#pidge:\ file \ headcanon
lotidge · 2 years
Headcanon: If Pidge ever grew her hair back out Lotor would probably braid it. And help her take better care of it.
Pidge: I'm tihnking of growing my hair out. Lotor: *perks up*
Pidge: Or shaving it Lotor: ... Can I shave designs into it? Pidge:... Yeah i'm growing it out Lotor: *pulling out a large file* this is my care regiment, we'll have to alter it slightly for your hair type but you are going to loo- Pidge; i regret everytihng.
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sylvabled · 5 years
pidge, after staring at screens for 8 hours: why do i have a headache?
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i-need-a-doctor-run · 6 years
Headcanon time
Pidge and Matt used to watch old episodes of X-Files together up until the Kerberos Mission. Pidge stopped watching after Matt disappeared but every night she would look up at the stars and wonder if this is how Mulder felt when his sister was abducted
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sp4c3-0ddity · 7 years
i have a lot of feelings about the Holts to the point that i kinda sorta project my own family onto them:
Like maybe Sam took his kids to star parties and showed them Venus and Saturn’s rings when they were still little kids and taught them an appreciation for the night sky and celestial bodies?? maybe he bought Matt a microscope for his eleventh birthday and Pidge a chemistry set for hers?? maybe he took them to work sometimes because he loves what he does and wanted them to love it too?? maybe Colleen bought them their favorite books and let them talk her ears off about them?? maybe she dressed them in matching clothes when they were still young enough not to be embarrassed by that sort of thing?? maybe Sam and Colleen encouraged them to play a musical instrument even if they personally never had and went to every single one of their performances and even though they have no idea how to play a trill or what ritardando means even though they’re apparently Italian they still loved each and every song their children played??
i just have a lot of Feelings about fictional families sometimes okay
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pathetichoney · 7 years
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nature child
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cjtheghost-14 · 3 years
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Requests not currently open
Harry Potter: 
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Requests not currently open
Percy Jackson:
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Requests not currently open
Leo Valdez-
After All These Years - Leo Valdez x Reader
When The Tables Turn - Leo Valdez x Reader
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Requests not currently open
Pidge Gunderson- 
Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans - Pidge Gunderson x Reader
Lance McClain-
Comfort In The Stars - Lance McClain x Reader
The Illuminae Files: 
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Requests not currently open (I need to re read these suckers)
Attack On Titan:
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Requests not currently open (I’m still fragile, ok?)
Genshin Impact:
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Requests are open
Diluc Ragnvindr-
The Flowers Of Mondstadt - Diluc Ragnivindr x Reader
Diluc Ragnivindr x Reader Headcanons
Wool Coats And Weddings - Diluc x Reader
Aubadoir - Diluc Ragnvindr x Reader
Wanderlust - Diluc Ragnvindr x Reader
Multiple Characters-
Prompt 14 (Thoma, Diluc, Itto, Xiao)
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willadisastercry · 3 years
Part 4 of “I’m fine” and other white lies Summary: 
Lance managed to successfully hide the fact that he has epilepsy from the doctors at the Garrison, telling them the hospitalizations on his file were for fibril seizures and that he’d grown out of them. His parents only let him do it because his condition had been under control for a while after he found the right balance of medication once he’d stopped growing. 
He hadn’t had a grand mal seizure in years but he’d only had so many pills on his person when he got thrown into this mess of being a defender of the universe… and he’s officially run out.
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phoenixyfriend · 7 years
Headcanon that when Lance gets annoyed at someone and challenges them to a fight, it’s nigh-indistinguishable from when he’s just challenging them as a joke. His body language and tone can’t be trusted, and the only way to tell is by how many memes he peppers into the challenge.
If he’s asking you to meet him in the pit, or the Denny’s parking lot, or saying “cash me ousside, how bow da?” then it’s a joke. “He’s gonna catch these hands” and “your ass is grass, and I’m gonna mow it” and even old-school “Do you bite your thumb at me, sir?” are all fair game to Lance when he’s jokingly challenging you.
Lance speaks fluent meme.
Keith does not, and needs Pidge to play Meme Translator.
“Pidge, Pidge, help me. Is he actually mad or just fucking with me?” “What was it this time?” “Uh, ‘come at me bro’ and then something about facing God and walking backwards into hell?” “He’s fucking with you.” “Oh. Okay, good. The last one sounded a little freaky and I wasn’t sure what to do about it.” “I could just shove some @dril stuff your way, save us both some time.” “Some... what?” “Oh boy.”
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echotovalley · 4 years
hello i am very much here for your klance + blue lion meta ☕
I cannot believe my browser crashed the first time I typed this up and nothing was saved. I tried my best to remember what I could - there are parts that I know are missing that can’t remember right and it’s so frustrating because I was really proud of them. nonetheless -
okay, everyone get comfortable because this is gonna get lengthy
I’ve always been interested in episode one, when everyone is standing in front of Keith’s conspiracy board and Keith is talking about hearing/feeling something calling him out into the desert, that’s it’s the Blue lion. He has no idea what it could be, but it’s all encompassing and he can’t ignore it.
Just this voice that’s maybe not even a voice in its completed form, the whisper of something that wants him to find it. He probably hopes against hope that it’s something about the Kerberos mission attempted to be covered up by the Garrison, something that will link him to finding Shiro.
He’s always gone with his instincts.
((there was a great transition between these bits that is forever lost to the sands of time and I weep))
Dial back 18 or 19 years (maybe even more), when Unnamed Kogane and Krolia find the Blue lion and even though they can’t interact with or enter her, they decide to protect her together. She’s the key to peace and protection for more worlds than could be counted and of course they’re going to do everything they can. The form a bond with her that way - words aren’t always needed.
You can tear Keith’s dad and Krolia showing Blue bby Keef from my cold, dead hands. But I think the Blue Lion knew what was up. Perhaps when she stood guard behind her shield and they made the pact to protect her. But definitely the second she saw this shock of dark hair peeking out from a big blanket, she knew. There’s the familiar curl of warmth she hasn’t felt in so long, a small spark in this new life. The flicker of the spirit of an old friend, Red.
The Galra are tearing apart galaxies and this tiny baby is the bridge between worlds and he doesn’t even know how special he is. How so loved he will be as a paladin. What Krolia and Keith’s dad know for sure is that they would in time teach Keith to look out for her too.
But things don’t always go as planned, do they? Thing have a way of coming apart at the seams and no matter how much restitching you do, it never comes back the same way it did before.
Krolia leaves - to protect the Blue lion and keep the Galra away from earth, away from the family she has made (something she possibly never thought of having because of her career withing the Blade). In an effort to not ruin the work they’ve put in to keep the Blue lion safe and to protect their son, Keith’s dad stops taking Keith to the cave. Maybe stops going all together. His son is his shadow and follows behind him even when he’s specifically told not to.
Besides, he trusts and believes in Krolia to keep the Blue lion and them safe.
So, Keith would have no memory of the Blue lion or her location.
Wouldn’t have the faintest idea that it’s a 10k+ year old sentient lion from outerspace that never forgot him and knew the someday they were meant to see each other again was fast approaching.
I have a separate headcanon that Krolia thinks about being selfish, she should have brought Keith’s dad and Keith with her and hidden them on a safe planet where Keith would grow up knowing he had a mother that loved him more than words. If Keith was always meant to be part of the war she fought so hard to keep away from him, then she could have taken that chance. Maybe his father would still be alive, but if he wasn’t meant to live in this timeline, then at least she could be there for Keith.
But if he was with her, then he never would have met his team the way he did.
Now Keith wasn’t the sole person to bring everyone together, the universe put a lot on this boy just from being born, but everyone had their part in bringing each other together featuring the seven degrees of separation between the Kerberos crew and the Garrison trio.
Pidge had her suspicions, broke into places for documents and created an entirely new identity to infiltrate the Garrison to get the answers and the proof and find her family.
It just so happens that she winds up on assignment with Lance.
Lance who is nosy and wants to figure out what’s going on in that funky, little dude’s head to have him breaking curfew and sneaking out into the desert in the middle of the night with enough tech and equipment on his back to trap a ghost.
And because Pidge isn’t the only Garrison cadet Lance is trying to figure out - their destiny is spelled out the second Lance recognizes Keith also breaking curfew and government laws to infiltrate the pop-up tent of lies.
Things start to fall into place
Lance only knew Pidge as Pidge, he had no idea that his new teammate was the direct family of Sam and Matt Holt undercover. He and Hunk didn’t have a reason to question the fate of the Kerberos crew and the official ruling of the Garrison. It didn’t occur to him to suspect that there was something bigger going on.
Now we’re going to get into the promised klance part.
The lore of the lions is unquestionable and will not be rewritten or overridden. They’re sentient beings whose purpose is to bring peace and protection through means that surpass race and species and time. They won’t let just anyone into their world, into the pilot chairs of giants.
The connection between a lion and their paladin is definite and all-in.
Isn’t it interesting that the Blue lion called out to Keith?
Or that he felt her presence, whichever way you want to look at it.
I will take A:TLA’s ‘friendships can last more than one lifetime’ everywhere I go. Add to that, season one was very deliberate and concise in it’s storytelling, there weren’t coincidences. I’m not saying the Lions are psychic, but I think they know who would be destined to be their paladin. Maybe they didn’t have names or a solid time frame locked down, but there would be the sense of that person on the edge of their conscious - a blip of light down the path of their future.
Maybe she knew Lance wasn’t ready to answer if she tried to reach out to him. But she knew Red.
She trusted Red, as varied and nuanced as their connection could be, to bring her paladin to her.
Of course it would be in an unconventional manner and never so straight-forward.
Not to be that guy, but the reveal in later seasons that the bond between a lion and their paladin transcends space - literally and figuratively - didn’t surprise me. The importance of that connection and how it’s built up episode by episode just makes it obvious that they would have some kind of homing beacon that wasn’t bound by a particular radius. If Keith could sense a lion that wasn’t his then, that tether between the color coordinating paladins and lions would be immeasurably magnified.
When the team entered that cave and approached the Blue lion, she reacted instantaneously to Lance and invited him in with zero hesitation. That was her paladin. This big moment of ‘Oh, there you are.’
Whether any of the other lions would have called out to Keith, we don’t know. Since the team split up to find the other lions and those timeframes were wholly dedicated to the paladin and lion connection to sync up, we don’t know if the others would have felt the lions too. Once the team all has their lions and they begin the adventure of mindmelding, 100% they could feel the presence of the other lions as they felt each other.
Pidge had the data anomalies, hacking into encrypted files and studying radiowaves. And bringing it all together to hone the information Keith had collected.
Keith felt and heard the disturbance in the force, if you will.
The Blue lion and its paladin aren’t just the guardians of water, they’re the glue that holds the team together. Who else other than Lance could bring so many different people together? 
I wasn’t super into The Great Lion Switch, but all of this still applies to that. When Lance’s role changed, it didn’t mean the Blue lion stopped having a connection with him. It was a mutual acceptance that his place on the team evolved and who else but Red to trust with her paladin? She acknowledged how much he cared about Keith.
This leans heavily on the ‘friendships last more than one lifetime’ - despite times and species, race, and age, this team would have always found its way together and the relationship of trust and respect and care between the Red lion and Blue lion were always there and would always level itself out.
Even if their paladins don’t know it yet.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
**I don’t really talk about Shiro or Hunk but they are also very, very important and I love them dearly.
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sweetheart-station · 5 years
I love your writing for Keith from Voltron! I miss Voltron 😭😭 I was wondering could I request some head cannons for the Paladins x reader and having there first kiss? 😊
Oh boy! A multi-character post! Get ready folks, this is gonna be long! - Mod Venus
Paladin’s First Kiss Headcanons (REQUEST)
Keith Kogane
A first kiss with Keith happens before something major, like the calm before the storm. He’s mulling over things while sitting on a windowsill, one leg drawn up and arms crossed as the cosmos glitter out the window. S/O, having a hunch, goes and finds him and promptly sits on the sill too, facing him.
After a soft inquiry on their part and a bit of a pinched look on his face, he opens up about what’s on his mind. At this point, he already knows he can trust them, so saying what he’s thinking isn’t quite as hard as it used to be before they got together.
After he explains himself, he lets S/O talk. Hearing what they have to say is important to him after all. Their words start sinking in and he finds himself subconsciously relaxing in their presence, shoulders not so tense, face softening.
How do they just...do that? Listening to his deepest troubles and making it seem like something beatable instead of some towering wall?
On one hand, he’s glad he doesn’t have to face everything completely alone anymore. On the other...he’s scared. If he loses them...
Next thing he knows, he’s drawn them up into his arms, pulling them close and resting his forehead against theirs. S/O pauses mid-sentence in surprise as their eyes meet. His eyes are intense, but not threatening. That passion he’s known for is simmering beneath the surface, and it’s sucking S/O in.
“No matter what happens...there’s no way I’m letting anything happen to you...got that?”
S/O can feel his breath brushing their skin as he murmurs those heartfelt words before his lips meet theirs, chapped but tender...tentative...uncharacteristically vulnerable. A hand in his hair makes him melt internally and feel like he’s floating all at once: an odd combination, but not unpleasant.
Even after they part for air, Keith is reluctant to let the go. Bearing so many feelings out in the open like that leaves him a bit emotionally raw, so he’s almost dependent on S/O’s presence like a healing balm for such a young, weary soul.
To sum it up: Keith’s first kiss with his S/O came from a place of fear...of worry for the future. However, it is also a promise; an oath of how much he loves them and how he will fight for the sake of their future together.
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Hunk Garret
Hunk and his S/O were up way late one night...probably from nerves. And what better way to get rid of nighttime nerves than some late night snacks, right? Except...there’s not much to raid in the pantry...so the two decide to whip up a little something instead!
Even if S/O doesn’t know their way around the kitchen, Hunk is happy to let them try and help, or to have them sit and watch while he works...though his focus may be more on the food.
The two try not to make too much noise, but they can’t help but chat about anything and everything: from Voltron to weird alien food to just innocuous things.
It’s not long before the treats are ready, and soon the conversation is accented with comments of how delicious it turned out and how great Hunk is in the kitchen.
Hunk, caught between being humble and being proud of his talent, gets flustered. S/O, who has given him pecks on the cheek before, goes to do so, but because the motion catches him off guard it instead ends up planting squarely on his mouth.
There’s a pause before the two panic, apologizing profusely, followed by another pause and finished with a duet of bashful chuckles at how ridiculous the situation is.
S/O quietly asks if they should try that again. Hunk, with a warm smile and overflowing heart, says they should. The sort-of-first-but-technically-second kiss is sweet and soft and dusted with cookie crumbs. It’s the kind of kiss that immediately gets addicting, because your insides feel like cotton and are warm like fresh laundry.
To sum it up: Hunk’s first kiss is steady and sure, the next step in a happy life together. After this milestone, kisses become much more frequent and as natural as saying each other’s name. The man has domestic bliss written all over him, after all.
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Pidge Holt
So...Pidge may be smart, but romance-wise, she’s a bit of a...lame duck. At least at first! She’s good at the casual things, like hanging out and playing games, or messing with Lance for a laugh at his expense. But...what she labels “gushy things” ...? A bit out of her field.
The first kiss didn’t happen for a while and the reason it happened wasn’t exactly romantic. It was getting real late, but it looked like Pidge was shooting for another all-nighter at her computer, much to her S/O’s dismay.
S/O had dozed off for a bit, woken up, and realized Pidge hadn’t moved an inch; the little brainiac was hunched over her clickety-clacking keyboard like some sort of bespectacled space gargoyle. It would be funny if it weren’t so concerning. S/O started off with a quiet inquiry, only to be met with a soft mutter of “Go back to bed.” S/O tried again, more insistent, bordering on pleading, but what the Green Paladin lacks in height she makes up for in sheer stubborness. She merely dismissed her S/O’s concerns again, stating that this isn’t the first time she’s done this and she’ll sleep when she’s done.
S/O, getting miffed, can’t help but snark about how long that’ll take, exactly. Pidge, who was mentally drained even without admitting it, doesn’t take kindly to this and snaps back, only to be shocked when S/O rushes forward and snaps the computer shut. Before she can protest, she’s stunned by the expression on S/O’s face: a scowl with glassy eyes and a slightly trembling lip.
S/O starts on a mini rant about how much it hurts them to see how little she cares about her own well-being when they care so much about it in her stead, and how it feels like what they say doesn’t seem to matter as much as some line of code or encrypted file, and how is she supposed to function properly when dead on her feet in the morning?? It trails into the idea that maybe because they themselves don’t understand this stuff, that maybe she doesn’t trust their judgment as a person; but she should at least know that they only say these things because they worry about her, and it hurts to be brushed off like some sort of pest.
Pidge watches owlishly as S/O stalks off before they really blow up and say something they’ll regret. The silence that ensues is deafening, and ultimately too uncomfortable for her to sit in as she goes and heads over to S/O’s room. She bites her lip as she sees them trying to calm down their breathing. As soon as she sits down next to them, she does her best to awkwardly start up a fresh conversation with S/O’s quiet gaze on her. She stammers during the apology, not from scrambling for excuses, but out of nerves and panic at the idea that she might have ruined the relationship. In the end, she pleads for them to not feel like they matter less than whatever project she’s working on, because it’s not true.
After a beat, S/O nods, much to her relief. After she mutters something about being a terrible girlfriend, she’s surprised by the feeling of S/O’s hand over her own. There’s some relief however when S/O quietly jokes that it’s gonna take a lot more for her to win “Most Terrible Girlfriend” award, followed by a soft kiss to the corner of her mouth that she quickly indulges in, not wanting to waste it.
To sum it up: Pidge is so driven that sometimes other things fall to the wayside. A first kiss with her is a way to plant her back on the ground; a reminder of what she has, and all-together a way for the bond to deepen even farther.
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Lance McClain
Oh, this romantic had been dreaming about this for a while, even before he and his S/O got together. Which means that he’s looking for just the right moment when they do.
It’s one of those moments you read about in sappy romance novels. Lance insists on sneaking out one night when they’re staying on a planet. He takes them on a little adventure: A bit of perusing the streets, indulging the nightlife, and checking out the local sights before headed to a more secluded spot on the edge of the settlement, where the foliage gives way to a horizon crowned with stars.
The two of them sit down and just talk. Lance and S/O, already super close and practically bound at the hip, were no strangers to hanging out together, but this felt so much more intimate. More private. Laying on the ground might’ve been uncomfortable if it weren’t for the happy mood.
There’s banter, but they’re mostly just reveling in each other’s company and taking a moment to appreciate the beauty of the universe that’s under the Paladins’ protection.
The air is quiet, with the exception of some local fauna here and there. Lance is suddenly not so bouncy; instead, he is pensive. His bright smile is faded, catching S/O’s attention. When they ask, he takes a moment to steel himself before coming clean about seeing them as more than just a friend.
“Heh...judging by the look on your face, you weren’t expecting that, huh?”
S/O is stunned, yes, because though they felt the same, they had no idea he liked them that way. He seemed like the type to straight up say he was interested. Lance, sensing the question, looks up with a nervous smile.
“You...you’re worth more than just a wink and a pick-up line, you know? I know it’s hard to believe, but...” his eyes dart to the side, downcast. “I don’t mean this as a fling. I really-“
He’s cut off when S/O moves in close, startled out of his ramble when their hand takes his. Warm tingles skitter up his spine at the contact, and he’s dumbstruck when they tilt his face to look back at them.
“That’s good...because I bet you weren’t expecting me to like you too,” they quip softly. Lance is torn between laughing and getting embarrassed, so he just kinda gurgles out of bashful nerves. When they smile and chuckle at his reaction, it just hits him what’s happening right now, which jumpstarts his brain back to life. He gets this real tender look on his face, hesitantly reaching to brush some of their hair out of their face before leaning in and pressing his lips to theirs. His heart soars and does backflips when he feels them reciprocate, and when they part he can’t help but smile softly.
There’s just this sense of completeness that washes over the two, like two missing puzzle pieces finally coming together to make the picture or a river meeting the sea. It blooms like a cactus flower in the night: fresh and new and oh so worth the wait.
To sum it up: a first kiss with Lance is amazing and memorable, but not flashy, despite what his personality might lead to believe. In matters of serious relationships, Lance gets nervous because real feelings are nerve-wracking (in a good way,) and he doesn’t want to mess up such a good bond. Still, the romantic in him wants to kiss them right at the start of it all, because it just...feels right. Plus, it’s a great story to pass down in the future.
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Takashi Shirogane
A first kiss with Shiro is...a bit complicated.
The man has so many responsibilities on his shoulders that romance is pushed to the side a lot. Not that he doesn’t care about it or his S/O, he just feels obligated to focus on the situation at hand rather than indulge for himself.
His S/O understands that. There’s no way they’d be able to make it work if they didn’t.
On the other hand, his S/O wants to be an anchor for him. With how much he’s been through they have a hard time believing he can just brush that off so easily like the rest of the team might believe - The price one pays for being so revered...
They manage to make a point one night while Shiro is in the training room, asking if he wants to spar with them instead of the robot so they both get some work in. He agrees, happy to help.
It’s too bad the rest of the paladins aren’t awake at the moment to see it, because the sparring session that ensues is quite a sight to behold. Every move and transition and counter is so smooth.
Shiro comments on how much they’ve improved, and they merely reply with a cheeky “Are you really that surprised?”
He laughs, but doesn’t falter. The session comes to a midpoint and the two take a quick break for water.
“It’s good knowing I have someone like you watching my back,” he chuckles, taking a swig from his water bottle. S/O decides instead to douse themselves a bit with theirs. They nod a bit, but their face looks a bit more serious.
“You can always count on me...even when I’m not throwing punches,” they remind him. He pauses, sensing the underlying emotion in that statement, and sighs.
“I know I can, (Name.)” he says in a reassuring tone, but he can’t help but yell in surprise when he suddenly finds his legs swept out from under him. He falls onto the mat with a grunt, sprawled out in his back and staring up at his S/O, who is now straddling him, in shock.
“You say that...but you still take everything on your shoulders no matter how many times we tell you otherwise...!” S/O scolds. “How am I supposed to believe you when you don’t tell me how to help?” Their voice goes quieter as they slouch forward a bit, anger starting to ebb into tired pleading.
“I’m not going to tell you what you can and can’t do...” they murmur hoarsely as they lock eyes with him. “But...I hoped that you would trust me enough to tell me when you’ve had enough...to come to me once and a while.”
Shiro is speechless at first, mouth dropped open in bewilderment, before his face softens. A soft hand hand touches S/O’s cheek, catching their attention.
“S/O...this’s been bugging you for a long time now, hasn’t it...I’m sorry...”
Dark eyes reflect regret as he pulls them into his chest after sitting up, not too tight, but definitely firm with conviction. “It was never my intention to make you feel like I don’t trust you...that’s the furthest thing from the truth...I was so focused on not wanting you to worry that I made you worry anyway. I guess I’m a bit of a hypocrite that way, huh?”
The two share a small chuckle at that.
“Maybe...but knowing you, you won’t make that mistake again, hm?”
“Well, if you’re going to sweep me every time I do, I better not,” he jokes. There’s silence between the two as they look into each other’s faces, tension passed. S/O, after a moment of consideration, presses a kiss to his mouth, which he happily reciprocates and even deepens a tad to make it last longer. The weariness in his body slowly fades, replaced by a softness comparable to a fleece blanket after a long trek in the cold rain.
“Don’t worry. Even if that happens, I’ll still be there to pull you back up on your feet.”
To sum it up: A first kiss with Shiro is a mark of trust. For Shiro, who tends to put almost too much on himself, it is a sign that he doesn’t have to be the only one to bear the weight. He can finally find refuge in someone who will stand by him through it all and offer him shelter emotionally.
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Princess Allura
Ah, yes. A first kiss with a princess. Who hasn’t dreamed about that?
This spirited young lady is torn between propriety and just going for it.
It takes time for Allura to come to grips that she even has feelings for someone because, like Shiro, she has such a strong sense of duty that she believes she has no time for romance.
So a first kiss comes along in a moment of peace after a hard-won victory. Her mood is uplifted and she feels a weight taken off her shoulders. For now at least.
S/O on the other hand, seems..off. Jumpy, nervous, a bit spastic. Could it be some sort of odd Earthling disease??
Determined to find out, Allura starts tracking them down. When she first approaches, S/O seems to panic, which makes her even more concerned.
“You’ve been acting so strangely. What is the matter?” She asks, dainty eyebrows drawn together in concern. Somehow, S/O just looks even more nervewracked as they sputter an excuse before darting off. Allura just stares after them in bewilderment.
After several more attempts, she finally corners them somewhere away from the others. No one to distract them, nothing happening that just so happens to need their attention, nothing. She immediately nips any excuses in the bud as she stared directly into what feels like their soul.
“Now, what in heaven’s name is going on? Have I done something to offend you or what??” She demands, exasperated.
“What? No! You haven’t done anything to me! Er, well, not that way, at least,” S/O yelps as they bumble through an explanation. Their eyes are glued to the floor as they continue. “I...there’s something I need to tell you...I’m just too big a chicken to say anything...”
Her face relaxes a little, going from frustration to concern, though a small smile does grace her face.
“Whatever a chicken is...you are far from one, S/O. What is it you wanted to say?”
Cue more stumbling and awkward pauses before S/O finally just sighs, looking at her with a helpless expression.
“I love you!” they spit out, before slapping a hand over their mouth in horror. S/O was hoping to be more subtle than that!! Allura’s just staring at them; of all things, that was not what she saw coming.
Well, it’s not totally unbelievable...she’s not going deny how close they’ve become over the course of their journey together. The late night chats, the sharing of Altean and Earth cultures, the laughs, the tears...
She thinks back on all those times, and her heart swells as the thoughts in the back of her mind come pouring in. She knew she had treasured their relationship for a long time, but now that S/O had given it a name, she couldn’t deny it.
She snaps out of her reverie when she notices S/O stammering out an apology, voice watery and hollowly casual with a face that screams how much they want to go hide under a rock. Immediately, she is filled with regret because she hadn’t realized she’d tuned out that long, which couldn’t have looked that favorable a response.
Before S/O can run off again, she quietly takes their hand and squeezes it. The gesture cuts them off mid-ramble, making them look at her, puzzled. She just smiles, blue eyes soft and twinkling, as she leans forward to press a kiss to their mouth.
At first, S/O is shocked beyond belief. Could this really be happening after how badly they botched their confession? Then, they just melt into it. There’s this sense of tranquility that seeps into their veins.
It lasts a few seconds before their lips part softly. S/O looks flustered, but smitten, which makes Allura melt inside. She’s used to people pledging loyalty and camaraderie to her, but this is a whole new level.
“Now...before I kiss you again, how about I tell you how I feel, hm?”
To sum it up, a first kiss with Allura is sweet and tender. It’s soothing like a lullaby, but steadfast and sure. She wants S/O to have no doubts about her feelings ever again, so she makes it a point to kiss them often. They’re also a good way for her to relax when things get tense; at the very least, she has her S/O with her during this perilous journey.
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*faints* this...took...so long...I’m so sorry... - Mod Venus
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victorlimadelta · 4 years
actual canon: in the visual novels it’s canon that pidge keeps literal dossiers on the other residents of the castle ship. she’s been bullied before for being paranoid, but she obsessively collects data on them.
headcanon: pidge has your garrison file. she has your disciplinary records. she has your report cards. she has your medical charts. she has every social media post, even (especially) the ones you deleted. she’s doxed your family. she’s doxed everyone you’ve ever dated. she’s doxed your best friend from second grade. she’s written down every bad habit she’s ever observed and every nice thing you’ve ever said about her.
actual canon: more than once, having those dossiers has really come in handy, because she uses the information she has to predict combat, behavior, and reactions. keith thinks it’s brilliant, even though it disturbs the other paladins.
headcanon: if she wants to hurt your feelings, she will mule-kick you straight in the emotional dick with a killshot, which will come “out of nowhere.” but it’s because she already knows everything about you.
actual canon: pidge doesn’t really have an explanation for why she started datamining her friends. it’s just who she is and what she does.
headcanon: it’s because she’s autistic and needs that predictability in her interactions. it paradoxically allows her to trust everyone else much easier if she already “knows” who they are, because otherwise, she’s extremely slow to open up.
actual canon: she really, really doesn’t like having people inside her head.
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espy-ninja · 5 years
Voltron MOB
SO guess who got REALLLLLY hooked on the Voltron mob au? THIS GIRL! I need more of it to....so this is some of what I got for it, tell me what you think! 
Krolia is Shiro’s mom, he was born in Japan and his bio father is a dead beat who ran back to the states as soon as he hears Krolia was pregnant.
Korlia is queen and rises Shiro on her own, who needs a man right? 
They move to the states when Shiro turns 5, and the Holte’s live across the street. Matt is Shiro's first friend and gives him the knock name ‘shiro’ instead of calling him Shirogana
A few months in the states Krolia decks a guy when he was trying to rob Tex….tex fell in love at first sight and asked her out. This is how they started dating.
Tex LOVE Shiro and treats him like his own from day one. He loves Shiro as much as he loves Krolia. Shiro takes to him right back. 
Tex cries the first time Shiro calls him dad. He’s soooo happy. 
When Shiro is 9 Keith is born. (Shiro goes by Shiro and didn’t want to change his name from Krolia's maiden name so that is why they have different last names). They are haft brothers but you would never be abler to tell by how they act
Shiro is Keith's favorite
When Keith is about 1 Krolia is just...gone… she gone and poofed. Tex is still around and takes care of both his boys though. Shiro is upset but, Tex is still his dad so….it’s not as bad as it could be.
All is well and good until Shiro is 18 and Keith is 9….Tex died in a fire. Now it’s just the boys
Shiro is fighting to keep Keith with him and be Keith's guardian. But…..he’s fresh out of high school and can’t get any kind of decent job to support them both.  So after a month of fighting...they take Keith and both of them are heartbroken.
Shiro goes to Matt for help….and this is how Voltron mob is born.  It was all created because Shiro needed an income to get his little brother back.
Keith was in foster care for just over a mouth but…. It wasn’t good. Keith didn’t have a good time there at all and HATED it so badly. He was abused….. Shiro and he both gained deep hate for the system because of this. 
The mob grows bigger and faster than Matt and Shiro ever thought it could or would. There is no turning back.
The mob is broken into fractions, there are the “lions” Who lead everything and have color code names. 
the Alten fraction run by Allura(pink lion), they have more of the public friendly jobs so to speak and is the main front for the bigger mob. 
 A tec fractions called Olkari run by Pide(green lion) that handles secretly and information and all that good stuff. Pidge knows all and basically just has a small bunch of people doing stock and bookkeeping for her. She is the one who douses the big stuff like hacking jobs for info.
 The blades run by Keith(red lion) that covers security and muscle. They are the main fighting force and enforcers. He also douses dog training.... 
 The legs run by Hunk (yellow lion) that covers the inner workings and more of the care staff. Like making sure there are doctors,  foods for everyone, and stuff like that.
The Armor, run by Lance (blue lion) who tries everyone in gunmanship and makes sure the weapons stash is always filled and ready to go. 
Then there is the requirement and management of the members run by Coran (orange lion) he makes sure everyone in the mob is following rules and getting there work done, they call themselves the mustaches because...well don’t ask it’s Coran.  HE also handles things when someone passes...
Matt (brown lion) runs the everyday stuff along with the files of the members. He handles the grunts, The massive lower lever fractions that douse the everyday mob stuff. He calls his group the rebels. The rebels who do stock, inventory, selling and all that kind of stuff.
Then there is Shiro, the black lion. He runs the whole show and makes the choices of what is what going on the mob. He oversees everyone and makes sure everything stays in cheek. 
The house
The Main house is 4 floors. The bottom floor is a common space for the whole mob to hang out in. 2nd floor is a workspace and spare rooms. The 3rd floor is restricted space for only the lion It’s another common space for just them. The 4th floor is their living space. To get to the 3rd floor you need a keycard and fingerprint. 
The basement of the house is a makeshift ER More on this latter~
The Rules
Shiro has a set of rules that everyone must follow in his mob, and the rules have a very harsh penalty. Here are some of his rules that are unique to his mob
Never harm another member of the mob. You're family and family take care of each other. This extends to the family of every member as well. 
Never harm anyone in your own family. If you harm them I have no reason to trust you will not harm mine. 
NEVER under any cercomonads care any trouble near a place with children. (such as schools and parks) Kids are kids and should never have to see any mob actions. If you do see another mob breaking this rule, take care fo them away from the kids.
We are a family so act like it. Respect your elder and others around you no matter their rank. 
No matter your fraction you listen to all lions. If a Lion tells you something you do it.
Never harm a child in any way shape or form. No exceptions. 
To join a member must be invited by another member and approved by a lion.  
There is a no harm/hit list. Follow it. Keep up to date on it.
Must attend a monthly or by cheek in with your Lion.
Every member has a mandatory 8 hours of ‘care hours’ a mouth where they must to yellow Lion for assignment.
(There can be more to come if you guys want. I have a LOT of little headcanons for this! AND A LOT OF ADASHI FOR IT. )
please feel free to ask questions~~
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sylvabled · 5 years
i think in every pidge verse, it will somehow be canon that the reason she got the nickname was because she saw a pigeon and yelled "PIDGE" or mispronounced the word bitch.
or that one of her favorite movies as a kid was lady and the tramp. the lady was called pidge and katie just really liked it
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voltronauta · 5 years
Do you have any post-canon headcanons or stories that you like?
Oh B O I do I (although I’m not sure if you’re asking me about fic rec or if I personally have a story I’d like to write, like my Adashi AU. I’m guessing you’re asking about the latter so that’s what I’m going to write about but if you meant a fic rec let me know!)
Just to be clear, I’m mostly a Klance shipper so this is going to be Klance (and also a bit long).
First of all, I love the idea of Lance joining the BOM as a relief organization. However, in this pseudo-story, he doesn’t join it because of Keith’s influence, but because Acxa goes missing in one of the relief missions and he goes to find her because he doesn’t want his sister to go through the same that he had to.
Something goes wrong and Acxa goes MIA, presumed dead. And since Verónica and Acxa are in a very serious relationship, this destroys Verónica.
When Ezor and Zethrid, part of the squadron that was on the mission with Acxa, return to Earth and tell the McClain family the news, Verónica loses it and starts yelling that they’re lying and then she breaks down and cries and Lance has never seen his sister like this. Verónica is a pillar, she’s the strongest person he’s ever met and she just... lost it.
But he knows how hard it is. Losing your SO. He knows. So he hugs her and tells her how sorry he is and maybe cries with her, cries because he never wanted his sister to go through what he had to.
And everything seems to prove that Acxa is gone for good... except for the fact that they didn’t find a body. And this irks Verónica in the worst way, and Lance can understand why: because if there isn’t a body, there’s a) no 100% proof that Acxa is gone and b) no closure. And he also knows what having no closure is like because he feels like he didn’t have closure either.
It doesn’t help that the file on the mission can’t seem to give him any specifics. So he makes the executive decision to go find out exactly what happened to Acxa and (hopefully) bring her back. And he tells Zethrid and Ezor about this and they’re like “Sorry, Lance, but you can’t just... decide that. As an Official Blade operation, everything has to be approved by the main board and the Galactic Coalition” and he’s like “okay, then tell me who I have to talk to. Keith? Krolia? Kolivan? Shiro? I’ll do whatever I have to do" because he’s determined to do this.
The Galactic Coalition has a meeting, let’s say once a month, where all of the post-war issues are discussed and all the representatives go and settle what has to be done. And this month’s reunion is about to happen.
And all of the Paladins are invited, and of course, all of them go... except for Lance. He’s never gone to a single one of the reunions. So it is a huge surprise to everybody at the Coalition to see Lance Carrillo-McClain, Blue Paladin of Voltron and pilot of the Red Lion, the Right-Hand Man, the Second in Command, first thing in the morning, wearing his best suit and ready for the meeting.
He wastes no time in stating his business. He gets his holo-pad out and starts talking “A few movements ago, a high-ranking Blade operative named Acxa went missing during a relief mission gone wrong. Even though she’s presumed dead, there isn’t a body and no conclusive information can be found in the report. Therefore, I’m organizing a search-and-possible-rescue operation and presenting the initiative in front of all of the Coalition and the BOM representatives” not giving time for any possible retort, he continues “This mission isn’t going to interfere with the Coalition agenda or the current or future Blade missions”, he assures “It’s a one-man operation. I just need a small ship, limited resources and supplies, and clearance” he looks up, at no-one in particular “and I’m ready to leave as soon as possible”.
There’s absolute silence that seems to go on for forever until Pidge is like “w h o a” and then Shiros is like “Lance. This... this could be a suicide mission, why-?”
“Shiro, please. I just... Verónica deserves to know. And Acxa deserves justice”.
And there’s silence again until Shay, bless her heart, speaks and is like “I understand that it is the protocol to discuss this kind of business with the Coalition, but since this is an affair that doesn’t really concern any parts of the coalition that aren’t directly related to it, I don’t think we have the authority to oppose to your mission, Lance. And I’m fairly certain a vast majority of the Coalition agrees with me. After all, it’s not like we can deny any of the saviors of the universe anything” and then she smiles sweetly and is like “you have my blessing”.
And one by one the other representatives of the Coalition give their blessings as well, and then Hunk gives his blessing, too, because he knows how much Lance understands his sister and how much they both need it, and then Pidge agrees and it seems like it’s settled, and then Shiro sighs and is like “okay, I’ll get you the Garrison’s clearance and everything you need”.
But Lance is aware that the BOM representatives (Keith, Krolia and Kolivan) haven’t said anything, so he turns and looks at them and is like “Guys?” and Kolivan just nods and then Krolia and Keith share a look and she turns to Lance: “As an operation related to the Blade, we require you have a Blade member go with you” and YOU KNOW WHO THAT PERSON IS?! It’s Keith. Keith is his designated partner to go with him.
So everything is settled and they organize the mission and Lance and Verónica have a teary-eyed goodbye and Verónica tells hims that she really, really hates herself because she’s not asking him not to go and that she’s really sorry that she’s not asking him to stay but she just… can’t. Because Lance, his dear baby brother Lance who was lost for five years was able to return victorious and alive, and she trusts that he will come back. Not alone. Because if someone can bring Acxa back to her is that very own person that found his own way back.
And then they leave and the air is a little bit tense in the ship, where only Lance and Keith are flying. And listen, listen. You do not fight a war with someone, and become their right-hand man and have mind-melding exercises with that certain someone and not learn how to read them. Lance knows Keith. And he knows why Keith volunteered/agreed to go with him on the mission.
“You don’t really think Acxa is death either, do you?” Lance asks. And Keith double checks that every single transmission device is off before turning to Lance.
“Acxa sent me this message a few days ago” he puts his holo-pad on his lap.
“Keith” holographic Acxa says, frantic “Keith, there’s a mole. In the Blade. Someone that’s leaking information, contributing to a complot from the inside. I don’t know what they want. I don’t know who they are but… but you need to be careful” She looks to the side “I- I don’t think Ezor or Zethrid are the moles or involved with the complot but… But you can’t trust anyone.” Her voice wavers “Just to be safe”. Lance holds his breath  “Someone is trying to sabotage the Blade from the inside. Maybe even the entire Coalition. You need to find them and you need to stop them” she states “I’ll explain better when we return, but for now, stay safe and trust no one”. The message ends.
“She went missing two hours after the transmission”.
Lance is completely silent.
“The only other person that knows this is my mom. I couldn’t keep her in the dark about this, and I don’t think she’s the mole… I mean, I don’t- I may- You may think I’m biased, and maybe I am, a little bit, but I’d bet everything that my mom isn’t the mole and-“
“Of course your mom is not the mole, Keith.” Lance assures him. Because he’s not judging. He’d never judge such a call. He trusts Keith. And he trusts Krolia just as much.
And now Lance has information about Acxa’s mysterious disappearance. Information he can’t share, of course, but now he knows where to start, more or less, to find her.
So yeah, I’m gonna leave this here because it got really, really long. But basically Lance goes to space to save Acxa and Keith goes with him and there’s a super complex plot that I have kinda lined out and in which eventually Klance happens :P
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shiroallura · 5 years
Director's commentary on your version of Blackout please
Once again, I had three main objectives going into this chapter:
Fix It
Keith going to get Thace in the finale never made sense to me. His motivation to do so and Kolivan’s hesitance did, but God, why would you let any of the paladins do that? If one of them die, and Keith came very very close to it, you can’t form Voltron and you’re down a Lion against Zarkon? In what world is letting Keith basically take on a suicide mission a smart move when you need him for the upcoming battle? 
So yeah, removing that was important to me, and having Lira there to A) fill the spot, B) deepen Galra culture, and C) make it more emotional because we like her, know we can afford to narratively lose her, and that she’s close to Thace? Already more sensical and compelling.
Also every fan theory I saw about what “vrepit sa” meant was infinitely better than what canon did, and I wanted to make it applicable and meaningful whenever it arose again, so, hence “unto death.”
There were more adjustments I made here and there, but they can also be filed under “the team” section, so I’ll talk more about them down there. 
“Allura kissed him.”
It was important to me that this happened before Shiro’s disappearance. Not only would it give them some happiness, but it would also reinforce things that they would have to deal with later on, even after Shiro’s return. They get to be cute and flirty and in love, and planning a future, and despite the incoming battle I think it’s the lightest they’ve felt in weeks.
“I’ll see you on the other side, Takashi,” she promised.A soft smile pulled at his lips, even as he stepped back and felt the familiar freeze at the tips of his toes. “See you on the other side, princess.”
This comes back and this trope always hurts me, thank you. Also, the flashback Allura mentions about the team’s first night in the castle, and the quick conversation between her and Shiro, has been a headcanon of mine before I think I was even done S1, close to three years ago. I don’t know if I ever wrote it out or put it in anything (I can’t remember, honestly) but I was very happy to bring it back here for an extra punch.
I also wanted to examine Shiro and Allura’s relationship in a way I hadn’t quite gotten a chance too, as they hadn’t gone in on a mission together in-fic yet, and the delicate balance of being partners and in love while also fighting a war alongside each other… it’s not easy, but they both have the maturity, most of the time, to make it work. 
And this, once again, I thinks speaks for itself:
‘He had one last shining thought of Allura—her smile after she’d kissed him—and then everything was gone.’
the Team
“Allura looked at the family she and Shiro had built together—three runaways, a dropout, a prisoner, and the last of a dying race—and her chest swelled with pride.”
One of the things that was the most important to me, beyond Shiro and Allura in particular being given the arcs they deserved and that VLD refused to give them, was making sure the team felt like a team. I’ve never seen a show with a premise more built on found family and a show that executed it more poorly.
Hence why the team is all there to help Shiro during the removal of his arm. They’re all looking out for each other in battle. They’re all grieving, actually grieving, for their fallen friend in their own ways, in the final scene of the chapter. 
I also got to write more in depth about what forming and being connected through Voltron is actually like, for better or for worse:
‘The tug of the Lions and in his gut was familiar by now, almost comforting, even as more thoughts and emotions crowd his head than usual. Keith’s hot, trigger happy anxiety and Lance’s more subdued, cooler version of it, Pidge’s calculations and Hunk’s worry. Shiro smoothed them down, and felt the others fall into line with him.  […] He drove the sword in deeper, felt Keith and Pidge’s alarm, Lance’s worries and Hunk’s panic—felt Black’s low, mournful rumble—and felt his world tilt on its axis, into painful darkness.’
Being in Voltron is an incredibly hard thing, particularly in battle. You’re thinking and feeling everything of once, and not just your own thoughts and emotions either, but four other peoples’, and your Lion’s, and their Lions too. It’s an incredibly intense situation, and I think one that makes Shiro’s leadership more impressive because he’s able to handle it and help the others handle it, too.
Overall, this chapter was a fun and emotional one to write, and one I was glad to draw a decent amount of canon from. 
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farmhandler · 6 years
Shendak Fluff
For shannon aka @saltyhedgeh0g, who dealt with some stuff and I think could use some shendak to cheer up!! Just a random au involving a cute headcanon shannon has
There were things about Sendak that Shiro didn’t know. They’d been together a while now, but Shiro was still learning a lot about what it meant to date someone who was galra. 
Seated at what had been dubbed the “game table” by the occupants of the castle, Shiro was in bliss. Or more accurately, he was in bliss because he was sitting in his boyfriend’s lap, cuddling up to him while they played a board game. 
None of the others minded. Not anymore. Sendak had long since been accepted into the fray, having proven himself a valuable teammate now that he had been forsaken the empire. Shiro was just happy he could kiss him in plain view without feeling weird. 
"It’s your turn,” Keith said, interrupting Shiro’s thoughts. He pointed at Shiro’s character on the board and tossed him the die, looking relieved.
The game was scarily complex, with each turn taking at least five minutes just to get through all the different levels of play. It was fun, though, if they had the time to commit. Shiro took the die and rolled, beginning the arduous process of moving his many pieces and drawing a few cards to see what fated him for that turn. 
By the end of it, he’d scooted all the way forward in Sendak’s lap, using the edge of the table to prop himself up. Once he finally moved his last character and deposited his cards in the used pile, he flopped back against his chest, smiling when Sendak’s arms came up around his middle. 
“It’s Sendak’s turn, isn’t it?” Pidge asked. 
“Nah, he’s still stuck in space jail, remember?” Hunk said. 
“Oh, right.” 
Shiro was almost glad his luck had been terrible this game. It gave Shiro more of a chance to cuddle up to him without interruptions. 
He turned in Sendak’s lap, raising his hands to smooth over his cheek fur while they kissed. There were few things in life Shiro enjoyed more than cuddling Sendak, being encased in his warmth and his muscular arms, and kissing while cuddling was one of them. 
“Gross,” he heard Lance whisper. He ignored it, sliding his fingers up behind Sendak’s ears. He dug his fingers into the fur and Sendak hummed in apparent delight, cupping the back of Shiro’s head to hold him there.
Shiro was mostly sitting on Sendak’s right leg, so he only faintly noticed the way Sendak’s left leg started moving. Something was thumping under the table beside him, but he didn’t look to see what. 
“What is that?” he heard Hunk ask. The table shifted as everyone moved out of their chairs to look. 
Someone snorted. It sounded like Keith. Sendak made a sound that was perilously close to a moan, so Shiro kept scratching behind his ears, using his nails to really dig in.
“Oh my god that’s adorable. He’s just like a dog!” 
Finally Shiro extracted his face from Sendak’s, turning to look and see what all the fuss was about. His eyes widened when he saw the way that Sendak’s leg was moving, his knee thumping under the edge of the table. 
Sendak’s leg stilled while Shiro was looking at it, and when he looked back, his face had gone still as stone. 
“You okay? Am I heavy? Should I--” Shiro began, moving the fingers buried in his fur absently. Sendak’s one eye fluttered shut, and the thumping was back. 
“Oh,” Shiro finished, the answer dawning on him. “Oh wow.”
“Shut up,” Sendak snarled, but it lacked heat, not when Shiro was still working his fingers expertly behind his ear and he was trying to resist the way his leg was twitching. 
“I had no idea that felt that good for you,” Shiro teased. It was hard to tell, but Sendak’s face looked flush under his fur.
“That’s cute,” Hunk cooed. “Earth dogs do the same thing.” 
Sendak glowered at Hunk. “I am not a dog.” 
Shiro scratched behind his ear again. 
A harder twitch that time.
“Sorry,” Shiro said, grinning. “That’s just--really cute. You’re cute. I love you.”
Sendak grumbled, but did not resist when Shiro went to kiss him. “I am not cute. It’s completely normal for those of my species to enjoy being stimulated behind our ears. I’m certain if you had fur you would feel the same.”
“I probably would,” Shiro admitted, “but I don’t. So I’ll have to settle for doing it to you.” 
When Shiro went to scratch behind his ears, Sendak made it a point to keep his leg still, but the noise he made when Shiro really dug in was proof enough. It only lasted a few seconds before the paladins threatened to kick them out of the game if they didn’t stop acting like a disgusting couple, and so Shiro filed the information away for later use.
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