#pidge and lance brotp
For the character list post; Pidge?
I’ve read your thoughts on the other members of team Voltron but I don’t think I’ve seen anything of Pidge. Could be wrong and I just don’t remember 😅
Pidge!! Going to be real i have a lot of mixed feelings about her. Like when i started watching vld she was my favourite but over time she started to bore me, and now i barely think about her
favorite thing about them-
Early seasons Pidge was such an interesting character! Like she was desperate girl who wanted to save her family, she was secretive lone-wolf who barely got along with anyone, she had severe foot-in-mouth disease, she was insecure and rambly and over thought a lot, she still cared. She had so much potential to be so much, I miss her ☹️
least favorite thing about them
Has same problems Keith has, as in she is a writers pet so can never be wrong and everyone must hail her as The Best, kinda just stops developing after finding her brother and ends up being a plot device and her constantly putting Lance down was getting annoying
favorite line
I am so sorry i cant remember any lines right now, but i did love the love the fountain scene, y'know the one <33
S1 Shiro and Pidge beloved <333, garrison trio, also Allura and Pidge had so much potential as well
I am mostly ehh towards her nowadays so i dont have one
Same reason as above i dont really have one
Random headcanon
Loves fairy lights, specifically those yellow ones. Gets cold very easily
unpopular opinion
They should have killed Sam Holt, i dont hate him or anything but they should have killed him. Like vld eps moaned so much about how they wanted to write a "Tragedy" about "war" and yet missed out on a golden opportunity. Unreal
I personally dont think Keith and Pidge would have get along. And the reason is that they are too similar. Like i said Pidge has canon foot-in-mouth disease, and Keith can be extremely sensitive especially about certain topics. Keith was also hypocritical in how he yelled at Pidge for wanting to leave the team to save her family, only to ditch team later on repeatedly to the point they almost got killed. Plus neither of them are emotionally mature enough to understand they are similar and the other person is going through the same things they are. Sometimes same people repel each other
song i associate with them
Whatever it takes by Imagine Dragons is all i can think of right now
favorite picture of them
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There's another pic of her being starry eyed i really liked but i cant find it anymore 🥺😢
Thank you for the ask!!!!!!!!!
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bosstoaster · 2 years
Characters: Matt Holt or MGS Ocelot (or both)
I have more to say bout Matt so we'll go with that! (But this is very kind of you lol)
Sexuality headcanon Pansexual. He canon dated a robot, I think this is pretty well supported
OTP I love him and Shiro still ;_;
BroTP Him and Pidge, obviously, but I also love Hunk in there. Just geeky things
NoTP Probably him and Lance, if anything? Just boring to me, and also b/c, ah, fandom
Headcanon I will die on the 'Matt is a sarcastic lil shit' hill. He's quick witted and not nearly smart enough to stay out of trouble. Gotta put being the commander's kid to use, right?
Favorite Line ...I'm going to be real I do not remember any of Matt's canon lines, lol.
Second hand embarrassment Flirting with Allura
Cinnamon roll or problematic fave? Cinnamon roll
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kidge-planet · 2 years
dinner at the Holt's house
important !!
hey everyone !! I needed to inform you that even if I am a kidge account , that one shot doesn't contain kidge ( it has sort of a brotp kidge ) BUT ! I'll do a version of Keith's POV that will contain Kidge ! anyways ! enjoy that verse of the story !
(also , I feel like it was rushed and so , the story seem poorly written . sorry for that :(( )
The paladin's had defited Sandak and were now on earth for a few month until the Atlas was ready to launch .
Colleen had missed her family for years now , to have them all back is a chance that she thought she'd never have. If she had that luck , it was thanks to her daughter but also of the other paladins that also saved the earth and gave her the opportunity to have the ones she loves back at home.
The least she could do to thank them was to invite them all to dinner ! So this is what she did .
The paladins where heading to the Holt's house, all together (without Pidge , obviously ) in shiro's car . Shiro had brought a bottel of wine, Lance flowers for Colleen , Hunk a cake , Allura bought nice candels ,Coran founded a way to make something similar to the Altean Nunvil and Keith also brought flowers wich got Lance and Keith to argue..( Lance started the agument)
-I can't wait to be there ! Pidge told me so many things about her mother's cooking ! It juste sounds amazing ! she also told me that Colleen would be glad to share some recipies with me!
Hunk couldn't help but have a bright smile in his face has he was imagining all those good Italian dishes that were waiting for them .
-Yea , I heard a lot about Pidge's house . She told me she had a HUGE lab ! I bet it looks like the Batcave ! I mean , duh ! She has a rich family , doesn't she ?
-Lance, this is not about the house ! Im sure we'll have a nice evening !
Allura seemed very glad to go . Pidge and her had became close friends and she was happy to be invited at her house in a calm evening , far from war .
-Allura is right . Besides , I had to see the lab you are talking about ,Lance. I can asure you it doesn't look like the Batcave ...But it IS huge.
Shiro said , his eyes not quitting the road .
-At least it is huge..
-Lance , are you going ONLY for the lab ? I don't even think you'll understand the foction of any of the objects that are there.
Keith said , his head layed against the window .
-As if you did.
-Keith ! You two , stop aguing ! We are here to spend a good time together so keep your insults for later , would you ?
The both of them didn't answere .
They all kept talking in the car until they arived at the Holt's house.
In front of the house, they walked in the coldness of the evening to reach the door .
Finally ,they knocked. As soon as they did , they heard barking and sratching behind the door . It took a few seconds before it opened to let appear Colleen and Baebae behind it .
-Hey there ! Glad you could make it ! Come in !
Baebae was jumping on their legs as Colleen greets them .
-Bae' ! Sit .
The dog obeyed and sat in the entrance. She was wagging her tail and panting with her tong out.
The paladins walked in , discovering the house :
It was very clean , beautifully decorated and it smelled good food .
Matt was in the couch with Sam , the both of them got up to greet the paladin's .
After some minutes , Colleen spoke up.
-Katie is in her room . Matt , can you go get her please ?
Matt noded and walked toward the staires .
The paladin's setteled in the couch to wait their friend.
After what seemed to be an eternity, pidge got downstairs followed by Matt :
She was dressed with an oversized red sweater , she wasn't wearingher glaces and had her haires tied in a bun .
-Hey guys !
Baebae ran to Pidge's feets as pidge leaned to give a fast pat on her dog's head .
- Alright, dinner might be ready in 10 .
Colleen said as she got up and headed to the kitchen .
-Do you want some help ?
Hunk asked.
- I'd be glad to help
He finished.
Colleen agreeded and hunk helped her in the kitchen.
When they were finished , everyone got around the table .
As they started to eat , they were talking about everything and anything.
- Yeah! That reminds me the time Katie stole your make up ,mom! She had tried to put some on ! That was so bad , I couldn't help but laugh! Then she got mad and punched me so hard that I had a huge bruise on my face ..
The whole table laughed at Matt's story.
-Very funny.
Pidge was obviously annoyed.
-How old were you , pidge ?
Allura asked as she kept laughing at the idea of Pidge with an horrifying make up .
-She was like ... 6 ?
Colleen said with hesitation.
-6?! And you was strong enough to hurt Matt with a punch?
Lance asked , almost choking with the food he had in his mouth.
- I beat him at arm wrestling.
Pidge answered proudly.
-She was a case . Really ...
Sam said with a desperate look.
-Ho come onnnn... I wasn't THAT bad.
Her family just looked at her with a raised eyebrow.
-You . Were . Terrible.
Matt said , pausing between each words.
-First , we were losing you all the time. One time ,we lost you in NEW YORK . And when we found you , you were laying on the ground covered by birds.
Colleen said .
Everyone cracked a little laugh .
What were you even doing ?
Hunk asked curiously.
- Bonding with my people .
That made some in the table laugh again .
-But Matt wasn't always the nice a nice kid !
Pidge shouted to turn the conversation. she knew that if she didn't, her family would keep going with embarrassing storys of her.
-Every time I really got in trouble, it was your fault .
Matt frowned.
-Pff ,exemple ?
-I have a list .
-Well anyways , you always accepted my weird ideas . That's kinda your fault too.
-You are ALWAYS begging me to follow you in your stupidity.
-Ok you two we get it . Enough.
Sam sighed .
-You two had secret codes to talk . Every time you were starting to use them , I knew something was wrong ..You know , your hand signs..
-Ho , yea ! I taught that to Keith ! Well , actually, we made our version of it .. But it's similar to the hand signs I had with Matt .
Pidge said as Matt frowned.
-Yeah . We still need to figure out some stuffs but in general, I understand what you say even if it doesn't actually make sense.. guess I'm just good with hand talks?
Keith added to what Pidge said .
-you are not good with that. One time , I tried to hand talk with you and you didn't understand anything that I was saying to you ..
Lance said .
-Wait , pidge , you taught Keith how our secret hand talk worked ?! It was supposed to be secret!
-As I said , we made our own version of it. So , Technically not.
-Yea....... Hey ! You guys ! Did you know that pidge had been bold one time ?
Matt said to annoy her.
And that definitely worked .
-Hold on .. WHAT ?! I have to see that !
-WE have to see that !
Hunk and Lance said with mischievous smiles in there faces .
Pidge screamed .
-Well I do have the picture in the family album... Hold on , I'm going to get it ...
-Ho , come on pidge ! It can't be THAT bad !
Shiro putted a hand on pidge's back as she was crawling in the table , begging her mother to come and sit .
-Trust me , it is THAT bad .
She said with her voice muffled .
Colleen came back to the table with the family album and she started to show pictures to the paladind , including the pic of pidge with VERY short haires .
Every one laughed at the sight of the picture exepte pidge , of course , that was burrying her face in her hands.
-Why did she had that haircut ? she doesn't seem very happy on that picture!
Allura said in between two laugher.
-Never let her use scissors.
Sam joked.
They kept looking at the pictures , passing from cute baby pictures to a picture of younger Matt , in swim shorts trying to show his "big muscles" to katie that was burried in the sand ( she wasn't even paying attention).
The time passed and they had finished dinner . And after that funny evening , they were ready to go back at their own places .
Knowing that theire teammate used to be a special kid ..
ACTUALY , she is still a special one.
hope you liked it !! wait for the kidge vers of it !!
I got a little help for that one shot ! @kidgetrash gave me one of her headcanons for it ! :))) go follow!!
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tokyoteddywolf · 7 years
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I can finally post this! Art for chapter 7 of Poison In The Stars! A Shark In Cold Waters You can read the fic here- https://archiveofourown.org/works/13664526#main Enjoy! :3
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kat-a-strophe · 7 years
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I saw this and I had to. Sorry for being unfunny and unoriginal.
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moonboykeith · 3 years
keith & pidge brotp headcanons :
they were introduced to each other through shiro and matt since both keith and pidge didn't have friends but at that time keith wasn't interested in making friends at all and pidge was thought it was yet another attempt of their brother to set them up with a boy so they didn't give a shit.
but turns out getting fucked into space changes a lot of things.
so the first time keith and pidge really bonded was over shiro's misery when he fell face first on the floor and pidge made the funniest remark with the most stoic face making keith burst out laughing.
the second time they bonded was when things got too much for keith. don't get him wrong, he adores his friends but sometimes they can be a bit loud and nosy and keith's just a very closed off introvert who enjoys his space. so to escape from the noise he sneaked into pidge's lab knowing that no paladin will dare to enter it without pidge's permission. when pidge found him, they allowed him to stay as long as he kept silent.
slowly it became a common thing for keith to hang out in pidge's lab while they worked. it was mostly quiet since pidge didn't like noise while working so usually it was just him cleaning his blade in the background while pidge worked.
slowly they began to actually talk to each other in the lab. it started off with small talk about their dumb older brothers and grew towards conspiracy theories.
both of them absolutely adore each other's company but would rather die than admit it to each other.
when they returned to earth, keith and pidge began going weekly cryptid hunting on sundays.
soon after beginning to date lance, lance started joining them as well but of course not without hunk.
so their cryptid hunts were mostly pidge and keith trying to gather evidence while lance pretended to be on buzzfeed unsolved and hunk just trying to make sure none of them accidentally summon some demons or die.
over time, pidge and keith decided to make a black mail folder where they stored shiro and matt's most embarrassing pictures. they shared a glimpse of it via a ppt on shiro's wedding. curtis was very amused, shiro and matt not so much.
keith was the first one on the castle ship that pidge approached to inform about their gender identity after realizing that they were non binary. in turn keith informed them he was gay to try to make them at ease, pidge wasn't surprised.
pidge set klance up. hunk helped.
one day it was raining too bad and pidge couldn't catch the bus home, so they walked up to keith and lance's place because it was closer and lance had immediately announced a movie night and invited hunk over.
pidge once told keith that matt had a crush on lightning mcqueen when he was 8. keith never let matt breathe in peace after that.
in turn keith told pidge that shiro used to have a bowl cut for an year and gave them some pictures. pidge now practically controls shiro.
both of them aren't the best at handling emotions so it's very awkward when one of them is sad and down. they don't know what to say to the other person so usually they just stick to long hugs to make the hurt go away.
pidge always has a rubics cube in their lab just to keep keith busy. keith always tries his best to solve them but always fails.
keith has two apple juice tetra packs in his bag at all times because pidge is a sucker for them.
both of them love coffee to an unhealthy extent and if left alone with coffee packets they'll probably finish the entire thing in like fifteen minutes.
pidge once dared keith to snort coffee like drugs. keith was almost sent to ER.
they have matching friendship bracelets that they made for each other with lance's niece nadia's assistance and they wear them every day.
pidge's bracelet is a bunch of green beads and a goose charm (because they love the untitled goose memes) along with some alphabet beads that spell put 'pid' because all the g and e 's had been used up.
keith's bracelet is a bunch of red beads with a kitty charm because pidge couldn't find a hippo one and a bunch of alphabet beads that spell out 'kiy' to match pidge's misspelled bracelet.
pidge camped in lance and keith's guest room for an year while looking for a new place to live in. needless to say it was the most fun year they had spent and moving into the new place later was very lonely.
pidge might've stolen a couple of pillows from keith and lance's place. if the couple had noticed then they just didn't say anything.
keith always camps at pidge's place after he and lance get into arguments because he needs space to think.
pidge loves kidnapping comet and kosmo when keith and lance are away.
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Keith: You, Uh- you look good.
Pidge: *blushes* Um, you too.
Lance: (puts down a slice of cake he was eating) Oh, for the love of- Keith, would you like to go to the space mall with Pidge on Friday?
Keith: I, uh...
Lance: Simple question. Yes or no?
Keith: Yeah. Yes I would.
Lance: Pidge, would you like to go?
Pidge: I'd love to.
Lance: Excellent. How amazing for you both. Now I can get on with enjoying my cake.
So it's been 1 year since I started this blog! Looking forward to entertaining you all with more Kidge quotes to come!
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Exactly one year ago (Dec 14, 2018), "Voltron: Legendary Defender" ended.
I can't describe how many emotions this show made me feel, honestly, and the fact that it's ended- forever, probably- saddens me immensely.
Criticism aside, this show taught me so much and helped me a lot, and I want to thank every single person that worked on this cartoon.
I've loved VLD for a year after its end, and I'm gonna love it for many more.
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fabficrex · 5 years
Are you Joking?
Are you Joking? by Trench_coats_and_denim_jeans on AO3 ~ Ongoing ~ Teens and Up ~ No Warnings ~Klance 
Lance and Hunk have always dreamed of venturing the world to hunt for ghosts.
Pidge just wants to go to cool historical places.
Keith....Keith might just have found the best thing Pidge has ever dragged him into. (Not that he'll admit it)
A story of four idiots running around empty old buildings, trying to make it on YouTube.
One of the best Buzzfeed Unsolved aus in existence. Everyone must read this -Jess
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braindad · 6 years
If klance won’t become canon please for the love of god at least let them be better friends
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bittercinnabon · 6 years
Interaction #66
Person A: *wakes B up* it’s 10am, the pet shop is open
Person B: what
Person A: ima call the pet shop to see if the nub tail kitten is still available
Person B: A pls, i dont wanna drive half an hour for a cat that youre not even legally allowed to get *rolls over in bed*
Person A: says you
Person B: *muffled from blankets* and the law
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rainforestgeek · 6 years
Lance: Pidge is an oven.
Keith: ???? Explain.
Lance: Roasts me.
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jam-every-other-day · 6 years
I'm gonna say it
Keith and Lance are best friends.
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tokyoteddywolf · 7 years
Lost At Sea Until You Found Me
Okay, there is a trigger warning for this. It’s suicide, though unsuccessful. Just a forewarning. It gets better after this. ————————————— It was all around him, swallowing him up and getting darker. It was quiet, very different from the orphanage he’d grown up in or the streets he’d wandered to get here. It was kind of nice.
Water had flooded his mouth by now, and he didn’t even struggle as he felt his lungs start screaming protests at all of this.
But like his heavy heart, he only sunk deeper.
Sound. Why was there sound?
“….on…ake up! Hey! Can you hear me?!”
He wished he didn’t.
“Wake up!” Something hit him in the stomach just in between his ribs and he reacted, sitting up with a garbled yelp of pain and bending forward to vomit up seawater onto the sand between his legs.
He coughed violently, tears rolling down his cheeks as he gripped his pained stomach.
“Oh thank god you’re okay. What were you thinking, drifting out in the middle of the night? You could have died!”
He blinked his eyes clear to gaze at his rescuer. A girl, possibly a few years younger than him, a lantern by her side and glaring at him worriedly through round glasses that took up half her face. Her short hair was weighed down with saltwater, and made her clothes hang off of her small frame.
“That was the plan.” He grumbled, finally recovered enough to pull his knees up to his chest.
“What? Like, suicide? Why the fuck would you try something as stupid as that?” The girl asked, something like rage mixed with concern warring over her features.
“Because I had no other option? Because I got kicked out of an orphanage that I barely survived through in the hopes of finding a family? Because I can’t get a job? Because I’d rather die than live in a homeless shelter where I could get sick and suffer? Because nobody wants me? There’s a whole lot of reasons why, kid. Pick one.” He hissed, growing more and more agitated with every sentence.
The look on the girl’s face made him deflate, however, and he merely rested his head on his knees. “Sorry, didn’t mean to yell at you…”
A hesitant hand rested on his shoulder. “Hey, it’s okay, buddy. I can’t understand what it’s like but I can listen? What’s your name?” She asked, and he looked up, because someone actually wanted to know his name.
“Lance. My name is Lance McClain.”
She grinned. “I’m Pidge Holt. And I think I can help you out. Ever heard of the Holt Marine Rescue Clinic?”
———————— Hey ho this is just part one! The next parts will be posted soon because I ain’t done with this AU yet!
Part two!---- https://tokyoteddywolf.tumblr.com/post/164338728198/lost-at-sea-until-you-found-me
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shiroallura · 6 years
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Matt's a lot like you. He's a survivor. We'll find him. // You saved me. I owed you one.
aka voltron’s standard “wow this person i love platonically just really came through for me in an important way and i’m super grateful for them” face
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Keith: Hey Lance, what are you writing?
Lance: A fanfic of you and Pidge.
Keith: What? Why?
Lance: Two reasons, one: Neither one of you have asked the other out yet and my romance yearning heart needs something to focus on.
Keith: And the other?
Lance: Pidge is paying me, I'm getting paid for this.
Pidge: Lance! I asked you that in confidence! Say goodbye to your money!
Keith: *starts reading* Woah.
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