#picture me cackling like an evil witch
cassatine · 5 months
i found phosphorescent thread at the fabrics store... i'm unstoppable now!! UNSTOPPABLE!!
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ominoose · 1 year
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𝐎𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐫 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐲 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Characters: Steven Grant, Cecil, Basil Stitt Summary: Oscar Characters dating a gn! reader that dabbles in witchcraft (written secularly) Warnings: None
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☽ 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐭
+ When Steven first finds out you dabble in witchcraft, he's intensely curious. His attitude is essentially "Wot's all this then?". At first, he relates it back to everything he knows on Egyptology, comparing any practices you do to that, "Oh! That's similar to what the Ancient Egyptian's did!" or "Hm, that's not how it would've went down back in Ancient Egypt...".
+ He ends up doing a ton of research, half of which isn't even applicable to you, but he likes knowing the ins and out of things, it's his love language. He wants to show genuine interest and care both because its his way of showing he places important on your lifestyle, and because he's genuinely curious.
+ Tries to be as respectful as possible. He knows from Marc being Jewish the amount of importance certain identities or practices can have to people, so with you he's doing anything he can to take it seriously, whether its not touching things or giving you silence to work. That said, he can be a bit teasing sometimes, especially when you give him things, "Hope you didn't put a little hex in my tea." or "What're you going to do, turn me into a frog?!".
+ If he finds out you've left a little sigil note in his work bag to ward off negativity (Donna) or you invite him to join you in making a nice, charged soup, he's ecstatic. Rambling and smiling like a sap, honoured you've involved him.
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☽ 𝐂𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐥
+ "Are you... The Blair Witch?" No matter how many times you may tell him you're not the stereotypical, evil, hexing old witch that only brews evil potions in a cauldron, he doesn't fully believe you. Anytime you go outside and someone is rude to you, by cutting you off in traffic or saying a mean word, he's side eyeing you warily, mentally picturing you cackling as you put their hair into a bubbling green vial.
+ The above isn't to say he's scared of you, he's not. Cecil's quite laid back about the whole thing, it's just another facet of you to take in his stride. You're leaving water in jars outside to make moon water? Sure, cool. You need him to pick up certain herbs when he's getting shopping? No problem, (unless its anything other than rosemary and thyme, then he has no idea what the herb is). You want to weave him an intention bracelet? "Aw, babe, that's so romantic."
+ Doesn't understand how it works and perhaps never will. When he's watching sports and his favourite team loses, he'll be sighing and turning to you to ask if you can do something, "Can't you like, manifest them to be less shit? Use your moon water, the moons ball shaped, thats, like, symbolism, right?". No matter how much you try to explain the inner workings of your craft, he will not understand. In his mind, his partner does this weird stuff but it's cool and he will never get on the wrong side of them because he will end up going missing in the woods.
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☽ 𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐥 𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐭
+ Basil is absolutely stoked to have a witch as a partner. He thinks it is the coolest thing ever and romanticises the whole thing a fair bit. All of what he knows about witchcraft comes from pop culture, his mind is full of cliches. When you're forced to tell him that you cannot summon lightening or banish thunder clouds, he's quite disappointed, but quickly bounced back, "It's fine, whatever! You can still hex monkeys, right?"
+ He will watch you in awe if you do anything, asking questions about what something does, why you're doing it, why you're using that, what does that thing mean. Eventually he'll learn and get used to your practices, and it becomes part of his routine with you, he looks forward to seeing you do any rituals.
+ When he's more used to your witchcraft and it does become routine, he might even ask to join some of it, "Can we make a spell jar together? Or will it blow up on me?". When he accepts his scar and mantel of 'Lightningface', completely letting go of his ego and outside perceptions of him, he's ready to delve in and explore new things which your witchcraft helps him do. It's another thing to help ground him, its not exactly common and if he'd spoke about any of it in his past peer groups he'd be ostracized, but now he finds strength in that.
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msweebyness · 8 months
Mirrorverse Crossover- Aurore
Hey hey hey, it’s Weeby with the next installment of Mirrorverse! Things are getting tense between the well/mannered fairy and the wacky witch! Enjoy! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
Sitting ramrod straight and feeling supremely out of sorts, BluRore looked with trepidation at her counterpart, the witch giggling like a madwoman as she swung her legs back and forth. Every so often, she would sneak a glance at the fairy, before descending into another fit of laughter.
“Is there a reason you’re somehow acting even more disturbed than usual?”, BlueRore asked tersely, folding her hands as she looked at MimRore with uneasy irritation. What was with her?
The mad mage let out another fanatical laugh before answering her counterpart.
“I’m just excited to talk to a version of myself that thinks ‘goodness’ is the way to go in life, dearie!”, she tittered, gagging at the word ‘goodness, “It fascinates me how someone with my face could be so dull and dense!”, she went on to taunt, giving the fairy a twitching grin.
BluRore took in a deep breath at these words, her entire body going tense. If she wasn’t so well-trained in holding her composure…
“Oh, no…”, Sabrinocchio murmured nervously, her fingers making hollow clicking sounds as she twiddled them anxiously. If there was one thing her fairy godsister hated, it was having her intelligence called into question.
“I wouldn’t say that I’M the dense one here, my dear. Your head is barely attached to your shoulders on a good day.”, BlueRore said tersely, her wand gripped tightly in her hands. MimRore only smirked in response.
“Well, if you were smarter, you'd notice that something isn't quite right. But it seems...”, she taunted cheerily, before a sudden poof changed her physical form into that of a small purple bat!, “You're blind as a bat!”
Promptly changing the other blonde back to normal with a flick of her wand, BlueRore said in slight irritation, “I would ask what you mean by that, but I know I won’t get a straight answer.”
“Would you like a curved one?”, MimRore asked teasingly before she cackled like mad at her own joke.
The fairy’s eyes narrowed as she sensed that something was indeed different. Something felt…wrong.
“Enough with the games. What do you mean by ‘not quite right’?”, she demanded sharply, only getting a devious grin in response. It was then that one of the heroes seemed to figure out just what was missing from the picture.
“Uhhh, guys? Where’s Mireille?”, Demolition Denise piped up with a nervous edge to their voice, shooting a hard glare at Mireides as the goddess snarkily raised a hand and waved, “OUR Mireille.”
With rising horror and fury, BluRore noticed that MimRore's giggles had turned sinister, and became louder by the second. Shooting to her feet, she shot her counterpart a piercing death glare.
“What have you done, you vile witch?”, she snarled, clenching her wand so tightly her knuckles were white. MimRore only stuck her tongue out.
“Wouldn't you like to kno-“, she had begun to taunt only to cut off with a squeak.
Holding her glowing wand to the manic girl’s throat, BlueRore demanded, “ANSWER!”
“Okay, cool your blue tits, I just hid her somewhere!”, the loony sorceress said shakily, before regaining her ‘composure’ and smiling deviously once again, “But I won’t tell you where...unless...”
“Unless. What?”
“Unless you can defeat me...”, the wacky weather witch began dramatically before she jumped on the table and struck a dramatic pose with her arms raised, “IN A MAGIC DUEL!”, she thundered
BluRore looked wary as she ventured to ask, “That's it? A duel? There has to be a catch.”
“No catch, fairy! If you win, your little kitty goes free as a bird, no harm done!”, Mimrore said cheerily, before she added with a wicked glee, “But if you lose...”, before she paused ominously.
“Out with it!”
“YOU’LL HAVE THE CHICKENPOX FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!”, Mimrore shrieked, letting out a shrill evil laugh. BluRore looked unimpressed. As did the rest of the villains.
“Really, Rorie?”, IsmaScar asked in clear disappointment, “That’s it?”
“Oh, and one more thing!”, MimRore then went on to say as her smile turned eerie and dark, “Your precious pussycat princess will remain trapped, and what becomes of her will be up to me and my friends!”
This was met with roaring approval from the villains, who already began to plan what they could do with the lioness.
“Just do what she says, 'Rore. She clearly can't be reasoned with.”, Reshmabela piped up through the bubble, hollyhock beginning to grow around her feet, a sign that she was nervous.
“Fine. But Nino, Lacey and Ismael, the ones from MY world, will judge this match. I don’t trust your three witch friends to remain impartial...or not to intervene on your behalf.”, BlueRore said firmly as the three witches in question glared and muttered curses at her, “You’ve laid your terms, and those are mine.”
MimRore pouted but decided to play along, “Oh all right.”, as she secretly held her fingers crossed behind her back.
“I see that.”, BlueRore said sharply.
“Fine.”, MimRore huffed, irritated at the fairy’s vigilance, “But my friends at least get to watch! It’s not fair for you to have cheerleaders while I don’t!”, the witch insisted, the other villains piping up in agreement. No way did they want to miss this!
“You're the one who decided to kidnap my girlfriend!”, BlueRore snarled, only a couple seconds away from strangling this lunatic.
“Whatever, busybody!”, the witch said, sticking her tongue out, before she grinned malevolently and began to bounce on the spot, “Let’s assemble our spectators...and LET THE DUEL COMMENCE!”
A few minutes later, everyone was in the main courtyard, villains seated on one side and heroes on the other. The blue-clad fairy and cackling witch were standing face to face as the two other fairies and genie prepared to judge the match. Snapping to gain everyone’s attention, IsmaGenie began to review the rules.
“Alright, here’s the lowdown: basic junior magic duel standards apply. No turning invisible, no targeting the spectators or judges, no fatal magic attacks. Got it?”, the genie said, BlueRore nodded solemnly. MimRore giggled maniacally and nodded as well…hiding crossed fingers behind her back.
“Okay. Turn back to back, ten paces outwards, then the duel begins.”, Fairy Godbro then instructed, before backing away with the other judges. Everyone watches with rapt attention as the two took their paces…only for MimRore to slowly fade from visibility as she passed behind a tree, making the heroes scowl, and the villains snicker. Their wacky witch had this in the bag…or did she?
The judges were about to intervene, but it seemed BluRore was a step ahead of them. Narrowing her eyes, she aimed her wand upward, deflecting the rays of the sun intensely in the direction where MimRore had gone, causing the witch to let out a yelp.
Following the sound, BlueRore cast her magic towards the witch, forcing her to turn visible again. MimRore scowled and stamped her foot, glaring daggers at the smirking fairy.
“Come on, babe! You can still kick her ass!”, Mireides cheered, with a few of the other villains adding their own encouragement. MimRore straightened up and prepared her next trick.
Gaining a wild and sadistic grin, her hands beginning to thrum with magic. BlueRore’s eyes widened as MimRore suddenly turned towards her friends, aiming some manner of curse. The heroes’ eyes widened as they realized the intent, while the villains watched eagerly to see some carnage.
Acting quickly, she created a glimmering blue disk of magic and flung it in the direction of her friends, just in time for MimRore’s hex to hit it head on and bounce right back at the witch. MimRore was flung several feet before falling back on the ground, her clothes and hair smoking.
“Nice one, Blue!”, Simon Pan yelled, “You’ve got this in the bag!”, earning him glares and scowls from the villains, and a small fireball flung in his direction by the goddess of death.
As Demolition Denise was talked down by their friends from sending the (slightly nervous) goddess flying, MimRore was absolutely seething. How was this fairy so ahead of all of her tricks?!
Having enough, she decided to pull out her trump card! Glowing with a malevolent purple aura, her body began to change as BlueRore watched in fascinated horror. The sorceress morphed into a giant, purple misshapen creature that vaguely resembled a dragon, breathing a spurt of pink flames and sparks.
“WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO NOW, PIXIE PUNK?! EVERYONE KNOWS THAT FAIRIES CAN’T SHAPESHIFT!”, MimRore shrieked, more sparks flying from her lips as she laughed in frantic glee.
To her credit, BlueRore did look nervous for a brief moment, before her eyes sparked with an idea and her demeanor turned steely.
“Perhaps not.”, she said ominously as she aimed her wand, “But we can change others.”
With that, she sent a bright bolt of blue magic at MimRore, and when the flash cleared…a small wooden puppet version of the ghastly creature sat on the ground. A tiny squeal of fury emerged from the toy, as the heroes laughed and cheered with glee. The villains were far less enthusiastic.
To add insult to injury and secure herself the win, BlueRore conjured a small gilded cage around the witch-turned-puppet, that thwarted her efforts to change back, enraging her even further.
“Now, this cage prevents you from using any magic that I don’t permit you to! And if you want me to set you free and allow you to change back…return my kitten to me, now.”, the fairy said firmly.
Seeing she had no real other options in the moment, MimRore hissed, and the dazed lioness appeared in the midst of the makeshift battleground, immediately being tackled in a hug by BlueRore.
“Mir, I was so worried! Are you alright? Did she hurt you at all?”, the blonde fairy babbled, pulling back to check her partner for any injuries. Laughing softly, Miremba grasped her girlfriend’s hands and rested their forehead against hers.
“I’m fine, Baby Blue. Thanks to you.”, before the two shared another hug as the other heroes came to check on their friend. In the fluster of conversation that followed, BlueRore dissolved the cage and MimRore changed back to normal. Pulling her knees to her chest, she sulked over her loss to that prissy pixie.
She suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see her girlfriend, giving her an encouraging smile as their hair flickered in the sunlight.
“Don’t worry, Cuckoo Bird. We’ll get ‘em next time!”, Mireides said resolutely, turning and give the heroes a stony glare. No one got away with humiliating her ‘Rore.
And there you have it folks! BlueRore may be proper, but when it’s time to kick ass, she doesn’t mess around! Thanks to Sparky for his help with the opening conversation, and Artzy for the idea of how to end the duel! Keep an eye out for Artzy to release Zoe! Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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lowkeyerror · 2 years
Hello! Could you write an Agatha x dark fem! reader where the Darkhold wants to reader became evil
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: Angst
An: I tried, I hope you like it
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Y/n was once a good witch. She was kind-hearted and sweet. She used her magic to help in any way she could. Her good deeds were second nature to her.
It's funny how quickly things change.
It took one encounter with Agatha for Y/n to know she was in love. She knew that Agatha wasn't the kind of witch she was supposed to be in love with, but the woman had a charm about her. Something that Y/n couldn't resist.
Their relationship was hard to manage at first. Y/n was reluctant to get into mischief, but a smile from Agatha was all it took.
Agatha loved Y/n just the way she was. It felt like Y/n was an angel and Agatha was the devil herself. Just like the Darkhold corrupted her, she corrupted Y/n.
Agatha didn’t want Y/n messing with the Darkhold. She knew that the book wouldn't do her any good. The charming witch did her best to keep it out of Y/n's reach.
However, the book itself had other plans. It called to Y/n, the good witch felt it. She knew what the Darkhold was and how evil it could be.
She tried to resist the call, but it was futile.
Agatha was out of the house. The book was on the table, open, begging to be read. So Y/n, did it.
She read the book. She didn't know how much time passed. All she knew is that she couldn't stop reading. Her eyes flew across the pages of the book at an unimaginable rate. She could feel the power of the book coursing through her fingers.
Her body ached to try out a spell. Just a small one, one that wouldn't hurt anyone. Y/n had the parts of the book that she read engraved in her mind already. She mentally flipped through them and found a small spell.
She whispered the words while staring at the neighbor's yard through the window. Fire appealed in their flowerbed.
Y/n watched as the flames roared higher and higher. She wanted to laugh when the couple ran out of the house frantically. The man was searching for a garden hose while the wife screamed at the flaming flowers.
When the man finally got the gardening hose, Y/n let another spell slip through her lips. The liquid that poured off the hose was black like tar. It was thick, the spray didn't reach the bushes, the wife screamed even louder.
Y/n couldn't hold in her laughter at that point. She cackled at the mess she had caused outside.
" You won't believe what's going on outside," Agatha comes barreling into the house, talking a mile a minute about the results of Y/n's antics.
She pauses when she gets a glimpse of the girl. The book on the table is shut but Y/n's hands are hidden behind her back and her eyes are looking everywhere, but the window.
Agatha marches over to her lover and reveals her hands. Dark magic coats the tips of her fingers. Nowhere near as much as Agatha’s but too much for her liking.
" You were reading the book."
" Aggie, I got curious. It opened itself up to me. I couldn't help myself."
Agatha shook her head," The book is no good for you, Y/n. You shouldn't be looking at it at all."
Y/n mumbles," You look at it."
" And I have been for years. What's done to me is done. I don't want that to happen to you."
Agatha is gentle when she takes Y/n's hands in hers. The darkness present all down her fingers. She puts her lips to Y/n's fingers and kisses them delicately.
The tiny amount of darkness springs off of Y/n's hand onto Agatha’s. The older witch tries to let go of their intertwined hands, but Y/n won't let her.
The inexperienced Darkhold user has her eyes trained on Agatha’s fingers. Her thumb caresses the other witch's hands. Her eyes slowly move up Agatha’s body and stop at her lips.
She pecks her girlfriend's lips," The book is calling to me baby. I'm itching for it, I need to read it."
" Y/n, the book will make you evil. That's not who you are."
" It could be."
Agatha tries to protest but Y/n cuts her off," Picture it Aggie. Me and you, two of the most powerful witches in the universe. We could bend the world to our will. Together, we would be unstoppable. Especially with the Darkhold on our side."
Y/n was good at knowing how to persuade Agatha. She knew what spoke to Agatha and what didn't. She knew her girlfriend loved power almost as much as she loved her.
The thought was titillating to Agatha. Her eyes closed as she pictured them ruling everything together.
Y/n's lips found her neck, sucking on a tender spot. Her teeth grazed Agatha’s skin, causing her to moan. Y/n's breath tickled the woman's ear," Besides, certain things about me aren't as pure as they seem."
She nibbles on Agatha’s ear, smirking as the woman throws her head back.
Agatha takes a step back from her girlfriend to regain her composure. She attempts to settle the lust in her gaze before looking at Y/n.
" Fine, but I have one condition. The book will not become more important than each other."
Y/n smiles," You are the most important thing in my universe, my love. I won't let anything break us apart."
The promise was one she'd struggle to keep.
If Agatha had an obsession with power, then Y/n was addicted to it. Y/n had never felt such a rush in her life.
The darkness climbed from her fingers up her arms, almost reaching her shoulders. She tried every spell she could get her hands on.
She wanted to master the book.
" Y/n, hon, can you put the book down just for a few seconds. I need you."
Y/n was reluctant at first, but she shut the book and headed up the stairs.
" Aggie, what do you-oh."
The spell that the witch was casting caught Y/n's attention. It looked like a simple locating spell, but there was something different about it.
" Where do you need me?"
Agatha gestures behind her. Y/n slinks behind her girlfriend, holding her arms steady as the magic spewed from her fingertips.
" I've found something. Something powerful. I'm trying to sense it out, I just need a little more power to-"
Before Agatha finished her sentence, Y/n had lent the witch the extra power. Agatha moaned at the sensation, which made Y/n smirk.
" Too much to handle, love?"
Agatha shivers," I don't think I could ever get enough of you."
" You have all of me, Agatha."
The older witch doesn't respond, partially because she's trying to stay focused, but part of her almost doesn't believe it anymore.
" Found it."
Y/n peers over Agatha's shoulder to see the immense power source. Her eyes darken," What is that?"
" I don't know."
Y/n eyes were dead set on it," I need it."
"Maybe it's not smart to go after it," Agatha says timidly.
" Sweetheart, are you hearing yourself right now? All that power, ripe for the taking. It's calling to me."
Agatha rolls her eyes," That's what you said about the Darkhold."
Y/n senses her apprehension," And I was right. I'm more powerful than I've ever been. With that much power, I'll be unstoppable."
Agatha removed herself from Y/n's grasp. She put distance between the two of them. She wouldn't allow herself to look at the girl.
" You promised me, Y/n," her tone was fragile when the words left her mouth.
Y/n tried to stand her ground," Agatha, I-"
" All you ever do is read that cursed book. The more you read it, the more you forget about me. All you care about is power."
" You used to be the same way. Why can't I enjoy the power?"
Agatha scoffed," That's a lie, Y/n. I always put you first, and you know that."
Y/n chuckled," Are you saying I don't put you first? Agatha, are you serious?"
Agatha’s eyes were fierce when they met Y/n's. Though tears pooled behind them, she didn't let a single tear fall.
" When was the last time we had dinner together? The last time we went to bed together? The last time we had sex, Y/n? You're too focused on that fucking book, to notice how you've been neglecting our relationship."
Y/n didn't want to believe Agatha’s words. She hadn't been that blind to her lover, had she?
" I don't want to leave you, but I will."
Y/n's eyes went wide, she scrambled over to Agatha. Y/n closed the distance between them, but didn't touch the older witch.
" Aggie-"
" Y/n, I love you so much. I love you more than anything in the universe, and I used to be sure you loved me the same way. Now, I think power may mean more to you than I do."
Y/n hands shook as tried to hold Agatha’s," I told you, when I started this journey, that you are the most important thing in my universe, my love. I meant it then, and I still do. I- I fucked up. I lost my focus, I made you doubt me, and I'm sorry. This power means nothing if you aren't by my side."
Agatha wanted to believe her lover, but she was hesitant. She placed a kiss on Y/n's cheek and pulled her hands away.
" Don't make me leave, Y/n."
Agatha walked out of the room. Y/n fought the urge to follow the woman. Her heart burned in her chest. She wouldn't lose Agatha, she couldn't.
Her eyes drifted over to the map, where Agatha had pinpointed the source of power.
She could have both, she just had to find the balance.
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princesssarisa · 2 years
For character ask, Wicked Witch of the West (1939)
Favorite thing about them: The sheer sinister glee with which she carries out her wicked deeds, and the sense of humor with which she taunts her victims. Combine this with her iconic look and costume, her cackle, her theme music, her deadly magic, and her unforgettable death, and it's no wonder that she's probably cinema's most iconic villain, whom everyone loves to hate.
Least favorite thing about them: Besides the fact that she's a shamelessly evil and sadistic villain who tries to kill our heroes... hmm... Maybe the fact that her big hooked nose makes her look too much like a caricature of a Jewish person. Some critics say that her green skin also has antisemitic connotations (green evokes "olive," plus it's associated with reptiles). But that's a problem with the standard look of witches in general, not exclusive to her.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I have dark hair.
*I often wear black (it's a good base for brighter colored accessories).
*I can be very enthusiastic.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I don't know magic.
*I'm afraid of fire.
*I'm not sadistically evil.
Favorite line:
Of course there's her most famous line:
"I'll get you, my pretty, and your little dog too!"
But she has so many other great lines too! For example, when Dorothy protests that her sister's death was an accident:
"Well, my little pretty, I can cause accidents too!"
When she blasts a fireball at the Scarecrow:
"Here, Scarecrow, wanna play ball?"
When she has Dorothy and Toto newly imprisoned:
"What a nice little dog. And you, my dear, what an unexpected pleasure. It's so kind of you to want to visit me in my loneliness."
When her guards have Dorothy and her friends cornered:
"Well, ring around the rosie, a pocket full of spears!"
And her famous dying speech:
"Ahhhhh! You cursed brat! Look what you've done! I'm melting! Melting! Oh, what a world! What a world! Who would have thought a good little girl like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness? Oooooh, look out! Look out! I'm going! Oooooh! Ooooooh!"
brOTP: The winged monkeys.
OTP: None – she doesn't have lovers, only enemies or slaves.
nOTP: Dorothy.
Random headcanon: Water melts her because of her fire powers. She's a creature of fire, so naturally, she's extinguished by water. This is also why snow destroys her field of poisonous poppies. (Yes, I know the other explanation that's been suggested based on the original book – that she's been extending her lifespan with magic and her molecules are unstable because she should have been dead and rotted long ago. I'll accept that explanation for Baum's Witch. But for the movie Witch, I'd rather link it to her association with fire.)
Unpopular opinion: Sometimes I get tired of seeing Wicked fans call her "Elphaba." It's all in good fun, of course, but she's not Elphaba. She existed for decades before Elphaba was even thought of. Nor does the plot of Wicked fit neatly into either the movie's continuity or the original book's. Elphaba is an AU version of her.
Song I associate with them: Her iconic instrumental theme.
Favorite pictures of them:
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inkskinned · 2 years
oh, i love the way relationships develop their own personal language of love. when all that joy shows the way they love you. i love when it is a little icon to who they are, to how you get along with them.
my sister takes a picture of a dead bug and sends it to me - this is you. my friend asks me how the move is going; she put a reminder in her phone to check up on me. i put a piece of ice down my friend's back, he returns the favor by holding my phone over my head and making me jump to catch it. jason and i scream-sing green day while going all of 15 miles an hour down country roads. molly is who i go to for a quiet night in with 5 dollar wine.
i go out for dinner with them and have to step outside to take a phone call; when i come back they've ordered my favorite appetizer without needing to be asked. andrew and i have a long-standing tradition of him picking me up to spike me directly into the first soft-looking surface around. i don't even need to speak to my best friend - she and i will just look at each other and have an entire conversation. burst out laughing at 3 PM, high and cackling like we're evil witches. i just moved by myself into a new city - my brother keeps introducing me to his friends that now live close to me. he always says - oh yeah, this is sibling and then pretends to ignore me. for days now, my family has been in and out of my apartment, just tinkering with things; making sure i am settling in nicely.
i usually have watermelon instead of cake for my birthday; kim forces a full yankee candle into the rind so i can have something to blow out and wish on. for 20 minutes on a saturday, all us grown adults crawl into one bed to have a cuddle puddle like we're in high school again. every 20 seconds someone starts giggling, and then we're laughing again. nick calls me from california; we both groan about the price of tickets, agonizing. miranda and i meet up in the city for the first time in years - without discussing it beforehand, the minute we lay eyes on each other, we both strike gruesome little gremlin poses instead of waving. dean always goes for the hug. joe always does a single firm handshake. sometimes i think about my friends and get so happy i just start crying.
oh, how wonderful to live in a world where affection is biologically ingrained in us. how wonderful that affection helps us build our single greatest strength - community. how wonderful that affection is our body's way of saying - thing is good, let's keep. how wonderful, this language, this skein we weave! to show the other person - i might not always say it. but i love that you live in me.
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Remus squealed as he landed on the pile of beanbags and cushions he had spent all morning dragging into his room from various places in the mind palace. He wriggled onto his front, pushing himself back up. “Again!”
Patton faked an incredulous gasp. “Again? You want me to throw you again?”
Remus giggled, babbling and making grabby motions with his hands, making Patton chuckle.
“Oh, okay, then. Just one more…” He said, scooping him into his arms and nuzzling his cheek lovingly. “You ready, squirt?” 
Patton chuckled, setting him down and gently gripping his wrists. “Hold on tight, now!” He lifted him slowly, letting him dangle by his arms and swaying him too and fro. Remus cackled delightedly, curling his legs up.
“Yes, baby- cannonball!” Patton cooed. “And we’re launching in three…” He swung a little more. “Two…” Remus squeaked in excitement, tipping his head back. “One… Go!”
Patton let go, watching him fly from his grip and flop face-down into his nest, cheering and clapping as he resurfaced. It would never stop amusing him, how Remus would cling to his legs and bounce up and down, begging to be picked up and hurled into the nearest pile of soft objects. And, naturally, he was happy to oblige. Even now, when it was almost nap time and he should be trying to calm him down rather than rile him up even more. Because how could Patton say ‘no’ when he gave him that sweet little gap-toothed smile?
Patton laughed. “Gosh, you’re just insatiable, aren’t you, kiddo?” He flicked his wrist, checking his watch. “But it’s almost two o’clock, Reemie, you know what that means…”
Remus blinked. “Na’ time?”
“That’s right, sweetie, time for a lie-down.”
He physically deflated at those dreaded words. “Bu’... bu’, ‘m not tired…”
“I know, ducky, I know…” Patton winced. If his smile was his kryptonite, the threat of his tears flat-out destroyed him- something Remus knew very well.
Hamming it up, he gazed up with his big, brown eyes, his bottom lip trembling pitifully. His twin had definitely taught him that little trick, Patton thought as he willed the ache in his chest to go away. All of the books said that he had to be stern, he had to lay down the rules and stick to them-
“P’ease, one more?”
… Well, then. Just how on earth was he supposed to refuse that?
He bit his lip, trying to hold back his grin, before sighing in defeat. “Fine. One more.” He held up a single finger. Remus was too busy scrabbling to roll out of the beanbag excitedly to notice, chirping happily as Patton crouched down to pick him up
“You, Mister, are far too cute for your own good.” He poked his freckled nose. “Ready?”
“ ‘eady!” He said, raising his arms to allow Patton to lift him, squealing when his feet left the ground and he started to swing back and forth. “Wheeee!”
The pair of them turned around to discover Logan had stuck his head around the door, looking at Remus’ mountain of stolen pillows bemusedly. Patton beamed when he saw him.
“Hey, Lo-lo! What’s up?”
The logical side stepped into the room. “Hello, Patton. I thought I would come and wish Remus a pleasant rest before he fell asleep, but I can see that the two of you are… Otherwise occupied.”
Patton grinned. “Oh, yeah, we were just playing a game together- weren’t we, cupcake?”
“Yeah! Yeah!” Remus peeped.
Logan sighed. Oh dear. 
“Whilst I appreciate you were only trying to have fun, encouraging this kind of playful ruckus before a nap is not conducive to a healthy and efficient period of sleep. Not to mention how terribly unsafe it is to be dangling him by his wrists and tossing him into… Whatever this set-up is.” He gestured to the pillows and beanbags behind him.
“That’s our nest! We’ve been using it to build all kinds of fun stuff- like a spaceship, and a castle- ooooo, that was a fun one, wasn’t it, honey?”
“D’ agon!”
“Yeah, Lo- we defeated and conquered the land held captive by the evil dragon-witch!”
Logan pursed his lips, trying his best not to let his insides melt at the heartwarming display of silly affection, before narrowing his eyes as he scanned ‘the nest’ in closer detail. “... Is that the cushion from my desk chair?”
Patton chuckled. “I don’t know, kiddo, why don’t you ask the little troublemaker here?”
Said troublemaker was busy kicking his feet restlessly. Logan was so boring when he bickered with the others like this. Like the teacher from Charlie Brown. Wah, wah, wah...
Logan huffed, folding his arms over his chest and glancing at the toddler dangling from Patton’s grip. He slowly crouched so that they were eye-level.
“Remus? Did you take the cushion from my room?”
He looked up, the picture of innocence with his sparkling eyes and brown curls. A poster-child for the adorable little cherub-type- the sort of baby who was good-tempered, well-behaved, and perfect in every way.
… And apparently, blew raspberries when he didn’t want to confess to the theft of other people’s property.
Patton sputtered. Logan blinked, frowning.
“I beg your pardon?”
Remus giggled mischievously before blowing another even louder than the last.
Logan raised an eyebrow. Remus cackled at the unimpressed look on his face.
“Hey, hey, kiddo- what was that for?” Patton enquired gently, struggling to subdue his own laughter. “You know we don’t blow raspberries when somebody says something we don’t like…”
Remus just continued to laugh, clearly very amused that he had rendered Logan speechless. “Ra’ bee’! Ra’ bee’!”
“It’s okay, Patton. I understand.”
Remus quietened down at the sound of Logan’s dangerously calm voice, looking at him curiously.
Logan narrowed his eyes, the beginnings of a smirk pulling at his lips. “Clearly, he wants me to blow one back.”
With that, he pushed his hands up the bottom of his tiny sweatshirt and held him in place, pressing his mouth against the warm skin and blowing hard.
Remus shrieked, immediately bursting into loud, joyful laughter and wriggling and squirming as much as he could- which was, frankly, impossible given that Patton was still holding him tightly by his arms.
“Oh, no, kiddo!” He cried, a massive grin on his face. He loved when Logan was in a silly mood and wanted to play with the babies like this. “Looks like the tickle monster got you!”
“No no nohoho!” Remus yelled, giggling hysterically and kicking his legs. One of them hit Logan in the chest, which apparently only spurred him on, as he started scratching his ribs at the same time as blowing another raspberry.
“Logiiii-hehehe!” Remus squealed, his dimples visible from how hard he was smiling. “Nohoho!”
“No?” Logan spoke into his pudgy belly, making him laugh even harder. “But I thought you wanted me to give you some raspberries!”
It was getting difficult to hold back his own grin by this point. Patton had given up completely, and was openly laughing alongside Remus as he tugged at his arms. Logan slowed down a little bit and started blowing shorter puffs of air all around his sides and tummy, earning boisterous, squeaky giggles that were, categorically, the cutest thing he’d ever heard in his life. However, he knew that he would have to show some mercy soon.
Leaning back to take a deep breath, he blew one more right over his belly button, making him scream, before sitting back on his heels, his hair messed up and cheeks slightly pink. Remus panted, laughter still flowing out as Patton lifted him up properly to cradle in his arms.
“Whoopsy-daisy! I gotcha, kiddo.” He said, holding him close. Remus buried his face into Patton’s shoulder as his final few giggles disappeared. After a while he started rubbing his nose against his chest, bringing his fist to his mouth to slip his thumb in when he thought neither of them were looking. Patton chuckled.
“Well, it looks like you finally managed to tire him out, Lo-lo!”
Logan huffed a quiet laugh, rubbing his forehead with the back of his hand. Teaching lessons to bratty three year-old turned out to be quite the arduous task, even if the loving smile on his flushed face said otherwise. He was about to stand up and leave when a hand suddenly appeared in his line of vision. Patton wiggled his fingers, looking down at the logical side with that warm smile that always made Logan’s heart flutter.
“Wanna help me put him to bed?” He asked, looking unfairly lovely as the mid-afternoon light glowed orange behind him.
He ducked his head a little, smiling to himself, before looking back up with a nod. He took Patton’s hand, pretending not to notice how it made his heart race when he squeezed it, and led them both to Remus’ room, where they tucked him in and set a timer to come back and wake him up.
Little did they know that they wouldn’t need to, because in exactly fourty-five minutes Remus would spring out of bed and charge into the common room, dressed in Roman’s knight costume and declaring revenge on Logan for earlier. And since dismissing the requests of such an honourable cavalier would be terribly impolite of him, how could Patton not help to hold Logan’s arms down so that he could have at all of his worst spots?
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Psycho Analysis: Spider-Man Movie Villains
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(WARNING! This analysis contains SPOILERS!)
Spider-Man, Spider-Man, he does whatever a spider can. And what do spiders seem really good at? Amassing huge quantities of hatred and animosity! True to the wily arachnids that inspired him, Spider-Man has quite the impressive gallery of foes, one that I might say rivals Batman as the greatest in comic book history with how colorful, crazy, and creative they are. Even villains derivative of one another, like Hobgoblin and Green Goblin or Carnage and Venom, manage to carve out unique niches that help make them fun and memorable.
And thankfully, these qualities usually translated pretty well to film! I’ve talked about how good Mysterio, Vulture, Kingpin, and Prowler are before, so now it’s time to cover the others all in one fell swoop! From the Raimi trilogy, we have Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus, Harry Osborn, Sandman, and Eddie Brock/Venom; from the Andrew Garfield duology, we have Lizard, Electro, Rhino, and Harry Osborn again; and leftover from Into the Spider-Verse we have Olivia Octavius, Tombstone, Scorpion, and that film’s brief take on Green Goblin! Oh, and why not throw in Riot from Venom while we’re at it, because he sucks way too much to get his own Psycho Analysis.
Motivation/Goals: A lot of villains are motivated by the classic motivation: revenge. All of the Green Goblins manage to have this as a main part of their actions, making them remarkably consistent and very easy to discuss. The Norman of the Raimi films wants to take out his anger at being frozen out of his own company, and his son wants revenge for his death, while the Harry of the Garfield films wants his vengeance because Spider-Man wouldn’t help cure him of his otherwise incurable disaease that would kill him (a fact made worse because Spider-Man is his actual best friend, Peter Parker, who is coldly condemning his pal to death). The only one who doesn’t really fit is the Spider-Verse take on Green Goblin, and that’s more because he has extremely limited screentime and spends all of it fighting Peter and being scary as hell.
Eddie Brock/Venom is a very interesting case as both halves of the character are motivated by different reasons. The symbiote half is, of course, motivated by the fact that Peter has tried to rid himself of it via using a church bell to kill it. Eddie, on the other hand, has the most absolutely hilarious motivation ever: He wants Peter Parker to die because Peter exposed him for submitting fraudulent pictures to J. Jonah Jameson. Eddie literally breached journalistic ethics but apparently Peter’s to blame for exposing his literal, actual crime! And he prays to God for Peter to die! This version of Eddie is cartoonishly hilarious.Finally, we have Max Dillon, AKA Electro, who is lashing out at a world that did nothing but belittle and demean him, giving him a far more sympathetic motive for revenge.
Kurt Connors is an interesting halfway point between the Doc Ocks and the villains above, because he is not really evil and his whole transformation came about for altruistic scientific reasons, as he tested his serum on himself because they were going to test it out on the public without consent. While the serum drives him mad, he initially only goes after those who were going to use his formula with people as guinea pigs.
Interestingly, the two Doc Ocks contrast each other. While both of them are doing evil deeds for scientific reasons, Otto Octavius is being forced by his tentacles and genuinely wishes to make the world a better place otherwise. Olivia, on the other hand, is a gleeful sadist who doesn’t care who she hurts as long as she can get some sort of scientific knowledge from it.
Sandman is interesting case because his motivations are entirely sympathetic and despite being the man who killed Uncle Ben, it was entirely accidental and he always regretted it. He only ever wanted to get money to save his daughter. It’s really hard not to sympathize with a guy who turned to desperate measures because the American health care system sucks even in a universe where a dude dressed in a bright red suit swings around New York.
Then there are all the rest. Aleksei Systevich, AKA Rhino, is just a criminal, and has barely any screentime to establish a motivation beyond that. This is especially hilarious because the ads really hyped this guy up, only for him to get maybe five minutes of screentime, with most of it at the very end of the movie before the credits (we don’t even get to see his final battle). Tombstone and Scorpion are basically just lackeys for Kingpin, with little established beyond that. Scorpion almost shows up entirely out of nowhere, just popping in for the fight at Aunt May’s house and then the final battle. And then there’s Riot, who just wants to start a symbiote apocalypse on Earth.
Performance: Willem Dafoe, Alfred Molina, and Thomas Haden Church as Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus, and Sandman in the Raimi trilogy are, in a word, iconic. Dafoe brings a gleeful, cackling hamminess to the Goblin that perfectly suits him and manages to steal every single with how delightfully, cartoonishly evil he is combined with some hilariously chummy moments with Spider-Man. Molina as Ock goes in the opposite direction of hamminess, where instead of making Octavius cartoonishly evil, he gives him this air of gravitas to the point where he somehow manages to make this villain with giant metal tentacles that are controlling his mind come off as sophisticated and serious as Hannibal Lecter. Church meanwhile just looks eerily perfect as Sandman, as if he were ripped straight from the comics and put onscreen, and then of course there’s how well he manages to sell the emotional moments of the character.
The Harrys are a rather mixed bag, sad to say. James Franco and Dennis DeHaan aren’t really bad actors, but they unfortunately have the problem of living in the shadow of the actor who played their dad (Franco) or being in a really awful movie with a terrible script (DeHaan). Franco at least makes up for this by being hilariously, cartoonishly evil to the extent of his dad in the third Raimi film, but DeHaan unfortunately falls rather flat. Topher Grace as Venom is a choice that seems baffling until you realize Raimi cast an actor like this on purpose because he hates Venom so much he didn’t want to give him any dignity.
Jamie Foxx as Electro seems odd at first, but I feel it’s actually a great casting choice, and despite how unbelievably stupid the script is, he’s actually able to do a fairly good job. If his character was in a better movie, he’d probably get a lot less flak (and he’ll be getting his chance soon enough, apparently). Overall, he’s the best part of the Garfield films. Rhys Ifans and Paul Giamatti as Lizard and Rhino are serviceable, but neither film they’re in really gives them much to work with. Giamatti at least gets to steal the show with his brief scenes by being an absolute ham, but Ifans is sadly a bit forgettable in his role (though not for lack of trying on his part).
Now onto the Spider-Verse ensemble! Considering how I gushed over her delightful performance as the Wicked Witch of Westview in WandaVision as well as the fact she is solely responsible for me resurrecting this series from its long hiatus, it should come as no shock at all that Kathryn Hahn as Olivia Octavius is just perfect. Controversial opinion, I know, might get some flak for this hot take. Jorma Taccone as Green Goblin, Joaquin Cosio as Scorpion, and Marvin Jones III as Tombstone all do well for what they’re given, but it’s clear most of the love among Kingpin’s henchmen was given to her (and Prowler, but he got his own review where I talked about how great he is).
Oh, right, Riot. I forgot about him. Riz Ahmed, who plays the human villain Carlton Drake I forgot to mention because he’s incredibly boring, is a really good (and sexy) actor. Unfortunately, he doesn’t get to be quite as good and sexy as an actor like him should be in his dual role. In an interesting subversion of how things usually go, he ends up being rather bland compared to the hammy, bonkers hero. This was Tom Hardy’s show, and no one was stealing it from him.
Final Fate: The Raimi films were all made during a time when, if your name wasn’t Magneto and you were a superhero movie villain, you were dying, a trend I’m certainly glad is finally starting to die off. Thankfully, Green Goblin manages to stick around and posthumously influence Harry, so in his case it’s not so bad. Harry and Doc Ock both manage to overcome the darkness in their hearts at the end and sacrifice their lives to help save the day, while Eddie dies after becoming such a simp for the symbiote he leaps into it while Peter is blowing it up. With Sandman, Peter actually has a touching reconciliation with Sandman at the end, forgiving him for the death of Uncle Ben before Sandman dissolves into dust and floats away on the breeze. And no, this is his power, not Thanos’ snap reaching across time, space, and dimensions; Sandman actually gets out of these films alive.
The other villains actually get off easier, as most of them go to jail. From the Amazing Spider-Man films, DeHaan’s Goblin and Rhys Ifan’s Lizard both end up in prison, and it’s safe to assume that the villains of Spider-Verse are going to jail alongside Kingpin. Octavius was hit by a bus, sure, but considering how popular she ended up being it would be really dumb to have that actually kill her. With Electro and Rhino though, it’s really ambiguous, the former because he’s made of electricity and the way he was defeated means it is possible he survived, and the latter because we never actually see the outcome of his battle with Spider-Man. If the film they were in was actually good and warranted sequels, we may have found out what their true fates were, but at the very least Electro is moving over to the MCU alongside Molina’s Doc Ock.
Oh, right, forgot Riot again. He dies.
Best Scene/Best Quote: I’m combining these this time just to make it easier on me, because in at least in a couple cases the two are the same.
Green Goblin has a lot to choose from, to the point where it’s easy to cop out and just say every scene he’s in is amazing. I’ve always been fond of his chummy chat with Spider-Man on the rooftop, or the scene where he terrifies Aunt May, or the scene where he attacks the parade and vaporizes the board of directors with pumpkin bombs.
Dock Ock is easy: the train battle. This might be one of the best action scenes in any superhero movie ever, and since he’s the villain in it, it almost goes without saying..There’s a reason this scene is singled out so often.
Eddie Brock and DeHaan Goblin actually have their best scenes also be their best lines. Eddie praying for God to kill Peter Parker and DeHaan!Harry screaming “YOU’RE A FRAUD, SPIDER-MAN!” after Spidey refuses to give him a life-saving blood transfusion are just so absolutely hilarious and memorable that you can’t hate them.
Aside from the powerful forgiveness moment at the film’s end, I think it’s really indisputable that the best scene from Sandman, and perhaps the Raimi trilogy as a whole, is the scene of Sandman’s creation. Words really can’t do it justice, so just watch:
Electro’s best moment isn’t even actually part of the movie, unless you want to count his rendition of “The Itsy-Bitsy Spider.” No, his is from a Tumblr post, proving definitively that Electro’s power can not be contained.
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For Olivia, I’d say either of the reveals for her are great. You can go with the twist that she’s the Doc Ock of Miles’ universe, or the twist that she might have fucked Aunt May. Either way, you can’t really go wrong.
The rest of the villains… yeah, I’ve got nothing. At least with Rhino you can say his entire time on screen was fun, but the rest? Nope. They’re kind of just there.
Final Thoughts & Score:
Green Goblin
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Where to begin with this guy? He is everything I look for in a great villain: he’s hammy and cartoonish, he can be terrifying and threatening when he wants to be, he has a ridiculous yet memorable costume, every word out of his mouth is hilarious and memorable, and he’s played by an amazing actor. It’s hard to dispute that Doc Ock is the best villain in Raimi’s trilogy, but Goblin is definitely the most fun. If you thought he’d get less than a 10/10, you thought wrong.
Doctor Octopus
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Aside from Green Goblin, Doc Ock is Spidey’s most iconic and memorable foe, nd this adaptation of him does not disappoint. By making him a more tragic and somewhat anti-villainous figure and putting him in the hands of someone as awesome and talented as Alfred Molina, they managed to make such a cartoonish villain retain that comic book silliness while still being a legitimately imposing antagonist. I suppose it helps that a director who knows how to balance silly and serous like Raimi helps. It’s absolutely not a shock that the MCU wants to bring Molina back, because really, I can’t see anyone making the dubious doctor nearly as cool as the 10/10 performance Molina gave.
Harry Osborn
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Franco’s Harry has an interesting arc, but one that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense under scrutiny. Frankly, his descent into villain is handled well but when he actually gets to be a villain in the third film, things fall apart.. But at any rate, he gets to be cartoonishly hilarious while he pettily ruins Peter’s life, so I think a 3/10 is warranted just for how goofy he is.
Eddie Brock/Venom
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For the longest time, I hated Eddie Brock, but loved the Venom symbiote for its fantastic design… A design hampered by the fact Topher Grace keeps sticking his face through the symbiote and talking in his normal voice. But then one day I remembered Eddie literally prays to God for Peter Parker to die, and I realize that as crappy as this version of Venom is, he’s undoubtedly hilarious. A 3/10 mainly because of how hilariously bad he is, though the design of the symbiote is unironically great. Shame Grace kept sticking his face through and that Raimi hates the character.
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Sandman is a villain who deserved a better movie. Sure, Spider-Man 3 is fun and funny, but a character with this much depth and emotional weight deserved a film of the caliber of Spider-Man 2. At any rate, he adds a bit of class and dignity to the proceedings, and Thomas Haden Church really nails it. He’s a 9/10 for sure.
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Lizard is just a very boring villain, which is a shame because Lizard is not a boring villain in the comics and other media like the cartoons. I don’t really know if he was the best choice for Spider-Man’s first outing; I’ll at least give him that he’s a more inspired choice than doing the Green Goblin again, but that doesn’t score him higher than a 4/10. As boring as he ends up being, that library fight was pretty cool and had a great Stan Lee cameo, so I can’t say he’s the bottom of the barrel.
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Electro is a villain who desperately deserved a better movie. While his backstory as a nerdy fanboy who got kicked around by the world is nothing new, or fresh, or original, Jamie Foxx manages to make the character work fairly well even though almost everything around him is unbelievably stupid. The fact he managed to make “Don’t you know? I’m Electro” sound cool and badass is a testament to his skill, and thankfully he’s coming back in the MCU in some way, so I guess Electro’s power can not be contained to a single movie. Still, this iteration only manages to get to a 6/10, because while all the elements of greatness are there, he’s hampered by the abysmal writing.
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Paul Giamatti certainly looks like he’s having a blast here. His attitude is almost infectious, but alas, his time is too brief to bring any great joy, and his jarring appearance out of nowhere at the end of the film certainly do him no favors. Still, Giamatti keeps Rhino from sinking any lower than a 5/10.
Harry Osborn
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This Harry is just a joke. His arc makes no sense, his actions are unbelievable, and he ends up looking like a really poor Warwick Davis Leprechaun cosplayer. The only thing of note about him is that he’s a Harry who becomes the Green Goblin before his father, something that doesn’t happen very often, and that’s not enough to score this loser higher than a 2/10. Not even killing Gwen Stacy makes him any more impressive, and that’s a real shame.
Olivia Octavius
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Olivia Octavius is widely beloved by just about everyone who sees the film.. myself included. This is just a really fun, clever twist on Doctor Octopus, and it’s the sort of character you really hope gets a Harley Quinn-level break into becoming an iconic character across multiple forms of media. Kathryn Hahn’s fun performance and the wonderful design and fight sequences really make Olivia a 9/10.
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Tombstone is a villain you might actually forget is in the movie, which is a damn shame. He’s an albino black man, a badass bodyguard, and has a striking design, but he gets a single line of dialogue and is tasked with bodyguarding a man who not only has cyborgs under his employ, but who murdered Spider-Man with his bare hands. Tombstone ultimately feels really superfluous, which is a shame because around the same time Into the Spider-Verse came out he had a very memorable and well-liked appearance in the Spider-Man video game. It’s a real shame but I gotta give this version of Tombstone a 2/10.
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Scorpion has a lot of problems of Tombstone above, but he makes up for a lot of his flaws by having a really cool and striking design. Does it really make him a great villain? No. He’s not particularly well-characterized and he’s really just there to look cool and give Olivia backup. He’s a 4/10 at best, saved from being lower only by his awesome look. Looking cool really can get you far in some cases.
Green Goblin
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Out of all the really minor villains in Spider-Verse, this version of Norman might be the best. His role is tiny, only appearing during the scene where the Peter Parker of Miles’ universe gets killed, but his battle with Spider-Man is what sets the entire plot in motion. His cool and terrifying design definitely help make him stand out enough to earn at least a 6/10.
Riot & Carlton Drake
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Look, there’s a reason I kept forgetting these guys. They’re not memorable in the slightest. Venom may be a fantastic work of art, but that’s because Tom Hardy kills it in his dual role as Eddie Brock and the Venom symbiote. Drake is just a boring corporate villain, the kind I hate talking about and the kind I’d only ever even bother mentioning in a review like this. And Riot is just a generic Big Gray CGI Monster for the hero to have a final battle with. Neither of these two are particularly interesting, and neither deserves more than a 2/10.
That’s it, right? There can’t be any more villains, I must have covered them all. Well, not quite. There’s one more character who is most certainly an antagonist and who I really, really want to talk about. And you’re absolutely not going to believe who it is.
You ready?
Psycho Analysis: Emo Peter
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“Now wait,” you may be asking, “Emo Peter? Really? How does he count as a villain?” Well, as Schafrillas pointed out in his video on Spider-Man 3, Emo Peter is actually the antagonist for much of the second act. Peter, influenced by the symbiote, becomes a raging jackass and hurts and alienates everyone around him by being a colossal douchebag, not to mention how violent he gets as Spider-Man. This is very much an extreme case of the hero’s greatest enemy being themselves, because literally, Peter’s enemy in the chunk of the movie with Emo Peter is his own overinflated ego
Motivation/Goals: I mean, at the end of the day, it’s still Peter. He still wants to do the typical Peter Parker stuff, he’s just a jackass while he does it.
Performance: It’s Tobey Maguire busting loose and getting to act like an absolute doofus. There is literally nothing about this that isn’t amazing and I’m sorry if you can’t see it.
Final Fate: Peter eventually comes to realize that maybe the symbiote making him act like an egomaniacal tool is not a good thing, and so rebels against it, ultimately leading him to the roof of a church where Eddie Brock is praying for him to die and, well, the rest is history.
Best Scene:
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Best Dance Move:
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Final Thoughts & Score: Emo Peter has gotten a bad reputation over the years, but Schafrillas’ video really made me rethink why. As he puts it, Emo Peter comes off not as someone cool, but as what a loser thinks a cool person would be (which makes him still a loser). It seems fairly likely that the audience isn’t supposed to be rooting for Emo Peter or finding him cool, but instead finding him insufferable, ridiculous, and funny. We’re supposed to be laughing at Peter’s egomania, at his absurd and hammy showboating, not cheering him on and desiring to emulate him.
And that ultimately makes it more satisfying when Peter overcomes his ego and decides to rid himself of the symbiote. It might seem like I’m giving Spider-Man 3 a lot of credit here, but even Sam Raimi half-assing a movie wouldn’t leave things completely devoid of underlying brilliance. Emo Peter isn’t a villain in the sense that he’s some superpowered antagonist, he’s a physical representation of the negative impacts of fame and ego on Peter. This is Peter letting go of what makes him a hero and just reveling in being an absolute jerkwad to everyone around him.
I love the memes as much as everyone else of course, but Emo Peter is also a pretty clever symbolic foe. But even though I’m giving him an 8/10, we all know the real reason why he’s scoring so high:
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Ok, but that’s it now, right? No more Spider-Man villains? Well, maybe for now. But don’t forget:
There’s gonna be Carnage.
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imjeralee · 4 years
Comfort in Despair: Chapter 18 - The Witch of Wedgehurst
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Leon x F!Reader
Disclaimer: Do not own Pokemon
Galar is rich in folklore and tales of the supernatural.
As a Pokemon Researcher who specialises in ghost types, this is a great opportunity for you to investigate and learn more about the paranormal.
Along the way, you meet Leon (in the most awkward way possible) who becomes embroiled in your adventures.
^ Basically this story is about ghosts :/
Rating: General/Teen
@marydragneell​ oh my goodness, I almost forgot to keep the tag list on my chapter updates. Sorry T_T
The Witch of Wedgehurst
["Oh please, say to me You'll let me be your man And please, say to me You'll let me hold your hand Now, let me hold your hand I want to hold your hand."
- I Want To Hold Your Hand, The Beatles]
In the laboratory, you are occupied with Leon’s flowers and Pokemon School is forgotten for now. You are keen to display them and intend to keep them for alive for as long as possible, and you grab a pair of scissors from Magnolia’s stationary tub and find a spare vase in the cupboard underneath the sink which you rinse out before you fill it with some water.
You’re not a professional at flower arranging in any manner whatsoever but you carefully unravel the cellophane and neatly take the flowers out one by one, placing them over the table until the bouquet rustles, and you suddenly hear a loud squeak.
“What was that?”
Looking up and around, the ghost pokemon haven’t seem to have noticed. Gengar and Runerigus are playing upstairs, shadow tag or something, whilst you have left Mimikyu on her own with pieces of blank paper and some felt-tip pens.
Perhaps you’d heard wrong.
With an inward shrug, you pull out another flower and the squeaking returns and it occurs to you it’s coming from within the bouquet so you gently pry some flowers apart and it’s then you see a tiny little yellow pokemon nestled within, blinking its massive, bright and wet eyes at you.
“Oh!” you exclaim, before you scoop the Sunkern out and hold it up in the base of your palms. “Oh my gosh, what are you doing here, little guy?”
It squeaks and jiggles up and down in your palm, shaking its two leaves happily.
“I wonder how long you were in there,” you murmur, before you gently place him over the surface of the table.
He ends up rolling around in a semi-circle and comes to a stop, lying on his back. Squeaking for you, he is unable to get up so you scoop him into your palms once more, inch a mug over and prop him up against the handle. He squeaks loudly with gratitude and you giggle.
“So cute…” you coo, as you reach over and pet him affectionately on the leaves. “You can stay right here with me.”
But he must be hungry and thirsty, you think, so you find Magnolia’s mini Phanpy watering can by one of the potted plants. It’s almost empty so you fill it in the sink and head over to your little Sunkern before you sprinkle some water over his leaves.
He blinks and looks up, then begins gulping some of the water and bounces up and down on the spot.
Pulling a seat out, you plop yourself down and pick up one of the flowers, snipping off an inch or so of the stem before you slip it into the awaiting vase.
The ghost pokemon eventually return to you, with Gengar slinking into one seat and Runerigus standing beside you and you smile at your pokemon as they gather around. Mimikyu pokes your arm with a claw and as you turn round, she's waving a piece of paper in the air; she wants to show you what she drew and you take the picture off her. It's a crude drawing of Mimikyu stabbing a Pikachu, complete with blood. Below, she has scribbled ‘Me Kill Pikachu’. You put the drawing down, then turn to Mimikyu who giggles and waves her tendrils around happily in the air.
“….I think I’m gonna keep an eye on you from now on,” you murmur but she merely snickers and climbs into a seat.
With a shadowy claw, she picks up a single flower before she's joined by Runerigus who copies her action, twirling the flower around in his fingers and Gengar does the same.
“Ohh, do you want to help me out?” you ask with a smile, and everyone nods. “Thank you, I would like that very much.”
The pokemon respond cheerfully and together, you work on preparing the bouquet which doesn't take long with your pokemon helping you. Mimikyu and Gengar pass you the flowers one by one and you snip the stems off carefully and pass it to Runerigus who slips it into the awaiting vase. You finish up in a few minutes or so, and Runerigus appears to have taken a liking to flower arrangement and his skills are impressive. He’s very careful and gentle with the flowers which you are grateful for and once the vase is full, you empty the packet of flower food supplied and pick the vase up.
“Now grow strong, my pretties,” you say with a cackle, and your pokemon join in, grinning and chortling by your side. “Alright, let’s go home.”
The pokemon cheer and Gengar leaps into your shadow whilst Mimikyu and Runerigus return to their capsules.
You want to display the vase in the house, somewhere in the conservatory where it can get as much sunlight as possible. Donning your jacket, you slip Sunkern into your pocket since he doesn't have a pokeball yet and when you ensure that he won't slip out, you smile as he squeaks and nestles himself into the small slot. He looks rather cosy and you proceed to switch off all the lights of the lab and inspect the space once more in case you forgot anything, then carefully scoop the vase up with one hand, close the door and lock it behind you.
As you pull the key out, a loud swoop penetrates the atmosphere along with an alarmed squeak from Sunkern; a dark shadow has appeared from literally out of nowhere and with claws out, it dives for your bouquet and proceeds to tear at the flowers before you can stop it.
The momentum knocks the vase out of your hands and it meets the concrete, shattering into various pieces.
You're staring wordlessly at the mess on the ground and so you don't even notice the trio of youngsters who jump out from the bushes by the lab with a loud battle cry and their arms are full of little pebbles, which they promptly begin to toss at your direction.
"Witch!" they yell, "take this, you evil witch!!"
Their voices are so far away, your gaze transfixed on the destroyed bouquet at your feet.
Making no effort to avoid the stones, one sharp pebble in particular smacks you in the side of the head and the edge tears at your skin.
Gengar immediately emerges from your shadow on the door, his eyes glowing a furious red as he holds his arms out. The stones stop in mid-air, surrounded by a dark purple glow, before they go shooting the opposite direction and towards the kids. He is joined by Runerigus who leaves his capsule in a burst of light. He guards you, preventing any loose stones from hitting you; they smack into his large and rocky body instead though the pebbles are akin to a piece of cork being thrown against a brick wall, and he roars as loudly as he can at the children.
They wail and scream as Gengar pelts them in return with their own stones, and they spin on their heel to make a hasty retreat only to be met with Mimikyu.
"Pick on someone your own size!!" Mimikyu growls, before her ragdoll disguise splits into two, unleashing many shadowy tendrils to smack them on their rears as they scrabble away. Spearow follows them, who is promptly returned to its pokeball by one of the kids.
She attempts to chase after them but you say, "Mimikyu, stop."
You shake your head and her ragdoll body pieces itself back together and she shuffles over to your side; you thank the pokemon for protecting you but the damage is done. Leon's flowers are ravaged and you gaze limply at the scattered pieces of the broken vase.
"...It's ruined," you mumble under your breath, before you emit a sigh and shake your head. "...I can't believe it."
You had them for less than fifteen minutes.
They were a gift to you.
From Leon.
Frustration claws its way into your system along with an overwhelming urge to mourn, and the corner of your eyes become prickled with tears; you dab at them hastily and Gengar pats you on the head whilst Mimikyu and Runerigus rub your back. You thank your pokemon again and lower yourself to a crouch, picking up the broken pieces. They join in, helping you tidy up the glass and the flowers silently, before Runerigus finds an intact white flower which survived the onslaught and he nudges it for your taking.
"Oh...Thank you, Runi."
His eye creases slightly before he plops his large hand atop your head and you smile at him as you hold the flower gingerly in hands. You will protect this flower at all costs.
"He says...it's going to be okay," Mimikyu pipes up and you nod.
"Thanks Mimi. Thanks everyone. C'mon...Let's go," you murmur.
With your pokemon by your side, the walk back home is a long one.
Sonia's not home yet and Magnolia and Yamper are still sleeping. It's just you on your own as usual. It's a typical night you suppose (aside from the stoning), and after you carefully put the salvaged flower into another vase in the conservatory, you lift Sunkern out from your pocket and settle him into one of the larger potted plants where he can sit in the soil and hopefully soak up all the nutrients he needs to grow healthy and strong. Sunkern glances around his new home and squeaks happily at you before burrowing inside, closing his eyes.
He's out for the night so you head upstairs to take a shower. Gengar, Mimikyu and Runerigus remain in the lounge, watching you plod upstairs with your head low.
"Let’s find those kids and kill them, mi mi," Mimikyu growls, curling one claw into a tight fist.
Gengar and Runerigus throw each other concerned glances before Gengar floats up and into the air, shaking his head.
"Then let's curse them, mi."
Gengar pauses, partially tempted, but shakes his head once more.
Killing or cursing children is not the answer so he iterates that they should focus on cheering up their trainer.
He suggests they should call Leon, perhaps.
"Call Leon, mi?"
He nods, and Runerigus seems happy to go along with this plan too.
"Yes, let's do that, mi," Mimikyu replies, clapping two tendrils together, "Rotom?"
There is a brief silence until your phone comes hovering towards the lounge, having been summoned.
"Yo wazzzup, what'zzzz the - Bzzzrt!! What???"
Mimikyu envelopes Rotom with her tendrils and reels him in to sit in front of her, tapping at the screen with her claws, going through the phonebook and finding Leon's contact number. You only have five contacts so it didn't take long at all and she spots Leon's name and hastily presses the button. Rotom switches to phone mode and it rings for a few seconds. The ghost pokemon wait with baited breath as they huddle in front of your phone, watching the screen.
The screen flickers on before Leon abruptly appears.
"Hi - oh, what's this?" he utters, shocked by what he's seeing.
"Mi hello."
"Yes, it is mi, Mimikyu."
"What's wrong?" Leon asks, before he asks for your whereabouts. Are you okay? Has something happened? Arceus, are you in trouble???
"It's an emergency, mi mi, the flowers. She is in trouble, mi. Come to the house."
"I'll come over right now!" He exclaims without a second to spare; he promptly hangs up and Mimikyu giggles, clasping her tendrils together.
Her work here is done.
"I can't fight it anymore. I ran away from you once. I can't do it again. Oh, I don't know what's right any longer. You'll have to think for both of us, for all of us."
"All right, I will. Here's looking at you, kid."
"I wish I didn't love you so much."
Sappy, romantic music plays from the TV as you watch the couple on screen embrace tightly.
"They make it look so easy," you mumble as you sit slouched low on the sofa, grabbing a handful of chips from the bowl and shoving them into your mouth and crunching on them noisily whilst Gengar and Runerigus sit beside you, sipping their tea.
Then the doorbell rings and there's someone pounding on the front door.
Who could that possibly be, and at this hour?
Did Sonia forget her key again?
You stop stuffing your face and emit an exhausted 'mrrgfhhh', before you drag yourself up and off the couch, yelling, "Sonnie, you're lucky I'm home tonight!" as you shuffle over. Once you're at the door, you peer through the peephole and gasp when you see who it is. "No way!" you exclaim under your breath.
You hastily unlock the front door and throw it open, revealing that it is none other than a flustered-looking Leon who stands in full Champion gear on your doorstep.
For a second or so, you both blink at each other before spluttering out simultaneously:
"Leon?!" "Are you okay?"
You blink whilst his face goes red.
"I'm okay." "Mimikyu called me and said you were in trouble!"
"Um. Y-you go first."
Leon subjects you to a look from head to toe; here you are barefoot with a large bag of original-flavoured chips in one hand. No trouble here.
You cringe, hoping he didn't hear you yelling about Sonia.
"I-I'm fine, Leon, there's no emergency," you toss a glance to the lounge where your Rotom phone and the rest of the Pokemon wave and waggle their fingers and claws at you. "Wait. You said Mimikyu called you?"
He nods and notices the cut on your forehead.
You quickly piece two and two together and cringe again. ".....Oh god, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Leon. It's a false alarm. I'll keep a closer eye on Mimikyu from now on. I'm fine. Really, I am."
He does not look entirely swayed so you nod vigorously to convince him.
"Um, do you want to come in?" you ask, holding the door open.
"Ah...I-I can't. The beauty pageant is tonight."
You blink cluelessly as you had absolutely no knowledge of this but you supposed it was due to your lack of interest in current affairs. However, Leon didn't mention it to you either and neither did anyone else; you can only presume no-one in your limited social circle is interested in the pageant and you're brought out of your reverie when Leon raises a hand to carefully brush away some hair from the side of your face and you freeze on the spot as his fingertips gently press against the small wound.
You wince under his touch and he murmurs, "What happened?"
"I got stoned. Literally," you grumble with a roll of your eyes.
"Mimikyu mentioned something about flowers."
Your face falls. "Oh. Right. Um....yeah, about that..." you give Leon an exasperated look and sigh, "...they're ruined."
You tell him about the kids.
Leon's expression softens before he pulls his hand away to wrap around your own. "I'm sorry. Let me make it up to you. Come with me."
He chuckles. "My house."
And Leon smiles reassuringly at you and so you nod and grab your coat. Returning your pokemon into their capsules, you slip into your shoes and fling a glance to the staircase. Magnolia hasn't woken up so you quietly lock the door behind you and join Leon on the stony path. He gives you a warm smile and you return his smile with a fond one of your own, pulling the lapels of your coat tighter to yourself.
"So, how long do you have before they notice you're gone?"
"Half hour or so."
"Yes, they think I'm in my dressing room."
"Oh, Leon."
He's snooping out to see you; this isn't like him at all, but you can't help but feel happy.
"When Mimikyu called, I was so worried. I had to see you," he utters.
You pause slightly in mid-step, your heart fluttering for the umpteenth time; Leon responds with a sheepish smile.
As you meander further down the path with him, you sigh and throw your glimpse to the night sky. It's getting colder and Leon sticks close to you which you are grateful for as he provides some extra warmth to you just by being close.
Your footsteps echo one another and your shoulders nudge together. On several periods, you'll carefully slide your glance to his direction and you will see him smiling to himself. You like that about him, how he's always wearing a kind smile no matter what.
With that thought in mind, your cheeks warm up all over again and your fingers suddenly brush together as Leon steps a little closer to you than necessary and the sides of your palm briefly come into contact.
You stiffen somewhat yet you do not retreat from his action so your hands linger millimetres apart in some kind of limbo before Leon ultimately takes charge and uses his pinky finger to hook around yours and pull you in just a little closer to him. It's a careful and calculated movement on his part to test the waters but it's enough to make you blush.
As Leon glances at you from the corner of his eyes to gauge your reaction, you weave your pinky finger around his in return and for a while as you're walking along the linear path from Wedgehurst to Postwick, you wish this tender moment you are sharing with the Champion would never end, though you inwardly hope there would be more.
As though reading your thoughts, Leon decides to step it up a notch and slinks his ring finger around yours.
He's becoming bold for good reason, and you encourage him further by mimicking his action and looping your middle finger around his and this continues until the rest of your fingers entwine together and the two of you are holding hands very firmly.
Neither of you say a word nor do you look at one another but your heart pounds and he clears his throat silently. You dare to sneak a peek at him again to see what he's up to, and you see he's got this goofy smile plastered on his handsome face and his cheeks are tickled pink.
His hand is much bigger than yours and also a lot warmer and the base of his palm is rather callused, probably from long and hard years of training with his Pokemon. Initially nothing else happens until Leon gives your hand a squeeze and you respond by rubbing your thumb over his and this sets off a brief fondling session where he slides his thumb over the smooth skin of your knuckles and you shiver somewhat before you squeeze his hand playfully in return.
This enjoyable moment does unfortunately comes to an end when you arrive at Leon's house and as if on cue, the front door opens and Leon's mother pokes her head outside, glancing at the two of you in surprise.
"Leo!?" she exclaims, before she sees your joined hands and her eyes actively pop out of her sockets. "Oh my."
"Hi mum."
She giggles and holds the door wide open; ecstatic to see you both, she proceeds to usher you inside. "This is such a lovely surprise! Come in, come in, my dear!"
"Thank you very much."
She's not alone. Hop emerges from the lounge, clutching Wooloo in his arms. "Lee???"
"Hi Hop."
He shouts with joy, diving for his older brother, "What are you doing here???"
"Unfortunately I can't stay for long," Leon replies, chuckling.
The grandparents are missing but you imagine they're most likely fast asleep. Leon sheepishly explains to his family why he's brought you over but his mother says no reason or explanation is necessary and she's extremely glad to have you over and see you again; you will need to catch up later, she says. She's smiling widely at you and you're not sure what's quite going on.
"What in the name of Arceus happened to you, dear?" Leon's mum asks; she has noticed the nasty cut on the side of your head and your bandaged arm.
"Ah....it's nothing. Just an accident."
"Oh dear, let's get that looked at ASAP," she hastily steers you to the kitchen where she seats you in a random chair and Leon follows, settling himself into the chair beside yours whilst Hop lingers at the doorway with Wooloo. Leon's mum bustles around the kitchen, locating the first-aid kit from a cupboard near the sink which she brings over; immediately, Leon begins sifting for the appropriate supplies.
"Mum, I can take it from here," he says, fishing out a cotton swab, some ointment and a clean plaster.
Surprised, Leon's mum nods and nudges the kit further for his taking. Then she hastily makes a swift exit, grabbing Hop and Wooloo along the way.
"Whoa!!" Hop exclaims, but she goes 'sshhhh, they need to be alone!' and then it grows silent.
You watch their retreating backs whilst Leon reaches over and dabs at your cut with the cotton, sweeping ointment over the wound.
"Tell me if I hurt you," he murmurs.
You sit still in the chair with your back straight as much as possible, head tilted to the ceiling slightly so Leon can brush the small cut with the ointment. He applies the plaster over your skin once the task is completed, smoothing it down with his fingers.
"There we go."
"Thanks Leon."
He grins, leaning forwards in his seat to grab and squeeze your hand affectionately. "...You can call me 'Lee'."
A smile worms its way across your face as your gazes meet and you're both smiling at each other; however, the moment is short-lived when Leon catches glimpse of the clock behind you on the wall and his smile drops.
"I should go."
"Okay," you say, with a sulk.
He chuckles and releases your hand, rising to stand and adjusting his cap and you follow him out of the kitchen and into the landing; mum and Hop return, keen to know what's going on and what's up between the two of you and whatnot. He exchanges some brief words with his family before they share a quick embrace; he needs to return to Wyndon. The beauty pageant is beginning in forty minutes and his presence cannot be missed.
"I'll see you guys soon," he promises as he exits the house and steps into the front yard. Mum and Hop follow him out and so do you, watching as he releases Charizard from his capsule. The flame pokemon lands on the ground and spreads his wings, glancing at Leon expectantly.
"Bye Lee!" Hop shouts, waving fiercely as Leon climbs over Charizard's awaiting back.
"Be safe, dear."
"I will!" Leon yells with a wide grin; he waves to his mother and brother before his eyes lands on you and his grin widens. Your cheeks heat up and you wave as the flame pokemon manoeuvres himself into position, stamping his large and bulky hind legs over the ground as he prepares for lift off. Leon pats the side of his neck and the pokemon huffs loudly. "Charizard, let's go!"
Emitting a loud roar, Charizard flaps his wings and in one massive swoop, he takes off to the sky, disappearing in a blink.
Leon is gone.
You linger with his family outside before they decide to retreat into their warm and toasty house.
"Why don't stay here for the time being, my dear?" says Leon's mum, nudging her head towards the direction of the living room.
"Yeah!! Let's watch the beauty pageant together!" Hop exclaims, and you nod.
"Thank you. That would be nice."
"I'll get the popcorn!" Hop yells, and he rushes past you and into the kitchen.
“And I’ll get the camera,” says mum, before she dashes to one of the cupboards near the mantelpiece, pulling it wide open and lifting out an old-fashioned camcorder which she hastily switches on. "I always record all of Leo's programs or shows."
You join her as she plops herself down on one of the plushy couches and Hop returns into the living room with a large bowl of popcorn. He climbs over the settee with Wooloo and switches the TV on, passing the popcorn to you, and the TV, switched to the Galar main broadcasting channel, is now playing the Miss Galar Beauty Pageant theme song with the logo slapped over the screen. Checking the clock on the wall, you think Sonia might be home by now...no doubt, she'd be watching the pageant too.
"Have you watched the Miss Galar pageants before?" Hop asks, and you shake your head. "It's a blast! Lee's been a judge for five years now!"
"Oh, r-really?"
He nods. "Yeah, and some girls get really attached to him after that."
"Oh," you say again.
You're not really surprised.
"I swear, every year some floozy decides to latch onto our Leo and obsessively call him 'hers'." huffs Leon's mum, who shakes her head as she stuffs some popcorn into her mouth.
The show begins and it's an impressive display; the stage is alit with loud modern music and bright lights, accompanied with dancers and pokemon in funky costumes who parade around onstage and you watch as two men and a woman in evening outfits along with a Clefable appear at the very end of the extravagant opening, excitedly introducing themselves as the presenters of the program; it's taking place at Wyndon stadium and the pitch has been converted from Pokemon battle arena to a stage ripe for a pageant, with a massive T-shaped catwalk, tonnes of spotlights and various tables and chairs for the judges. It's a full audience, too.
The judges are introduced; looks like Leon made it in time because he's sitting at his designated table and waving to the crowd once the spotlight is on him. The audience cheers at wildly for him as he smiles and waves. He is impeccable as always.
With camcorder in hand, Leon's mum flicks her gaze to you and directs the camera to your direction to record your reaction whilst Hop points and hoots excitedly.
"There he is, there he is!!! Lee!!!"
"Thank you," Leon on TV says, and your heart thuds terribly when you see his grinning face on screen.
The remaining judges are introduced but you're too busy gawking at Leon to pay attention to the other judges and when the camera returns to the Champion, Hop exclaims and jumps up and down in his seat all over again.
The pageant begins, curtains rising, and the contestants step onto the stage; the judges are strategically seated so they can get a good view. The contenders consist of tall and beautiful young women dressed in swimsuits with ribbons looped around their bodies detailing where they're from. There's Miss Postwick, Miss Wedgehurst, Miss Turrfield and so on.
Each and every single contestant proudly stride past the judges and Leon, waving cheerfully to the crowd with massive smiles on their faces. These ladies are extremely fit and slender, with lean bodies and not a single blemish on their body. Their high heels are a ridiculous height yet they have no difficulty as they perform the rehearsed routine with the dancers and Pokemon behind them.
It's a long show.
You plough through two gruelling hours with Hop and Leon's mum, going through three or so bags of popcorn altogether as each and every single contestant go through several montages; they are interviewed and questioned, receive the opportunity to show off their dresses and swimsuits, demonstrate their unique talents, talk about their goals and visions for Galar and soon it's time for the results, beginning with third place.
"Are you ready folks? It's time to reveal who our third runner up is!" exclaims one of the presenters and you are all on the edge of your seats as you await the result.
A red throne has been carried to the middle of the catwalk where the winner will sit. After the short drumroll, Miss Spikemuth is called out and the audience goes wild. A pale-skinned young woman with long and flowy jet black hair stalks over to the three-tiered podium where a man in a tuxedo with a ribbon and tiara is waiting for her. The camera shifts to Leon and the judges who clap for her.
"Congratulations, Miss Spikemuth! Now......second runner up....is-!!!"
"I hope it's Miss Ballonlea," you utter. "Her talent was very impressive."
"Yes, that flute recital was very enchanting," says Leon's mum.
"I hope she wins too," says Hop.
"Miss Ballonlea!!!"
You, Leon's mum and Hop whoop, then you all exchange a high five.
Miss Ballonlea, a blonde-haired woman, joins Miss Spikemuth on the opposite of the podium whilst crying incessantly.
"And finally, ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've all been waiting for...WHO will be this year's Miss Galar????"
The drumroll intensifies.
And the living room is quiet until-
"Miss Postwick! Miss Postwick!" cheers Leon's mum, whilst you're secretly rooting for Miss Wedgehurst to win.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this year's Miss Galar Beauty Pageant IS.........."
The suspense is killing you all.
"....MISS HULBURY!!!!"
A small fraction of the crowd who hail from the city cheer wildly as an extremely attractive young woman steps forwards, clasping both hands over her mouth in shock. Confetti is tossed over her and a fanfare plays; Leon and the remaining judges move to stand, clapping as she glances around the stage, awestruck and numb. The unsuccessful contestants clap, though some look a little annoyed by the results.
"Give it up for Miss Hulbury!!! Congratulations, your city must be very proud of you!" the TV presenter roars wildly into the microphone and he beckons her to join the other two crowned contestants, though she briefly steps on the podium for a few seconds or so before all the winners leave.
They head for the red throne though Miss Hulbury seats herself down and soon, you see Leon leaving his seat and heading for the stage.
This is the first time you've watched a Miss Galar Beauty Pageant and you're not sure what he's doing, but a whole shebang of awards are presented to Miss Hulbury consisting of a glistening silver tiara, a silver sceptre with the symbol of Galar, a ribbon and a red velvet cape that...looks similar to Leon's????
The tiara is carefully fastened atop her head by the young man in a tux and she is handed the jewel-encrusted silver sceptre. The ribbon is also fixed around her torso and Leon arrives at her side as the cape is looped over her shoulders; she looks at him and smiles.
The newly crowned Miss Galar rises to stand and joins the Champion, who offers his arm to her.
As you watch the scene unfold, you lean forwards in your seat, your eyes glued to the screen. Hop and Leon's mum swerve their gazes to you.
Background music begins to play and Wyndon stadium is alit with cheering and applause.
"There she is, Miss Galar...there she is, your ideal....the dream of a million girls who are more than pretty can come true in Wyndon City ~ " one of the presenters begins to sing, joined with a Clefable, with his arm out as the beautiful young woman strolls down the catwalk with sceptre in hand and her arm looped around Leon's, her cape fluttering with his.
You gape as they stride to one side of the catwalk and back, and it feels like the walk of eternity until they return to the middle and Leon pulls his arm away gently so she can return to the throne; they shake hands and she reclaims her seat on the red velvet chair, smiling and waving for the camera.
She blows a kiss, and the screen fades to black.
It’s night-time.
She discovers she’s standing underneath an old and large, derelict tower for some reason, damp and cold.
There’s a single thought running through her mind right now and it is quite simple: I want to go home.
Where is home?
….Motostoke….Twenty three…Dorset… Road…
Where is she?
Glancing around, she has no recognition of where she is nor does she recognise her surroundings.
However, the loud crow of a bird pokemon along with a rather frantic and anxious yell of “Miss, are you okay?” grabs her attentions and she glances up to the dark sky to see a Corviknight taxi landing before her. The windscreen wipers are switched on, the rubber blades squeaking against the glass as they swipe away the heavy rain in hypnotic fashion.
The cabbie hops off the vehicle, heavy-duty boots crunching over the squelchy mud as he holds onto his woolly trapper hat which is threatening to blow away in the wind.
“Good heavens, Miss, a-are you alright?” he squawks in alarm as he looks at her from head to toe. Even Corviknight seems perturbed by her appearance, his red eyes widening thoroughly.
“....Home,” she merely says as she settles her limp gaze on the little man, “I want to go home.”
“Uh, Miss, I think I outta take you to the nearest hospital…”
“Home,” she says again, blinking through the raindrops that batter her bedraggled form and pelt her eyelashes. “I want to go home.”
“Okay, where do you live? I’ll give you a ride,” the cabbie replies and he dashes to his carriage, climbs the ladder and returns to his perch atop his large steed.
“Motostoke,” she says, “Twenty three…..Dorset Road…”
"Got it, hop in!"
The cabbie watches her slip inside the empty, awaiting carriage and close the door. She sits rigidly in the chair, staring limply ahead of her.
On the small control panel of the cab, he locks the door, grabs onto the reigns of Corviknight and instructs the large bird to take off to the skies despite the heavy rain. A thunderstorm is in the making and the wind is reported to be over eighty miles per hour but he is undaunted. The cabbie braves the fierce storm and avoids some dangerous-looking clouds; Corviknight, being a seasoned flier with over eighty thousand miles or so of experience, isn’t shaken by the random bouts of lightning and the loud, overhead boom of thunder as they traverse the miserable sky.
He’s not supposed to fly in these conditions, but it doesn’t help that he was trying to get out of the storm and the Wild Area as quickly as possible after depositing a customer near North Lake Miloch and happened to see a blood-stained girl on the ground looking rather lost and dazed near the ruins of the old Watchtower.
However, he can’t shake off the feeling that there is something wrong with her.
She’s drenched in blood, covered in bruises, donned in raggedy clothing…she’s clearly shocked and confused and needs help.
He should report this, and once Motostoke looms into view, he finds the address the girl had stated and presses down on a button that links to the intercom inside the cab.
“Miss? We’re here.”
Awaiting for a response, he is however, greeted with silence and the occasional crackling of static.
He shrugs inwardly and directs Corviknight to land in front of a two-storey detached house with red bricks and a white door and the cab lands safely on the ground, a low but steady grumble emitting from the earth upon arrival. Immobile, he unlocks the cabbie door, climbs off his steed and down the ladder whilst the bird stretches his wings and shakes himself, sending huge droplets of water into the air.
The cabbie goes up to the door of the cab, peers through the window and proceeds to gasp loudly.
The interior of the cab is empty.
He flings the door open and pokes his head inside.
“S-she’s gone?!!” he cries, before he tears off his goggles as though determined to ensure that his old eyes were not playing tricks on him.
Summoned by the commotion outside and a random Corviknight taxi, the front door to the house of twenty three Dorset Road opens and a middle-aged woman and a teenage girl with a Sylveon peek out.
“….Can we help you?” the woman asks.
The cabbie gawks at the woman and lass and points frantically at his own cab. “The girl!!! The passenger!!! She’s gone!!! She asked to be taken to Motostoke, twenty three Dorset Road!!! I swear she was inside and never got out, the doors are automatically locked and only I can unlock or lock and the door alarm never went off, I-“
The pair blink numbly as he babbles and flails uncontrollably over the missing hitchhiker.
“…A girl?” asks the woman, after he gives up on trying to explain and pants and groans heavily.
He nods and takes off his hat, fanning himself. “Yeah!!! She had dark hair and-and she was covered all over in blood, she was all bruised and battered all over!!!! Never mind. Forget it, I-I’m sorry to bother you, ma’am.”
Shaking his head, he wonders who will pay for the cabbie ride. Most likely, it will be deducted from his wages.
However, the woman promptly bursts into tears and rushes back inside the house. The muffled sound of a door slamming can be heard.
The cabbie gawks for a moment or so before the teenage girl with the Sylveon leaves the doorstep of her house and strides up to him.
“That was my sister,” she says, “you’re not the only one to bring her home. Thanks.”
The girl digs a hand into her pocket and pulls out her purse, pulling out some frayed notes which she plops into his hand. “This should cover the taxi fare.”
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gongju-juice · 4 years
5. Once Upon a Southern Night
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Crescent City
Warnings: Mentions of slavery and Confederacy
New Orleans. Hot and humid as home. Sister city to Mobile. Walking down the steamy streets, it smelled like spicy seasoning and margaritas—sounded like jazz beats and rushing crowds. 
This year, Ash Wednesday fell incredibly late; March 10 to be exact. You never thought you would find yourself stumbling through New Orleans in the middle of Fat Tuesday—half-naked dancers screaming at your boyfriend from parade floats and indiscreet tourists flashing themselves as your family walked by. It was the most humiliating experience you ever felt, and all you could do is curse the Lost Cause soldiers who started the damn holiday in your home city in the first place.
The hospital was located smack in the middle of the old French Quarter where colonial buildings towered above the people, decorated in royal colored beads and winding lights. Nobody could drive the car through the crowd, so you had to get there by walking. You held your mom’s hand with your left, Jasper’s hand with your right.
“It’s never like this at home,” you explained to Jasper with a nervous laugh. “Did you know that the New Orleans mayor has to get permission from Mobile’s mayor every year to practice Mardi Gras?”
He looked down at you with his burning eyes. Since becoming aware of your family’s secret, he’d hardened himself to this emotionless being whose only concern was your safety. You were not allowed to leave his side, and when you had to go to the bathroom, he stood right outside the door like some long lost puppy.
“Something tells me they wouldn’t care whether or not they got permission anyway,” Emmett cackled. “New Orleans is wild.”
“Yeah, and you keep your eyes on the ground, sir,” Rosalie said, punching the side of his arm. The reverberating echo sounded like cracking glass.
The hospital was in very good shape on the outside despite being closed indefinitely for the past seventeen years. According to your mom, immediately after you were born, the place had been completely shut down and abandoned. 
There were pictures of all kinds of historic events hung in antique gold frames on the walls: naval ships on fire at the Battle of Galveston, slaves picking fresh cotton on a South Carolinian plantation, Jefferson Davis’s inauguration in Montgomery, Alabama.
And in the middle of the lobby were a series of three grand portraits of Texas Majors. And at the end: Jasper Whitlock, Houston native, (1845-1863), died during a surprise Union attack in an evacuation order. There he was in his fine uniform, a cowboy hat over his honey curls. He looked so recognizable. . .so familiar in those white gloves—
He touched your side, and you looked around. The others were gone from sight, but you knew they could still hear everything where you were. 
“If I could go back in time, if I could start all over again, I would do so in a heartbeat. I’m not proud of my past, Y/N. Not when I was human, nor when I changed. And I. . .I know I have no right to ask for your forgiveness but I—”
There was venom glistening in his eyes. Vampires couldn’t cry. It was one of the things Rosalie said she missed most about being a human. But looking at Jasper now, he looked like he was on the very verge of doing the possible. He fell to his knees.
“I’m so sorry for it all. I’m so sorry for what I did. I never. . .I never did some of the things my comrades did, but that doesn’t make me any less guilty. I still killed people. I killed people for the wrong reason, Y/N. I was a monster, and I can never wipe that blood off my ledger.”
You cradled his face in your hands. “We all have our past, Jas. You might’ve made mistakes, you might’ve done bad things, but you’re not the same person you used to be. It was a different time and era, and frankly, you growing from what you’ve suffered and experienced makes me love you even more.”
“But I was evil. There was evil in my heart, and I thought I was doing right. I convinced myself I was fighting for my neighbors—for my way of life. But the truth is, that way of life was wrong. Whether it was enslaving African Americans or newborns, I still felt all of their pain. It was so much, so much death and heartache,” he insisted, holding on to your wrists like they were the only thing they could hold him upright. “And I’m not worthy to be your man.”
“You damn right, you aren’t,” a feminine voice snapped behind you.
You turned around to face a black woman, just about her early twenties, menacing at Jasper by your side. She had a thick, kinky head of natural textured hair, and she was very well built—like she could run a marathon and beat everyone in the race. And her eyes were a mesmerizing shade of hazel that stood out against her skin.
“Who—who are you?” you asked, your voice trembling and barely above a whisper. The Cullens appeared from the shadows, surprised and slightly on edge that someone was in the hospital that they did not know about.
“My name used to be Ava Lafayette,” she explained, glancing you up down like you were nothing more than a roach. “We used to be—we are sisters.”
“How do I? I feel like we’ve met before.” Jasper touched his head, his fingernails digging into his skin like he was in severe pain. You hugged his waist, trying to comfort him but there wasn’t much you could do for the ailment of a vampire. Carlisle held him upright with his steady hands.
“That’s because we have, Major. You had a mission to gather all male, able-bodied volunteers from Mobile when you stumbled across the Lafayette plantation. I was a house slave of that household, of Preston Lafayette Sr.’s household. And he is also my father.”
You reeled back in horror. “So. . .does that mean? Preston Lafayette II is my brother???!”
She shook her head. “Nope, not this time. He’s my brother. Your father’s name was James. He was a full-blooded slave who lived on a neighboring plantation about thirty miles north.”
“But how is this possible?” your mother demanded, holding your arm. “She was born right here seventeen years ago. My husband and I adopted her. She was a baby!”
Ava glared at her, her eyes brightening inhumanely blue. “How are you skeletons still standing and breathing? It’s the work of the witches. The rule of supernatural order. Except in this case, Y/N is an exception.”
“. . .What?”
Ava suddenly waved her hand, and the air around you transformed into a place that was not the hospital. You were in the middle of a hot, blazing field, there were little black children running around carrying cracked buckets of water. Horses whinnied at the swarming flies, and poorly abused men and women sang in the fields.
“Massah completely forgot about Mama after I was born. About six years later when she had enough cloth to make her own wedding dress, she and James jumped the broom. You were born a couple of months later, right around the time Preston Jr. himself was born.
The two of you were inseparable. You played in the fields together when you weren’t in the Big House secretly learning lessons with Missus. He taught you how to ride his horse, Midnight, and you showed him how to gather berries by the river where the girls washed the laundry.
The two of you fell in love, and although you’d gotten much too old to be running around, Preston loved you to pieces. He begged Massah to let you in the house with all the fair-skinned servants. So, Massah took it one step further. He gave you to him for his nineteenth birthday.
The night of the party, however, Major Whitlock and some of his men came riding up to the front steps. They invited him in for dinner, and Preston had no choice but to join since his father was much too old to serve and he had no other male siblings. 
He had to leave you behind, but not before finding out you were expecting’. It wasn’t uncommon for those kinds of things to happen back then, but it was still big news. Preston was devastated. He never believed in slavery anyhow, but he was afraid Missus would sell you if she knew about the baby. He was supposed to be getting married to Miss Abigail Mae Shepherd, and it would not be good news to hear about a half-negro baby in the plantation.
Unfortunately, Preston was right. While he was gone, Mama was furious. Missus had made arrangements for you to be sold up to a whore house in Charleston the next week. But see the thing about Mama—she was no ordinary slave. She was a witch who’d given up her magic in order to be with a human, James. 
She sought help from her friends, but they would not help her. So, with no other choice, she decided to cast the forbidden spell.
She ignored the laws of time, erased your memories, and de-aged you in order to send you to the year (----), when you were ‘born.’ This hospital was never real, just an illusion that came with the spell. She intended for some human to adopt you so you could grow up as a normal child in the 21st century, but instead you were adopted by a white vampire.”
The illusion melted away, and once again you were in the dusty hospital.
“You don’t know the pain and suffering I went through while you were enjoying the amenities of the future. Mama, after breaking the most sacred forbidden spell of the witches, was sentenced to death by all of the North American clans. They allowed Missus to have her hanged, and then she turned her rage onto me.
I eventually ran to New Orleans to escape the Lafayettes and find the truth of our supernatural background. There, the witches accepted me, albeit begrudgingly, and taught me how to use my power. I knew I’d eventually find you, one year or another, but I didn’t expect it would take nearly two centuries to do so.”
Your heart was broken. Your whole life—as tragic as it was—was built with that man who was chasing after you now. He was the father to your unborn child, the child that would never be born. You’d grown up together, known each other inside and out. But you’d completely forgotten him and now he was coming back—and for what reason?
“So. . .witches. . .are they immortal?” Carlisle asked.
“Precisely—if they choose to enable their powers and stay that way. Only a witch can kill a witch. We witches created the first vampires in the world as a part of our Goddess’s order. The werewolves and shapeshifters and La Push were created some time before that as well.”
“But why is Preston trying to come for Y/N? I thought you said he was against slavery? If he really loves her, why didn’t he just tell her the whole truth in the first place?” Your mom demanded.
Ava's eyes turned back hazel, and a chair appeared behind her. “Because he wants to completely ruin Jasper. He blames Jasper for making him leave, and he blames Jasper for all the wars he fought with Maria in the South. And the little devil has allied herself with his cause, for no one wants to see him suffer more than she does.”
You felt Jasper tense beside you. None of this was his fault, he was just doing what he was ordered. But Preston was focusing all his energy on completely destroying your bond with him. Earlier, Jasper explained that you were his mate. Perhaps, this was a revenge plot?
“But why would he think I’d willingly fall into his arms like we’re still in love? It was over a century ago, and I don’t remember any of it!” you shouted.
“That man died in 1863 when he was turned. Since that day, he’s been stuck in the past—eternally bound to the promise to return back to you. No matter what you say, he’s always going to after you. That’s what he told his mother, and the next day she signed your papers.”
Jasper wrapped a protective arm around your middle. “That won’t happen. He won’t take her away from me. And as for Maria, I know her better than anyone else in this world. I’m not scared if it comes to a fight.”
“Why can’t I see anything anymore?” Alice cried. “And why can’t the witches help?”
“Because once a witch is aware of what they are, vampires can no longer turn them or use their gifts on them. Maria and Preston have also probably enlisted the help of witches or wolves to cover their tracks. And as for the witches. . .they have completely shunned Y/N from society. In fact, they’d probably be more willing to kill her than help, but because of me, they’re holding their preference of the law at bay.”
Edward, frustrated at the lack of his telepathic abilities, said, “So we’re going in blind, the witches won’t help—isn’t this a Volturi level threat?”
Ava sighed. “The Volturi is completely submissive to the witches. If they come near a witch family or steps within a mile radius of even the city of New Orleans, the entire vampire race will be completely wiped out. Sorry, but they won’t be much help in this fight.”
You pressed your hand to your chest, finding it suddenly hard to breathe. Immediately, Jasper caught you as you wobbled on your feet from the lack of oxygen. His scent comforted you, but you felt the distance between the two of you more than ever. At one point, you were pledged to another man; the same man after his life now.
“So what can we do?” your mother and Esme pleaded. “How can we save her? They’re bringing their newborn armies after us, the seven of us won’t be enough!”
Ava twirled a ball of light in her fingers thoughtfully. You realized that despite the fact she was biracial, she looked so similar to you. You shared the same round nose and shape of lips. 
“I really hate you more than anything, if I’m being honest. Your mom favored you and sent you away, leaving me in the dust and without a mother in a time when I didn’t understand a bit of what magic was or that the supernatural even existed,” she admitted. “But you’re still my sister, and you’re the only family I’ve got left. I’m going to try to get some of my friends to come to our side, but that’s no guarantee. Sadly, Helen of Troy is still pinned for being the start of war.”
“And we have some friends of our own,” Carlisle said. “And we’ll try to convince the shapeshifters to help too. If we could lure them back to La Push, that would mean infringing on werewolf territory and it would give them no choice but to defend Y/N.”
Jasper held you tighter, and his eyes darkened. “I don’t care what I have to do. Preston has been sorely mistaken, and now we have an old score to settle. Y/N and I are in love now, and we always will be. What happened in 1863 will stay in 1863, and I will be the one to make sure that happens.”
You snuggled into his chest, closing your eyes. You prayed to God—the Goddess or whoever—that you and your family would end up okay. You prayed for the baby that was never born, the baby that was never loved, and you prayed for your biological mother’s tortured soul. But lastly, and more importantly, you prayed for Jasper.
Don’t you like watching Jasper ride his hOnSe??
Part Three   Part Four
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sage-druid · 4 years
I miss Helena Klein
Am I the only one going through serious Helena Klein withdrawal? I couldn’t stand it anymore.  I am not a professional writer, but I decided to test out some creative writing skills over at AO3 by writing a continuing series. I am a little nervous about posting this here. But, it was kinda sad that my account kept mocking me, showing how lame I was for having no posts.  Thus, I have relented and here I am.  Please be gentle.  Seriously, let me know how bad it is so I can stop torturing the world with bad writing :)
The series is based off a different death of the Witch Queen that will ultimately lead to a different way of life for MC and Helena. Because, lets face it, a gazillion fans were really disappointed in the way she died and the final season. I have titled the series: The Love of Every Lifetime to Come.  Here is my first attempt at writing. (deep breath)
Title: Not While I Live and Breathe
MC rushed to Helena's side. "We got this this babe. I'll distract her and you take her out! This ends here and now!"
In moments like this, "Good Luck" seems like an appropriate parting phrase when embarking on the single most important task of putting an end to pure evil, once and for all. But when MC looked into the crystal blue eyes of the woman who held heart and soul, the only words that came to mind were "I love you with all of my heart". While not really appropriate for battle, they summed up all of the feelings they shared, that had gotten them to this point. MC was so proud of how far Helena had come. She now had won the respect and admiration of thousands. She saved the Retainers and armies with her magic, instead of killing races as ordered. She brought back the light of the sun which facilitates the growth of all things. For the first time in Helena's life, she had a family and a support system of friends. She even had armor that she looked really hot in. The gift of her armor that would protect her and the blades that would now end the world of destruction were given out of respect for everything she had endured to get to this point. She was no longer "General" Helena Klein, killer of a race. No longer, was she the weapon of destruction at mercy of the Witch Queen. She was "Curse Breaker". The woman who could bring peace through growth. Such a fitting power for a woman who had gone through such hell and grown so much. The fate of the world was now in her hands. MC looked deeply into Helena's eyes and said, "You are the most amazing woman in EVERY world. You can do this, babe. I am here with you. I love you so much."
"My love, you are my strength and reason for my breath. You are the love of this life and every lifetime to come", Helena whispered as she held MC's face in her hands. The parting kiss that followed was delivered with such passion and power that it left both nearly breathless. MC felt an overwhelming rush of warmth and power. The protective shield had wrapped around MC like a warm blanket that had been hanging out in the sun all day. She felt safe and empowered at the same time. They had, in that moment, given each other the power each needed to finish the deed. The power of that kiss could last a lifetime.
"Isn't this sweet, Little Light? One final tender moment between you and your pet before you return to where you belong. I suppose I can allow it, considering it will be the last time", the Witch Queen mocked as lightening pulsed from her finger tips. The charge was growing at such a rate, it appeared to surround her entirely. "Surrender to me or I will freeze her in such a state that not even Altea's magic will melt away the prison". Altea rolled her eyes and huffed as she continued to produce her counter spell, "Whatever, bitch! I killed you before and I can kill you again".
"Ya know, I have had enough of your comments", MC raced with haste to the other side of the room to create a distance between herself and Helena. ("I just need to give her time", MC thought.) "Everything from your mouth is complete and utter bullshit. She is right where she belongs. Why would she return to a woman who hurt her in every way possible and then disguised that abuse as love? Seriously, you are like the evil ex from hell. If I could, I would slap that crown right off your evil, messed up head!" MC raced forward, gave the Witch Queen a quick but powerful shove, and raced backed into the corner all in the blink of an eye before the Witch Queen could react. It wasn't enough power to really do anything, other than make her step back on one foot. Still, it got that "don't touch my girlfriend" point across. And more importantly it gave Helena the opportunity to advance.
"You think your pathetic attempt to distract me is going to work, girl? Not even slightly. And now it is time that you receive your first lesson in disobedience as Helena has learned so many times", the Witch Queen glared as she turned towards Helena and shot ice blue sparks from her fingertips. She stopped Helena right in her tracks. It was horrible. She was frozen in place. "But my Little Light, we can't have you interrupting now, can we? Wait there and watch as I show your fool of a pet how ice can burn her soul", she cackled in a deep voice.
"I hate HER. I hate her so much", thought MC. MC turned towards Altea with a "do something will ya?" look in her eyes. Altea shifted her focus from her current counter spell and started casting a new form of magic in the direction of Helena, that brought forth a pink glow from her staff. Slowly, you could see what appeared to be water droplets forming and hitting the floor like rain drops. It wasn't working fast, but it was doing the job of defrosting Helena at an agonizingly slow pace. A painfully slow pace that resembled the movement of a sloth on a summer's day. While the Witch Queen's attention was focused on Helena, August jumped to his feet and rushed towards the Witch Queen. He never quite got there. Two paces from the Witch Queen was where he was when he was pushed back with such a force that he was thrown clear across the room and knocked unconscious. Then the Witch Queen cast the ice wall spell that was previously seen at the bridge. On one side of the wall were the Retainers. On the other side was the Witch Queen, MC and Helena. The good news was, that it appeared that Altea's spell was still working. When the Witch Queen saw this she grimaced.
"Let's see if I can turn that heart of yours into a block of ice before Altea can melt her way to Helena's. After all that is the part of you that she treasures most, is it not? I think it's time us to have a true heart to heart.", smirked the Witch Queen as she faced MC.
Ya know, I think she has a point. While I am most definitely sure that there are other parts of my body that Helena has enjoyed and has proven on countless occasions that she deeply treasures, at the end of the day, I think my heart is what really sealed the deal. Now, how the hell do I stay alive long enough to distract the Witch Queen long enough to let Altea's spell work it's magic? Right! Use my mouth!
"Talk, Talk, Talk. Blah, blah, blah. Everything out of your mouth is boring the shit out of everyone in this room. Will you please shut the hell up. I have a headache already", mocked MC. "Let's have that woman to woman talk. Because there's quite a few things I want to say as well you miserable, pathetic excuse for a queen. The queens in my world, either do great and meaningful things for the their people or provide endless hours of entertainment on RuPaul's Drag Race".
Ishara and Reiner glanced at each other while exchanging very puzzled looks. "What's a drag race?", Iseul asked Saerys with raised eyebrows. "I am sure that I have no idea.", replied Saerys as he shrugged his shoulders. "Guys, really? It is impossible to focus with you two going on like that.", huffed Altea. "I am doing something important over here. Now shut up and help. Focus your energy on Helena so she can help me get her out of there!"
"Do you know how many times I have dreamed of ripping your face off?" continued MC. "How many nights I have pictured myself beating you until you were half dead, so exhausted that you barely had enough strength to breathe? Sounds familiar right? Oh yeah, to you it was a means to an end. To get and keep control so that you could use her to inflict destruction with a power that you will never have. She has more power in her little finger, than you have in your entire body. Without Helena, you are NOTHING!" MC was building herself into a state of rage. Her face was as red as a cherry. She could feel the heat coming from her face.
But all of this was no longer necessary, for with the help of the Retainers focus for her to pull energy from, Helena had finally broken free from the ice. This was the last time that the Witch Queen would control her. She lunged forward. Amazingly, not towards the Witch Queen, but towards MC. She had given up the advantage to be beside the woman who was the reason why she lived. She tackled MC and kissed her deeply, just as she had done when this started. But for Helena’s part, there was a clear and deliberate reason for making this choice.
"Du bist die Liebe jedes Lebens. Ich würde für dein Herz sterben.", Helena said with tears in her eyes. She grabbed her swords, stood and faced the Witch Queen one last time. (Translation: You are the love of every life. I would die for your heart.)
"ENOUGH!", howled the Witch Queen. "I will not be denied! You will give yourself to me, either alive or dead. The choice is yours."
"I will NEVER give myself to you ever again!", Helena retorted as she stared the Witch Queen in the eyes.
"FINE! Dead it is then!". The Witch Queen erupted in a electric ball of sparks, stepped forward and threw all that cosmic force into Helena's chest. She flew through the air with such a force that when she was pushed into the ice wall, it shattered. She fell to the ground while still clutching her swords. Everyone was now in the room with the Witch Queen. Static electricity filled the air so much that everyone's hair stood on end as if they were all waiting simultaneously to be struck by lightening.
"NOOOOO!" screamed MC as she flashed by the Witch Queen, still filled with haste spell that her fallen beloved had bestowed upon her. The scream echoed through the room.
MC dropped to her knees at the body her broken betrothed. Helena's eyes were still open, but there was no movement. Crimson red had shrouded her body. Both ice and armor were completely covered in a sticky substance, known by any untrained eye as blood. But it was not anyone's blood. It was the blood of her soulmate. Her reason for being. The woman who had worked so hard to overcome the atrocities of a woman who left her so damaged. She was now laying broken and bloody on the floor. Again. Her once golden hair, now saturated with her own blood, smelled greatly of iron. The smell was so overwhelming that it drowned out any hint of lavender, normally present in the air. MC bent down to take hold of her love. There was no breath. There was no subtle pounding in her throat. The Witch Queen had claimed her finally. She had possessed her totally, once and for all. MC opened her mouth and let out a primal scream that was never heard.
"Well, that's not quite what I intended. But I guess it serves it purpose.", chuckled the Witch Queen. "I told you, Little Light, if I can't have you, then no one will. I am your Queen and you will always belong to me."
Now, at this time I am sure there were a million things that could have come into MC's mind. But her state was a mix of desperation and a deep seething rage that was beginning to possess her. It was the most primal of emotions that allowed only two things to surface. One was a vision of Helena laying naked on the floor, with arms and legs chained to four separate post. She was bloody. Covered in sweat, tears, and vomit and crying out in pain. The other, was far more disturbing for MC than the visual, as bad as it was. The other was auditory. "I promise you this, babe. She will never hurt you again." It was this, that would haunt MC for the rest of her life. And this broken promise had pushed her to the point that she decided then and there, that she could not continue to live, having failed so terribly. And there was one woman responsible for this gut wrenching pain and she would never live long enough to enjoy this victory. MC would not allow the Witch Queen to touch her love again. MC bent down and kissed Helena's cold lips one last time and removed Helena's swords from her hands and took them within her own. "With my last breath, sweetheart, this final oath I will keep. Our love shall be eternal.", whispered MC. She stood, looked up at the the tall ceiling and said while not even looking at the Witch Queen, "NOT WHILE THERE IS BREATH IN MY BODY WILL YOU EVER TOUCH HER AGAIN!"
Still empowered with haste, MC ran straight towards the Witch Queen and leaped into the air. As she flew through the air several feet, she drew the swords back. In one carefully calculated moment, she brought both blades together in a sweeping scissor motion and severed the head of the Witch Queen, thus removing it entirely from her body. She dropped to the floor, covered in both the blood of the Witch Queen and her beloved, and let out a gut wrenching primal scream that shook the walls of the room. She bent down and removed the crown from the decapitated head and walked over to Helena's body. Lifting Helena gently, she cradled her in her arms. Then she placed the crown on Helena's head and said, "This always belonged to you, sweetheart. May it serve you well where ever you are now. I shall see you soon. Wait for me."
Should I post the next episode?
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martinnecas · 5 years
Quick Guide | Carolina Hurricanes: Meet The Team - Opening Night 2019-20
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New season means a new quick guide to the roster 
2018-19 season
This took me a couple of days to put together so please appreciate it
Want to know how to pronounce a players name? 
Click this link!
*All gifs made by me* 
☞ Sebastian Aho™️ #20
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Yes there is another “Sebastian Aho” from Sweden but he’s usually in the AHL (Bridgeport/Islanders)
Born: July 26, 1997 (22 years old/Leo) from Rauma, Finland
6′0, Centre, 35th overall CAR 2015
Nicknames: Fishy, Seabass, Sepe, Sebu
He’s the face of this franchise and the only player on this team that the Canadian media knows about
Is being held against his will in Raleigh because he wants to play for Montreal if you don’t know the actual story MTL sent him an offer sheet that he signed because he wanted the money and knew Carolina could pay it, but you know how Habs twitter can be.
Possibly the messiest Hurricane 
Who’s my daddy?! 
Spirit animal is a lion, hear him roar
Avid coffee drinker
Baby face
Painted a picture of his cat one time
☞ Ryan Dzingel #18 
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Born: March 9, 1992 (27 years old/Pisces) from Wheaton, Illinois
6′0, Centre, 204th overall OTT 2011
Nicknames: Zinger, Dizzy, Dzingel Bells, D-pingel
Played with the Ohio State Buckeyes for 3 seasons, recorded the first hat trick in Big Ten history against Xichigan
Traded to CBJ Feb ‘19, signed with CAR as a free agent summer ‘19 
Might need glasses, he squints like that ^ a lot 
Golfs... A L O T 
Wants to produce for the team so he can stay here in Raleigh and make it his home ♥︎
Jeep guy 
Looks uncomfortably similar to Tripp Tracy 
UNC fan 
☞ Warren Foegele #13
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Born: April 1, 1996 (23 years old/Aries) from Markham, Ontario 
6′2, Left Wing, 67th overall CAR 2014
Nicknames: Foegs, Foegdaddy 
Best friends with Andrei Svechnikov and Dougie Hamilton
Duke fan 
Accidentally broke Osh*e’s collarbone but TJ and C*p fans will claim he tried to murder him
Spirit animal is a tiger, also hear him roar
Very easily scared 
Duke fan
☞ Erik Haula #56
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Born: March 23, 1991(28 years old/Aries) from Pori, Finland
6′0, Left Wing, 181st overall 2009 MIN
Nicknames: Hauls, Haulsy  
Moved to Minnesota in 2008 to play hockey in boarding school
Played for the University Of Minnesota Gophers for 3 seasons
Signed with MIN in 2013, was picked up by the VGK in 2017 as a free agent in the Expansion Draft, then traded to CAR summer of 2019 (for Nic Roy & draft pick)
Suffered a pretty bad knee injury in the 2018-19 season 
Got married this past summer ♥︎
Currently living in Calvin de Haan’s old house 
☞ Jordan Martinook (A) #48
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Born: July 25, 1992 (27 years old/Leo) from Brandon, Manitoba
6′0, Left Wing, 58th overall 2012 PHX
Nicknames: Marty, Marty Man, Marty Party 
Signed with PHX/ARI in 2012, traded to CAR in 2018 (for Krüger)
Raw chaotic dad energy 
Doesn’t like corndogs and has a very high pitched scream
His wife gave birth to their first son last season before he got his downstairs fixed in the offseason
Spirit animal is a dolphin because he has a great impression 
There is so much more I want to put on here but you should really just follow his Twitter 
☞ Brock McGinn #23
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Born: February 2, 1994 (25 years old/Aquarius) from Fergus, Ontario
6′0, Left Wing, 47th overall 2012 CAR
Nicknames: Ginner, Brock McWinn, McPing, the new Mr. Game Seven (that one is kind of a joke though), Big Cock Brock 
Single handedly defeated evil not only once but twice on April 24th, 2019, earning him the nicknames “Brock McWinn” and the new “Mr. Game Seven”
Has two brothers who also play professionally; Jamie (NHL) and Tye (AHL) McGinn
Co Owner of the Roanoke Rail Road Dawgs with his brothers and father
His daddy is Bob
Has a high probability of burning his whole house down 
Used to be a fighter, but he didn’t fight anyone last season 
Was 3rd in the league with most MsS Post (10) in the 2017-18 season earning him the nickname Brock McPing 
☞ Martin Nečas #88
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Born: January 15, 1999 (20 years old/Capricorn) from Nove Mesto na Morave, Czech Rebublic
6′2, 12th overall 2017 CAR, “He plays, like, Centre”
Nicknames: Neči, Marty, Nacho, Marto 
Your 2019-20 ****** ****** winner 
He’s here to fix out PP units, quote me on that
Little hockey stick chain ^ 
Is known for falling while scoring 
Is it avocado or avocaydo?
Hidden talent: Belly dancing 
Almost killed the entire team with a golf club last season  
Don’t mess with him
Just won the Calder Cup with the Checkers :) 
☞ Nino Niederreiter #21
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Born: September 8, 1992 (27 years old/Virgo) from Chur, Switzerland
6′0, Right Wing, 5th overall 2010 NYI
Nicknames: El Nino
Was the highest drafted Swizz born player until Hischer in 2017 
Signed to the Islanders in 2010, traded to Minnesota in 2013, then traded to Carolina in January 2019 (for Rask)
Was about to take a nap when he was traded
Just when canes fans almost lost hope, Nino showed up and saved our season
When he came to Carolina, someone gave him sweet tea and he really liked it
Was voted best dressed by a couple teammates
Loves the surge
Supports women’s hockey
☞ Jordan Staal (C) #11
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Born: September 10, 1988 (31 years ago/Virgo) from Thunder Bay, Ontario
6′4, Centre, 2nd overall 2006 PIT
Nicknames: Stallsy, Jordad, Gronk
Arrested at his brother’s bachelor party
Won the Stanley Cup with the Penguins in 2009 
Jordan is the youngest out of the other brothers (Eric, Marc) in the league (NHL) 3rd brother is the youngest and is now a coach 
Signed with PIT in 2006, traded to CAR in 2012 (for 8th overall pick, Brandon Sutter and Brian Dumoulin)
Named Captain in the 2017-18 season, became Alternative Captain in 2018-19, is now Captain again in 2019-20 
Great at dad jokes 
☞ Andrei Svechnikov #37
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Born: March 26, 2000 (19 years old/Aries) from Barnaul, Russia
6′2, Right Wing, 2nd overall 2018 CAR
Nicknames: Svech, Mother Russia 
Svech is ready
“Just win every game” 
Wears #37 because that’s what his brother, Evgeny Svechnikov (DET), wears
Russia = Cold, Raleigh = Hot
Apparently his biggest talent outside of hockey is… magic? 
Best friends with Warren Foegele and Dougie Hamilton
Likes to shovel the ice during practice 
Terrible at golf..
.. I mean like really bad  
☞ Teuvo Teräväinen #86
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Born: September 11, 1994 (25 years old/Virgo) from Helsinki, Finland
5′11, Left Wing, 18th overall 2012 CHI 
Nicknames: Turbo, Teukka
Shortest Hurricane 
Began with CHI in 2014, traded to CAR in 2016 (along with Bickell for 2nd round pick)
Won the cup with CHI in 2015 (Along with van Riemsdyk)
Has the worst sense of smell ever
I mean come on.. pumpkin? toothpaste? 
I could keep going with this I don't know what’s wrong with his nose
Most likely the messiest Hurricane 
Would dump Sebastian on the side of the road after 100km 
Gets scared REALLY easily
His sisters plays hockey over in Finland (and is pretty good at it too) 
☞ Lucas Wallmark #71
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Born: September 5, 1995 (24 years old/Virgo) from Umea, Sweden
6′0, Centre, 97th overall 2014 CAR
Nicknames: Wally
My daddy!?
His spirit animal is… a horse? 
^ He enjoys watching horse racing
*Straight face* “Snacks!? Candy!?” 
Deal with it
Showed up to a U12 and U18 team practice to work on skills with kids 
Owns a pug named Lovis
☞ Joel Edmundson #6
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Born: June 28, 1993 (26 years old/Cancer) Brandon, Manitoba
6′4, 46th overall 2011 STL
Nicknames: Crop Top King, Eddy
Won the cup in 2019 with STL and partied in a crop top 
True Canadian, ate poutine out of the cup
Traded in September 2019 to CAR (along with Bokk for Faulk and draft pick)
Going to strengthen our PK I promise 
Finally, an enforcer 
Forgot to take his skate guards off during his CAR preseason debut in front of 18,000 people 
Is a barbie girl, living in a barbie world 
☞ Haydn Fleury #4
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Born: July 8, 1996 (23 years old/Cancer) from Carlyle, Saskatchewan 
6′3, 7th overall 2014 CAR
Nicknames: Fleurs 
Beat his little brother Cale (MTL) during his NHL debut 
Best friends with Trevor van Riemsdyk
Has the cutest dog named Kobe
Won the Calder Cup along with Nečas :)
If you want to giggle watch this 
Has the worst witch cackle you will ever hear 
Apparently the best golfer on the team
Big Duke fan
☞ Jake Gardiner #51
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Born: July 4, 1990 (29 years old/Cancer) from Minnetonka, Minnesota 
6′2, 17th overall 2008 ANA
Nicknames: Gards 
Played for the University of Wisconsin for 3 seasons 
Traded to TOR in 2011, signed as a free agent to CAR in summer 2019
Has the cutest baby 
Denied several offers from other teams mtl to play with us instead 
Hands down had the best Halloween costume two years ago
☞ Dougie Hamilton #19
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Born: June 17, 1993 (26 years old/Gemini) from Toronto, Ontario
6′6, 9th overall 2011 BOS
Nicknames: D-Ham, Doug the Thug, well his real name is Douglas so I guess Dougie is technically a nickname
Tallest Hurricane 
Both of his parents are Olympians, brother also plays professional hockey 
Started with BOS in 2012, traded to CGY in 2015, then traded to CAR in 2018 (Last remaining player from the huge Hamilton, Ferland & Fox for Lindholm and Hanifin trade)
Best friends with Andrei Svechnikov and Warren Foegele 
Porche guy 
Grew out a mullet because his hair salon couldn’t take him as a walk in
Jack Edwards complained that he was wearing a number retired from the Whalers so he taped a 6 over the 1 in 19 to make 69
Goes to children's hospitals dressed as woman characters 
Lowkey shootout king
Another Duke fan
Wears the same blazer to every road game
☞ Brett Pesce #22
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Born: November 15, 1994 (24 years old/Scorpio) from Tarrytown, New York
6′3, 66th overall 2013 CAR
Nicknames: Pesh 
“I play defense bro”
Played for the University of New Hampshire for 3 seasons (2 of those seasons with van Riemsdyk)
Pretty ^
Wears 22 for his dad 
He’ll break your ankles
Fortnite squad
Brought his wonderful brother on the mentors trip
Allergic to cats
☞ Jaccob Slavin (A) #74
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Born: May 1, 1994 (25 years old/Taurus) from Denver, Colorado
6′3, 120th overall 2012 CAR
Nicknames: Slav-o
The second ‘c’ stands for captain
Faith and family
Played for Colorado College for two seasons 
Adopted a beautiful baby girl with his beautiful wife
Has an instagram for his two dogs
His daddy is “Robert” 
Not afraid of snakes at all 
☞ Trevor van Riemsdyk #57
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Born: July 24, 1991 (28 years old/Leo) from Middletown, New Jersey
6′2, Undrafted 
Nicknames: TVR, Riems
Agreed to terms with CHI in 2014 
Won the cup with CHI in 2015 (along with Teräväinen)
Was picked up by the VGK in the 2017 expansion draft 
The next day traded to CAR (for 2nd round pick)
James van Riemsdyk (PHI) is his older brother 
Played with the University of New Hampshire for 3 seasons (2 of those seasons with Pesce) 
He’s too tired to be scared 
March Madness
Best friends with Haydn Fleury 
Pride representative for the team 
☞ Petr Mrázek #34
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Born: February 14, 1992 (27 years old/Aquarius) from Ostrava, Czech Republic
6′1, 141st overall 2010 DET
Nicknames: Mrazzle Dazzle, St. Petr
Moved to Ottawa at age 17 
Signed with DET in 2014
Was HUGE for them during the 2015 playoff run
Traded to PHI in Feb ‘18, signed as a free agent with CAR in July ‘18
He had custom hats made for every player on the team
Always has Peter Griffin in his helmet design 
Signature move: Poke Check  
☞ James Reimer #47
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Born: March 15, 1988 (31 years old/Pisces) from Morweena, Manitoba
6′2, 99th overall 2006 TOR
Nicknames: Optimus Reim, The Statue, Reims
Debuted with TOR in 2010, traded to SJS Feb ‘16
Signed with FLA as a free agent summer ‘16, traded to CAR summer ‘19 (for Darling and a 2020 6th round pick)
Has two kids 
Really good swimmer
You may recognize this famous goalie meme, that’s right, that's him
Optimus Reim helmet art
He looks so much like Weston from Love Island USA 
Honorable Mention
☞ Julien Gauthier #44
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I’m including him because everyone expected him to make the team as he did phenomenal in the preseason (playing all 6 games) but due to cap space (and our horrid pp units), he was sent back down.
Born: October 15, 1997 (turning 22/Libra) from Pointe-aux-Trembles, Quebec
6′4, Right Wing, 21st overall 2016 CAR
Nicknames: Goat, Gauths, Jules
Big boy
Bilingual (French/English)
Cute accent
His uncle played 554 games in the NHL (Denis Gauthier) 
Both his father and grandfather were professional bodybuilders
That explains his muscles
The best thighs in the league (not up for debate) 
Also won the Calder Cup this past season with Haydn Fleury and Martin Nečas
Head Coach
☞ Rod Brind’Amour #17
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Roderick Jean Brind’Amour
Born: August 9, 1970 (age 49 years/Leo) from Ottawa, Canada
6′1, Centre, 9th overall 1988 STL
Nicknames: Rod the Bod, RBA 
Played with Michigan State for one season
Started with STL in the playoffs of ‘88, traded to PHI in ‘91, traded to CAR in 2000
Captain of the 2006 CAR Stanley Cup winning team
Played 20 seasons, 1,484(GP) 452(G) 732(A) 1,184(P)
Became head coach for the 2018-19 season
First year as HC broke the team’s 9 year playoff drought and brought them all the way to the ECF
Is known for his extreme workouts
Still in better shape than 98% of the league
Could very well still lace up and play better than 80% of the league 
Lives rent free in W*lson’s and Reirden’s heads
Gives the best post-game speeches
President & General Manager
☞ Don Waddell
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I really just wanted an excuse to put this gif in here 
Coached the 1998 DET Stanley Cup winning team 
Named Pres. & GM of CAR in May ‘18
☞ Tom Dundon 
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Lives rent free is Habs fans minds
Estimated net worth is $1.1 billion?
Majority owner of TopGolf (55%)
Chairman of the Alliance of American Football
Purchased 52% of CAR in January 2018 for $420million
Likes to hang around team/fan events 
Stays in the same hotel as me lol
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pengiesama · 5 years
Lucia Fex and Lio Fotia's Great Big Tiddy Heist (starring Lucia Fex and Lio Fotia) (Fic, Promare, Galo/Lio, Aina/Lucia)
Title: Lucia Fex and Lio Fotia's Great Big Tiddy Heist (starring Lucia Fex and Lio Fotia) Series: Promare Pairing: Galo/Lio, Aina/Lucia
“We are both gonna score ourselves a big titty firefighter,” Lucia said. “One for you, and one for me. Are you in or are you a coward?”
Lucia has a devious plan to get a hot date and Lio is going to help whether he likes it or not.
Link: AO3
Read on Tumblr!
“You and me,” Lucia drawled, leaning in close. “Me and you. You and I, we’re not so different.”
Her teeth flashed in a dangerous grin. Lio stared back at her, his expression completely blank. He took another sip of his bubble tea.
“We are both persons of culture,” Lucia continued, undeterred. “Even though our tastes may not align completely, we both are passionate about a singular core concept.”
She waited for Lio to ask her what that core concept was. Lio continued to just stare her down across the café table, drinking his tea. There wasn’t anything left in the cup, however, so there came only loud slurping noises interrupted by a thwump when a tapioca bubble was sucked into the straw.
“We can both help each other,” Lucia continued. “To achieve our goals.”
Silence. Slurping. Thwump.
“I broke you out of prison for this, so you could at least have the decency to be curious,” Lucia said. “I’m being all ominous here. I’m even petting Vinny all ominously.”
Vinny squeaked on Lucia’s lap at the sound of his name. Lucia stroked his back with her full hand; ominously, as previously indicated.
Lio sighed deeply. “…what is the goal,” he asked, flatly.
It was like a shark scenting blood in the water, with a toothy grin to match. Lucia leaned and dragged Lio in by the collar; the motion causing their foreheads to smack together hard.
“We are both gonna score ourselves a big titty firefighter,” Lucia said. “One for you, and one for me. Are you in or are you a coward?”
Lio opened his mouth to speak, but there was no time for discussion when giant juicy tits were on the line. They could bounce away at any moment, lost forever! Bouncing, jiggling off into the distance; never again within the reach of Lucia’s waiting grabby hands. Also that ass too. There was just too much riding on this.
Lucia whistled, and a walker mech crashed through the café wall.
“Our ride’s here,” Lucia said.
The walker mech secured Lio in its grip before he could bolt. Lucia tucked Vinny safely into her pocket before she hopped into the pilot seat.
“We’re off to my secret lab.”
 “Galo. I got word that Lio was broken out of prison for the third time this week.”
“None of the usual suspects are involved. I don’t suppose you’d know where he went?”
Galo looked up at Ignis mournfully, sitting on the ground like a sad puppy outside the door.
“The sign says I’m not allowed.”
He pointed to a sign, sloppily-written in marker and taped to the door, reading as follows: LUCIA’S SECRET LAIR!!! MADE FOR KIDNAPPING LIO!!! NO ONE ALLOWED (ESPECIALLY NOT GALO AND AINA.)
“Hmph,” Ignis said, crossing his arms and letting out a short little huff of breath. “That explains why he didn’t turn himself back in yet, at least...”
Lio Fotia, leader of Mad Burnish, was the savior of the planet. He was also partially or directly responsible for a whole lot of crime, and as part of the efforts to re-integrate the former Burnish into society, had willingly submitted to six months of jail time to atone for the actions of all those associated with the Mad Burnish group.
Even without his Burnish abilities, it had taken him less than 48 hours to become the undisputed leader of the prison’s population.
It had taken less than 72 hours for his two henchmen to commit enough petty crimes to be arrested and thrown into the same prison just to get them to stop.
And on top of that, that six-month sentence was interrupted every few days by a new group trying to break Lio out of jail for their own reasons: former Burnish convinced their savior was being held unjustly, anti-Burnish fanatics convinced that he was getting off too easily, and now apparently Lucia, whose motives were as unknown as they were almost certainly nefarious. Lio had always managed to slip his captors, and always headed back to fulfil the rest of his agreed-upon sentence, but…the current situation might require the assistance of a professional hostage negotiation team. Ignis would try using his Dad Voice first, though. The last time the hostage team had to face off against Lucia, she’d made them cry.
Ignis knocked firmly on the locked door.
“Lucia Fex,” he said in a tone that he’d worked hard to cultivate over the years. It was a tone meant to say I’m not mad, just disappointed, and it worked well on most everyone on Burning Rescue…except Lucia. “Open this door right now.”
Lucia cackled from inside. A thumping bass beat was shaking the floor, and flashing colored lights could be seen from the crack under the door.
“You’ll never catch me! I am an evil witch!!” Lucia’s voice was crisp and clear, and coming from the firehouse’s overhead speakers. She’d hacked them, because of course she did. The same thumping music began to blare across the whole building. “I’ve captured the fair prince Lio and I’m making him do drugs and listen to music with swears in it!!”
Galo gasped aloud and leapt to his feet. He backed up, then began to ram himself into the door shoulder-first to dislodge it. It was perfect firefighter form, and Ignis would have taken the time to be proud if Galo hadn’t nearly run him over in the process.
The hot house beats blaring at top volume throughout the fire house had woken up Aina, who had previously been resting up in the nap room after her turn on the night shift. She blinked blearily at the sign on the door, then at Galo, ramming himself into the door repeatedly. Lucia’s cackling continued non-stop.
“Keep on trying, you’ll never get in! In this next song they say the F-word at least five times!!”
Galo let out a howl of despair and grabbed onto the doorknob with both hands and feet, thrashing himself around to whatever purpose he thought the action would serve.
“LIO! LIO!!”
Aina grumbled and shuffled over to the door in her slippers. She pressed the button on the video intercom.
“Lucia. Can you like, do this later…? I was up all last night…”
She squinted her eyes shut and broke off with a yawn. When she blinked her eyes back open, she saw Lucia staring at her through the video intercom. Leering at her, really.
“Oh…? Have they sent another knight to try and save Prince Lio, and stop the evil witch Lucia Hex?”
Aina was still pretty sleepy, but knew something about that sentence didn’t sound right.
“…isn’t your last name Fex?” Aina settled on asking.
“It’s Hex now ‘cause I’m an evil witch,” Lucia explained.
“Okay,” Aina said. “Can you turn your music down and stop making Galo cry? I’m trying to sleep.”
“I accept your challenge, brave knight!” Lucia said. “WELCOME TO TERRORDOME!”
Trapdoors opened beneath Galo and Aina, and spirited them away to parts unknown. Ignis shook his head and walked away.
 “So, brave knight,” Lucia crooned, flinging herself against the nearest wall to pose like a femme fatale from an old film. “You’ve found me.”
Aina squinted at her. “…why are you dressed like that?”
Lucia was dressed in a witch’s hat and black robes that reached the floor. The sleeves would’ve covered her hands if she hadn’t rolled them up and secured them with what looked like staples. It was…kinda cute, but had she not heard of safety pins?
Lucia rolled her eyes and sighed. “Once again. Evil witch. And…”
The leering returned. And the posing.
“…I could ask the same of you, brave knight.”
Why was Aina dressed like this? She’d literally said that she’d just woken up. She was dressed in a thin tank top and shorts that she’d had since middle school and were way too small on her at this point, but she liked them too much to donate them, they were from her old lacrosse team, and anyway they still fit mostly fine? She tugged on the hem of one leg, self-consciously making sure it was still covering her butt. Anyway, when it came down to it, Galo was the one who was the one who always ran around half-naked—
“LIO! I’M SORRY LIO!” Galo was sobbing hysterically, hugging Lio tightly as he did. He’d just “saved” a very bored and unconcerned Lio from being held captive under a large laundry basket with a heavy book on top of it. “DID SHE MAKE YOU SNORT A WEED!? HOW MANY TIMES DID SHE MAKE YOU SAY BAD WORDS!?!”
Whatever answer Lio might have had to that was lost between Galo’s pecs. Galo squished Lio’s face into his chest even harder, and continued to wail.
“You know,” Lucia said. “I think I’m only an evil witch because I was never hugged tenderly by someone in the possession of a pair of juicy mondo melons.”
“What,” Aina said flatly.
“Look at Lio. He was huge on arson until Galo’s tits came along and smothered that out.” Lucia nodded wisely at her own analysis. “Proof of concept. Come give me a huggy-boo-boo.”
Aina held Lucia back with one hand on her forehead, keeping her at arm’s length before she got within hugging range.
“My sister warned me about you and your hugging,” Aina said. “She saw all you got up to when she TAed your freshman physics class.”
“I’m a changed woman since then!” Lucia squawked, flailing her arms in place. “The years have matured me like fine wine! I’m just looking for a gal to smother me with her honkers for the rest of my natural life!”
“You know, Lucia, she probably would’ve said yes if you’d just asked her out normally,” Galo interrupted. He looked a little out of breath from his crying fit, and was being princess-carried by Lio to the lair’s exit. “Try asking her to the burger shop down on fifth street! They’ve got a picture on the wall of her when she did their mega burger challenge!”
Aina saw Lucia’s eyes go huge at that, and she couldn’t help but shift in place and scratch at her cheek, a little shy.
“I-it was only five pounds…it was nothing special…”
“Nothing special, my foot! That’s like that size of my head!” Lucia retorted. “And I got a big head for my big brain!”
“Well…I could show you, then. Maybe this Friday night?” Aina asked.
Lucia froze in place, processing the statement. She then went beet red, and gave a brief nod before she fumbled a remote out of her sleeve and mashed the big red button on it. Trap doors opened underneath their feet again, and they were spirited out of the lab to be dumped into the break room.
“…it’s a date, then,” Aina mumbled, rubbing her sore head.
“Fex sure talks a big game,” Lio commented. He shifted Galo in his grip and began to walk off. “Anyway, c’mon. You’re treating me to more bubble tea before I head back to prison.”
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thecleverdame · 5 years
Sleepy Hollow - Thirteen
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Series Master List
Pairings: Sam x Reader, mentions of Dean x Jo
Summary: In 1799, specialized police constables Sam and Dean Winchester are sent from New York City to a small town called Sleepy Hollow to investigate a series of murders. Approached by the town’s council, the Winchesters discover the local residents believe that the murders are the work of a deadly Hessian horseman whose head has been mysteriously chopped off. With help from the beautiful Y/N Van Tassel, Sam Winchester’s investigation takes him further through the dark wood where more murders have been occurring. What Sam does not realize is that the mysterious Horseman is being controlled by someone in a sinister plot to kill the most suitable men in the village.
Warnings: Canon-level violence, murder, smut, horror, gore and a little fluff for good measure.
Words: 40k
Beta:  ilikaicalie
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Van Tassel House
You lie insensible in your bed, the ribbon with the bauble around your neck.
Sam and Dean stand watching you, but Sam  is alone with his grief and this appalling "secret." “It was an evil spirit possessed you,” he whispers, wiping hair back from your forehead. “I pray God it is satisfied now, and that you find peace. Good-bye, Y/N. The Evil Eye has done its work. My life is over - spared for a lifetime of horrors in my sleep, waking each day to grief that you have also been taken from me.” Sam leaves the room and Dean follows, closing the door.
Sam, watched by Dean and Young Masbath, stands by a fire burning in a circle of rocks nearby. He has his father’s ledger. After a moment, he throws the ledger onto the fire. The pages catch quickly. He opens his satchel and digs out a book. Their luggage is packed on the porch. He walks back to the fire, looks at the book in his hand, the book you gave him. He stands, staring down as a decrepit coach arrives to take the Constables back to New York City. Van Ripper, the driver, helps Sam and Dean with strapping the load. Young Masbath watches, not helping. Dean turns to Young Masbath as angry tears come to Young Masbath's eyes. The farewell is like an argument. “But who will look for the truth when you have gone?” “There is no more truth to be found.” Dean places a hand on his shoulder.
“That is why we can go and leave this wretched place behind us.” Sam counters. “You really think it was Y/N, don't you?” Dean clamps his hand over Young Masbath's mouth. As Sam looks intently into his eyes. “That can never be uttered. Never.” Sam whispers. “We must keep her secret.” Dean takes his hand away. “A strange sort of witch...with a kind and loving heart! You honestly believe it to be true?” “We have a good reason.” Sam’s nostrils flare, unable to think of you without an ache in his chest. “Then you are bewitched by reason.” The boy cries. “I am beaten down by it! It's a hard lesson for a hard world, and you had better learn it, Young Masbath - villainy wears many masks, none so dangerous as the mask of virtue. Farewell!” Van Ripper climbs onto the coach. Sam looks to the Manor House. Only one light shines, in a second-floor window. Sam climbs into the coach with Dean behind him. Sam slumps into his seat, pounding twice on the coach wall. Van Ripper whips the reins and the coach starts. Young Masbath watches, wiping tears.
You wake up as you hear the coach wheels, getting up and running to the window as the coach pulls away. Your heart breaks as you collapse to the ground. Van Ripper's coach crosses the covered bridge, past the town square, past the church. Near Doctor Lancaster's house, the coach passes a flat cart, on which lies the headless corpse of Lady Van Tassel. Sam looks at the corpse and he notes the gashed palm of one dead hand. The cart is being pulled at a walking pace by a single horse. The cartman walking, holding the bridle. The cartman pauses, seeing a rider approaching, traveling in the same direction as Sam's coach. Sam realizes that the rider is you. He looks from the coach window and sees you get down from the horse and go to the cart. Sam pulls back from his window and closes his eyes. An hour into the ride Sam opens his satchel, takes out a bottle of water and gulps from it. In replacing the bottle, he finds the book you gave him. He opens the book and sees within a diagram drawn on a whole page. Sam recognizes the sketch of the supposed "Evil Eye," identical to the two they have seen before. But what gets Sam's real attention is the bold "headline." The headline over the picture is "For The Protection of A Loved One Against Evil Spirits." Sam gasps and mutters the words aloud. “Dean,” he slaps his brother’s leg, waking him up. “It wasn’t her.” He shows him the book. “But then, who?” He is puzzled. He stares at his open palms. The scars on his palms trigger a thought. Then he understands something we will soon understand. He slides the front window panel to shout through it. “Van Ripper, turn the coach!” “What?” “Turn around, now!”
Unannounced to you there’s a figure moving through the house. Walking quietly and slowly down the hall, looking inside each room on the ground floor. The unknown intruder stops at the door of the parlor, softly pushing the door open enough to see you on the floor before the fireplace, crying into your hands.
You sit up, staring at the dying embers of the fire and mourning for your father and your now lost love. In twenty-four hours your life has changed brutally, leaving you with no family, alone in the world.
Sam has left you. Runaway in the night while you recovered from the shock of your own father’s murder. The man you thought perhaps loved you the way you’ve come to love him abandoned you when you needed him most and it feels as if the world will never contain another ounce of joy.
There’s a creak from behind you, an old floorboard that cries out when stepped on. You sit up, wiping your eyes.
“Who is it?”
Mrs. Lancaster comes to answer the banging on her door, opening it as Sam pushes past with Dean in tow. Sam holds up his lantern, breathing fast.
“Pardon our intrusion.” Sam heaves looking at the two coffins on the floor. With no pretense the constables each move to a coffin, throwing the lids onto the floor and looking at the headless bodies of Baltus and Lady Van Tassel.
Sam lifts Lady Van Tassel’s hand with the gash on its palm, bending it to study. He pulls at the sewn wound, untying the stitches as Mrs. Lancaster watches in horror. He looks up to Dean and swallows hard. “No blood flow, no clotting. When the cut was made this woman was already dead.”
Dean’s eyebrows shoot up, understanding what Sam is telling him.
“We need to go, now!” The Winchesters run from the doctor’s residence to the waiting coach, grabbing the reins. Dean joins him, picking up Van Ripper’s rifle.
“Be with you in a minute,” Van Ripper turns from where he’s urinating on a nearby building.
“We can not wait!” Sam whips the reigns and the coach takes off into the night.
“Who is there!” You call out again, trying to spy whoever is hiding the shadows.
The cloaked figure moves closer and you scramble back on your hands and knees.
“Who are you? Reveal yourself!”
The figure steps forward in the dim, flickering light of the fire revealing none other than Lady Van Tassel. “Dear stepdaughter,” she cackles like a witch, rubbing her hands together. You stand on shaking legs, terrified, confused and overwhelmed. “You look as if you’ve seen a ghost,” she taunts, swaying gently from side to side. It’s too much. Your eyes roll up into your head as everything goes black.
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holylulusworld · 5 years
Congratulations! Can I request prompt 21 with Dean x reader please. Sounds like a good prank war.
Pink Passion
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3000 Follower Drabble Prompts
Prompt #21. “That’s not funny.” “Stop laughing at me.” “Pink always was my favorite color.”
Warnings: angst, fluff, pranks
Pairing: Dean x Reader, Sam
Word count: 629
You knew it was a mistake to leave your shampoo in the showers of the bunker.
You just knew Dean would find a way to prank you once again. This time he went too far. You will not talk to him ever again.
Storming out of the showers with your shampoo in your hands you almost kick his door open. The moment his eyes land on your very pink hair he starts cackling.
“Stop laughing at me, Dean. That’s not funny. How shall I play an FBI agent with pink hair? Did you think about this before you put this shit into my shampoo?” You yell. Angrily clenching your fists, you throw the bottle at Dean.
Still laughing Dean raises one hand to catch the shampoo. “I…I swear…god you look so cute…it wasn’t me.” Dean cackles and you are ready to attack him with all your strength.
In a split second, you jump onto the bed to tackle the tall hunter. Straddling his chest, you start slapping his face harshly. You barely have the time to yelp as he flips you over to pin your wrists down.
“I said it wasn’t me, Sweetheart. I swear I did not manipulate your shampoo. You know I would admit it, would tease you with my successful prank.” Dean pants struggling to hold you down.
“Someone did this to me. My hair is fucking pink, Dean!” You yell.
“Like I said, cute.” Dean chuckles and you try to wiggle out of his grip. “Just give up. I swear I didn’t prank you. It’s not even a good prank. I like the color, suits you.”
“What?” You choke out.
“Pink always was my favorite color,” Dean says and you stop fighting him.
“You mean pink satiny panties.” You chuckle.
“How do you know?” The tall hunter gasps.
“Remember our nice trip to the future? I heard you telling your future End!Verse asshole self your secret.”
“As I said…I like pink, Baby. Maybe we should find the culprit and thank him?”
“Thank him? He ruined my hair!”
“Did I miss it? Damn, she thought it was you?” Sam mutters his phone in his hands to take a picture of your hair. Seeing his brother on top of you, pinning you down he gulps. “Am I interrupting something?”
“It was you? Wait, you little shit.” You mutter.
“Sammy, thank you. She looks so sexy right now. I will eat her alive.” Dean growls and your eyes darken.
“You’re lucky it wasn’t you pranking me. If you ever want to touch me again you will help me punishing the tall moose over there.” You say and Dean gives you a cocky grin.
“Right now, I’m going to devour you, my pink lady but …” At this Dean turns his head toward Sam. “After our ‘pink passion’ I’ll help you punishing my baby brother.”
“You told me to put this into the shampoo! It was your advice, Dean.” Sam protests and you look up at Dean.
“That was your first mistake. Trusting the king of pranks. Your second mistake was that you forgot I always can make it up to her with hot and dirty sex. You, on the other hand, should run for your life while I’m distracting my girlfriend.” Dean chuckles and Sam runs out of the room.
“You better leave the bunker for a while or I swear I’ll cut your hair off and dye it blue.” You yell.
“Damn, you are evil. How about we make good use of your sexy hair right now and later we will prank the life out of Sammy. He will never prank you for sure.”
“What prank do you have in mind, Winchester?”
“Hmm…leave the pranks to the king and drop your panties.” Dean chuckles.
“Yes, my king…”
Forever Tags
@donnaintx, @screechingartisancashbailiff, @fallen-wolf22, @sister-winchesters99, @mogaruke, @the-is13, @helloitsmeamie203, @strayrosesbloom, @thewinchesterco, @hobby27, @kittycatlover18, @gh0stgurl, @marvelfansworld , @sandlee44, @hawaiianohana31, @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt, @katpatrova17, @notyourtypicalrose , @heyitscam99, @onethingthatkeepsmealive, @natura1phenomenon, @flamencodiva, @echoesofpassion, @cocklesbelli, @anushay1998, @voltage-my2dlove, @kmvld, @fandom-princess-forevermore, @thenamelesschibi, @lauravic, @fandomsrourlives, @wittysunflower, @drakelover78, @lemondropirwin, @lonewolf471, @wronglanemendes, @electraphygelectraphyng , @spnhollis, @void-imaginations, @jay-and-dean, @shatteredabby , @juniorhuntersam, @helpmeluci, @neii3n, @goodgodimaweirdperson, @alltimesamantha, @chonisberonica, @supernaturalonice @stuckys-whore, @shadowkat-83, @officialmarvelwhore, @certaindeanwinchesterforcastiel, @wecantgiggleitsafandom, @meganywinchester, @shikshinkwon, @idioticsky, @miraclesoflove, @yolobloggers, @guardian-tn , @lu-sullivan
If your name is crossed out Tumblr won’t let me tag you for some reason. Sorry.
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags     
@spnfamily-j2, @supernatural-bellawinchester, @butifulsoul125, @lyinginthegingerlocks, @deans-baby-momma, @hawaiianohana31, @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester, @20gayneen, @janicho88, @thefaithfulwriter, @dreaminemz, @negans-lucille-tblr @sadwaywardkid, @akshi8278, @hhiggs, @midnightsilver16830, @mrspeacem1nusone, @ria132love, @caligraphee, @the-witch-in-silence, @multisuperfandom, @deansgirl-1968
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langdons-rep · 6 years
Playthings - Part Six (Michael Langdon x Dark!Witch reader x Duncan Shepherd)
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Pt. 1 | Pt. 2 | Pt. 3 | Pt. 4 | Pt. 5
Plot: you and Michael arrive at Outpost 3 and have the pleasure of getting to know the infamous Duncan Shepherd. 
Warnings: michael x reader intercourse, oral sex (reader receiving), face sitting, dirty talk, spanking, michael touches himself lol
a little note: ok first of all, i deeply apologize for the long wait i put you through 🤧 i don’t really like this chapter as it can come off as a bit boring but i feel like it’s needed, in order to understand better the dynamic between the three. and last but not least, THANK YOU for following up this story and putting up with me despite my slow updates. i promise i’ll do better! also, i’ve waited to post this on my birhtday because i’m that extra. but anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter and please tell me what you think of it, i love hearing your thoughts and opinions! 💛
“What happened last night must remain between the three of us. Also, I hope you know that just because we had a sexual intercourse it doesn’t mean that you have a secured place at the Sanctuary. You’re still on the same level as everyone else here.” You say while sitting in front of Duncan with Michael listening carefully beside you. The brunette pinches the bridge of his nose, a smug grin taking over his features. “Sexual intercourse? Baby girl, I fucked your brains out.” He chuckles as Michael tightens the grip on your thigh. You roll your eyes, “That was a one time thing. It didn’t mean anything.” Duncan’s mocking smile grows wider, “What a shame. I thought we could have some more fun together.” You raise your eyebrows, considering his words, “You thought wrong.” “Really, Y/N?” He asks with his ever present grin, and you hate to admit how much you enjoy hearing your name rolling off his tongue. “Really, Duncan.” You confirm as you place your hand over Michael’s. Duncan’s eyes follow the movement, watching how his smile dies down at the act while yours grows out of satisfaction. “Are you two together?” He asks brazenly. Even though you and Michael expected such questions, you can't help but exchange an awkard look. “We’re just friends.” You say in unison, trying to sound as impassive as you can. Duncan cackles, “Just friends? Is that what you call it?” He darts his tongue out to wet his lips before continuing. “Does that makes us just friends too?” His eyes are gleaming with mischief and you have to fight against the biggest urge to slap him. “You can leave now", you say quickly, earning an averse look from Michael. Duncan leans his back on the chair and crosses one leg over the other, purposely making himself even more comfortable. “Already?” He teases with a grin while his hands rest on his muscular thighs. “Why don’t you let me ask you a few more questions before I leave?” You furrow your brows, “We won’t allow you to do that.” “No.” Michael interrupts sharply, making you look at him with a confused expression, “Let him. I want to hear them.” You turn to Duncan, whom of course is smiling triumphantly, and then back to Michael. “Are you…are you sure?” You inquire, still not knowing what he’s aiming to. It’s in moments like this that you wish you had his mind-reading ability. Michael shrugs nonchalantly, “Why not?” “Guess I’m winning here, princess.” Duncan speaks, making you focus your stare on him. Before you can say anything back, he talks again. “What are you exactly?” You bite your lip at his question, turning to face Michael who’s still looking at Duncan. “She’s a witch, but you already knew it.” The blond gets that for you, making your breath hitch; Duncan doesn’t flinch one bit at the revelation as his expression turns into a serious one. He turns to Michael, “Do you have powers too?” His lips curve upward at the question, “I do.” You can basically see Duncan’s gears working together as he knits his eyebrows, “Are you a warlock?” Michael snickers, “Not quite.” You suck your teeth as you look over him. He’s not going to tell him he’s the Antichrist, right? “I’m the Antichrist.” Oh shit. Duncan’s mouth parts slightly, his brows are furrowed as he looks between you two. “That’s a joke, right?” His question is followed by an uneasy laugh, but Michael is dead serious. Your chest heavies up and down as you wait for your best friend to answer; Michael senses your sudden anxiety and squeezes your hand, tangling your fingers together. Duncan gazes at him, looking for any sign of lie, and then Michael’s voice brings him out of his daze.
“Are you scared?” The brunette blinks a few times before abruptly standing up from the chair. He starts pacing back and forth, Michael watches him with a satisfied grin while you remain silent, a strange perturbation worms its way into your stomach as you can’t imagine what Michael’s revelation will lead to. “How is that possible?” Duncan talks to himself with his arms stretched wide. “You are telling me that Rosemary’s baby sucked my fucking dick?” He keeps rambling and the shock in his eyes is evident. Michael is the only composed person in the room, "Apparently." Duncan stops his pacing to look at him, “Why did you tell me?” You cross you arms, “Yeah Michael, why?” What the fuck is he trying to prove? He smiles at you, then stands up. “He wanted answers and I provided them.” He just says as he slowly circles around the desk, his fingers gently running over the wooden surface; Michael faces Duncan with his hands clasped around his back. One thing you learned about the youngest Shepherd is that he doesn’t back away, no matter how unsettling the situation is. That’s why he doesn’t falter one bit under the Antichrist’s intense stare. “You’re not going to tell anything Duncan, are you?” “Excuse me? You’re the fucking Antichrist, now I know for sure you didn’t come here to save—” It happens quick and fast: the whole room turns dark and a bone-crashing cold engulfs your body, and a moment later you see Duncan falling on the floor: Michael had just showed him his demon face and you knew for a fact that wasn’t exactly the prettiest picture. You frown as you immediately rise from your chair, going up to the two men. “Michael, what the fuck are you doing?” Coming to Duncan Shepherd’s defense is the last thing you want to do, but it felt necessary at this point. “I wanted to give him a warning, my dear.” You look over Duncan who’s still on the floor; his mouth agape and eyes blown with shock. “Are you okay?” You can tell Duncan’s taken aback by your unexpected concern as he watches you with a confused stare, “I am.” You point your index at him as you mentally cast a spell on the brunette, the magic in your veins passes through your finger until it's flowing out. Duncan is enveloped by a warm energy that helps him get up from the floor, his slight pains from the fall suddenly vanished. You nervously bite your lip as you realize you just made a gesture of care for Duncan Shepherd. “Thank you.” He says, his voice filled with surprise. You don't reply, and then Michael breaks the silence once again. “I like you, Duncan Shepherd.” He states, inching closer to Duncan to let his hand run through his messy mop of curls. He fixes it, pushing it off his face as it was before he scared him off. “So selfish, so rough, so fearless", his knuckles brush on Duncan’s cheek, “I think you’d be perfect to our cause.” Duncan’s eyes widen, “What cause are we talking about here?”? “Michael, care to explain what the fuck are you saying?” You angrily ask, shrinking from the way he’s leaving you out of this. “Y/N, he’s perfect for the new world we are building. He’s everything we are searching for.” Michael’s eyes are sparkling with euphoria, meanwhile yours are blurred by an intense confusion. “I wasn’t aware that we were searching for arrogant assholes who have more money than self respect.” This wasn’t your plan. Duncan Shepherd was not supposed to be a part of your plan. You and Michael came here to do your duty: proclaiming yourselves as the saviors the inhabitants were waiting for, killing them one by one and then leave. Yes, you had sex with him, some fucking amazing sex indeed, but that cannot be a justification to keep him. Though you have to admit, the thought of killing Duncan Shepherd both excited and saddened you. You wanted nothing more than to slit his throat and be the one that makes him exhale his last breath, but on the other hand, you can still feel him between your legs and secretly long for that connection at least one more time. Duncan chides in, “You fucking bitch.“ “You both stop.” Michael says in a firm, deep tone, making you both look at him. “You’ll be coming with us to the Sanctuary. Do not talk about our decision with anyone or we won’t hesitate to kill you on the spot. Act like you don’t know us. This is all we’re asking for.” The Antichrist announces, leading your mouth to fall open. “We? Why are you talking like I’m ok with this?” You raise your voice as Duncan contemplates his words. Michael ignores you as he awaits for the brunette’s approval. “Let’s say that I agree to this. That I’m willing to come with you. What’s your plan? You talked about a cause. What is it about? And what do I gain from it?” Of course someone like Duncan Shepherd won’t do a thing unless it benefits him. Michael grins charmingly, “All you need to know is that we need people, the right people, to rebuild the new world. What you’re gaining from it is power, and there’s nothing you love more than that, right? Even more than money. You are a leader, Duncan Shepherd. And most importantly, you are no Saint. You don’t even believe in God, but you believed me the second I told you who I was. You believe in evil, in the art of manipulation. You are just like us.” Michael blurts out, still holding Duncan’s stunned gaze. You shake your head in disfavour, catching the brunette’s attention who seems to be the only one acknowledging your presence. He towers over you, a satisfied grin growing over his features. “Have something to say, princess?” You flash him a raging stare the moment he brings one hand to your face, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. You take his palm off of you and then look over Michael, “I don’t agree with this.” Michael scoots closer until he’s standing beside you, “Deep down you do”, he states, making Duncan chuckle. “Deep down, uh?” The brunette grabs your chin to make you look at him as his other arm wraps around the small of your back to press you against his body. You watch him with a heavy breathing as he leans into you and takes your bottom lip between his teeth, pulling hard and then letting go. Michael hums lowly at the sight, leading Duncan to focus back on him. “I’m in.” - It’s been a week since Michael asked Duncan to take part in your plan. And it’s been a week since he agreed to it. During the whole time, you watched the two grow closer and closer while you stayed behind, still skeptical about Duncan’s role in this. Michael told him everything: The Cooperative, the witches, even his beloved Ms. Mead, and you clearly remember how the Antichrist fought back his tears on the last topic; as mad as you were, you know how delicate that one is for him, and you couldn’t just stand there listening. So, on that day, you put your rage in a corner and took place beside him, running a hand through his blond locks before leaning down to press a gentle kiss on his cheek. Duncan was watching you intently and...was it jealousy what he felt? No, of course not. Not that he cared, he tried to convince himself, but why couldn’t you be like that with him too? He exhaled loudly before turning his gaze back on Michael, trying to archive those no-sense feelings. The Antichrist told him about the poisoned apples plan as well, and on that day you purposely made a joke about how you thought that Duncan should take a bite from one of them just to see if they’re deadly enough; you clearly remember how the brunette responded to your taunt by slamming you against the wall, promising that he’ll punish you for real for running your mouth like that. You recall using your magic to push him off of you, blurting a sincere “fuck off” before leaving him alone with Michael. That was your last interaction with Duncan as you made it your first priority to be as far away from him as possible, since Michael is doing the exact opposite. The Antichrist's fondness over the brunette is what really throws you off, he's completely fascinated and entranced by him; you can’t deny the pang of jealousy washing over you whenever you’d realize how comfortable he had grown in such little time with Duncan. Not even a week ago he was cringing at you, screaming and almost choking you to death for proposing a threesome with Duncan Shepherd, and now he's head over fucking heels for the rich republican. Your resentment only increased whenever you walked in on Michael sucking Duncan off, and even though they asked you to join on more than one occasion, you always refused; your pride was stronger than your lust. Michael tried to get intimate with you every night for the whole week. Just the two of you alone, like it was before he came along, late at night when Duncan would sleep in his room and Michael would sneak into yours. You turned him down each time, telling him “to go to Duncan instead” and he would stay silent at your answer. He knew you needed time to process this, just like he knew how mad you were knowing that he took decisions without consulting you first; but Michael would have never proposed it if he didn’t perceive that you would eventually be okay with it. He’s the Antichrist, after all, and he can read right through people; he knows you like the back of his hand and he’s well aware of the fact that you just need to get adjusted to the new situation. Just like he's sure that underneath those nasty glares you give to Duncan every once in a while, you are secretly thrilled by the idea of having him engaged in your cause. Michael, however, couldn’t hush up anymore. “Y/N.” He calls you once he lays on your bed, your back facing him. No answer, but he knew you weren’t sleeping. “We need to talk.” He plops on one elbow as he stretches his other hand forward, his fingers gently stroking your arm up and down. He feels your skin shivering and that’s when he realizes how much he missed you; he leaves a tender kiss on your bare shoulder as he inhales the sweet honey scent of your hair. “You know I won’t ever replace you, right?” He whispers in your ear, wrapping his arm around your stomach. You sigh, and he leaves another kiss on your cheek. “You are my person, nothing will ever change that.” He mutters, making your lips quirk up slightly. You turn on your back, finally facing him, “I know. And you know that’s the same for me.” You brush off a few locks falling off his face and he smiles at you, leaning down to leave a peck on your lips. “He likes you more than he will ever admit.” Michael confesses, and you know he’s referring to Duncan. You roll your eyes, being fed up of the usual "Duncan this, Duncan that" talk. Michael's lips trail on your neck, biting and licking their way down, "You two are so much alike", he comments, and you shudder at the way his raspy-voiced words vibrate on your skin. You laugh through soft whimpers, “Please, we are really not.” Michael slides the straps of your nightgown down as he leaves languid kisses on your newly exposed shoulders, “You are.” You don't answer, his mouth is making you feel so good that you can't bother to think about the brunette, even if he's the topic of the conversation once again. Michael suddenly stops and levels his face up with yours, “Duncan and I had sex.” “Oh, really? I thought he was doing a check at your tonsils the moment I walked in on him having his cock down your throat.” You say with a sarcastic smile, earning a roll of his beautiful blue eyes. His thumb strokes your cheek, “It was good, but something was missing.” You furrow your brows as he continues, “You were missing. I could feel it in Duncan’s thoughts how much he wanted you to be there. And I felt the same way. It’s not the same without you”, he admits. “How cute.” You quip with a sigh. “I mean it.” He insists, an earnest look plastered over his face. You buff out, looking everywhere but him, acting like a petulant child who just doesn't want to listen. “You are the one who wanted him first.” Michael reminds you, but there’s no taunting in his tone. His gentleness, though, doesn’t stop you from giving him a dirty look. 
“That was one time, Michael.” “You still want him", his tone is decisive, "You just won’t allow yourself to admit that.” “Yeah, and so what? Are we just going to let him come with us to the Sanctuary, let him rule the new world with us, and then we buy a house and live happily ever after all three of us together?” He grins widely, “Why not?” You furiously blink your eyes at him as your mouth falls agape. Are your ears hearing correctly? “Do you think this is fucking High School Musical, Michael?” He snorts, “You’re always too dramatic.” “I’m just being realistic.” He leans down on your face, “He craves you just as much as I do”, he says before locking your lips with his own. His right hand gropes your breast through the thin dress and you arch your back as he climbs on top of you. “And I know you crave him just as much as you crave me.” You feel his smile on your mouth, his hand slides down your body, his digits lightly grazing on your clothed core. “We need him.” He says before sucking a mark on your collarbone as his fingers slip past your underwear. You roll your eyes, “More like, you need his cock.” “Don’t you too, baby girl?” His rhetorical question takes you off guard as his breath fans over your face. You feel him rubbing circles on your clit, “I fucking missed this”, he groans as his head dips down; his hands spread your legs apart and you shiver when you feel him licking a long stripe on your still covered cunt. You buck your hips up, “Fuck, Michael.” “Always so sensitive.” He points out, flashing you a bright smile. He kisses your clit through your underwear and you feel your panties wettening from Michael’s teasing licks and your own arousal. His thumb slowly rubs you up and down as he starts to cover your inner thighs with lazy kisses, his teeth occasionally sinking down on your skin in an almost animalistic way. You bite your mouth as you watch him finally pulling your underwear down, leading him to lick his lips at the sight. “Such a pretty pussy.” Michael lewdly remarks as his hot breath hits your heat; his fingers spread apart your folds, his tongue instantly tasting you with a long, slow lick, until his lips close around your clit and eagerly suck on it. You just can’t control your moans when he’s eating you out like this. Michael is very skilled with his mouth, as he is with anything he does, and your thoughts instantly go to Duncan; you think about his face scrunched up in pleasure whenever you walked in on Michael giving him a blowjob, how blissful he probably felt, just like you right now. The Antichrist grins at your thoughts before plunging his tongue deep inside you, his eyes intensely locked on your face. You squirm on the bed as he starts to tongue-fuck you, driving him to hold your hips down on the mattress. “Tastes so fucking sweet.” He whispers before dipping two long fingers inside your heat, “Duncan would fucking love it.” Of course he’d bring him in. "Can you shut up about him? Just for once?" Your voice is weak and thick with desire as Michael looks up at you with a simper, his mouth glistening with your arousal. He presses kisses up your stomach, on your still covered breasts, before his face comes in your view. His hand wraps around your throat as his lips nibble your ear, "Why don't you shut me up with that sweet cunt of yours?" You bite your mouth and before you can reply, his lust-filled voice steps in again. "Sit on my face." A cocky grin is plastered over his face as you moan at his command, pushing on his chest and rolling on his waist instead. You hold the the edges of your night attire in one hand while Michael's impatient ones grip your hips in a vice-like hold, his rings digging into your skin as he encourages you to straddle him further. He slides his arms around your hips as you lower your soaked core on his awaiting tongue, the Antichrist instantly closes his eyes as he deeply savours you with slow, long licks. Your hands tangle in his hair, pull it at the roots, and he moans at the act; the sound earning a firm, careful grind of your hips on his face. You throw your head back as his palm comes down on your ass. "That's it", he says through muffled grunts, "Grind on my fucking tongue." You start rocking your hips back and forth while Michael's slaps multiply by the second, the stinging sensation only adding more to the pleasure. He's grunting and panting against your cunt, one hand leaves your hip to trail down his stomach and palm his hard cock through his trousers. You turn your head back to follow his motion, "Are you touching yourself for me, babe?" Michael moans at your words, his tongue juts in and out of your entrance as obscene slurping sounds fill the room, his name leaving your mouth in loud and needy whimpers. Michael's greedy lips suck on your clit while your hands flatten on the wall ahead, your orgasm building up by the second; you look down at him, taking in the sight of the Antichrist lapping up your juices with his eyes closed, feasting on your cunt like it’s the last thing he’ll ever do. With one last cry out, you let go of your release as an overwhelming bliss takes over your body, your cunt pressing and fervidly grinding on Michael's hungry mouth. "That's it, cum all over my mouth", he whimpers, "give me a proper taste of yourself." He licks up everything you have to give, not letting you get off of him until he's sure he collected every drop of your sweet release. By the time you lay beside him, your legs feel numb and shaky, and you are fighting hard to regain your breath. It's always like this when Michael eats you out. He cups your face, his lips are on you again as you taste yourself on his tongue. You moan out, "I missed you." Michael looks at you with longing eyes and his lips curve upward at your confession. "I missed you too, pet."
Taglist: @ritualmichael @queencocoakimmie @sammythankyou @langdonsdemon @langdonscody @lovelykhaleesiii @duncvn @satansapostle @heyworld07 @tickled--pinkmoodpoisoning-deac @gerkatherine @pink----matter @xtheinevitableprophecyx @avesatanormalpeoplescareme @lustforfern @stupidocupido @1-800-bitchcraft @chocolateandhorror 
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