#pilates for pregnant women
bkrootsfitness · 1 year
Pilates for Pregnant Women: Strengthen Your Body and Mind During Pregnancy
Pilates for pregnant women is a great way to stay fit and healthy during pregnancy. This low-impact exercise program helps to strengthen the body and mind Contact Us: (510)817-4791
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row-of-ribbons · 3 months
DREAM GIRL INTRO 2/5 How To Get Started: high maintenance routine (PT 1.)
high maintenance/ADJ/definition: needing a lot of work to keep in good condition
Ladies, one of the best ways to become your dream girl is by establishing and maintaining a high-maintenance routine. When you have a routine and stick to it, you begin to understand your habits and won't settle for less than what you deserve. If you start and end your day with a routine, you build confidence knowing that you are put together mentally and physically.
I have my own routine at the bottom(with details + apps I use) that helps me feel like my best you can take, leave, or add advice to your routine.
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stretch for 5 minutes: as soon as you wake up get the body moving
vitamins: D3, fish oil, fenugreek, pre & probiotics with cranberry, biotin, and prenatal vitamins. (You don't have to be pregnant to take them; they are good for women with many beneficial nutrients.)
Devotional meditation/bible study: Every morning, I pray to connect with Jesus and share my daily concerns with Him. I also read the Bible to deepen my connection with Christ and grow my faith. (I use the Glorify app)
chores: tidy the room, wash dishes, etc. (They change from day to day so you can adjust them to your needs)
Workout: I do a 30 to 55 min workout, I like to go to Chloe Tings workout app because I really feel the burn
quick shower: have a more detailed shower at night
basic skin care: cleanser, moisturizer, and SPF (Again more details later)
oral care: brush teeth, tongue scraping, mouthwash
pilates: Relaxing before bedtime is essential, and using any app, including YouTube, is a great way to unwind at night.
Detailed shower: dry brush, anti-bacterial soap, shave if needed sugar scrub, then body wash of choice
moisturize: body serum (I use glycolic acid, salicylic acid, and vitamin C, followed up by a thick moisturizer)
skincare: oil cleanser, cleanser, sheet mask, lash & brow serum, eyemask.lip mask
oral care: oil pull brush, tongue scrape, mouthwash, whiting strips
diary& prayer: it's important to write down what is on my mind before I sleep as well as talk to God about it.
✨sleep before 11pm✨
Remember to embrace the beauty of sleep before midnight as it will revitalize you, granting you the gift of radiant, dreamy skin. Approach this as a joyful journey rather than a mere checklist. Let this be your guide to feeling your best and embracing what makes you feel good. Don't forget to hydrate and take a moment to breathe deeply.
part 2 of my routine will be up soon thanks lovelies
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godsfavdarling · 2 months
Here's my acosf review. If you enjoy sjm and acotar pls don't read.
Also, this isn't much of a review. I just had to get this out of me.
The review is: this shit stinks just like everybody's arousal in this fucking book. Imagine being able to smell everybody's sex stink all the time. Disgusting.
1. The book should be half as long.
2. It reads like a fanfic and as if it was written by a man at the same time, which is strange, but congrats Sarah! You must be the first to ever achieve that.
3. Nesta is the only thing I liked.
4. Why was this sooooo long?
5. Sarah, please, I'm begging you: stop writing smut and focus on writing a good story.
In this final (for now) continuation about our favourite group of friends, we get to follow Nesta, Feyre's sister, who's been a million times more interesting from the beginning. Nesta is in her spiraling crazy hoe bitch era and spends some of Rhysand's money, which he doesn't like even though he's the fairy version of Jeff Bezos. Nesta is told she can't be a little hoe anymore and is locked away in one of Rhysand's houses "for her own good."
You see, when Tamlin locked Feyre away in his mansion for her own good, he was a bad, bad fairy. But locking Nesta up is totally okay because they just love her. Thank God she has Cassian around, her pilates instructor, who makes sure she eats well and exercises every day before she goes to this huge af library to put books away. There, she meets some girls who've been through it and try to find peace in their work and community. But Nesta thinks they should start working out.
At last, Nesta has some friends who also love smut. Good for them. Nesta has to find some horcruxes or something to stop some people, something, something cauldron. Anyway, she meets some bad guy and pisses herself <3
Also, Feyre is pregnant, and Rhys is a piece of shit, but I guess he is our favorite book boyfriend, and he can do no wrong.
But who cares about the plot? Most of this book is Cassian's huge veiny schlong and balls hitting Nesta's bare skin. This is what we're here for. Good for them, I guess? I didn't need to know all that, but hey! There's 800 pages! So they had to fill those (just like Cassian fills Nesta every day) since the plot is just kind of there.
Nesta is the best character in these stupid books, and everybody else sucks. Maybe except Az or Elena or whatever her name is. I don't care about Cassian. But thank God he's there to eat our girl out and pound his waaaaaay too big (don't you dare forget how big his fairy dick is) schlong into her beautiful, dripping wet pussy.
At the end, three women who have been doing pilates classes for a few months win some Hunger Games against a bunch of men who have been preparing for this their entire lives. Some evil bitch gets killed in a second, and everybody lives happily ever after.
I am so tired.
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i-keepmyideals · 5 months
I'm sure a lot of people have seen that post "Women write like men" or something like that. That person brought up a good point, I think. And now I gotta agree even more because I just had to read with my own eyes the words,
"He wants to see you barefoot and pregnant."
Like, bro, what the fuck. What is this, the early 1900's?? It went from saying your fave wants to make you a housewife, for you to have full autonomy over your time. He wants to receive pictures at work of you with shopping bags in the trunk, or taking a pilates class or volunteering or whatever. And then just...barefoot and pregnant on the porch. Those exact words. The exact words that had been used to say that's all women should be because they should not work or be outside during their "reproductive years." I know people joke about Wikipedia, but there's literally a page on how negative that phrase is and other official works and books talking about it.
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I first heard this phrase from my dad when he was making fun of old timey tv shows and westerns where that's all a lot of wives were good for. He'd mention how that was absolutely ridiculous.
What is wrong with you? I feel like that coulda been worded so much better in the drabble I was reading. And no, my fave wouldn't want to see me pregnant, because I sure as fuck don't wanna be. Obviously there's nothing wrong with being a housewife. Obviously. Maintaining the house can be a fulltime job, tbh. But people need to be aware of their choice of words and how detrimental they can be
Some people really do just write like men
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ozai-the-bonsai · 2 months
I will be raging on and on about damn stupid f*cking hormonal birth control fyi I NEED TO GET IT OUT SOMEHOW
I have been using combi pills for almost 18 months now, the first 9 months were literally perfect compared to my previous experiences with the pills, I didn’t really experience any side effects. But then it started with the constipation cycle, where I would get constipated for a WHOLE FCKING WEEK every month either on the third week or during the week off. I mentioned this to my obgyn and she said constipation is normally not a side effect of the pills WHICH IS PURE BULLSHIT I HAVE RECENTLY FOUND OUT AFTER GETTING LOST IN SUBREDDITS FOR HOURS DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MANY WOMEN ARE COMPLAINING ABOUT BEING CONSTANTLY BLOATED AND CONSTIPATED BECAUSE OF THE FCKING PILLS?!?!
Anyways I was gaslighted into thinking my body simply hated me but since I could not (yet) pin the bloatedness and constipation to the pills I did nothing. And it was fine considering all else.
Then my headaches got more and more frequent. I mean, I have never known myself without headaches, I think I have something chronic but they do even less research for headaches and migraines compared to women birth control so no hopes here. Mama has migraine, grandma had them too so OF COURSE I have it as well but mine is milder, without aura, however even though it is not always sooo bad that I want to scratch my eyes out, it happens too often for my liking. Moreover, if I don’t get migraines I get other kinds of headaches like whenever the weather makes me feel too much pressure or when it suddenly changes from summer to winter (which happens A LOT in Germany). Anyways, I give my best to avoid taking painkillers too often but I am tracking the shit and I now (in my exam phase) tend to get headaches four fcking days in a row each week.
I know I have always had headache problems but it has never been this bad.
Oh and not to mention that my obgyn prescribed me the pills with the lowest dosage of hormones since my only concern is not to get pregnant (and not to have my period shift +7/-7 days each month it was exhausting with pregnancy fear and so forth). I guess pills with even less hormones is not an option.
But the worst thing started three months ago. I HAVE LOST MY FCKING SEX DRIVE. To provide more context here, I have been like super horny ever since I can recall (ever since puberty hit and stuff), and I loved it tbh. Normally, my boyfriend and I would have some sexy time at least once a day (we got together a month before I started the pills) if we had enough time maybe more. But lately, he is glad if it happens twice a week. I have literally stopped thinking about sex and I HATE IT I USED TO LOVE THINKING ABOUT SEX!!!!
Currently I have constant headaches, I am constantly bloated and constipated more often than it is healthy and I have nearly zero interest in sex anymore. I mean, what it the fucking point of taking hormones to prevent pregnancy IF I NO LONGER WANT TO HAVE SEX, PEOPLE?!?
I just hate it. I started hating my body because I look like I am pregnant all the time - I have what some might call “a pilates body” like lean and low fat and some muscle and stuff, and my body doesn’t really hold fat so whenever I follow a good schedule it takes only a month for my abs to show. And imagine now how such a woman would look like if she were constantly bloated. I look literally pregnant all the damn time with my lower belly sticking out like a fucking balloon so I stopped wearing figure toning clothes I USED TO LOVE THEM
I will be switching to IUD in a month and initial plan was to switch to a hormonal one but I have been reading and reading and I am not sure anymore if I should prefer the copper one. I am completely lost. I won’t be returning to condom only because I have had more than enough accidents with it and had to take plan b before often times, this is a risk I simply cannot take. Plus the irregular periods make it harder to track when my ovulation can possibly happen…
Long story short: I hate the way birth control industry is only interested in giving the male all the freedom while showing zero fucking interest in the way all this stuff is effecting the female. Most doctors do not even ACKNOWLEDGE side effects like losing sex drive and constipation and bloating WHICH ARE MORE COMMON THAN YOU WOULD THINK, ask any women with hormonal bc experience for more than a year. I hate it all with so much passion I hope these people spend the rest of their lives constantly stepping on sharp lego pieces and having chronic migraines and I wish erectile dysfunction to the males involved in this business. Have a good day.
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ivfbabyscience · 8 months
What Is The IVF Treatment Procedure?
If getting pregnant is taking longer than you anticipated, you might start considering your way of life. If you look up the topic on the internet, in books, or in magazines, you’ll find a never-ending list of dos and don’ts that seem to have an impact on conception. Many of these pearls of wisdom do contain good advice, but some only serve to further confuse you.
Exercise is one of the most hotly contested topics in relation to the potential for conception. Even though you might feel incredibly vulnerable right now, we can assure you that exercise won’t hurt you. The right kind and amount of exercise could actually improve your chances of getting pregnant by enhancing your fertility.
You benefit greatly from staying active while trying to get pregnant. For a healthy cardiovascular system, regular aerobic exercise—those exercises that raise your heart rate and get your blood pumping—is crucial. Who isn’t under a little stress while trying to conceive? Working out increases endorphin production, which helps to reduce stress.
There are a few restrictions even though exercise is generally advised for women both before and during pregnancy. Consult your doctor if there is a reason you shouldn’t exercise, not even low-impact exercise. Always share with your doctor your preferred types of exercises, frequency of workouts, and level of intensity.
When you’re TTC, moderate forms of exercise for five hours or less per week are typically advised for healthy women of all body types. Try lowering the intensity if you typically push yourself hard and long during your workouts. Replace your strenuous exercise with one of the following suggestions:
It is a safe exercise for every person. It’s great for your heart, builds endurance, is low-impact, and works wonders to relieve stress.
You can bust a move and increase blood flow by dancing. Additionally, dancing provides a respectable calorie burn.
A great way to exercise is to ride a bike for 30 minutes a few times per week. If you’re sharing the road, just make sure you’re safe; use a helmet, and keep an eye out for reckless drivers.
Yoga is a fantastic way to loosen up (great for giving birth!) and unwind. Yoga can undoubtedly help you manage the stress of infertility. A yoga body is strong and svelte. Don’t push your body too hard when exercising, whether you do yoga at home or in a studio. Bikram (hot yoga) may also not be recommended. Consult a medical professional.
A beneficial method for maintaining your health and enhancing your fertility is Pilates. Pilates is calming while still being challenging.
One of the best forms of exercise for women who are TTC is swimming. Without overtaxing your joints, you can still get a good cardio workout. When you swim for exercise, you can choose your own pace and increase it. For those who are just beginning a fitness regimen, this is a great option.
Always pay attention to your body, and drink plenty of water. Never put yourself at risk for a fall or injury, and be careful if you don’t regularly exercise because you could become pregnant at any time.
Regular runners might need to put their training on hold for a little while. The best course of action is to put off any marathon training for the time being because long-distance, intense running can occasionally interfere with ovulation.
At BabyScience IVF Clinics, we provide a complete list of exercises to do and not to do to couples having fertility treatments with us. Get in touch with our doctors if you have any queries on exercises for fertility.
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clearest-blve · 1 year
Quickest Way to Get Pregnant - An Effective and Natural Way You Should Know
If you have time to surf some websites about getting pregnancy, the question which has the highest rate of being asked is: "What is the quickest way to get pregnant?" Nowadays, with the aid of modern techniques, there are many new methods which can help you have a baby, but many women prefer an effective and click here natural way. Through this article, you will understand more about this most favorite way to get pregnant.
The first factor leading to the success of this method is to know the best time for pregnancy. If you have sex without noticing the most fertile day, you can not get the best result. So why don't you explore the secret of your own period immediately. A normal menstrual period lasts 28 day and the beginning of ovulation drops in day 14. But this period is different for each woman. It can take longer or shorter. If you see this calculation is not accurate, you can base on some typical signs of ovulation to estimate the time having the highest rate of getting pregnant. You can chart the change of your body temperature with a basal body temperature which can be bought easily in any grocery stores. The rise in temperature and the appearance of clear stretchy fluid are the first symptoms of ovulation.
Knowing the most fertile days is not enough for your preparation of getting pregnant. Keeping the good health is the next step you must not forget. First, you should have a suitable diet with necessary nutrients which can raise your rate of conception. You should choose a lot of fruits and vegetables and avoid the foods which have many calories for each meal. You must also give up the habit of using the caffeine products or artificial items, such as lubricants, sprays, etc. You can improve your health by keeping doing regular exercise or choosing the most suitable activity: Yoga, Pilates, tennis or swimming. These sports also help you reduce stress while trying to get pregnant and feel more energetic for other activities.
All above advices are the preparation for the most important step of this quick natural method: having sex at the right time and with the good health. You and your partner should have sex at least three times a week to increase the chance of having baby. And you must notice that you should not get up immediately after sex to ensure that the sperm has enough time to complete its duty before the egg dries up and escapes from the woman's body.
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whitehatlink · 20 days
Comparing the Benefits of Pilates for Pregnant Women vs Other Exercise Forms
Pregnancy is a time when a woman’s body undergoes numerous changes, and maintaining fitness can help manage these physical transitions. However, choosing the right exercise during pregnancy is crucial to ensure safety and effectiveness. While many forms of exercise are beneficial, pregnancy Pilates West Sussex has gained popularity for its targeted approach. This article will compare the benefits of Pilates for pregnant women with other forms of exercise, highlighting why pregnancy Pilates Midhurst might be an ideal choice for expectant mothers.
The Importance of Exercise During Pregnancy
Before diving into comparisons, it's essential to understand why exercise during pregnancy is important. Regular physical activity helps improve posture, manage weight, reduce stress, and decrease the chances of complications such as gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia. Moreover, exercises tailored for pregnancy support the growing body, reduce lower back pain, and prepare women for labour and delivery.
While most types of exercise can offer these benefits, the right choice depends on the intensity, safety, and suitability for the expectant mother’s changing body.
Benefits of Pilates for Pregnant Women
Pregnancy Pilates West Sussex is highly regarded due to its gentle yet effective movements that are designed to accommodate a woman’s changing body. Here are some unique benefits that Pilates offers for pregnant women:
Core Strengthening
Pilates focuses on strengthening the deep core muscles, including the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles, which are essential for supporting the growing baby and alleviating pressure on the spine. Strengthening these muscles through pregnancy Pilates Midhurst can reduce lower back pain and promote a smoother delivery by preparing the body for labour.
Improved Flexibility and Balance
As pregnancy progresses, the body’s centre of gravity shifts, often affecting balance and flexibility. Pilates helps improve flexibility in a controlled and safe manner, ensuring that the pregnant woman remains mobile. Additionally, it helps in improving balance by strengthening stabilising muscles, which can help reduce the risk of falls.
Gentle Movements Suitable for All Trimesters
Unlike other high-impact exercises, Pilates movements are low-impact and can be modified to suit each trimester. Pregnancy Pilates West Sussex can be adapted to the individual needs of each expectant mother, ensuring that the exercises remain safe and comfortable throughout the pregnancy.
Breathing and Relaxation Techniques
One of the core principles of Pilates is controlled breathing, which helps expectant mothers relax and manage stress. The breathing techniques learned in Pilates can also be beneficial during labour, assisting women in staying calm and focused.
Comparing Pilates with Other Exercise Forms
While Pilates offers a range of benefits specifically designed for pregnancy, it is essential to compare it with other popular exercise forms, such as swimming, yoga, and walking.
Swimming is an excellent cardiovascular exercise that is gentle on the joints due to the buoyancy of the water. It helps in improving overall fitness and reducing swelling in the legs and ankles. However, while swimming is great for general well-being, it doesn’t offer the same level of targeted core strengthening and balance improvements that pregnancy Pilates Midhurst does.
Pregnancy yoga is another popular choice, focusing on flexibility, breathing, and relaxation. While similar to Pilates in many ways, yoga can sometimes involve positions that are less focused on core stability. Pilates, on the other hand, puts a stronger emphasis on strengthening the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, which are crucial during pregnancy and postpartum recovery.
Walking is perhaps the most accessible form of exercise and is beneficial for maintaining cardiovascular health. However, it does not provide the same level of strength training or flexibility improvement that Pilates offers. Walking is a great addition to a fitness routine but may not be enough to address pregnancy-specific concerns like core stability and pelvic floor strength.
Why Pilates Stands Out for Pregnancy
Pilates is uniquely suited to address the challenges of pregnancy, offering a holistic approach that combines strength, flexibility, and relaxation. The focus on deep core muscles, including the pelvic floor, is invaluable for expectant mothers. Moreover, the adaptability of Pilates ensures that women can continue practising it safely throughout all stages of pregnancy. This is why pregnancy Pilates West Sussex has become a go-to choice for many women looking to stay fit while expecting.
In conclusion, while swimming, yoga, and walking offer various benefits, pregnancy Pilates Midhurst stands out as a comprehensive exercise form that targets the areas most affected by pregnancy. It not only prepares the body for labour but also ensures a smoother recovery post-delivery.
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northernlightyogano · 26 days
What Does Yoga and Pilates in Oslo Offer to Help You Achieve Better Wellness?
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Seeing yoga in osloand Pilates Scene
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Pilates Activities & Pilates Oslo:
Oslo is home to many studios that provide pilatestrening, Pilates øVelserand Pilates Treningsprogram for those who have a preference for the style. Regardless of your level of experience, Pilates Oslo offers a comprehensive approach to physical fitness and overall health. Pilates classes in Oslo, led by capable teachers with specialized curricula, emphasize alignment, flexibility, and core asset to enhance general health and energy. A countless way to advance your physical fitness and mindfulness is to enroll in Pilates lessons in Oslo.
Hatha Yoga Oslo&Kundalini Yoga Oslo:
Yoga fans in Oslo who are looking to development both physically and internally frequently take kundalini yogaand Hatha classes. Hatha Yoga Oslodistillates on transporting the body and mind into balance throughasanas and breathwork, though Kundalini Yoga Oslo offers lively practices targeted at freeing energy within the body. In adding to promoting better vitality and well-being, together forms of yoga offer chances for introspection and personal development.
Pregnant Yoga &yoga kurs:
In instruction to support expectant mothers’ trip through pregnancy and help them become ready for childbirth, gravid yogasequences in Oslo offer mild yet effective practices. These specialized yoga classes support pregnant women’s wants by providing adapted poses and living exercises that inspire mindfulness, flexibility, and lessening during this life-changing stage.
Yoga classes in Oslo that proposal distinct methods of practicing yoga, custom-made to individual requirements and preferences, include ashtanga yoga osloand Yin yoga. Forte, flexibility, and mental focus are fortified through a dynamic sequence of postures synchronized with breath in Ashtanga Yoga Oslo. By directing the deeper connective matters with passive, long-held poses, Yin Yoga Oslo, on the additional hand, focuses on indorsing relaxation and release.
In conclusion:
Yoga and Pilates fans can choose from aextensive variety of studios and classes in Oslo’s lively and varied wellness scene. Oslo’s yoga public offers plenty of chances for growth and exploration, regardless of your favorite for more traditional yoga forms similar Hatha and Kundalini or the penetrating flow of Ashtanga. Likewise, training regimens and movements tailored to enhance physical fitness and mindfulness can be beneficial for Pilates practitioners. Finished yoga and Pilates, Oslo delivers a nurturing environment for all-inclusive well-being, even if taking classes in person or almost.
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Embrace Wellness with Pregnancy Yoga and Pilates in Malaysia: A Guide by BStudios
Pregnancy is a transformative journey, and maintaining physical and mental well-being during this period is essential for both the mother and the baby. One of the most effective ways to ensure a healthy pregnancy is through specialized fitness routines such as pregnancy yoga and Pilates. In Malaysia, BStudios has emerged as a leading destination for expectant mothers seeking a holistic approach to prenatal fitness.
Why Pregnancy Yoga and Pilates?
Pregnancy yoga and Pilates are tailored to meet the unique needs of pregnant women. These practices focus on gentle movements, breathing exercises, and stretches that help alleviate common pregnancy discomforts, such as back pain, swelling, and stress. At BStudios, our expert instructors understand the importance of adapting these exercises to ensure they are safe and effective for every stage of pregnancy.
1. Strengthen and Support Your Body: Pregnancy yoga and Pilates emphasize core strength, which is crucial during pregnancy. The abdominal muscles, along with the pelvic floor, play a vital role in supporting the growing baby. Regular practice at BStudios helps in building and maintaining this strength, reducing the risk of complications during delivery and aiding in postpartum recovery.
2. Improve Flexibility and Balance: As your body changes, you might find it challenging to maintain balance and flexibility. Pregnancy yoga and Pilates at BStudios focus on gentle stretches and poses that enhance flexibility, improve balance, and help in aligning the spine. This not only reduces the risk of falls but also prepares your body for labor by making it more resilient and adaptable.
3. Enhance Breathing and Relaxation: Breathing exercises are a core component of both pregnancy yoga and Pilates. These practices teach you how to breathe deeply and efficiently, which can be incredibly beneficial during labor. The relaxation techniques learned at BStudios can also help reduce anxiety, promote better sleep, and enhance overall well-being during pregnancy.
4. Connect with Your Baby: One of the most beautiful aspects of pregnancy yoga and Pilates is the opportunity to connect with your baby. The calm and mindful environment at BStudios allows you to focus on your growing baby, fostering a deep bond even before birth. This connection is not only emotionally fulfilling but also contributes to a positive pregnancy experience.
5. Social Support and Community: Joining pregnancy yoga and Pilates classes at BStudios in Malaysia also offers the chance to meet other expectant mothers. Sharing your journey with others who are going through the same experiences can provide valuable emotional support and create lasting friendships.
Why Choose BStudios for Pregnancy Yoga and Pilates in Malaysia?
At BStudios, we prioritize the health and safety of our clients. Our pregnancy yoga and Pilates classes are led by certified instructors who specialize in prenatal fitness. They are trained to modify exercises based on individual needs and ensure that each session is both safe and effective.
Our studio offers a serene and welcoming environment, perfect for expectant mothers to relax and focus on their well-being. We believe that every pregnancy is unique, and our personalized approach ensures that you receive the attention and care you deserve.
Whether you are new to fitness or an experienced practitioner, BStudios provides the ideal space to practice Pregnancy Yoga and Pilates in Malaysia. Our goal is to support you through every stage of your pregnancy, helping you stay fit, healthy, and connected with your baby.
Choosing the right fitness routine during pregnancy is crucial for your well-being and that of your baby. Pregnancy yoga and Pilates at BStudios offer a safe, effective, and enjoyable way to stay active and prepare for the challenges of childbirth. If you're in Malaysia and looking to enhance your prenatal fitness journey, BStudios is here to guide you every step of the way. Join us and experience the benefits of pregnancy yoga and Pilates in Malaysia today!
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bkrootsfitness · 1 year
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Book Now Pilates For Pregnant Women in Oakland
Pilates is a fantastic low-impact exercise for pregnant women. It can help strengthen the core, improve posture, and reduce stress levels. However, it's important to modify certain exercises to suit the changing needs of a pregnant woman's body. Contact Us: (510)817-4791
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birthnbeyond · 2 months
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8 Benefits of Exercise During Pregnancy
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy is essential not only for the mother but also for the baby. Exercise is a critical component of this lifestyle, offering numerous benefits that can make the pregnancy and postpartum period much easier. Whether you're a soon-to-be mom, a new mother, or a health enthusiast, understanding the advantages of staying active can be empowering. Let's explore the eight key benefits of exercise during pregnancy.
1. Improved Physical Well-being
Pregnancy often comes with a host of physical discomforts, including backaches, constipation, and swelling. Regular exercise can significantly alleviate these issues. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), engaging in low-impact activities like walking or swimming can help reduce back pain and improve overall physical comfort. Exercise promotes better circulation, which can reduce swelling and keep your digestive system functioning smoothly.
2. Enhanced Mood and Energy Levels
It's no secret that pregnancy hormones can wreak havoc on your mood and energy levels. However, staying active can help balance these fluctuations. Research shows that physical activity releases endorphins, the body's natural mood lifters. A study conducted by the Mayo Clinic revealed that women who exercised regularly during pregnancy reported higher energy levels and a more positive outlook. Incorporating activities like prenatal yoga or light cardio into your routine can make a world of difference.
3. Better Sleep
Many pregnant women struggle with sleep disturbances. Exercise can be a natural remedy for improving sleep quality. According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, pregnant women who engaged in regular physical activity experienced fewer sleep disruptions and had a longer duration of sleep. Aim for moderate-intensity exercise, such as brisk walking or prenatal Pilates, to help your body unwind and prepare for a restful night's sleep.
4. Preparation for Labor and Delivery
Staying fit during pregnancy can make labor and delivery smoother. Exercise helps build stamina, strength, and flexibility, all of which are crucial for childbirth. The ACOG recommends exercises like squats, pelvic tilts, and Kegels to prepare your body for the physical demands of labor. Additionally, improved cardiovascular fitness can enhance your endurance, making it easier to manage labor contractions.
5. Faster Postpartum Recovery
One of the significant benefits of staying active during pregnancy is the accelerated postpartum recovery. Women who exercise regularly tend to regain their pre-pregnancy fitness levels more quickly. A study in the Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing found that women who maintained an exercise routine during pregnancy experienced fewer postpartum complications and a quicker return to physical activity. Gentle postpartum exercises, such as walking and stretching, can help ease the transition into motherhood.
6. Reduced Risk of Gestational Diabetes and Preeclampsia
Gestational diabetes and preeclampsia are common pregnancy complications, but regular exercise can help mitigate these risks. A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that pregnant women who engaged in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week had a significantly lower risk of developing gestational diabetes. Exercise helps regulate blood sugar levels and improves cardiovascular health, reducing the likelihood of these conditions.
7. Healthy Weight Management
Maintaining a healthy weight during pregnancy is crucial for both maternal and fetal health. Exercise plays a vital role in managing weight gain. According to a study by the National Institutes of Health, women who exercised regularly gained less weight during pregnancy and had healthier birth outcomes. Activities like swimming, walking, and prenatal aerobics can help you stay within the recommended weight gain range and promote overall well-being.
8. A Sense of Community and Support
Joining a prenatal exercise class or community, such as those offered by Birth and Beyond Chandigarh, can provide emotional support and a sense of belonging. These classes offer a safe space to connect with other expectant mothers, share experiences, and receive guidance from experienced instructors. The camaraderie and encouragement from a supportive community can make the pregnancy journey more enjoyable and less isolating.
The benefits of exercise during pregnancy are undeniable. From improved physical well-being to faster postpartum recovery, staying active can make a significant difference in your pregnancy experience. If you're looking to incorporate safe and effective exercises into your routine, consider joining a prenatal class at Birth and Beyond Chandigarh. Our expert instructors are here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring that you and your baby stay healthy and happy throughout this incredible journey. Don't wait—start your fitness journey today and experience the countless benefits of staying active during pregnancy!
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A Warrior:
Get ready and wait for it. Speaking God. Being powerful is more than the mind. The house stands out. Being a passionate woman. You deserve it if you work hard by sacrificing time for so many years. The black make successful music. A music team encourages you to think smarter. The difference between judging and gossiping. Looking back at how i used to look like made me more powerful and beautiful inside. Even if caring hurts, do it anyway. I look in the mirror and know that's how I look like. If you are scared, just move on. Being a first time mother. I worked on the world tour and it was a learning process. I think about my weight. Connecting to your relationship. It wasn't too late to accept a guy. I have a job. I lost myself. Being onstage was the spotlight. Beauty perspective of your social media photo. I see myself. I will continue. Evolution of limits. Talking about songs. I never got sick of the song. Plan your future. The celebration of a wedding. It is power. Get it together. I know myself. Be perfect. Forgiveness. Be yourself. The weak versus the strong. The spotlight is at the moment. Woman Appreciation. Marriage Appreciation. Remember the stranger. Be anyone. The power of your food. Good feeling. Being different. I like the extra push. Hello happiness. Human flaws. A painful cloud. My favorite idol matches yours. A wealthy black. A beautiful mother raised a getaway. Friendships of the leader. A reflection of your baby photo. You created a celebrity. The difference of personalities. Knowing your flaws reach your pregnancy. A wedding spotlight changes everything about you. A growth in peoples favorites. Bless God. Eat the food. It is your life. Different reactions and opinions do matter. A fond couple. A beat up. Sisterhood. A different name. The abilities of Art Center. Pilates gave it a good grade. A cheerleader is beautiful. Sororities. Salad. Never make a mistake. A beautiful photo. Learning from your sister's beauty. You have to pass the test. The beauty of a disney fan. Alumnis. Just be happy with who you are. Raising your children to be successful. Watch tv. Flirt with your goddess bikini. Celebrity friends. Face surgery. Believe in each other. Your disabilities. Being different. Developing women. An award. Finding another job. Being raised by people at your job. Father and Daughter relationships. Being cute is a being a sushi. Majors. Santa's naughty and nice list. Being a brighter person. I talk about my dream guy. How a mother raised her son was unbelievable. Abortion. A spokesperson. A choreographer. Sexy clothes. Watching tv at my sleepover. I congratulated. I love everything about you. A hug. A dream hemisphere. A prodigy. A superstar. The sound of your voice carries me out. Protect your wallet. Photography retouch. Over achiever can do anything. Hair is valuable. Stalking the celebrities. Lose weight. Pray to God about your faith. A prop makes it better. You grew up to change yourself. My self defense. Shakespeare. Supporting each other to make money. Wearing makeup to go on a date. Being scared. A man's perspective. A chase for his dream girl. It is my choice. Being locked up in jail. Write in your planner. Being scared of the threat. Accept it. A different face. American Flag. $8/hour. Father and Mother relationships. Praying for the electricity's to work. Everyone is equal law. A reject from a job interview. RN art. Take care. It is a free country. Giving birth to twins. I am excited. Piano music. Love to respect. Natural beauty. Anxiety. A father passed. 1st lady. A fake. A shot of focus. Ambitious pride. Fast food. It happens. Move on from the past. Concentration. Boy and girl. A leader. Talking to your kid inside your stomach being pregnant. Using the computer. Money maker. You grew up. Bright color clothes. Fixtures of your eyes. The power of women's lead. Sushi date. Actress. A gold credit card. Exclusive collection. God sacrificed. Our personal lives matter. Connecting with children. A dot kit. Catch up. Massive color.
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ask-pinky-promise · 3 months
How To Treat PCOS
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Polycystic ovaries treatment is not done by a single medication, but there are in fact numerous approaches to treat its symptoms. PCOS can have a long-term negative impact on your health if you don’t manage it or take necessary care of it. If PCOS is not treated, there is a higher chance that it will result in type 2 diabetes, infertility, cardiovascular diseases, etc.
A PCOS therapy will be recommended to you by your doctor based on the symptoms you are experiencing.1 The options listed below can help you in controlling PCOS and related symptoms:
1. Weight management
It has been noted that 60% of women with PCOS are either obese or overweight.2 If you have PCOS and are overweight, losing a little weight can help you and lessen its consequences. As a result, decreasing roughly 5% of your body weight can considerably reduce your risk of developing diabetes, high cholesterol, blood pressure, and infertility. Additionally, losing weight helps in lowering insulin and androgen production. As a result, ovulation regulation would be enhanced.
2. Changes in lifestyle
It’s likely that your doctor will recommend dietary adjustments if you have PCOS and insulin resistance or a high BMI. Certain foods with a low glycemic index are advised for people with PCOS. Consuming nutritious meals will also lessen the chance of getting diabetes because of insulin resistance. Think of including fruits like various berries. Tomatoes, kale, spinach, sweet potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, red and green bell peppers, and arugula are a few examples of vegetables that can also be added. Lean protein sources include chicken, tofu, and fatty fish like salmon and sardines that are high in omega-3 fatty acids. Increase your consumption of fibre-rich foods. Avoiding refined/high carbohydrate and low-fat foods can also help to lessen insulin resistance. Red meats and processed foods such as white bread, sugar dishes, sweets, and so on are examples of highly processed foods that can cause inflammation.3
3. Maintain hormonal balance
Your doctor might prescribe birth control tablets if you don’t want to become pregnant any time soon. The hormones in birth control pills help in lowering androgen production. When a woman has PCOS, an excessive amount of the male hormone androgen is released. Reduced androgen production can help to lessen PCOS symptoms including hirsutism, which results in excessive facial and chin hair growth as well as male pattern baldness.4 Combined oral birth control pills can help treat abnormal/heavy bleeding, acne, and excessive hair growth. Endometrial cancer risk can be decreased with the use of combined oral contraceptives.5
4. Exercises
No matter why you exercise, you will always reap a variety of health benefits. Therefore, both overweight and non-overweight women can benefit greatly from exercising in order to manage PCOS. If you don’t combine your diet with exercise, you won’t see the results you want by just following a diet plan. Another factor that influences the menstrual cycle is stress. Exercise can not only prevent you from gaining too much weight, but it will also greatly improve your mood and lower your stress levels. Yoga, Pilates, brisk walking, jogging, swimming, working out in the gym, and other forms of exercise can help treat PCOS.
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luxurybeautyreviews · 4 months
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itsthebethblogever · 5 months
Water fasting: why, when, and how?
Though I am no nutritionalist, I have compiled just a quick outline of what my water fast consisted of as well as some of the reasonings behind doing it, and the aftercare. I was inspired to do a water fast after hearing many female friends of mine talk about how much they loved it - how they felt their most creative and energetic, some even claiming to feel an euphoric high. During my Vision Quest back in October 2023, I also did a 3 day water fast; however, that felt different, as I was less focused on the health effects and more on the spiritual side. As I remember the lack of eating being way easier than I thought, I was hopeful that doing it again would prove to be the same result. Spoiler alert: it totally was.
To give my body a break to allow itself to clean and purify itself. Our body begins to burn white fat into brown fat, stem cell growth is stimulated, our dopamine system gets a reset, diseased cells get a chance to be flushed out while white blood cells increase and have time to do their reparative work.
Ancestrally, when we would go on a hunt, this is a period where we would not be eating. This would allow us to be lighter, more agile, and put us into a more focused state. Then, in the spiritual sense, it gives us more space to dedicate our energy towards something else. Cultures and religions worldwide practice fasting for various reasons - Yom Kippur, for example, is the Jewish day of atoning for our sins. Growing up, the decision to fast was always optional (and then encouraged after you had your bar/bat mitzvah (age 13 for boys and in some communities, age 12 for girls). After I had my Bat Mitzvah, I chose to fast as I wanted to be a part of what the community was doing. This day was spent home from school and usually doing homework with my friends at temple while services were going on. Because of this, I know doing a 24 hour fast is totally doable, and many people report the first 24 hours is the hardest. I can attest that to be true - this is the first day where you wake up and think “aw man, my stomach just grumbled and I can’t do anything about it”. This is when you reach for some water, use that to fill yourself up, and find something else to do to distract yourself.
After my bleed, before ovulation. Can also be done after ovulation as long as it’s finished before bleed time. When I don’t have much to do so I’m not stressing about needing energy.
I found Dr. Mindy Pelz on YouTube when looking up advice for how to fast as a woman and am now a fan of her podcast, The Resetter Podcast. Here is a video where she explains when women should fast. I like it because she has visuals and is very clear and concise! Then, if you want more detail, I’d recommend this podcast where she is interviewed and talks about the benefits (she says that it has helped women who had been struggling with fertility to become pregnant! And help heal people with PCOS!), do’s and don’ts of fasting, and what goes on in our bodies hormonally.
The first day was when I thought the most about food. Day two was pretty breezy, I’d say the easiest of them all. I woke up feeling quite energized! My theory is that I feel like my tendency to eat at night makes my body get less rest as it sleeps. This meant waking up with a fully charged battery made me feel much more rested! On the third day, I was getting more head rushes if I got up too quickly, and did not feel as energetic. Every morning I stuck to my ~half an hour morning yoga/pilates practice as my exercise, and was doing minimal walking besides that. I had some goals for what I wanted to do with my time, like finish a few projects, practice guitar, meditate, then my evenings were spent reading or chatting with the people at the campsite where I was staying.
It is recommended to decrease the amount of carbohydrates you eat three-four days before the fast so your body already gets used to burning fats for energy (instead of carbs). Though, I did not do this. Take my advice, I don’t need it! Hahahaha. Anyway, from Monday until the evening of Wednesday, my water fast looked like this:
* morning cuppa: herbal tea (I chose ginger and lemongrass) with a capful of apple cider vinegar, a pinch of salt, and a few teaspoons of MCT coconut oil
* water
* black coffee with MCT oil
* water
* water
* water
* herbal tea
Water fasting makes it sound like you can ONLY drink water, when in reality, the emphasis is keeping yourself in a fasted state. This means your blood sugar does not rise and your body can go into ketosis, where it burns fats as fuel instead of carbs. This is why Vinnie from Jersey Shore ate just the pepperoni and cheese off the pizza that one episode - he did not want to break his state of ketosis with the carbs of the dough.
Truly another big reason I wanted to fast is because I love the extra time it gives me in the day. It feels so spacious to not have to think about what to eat, cook it, eat it, clean up… because that’s actually a large portion of the day if you eat three meals! Instead, any time I feel hunger, I take a swig of water and the moment passes. I love knowing how optional food is, as well. This helps when I am going about my day and feel hunger arise. If I can survive three days on water, it makes any other time in my life pale in comparison! It lowers my anxiety about eating since I know what I am capable of.
After the fast, it is recommended to eat mainly broths and soups for the first 48 hours. The idea is to remain in ketosis for longer, so stick to proteins, fats, and cooked vegetables (steamed or boiled so the fiber is easier for your body to digest). Introducing fruits and carbohydrates comes in later.
I broke the fast with:
First: half cup of water, apple cider vinegar, and lemon juice.
Second: one cup of bone broth*
*I love “Best of the Bone” brand here in Australia. It’s about $30 AUD and lasts me around two months. All I do is heat up some water, pour it in a mug, scoop out about a half tablespoon or so of the concentrated broth, and stir it in. Best way to coat the intestines to prepare for food and it is sooo delicious! I’ve tried every flavor and can say my favorite is the bio-fermented coconut, lemon myrtle, Tumeric, and papaya leaf one.
Third: boiled broccolini with an organic beef hamburger patty*, kimchi, avocado, and goat cheese. I boiled the broccolini then sautéed it with some coconut oil, salt, and pepper. Everything I served with a bit of ghee** on the side.
*Note: I do NOT recommend breaking the fast with beef like I did. After doing more research, I would have stuck to a more lean kind of protein, like fish or egg or chicken, as I think my body freaked out with the beef. For vegetarians, pea protein was specifically recommended. I actually had painful diarrhea and believe it was either the meat or the goat cheese that my intestines were not ready for. Whoops. So please, learn from my mistake :-D
**This is the first time I purchased ghee for myself - I had had it before in small amounts to test and see how my stomach reacted (I am lactose intolerant, not very sensitive though) and always felt fine! It’s like butter as it’s made from cows milk, but has a lot less lactose. The reason is because its made by melting butter, separating it into liquid fat and milk fat, and then they toss out the milk fat so just the pure fat remains.
How did it feel to eat for the first time in 3 days? INCREDIBLE. It felt so different to be so intentional with choosing every ingredient. Another thing I loved was that I knew exactly what was in my body, so that if I ate something that made my stomach feel funny, I could repeat the same meal and take out an ingredient to experiment. This is a great blank slate to test for intolerances!
As I said before, something I ate did not agree with me, so later I tried just eating goat cheese to see if it was that, or the hamburger. The goat cheese felt fine, and later since I’ve eaten a hamburger happily, so it could have been too much, too soon.
For the next days, I had miso soup with a boiled egg, kimchi, and whatever random vegetable I had boiled with it (one day it was a carrot and a seaweed snack pack, another a squash, another a sweet potato) for breakfast, lunch was quinoa with smoked salmon, avocado, and cooked random vegetables (spinach, bell pepper). I actually didn’t really eat dinner the first day, I just had more broth and snacked on some fermented goodies like olives, kimchi, plus guacamole. The second night, I had two bananas with cashew butter inside. For break the fast recipe inspiration, I found this website (I love it for its clear visuals and concise information, can you see a pattern?), so feel free to check it out and borrow from them! Their tofu, protein powder, and chia seed pudding is now a favorite of mine - I had never thought to blend tofu!
Hopefully this has inspired you to give a prolonged fast a try! It has helped me to be more conscious about what I am eating and slow down to think: what do I actually need? Also, I liked aligning it with where I am in my cycle, as anything I do that helps me tune in with my body makes me feel more cyclical and empowered.
Feel free to share your stories and reactions with me! If you know something from your lived experience that you think would be beneficial to add, I’d love to hear it and add it to this post :-)
Lots of love to you and your beautiful body!! Xx
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