gets fucking caught and they just wanna fucking slit her throat like geez guys. Luckily Data Dog frees himself and protects her which… I guess he could’ve done that at any time? Why did he need Anya? But still he’s able to use his Data Dog powers to predict the phone will ring about Loid busting the other hideouts and they use that distraction to get away but turns out Data Dog is in the Anya tier of ‘having superpowers doesn’t mean you’re any less of an impulsive moron’ camp and just kinda runs in circles for a while. Though they ran past Yor when they ran out so you can already see where this is going, Yor beats the shit out of the college students and saves Anya from what she thinks are human traffickers which is supposed to be a funny overreaction but given these guys were gonna snap her neck with their bare hands apparently I think she undershot it this time.
Inuyasha: I feel like this episode must’ve run REALLY short because we have like a five minute intro of Kagome reflecting on meeting Inuyasha and heading back to the feudal era for like no reason, like it makes you think the episode is gonna be a clip show but it does eventually get on with the plot. So back to that gate to the afterlife Hakudoshi had Kagura tell Inuyasha’s group about, like Miroku and Kagome even talk about how this couldn’t be a more clear trap if they tried like they even have Saimyosho fucking leading them to the spot but Inuyasha’s just like ‘yeah, yeah Naraku’s traps, we’ve all seen em, I’ll just shoot sword beams until the trap doesn’t work anymore’. I always did kinda like the setup for this setpiece though, it’s a stone gate to the underworld guarded by two statues that come to life and ask if someone wants to pass through the gate and they’re like ‘Yeah bro you can pass, but it’s the afterlife so we can’t let anybody living in so we gotta fucking kill you’ which I always found kind of hilarious like what’s the point of the fucking gate then like if you die you’re gonna go there anyway (the answer is it’s pointless and ends up being a weird plot point in Yashahime which would be an amazing callback if I ever thought any of this was planned out ahead of time) but yeah, the statues are basically invulnerable as with most gate guardians and even the Wind Tunnel doesn’t fucking work because… yeah they’re still giant dudes made of stone, makes sense. Really feel like Inuyasha is a D&D campaign where the DM realized they let Miroku’s character have a fucking broken ability and had to keep finding ways to nerf it. Myoga tells Inuyasha that the statues go back to sleep once the gate opens and closes so Inuyasha actually fucking defaults to the Red Tessaiga for once (thank god I’m so sick of him hitting it with the regular Wind Scar and then having it do nothing and having to switch or just missing his chance to kill the bad guys) and busts open the gate and Kagura has a horde of demons bum rush the gate to get into it before Inuyasha but turns out all the demons turn to stone because, you know, can’t go into the afterlife while alive, but like what’s the point of the guardians at that point? Like not only is the gate pointless if you need to be dead to get through it because the same thing happens when you die anyway but guarding it is pointless because if someone tries to jump through they just get Dr. Stone’d anyway, this whole system is just full of double redundancy. But yeah Kagura’s not too happy about that and the statues go to sleep but Kagome does confirm that through the gate is a jewel shard. Kagura goes back to Hakudoshi like ‘wtf bro you tried to kill me’ and he tells her to chill out because he sent all the fodder demons with her so there was only like a 40% chance she’d die and more importantly a 0% chance he would die because he wasn’t even fucking there. Kagura tries attacking him but Naraku can apparently long-distance squeeze Kagura’s heart and is just like ‘don’t try that again bro’. Anyway next is the Princess Abi arc and she’s easily one of my favorite tertiary characters like her design is so fucking cool, her and Yura are really awesome underused characters.
Yu Yu Hakusho: So yeah, Spirit World’s Law & Order Special Demons unit arrive on the scene and turns out they wanna fucking kill Yusuke… again, like bro’s already dead but turns out it doesn’t count unless you destroy the body (which was mentioned in the first arc so that’s a cool callback) But yeah turns out these guys can close up the hole in demon world in like ten days AND send a squad to make sure nothing passes through (also neat little lore bit about one of these guys being the one that hunted down Yoko Kurama, the lore in YYH doesn’t always feel the tightest so it’s nice when things come together like that) so basically the living world was never really in any danger, this whole thing was basically so Koenma didn’t have to tell his dad he fucked up. Like to be fair Sensui isn’t here and if he wasn’t kicking Hiei, Kurama and Kuwabara’s asses there’s a good chance he’d be fucking murdering all the SDP guys and they do say that them just being in Living World does kinda distort reality a bit and it’s hard to clean up so there’s a couple reasons why we couldn’t have just skipped to this part but it does kinda take the wind out of the stakes a bit. Anyway Koenma and Seaman stall the cops long about what a good guy Yusuke is for him to start reviving because yeah apparently he’s a demon and if anyone in his bloodline dies while having a power level high enough to activate the devil gene they just fucking go nuts and become a demon. And in true Yusuke fashion he plays up being the lord of darkness and shit despite not having changed a bit and shows the SDP guys as the pussies they are because it doesn’t matter if they’re afterlife cops, Yusuke Urameshi says fuck the police. Also Puu is this badass phoenix thing now that resembles what Koenma said the Spirit Beast would look like all the way back in the first arc so that’s pretty cool. Like I’m torn because admittedly this revelation came out of absolutely fucking nowhere with no foreshadowing but I do kinda admire how Yusuke just kinda rolls with it and makes a badass entrance to go kick Sensui’s ass like it’s an asspull among asspulls but can’t really argue with results.
Jujutsu Kaisen: It’s the conclusion of the Mahito fight and Kento and Yuji are kinda onto his Ditto bullshit now and are just beating the crap out of him before he can shapeshift and on the off-chance he can shapeshift with the two of them there they’re able to whittle down his form and pin him down easier. But if there’s one thing shonen anime teaches us it’s that almost dying makes you more powerful and Mahito unlocks his Domain Expansion which traps Kento in a realm where he can just do the whole ‘squibby squoodle your soul is now a noodle’ deal without actually touching you. Meanwhile Yuji has to murder soul gremlin zombies which even though I don’t think anyone considers them people anymore I do respect the series for actually making Yuji kill them despite his principles like a lot of shows confront the protag about it and then weasel out of it like YYH did or the kinda just forget that the protagonist is supposed to care about murder halfway through despite going absurdly out of their way to not have them kill any humans in the first half like Naruto and Bleach did. Anyway now that Kento thinks he’s gonna die we basically get his whole backstory where he’s revealed to be the only thing more evil than a cursed spirit: a stock broker. Basically what I gather is that Kento is Yoshikage Kira but he grew some empathy before the murder impulses kicked in and his own self-loathing and the feeling of saving people that he feels contribute more than him gave him a reason to live which is why he thinks about the bakery girl he saved and how her gratitude was his reason for living and tells Mahito to fucking shove his gratitude for having them unlock his next form. Meanwhile Yuji is able to punch his way into the Domain Expansion because ‘Why would you want to break INTO the realm of infinite torment where the bad guy can morph your soul at will?’ is valid logic. Unfortunately it seems like Mahito can’t turn OFF the soul-warping effect once you’re I his sphere so Sukuna’s just like “WHAT THE FUCK DID I SAY ABOUT YOUR DIRTY FRANKENSTEIN HANDS ON MY SOUL BRO!?” and just fucking murders him. Since Mahito’s critically injured and basically had all his energy used up by the Unlimited Hand Works he tries to Semi-Perfect Cell and bust out of there but pops like a balloon and ducks down the sewer to get the fuck out of dodge. And to my surprise they don’t do any shenanigans about bringing Junpei back to life or any of that shit, he’s fucking dead and Yuji has to live with that and everyone around Junpei has to own up to their part in making him a domestic jellyfish terrorist which is kind of weird they gave him like a whole power set to let him use it for like five minutes and then kill him and they stuck him in the opening just to be a red herring but okay I can respect not backpedaling the trauma of it and making Yuji want to solidify his goals so he can meet up with Megumi and Nobara again.
Ranking of Kings: Okay so A LOT happens this episode, Miranjo and Spear Guy meet Hilling and her guards and Shield Guy out front of the castle with a bunch of the chimera creatures and two of the escaped criminals and all hell kinda breaks loose. It looks like they’re losing ground and Shield guy gets Hilling to run but Ouken cuts them off and almost kills Hilling’s Guard Captain but Hilling is able to heal her own injuries and save her captain from having a slashed throat while chugging down Gatorade stamina potions to make sure she doesn’t fucking pass out from spamming healing magic. Apparently Hilling DOES have offensive spells or at least status spells and casts a holy blinding spell on Ouken which freaks him out enough to have him stumble into town and start killing people there. Meanwhile Gnasty Gnorc slams down on Shield guy and the beasts are about to kill Hilling but Spear Guy has had enough and saves her, demanding to know why Miranjo wants her dead anyway, man took him long enough, like it’s been like eight episodes of unquestioning simping and murdering for a girl made of glass and he’s finally like ‘babe why we murdering your crush’s ex?’. Turns out Miranjo had Bojji’s mom killed because giant women are one and done when it comes to kids and set him up with Hilling so he’d have a second son that didn’t have all his potential sacrifice to a demon to reincarnate into. Man luckily Hilling didn’t have a girl or else this would be VERY awkward for Bosse to just be in the body of a twelve year old girl. But yeah Miranjo is like ‘man if I sit here and make you watch them kill Hilling and Shield guy you’re just gonna betray me more so let’s go kill Sword Guy and Kirito’ so Spear Guy shouts down to Shield Guy to protect Hilling and he starts beating the shit out of the chimeras but still gets his leg dripped off when they dog pile him. Meanwhile two of the prisoners steal Miranjo because they love chaos and the schemey prisoner is like ‘oh geez sorry we stole your mirror girlfriend bro, here have her back’ and fucking bodies Spear Guy. Meanwhile Bojji and the Underworld Guards have arrived in town where Ouken is just murdering dudes left and right and the Guard Captain remembers Despa telling him not to fight Ouken until he arrives nor to let Bojji fight him since their styles are perfect opposites of each other (supporting my theory from last time that Ouken has Bojji’s sword style of disabling but on the ‘bleed it out’ path instead of ‘knock out and talk’ skill tree) so since the Captain can only obey one of those two requests he agrees to take on Ouken and sends Bojji to go help Hilling.
Vinland Saga: So Askeladd’s group is being held at arrowpoint by the second Welsh kingdom and Bjorn points out that if they wanted them dead they’d be fighting already but this is all just sword rattling so the Welsh don’t seem like pussies who let the Danes come in and demand the shirt off their backs for some protection. Askeladd meets with the Welsh leader along with their own Welsh escort and we get kind of a bombshell that Askeladd is actually the son of a Viking warrior that enslaved a Welsh noblewoman that was actually a distant relative of King Arthur… why does anime always come back to King Arthur I swear. But yeah, Askeladd says he promises a good deal for Wales because he’s half Welsh but knowing Askeladd like we do I don’t know how much we can actually trust any importance he holds on his heritage but he does seem to hate his Danish father who treated his Welsh mother badly so there may be more truth than it appears to his talk of ‘I hate the Danish, all my homies hate the Danish” even though he’s been murdering and plundering with a group of Danes for most of his life, guess that’s something he and Thorfinn have in common. Speaking of our supposed main character, Thorfinn calls Canute out on being a fucking pussy which actually gets a rise out of him in a fashion that I’m sure has yaoi fanfic writers drooling. Like I literally couldn’t write a more generic yaoi fanfic if I tried than ‘spoiled bishie rich boy and gruff warrior boy with a tragic backstory hate each other’s guts and also they were roommates’. But yeah, new plan is to pretend to be prisoners and sneak across Wales and make a MIIIINOR trek through enemy territory to snake around back to the main Danish forces, I’m sure everything will go fine.  
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nodaharajuku · 1 year
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hand-stretch somen noodles with beetroot sambar.
amazu-zuke pickled rhubarb and myoga ginger.
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chodhound · 2 years
Amethyst Restaurant - 14th October 2022
We loved Carlo Scotto's restaurant Xier in Marylebone - visiting it twice when the lockdowns were released last year - enjoying the playful modern European food with subtle nods to Japan and Nordic styles. So we were excited to see that he had opened a new restaurant in Mayfair and that it had already garnered some really great reviews.
We took our good friends Paul and Helen and enjoyed the tasting menu which was similar to the one advertised on the website but not identical.
CELERIAC LEAFY - gochujang, ssamjang, chestnuts
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This was lovely fresh and crunchy and full of flavour.
CROQUETTE - french toast, cheese, truffle
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This was rich and very savoury delicious the melted cheese and truffle were lovely together
BRIOUAT - almond, nettle, Baharat honey
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This was like a delicious samosa - full of green tastiness the subtle honey was wonderful.
SCALLOPS - caviar, muscat grapes, jamon
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The one on the left is with asparagus - substituted because my wife is allergic to scallops.
This dish was delicious the sweet, soft, slightly chewy raw scallop blending with chewy sweet ham and fresh grapes bound together with a delicious light sauce (miso/yuzu?).
FOIE GRAS - rose petal salmon, yuzu, Piedmont hazelnuts
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This is one of Carlo's signature dishes - it was exceptionally beautiful and really tasty - the key part was to take small slices of salmon with the foie gras acting as a condiment - the fresh soft chewy salmon with the rich buttery foie gras was perfect
MAHLAB BREAD - kabocha, pickled walnuts, smoked fig leaf oil
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I love a bread course and this was pretty stunning the three sauces were delicious and made for dipping the gentle almost english muffiny bread.
CAVATELLI - sun-dried tomatoes, sweet paprika, malabar pepper
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Perfectly al dente fresh homemade pasta in a intense umani sauce
GYOZA - Nasu nibitashi, myoga tea, sake
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A wide thin gyoza - more like a ravioli floating in a broth "tea" - the filling was a delicious mushroomy loveliness - I'm not sure that this was the advertised aubergine but it could have been.
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Black cod cooked very gently and slowly - melting sweetness in a lovely broth.
BEEF - covered in spices with a sweet onion
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Rich and luxurious beef fillet coated in fresh spices.
Palate Cleanser
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Autumnal flavour - delicious cream
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My favourite of all petit fours is a Canali - I love the custardy rummy batter - I could have eaten 4 on my own (and this was after quite a lot of delicious food).
The room is funky - two thirds of the room is given to an enormous stone table that you share with the other guests - I think there were 16 of us when we went - the other third is the kitchen so you can watch Carlo and his brigade prepare the meal for you.
The waitress and sommelier were excellent throughout and kept us topped up and gave great explanations to all the dishes. One minor issue is that the room got quite loud and the waitress didn't have the loudest voice and so the explanations did get drowned out (which why some of my descriptions aren't quite as accurate as I would have liked).
I loved the black metal cutlery with tiny sharp delicate knives being perfectly matched to the food.
Overall, the meal was lovely and paced very well - there were so lovely innovative fusions that worked very well but for me the mid-part of the menu sagged slightly with two courses that were umami and sweet and soft - I felt like a fresh crunchy course between the two would have kept the taste buds zinging and then I would have been able to give the whole meal and full 10 out of 10. I look forward to returning and enjoying more of the innovative and delicious food.
Food: 9/10
Ambience: 8/10
Service: 9/10
Overall: 9/10
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lovenorie · 3 years
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#pastdinner #japanesefood #pickled #radish and #myoga #過去ごはん #和食 #赤カブと#ミョウガ の#漬物 ミョウガの #紅しょうが 漬け ミョウガの #玉子とじ #焼きそば #チャーハン (at Maidenhead) https://www.instagram.com/p/CX5gcRDLlff/?utm_medium=tumblr
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midnightjamlady · 3 years
Celebrating myoga (Japanese ginger flower)
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The thing with shopping at Don Don Donki is that you either dive in with a clear mission and pop out of there shortly after having completing your exact shopping list; or like me, you saunter in thinking you’ll just take a peek at some fruits before buying your bento and you walk out with impulse purchases and no clear plan of what to cook - but you just can’t help it because omg look at the beautiful seasonal produce and omg look at that low low price.
That’s how I ended up with some myoga, shiso leaves and maitake mushrooms earlier this week. I poked about online for some inspiration and ended up with this delightfully elegant lunch that I’ll be happy to remake another day.
Myoga is Japanese ginger flower, and reminds me a lot of the local bunga kantan (torch ginger) since they are essentially the flowers of different gingers. Like bunga kantan, myoga enlivens dishes with its floral and gingery notes, though it’s milder in flavour and a lot less fibrous and more crisp in texture. So it’s best enjoyed cold in salads or garnished over dishes, or even pickled. Shiso leaf is its good friend, often seen together.
So lunch was a simple cold somen, dressed in tsuyu (the same dipping sauce used for cold soba) and garnished with grated ginger, finely sliced shiso leaves, myoga and spring onion. I referred to this recipe from Spruce Eats, and added sliced baby pink radishes for a bit of a horseradish-y kick and crunch, as well as sautéed maitake and shiitake mushrooms for some deep earthy flavors - I thought an umami element will help me feel more satiated. I didn’t bother with making my own tsuyu since we usually have a store-bought bottle in our fridge and it is good enough for me.
A note on the mushrooms - don’t screw it up by doubting the simplicity of it. To make delicious mushrooms, all you need to do is get aggressive on the heat and salt. (1) Generous glug of oil (2) in a searing hot pan, and (3) liberal sprinkling of salt. By hot I mean as hot as the pan can get - not some feeble “kinda hot” - so that you can get the mushrooms to brown to a lovely golden hue and get maximum mushroom flavour out of them. The salt is important - it really draws the flavour out. This also means you don’t actually need to futz about much - just meet the above conditions and occasionally move them so you get as much surface of the shrooms seared as possible. That’s all there is to it. For the maitake mushrooms, don’t slice them - use your hands and tear out little florets from top to bottom.
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I had also come across a vodka cocktail recipe that incorporates myoga as a twist on the classic Moscow Mule. Think Moscow meet Tokyo. It was a perfect antidote to the afternoon humidity (and why not a spot of day drinking), and went well with the somen. I didn’t have any sudachi lime so I used the regular limes we get here. I also found that the myoga flavour gets overpowered by the oils of the lime, so squeeze the lime juice in but don’t drop the slice in for garnish - then you’ll get to enjoy the myoga more in the drink.
I still have a bit of the myoga and shiso leaves left so I’ll be looking out for more ways to enjoy them next.
Post-script (21 Oct): Made a quick pickle of cucumber and myoga. Took it off this Just One Cookbook recipe, and made 2 substitutions: swapped the konbu with wakame, and the dried chilli with half a chilli padi, deseeded. Very refreshing as an accompaniment to some steamed yam and lapcheong rice today.
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ayanos-pl · 5 years
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Marynowałam imbir japońskiego (Zingiber mioga). I pickled myoga, Japanese ginger (Zingiber mioga). ミョウガを多めにいただいたので甘酢漬けにしてみた。おいしくできた。
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shoku-and-awe · 1 year
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Finally tried a bento shop I’d been interested in for only like,,,,,,,, four years? Immediately, I appreciated the biodegradable container—so rare in Japan!—and it was such nice homestyle cooking, with a great balance. Stir-fried pork, tamagoyaki, ninjin shirishiri (Okinawan-style shredded carrots stir-fry), extremely garlicky eggplant, komatsuna greens with bonito flakes and myoga ginger, kabocha squash, mixed pickles, and rice with okaka (bonito flakes in soy sauce—very soul food flavors for Japan). Everything was fresh and tasty, especially for the price and volume, and they have all kinds of other dishes I want to try!
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jillraggett · 5 years
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Plant of the Day
Thursday 19 September 2019
In my vegetable patch I noticed that my rhizomatous perennial Zingiber mioga (Japanese ginger, myoga, myoga ginger) was flowering. The pale yellow flowers appear at ground level and in Japan the young, plump, pinkish flower buds are eaten, I have yet to harvest them but I know they are delicious! These are used in mizo soup, tempura and pickled. I will wait and see if the flowers result in green fruit which split open to reveal bright red interiors with black seeds.
Jill Raggett
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nipooonfood · 3 years
The Nippon Cuisine
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I like trying a range of different cuisines from across the world on my eating adventures in the United Arab Emirates. As a result, I sampled Japanese food, which is often regarded as one of the greatest in East Asia. These cuisines have a lot in common with Korean food. Korean cuisine, on the other hand, employs a wide range of spices and tastes. Korean food is often spicier than Japanese food. I'm in Abu Dhabi as part of my tour to the United Arab Emirates. This is the capital of the United Arab Emirates, and it is filled with UAE culture and colorful food. Both regional and foreign cuisines appeal to me. Abu Dhabi has a number of Japanese and Asian eateries, and I love the trip to Abu Dhabi.
What is Japanese Cuisine
Japanese cuisine refers to the country's regional and traditional meals, which have evolved over centuries of political, economic, and social upheaval. The traditional Japanese cuisine (washoku) is built on rice, miso soup, and other meals, with a focus on seasonal ingredients. Fish, pickled vegetables, and vegetables cooked in broth are common side dishes. Seafood is widely available, and it is frequently grilled, but it is also served raw as sashimi or in sushi.
History Of Japanese Cuisine
In Japanese cuisine, rice is a mainstay. Rice was followed quickly by wheat and soybeans. In today's Japanese cuisine, all three are staple dishes. Buddhism was adopted as the country's official religion towards the conclusion of the Kofun Period and the start of the Asuka Period. As a result, it was forbidden to eat meat or fish. Horses, dogs, monkeys, and chicks were forbidden to be eaten by Emperor Tenmu in 675 AD. Many emperors in the eighth and ninth century continued to forbid the slaughter of many animals. The list of controlled meats grew substantially, resulting in the prohibition of all animals except whales, which were classified as fish. Chopsticks were brought to Japan during the Asuka era. Initially, only the nobles could utilize them. Because utensils were costly, the ordinary public ate with their hands.
Ingredients from the past
The utilization of red meat, oils and fats, and dairy ingredients in traditional Japanese cuisine is a distinguishing feature. Soy sauce, miso, and umeboshi are all high-salt ingredients, while there are low-sodium alternatives.
Main Seasonings
Dashi, soy sauce, sake and mirin, vinegar, sugar, and salt are common seasonings in traditional Japanese cuisine. During cooking, a little amount of herbs and spices can be added as a suggestion or accent, or to mask fishy or gamy aromas. Ginger, perilla, and takanotsume red pepper are some examples of such spices. Due to their impact on the mucus membrane, which paralyzes the sense of smell, particularly from fish scents, intense condiments such as wasabi or Japanese mustard are served as a condiment to raw fish. Ukimi is a sprig of mitsuba or a piece of yuzu rind that is floating atop soups.As yakumi, minced shiso leaves and myoga are frequently served with katsuo or soba tataki. Shichimi is a famous spice blend that's frequently used in soups, noodles, and rice cakes. Chilli, sansho, orange peel, black sesame, white sesame, hemp, ginger, and nori are all ingredients of Shichimi, a chilli-based spice blend.
Enjoy The Japanese Cuisine 
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omgitsbomb · 3 years
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🌊 SCALLOP to the taste of @EATWITH's Chef Ai (@ajitothehideout) featuring a seafood menu paired w/@SuntoryHakuVodka that's simply lights out! -- We got to experience their launch at @Loft29, a beautiful event space in Chelsea with all the cocktails crafted by @masanyc! but you can buy tickets to future events with @eatwith too in Chef Ai's own loft in Wburg! Hope to sea you there! 🌊🌊🌊 Best of all, you can get $5 off a bottle of Suntory Haku Vodka with code SUNTORY5 when you order through @DrizlyInc app. My FAVS from the evening: Scallop - sunchoke, sake lee beurre blanc, nori seaweed oil, espelette pepper; Steelhead Trout - pickled root vegetable, chrysanthemum cream, sesame milk; Black Seabass - maitake mushroom, cashew, Sorana beans, sansho pepper oil; Fried Monkfish - leek, ginger, panko, shiitake; Yellowfin Tuna - myoga ginger, shiso, mutsu apple, negi, tosazu, dashi Some nice surprises: Honeynut squash chamwanmushi, lightly smoked bluefish, satsumaimo tartlet, and the sorbet! #eatwith #hakuvodka #loft29 #OMGitsbomb #bombdotcom 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊 #seafood #japanesevodka #houseofsuntory #buzzfeedfood #eattheworld #instayum #myfab5 #foodiegram #foodporn #foodielife #foodcoma #foodinsta #lovetoeat #foodlovers #tastingtable #onmytable #infatuation #eeeeeats #todayfood #foodography #foodoftheday #food52 #foodlover #foodpost #instafood https://instagr.am/p/CXIIJcIsKKp/
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