#pirate101 community
Hey pirate community, is there a character in the game whose storyline you fell in love with? Feel free to list multiple characters!
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that-wizard-oki · 5 days
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The Spiral Community's Fundraiser for Palestine! 🇵🇸
Hello Everyone! A handful of Community Members across the interwebs have come together to organize a fundraiser for Palestine.
Above should be all the information on how to donate/enter the raffle, prizes, live stream info, and more. If you do have any other questions, please feel free to inbox or DM me and I will relay them to the organizers.
If you don't like using QR codes, click here for the link to the donation page.
Text version of how to donate/how the raffle works:
The minimum amount to donate/enter the raffle is $5.00 USD
You can donate more if you would like to/are able to!
Regardless of how much you donate, your name will only be entered into the raffle pool once. This is what we decided was the most fair chance that, regardless how much folks are able to donate, everyone gets a fair shot at getting their name drawn.
However, our top 3 donors will revive a guaranteed prize!
19 total winners will be drawn for the raffle (22 including the top donor prizes).
The donation page will be live from June 16th to June 23rd!
Please make sure to add your contact info when prompted so we can let you know if your name has been drawn! If you don't do this, your donation cannot be counted in the raffle.
While we have some really awesome in-game and art prizes lined up here, please know that our overall goal here is to help Palestine, specifically through the PCRF. Many of us in the community know how important finding a safe & accepting place for our inner child is, and have found that through Wizard101 & Pirate101. Let's all come together to help support the children of Palestine and provide them with the resources for a happy and healthy future!
Disclaimer: This fundraiser was entirely organized by community members and is in no way affiliated with, sponsored, or endorsed by KingsIsle.
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sevenheven7011 · 10 months
Ratbeard and the pirate's dynamic goes so much harder when the pirate's backstory is armada or mutiny
the guy's already a parallel to the pirate, so like the pirate's parents meeting a violent end where the cause isn't nature but instead is an individual drives it even further
when the pirate is solely driven to defeat the armada cause they killed their parents or on a dark quest to hunt down whoever started the mutiny is it like looking into a mirror for him is ratbeard with his captain on their quest for vengeance or does something not sit right with him seeing a kid who is younger than he was grieving so badly and being driven by anger Does seeing what anger is doing to us make ratbeard look back on himself
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piecesofchess · 1 year
So, to get any remote chance of your fanart being featured/seen by Kingsisle, you have to post it on Twitter, which has one of the worst Pirate101 communties I've ever seen....and if you want to carry any public conversation about the game, you need to join the official Discord server, which has bigots and toxic P101 players....where the Developers don't really talk anyway...
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crownlesswizard · 18 days
it's 🏳️‍🌈PRIDE101🏳️‍⚧️ time!!!!!!!!!
it's time for my favorite part of the year; drawing the gays for the greater good
as is tradition, i will be holding my fifth annual pride101 giveaway contest!!!! and its the eighth annual pride101!!!!! wtf that's so long!!!!!!!
the prizes:
each week, I'll be selecting someone from the wizard101/pirate101 community to receive a free pride themed drawing of one of their wizards/pirates for the month of june! it'll probably be head shots more than full body shots, but i might do one or two (ya boy is a full time scientist rn!!)
check out examples from last years pride101 contest and this years pride101 drawing of my own ocs!
anyways here are the rules:
reblog this post for a chance to enter. likes do not count this year
you do not need to be following me, but it is appreciated (especially after i accidentally nuked my account last year lol)
i will be selecting a winner once a week at the beginning of the week (sundays) using a random number generator, which means there will be a total of four winners
the winner will be messaged privately, so make sure your dms are open! if not and/or i get no reply after 48 hours, then ill select a new winner
if you've been selected but you've decided you no longer want the prize, please lmk so i can select a different winner
when i dm you, ill ask for a reference photo of your character and which pride flags you'd like featured. when sending pride flags, PLEASE send an actual image of the flag, as flags change over time with different meanings or if it's a more niche identity that i might have trouble identifying the correct one you want. there's no limit to how many flags you can have
all identities are welcome except those who inherently are harmful to others and/or nonconsensual (exa. MAPs). if you ask for that not only will you lose your prize but i will fucking block you!!!!!
remember to check out the previous years masterposts! and this years pride101 post of my characters :)
love u all, happy pride
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calciumcryptid · 8 months
I'm going to be real, it is really funny for me to see people talk about the trauma the player experiences in Wizard101 and Pirate101 because to me the story played through with one character doesn't exist.
Wizard City is three of the four who are going to beat Malistaire doing independent work. Each street is one of them soloing it before turmoil on their home worlds drags them back home.
Krokotopia is my sorcerer returning to one of her home worlds to find her culture fucked with by the fucking British and as a result the people who raised her are being enslaved at a ridiculous rate. Stopping the increase of slavery is her motivation and when she realizes the person who paved the way for this wanted a book she books it to Dragonborne to beat his teeth in.
Marleybone is my pyromancer continuing her work as a thief, and sets on returning the artifact her government stole. She detours to beat the government's teeth in for setting the police on immigrants. When she realizes the people who are seeking asylum are seeking asylum because of this one guy, she sets out to beat his teeth in.
Grizzlieheim is my theurgist returning to her home world because Ambrose thinks her resident status would help diplomacy but she has yet to earn a name for herself so she goes to do that. Along the way, she learns Ravenscar has been taken over by the Coven who want to freeze over her world. (This next part isn't canon, but ssshhh) Upon learning the Coven learned to summon Gurtok Barrier Demon from Malistaire in exchange for... something, she goes after him to beat his teeth.
Mooshu is my necromancer heading to her home country because she needs to save her emperor who was poisoned by the professor who was supposed to mentor her. After saving her leader, she goes to Dragonborne to beat his teeth in because he nearly sent her home world into political turmoil.
When they all arrive at Dragonborne, they work together to take down Malistaire because in his quest to revive his lost love he nearly destroyed the people and worlds they loved. He made it personal, and they are going to kill him.
The same goes with Pirate101, which is just my five characters of the five classes being pirates/navy commanders and forced to work together despite having fought each other to take down the Armada because they're bitches.
I know canonically it is one wizard and one pirate, but to me it is multiple wizards and multiple pirates with their own motivations who are funneled into beating the main enemy to death because the main enemy made the mistake of fucking with these particular wizards and these particular pirates.
This is a long winded way of me saying there are four sigils, and I think the community should consider it more when creating ocs.
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oneriderratbug101 · 2 months
Alright, so I've been thinking a bit too much about the connection between schools of magic in the spiral, and more specifically where the witchdoctor magic we see in Pirate101 can fit in with the magics of Wizard101. After spending a good bit thinking about it and looking into it I think I finally have my own explanation that I can be satisfied with.
So, obviously the witchdoctor class deals with things related to death, right? It has similar spells to the death school in wizard101 as well! However, it's obviously not actually 1:1 the death school for a number of reasons. The largest overarching one is the intense focus on spirits though, which I'm going to break into two parts-
1: So to begin, magic in the spiral is differentiated based on schools of thought, and how one interacts with natural forces. The school of death in the spiral tends to split its focus between reanimation, and summoning agents of death, reflecting its focus on controlling the natural force of death. There is a clear focus on, and respect for, death as a concept. However, in witchdoctors, we see a greater focus on the dead themselves, spirits, etc. Old Scratch and Madame Vadima place a heavy emphasis on communing with the spirits, respecting the spirits, and the emotions of the spirits, taking a step away from the emphasis on death as a concept and basing the magic off of a separate school of thought and method of interaction.
2: Now, of course, the actual gameplay mechanics and combat style. I maybe went on a bit too long in section 1 and said some of the points I planned on touching upon here, so I'll keep this relatively brief. So, of course, where death's combat has you interacting with all sorts of forces of death, witchdoctor for the most part exclusively has you summoning spirits, ghosts, etc. Both have a well rounded batch of support, lifesteal, and damage. Death appears, however, to have a level of detachment from the forces it's commanding. As we see with Malistaire however, a level of distance might be all that keeps a student of death sane. Nevertheless, death students seem to have little regard for the actual soul behind what they're reanimating, and merely focus on the broad creature they're summoning. Witchdoctor spells are either summoning specific spirits, calling upon the power of spirits, or summoning a spirit as a companion, rarely seen in any wizard101 school through the minion system. The companion, though, forces a cooperation and sense of teamwork with the individual spirit (will expand on all this later in the post).
Now if you're a fan of the worldbuilding provided by Wysteria, you might be thinking similar to me when I was first looking into this dilemma. Spirit this, spirit that, clearly this is the spirit school from Pigswick Academy, right? In the Rogue's Gallery video description, it's even stated that rumors say Vadima attended Pigswick! If it's the spirit school, that would make Vadima perfect as an instructor! This theory is missing one crucial detail, however- multiple quest dialogues in Wysteria state that (despite them participating in a magic tourney) Pigswick heavily frowns upon the practice of magic, and all of its schools are theory! However, utilizing what we know about the spirit and death schools, we can come to a rough conclusion that witchdoctor is a 75/25% blend of spirit and death, respectively. Given its extreme emphasis on spirits, the nature of thought evolving, and its apparent pre-Vadima history in the spiral, we can also assume that it might have originated with an even larger emphasis on spirit, but Vadima's knowledge from the wizarding side of the spiral and Darkmoor heritage could have brought a few more touches of death.
This still doesn't feel fully correct though, and I believe small pieces are still missing. So, we have to dig even further. To begin with, why does witchdoctor have some more shadowy spells? They're few and far between, but there is certainly a touch of shadow magic on the witchdoctor school. Its presence can be lightly felt in a good chunk of spells. And while thinking on this, I actually stumbled across some tumblr posts that reminded me of this question's missing piece! Morganthe, known lover of shadow magic, was a pirate at some point! There is an incredibly large chance Morganthe's shadow magic had some sort of small but noticable influence on the pirates' magic school of witchdoctor! And now there is but one final piece I would like to note, where I will expand on the haste of wizard summoning as promised earlier.
It has been hinted at this entire time, but the world of wizards and the world of pirates is vastly different. Wizards prioritize structured duels, wizard vs wizard, generally forcing the hasty use of summons and emphasis on the wizards. Pirates, however, engage in a more freeform style of combat, casting aside the idea of duels unless deemed necessary or fun, and generally opting to win by whatever means necessary, with a crew to back them up. The world of pirates is filled with outlaws and rule benders, and the skyways are filled with thoughts, personalities, and ideals rarely encountered in a wizard's typical interaction with the spiral. Witchdoctor primarily being used by magicians in the world of pirates most likely slowly added the loose and morally grey nature of piracy into its practice, further separating it into a school of its own. Why witchdoctor became the most popular magic among pirates is anybody's guess, but I at least view the death vs spirit choice like this- Pirate101 is a world emphasizing the pursuit of the individual and individual's goals, as opposed to The Wizard's pursuit of saving the world and the general world of wizards focusing more on what the individual represents. Even further, pirates seem to live in a world where death is someone to be challenged, or escaped. In the world of pirates, why WOULD you choose death over spirits?
So to summarize, I have come to the conclusion that for a variety of reasons, pirate101's witchdoctor is a rough 75/25% blend of the schools spirit and death respectively, with sprinkles of shadow magic and piracy.
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myxineye · 10 months
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uploading the last batch of my pirate101 ocs, here's my swashbuckler + buccaneer pirates and their companions! quick summary of each under the keep reading section ^_^
Swashbuckler (everyone got together because they all had a grudge and wants revenge):
Hunter Fisher is a swashbuckler, an orphan who was taken in by a small fishing village in Skull Island. However, that village was often targeted by a group of Cutthroat pirates, and while they originally would pay the pirates to leave them alone, a particularly bad fishing season left them short of their usual payment, leading to the village being raided. Because of this, Hunter decided to take matters into his own hands, seeking revenge for his village and going after those responsible. After deciding that his job was over when taking out the captain and a good chunk of the pirates, Hunter decided that the pirate’s life was for him and decided to move on from his home, occasionally returning to make sure his home is still safe and sharing anything of value he might've picked up.
Pell is a privateer and one of the fishers Hunter grew up with. While he initially didn’t approve of Hunter’s quest for revenge, he decided to tag along so that Hunter wouldn’t be alone and also found himself liking the pirate’s life. He often jokes that his life hasn't changed much since becoming a pirate, saying that he’s still a fisherbird, just dealing with bigger fish now.
Evander is a musketeer who had met the fishing duo by chance in Scrimshaw after a particularly bad fight. The two decided to take care of him on a whim and found out that he was also seeking revenge from the same pirates who wronged them. Evander joined their crew as thanks and quickly proved himself useful with the two pistols he had and his network with the rest of the rats in Scrimshaw. 
Buccaneer (everyone got together because it's fun to fight your homies)
Bellamy is a buccaneer who originated from Grizzleheim who left in pursuit of strength, or rather, to figure out what strength meant to her. The idea first came to her when a trade ship she was on was attacked by pirates – though they quickly dispatched the pirates, Bellamy was a bit discouraged because she had only won by a slim margin despite being known as one of the best warriors in her community. She decided she wanted to travel the Spiral and meet more kinds of fighters, half out of curiosity and half because she's always enjoyed fighting and Grizzleheim was getting a bit boring.. She earned the nickname "Bloody Melody" because the machete she uses makes a neat whistling noise when swung.
Hilda is a buccaneer and also from Grizzleheim, though unlike Hunter and Pell, she originally disliked Bellamy, holding a grudge against her for losing a fight when they first met on a trading ship. Hilda and Bellamy were rivals of sorts, but over time, that rivalry grew into a mutual respect as they figured traveling together was better than doing their own thing. The two are on really good terms now, but they still getting into the occasional fight lol -- Hilda can be thought of as a fearless and bold kind of fighter, while Bellamy prefers to think things through first before acting.
Thea is a buccaneer and a well renowned pankratiast who often fought in tournaments. When Bellamy and Hilda first arrived at Aquila and were spectating one of her practice matches, Thea noticed the two and challenged them to an impromptu fight. Despite losing, Thea later admitted that she didn’t care about winning or losing and just wanted to know the two better since they seemed like a new kind of challenge for her. Thea acted as a sort of guide for the two when they stayed in Aquila, and later asked to join their crew.
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Pirate101 has made my views on the Spiral's religion/mythology system more complicated
From the viewpoint of Wizard101, there are 3 primordial gods (Raven, Spider, and Bartleby). There's also the Titans, who are powerful beings who control fire, ice, and storm respectively. But that's it. Sure we actively meet the Immortals (who are the Spiral's version of the Greek Gods) but they aren't actually gods, right? They're just powerful magic users who are immortal for some reason. There's no actual evidence in Wizzy, where we meet and fight them, that they're actually powerful gods. And then Pirate101 comes along and yup, they are in fact powerful god like beings
There's also the Native American (Cool Ranch Bison) spirit gods. General spirits that Witch Doctors commune with and draw power from, ect.
I consider that, in the context of the Spiral, the Immortals and the Spirits (both types) are the same kinda thing (which I will collectively be referring to as Spirits).
So there's a sort of "God" hierarchy in the Spiral.
At the bottom we have the Spirits. Powerful enough to grant powers to others and have some limited level of power over their worlds. (I think the Divine Paradox/Scion of Bartleby, Mellori, and The Bat would kinda be a part of this level as the mortal aspects/children of Raven, Spider, and Bartleby)
Next we have the Titans, the children of Spider and Raven. They have power over the three most important elements (fire, ice, and storm) in the Spiral. They're extremely powerful and can have control over the whole Spiral, not just a single world. Luckily they're in a magic eternal sleep otherwise they'd finish what they started and completely destroy the Spiral. However, even in their slumber, their power persists
And at the top we have Bartleby, Raven, and Spider. The Primordial Gods. The ones who created the Spiral. The ones who hold it together. And the ones who have the most power to destroy it. There would be no magic, no life, no Spiral without the 3 of them, despite how badly Raven wanted to remove all of Spider's influence from the Spiral but he is a critical part of it and the Spiral cannot exist without him just as it can't without Raven or Bartleby
Also this isn't even mentioning whatever the fuck is going on with Monquista's tree and banana Catholicism (tho I do think this one just goes back to Bartleby but it somehow got twisted a bit on the way) and whatever or whoever the fuck Marleybone's churches are dedicated to
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scarlet-101 · 8 months
Folks. The pirate101 discord server right now is only one word-
The whole thing is gonna hit hard for KI and for the community, Whatever happens with KI Live and Plunder Hunt tomorrow won't be pretty, I will still post stuff however for a while until the whole issue can resch a conclusion.
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coopersroost · 2 years
Pirate101: Ultimate Companion Guide!
it just dawned on me i've never shared this here! this is a spreadsheet i made that documents every companion in the game (except for crown shop/retail promo/booster pack companions) along with details regarding epics, promotions, and recruitment for each one. i've been working on this on-and-off for about a year now! i wanted to have a centralized, up-to-date way to see all important companion information in one place rather than having to pull up the pirate101 wiki every time.
companions are split into a few subcategories, with different sheets containing companions that are exclusive to each class. while some of this info was obtained by myself, most of it was obtained from the pirate101 wiki. some information is missing and is highlighted accordingly. comments are enabled, so if you have information that's missing or want to correct anything, leave a suggestion and i will check it out. you can also leave comments in the "notes" boxes if you would like to share important information or tips/advice for certain companions.
i hope the community here can get some use out of this :]
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rainbows-fanfics · 3 months
Help Unwanted (Chapter 7)
Summary: After losing the Pirate, Deacon is unwillingly paired with a partner to help with his job. The only problem is - they can't stand each other, and time is dwindling until he can re-capture all his lost prisoners.
Human AU of the Armada from Pirate101.
Pairings: Deacon/Queen!Deacon, Deacon/OC
Deacon traversed the ship in a relatively good mood - easily forgiving one of the marines when they accidentally bumped into him. Speaking with Rooke lifted his spirits. He desperately needed reassurance in a time like this. He made a mental note to have a drink as soon as he could. He needed to unwind in a way that strayed from his cigarette pack. He felt bothered by how much he’d been smoking lately…
He boarded the Executioner and supervised the remaining sailors. Once all the cargo was onboard, they thanked Rooke and his temporary crew before sailing away. They moved towards the nearest stormgate that would take them to Cool Ranch. As soon as he was positioned at the captain’s wheel, Dea casually slipped to his side.
“You must know each other pretty well.” He turned his masked face in her direction. She clarified. “-General Rooke, I mean.” 
“I’m not giving him your number, if that’s what you want.” He scoffed comically. She turned her head sharply at the comment. 
"Very funny. Is it so bad to admire a man like him?”
He snorted. “You and all the other women in the Spiral.” 
This wasn't the first time he witnessed Rooke getting flirted with. He was usually swarmed when he was off-duty, which sometimes made their leisure together a little difficult. His brother took the attention well, but he never really knew what to do about it. His physique earned an adoration from various women - but none that the General asked for. Rooke didn’t * want * to date anyone, since his job was demanding, and he didn’t like the idea of having to leave his partner alone while he was risking his life in the line of duty. 
Deacon related to him. His schedule had him visiting several islands in the span of a day, which meant he was rarely ever home. He was always taking refuge in temporary places. Constantly on his feet, ready to leave into the next scene. There wasn’t a woman out there that could possibly keep up with him - not one he could spare much attention and time for. 
Not unless… 
He shook off these thoughts and decided to toy with her, just to keep himself preoccupied until they reached land. "I wouldn't worry about it, anyway, because he's mad at you."
She started, thinking she had misstepped somewhere in her introduction. "What? Why?"
"'The Executioner' was unique to his battleship. And you took her name."
She began sputtering. He got a kick out of her reaction. "How was I supposed to * know* that!? I've only been in the Armada for–"
He perked up. She paused before crossing her arms. "...Nice try, espía."
He sighed through his nose, a smile tugging at his hidden lips. The sound of the waves hitting the boat became hypnotizing after some time. He hadn't realized he'd been spacing out until Dea's voice snapped him out of it. 
"It would be stupid to assume the Elite don't know each other. You all work together, don't you?" 
"Yes." He leaned on the wheel. "But we usually don't meet face-to-face on duty like that."
"-Then how do you all keep in touch..?"
He lifted up his sleeve to reveal the communicator on his wrist. "With these."
"Oh!" She marveled at it. He promptly moved it out of her sight. "The technology in Valencia amazes me..."
He was going to speak more, but had his focus shift as they reached the familiar mountains of Cool Ranch. He moved to take the indirect route in order to avoid early detection. He'd use this time to calmly spell out their objective to his companion.
"Our next target is not going to be easy," He began quietly. "A masked vigilante protects Santo Pollo, and I would rather not have his interference in this."
"..A masked vigilante..?" She repeated, intrigued. 
"To avoid his attention, we'll have to go undercover while tracking our convict there. In the meantime, we’ll stay in a room above a saloon in Cooper's Roost."
"Hold on - we have to stay in Cool Ranch? How long will we be here?"
"As long as it takes to find and track our runaway down. I have a suspicion they're part of a group of marauders. We’ll have to get to them before that 'hero' does." 
She placed a hand on her hip, rolling her head to the side. “And who exactly is this ‘hero’..?” 
He paused. “...I would rather not say his name.” 
“Why not?” 
��For a good reason.” He responded, not bothering to elaborate. He turned the wheel until they were facing Cooper’s Roost. He motioned to the crew to prepare for docking and summoned his cane when they were situated. “Let’s go.” 
Dea followed him off their ship and winced when they stepped off the dock. Her boots had been dirtied seconds after stepping on the barren ground. It was awfully hot in this region. The sun burned just above the mountains in the pink-and-yellow-hued sky above them, clouds nonexistent no matter where she looked. She could feel the sweat forming underneath her clothes as they walked through the old-styled town. 
The western buildings were charming, as were the tumbleweeds that skittered across the grounds before them. Vegetation was scarce as they stepped through weeds and dead plants. The people around them wore traditional clothing, and she was somewhat surprised that their appearance wasn’t too highly-scrutinized here. She caught a man chewing a piece of grain who eyed them suspiciously, but others paid no mind. 
Deacon led them to the desired saloon. It wasn’t any better than the outside - crammed to capacity with cowboys, vendors, and saloon girls. All the commotion inside made it hot and humid. She peeled off her cape and removed her hat while Deacon audibly sighed with relief. It was almost funny with how quickly he rushed over to the bar - taking a seat at one of the unoccupied stools and ordering himself a vodka-orange juice cocktail. She followed after and sat a space away from him, asking for a cosmopolitan.
When they were handed their drinks, she looked at him in amusement. “A screwdriver? Really?” 
“Best way to prevent scurvy,” He answered, taking a swig. She tapped her mask thoughtfully as she looked at her own drink. 
“That’s…pretty smart.”
The bartender came over and brought Dea the straw she asked for. She thanked him and took a drink as discreetly as she could. He turned to hand Deacon two pairs of keys to their room upstairs. The spymaster pocketed his, then offered her the other pair without a word. She took them and the server left to keep an eye on the two inebriated cowhands at the end of the bar. 
“...Do we have to share a bed?” 
He noticed her tone and waved it off. “There are two separate beds. Nothing too different from our current situation.” 
“Beyond the lack of privacy , you mean.” She pointed at him.
“We’ll only be here for a few days. I’m a returning guest, so don’t complain about anything. It’s just convenient since we’re in the area.” 
“Fine.” She swirled her drink around. “So…why won’t you say the name of that vigilante? Is it a secret?” 
“Far from it. It’s just that…when you say his name, *something* tends to happen.” 
“...What? A group of thugs come out of nowhere and beat the crap out of you?” She asked sarcastically. 
“Worse than that.” 
“Then what?” 
Deacon stared at her for a minute. Then he set down his glass and took a deep breath. Before she could ask, he muttered the name. “...El Toro.”
Without warning, a group of trumpets played right beside her ear. 
“HIJO DE PUTA! ” She screamed. She whipped around to smack the culprit - only to find that no one was there. She turned back and noticed Deacon with his head in his hands, trying to contain his laughter. 
“You think that was funny!?” She snapped, clearly embarrassed. The people nearby looked away from the scene, apparently used to it. Her temper calmed down a bit. “What *was* that?” 
He had to catch his breath before replying. “Non lo so. But it gets annoying pretty quickly, so I’ve stopped saying it.” 
“You’re telling me that, somehow, a group of trumpets randomly start playing whenever someone says the name El T-”
Deacon quickly held up a hand to silence her. She got the message at the last second. She froze in her seat, blinking before shaking her head.
“...’The Bull’..? So that’s what he’s called?” 
“Yes, and it’s likely that he’s on our criminal’s tail already. We might be playing a game of who can catch them first .” 
Conversation died off as they worked on finishing their drinks. There was the pleasant sound of chatter around them - people engaged in card games while watching the girls dance. After a minute, the spymaster realized something was missing. Usually, in a scene like this, he’d be hearing the ragtime melody of a nearby tack piano. He moved his head in search of the instrument and found it sitting on the back of the further wall. 
He caught the bartender’s attention. “Is the piano out of commission?” 
“Naw. ‘Fraid our usual pianist couldn’t make it t’day. Bad case of hay fever.” He nodded to him while polishing a glass. “You can knock yerself out, if ya’ want.” 
Deacon downed the rest of his screwdriver and left payment for his and Dea’s drinks. He picked up his cane and made his way to the end of the room, taking a seat in front of the piano. His co-captain quickly finished the rest of her cosmo and unceremoniously left her stool to follow after him. She caught him right as he was inspecting the keys. 
“Wait! You can play the piano..?” She asked breathlessly. He didn’t acknowledge her as he pressed the keys, listening closely to check if they were tuned. He soon let out a pleased hum. 
“I was given lessons when I was a child,” He soon answered. “I tickle the ivories whenever I can.” 
His gloved fingers flexed as they hovered over the keys. He flinched when he remembered a long ruler smacking his knuckles every time he pressed the wrong note. The bruises it left were painful. His instructor was a harsh and impatient one, and although he learned to play quicker than most, he didn’t like reminiscing on those times. He recalled the long hours he’d spent at that old piano, repeatedly playing chopsticks while Kane watched intently in the background. He held his breath at the memory. Dea joined his side on the bench. 
“Show me.” She challenged him.
He played on a couple of tack pianos before - but ultimately preferred the grand piano back at Kane’s mansion, or even his personal upright. He mostly learned classical pieces to play during his father’s formal parties. Within his time in Cool Ranch, he had picked up on a few ragtime songs to appease his company there. He could never play anything like that in Valencia. In a way, it was a little freeing compared to his usual requests. 
Getting into position, he decided to play The Entertainer, the most popular piece in saloons and a favorite in Cooper’s Roost. The moment the song made it to their ears, there was a collection of whooping and hollering. Dea looked up in time as several cowboys grabbed the nearest damsel and began dancing in the middle of the saloon. A crowd soon surrounded the piano and clapped along as Deacon played - grins spreading on their faces as they stomped their boots. 
It was… exhilarating, to say at the least. 
One of the cowpunchers attempted to tug Dea into a dance - only for her to reject him with a slap to his hand. Deacon caught this action and chuckled. She was too mesmerized watching his hands work the keys to really move anywhere. It took a few minutes until he was done - and a great applause sounded from around them when he finished. 
Her look was judgmental behind her mask, but she couldn’t stop the small giggle that left her lips. “How many saloons have you been to?” 
“It’s a classic.” Deacon responded, tugging at his sleeves. He looked up when a few began placing down pieces of gold on top of the piano. “-And a crowd pleaser.” 
The people around them retreated to their games and entertainment, leaving the two alone. Her partner mindlessly began pressing the notes, playing a small melody that blessed her ears. Her eyes were transfixed on his fingers, trying to memorize where they went. After a minute, he noticed her interest and paused in his movements. It forced her green eyes to meet his blue ones. 
“What?” He asked. It was then she realized she’d been staring at him. The heat climbed to her face. 
“...Nothing! I just…didn’t expect this from you. I thought the only thing you knew how to do was shoot a gun.” He ‘hmphed’  as he went back to pressing the keys. She fidgeted with her gloves. “...What else do you play?”
“The violin,” He replied, his tone lifting. She lit up at this information.
“Really? That’s amazing!” 
“You’re complimenting me right now,” He commented suspiciously, looking at her as if she had grown two heads.
She grew offended. “What? I can’t admire what you do? I love music! Why do you think I wanted to sing when I was little?” 
Interest momentarily flashed in his eyes. He stopped playing to look at her properly. “Do you have any special requests?” 
She responded instantly. “No.” 
“Come on. You sing all the time when we’re sailing.” 
“In front of everybody?” She squeaked, motioning to the people around them. He arched a concealed eyebrow at her tone and she shrunk into herself. “I’ll….pass.” 
He observed her a little more before turning back to the piano. He resumed playing and didn’t miss the way she relaxed when he did. It made a little sense - they didn’t have a big crew, and were sort of in their own world while out at sea. Singing a few heartfelt shanties with your team was different from entertaining a full saloon with expecting patrons. 
He ignored the intense beating in his chest. “For the record, I think you have a beautiful voice. You shouldn’t be embarrassed of it.” 
She let out an airy laugh, flattered at his words. She went quiet for a moment before sighing. “Maybe next time. But only if you’ll play for me, espía.” 
He smiled under his mask. “It's a deal.”
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that-wizard-oki · 3 days
HELLO WIZARDS & PIRATES, Genevieve Moongarden is currently hosting a livestream to help support the Spiral Community's Fundraiser for Palestine! All donations go towards the PCRF, and if you make a donation of at least $5 USD, you'lld be entered into a raffle to win in-game and fan art prizes!!!
YOU CAN DONATE UNTIL SUNDAY JUNE 23RD, but if you'd like to support the stream/donate now, please feel free to!
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fuckyeahwizard101 · 6 months
12 Days of the Spiral 2023 Winter Wonderland Artwork Contest
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Help make the holidays magical during this year’s 12 Days of the Spiral event!
Today kicks off our annual Winter Wonderland Artwork Contest but with a fresh twist.
Draw either on paper or digitally your favorite character decorating or opening presents under a yuletide tree. 
If you’d like, use the following sketch to make things easier, we’ll have a separate set of prizes for those who use the sketch!
Get an opportunity to win some great prizes, including up to 20,000 Crowns for either game, and the Sky City Bundle for Wizard101 as well as the Rocking Horse Mount in Pirate101.
You don’t have to be a skilled artist as this isn't solely a skill-based contest, just be creative and unique!
There is also an Honorable Mentions pool of prizes that’ll be given out.
How to Enter
Post your entry on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram by January 8th, 2024 11:59pm CST / 5:59pm UTC.
Include in your post (all items MUST be included):
Attach an image of a paper or digital drawing with a character name signed in a corner
At least one character in the scene that must be either Wizard or Pirate themed
Character’s name in the scene
Text must include Hashtag #SpiralHolidayArt AND #Wizard101 or #Pirate101.
Entering for both Wizard101 and Pirate101 separately is accepted.
1 Digital Winter Wonder: 1-year subscription (60K Crowns value)
1 Proud Paper Moment: 1-year subscription (60K Crowns value)
3 Digital Heroic Wonders: 20,000 Crowns + Sky City Bundle
3 Paper Heroic Moments: 20,000 Crowns + Sky City Bundle
5 Frosty Honorable Mentions: 5,000 Crowns (randomly picked)
5 Superb Sketches: 5,000 Crowns (randomly picked)
1 Digital Winter Wonder: 1-year subscription (60K Crowns value)
1 Proud Paper Moment: 1-year subscription (60K Crowns value)
3 Digital Winter Wonders: 20,000 Crowns + Rocking Horse Mount
3 Proud Paper Moments: 20,000 Crowns + Rocking Horse Mount
5 Frosty Honorable Mentions: 5,000 Crowns (randomly picked)
5 Frosty Honorable Mentions: 5,000 Crowns (randomly picked)
KingsIsle will review all entries and choose the most creative, intricate, and fun designs. Be unique and show us something amazing! The 5 Surprise Honorable Mentions per game will be selected randomly within eligible entries, so be sure to enter regardless of your artistic experience!
Announcement of the winning submissions will be posted on social media between January 9-11, 2024 and included in the following community newsletter. 
One entry per person per game will be eligible. Any group entries will only receive one prize.
Entries must be received before 11:59PM CST / 5:59pm UTC on the end date of the contest. 
Use of AI and other auto-generated-content tools are prohibited and will result in disqualification.
Entries that use community or external copyrighted or inappropriate material will not qualify.
If you are under 13 years of age, ask your parents or guardian permission to participate.
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wooowao · 1 year
so happy that there is a decently sized tumblr community for wizard/pirate101. I just recently got back into it and i was struggling to find content on any other platform.
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brewbellwizardry · 2 years
Spiral Door OCs Discord Server!
Are you someone who loves making characters and telling your own stories set in the Spiral? You may like our server! Step through the Spiral Door to join a server set up for creatives in the Wizard and Pirate101 communities to be able to come together and share, collaborate and socialise with each other, and find new stories and ideas. We can't wait to see you there! Things to know! - This is a community server we've been working on setting up for a while and we're nervous but excited to open it up! @prince-of-khrysalis has been working hard to make everything nice to use <33 - The server is built for both Pirate and Wizard OC content, as well as general Spiral OCs who may fit into one, the other, or both! - We are mostly OC focused, but there are channels for discussion of the games too <3 - There are roleplay channels available to use! They're simple at the moment but can be updated if needed - There are major/minor roles to allow or restrict access to channels with mature content (tho note nothing explicit is allowed in any channels) - You will have to make an introduction to be allowed to interact with the rest of the server! It shouldn't be a problem, but we're only a few mods right now and want to avoid raid behaviour. - Channels and rules may be updated as needs arise - We are explicitly LGBTQIA+ friendly and critical of the racial stereotypes presented in the games! If that will bother you, this server wont be for you.
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