girlboccaccio · 1 year
I’m reading again Ernst Kantorowicz biography about Emperor Frederick II Hohenstaufen and I happened in one of my favourite parts, the one dedicated of course to Pier delle Vigne.
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This is so huge (to me) because the author here is describing Frederick and Pier basically as the “You Don`t Know Him Like I Do 😤 “ trope to each other. 
(But also: the image of a ruler and of his closest collaborator that works so good together that their plural ideas became easily one, that after eight centuries the outcomes of their partnership is still considered indivisible, you can’t understand when one finish and the other one starts etc etc).
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davidhudson · 3 months
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Federico Fellini and Pier Paolo Pasolini.
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sweetdreamsjeff · 1 month
The poetry that inspired Jeff Buckley
Aimee Ferrier
Sun 1 October 2023 21:15, UK
Voices as incredible as the one belonging to Jeff Buckley don’t come around too often. Unfortunately, after releasing one record, Grace, Buckley, with all his potential, was taken away too soon. At the age of 30, the singer went for a swim from which he never returned, drowning in the Mississippi River.
Yet, his legacy lives on as one of the most influential artists to emerge from the 1990s, and his music is widely celebrated today for its emotional and lyrical complexity. Not only did Buckley possess an otherworldly voice, but he was also an extremely gifted guitar player and writer, with all his talents combining to create a masterful body of work.
Even when Buckley was covering other artists’ songs, such as ‘Lilac Wine’, ‘The Other Woman’ and ‘Hallelujah’, he imbued the pieces with his own distinctive style. Yet, his penchant for covers wasn’t a reflection of an aversion to writing. Buckley knew how to pen a stunningly poetic track, with songs like ‘Lover, You Should’ve Come Over’ and ‘Morning Theft’ suggesting that even if Buckley didn’t have the vocal pipes he was gifted with, he’d get by just fine as a writer.
Buckley took inspiration from many different writers and musicians when writing his own songs. Musically, Buckley looked back to folk artists like Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan and, of course, his own father, Tim Buckley, from whom he was estranged. Elsewhere, he loved the work of Pakistani singer Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, the rich tones of Nina Simone, and Led Zeppelin, calling Robert Plant “my man”.
However, when it came to his literary inspirations, Buckley had an extensive book collection, which he no doubt looked to for ideas when writing his lyrics. He owned a lot of poetry, with Rainer Maria Rilke proving to be a particular favourite. Not only did Buckley own Dunio Elegies, Rilke on Love and Other Difficulties: Translations and Considerations Poems from the Book of Hours, but he also owned his epistolary collection Letters to a Young Poet.
Buckley was also a fan of the classic American poet Walt Whitman, owning Leaves of Grass and From the Soil. Of course, no poetry collection is complete without copies of Arthur Rimbaud’s A Season in Hell and Illuminations, alongside some Charles Baudelaire – Buckley-owned Paris Spleen. The singer also owned the Selected Poems of confessional poet Anne Sexton and modernist writer T.S Eliot.
Check out Buckley’s complete poetry collection below.
The poetry that inspired Jeff Buckley:
Dunio Elegies – Rainer Maria Rilke
Poems from the Book of Hours – Rilke
Rilke on Love and Other Difficulties: Translations and Considerations – Rilke
Leaves of Grass – Walt Whitman
From This Soil – Whitman
The Odyssey – Homer
Early Work, 1970-1979 – Patti Smith
You Get So Alone at Times That it Just Makes Sense – Charles Bukowski
Selected Poems of Ezra Pound
The Complete Lyrics – Hank Williams
A Haiku Journey: Basho’s Narrow Road to a Far Province – Matsuo Basho
Paris Spleen – Charles Baudelaire
The Captain’s Verses – Pablo Neruda
Selected Poems – T.S. Eliot
A Season in Hell and Illuminations – Arthur Rimbaud
Writing and Drawings – Bob Dylan
Ode to Walt Whitman – Federico Garcia Lorca
New Poems: 1962 – Robert Graves
Fear of Dreaming: The Selected Poems – Jim Carroll
Selected Poems of Anne Sexton – Anne Sexton
Selected Poems – John Shaw Neilson
Selected Poems: Summer Knowledge – Demore Schwartz
The Collected Poems of Frank O’Hara – Frank O’Hara
Poems – Pier Paolo Pasolini
Space: And Other Poems – Eliot Katz
Tim Buckley Lyrics
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alesario · 8 months
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Le notti di Cabiria, 1957
photo Pierluigi Praturlon/Reporters associati
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pelomundodascidades · 6 months
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Federico Garolla, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Centocelle, Roma, Italia, 1960 http://www.garolla.net/inglese/bio.htm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pier_Paolo_Pasolini
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officialpenisenvy · 7 months
watching stupor mundi rn and I have no idea what's going on but the vibes are immaculate, very gioesque
oh i LOVE you. this is the best thing anyone has ever said to me. it's such an insane movie they got the same actress for the mother and the wife and also there's something very gay going on with the malevolent advisor.
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giuseppelaporta · 13 years
Volti dei tre anziani della Cattedrale di Termoli
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Nel lato sinistro del capitello, il consigliere e giurista di Federico II, Pier delle Vigne, mentre nel lato destro abbiamo il secondo giurista più vicino all'imperatore, Taddeo da Sessa, e nel centro, un anziano dalla lunga barba ed il volto malinconico o dolente, identificabile come il pontefice Onorio III, magister regis dell'infante Federico, oppure il terzo più importante consigliere di quest'ultimo, il gran maestro teutonico Ermanno de Salza.
Cattedrale di Santa Maria della Purificazione, Termoli (CB), prima metà del XIII secolo (1225-1235), secondo capitello del lato sinistro della facciata principale.
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casaannabel · 11 months
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storiearcheostorie · 1 month
Ercolano, il restauro della "stanza del custode" diventa uno spettacolo in diretta
Ercolano, il restauro della "stanza del custode" diventa uno spettacolo in diretta
Redazione È partito in questi giorni al Parco Archeologico di Ercolano il cantiere spettacolo nella Stanza del Custode della Sede degli Augustali che contempla la documentazione, lo scavo, la manutenzione e il restauro, tutti aperti al pubblico. Qui nel 1961 Amedeo Maiuri scoprì un letto di legno carbonizzato sul quale era adagiato lo scheletro di un uomo poco più che ventenne vittima, forse…
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lorenzospurio · 2 months
"Federico García Lorca tradotto in alcuni dialetti italiani". Saggio di Lorenzo Spurio
La grande notorietà di Federico García Lorca (1898-1936) e della sua opera nel nostro Paese è testimoniata non solo da una prolifica attività critica e da continue riedizioni – anche commentate – della sua opera, ma anche da alcuni esperimenti di lettura di diverso tipo, che meritano adeguato rispetto e approfondimento. Mi riferisco – in relazione a quel suo carattere di poeta terrigno eppure…
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lxvxadrusxlla · 3 months
"Io son colui che tenni ambo le chiavi 
del cor di Federigo, e che le volsi, 
serrando e diserrando, sì soavi,                         
che dal secreto suo quasi ogn’uom tolsi"
𝐷𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑎 𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑎, 𝐼𝑛𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑜, 𝐶𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑜 𝑋𝐼𝐼𝐼
Devo dire che sta parte è un po' gay, giusto un pochino.
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queerographies · 1 year
[Illuminosa Tarantina][Roberto Delle Cese]
Con tono vivace, spregiudicato, ma sempre autentico e coinvolgente, il testo racconta la biografia di Carmelo Cosma – ovvero, la Tarantina – uno dei più famosi “femminielli”, vissuto tra la Napoli dei Quartieri Spagnoli e la Roma de La dolce vita.
Con tono vivace, spregiudicato, ma sempre autentico e coinvolgente, il testo racconta la biografia di Carmelo Cosma – ovvero, la Tarantina – uno dei più famosi “femminielli”, vissuto tra la Napoli dei Quartieri Spagnoli e la Roma de La dolce vita. Protagonista di una vita intensa e spericolata, Tarantina conosce povertà e umiliazioni, ma anche momenti di notorietà, entrando in contatto con…
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lospeakerscorner · 1 year
Cento anni di Pier Paolo Pasolini
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marcogiovenale · 1 year
plutôt la vie… plutôt la ville. premio roberto daolio per l’arte pubblica: domani a bologna
plutôt la vie… plutôt la ville. premio roberto daolio per l’arte pubblica: domani a bologna
Mercoledì 14 dicembre alle ore 16.00, nell’Aula Magna dell’Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna, si svolgerà la premiazione dei vincitori dell’ottava edizione di Plutôt la vie… plutôt la ville. Premio Roberto Daolio per l’arte pubblica. L’evento vedrà la partecipazione di Luca Vitone, artista che lavora tra Milano e Berlino. Nella conferenza dal titolo Agire i luoghi, racconterà la sua esperienza…
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ashiqui · 8 months
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for @augustsjanes — loving you is sunlight.
micah nemerever, these violent delights / jeanette winterson, why be happy when you could be normal? / madeline miller, the song of achilles / nicole callihan, the end of the pier / @andatsea (x) / masha raymers (x) / jessie burton, the miniaturist / louise glück, tango / richard siken, scheherazade / iu & suga, eight / yves olade, when rome falls / @nephrosoupp (x) / taylor jenkins reid, the seven husbands of evelyn hugo / e.e. cummings (x) / william shakespeare, romeo & juliet / fall out boy, the last of the real ones / @poemsonmars (x) / zarina situmorang / @promethes (x) / david viscott / seperis, down to agincourt / @titsay (x) / daylily, movements / federico garcia lorca / hozier, sunlight / extraordinary attorney woo, 1x04 / taylor swift, out of the woods / shauna barbosa, cape verdean blues
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matteodarmian · 2 months
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Federico Dimarco, Nicolo Barella and Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale celebrate winning the Serie A title at Piazza Duomo on April 22, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pier Marco Tacca - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
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