#pinocchio rp
pupptstring · 1 year
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                  — you have to lie to feel human.
                                                                     as awakened by savvy.
                                                                 promo by @underworldslibrary
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ofangelsanddemigods · 11 months
Your friendly reminder since this ship is popular. I have an Alice from Alice madness returns on my blog. Anybody that roleplays as P, from Lies of P, and interested in this ship, hmu.
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starter-library · 2 years
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Guillermo Del Toro’s Pinocchio Lyric Starters
My Son
“You are my shining sun; My moon, my stars, my clear blue daylight sky”
“If you looked at me today my heart would heal so fast”
“If you held me right away I’d be complete at last”
“You are my favorite, favorite thing. Better than sunset, better than spring”
“You bring me joy, you make me sing in the morning, in the evening too”
“You are everything to me and I love you”
“My son, my son. You are my golden sun”
Everything is New To Me
“All the things my eyes can see, Everything is new to me”
“What do you call it?”
“What to do with it?”
“I love it, I love it!”
“The world is rich with funny words, They ring like bells, those tiny words”
“They dance in my mind like a chorus line, Those silly words of mine”
“Alright- alright that’s enough”
We Were a King Once
“We were a king once Can we be king twice?”
“We were bathing in milk, Played for diamonds and silk once. But we want it twice”
“My show was a magnet for the crowd”
“You were the kings once. Mon Dieu, was it nice”
“You were knights of the night, full of glory and might once. So let’s get it twice”
“We need an ace, a prince, a hero with no fears, no tears, no shame”
“We lit big fat hills of one hundred-dollar bills once. Can we do it twice?”
“Believe in you. Believe in me.”
My Bubblegum
“I scream, I cry for ice cream and for pie”
“if I ate a few gummies I still would eat a ton”
“You are everything to me and I love you”
“I’m free as the wind, No, I’m flying!”
“Your son is happy to have fun”
The Late Lamented
“Thou art gone, thy life hast fled. All shall now bewail the dead”
“No more flesh and no more bone. No more trouble to bemoan”
“Like a wave along the shore, you have passed, you will complain nevermore”
“The late, late lamented. For death can’t be prevented”
“No more feast, Now rest in peace”
“No more pain, You can’t complain”
Ciao Papa
“Time has come to say farewell”
“For how long will I go? Is it far? No one knows, no one can tell”
“If I am gone for a long, long time, I’ll pack away a fine piece of shine”
“I am ready to go, going far. Now I know it will be swell”
“I shall be gone for a long, long time- Shall be picking many peaks to climb”
“Rain or shine, I’ll keep in mind your memory”
“As I gambol on my long, long climb, I hold on tight to our best of times”
“Eyes in the rain, I try to hide tears of a boy who shouldn’t cry”
“Forevermore I’ll keep in mind your memory”
Fatherland March
“I fight for the land, I fight oversea, I’ll fight up to the end”
“The horizon in sight, stand up, follow the light”
“Like an eagle soaring- Magnificent and free- I’ll be marching, on the path to victory”
“We are brave! We are young!”
Big Baby Il Duce March
“Go smell your farts and pray”
“Eat your boogers, your slime, You can also get mine”
“Eat caca, big baby, eat caca, we are strong”
Better Tomorrows
“Hop to the top of the day, the drops are easy to swallow”
“Mop your tears and mend your sorrows, do not drown your soul wishing for better tomorrows”
“You want to think bright, You want to think right”
“A star falling down doesn’t break the night”
“You want to think bright whatever you do”
“For life has a funny way of going round and round”
“You can make it right well worth a good fight”
“If some days have downs and lows, open your arms to better tomorrows”
“You want to think right- To let your heart sing on a summer night”
“Fly high with the band- Just get up and swing”
“You can make it right- Well worth a good fight”
“These are the simple things that matter”
“You make it right and your heart is bright, so let the world go how it goes”
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askkrathotelsmaid · 11 months
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Bea:I'm pretty sure it was not in the bookshelves before...
Hallo..ween? Mmhh...wonder what this is about. The cover looks pretty
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written1nthest4rs · 10 months
Go follow my new blog for pinocchio
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im like halfway thru neverafter ep 3 and JUST realized that pinocchios patron is the stepmother lol like i was trying to remember his class and then lou said the word hex and i went "OHHHHH okay yeah"
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ask-archer-idv · 1 year
*throws more OCs at you* - @ask-idv-pinocchio //
Silent steps were taken as the small child approached the Archer, the child's movements were almost mechanical. Raising his rusted blade arm, he was going to strike the poor man.
"Riposa in Pace, mio zio!"
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The sudden sound of the child hunter had the Archer twisting quickly while using the side of their bow to smack the boy's arm in surprise. Seeing what had startled them, Archer felt a little guilty at the action as they took a step backwards with a worried look.
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m80495 · 1 year
|| OutOfCombat ;;
The urge to make a prompt blog or something is so real. I listen to so much music. I could make so many of those prompt lists. I collect quotes like a little rat.
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reconnect-re-union · 1 year
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We're looking for Pinocchio Characters to join RE:Union!
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happiestplacehq · 1 year
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FIAMMETTA “FIG” FABBRI is twenty-two years old. She is a carpenter and a fashion design major with a concentration in textiles. She is the humanized version of Figaro from the Disney Film, Pinocchio.
+Fiery, Dependable, Loyal -Grumpy, Judgemental, Jealous
Fiammetta "Fig" Fabbri was born in Milan, Italy. When she was four years old her family immigrated to the USA when her mother was offered a very prestigious job at Vogue. Fiammetta always expressed themselves very fluidly, often going back and forth between her more traditionally feminine and masculine interests. From a young age she was interested in the construction of materials and designing projects. At twelve years old, when school started to offer Wood and Metal shop classes, Fig immediately fell in love. Fig loves her parents, however their prestigious jobs that require them to commute back and forth from the city at least half of the week, often left her on her own. Often she filled this time hanging out with the Beaumont triplets, her best friends since kindergarten. One day, however, she met Geppetto. She became taken with his work, and asked him questions nonstop. With permission from her parents, Geppetto, enthused by Fig's passion for carpentry, took her in as a student, which as she got older, advanced into apprentice. Fig's parents, excited to see their child's energy and intense emotions channeled into a very positive and important skill set, and relieved to have another adult in Redwood look out for her in their absence, also paid Geppetto for his time. While Fig can be very feminine, naturally as the daughter of a Vogue employee, when an event calls for it, especially schools dances, parties, and the like, on and average day she dresses much more in a tomboy like fashion. Jeans and denim jean leggings, sports shorts, tshirts, oversized flannels, backwards hats, old converse and doc martens are her typical go tos, all of which covered with rips and tears, paint stains, finishing stains, burns from metal work sparks, and a perpetual coating of sawdust. Fig was not interested in going into the world of high fashion like her mother, but she delighted in growing up around it. She often accompanied her mother to work when she could, especially when she could go to fashion shows and shoots. What intrigued Fig however, more than the outfits themselves, were the materials they were made out. She had a keen eye for the fabrics, metals, and other resources, and wanted to go even further and learn how even those were made. With that in mind, her mother pushed her towards pursing a Fashion Design degree, with a concentration in Fibers & Textiles. She is also getting her minor in Accessory design. As some of her classes required a mentor in a related field, Fig continued working as Geppetto's apprentice as she continued getting her certification as well. Fig sees Geppetto as a grandfather. With her parents not around most of the week, or only around at odd hours, Geppetto was often one of the only adults Fig had to help her with her problems, school drama, and homework. While her parents tried their best to always time off to go to her Field Hockey games and other important events, Fig could count on Geppetto being there being there not just for games, but for practice too. Being four years older than Phineas with her own friends, Fig did not usually pay much mind to Phineas other than knowing that he was Geppetto's son. However as Phineas grew older and began to be an apprentice of Geppetto's too, Fig became wickedly jealous. She saw this as Phineas replacing her in Geppetto's life, only amplified by feeling like she was being replaced by a man after she spent so long fighting to be recognized in a space traditionally reserved for men. Fig acted out, and became petty and cold towards Phineas, with no patience for his recklessness and naivety that only ever caused problems she had to clean up. His questions annoyed her and Fig would go out of her way to not ask him to help her, even when she could use the help. Phineas, who had always been kind to her, eventually realized that the reason Fig was no longer the cool, kind older kid he had grown up around, was because she was hurting. After he approached her to apologize, Fig apologized herself, and admitted that she was being cruel and immature over her own feelings that weren't Phineas' fault at all. Since then she's extremely close with Phineas, and considers him her baby brother. He can still get on her nerves when he causes yet another mess she has to clean, but only she can call him annoying, no one else better dare. Fig is known for her intense loyalty, especially to The Beaumont Triplets, Geppetto, and Phineas. She is known to be extremely dependable and reliable as well. It does not matter if it is three in the morning and she absolutely hates your guts- if you need someone to fix your leaky window in a storm, repair your grandmother's music box, tell a creepy person at a bar to piss off, pick you up when your car breaks down, or take you to and stay with you in the ER, Fig will be there for you as fast as she can. She'll even let anyone cry on her shoulder or vent to her- although she might sass you a tiny bit if she's not a fan of you. Fig is fiery, dedicated, and has little social anxiety. She will always tell you how she feels. On the other hand, however. Fig is known for her anger, jealousy, possessiveness, and being judgemental. It does not take much to set off her bad moods, and more often than not she simply wakes up on the wrong side of the bed. When she feels slighted she will react in turn, even if the reaction is immature or equally mean spirited. She can and will hold a grudge forever, and she will remember and judge you based on something you did five years ago, even if that thing was rather small. She is easily jealous in all forms of relationships, friendships, family, romantic, academically, professionally- all of them can very quickly turn Fig green. Because of this she is rather possessive- however not so much that it becomes controlling or overly toxic, especially as she's aged and worked on it.
Fig is genderfluid and goes by any/all pronouns.
Fig is pansexual, and while her preference is women, she boasts that she is always equal opportunity.
Fig played varsity Field Hockey and Lacrosse in high school, and continues to play both on the University teams. She also played American Soccer as a child.
Fig has duel citizenship in Italy and the USA.
Fig's father's ethnicity is Italian, her Mother's is Chinese and Maori.
Fig is fluent in English and Italian, and nearly fluent in Mandarin Chinese.
Fig hates fish, fears them actually. As food they're fine, but otherwise Fig does not want to see them, be near them, or acknowledge their existence. This is a firmly anti-fish zone.
Fig has a black and white tuxedo kitten also named Figaro.
Figaro drives a pickup truck. The back of it is almost always filled with materials, furniture, scrap wood and metal, and any and all things related to her projects.
Fig is currently the top student at Redwood University in the Fibres & Textiles section of the Fashion department. She is highly sought out to help with her designer classmates' projects, especially their senior graduation projects. You can't make your beautiful designs without Fig's beautiful fabrics and jewellery.
Fiammetta is currently unavailable. Her faceclaim is Courtney Eaton.
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pinocchiopshakkin · 6 months
My name's Pinocchio! But that's a mouthful, just call me Pin, mkay? Uhh... okay, lemme think...
I'm ten years old! A lotta people don't know this, but I'mma boy! My big brudder's name is Kaizaki, his casino's over at @kaizaki-z!
My favorite food is radishes, and my favorite animal izza rabbit! I have an ability, it's called God-ish, it's really cool!
Oki, that's all I can think of for now...
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Both I (the mod) and the character are minors, so please keep all asks sfw. Mitsuyo's blog is @tryingtoliveasahumanbeing, Kaizaki's is @kaizaki-z and Mitski's is @mitski-s! Pin's ability allows him to manipulate what people think about him- if he wants someone to like him, boom, done. When in character the text is pink, out of character it's black. PFP is a picrew.
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swynlake-rp · 8 months
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A magical forest teeming with wildlife and magical beings, a pristine lake, drama and intrigue, and a bustling small town main street, what else could you need to bring these characters to life in a magical town?
Jiminy Cricket (Jiminy Cricket, Pinocchio) - Mysteries hidden behind a kind smile, a friendly ear, and sage advice. Were you drawn here or were you pushed away from somewhere else?
Cornelius Robinson (Cornelius Robinson, Meet The Robinsons) - A notebook full of chicken scratch and sketches, a full house, and your favorite thing to look at – your wedding ring. Your big family is more than you ever thought you’d have, including your wife and children of your own. They are your world, but unfortunately not the world and you often lose yourself in your work, trying to benefit the global community. Will you ever find your work-life balance?
James P. Sullivan (Sully, Monster’s Inc.) - Not every big scary guy wants to be scary, you know. Maybe he’s actually a nice person. Have you ever considered that the monster under your bed has feelings, too?
Vee Hauntley (Vampirina, Vampirina) - #NotAllVampires are dangerous – or rather, not all of them want to be. Your family owns the bed and breakfast here in town and what can be friendlier than that? You just want to live eternity in friendship and harmony but is that even possible?
Buford Van Stomm (Buford, Phineas and Ferb) - Buford is not a meanie! Well, not intentionally. You don't want to be...it's just easier. Lately, you've been getting ideas that could maybe fix the root of all your sadness and anger. Will you succeed?
Eda Clawthorne (Eda, The Owl House) - When you were younger you believed the world was at your fingertips, greatness was just in your reach. So you took it no matter the price. Why be good at one thing when you could be good at everything? Sure you occansionaly turn into a shadow creature but it’s worth it…. isn’t it?
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mellowsmuses · 9 months
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🧶What is this bug saying? Figaro oughta Smack him!
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phi8 · 4 months
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Character for a D&D oneshot! Nokki is an Autognome Clockwork Soul Sorcerer, with a level in Order Cleric.
He was blessed by Primus himself to be the avatar of Mechanus on the Prime Material Plane. But Nokki just wants to go play outside and see the world.
It's a play on Pinocchio! Very fun to RP an obnoxious kid in a dungeon crawl, but only for about one sesh lol
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thisisnotthenerd · 1 year
neverafter finale thoughts
i liked where they went with this finale. high stakes battle that combined the rp elements we’ve been seeing throughout the narrative as well as significant villains and high-risk high reward scenarios. overall, a finale i will come back to and watch again because it’s just a hilarious and chaotic conclusion to the story.
here’s the thing. neverafter has been the ‘horror season’ since it got pitched. the underlying storylines all involve a lot of horrific things, some of which never get followed up on. what brennan did is give a group of six comedians/dnd players the backdrop of a dying, punishing world, and told them, find the comedy. find the absurd. find each other and make something of this cruel world that you do not have to be afraid of.
part of the appeal of horror is the catharsis, from the release of fear and all the deep emotions that bubble to the surface when faced with something deeply unknown. what they’ve done here is created a story about choosing to face the unknown on your own, without a guiding hand. for fairytales, that’s rejecting the authors and giving everyone a page and some ink with which to write their own stories. but it’s also choosing to face the horror of the world and say, i am deeply afraid, but i will not step down. i will not leave in fear--i will not live in fear.
the backdrop of horror really makes for some of the craziest bits and most funny things i’ve seen on dimension 20. take the battles: they faced some of the worst things the neverafter has to offer. but by the baron of bricks battle, they weren’t afraid enough to not do bits. the fairy godmother tpk and the spider battle had an element of fear from the pcs that went away with time. it got replaced with a sort of righteous anger that comes out often in dnd games, on the players’ end. for the pcs though, i would take that as them being more focused on the goal than the fear.
luck & tactics are also a huge part of this. rosamund and pib become devastatingly effective with luck and a little help from the others. they’re the sword, a (dead? dying?) princess and little trickster, sniping at their enemies. meanwhile, ylfa, gerard, and pinocchio run around, reviving allies, convincing enemies to turn, weakening the enemies they can’t convince, and being a shield for the squishier spellcasters. and at the center of it all, mother goose gathers the storytellers, gathers the power of story, and shreds the neverafter into the fodder for a happier new world, in which stories are more than the warped words in a library older than time.
and the big bad wolf gets a hat from the orange fairy, rosamund’s bird is a war veteran, gerard’s best friends are his ex-wife & his personal trainer, pib kills the manifestation of a god, pinocchio negotiates with both of his maternal figures, and mother goose throws a hat into the box of doom.
and they all lived happily.
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yakkolicious · 5 months
Meet the Blogger
Hi everyone! It's been a while, so I decided I needed to do an updated introduction post!
I'm Yakkolicious, but I go by Yakko for short. Some people also know me by my real name, but only the absolute closest of my friends. My pronouns are she/her, and I'm a funky gal who loves drawing and writing fanfiction! On my main blog, I mostly reblog things, but sometimes I do ask games and sometimes I ramble.
Things I Like
Active Interests:
Animaniacs (1993 ONLY) 🤎🩵🩷 Strawberry Shortcake (1980 and 2003 only) 🍓🍰🌼❤️💚 Clone High (2002 only) 🧬🏫🎒💋
Dormant Interests: Goof Troop 👨‍👦🐶💗 The Three Caballeros 🦆🦜🐓🎶🇺🇸🇧🇷🇲🇽 Mickey Mouse universe in general 🐭🦆🐶💖 Pinocchio 👦🦗🧚‍♀️🌠 Bump in the Night 🛌🧦🚽💚💙 Lalaloopsy (Dolls only)🧵💎🍪🎨❄📚🌙🥜 Wayside (Cartoon only) 🏫📚🪑🎙 Papa Louie 🍕🍔🌮🍨👨‍🍳 Super Mario ❤️💚🍄🌼⭐🏰 Punch-Out!! 🥊🍫📺 Road 96 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️🚌🚕🗳 Undertale ❤️🌼🥧🦴
DNI Criteria
I know I can't control who decides to interact with me, but this is more so you guys know what I believe. I am against people who are:
Basic DNI criteria (racist against ANY race, sexist towards ANY gender, homophobic, transphobic, aphobic, ableist, pedophile)
Antisemitic or Islamophobic
Radfems, aka TERFs (I have zero tolerance for TERFs)
Reclaiming the r-slur
Anti-agere/thinks agere is a kink or inherently sexual
In addition, the following things and people make me VERY uncomfortable:
Family Guy, American Dad, or the Cleveland Show (all other adult cartoons are fine)
Inanimate Insanity and object shows in general (please tag Inanimate Insanity, Battle for Dream Island, or whatever object shows you like)
Poor Things
Dan Povenmire (Phineas and Ferb and his other shows are fine, the man just creeps me out)
If you fall into my DNI criteria and I catch you, it's on sight. I would also recommend that most fans of the things I listed in the "uncomfy" section block me unless we're already close friends, just so you don't catch my negativity if something comes up.
Other Blogs
@yakkolicious-writing: Writing blog. Mostly posts fanfiction, but may post an original work or two.
@yakkolicious-art: Art blog.
@animaniacs-groove: Animaniacs AU ask blog. In this AU, the Warners are two years older than in canon.
@yakking-yakko: Animaniacs RP blog. Mostly a Yakko blog, but plays other characters.
@fuck-pip-pumphandle: Pip Pumphandle hate blog.
In addition to my other blogs, I'm also on AO3! I hope I'll see you around!
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